Not Penny’s Show Notes.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #219: The Weirdest Audible
Take a cruise on the Deadpan
Promo Penmachine (
Fantasy Football League
Amy tells of her dreams
Greasy Whatever
Justa J0e
Dj Bunny
John Boze
Lo Pan
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Used Hair
Lost Ralph
Earbuds with Paul Maki
Without being obnoxious…
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing Music: “All Beautiful Things” (live at Podcamp)
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Checking under the toilet seat for spiders since 1978
I refuse to look, I might actually find some.
Goodnight :Shelob:
I think it’s time for me to explore other sources of income, like robbing banks.
Well, at least it would be more respectable than owning a bank.
Well as long as you don’t hurt nobody.
What Ed said!
Amazon Mechanical Turk
I’ve been making some extra spending cash via these two sites all year. It can be hard work, but usually it’s pretty easy, and it’s nice to have the supplemental income. (Please be aware, though, that you do have to report this as self-employment income and pay income tax on it.)
Yo Deadpan!
It’s dark outside.
CW: Terra Nova premier. Hm.
We missed this week’s episode. Stupid baseball ran into overtime. Because we record it and don’t watch it until a few days later, it was too late to catch the episode on another channel.
The X Factor was delayed because a baseball game got rained out, too. 🙁
I had a friend who wouldn’t let her kids go out on Halloween for similar reasons
She once gave me heck because when her kids were over visiting mine, I put on the Disney animated Sword in the Stone. She didn’t like the fact there was a witch in it.
Some people are idiots.
There’s this thing called “fiction”. Tell your neighbors, alert your friends.
Gosh darn it people. How am I suppose to give you credit on the show notes if you don’t say who you are on your voice mail?
This is kind of cool
Your dose of cute for the day
My iphone update seems to be stuck. It’s “restoring apps”. Is this where yours went wrong, Van.
You ate getting further than me TEB, I won’t be able to try again until tonight.
-. +?
Holy crow this update is taking forever. It’s worked its way through the apps and is now “restoring music and videos”
BTW EssBee, I did enjoy the Marla Mason book. I’ve just started a second one yesterday.
Nice! I finished the series last week. I wish he was still writing more.
Actually strike that! There is a 5th novel available for the iPad. Now I need an iPad!
I haven’t read any. I’ll need to take a second look at that series.
You should, ditto. I think she’s a pretty unique female fantasy character.
Iphone successfully updated. Now for the iPad…
-t +r
Great ep, Jack! That’s my kind of Fantasy Football fo sho. Also love that you mentioned a Stevie Nicks’ lyric.
Oh… My… God. The hoops you have to jump through on the phone once it’s been updated. You have been warned, Van.
Oh may leave it for the weekend then, I may have the 4S by then.
I plugged my phone in last night to grab some photos and didn’t get prompted for an update . . . hmm.
Mine wasn’t scheduled to check for updates for another couple of days. You can force the update EssBee. Plug in your phone and on the front screen it will tell you when it will next look for updates. Just tell it to look for updates now. Expect the update to go on for about a half hour. After that, when you go onto your phone, it will ask you a bunch of questions, etc as if it were new out of the box.
iPhone is a pain to update.
Massive worldwide Blackberry outages.
Kind of makes one nostalgic for a land line.
I haven’t had a land line for several years.
– – – . . – . . . – – . – . – – – –
I … . . what you -.. .. -.. there.
Time to go walking!
lmao at the Engines Of Our Ingenuity episode on the Super Guppy. 🙂
Is that a podcast or TV show?
Looks like Denis Ritchie died this weekend. He was the co-creator of C.
And it looks like my company is selling off the division I belong to. 🙁
So what does that mean exactly? New boss or entire reapplication to your old job?
This should make Lo happy. Lady Vader.
I guess week 1 in the pool is a “long” week of 10 days. I hadn’t realized that.
CP: Tonight — Moist
Ed’s joke from waaaay back this morning made me chuckle.
CP: Packin’ a Rod – L7
Great song
Thx for the kind words about the episode, EssBee. At the risk of seeming less cool, I confess that I don’t know the Stevie Nicks line that I inadvertently quoted.
Thx also to to the person who has contributed this morning’s voicemails! Keep em comin’, everyone.
If it’s any consolation … I expect that Stevie doesn’t remember singing the line.
That has to be true. I saw her once at McNichols arena (before the bastards tore it down) and she was so messed up that she twirled right off the stage.
I haven’t read the details to figure out what this game is …
but it has TMBG and it looks swell!
Teenage Mutant Bager Gonads?
Those Musically Brilliant Guys
Or at least the nicest of the damned.
Breaking down IOS 5:
Puddle of Mudd has balls to try and remake Gimme Shelter. Obviously they fail at it.
It’s nice to know those KC boys made it big. It’s sad to know they did it by being a clone of Creed.
Crosby has been cleared to play. We’ll see how well he does once he gets back.
CSN&(or)Y ?
Fat Albert has really suffered without him.
Lo Pan will be happy to know this.
Lo Pan always hated Fat Albert!
I never really understood what happen.
I think something was said.
Hey! HEY…hey.
Anybody who’s available and willing to to something for me right now (or as close to as possible), can you drop me an email? ryahdeinesatshawdotca
I promise, it will only take a second or two and isn’t (too) evil.
Thank’s ditto. I’m still open to others. Timing isn’t as much of an issue as I made out. I just have to keep track of things, that’s all.
Thanks to those who are volunteering (you know who you are)
Ah I’ve just sent one, sorry.
taken care of
well at least my part, everyone else should join in too.
My brain thinks that “post” and “posts” are phonetically the same word.
Jack just Humphed me. I’m not sure if I should feel good or violated. 😉
Was it just me? I read that as humped. 😉
I stand by what I said. Just because you’re minds are all gutter bound, it’s not my fault :cheerful:
Totally your fault. Not that you mind. 😉
That you’re unsure doesn’t say much about my Humphing….
*breathlessly* Oh Jack!
If there is one thing I’d prefer NOT to be Deadpan, it’s a good Humphing!
you’re = your (can’t even blame the ipad this time – stupid grammar)
Ralph’s avatar is so cute. *swooon*
I didn’t get in on your thingie Bunny… I’m unable to do much from work. So, I’ll be left out, but know I wanted to be there…
I’d never leave you out babe. E-mail on its way.
It’s not too late if others want to join in the silliness.
Restoring apps, it’s been doing it for the last hour and a half.
You must have a lot more apps than me Van, it only took about a half our for mine.
I think I’ve mentioned before, I have more games installed than music tracks.
I’m the other way around.
My favorite salesperson at Evil, Inc. has the best Email etiquette of anyone I know. This is the salutation of something I just received from him:
As always, I wish you and yours my very best.
With my warmest regards, I am,
do you call him “Pelly”? (sorry EssBee, you can tell what I’m reading right now)
My sauce is simmering nicely. Hubby should be home soon than we’ll have spaghetti and meatballs. I’m hungry now.
It’s onto the music and videos now
Bunny, I don’t think I saw your reaction to the Lewis Shiner book. What did you think?
Ha! I did give a commentary. I said:
The Energizer Bunny
October 7, 2011 at 4:56 am · Reply
I finished the book last night, Jack. As per your request:
I can see why you liked it. It did reminded me a lot of High Fidelity. Quiet and understated (with music). I quite enjoyed it.
Thank you. Sorry I didn’t see your response! I don’t usually miss comments.
I did enjoy that book. I should re-read it, or check out more of his stuff.
Is that anything like a Shiner Bock?
iOS5 installed and iMessage sent and got a reply.
Well that one gets a woot!
My Ipod is now a fiver.
Hopefully this WiFi syncing really works.
Success! Apple has joined the 21st century.
I had already synced, will try that later, but as you iomply, about about bloody time.
81 points in a night!? wow.
Have you met my new man-crush, Steve Ott?
Jack, you went without comment on the A;GRUMh… tune?
Oh, and everybody else, the ellipsis is actually part of the band name…
Speaking of which –
At the party the other night, one of my neighbors was trying to use the word “Umlaut” but couldn’t and in her confusion … she substituted the word “doppleganger”.
It was rather amusing.
hppfmohjy ,idj (when ‘goodnight mush’ is slightly to the right)
uhoh, somebody set me loose on facebook. Somebody should fear the morning, and it might be me.
“people setting me loose”
Reason # 127 As to why I don’t do Facebook.
Hey Panites!
I’ve been up an hour and I’m only now getting proper movement in my foot. Stupid cat
That sucks, bunny!
Well, what are you going to do *shrug*. Kitty didn’t know she was sleeping on a nerve or something. And I love her anyway
I don’t think Terra Nova is gonna make the cut for me.
It’s watching a film of a trainwreck in slow motion.
We’re still on the fence. However we did miss the last episode so I can’t comment on that part.
I’ve watched the 2 hour premier and the next ep. I have one more on the DVR that I’ll give a try, but if something great doesn’t happen, I’m kind of bored.
I saw the first 3 and like the concept and I really hope it gets better but I also have not seen the latest episode yet.
I like the premise (reminds me of FLESH in the early 2000AD), but the plots so far have been pretty banal.
I have to agree. I’m hoping they are plots get better. They so far did a few of the obvious things they should have been used as filler in later seasons or later in this season.
I just want you to know, I still do the show notes for the Deadpan. It’s Jack who’s not been on the ball in not posting them the last few weeks.
Sill Jack :silly:
sill = silly. *sigh* I think it’s too early in the morning for me.
Damn it EssBee. I just want you to know I blame you for the rise of my credit card bill. I now have 11 Marla Mason stories on my iPad. I’m only onto the second one but i’m the type that likes to have a backlog. I think I have them all, but I’ll have to see.
Although, I won’t read them all at once. After this one I’ll go on to Terry Pratchett, then another MM book. I’ll read them every other book from that point.
Interesting “future of tech” discussion on CNBC this morning.
Of note was the talk about HTML 5.
According to this guy, it signals the eventual end to the War between Apple and Adobe because it makes Flash irrelevant.
This has been your geeky news update.
Old news, Joe. 😉
Well, for me that is. 🙂
I wish someone would kick Zynga up the ass then, they are still heavilly into flash games.
CP: White Rabbit – Jefferson Airplane
CF: old
Quote of the Day:
“Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.”
— Colin Powell
I wonder how this applies to porn stars. 🙂
Awesome shirt:
I guess it is a print not a shirt.
That is awesome.
Some nice World of Warcraft cosplay.
CP: Use It — The New Pornographers
CP: Big Gun – Ice-T
Very long, but worth reading:
“Ok Jim, I’m shameless… let’s go with the ass shot”
That was a good read ditto. More women comic book writters/artists would go a long way. Cool to see a woman editor at Dark Horse.
Some days you gotta go back to the basics. Today I made plain ol’ chocolate chip cookies.
Old School!!
I don’t see how you could go wrong with chocolate chip.
That said: science needs to develop a root beer cookie.
BTW! I was a guest on the latest “Shift Cast” episode. I can’t dig up the link atm, but I will. I will also post something on the mainpage, when I can (no really).
It’s here:
Bing failed, I had to use google.
+100000000 you big beautiful man
Oh, I want to mention how much I liked your remix of “All Beautiful Things”, Jack. Great song. I’m clicking on Van’s link for the Shift Cast.
Looks like Teresa and I will be eating at the White Chochocolate Grill tonight in Scottsdale.
Looks great!
I think there’s something wrong with me. Why else would I watch these horrid SyFy movies?
“Rated PG for disaster action and peril, and some mild language”
I thought that was the Deadpan’s motto.
“Also, I am hopeful that it isn’t really the goal of Canadian filmmaking to make US people look like morons.”
Just because it was filmed in Canada doesn’t mean it was “Canadian made”. This is SyFy throug and through which, I’m sorry, makes it a US film.
That’s not to say I’m in any way defending Canadian movies, I just want you to realize we’re not the only ones who do terrible well 😉
Sorry, I was only quoting one of the posters because I thought it was funny. Not because I thought the poster was an informed poster. 🙂
Informed poster?
And who doesn’t like informed consent?
Google images came up with a whole wack of “informed posters”. I was overwhelmed
BTW Jack, in answer to an earlier post:
How bloody stupid is the wifi sync in iOS5, it only works if the phone or iPad is plugged into a power source….but if it has to be plugged into a power source I may as well plug it into the computer and sync over the wire…grrrrrrrrrr!
Well, it will actually serve me well enough. My computer is upstairs in my house. In the morning, I make a special run upstairs to sync up and grab my Ipod before heading out to work.
So, thanks to Steve Jobs, I’ll be getting even less exercise than before 🙂
Ask and you shall receive:
I win! 😉
w00t, UH! A new treat for April 1st, next year. (and maybe sooner)
We went to the one in San Diego a couple of years ago. It looks like the new Legoland in Florida will offer enough different things to be worth a visit then next time we’re in Florida.
The San Diego Legoland was a pretty big hit with my little ones. I guess we’ll have to put the Florida one on the “maybe someday before they outgrow it” list.
What to do when you are talking to someone that is far more intelligent yourself.
Let them do most of the talking. Of course I do that in the majority of my conversations, doesn’t speak to well of my intelligence.
I usually say, “How the fuck did you get to be governor of Alaska??”
Wait, I might have misunderstood the question.
Other than wibble.
I married him :cheerful:
Ah you didn’t wibble, must remember not to do that…
What the fuck is a wibble? Yes I could Google, but I shant.
Then ignorance will be your friend.
Just don’t shant on the floor. That kind of mess is impossible to clean up.
Poor Lo Pan. That’s what you get for not separating from Briton :biggrin:
Fuck Friday the fourteenth
On the upside I’m enjoying Ommegang’s Aphrodite beer.
Tart fruits and funkyness with a friendly level of dryness.
Pours a dark red brown with a slightly pink tinted head. Aroma of tart fruit still slightly sweet. Flavor is tart with sourness but not as sweet as other beers like this. The dryness with the carbonation lifts the flavor off the tongue so that it’s not cloying or overly sweet to my palate.
I would actually recommend this across the board. It’s very nicely balanced without any one flavor being so strong to offend someone.
Across the board? Then meeting adjourned. I’ll look for it.
Myself I’m enjoying a Durango Dozen 12 pack mixer. All of it. I’m now on Dark Ale. Wonderfully balanced and flavorful without being a sipper. Next is the Amber Ale aka water.
So is there an amber ale you do like? Or do you just find the style uninteresting?
I find boring and tasteless beers uninteresting. Regardless of style.
So can you name an amber beer that you like?
Ft. Collins Z Smoked Amber
Need more? I have plenty.
Ralph, I believe we’ve both expressed our love for the Ommegang. I wish their stuff wasn’t so scarce out here.
Oh oh Ommegang YES Ommegang
Yesss, I remember that. Good times.
Two devices updated to iOS5, one more in progress. So far, going smoothly.
CD; Duvel
as far as I can remember this is the first time I’ve tried this beer, and I’m sad about that after tasting it.
Has almost everything I like in a belgian ale. Good aroma and flavor.
ok, tooting my own horn for a moment, look how freakin cool this photo came out!!!!
Returned from NY today, just going through my photos 🙂 this is a photo of Hells Kitchen, NY
PS hope everyone has been good. Long time no speak. Went to San Fran for Hughs tests (all good!) and work, home for 2 days then off to NY for work also and then a few days vacation. Been a busy past few weeks.
I like the whole set, Dre! Thx for sharing here. 🙂
*High 5* to Hugh on the good news.
thanks 🙂
Who knew Ferris Bueller was so deep?
Goodnight :Bueller… Bueller… Bueller… Bueller…:
Watching an attractive young woman dissemble an iPhone 4 is strangely stimulating.
I’ve been on the iFixit site..
Yeah, I should get out more.
Hey Deadpan.
Why do I have the stupid Siamese Cat Song from Lady and the Tramp running in my head?
We are Siamese if you please.
Curse you, Bunny!!!
Finally got around to reading “All You Need is Kill”. It is quite good.
Dismissing it as a military version of Groundhog Day misses the point.
CP – Susan Sarandon – “Over at the Frankenstein place”
I have FILLED Jack’s inbox with what can only be described as “content”. Now it’s HIS problem.
Tonight I saw a brass Band perform and rather enjoyed it.
Any chance that is a euphemism?
Alas no, it was a Brass Band.
Oh well.
I must admit that I too enjoy a good Brass Band from time to time.
Occasionally I even get into an evening of Drum & Bugle Corps.
We’ve been busy cleaning out gardens and getting them ready to do their thang for the winter today. Now I think I’ll take my girl out for a burger.
Im an excellent driver
Some Jethro Tull to guide you into the evening:
Im an excellent flutist
You infect people with the flu?
Among other things.
Ill have the crab with a side of drippings, please.
Nice job with The Walking Dead webisodes.
Nice job with the 291… jerky. 😉
Nicely done with the points comeback this week… hurkey. 😉
BTW, I told TCat about your 81 points the other day. She said, “That’s my boy.”
Be decided my role in this is to make everybody else look good
Nah you just have to start thinking like a thug this year, it seems.
I’m finally someone’s “boy”!!!!! w00000000t! 😀
Pulled “Crimson Tide” out of the library and watched it tonight for the first time in at least ten years or so.
I hadn’t realized the powerful cast of actors that came together for that one. A tense, post cold war drama that is worth a viewing if you haven’t had the chance.
Really tired. Have to get up really early tomorrow for Race for the Cure. Super-excited about that. 🙂
Good night, mush.
Well back from seeing Real Steel, and it was fun.
nuff said.
Crap Joke alert:
Researchers have discovered that excessive masturbation can cause dyslexia. Hwoevre, tihs is olny in etxreem caess of slef aubse…
I’ve gone blind!
Yuo slliy byo
CE: Pink Ribbon Bagel
CD: coffee
Recovering from my first 5K walk. Life is good. 🙂
CP: Men At Work – Overkill
It just ended!
CP: It’s a Mistake – Overkill
Hey, what’s all this new stuff in my inbox?
So watched the latest Terra Nova, oh so predictable story line with the cold virus, hopefully the series will die soon.
Did the new Spielberg show already die? I dont remember what its called… not sure I care.
Not that I’m aware of.
No, it didn’t. That wasn’t 100% bad.
I minded the last Terra Nova less than the others, but it’s not great. SGU was better.
Are you watching it? The new Spielberg
Falling Skies? I did watch it. I didn’t hate it.
If you had to watch one or the other? Falling Skies or Terra Nova or neither?
Almost done with season 3 of The Wire!!! Oh Omar…
Falling Skies is better, IMO.
I LOVE Omar.
This is so horrible and painful, it is brilliant. 😉
Ha!!! OMFG that’s awesome do do des ka.
I really dont think I like Anna Ferris
I may have literally LOL’ed at his Japanese girlfriend.
You want what you cannot have, and what you can have you don’t want.
Nah I pretty much get both. Pppfffffttt
Show off !
*this has been your snappy comeback of the day
ditto, Lo Pan: Want to play Words with Friends? I’m dpan_ambassador on there. 🙂
I suck at word games.
I’m gojng to sound like a retardo… but where are you speaking of?
Words with Friends is a game you can play via Facebook, as a standalone smartphone app, or both. When I read the conversation above about “nice job on the 291” and your 81 points, I assumed you and ditto were talking about that game.
Fantasy hockey. 🙂
Ohhh! Okay. Got it. 🙂
Ah! No I’m not on the Facebook anymore. I’m proud to say I’m going on 3 years sober of that…
We were chatting about Fantasy Hockey. Cause we am dorks like that
And The Walking Dead, Season 2 begins now.
A night without hockey is like… a night without hockey
We were actually at the Coyotes home opener last night. Nice to see the place sold out, and nice to see how the Yotes handled the Jets. Turns out it was on CBC too. Take that, Don Cherry!
I also had a 60-point day, thanks to Zdeno Chara. It was a good hockey Saturday.
Goodnight :Zdeno:
Morning Pan!
Another day with hubby not being home until late *sigh*
Morning, Pan! CW: Homeland E2
Okay, I did not see this one coming (out):
Neither did I.
We are everywhere, as the saying goes!
Tegan, Sara, Quinto, Portia Di Rossi… you are EVERYWHERE AND HOT
Gives new meaning to the Vulcan death grip. 😉
At my doctor office to confirm I still have athma and I still need the same meds I’ve been taking the last ten years.
^ Comment of the day
A funny thing happened on the way to Thor’s hammer. 🙂
Agent Colson is the new Boba Fett
Jango is the old Boba Fett.
Cassus is the old Jango
/Knights of the Old Republic comment
“Decorated Marine lectures New York police: ‘There is no honor in this’”
CP: SysOp — ComputeHer
Looking at this will burn your eyes out.
And hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as me.
I’ve perfected #3
I like this one better –
Won’t burn your eyes out … but after you stop laughing you may find you can’t sleep.
lols to you both 🙂
Where is:
UH, Reaps, Nomad
ditto!!!! Avs vs. Leafs tonite!
You know the sad thing about our league? My best players are my worst and I can’t cut them. lol.
(For Everyone Else: This particular fantasy hockey league scores 2 points per check, 1 point per blocked shot, 1 point per Penalty Minute, and only 1 point per goal/assist scored.)
I think the real NHL ought to adopt this scoring method.
Oh youre not alone…!!!
We’re gonna change up for sure next year. Make the star players and goalies count more.
Tho I gotta say I do kinda love our thug-o-league
It is a nice twist, especially with the Don’t Cut list.
For those that were sitting on the fence, get Wild Flag’s debut album for $3.99. Now. I mean it. No excuses.
Such a great album . . .
I’m saving up for Wild Stallions album
Most excellent!
*air guitar*
We do get occasional Reaper and UsedHair sightings – – just not enough.
I assume Nomad is full-on in new baby/big move mode.
“full on”… Kevin’s mom?
In a normal league… I would have never have released Phil Kessel.
Every lesbian under the age of 50 and Lo Pan swoon in unison:
OMG… why must my love for them hurt so much?
We’ll be ordering that.
Somewhere out there … a 51 year old lesbian is planning to picket your garden.
… and I refuse to say if that is a euphemism!
Here’s someone who really likes there beer, and they picked a good one 🙂
I had a hood ornament like that once.
Notice the way the eyes light up when the parking brake is set.
Problem was you had to really bend forward and press your face to the glass between the legs to be able to see and I kept getting pulled over by the cops for being a “peeping tom”.
I’m liking this design, even if it’s a little too true
CW: The Walking Dead S2, E1
At least the gross-out factor is turned up to eleven!
Where’d everybody go?
Good question. I’m still getting settled in here at work.
Work, bleh. I’m doing that too.
Tip of the day: Trader Joe’s french toast is pretty darn tasty, straight from the toaster oven.
Is it in the frozen section? I actually have a Trader Joe’s visit in my near future.
But Traitor Joe’s french toast tastes like communism.
In Soviet Russia, french toast pours syrup on you.
I think it’s in the middle aisles, Cj.
That does sound like a french thing to do.
While wearing a beret and a black-and-white striped shirt.
Suc le bleu!
Batter up!
You think it’s in the middle aisles? um. Did you have your personal shopper pick it up for you?
“No, I don’t know how that got in my basket. The kids were looking for the stuffed animal so they could get the thingie out of the treasure chest. Honest.”
I don’t know what I mean.
Nothing to see here.
Please move along.
I think that post is rich with euphemism ore. Can we get some expert analysis? J0e?
Sorry. That one blew-up the euphemator.
“Clean up. Aisle 3.”
And we’re back, FFS!
And we’re quiet, FFS!
The harsh cold reality of morning has arrived..bleugh.
Good morning, guys and dolls. Hug the ones you love this morning.
Morning Deadpan
Despite my best efforts, I had to get up.
Today, after lunch, I have the unenviable task of visiting my doctors. I really wish I was taking the afternoon off for something more entertaining..
And for you gamers. I finished Bastion yesterday. I would recommend it. It was only $15 here and Canada. Only about 6-8 hours of game play but still a fun game
An interesting defense of The Matrix sequels. I think there are some good points there.,63648/
The Matrix sequels had some good ideas, I just don’t think execution was quite there. I liked the idea of Zion actually being allowed by the matrix and reinvented every so often, because it knew humans, being what they are, needed to rebel. And “the one” was actually created to destroy Zion so it can start again, thus allowing the Matrix to continue relatively smooth.
Hmmmm, reminds me of Ragnarok.
TEB: totally agree about execution.
I’ve always defended the 2nd film as an incredibly fun movie, chock full of great, pointless action sequences and visuals. The scene with the Architect was fantastic! It all seemed like hte perfect setup for a killer conclusion in film 3.
And that’s where it all went wrong.
I agree with that.
I enjoy all 3 though the finale is a bit of a muddled mess. Still, it is fairly consistent with the plot points raised throughout the series.
My major complaint with certain bashers is that they tear down the movies solely on the basis that it wasn’t the story they wanted to be told. It is fair to point out legitimate failures in plot and storytelling, it’s another thing to rate a movie by comparing it to your own mythical plot. I’ll admit there’s a fine line between the two.
“My major complaint with certain bashers is that they tear down the movies solely on the basis that it wasn’t the story they wanted to be told.” – – well said!!
And hey, that article writer also gets 1000 bonus points for defending “Speed Racer”.
Yep. I still have to see that one.
You have to give the Wachowskis credit: Their movies are fun to watch.
Well, bear in mind that Speed Racer is a kid’s movie. I think that was part of the backlash – – hipsters went expecting a gritty Otaku homage, with trenchcoat dudes dodging slo-mo bullets.
Instead, they got a comic relief monkey and John Goodman. And a piranha.
I’m going to resist a Bladerunner rant, think calm thoughts and pokes pins into this Ridley Scott doll I have.
I think we all know your stance on this. 🙂
Besides, you have a legitimate complaint about the “adaptation”. The Matrix is different since it is not based on a previously published work.
I remember after seeing the first Matrix, I thought that because Neo became “God” at the end of the movie any follow ups to the story line would fall short. And I think that is what was wrong with the sequels. A better idea would have been to follow some other characters in the Matrix universa, ala The AniMatrix.
Over on FB, I mentioned how I had recently read Asimov’s short story “The Last Question” and absolutely loved it. Then I discovered that some of our podcasting stars “Cheyenne, Mur, Rossie” had done voice work for a Drabblecast version of the story. I listened to it last night and was blown away. It takes a while before the story telling actually starts, but once it does, it’s awesome.
The Last Question has always been my favourite, Rhett
Great minds think alike? I’ve been familiar with Asimov, but haven’t read any of his work. I ran across this story by chance and read the whole thing online and it really resonated with me. The voice acted version does it justice.
For me, I’ve liked Asimov’s short stories much more than his novels. I really prefer character driven stories, which is a weakness in Asimov’s novels, imo.
I can see how that would make his short stories better by comparison.
CP: Russians — Sting
I just made a blood drive appointment for this afternoon. *thud*
I need cookies & orange juice! STAT!
Cancel that *thud*. I told them I had hiking plans this weekend, so they told me to wait until the next one.
This is SFW, but warning: you can’t unread what you’ve read.
This reminds me of the “grow your own food” magazine I bought at Whole Payche . . . I mean Whole Foods recently. It featured an article about Pee-Cycling.
Well best get some practice if your ever reach Arrakis.
Without a stillsuit you would fry
In the land so hot and dry,
In the sands of planet Dune.
It is a land that’s rich in spice
The sand riders and the mice
That they call the ‘Muad’Dib’
I think I won’t read that article. Just from the headline, I’m struggling to rid my mind of the image of a straining Sonic the Hedgehog.
CP: 48 Roses — Mariachi El Bronx
And, I really shouldn’t be surprised that my last items was censored by :ftb:
I’ve been counting calories and working out and junk like that for several months and have a milestone to share. I was just able to change my “activity level” from Mild Activity to Moderate Activity, and just reported 18 pounds lost!
Way to go EssBee! Personally my working out has slacked off and now I need to loss 18 pounds, again.
Well don’t bring them over here!
Don’t worry, I’ll give them to Jack.
Pounds sterling?
Pounds of euros.
millions of pounds
millions of pounds
drive by/
Sometimes Audacity is completely adequate … and sometimes it’s like passing broken glass.
/drive by
Especially if you use it to edit Annie Lennox songs.
I saw what you did there. 😉
But it’s always completely adequate for passing broken glass, if that is your aim.
I love the sound of breaking glass
I need the noises off destruction
CP: Missing Pieces – Boris
I just squeeeed about this at work and nobody here knows who Christopher Paolini is.
Cos his balls have now dropped?
I didn’t make it through all of the books. You love em?
I did enjoy the ones I’ve read. I own them all, but have not, unfortunately made it through due to time, not lack of desire.
Good Grief!
This “little” thing I decided to put together looks like it will be headed into day 3. :dizzy:
ah busy days and distracted nights leave little time for deadpan. Sorry about that. I hope everyone is doing well, I’m toiling away to pay bills and save money until I can get back to Az.
Distracted nights? Is that what we’re calling it now?
Well it is descriptive…since I’m not thinking of anything else besides you.
Then again with how much I think of you, I could also say distracted days.
*whistles innocently*
*Swoooooooooon* <3
stolen from an add: “You know what goes well with wine? Today.”
I rather like that sentiment
Although I have to say my saison beer is going pretty good with today as well.
St. Feuillien’s Saison, it pains me to say I find this a bland saison. IT tastes like a saison with a nice flavor and dryness, with a good balance. Just missing that zing I want in a saison.
Just stay away from the saison with the Ming in it.
maybe we should have an inside joke emoticon, like emperor ming, or the flash symbol…
just thinkin’