659 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #239: Now With Limericks

  1. Today is a chocolate pudding pop and going for a walk kind of day.
    Too bad work has other plans for me.
    Might be a little quiet but I am reading everyone’s comments/nipples.

  2. show notes:
    Jack Mangans Deadpan #239: Now With Limericks

    Amy Bowen’s airport update

    Promo – All Games Considered (http://www.agcpodcast.info/)

    More airport updates

    Crazy Joe calls Jack out on Rockey Balboa

    Iron in your diet

    Airport update continues

    Crazy Joe continues his rant

    Justa J0e tells us his Jack Mangan musical sandwich. What is yours?

    Some have fulfilled their hockey pool obligations. Have you?

    Jack’s hockey limerick

    Crazy Joe calls Jack out on the cartoon Avengers.

    Where are the Earbuddies!!! We have lots of half sets.

    LoPan’s earbuddy contribution.

    The further adventures of Amy Bowen at the airport

    Lord of the Greasy Spoon
    Lo Pan
    John Boze
    The Energizer Bunny
    Vanamonde (first of the week)

    Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

    Closing Music Dark Side of the Moon – with special musical guest, Lejon. Recorded at the 2012 mmmmmmeetup.

  3. Gah. I never should have started watching an anime about mahjong. Now I have to learn how to play the game. And no, I’m not talking about the solitaire version. ;P

  4. Actually, the original was a cool idea and the clone looks fun as well (if you can get a load of iPhone users together).

  5. CP:Honeybabysweetiedoll – Van Halen

    While I was prepared for disappointment, the new VH album delivers. Not a bad deal as a $5 Amazon download.

  6. Work play-by-play? I’ll play, too!

    So far today:

    102 micro-work tasks completed, 63 approved, 1 rejected, 38 pending, $2.97 earned

    Must stop now, though. Must study for final exam tomorrow morning.

  7. Why I Vrbata!: Radim and the ‘Yotes Try and Prolong the Series


    Vermette Their Match?: Elimination Looms for Phoenix

  8. Dearest Essbee,

    Isn’t it nice being able to kick back and relax knowing that Jack’s all seeing eye is not gazing upon us, searching for earbuddies contributions 🙂

  9. Does anyone here know how to disable a stolen Kindle from a laptop?
    Not mine.
    A friend has had one lifted and knows who the culprit is and hopes to get it back … but if they fail to cooperate, she wants to know if she can remotely turn the thing into a paperweight.

    • Cmon Ess, dont you know bullying is ok as long as it’s within your religious moralities? Just look how Jesus was bullied around by the Romans…

      *falls down*

  10. CD: Ziggi’s black coffee

    Yum. I brew pretty good coffee at home, but this is dang good. A treat for myself because I had fasting bloodwork this morning.

  11. *sigh*

    I went to Ontario last month to train to take over some work for someone who was laid off. I discovered an error in the work I took over. I have a feeling, when my boss gets back from a seminar she’s at today, I’ll be backtracking this other girls work to find where the error originated and have to fix it.

    I really don’t want to do that.

  12. I’m trying to decide if I want to be evil for lunch and get some fast food.

    Hubby gave me heck yesterday because I worked through lunch and didn’t eat anything between breakfast and dinner. Even though I still have about 2,500 hundred contracts to review, I guess I better eat something midday.

  13. Good try Yotes, hell of a season. If the Devils make it past the Rangers, I’ll be cheering for them. If the Rangers make it through I route for the Kings, but honestly, I don’t think anyone can stop the Kings now.

  14. So we’re seeing Sweeny Todd live on Friday (http://www.vertigotheatre.com/main/page.php?page_id=52)

    I guess a number of hubby’s coworkers found out and booked tickets to the same showing. Hubby comes home last night and asked sheepishly if it was ok that 10 or 12 teachers would be joining us. Am I really so moody and intimidating that he would think I would be upset that his coworkers think enough of him they want to join him in off hours activity? Personally, I take it as a compliment.

  15. Today’s movie is called: Shark Night

    The DVR write up: In this clever shocker, vacationing college student Sara and her friends fight for their lives against man-eating sharks during a trip to her family’s island cabin

    Remember: clever shocker

      • Very probably.

        The original TFOTP was in the 60’s, way before A-Team and MacGuyver.

        Plane crashes in desert, survivors build smaller plane from wreckage of original plane, and escape the desert.

  16. I intend on making good on my hockey bet this weekend. Let’s see if my schedule holds up to that promise.
    Anyone feel like taking a giant hammer to foolish landlords with me?

  17. Our 19 year old nephew just posted on FB that he had done the research and has determined that Obama is either the anti-christ or the last sign that the anti-christ is approaching.

  18. I now wish this horse’s name was Kelis and not Argenta…

    While elevated carbon dioxide is associated with “milkshaking,” the officer agreed with O’Neill that his horse Argenta had not been fed a mixture of bicarbonate of soda, sugar and electrolytes that enhances performance and combats fatigue. The officer did not indicate what might have caused the overage.

    “I’m gratified that the CHRB found that I did not ‘milkshake’ a horse or engage in any intentional conduct that would result in an elevated TC02 level,” O’Neill said.

  19. Very bad taste joke for the day:

    12 Athletes have been suspended in the build up to the Paralympics after testing positive for WD-40.

  20. Good Morning Pan
    Got soaked on the way in. Saw a car that had been flipped upside down presumably because of the downpour.
    It’s been an adventurous morning. Let’s hope that isn’t an omen for the holiday weekend.

  21. Finally getting off my lazy butt and installing iTunes again. I hadn’t bothered to reinstall it after the last time I had to wipe and reinstall Windows. I’m doing it now because the Apple software updater prompted me to get the latest version of Quicktime, and iTunes was there as an option. I checked that box because the 7th annual Altador Cup event starts June 1st over on Neopets, and I have a playlist for that event that I created in iTunes, and I want to listen to it again.

  22. Tomorrow we get to go to some sort of gala for hubby’s school system. There will be a silent auction and the Premier will be there. I’m underwhelmed.

    The tickets were stupidly expensive but we have to go. All admin staff were “strongly encouraged” to attend.

  23. I picked up a book at the library and read the inside flap to get the plot. Sounded interesting so brought it home. Turns out that this is the sequel, the plot inside the flap was for the first novel. Now the first novel is not owned by my library. Trying to decide if I try to watch the movie version of the novel or try to find a used copy. Publisher, why the heck did you not say this was the sequel and have the plot of this one on the flap?

    /End Rant

  24. Looking forward to this Friday, Pannites– its *my Memorial Day* as I am going to slug away three 12hr shifts this holiday weekend.

    On tap today– ACLS Research project (we get to run life-saving codes on dummies) and then off to grill steaks and veggies w/ my fave peeps (which includes the Wee People.)

    To cap it off, board games and dessert and probably adult beverages after the Wee peeps hit the sack

    Happy Friday and holiday weekend everyone. Be safe & enjoy your loved ones.

  25. If you are in Facebook you can find out whatcI’ve been upto tonight.

    Father Time’s hand is resting heavy in my shoulder tonight.

  26. So, I took the kids to the Games Workshop store, where they got a free miniature painting demo. We now have an amazing little Space Marine and an Aragorn. I’m afraid they may be hooked. . . Gulp.

  27. Saw this tweet, if true it’s rather sad:

    @dcurtis: SpaceX’s entire history, including rocket design, testing, and launch operations, has cost less than Facebook paid for Instagram.

  28. Crap joke for the day (do a google for Maltesers):

    Went to weight watchers last night.

    Opened a packet of maltesers and threw them on the floor.

    The best game of hungry hippos I’ve ever seen !!!!

  29. Crap joke for the evening:

    I’d been seeing this Nurse for a few days and we finally got round to shagging…

    As I stripped off I said to her: “You must have seen a few cocks where you work?
    how do you rate mine?”

    She said: “It’s just slightly bigger than most i see.”

    I said: “Thanks, what sort of nursing do you do by the way?”

    “I’m a Midwife.” she said..

  30. I had forgotten the 360 wifi adaptor supported the ‘a’ wifi standard.

    Enjoying almost interference free streaming from Netflix.

  31. I did something very stupid (sort of). I was cooking with jalapenos as preparation for dinner tonight. I was sure I washed my hands thoroughly but I must have been wrong. Rubbed my eye. Now my eye is burning. Silly me :silly:

    • I had a friend that was eating habeneros. He came back from the bathroom cringing, saying, “Wash your hands carefully *before* you go.” lol

  32. And when I’m in a bookstore, mind your own business. Just because I’m talking about evil spirits and stuff to the clerk, doesn’t mean I want you to listen in.

  33. Seriously, who doesn’t know that if a door open