Of course nobody on my skype list is actually online to test it..
I somehow doubt my steam-powered iPhone 3G will benefit from the new video calling… If it does, though, I may have to pester my mother with the baby more often.
Eeek! Two gross!
If anyone wants to come over and watch UHF – we own it.. of course. I guess I won’t be participating in the Third Man… looks a little scarier than my weak psyche can handle right now.
I won’t go into it with y’all at the moment, but um.. yeah.. I have a lot going on in my private life right now so.. any absences are not because I don’t want to be here. I just am dealing with some big stuff elsewhere.
and… seriously, would someone please tell me what to do for the Smurf thing. I’m at a loss creatively.
By my calculations there are 97 full episodes left, if the releases alternate with an Unshow that would be 194 weeks until the very end or three years and 7 months. LOL
So we were out having a play date and someone called and said it was snowing a few miles east of where we were playing so we all loaded the kids in our cars and headed east but the snow was faster than us.
I tried to see it.
Yeah, what’s with the cold? It’s going to be 30 degrees tomorrow night??
It’s about 70 here today. I was outside in a t-shirt.
Bizarro World.
Well the snow has gone, and now it’s slighly damp.
Made a skype video call earlier on the iPhone, bit of a battery killer, but worked nicely over 3G and the caller said they could see me clearly if a bit pixellated.
Hey, DP! Looks like I have news to hear on pod . . .
We went to Boulder in the storm and watched Harry Potter. Two thumbs up from me. But the driving blew. Now we’re home and all feeling still awful and coughy.
Write a comment for a chance to win a book from a ‘new’ author:
My cat likes jalapenio cheese. I fund that strange. You’d think it’d be too spicy, especially considering she doesn’t like most other types of cheese
CW: Oilers/Avalanch hockey game
CR: Earth the Book – John Stewart
Colorado just drew first blood. Lo, how futile would a request that you take it easy on us tomorrow be?
We need this win, sweetie. Gotta do what we gotta do this time
I won’t deny you a win today but, since you’re in 5th and we’rein 14th, I think it’s safe to say we need the win more
It is safe to say that…. but we gotta keep up win Vancouver til Stewart comes back. Its just business, babe.
Paul Stastny
So’s cleaning out a septic tank. Don’t mean I want any part of it (insert any other distasteful job here) :ninja:
Saw a commercial for the True Grit remake. Nobody can replace The Duke
BTW. Colorado up 3 – 0. Five minutes left in the first
The Slate review says this version puts The Duke to shame, Bunny.
Thomas Fleichmann
Best trade of the year
Yeah, this True Grit is supposed to be utterly phenomenal.
Who’s “EssBee’?
Lo, I even posted a link for you up there ^
I’ve been kinda absent, I know. I’ve been sick, sick, sick and today we all fell JUST well enough to catch Harry Potter.
Watching the Avs game on ESPN UK and its wonderful
-l, +t
I’ll see it when it comes to video Lo and EssBee but nobody beats The Duke, pilgrim
*hugs*. EssBee. Feel much better than “just”
Essbee: That goddamn law…. seriously. Fucking just sell booze in grocery stores like MOST OTHER FUCKING STATES IN THIS HOLY UNION.
Thanks, Bunny – if I could get rid of the cough I’d be golden.
Lo: Right?
My favourite commercial line tonight: “cowhide dries out, so can your manhide”
Alberta only sells alcohol in licensed stores and bars/restaurants. No grocery stores for us. Although I never heard of a place getting in trouble for selling something with a too low alcohol content. Seems counter-intuitive to me
CW: Torchwood S1, E5
Hubby just came up stairs from rocking out. Cat’s unhappy. For reasons we can’t fathom, she doesn’t seem to trust John it’s not like she’s known him the same length of time she’s known me, or something
Hubby says this game must be “light exercise” for Colorado. *stretch*. “just working the kinks out”
He thinks he’s funny
I enjoy our husband, Bunny
I think I’m going to take the Christmas tree down tomorrow. Time to move on
Yeah, I like our hubby too
EssBee: I just dont get how in our state, which is now known as the pot capital of Amercia and also the 2nd biggest microbrew state in the nation, can have such archaic liquor laws.
I have to go back to work on Saturday. Boo to month end
The one thing i miss about living in downtown Denver is Avs game bar hopping. Also I miss about 100000000 other things.
“I thought they were auditioning for the next HBO special”
I just don’t understand colour commentators
Holy cow, Edmonton scored
This year we’re going to become cultured. We already have season tickets for the symphony, we were then given opera tickets for Christmas. Now, where’s my monocle?
I think I have one of those in the house. Left over from when the kids were younger
True Grit should be the perfect rebound for Jeff Bridges. (Yes, we went to see Trong)
Apparently the chickens have not hatched.
Anyway, the family watched Salt tonight on DVD. As long as I can keep my brain shut off, it’s a pretty entertaining car chase/Jolie butt kicking action flick. But, the contrived nature of the plot makes the typical Bond villains scheme look plausible and reasonable.
Still, my wife and daughter greatly enjoyed it. Women kicking butt in action movies go over well in our house hold.
Hmm, some Joe showed up on Facebook. Can anybody vouch for this guy? Looks Justa bit shady to me.
To sum up my week: I’m better now but the cough is lingering. I was expecting 5-10 inches (I took a McDump). Paused 2 Poop. Watched True Grit (great) Tron (great) Shaun of the Dead (still great) and Scott Pilgrim vs the World (fun and funny)
Happy New Year DeadPan! I’ll see you next year! WOO WOO!
Now I guess I should listen to this episode and then finish listening to Willian Shatner, then I’ll go to bed 🙂
Well I was reading an article in the New Scientist about faecal transplants.
High on yuk factor, but appear to work for infections in the colon.
I may not get out tonight for New Year, plans have fallen through and all that.
Plus I have to work today, grrrrrrrrrr!
I can’t stand Angelina Jolie.
So, I’m at work and the dude who is supposed to be here before me, like 5 hours before me, still isn’t here? I don’t think he’s coming in today.
OK, um…
I have a question. I’m going to email it to Bunny though. None of you get to see it.
Then, and maybe before… yeah before I email her, I’m turning on my frakkin’ space heater because it’s like icicle land in this frakkin’ office.
I don’t like today.
It blows.
Grrrrrrrr! At the tease Cj.
OK. With JRMurdock we finally have a vote for the new Tron. It almost gives me enough hope to go see it. What was good, what was bad.
Don’t ask LoPan. He doesn’t like anything. He’s like Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials.
Just got caught up on comments – I have to side with Lo on the Resi Evil films. I love em. I’m not so much a Milaphile, but I do really like those films. I can’t wait to see the new one.
JR: I think you and I have the same sickness – up until the 5-10 inches part. Mine was snow.
Ed: I finished it! WOW. Loved it.
So, as most of you know, I never… well… rarely use the word “hate” .. it’s an ugly ugly word. Generally I eschew use of it and opt to note that I like something else better instead of hating…
I trust you’re talking about the latest WOT book, EssBee.
I may have already said this but – I found it an almost surreal experience to reach the end of a WOT book and have plot thread actually get resolved rather than created. I think he even managed to avoid introducing any more new major characters! 🙂
Yep, that’s it, Ed. I agree!
Do any of you guys/girls have experience hooking up an older boom box type stereo to a newer TV? I’m having zero luck and don’t want/need to spring for a surround sound receiver.
Decided to check into work today. I must be a glutton for punishment.
Until you reach the weather we get (possibly Lo Pan and EssBee too) , currently -18C you can’t complain about being cold :tongue:
It’s 0F here today, but we can’t complain. It’s been freakishly warm and dry here until yesterday. We definitely didn’t get 10 inches, but maybe 5, of snow last night. The newspaper says “NEW YEARS EVE RUINED BY THE COLD!!!”
Come On!!
New years eve ruined by the cold? Really? If there are any outdoor activities, they don’t think of cancelling until the weather gets to -30C (-22F). You just learn to bundle up, or don’t go.
I reserve the right to complain about the cold because…
#1 I live in a place known for its warmth – if I chose to live in a snowy climate, I would not complain.
#2 You’ll never hear me whining about the heat during summer
#3 Come ON! How often do I REALLY complain about anything?
Jack, I’ll participate in Earbuds part two.
Cj, you can complain about anything you want :silly:
Don’t worry Cj, I will do a lot of moaning about the heat this summer.
Well my shift has just ended, fingers crossed the last bus will run…
Oh, and what is going to be involved in participating with Earbuds 2?
Would people think less of me if I said I liked fillet o’ fishes?
CP: UC Radio New Years Bash 2010
There are worse foods TEB.
Jack, I refuse to send you anything else until you play the last thing I sent. Not my fault you don’t like fish :tongue:
Actually Van, there are very few foods I don’t like. I think I can count them on one hand.
I’ve eaten plenty of fast food in my life, but I don’t know if I’ve ever had a McFilet O’ Fish.
Bunny, I’ll check the email archives. :redface:
Well I caught the last bus home..Woot!
Where I can count on one hand the foods I like.
Well two hands.
I will admit to liking the McRib.
McFish and McBurgers – not so much… but I don’t begrudge anyone else.
I could really go for some good French Fries right now though with this hot green tea.
hmmm checking the lunch menu for today …
Hot Pastrami and Swiss on an Italian Roll with German Potato Salad and Seafood Chowder.
Subway …. hmmm but I want fries… I do like Wendy’s new Sea Salt fries…
So.. if I take a full hour lunch I could go…
Get my sammich at Subway
Get fries at Wendy’s
Get coffee at Starbucks (someone sent me a gift card)
Lunch sounds like a good idea
Well the best laid plans and all that.
Tonight I will staying in.
Android users, be careful if you use your phone for work:
Although the writer was being a touch melodramatic.
Nice retweet spotted by NS:
@calmo: Uninstalling 2010 ???????????????? 99%
So I’m getting a subscription to White Dwarf magazine (a warhammer magazine) for My Boo’s boyfriend. Hubby complains he doesn’t have a subscription to the magazine so now I have to get two. I sometimes wonder how many kids I have.
I have never had a texting issue of that nature with my droid phone… it does however, like to call people randomly.
Someone just randomly called my phone and hung up. Who’s toying with me? Is it YOU?
Never mind. It was a friend’s husband. He called me yesterday… I bet he redialed in error.
Christmas is officially over. We just took down our tree.
No spiders this time?
I fear No Ordinary Family is turning into a guilty pleasure.
No spiders.
We gave up on No Ordinary Family a while ago. The family was just too dysfunctional for us to handle
The news is going on about the $50 mil jackpot in the local lottery. Do you think I’d have a better chance if I actually bought a ticket? Oh well, no fortune for me.
Dysfunctional I can handle, perfection is harder to deal with.
Now the news is going on about the bast way to give a New Year’s kiss. Especially if you’re at a public party
Somewhere in between works best for me, Van
Carry a handkerchief?
Huh? For kissing? They recommend bring along something to freshen your breath just before (gum, mouthwash, etc.) and how best to kiss a stranger vs. Someone you know and other silly stuff like that
True Grit came in at # 4 in the Year’s best movies by our local critic. Haven’t got to number one yet
#1 is The King’s Speech. I haven’t seen any of the movies mentioned
True Grit and The King’s Speech should be out early next year in the UK, probably check out both.
I don’t go to movies any more. Will wait until they come to video.
Why would we be out in public kissing strangers?
New Year’s eve party. In theory there will be someone there you don’t know that well
I dunno Cj, I think this year I would be game for kissing strangers..
I’m home for New Years. Mane Van and I can commiserate together. It’s also highly unlikely I’ll be up until midnight
Van, me too.
Us too. I’m still sickly and we’re not big partiers.
Star Trek V is playing on the TV, the SFX are as ropey as the plot.
Yes, that was the one where they made the mistake of not using ILM for the effects work. Though that was among the least of Trek V’s problems.
CW: Minority Report
Problem #1: “Yes, Mr. Shatner, you can direct this one.”
It looks like we’ll be home for NYE, as well.
Van, I’m thinking that Earbuds 2 will be a song-swapping game, with participants partnering up and sending each other a song. Every participant will send Deadpan a recording of
1. The reason they selected their song to contribute.
2. Their reaction to the song they received.
That’s the rough idea. If you’re down, then we have 5, so far.
I’m in for that earbud thingie.
Jack – can I just say that “Right. Because skype has a dial tone.” STILL cracks me up and that “I, have my crimper” is sheer audio genius!
Oh, and I’m in on the earbud thing … and maybe UHF but I was hoping to spend time next week working on Smurf stuff.
Maybe I should combine the 2.
Sounds good Jack, count me in.
Well I’ve grabbed The Third Man (err cough), looking forward to watching that one again.
So instead of secret Santa it’ll be secret earbuds?
I have both palooza movies, just have to set aside a couple of minutes to watch them
Currently Making: meatballs for tonight’s dinner of spagetti and meatballs with garlic cheese bread – yum
CW: Star Trek TNG – 2×17 – Samaritan Snare
Do all sandwiches in the 24th century lack crust?
that would suck
I wonder if any of the younguns would survive listening to a folk song..
Hmmmm …
“Musical Naural Selection”, now there is an idea I could support!
Hubby’s playing Halo Reach. Judging from the expletives coming from the living room, I don’t think it’s going too well
Well just gone midnight here, Happy New Year Pan, I hope you all have a good evening, night mush.
Happy new year Van! Here’s hoping for a great one for us all
*gives Vanamonde a New Year’s kiss*
Lo, be gentle with us tonight, kay.
(hockey game in a couple of hours for those with minds in the gutter)
I think it’s time to eat now. Back later
Oooh, the earbuds 2 concept sounds promising. I’m in.
Happy New Year, Van! Six hours still here – enchilada casserole in the oven.
CD: seeing in the New Year watching the Scott Pilgrim movie.
Hubby’s Haloing it again. In a little bit I think I’ll make some chees biscuits to have during the game
We’ll probably do another Torchwood marathon tonight – no Avs game here . . .
To be honest I haven’t even looked it up. I’m just assuming (hoping) the game will be televised on one of the myriad of channels we have. I have to wait until hubby stops playing before I can look it up and make sure
*deep voice* “double kill”
Warm cheese biscuits – check
Water for me, beer for hubby – check
Checked for game on tv – check
We’re ready!
Telus flame hockey brought to you by Telus
Redundant much?
CW: The Spirit
Glutton for punishment are we EssBee?
There’s a player named Shattenkirk (sp). Hubby and I find this hilarious
Not good?
I’ve seen better. But then, to be honest, I’ve seen worse. I’ll give it a meh.
Tied at nothing end of the first
On a completely unrelated note: I don’t think hubby will be able to join me in critiquing either palooza movie if anybody needs a recording partner
I missed it — Happy New Year, Van!
Calgary draws first blood *sticks tongue out at Lo Pan*
Two nothing Flames. *goes na na na na na at Lo Pan*
I really should be careful with the taunts. I know it will come back to bite me but I have to enjoy it while I cam
3 – 0 Flames
Where is Lo Pan? It’s no fun to taunt him in absentia
3 – 0 Flames, end of the second
UsedHair: If you liked the 1st Tron, you’ll love the second 🙂
New Years Eve: Wife and Daughter both have 100F fevers. Quiet night in. I hope they can both at least stay awake or at least wake up for New Year 🙂
My leg is soooo asleep. Stupid cat
*hugs* to your family JR. Hope they get better soon
I can pretty much guarantee I won’t be awake at midnight
The Spirit wasn’t too bad!
I stand by my meh
Colorado scores
It was a Short handed goal. Nice
Bunny: Thank you!
Good evening deadpan, looks like I’m getting smashed for new years. I started with a stock ale and I have several bottles of imerial stout including a bottle The Czar from Avery. And if I get through all that I also have a botte of 3 Philosophers.
Essbee and Lo: Well colorado alcohol laws could be worse, like oklahoma’s or Utah’s. Although “the no selling 3.2 beer in bars and restaurants” ties PA’s “you can only buy beer by the case” for encouraging drinking.
And I hope Essbee and JR’s families are get better soon.
mmmmmm Beer sounds like a good idea. 🙂
I’m drinking h2o on the rocks. Haven’t got that buzz yet
Thanks, Ralph!
We just tried Rogue’s Dead Guy Ale – thumbs up.
3 – 2 flames. Two and a half minutes left in the game
No alcohol consumed here either.
40 minutes until East Coast New Year’s.
Calgary wins 3 – 2 *sticks tongue out at Lo Pan*
it is a TNG evening for at least one member of the reaper family (me)
CP: Star Trek TNG – 2×22 – Shades of Gray
Season 3 here I come. I can’t wait to watch DS9 again, and Voyager for the 1st time. I still need to get Enterprise but maybe I’ll watch B5 or SG1 again 1st. I didn’t finish B5 but I really liked it.
CD: Cranberry juice and Vodka
Voyager was my least enjoyed of the Star Trek series
How much of B5 have you watched Reaper?
And if you really want to geak out about B5 the B5 podcast is really fun to listen to.
It’s midnigt somewhere. I’m going to bed. Night Panites
LR, so far i have watched most of the 1st season of B5 and i loved it. thanks for the suggestion I will have to check that podcast out.
I have only watched 5 or so of the voyager shows so at this point I can’t say if I like it or not. but so far much of TOS is my least enjoyed. Little too much over acting for me and I grew up with TNG so TOS look a little silly sometimes.
Night bunny!! merry new year.
TEB: Goodnight and happy new year!
Reaper: Wow, if all you have seen is the first season you are in for a surprise/treat. Seasons 1 and 5 are generally considered the weakest. As for the podcast, I really like the commentary they’ve done for every episode and the interviews of the cast and crew are very cool. They even interviewed J. Micheal Strazinsky earlier this year.
Happy New Year :pan: . I’m starting the new year by watching Beavis and Butt-head watch videos.
Happy New Year, left coast! :metal:
I should say that the B5 podcast is currently watching/reviewing the 13 episode sequel to B5, Crusade.
Happy Belated New Year for the Eastern Time Zone.
T-minus 22 minutes for me.
20 minutes left in 2010 for me. yeah the new year! or something like that
2 minutes left for 2010.
Happy New Year, LostRalph!
Oh, and Reaper!
Happy new year, panites
Happy New Year! to the GMT-6 time zone
I’m ashamed, I just realized the perfect song for new years is Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”
So do the arozonian deadpanites get new years in 23 minutes or do you have to wait another hour because of day light savings?
Best wishes for the New Year Deadpanites!!!!!!
Happy New Year, everyone. We’re counting down now.
Happy New Year and goodnight :pan: in case i missed anyone.
May the tweens of the 21st century be better than the oughts for you all.
Well as things tend to do, night turned into morning.
Now I have to find a place that is open and sells milk on new years day.
MMXI as those crazy Romans would say.
work, work, work. Bleh
Good morning, 1-1-11. Especially all of you!
Welcome to 2011: The Year of Hugh and Andrea
It is also the year of the rabbit I believe
Hughs last evaluation starts Monday. We’ll know from this evaluation if his cancer is in full remission then we can plan our return to Chicago in about 3 months. If not in remission 3 more months of treatment and he gets evaluated again in April. But my gut tells me we will be home by May 🙂
I also hope 2011 brings all of you goodness and happiness, and relief, and recovery, and joy, and wealth, and the absolute best of health, and good scifi, and good friends, and good times, and love, and respect, and many many many smiles, and even more laughs, and a few good cries when they are needed, and most importantly lots of deadpan.
Good New Year Pan!
I like the sound of your earlier revelation.
deep, movie promo voice/
“This year … We’re going to Eleven!”
/deep, movie promo voice
I second that “breast” !
Sending warm thoughts the Smarty Hotties way.
Fingers crossed for that May return to Chicago TSHs.
Belated welcome to 2011 from Texas, y’all.
Just woke up a little while ago.
Hope TSH makes their triumphant return to Chicago and that everyone gets all the breasts that they desire.
Here’s to all of us putting our breast foot forward in 2011! *raises coffee cup*
CD – Listening to the “Rose Bowl Parade” as I clean.
I find myself wishing I’d hear the talking heads say, “This next float is delightfully sexy and entirely inappropriate for this parade.”
Hasn’t happened yet … but I can hope.
Isn’t it the “Walmart-Mitsubishi-ExLax-Rose-1800Flowers-Bowl brought to you by the fine folks at Nabisco and Chef Boy-r-dee” this year?
If by some chance you haven’t experience Half Life 1 and 2 on PCs then big sale on the Steam today:
All tracks listed with downloadable links plus the option of a 3-pack of .rars with all tracks contained therein. Just follow the above link and scroll to the bottom.
I came across that last one as Amazon is running 1000 MP3 albums for $5 each. I’ve also come across a few others that I know I own, but don’t have them ripped to my Itunes. However, I also have no idea where the original CD’s themselves are, so I’m probably going to just buy them with this deal.
Toni Basil, should have done a cover of Scarborough Fair.
We’re off to the Fiesta Bowl. Go team!
I think the hangover has hung itself.
For those who missed my Facebook and/or Tweet…
I sent someone an email.
I then saw said email as a sent email in my email box and thought it was an email sent to me.
I then replied to the email.
Thus replying to myself.
This dumbass memory has been brought to you courtesy of some fantastically delicious ShEvo Studios hot chocolate drink and several chocolate cake shots… or the hangover it created.
I’m not sure which – but … I have a feeling a co-worker may have reported me on this website last night :blush:
If you don’t want me to drunk text you… you probably shouldn’t give me your cell phone number.
Just to be clear … those weren’t all yours were they?
None of them were mine.
I did a thorough check of my area code.
and a complete wipe of my phone.
evidence = what evidence?
thanks everyone 🙂
I love drunk texts. I have been guilty of some AMAZING drunk texts in my time.
I am so glad this age of cell phones and camera phones and facebook that all of that came AFTER my most crazy years. The pictures and stories and proof of such events people would have of me… *shudders*
Has anyone else noticed how much more well lit bars/clubs are these days? Hugh and i were discussing this recently. When we were out doing our worst partying the places we hung out at were dark. Very dark. We wanted it that way. You wanted people to NOT see you. But even our favorite club in Chicago sometime in the early 2000’s remodeled and become more well lit. I think its all related. Going out drinking used to be like vegas. What you did when you were out partying stayed within your circle of friends. Today people want to be seen. It is very odd.
Ah well. Anyway.
Going MIA again. Tomorrows a big day. Hughs mom is coming to SF tomorrow. Bears are playing the Packers. These are major events in our lives.
I’ll let you know how the evaluation goes when we hear. I am sure you will all probably hear me screaming if it goes as well as we hope.
LOL if those texts are real some of those are pretty damn funny
ok this might be my favorite:
He passed out on the floor and you kept hitting him in the dick and screaming “hammer of justice”.
On that note I must walk away from my computer
Almost time for Calgary/ Edmonton hockey game
We saw The Book of Eli earlier today. About half way through the movie hubby and I are both scratching our head on some of the ideas in the movie. Near the end there was this little twist (which I won’t say because of spoilers). That made us change our mind. We ended up liking the movie
How I spent New Years Day:
Woke up at 8:00 am. Showered, dressed, and ate
Then worked until lunch time (stupid month end, will be working tomorrow morning too)
Had mac & cheese
Hubby then left to play with some friends (music, you gutterminded people)
I divided my time between the XBox and my book (CR: Man With the Golden Toric by Simon Green)
Hubby came home an we ordered in burgers from Boston’s
Watched a movie
Now waiting for the hockey game
Wasn’t my day exciting?
Currently listening to the commentators doing a swing by swing play by play on the fight that seemed to have started in the Toronto game that’s on before my game
Calgary needs to win this game. If we do we will move up to 13th spot
According to the commentators Ottawa “found a way to lose the game”. Huh? Is that a backhanded insult to Toronto who won?
CW: Crossing Over
Sly B and her mom are off to DIA to pick up our niece – I was deemed too sick to get out in the frigid air . . .
Hope you all have had a wonderful New Year’s Day!
Stixx is playing at the outdoor classic. How strange
Ooh how I spent my day:
Turned my alarm off at 4am and gave it a dirty look.
Got up to pee.
Went back to bed to find a child in my spot.
Moved her.
Went back to sleep.
Got up at 8:30 and let the dog out.
Let the dog in.
Let the dog out.
Let the dog in.
Let the dog out.
turned on the heater.
Let the dog in….
Took the kids to McDonalds
Sat in McDonalds and talked on the phone with a friend in California for an hour while my kids played.
Met a nice lady at McDonalds. Talked to her a bit while her daughter played with my kids.
And I’m only to 10am…
Came home and let the dog out.
… I can’t go on. I have to let the dog out.
Then I’m going to sleep.
good night
Wrap up and stay warm EssBee
Night Cj *tucks Cj in and gives her a kiss on the head*
You too, Bunny!
Stupid CBC. Only playing the outdoor classic on the HD channel. Calgary game only on the non-HD channel.
Calgary draws first blood
Hubby and I both notice, even though they have the only goal, Calgary is not playing any where near as good as last night. I guess it’s true, when you play a better team it raises your own level of play
Calgay players fall on their butts a lot
1 – 0 Calgay end of the first
Edmonton scored. Now tied at one
This game would go a lot quicker if they didn’t have to constantly stop for commercial breaks
That was an amazing goal
2 – 1 Calgary
Just got back from one of my least favorite activities – visiting a furniture store. I was really hoping to avoid this until we settled in to the new house. However, I was outvoted. Still, we did pretty well and I think my wife will now be satiated for a while.
Tomorrow comes a new bedroom set for my daughter (she is extremely excited), along with a new sectional sofa, coffee table, and end table.
2 – 1 Calgary. End of the second
Ugh. Furniture shopping isn’t my idea of fun
Bunny, I need to get you to meet my wife. 🙂
I’m not a big shopper of any kind. I usually know what I want so go in, get it, and leave. None of this browsing balogna for me. Not even for clothing
Calgay wins 2 – 1
Bed time
Later Panites
Well, that game was worth what we paid for the tickets.
GN, M.
I loath clothes shopping with a passion.
I tend to wear clothes till they fall to bits, the last time I bought clothes in a shop was in Jan 2010, when I bought a waterproof coat and waterproof shoes.
My New Years Day was spent messing around with computers and a mini helicopter.
Sleeping off a big meal.
Go for a walk to the the newspaper.
-the +get
Well bleak they may have been but I enjoyed the stories this month:
Wooh. I have had enough weekend. I need to get back to work so I can have a schedule again.
Why, yes, I am stoopid. =)
The earbuds2 idea sounds like fun. I think I’d like to play too.
I liked everything about the Book of Eli except for the story part and the lead actor. I find Denzel irritating, just something about him grates at me, so that wasn’t a surprise. I was surprised at the story. Gary Whitta wrote the screen play and I expected better. Because I listened to him on a podcast, so obviously he’s smart, right? And a good writer. Yeah…
I love shopping for anything.
I’d be happy to be a personal shopper for any of you!
Actually – I’m in the market for a new sofa set. Mine is 8 years old and falling apart.
I think our made it for about fifteen years under the abuses of two big dogs and then two rampant children.
But, I tend to deal with furniture as Van does with clothes. We probably should have replaced this thing several years ago.
Living and daughter’s bedroom are now prepped for the new arrivals.
Morning, DP!
NS, I’m with ya on Eli. I liked The Road much better.
Morning Deadpan.
Got to play “Settlers of Catan” yesterday.
I declare it fun.
Jack – had that game on in the background while I was playing “Settlers”. I think I saw you. Were you that guy in the stands with the coat on? The one with the hair? You were talking to someone.
That was me, J0e! Although I was wearing a knit cap. It was that unusually cold here. . . . I went to buy hot chocolate, but the stadium doesn’t even sell it.
Settlers is fun, btw. We’ll get there in a few years.
He he, new furniture has arrived. Good thing our new house, especially the living room, is going to be bigger. Alas, my wife has no sense of scale and was quite shocked at how big the new sofa in our our living room.
BTW, EssBee – what kind of sound system are you trying to hook up to your TV? Are you trying to send something to the TV, or are you trying to get to sound to run from the TV to your system to play the audio?
The latter, Ed. The sound quality on the TV is sub-par.
Spent the weekend doing deliverys. Sounds like everyone is having a good New Year. 🙂
Justa Joe beat me to it – that will be the question. Can you tell us the model of the TV? I know Joe and I can look up the manual and figure out how/if we can get you hooked up.
CW: Surrogates
It does! Panasonic Viera HDTV. The stereo has an AUX setting . . .
Okay, first things first – DON’T CROSS THE STREAMS!
It seems there is a whole series of “Panasonic Viera HDTVs”
Without knowing which model you have I would guess that it MAY have an “audio out”! which is good because then you are just a stereo cable away from hooking into your stereo’s AUX !!
Really, Quentin? Toy Story 3? Greenburg? Kick Ass? None of these are bad, but Top 10?
Well, here we go again. After a couple of months packed with breaks, vacations, and holidays, comes the long march of work through the dark days of winter. yee haaaaaaaa…..
*sigh* Back to five am wake up calls.
Good morning.
Morning Cj. Month end so will be hit and miss today.
Someone please explain this proverb to me?
“If you pull a squirrel from the water, it will contrive a plot against you”
I’ve never heard that one before. But you know those squirrels, they just can’t be trusted
Letting your enemy live will come back and bite you in the ass?
I get it now.
What would I do without you guys? :happy:
Get bit by a lot of wet squirrels?
Wet Squirrels would be a pretty awesome band name…
Wet Squirrels Who Contrive Plots… even better.
Morning pan! It’s back to the coal mines. 🙁
Mind the Squirrels ditto, those mine squirrels are the worst!
I know. Once you get past the rabbits, the squirrels–look at the teeth, man!–will eat you alive!! 😉
CP: The C-Word — Beatnik Turtle
… and I’m guessing we’re fresh out of Holy Hand Grenades,
“Cheeks Full Of Nuts” is a great debut album name.
J0e, I’ll be sending you the bill from my eye doctor.
Morning, DP! I know this will make me popular:
I have today off!
Back to work tomorrow for me.
JJ, I’ll see if it’ll work – maybe I hooked it to audio IN last time!
Anyone here seen Black Swan? I think i want to see it.
After nearly a month off, I’m back in the office. WOO WOO! It actually feels good to be back at my desk.
Here’s to a Happy, LOUD, and healthy new year to all!
Getting back to work, I expected to see my Inbox rather full. Since it isn’t, I’m now worried about what may happen this week.
Hey hey! 2 year pay freeze for me! Thanks America!
*kicks puppy*
I shouldnt bitch. At least I have job security. These days thats a blessing.
Proverb meaning – squirrels are assbags
CP: In One Ear — Cage The Elephant
Pete Postlewaite passed away. Around here, most people recognize him as the guy from Brassed Off.
Around where?
Have you moved to the UK and not told anybody ditto?
I would have thought The Usual Suspects would spring to mind for North Americans..
Thats exactly what sprung to mind for me, Van. That and Inception
Okay, I see the issue! The only OUT my TV has for audio is “digital” . . .
^and I was using the Audio IN in my previous attempt.
Thanks JR and Happy Wishes back at you!
Jack: “Cheeks Full Of Nuts” could be bigger then “Smell the Glove”!
CJ: Turn around bright eyes
Lo Pan: “Fingers crossed” that the economy will be recovered enough in 2 years that raises will be standard issue again!
EssBee: Foiled again by the ones and zeros.
Any chance you are feeding the TV it’s signal from a TiVo, DVR or Cable Box?
If so, then those devices should have a standard RCA audio out on them.
Hey JOe – YES, I do have a DVR – I’ll check that out before I go in for a digital-to-analog converter.
Cheers, JJ.
[Izzard joke/] EssBee. But do you have a flag?
Lunch time at the bunny house. Lucky be, I get a brief break from spreadsheets
And how do bunnies spend their lunches? *grumble* Looking up stupid information on stupid (expensive) private clinics in Calgary because we have a stupid public health system *grumble*
Well, that was fun. Back to looking at big numbers in little boxes
Dear god…. only 2 episodes left until I finish S05 of Doctor Who.
Ive learned so far that Van Gogh could see aliens, love somehow conquers crashed alien technology, the Angels are still scary, Spitfires can fly in space to attack multi-racial Daleks, Rory is/was retarded/annoying.
I really like the new Doc. I really like Amy. I’m not a fan of this season at all. It does my heart good to hear from you guys the that Xmas special is quite good. Gives me hope.
“little boxes”
“stupid public”
CP: RIP Burn Face — CocoRosie
I think of “In the Name of the Father” and “Usual Suspects” when I think of Pete Postlethwaite. One of those actors you were always glad to see.
I probably should have phrased my statement better. 🙂
That wasn’t in a counterattack to you comment about Brassed Off, ditto :).
CW: Zen: Vendetta
New TV series, where the BBC pay British actors to play Italians speaking English.
Yeah, all very worthy, but a little bit annoying.
Sure, sure, that’s what they all say. And then… when you least expect it… you get smacked in the head with a frozen mukluk.
CP: Violet Hill — Coldplay
Wha Huh !!!!
I guess that Lo Pan was just presenting a Vagina Monoline.
but “stars” don’t mean much to me in terms of whether a movie will be good or not.
damn, digital out only from the TV. Probably some HDCP crap to keep you from trying to record the audio coming in via an HDMI connection.
I think Joe’s onto something with just running the audio directly from your DVR to the sound system and bypass the TV entirely.
EssBeez – I haz yet to seez teh R0adz. I liked Viggo in LotR, but then he did Hidalgo (a little to close to really real for my entertainment tastes) and I sort of wrote him off my white board. At least, that’s my excuse. =)
demoncat hath entered the body of my Nomad….
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnnnd looking forward to starting from scratch with the Doctor Who xmas special. Who knew that Davies writing would be missed this much? I shall not belabor this point any further, but Who was/is in my top 5 fav shows. I feel like Ive been kicked in the throat after S05.
But omg can I say how happy I am with Smith and Gillan? Love em both very much!
Out of all the 2010 movies, I only saw 17. 2 of those were in the theater. And quite a few were family/comedy movies that I likely wouldn’t have seen if it weren’t for the, ya know, family.
Lo Pan – *BLEEP* you very kindly.
I like Smith and whoever plays Rory. I wish Moffett had kept more of the DRAMA from Davies, but I can still enjoy the Doctor. Just as a children’s show instead.
And what’s with all the carrots-?
What do they need such good eyesight for anywa – y?
Lo – I don’t think you’ll like the Xmas special if you didn’t like the season. It has the same goofy gee-whiz-bang silly light-hearted feel as most of s05. I enjoyed it, but…
Be careful to specify the Xmas Special that you’re talking about…
Yes you can recreate Tremors and play the creature..
Well there was that propaganda fluff during WW2 where they claimed this night fighter pilot was so good at hunting planes because he ate a lot of carrots.
He was using RADAR…
Wow. That -is- neat.
And big!
The map. I don’t have any idea how big the fighter pilot was.
The Xmas Special. That’s the one that comes with extra cheese?
The Xmas Special. That’s the one that comes with a happy ending?
So… Do y’all say “ON” so that it rhymes with “DAWN” or with “DON”?
‘Cuz I say “DAWN” and “DON” identically.
DON here.
“We see the emerging opportunity to ‘snackify’ beverages and ‘drinkify’ snacks as the next frontier in food and beverage convenience,” Ms. Nooyi said.
nice to see Wolverine and jubilee back together even if marvel decided on lets make her a vampire and then have wolverine have to be responsible for possibly curing her. instead of finding some other way to reunite her with the x-men like she develops new powers. or some one finds a way to reverse the Scarlet witche’s little no more mutants.
From Robot6 on CBR
Van – That was gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.
I think I’ve gone blind trying to make sense of that map.
Morning, DP! I’m finally back to work today. I could probably use a sick day today because my cold still has me in it’s grips, but I’ll survive it.
Have a great day!
Lo – re:Dr. Who
I felt the same way about this last season as you did … but I loved loved loved the Xmas Special!
So don’t give up hope.
(Best line “Blinky lights and buttons!! It’s got my name written all over it ! … well, given a crayon and some time.”)
There’s always hope!
Nomad I love the whizz bang gee woo aspect of Who. Very much….when its written well. And when I dont feel like everything was for nothing. And when I dont feel I was being taken for granted as a fan. Again, we’ll see. Keep the faith I am I am!
I told a co-worker yesterday how I was really looking forward to Cowboys and Aliens and he asked why.
I said that it has Harrison Ford and that pretty girl from Tron and ALIENS and COWBOYS and DIRT!!!
and he responds with..
“So, it’s because YOU are a dirty dirty girl.”
Not only did I find a free Scrabble game for my Android phone.
I found someone who LOVES Scrabble as much as me who just got himself a fancy new Android phone.
This brings me joy.
On a less happy note.
I’m actually considering going to urgent care or at least making a dr. appt this morning. I already have one appt at 10, but if I can’t drive to it, it’s a bit of a moot point.
I have a pinched nerve in my neck that is causing me extreme pain. It’s shooting all the way down my right arm this time.
You should go. Fo sho.
Go, Cj, go!!
54 degrees F in my office this morning.
I have another appt at 10 already so depending how the pain is after that. I’d take a muscle relaxant if I didn’t have to drive.
Good lord, EssBee.
Right? I email the ops guy, who tells me “at this point, we’re out of options”. UGH! I’ve moved to a cubicle.
Out of options being paying the heating bill??
I have a space heater at my desk – when I’m at work.
Here at home, I just use the one that came with the house.
Time to get creative EssBee.
Seal the vents closed with plastic and duct tape and then get a space heater… or better yet, get one of those empty 50 gallon oil drums and keep a fire going in it with old TPS reports and memos.
Sounds like a free PTO day to me, EssBee.
That would be pretty un-Evil, Jack. Don’t be silly!!
I like the hobo fire idea, JJ!
Ah, there’s nothing like the warmth of a good hobo.
Mehmood Khan… said in an interview that it’s outdated to think that snacks are dry and beverages are wet.
Say what you want about snacks being or not being dry, but considering the word “liquid” is in the definition for “beverage”, I don’t think that snakification will make it any less “wet”.
Beverage = Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water. (from the free online dictionary)
… and there it is.
Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University, said that the fruit concentrates are simply sugar. “They start out with real food, so let’s give them credit for applesauce and mashed-up bananas,” but “the rest of it is sugar,” she said. “Kids would be better off eating an apple or a banana.”
So “Nutritious Convenience Foods” are really The Perception of Nutrition Convenience Foods.
And whats so damn inconvenient about an actual apple anyway?
SO Naked CJ going to the doctor? hmmmm
And shame on you if you read UsedHair’s comment and thought of iPads.
Well, JR – only if you are planning on getting your doctorate in the field in which I currently need assistance…
^^ poorly thought out and even more poorly worded, but you get the idea
nudge nudge wink :wink”
Wait, what? 0.o
Mandom. Sounds like condom. Probably more effective…
Jack – perhaps you should have softened up the area with mortar fire first.
Rhettro – Your phone believes only that there is no you, therefor it simply bends the world around itself.
My phone also believes that there is no charge left in its battery.
And then it is true.
Rhett’s phone is an iTheist.
CP: Tunnel of Love — Dire Straits
Finally fixed a problem due to my own dumb-assery. Sigh.
I find apples are hard on my teeth, I have to eat them using a knife.
Oh and I don’t have falsies.
Van, I alway cut my apples into slices too and I have very good teeth
I’m so excited (not). Tomorrow I get to tour the facilities of a private clinic. I was hoping to tour a second one also but now I figure they don’t really want my money since they never returned my call or my follow-up e-mail 👿
Count me amongst the wedge-eaters.
… as long as we’re talking about apples …
Stupid word press :devil:
Well, I hope you’re pleased with what you see tomorrow, Bunny.
Speaking of films, did I mention that I really enjoyed the new Harry Potter?
So the new Potter is good? Cool. 🙂
As a rule we never see any of the Harry Potter movies in the theater, but buy the DVD. Just watched the Half Blood Prince over Christmas. I’ve always liked the Harry Potter movies, although I’m starting to find the location of Hogwarts as a bit tired now. How many times do we need to see the floating candles and a game of Quiddich? LOL
Also, speaking of films, we saw Tron over the weekend. Overall I would say that I enjoyed it. I do have a few quibbles with it. The first would be that the tone Legacy is somewhat downbeat from the original, with the first being sort of campy fantasy adventure but this one taking itself a little to seriously. The second quibble would be the long slow stretch in the middle with little action and lastly the 3D didn’t really add anything to the experience the way that Avatar did.
I did like the updated visuals of all the vehicles, but I also agree that it looked more like a Matrix than a Tron sequel. The video game “Tron 2.0” did a better job in my opinion of creating an updated look.
Rhettro, I think you’ll like this new film.
I’ve been a fan of the HP flicks and the books, and two separate things.
-and, +as
CP: Halloween Americana — Everclear
Paperwork – ugh
Rhettro: I also enjoyed the new Tron flick. After all the negative criticisms, I was able to lower my expectations to the point where I could enjoy the pretty pictures.
I guess I shouldn’t have been expecting a great story. I really wanted one, but what was I thinking? It’s a Disney flick.
I loved the music, updated visuals, and Olivia is very, very easy on the eyes. I won’t go into the bad. That’s too easy.
EssBee: I’m looking forward to it.
Ditto: ditto.
Youre welcome, ditto… heh
I should be watching the new Tron tonight. I’ll let everyone know what I thought. I really, really, really liked the first one.
The Way Back was pleasant enough and the scenery was impressive.
Maybe I just don’t get the Canadian sense of humour, but InSecurity was painfully unfunny.
EssBee we still watch V, although we haven’t seen the new episode yet
Never saw InSecurity but, as a Canadian, I can tell you Canadians have no sense of humour :silly:
It’s a new spy spoof series from CBC.
Not one 3-D movie I’ve seen has been worth the extra ticket $$$, with the exception of Avatar. (sorry, Lo Pan)
UH, I’m curious to get your take on Tron: Legacy, since you “really, really, really” liked the first one. We rented that DVD over the summer, and my kids loved Legacy.
I liked it significantly less.
The one other movie besides Avatar where the 3D improved the movie was “Monsters VS Aliens”.
Oh and “Megamind” LOL.
Lo: Thank you. You have my sympathy for your suffering.
demoncat said:
no doubt the moment the film makers start getting ready to shoot Andrew in the spider suit do to holly wood magic his hair will be perfect with help from real talented hair people. espicially when Andrew has to put on the spider mask other wise with his hair like that he could get it wrecked by the mask.
*passes out*
I have a new scrabble opponent.
Life is good.
He just played the word deixis
I shall swoon before his vocabulary goodness!
I need Nomad to hold me
Who doesn’t?
Decided I haven’t just sat down and read in a while (relatively speaking). So that’s how I’ve decided to spend my afternoon
CR: Man With The Golden Toric – Simon Green
Was looking at my e-reader. Apparently I’ve read 35 books (not counting the one I’m currently reading) since I bought it in late April/early May. While I knew I devoured books, I never realize my addiction was that bad
Where is kenect sex? During the year I saw a report on that too
Did you guys see the promo for Falling Skies?
CP: If — House of Heroes
Yeah, where is that Kinect sex?
I haven’t seen anything about “Falling Skies” but I like the premiss. Although the other TNT series I got excited about with Noah was “The Librarian” and that was an absolute snooze fest.
Could be interesting, Rhett
I have my fingers crossed.
Jack, I’m deeply disappointed in you. You post a link on here with “top-five-wildes” in the title and Olivia is nowhere to be found when I click.
Nor Oscar
Nor Kim
Nor beast.
The names for the Russkie subs got rather strange.
Yes, the “U.S.S.R. Kerplunk” was going a little far.
Not holding a Quad Photo Laser Phaser
Mangans With Attitude.
The end of Deadpan…noooooooooooooooooooooo!
A year will pass quicker than you think.
Unless you are young of course, then it will seem like an eternity..
Skype on IOS devices gets video calling capability:
Of course nobody on my skype list is actually online to test it..
I somehow doubt my steam-powered iPhone 3G will benefit from the new video calling… If it does, though, I may have to pester my mother with the baby more often.
Eeek! Two gross!
If anyone wants to come over and watch UHF – we own it.. of course. I guess I won’t be participating in the Third Man… looks a little scarier than my weak psyche can handle right now.
I won’t go into it with y’all at the moment, but um.. yeah.. I have a lot going on in my private life right now so.. any absences are not because I don’t want to be here. I just am dealing with some big stuff elsewhere.
and… seriously, would someone please tell me what to do for the Smurf thing. I’m at a loss creatively.
And now – how about a morning dose of cute?
I’ll stick my hand up to admitting I don’t understand what is wanted on the Smurf thingy.
Hugs Cj
The lady vanishes:
288? [Darth] NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo… ooooooooo….
..oooooooo… oh.. [Darth]
By my calculations there are 97 full episodes left, if the releases alternate with an Unshow that would be 194 weeks until the very end or three years and 7 months. LOL
Why skype went titsup last week:
Bibbity. Bobbity. Fucking boo.
Man -ih-can
But definition aren’t pornos supposed to have “wooden” acting?
Rhett asks the truth.
“Slide into Sponge Bob”
*Sponge Bob laugh*
“There is no spoon…”
“There are no 2nd and 3rd Matrix films.”
Earbuds 2 is a go, Jack.
Morning Pan. Probably wont be able to listen to the show until the weekend
Saw Resident Evil Afterlife yesterday
I cant wait to see that ^. No matter how bad they are, I buy them and watch Milla vs. zombies and love them. Guilty pleasures and how!
Also saw It’s a Trap. The third Family Guy Star Wars movie. It’s the better of the two shows we saw
Milla is pretty isn’t she.
There’s actually very little vs. zombies in this movie
I dont care cause theres multiple Milla.
And that means multiple…uh… you know.
Thanks for the number crunches, Rhett. Number 288 is more than a year away, even without Unshows.
“You Need” is really a fucking good song, Jack.
I’m going to suggest now that we start referring to Deadpan episode #288 as “Order 288”
Wipe them out. All of them.
I suggest we use the term “rub” over “wipe”.
Seems appropriate now:
Rub one out. All of it.
This is not being a good day.
Sorry J0e. We can send some ‘associates’ around to maybe teach this day a lesson.
When is the palooza happening? I haven’t listened to the ep yet. I’ll do that later today.
We’re looking at UHF for Jan 19, Third Man Jan 26.
CP: Dear Lover — Social Distortion
Could be big, if the big publishers don’t fuck it up:
My iPod battery is dying. Sigh.
Now if only Barnes amd Noble and Amazon would work together
I know with the nook there is an emblem that lets you know if you can lend it.
I suspect my iPhone 4s battery is on the way out as well ditto.
I see a trip to the Apple store in my near future.
ZP does a clip show:
The Third Man is available to buy on iTunes, if you have money to burn..
I’ll watch it on Netflix streaming. Whats this “iTunes” you speaketh of?
We don’t get netflix on this side of the pond Lo.
I know you dont.
Thank goodness for P2P
Pranks 2 Pac?
Prawns 2 Peel?
Prancing 2 Pee?
Pleased 2 Pinch?
Pouting 2 Pay?
That last one seems to fit.
Although I need to practice on my pout.
Whasamatta your pout?
You know how to pout dont you? You just pucker your lips and…uh…pout.
*sucks thumb in fetal position*
So we were out having a play date and someone called and said it was snowing a few miles east of where we were playing so we all loaded the kids in our cars and headed east but the snow was faster than us.
I tried to see it.
Yeah, what’s with the cold? It’s going to be 30 degrees tomorrow night??
It’s about 70 here today. I was outside in a t-shirt.
Bizarro World.
Well the snow has gone, and now it’s slighly damp.
Made a skype video call earlier on the iPhone, bit of a battery killer, but worked nicely over 3G and the caller said they could see me clearly if a bit pixellated.
Hey, DP! Looks like I have news to hear on pod . . .
We went to Boulder in the storm and watched Harry Potter. Two thumbs up from me. But the driving blew. Now we’re home and all feeling still awful and coughy.
Write a comment for a chance to win a book from a ‘new’ author:
I’m expecting 5-10 inches tonight.
Lo: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/29/colorado-beer-laws-set-to_n_802298.html
Oh ?
There will always be Paris.
CW: Torchwood S1, E3
My cat likes jalapenio cheese. I fund that strange. You’d think it’d be too spicy, especially considering she doesn’t like most other types of cheese
CW: Oilers/Avalanch hockey game
CR: Earth the Book – John Stewart
Colorado just drew first blood. Lo, how futile would a request that you take it easy on us tomorrow be?
We need this win, sweetie. Gotta do what we gotta do this time
I won’t deny you a win today but, since you’re in 5th and we’rein 14th, I think it’s safe to say we need the win more
It is safe to say that…. but we gotta keep up win Vancouver til Stewart comes back. Its just business, babe.
Paul Stastny
So’s cleaning out a septic tank. Don’t mean I want any part of it (insert any other distasteful job here) :ninja:
Saw a commercial for the True Grit remake. Nobody can replace The Duke
BTW. Colorado up 3 – 0. Five minutes left in the first
The Slate review says this version puts The Duke to shame, Bunny.
Thomas Fleichmann
Best trade of the year
Yeah, this True Grit is supposed to be utterly phenomenal.
Who’s “EssBee’?
Lo, I even posted a link for you up there ^
I’ve been kinda absent, I know. I’ve been sick, sick, sick and today we all fell JUST well enough to catch Harry Potter.
Watching the Avs game on ESPN UK and its wonderful
-l, +t
I’ll see it when it comes to video Lo and EssBee but nobody beats The Duke, pilgrim
*hugs*. EssBee. Feel much better than “just”
Essbee: That goddamn law…. seriously. Fucking just sell booze in grocery stores like MOST OTHER FUCKING STATES IN THIS HOLY UNION.
Thanks, Bunny – if I could get rid of the cough I’d be golden.
Lo: Right?
My favourite commercial line tonight: “cowhide dries out, so can your manhide”
Alberta only sells alcohol in licensed stores and bars/restaurants. No grocery stores for us. Although I never heard of a place getting in trouble for selling something with a too low alcohol content. Seems counter-intuitive to me
CW: Torchwood S1, E5
Hubby just came up stairs from rocking out. Cat’s unhappy. For reasons we can’t fathom, she doesn’t seem to trust John it’s not like she’s known him the same length of time she’s known me, or something
Hubby says this game must be “light exercise” for Colorado. *stretch*. “just working the kinks out”
He thinks he’s funny
I enjoy our husband, Bunny
I think I’m going to take the Christmas tree down tomorrow. Time to move on
Yeah, I like our hubby too
EssBee: I just dont get how in our state, which is now known as the pot capital of Amercia and also the 2nd biggest microbrew state in the nation, can have such archaic liquor laws.
I have to go back to work on Saturday. Boo to month end
The one thing i miss about living in downtown Denver is Avs game bar hopping. Also I miss about 100000000 other things.
“I thought they were auditioning for the next HBO special”
I just don’t understand colour commentators
Holy cow, Edmonton scored
This year we’re going to become cultured. We already have season tickets for the symphony, we were then given opera tickets for Christmas. Now, where’s my monocle?
I think I have one of those in the house. Left over from when the kids were younger
True Grit should be the perfect rebound for Jeff Bridges. (Yes, we went to see Trong)
Apparently the chickens have not hatched.
Anyway, the family watched Salt tonight on DVD. As long as I can keep my brain shut off, it’s a pretty entertaining car chase/Jolie butt kicking action flick. But, the contrived nature of the plot makes the typical Bond villains scheme look plausible and reasonable.
Still, my wife and daughter greatly enjoyed it. Women kicking butt in action movies go over well in our house hold.
Hmm, some Joe showed up on Facebook. Can anybody vouch for this guy? Looks Justa bit shady to me.
To sum up my week: I’m better now but the cough is lingering. I was expecting 5-10 inches (I took a McDump). Paused 2 Poop. Watched True Grit (great) Tron (great) Shaun of the Dead (still great) and Scott Pilgrim vs the World (fun and funny)
Happy New Year DeadPan! I’ll see you next year! WOO WOO!
Now I guess I should listen to this episode and then finish listening to Willian Shatner, then I’ll go to bed 🙂
Well I was reading an article in the New Scientist about faecal transplants.
High on yuk factor, but appear to work for infections in the colon.
I may not get out tonight for New Year, plans have fallen through and all that.
Plus I have to work today, grrrrrrrrrr!
I can’t stand Angelina Jolie.
So, I’m at work and the dude who is supposed to be here before me, like 5 hours before me, still isn’t here? I don’t think he’s coming in today.
OK, um…
I have a question. I’m going to email it to Bunny though. None of you get to see it.
Then, and maybe before… yeah before I email her, I’m turning on my frakkin’ space heater because it’s like icicle land in this frakkin’ office.
I don’t like today.
It blows.
Grrrrrrrr! At the tease Cj.
OK. With JRMurdock we finally have a vote for the new Tron. It almost gives me enough hope to go see it. What was good, what was bad.
Don’t ask LoPan. He doesn’t like anything. He’s like Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials.
Just got caught up on comments – I have to side with Lo on the Resi Evil films. I love em. I’m not so much a Milaphile, but I do really like those films. I can’t wait to see the new one.
JR: I think you and I have the same sickness – up until the 5-10 inches part. Mine was snow.
Ed: I finished it! WOW. Loved it.
So, as most of you know, I never… well… rarely use the word “hate” .. it’s an ugly ugly word. Generally I eschew use of it and opt to note that I like something else better instead of hating…
I hate cold.
hate it
hate it!
Cold is stupid.
Early morning poetry by Cj.
I trust you’re talking about the latest WOT book, EssBee.
I may have already said this but – I found it an almost surreal experience to reach the end of a WOT book and have plot thread actually get resolved rather than created. I think he even managed to avoid introducing any more new major characters! 🙂
Yep, that’s it, Ed. I agree!
Do any of you guys/girls have experience hooking up an older boom box type stereo to a newer TV? I’m having zero luck and don’t want/need to spring for a surround sound receiver.
Decided to check into work today. I must be a glutton for punishment.
Until you reach the weather we get (possibly Lo Pan and EssBee too) , currently -18C you can’t complain about being cold :tongue:
It’s 0F here today, but we can’t complain. It’s been freakishly warm and dry here until yesterday. We definitely didn’t get 10 inches, but maybe 5, of snow last night. The newspaper says “NEW YEARS EVE RUINED BY THE COLD!!!”
Come On!!
New years eve ruined by the cold? Really? If there are any outdoor activities, they don’t think of cancelling until the weather gets to -30C (-22F). You just learn to bundle up, or don’t go.
I reserve the right to complain about the cold because…
#1 I live in a place known for its warmth – if I chose to live in a snowy climate, I would not complain.
#2 You’ll never hear me whining about the heat during summer
#3 Come ON! How often do I REALLY complain about anything?
Jack, I’ll participate in Earbuds part two.
Cj, you can complain about anything you want :silly:
Don’t worry Cj, I will do a lot of moaning about the heat this summer.
Well my shift has just ended, fingers crossed the last bus will run…
Oh, and what is going to be involved in participating with Earbuds 2?
Would people think less of me if I said I liked fillet o’ fishes?
CP: UC Radio New Years Bash 2010
There are worse foods TEB.
Jack, I refuse to send you anything else until you play the last thing I sent. Not my fault you don’t like fish :tongue:
Actually Van, there are very few foods I don’t like. I think I can count them on one hand.
I’ve eaten plenty of fast food in my life, but I don’t know if I’ve ever had a McFilet O’ Fish.
Bunny, I’ll check the email archives. :redface:
Well I caught the last bus home..Woot!
Where I can count on one hand the foods I like.
Well two hands.
I will admit to liking the McRib.
McFish and McBurgers – not so much… but I don’t begrudge anyone else.
I could really go for some good French Fries right now though with this hot green tea.
hmmm checking the lunch menu for today …
Hot Pastrami and Swiss on an Italian Roll with German Potato Salad and Seafood Chowder.
Subway …. hmmm but I want fries… I do like Wendy’s new Sea Salt fries…
So.. if I take a full hour lunch I could go…
Get my sammich at Subway
Get fries at Wendy’s
Get coffee at Starbucks (someone sent me a gift card)
Lunch sounds like a good idea
Well the best laid plans and all that.
Tonight I will staying in.
Android users, be careful if you use your phone for work:
Although the writer was being a touch melodramatic.
Nice retweet spotted by NS:
@calmo: Uninstalling 2010 ???????????????? 99%
So I’m getting a subscription to White Dwarf magazine (a warhammer magazine) for My Boo’s boyfriend. Hubby complains he doesn’t have a subscription to the magazine so now I have to get two. I sometimes wonder how many kids I have.
I have never had a texting issue of that nature with my droid phone… it does however, like to call people randomly.
Someone just randomly called my phone and hung up. Who’s toying with me? Is it YOU?
Never mind. It was a friend’s husband. He called me yesterday… I bet he redialed in error.
Christmas is officially over. We just took down our tree.
No spiders this time?
I fear No Ordinary Family is turning into a guilty pleasure.
No spiders.
We gave up on No Ordinary Family a while ago. The family was just too dysfunctional for us to handle
The news is going on about the $50 mil jackpot in the local lottery. Do you think I’d have a better chance if I actually bought a ticket? Oh well, no fortune for me.
Dysfunctional I can handle, perfection is harder to deal with.
Now the news is going on about the bast way to give a New Year’s kiss. Especially if you’re at a public party
Somewhere in between works best for me, Van
Carry a handkerchief?
Huh? For kissing? They recommend bring along something to freshen your breath just before (gum, mouthwash, etc.) and how best to kiss a stranger vs. Someone you know and other silly stuff like that
True Grit came in at # 4 in the Year’s best movies by our local critic. Haven’t got to number one yet
#1 is The King’s Speech. I haven’t seen any of the movies mentioned
True Grit and The King’s Speech should be out early next year in the UK, probably check out both.
I don’t go to movies any more. Will wait until they come to video.
Why would we be out in public kissing strangers?
New Year’s eve party. In theory there will be someone there you don’t know that well
I dunno Cj, I think this year I would be game for kissing strangers..
I’m home for New Years. Mane Van and I can commiserate together. It’s also highly unlikely I’ll be up until midnight
Van, me too.
Us too. I’m still sickly and we’re not big partiers.
Star Trek V is playing on the TV, the SFX are as ropey as the plot.
Yes, that was the one where they made the mistake of not using ILM for the effects work. Though that was among the least of Trek V’s problems.
CW: Minority Report
Problem #1: “Yes, Mr. Shatner, you can direct this one.”
It looks like we’ll be home for NYE, as well.
Van, I’m thinking that Earbuds 2 will be a song-swapping game, with participants partnering up and sending each other a song. Every participant will send Deadpan a recording of
1. The reason they selected their song to contribute.
2. Their reaction to the song they received.
That’s the rough idea. If you’re down, then we have 5, so far.
I’m in for that earbud thingie.
Jack – can I just say that “Right. Because skype has a dial tone.” STILL cracks me up and that “I, have my crimper” is sheer audio genius!
Oh, and I’m in on the earbud thing … and maybe UHF but I was hoping to spend time next week working on Smurf stuff.
Maybe I should combine the 2.
Sounds good Jack, count me in.
Well I’ve grabbed The Third Man (err cough), looking forward to watching that one again.
So instead of secret Santa it’ll be secret earbuds?
I have both palooza movies, just have to set aside a couple of minutes to watch them
Currently Making: meatballs for tonight’s dinner of spagetti and meatballs with garlic cheese bread – yum
CW: Star Trek TNG – 2×17 – Samaritan Snare
Do all sandwiches in the 24th century lack crust?
that would suck
I wonder if any of the younguns would survive listening to a folk song..
Hmmmm …
“Musical Naural Selection”, now there is an idea I could support!
“Musical Naural Selection” = “Musical Natural Selection”
Naural sounds good
Hubby’s playing Halo Reach. Judging from the expletives coming from the living room, I don’t think it’s going too well
Well just gone midnight here, Happy New Year Pan, I hope you all have a good evening, night mush.
Happy new year Van! Here’s hoping for a great one for us all
*gives Vanamonde a New Year’s kiss*
Lo, be gentle with us tonight, kay.
(hockey game in a couple of hours for those with minds in the gutter)
I think it’s time to eat now. Back later
Oooh, the earbuds 2 concept sounds promising. I’m in.
Happy New Year, Van! Six hours still here – enchilada casserole in the oven.
CD: seeing in the New Year watching the Scott Pilgrim movie.
Hubby’s Haloing it again. In a little bit I think I’ll make some chees biscuits to have during the game
We’ll probably do another Torchwood marathon tonight – no Avs game here . . .
To be honest I haven’t even looked it up. I’m just assuming (hoping) the game will be televised on one of the myriad of channels we have. I have to wait until hubby stops playing before I can look it up and make sure
*deep voice* “double kill”
Warm cheese biscuits – check
Water for me, beer for hubby – check
Checked for game on tv – check
We’re ready!
Telus flame hockey brought to you by Telus
Redundant much?
CW: The Spirit
Glutton for punishment are we EssBee?
There’s a player named Shattenkirk (sp). Hubby and I find this hilarious
Not good?
I’ve seen better. But then, to be honest, I’ve seen worse. I’ll give it a meh.
Tied at nothing end of the first
On a completely unrelated note: I don’t think hubby will be able to join me in critiquing either palooza movie if anybody needs a recording partner
I missed it — Happy New Year, Van!
Calgary draws first blood *sticks tongue out at Lo Pan*
Two nothing Flames. *goes na na na na na at Lo Pan*
I really should be careful with the taunts. I know it will come back to bite me but I have to enjoy it while I cam
3 – 0 Flames
Where is Lo Pan? It’s no fun to taunt him in absentia
3 – 0 Flames, end of the second
UsedHair: If you liked the 1st Tron, you’ll love the second 🙂
New Years Eve: Wife and Daughter both have 100F fevers. Quiet night in. I hope they can both at least stay awake or at least wake up for New Year 🙂
My leg is soooo asleep. Stupid cat
*hugs* to your family JR. Hope they get better soon
I can pretty much guarantee I won’t be awake at midnight
The Spirit wasn’t too bad!
I stand by my meh
Colorado scores
It was a Short handed goal. Nice
Bunny: Thank you!
Good evening deadpan, looks like I’m getting smashed for new years. I started with a stock ale and I have several bottles of imerial stout including a bottle The Czar from Avery. And if I get through all that I also have a botte of 3 Philosophers.
Essbee and Lo: Well colorado alcohol laws could be worse, like oklahoma’s or Utah’s. Although “the no selling 3.2 beer in bars and restaurants” ties PA’s “you can only buy beer by the case” for encouraging drinking.
And I hope Essbee and JR’s families are get better soon.
mmmmmm Beer sounds like a good idea. 🙂
I’m drinking h2o on the rocks. Haven’t got that buzz yet
Thanks, Ralph!
We just tried Rogue’s Dead Guy Ale – thumbs up.
3 – 2 flames. Two and a half minutes left in the game
No alcohol consumed here either.
40 minutes until East Coast New Year’s.
Calgary wins 3 – 2 *sticks tongue out at Lo Pan*
it is a TNG evening for at least one member of the reaper family (me)
CP: Star Trek TNG – 2×22 – Shades of Gray
Season 3 here I come. I can’t wait to watch DS9 again, and Voyager for the 1st time. I still need to get Enterprise but maybe I’ll watch B5 or SG1 again 1st. I didn’t finish B5 but I really liked it.
CD: Cranberry juice and Vodka
Voyager was my least enjoyed of the Star Trek series
How much of B5 have you watched Reaper?
And if you really want to geak out about B5 the B5 podcast is really fun to listen to.
It’s midnigt somewhere. I’m going to bed. Night Panites
LR, so far i have watched most of the 1st season of B5 and i loved it. thanks for the suggestion I will have to check that podcast out.
I have only watched 5 or so of the voyager shows so at this point I can’t say if I like it or not. but so far much of TOS is my least enjoyed. Little too much over acting for me and I grew up with TNG so TOS look a little silly sometimes.
Night bunny!! merry new year.
TEB: Goodnight and happy new year!
Reaper: Wow, if all you have seen is the first season you are in for a surprise/treat. Seasons 1 and 5 are generally considered the weakest. As for the podcast, I really like the commentary they’ve done for every episode and the interviews of the cast and crew are very cool. They even interviewed J. Micheal Strazinsky earlier this year.
Happy New Year :pan: . I’m starting the new year by watching Beavis and Butt-head watch videos.
Happy New Year, left coast! :metal:
I should say that the B5 podcast is currently watching/reviewing the 13 episode sequel to B5, Crusade.
Happy Belated New Year for the Eastern Time Zone.
T-minus 22 minutes for me.
20 minutes left in 2010 for me. yeah the new year! or something like that
2 minutes left for 2010.
Happy New Year, LostRalph!
Oh, and Reaper!
Happy new year, panites
Happy New Year! to the GMT-6 time zone
I’m ashamed, I just realized the perfect song for new years is Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”
So do the arozonian deadpanites get new years in 23 minutes or do you have to wait another hour because of day light savings?
Best wishes for the New Year Deadpanites!!!!!!
Happy New Year, everyone. We’re counting down now.
Happy New year! mountain time!
I hereby move that the deadpan adopts a new motto for 2011.
Carpe Anno! Seize the year! screw the day grab the whole year. :biggrin:
Happy New Year!
Seize a Carp named Anna !!!!!
Heeelllllooooo Anna!
Hold everything! It’s still 2010 in Deadpan time!
*eagerly awaits 25 minutes from now*
I just realized this year goes to 11
apologies if this joke is a repeat for anyone.
That had not yet occurred to me, LostRalph.
question: It’s deadpan new years time, what do you do?
answer: open a bottle of 3 Philosophers.
Happy New Year! :deadpan: time and west coasters, especially the TSH.
OK, now it’s over.
Goodnight :2010:
And Happy New Year to the West Coast and to LostRalph and his 3 Philosopher friends.
Damn, I was a minute late with my post. Thanks Jack.
These go to 11
Why not make 2010 louder?
But this year goes to 11 you see…
Happy New Year and goodnight :pan: in case i missed anyone.
May the tweens of the 21st century be better than the oughts for you all.
Well as things tend to do, night turned into morning.
Now I have to find a place that is open and sells milk on new years day.
MMXI as those crazy Romans would say.
work, work, work. Bleh
Good morning, 1-1-11. Especially all of you!
Welcome to 2011: The Year of Hugh and Andrea
It is also the year of the rabbit I believe
Hughs last evaluation starts Monday. We’ll know from this evaluation if his cancer is in full remission then we can plan our return to Chicago in about 3 months. If not in remission 3 more months of treatment and he gets evaluated again in April. But my gut tells me we will be home by May 🙂
I also hope 2011 brings all of you goodness and happiness, and relief, and recovery, and joy, and wealth, and the absolute best of health, and good scifi, and good friends, and good times, and love, and respect, and many many many smiles, and even more laughs, and a few good cries when they are needed, and most importantly lots of deadpan.
Good New Year Pan!
I like the sound of your earlier revelation.
deep, movie promo voice/
“This year … We’re going to Eleven!”
/deep, movie promo voice
I second that “breast” !
Sending warm thoughts the Smarty Hotties way.
Fingers crossed for that May return to Chicago TSHs.
Belated welcome to 2011 from Texas, y’all.
Just woke up a little while ago.
Hope TSH makes their triumphant return to Chicago and that everyone gets all the breasts that they desire.
Here’s to all of us putting our breast foot forward in 2011! *raises coffee cup*
CD – Listening to the “Rose Bowl Parade” as I clean.
I find myself wishing I’d hear the talking heads say, “This next float is delightfully sexy and entirely inappropriate for this parade.”
Hasn’t happened yet … but I can hope.
Isn’t it the “Walmart-Mitsubishi-ExLax-Rose-1800Flowers-Bowl brought to you by the fine folks at Nabisco and Chef Boy-r-dee” this year?
If by some chance you haven’t experience Half Life 1 and 2 on PCs then big sale on the Steam today:
Think I will finally picl up HL2 Episode 2 for the PC, only have it on the Orange Box on the 360.
Oh and +d
I’m actually considering upgrading my Mac OS so I can buy/run those swell games.
I was going to buy portal but my OS fell short.
Alright, Jack. I assume you haven’t made your way through my Top 50 yet, so I went ahead and saved you the trouble of an hours-long downloading binge.
All tracks listed with downloadable links plus the option of a 3-pack of .rars with all tracks contained therein. Just follow the above link and scroll to the bottom.
Happy New Year! Enjoy!
I came across that last one as Amazon is running 1000 MP3 albums for $5 each. I’ve also come across a few others that I know I own, but don’t have them ripped to my Itunes. However, I also have no idea where the original CD’s themselves are, so I’m probably going to just buy them with this deal.
Toni Basil, should have done a cover of Scarborough Fair.
We’re off to the Fiesta Bowl. Go team!
I think the hangover has hung itself.
For those who missed my Facebook and/or Tweet…
I sent someone an email.
I then saw said email as a sent email in my email box and thought it was an email sent to me.
I then replied to the email.
Thus replying to myself.
This dumbass memory has been brought to you courtesy of some fantastically delicious ShEvo Studios hot chocolate drink and several chocolate cake shots… or the hangover it created.
I’m not sure which – but … I have a feeling a co-worker may have reported me on this website last night :blush:
If you don’t want me to drunk text you… you probably shouldn’t give me your cell phone number.
Just to be clear … those weren’t all yours were they?
None of them were mine.
I did a thorough check of my area code.
and a complete wipe of my phone.
evidence = what evidence?
thanks everyone 🙂
I love drunk texts. I have been guilty of some AMAZING drunk texts in my time.
I am so glad this age of cell phones and camera phones and facebook that all of that came AFTER my most crazy years. The pictures and stories and proof of such events people would have of me… *shudders*
Has anyone else noticed how much more well lit bars/clubs are these days? Hugh and i were discussing this recently. When we were out doing our worst partying the places we hung out at were dark. Very dark. We wanted it that way. You wanted people to NOT see you. But even our favorite club in Chicago sometime in the early 2000’s remodeled and become more well lit. I think its all related. Going out drinking used to be like vegas. What you did when you were out partying stayed within your circle of friends. Today people want to be seen. It is very odd.
Ah well. Anyway.
Going MIA again. Tomorrows a big day. Hughs mom is coming to SF tomorrow. Bears are playing the Packers. These are major events in our lives.
I’ll let you know how the evaluation goes when we hear. I am sure you will all probably hear me screaming if it goes as well as we hope.
LOL if those texts are real some of those are pretty damn funny
ok this might be my favorite:
He passed out on the floor and you kept hitting him in the dick and screaming “hammer of justice”.
On that note I must walk away from my computer
Almost time for Calgary/ Edmonton hockey game
We saw The Book of Eli earlier today. About half way through the movie hubby and I are both scratching our head on some of the ideas in the movie. Near the end there was this little twist (which I won’t say because of spoilers). That made us change our mind. We ended up liking the movie
How I spent New Years Day:
Woke up at 8:00 am. Showered, dressed, and ate
Then worked until lunch time (stupid month end, will be working tomorrow morning too)
Had mac & cheese
Hubby then left to play with some friends (music, you gutterminded people)
I divided my time between the XBox and my book (CR: Man With the Golden Toric by Simon Green)
Hubby came home an we ordered in burgers from Boston’s
Watched a movie
Now waiting for the hockey game
Wasn’t my day exciting?
Currently listening to the commentators doing a swing by swing play by play on the fight that seemed to have started in the Toronto game that’s on before my game
Calgary needs to win this game. If we do we will move up to 13th spot
According to the commentators Ottawa “found a way to lose the game”. Huh? Is that a backhanded insult to Toronto who won?
CW: Crossing Over
Sly B and her mom are off to DIA to pick up our niece – I was deemed too sick to get out in the frigid air . . .
Hope you all have had a wonderful New Year’s Day!
Stixx is playing at the outdoor classic. How strange
Ooh how I spent my day:
Turned my alarm off at 4am and gave it a dirty look.
Got up to pee.
Went back to bed to find a child in my spot.
Moved her.
Went back to sleep.
Got up at 8:30 and let the dog out.
Let the dog in.
Let the dog out.
Let the dog in.
Let the dog out.
turned on the heater.
Let the dog in….
Took the kids to McDonalds
Sat in McDonalds and talked on the phone with a friend in California for an hour while my kids played.
Met a nice lady at McDonalds. Talked to her a bit while her daughter played with my kids.
And I’m only to 10am…
Came home and let the dog out.
… I can’t go on. I have to let the dog out.
Then I’m going to sleep.
good night
Wrap up and stay warm EssBee
Night Cj *tucks Cj in and gives her a kiss on the head*
You too, Bunny!
Stupid CBC. Only playing the outdoor classic on the HD channel. Calgary game only on the non-HD channel.
Calgary draws first blood
Hubby and I both notice, even though they have the only goal, Calgary is not playing any where near as good as last night. I guess it’s true, when you play a better team it raises your own level of play
Calgay players fall on their butts a lot
1 – 0 Calgay end of the first
Edmonton scored. Now tied at one
This game would go a lot quicker if they didn’t have to constantly stop for commercial breaks
That was an amazing goal
2 – 1 Calgary
Just got back from one of my least favorite activities – visiting a furniture store. I was really hoping to avoid this until we settled in to the new house. However, I was outvoted. Still, we did pretty well and I think my wife will now be satiated for a while.
Tomorrow comes a new bedroom set for my daughter (she is extremely excited), along with a new sectional sofa, coffee table, and end table.
2 – 1 Calgary. End of the second
Ugh. Furniture shopping isn’t my idea of fun
Bunny, I need to get you to meet my wife. 🙂
I’m not a big shopper of any kind. I usually know what I want so go in, get it, and leave. None of this browsing balogna for me. Not even for clothing
Calgay wins 2 – 1
Bed time
Later Panites
Well, that game was worth what we paid for the tickets.
GN, M.
I loath clothes shopping with a passion.
I tend to wear clothes till they fall to bits, the last time I bought clothes in a shop was in Jan 2010, when I bought a waterproof coat and waterproof shoes.
My New Years Day was spent messing around with computers and a mini helicopter.
Sleeping off a big meal.
Go for a walk to the the newspaper.
-the +get
Well bleak they may have been but I enjoyed the stories this month:
Wooh. I have had enough weekend. I need to get back to work so I can have a schedule again.
Why, yes, I am stoopid. =)
The earbuds2 idea sounds like fun. I think I’d like to play too.
I liked everything about the Book of Eli except for the story part and the lead actor. I find Denzel irritating, just something about him grates at me, so that wasn’t a surprise. I was surprised at the story. Gary Whitta wrote the screen play and I expected better. Because I listened to him on a podcast, so obviously he’s smart, right? And a good writer. Yeah…
I love shopping for anything.
I’d be happy to be a personal shopper for any of you!
Actually – I’m in the market for a new sofa set. Mine is 8 years old and falling apart.
I think our made it for about fifteen years under the abuses of two big dogs and then two rampant children.
But, I tend to deal with furniture as Van does with clothes. We probably should have replaced this thing several years ago.
Living and daughter’s bedroom are now prepped for the new arrivals.
Morning, DP!
NS, I’m with ya on Eli. I liked The Road much better.
Morning Deadpan.
Got to play “Settlers of Catan” yesterday.
I declare it fun.
Jack – had that game on in the background while I was playing “Settlers”. I think I saw you. Were you that guy in the stands with the coat on? The one with the hair? You were talking to someone.
That was me, J0e! Although I was wearing a knit cap. It was that unusually cold here. . . . I went to buy hot chocolate, but the stadium doesn’t even sell it.
Settlers is fun, btw. We’ll get there in a few years.
Last chance to pick up Plants vs ZOmbies cheap:
He he, new furniture has arrived. Good thing our new house, especially the living room, is going to be bigger. Alas, my wife has no sense of scale and was quite shocked at how big the new sofa in our our living room.
BTW, EssBee – what kind of sound system are you trying to hook up to your TV? Are you trying to send something to the TV, or are you trying to get to sound to run from the TV to your system to play the audio?
The latter, Ed. The sound quality on the TV is sub-par.
Spent the weekend doing deliverys. Sounds like everyone is having a good New Year. 🙂
Essbee – does your TV have “Audio Out” jacks?
Is this real news or fake?
ok it’s all fake
Yukky weird news site.
Justa Joe beat me to it – that will be the question. Can you tell us the model of the TV? I know Joe and I can look up the manual and figure out how/if we can get you hooked up.
CW: Surrogates
It does! Panasonic Viera HDTV. The stereo has an AUX setting . . .
Okay, first things first – DON’T CROSS THE STREAMS!
It seems there is a whole series of “Panasonic Viera HDTVs”
Without knowing which model you have I would guess that it MAY have an “audio out”! which is good because then you are just a stereo cable away from hooking into your stereo’s AUX !!
Really, Quentin? Toy Story 3? Greenburg? Kick Ass? None of these are bad, but Top 10?
Well he does have a foot fetish.
Well, here we go again. After a couple of months packed with breaks, vacations, and holidays, comes the long march of work through the dark days of winter. yee haaaaaaaa…..
*sigh* Back to five am wake up calls.
Good morning.
Morning Cj. Month end so will be hit and miss today.
Someone please explain this proverb to me?
“If you pull a squirrel from the water, it will contrive a plot against you”
I’ve never heard that one before. But you know those squirrels, they just can’t be trusted
Letting your enemy live will come back and bite you in the ass?
I get it now.
What would I do without you guys? :happy:
Get bit by a lot of wet squirrels?
Wet Squirrels would be a pretty awesome band name…
Wet Squirrels Who Contrive Plots… even better.
Morning pan! It’s back to the coal mines. 🙁
Mind the Squirrels ditto, those mine squirrels are the worst!
I know. Once you get past the rabbits, the squirrels–look at the teeth, man!–will eat you alive!! 😉
CP: The C-Word — Beatnik Turtle
… and I’m guessing we’re fresh out of Holy Hand Grenades,
CP: On-Hold music – meh
On a brighter note –
“Cheeks Full Of Nuts” is a great debut album name.
J0e, I’ll be sending you the bill from my eye doctor.
Morning, DP! I know this will make me popular:
I have today off!
Back to work tomorrow for me.
JJ, I’ll see if it’ll work – maybe I hooked it to audio IN last time!
Anyone here seen Black Swan? I think i want to see it.
After nearly a month off, I’m back in the office. WOO WOO! It actually feels good to be back at my desk.
Here’s to a Happy, LOUD, and healthy new year to all!
Getting back to work, I expected to see my Inbox rather full. Since it isn’t, I’m now worried about what may happen this week.
Hey hey! 2 year pay freeze for me! Thanks America!
*kicks puppy*
I shouldnt bitch. At least I have job security. These days thats a blessing.
Proverb meaning – squirrels are assbags
CP: In One Ear — Cage The Elephant
Pete Postlewaite passed away. Around here, most people recognize him as the guy from Brassed Off.
Around where?
Have you moved to the UK and not told anybody ditto?
I would have thought The Usual Suspects would spring to mind for North Americans..
Thats exactly what sprung to mind for me, Van. That and Inception
Okay, I see the issue! The only OUT my TV has for audio is “digital” . . .
^and I was using the Audio IN in my previous attempt.
Thanks JR and Happy Wishes back at you!
Jack: “Cheeks Full Of Nuts” could be bigger then “Smell the Glove”!
CJ: Turn around bright eyes
Lo Pan: “Fingers crossed” that the economy will be recovered enough in 2 years that raises will be standard issue again!
EssBee: Foiled again by the ones and zeros.
Any chance you are feeding the TV it’s signal from a TiVo, DVR or Cable Box?
If so, then those devices should have a standard RCA audio out on them.
Hey JOe – YES, I do have a DVR – I’ll check that out before I go in for a digital-to-analog converter.
Cheers, JJ.
[Izzard joke/] EssBee. But do you have a flag?
Lunch time at the bunny house. Lucky be, I get a brief break from spreadsheets
And how do bunnies spend their lunches? *grumble* Looking up stupid information on stupid (expensive) private clinics in Calgary because we have a stupid public health system *grumble*
Well, that was fun. Back to looking at big numbers in little boxes
Dear god…. only 2 episodes left until I finish S05 of Doctor Who.
Ive learned so far that Van Gogh could see aliens, love somehow conquers crashed alien technology, the Angels are still scary, Spitfires can fly in space to attack multi-racial Daleks, Rory is/was retarded/annoying.
I really like the new Doc. I really like Amy. I’m not a fan of this season at all. It does my heart good to hear from you guys the that Xmas special is quite good. Gives me hope.
“little boxes”
“stupid public”
CP: RIP Burn Face — CocoRosie
I think of “In the Name of the Father” and “Usual Suspects” when I think of Pete Postlethwaite. One of those actors you were always glad to see.
I probably should have phrased my statement better. 🙂
That wasn’t in a counterattack to you comment about Brassed Off, ditto :).
CW: Zen: Vendetta
New TV series, where the BBC pay British actors to play Italians speaking English.
Yeah, all very worthy, but a little bit annoying.
Sure, sure, that’s what they all say. And then… when you least expect it… you get smacked in the head with a frozen mukluk.
CP: Violet Hill — Coldplay
Wha Huh !!!!
I guess that Lo Pan was just presenting a Vagina Monoline.
CP: Winter — Tori Amos
Elysium could be good…
but “stars” don’t mean much to me in terms of whether a movie will be good or not.
damn, digital out only from the TV. Probably some HDCP crap to keep you from trying to record the audio coming in via an HDMI connection.
I think Joe’s onto something with just running the audio directly from your DVR to the sound system and bypass the TV entirely.
EssBeez – I haz yet to seez teh R0adz. I liked Viggo in LotR, but then he did Hidalgo (a little to close to really real for my entertainment tastes) and I sort of wrote him off my white board. At least, that’s my excuse. =)
demoncat hath entered the body of my Nomad….
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnnnd looking forward to starting from scratch with the Doctor Who xmas special. Who knew that Davies writing would be missed this much? I shall not belabor this point any further, but Who was/is in my top 5 fav shows. I feel like Ive been kicked in the throat after S05.
But omg can I say how happy I am with Smith and Gillan? Love em both very much!
Out of all the 2010 movies, I only saw 17. 2 of those were in the theater. And quite a few were family/comedy movies that I likely wouldn’t have seen if it weren’t for the, ya know, family.
Lo Pan – *BLEEP* you very kindly.
I like Smith and whoever plays Rory. I wish Moffett had kept more of the DRAMA from Davies, but I can still enjoy the Doctor. Just as a children’s show instead.
And what’s with all the carrots-?
What do they need such good eyesight for anywa – y?
Lo – I don’t think you’ll like the Xmas special if you didn’t like the season. It has the same goofy gee-whiz-bang silly light-hearted feel as most of s05. I enjoyed it, but…
Be careful to specify the Xmas Special that you’re talking about…
Deathworm is free today:
Yes you can recreate Tremors and play the creature..
Well there was that propaganda fluff during WW2 where they claimed this night fighter pilot was so good at hunting planes because he ate a lot of carrots.
He was using RADAR…
Wow. That -is- neat.
And big!
The map. I don’t have any idea how big the fighter pilot was.
The Xmas Special. That’s the one that comes with extra cheese?
The Xmas Special. That’s the one that comes with a happy ending?
So… Do y’all say “ON” so that it rhymes with “DAWN” or with “DON”?
‘Cuz I say “DAWN” and “DON” identically.
DON here.
“We see the emerging opportunity to ‘snackify’ beverages and ‘drinkify’ snacks as the next frontier in food and beverage convenience,” Ms. Nooyi said.
I really want to ask the ridiculous question “But then how do you say DAWN” like it can be answered in text. Piff.
CJ Cherryh short at Apex:
Not for USA/Canada it seems.
January 2, 2011 at 10:00 pm
nice to see Wolverine and jubilee back together even if marvel decided on lets make her a vampire and then have wolverine have to be responsible for possibly curing her. instead of finding some other way to reunite her with the x-men like she develops new powers. or some one finds a way to reverse the Scarlet witche’s little no more mutants.
From Robot6 on CBR
Van – That was gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.
I think I’ve gone blind trying to make sense of that map.
Morning, DP! I’m finally back to work today. I could probably use a sick day today because my cold still has me in it’s grips, but I’ll survive it.
Have a great day!
Lo – re:Dr. Who
I felt the same way about this last season as you did … but I loved loved loved the Xmas Special!
So don’t give up hope.
(Best line “Blinky lights and buttons!! It’s got my name written all over it ! … well, given a crayon and some time.”)
There’s always hope!
Nomad I love the whizz bang gee woo aspect of Who. Very much….when its written well. And when I dont feel like everything was for nothing. And when I dont feel I was being taken for granted as a fan. Again, we’ll see. Keep the faith I am I am!
I told a co-worker yesterday how I was really looking forward to Cowboys and Aliens and he asked why.
I said that it has Harrison Ford and that pretty girl from Tron and ALIENS and COWBOYS and DIRT!!!
and he responds with..
“So, it’s because YOU are a dirty dirty girl.”
Not only did I find a free Scrabble game for my Android phone.
I found someone who LOVES Scrabble as much as me who just got himself a fancy new Android phone.
This brings me joy.
On a less happy note.
I’m actually considering going to urgent care or at least making a dr. appt this morning. I already have one appt at 10, but if I can’t drive to it, it’s a bit of a moot point.
I have a pinched nerve in my neck that is causing me extreme pain. It’s shooting all the way down my right arm this time.
You should go. Fo sho.
Go, Cj, go!!
54 degrees F in my office this morning.
I have another appt at 10 already so depending how the pain is after that. I’d take a muscle relaxant if I didn’t have to drive.
Good lord, EssBee.
Right? I email the ops guy, who tells me “at this point, we’re out of options”. UGH! I’ve moved to a cubicle.
Out of options being paying the heating bill??
I have a space heater at my desk – when I’m at work.
Here at home, I just use the one that came with the house.
I don’t want to get dressed.
The cute.
Time to get creative EssBee.
Seal the vents closed with plastic and duct tape and then get a space heater… or better yet, get one of those empty 50 gallon oil drums and keep a fire going in it with old TPS reports and memos.
Sounds like a free PTO day to me, EssBee.
That would be pretty un-Evil, Jack. Don’t be silly!!
I like the hobo fire idea, JJ!
Ah, there’s nothing like the warmth of a good hobo.
…with a shotgun
May I be excused? My brain is full.
Finish your peas.
All the world…loves a lover…
Re: Pepsi skanifying beverages
Mehmood Khan… said in an interview that it’s outdated to think that snacks are dry and beverages are wet.
Say what you want about snacks being or not being dry, but considering the word “liquid” is in the definition for “beverage”, I don’t think that snakification will make it any less “wet”.
Beverage = Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water. (from the free online dictionary)
… and there it is.
Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University, said that the fruit concentrates are simply sugar. “They start out with real food, so let’s give them credit for applesauce and mashed-up bananas,” but “the rest of it is sugar,” she said. “Kids would be better off eating an apple or a banana.”
So “Nutritious Convenience Foods” are really The Perception of Nutrition Convenience Foods.
And whats so damn inconvenient about an actual apple anyway?
SO Naked CJ going to the doctor? hmmmm
And shame on you if you read UsedHair’s comment and thought of iPads.
Well, JR – only if you are planning on getting your doctorate in the field in which I currently need assistance…
^^ poorly thought out and even more poorly worded, but you get the idea
nudge nudge wink :wink”
Wait, what? 0.o
Mandom. Sounds like condom. Probably more effective…
CP: Jail La La — Dum Dum Girls
Dinosaucers. I have no idea why I enjoyed this show so much as a kid.
War is CCH. . .
Cover me, I’m going in.
CP: Because I’m Awesome — The Dollyrots
I think my new smartphone is smarter than I am.
Jack – perhaps you should have softened up the area with mortar fire first.
Rhettro – Your phone believes only that there is no you, therefor it simply bends the world around itself.
My phone also believes that there is no charge left in its battery.
And then it is true.
Rhett’s phone is an iTheist.
CP: Tunnel of Love — Dire Straits
Finally fixed a problem due to my own dumb-assery. Sigh.
I find apples are hard on my teeth, I have to eat them using a knife.
Oh and I don’t have falsies.
Van, I alway cut my apples into slices too and I have very good teeth
I’m so excited (not). Tomorrow I get to tour the facilities of a private clinic. I was hoping to tour a second one also but now I figure they don’t really want my money since they never returned my call or my follow-up e-mail 👿
Count me amongst the wedge-eaters.
… as long as we’re talking about apples …
Stupid word press :devil:
Well, I hope you’re pleased with what you see tomorrow, Bunny.
Nice one
And not to be confused with wedgie
Time for my daily Nevermore post. “The Obsidian Conspiracy” is a 5 dollar download at Amazon today. http://tinyurl.com/33xlfh4
Thinking about Jack eating wedges.
Wondering what kind of wedges he’s oppose to eating?
# Jack Mangan Says:
January 4th, 2011 at 3:08 pm
Count me amongst the wedge-eaters.
… as long as we’re talking about apples …
oppose should opposed
…and it’s a sad farewell to Gerry Rafferty:
Gives me an idea for a track to use for the earbuds 2.
CE: Bowl of rice crispies
The Rice Crispies Bowl
Hahaha. Talk about overstating your case.
I actually did not know that he’d been a member of Stealers Wheel. I only ever knew Baker Street.
If you have 110 minutes to spare, this guy is twistedly funny:
I’ve only watched the 1st part, so far.
The Social Network is upon us. Now what?
Well, in case you had any hopes, they now appear to be dashed:
Grief counselors will, of course, be made available.
Christmas Card (from ditto) and letter from Amy (to family and friends) arrived today, thank you.
Hey Pan. morning is here again.
Van, I sent you a card too :cwy:
Work is being stupid today. I can’t seem to access my files.
My hubby says the Dr. Who story is a very geek friendly bit of gossip.
I can’t decide if this is ingenious or warped
Good morning to my beautiful Bunny and everyone else too!
It’s already Wednesday again?
CP: Wander Radio E56
and working
CP: All Said and Done — Evidence
I watched last night’s V this morning before work. I enjoyed it! Anybody else still watching?
Yup TEB, got it before Xmas and thanked you on here.
It had a bear on the front..
Marc Singer?
CD – Bottling my “Midnight Beatdown Wheaton Porter”
Marc who boo now now?
Speaking of big pecs, this would appear to be the site for Captain America film info:
Speaking of films, did I mention that I really enjoyed the new Harry Potter?
So the new Potter is good? Cool. 🙂
As a rule we never see any of the Harry Potter movies in the theater, but buy the DVD. Just watched the Half Blood Prince over Christmas. I’ve always liked the Harry Potter movies, although I’m starting to find the location of Hogwarts as a bit tired now. How many times do we need to see the floating candles and a game of Quiddich? LOL
Also, speaking of films, we saw Tron over the weekend. Overall I would say that I enjoyed it. I do have a few quibbles with it. The first would be that the tone Legacy is somewhat downbeat from the original, with the first being sort of campy fantasy adventure but this one taking itself a little to seriously. The second quibble would be the long slow stretch in the middle with little action and lastly the 3D didn’t really add anything to the experience the way that Avatar did.
I did like the updated visuals of all the vehicles, but I also agree that it looked more like a Matrix than a Tron sequel. The video game “Tron 2.0” did a better job in my opinion of creating an updated look.
Rhettro, I think you’ll like this new film.
I’ve been a fan of the HP flicks and the books, and two separate things.
-and, +as
CP: Halloween Americana — Everclear
Paperwork – ugh
Rhettro: I also enjoyed the new Tron flick. After all the negative criticisms, I was able to lower my expectations to the point where I could enjoy the pretty pictures.
I guess I shouldn’t have been expecting a great story. I really wanted one, but what was I thinking? It’s a Disney flick.
I loved the music, updated visuals, and Olivia is very, very easy on the eyes. I won’t go into the bad. That’s too easy.
EssBee: I’m looking forward to it.
Ditto: ditto.
Youre welcome, ditto… heh
I should be watching the new Tron tonight. I’ll let everyone know what I thought. I really, really, really liked the first one.
The Way Back was pleasant enough and the scenery was impressive.
Maybe I just don’t get the Canadian sense of humour, but InSecurity was painfully unfunny.
EssBee we still watch V, although we haven’t seen the new episode yet
Never saw InSecurity but, as a Canadian, I can tell you Canadians have no sense of humour :silly:
It’s a new spy spoof series from CBC.
Not one 3-D movie I’ve seen has been worth the extra ticket $$$, with the exception of Avatar. (sorry, Lo Pan)
UH, I’m curious to get your take on Tron: Legacy, since you “really, really, really” liked the first one. We rented that DVD over the summer, and my kids loved Legacy.
I liked it significantly less.
The one other movie besides Avatar where the 3D improved the movie was “Monsters VS Aliens”.
Oh and “Megamind” LOL.
Lo: Thank you. You have my sympathy for your suffering.
demoncat said:
no doubt the moment the film makers start getting ready to shoot Andrew in the spider suit do to holly wood magic his hair will be perfect with help from real talented hair people. espicially when Andrew has to put on the spider mask other wise with his hair like that he could get it wrecked by the mask.
*passes out*
I have a new scrabble opponent.
Life is good.
He just played the word deixis
I shall swoon before his vocabulary goodness!
I need Nomad to hold me
Who doesn’t?
Decided I haven’t just sat down and read in a while (relatively speaking). So that’s how I’ve decided to spend my afternoon
CR: Man With The Golden Toric – Simon Green
Was looking at my e-reader. Apparently I’ve read 35 books (not counting the one I’m currently reading) since I bought it in late April/early May. While I knew I devoured books, I never realize my addiction was that bad
Where is kenect sex? During the year I saw a report on that too
Did you guys see the promo for Falling Skies?
CP: If — House of Heroes
Yeah, where is that Kinect sex?
I haven’t seen anything about “Falling Skies” but I like the premiss. Although the other TNT series I got excited about with Noah was “The Librarian” and that was an absolute snooze fest.
Could be interesting, Rhett
I have my fingers crossed.
Jack, I’m deeply disappointed in you. You post a link on here with “top-five-wildes” in the title and Olivia is nowhere to be found when I click.
Nor Oscar
Nor Kim
Nor beast.
The names for the Russkie subs got rather strange.
Yes, the “U.S.S.R. Kerplunk” was going a little far.
Seriously? I killed te Deadpan with that?
Here’s another story.
Hi, JJ!
CW: Fireflly
This is SO WRONG:
This one is important:
Important but running a year behind. http://www.autism-watch.org/news/lancet.shtml
The anti-immunization hysteria was never about science in the first place.
Wow EssBee … that was …
so much work for sooo much … wrongness !
Not so important:
I felt that Coraline was improved by being in 3D. Not much, mind, but better with it than without.