Good morning, all! Bunny’s snow has made it to our house.
ick, they snow should be here next 🙁
Sucking down some lemon ginger tea. One of the yucky things about being married to someone in the education field is he’s constantly being exposed to nasty little germs, then he comes home and pawns them off on me. Currently nursing a sore throat. With any luck, that’s all it will be.
It’s World AIDS Day today.
Look I know I shouldn’t, and I know I’m a very bad person…. but I’m going to anyway
1,793 comments last month. Down a little bit from the year before.
Why do I keep thinking today is Friday? Must be wishful thinking or something.
Not Friday Friday
Sorry that its not Friday
Know that youre looking forward to the weekend weekend
From the latest Ansible:
Question to Esquire sex columnist Stacey Grenrock Woods: ‘I’ve been watching a lot of Game of Thrones lately. Does it give a historically accurate depiction of sex acts?’ Answer: ‘The Game of Thrones franchise has its hooves firmly dug into the genre known as “fantasy”, which, according to my Norton Anthology, relies on supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting, and permits the creator to put in as many tits as he wants.’
I like that reply
I have not seen the show so I’ve no idea which “acts” they are referring to but the question seems to indicate a disbelief that people used to enjoy recreational sex. This reminds me of a comment I saw an elderly woman make to a 20 something girl. I can’t remember any details of when or where this happened but the gist of what she told the young girl was,
“What? You think your generation invented oral sex?”
No but we invented a couple girls with a certain cup and that’s enough for all posterity.
In the news today: a woman was alone at a bus stop after dark. A stranger approached her and asked if she wanted to go for a drink. She said yes and left with the COMPLETE STRANGER who then took her behind a dumpster and raped her. While I am in no way condoning what the man did, and fully agree he should be prosecuted, I still question the smarts of the woman who went off with someone she never met before, while alone, after dark, at a bus stop
He should be incarcerated for the public’s protection.
She should be incarcerated for her own protection.
Got a link to the story?
Give me a minute, Van. I got the story from the noon news on tv. Let me see what their site has
Ok, here’s the story. I got some of the facts wrong but it’s close enough I still think she was dumb
First I have to acknowledge this story as a tragedy, men like that are scum.
Second I have to make an inappropriate joke: “They serve drinks behind dumpsters?”
*rim shot*
Holy god thats going to be the name of my bar. “Dumpsters”
I do generally agree that she made a tragically stupid decision. It’s not like he invited her to a bar or public place for drinks, he invited her to go with him to his alcohol stash. Regardless of whether the guy looks like a millionaire or is dressed in a leather gimp suit, you don’t go anyplace alone with some stranger you just met.
Lock him up for life – – or let Marcellus Wallace and his hard, pipe-wielding associates at him.
“Say WHAT to me one more time!”
Pulp Fiction reference.
Hope I’m not the only one that got that.
Ah JJ saves the day.
We probably could stand a few more of those around here.
There are a lot of whiny uptight people in the comments, fyi.
Jesus. Christ. Ovechkin.
Sweet god, Tornado! Give the poor guy a chance!!!! 🙂
From the ice rink to seeing live birds of prey, it was a hella busy evening.
Good timing to see live owls, since we’d just watched The Guardians of Ga’oholrpeoldfe a few days ago.
The one with the girl in the shower is very much like me.
Hey Pan. Busy day for the bunny today
1) The day job. Still working on month end but, hopefully, won’t take me all day
2) Clean the bathroom
3) Bake cookies
4) Go to store to buy buns and pop (having company over for dinner and gaming tonight. I’m making a beef dip but don’t have buns for it)
5) Clear off the dining room table so we can eat and play
I also want to do my regular walk somewhere in there but don’t know if I’ll have time.
Stupid work is fighting me. Had to restart my work computer.
I’m pretty sure work has decided it would be fun if I played over the weekend.
I think I’ll clean my bathroom now while work thinks over my strong wording of what I think if its’ idea
Bathroom is clean. VPN still down. I guess it’s time to go shopping.
Shopping done. Still can’t work. I think I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’ll be working over the weekend. *sigh*
Time to bake cookies!
And… where is everyone? I’ve been Panning alone this morning.
Since I doubt I’ll be able to do a movie play by play this week, I’m going to do a cookie play by play instead!
*and I shall be providing the sleazy voice over!*
First thing, I adjusted the racks in my oven to fit two trays. Then I turned on the oven to pre heat at 350
*adjusted the racks*
Butter and sugar have been put in a large bowl. Now I’m going to make them creamy
*make them creamy*
I put in an egg, then added eggs to my shopping list as I now only have one left
*put in*
Baking powder, lemon peel, and almond extract have been added to the mix
Now I’m going to add flour and get my hands dirty
*dirty, dirty hands*
So I made dough. I divided the dough into four, more or less equal portions
*mmmm, kneed that dough*
I flattened each large portion onto two cookie sheets. Two per sheet.
*EXTRA large portion*
People often overlook Silverchair’s “Wait Until Tomorrow” for the worst songs of all time.
Not this people.
So I brushed them all down with milk and put sliced almond on top
*that’s it, brush’em ALL down*
They are now in the oven for 15 minutes or so. I think I’ll clean off my dining room table while they bake
*cleaaan off that table*
Still can’t work. Stupid system.
*work it. WORK that malfunction!*
Ok. I’ve cleared the table, put a table cloth on it, and set it for dinner tonight.
*noth’n but a table cloth! Ohhhh yah.*
The cookies aren’t quite ready yet but I think I’ll pull out what I need to make the icing
*Yes! Pull it out and make the icing*
Isn’t this exciting folks? :silly:
*not recommended for patients with heart conditions*
I pulled out my mixmaster and put some icing sugar in a bowl.
*niiiice and slow like*
I have a feeling my day isn’t going to be as busy as I thought. Stupid work. I may even get to put in some Skyrim time tis afternoon, if things keep going they way they are at work
*an afternoon of Skyrimming*
I pulled the cookies out of the oven!
*just in time!*
While they were still warm, I cut the dough into strips.
*soooo hot*
On a side note, ditto is so funny
*side, front, back … take him anyway you can*
Now to make the icing!
*make it, MAKE IT NOW*
I’m going to add almond extract and lemon juice to the icing sugar and beatitude.
*Squeeze that lemon and skip the sermon*
I took my icing and drizzled it over the cookies in nice stripey patterns
*literally drizzling*
The cookies are essentially done. I’m going to let them cool a little more then will put them in the cookie jar.
Thanks to ditto for adding the colour commentary. It was fun :cheerful:
*Gotta cool it down before we overheat!*
Ok really? Obviously my brain is dead. I really meant to thank J0e for the commentary. I knew who it was, just didn’t get to my fingers the right way
*didn’t get to my fingers the right way*
– – tribute to J0e’s efforts.
By the way, if anybody cares, I have a Tardis cookie jar. It makes noises whenever it’s opened so I always know when hubby is raiding the cookie jar
Does it scream out “EASYBAKE” when you open the lid?
Silly man! Of course it makes tardis noises. :sideways:
Does it hold 5 pounds of cookies in a 1 pound jar?
Unfortunately not. It’s actually a smaller cookie jar and doesn’t really hold all the cookies I make.
In about an hour I’m going to get the beef going in the slow cooker so it’s nice and tender for dinner tonight
*:w00t: *
GO J0e!!!!!
Sill no work. Yup, will be putting in hours this weekend.
There. Like a good little girl, I did the dishes and clean up the mess I made
Now sucking on some grapes and watching last night’s John Stewart
“It ain’t that big. The whole United States ain’t that big. It ain’t that big. It ain’t big enough. There ain’t room enough for you an’ me, for your kind an’ my kind, for rich and poor together all in one country, for thieves and honest men. For hunger and fat.”
– John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 12
“But not us, George, because I… see, I got you to look after me, but you got me to look after you.
The best laid plans of mice.
The plans of men to get laid best.
The Best Planned Lays?
Lord. In. Heaven.
I think Joe made my morning with his natural male enhancement to Bunny’s cookie play by play….
If you’ve procrastinated this far, the time is now. Amazon has the complete Battlestar Galactica for it’s lowest price ever. $80 for DVD and $95 for Blu-Ray.
Go, go now.
Sir I doubt the verisimilitude of your assertion that I can still afford these sets!
^classic. LOL
Thank you! I steal all my good stuff from other websites :)!
You guys crack me up!
I have today off, but am currently experiencing the “joy” of steam cleaning our carpets in preparation for our annual Christmas party.
This morning I finished watching the 6th of the animated Space Battleship Yamoto movies. That was a lot of fun. I haven’t seen the live-action version, but I have ordered it. 🙂
Star Blazers?
That’s the English translation of the first two TV series.
Bunny and J0e: Thanks for the smile. That brightened my day.
I’m currently sitting next to my new desk in our new, bigger, nicer office, using my phone to surf the Web while I wait for my coworkers to get here with the moving truck. I like the excitement of moving and the feeling of getting a new start, but moving with a cold sucks. I want to contribute, though, so I’m not going anywhere.
My boss just went to pick up pizza for all of us, and put me in charge of watching for the truck.
You will be happy to know my work is still kaput. I put in an hour on Skyrim to spite them.
A little warning for those of us who don’t do creepy craw lies next time please
aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Than you TEB for taking one for the A-team.
A is for arachnophobia
That thing has transcended horrifying and skin-crawling to the realm of cute. Look at it nibble on that carrot! Don’t you just want to skritch its little, um, mandibles?
I could have swore it was a set piece for the Starship Troopers reboot.
I thought that link was right up Van’s alley.
Oh, unlike TEB, I’m not afraid of a Weta.
I don’t do creepy crawlies at all as a rule.
I certainly don’t want it up MY alley…
We just had pizza for lunch. Work continues.
So it’s 2:30(ish) and my work system has just come back on line. The question is, do I work now, knowing I won’t have time to finish and will still have to work on Sunday, or do I just say screw it and not do any of it until Sunday period.
The tennessee department of motor vehicles has forwarded our marriage certificate (from massachusetts) to the legal department in Nashville.
The implication is that they not only don’t consider our legal name change valid, but that our marriage is itself suspect.
Careful … vizout zee proper papas in zose zuthern states you may find yourzelf deported!!
Actually, on that topic … I noticed that Alabama’s new law, intended to put the blame for all their economic woes on their undocumented labor work force has really been backfiring. Farmers couldn’t get crops picked this fall but the funniest thing is that in the last week or so … they have arrested and threatened to deport a German executive with the Mercedes Benz plant down there and Japanese executive from (I think) Toyota. Seems the law that forces police to stop and see the paperwork on anyone who doesn’t look like they’re from around there, is putting a real PR dent in their effort to attract international manufacturers.
Nice demonstration of the Asimo robot on QI tonight.
Okay you gamers …
Looks like there may be an Xbox in my future.
That being the case, what game should I make my first?
Gears of War? Portal?
It depends on what games you like to play. But, if you haven’t been gaming much recently, I suggest starting slow. Pick up Portal 2.
Last game I played was Duke Nuke’m … on a PC … pre-9/11
I liked it.
The game, not 9/11.
Pickup the Orange Box since you should be able to find it cheap, not only will your get the original Portal, but the Half Life 2 series as well.
The Orange Box is a great choice to get started out. I would also recommend the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Knowing that you like role playing, you should really pick up Mass Effect while you are at it.
Mass Effect really is outstanding. 🙂
Well, I just spent the past hour trying to get my computer to boot. It kept cycling on the BSoD. Sigh. I need a new computer.
Ditto: That sucks, man. 🙁
The new office is all filled with furniture, computers, and other stuff all over the place. We have our work cut out for us getting it all organized, but I’m looking forward to it.
Right now, I’m out waiting for a local band’s concert to begin. :happy:
Yard work done at the old house. Now for the yard work at the new house. Amazing how out of hand things can get when I’m out of town for a couple of weekends.
My flip phone that I’ve had about a year now is starting to break at the hinge.
This is the phone that replaced the last two (different model) that broke at the hinge.
do all flip phones break or am I just exceptional hard on them?
I’ve never broken a flip phone hinge.
In all fairness … I do tend to drop them.
Where they brake would perhaps be better described as the “shoulder”. The bit what holds the flip part’s hinge.
The flip phones never broke for Kirk when he was planetside
Let the Christmas Party Season begin!
Now … where’d I put my tux shirt?
I thought I told you I was borrowing it. I plan to wear it to the GoDaddy Christmas party next Saturday.
I’d better get it dry cleaned then.
Dammit, Coyotes. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Still, Diana had 14 hits. Good for whoever has him.
“Diana”? No, I don’t think she was on the ice. Shane Doan did play, however, and was credited with 14 hits.
I’ve thought a new acronym for texting and chat. bbwb = be back with beer
Search on google for ‘do a barrel roll’.
This went around back at the beginning of November and I couldn’t get it to work then either. :pouty:
It works on my desktop but not on the ipad.
It only works in FireFox and Chrome, not in IE.
It was snowing at 6pm when we went to the symphony. It was snowing at 11:30 when I went to bed. It’s still snowing now.
I don’t know who here in Calgary ordered massive amounts of snow but I would like a word or two with them
Hubby and I were gluing to do our usual grocery shopping today. We’ve cancelled it because there is too much damn snow and roads haven’t been plowed yet
Looks like you picked a good day to quit sniffing glue!
I’m hoping to have time to do a play by play this week. Probably on Tuesday
Okay people, it seems we may need to have an emergency palooza. A Heatherspalooza.
I have’t seen the film in over a decade and so maybe it doesn’t stand up any more. I couldn’t say.
I can recall that I was expecting a funny, highschool teen, romp and what I got instead left me a little weirded out.
Not sure if I can get it on Netflix. Canada has a fairly small selection compared to you guys. I might be able to check tomorrow but definitely not today
No Heathers? What’s your damage??
Caught up on Walking Dead. Wow.
You’ll need a cleanup on aisle brain after this one:
I’ve seen Heathers oodles of times. I believe I own it but on VHS only. I have a thing where I keep my VHS til I replace them with the DVD version and I have a few movies I’ve yet failed to replace.
With the 2 jobs, the kids, the house upkeep, and other important stuffs going on, movie-watching is a little backseat, but I’m going to definitely watch this with Ralph somehow.
He has something for me first though… and last time I checked, it was his turn to choose.
I did make him “sit through” Beavis and Butthead after all. :tongue:
I want to sleep with my laptop power adapter because it’s so toasty warm.
Is that wrong?
Avs stop Red Wings 7 game win streak.
Hey, they gotta win some time 🙂
Guess whos back, back again.
Chris Neil’s back, tell a friend.
I was skeptical, but I’m looking forward to this flick.
I’m willing to give it a chance. My main concern is that they are going to pull some of the punches despite trying to be “closer” to the book. I’ve heard the title of the original book translates to “Men Who Hate Women”.
Yeah, that’s the main theme of the trilogy for sure. So far we’re unhappy with how “unattractive” they’ve made Lisbeth. Attractiveness is a matter of taste, I know, but . . . in my opinion they’ve gotten her appearance wrong.
The Swedish films were SO GOOD it’s hard to not fear Hollywood will muck it up.
I’ve only seen the first one.
We’ll see how well Lisbeth cleans up at the end. 🙂 Rooney Mara certainly isn’t ugly. 🙂
I downloaded those 6 songs, but have yet to listen.
Fincher and Reznor are the only reasons I intend to see the new, completely unnecessary version.
I’m really glad that The Joy Formidable is getting more success. I mentioned them in my interview with Jack. Unfortunately, it is time to find another band that isn’t getting overplayed on the radio.
Anyone else disappointed with the latest Death Cab for Cutie album?
Good luck, Reaper!
On another note, mine was supposed to be final on the 1st, but due to paperwork issues, we have to start over.
I’m looking at a minimum of 60-90 more days.
Soon .now would be better but soon will do .
How soon is now? 😉
wow, I’m so sorry to hear that
Wisconsin’s paper work is pretty easy if you don’t have kids and the kids were hers from another marriage.
Hey Deadpan
got to sleep in this morning, which was nice.
Worked on month end and found my boss didn’t enter some numbers she should have. It’s really weird when you’re giving your own boss heck. It just does’t feel right.
I do that fairly often. It’s kind of fun. 🙂
Luckily I have a good rapport with my boss. I called her a silly girl and she agreed :cheerful:
It never got me any where. Then again, they were playing plug and pray with the bosses…
You need to keep them bosses in line. Use an Iron Fist if ya have to.
… and a gimp suit.
We were snowed in on the weekend so we couldn’t go grocery shopping. I’m debating on whether or not to make hubby grumpy and going on my own today. I have to go out anyway in half an hour so I figured, since I’m out…
He gets that excited over grocery shopping? I hate it, you can go for me!
No. It’s more of a perception issue. I’m not suppose to carry heavy things and he considers pop and water cartons as “heavy” as well as some grocery bags. And when I sleep in, it adds to the concern. I think I’m strong and can carry my own damn groceries.
My morning dishes are done. Now off into the brrr.
Woke up this morning to snow, listened to Christmas music in the car on the way to work, in a really great mood. Then I get a phone call from doctor who says the pain I’ve been having in my hands is osteoarthritis. Glad it’s not something worse, but still a bummer on my otherwise cheerful mood.
I happy that you don’t need surgery. My wife has arthritis, but she seems to have it pretty well managed.
I already have it in my left knee, have had for about a year and half. Now it’s my right hand. Guess I’m just staying balanced… 🙂 My doctor is sending my to a specialist for the hand, since it’s a bit more limiting than my knee is. We’ll see!
eeps! Sorry to hear that 🙁
I had surgery in both my hands a few years ago. not fun, but it was carpal tunnel and I needed my hands back.
Good luck getting it feeling better! *hugs*
Add my hopes for the best as well.
Sorry to hear the news, Beth. As if snow and Christmas music weren’t bad enough!
Seriously, seriously, I hope it’s manageable and not too rough on you.
I get a kick out of Matthew Sweet’s left-handed CD for In Reverse. 🙂
I now feel closer to all of you who live in snowy climates. I had to scrape frost off my car windows this morning for the first time ever. (Due to living circumstances, I park on the driveway, which is on the west side of the house, so it’s in the shade in the mornings.)
and it’s snowing in the Phoenix/Scottsale area.
Time to start looking for a home actually ON the equator. I will not stand for this. I will not will not will not!
Weather wuss.
I resemble that remark, nickname, whatever…
So, we’re getting reports this morning of frost/snow in South Texas (Desdemina), Southern California (Amy), AND Phoenix, AZ (Cj)?
Points and laughs at all southerners
Yep, that’s about the size of it.
There, all my Christmas shopping is done. I love Amazon
Now doing Christmas card
They are saying on the news that my end of town got close to 20cm of snow. After clearing my car this morning, I believe it
I’m not finished Christmas shopping yet. 🙁
Hubby is quite happy to leave this chore to me. He doesn’t do any Christmas shopping
I still have 2 people. I’m only able to give family gifts this year. For friends, I bake… the budget is tighter this year than spandex on the crazy cat lady at Wal-mart.
I completely understand. I’m very aware I’m in a better position than most. I’m quite happy to give.
I :love: Bunny!
Especially with some Fava beans and a nice Chianti.
No, wait … that’s lamb.
Umm The Thing prequel was rather dumb.
We’ll still watch it when it comes out in video
Always judge for yourself.
What say you good people?
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
Bad enough to be PBP-worthy?
It was basically a beat by beat remake with a silly excuse to put Americans at the base. Other than that, I found the acting pretty okay and the effects good. I rather enjoyed it.
Jack, what the heck is a snorg? Pretty sure it was “sprog”
Is a sprog what you get when you snorg with the opposite sex?
Sprog is what Max and his wife called their kid in the Mad Max movie
It’s also what I called my Boo before she got the “Boo” nickname. The two have no real connection as I didn’t know about the Mad Max reference until after I started calling my kid that
Not “The Feral Kid” with the boomerang, to be clear.
Bunny, I have no idea how I transformed “Sprog” into “Snorg.”
and more good news. the place i was breaking the lease on got rented so i get the rest of this month back and wont have to pay for the rest of the lease
Good news!
Hubby sent me a message saying he’s going to be late. Shocked am I
I’m like the Deadpan music outcast.
I like Katy Perry and the Black Eyed Peas… and while I’m not a personal fan of Bieber, it’s no lie when I say I love the way my daughter’s eyes light up when she hears his music.
I’m sorry Ms. Jackson…
I like Katy Perry and BEP, too. Not a fan of Bieber, though.
Ichi is based on a popular series of movies about a blind samurai called Zatoichi. If you’ve ever seen Rutger Hauer’s movie Blind Fury, then you are familiar with an American remake of one of the series.
Rated R.
Snow is bad news.
Cue the music!
Go away blind beggar!
Finally some food. Itadakimasu.
This guy thinks he’ll get a free feel.
Slicy, slicy.
Roll credits over snowy landscape.
Music by Lisa Gerrard. She sang for Dead Can Dance.
She wants a man to keep her warm on a cold night. But that’s a no no.
But that’s not our main character having the fun.
Ichi remembers while playing with a stray cat.
Other woman is cheated out of her payment. And then beaten.
Now the’ve noticed Ichi.
Minor interruption here. Now we’ll resume…
She only wants to be left alone.
A nice guy comes up and stops the hoodlums.
3 vs 1
He’s not drawing is sword.
Take this instead.
They find it funny. The bribe isn’t enough.
Ichi cuts down the first one.
Another one bites the dust, then the leader is down too.
Nice guy, but hopeless swordsman is following Ichi.
He needs a job. As her bodyguard? Please….
She’s amused.
He’s like a stray puppy.
Commercial time.
Maybe this inn will be better.
Cut to the gambling den.
She’s looking for someone.
Her new friend sucks at dice.
She’s telling him how to bet.
He’s raking in the cash now.
But she’s left so he’s smartly quitting.
She hears something… the yakuza from the den are coming.
They’ll take the money.
Ichi cuts down all 6.
The inn guys think Ichi’s friend did it. Now they are offering him a job.
Toma (the puppy guy) is being led away.
The kid knows a blind swordsman. That caught Ichi’s attention.
Commercial time…
This is my dad!
Dad is a drunk.
The dad fills her in on the inspection group that will have a blind swordsman.
Angry guy with a huge eye patch. He’s unhappy that his hoodlums were killed by someone.
Toma is being fed by the Inn people. They think Toma will protect them.
Time to drink!
Ichi is all dolled up and will now play the shamisen.
She takes requests.
Play something inspiring!
I think Toma is in love.
It’s raining.
Lady in red is visiting the bandit camp. Better not touch his face.
Well, she’s not going anywhere in one piece.
Eat the nice lady that looks like a man’s cooking, Toma!
Save us from the bandits!
Is Toma being set up?
Interrupted again… resuming.
The inn keeper wants a word with Toma.
The bandit leader was a bad ass samurai that had his face burnt.
And in Oklahoma today it was a bracing 43F or 6 degrees in a more rational temperature scale. Of course the wind sweeping across the plains made it feel like it was much colder…
Fucking wind.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled play by play already in progress.
Having network issues. Please standby.
Save us Toma. You are are only hope! We Yakuza are afraid.
Sounds like the Beat Takeshi version? Love me some Zatoichi, but mostly the Shintaro Katsu movies.
OK, I guess I’m a samurai movie geek.
Those are the originals, right?
WE shall call thee “Samurai Jack”
My dad is too cool. I have to do something else.
Toma and Ichi hanging out by the river.
Toma tries to sing to her.
He’s so not a ladies man.
Snap! She tells him to mind his own business.
She’s pissed!
Toma wants a fight. With sticks.
The inn is getting ready for the inspectors.
Bad Toma. He hurt Ichi’s hand.
Toma can’t draw his sword because of an accident. But apparently he doesn’t suck.
I think his story moved Ichi.
Toma practicing with his stick.
Ichi with her bell.
The inspectors are coming!
The drum beats. People bow.
The inspector is pleased. So far.
This is not the bind swordsman Ichi is looking for.
Ichi is leaving but Toma wants her to stay.
The bandits are in town, watching the Kabuki performance.
Toma can’t draw his sword. Again.
Hey Mr. Inspector. You never saw anything, right?
The head innkeeper sacrifices himself.
Ichi is back.
Slow-mo slicy dicey
Take me to your leader.
break time.
We’ll now resume our program.
Follow the bandit camp road.
Follow the bandit camp road.
Ichi is dumped in the camp.
It’s time for a demonstration.
One down.
She learned limb severing at the Jedi Academy.
The leader steps up to the plate!
He’s beating up on Ichi.
It seems the leader knows the other blind samurai, but he died before he could settle his grudge.
Toma is being beaten up by the town people.
The town people are going to bring the fight to the bandits.
The leader wants answers!
Bell time.
The old master gave her the bell.
Time warp.
So, this really is the blind leading the blind.
She was raped and for that, she’s kicked out of her home.
She can see Toma.
Use the Force Ichi.
Toma saves the day.
Playing with fire.
Oh, the leader has taken a liking to Ichi. Toma doesn’t like that.
Was Ichi smiling?
The blind master was her father. Of course.
She doesn’t know if he was her father or not, but she wanted to see him one more time. But he’s dead.
Toma is sneaking out with one last look.
The town people are gearing up.
Slap me!
Cue the blowing sand.
What is this? A western?
East Side Story?
Is there a dance number?
Threats abound!
C’mon, Toma. Draw.
And Ichi is just waking up.
Toma still can’t draw.
The innkeeper’s son is avenged.
Not many surviving on either side, but there are more bandits and the leader hasn’t fought yet.
The leader is calling out Toma. He wants his woman.
He’ll never give Ichi to him!
Can. He. Draw?
Yes, he can.
Stupid commercials.
Cut to Ichi in the forest with the kid. Is she going to rescue Toma?
Toma and the leader are battling it out.
And Toma’s killed the leader.
But Toma’s stabbed too.
Ichi hobbles to his side.
Live on, Ichi.
ditto, if you’ve never seen the original Zatoichi movies, then you should definitely check them out. There are literally dozens of them, and most are pretty damn good. Suspension of disbelief is impossible, of course (Blind swordsman slaughters everyone in a 20 vs. 1 fight), but that adds to the charm.
I don’t think I’ve seen the originals. If I have, it was quite a while ago. It was a really popular franchise, so I’m sure the movies are a lot of fun to watch. I’ll have to bug my samurai film fan to see if he has the movies.
Overall, it is a pretty enjoyable film. I think it pays tribute to the genre pretty well, while trying to do something a bit different. There wasn’t as much sword fighting as I would like. I’d recommend it.
I’m liking conference B (the Wild’s new conference). I’d love if they’d go back to the old conference names of my youth, but the teams in Conference B do sound like some good matchups.
That would be cool.
Good idea. Take a bit getting used to but not bad
In other news, I love the “pudding” created in the bottom of the last bowl of frosted mini-wheats (or the generic equivalent, as the case may be)…
Morning Pan
I see ditto had a busy evening.
Good morning, DP. Fucking BRR!! -3F here this morning.
then i won’t complain about it being 33f here
Where as we’re sitting at a balmy 8C. (46F)
I woudn’t mind that today. I have some moving to do later
Jack, you tried to tell me. The Pardon The Interruption guys are dicks.
A bunch of hullabaloo about nothing …
however, if you agree to something (especially in writing) and then promptly break that agreement, you are clearly a douche
(matters of national security, family safety or the best personal interests of Adrian Zmed not withstanding).
I just had a really hard time proving that I was me to the Hilton Honors people.
Is Paris the head of that division?
I might have been talking to her.
hehe or in spanish jaja.
Do we need to vouch for you?
‘Cause you know we’d be all about that.
Hehehe. Knowing you, that would probably cause her more trouble. 😉
Yeh … especially since I’ve stopped taking Paris’ calls.
I’m sure she’s distraught that she can’t serve you that cease & desist. 😉
I’ll take all the help I can get!
CP: (You Better Watch Your) Happy Home — The Fucking Eagles
You know, I don’t even have to read the rest of that article. The title had me cracking up.
CP: Jenny Says — Cowboy Mouth
You know, this is the only song of theirs I know. Do they do anything else that is worth listening to?
I have only 3 of their songs. The other two are: Joe Strummer, which is hilarious:
She had all the tattoos and the piercings
Hates everything, says everybody’s wrong
She dressed like she slept with Guns ‘N Roses
But I busted her singin’ all the boyband songs
She had to go
Simply because
And I let her go
Like she never was
‘Cuz I didn’t know
And I don’t care what she does
She had to go ‘cuz she didn’t know who
Joe Strummer was
and Home, which they wrote after Hurricane Katrina. I have a soft spot for em because I saw them at Jazz Fest right after Katrina and they were so emotionally attached to NOLA. I’m not sure if I like their music or not . . .
My favorite is “Everybody Loves Jill” which I first heard in a concert somewhere back in the late 90’s. Frankly, their recording of it wasn’t as fun as the live one.
Once again mom has done her best to baffle me. She sent a fairly large sum of money and said “give the kids a good Christmas.”. I had to email her and ask what the heck that means. Is shw worried the girls wont get a good christmas from us? Usually she sends a tiny amount of money to be divided among the four of us. I just don’t understand.
Btw, I did say thank you. Yes mom is strang but at least she taught me manners
Did you ask if she’s had a recent Doctors appoitment?
In about half an hour, I’ll follow ditti’s lead and do a play by play
There’s more than one ditto? 😉
Stupid iPad
That goes without saying.
Wait. What? The stupid weather man said, even though we are well above freezing today, the temperature will drop to the -20s by tomorrow. Boo. Hiss
Can I interest you in an Arizona immigration packet? Probably best to wait until Jan Brewer’s term as governor has passed.
You know, they might decide to deport me next time I visit.
I thought that was Georgia.
Scanning through … I thought you had posted, “Amazon immigration packet?” As in
I’m surprised they don’t offer that yet.
Ok peeps. You have been warned…
Today’s movie is Walking The Dead
The DVR writeup: a reporter travels to a small village in southern china and he soon realizes that its residents are corpses being controlled by a mysterious force
“mysterious force”
No nudity. Sorry
DIY, go it.
Ominous music
I think this movie is all credits
Sounds like Bambi Meets Godzilla. 🙂
Yea! The new PBP is here! The new PBP is here!
Vanamonde! Oh wait, that’s a girl teddy bear. Never mind
Stupid child
Oh oh. And axe
Ha! A little misdirection.
That’s not nice
Help! Wait, I must stop to post this letter
First death of the movie
Meanwhile, in the police station…
Flash back
Oh my god. That better be a cheap whiskey
This is a bizarre conversation
This story is flawed right from the start
Mirvin? Boy somebody didn’t like their child
Is he paranoid?
That was no typo. His name was spelled with an I not an a
That’s because Marvin is a stupid name. Except for a robot.
With all apologies to anyone here named Marvin.
The Martians are appeased. For now.
He doesn’t speak the language
Stupid teenagers
The town seems deserted
Friendly little placeq
How strange
Coming on to the natives
He’s being watched
Nobody home
On a side, and actually more interesting note, the garbage truck is picking up my garbage
Giving him the “special” room
Another one bites the dust
Have axe will travel
Some girls just don’t give up
I don’t scare easily. I’ve been to war zones
Don’t trust the police
He’s so funny
Homicide is closed this week
Ming’s already been turned idiot
Somebody’s going to get it
Hiding in a closet doesn’t strike me as a good idea
That’s no way to treat a record
She forgives him
Ha ha, the jokes on him
He’s pretty cold
That poem is so emo
Where are the razors?
Ah, the classic trip as someone is chasing you
These aren’t zombies. They’re walked
Daddy’s magic
Really? A flashback within a flashback
Commercial break – The angry customers are out in force today… Angry customers are angry.
maybe I should try tossing them at some green pigs and see if I win?
and now, back to Bunny…
He doesn’t believe her
I thought grave diggers were suppose too bury dead, not unbury
I lost track. Is this body four or five?
I guess he was wrong
This movie is so Canadian
Wait. What accident?
This movie is all over the place
I told you he wasn’t very nice
I thought they wew on a deadline.
The camera sees the truth
Blood makes good paint
I just don’t understand this sub plot
Now they’re going to get it
I think the whole point of the subplot is to create more bodies since the whole town was basically dead before the movie started
Pining for Beans on toast.
Oaking for some good news today.
You should aim higher, mahogany perhaps.
Morning Pan
Month end. Ugh.
Good morning, all! Bunny’s snow has made it to our house.
ick, they snow should be here next 🙁
Sucking down some lemon ginger tea. One of the yucky things about being married to someone in the education field is he’s constantly being exposed to nasty little germs, then he comes home and pawns them off on me. Currently nursing a sore throat. With any luck, that’s all it will be.
It’s World AIDS Day today.
Look I know I shouldn’t, and I know I’m a very bad person…. but I’m going to anyway
You wicked man.
This is a pretty great map of Westeros:
Jack, I’m biased on this episode, but thought it was fun. Kit Kat . . . well, I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t listened . . . LOL!
Tell Sly B that she did an awesome job. 🙂
Will do!
Very cool (long) Stephen Colbert interview of Neil DeGrasse Tyson:
Happy December 1st. November, I hardly knew you
CP: Ride On — AC/DC
Super Like Button Click
In light of the new Movember trend, perhaps this day ought to be renamed Shaving Day.
No mo Mo.
That’s a lot better than “Brazillion Man March”.
Live action version of Catwoman inspired by Arkham City.
This game is what finally convinced me that Catwoman should be feared. 🙂
Purr – Fect.
I love a bunch of the comments there. lmao
DAMMIT! !#!%$@^$%@@$ $%$@^%$ Cruise.
All you need is to go to the bar, buddy
Mmmmmmmm beeer
You want a green middle aged recruit? You can’t handled the green middle aged recruit!
New wallpaper:
I dig it.
I’m thinking about making this one my new wallpaper.
What about this one?
Whoa! That image may be to spicey for me.
I personally like Rhettro’s better but i’ll stick with mine for now
I’ve only read the Malcolm X bio on the NYT best list:
You’re one up on mere EssBee
I liked the Alternate history version where he tries to advance his cause by appealing to moderates …
It’s called “Malcom in the Middle.”
Blue light special on groans in aisle 3!
There, show notes are finally away.
Show those notes! Show those notes!
This was on the latest Coverville, nice version:
Well the SS gift for recipient X has arrived from, now to wrap it up so I can send it on it’s merry way across the pond.
Nice job Sly B !
Oh … and not to shabby either, Jack.
I have no idea why Happy Mealy should make me laugh but it did.
If there’s going to be a Hanson beer, can a Spice Girls brew be far behind?
* Insert joke about “skunky” beer *
I would rather drink Hanson beer from these guys…
1,793 comments last month. Down a little bit from the year before.
Why do I keep thinking today is Friday? Must be wishful thinking or something.
Not Friday Friday
Sorry that its not Friday
Know that youre looking forward to the weekend weekend
From the latest Ansible:
Question to Esquire sex columnist Stacey Grenrock Woods: ‘I’ve been watching a lot of Game of Thrones lately. Does it give a historically accurate depiction of sex acts?’ Answer: ‘The Game of Thrones franchise has its hooves firmly dug into the genre known as “fantasy”, which, according to my Norton Anthology, relies on supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting, and permits the creator to put in as many tits as he wants.’
I like that reply
I have not seen the show so I’ve no idea which “acts” they are referring to but the question seems to indicate a disbelief that people used to enjoy recreational sex. This reminds me of a comment I saw an elderly woman make to a 20 something girl. I can’t remember any details of when or where this happened but the gist of what she told the young girl was,
“What? You think your generation invented oral sex?”
No but we invented a couple girls with a certain cup and that’s enough for all posterity.
In the news today: a woman was alone at a bus stop after dark. A stranger approached her and asked if she wanted to go for a drink. She said yes and left with the COMPLETE STRANGER who then took her behind a dumpster and raped her. While I am in no way condoning what the man did, and fully agree he should be prosecuted, I still question the smarts of the woman who went off with someone she never met before, while alone, after dark, at a bus stop
He should be incarcerated for the public’s protection.
She should be incarcerated for her own protection.
Got a link to the story?
Give me a minute, Van. I got the story from the noon news on tv. Let me see what their site has
Ok, here’s the story. I got some of the facts wrong but it’s close enough I still think she was dumb
First I have to acknowledge this story as a tragedy, men like that are scum.
Second I have to make an inappropriate joke: “They serve drinks behind dumpsters?”
*rim shot*
Holy god thats going to be the name of my bar. “Dumpsters”
I do generally agree that she made a tragically stupid decision. It’s not like he invited her to a bar or public place for drinks, he invited her to go with him to his alcohol stash. Regardless of whether the guy looks like a millionaire or is dressed in a leather gimp suit, you don’t go anyplace alone with some stranger you just met.
Lock him up for life – – or let Marcellus Wallace and his hard, pipe-wielding associates at him.
“Say WHAT to me one more time!”
Pulp Fiction reference.
Hope I’m not the only one that got that.
Ah JJ saves the day.
We probably could stand a few more of those around here.
“Zmed’s dead, baby. Zmed’s dead”
Dont give us a lot of credit, do you Van?
He’s seen what we’ve tried to use for collateral.
Tom Cruise and Jamie Fox?
I can whip any mechanical Jack Dempsey.
We will all be fuel for their internal boilers!
Here’s an awful headline for you”
“Red Wings Win 6th Straight, Beat Tampa”
Someone please tell me how the Wild have the best record in Hockey. Please? Anyone?
Tight vocals and a funky rhythm track?
I’m expecting plenty of snark:
There are a lot of whiny uptight people in the comments, fyi.
Jesus. Christ. Ovechkin.
Sweet god, Tornado! Give the poor guy a chance!!!! 🙂
From the ice rink to seeing live birds of prey, it was a hella busy evening.
Good timing to see live owls, since we’d just watched The Guardians of Ga’oholrpeoldfe a few days ago.
The one with the girl in the shower is very much like me.
Hey Pan. Busy day for the bunny today
1) The day job. Still working on month end but, hopefully, won’t take me all day
2) Clean the bathroom
3) Bake cookies
4) Go to store to buy buns and pop (having company over for dinner and gaming tonight. I’m making a beef dip but don’t have buns for it)
5) Clear off the dining room table so we can eat and play
I also want to do my regular walk somewhere in there but don’t know if I’ll have time.
Stupid work is fighting me. Had to restart my work computer.
I’m pretty sure work has decided it would be fun if I played over the weekend.
I think I’ll clean my bathroom now while work thinks over my strong wording of what I think if its’ idea
Bathroom is clean. VPN still down. I guess it’s time to go shopping.
Shopping done. Still can’t work. I think I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’ll be working over the weekend. *sigh*
Time to bake cookies!
And… where is everyone? I’ve been Panning alone this morning.
Since I doubt I’ll be able to do a movie play by play this week, I’m going to do a cookie play by play instead!
*and I shall be providing the sleazy voice over!*
First thing, I adjusted the racks in my oven to fit two trays. Then I turned on the oven to pre heat at 350
*adjusted the racks*
Butter and sugar have been put in a large bowl. Now I’m going to make them creamy
*make them creamy*
I put in an egg, then added eggs to my shopping list as I now only have one left
*put in*
Baking powder, lemon peel, and almond extract have been added to the mix
Now I’m going to add flour and get my hands dirty
*dirty, dirty hands*
So I made dough. I divided the dough into four, more or less equal portions
*mmmm, kneed that dough*
I flattened each large portion onto two cookie sheets. Two per sheet.
*EXTRA large portion*
People often overlook Silverchair’s “Wait Until Tomorrow” for the worst songs of all time.
Not this people.
So I brushed them all down with milk and put sliced almond on top
*that’s it, brush’em ALL down*
They are now in the oven for 15 minutes or so. I think I’ll clean off my dining room table while they bake
*cleaaan off that table*
Still can’t work. Stupid system.
*work it. WORK that malfunction!*
Ok. I’ve cleared the table, put a table cloth on it, and set it for dinner tonight.
*noth’n but a table cloth! Ohhhh yah.*
The cookies aren’t quite ready yet but I think I’ll pull out what I need to make the icing
*Yes! Pull it out and make the icing*
Isn’t this exciting folks? :silly:
*not recommended for patients with heart conditions*
I pulled out my mixmaster and put some icing sugar in a bowl.
*niiiice and slow like*
I have a feeling my day isn’t going to be as busy as I thought. Stupid work. I may even get to put in some Skyrim time tis afternoon, if things keep going they way they are at work
*an afternoon of Skyrimming*
I pulled the cookies out of the oven!
*just in time!*
While they were still warm, I cut the dough into strips.
*soooo hot*
On a side note, ditto is so funny
*side, front, back … take him anyway you can*
Now to make the icing!
*make it, MAKE IT NOW*
I’m going to add almond extract and lemon juice to the icing sugar and beatitude.
*Squeeze that lemon and skip the sermon*
I took my icing and drizzled it over the cookies in nice stripey patterns
*literally drizzling*
The cookies are essentially done. I’m going to let them cool a little more then will put them in the cookie jar.
Thanks to ditto for adding the colour commentary. It was fun :cheerful:
*Gotta cool it down before we overheat!*
Ok really? Obviously my brain is dead. I really meant to thank J0e for the commentary. I knew who it was, just didn’t get to my fingers the right way
*didn’t get to my fingers the right way*
– – tribute to J0e’s efforts.
By the way, if anybody cares, I have a Tardis cookie jar. It makes noises whenever it’s opened so I always know when hubby is raiding the cookie jar
Does it scream out “EASYBAKE” when you open the lid?
Silly man! Of course it makes tardis noises. :sideways:
Does it hold 5 pounds of cookies in a 1 pound jar?
Unfortunately not. It’s actually a smaller cookie jar and doesn’t really hold all the cookies I make.
In about an hour I’m going to get the beef going in the slow cooker so it’s nice and tender for dinner tonight
*:w00t: *
GO J0e!!!!!
Sill no work. Yup, will be putting in hours this weekend.
There. Like a good little girl, I did the dishes and clean up the mess I made
Now sucking on some grapes and watching last night’s John Stewart
“It ain’t that big. The whole United States ain’t that big. It ain’t that big. It ain’t big enough. There ain’t room enough for you an’ me, for your kind an’ my kind, for rich and poor together all in one country, for thieves and honest men. For hunger and fat.”
– John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 12
“But not us, George, because I… see, I got you to look after me, but you got me to look after you.
The best laid plans of mice.
The plans of men to get laid best.
The Best Planned Lays?
Lord. In. Heaven.
I think Joe made my morning with his natural male enhancement to Bunny’s cookie play by play….
If you’ve procrastinated this far, the time is now. Amazon has the complete Battlestar Galactica for it’s lowest price ever. $80 for DVD and $95 for Blu-Ray.
Go, go now.
Sir I doubt the verisimilitude of your assertion that I can still afford these sets!
^classic. LOL
Thank you! I steal all my good stuff from other websites :)!
You guys crack me up!
I have today off, but am currently experiencing the “joy” of steam cleaning our carpets in preparation for our annual Christmas party.
This morning I finished watching the 6th of the animated Space Battleship Yamoto movies. That was a lot of fun. I haven’t seen the live-action version, but I have ordered it. 🙂
Star Blazers?
That’s the English translation of the first two TV series.
Bunny and J0e: Thanks for the smile. That brightened my day.
I’m currently sitting next to my new desk in our new, bigger, nicer office, using my phone to surf the Web while I wait for my coworkers to get here with the moving truck. I like the excitement of moving and the feeling of getting a new start, but moving with a cold sucks. I want to contribute, though, so I’m not going anywhere.
My boss just went to pick up pizza for all of us, and put me in charge of watching for the truck.
You will be happy to know my work is still kaput. I put in an hour on Skyrim to spite them.
Now I think I’ll do some reading
CR: Read Me – Neil Stephenson
You have got to be kidding me. These people need to pay attention to what is happening in the real world and not in a game.
Ummm. Does that apply to fantasy games? I’ve joined the rebels and kill rather indiscriminately… Oh wait, all video games are fantasy.
Seriously, hubby plays Call of Duty and I’m pretty sure we both know the rules don’t apply to real life
Moving PBP Update: The truck is here! Let the unloading begin!
If only I had time to do a *voice over* for this!
LOL! :happy:
Sweet dreams.
A little warning for those of us who don’t do creepy craw lies next time please
aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Than you TEB for taking one for the A-team.
A is for arachnophobia
That thing has transcended horrifying and skin-crawling to the realm of cute. Look at it nibble on that carrot! Don’t you just want to skritch its little, um, mandibles?
I could have swore it was a set piece for the Starship Troopers reboot.
I thought that link was right up Van’s alley.
Oh, unlike TEB, I’m not afraid of a Weta.
I don’t do creepy crawlies at all as a rule.
I certainly don’t want it up MY alley…
We just had pizza for lunch. Work continues.
So it’s 2:30(ish) and my work system has just come back on line. The question is, do I work now, knowing I won’t have time to finish and will still have to work on Sunday, or do I just say screw it and not do any of it until Sunday period.
maybe i should feel bad for laughing at this but i just couldn’t help it:
Bless the Oatmeal.
Hmmmmmm…..oatmeal….time for breakfast!
Making steak soup for dinner.
That bug is creepy.
Of course, my stupid brain imagines a while passel of them…, eek.
I thought you already had Wyrms….
I for one welcome our current robot overlord.
Oh I thought you were talking about Robama…
The tennessee department of motor vehicles has forwarded our marriage certificate (from massachusetts) to the legal department in Nashville.
The implication is that they not only don’t consider our legal name change valid, but that our marriage is itself suspect.
Careful … vizout zee proper papas in zose zuthern states you may find yourzelf deported!!
Actually, on that topic … I noticed that Alabama’s new law, intended to put the blame for all their economic woes on their undocumented labor work force has really been backfiring. Farmers couldn’t get crops picked this fall but the funniest thing is that in the last week or so … they have arrested and threatened to deport a German executive with the Mercedes Benz plant down there and Japanese executive from (I think) Toyota. Seems the law that forces police to stop and see the paperwork on anyone who doesn’t look like they’re from around there, is putting a real PR dent in their effort to attract international manufacturers.
Nice demonstration of the Asimo robot on QI tonight.
Okay you gamers …
Looks like there may be an Xbox in my future.
That being the case, what game should I make my first?
Gears of War? Portal?
It depends on what games you like to play. But, if you haven’t been gaming much recently, I suggest starting slow. Pick up Portal 2.
Last game I played was Duke Nuke’m … on a PC … pre-9/11
I liked it.
The game, not 9/11.
Pickup the Orange Box since you should be able to find it cheap, not only will your get the original Portal, but the Half Life 2 series as well.
The Orange Box is a great choice to get started out. I would also recommend the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Knowing that you like role playing, you should really pick up Mass Effect while you are at it.
Mass Effect really is outstanding. 🙂
Well, I just spent the past hour trying to get my computer to boot. It kept cycling on the BSoD. Sigh. I need a new computer.
Ditto: That sucks, man. 🙁
The new office is all filled with furniture, computers, and other stuff all over the place. We have our work cut out for us getting it all organized, but I’m looking forward to it.
Right now, I’m out waiting for a local band’s concert to begin. :happy:
Full Metal Rudolph
CD: Black Butte Porter, Deschutes Brewing
Just popping in for quick “hi”. Shopping for my deadpan gift exchange. What I really want to buy is out of stock…
Howdy Howdy!
Mysterious disappearances on cruise liners:
Yard work done at the old house. Now for the yard work at the new house. Amazing how out of hand things can get when I’m out of town for a couple of weekends.
My flip phone that I’ve had about a year now is starting to break at the hinge.
This is the phone that replaced the last two (different model) that broke at the hinge.
do all flip phones break or am I just exceptional hard on them?
I’ve never broken a flip phone hinge.
In all fairness … I do tend to drop them.
Where they brake would perhaps be better described as the “shoulder”. The bit what holds the flip part’s hinge.
The flip phones never broke for Kirk when he was planetside
Let the Christmas Party Season begin!
Now … where’d I put my tux shirt?
I thought I told you I was borrowing it. I plan to wear it to the GoDaddy Christmas party next Saturday.
I’d better get it dry cleaned then.
Dammit, Coyotes. This is why we can’t have nice things.
Still, Diana had 14 hits. Good for whoever has him.
“Diana”? No, I don’t think she was on the ice. Shane Doan did play, however, and was credited with 14 hits.
I’ve thought a new acronym for texting and chat. bbwb = be back with beer
Search on google for ‘do a barrel roll’.
This went around back at the beginning of November and I couldn’t get it to work then either. :pouty:
It works on my desktop but not on the ipad.
It only works in FireFox and Chrome, not in IE.
It was snowing at 6pm when we went to the symphony. It was snowing at 11:30 when I went to bed. It’s still snowing now.
I don’t know who here in Calgary ordered massive amounts of snow but I would like a word or two with them
Hubby and I were gluing to do our usual grocery shopping today. We’ve cancelled it because there is too much damn snow and roads haven’t been plowed yet
Looks like you picked a good day to quit sniffing glue!
Frikken ipad autocorrect! gluing = going
Should work with jelly babies:
I’ll just stick to the alcohol free gummie bears
Or maybe these kind of gummie bears
However, at -7 (19F) it’s not that cold out. That’s good anyway
Yesterday I reached the 80 hour mark on Skyrim. I’m trying to figure out when my life might actually kick in
I feel like such a slacker. I’m only at 21 hours so far.
Am I wrong, or like.. um.. LostRalph just told me that he’s never seen Heathers…n0oooo wait.. it went like this.
Me: Heathers is on Netflix?
Him: “What’s Heathers?”
I didn’t know if I should just shake my head or look at him incredulously.
Am I wrong here? Like… should I sorta make him watch this with me?
Strap him down and make him watch it … STAT!!!
That is a giant hole in his dark humor, pop data base.
Usually I’m the one that gets strapped down… oh wait.. we were talking about watching a movie… never mind..
*naughty AND nice*
I admit, I’ve never seen Heathers either
“Heathers” totally gets a thumbs up from me. Especially the performance from the young Jack Nicholas.
“young Jack Nicholas”
LOL. I can remember thinking the same exact thing at the time.
On my way to see Santa and ask for the “Orange Box” … he better not try and talk me into a football AGAIN!
You can get last year’s Madden for a discount if Santa doesn’t mention it.
Hubby has brought up an amp and is entertaining kitty and I
I’ve heard of Heathers, does that give me partial credit?
Supper has been eaten. Now relaxing on the couch watching hubby playing halo something or other
In interest of fair warning. I recorded this over the weekend.
I’m hoping to have time to do a play by play this week. Probably on Tuesday
Okay people, it seems we may need to have an emergency palooza. A Heatherspalooza.
I have’t seen the film in over a decade and so maybe it doesn’t stand up any more. I couldn’t say.
I can recall that I was expecting a funny, highschool teen, romp and what I got instead left me a little weirded out.
Not sure if I can get it on Netflix. Canada has a fairly small selection compared to you guys. I might be able to check tomorrow but definitely not today
No Heathers? What’s your damage??
Caught up on Walking Dead. Wow.
You’ll need a cleanup on aisle brain after this one:
Brilliant stuff.
I’ve seen Heathers oodles of times. I believe I own it but on VHS only. I have a thing where I keep my VHS til I replace them with the DVD version and I have a few movies I’ve yet failed to replace.
With the 2 jobs, the kids, the house upkeep, and other important stuffs going on, movie-watching is a little backseat, but I’m going to definitely watch this with Ralph somehow.
He has something for me first though… and last time I checked, it was his turn to choose.
I did make him “sit through” Beavis and Butthead after all. :tongue:
I want to sleep with my laptop power adapter because it’s so toasty warm.
Is that wrong?
Avs stop Red Wings 7 game win streak.
Hey, they gotta win some time 🙂
Guess whos back, back again.
Chris Neil’s back, tell a friend.
Not EVERYone shares your joy.
Well, when you hug the opposing team after you score, you kind of deserve it. 🙂
Ouch! :
Morning Pan,
Off to court. In a little over an hour I won’t be married anymore.
It’s been a long time coming.
Hope it’s short and sweet, reaps!
it was started 10 minutes early and got done by 10 after.
Congrats, Reaper. I hope the process has been as smooth as you’ve described it. This calls for a drink! Maybe if you can make it to the MMMmmmeetup.
that would be awesome! I can actually make plans like that now 🙂
Have fun storming the castle! 🙂
If you liked Reznor & Ross’s work for The Social Network, and the remake of the Immigrant Song used in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trailer, then you’ll be interested in this:
I was skeptical, but I’m looking forward to this flick.
I’m willing to give it a chance. My main concern is that they are going to pull some of the punches despite trying to be “closer” to the book. I’ve heard the title of the original book translates to “Men Who Hate Women”.
Yeah, that’s the main theme of the trilogy for sure. So far we’re unhappy with how “unattractive” they’ve made Lisbeth. Attractiveness is a matter of taste, I know, but . . . in my opinion they’ve gotten her appearance wrong.
The Swedish films were SO GOOD it’s hard to not fear Hollywood will muck it up.
I’ve only seen the first one.
We’ll see how well Lisbeth cleans up at the end. 🙂 Rooney Mara certainly isn’t ugly. 🙂
I downloaded those 6 songs, but have yet to listen.
Fincher and Reznor are the only reasons I intend to see the new, completely unnecessary version.
This is inspiring:
The horror!
The NHL is discussing reorganization. Again. Sigh.–realignment-hot-topic-at-nhl-governors-meeting
Ditto’s music notes…
I’m really glad that The Joy Formidable is getting more success. I mentioned them in my interview with Jack. Unfortunately, it is time to find another band that isn’t getting overplayed on the radio.
Anyone else disappointed with the latest Death Cab for Cutie album?
Good luck, Reaper!
On another note, mine was supposed to be final on the 1st, but due to paperwork issues, we have to start over.
I’m looking at a minimum of 60-90 more days.
Soon .now would be better but soon will do .
How soon is now? 😉
wow, I’m so sorry to hear that
Wisconsin’s paper work is pretty easy if you don’t have kids and the kids were hers from another marriage.
Hey Deadpan
got to sleep in this morning, which was nice.
Worked on month end and found my boss didn’t enter some numbers she should have. It’s really weird when you’re giving your own boss heck. It just does’t feel right.
I do that fairly often. It’s kind of fun. 🙂
Luckily I have a good rapport with my boss. I called her a silly girl and she agreed :cheerful:
It never got me any where. Then again, they were playing plug and pray with the bosses…
You need to keep them bosses in line. Use an Iron Fist if ya have to.
… and a gimp suit.
We were snowed in on the weekend so we couldn’t go grocery shopping. I’m debating on whether or not to make hubby grumpy and going on my own today. I have to go out anyway in half an hour so I figured, since I’m out…
He gets that excited over grocery shopping? I hate it, you can go for me!
No. It’s more of a perception issue. I’m not suppose to carry heavy things and he considers pop and water cartons as “heavy” as well as some grocery bags. And when I sleep in, it adds to the concern. I think I’m strong and can carry my own damn groceries.
My morning dishes are done. Now off into the brrr.
Woke up this morning to snow, listened to Christmas music in the car on the way to work, in a really great mood. Then I get a phone call from doctor who says the pain I’ve been having in my hands is osteoarthritis. Glad it’s not something worse, but still a bummer on my otherwise cheerful mood.
I happy that you don’t need surgery. My wife has arthritis, but she seems to have it pretty well managed.
I already have it in my left knee, have had for about a year and half. Now it’s my right hand. Guess I’m just staying balanced… 🙂 My doctor is sending my to a specialist for the hand, since it’s a bit more limiting than my knee is. We’ll see!
eeps! Sorry to hear that 🙁
I had surgery in both my hands a few years ago. not fun, but it was carpal tunnel and I needed my hands back.
Good luck getting it feeling better! *hugs*
Add my hopes for the best as well.
Sorry to hear the news, Beth. As if snow and Christmas music weren’t bad enough!
Seriously, seriously, I hope it’s manageable and not too rough on you.
I get a kick out of Matthew Sweet’s left-handed CD for In Reverse. 🙂
Alan Moore’s thoughts on Frank Miller’s OWS rant:
Morning, Pan.
I now feel closer to all of you who live in snowy climates. I had to scrape frost off my car windows this morning for the first time ever. (Due to living circumstances, I park on the driveway, which is on the west side of the house, so it’s in the shade in the mornings.)
and it’s snowing in the Phoenix/Scottsale area.
Time to start looking for a home actually ON the equator. I will not stand for this. I will not will not will not!
Weather wuss.
I resemble that remark, nickname, whatever…
So, we’re getting reports this morning of frost/snow in South Texas (Desdemina), Southern California (Amy), AND Phoenix, AZ (Cj)?
Points and laughs at all southerners
Yep, that’s about the size of it.
There, all my Christmas shopping is done. I love Amazon
Now doing Christmas card
They are saying on the news that my end of town got close to 20cm of snow. After clearing my car this morning, I believe it
I’m not finished Christmas shopping yet. 🙁
Hubby is quite happy to leave this chore to me. He doesn’t do any Christmas shopping
I still have 2 people. I’m only able to give family gifts this year. For friends, I bake… the budget is tighter this year than spandex on the crazy cat lady at Wal-mart.
I completely understand. I’m very aware I’m in a better position than most. I’m quite happy to give.
I :love: Bunny!
Especially with some Fava beans and a nice Chianti.
No, wait … that’s lamb.
Umm The Thing prequel was rather dumb.
We’ll still watch it when it comes out in video
Always judge for yourself.
What say you good people?
Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!
Bad enough to be PBP-worthy?
It was basically a beat by beat remake with a silly excuse to put Americans at the base. Other than that, I found the acting pretty okay and the effects good. I rather enjoyed it.
Jack, what the heck is a snorg? Pretty sure it was “sprog”
Is a sprog what you get when you snorg with the opposite sex?
Sprog is what Max and his wife called their kid in the Mad Max movie
It’s also what I called my Boo before she got the “Boo” nickname. The two have no real connection as I didn’t know about the Mad Max reference until after I started calling my kid that
Not “The Feral Kid” with the boomerang, to be clear.
Bunny, I have no idea how I transformed “Sprog” into “Snorg.”
A good platformer goes free on the app store:
Of the 19 Christmas cards I send out, 9 of them leave the country. What’s that about?
I think we sent out about 70 last year, and about 20 were to different countries.
Which just shows you have more friends than we do
Naw. The majority is family.
Actually, I don’t send cards to locals. We’re going to see most of them over the next few weeks before Christmas. I’ll give them their card personally
My Deadpan holiday exchange gift is in the mail. Some lucky deadpanite will get a gift on Wednesday!
I also just ordered my DPSS gift. Fun!
Very. I’m glad I don’t have any of those bad popular bands. Well… I do have some Creed albums, but that’s it.
I own an album by Miz Twain, I enjoyed it quite a bit too. Don’t really listen to it much anymore. Still listen to the Beatles though.
I own albums produced by Ms. Twain’s husband. . . (ex-husband now?)
I too have some Mutt Lang albums
GodDAMMIt Kesha. Just look at those slopppy dirt bags. Disgusting. She looks like the reconstructions you see in museums of Eve of Naharon.
Also I think any Creed song rivals Silverchair’s Tomorrow in the worst song ever debate. Can you take me higher? Go fuck yourselves.
I concur with Lo Pan’s assessment.
New live The Cure album coming out. The profits are going to charity.
and more good news. the place i was breaking the lease on got rented so i get the rest of this month back and wont have to pay for the rest of the lease
Good news!
Hubby sent me a message saying he’s going to be late. Shocked am I
I’m like the Deadpan music outcast.
I like Katy Perry and the Black Eyed Peas… and while I’m not a personal fan of Bieber, it’s no lie when I say I love the way my daughter’s eyes light up when she hears his music.
I’m sorry Ms. Jackson…
I like Katy Perry and BEP, too. Not a fan of Bieber, though.
Please Hipster, don’t squirt ’em
CW: Dexter
I’m going to steal a play from Bunny and do a PBP on this movie:
Ichi is based on a popular series of movies about a blind samurai called Zatoichi. If you’ve ever seen Rutger Hauer’s movie Blind Fury, then you are familiar with an American remake of one of the series.
Rated R.
Snow is bad news.
Cue the music!
Go away blind beggar!
Finally some food. Itadakimasu.
This guy thinks he’ll get a free feel.
Slicy, slicy.
Roll credits over snowy landscape.
Music by Lisa Gerrard. She sang for Dead Can Dance.
She wants a man to keep her warm on a cold night. But that’s a no no.
But that’s not our main character having the fun.
Ichi remembers while playing with a stray cat.
Other woman is cheated out of her payment. And then beaten.
Now the’ve noticed Ichi.
Minor interruption here. Now we’ll resume…
She only wants to be left alone.
A nice guy comes up and stops the hoodlums.
3 vs 1
He’s not drawing is sword.
Take this instead.
They find it funny. The bribe isn’t enough.
Ichi cuts down the first one.
Another one bites the dust, then the leader is down too.
Nice guy, but hopeless swordsman is following Ichi.
He needs a job. As her bodyguard? Please….
She’s amused.
He’s like a stray puppy.
Commercial time.
Maybe this inn will be better.
Cut to the gambling den.
She’s looking for someone.
Her new friend sucks at dice.
She’s telling him how to bet.
He’s raking in the cash now.
But she’s left so he’s smartly quitting.
She hears something… the yakuza from the den are coming.
They’ll take the money.
Ichi cuts down all 6.
The inn guys think Ichi’s friend did it. Now they are offering him a job.
Toma (the puppy guy) is being led away.
The kid knows a blind swordsman. That caught Ichi’s attention.
Commercial time…
This is my dad!
Dad is a drunk.
The dad fills her in on the inspection group that will have a blind swordsman.
Angry guy with a huge eye patch. He’s unhappy that his hoodlums were killed by someone.
Toma is being fed by the Inn people. They think Toma will protect them.
Time to drink!
Ichi is all dolled up and will now play the shamisen.
She takes requests.
Play something inspiring!
I think Toma is in love.
It’s raining.
Lady in red is visiting the bandit camp. Better not touch his face.
Well, she’s not going anywhere in one piece.
Eat the nice lady that looks like a man’s cooking, Toma!
Save us from the bandits!
Is Toma being set up?
Interrupted again… resuming.
The inn keeper wants a word with Toma.
The bandit leader was a bad ass samurai that had his face burnt.
And in Oklahoma today it was a bracing 43F or 6 degrees in a more rational temperature scale. Of course the wind sweeping across the plains made it feel like it was much colder…
Fucking wind.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled play by play already in progress.
Having network issues. Please standby.
Save us Toma. You are are only hope! We Yakuza are afraid.
Sounds like the Beat Takeshi version? Love me some Zatoichi, but mostly the Shintaro Katsu movies.
OK, I guess I’m a samurai movie geek.
Those are the originals, right?
WE shall call thee “Samurai Jack”
My dad is too cool. I have to do something else.
Toma and Ichi hanging out by the river.
Toma tries to sing to her.
He’s so not a ladies man.
Snap! She tells him to mind his own business.
She’s pissed!
Toma wants a fight. With sticks.
The inn is getting ready for the inspectors.
Bad Toma. He hurt Ichi’s hand.
Toma can’t draw his sword because of an accident. But apparently he doesn’t suck.
I think his story moved Ichi.
Toma practicing with his stick.
Ichi with her bell.
The inspectors are coming!
The drum beats. People bow.
The inspector is pleased. So far.
This is not the bind swordsman Ichi is looking for.
Ichi is leaving but Toma wants her to stay.
The bandits are in town, watching the Kabuki performance.
Toma can’t draw his sword. Again.
Hey Mr. Inspector. You never saw anything, right?
The head innkeeper sacrifices himself.
Ichi is back.
Slow-mo slicy dicey
Take me to your leader.
break time.
We’ll now resume our program.
Follow the bandit camp road.
Follow the bandit camp road.
Ichi is dumped in the camp.
It’s time for a demonstration.
One down.
She learned limb severing at the Jedi Academy.
The leader steps up to the plate!
He’s beating up on Ichi.
It seems the leader knows the other blind samurai, but he died before he could settle his grudge.
Toma is being beaten up by the town people.
The town people are going to bring the fight to the bandits.
The leader wants answers!
Bell time.
The old master gave her the bell.
Time warp.
So, this really is the blind leading the blind.
She was raped and for that, she’s kicked out of her home.
She can see Toma.
Use the Force Ichi.
Toma saves the day.
Playing with fire.
Oh, the leader has taken a liking to Ichi. Toma doesn’t like that.
Was Ichi smiling?
The blind master was her father. Of course.
She doesn’t know if he was her father or not, but she wanted to see him one more time. But he’s dead.
Toma is sneaking out with one last look.
The town people are gearing up.
Slap me!
Cue the blowing sand.
What is this? A western?
East Side Story?
Is there a dance number?
Threats abound!
C’mon, Toma. Draw.
And Ichi is just waking up.
Toma still can’t draw.
The innkeeper’s son is avenged.
Not many surviving on either side, but there are more bandits and the leader hasn’t fought yet.
The leader is calling out Toma. He wants his woman.
He’ll never give Ichi to him!
Can. He. Draw?
Yes, he can.
Stupid commercials.
Cut to Ichi in the forest with the kid. Is she going to rescue Toma?
Toma and the leader are battling it out.
And Toma’s killed the leader.
But Toma’s stabbed too.
Ichi hobbles to his side.
Live on, Ichi.
ditto, if you’ve never seen the original Zatoichi movies, then you should definitely check them out. There are literally dozens of them, and most are pretty damn good. Suspension of disbelief is impossible, of course (Blind swordsman slaughters everyone in a 20 vs. 1 fight), but that adds to the charm.
I don’t think I’ve seen the originals. If I have, it was quite a while ago. It was a really popular franchise, so I’m sure the movies are a lot of fun to watch. I’ll have to bug my samurai film fan to see if he has the movies.
Well look here! Hulu has some of them. 🙂
But the leader is not dead.
You’ve pissed her off now!
Massive head slice!
video game voice over: Head Slice!
The remaining bandits run away.
Cue sad shamisen music.
And Ichi heads out of town.
Overall, it is a pretty enjoyable film. I think it pays tribute to the genre pretty well, while trying to do something a bit different. There wasn’t as much sword fighting as I would like. I’d recommend it.
Night pan! My work here is done.
Of interest to NHL watchers – – the new conference realignment plan:
I’m liking conference B (the Wild’s new conference). I’d love if they’d go back to the old conference names of my youth, but the teams in Conference B do sound like some good matchups.
That would be cool.
Good idea. Take a bit getting used to but not bad
In other news, I love the “pudding” created in the bottom of the last bowl of frosted mini-wheats (or the generic equivalent, as the case may be)…
Morning Pan
I see ditto had a busy evening.
Good morning, DP. Fucking BRR!! -3F here this morning.
then i won’t complain about it being 33f here
Where as we’re sitting at a balmy 8C. (46F)
I woudn’t mind that today. I have some moving to do later
Jack, you tried to tell me. The Pardon The Interruption guys are dicks.
We have 7ºF.
We got snow for the first time this winter.
It is currently 19F/-7C here.
CP: Savage Love
Misread that as “cleavage love”…
Who doesn’t?
“It’s the most.. f’in cold time..
of the year…”
Silly Sony. Nobody believes this is about helping out the journalists.
So silly!!
A bunch of hullabaloo about nothing …
however, if you agree to something (especially in writing) and then promptly break that agreement, you are clearly a douche
(matters of national security, family safety or the best personal interests of Adrian Zmed not withstanding).
I just had a really hard time proving that I was me to the Hilton Honors people.
Is Paris the head of that division?
I might have been talking to her.
hehe or in spanish jaja.
Do we need to vouch for you?
‘Cause you know we’d be all about that.
Hehehe. Knowing you, that would probably cause her more trouble. 😉
Yeh … especially since I’ve stopped taking Paris’ calls.
I’m sure she’s distraught that she can’t serve you that cease & desist. 😉
I’ll take all the help I can get!
CP: (You Better Watch Your) Happy Home — The Fucking Eagles,26820/
You know, I don’t even have to read the rest of that article. The title had me cracking up.
CP: Jenny Says — Cowboy Mouth
You know, this is the only song of theirs I know. Do they do anything else that is worth listening to?
I have only 3 of their songs. The other two are: Joe Strummer, which is hilarious:
She had all the tattoos and the piercings
Hates everything, says everybody’s wrong
She dressed like she slept with Guns ‘N Roses
But I busted her singin’ all the boyband songs
She had to go
Simply because
And I let her go
Like she never was
‘Cuz I didn’t know
And I don’t care what she does
She had to go ‘cuz she didn’t know who
Joe Strummer was
and Home, which they wrote after Hurricane Katrina. I have a soft spot for em because I saw them at Jazz Fest right after Katrina and they were so emotionally attached to NOLA. I’m not sure if I like their music or not . . .
My favorite is “Everybody Loves Jill” which I first heard in a concert somewhere back in the late 90’s. Frankly, their recording of it wasn’t as fun as the live one.
Haven’t read the article yet:
I admit, I don’t know most of those people.
lmao. So true.
No Bobby Charles, the bastards!
Once again mom has done her best to baffle me. She sent a fairly large sum of money and said “give the kids a good Christmas.”. I had to email her and ask what the heck that means. Is shw worried the girls wont get a good christmas from us? Usually she sends a tiny amount of money to be divided among the four of us. I just don’t understand.
Btw, I did say thank you. Yes mom is strang but at least she taught me manners
Did you ask if she’s had a recent Doctors appoitment?
In about half an hour, I’ll follow ditti’s lead and do a play by play
There’s more than one ditto? 😉
Stupid iPad
That goes without saying.
Wait. What? The stupid weather man said, even though we are well above freezing today, the temperature will drop to the -20s by tomorrow. Boo. Hiss
Can I interest you in an Arizona immigration packet? Probably best to wait until Jan Brewer’s term as governor has passed.
You know, they might decide to deport me next time I visit.
I thought that was Georgia.
Scanning through … I thought you had posted, “Amazon immigration packet?” As in
I’m surprised they don’t offer that yet.
Ok peeps. You have been warned…
Today’s movie is Walking The Dead
The DVR writeup: a reporter travels to a small village in southern china and he soon realizes that its residents are corpses being controlled by a mysterious force
“mysterious force”
No nudity. Sorry
DIY, go it.
Ominous music
I think this movie is all credits
Sounds like Bambi Meets Godzilla. 🙂
Yea! The new PBP is here! The new PBP is here!
Vanamonde! Oh wait, that’s a girl teddy bear. Never mind
Stupid child
Oh oh. And axe
Ha! A little misdirection.
That’s not nice
Help! Wait, I must stop to post this letter
First death of the movie
Meanwhile, in the police station…
Flash back
Oh my god. That better be a cheap whiskey
This is a bizarre conversation
This story is flawed right from the start
Mirvin? Boy somebody didn’t like their child
Is he paranoid?
That was no typo. His name was spelled with an I not an a
That’s because Marvin is a stupid name. Except for a robot.
With all apologies to anyone here named Marvin.
The Martians are appeased. For now.
He doesn’t speak the language
Stupid teenagers
The town seems deserted
Friendly little placeq
How strange
Coming on to the natives
He’s being watched
Nobody home
On a side, and actually more interesting note, the garbage truck is picking up my garbage
Giving him the “special” room
Another one bites the dust
Have axe will travel
Some girls just don’t give up
I don’t scare easily. I’ve been to war zones
Don’t trust the police
He’s so funny
Homicide is closed this week
Ming’s already been turned idiot
Somebody’s going to get it
Hiding in a closet doesn’t strike me as a good idea
That’s no way to treat a record
She forgives him
Ha ha, the jokes on him
He’s pretty cold
That poem is so emo
Where are the razors?
Ah, the classic trip as someone is chasing you
These aren’t zombies. They’re walked
Daddy’s magic
Really? A flashback within a flashback
Commercial break – The angry customers are out in force today… Angry customers are angry.
maybe I should try tossing them at some green pigs and see if I win?
and now, back to Bunny…
He doesn’t believe her
I thought grave diggers were suppose too bury dead, not unbury
I lost track. Is this body four or five?
I guess he was wrong
This movie is so Canadian
Wait. What accident?
This movie is all over the place
I told you he wasn’t very nice
I thought they wew on a deadline.
The camera sees the truth
Blood makes good paint
I just don’t understand this sub plot
Now they’re going to get it
I think the whole point of the subplot is to create more bodies since the whole town was basically dead before the movie started
Daddy’s made