Special Double Episode!
Forgotten Show Notes.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #200: Memory Pan
Double Stuffed Clip Show
This is a hopelessly incomplete audio-collage compilation of memorable bits from the first 5 years/200 episodes of Deadpan, plus a few wonderful new segments to commemorate the occasion.
Thanks to those who sent additional congratulations, clips and content for this episode.
Thank to all those who contribute regularly to Deadpan, as well as to those who participate in the comment boards and all those who simply listen and enjoy the silliness that is Deadpan.
And thank you to The Energizer Bunny for handling these Show Notes just about every week.
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing musica – Deadpan is the MF Way
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Dr Jones will never believe this.
One of the big guy’s fragments actually is a detail from my own life.
But which one…?
Not the begonias, not the begonias.
I’m afraid to know, JohnBoze.
Missed it by THAT much!
Congratulations on reaching 200 episodes Jack.
Duping floppies again tonight.
Is that what the kids are calling it…..15 years ago?
Only when the date isn’t going well…
Ba! Zing! Ga!
Good morning, DP!
Congrats, Jack!
Ding ding ding!
Congrats on 200 Jack!
… and this one goes to Eleven.
Way to go Jack!
So how long is it before this is the basis for a “made for SciFi channel” Zombie movie?
Radiation slows recovery of dead near Japan plant
“Officers were forced to give up trying to recover one corpse Sunday after radiation on it triggered the alarm.”
*it’s too soon* he says. *don’t do it* he says.
I hope that the dead recover faster when they move away from the radiation.
I’m surprised that they’re recovering as quickly as they seem to be.
*Oooo… so bad. Make the bad Lejon stop.*
Congratz on the 200 episodes Jack. Let there be 200 more! Or at least 88.
congratulations Jack!
The show notes are going to be truncated. I simply said thank you to everybody instead of trying to list all those who contributed. Makes my life easier.
Purple nurple!
Stay tuned to see the final 88 revealed in BattlePan Manganactica!
Crap. I don’t speak Spanish. All I understood was cahones. ๐
It’s raining. How odd.
Trust robots
I’m loving these Portal 2 promos by Cave Johnson. Panels was great too.
Its a Jack Man’s party!
Who could ask for more?
Everybody’s comin
Leave your panties at the door
Leave your bra n panties at the doooor
Who knew Edith Bunker was still alive?
ARRRRCHIEE!!!! I left my panties at the dooooor.
^Now I’m scarred for life.
As it should be. ๐
Then Edith’s Job is done
In an odd coincidence, DP200 is released the day I become the father of a teenager.
Oh…oh dear god Rhett…
Is this a good time to recommend watching “Top Secret”? ๐
*boobs glow*
Well it has Jeremy Kemp in it..
“Edith’s Job” is so not going to be our band name.
Neither should “Edith’s Panties”.
But… but the way Glenn Miller played!
Songs that made the Hit Parade.
ah… I need a beer.
But itll be our first single… has to be
CP: Dazed and Confused — Led Zeppelin
Tom Wombat in carbonite has to be one of the funniest lines ever uttered on the Deadpan.
HA!!! to this^
or Tom Wopat even.
I prefer the Wombat…
This show be already classic
Hey thats my line…
Okay, then here’s a straw.
*slow clap*
Oh yeah, it’s Thursday, for the 200th time.
CJ! I know you probably can’t say anything publicly, but DM me in twitter. How do you feel at the elephant video?
200 already? Man I’m getting too old for this shit.
You’re a loose cannon, detective! You don’t play by the rules! Now turn in your gun and your badge.
Damnit Chief, you are so gruff and by the book, but I understand your hands are tied by the higher ups and you really have a heart of gold!
You can have em! But I’m still, a cop, dammit. A good one.
Improvements on Wonder Woman’s look, but the scowl has to go.
Of course, it may be entirely appropriate for the scene. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Unexcited > excited
I dont know why, but WW has never interested me. Especially this Ally McBeal version.
Impotent side note: First chick in the top photo is an actress.
chick in last photo is stunt woman.
It’s a measure of cleavage. I mean, lipstick….
Thanks everyone. And as stated in the Show Notes, thanks for the contributions to 200. It was a thrill going back through the old Deadpans and reliving a lot of those moments.
I think on this occation of the 200th EP, I’m going to have to go back and listen to the Wingin’ It episodes with Evo 2.0.
Boo and yah, sir.
So as I walked with the DP 200 thrumming through my earbuds, my sister pulls up in her car and asks why I have a dumb looking smile one my face.
Did you tell her… its just the muthafuckin way?
No, I’m socially challenged like that.
Congrats Jack on 200 episodes! Personally I am surprised we could count that high…
You mean there’s more to maths (the s is VERY IMPORTANT) than one, two, many?
yeah, it goes one, two, many, lots
Big Lots
Congrats to Jack and Thank you to Jack and everyone.
My Thursday mornings have been more fun than they used to be and it’s all because of you!
WTF? Purchase my genitalia? Heh, I don’t remember typing that!
OMG just saw the new Dr. Who Trailer…. *SKWEEEEEEEEEEEE!*
Easter can’t come soon enough.
Cautiously optimistic
I listen to very few podcasts that aren’t podiobooks or writing related. I couldn’t imagine a week WITHOUT the deadpan, though I guess I better start getting used to the fact that in a little over a year the DeadPan will become too gross to continue ๐
Thank you for the 200+ episodes so far Jack. You’re awesome for what you do
and thank you to the community who keep adding fuel to the deadpan fire to help it continue
Mr. Hosley, what does one have to do to get on WNDR Radio? Other than NOT call you Mr. Hosley.
email me namesake @ gmail.com Iusually do the interviews on Monday nights.
A Wolf has been spotted WNDRing on the comments page. Please remain calm.
Thank you, JR. That 288 number also sometimes fills me with mortal terror.
“Finish Him!”
I know I’m going to cry the day the deadpan is over.
I’m going to be inconsolate on Thursday mornings, pathetically hitting the refresh key, waiting for a new post that never comes.
Oh now my heart hyrts ๐ (the “y” is a tribute to olde tymey English)
CP: Kundalini Express — Love & Rockets
Seriously… I want to talk about something here that I can’t. I have venting to do… job related venting but am not allowed to discuss it on public forums!
So AHHHHH!!!!!!!!
That is all!
I know the feeling.
Hrm…. Ditto W/regards to my Twitter points
Coming your way in 2012 “Deadpan 3D!”
Which will star Jack and Brian Brown and will go for 30 episodes or so until Ed calls in and tells them to pull the plug.
I see Evil inc has expanded.
So Source Code or Sucker Punch tomorrow…not much of a choice since what I don’t see tomorrow I shall see on Sunday.
Sucker Punch for me tomorrow. I personally cannot wait!
Deadpan will never die.
after ep 277 it will be like 400 unshows at least.
Ah, the man facing a firing squad, singing A million bottles of beer on a wall..
Weatherman said to expect a snow storm by Saturday. *sigh*
Just because there are no more podcasts doesn’t mean the forum has to die does it? I for one, will continue posting until no one wants to listen to my drivel anymore.
I’ll never get tired of your drivel Bunny. ๐
I guess there will be a community page of sorts that will outlive the podcast.
What Rhettro said.
Oh, *hugs* for Cj. I hope work gets better for you.
There’s no way these friendships should drift due to podcast finales – no matter when they happen.
Who are you again?
Nevermind HIM! Who the hell are YOU?
Who the fuck are you?!
*jumping in the air strumming guitar*
More proof Lo Rocks.
The Drivel will never die even if the podcast does ๐
CJ: Huggs!!! I hope the elephant episode isn’t affecting your day at work too badly.
For those that don’t know about the elephant episode…
The video doesn’t get graphic until the villagers (hungry people) start to tear into the elephant.
Hunting elephants should be legal. However, only if the hunter is naked and given a knife with a 2 inch blade.
I mean, we have to be fair now, right? I think that’s fair.
On a personal note, I understand what he did and why, I just don’t understand why he felt the need to broadcast it to the world.
CP: Kismet — Manooghi Hi
Thanks JR…
I can’t comment further, but I do appreciate the support! ๐
To all my deadpan friends, if you would like a free e-copy of my book, Astel, go here
and use the coupon code HZ85V to get it for free. Just my way of saying thank you for being part of the community ๐
If you’d like a print copy, head on over to
and use the coupon code GMAWB7PC to get $2 off.
If you pick up a copy, thank you! If you enjoy it, let me know ๐
Thank you JR, the coupon code worked fine.
Stanza seems to screw up the formatting of the Epub file on my iPhone, but displays fine in iBooks.
Glad you got it in at least one format you can read ๐ Enjoy!
I grabbed a copy shortly after you released it. For some reason I was expecting a heavier tale, so I had a few moments of dissonance before I could really get into the story. I have no idea why I thought that.
Thank you CJ! You’re awesome ๐
CP: I Wanna Be — Stance Punks
For those who are interested there were a lot of unused lines:
Episode Line
1 Ep-i-sode 1 was the first, it in-tro-duced us to our Jack
2 Num-ber 2 with Mike was real-ly great; we’d be sure to keep com-ing back
3 3 with Tee, what can we say? Those guys sure weren’t all that cocky
4 Buccigross in number 4! Jack got me hot when he talked hockey
5 In EP 5 Scott Sigler talked his jive.
6 This 6, 6 is the number, this beast of 6 gets his Slush God Rejection.
7 We were lucky with 7, Jeremy from Seattle and TD-0013 heaven.
8 The number eight looks like capital B, and B is for Brooklyn and Blues but in the Far East.
9 In number Nine we got schooled, in the ways of the Creative Guy.
10 In the milestone of ten, Mur stops writing and drops by.
11 Jack Batten’d down the hatches with female guitar whiz Jennifer Batten. This episode went to 11.
12 1 2 3 4 5… 6 7 8 9 10.. 11 . 12. Yo! Adrien Jones!
13 13 was quite lucky with scientist Neil deGrasse… Tyson.
14 We got the down low on scifi publishing with Ellen Datlow for 14.
15 A Kingly surprise guest on fifteen, from a man who knows how to type.
16 16 was an interview with TD, prob’ly over Skype.
17 Number 17 had no idea, no direction home.
18 18 started Greasy Spoon Comments, as christened by Ditto.
19 In Episode 19 there was a Raven Crescent interview.
20 20 had some Greasy Comments with the Wingin’ It crew.
21 21 had cyberpunk talk and a stolen movie line.
22 22 contained Part 4 of “Sixteen Pieces at a Time.”
23 Cheyenne Wright read us a poem in Episode 23.
24 24 was Very Special, Earbuds and Dumbass Memories.
25 25 concluded the inaugural Greasy Spoon game.
26 26 seems to have vanished from the website, what a shame.
27 Huge twine ball in 27, I wan-na chi-cken, Jack cut his hair.
28 28’s large saus-age…piz-za, made me feel fun-ny down there.
41 An interview in 41. A dude named John? Shirley you jest.
42 It wrapped up in 42, this 2 parter was one of the best.
53 Much like Amy’s Package, 53 was full of stuff
54 Zar-doz stars in 54; Sean was all hairsuit and buff.
95 95 was Magical and Dangerous, that’s all I know
96 96 had Southland Tales, strange, confusing picture show
97 Greasy Gulliver in 97, don’t know what that means
98 98 had fridge contents and a song, “All Beautiful Things”
99 99 with true brew, 80’s perspective we sure weren’t bored
100 Episode one oh oh – Lots of content, Jack was floored
101 101 had Tee n Pip. Pip n Tee n Tee n Pip
102 102, Peter packed some pork nipples and Pipers Prick
103 103 we learned10 facts about some folks that brought us close
104 Blue Planet in 104! Its a Scientologist
105 105 had a way of bringing Unshow 22
106 3 stories played in 106 – where’d they come from, what’d they do?
107 107’s nowhere show with nowhere Jack was nowhere found
108 108 was Horrible in content and show notes all around.
109 The babblecast of 109 – “What a crapstorm!” so says Jack
110 Then there came ol’ 1-1- oh, this one kind’a blue right back
111 In One-eleven Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit brightened up the day.
112 One-twelve finished up his interview, he had a lot to say.
113 One-thirteen was Justa Deadpan, featured guest was Justa J0e.
114 One-fourteen had Ten Year Memes and excerpts from Amy’s NaNo.
115 One-fifteen was when we all discussed our thoughts on “Grosse Point Blank.”
116 One-sixteen began the ‘Pan’s, whacky bets on hockey games.
139 139 started what was more than a “Flash in the Pan”
140 Then 140, no one can talk geeky like Tee Morris can
141 1-4-1, another hockey bet and Natural History
142 1-4-2 had more of our host talking Flash Gordon with Tee
143 1-4-3, Flash in the Pan’s conclusion, heard from RapidEye
144 In one-forty-four Jack called out Huey Lewis on his lies
151 One-fifty-one was the end of Duel of the Fates, Season 3.
152 One-fifty-two had Amy, Jack, and JohnBoze telling us stories.
153 In one-fifty-three Bunny talked about the Deadpan Meetup, then
154 One-fifty-four saw Jack talked into joining Facebook by Oden.
155 Polite rap songs in 155 – mmmmmeetup in just 3 weeks more
156 156 has Olympic hockey theme songs and Questors
157 The trend continues in 157, with lounge lizards Ozzy leading the way
158 Jack explains what Deadpan is, in number one fifty eight.
159 159: Jack’s hard drive dies so JR helps him out, Yo!
160 Pitfall Harry joins us at the Deadpan Mmmmeetup in 160
161 While in 161, PC Haring tells us all about Cybrosis
162 60 lines, the saga begins, in 162 (PLEASE George, don’t sue us).
163 music music music would describe Deadpan 1-6-3
164 One-Six-Four though was filled up, with the Deadpan memories
165 PG Holyfield has 165 fun with Jack
166 This was followed by live fun, in 166, when Questors was back!
167 1-6-7 with Live Ques-tors from the Mmmmmett-up and Hock-ey An-thems fun
168 Then 168 comes with Rich Ca-tino, the interview, part ONE
169 1-6-9, J0e’s thoughts from the beach, and how Jack’s hard drive crashed.
170 One-seventy: she said “Yes,” we all think it’s a perfect match.
171 1-7-1 On the SS Minnow, Van’s Welsh friend and Lando appear
172 JR & Jack tear down the wall in 172, and we’re all ears!
173 Electric Jack 173 deals with spam and Hockey themes
174 Trolls are big–no huge!–in 174’s interview with Ken St. Andre
175 While in 175, Jack sets us straight on history we might’ve missed
176 But in 176, Jack tries to help out alien archaeologists
177 Dark Star in 1-7-7, “Benson, A-Z” was the song
178 1-7-8, Dark Star continued, Van and Jack talked all night long
179 A tribute to the 80s comes early in 179
180 In 1-ate-zero, It seems Twain is currently what’s on Jack’s mind.
181 181 and 60 lines, the sequel’s outtakes, in palindrome
182 In 182 the trilogy’s complete, putting Jack Mangan on the the moon.
183 183, Has Barbarian hair care and beauty in store.
184 The 9″ smurfs make their debut in 184.
185 In 185, Jack shares a dumb ass memory on his path to smooth operator
186 Rush rolls a 186 in his erratic attempt at playing D&D with Jack
187 1s and 0s are the basis of One 87’s theme
188 Episode 188: Steampunk awareness, hits mainstream
189 Santa Thing in 189 brings joy (and horror) to the world
190 While In one-90 Jack goes green, recycling! old bits once more.
191 191 started with a bang, Princess Bride with Fred and Columbo
192 192 was a special guest, our own Lo pan from C O.
193 193, smooth like butta; Jack and EssBee, no one cries
194 194 UHF, Weird Al movie; probably-racist su-pplies
195 195 Utopia, Amy is all a dither
196 196 we watch a film, overwhelmed by a zither
197 justa JOe lowrider bass, Used Hair an expert on trees
198 198: Golden Girls porn; don’t let your kids listen, please
199 199 is the point, so full of stuff its gonna burst
200 and here we have two hundred; and its just as good as the first.
WOW! It’s been a busy busy 5 years. Thank you for breaking that down.
Great Episode Jack and kudos to all who contributed!
The 88 lines was a thing of beauty. ๐
Spent the morning working on a Habitat for Humanity House.
Got all the framing moved to the site and 2/3rds of the exterior walls put up.
That is a seriously impressive list. I’m floored and honored, yo. Thank you.
(Habitat for Humanity work is also seriously impressive.)
Wondering if ditto has read any of this series:
No, not yet, but I have watched the first season of the anime and thought it was quite good. I’m looking forward to watching the second season.
When I first heard that the books were to be translated into English, I was pleased. And then I saw the proposed covers. It would have been seriously embarrassing to be be seen reading those. It looked like erotica not a light novel.
After a lot of complaining, the publisher relented and started offering dust covers.
Oh my. that wouldn’t go down well at work at all.
I agree with Rhettro and Van. There should be, and I’m sure there will be, a community page where we can all hang out even after there are no more new podcast episodes. Bunny, I’ll never get tired of your drivel, either. :happy:
J0e: I love working on Habitat houses. You rock. :happy:
Thanks Amy ๐
What’s fun are all the little notes and “best wishes” that were written on the framing by the volunteers who built them.
As for the immediate future, Amy brought up a question a few weeks back about NHL Playoff themes. The regular season ends on April 11. Are we up for this? As Lo Pan stated (and you would have heard, if that part of the recording had made it onpod), it might have proven easier on folks if they just chose 1 team, and would therefore not end up owing multiple anthems.
The current atandings will be in the next post:
I doubt if the top 8 will change in either conference, or if any of the teams not listed will jump up into a playoff spot. No, not even Toronto or NJ.
Anyone care to start making claims? Can we get close to 16 interested parties?
Eastern Conference
Team GP Pts
1. x-Philadelphia 76 102
2. x-Washington 77 99
3. x-Boston 76 96
4. x-Pittsburgh 77 98
5. Tampa Bay 76 93
6. Montreal 78 89
7. Buffalo 77 87
8. NY Rangers 77 87
9. Carolina 77 84
Western Conference
Team GP Pts
1. z-Vancouver 77 111
2. * Detroit 77 98
3. * San Jose 76 97
4. Phoenix 78 95
5. Los Angeles 76 94
6. Anaheim 77 93
7. Nashville 77 92
8. Chicago 76 90
9. Dallas 75 87
10. Calgary 78 87
what do the x’s and *’s mean?
Unless there is a true penguins fan who’d rather have ’em, I’ll pick Pittsburgh.
X = claimed playoff spot. *= division leaders/winners. I think.
I’ll play this year, guys. Sign me up for anything!
Unless my O Canada has killed it forevar.
I was wondering what the z was for myself.
z = won Presidents Cup for best record in the league.
Fuck the Canucks.
Ill take Washington cause theres some ex-Avs on there
Funny How Chicago won the Cup last year and they are scrounging to even make the playoffs this year.
Hopefully I’ll get to enjoy this fabulous piece of 200 tomorrow. It already sounds excellent.
Twas, Ed. I got good giggles hearing you!
What a day, whataday
Jack, as per last time, I’ll take whomever nobody else wants.
Just listened to the episode, great job Jack and everyone who contributed.
Oh, this sounds lovely.
oh . my
I…I…I… my pants…are tight…
Just like EP 100, 200 is worth the second spin on the turn table. It’s information dense and I missed a lot the first time around. Good stuff.
I’m also game for the NHL. It matters not to me who I get ๐
Fox’s bedtime song tonight:
Except Darcy & I sang it.
Would it surprise you to hear that I own the Barnes and Barnes album that song is on?
How did we determine what the songs were last time? I got a bit confused with the NHL ones. (The Olympics were a bit more obvious to me.)
And oldy but goody NSFW:
Well I still haven’t a clue about the NHL, so assign me any team that’s left after those in the know have chosen.
Morning Pan, almost 6 am here, ugh.
Wow, that’s quite the epic to-do list I’ve written for myself for tomorrow. There will be shopping, baking, and hopefully studying.
Good night, Pan.
Your nutty website of the day;
So why hasn’t the founder jumped to a universe where he is eternally youthful?
I think you’ve discovered the flaw in the scam LR.
I signed Lo Pan up for it. I figured he can teach all of us afterwards.
You’re random video of the day Star Wars/ Kill Bill mashup.
We were big fans of the AHL Binghamton Senators, so I would like the Ottawa Senators if no one else has already claimed them.
TGIF, Deadpan!
Rootbeer float on the agenda today – remembering Joe Murphy and how the small contact I had with him touched my life.
Have a good day, all y’all.
Ditto. To all of that.
And how.
Thanks for the reminder, EssBee! I would have forgotten about the root beer float if you hadn’t posted that. I will be having one, too. :happy:
Time to find the Mason Rocket track…
Thanks for the reminder EssBee.
This is the tune that Mur asked Beetnik Turtle to create in memory of Joe.
song notes:
This song is dedicated to Joe Murphy who lost his battle with cancer on 4/1/07. About eight weeks before this, our friend Mur Lafferty wrote in and asked if we could write a song about Joe’s super spy alter ego, Mason Rocket. We did and since we recorded it during February, it became part of our Record Production Month album, All In A Day’s Work
Joe Murphy was a podcaster, a writer, and a dear friend to many people. There’s a memorial fund that Joe’s friends created on his behalf. Donations are appreciated.
*frosty mug raised*
I’m planning on my Root Beer for lunch today.
In lighter news, Gmail Motion is pretty funny.
One of my workmates who is kinda like an annoying kid brother is expecting a baby girl and today’s the due date. I hope his wife April Fools him a few times . . .
Ive been doing it all day.
“If youre leaving for Buenos Aires next week…”
I shall make a diet pepsi float later at Pizza Hut..
So …
Is just an April fools joke, right?
Im looking so forward to this. I have no idea why.
If it is, it is overly elaborate. I first heard of it ~2 months ago.
April fool I think:
And its companion piece
Darcy texted me this morning about how the washing machine had popped a hose and water had gotten everywhere.
When I got home I couldn’t find the water and had to ask her where the leak was, she said it was near the calendar.
HA!!^ Thats good one
The April Fools List:
Boing Boing digital subscription:
Off to see Source Code (Sucker Punch Sunday as nephew wants to see it).
CP: Miss Murder — AFI
Stay beautiful…
OH! Oh if only!
Where do they report to when they turn 21?
Ruby is a nice little language.
Is that an Etruscan dialect?
Just pre-ordered my copy of the All Pro ๐
Does that cOme with Soya?
Sadly, the Playmobil Apple store will only work if you download bulky, resource-intensive proprietary software.
With the bazinga! ^
So far we have:
Washington Capitals: Lo Pan
Pittsburgh Penguins: Lost Ralph
Vanamonde and EssBee open for anyone. Sorry, UsedHair, the Senators will not be in the Playoffs this year. Care to choose a different team?
And me open for anyone too.
Can I just drive the Zamboni ?
^I’m in. Put me down for the Red Wings. Gotta support the city of my birth.
You lose. I shall now fart on your shenanigans.
“Shenanigans” are like children of leprechauns right?
I’m still holding out for the Leafs. I don’t think they’ll capture 8th, but they are giving it a good run.
Stupid team. They should have been playing this way months ago.
There is always hope! At least you get to see some sort of run!
The draft and reserve beer list makes me want to cry. Too bad theres no way Id ever go here.
I don’t get here often, but it’s a pretty good draft list…
I also know they had a Stone Tap Takeover celebration this past week when every one of those draft taps had an individual variety of Stone to celebrate Stone’s Minnesota rollout.
^More like it. Looks more down to earth
What is this hockey thing you speak of?
No, I have never caught a peeper, nor been a peeper.
Often a peepee
What wait what?
*open for anyone*
Well Amazons get preferential treatment.
200 on 200
201 sadly, this 202.
Nay, 201 was
Lo Pan
April 1, 2011 at 10:42 am ยท Reply
^More like it. Looks more down to earth
Lets all rejoice in the complexities that is the new comment number system!
I, for one, welcome our new comment overlords.
Nerd cred +1000000
My Ooeeerr knocked you to 201.
I will now prove that black is White and White is black, I’m just going to avoid zebra crossings for a while.
The cookie begs to differ!!!
Today marks the ninth year that my wife and I have been together. I celebrate Fools’ Day for our foolishness. I never knew Joe, but I’ve heard enough tribute to know I missed out on a great guy. I celebrate his memory too.
Grats on your anniversary Nomad.
Sir yes sir! Well done
Congrats Scry
I’ll tilt this evening’s Joe Murphy rootbeer a few extra degrees in honor of the Scrys.
And hopefully not spill foam on the rug.
Congratulations to you both!
Cloudy cold day here.
While I was enjoying my Joe Murphy rootbeer the sun came out.
I kid you not.
I have not partaken of my Root Beer yet, but it shall be a good one. I can only hope for sun to continue shining while I enjoy it. ๐
Scry: Congratz!
Well Source code was good fun, nothing earth shattering you understand, but fun none the less.
I dont understand.
He lost his illudium p36 explosive space modulator.
If I squint, turn my head to the left, and chew gum, your profile pic looks like Ken Dodd!
I fear I may have turned too English, I’ll try better next time.
After looking it up… I get it!
EssBee and I have decided that with our combined cleavage, we can take over the world.
None of you are safe now!
Just don’t scratch.
An example of taking April Fool’s all the way.
I can’t decide which are funnier, the comments from people who get it, or all the people on facebook who are mad that they were fooled.
Are those scenes from Baby?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Yep, which was a giveaway for me.
I’d never even heard of the movie, but anyone who -read- the article would have got the joke. I mean, the whole bit about Rachel from Bladerunner? That was funny. And the least subtle give-away.
IOW, IMNSFHO, the mad people are idiots. Yay!
Ok. I’m still catching up, but this Congratulations need to be said.
Thanks, Jack. I’m glad I was a part of this.
You can stream the new Foo Fighter’s album here:
I’m not sure what to feel about this album. It seems like they are more obviously steeling from other bands. I like Arlandria and These Days. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.
Culver’s Root Beer. It’s yummy. We remember Joe.
Thank you, Lejon! I’m also glad you were a part of it.
Budget is tight, we may be getting KrogerBrand RootBeerTM (contains natural and artificial flavors) tonight. Which is still preferable to Barq’s.
“Vanamonde and EssBee open for anyone.”
Got back from Sucker Punch:
while I feel the vitriol being spewed forth at this picture is unjustified, I CAN see giving it a negative review. I’m on the fence… its a B- for me.
The “mini-adventures” as I’ll call them were fucking wonderful, but the main story – the glue of the film- was pretty damn meh even with the inclusion of a nice little tricky ending that would have packed more punch (oops) had it not been drawn out too long. That being said I could look at the film all day (and by “film” I mean…well… deliciousness).
Some good acting, some “oh PLEASE shut your mouth’ acting. But what action film is immune to that?
As far as all this “near rape fantasy” talk I dont get it. Just dont.
I’m going to recommend it Dollar Theater style. And wont be surprised if you walk away from it with more negative reactions than I.
Good review, Lo! It’ll be a DVD for us, no doubt.
Probably me too… tho Id be afraid I’d become dehydrated watching it at home. Alone.
*rim shot*
WHAT shot? Oh RIM, of course…
Entertainment Weekly? No…
I specialize in ew.
CW: Justified
I’ve really enjoyed the new season of this show.
Me too, Van. I think it’s just really well-written. Hillbillies are scary.
Alright, finished grocery store run to get root beer, and a couple of other things.
Here’s to you Joe.
CD: My root beer float, in honor of Joe.
Good night, spy extraordinaire.
CD: Avery’s The Kaiser. I’m actually kinda disappointed with this one. The alcohol is coming through alot stronger than usual for a beer from Avery.
Thanks everybody! We appreciate it. =)
DIdn’t say congrats, NS, so . . . CONGRATS!
Congrats Scry. Time really flies.
Late congratz Scry. ๐
Oh look… there is a team from Tampa Bay in the playoffs and I live in Orlando. I suppose that’s as close as I’m gonna get. I’ll take the Lightnings.
Congrats NS!
Another survey showing how clueless Americans are about where the Fed budget goes in general.
Average respondent thought NPR’s funding was 5% of the budget. That would be $178 Billion!
In truth, their funding is roughly one one-hundredth of one percent, of the overall budget.
(Face in hands)
…and 20% say CPB gets 10%.
Though I suspect the 5% who think the government spends half of the budget on public broadcasting might be skewing the average respondent closer to that 5% figure.
I’m bad with statistics, could that be skewing this poll to alarmist levels?
Considering how far off even 5% is … I think it’s a pretty good indicator of how the far right has mislead their followers into being so alarmist over CPB funding.
Last night, on the evening news, the weatherman said to expect 10 cm. of snow by morning and 20cm. in the next 24 hours.
This is one of the few times I wish he wasn’t right.
Hrmm. That’s so very… metric.
Goshdarnit! I measure my snow like I measure my cock!
In exaggerated “inches” with no real correspondence to an actual inch…
JB. 10cm is approx 3 inches
Here’s what it looks like out our front window right now
Very pretty.
I don’t want pretty, I want no more snow.
I was trying to find the snow bunnies in that picture but I failed.
TEB: I suggest you let the government know that Arizona needs snow. They might even buy the second hand stuff from Canada… as long as it’s in good condition when it gets here…
Just went in my pool for the first time this season. Still a bit cold. Won’t be comfortable for another few weeks.
Pfffft! :tongue:
Well, I hope you could all be enjoying as good of weather as I have today. Of course, I only get a couple more days of it before the Sun kicks into full summer mode, so don’t be jealous.
Bunny, that’s hideous. It was around 100 degrees here yesterday.
(Fahrenheit, just to be clear).
Would be hell for me, 12C here today and that was warm enough.
We had our first 100F day (38C for the metrically inclined) day yesterday. That’s about a month earlier than normal.
And we had the first of many perfect mid 70’s and clear blue sky days ;P
Denver – 300 days of sunshine a year. If you can see it thru the smog that is
Jack and I are of like minds. LOL
This girl gains 100,000 credibility points:
Ok. That was pretty funny.
Very clever.
Pity the scans are a bit blurry:
Giving FF 4 a try, not bad, on my netbook the browsers far less cluttered now.
I thought issue one just came out?
Enjoying FF4 also Van.
A little disappointed that I had to install an add-on to get F6 to work correctly…bother.
Never knew Lynx was Axe, the ad is still cool though:
The commercial was cute the first time I saw it but now, they’ve been playing it ad nauseum here.
Jack did you know???
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjMJ95e11X8 This would have ben my FNM geek dream to see.
It’s still snowing here.
/safe in the knowledge that the Atlantic is a biiiiig ocean.
Wiggles nose at Vanamonde
Hubby discovered NetFlix carries a bunch of the old Doctor Who
CW: Doctor Who – The Three Doctors
Oh yeah – it’s still snowing
The Pyramids of Mars is one of my fav of the old Doctor Whos, does Netflix have that one?
Worth watching if it has.
Yes. it does. I watched it a week ago…
We actually own that one Van
CW: Chaos Ep1
Not impressed so far.
Will you stop that interminable silence!?
I didn’t watch the whole clip – was it a Patton show with the original FNM singer doing just that song?
Damn, I do hope I get to see Faith No More again live.
…and it’s farewell to Diana Wynne Jones:
Aw, no! :frown:
Hello, Sunday, my old friend….
…no, that’s not it.
Well I’m not going to be as eloquent as Lo
pan, just got back from seeing Sucker Punch.
My 21 year old nephew hated it (he felt he was the one who needed a lobotomy to remove the memory of seeing the movie).
Me I rather enjoyed the spectacle, the plot is bonkers and rather predictable (also why use the best fight scene near the beginning for goodness sake).
Mini rant follows:
For fucks sake Hollywood, stop portraying fat people as rapists (the cook in Sucker Punch), have you actually seen mug shots of convicted rapists eh? A wide range of body types you fuckers.
Ill agree with the “fat person” rant here. Although Ill go farther in saying that its more an action film stereotype more than an overarching Hollywood thing. But point taken.
Dont forget greasy and slobbery.
Also, what did you think of the soundtrack? Me I thought it was mostly great, especially the use of “Army of Me”.
Enjoyed it, especially the Jefferson Airplane(?) track.
Chuck did 3 guest songs, I guess, then both he and Mike performed on “Introduce Yourself”.
^ A reply to Jacks earlier question…
This is the first enthusiastic review I’ve seen yet of Sucker Punch:
Might be important to note that the review was posted on April 1.
Just sayin’
Tee writes a great review here but methinks he digs too deep.
CW: The Eclipse
It just scared the bejeebers out of me and the cat
Hubby’s downstairs playing The Eye Of The Tiger. Against his will I might add
Your will or a visitors?
Crap, it did it again. Nothing really scary I happening but thus movie likes the loud noise than jump out of you kind of scare. Seems to be working on kitty and I today
I’m getting better. I didn’t jump that time
Isn’t Eclipse the second Twilight movie?
It’s bad enough I had to watch it last week. There’s no way I’m going to watch it a second time
You know. I would recommend this movie… As long as you don’t mind slow and poignant.
I quite liked it anyway
No Jack
Oh, I’ve seen that one. I was a little more meh on it than Bunny.
I obviously was in the right mood
Subject change: oh look, Calgary’s playing Colorado tonight. Since neither one of us have a hope in hell getting into the playoffs I’m just going to enjoy watching the Flames kick some Lo Pan butt
You do that and I’ll crack open a wonderful Boulevard DoubleWide IPA. Do love me some Smokestack Series
Fuck. Its good.
I miss beer
Like coffee, it’s one of those things that I wish I could enjoy, but it’s all yuk to me.
Its ok. Youre English.
*does jig*
The English have some good beers…
OK… They live near places where there’s good whiskey anyway.
I’ve finally had a decent day of rest to get into Dragon Age 2. I’m somewhat torn at this point. There’s much that’s better and much that’s just different. To some degree, I think it’s been dumbed down too much from the original.
I agree Ed. Overall I think I preferred the first one but the second was still fun
Turns out we’re not watching the hockey game. Hubby wants to watch this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362942/
We have this strange thing about Dean Cain movies. He’s been in so many bad ones.
Oh… Oh TEB… for the love of Ghord, No…
Looks like it’s me, Lo and ditto in the Boulvard club. Wish I had an Unfiltered Wheat right now. I settle for a Coke Zero over ice.
CD Boulevard Imperial Stout
You FUCKING beautiful man, YOU!
CW: Camelot E1
What did you think Essbee?
Oh and you get a brief glimpse of the French actress going topless in Episode 2.
After watching Sparticus I can no longer settle for “brief”. Snoogans.
That’s not brief, that’s a manly package. ๐
Wakka dooo!
Not super impressed, Van, but I do like Joseph Fiennes. I am hopeful that game of Thrones is x50 better.
What about you?
Think it’s a bit cheesey, going to give it a few more episodes to see if it improves.
So who is still unclaimed?
So far we have:
Tampa Bay: UsedHair
Detroit (booooooooooooooooooo): Rhettro
Wshington: Lo Pan
With Vanamonde and EssBee requesting ready to be assigned an unclaimed team.
I’ll play too, but I’ll wait to pick a team.
Who did I miss?
I get the feeling someone doesn’t like the Red Wings. LOL
*sharpens anti-Red Wing knife*
Pittsburgh: me
I also enjoy me some Boulevard smokestack. Although I prefer their Tank7, dubbel, and quad. Anyone tried the doppelbock they Did?
Thank you and apologies, LostRalph. You’re down for the Penguins.
I forget which Boulevard beer Rhett gave me awhile back, but I recall greatly enjoying it at one of the MMMmmmeetups. Alas, my only beer tonight was a Henry Weinhard’s Root Beer.
Sixth Glass http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/423/39621
I thought you lived in Canada? I can clearly see multiple domiciles from your vantage point. =P
Errr… ^– that one is in reference to Bunny’s snow pictures.
And happy birthday, Ambassador!
Yes, happy birthday Amy!
Indeed. Best birthday wishes to the Ambassador!
And this! ^^
And also this^
CW: The Killing – pilot (US version)
Tempted to buy the original Danish (Swedish?) version now.
Amy: Happy Birthday
Jack: Assign me one ๐
Deadpan: Good Morning!
Happy Birthday Amy
Jack: I want a hockey team too.
Yea Amy!!!!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Here’s a cupcake for you.
Happy Birthday Amy!
Jack: np
Happy birthday Amy!
Thank you for the birthday wishes, everybody! :happy:
Happy Birthday over here to Miss Amy Bowen!
Letters to Juliet was a really cute movie.
Predictable? Yep. Just the way it should be.
So the economy has given me the day off today. I’m trying to decide if I want to stay home and play guitar or go to Sedona and ride some trails.
Happy birthday, Amy!
My advice to Rhett:
Hit local trails while the weather is still cool enough, then there will still be time to head home and jam.
Thanks Jack, but I am Sedona bound. Check FB for pictures, if I get cell reception. Hopefully I’ll be on a trail in two hours.
Sedona is never the wrong choice!
Sedona is my favorite vacation spot.
Anyone have a Bug Out Bag? Discuss….
A guy might get funny looks if he told people he had a B.O.B. for emergencies…
Srry, Emergency Preparedness Bag.. hehe
I just got some knives for mine. I am working on getting it all together. I got a SOG 18″ machete (zombie apocalypse), SOG Jungle Primitive and a SOG Revolver Hunter.
Look’em up at http://www.sogknives.com
I’ve been immersed in a particularly frustrating problem here today. My coworkers would probably get a little nervous if they spotted a specialty knife retailer’s site on my screen :cth:
Awe, perhaps if you had it on a queue of “deal of the day” sites…
Ok, that might still look suspicious… Drop an add-on into your browser to disable the CSS… that’ll confuse the onlookers into thinking that you’re just browsing plain text, then… Wait… is this a “public” forum…
Please disregard…
I just booked a flight and hotel to Vegas as the end of the month.
Warning: Serious link:
Yes! And now go to Netflix and watch The One Percent. It isn’t as strident as the VF article, but a nice supplement from the POV of one of that 1%.
Got to listen to 200 today. Man, that guy really needs to relax….
Happy Birthday Amy!
Many happy returns
The cake is a lie.
OK. What’s a guy got to do to get the emoticons to work, eh?
Have you sacrificed to :cthulu: Today?
Maybe Amy will settle for mush in place of cake?
Back, I created a FB album and added the photos to the Deadpan Flickr group. Now I need a shower.
Also, listened to DP200 a second time on the drive back. I burst out laughing and had tears in my eyes at least twice. The first was Mr. Foreman’s “Gurgle gurgle gurgle. MMMmmmm” and the second was TD’s saying “Oh crap!”. Sometimes, it’s not the content but the delivery.
Gorgeous pics, Rhettro. FYI, it’s fucking freezing here.
Thanks, Rhett. TD’s delivery of that line is one my all-time favorite moments.
How long did it take you to get to and from Sedona? Seems like that was a pretty quick day.
It’s a little over an hour and a half to get from my house to the park. Not sure why I waited six years.
EssBee: Thanks. ๐
And btw, here’s a tentative outlook for the NHL playoffs:
Eastern Conference
Team GP Pts
1. x-Philadelphia
2. x-Washington – LO PAN
3. x-Boston
4. x-Pittsburgh – LOSTRALPH
5. Tampa Bay – USEDHAIR
6. Montreal – BUNNY2 (assuming Calgary doesn’t qualify)
7. Buffalo
8. NY Rangers
9. Carolina
10. Toronto – DITTO1
Western Conference
Team GP Pts
1. z-Vancouver – VANAMONDE
2. * Detroit – RHETTRO
3. * San Jose – ESSBEE
4. Phoenix – JACK M (assuming no one else wants them)
5. Los Angeles
6. Anaheim – JRMURDOCK
7. Nashville
8. Chicago
9. Dallas
10. Calgary – BUNNY1
Is everyone ok with their team assignments? Amy, since you originally mentioned it, I assume you’d like to play too?
Since ditto has strong feelings about his team, I’ll let him choose an alternate.
Totally okay!
Yup, I’ll polish my mic in preparation for the defeat of Vancouver.
I’ll take Boston.
Oops, I see Amy called Bean town. Er, I’ll… hmmm… I’ll take Nashville.
Well after watching the pilot of ‘The Killing’, I urge you all to check it out of you get AMC in the USA.
Van, 99 times out of 100 I agree with you on media, so I shall and thank you.
My Dear Lo Pan:
You must read the latest serial Tank Girl: Bad Wing Rising. I’m reading E2 and laughing my c&$! off.
Fuck! Yes please! I am all out of Tank Girl!!!
*note… after over a year of “borrowing” ye shall get them back this weekend
Bad WIND Rising. I’ll trade you those for the new uns.
Dance baby dance!
-of +if
In the good old days of MAD, most people just got on with their lives, assuming that surviving would be a far worse fate than annihilation if the bomb dropped.
Since my family wasn’t in the income league to afford a nuclear bomb shelter, just had to muddle on and hope for the best.
So no bag of sharp objects was ever bought.
Big Trouble In Little China on AMC at midnight MST tonight.
and 8:30 a.m. tomorrow
Dont watch the AMC version! You borrow one of my 10 copies.
Or just have it….
And The Killing is on again Thursday evening, 7 p.m. MST.
Jack: Thanks for the birthday :mush: . Yes, of course I want to play, too. I’ll take Boston, if no one
else minds.
I am a fan of neither hockey, nor Dallas – so I’ll go ahead and take them.
Are we playing for anthems/songs again, or do we have something more twisted this time around?
Something new might be a good idea, to keep the game fresh. I don’t know what, though. Any ideas out there?
We could do some city-related stolen lyrics or paragraphs or rap lyrics or stanzas?
/secretly hoping Van is forced to read something
Any of those would be a great idea! :happy:
Oh you just sooooooooooo have all the answers, dont you?
*steals Carrie Brownstein and runs*
Give her back!
Cant. Too cute.
CW: Butler v UCONN
Also me. Go Bulldogs, yo
Go Bulldogs!! I have no care for men’s hoops, but UCONN women just piss in my cheerios, so go Bulldogs.
Im so sorry….
Leanne Rimes would benefit from a sandwich.
CD: DiSarrono on the rocks.
Im dignified, bitches.
You are NOT CD that!
Yeah kinda am…
Horrid joke I just made up…
What you call unlocking challenges on a video game while desperately having to take a shit?
-A crowning achievement.
Im so sorry.
Insane in the membrane
Gone insane. Got no brain.
Totally not sports-related:
I finally finished The Pillars of the Earth. Bunny, thanks so much for the book – LOVED it.
Now, catching up on stacks of comics.
Darcy loved that one – and its sequel…
Worst champ game evar. Pretty sure my JV junior high team could have beat either of these teams tonite.
CD: Tuaca, neat
1st time i’ve had a chance to try it, not bad, almost too sweet for me though.
oh and
:cth: :cth :cth:
Ia!Ia! fhtagn!
essbee and Lo Pan have some homework to do
BAH! Page not found
Ed for Dallas. Check. And it would seem that Amy and Nomad both want Boston!
I’m open to suggestions as to the stakes. I don’t want to make them too burdensome (I’m looking at you, 2010 playoffs), but I also want to ensure maximum funnage.
-City-based poems (original or existing?),
-Songs as chosen by the team’s “owner”,
or…. ??
No, you are correct; “funnage” is not a word.
Goodnight :funnage:
Just give me those old time graphic techniques:
I predict much greater use of “Phong” in geek comments around the web.
“Phong? The fish is ready”
+1000000000 points and a personalized hand drawn card for whoever gets that joke. (No Google)
I recognize the Cave Dwellers reference, Lo.
Oh my!!! Prepare for awesomeness…
As we’re placing orders, I’ll take a tunnage of funnage.
I started playing Fable II (I know there is a Fable III, but I picked this up for $5, which I felt was WELL worth it). So far I am liking it quite a bit. I will eventually have to get out of my comfort zone of doing everything the way you are “supposed to” in video games and start to be a rat bastard.
Morning Pan
Cheese Scones are nummy
Usedhair, I thought Fable II was better than the third one any way. I always play the good guy as well (which is probably why I wasn’t a fan of Fable 3, the only way to win was to be evil)
Ohhh, my spam mail today offers me “10 tips to orgasm”
My thoughts:
1) have hubby take his shirt off (God he’s got a great chest)
2) smell hubby (mmmm, love his natural body odor)
and so on and so forth.
Jealous much :cheerful:
I’m not going there.
We’re supposed to get a thunder shower this afternoon. Gotta love Calgary’s spring time weather
Ok, what button did I push. Now when I want to do a question mark I get this: ร
Now I have to figure out what I did.
Ha! I win ๐
Lo and I are having a witty conversation ๐
Tongue tied?
hah! I correctly guessed which song Lo Pan would link.
Morning Pan!
Anyone else have their data compromised in The Great Epsilon Hack?
So Far I have had notices from Best Buy, Tivo and Disney Vacations(I don’t even know why they have my e-mail)
Now I am off to the HFH build.
Nay. Im safe for now
Best Buy & US Bank here
I got one from Walgreens, but not from Best Buy. Yet.
Sexy Ghostbusters statue.
that is all
Phong has always outshown his younger brother, Gouraud.
-younger +older
Apologies is this is old news or posted before… but dear god?
Best comment –
“They want? robots to power themselves by processing meat… yea nothing could possibly go wrong there.”
Why did I click “Reply” to Edith’s comment up there?
Guys like you got it made….
Goils were goils and men were men.
Attn: Weird Al fans. http://www.popmarket.com/details/5864254
I didn’t sign up, so I don’t know how much the deal is really worth. Still, 6 discs for less than $50 sounds pretty good.
$24.99. And its sold out. Boo.
I second that. ๐
CPIMM: All in the Family Star Wars mashup.
I think I got food poisoning from the bison burger I had on Sunday night.
I’m not quite dead yet!
You got buffaloed, good sir.
In happier news, it looks like BioWare is going to give me Mass Effect 2 on the PC for free!
“Oh you can’t rollerskate in a Buffalo heard, you can’t”
Sorry ditto. I guess you can stick to buffalo wings.
also herd, not heard. =P
Moooving right along
Youve got a right to your beef…
CPIMM: Beatnik Turtle – Chicken Pad Thai
(the middle verse goes, “Buffalo wings, buffalo wings, buffalo wings!”)
This is the last Bison that wrecked me:
I think I ate the little thingy that the Indians didn’t use. At least that’s what I’ve seen in Far Side.
Oh my God, it’s full of stars:
Wanna know why I’m called the Milky Way?
You can eaten between meals without spoiling your appetite?
We would have also accepted “loves him some cereal”.
You have a malt nougat center?
Chewy AND drinky!
Well I’m not quite as impressed with FF4 after extended use, seems much more resouce hungry then Chrome and runs noticeably slower on my netbook as well.
If you haven’t tried Iain M Banks Culture novels you can pick the first (in ebooks format) for 99cents:
Not in th UK though..the bastards!
Van I’d get it for you but they don’t seem to have just an epub version.
Tis the thought that counts TEB…
Amazon was price matching it at .99 for the Kindle – I wonder if Amazon UK is also matching that price point?
Just checked, and that would be a no, still priced at ยฃ4.99.
Milky Way? Is it because you’re like Snickers without any nuts?
That’s a lotta nutz.
Ironically, “Three Musketeers” doesn’t have any nuts.
Is anyone watching Breakout Kings? It’s pretty good. And Serinda Swan is in it. You might recognizer her from Tron Legacy. And the most recent episode, the scene with the boots…? I’ll be in my bunk. ๐
Oh my Ive never even heard of this show!
I had to read it twice.
Today does not feel like a Tuesday, the corners remind me more of a Thursday, or perhaps a bad Wednesday.
I second that notion.
Why has an undead version of Lo Pan’s avatar appeared in my box?
I may have just pissed my pants… oh well well done sir
I have gotten several emails from site warning me that my email has been compromised. Good thing I’ve got a special hotmail address for those kinds of things.
I could never get the hang of Thursdays.
J0e, I’m frightened.
Wouldn’t a zombie Edith always be after Meathead?
I is tired.
I spent the day lifting and hanging roof trusses.
“I lift things up and put the down.”
“I lift things up and put the down.”
“I lift things up and put the down.”
“I lift things up and put the down.”
It’s a hard habitat to break, oh the humanity.
Ok, Peter…..
Crushing bad news : Inbev bought out Goose Island
Yeesh, that does not bode well.
Plus side: Tommyknocker’s Pick Axe is a nice session pale ale
Yknow, if youd just drive here Id take you to their taphouse. Its just a quick 15 min up the mountains ๐
Damn your logic!
Tis a curse
CD: Choc’s Basement Ale, a nice pale ale seems they’ve used Marris Otter malt with cascade hops.
Not had. Wanna try!
Hmm, I don’t know if it’s that special. Choc is a local Oklahoma brewer, and so far I’ve found their beers to be good, but not good enough to be of note.
But Ive not had any Choc brews. Still wanna try
Haha, yeah that’s my thoughts for pretty much every beer I hear about.
Vampire Smile looks awesome and a great deal for $10.
Ooooooh, consumer version of the turret!
Oh good, that’s just what I need to secure my beer cellar.
ditto titillates!
CD: Sammy Smith Taddy Porter
Ditto Gone Wild!
And with that, it is off to bed for me. Must catch up on my beauty sleep. Not that it helps, but need to keep the optimism up. Yep. That’s up.
CD: Fuzzy Navel
CS(Currently Scratching: Hairy Abdomen
Quote: “icecubes dilute the water you just poured”
Good time to find Saturn in the night sky.
Thanks for the link Van. I’m been having pretty good results with the Google Sky Android app. ๐
The original Lost Boys is on Netflix streaming. That was exactly what I needed.
Goodnight :80s:
Cryyyyyyy little Mangan.
Thou shall not streeeeeeaaamm
List of slow addons for FF:
Does it qualify as irony that an add-on called “Faster Fox” is on the list of biggest retards to Firefox speed?
lol. Yeah, that’s pretty funny.
Firebug is a very useful tool, but anyone that leaves it on all the time gets what they deserve.
Good morning, DP.
Why who what? Why?
Happy Twinkie Was Invented Day today!
I’m relieved I have no idea what you are talking about.
Today in history, the Twinkie was invented…. depending on who’s story you go by.
In a related story, the US entered WWI today in 1917. Coincidence?
I think not! Late bloomer? ๐
ditto have you (or anyone else) watched Black Butler? I need to start an anime that will hold my attention. Im just not getting thru Blood+. Maybe its the amount of time needed.
I haven’t watched that. What other series have you enjoyed? There’s a lot available on Crunchyroll & Funimation.
For an interesting take on Sherlock Holmes in an alternate post WW1 Europe, try Gosick.
YES! This looks sick. (No pun intended). I really stopped watching anime 10 years ago….so lets say Im working with a clean slate. I put a shatload on Instant Queue.
Let me know what you think. It’s one of the better series that premiered in January, imo. BTW, Gosick (alt spelling is Goshiku) is Japanese for Gothic, which perfectly fits this series in so many ways. ๐
Where’d it premier at?
Ignore this previous question.
I’m deadpanditto on Crunchyroll. Add me as a friend if you create an account.
I will. UNFORTUNATELY its blocked at work. Boo.
I can give you more recommendations after work.
The map geek in me is very pleased!
The history geek in me is very pleased!
CP: Kill You — Kay the Aquanaut
Made it through another night unscathed.
Hey, it’s Wednesday! WOO WOO!
600 on 200?
Gettin there!
Found a store that had a small stock of Dogfish Head Worldwide Stout 4-packs. Became excited. Them saw the 40$ price point.
Left empty handed. Bully that.
-m +n
I actually would have bought a pack at that price, or at least looked for a single to try the beer with. That’s the same price I pay for Beast and Mephistopheles, and DFH’s World wide Stout should be similar.
Agreed. At 10$ a bottle I would have tried one for sure, but they were only selling by the 4 pack. While Im sure Ill love it, its a steep price to pay for guesswork. Maybe I can go keep going in and convince em to sell by the bottle.
Much like I pay for Mephistopheles by the bottle. Bout 7.99 per.
There’s a plan, or find a local friend to split the pack with. If I was close enough I’d be willing to go halfsies with you.
There’s always a way…LR
CP: Fighter — Frogpond
C: Sighing deeply.
*pats the Mangan*
^ ahahahahahhhahahahahhhhhahahahahha
Clearly, alternate Edith needs a goatee.
*sigh* This is what I get for not doing my research in a timely manner. Dark Lord Day is April 30, and tickets sold out a month ago. Guess I’ll be waiting until next year.
I’m going to go pour a beer so that I can cry into it.
FYI: http://www.darklordday.com/about/
Also I cant afford the trip to Indiana ๐
Why I don’t use dating sites:
CD: Seeyoulator, one of Boulevard’s smokestack beers. A doppelbock aged in cedar barrels, the cedar adds a woody, resiny flavor, kinda like some IPAs ๐ .
anyone else having problems with the Deadpan page loading? Is the new layout having problems with 600 comment :cheerful:
This is a test.
ZP kicks the cute puppy that is the latest Pokemon game:
So I finally caught up with all the Red Panda adventures.
Umm, Black Jack Justice it is then.
CAtD(about to drink): Jerome Andean Stout.
Yet another non Pintley beer. Mah.
Motherfucking coasters can’t put some breweries from the heartland in their list.
Fucking preach it brutha
Hmm, apparently I’ve hit the magic number of non-IPAs rated in POintley so that it is not recommending 50 differents IPAs to me. It’s down to 30 now.
Although… how the hell is Rogue’s Dead Guy Ale a maibock?!
POintly? what the hell is POintly?
Well, my kids are enjoying the Pokemon game. However, it is their first, so that accounts for much. The just got into Pokemon a couple of months ago. I bet they’ll have moved on within a year.
I can’t quite decide if this is simply brilliant or too smart by half:
“Under Communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism itโs the other way around.”
In matriarchy woman exploits man.
I may be enjoying this beer a little too much…
She can sue me! Sue me sue me!
So, I went ahead and got the “reconfigured” Tron:Legacy album that came out today. There were enough decent remixes to justify getting the full album. However, I think some just go overboard and do more harm than good to Daft Punk’s overall excellent score. Amazon has the download for $8 now.
However, in the reviews, someone pointed to a bootleg remix collection. I’m still going through the tracks, but I have to give the nod so far to this set for producing a remixing that generally does more enhancement than over reaching:
I was thinking of getting it. A few of the pieces sounded good, but I expect some are just butchery.
Of course, I was speaking of Reconfigured. I’ll have to check out that new link. ๐
And I watched Legacy again and quite enjoyed it. Again. ๐
CD: Choc’s Smoked Porter 2010 Homebrew winner
Meh, this may be better aged. As it is I feel like I’m drinking a dry stout downwind from a campfire with the smoke coming in on the aroma and aftertaste. Maybe it will get better after it warms up…
Hmm, warmer is better, well that or buzzer us better. The smoke doesn’t seem as strong and I seem to get a lingering sweetness from the malt, almost sensed rather than tasted.
I’m getting the point where I’m going to start posting random comments, well more random than usual for me.
Hello you beautiful random boy you!
Jerome Andean stout = WTF???? Tangy and unstouty. Odd odd odd beer.
WOndering now if I got a bad batch actually. That, or the description on the bottle is a LIAR LIAR
That’s my feelings about Avery’s Kaiser, maybe I should call it the fallen kaiser…
random: in mind the phrase “waka wake” is always said by Fozzy Bear, but I get the image of Pac-Man.
The twain shall never meat
Also “meet”. Jeebus
Oh god! my mind went to a bad place and now I’m torn between laughing, and shuddering while I reach for the brain bleach.
I…I went there too…
Thank god for alcohol, it’s not mind bleach but it helps.
Let me extend the nightmare.
PACKman MEATS Fozzybear.
They don’t call him “the Packman” for nothing!
Not sure why this comes up with the search phrase fozzy bear pacman:
Goddamn us all.
Oh, good I hear the band is way better in hell.
“Now the devil he plays guitar.
And Hitler plays the drums.
Im the man on the microphone, this is what Ive become.”