Hubby came home safe and sound last night. Many cuddles were had. Unfortunately, he has to work late tonight and I’ll be in bed before he comes home. Thank goodness it’s a long weekend coming up. We have lots of time to make up for.
New Deadpan!
Bunny, I think you’ll like those T.A. Pratt novels. I think they’re kinda Dresden Files-ish urban fantasy. I’m finishing up the prequel Bone Shop right now.
I just ordered the final Acacia book from since we don’t have a fucking bookstore anymore. That’s next on my list.
I look forward to starting it.
Did I ever mention how much my mom annoys me sometimes.
As I’ve mentioned, I got my grandmother a Kindle. My grandmother is currently visiting my Mom in BC. Mom has sent me a couple of e-mails now asking how to convert other e-reader files to Kindle format so she can load up books on the Kindle (note, mom does not own an e-reader herself, she has friends who do own a Sony reader and a Kobo). I’ve told her a number of times, even if there was a way, I don’t want her to do it.
On her e-mail today I told her if she so much as touches my grandmother’s Kindle I will no longer troubleshoot it or help in any way should my grandmother have issues (my Grandmother lives in Calgary). Hopefully that will get her to drop the subject but I have my doubts.
Umm why? From what I’ve read it should be fairly straight forward.
Yes it is. however, mom is not as computer savvy as she’d like to think. No matter how easy it is, she’ll inevitably screw it up. (She’s the only person I ever got a virus from). Also, she couldn’t do it anyway, I have the cord to hook the Kindle to the computer which you need for a transfer. I would just feel better if mom didn’t go anywhere near the thing.
My Mum, went through a bit of a cleaning frenzy last week, luckily I checked the bin liner contents and found she had put her medical records in bin. When I mentioned she should have shredded them I got a puzzled look..sheeesh.
I get that from people my own age. For the convention I’m part of, some people pay by credit card. The information is filled out at the bottom of the form. I told the person in charge of registration, once the CC cleared, they had to cut the bottom portion off the registration form and shred it. I too got a quizzical look. The silly thing is, when she went to confirm it with our treasurer, the treasurer didn’t see the need for it either. To me it was a no brainer. *shrug* What can you do?
Cool Longmont Comic about a ballot issue we’re dealing with:
I’ve been reading a lot of quotes from Jobs. He said some great shit about corporate strategy and competition and working with other people. Wil Wheaton also wrote a pretty great blog post about his death.
It’s still dark outside. The sun should be up by now but the cloud cover is making that tough. I want to go for a walk soon. While I don’t mind the rain, it would be nice if I’m not walking in the dark.
Jack, I enjoyed today’s episode muchly! I’m now listening to yesterday’s Alt Latino podcast and it’s focused on Spanish-language rock and metal – you might be interested.
I’d love to be off volunteering at a substance abuse clinic for teens rather than toiling away for Evil, Inc. 50-60 hours a week, but I’ve got a family to support and real concrete shit to handle day-to-day. I appreciate the guy’s rant, but find it a bit unrealistic.
Yup, but it’s a women ranting.
I wonder, if she would have held Thomas Edison to the same simple litmus test? If so then he would not have faired well with her.
The rant reads like that of a socially jealous 12 year old. Simplistic and completely un-informed.
To dismiss Jobs as a “maker of toys” makes me suspect the author has an agenda. It’s true that the cold corporate hack and slash tactics need to be critized and Jobs’ hand weren’t unblemished in that regard. But, there are also politics being played in medicine, at NASA or any other company/group of people that the author wants to praise. The question then becomes, did the works of Steve Jobs enrich your life? I think the answer is yes.
While it isn’t necessarily wrong, she’s completely missed the point. These aren’t toys. Apple has been in the forefront of a movement that has revolutionized not only the way we deal with computers, but also with the way we deal with entertainment.
Too here assertion that it’s just about toys I would have to ask her, “Really?”
Then you have to accept that absolutely no useful technological spin offs have come from gadgets Steve Jobs helped to turn into physical reality. No social benefits have occurred from the associated “piggy-backed” technology. Really? REALLY!?
Further, does she even KNOW how much money Steve Jobs or many of Apple’s Management and employees donate to Cancer research (or thousands of other charitable organizations) because of the financial success stemming from being part of the designing and selling these “toys”?
I seriously doubt it.
oops! I just made a sexist assumption!
I’ve had it with you!!!!
*slams door*
Re-enters wearing skirt.
show us some leg!!!!!
… but not that dismembered one you carry around with you.
I time traveled. It was swell.
Except for the damned TSA.
So I watched 2 movies whilst traveling, “Bad Teachers” and the “Arther” re-boot.
“Bad Teachers” was okay. Moderately predictable but mindless fun.
The “Arther” re-tooling was an abomination. Perhaps if the original one had never existed it would be bearable … but the original DOES exist and could still be watched instead of this one. True, the original was not an epic film … but this … they opted to go for “changes” instead of “improvements”. Oh,the horror.
Moneyball was very good, imo.
I just watched The Walking Dead webisodes. EW!
Is that the new season? The one without the original writers/creators?
Yeah, it’s a teaser thing for the new season (which starts on the 16th).
Oh, and I also re-watched “Being There”.
This is one of my top 15, maybe top 10 film choices. Partly for the story but mostly for the filmatic style and Peter Sellers’ BRILLIANT, deadpan performance. So much of that film has to be carried by his LACK of reaction and emotion. For me that film is chocked-full-o-win.
Being 13 when the film came out, I didn’t see the appeal of “Being There.” I wonder if my adult self would get all the satire my 13 year old self wouldn’t have?
Thing is I can remember enjoying Dr Strangelove and I’m Alright Jack as a kid even though a lot of the social commentary went way over my head.
‘Being There’ just seemed too silly to be enjoyable when it was first released.
I think what would kill this movie for any 13 year old is that (basically) NOTHING happens. No car chases, no action, no babes to speak of.
Yet still it draws me too it.
That was my 13 year old self’s reaction, although I loved the Pink Panther at that age.
Did you hear the one about the TX congressman who said that Obama’s jobs bill was part of a complicated plan to allow gay marriage?
No, really, a guy said that in freakin’ Congress.
Probably because he realized when people have jobs they can afford an education and realize that allowing gay marriage is the right thing to do, and the country won’t be consumed in purple flames.
No, but I did hear the one about Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman walk into a bar..
So I heard a commercial for this club earlier today. The only thing is that I thought I heard Club Alvie..
HA!!!!! Oh thats another story… for another time…
And apparently the link broke the deadpan, on the upside we seems to have snagged another innocent on the facebook group.
Much innocence is lost on Facebook.
Visions of some sinister Deadpanite, inviting these young women to the debauchery of the deadpan facebook group..
I suddenly feel the urge to by a rusted out old van, and a baseball cap.
I’ve just hit a buy button that proves I’m a sheep.
Eliss goes free on the app store for a free days (as a tribute to Steve Jobs it appears):
I think its time that Downfall Hitler goes off on Downfall Hitler. Its become a caricature of itself.
Oh Hitler is always good for a laugh.
Yeah, as soon as I see “Downfall” anymore, I tend to ignore it. It’s all the same at this point.
Couldn’t agree more about Downfall Hitler being overdone. Can’t stand it any more. Doesn’t matter what they do with it, it just isn’t funny the 300th time around.
Morning Pan!
Hubby promises he’ll be home for dinner tonight and for the entire long weekend.
I might fall over from shock.
I finished the book last night, Jack. As per your request:
I can see why you liked it. It did reminded me a lot of High Fidelity. Quiet and understated (with music). I quite enjoyed it.
There. Bathroom nice and clean. Now for the day job.
Remind me what book you just finished, Bunny?
Glimpses by Lewis Shiner. Jack linked to the PDF of his book a couple of weeks ago.
I love Fridays (that aren’t month end). 7:30am and already done my work for the day. Hopefully nothing will come up and that will actually be true.
I can now stand down the search parties and rescue units.
Got one for ya, Van:
A lady found that her dog (a Schnauzer) could hardly hear, so she took it to the veterinarian. The vet found the problem was hair in the dog’s ears. He cleaned both ears, and the dog could then hear fine. The vet proceeded to tell Andrea that, if she wanted to keep this from recurring, she should go to the store and get some “Nair” hair remover, and rub it in the dog’s ears once a month.
Andrea went to the store and bought some “Nair” hair remover. At the register, the pharmacist told her, “If you’re going to use this under your arms, don’t use deodorant for a few days.”
Andrea said, “I’m not using it under my arms.”
The pharmacist said, “If you’re using it on your legs, don’t use body lotion for a couple of days.”
Andrea replied, “I’m not using it on my legs either. If you must know, I’m using it on my Schnauzer.”
The pharmacist says, “Well, don’t ride your bicycle for about a week.”
Fucking ugh. I remember all that. I just moved to Ft. “Fun” for a 3 year stint that year. Fucking shameful for an “enlightened libera college town”. Far fucking from
I love this beer. It is a very different IPA without the in-your-face hops taste that many brewers favor. In fact, it reminds me a lot of sparkling mineral water: It’s crisp and refreshing.
A brewery I recently fell in love with here is the SanTan brewery. A big thumbs up to their wheat hef and Epicenter Ale.
I consider them to be the south west’s Boulevard.
I’m still committed to listening to all of the Deadpan episodes from start to finish. It was mentioned on DP #8 that Jack made a guest appearance over at the Kick Ass Mystic Ninja’s site defending the book “Holy Fire.” So I took a slight detour and downloaded KAMN #13. Kind of cool hear Joe’s voice again and as a bonus, there’s a voice mail from Alvie. Next up, DP#10 with Mur.
Well that’s a fine “how do you do”.
went to bottle beer with my neighbor and got smashed.
go figure.
No I am off to a diner party. This can’t end well.
Hey … how much fun would it be if I called in the contents of my neighbor’s sock drawer … hehehe
Oh this can’t be good
Hey there :pan: !
Hope yer kickin’ with the best of ’em!
Oh hey, I have internet again. Now if only I can remember what to use it for…
I really need something NON alcoholic to drink at this juncture.
That probably won’t end well, either.
Brewer’s droop?
Industrial Disease.
J0e: I can relate. I just had a decaf coffee after a glass of good red wine. 🙂
That’s what I should have had, coffee.
… and only one glass of red wine.
Now it’s aspirins for breakfast.
Coffee’s brewing as we speak.
Looks like we had a tumble weed salad for lunch. Fired up the grill, steaks are prepped.
CW: Kill Bill Vol. 1
CD: Old Gaffer’s Homebrew, my first attempt at an easy drinking barleywine bottled last December.
It was a mixed success. It was supposed to be drinkable shortly after bottling, but it wasn’t really drinkable for six months. On the other hand I’m definitely going to try it again. Drinking it now I get carmelized sugars in the nose but the flavor is more roasty with a nice bitterness. ABV is low at 8%.
I’ve found that those REALLY improve with age (the beer’s, not mine).
Whilst bottling yesterday, my buddy and I dug out a bottle of the 1st batch of beer we ever made. It was a “Big Dog” barley wine from back in 2009. Wow is that stuff smoooove now!
If you have any bottles of your Barleywine left, hide them in the back of a closet and revisit them in a year.
Yeah, from what I’ve learned that is generally the goal with barleywines and belgian quads. And while I am holding several bottles back to try again over time, this was not intended as an aging beer. I intended it as a quickly drinkable, and accessible, beer, that’s why the abv is low. I plan to brew a couple of higher gravity barleywines in the 10%+ ABV range.
On the other hand I have tried barleywines and other high gravity beers that have been aged for 3+ years, and they can be amazing. The way the malt flavors mature is astonishing and delicious. And once you add wood and even secondary fermenting bugs to the mix it can be even better.
“And once you add wood”
You get a nice creamy head..
The interesting bit is the roastiness. I used Cara-belgian malt in the recipe, and I was surprised with the roastiness it added. It has been a bit of a double edged sword, since I think it was the roast combined with the fresh hop taste that made it taste odd for the first six months. Now that they have both reduced with age it is tasty, and as I said I’m enjoying the roast note in the flavor.
Like ze candle, I am put beck.
Did you get a devil’s haircut?
Well, after months of drought, most of southern Texas scored better than 3″ of rain over the weekend. It was somewhat surreal to see a steady rain all day, almost like seeing the once every five year snow event around here.
We’re still way behind, but it was definitely a move in the right direction.
I want that buck the next time I play Mortal Kombat.
BTW, the latest in Netflix antics, for those of you with the sense to walk away:
Dear John,
It is clear that for many of our members two websites would make things more difficult, so we are going to keep Netflix as one place to go for streaming and DVDs.
This means no change: one website, one account, one password…in other words, no Qwikster.
While the July price change was necessary, we are now done with price changes.
We’re constantly improving our streaming selection. We’ve recently added hundreds of movies from Paramount, Sony, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros., Lionsgate, MGM and Miramax. Plus, in the last couple of weeks alone, we’ve added over 3,500 TV episodes from ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, USA, E!, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, ABC Family, Discovery Channel, TLC, SyFy, A&E, History, and PBS.
We value you as a member, and we are committed to making Netflix the best place to get your movies & TV shows.
The Netflix Team
Goodnite :Qwikster:
We hardly knew ye.
Oh and if facebook is to be believed, Happy Birthday Rhettro.
You know you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Still, alleged Happy Birthday, Rhettro. If that’s who you really are!
Colonel Sanders
Lies! I’m not older. I’m not older. I’m not… damn.
Clearly, Rhettro is older than he’s ever been.
So khaaappy Birthday!
(Look! Now he’s even older!)
Happy Birthday, Rhettro!!
Happy National Coming Out Day!
And Happy Birthday Rhett!
. . . and my stupid brother too . .
In the spirit of the day:
I like potato waffles.
Happy Birthday Rhett!
Thanks everyone!
I feel like posting on Facebook:
I’m not as smooth as I appear to be.
Smooth? Like butter?
I really really hope the Avengers movie doesn’t suck.
With Joss directing, I don’t think it can be too bad. There is that whole Asgard thing that seems out of place to the Ironman and Hulk movies, but this is the Marvel universe.
Happy Birthday, Rhett! I’m sure that portrait of yourself in the attic looks a year older now.
Have a happy deadpanish birthday Rhettro!
Thanks again Ralph. 🙂
Happy Birthday Rhettro!!!!!
Thanks Reaps.
CW: Breaking Bad
Bloody hell, talk about building up tension.
My heart is in mouth as I watch.
The season finale.
I guess I need to start watching this show.
Well after that ending, I’m not sure I want another series, it just rocked.
BTW, I’ve altered my situation once again…
Most social media are shut down (darn), so it’s Deadpan and gmail only for me during the day!
The ghost of Steve Job’s compels you.
Best of luck!
Walter is badass again..woot!
Crap joke alert (too long for a Facebook status):
Paul , Andy & Steve were sitting around a camp fire, discussing who was the hardest.
Paul say’s “I killed a bear with my bare hand’s”
Steve say’s
“I wrestled 2 adult croc’s gouged both their eyes out & killed them both”
Andy just sat there saying nothing,
poking the fire…
..with his cock.
Crap reply alert:
Van, tell us smore!
That could Kindle a heated story.
I thought Facebook statuses no longer have limits. Did that change again?
/me Shuffles her browser tabs around and grumbles
Oooh oooh!! Happy Birthday, Rhettro! 🙂
Thanks CJ. 🙂
Gollanz has made a lot of out print books available in ebook form (with links to various resellers like Amazon and Apple), nice idea if rather expensive:
I mean 5 quid for an old scifi book, they need to look at the app store and stop taking the piss.
For my birthday, I put in a preorder for the collector’s addition “Batman: Arkham City” game with statue. Usually I steer clear of collector editions, but considering the last time I came close to buying a Batman statue for $89 only to see it rise to $250 two years later, I think it’s a safe bet.
Good for you, Rhett! I’d say good bet, especially if you like it anyway! 🙂
OK, so… most of you know that I’m probably the least picky of movie-watchers on :pan: I mean, I’m just happy to be entertained most of the time. Therefore, it takes a really really SUPER horrid movie to make me say, “Wow… that wasn’t a very good movie.”
Now that we have that cleared up.
Hall Pass was awful, asinine, stupid, and a downright shame of a movie especially considering it had two of my favorite female actresses, Christina Applegate and Jenna Fischer. The only thing that kept me watching it through til the end is that I thought maybe I’d get my $1.10 worth that I paid the Redbox and the fact that LostRalph was on hand to be supportive. It was just bad bad bad bad bad.
Stupid. Ugh. Hated it.
The scene where the guy pooped in the sandtrap on the golf course did make me LOL but not sure it was a $1.10 worth of LOL and the fact that there’s a scene where a guy poops in a sandtrap on a golf course should really magnify just how stupid this movie is…
So take a pass on “Hall Pass”.
When my friend Pat and I were extras in “Mars Attacks” we passed Christina Applegate at the food line. We smiled at her and she said “Hi”.
^Riviting true celeb story.
Pat > Applegate
Good DAy of Birth to you, sir.
Different Pat. LOL
Thanks for the “Good Day” wishes anyway. 🙂
Only cause Im drunk at 1:30. 😉…I?
It’s Pat.
Pat and Patman are not the same person. 🙂
Fox is being sent home from school for coughing/feeling generally crappy. Darcy had to go get him because I’ve had 5 hours of sleep since taking Ambien. Apparently she doen’t want Fox on a driving adventure as well as sick…
Think we will have him in the bedroom while I lightly nap and he will watch AOTC.
Sick kids 🙁 I hope he’s better soon!
Sarah was carsick on the trip home yesterday.
Note to self: Do not say, “Tell me if you’re going to throw up.” Because the child will not tell you until after. “Mommy, I threw up.”
Just give the child the bag to hold in advance.
He had bucket at the ready, didn’t need it of course. The light napping didn’t work, instead of AOTC, it was Empire, so of course I stayed awake through it and watched with him…
Poor sick little ones. And big ones.
Rhett, did I know you were an extra in Mars Attacks? I don’t think I did. Were you Tom Jones?
Did I also remember that Christina Applegate was in that movie?
You didn’t? I thought that was common knowledge. Christina had a bit part in the film. I’m in a crowd shot of the small town funeral.
What scene? I’m so looking for you now.
Yeah, my two seconds in a crowd shot. 🙂
I’m in the funeral for Billy Glenn Norris (Jack Black). Specifically, right after the family says there final goodbyes, there is an overhead shot of the crowd. I’m close to the tombstone. I had a goatee at the time. LOL
Srsly, if I’d known, I’d have suggested Mars Attacks! long ago as a Palooza film. It meets all of the criteria:
-cheesy b-movie
-audience reactions is mixed
-Ed will hate it
I say we add it to the rotation with Buckaroo, HF, and BR.
I’ve never seen it.
“Ed will hate it”!!
“”Ed will hate it”!!”
I think I might be in the Ed camp on the Mars Attacks issue. It has some funny moments and a lot of awkward scenes that are hit and miss. A general mess of a film.
No offense to your big Hollywood break, Rhett, but I also found the movie pretty lame. I am totally in Ed’s camp.
Surprise Slim Whitman ATTACK!
Yeah, I think the fact they stole the secret weapon from “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!” was worth a fair number of subtracted points.
It has been claimed that Mars Attacks appealed more to a non US sense of humour, I remember reading at the time that it made more money overseas that it took in the USA.
It certainly appealed to me, I still have the VHS video of the film (it came with a free T-Shirt).
-there +their
I know two things this afternoon:
1) Windows 7 – blech! Just got a new laptop at Evil, which is nice, but Windows 7 is not nice!
Mental pause … I kept thinking you guys were typing “clit”.
You know if me not liking it is a criteria for a Palooza choice, you’re going to have to cut Buckaroo Banzai and Blade Runner from consideration.
Though, I guess as I reflect on things, I haven’t been terribly kind to the movie choices that have come up so far. Zardoz wasn’t terrible in it’s weird way.
It was the red thong, wasn’t it?
It was. It…was
I think all of the Paloozas have benefitted from both positive and negative reviews. Your contributions have always been great, Ed! I just feel a little bad that you’ve suffered through so many films you hated for our Paloozas.
So maybe we won’t include “Mars Attacks” in the next vote, then.
I wouldn’t want Mars Attacks to distract from Blade Runner or Buck getting done. Maybe after we have a clean slate, EP 289 perhaps.
“Buck getting done”
We did see a bicyclist getting done by a buck in that youtube vid.
I have not seen Buckaroo Bonzai
Yet, he has seen you!
I’m afraid to re-watch Buckaroo Banzai.
I know too many friends who have had their youthful adoration for that film ripped asunder by watching it as an adult. They wept for days at how a film they had so loved was now so unwatchable.
back. 🙁
I do have a bit of this fear, though I’m willing to risk it.
I know I can never try to watch the animated GI Joe and Transformers movies from the 80’s again. The risk with those is just too great to bare.
It’s a mystery to me what I can still enjoying watching from my youth and what I can’t.
No problem with children series like Bagpuss,The Clangers, and Captain Scarlet.
Sometimes have a problem with the original Dr Who and Blakes 7 (although there are plots where the story shines through any dodgy SFX).
Can’t bear to sit through suffice ‘The Tomorrow People’ now even though I thought it was great at the time.
In other news … on the recommendation of some podcast, I went to the youtubes and watched/listened to Iron Maiden’s “Stranger in a Strange Land.”
The Music –
It was much better/different then I had in my head that Iron Maiden was. I thought “Wow. I didn’t know anyone was doing this kind of music anymore.” Then I noticed the date. “Oh. 1986. I guess no one is doing this sort of thing anymore.”
The Stage Show –
I kept waiting for the midgets to come out and start dancing around a tiny replica of Stonehenge.
Love that one, J0e. But no, not even Iron Maiden are doing that kind of thing anymore.
Machine Men are probably as close you can get to a modern retro-Maiden sound these days.
The singleton article is pretty good summation.
2 things I thing aren’t emphasized enough (for the 99%).
1) The real problem with the “transfer of wealth” has nothing to do with “fairness”. We have a consumer based economy. When the 99% no longer have discretionary income and have borrowed all they can borrow, the consuming stops. In effect, the transfer of wealth is a circle of life thing and the circle is now broken. To much of the countries money gets moved from the 99% to the 1% and the circle stops. How much is too much? Well, it seems like we may be there. Forget “Fairness”! We are at the tipping point where the balance of our consummer based society topples over.
2) Jobs are created by consumer demand and NOT by low corporate taxes. Taxes or not, employees are an added expense. You only assume that expense if the demand forces you to utilize additional labor. Lower taxes might make that choice more profitable for a company but they don’t drive the need for additional labor.
Goodnight. #OccupyDeadpan
Morning Deadpan!
Technically I’m on holidays all this week. I’m not doing anything different really, but my company said I had too much holiday time accumulated so I have to use some before the new year.
Hubby’s working though so still up at five in the morning and doing our normal stuff.
A film starring Hayden Christensen should set the alarm melds ringing.
Afternoon TEB.
-melds +bells
I like “melds” better.
The sun is just starting to come up. I’m sitting in the dark living room, mosly because I’m too lazy to get up and turn on a light
This sounds like the start of a text based, computer adventure game.
I’ve decided I’m, and Canadians in general, are fickle. The weather has been hovering around 10C the last few days. We are all going around commenting on what glorious autumn weather it is. However, if it was 10 degrees in July, we’d all be complaining how sucky the weather is. *shakes head in confusion*
Time for a walk!
It’s that time of day for me as well.
We know you
They know me
A sleep trance,
a dream dance
A shaped romance
A star fall,
a phone call
It joins all
… Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast.
J0e, I can’t hear you. You’ll have to shout above the din of our Rice Krispies.
Hmmm. Perhaps someone should phone The Police.
Many miles away,
There’s a shadow on the door,
Of a cottage on the shore
Of a dark Scottish Lake.
Oh that. That’s just Van coming back from his walk.
I think the unemployment rate just went up by 1.
I cut the tip of my left middle finger yesterday and it sucks. Even though I’m right handed, I didn’t realize how much I used that finger. Typing on a keyboard hurts. I tried doing the two fingered typing thing and it doesn’t work for me. Dishes, it’s a good thing I mostly dry. Playing an instrument… Forget it. And the list goes on 🙁
I’m quaking in my boots, this one could be really, really bad.
Because every other movie I watch is Oscar worthy?
I’m wrapped in mu snuffy nice and comphy.
I have a slurpee in me so expect bathroom breaks
Maybe you could update your iPhone to IOS5 while you watch.
/whistles innocently.
Do you think it would then know I meant snuggy not snuffy?
Tell you what, Van, you update yours first and tell me how it works. If you come out bug free, maybe I’ll hook my phone up to iTunes then. :cheerful:
Well I’m trying, but it seems a lot of iphone users have the same idea, the download is s-l-o-w.
Today’s movie: Vanishing on 7th Street
The DVR says: When a plague of shadows invades Detrout, movie theatre projectionist Paul, and three others, flee from the darkness that seems to have consumed all of society in this terrifying thriller.
Remember… Terrifying thriller
Ok. Pushed play
What! No nudity? I’m disgusted with this movie already
Ther’s a tiger on screen
The movie they’re watching is a comedy
He reads books on stranger than fiction happenings… Foreshadowing?
He’s a moron – his words, not mine
Lights out
“Master Obi-Wan would be very grumpy if he saw me in this movie.”
We’ve determined light sources not hooked up to a grid saves lives.
His iPhone is dead. Do you think he upgraded it to iOS5?
It’s now daytime. The city’s deserted
Face it Hayden, Page is dead
This removing of light sources is very fickle. Flashlights survive, but phone screens do not.
72 hours later. Don’t ask *shrug*
Cars don’t work, so of course, no headlights
Lights out for another one
Can’t have a b horror now a days without a creepy little girl
By the music, I assume I’m suppose to feel some tension. So far, all I feel is boredom
Why do all the lights in sonny’s bar work
Collecting batteries at Sonny’s bar
Sonny was a conspire theorist
Nope, don’t believe it. Why not everywhere? Hospitals at the very least
Beware the kid with the gun
Hayden’s character is named Luke. Is that funny or what?
Promoting under age drinking
The sound just went out of sync. Now it’s like I’m watching a badly dubbed movie
A crazy lady walks inta a bar…
Wait, the bus stop has it’s own lighting? Just the one. No other.
Did anyone ever play Alan Wake? That game did this idea better
Apparently the days are getting shorter. Can you say winter in Canada?
I’m a third of the way into this movie and I still haven’t seen evidence of a plot
Why are we the ones left behind? Luck?
The darns is coming
The darkness causes olucinations
So far the players are, Luke, Jessie, Paul and the crazy lady- who’s name they didn’t say
I got it! The darkness is caused by aliens. They tried to probe Paul
Paul is crazy too
Paul is played by John Lugiz… However you spell his name
Generator’s dying
I don’t think kicking the generator will help
Hey, I saw the movie adaptation of the story he’s telling. It was a terrible B movie too
Paul collapsed. This movie is all over the place
Another flashback
This seems to be happening around the world
This is a really long flashback
Meanwhile, back in “reality”
They’re moths
Oh my God. Kill the crazy lady now
Paul’s role in this movie is to groan in pain
He’s here because he wills himself to exist. How deep
Tell me, as a beautiful woman, do I have a chance?
I guess he did. She kissed him
I guess the darkness doesn’t collect dogs
Yup, product placement at its best
Paul is rambling. It doesn’t look good
Music soothes the savage shadows
Now it’s the kid’s turn to have a flashback
Resting by the truck
James bit it
Wow, that’s one smart baby
Creepy little girl is back
Now flares don’t work
My kingdom for a plot!
At least the tunnel is lit
Ha ha!
Because that’s not confusing at all
Rosemary! She’s the crazy lady.
Crazy rosemary is hearing things
She’s toast
Trying to start the truck
The lights on the outside dough-head. Turn on the interior light
James heads for the church
Luke ses a sign
Luke returns
Luke leaves
really? That’s how it’s going to end?
It ends with James and the creepy little girl riding a horse
My thoughts. This wasn’t necessarily a bad movie, it just wasn’t a movie at all. There was no plot, no suspense, and I felt neither empathy or sympathy for the characters. Can you suffer ennui from a movie?
It appears you can.
It’ll be interesting to see if Hayden Christensen and Mark Hamill have similar career trajectories.
Hayden will be lucky to have Mark’s career.
Guyver 3?
I agree. While Hamill never made it big in the movies, he more than made up for it in animation
I’ve decided that I’m in love with the 2nd guy she interviews.
Wow. I hate the male figure but his smarts… I’d hit that
Perhaps they should have sent Rosanne Rosannadanna instead.
I’m surprised Stephen Colbert hasn’t headed out there. It would be a gold mine for his schtick!
God she’s fucking embarrassing. Honestly.
Well not much luck installing IOS5 tonight, keep getting a restore error.
Seems I’m not alone, Error 3200..eeeek!
Van he only stares into the distance
There’s only so much more that he can take
Many miles away some code crawls from the slime at the
Bottom of a dark Santa Clara cubical
I’m downloading the update now – 4 hours remaing according to Itunes.
Damn good thing I’m not on dial-up! Wee Doggie!
File this one under the “This better not suck!” category:
Overall, I’ve been pleased with this round of Marvel movies and I’m looking forward to the big Avengers meetup. Of course, I have virtually no background in the comics, so what do I know.
I said goodbye to some really great neighbors tonight.
They moved in about a year ago … were PERFECT. Loved everyone here at the end of the road, we all loved them … but he suddenly got a better job offer about a month ago and *poof* that’s it.
Glad for them but it’s like loosing family. Not like family that “needs a good kill’n” but family you really care about.
Oh well. That’s life.
Holy Insomnia pan! Working on trying to convince my brain to shut off. Hopefully I can say goodnight pans soon. 🙂
The ghostly rattling of deadpans should send you off to sleep.
Well there is that.
This is a long one…
A map of the world, coloured for generalisations:
Yep, pretty much.
I like that there’s Hobbits in New Zealand.
Morning once again!
Hey Deadpan
Hubby came home safe and sound last night. Many cuddles were had. Unfortunately, he has to work late tonight and I’ll be in bed before he comes home. Thank goodness it’s a long weekend coming up. We have lots of time to make up for.
New Deadpan!
Bunny, I think you’ll like those T.A. Pratt novels. I think they’re kinda Dresden Files-ish urban fantasy. I’m finishing up the prequel Bone Shop right now.
I just ordered the final Acacia book from since we don’t have a fucking bookstore anymore. That’s next on my list.
I look forward to starting it.
Did I ever mention how much my mom annoys me sometimes.
As I’ve mentioned, I got my grandmother a Kindle. My grandmother is currently visiting my Mom in BC. Mom has sent me a couple of e-mails now asking how to convert other e-reader files to Kindle format so she can load up books on the Kindle (note, mom does not own an e-reader herself, she has friends who do own a Sony reader and a Kobo). I’ve told her a number of times, even if there was a way, I don’t want her to do it.
On her e-mail today I told her if she so much as touches my grandmother’s Kindle I will no longer troubleshoot it or help in any way should my grandmother have issues (my Grandmother lives in Calgary). Hopefully that will get her to drop the subject but I have my doubts.
Umm why? From what I’ve read it should be fairly straight forward.
Yes it is. however, mom is not as computer savvy as she’d like to think. No matter how easy it is, she’ll inevitably screw it up. (She’s the only person I ever got a virus from). Also, she couldn’t do it anyway, I have the cord to hook the Kindle to the computer which you need for a transfer. I would just feel better if mom didn’t go anywhere near the thing.
My Mum, went through a bit of a cleaning frenzy last week, luckily I checked the bin liner contents and found she had put her medical records in bin. When I mentioned she should have shredded them I got a puzzled look..sheeesh.
I get that from people my own age. For the convention I’m part of, some people pay by credit card. The information is filled out at the bottom of the form. I told the person in charge of registration, once the CC cleared, they had to cut the bottom portion off the registration form and shred it. I too got a quizzical look. The silly thing is, when she went to confirm it with our treasurer, the treasurer didn’t see the need for it either. To me it was a no brainer. *shrug* What can you do?
Cool Longmont Comic about a ballot issue we’re dealing with:
summed up very succinctly
Nice one, Reaps.
I’ve been reading a lot of quotes from Jobs. He said some great shit about corporate strategy and competition and working with other people. Wil Wheaton also wrote a pretty great blog post about his death.
It’s still dark outside. The sun should be up by now but the cloud cover is making that tough. I want to go for a walk soon. While I don’t mind the rain, it would be nice if I’m not walking in the dark.
Jack, I enjoyed today’s episode muchly! I’m now listening to yesterday’s Alt Latino podcast and it’s focused on Spanish-language rock and metal – you might be interested.
It’s really, really foggy outside. I think I’m going to brave it and go for my walk anyway.
Is that ghostly rattling I hear in the distance?
Happy Hockey Day ya byatches!!!!!
Thanks for the input! Its been well received.
Great episode so far, couldn’t finish it in my morning commute. I know all the answers to the open Nevermore questions, but you knew that already.
Get them while they last! 🙂
One of our local stores sells these as well as a bunch of other silly ice cube trays.
I haven’t looked yet, but my dyslexia first read your link as http://www…homorific . . .
I’m in.
That’s what he said? 😉
Yeah, the conversation was a bit dated, due to mild palooza excess. Thanks, yos!
Let’s go, all-the-guys-on-my-fantasy-hockey-team!
Back from my walk-a-bout, fellows!
Hope to send Jack some audio.
Greeted with the Steve Jobs news on my return to reality.
Sad news for “big picture” tech, designed for the non-techno.
Now, LOTS of laundry and other various maintenance chores.
Welcome back, sir! I owe you an email from way-back. Boo, EssBee.
A different point of view on Steve Jobs death:
My, my . . .
I’d love to be off volunteering at a substance abuse clinic for teens rather than toiling away for Evil, Inc. 50-60 hours a week, but I’ve got a family to support and real concrete shit to handle day-to-day. I appreciate the guy’s rant, but find it a bit unrealistic.
Yup, but it’s a women ranting.
I wonder, if she would have held Thomas Edison to the same simple litmus test? If so then he would not have faired well with her.
The rant reads like that of a socially jealous 12 year old. Simplistic and completely un-informed.
To dismiss Jobs as a “maker of toys” makes me suspect the author has an agenda. It’s true that the cold corporate hack and slash tactics need to be critized and Jobs’ hand weren’t unblemished in that regard. But, there are also politics being played in medicine, at NASA or any other company/group of people that the author wants to praise. The question then becomes, did the works of Steve Jobs enrich your life? I think the answer is yes.
While it isn’t necessarily wrong, she’s completely missed the point. These aren’t toys. Apple has been in the forefront of a movement that has revolutionized not only the way we deal with computers, but also with the way we deal with entertainment.
Too here assertion that it’s just about toys I would have to ask her, “Really?”
Then you have to accept that absolutely no useful technological spin offs have come from gadgets Steve Jobs helped to turn into physical reality. No social benefits have occurred from the associated “piggy-backed” technology. Really? REALLY!?
Further, does she even KNOW how much money Steve Jobs or many of Apple’s Management and employees donate to Cancer research (or thousands of other charitable organizations) because of the financial success stemming from being part of the designing and selling these “toys”?
I seriously doubt it.
oops! I just made a sexist assumption!
I’ve had it with you!!!!
*slams door*
Re-enters wearing skirt.
show us some leg!!!!!
… but not that dismembered one you carry around with you.
Oh Im shavin just fo’ yall!
I kind of feel bad laughing but he has a point
HA! I like that.
Oh I kinda love this
JJ where’d you end up????
I time traveled. It was swell.
Except for the damned TSA.
So I watched 2 movies whilst traveling, “Bad Teachers” and the “Arther” re-boot.
“Bad Teachers” was okay. Moderately predictable but mindless fun.
The “Arther” re-tooling was an abomination. Perhaps if the original one had never existed it would be bearable … but the original DOES exist and could still be watched instead of this one. True, the original was not an epic film … but this … they opted to go for “changes” instead of “improvements”. Oh,the horror.
Moneyball was very good, imo.
I just watched The Walking Dead webisodes. EW!
Is that the new season? The one without the original writers/creators?
Yeah, it’s a teaser thing for the new season (which starts on the 16th).
Oh, and I also re-watched “Being There”.
This is one of my top 15, maybe top 10 film choices. Partly for the story but mostly for the filmatic style and Peter Sellers’ BRILLIANT, deadpan performance. So much of that film has to be carried by his LACK of reaction and emotion. For me that film is chocked-full-o-win.
Being 13 when the film came out, I didn’t see the appeal of “Being There.” I wonder if my adult self would get all the satire my 13 year old self wouldn’t have?
Thing is I can remember enjoying Dr Strangelove and I’m Alright Jack as a kid even though a lot of the social commentary went way over my head.
‘Being There’ just seemed too silly to be enjoyable when it was first released.
I think what would kill this movie for any 13 year old is that (basically) NOTHING happens. No car chases, no action, no babes to speak of.
Yet still it draws me too it.
That was my 13 year old self’s reaction, although I loved the Pink Panther at that age.
CP: Call It Off – Tegan & Sara
Yes, I know I’m old enough to be their mother.
well as long as you don’t touch..
Right. More of just a creepy leer, really.
I will.
You would. The shaved legs will help, btw.
I don’t think I want to know what you will touch
CP: The Other Shoe — Fucked Up
Remember Rhettro’s poodle-in-lap photo?
Did you hear the one about the TX congressman who said that Obama’s jobs bill was part of a complicated plan to allow gay marriage?
No, really, a guy said that in freakin’ Congress.
Probably because he realized when people have jobs they can afford an education and realize that allowing gay marriage is the right thing to do, and the country won’t be consumed in purple flames.
No, but I did hear the one about Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman walk into a bar..
So I heard a commercial for this club earlier today. The only thing is that I thought I heard Club Alvie..
HA!!!!! Oh thats another story… for another time…
And apparently the link broke the deadpan, on the upside we seems to have snagged another innocent on the facebook group.
Much innocence is lost on Facebook.
Visions of some sinister Deadpanite, inviting these young women to the debauchery of the deadpan facebook group..
I suddenly feel the urge to by a rusted out old van, and a baseball cap.
I’ve just hit a buy button that proves I’m a sheep.
Eliss goes free on the app store for a free days (as a tribute to Steve Jobs it appears):
Another downfall reworking, Hitler not impressed with the iPhone 4S:
‘I want people to know I’m better than they are’
I think its time that Downfall Hitler goes off on Downfall Hitler. Its become a caricature of itself.
Oh Hitler is always good for a laugh.
Yeah, as soon as I see “Downfall” anymore, I tend to ignore it. It’s all the same at this point.
Couldn’t agree more about Downfall Hitler being overdone. Can’t stand it any more. Doesn’t matter what they do with it, it just isn’t funny the 300th time around.
Morning Pan!
Hubby promises he’ll be home for dinner tonight and for the entire long weekend.
I might fall over from shock.
I finished the book last night, Jack. As per your request:
I can see why you liked it. It did reminded me a lot of High Fidelity. Quiet and understated (with music). I quite enjoyed it.
There. Bathroom nice and clean. Now for the day job.
Remind me what book you just finished, Bunny?
Glimpses by Lewis Shiner. Jack linked to the PDF of his book a couple of weeks ago.
I love Fridays (that aren’t month end). 7:30am and already done my work for the day. Hopefully nothing will come up and that will actually be true.
Ah! Good show, Jack!!!
PS: I wouldnt click that^
Oh, my . . .
I love the comment about how rare it is to find masculine + gay. Douchebag, meet Jeremy’s rugby team.
HA!!!! Too too true..
Interesting responses to the Death of Steve Jobs.
Microsoft is flying their company flag at half staff
Google has announced they are postponing the introduction of their new Nexus phone running Android 4 out of respect.
Apparently there are some human beings somewhere in these companies.
Why the he’ll is Anaheim currently down by 3 points? I have 3 Anaheim players in my pool? Wait 3? How the he’ll did that happen?
Why the hell does my IPad want ti make my expletives into contractions
Oh God. I can’t lose to *cough, cough* Lo Pan!
Oh I think youll be ok.
Unless, of course, you happen to have 3 Ducks in your po…oh.
Making homemade apple sauce.
“Making homemade apple sauce”
Making chili.
Today is the 13th anniversary of Matt Shepard’s death.
Crap. That hits too close to home. Literally.
The Joy Formidable was on Letterman last night:
CD – catching up on Deadpan podcasts.
Note: Otter Pride pwns the Honey Badger.
I wonder if the honey badger cares…?
He’s too busy rolling in hundreds now ala Demi Moore in Indecent Proposal.
Bruce Willis don’t give a shit. Watch him eat a snake.
Snake Plissken don’t care. He’s just enjoying the job.
This whole thing made me laugh my ass off.
Hilarious!! Got corporate assholes piss me off.
Oh, I got home safe from my trip to California.
Welcome back!
I can now stand down the search parties and rescue units.
Got one for ya, Van:
A lady found that her dog (a Schnauzer) could hardly hear, so she took it to the veterinarian. The vet found the problem was hair in the dog’s ears. He cleaned both ears, and the dog could then hear fine. The vet proceeded to tell Andrea that, if she wanted to keep this from recurring, she should go to the store and get some “Nair” hair remover, and rub it in the dog’s ears once a month.
Andrea went to the store and bought some “Nair” hair remover. At the register, the pharmacist told her, “If you’re going to use this under your arms, don’t use deodorant for a few days.”
Andrea said, “I’m not using it under my arms.”
The pharmacist said, “If you’re using it on your legs, don’t use body lotion for a couple of days.”
Andrea replied, “I’m not using it on my legs either. If you must know, I’m using it on my Schnauzer.”
The pharmacist says, “Well, don’t ride your bicycle for about a week.”
Yes, I laughed. 🙂
I’m liking this game
*sticks tongue out at Lo Pan*
You know why
Careful… tomorrow the bug guns be out
Also… stupid Ryan Kesler
Just one more thing on Matt Shepard – something I wrote three years ago:
Fucking ugh. I remember all that. I just moved to Ft. “Fun” for a 3 year stint that year. Fucking shameful for an “enlightened libera college town”. Far fucking from
🙁 x2
Old scifi can still throw up surprises:
But the fix for the laziness of negroes..what the writer gives in progressiveness he taketh away with Predjudice.
I believe Winter just arrived.
Well I hope you said hello.
CD: Avery IPA
I love this beer. It is a very different IPA without the in-your-face hops taste that many brewers favor. In fact, it reminds me a lot of sparkling mineral water: It’s crisp and refreshing.
A brewery I recently fell in love with here is the SanTan brewery. A big thumbs up to their wheat hef and Epicenter Ale.
I consider them to be the south west’s Boulevard.
I’m still committed to listening to all of the Deadpan episodes from start to finish. It was mentioned on DP #8 that Jack made a guest appearance over at the Kick Ass Mystic Ninja’s site defending the book “Holy Fire.” So I took a slight detour and downloaded KAMN #13. Kind of cool hear Joe’s voice again and as a bonus, there’s a voice mail from Alvie. Next up, DP#10 with Mur.
Well that’s a fine “how do you do”.
went to bottle beer with my neighbor and got smashed.
go figure.
No I am off to a diner party. This can’t end well.
Hey … how much fun would it be if I called in the contents of my neighbor’s sock drawer … hehehe
Oh this can’t be good
Hey there :pan: !
Hope yer kickin’ with the best of ’em!
Oh hey, I have internet again. Now if only I can remember what to use it for…
I really need something NON alcoholic to drink at this juncture.
That probably won’t end well, either.
Brewer’s droop?
Industrial Disease.
J0e: I can relate. I just had a decaf coffee after a glass of good red wine. 🙂
That’s what I should have had, coffee.
… and only one glass of red wine.
Now it’s aspirins for breakfast.
Coffee’s brewing as we speak.
Looks like we had a tumble weed salad for lunch. Fired up the grill, steaks are prepped.
CW: Kill Bill Vol. 1
CD: Old Gaffer’s Homebrew, my first attempt at an easy drinking barleywine bottled last December.
It was a mixed success. It was supposed to be drinkable shortly after bottling, but it wasn’t really drinkable for six months. On the other hand I’m definitely going to try it again. Drinking it now I get carmelized sugars in the nose but the flavor is more roasty with a nice bitterness. ABV is low at 8%.
I’ve found that those REALLY improve with age (the beer’s, not mine).
Whilst bottling yesterday, my buddy and I dug out a bottle of the 1st batch of beer we ever made. It was a “Big Dog” barley wine from back in 2009. Wow is that stuff smoooove now!
If you have any bottles of your Barleywine left, hide them in the back of a closet and revisit them in a year.
Yeah, from what I’ve learned that is generally the goal with barleywines and belgian quads. And while I am holding several bottles back to try again over time, this was not intended as an aging beer. I intended it as a quickly drinkable, and accessible, beer, that’s why the abv is low. I plan to brew a couple of higher gravity barleywines in the 10%+ ABV range.
On the other hand I have tried barleywines and other high gravity beers that have been aged for 3+ years, and they can be amazing. The way the malt flavors mature is astonishing and delicious. And once you add wood and even secondary fermenting bugs to the mix it can be even better.
“And once you add wood”
You get a nice creamy head..
The interesting bit is the roastiness. I used Cara-belgian malt in the recipe, and I was surprised with the roastiness it added. It has been a bit of a double edged sword, since I think it was the roast combined with the fresh hop taste that made it taste odd for the first six months. Now that they have both reduced with age it is tasty, and as I said I’m enjoying the roast note in the flavor.
Like ze candle, I am put beck.
Did you get a devil’s haircut?
Well, after months of drought, most of southern Texas scored better than 3″ of rain over the weekend. It was somewhat surreal to see a steady rain all day, almost like seeing the once every five year snow event around here.
We’re still way behind, but it was definitely a move in the right direction.
A fine reason to watch this again:
Oh, you old sweetie.
Happy Canadian Turkey Day y’all!
And to you too!
What ditto said!
Darned impressive:
Lo, I’ve decided you and I should commiserate together and come up with a plot to overthrow ditto 😉
Oh, that sounds like fun! 🙂
I’d pitch in but my back is acting up.
Is there any chance we could bowl him instead of throwing?
CP: New Song — Howard Jones
Prince Bride cast reunion:
OMG, they all look 25 years older.
Princess Bride even.
In honor of Columbus day …
The Genius of Stan Freeburg
Remind me never to go mountain biking in Africa.
I want that buck the next time I play Mortal Kombat.
BTW, the latest in Netflix antics, for those of you with the sense to walk away:
Dear John,
It is clear that for many of our members two websites would make things more difficult, so we are going to keep Netflix as one place to go for streaming and DVDs.
This means no change: one website, one account, one password…in other words, no Qwikster.
While the July price change was necessary, we are now done with price changes.
We’re constantly improving our streaming selection. We’ve recently added hundreds of movies from Paramount, Sony, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros., Lionsgate, MGM and Miramax. Plus, in the last couple of weeks alone, we’ve added over 3,500 TV episodes from ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, USA, E!, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, ABC Family, Discovery Channel, TLC, SyFy, A&E, History, and PBS.
We value you as a member, and we are committed to making Netflix the best place to get your movies & TV shows.
The Netflix Team
Goodnite :Qwikster:
We hardly knew ye.
Oh and if facebook is to be believed, Happy Birthday Rhettro.
You know you can’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Still, alleged Happy Birthday, Rhettro. If that’s who you really are!
Colonel Sanders
Lies! I’m not older. I’m not older. I’m not… damn.
Clearly, Rhettro is older than he’s ever been.
So khaaappy Birthday!
(Look! Now he’s even older!)
Happy Birthday, Rhettro!!
Happy National Coming Out Day!
And Happy Birthday Rhett!
. . . and my stupid brother too . .
In the spirit of the day:
I like potato waffles.
Happy Birthday Rhett!
Thanks everyone!
I feel like posting on Facebook:
I’m not as smooth as I appear to be.
Smooth? Like butter?
I really really hope the Avengers movie doesn’t suck.
With Joss directing, I don’t think it can be too bad. There is that whole Asgard thing that seems out of place to the Ironman and Hulk movies, but this is the Marvel universe.
Happy Birthday, Rhett! I’m sure that portrait of yourself in the attic looks a year older now.
Have a happy deadpanish birthday Rhettro!
Thanks again Ralph. 🙂
Happy Birthday Rhettro!!!!!
Thanks Reaps.
CW: Breaking Bad
Bloody hell, talk about building up tension.
My heart is in mouth as I watch.
The season finale.
I guess I need to start watching this show.
Well after that ending, I’m not sure I want another series, it just rocked.
BTW, I’ve altered my situation once again…
Most social media are shut down (darn), so it’s Deadpan and gmail only for me during the day!
The ghost of Steve Job’s compels you.
Best of luck!
Walter is badass again..woot!
Crap joke alert (too long for a Facebook status):
Paul , Andy & Steve were sitting around a camp fire, discussing who was the hardest.
Paul say’s “I killed a bear with my bare hand’s”
Steve say’s
“I wrestled 2 adult croc’s gouged both their eyes out & killed them both”
Andy just sat there saying nothing,
poking the fire…
..with his cock.
Crap reply alert:
Van, tell us smore!
That could Kindle a heated story.
I thought Facebook statuses no longer have limits. Did that change again?
/me Shuffles her browser tabs around and grumbles
Oooh oooh!! Happy Birthday, Rhettro! 🙂
Thanks CJ. 🙂
Gollanz has made a lot of out print books available in ebook form (with links to various resellers like Amazon and Apple), nice idea if rather expensive:
I’m gonna stop tromping around the West for a while and stay home now.
I feel very absent.
October 7, 2011 at 5:11 pm · Reply
I’m liking this game
Uhm… exactly with WHOM are you playing this game?
/me growls fiercely.
I mean 5 quid for an old scifi book, they need to look at the app store and stop taking the piss.
For my birthday, I put in a preorder for the collector’s addition “Batman: Arkham City” game with statue. Usually I steer clear of collector editions, but considering the last time I came close to buying a Batman statue for $89 only to see it rise to $250 two years later, I think it’s a safe bet.
Good for you, Rhett! I’d say good bet, especially if you like it anyway! 🙂
OK, so… most of you know that I’m probably the least picky of movie-watchers on :pan: I mean, I’m just happy to be entertained most of the time. Therefore, it takes a really really SUPER horrid movie to make me say, “Wow… that wasn’t a very good movie.”
Now that we have that cleared up.
Hall Pass was awful, asinine, stupid, and a downright shame of a movie especially considering it had two of my favorite female actresses, Christina Applegate and Jenna Fischer. The only thing that kept me watching it through til the end is that I thought maybe I’d get my $1.10 worth that I paid the Redbox and the fact that LostRalph was on hand to be supportive. It was just bad bad bad bad bad.
Stupid. Ugh. Hated it.
The scene where the guy pooped in the sandtrap on the golf course did make me LOL but not sure it was a $1.10 worth of LOL and the fact that there’s a scene where a guy poops in a sandtrap on a golf course should really magnify just how stupid this movie is…
So take a pass on “Hall Pass”.
When my friend Pat and I were extras in “Mars Attacks” we passed Christina Applegate at the food line. We smiled at her and she said “Hi”.
^Riviting true celeb story.
Pat > Applegate
Good DAy of Birth to you, sir.
Different Pat. LOL
Thanks for the “Good Day” wishes anyway. 🙂
Only cause Im drunk at 1:30. 😉…I?
It’s Pat.
Pat and Patman are not the same person. 🙂
Fox is being sent home from school for coughing/feeling generally crappy. Darcy had to go get him because I’ve had 5 hours of sleep since taking Ambien. Apparently she doen’t want Fox on a driving adventure as well as sick…
Think we will have him in the bedroom while I lightly nap and he will watch AOTC.
Sick kids 🙁 I hope he’s better soon!
Sarah was carsick on the trip home yesterday.
Note to self: Do not say, “Tell me if you’re going to throw up.” Because the child will not tell you until after. “Mommy, I threw up.”
Just give the child the bag to hold in advance.
He had bucket at the ready, didn’t need it of course. The light napping didn’t work, instead of AOTC, it was Empire, so of course I stayed awake through it and watched with him…
Poor sick little ones. And big ones.
Rhett, did I know you were an extra in Mars Attacks? I don’t think I did. Were you Tom Jones?
Did I also remember that Christina Applegate was in that movie?
You didn’t? I thought that was common knowledge. Christina had a bit part in the film. I’m in a crowd shot of the small town funeral.
What scene? I’m so looking for you now.
Yeah, my two seconds in a crowd shot. 🙂
I’m in the funeral for Billy Glenn Norris (Jack Black). Specifically, right after the family says there final goodbyes, there is an overhead shot of the crowd. I’m close to the tombstone. I had a goatee at the time. LOL
Srsly, if I’d known, I’d have suggested Mars Attacks! long ago as a Palooza film. It meets all of the criteria:
-cheesy b-movie
-audience reactions is mixed
-Ed will hate it
I say we add it to the rotation with Buckaroo, HF, and BR.
I’ve never seen it.
“Ed will hate it”!!
“”Ed will hate it”!!”
I think I might be in the Ed camp on the Mars Attacks issue. It has some funny moments and a lot of awkward scenes that are hit and miss. A general mess of a film.
No offense to your big Hollywood break, Rhett, but I also found the movie pretty lame. I am totally in Ed’s camp.
Surprise Slim Whitman ATTACK!
Yeah, I think the fact they stole the secret weapon from “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!” was worth a fair number of subtracted points.
It has been claimed that Mars Attacks appealed more to a non US sense of humour, I remember reading at the time that it made more money overseas that it took in the USA.
It certainly appealed to me, I still have the VHS video of the film (it came with a free T-Shirt).
-there +their
I know two things this afternoon:
1) Windows 7 – blech! Just got a new laptop at Evil, which is nice, but Windows 7 is not nice!
2) Mitt Romney gives terrible National Coming Out Day gifts:
I dont mind 7. Its not nice… but after Vista its a blow job from Kat Dennings
We dont use the words “Mitt” or Romney” round these parts.
I never saw Vista, and I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
I had a 15G .pst file of 10 years worth of emails! How does THAT happen?
Whats a Nubian?
/1995 cinema joke
Windows 7 runs nicely with no customisation on my ASUS and HP netbooks that I own.
– that I own
1. Windows 7, I like it okay. Needs a lot of customization to get it to feel right.
2. Romney, isn’t he in a cult?
Not this cult
Mental pause … I kept thinking you guys were typing “clit”.
You know if me not liking it is a criteria for a Palooza choice, you’re going to have to cut Buckaroo Banzai and Blade Runner from consideration.
Though, I guess as I reflect on things, I haven’t been terribly kind to the movie choices that have come up so far. Zardoz wasn’t terrible in it’s weird way.
It was the red thong, wasn’t it?
It was. It…was
I think all of the Paloozas have benefitted from both positive and negative reviews. Your contributions have always been great, Ed! I just feel a little bad that you’ve suffered through so many films you hated for our Paloozas.
So maybe we won’t include “Mars Attacks” in the next vote, then.
I wouldn’t want Mars Attacks to distract from Blade Runner or Buck getting done. Maybe after we have a clean slate, EP 289 perhaps.
“Buck getting done”
We did see a bicyclist getting done by a buck in that youtube vid.
I have not seen Buckaroo Bonzai
Yet, he has seen you!
I’m afraid to re-watch Buckaroo Banzai.
I know too many friends who have had their youthful adoration for that film ripped asunder by watching it as an adult. They wept for days at how a film they had so loved was now so unwatchable.
back. 🙁
I do have a bit of this fear, though I’m willing to risk it.
I know I can never try to watch the animated GI Joe and Transformers movies from the 80’s again. The risk with those is just too great to bare.
It’s a mystery to me what I can still enjoying watching from my youth and what I can’t.
No problem with children series like Bagpuss,The Clangers, and Captain Scarlet.
Sometimes have a problem with the original Dr Who and Blakes 7 (although there are plots where the story shines through any dodgy SFX).
Can’t bear to sit through suffice ‘The Tomorrow People’ now even though I thought it was great at the time.
In other news … on the recommendation of some podcast, I went to the youtubes and watched/listened to Iron Maiden’s “Stranger in a Strange Land.”
The Music –
It was much better/different then I had in my head that Iron Maiden was. I thought “Wow. I didn’t know anyone was doing this kind of music anymore.” Then I noticed the date. “Oh. 1986. I guess no one is doing this sort of thing anymore.”
The Stage Show –
I kept waiting for the midgets to come out and start dancing around a tiny replica of Stonehenge.
Love that one, J0e. But no, not even Iron Maiden are doing that kind of thing anymore.
Machine Men are probably as close you can get to a modern retro-Maiden sound these days.
Or maybe they need to do a Maiden cover to drive the point home.
Don’t click this if you don’t want a borderline irritatingly peppy game song to get stuck in your head:
Comes from a web game that my kids enjoy playing.
Lo: You have to players on IR. Shouldn’t you be able to add two players straight up to your team?
I know, I know – – but it’s quite a good explanation of ALL of the failings since the 70s that created the current economic mess.
The singleton article is pretty good summation.
2 things I thing aren’t emphasized enough (for the 99%).
1) The real problem with the “transfer of wealth” has nothing to do with “fairness”. We have a consumer based economy. When the 99% no longer have discretionary income and have borrowed all they can borrow, the consuming stops. In effect, the transfer of wealth is a circle of life thing and the circle is now broken. To much of the countries money gets moved from the 99% to the 1% and the circle stops. How much is too much? Well, it seems like we may be there. Forget “Fairness”! We are at the tipping point where the balance of our consummer based society topples over.
2) Jobs are created by consumer demand and NOT by low corporate taxes. Taxes or not, employees are an added expense. You only assume that expense if the demand forces you to utilize additional labor. Lower taxes might make that choice more profitable for a company but they don’t drive the need for additional labor.
Goodnight. #OccupyDeadpan
Morning Deadpan!
Technically I’m on holidays all this week. I’m not doing anything different really, but my company said I had too much holiday time accumulated so I have to use some before the new year.
Hubby’s working though so still up at five in the morning and doing our normal stuff.
Might do a play by play later today
Aren’t we all excited
A film starring Hayden Christensen should set the alarm melds ringing.
Afternoon TEB.
-melds +bells
I like “melds” better.
The sun is just starting to come up. I’m sitting in the dark living room, mosly because I’m too lazy to get up and turn on a light
This sounds like the start of a text based, computer adventure game.
I’ve decided I’m, and Canadians in general, are fickle. The weather has been hovering around 10C the last few days. We are all going around commenting on what glorious autumn weather it is. However, if it was 10 degrees in July, we’d all be complaining how sucky the weather is. *shakes head in confusion*
Time for a walk!
It’s that time of day for me as well.
We know you
They know me
A sleep trance,
a dream dance
A shaped romance
A star fall,
a phone call
It joins all
… Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast.
J0e, I can’t hear you. You’ll have to shout above the din of our Rice Krispies.
Hmmm. Perhaps someone should phone The Police.
Many miles away,
There’s a shadow on the door,
Of a cottage on the shore
Of a dark Scottish Lake.
Oh that. That’s just Van coming back from his walk.
I agree with both of Joe’s two points.
Mos Speedrun goes free on the app store:
ZP looks at the indie FPS ‘Hard Reset’:
My Think Geek random t-shirt order came in today. I’m sad. I ordered 2 men’s and 2 women’s shirts. They sent 3 men’s and one woman’s. Hubby wins.
Google engineer rips into Google+ :
I think the unemployment rate just went up by 1.
I cut the tip of my left middle finger yesterday and it sucks. Even though I’m right handed, I didn’t realize how much I used that finger. Typing on a keyboard hurts. I tried doing the two fingered typing thing and it doesn’t work for me. Dishes, it’s a good thing I mostly dry. Playing an instrument… Forget it. And the list goes on 🙁
Lejon spotted the person who spotted this one:
Ok peeps. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.
It’s movie time!
I’m quaking in my boots, this one could be really, really bad.
Because every other movie I watch is Oscar worthy?
I’m wrapped in mu snuffy nice and comphy.
I have a slurpee in me so expect bathroom breaks
Maybe you could update your iPhone to IOS5 while you watch.
/whistles innocently.
Do you think it would then know I meant snuggy not snuffy?
Tell you what, Van, you update yours first and tell me how it works. If you come out bug free, maybe I’ll hook my phone up to iTunes then. :cheerful:
Well I’m trying, but it seems a lot of iphone users have the same idea, the download is s-l-o-w.
Today’s movie: Vanishing on 7th Street
The DVR says: When a plague of shadows invades Detrout, movie theatre projectionist Paul, and three others, flee from the darkness that seems to have consumed all of society in this terrifying thriller.
Remember… Terrifying thriller
Ok. Pushed play
What! No nudity? I’m disgusted with this movie already
Ther’s a tiger on screen
The movie they’re watching is a comedy
He reads books on stranger than fiction happenings… Foreshadowing?
He’s a moron – his words, not mine
Lights out
“Master Obi-Wan would be very grumpy if he saw me in this movie.”
Hey, I rolled over the deadpan
A baby cries
The security guard bit it
This one is a blast from the past:
Go snoopy!
We’ve determined light sources not hooked up to a grid saves lives.
His iPhone is dead. Do you think he upgraded it to iOS5?
It’s now daytime. The city’s deserted
Face it Hayden, Page is dead
This removing of light sources is very fickle. Flashlights survive, but phone screens do not.
72 hours later. Don’t ask *shrug*
Cars don’t work, so of course, no headlights
Lights out for another one
Can’t have a b horror now a days without a creepy little girl
By the music, I assume I’m suppose to feel some tension. So far, all I feel is boredom
Why do all the lights in sonny’s bar work
Collecting batteries at Sonny’s bar
Sonny was a conspire theorist
Nope, don’t believe it. Why not everywhere? Hospitals at the very least
Beware the kid with the gun
Hayden’s character is named Luke. Is that funny or what?
Promoting under age drinking
The sound just went out of sync. Now it’s like I’m watching a badly dubbed movie
A crazy lady walks inta a bar…
Wait, the bus stop has it’s own lighting? Just the one. No other.
Did anyone ever play Alan Wake? That game did this idea better
Apparently the days are getting shorter. Can you say winter in Canada?
I’m a third of the way into this movie and I still haven’t seen evidence of a plot
Why are we the ones left behind? Luck?
The darns is coming
The darkness causes olucinations
So far the players are, Luke, Jessie, Paul and the crazy lady- who’s name they didn’t say
I got it! The darkness is caused by aliens. They tried to probe Paul
Paul is crazy too
Paul is played by John Lugiz… However you spell his name
Generator’s dying
I don’t think kicking the generator will help
Hey, I saw the movie adaptation of the story he’s telling. It was a terrible B movie too
Paul collapsed. This movie is all over the place
Another flashback
This seems to be happening around the world
This is a really long flashback
Meanwhile, back in “reality”
They’re moths
Oh my God. Kill the crazy lady now
Paul’s role in this movie is to groan in pain
He’s here because he wills himself to exist. How deep
Tell me, as a beautiful woman, do I have a chance?
I guess he did. She kissed him
I guess the darkness doesn’t collect dogs
Yup, product placement at its best
Paul is rambling. It doesn’t look good
Music soothes the savage shadows
Now it’s the kid’s turn to have a flashback
Resting by the truck
James bit it
Wow, that’s one smart baby
Creepy little girl is back
Now flares don’t work
My kingdom for a plot!
At least the tunnel is lit
Ha ha!
Because that’s not confusing at all
Rosemary! She’s the crazy lady.
Crazy rosemary is hearing things
She’s toast
Trying to start the truck
The lights on the outside dough-head. Turn on the interior light
James heads for the church
Luke ses a sign
Luke returns
Luke leaves
really? That’s how it’s going to end?
It ends with James and the creepy little girl riding a horse
My thoughts. This wasn’t necessarily a bad movie, it just wasn’t a movie at all. There was no plot, no suspense, and I felt neither empathy or sympathy for the characters. Can you suffer ennui from a movie?
It appears you can.
It’ll be interesting to see if Hayden Christensen and Mark Hamill have similar career trajectories.
Hayden will be lucky to have Mark’s career.
Guyver 3?
I agree. While Hamill never made it big in the movies, he more than made up for it in animation
(with one notable exception)
Jay and Silent Bob?
Oh, my . . .
I’ve decided that I’m in love with the 2nd guy she interviews.
Wow. I hate the male figure but his smarts… I’d hit that
Perhaps they should have sent Rosanne Rosannadanna instead.
I’m surprised Stephen Colbert hasn’t headed out there. It would be a gold mine for his schtick!
God she’s fucking embarrassing. Honestly.
Well not much luck installing IOS5 tonight, keep getting a restore error.
Seems I’m not alone, Error 3200..eeeek!
Van he only stares into the distance
There’s only so much more that he can take
Many miles away some code crawls from the slime at the
Bottom of a dark Santa Clara cubical
I’m downloading the update now – 4 hours remaing according to Itunes.
Damn good thing I’m not on dial-up! Wee Doggie!
File this one under the “This better not suck!” category:
Overall, I’ve been pleased with this round of Marvel movies and I’m looking forward to the big Avengers meetup. Of course, I have virtually no background in the comics, so what do I know.
Really wanted to like Job For A Cowboy.
I dont.
Yeah, me neither. I prefer Necrophagist more.
Hmmm. More Cookie Monster than I tend to like but the technicality makes me almost overlook it.
My pants may or may not be tight. Hint: They are.
I said goodbye to some really great neighbors tonight.
They moved in about a year ago … were PERFECT. Loved everyone here at the end of the road, we all loved them … but he suddenly got a better job offer about a month ago and *poof* that’s it.
Glad for them but it’s like loosing family. Not like family that “needs a good kill’n” but family you really care about.
Oh well. That’s life.
Holy Insomnia pan! Working on trying to convince my brain to shut off. Hopefully I can say goodnight pans soon. 🙂
The ghostly rattling of deadpans should send you off to sleep.
Never works for me.