My sincerest, most reformed-Scrooge-like gratitude to the cast for their wonderful readings. I knew they’d each do well, but holy crap, they still exceeded my wildest expectations.
In order of appearance:
The Elf and primary narrator: Justa J0e.
Danielle: Ryah Deines, aka The Energizer Bunny
James Miller: Me, Jack Mangan
The Santa Thing: Lejon Johnson
DMS Supervisor: Jack Hosley
This story is also available in episode #52 of the wonderful Horror Addicts podcast.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Happy Holidayishness to y’all.
I loaded the homepage, saw “No Comments” and went, “Wow! I have a shot at first of the week!” …Missed it by just a couple seconds! Good job, Cj! :happy:
Good night, mush.
I’ll get the bells jangling.
ZP pulls out a chainsaw and hacks into Splatterhouse:
Back to last week – Alright, we can call it even on books with getting you into the Sword of Truth.
Actually, I need to get back into that series and finish it, now that I’m caught up on 80+ hours of Brandon Sanderson audio books.
You are going to check out Way of Kings, aren’t you?
[chuckles evily to self]
Now, for this week.
I am somewhat concerned at the preponderance of negative reviews for the new Tron movie. Granted, I wasn’t expecting a perfect story and acting. It’s not going to keep me from going to see it and the critics and I have often disagreed.
Way of WHAT?! And you’re reading The Song Of Ice & Fire, correct?
Oh, you beautiful Catholic Republican, you . . .
CDLing: DP
I received my DPSS gift last night and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. If my back hurt less and it wasn’t 4:45 a.m., I might backflip over it.
Might check out the new Tron Movie this Sunday, if there is a real early showing.
/ lost in thought of Essbee doing a backflip..
Might be a bit risky sine you are smooth like butta….
morning pan
CP: DP 189
CDoing: rebooting phone system
CD: Tea
CE: Pumpkin Muffin
CA(lso)D(oing): pondering butter smooth backflips
Van, that’s not the only risk!
It was bath day! I haven’t bathed (cough) and listed to DP for a long time!
I got through 1/2 of the story, and must say it’s very enjoyable!! Well done, everyone!
Gygax’s game collection up for sale:
Hey Deadpan.
Downloading the episode now. Judging from what Jack wrote, I won’t be doing show notes. Jack seems to have covered it all. 😉
BTW Jack. Next week show notes will be a little later. Hubby will be off and I plan to sleep in every day until the new year.
The week between Christmas and New Year I’m off so you may not get show notes at all.
I love the middle of the month. 8:00 am and done my work for the day. I think it may now be nap time :sleeping:
CP: Yesterday’s Fresh Air – Ryan Gosling
He was devastating in Half Nelson . . . haunting . . .
Morning Flan…er….Pan
EssBee get you some back help! I hopes ye feel better. NOW LADY NOW!
Damn fine ep, Jack! Great story, great readings.
That will be all of my positive postings today. Much too jolly…
“thick and viscous”
Don’t even get me started on back help . . .
“clandestine tampering”
I know. Good back help is hard to find.
“the thing’s rapture”
“did not pierce the flesh”
“straddling my chest”
“tore me open”
Jack rites sum purdy wurds hehe
“unforgiving firmness”
Just had an uncomfortable visit to a coffee shop.
Put my bag on the chair and joined the queue, get my drink and this bloke had set opposite where my bag was even though there were empty tables.
Bollox I thought, sat down and started watching a video.
The next half hour was filled with uncomfortable stares and cups being put down harder than they should be.
Didn’t get a chance to listen this morning, but perhaps this afternoon. Busy..busy..
Thankfully no biscuits were invOlved..
People are so odd, eh Van?
Good for you for not moving to another table, Van.
Yes.Yes good. For you.
It’s snowing. Fo figure
Fo. Fo fO fO
Bull Pullman is gonna be in Torchwood.
That is all.
Faux faux faux
Hola, Pan.
This is a public, “Awesome to see you” to Jack and sorry I’m distracted right after a match. It takes time to come down from the “get him, he has your ball!!!” mentality.
Jack’s chillin’s are adorable BTW!
CE: The last empanada
CP: Tables and Chairs — Electric Six
E6 BITCHES!!!@!!!!!!!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack: Neat.
CP: Blues On A Holiday
Did someone say “cataclysm” ??
I haven’t listened yet. Hope to do so today… gotta make my oreo cookie truffles today and then back to work tomorrow.
Jeremy, you were completely cool, no worries! Awesome getting to hang again, even if only for a few minutes. It was fun watching the game too.
Your socks were a big hit with the kids, btw.
For the Sandra Lee haters out there, LOL:
“Never call the devil”
Nobody doesnt like Sandra Lee
the company i work for makes ornaments for everyone each year.
Here are some I found at my desk and this years is the red one:
Bruce Lee
Lee Majors
Major Tom
Tom Arnold
Arnold Palmer
Palmer, Alaska
Alaska Airlines
Airline Tickets
The Tick
Tick Tick Tick thats the sound of your life running out
Out of Bounds Stout
Stout Street
Street Car named Desire
Tick Tock
Tock Toys
Toys R Us
Us and Them
as usual I was out of order or out of time. Let me try that again LOL
Desire Sibanda in jail
Jail Bait
Bait Fishing
Fishing Trip
Trip Tucker
Tucker: A Man and his Dream
Dream A Little Dream
Dream Warriors
Thats alot of dreams…..
Warriors of Ghengis Khan
Khan Academy
Academy of Our Lady of Peace
That’s a lot of Khan!
For those that were wondering…
Peace on Earth
Earth Girls are Easy
Easy Come Easy Go
Go Daddy
Daddy Long Legs
Enjoyed this weeks episode, was cool.
You and me,
me and you,
Lots and lots for you to do,
Lots and lots for you to see,
Me and you,
you and me
CP: Wander Radio #34 (thx again Wolf).
Got to the Pacman song…
Song of the South
South of Heaven
Heaven Can Wait
Waiting Room
There. Did the last of my Christmas shopping on line. Then went for lunch with my Boo and picked up a birthday gift for my hubby. Now I’m going to watch this little gem
Fun times
Just got back from the office holiday lunch. I won a $25 AmEx card in the raffle!
The killer in this movie feels unappreciated and that his girlfriend is taking him for granted. He wants her to start doing her fair share of the killing
Woo hoo, EssBee! For both the partying and the win
My new favourite quote.
When asked “how was your day?”
Just reply, “same as any other day, just shittier”
CP: Half A World Away — The Corin Tucker Band
Oh, Santa . . .
“you can talk if you want but I personally have much better things I can do with my mouth”
And yes, she meant exactly what you’re thinking
Santa BAY-BEE!
God there’s a lot of sex in this movie. It’s just a money shot away from being a real porn movie
I’m suddenly interested in Bunny’s movie! I’m not sure why.
Would you believe it? They’re having sex again. This time on the hood of a car in the rain
I’m only a half hour into this movie and there has been thre sex scenes already
You know, the oral sex scene is very realistic
Three people are dead now.
Disclaimer: nobody who has had sex have died
OMG. Seriously, this movie! Time for sex again.
When is it not time for sex?
Guess what’s happening… Again
There’s been more sex scenes than bodies in this movie. Honest
Its fine Bunny cause:
A) Its Nikki Aycox and shes goddamn hot and
2) Sayid from Lost is in the film
This movie is making me feel inadequate, and I’m not even watching. Suddenly craving a vitamen drink.
Rhettro, am I going to have to bring up the pool party audio again?
“Aninals” now added to Netflix instant queue.
“There’s been more sex scenes than bodies in this movie. Honest”
Well if it’s the same two bodies involved in multiply sex scenes, then I suppose that would be possible.
EssBee, I know not of what you speak.
Rhettro: Well isn’t that convenient . . .
*also added*
I think we’ve gone 15 whole minutes without sex. I wonder what’s wrong
Those wacky racists are at it again…
Oh, there we go.
Stupid racists. Idris Alba is literally a god. The only problem I have with him playing that role is that he’ll have too many clothes on.
Yup, and you can’t have a good porn without the obligatory girl on girl scene
Oh, that was cut short. I forgot that this was suppose to be a horror
The lesbos always die in a horror flick, Bunny – ALWAYS!
Cat fight! Or whatever the he’ll those two girls are supposed to be
Spoiler: one of the girls was the killer, EssBee
I guess it’s one way to lure your prey in
Another length of time without sex, wow. I guess they decided it was time to start concentrating on raising the body count
Bunny: Oh, or that! That can also happen!
That’s what you get!
It’s over. I really don’t know what to make of that movie
I guess now it’s reading time.
CR: The Girl Who Played With Fire – Stig Larson
“boop boop boop cookies”
I was stunned while reading wikipedea, that in Iceland, there are still some followers of the Norse Gods.
Still no Ragnarok, that Fenris is the slouch of bad guys..
Oh and if any Norse gods are reading this, shouldn’t you go after Marvel first? I’m just saying…
who got the keys to the jeep?
^LOL, Van
Blap, Bleeps ^
Again, I ask, when is it NOT a good time for sex?
No. Really.
I need 12 minutes just after reading Bunny’s movie comments.
Brownie bap baps!
I sent some things direct to a number of friends from on line ordering. I just noticed that I forgot to put from me and hubby on one of the messages (just wrote to: the recipient. I guess I’ll have to watch and see if anybody I know gets an anonymous package so I can own up to it.
Just 12 minutes Cj? I think one of us is doing it wrong 😉
So I have to ask TEB, I was expecting your hubby to be called Jack, since he isn’t, how do you get the two mixed up on emails?
I’m feeling very Christmassy right now. I’ve got my tree lights and the lights on my banisters on, I have Christmas music playing, and the snow is gently falling. I think it’s time for some hot chocolate with marshmallows
“my banisters”
Break out the linseed oil Essbee…for the bannisters that is.
Was Bunny insinuating that I’m doing something wrong?
Maybe she should give me lessons…
Marshmallow meow meows!!!!!
CP: The Bomb — L7
Here’s the deal, Van. I will often write the subject and body of my e-mails first. I don’t know why, it’s just one of my quirks. When I’m ready to send I’ll hit “J” then tab to automatically fill in the rest of the e-mail. Then I hit send. Unfortunately, depending upon who I’ve sent to more often that week, the auto-fill will either be Jack or John. I sometimes don’t pay attention and just hit send, it goes to whomever (I once had an e-mail meant for Jack go to my father-in-law who is also named Jack)
I don’t do it too often. And I think everybody’s at the point now that they just shrug and let me know it went to the wrong person. *shrug*
I will gladly compare notes with you Cj, any time :heart:
Vandy dandies!!!!!
barfy bark barks!!
CP: Believer — M.I.A.
Van, I just feel lucky that I don’t send WNDRwolf many e-mail. Then things would be totally screwed
I write my emails the same way… by putting the name in AFTER I send the email, it prevents (usually) me from sending an incomplete email.
“totally screwed”
“feel lucky”
emaily waily!
Cj, how do you put a name after the e-mail is sent? My program never let’s me do that :happy:
CP: Night Life — Willie Nelson
Mistakey wakey!
Willie Nillie Nelsony Welsony!!!
*shoots self*
*slaps lo pan*
That’s not a gun, man . . .
send = compose
Shit…. you have a tissue?
*passes Bunny’s snuggie*
not the kind of book cover I want on to see…
Wait a minute! That’s my snuggie! I don’t want any god wannabe snot on it.
*grabs snuggie back*
Sorry: snot = any other body fluid
Sorry, Bunny . . .
*slinks away*
Bunny you may wanna washy washy that…
“god wannabe”. she knows me well…
Eeew. Straight to the washing machine with that.
Good thing I have another. *pulls our hubby’s snuggie*
wannabe wallaby
He really is our hubby….isnt he?
Huh? What’s that Lo? I there something I should be talking to John about?
You know polygamy is illegal here? Regardless of whether it’s on the man or woman’s side
SGU cancelled, thank Me.
Althoug… Two guys catering to my every need might be all right.
Hey “pulls our hubby’s snuggie” were your words, Bunny. Not miney winey.
Dammit Rhetty wetty.
Wait… gross.
SGU being canceled saves me the masochism. Whew.
baker’s dozen
Actually I haven’t watched SGU, LOL. But I planned to on DVD someday.
Well, maybe I’m willing to share once in a while. Just don’t make a habit of it 😉
Rhettro, the first handful are wonderful. Then, not so much.
Bunny, I THINK that two men would be focused more on something in the shape of a 1, but I’m not an expert . . .
Hubby’s birthday is on Saturday. I got him a .5 kg (approx 1 lb.) box if licorice allsorts and a romantic card with kissing Teddy bears on it
Mines more in the shape of an L. Is that bad?
Wait no… more like a hook with a fish on it…
Wait no I’m looking upside down… I think its more like an English Guard at attention…
Not that ITS at attention…the Guard is. You know with the fluffy big hat and red coat and…pointy…gun…
Ill just get my hook…
My employees wonder why I’m laughing while I crunch numbers.
“fluffy big hat”
Essbee is, “The last empanada bender”.
Oh, that was a good empanada!
Long Pan’s L taps the G just right and it forms a great big O
Srsly… what is wrong with me today?
“Animals” ?
OMFG Gwar goes caroling. I repeat, Gwar goes caroling.
CP: Fudge Tunnel – Hate Song
Well I think I shall let nature take it’s course and fall asleep on the settee.
That’s the way to do it, Van. I sleep best when I should be awake.
JATW: Big Bang Theory
SGU Canceled? Well, I hope they at least run the last batch of episodes. It was getting interesting…mostly.
Adding the “Song of Ice and Fire” books to my audible list. I show four on Audible – is that all of them?
Excellent work all around on the Santa Thing audio dramatization.
Yep, four so far. I imagine #5 will come out soon with the tv show coming soon.
Night Pan: SGU Canceled? I would have kept watching but this is how i felt about it:
SG1 = WinXP. good performer, always a fan fav, long run and lasting power
SGA = Win7. add some new stuff keep the stuff that worked good update
SGU= WinVista. starts out neat but when you get a bit deeper you use it because your stuck.
I know the time line is off but win98 had to many problems to fit.
UHF and The Third Man have arrived in the mail today from Blockbuster…well, at my place anyway. I can’t make that claim for everyone, I’m afraid.
Well, dammit all:
I’ve actually become rather heavily attached to delicious as my main bookmarking tool. It’s nice being able to get to my bookmarks easily from any computer I am sitting at.
Any panites know of any good alternatives?
^ I feel a great disturbance in the Internet. As if a million fanfiction writers suddenly cried out in rage and frustration at their voices suddenly being silenced.
Seriously, I’m genuinely worried now. A large proportion of the fanfiction-writing community over at LiveJournal has depended on Delicious for years as a means of indexing and keeping track of fanfiction requests and responses. I certainly hope there is a comparable bookmarking service in existence that they can all move to.
There appear to be some alternatives. The Reddit discussion has some things I’ll be looking into.
Man, we can get federal bailout for the leaches at AIG and Bear Sterns, but this useful piece of work is apparently just going to be killed off.
Just went and checked one of the fanfiction communities that relies on Delicious. They’re aware of what’s going on and already discussing alternatives. So far, they seem to be leaning toward a service called Diigo. Looks like they’re well on their way to working things out. I am relieved.
(Not fully caught up) Yeah, I believe the modern faith built around Odin (Odin, not Oden) is called Asatru. I say that without looking anything up.
Today I learned a lesson. That lesson is: Never put your wife and your ex-wife in the same room.
I -am- an idiot.
Was this the case of embarrassing stories about you NS or did the claws come out?
Very ice cold clawy. I’m going to be tending my cuts for a while. Figuratively.
Good exercise:
Sounds like NS stumbled into a Kobayashi Maru
Watched the possible pilot of a Dirk Gently series. This episode was loosely (Bladerunner loosely) on the first Dirk Gently book.
Was pleasant enough, the changed plot was midly interesting if not as wacky as the book’s.
Eeek, NS!
Dirk Gently??? PERK!!!
Where? How? When? I want!
having my wife and an ex-girl friend in the same room is a bad idea even if it is a crowed room
Two catfights in one day, don’t think my heart is up for that…
NS: Hopefully you’ll survive your wounds.
My plans for the day…
“Well the weather outside is frightful
But beer is so delightful
So until it begins to snow
Let me brew, let me brew, let me brew”
Ralph, I shared your song with a co-worker and he declares that it shall be his current Facebook status. :biggrin:
Yesterday I brewed a batch of “Midnight Beatdown Porter”!
There are really weird things on YouTube… really weird.
NSFW – Really not.
Cj, Weird is right. she really “loves” that guitar
At what point does having sex with your guitar cross the line from being “weird” to “sexy” ?
Hey Pan.
While I think it’s great that we have hired someone to shovel our walk this year, I question their wisdom at doing this at 3:00 in the morning. Especially when it includes the back deck which is right beside our bedroom window.
I was not a happy bunny
Cj, that is a very good question and one i can’t answer
Morning, DP!
I’m not touching Cj’s question with six strings . . .
CJ – I think that is what is called “The rhythm-guitar method”
Good Morning Pan…
This season has been a busy one for me and I apologize for not making my appearances as I should. But Wander Radio Productions is busy with production stuff… and Christmas Shopping…
Wolf, I said on the last page, but you didn’t see it: loved the latest episode!
Holiday mix tape was WIN.
Anyone wanna bring me a hot breakfast?
Seriously thinking about making WR a mixtape type of show for the first half of the year while production is going on.
Van seems to like those best. 😉
“At what point does having sex with your guitar cross the line from being “weird” to “sexy” ?”
Oh that’s easy.
When a woman has sex with a guitar, that’s sexy.
When a man has sex with a guitar, that’s weird.
Dirk Gently series would be great, but they would have to get the character down pat for it to be a success. I would imagine that writing well for that character (as opposed to simply making him”quirky”) will be quite the challenge.
UH are you on Facebook? (my memory is terrible these days)
Without having watched the video…..
how much more disturbing would that be if she had a banjo?
…. Or an accordian.
(That would be one hell of a polka)
Nice ash.
You know, as much as I loved the Hitchhiker’s books, my friends’ negative feedback on Dirk Gently had always put me off of reading those.
Haha. Nice ash, ash.
I just got THE COOLEST gift from Sly B. It’s customized Jones sodas with Buffy characters. The 6-pack includes:
Willow’s Green Apple Witch’s Brew
Buffy’s Blue Bubblegum
Giles’ Grape Potion
Twilight’s Old Moon Orange & Cream
(SPOILER ALERT:) Dawn’s A Centaur! Root Beer
Xander’s Strawberry Lime Elixer
This is so great that I might have to post a photo!
Wow, that’s nice. I don’t remember Twilight though. Or am I being to literal?
EssBee – please post a photo!
I’m a huge fan of the Jones’ Sodas!
For those who didn’t see this on Facebook… I took this picture of the soda fountain machine in the Wendy’s where I picked up breakfast for the team this morning.
srsly cool.
106 total flavor options… You press the brand, then like all the flavor choices come up. I had Fanta Zero grape and cherry mixed! NOM
Alon (my friend who joined me on my journey) tried peach Sprite and Peach Fanta.
Twilight is part of the comic Season 8 story, NS. It’s obviously an eff you to the Stephanie Myers “saga”
^You can borrow my set of comics, NS, if you wanna work out a postage situation with me – you know how to reach me, I think?
They’re fantastic!
Ah-ha! I’m saving season 7 for the summer when I can watch it with my 11 year old. (Though he is more looking forward to finishing up season 4 of Angel with me.)
That’s a mighty fine offer. Thanks, I may take you up on it when I get there.
And Cj’s soda fountain is just a robot arm away from being in the Jetsons.
Im brewing in the rain just brewing in the rain
I can’t stop now so I’m brewing in the rain.
Van: I am on facebook. As a matter of fact I think it was you that just replied to my status claiming to be a mystery, wraped in an enigma, wraped in bacon, soaked in beer, and then finally being dipped in cheese before consumption.
By the way, what are rennies?
Is that like two Lisa Rinnas? Thats a lot of collagen.
So it doesn’t look like I’m being evasive… my facebook persona is Jesse Flint.
Sorry for the butchering of old song lyrics, I blame the weather.
CJ: Cool soda fountain, where’s the flying car button on it?
Essbee: RE: Buffy comics, is the entire comic series considered season 8? or are there multiple seasons?
Ralph, so far, it’s all Season 8. I believe that I got the finale issue in the mail this week, but I’m not 100% sure of that.
Whats a “Buff-y”?
Black Swan then drinks tonite! WHoooHOO!!!!! Get some Portman-Kunis…
After 146 reviews, TRON: Legacy has a 46% on Rotten Tomatoes.
After 36 reviews on Metacritic it has a 51.
Folks, that aint good. Im hoping (praying) its one of those critical duds that the fans will still love.
Mmmm…. Portmunis “what what”
Pray for Tron.
It got a bad review on – yesterday?
A Hard Brew’s A-Gonna Fall
Mmm – coffee!!
I still want to see Tron. I’m going in with the notion that the visual spectacle is its main purpose, much like the movie version of 2001. My dreams may still get crushed, but there it is.
Ebert’s review is positive and reassuring, but not gushing.
(Note: Proceed with caution. I didn’t read the full review; I never read Ebert’s full reviews if I haven’t seen the movie. He’s usually pretty cavalier about spoilers.
Mmmmm cobb salad.
Ty Cobb?
Cobb County School District
District 9
Hi guys. Been a while. Crazy around here and not a lot of fun. But at least, for me, the holidays start after today. 🙂
As for Tron, it sounds like it is much better than the original. I think too many people, including critics, have high expectations. I’m certainly not expecting an Oscar worthy film. I think I’m going to be very happy with what is there from what I’ve heard of.
And, as other people have mentioned, the soundtrack is probably the best thing from the movie. Next to the eye candy. 🙂
Heya, ditto. The holidays start after today for me as well – yay!
Listening to OK Computer/In Rainbows interleaved. They are supposed to match, but its just kinda like a bunch of good songs.
I’d like to get up in Portman’s Kunis too..
Well I shall be working upto and including Christmas Eve, so Gimlet stares all round but especially for ditto and Essbee.
Party foul^
EssBee & Lo: Yea us! Drinking sykpe call is in order, I believe! 🙂
Sorry, Van!
Jeremy missed the Radiohead slaughter from last week.
JfS: I agree.
ditto: I’m in!
OW! Just got a static electricity shock through my earbuds.
When I say “in”, I do not mean it in reference to anything Portman or Kunis related.
There is a TV programme on now pointing out continuity error in movies, it’s hard to think of a more soul destroying show..
Beer update: all the brewing fun is done. Npw all that is left is the clean up.
LR: No. For now it is the cleaning. Soon, it is the drinking. 🙂
RE: Guitar. Appaerently the ass sounds better than the pussy…
They’ve found missing scenes from 2001 in a salt mine in Kansas….
Is that a mute Japanese Pirate Emoticon?
CP: And The Girls Go — Men Without Pants
Jeremy wins….the internet…!
Also, RE: Guitar….
why is it when I see NSFW I just go right ahead and click on it??
What were in the missing scenes?? All the ones that made it make sense?
*Takes internet*
*Throws Lo Goatsee*
JfS: Why do you click? Perv? Need I say more?
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Some shots from the “Dawn of Man” sequence were removed and a new scene was inserted where an ape pauses with the bone it is about to use as a tool. The new scene was a low-angle shot of the monolith, done in order to portray and clarify the connection between the man-ape using the tool and the monolith.
Some shots of Frank Poole jogging in the centrifuge were removed.
An entire sequence of several shots in which Dave Bowman searches for the replacement antenna part in storage was removed.
A scene where HAL severs radio communication between the “Discovery” and Poole’s pod before killing him was removed. This scene explains a line that stayed in the film in which Bowman addresses HAL on the subject.
Some shots of Poole’s space walk before he is killed were removed.
This extremely long and dull post brought to you by 2001: A Space Odddddyssssssssey
This would be more fun (not that it isn’t) if we could see the comments appear live, ala chat or wave or some such.
Im Goatsee, dammit.
CP: H O O P S Yes! — Polyphonic Spree
Lo: I don’t want to see your tool belt.
Don’t get Jack started on Wave . . .
“some such”
Nor your side kick.
Colon boy.
Super Colon Boy! Now with more colon.
Star Wars has a lot to answer for.
Wow, I thought it was a joke. I asked to set you up for the punchline. Heh. As much as I lurv 2001, it is super soporific on me. As soon as I hear the beathers in the space suits, I’m out.
What’s that in the sky? Is it Colon Boy?
No, no it taint.
io9 gets in on the Tron kicking:
Received my DPSS gift today. Fantastic! Thanks. Secret Santa.
ditto: That implies I’m not drinking now though…
CD: homebrew APA 😀
I was actually going to joke that there was even more footage to add to to the endless “Dawn of Man” sequence. . . . But Lo confirms that that’s exactly the case. Cripes.
My mind is going, Dave. I can feel it.
I agree with 10% of what I read on i09.
Im hoping this doesnt turn out to be in that realm.
Come back, Dave. Its darker now, Dave. What happened to my Lightcycles, Dave?
It taint what……?
Taint right.
Let’s taint the night together
now I need you more than ever
let’s taint the night together now.
ba ba bababa ba ba ba
Taint that bad
Oh and if you think 2001 doesn’t make sense, just read the bloody book.
Insert growl here —–>
I hope DT gets the funding for the documentary.
THERES A BOOK? Say it taint so…
Well I would do a stolen paragraph, but I’ve done that book before.
That should save you a couple of ear plugs Lo..
But the book was based on the movie, right?
*laughs and runs off
Not chewing on that one.
Once Van’s done a book, it stays done. 😉
If there’s a drinking Skype call planned at a time when I can be online, count me in! :happy: Is it going on right now, or later?
The burps would be amusing..
I wish it was going on right now. 🙂
It’s going on right now in my mind. My body is answering emails and talking to assho . . . customers.
Sod it, I’m going to crack a bottle of Baileys I got last year.
Grasp your bone, your tool and gaze at the monolith.
Did Rhett break Deadpan?
You may be too much for the Monolith Rhettro…if your wife is to be believed.
[insert monolith gazing music here]
Van wins the internet! Sorry, Jeremy . . .
“My god, it’s full of stars. . . “
goddammit Rhett….
And I don’t believe a thing she says, so no one else should either. 🙂
Shut up Rhettro, you’re ruining it . . .
Yeah! Shut meet up!
Pass the Baileys, please.
While my Rhett gently weeps…
“…wait…nope its just salt.”
…”in the wound”…
Wow, I’m going to have some interesting reading to catch up on, when I get back.
Off to hell and back now. Wish me luck.
Good luck Jack! How many levels down are you going? There’s a nice snack bar on the 7th but you don’t want to take the direct route to get there.
Good luck Jack…fo sho.
I think he’s all the way down.
Oh, well in that case take a drink.
Here’s how much of a nerd I am: This was my thought process while reading Rhettro’s last post:
Rhettro wrote: “Good luck Jack! How many levels down are you going?”
I thought: “Dream levels?”
Rhettro wrote: “There’s a nice snack bar on the 7th”
I thought: “Oh. Levels of hell. Dante’s Inferno, not Inception.”
….although now I feel a temptation to write Deadpan Bar/Inception crossover fic.
Anyway: Good luck, Jack!
There’s no spinning totems where Jack’s going. LOL
Oh but theres spinning…
ala Linda Blair.
Onion A.V club destroys Tron..,49135/
A.V is usually snotty…but D+ is bad. Bad Bad.
HA! Roger Ebery sez:
“”When “2001” was in theaters, there were fans who got stoned and sneaked in during the intermission for the sound-and-light trip. I hesitate to suggest that for “Tron: Legacy,” but the plot won’t suffer.””
Also Ebert ^
Drunk. Skype. Call.
Just call me and I’ll get drunk for you.
Now where did I put that number…
My number..
My number is like Cj’s number with a big D after it.
^You’re killing me. LOL
I there really is a drunk skype call later, I’d be up for it (and probably drunk for it as well)
ditto, you’d better put a call together!
Hmm, drunk skype call, guess I better go download the program again. I definitely don’t want to miss it if it does happen. 😀
Does anyone have a link to the deadpan emoticon commands? Since it seems I can’t remember a single one right…
Dear Secret Santa,
You know the way to my heart through my stomach. I shall relish these like I have never had them before… cause I havent!!!!!!
THANK AND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
doh! :mush
oh Its the above with a colon after them
':alien:' => 'alien.png',
':angel:' => 'angel.png',
':angry:' => 'angry.png',
':blink:' => 'blink.png',
':blush:' => 'blush.png',
':cheerful:' => 'cheerful.png',
':cool:' => 'cool.png',
':cwy:' => 'cwy.png',
':devil:' => 'devil.png',
':dizzy:' => 'dizzy.png',
':ermm:' => 'ermm.png',
':face:' => 'face.png',
':getlost:' => 'getlost.png',
':biggrin:' => 'grin.png',
':happy:' => 'happy.png',
':heart:' => 'heart.png',
':kissing:' => 'kissing.png',
':lol:' => 'laughing.png',
':ninja:' => 'ninja.png',
':pinch:' => 'pinch.png',
':pouty:' => 'pouty.png',
':sad:' => 'sad.png',
':shocked:' => 'shocked.png',
':sick:' => 'sick.png',
':sideways:' => 'sideways.png',
':silly:' => 'silly.png',
':sleeping:' => 'sleeping.png',
':smile:' => 'smile.png',
':tongue:' => 'tongue.png',
':unsure:' => 'unsure.png',
':w00t:' => 'w00t.png',
':wassat:' => 'wassat.png',
':whistle:' => 'whistling.png',
':wink:' => 'wink.png',
':wub:' => 'wub.png',
':mush:' => 'mush.png',
':metal:' => 'metal.png',
':cth:' => 'cthulhu.png',
':ftb:' => 'ftb.png',
':drevil:' => 'drevil.png',
':panties:' => 'panties.png',
':pan:' => 'pan.png'
hehe, :panties:
thanks JfS, I tried searching the archives but couldn’t find ’em.
I should jump in with all this monolith talk. I have nothing to contribute, of course.
N/P Let me know if anyone wants any others.
Balls :ftb:
Moderation hell
heh, I was wondering which one it was.
It wasn’t the icon I was expecting but it works. :face:
What are you relishing, Lo Pan?
Dug through the comments on the io9 Tron trashing. I think this one captured it best:
I love when a sequel come along to a film that flopped 30 years ago and everyone jumps on the “this one is nothing like the original masterpiece” bandwagon, as if they were sitting in the theater 30 years ago nodding approvingly at the first film.
Get over yourselves everyone. The original was a fun sci-fi distraction that everyone grew to love because of it was offbeat and different. Just the fact that this is getting made is thrilling. They could almost show me anything with light cycles and I’ll enjoy myself.
All the reviews are acting like the original was The Odyssey by Homer when all that was there was a simple traditional portal story with innovative special effects
My daughter is complaining that I won’t take her with me to the airport to pick up my father. He’s flying in tonight and his flight has been delayed more than an hour. I told her I’d wake her up to give him a hug when we got back.
She says she wants to be there to give him a hug when he gets off the plane. I get to explain that that’s not possible since we can’t wait by the gate for him to get off the plane.
It hits me that, as a child, that was something I took for granted and it’s something my kids will probably never get to do.
Nimble fingers just a little to nimble. Last post should have said:
CD: playing Skipbo with family
random quote: “thermal-dynamic nudity”
Sounds kinky. Where do I get some?
It’s much more interesting out of context.
Just get some cooking foil and sticky back plastic and you are ready to ride that wave of perversion…
Is someone skyping? I’d like to lurk. may not be dead after all. Yahoo is looking for a buyer. Judging from the hue and cry raised across the net, I expect some one with a better sense of the web will be happy to take all us users off of Yahoo’s hands.
At this juncture, I feel I should point out that many a classic film were actual flops on initial cinema release, to give one example:
I’ll get my coat…
Well I suppose someone has to get this drunken skype thing started. I am currently available on skype for any who want to ring in. My skype ID is jesse.d.flint
Cj is the only DP I can see online with skype.
With my limited grammar skills failing me tonight I had better pass on the drunken chat…
My wife just got a fortune cookie that says “never trust a bunny”. Sorry TEB.
The call has started. Lost Ralph and I are talking away.
CD: New Glarus Brewing Co. Apple Ale
Where is everyone?
We got CJ in the house! the skype call grows
I’ve just been sitting here.. with skype locked and loaded.. which is rare lol
I have just been called and am now talking to UH and Ralph.
and now I’m alone with my sobriety, well I can fix one of those problems.
“No Laughing!”
From – “Charlie X”
Been busy tonight so this is the first time I’ve been on in a while. I’m up for the skype call, just not tonight. Tomorrow night might work better for me. Does anyone have a preference for a time?
Google’s new body browser is pretty cool.
Night pan!
Wait a minute I just remembered I have the latest brewmasters episode to watch
Sooo, listening to Babylon 5 podcast ep. 221, and I’ve realized I have yet to hear a Justin Beiber song. I have never been so thankful to be cut off from main stream media.
Oh, and now that the skyping is over I’m starting to feel a buzz. I obviously drank my beers in the wrong order.
I second that emotion (the Justin Beber one).
Okay LR, a beer story for you.
My batch of “Oktoberfest” finally reached it’s due date yesterday so my buddy and I opened a bottle. While the taste was fine, we both commented on the complete lack of head. We discussed what might have gone wrong with the priming phase.
So tonight opened a “flip-top” bottle of that Oktoberfest. As soon as I popped the top, a healthy foamy head began spewing from the bottle in a geyser of tasty joy.
Ah, the fun and inconsistency of “Home Brewing”.
Yeah Joe I’ve been having problems getting a consistent level of carbonation, although I’ve had some recent ideas about that.
troubleshooting: Assuming both bottles had the same level of carbonation I’d be worried about soap contamination of your bottles. A standard dishwasher soap is going to have chemicals that will screw with head retention, ditto if you ran them in a dishwasher with jetdry or similar product.
You might want to double check your wash -> sanitize -> bottle cycle if the problem persists for more than one bottle.
CW: Brewmasters ep. 4
Watching this I started wondering how did people culture yeast for bread a couple of centuries back? I’ve heard lots of theories for beer yeast, but not for bread yeast.
Just got back from Black Swan…
Where do I begin? Oh fuck it.. I DONT! This one has to be seen. Period. You’ll love it or you wont get it… theres no middle ground. Portman is fucking beautiful and brilliant. Kunis is wonderful. Vincent Cassel and Barbara Hershey are brilliant and even Winona Ryder is perfect in her limited role. Godammit Aronofsky. Youve made another to keep me up at night, pondering.
I think that was the best episode yet, I get the feeling the show is really starting to get its stride. One of the best things for me watching the show is that it gives me wild ideas to try in my own beers, but don’t worry I’m not going to recreate the chicha beer process.
Ok, is Portman actually worth watching besides as eye candy? I’ve only seen her in the crap wars prequels.
She can fucking act. LR. The hype is real. Forget her just getting a paycheck in the prequels.. shes usually great. The Professional, Heat, Beautiful Girls… this one is her masterpiece. And shes not great eye candy in this. She had to slim down to the point of gross-skinny for the role.
Same with Mila Kunis, btw. I know both are slim as it is but Im really hoping after filming wrapped they jammed some burgers down their throats.
Hmm, I might actually try and catch the movie then, the trailer I saw for it was interesting.
funny that since this is about ballet, anorexia is actually true to life.
goodnight :pan:
You should give Red Shoes a try Lo…
Good early morning, DP. I’m on vacation, but still am wide awake at 4:30. Go figure!
Lo, is it thriller scary? I will definitely see it, but am trying to gauge whether Sly B would be into it or not.
Now for some coffee.
Good morning pan.
mmm, coffee
omg I think I emotionally scarred myself for life after watching this and therefore I need to emotionally scar all of you as well.
Mmm x 3, coffee!
Just watched Jamie Oliver make bubble & squeak and now want some.
bubble and squeak sound like characters for the next disney movie
TSH: I haven’t been mentally scarred like that since I had to babysit my sisters through Barney marathons. Now I’m going to spend the rest of the day trying to forget I saw that vid.
re: TSH link
I wanted to look away … I wanted to
I thought the sound was the worst part personally.
Oh and for anyone curious about the nookColor from Barnes and Noble, my best advice is to wait. It still has several software bugs that need to be fixed.
More specifically:
If you’re looking for a mini-tablet computer, then save your money and get an ipad or other device. Unless you like jailbreaking devices.
If you want an ebook reader with “smartphone extras” then wait 3-6 months, B&N haven’t even started offering additional apps yet.
On the other hand if all you want is a color ebook reader, then go ahead and get it, though you still might want to wait 2-4 weeks.
I know j0e, I know.
I went to yoga in hopes of being able to push the memory away. It didn’t help. Hugh won’t stop singing p-i-z-z-a to me. I hate him right now. I also hate the friend who emailed it to me and myself for clicking on it.
We are pretty happy with our kindle, but wish we could put library books on it. Rumors say that upgrade is coming. We’ll see.
off for the day now.
enjoy your day everyone
I think my wife’s kindle has become a new appendage. I’ll have to call her “Jen of Borg”.
^LOL! :biggrin:
Off to a day of networking… of both the inter-computer-system and interpersonal varieties.
It’s of to work She goes
Just a quick hop in to say thank you to my Secret Santa. I loves me some western cookie cutters – with the exception of the cactus, they could be from Alberta. :happy:
Again. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU :wub:
Of course, hubby says now I have to bake more :silly:
I’m still unimpressed with the iPad, it hasn’t switched on for weeks.
“Euphonium? She made that up.”
Personally, I’m waiting for the iClaudius.
I’m currently listening to “The Host” in audiobook form to and from work…
Allows you to read the latest ebooks and invade Briton…
Glad to see you made it back safely iJack.
Van I do want to see Red Shoes fo sho.
EssBee… theres some definite creepy/scary parts but overall is psychological thriller.
I liked “The Man with One Red Shoe”.
Is it kinda like that?
*giggles uncontrollably*
CD: Cigar City Maduro Brown Ale
CP: Floor – Dove
Wow, quiet day at the deadpan.
CD: Milk Stout, Left Hand
We cleaned and purged and cleaned and set up our new hand-me-down iMac today. Tonight will include a movie – maybe A Single Man, maybe The Road, maybe The Soloist, or maybe a S. African lesbian flick I can’t remember the name of and am too lazy to get up and look at.
CD: 14’er ESB from Avery
I just got back from a family Christmas party, and now I have some dishes left from yesterday, and would like to get equipment prepped so I can brew again tomorrow.
I love that ESB, Ralph.
I’m liking it, but I’m not really into ESBs so I probably won’t pick it up again.
‘Enlarge Money Free Brewery’ :biggrin:
Jamil Zainasheff talking about picking a name for his brewery.
side note: holy shit I actually spelled his last name correctly from memory, that’s kinda scary to me…
CW: Jeopardy!
God, Alex T. is an asshole
Haha! that’s awesome CJ
Essbee you actually made me remember this song…
Watching the Calgary hockey game. I must be naturally masochistic
Side note: Jack, please tell me you got your envelope. I need to know if I have to yell at the post office
Once the gingerbread cookies are gone I need to make Arizona cookies with my new cookie cutters :happy:
They’re spending an awful lot of time in the Calgary zone
Do you think Rene Borque enjoys his time with the Swedish chef?
Amok, amok, amok!
We watched Prince of Persia earlier today. I enjoyed it but I don’t thunk hubby got as much out of it: “it was ok *shrug*”
Maybe I got more from it because it was exactly what I thought it would be
BTW. It’s hubby’s birthday today. A great bug mwaaaa for my hubby wubby. :wub:
Hubby says he doesn’t care who scores (team) by this point. He just wants to see someone look like they’re in the game
Hubby and I downloaded the same app for sports. Why does his android version seem nicer than my iPhone version? His even has video clips. Mine doesn’t have video clips. Why did they make a nice version, by the same group, for android? I think I’m jealous
I don’t have widgets. Hubby has widgets. Why don’t i have widgets?
Hey Van, do we have widgets?
Yeah, Kelly Hrudy!
Hey what is Ron MacLean doing there? Does that mean Kelly Hrudy is in Toronto? He’s Western. Traitor.
I want the San Jose Sharks holiday album in 8-track for Christmas
Where is everybody?
The Swedish chef’s favourite player had a shot on goal. Didn’t score but at least made the effort
I use to be in a hockey pool but I found the water too frikken cold
Minnesota has a player that’s a messy male deer.
“rapier like reflex”. What the he’ll does that mean?
These colour commentators are just weird
This whole game has been nothing but almosts. Still scoreless half way through the second
Blah. I think it’s bed time.
Nighty night, Panites
Night, Bunny.
Just finished watching our city’s high school football team win the state championship against a team that was highly favored. Probably one of the best football games I can remember seeing.
Just back from a Christmas dinner party.
Too much food.
Just enough wine.
Where’s my warm bed and my snuggly pillow!
TEB, yes there are widgets for the iPhone, but you would have to jailbreak your phone:
Each mobile o/s has it pro/cons and if I was being defensive, I would point out we IOS’s get more cool games, but I’m not so I won’t.
We Android users do get Angry Birds for free, btw.
Maybe someone should have suggest some scotch tape:
Useless fact of the day from QI:
Tea, coffee, wine, beer and rubber can all be made from dandelions.
Good morning!
Afternoon Cj, no work today?
A sad farewell to Captain Beefheart:
I’m at work. It’s quiet here other than my Pandora station and the security guards who wander through from time to time.
Also, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this interesting tidbit.
So, my new office is sort of tucked away in a back corner. This is nice as I have oodles of privacy.
The lights in the room are on a sensor and when there is no movement, they go out after 17 minutes. I know it’s 17 minutes because I’ve timed it multiple times.
My cube walls are high enough that even if I stand up and flail my arms about, I cannot set off the sensor, so I sit in the dark the majority of the time on Saturdays and Sundays. On Mon and Tues, there are people walking through all day so they never go out.
I have Christmas lights hung in my cube as well so it’s a little extra light. I’m hoping that the one thing I asked for from Santa (a desk lamp) arrives. If not, I’m using this bonus Amex gift card from my employer to buy one for myself. LOL
CJ has ask Santa for enlightenment.
Cj asks for a LOT of neat things. :happy:
Morning, DP!
Van, how’s the weather there?
Gah. My tummy didn’t like being disturbed.
some of these are pretty strange
Well most of the snow dumped on the UK this weekend has missed where I it’s just chilly.
Some people have too much time on their hands
and for those who didn’t get enough the first time
QBert and Pac Man Trees are my favorite!
There is a tree at Tempe Marketplace that I like – I mean not the big huge one.. but .. Lemmie see if I can find the picture I took..
Nope. Can’t find it while I’m here.. It’ll have to wait.
Just finished “Enslaved: Odyssey to the West”. Great game and good story.
Highly recommended.
I have a game confession: Sly B and I got Dragon Age for the PS3 and can’t figure out how to play it . . .
We’re going for a holiday brunch with family in Denver – have a great day :panties: !
We get less an inch of snow and the public transport system grinds to a halt..Grrrrrrrrr!
EssBee: I had the same problem. It seems the right thing to do is program tactics for your party. You should only have to intervene occasionally. And when Leliana joins your party set her up to heal.
I must confess, I found tactics in Dragon Age largely useless. More often then not, I had to order a character to do something different as following the tactics ended up getting them into trouble.
CD: Twisted Pine “Pearl Street Porter”. Celebrating 150th Anniversary of Boulder. Rare and delicious. Lucky to find a bottle.
Wife and I watched the A-Team movie this afternoon.
I have to say I found it to be a better reimaging/rebooting of a old show than JJ Abrams Star Trek was.
I could go for a sequel.
Nice, Lo!
Thanks for the tip, ditto!
CW: A Single Man
Did you make it back okay Jack?
I’ve spent the last 4 hours dismantling and the “temporarily” fixing my gas oven.
Yes, the temptation to turn the gas on and lay my head in there was quite strong at times.
Home. Tired. Dizzy. Watched The Grinch.
Thanks everyone round here for having hearts 3 sizes too big.
Spent much of today Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, and working on decorating my Neopets account. Our house is full of Christmas cheer and peace. I hope everyone else’s is, too. 🙂
Good night, mistletoe.
Thanks everyone round here for having hearts 3 sizes too big.
(Firefox refreshed with this in the box, so I thought it bore repeating)
Goodnight, seasick crocodile.
Well judging from the amount of webs revealed in the early morning frost, the new bus shelters support more spiders than the old brick ones.
Not enjoying Monday.
Well, hopefully everyone gets to have a somewhat shortened week.
… and no one gets somewhat weakened shorts.
4 days this week thank goodness.
Good morning, DP. I’m on vacation, yet I’m up at 5:30 . . .
I’m not on vacation but today’s my last day of work til Friday.
I’ve got fun things planned for the days ahead!
4 day week for me too.
I have 3 days this week and 2 next week. it’s kind of nice working only 17 days in a month.
4 inches of snow going to start at 3pm and stop tomorrow morning. at least that means it will warm up. we almost never get snow when the temp is under the 20’s
So, one of my co-workers for Christmas gave me Twitter Bird earrings and a Fail Whale bookmark because he says, “You love social media more than anyone I know!”
I love my co-workers!
I’m off to play voodoo darts with a picture of Reaper…17 days a month….sheeesh.
Van. I also only had to take 3 days of vacation to work that little. We get Christmas Eve/day and New Years Eve/day
/mutters darkly.
Which makes no sense..
I’m working Christmas Eve Day and the day after, but I do get Christmas day off. Dan is actually working Christmas day and New Years day…
The muttering darkly that is.
Hey Pan!
Hubby has this week off (and next) so we get to sleep in all week. Wonderful.
I think part of the reason we have that much time off is that is handy to have some shutdown time for maintenance to get some major work done. and we are a private company.
New “oven igniter” is ordered.
Hair cut has been scheduled for this afternoon.
E-mails have been replied to.
Must go procure more coffee.
My dad has the next two weeks off (he works for a school district), but today’s Day 1 in the city government’s brand-new office building and two of the regular IT support people are starting their vacations today, so I’m going in to do some volunteer work today.
Thanks jj that reminds me of my oven issue.
It started working this weekend the clock blinks but it works. We waited on buying that part because it was going to take 15 working day to get, so we where going to check Craig’s list or try looking for a new one. but this will get us by for a while.
more with the hehe:
Weird. The weather forecast says the temp high 29 low 25. It is currently 10. shouldn’t they be changing the estimate biased on the actual temp? Guess thats why i’m not a weather forecaster.
Is it a bad idea to use the cloths steamer on a shirt that I am wearing?
I’m in a pretty big hurry.
jj i think it depends on how steady your hand is and how roomy the shirt is
Current status – neatly pressed, toasty and somewhat moist.
not going to touch that one
I love Rooster Teeth’s new series Immersion. It’s a fun look at video game physics.
ditto, now thats science!
the censor overlays almost got me in trouble. I nearly fell off my chair because I happen to be sitting the edge of it and while stifling the laughter I almost kick my chair out from under neither me.
That was cool…
/contented sigh
Today is actually a day off for me. There will be some combination of Tron/Santa/outdoors/cleaning today.
I’m not huge on baseball but I agree completely with the Brewers one.
If this were Facebook, I’d totally “Like” Jack’s last post.
Rhettro likes this. :metal:
Looking like Tron tomorrow for me.
Will be doing the whole movie pizza thang with nephew.
Getting a bit concerned that a certain person hasn’t received my DPSS gift, the company said it had sent it out on the 11th.
:metal: :cth:
Lunar Eclipse tonight for you lucky North Americans…that is if you can stay awake:
more funny from the oatmeal
A bit harsh on the over 40’s without kids though…
Van, I have to agree. That part almost stopped me from posting it.
A “bit” ????
I was twirling my virtual moustache and showing my stiff upper lip Cj..
Teresa and I did our Christmas tradition of watching the Star Trek Next Generation episode where John Luc assumes the personage of Scooge. .
There’s a scene where the alien (in the role of “The Ghost of Christmas Present”) takes him to a prison, where a prisoner plays the exact flute from the earlier TNG episode “The Inner Light.” Good stuff.
Seems to me that the “40+ without kids” … should look a little more like the “20 something, without kids”
… just say’n
Just with less cellulite.
Good point about assassins.
The rest of the site is very NSFW.
Star Trek Fashion
CW: Star Trek TNG – 1×23 – Skin of Evil
Hubby’s plating with his Christmas present that I let him have early (bottom model)
I can’t decide if I’m an enabled to his addiction or not. :metal:
Enabled = enabler
He’s plating with it? Those bake beans might ruin the finish.
Yes my ass has a PHD. 🙂
Nice model BTW, looks rockin. :metal:
Now I will make supper as hubby plays for me
In related news I asked Santa for one these for Christmas.
Well see.
that looks cool too, Rhett.
Am I being a cheapskate by just buying myself something less than 100 quid?
Van, why not 100 squid?
Thanks Bunny. I think your Hubby needs to submit some sound samples from his new toy.
Err no, seafood is a big no no for me.
Yeah, I kind of avoid it myself.
Supper’s et. Dishes done. Now hubby’s changing strings
Actually I don’t think I will treating myself this year, I can’t think of anything I actually want.
Van, John and I have the same problem. Usually we don’t exchane gifs but buy something for the house instead (last year it was a new tv). We dint want or need anything this year so weren’t going to get anything for eachother. I just saw him perusing the guitar sites so I dragged him to the guitar store this afternoon and made him get something.
I’m not expecting to get anything myself thus year
Lots of typing errors above but you can figure out what I’m saying 😉
Clear as a lead glass cup.
I have a question: Why is The Sound of Music considered a holiday classic?
Don’t get me wrong, I dint have anything against the movie. It’s a cute enough musical. I just don’t understand how it came to be shown every Christmas
*wiggles nose at Vanamonde*
Shouldn’t you be in bed?
Yup, heading that way soon.
SOM is just one of those weird things that develop. Over here, for a long time it was ‘The Great Escape’. Lost count how many times I’ve seen that movie on during holidays.
Another film with a great theme tune:
I haven’t seen The Great Escape in ages. I wonder if it’s available in streaming?
BTW, The Third Man came a couple of days ago. Hubby and I will probably watch it over the holidays
And I shall bid the Pan goodnight with the theme to 633 Squadron:
Ther is supposed to be a Winter Solistice Lunar Eclipse tonight. It’s too bad it won’t be until after midnight and I have to work tomorrow. I wonder if hubby is going to stay up for it?
Night Van, sweet dreams.
*tucks Vanamonde in and kisses his forehead*
I have something against the Sound of Music. It sucks. There are much better musicals out there. I wish we could make Fiddler on the Roof a Christmas tradition, just for the sake of irony.
I’m going to try and go to bed early and sneak in some sleep before 1:30am so I can get up and watch much of the eclipse before crashing again.
Buff Usedhair. *tucks Usedhair in too*
The back has been screwed back onto the guitar. I think hubby is finally done restricting the guitar and is now in tuning mode
Restricting = restringing
Stupid iPhone
CW: Star Trek TNG – 1×26 – The Neutral Zone
nearly bed time for me too. maybe after this episode
CW: calgary hockey game (tied at 1 halfway through the second)
And listening to hubby play with his new toy
shows over time for bed!
Night Pan!
And Toronto loses yet again.
I just tried the following experiment with winter beverages, and I thought it was delicious.
Amy Bowen’s Version of Borovan*
1 peppermint herbal tea bag
1 packet hot cocoa mix.
Boil water. Pour into mug. Brew tea. When tea is finished steeping, remove tea bag and immediately stir contents of cocoa mix packet into tea until dissolved. Enjoy.
*Borovan is a drink they drink in the world of Neopets. It’s asparagus-flavored hot cocoa. I thought peppermint-flavored hot cocoa would be much nicer to drink.
TEB: The activity in your house sounds a lot like the activity in my house nowadays. There are four guitars in the study right now, plus the one that my dad took with him to his lesson tonight. He’s always restringing and otherwise modifying them.
Good evening deadpan, got most of my Christmas shopping done today. And I think I’m going to try and catch the lunar eclipse tonight since it’s nice and clear tonight in OK.
Amy: Take it to 11 and just grab a mint candy cane off the tree to put into your hot chocolate.
Oh and for all the lovers out there, if you like Belgian golden ales/trippels try and get to a BJ’s Restaurant/brewpub and try their seasonal Grand Cru. It’s very smooth and delicious.
Not a huge fan of their beers, LostRalph, but I do like me some Grand Cru. (keeping it clean, keeping it clean)
And, according to the astronomer-folk, the Lunar Eclipse started 1 minute ago. It’s cloudy here, but I’ll let you know what I see.
Currently cloudy here in parts-unknown as well. 🙁
Guess I’ll have to try again in another 327 years.
I don’t know a thing about guitars, but that red and black smokey effect on Mr. Bunny’s guitar looks real nice.
It’s cloudy here too, but I’m catching glimpses, watching with the neighbors.
Clear as day here. The moon is now in full eclipse. I don’t plan on watching it come out the other side (I do have to work tomorrow and it’s nearly 3am). I have taken some (probably crappy) pictures that I will try to share tomorrow. Night :pan:
Too bad it’s not tomorrow night or I would try and stay up to race Van to first comment.
Well clouds horizon to horizon here, so will have to wait for next lunar eclipse.
The big sale on Steam starts today:
Wow. That is a tempting sale. If only my wallet wasn’t so hungry already.
Off to see Tron Legacy.
I’ve just used the inbuilt compass function on the phone to show what direction N is to my nephew.
Only the second time I’ve used the bloody thing.
I haven’t read anything by these writers, but the concept is pretty intriguing.
Portal for $3.74 – not quite free, but cheap enough that those who haven’t played yet have little excuse to not pick this one up.
Of course, you better act quickly on that deal before these asshats ruin the internet:
Wee doggie. Apparently the powers are greater than I thought. Right after I posted that link, my computer went into full on BSOD. I don’t even remember the last time I’ve had a crash like that.
I managed to find time this morning to post my pictures of the eclipse. I’m surprised they came out as well as they did (which isn’t saying that I think they came out well).
Morning, DP. We didn’t stay up for the eclipse, so I was happy to see your pictures, UH – not crappy.
Morning DP. I happen to be up at 3 and it was cloudy so no eclipse for this guy
When I saw the sale price I was all set to finally buy “Portal”, then I discovered I did not have quite enough operating system.
UH has “mooned” the Deadpan !
(… and quite well I might add. Thanks for sharing them.)
Good morning!
We are heading out to see Tangled 3D this morning, then to Bass Pro Shops for some Christmas time fun! Then tonight (weather permitting it looks rainy out) we are gonna drive around and look at Christmas lights! Wheee!
Okay this may be down to the 3D equipment used in the cinema (the specs had a sensor that switched the 3D off during 2D scenes), but thev3D in Tron:Legacy was clashiftheTItans league of naffness.
Morning Pan
Hubby being off is great for my sleeping in way of life :happy:
LR: I don’t know much about guitars either. When we were looking I actually told hubby I liked this one because he didn’t have a red guitar yet.
Hubby rolled his eyes, then I got a talk about how colour was not a factor when choosing a guitar and the many things that was part of the decision making process *yawn*
Well judging by the active pickups and the floyd rose tremolo, I would say your Hubby’s guitar was made for screaming metal. :metal: The color is nice too.
Yeah Rhett. One of his other guitars has a Floyd Rose and he says it’s actually one of his best guitars.
As for active pickups, I know at least one other has that too, but I’m not sure about any of the others.
None of the guitars I own have active pickups… yet. 😉
..and thecless said about the plot the better.
Nothing but clouds visible in the skies over Southern California, so I slept right through the eclipse.
Usedhair: Ooooooh. Nice pictures!
Busy day for me today. First, I’m going out in the rain to play Santa Claus for some local families on behalf of the Rotary Club. Then I plan on sending Christmas letters and cards out, then I have a music rehearsal, and then I have a concert to attend in the evening.
And UsedH’s moon is red! that’sa much better view than what I saw.
Ed, that Wired article is terrifying, in that their nefarious scheme seems inevitable. Imagine paying $0.03 to watch Chocolate Rain.
BTW, can we call our band “The League of Naffness”?
Or “The League of Extraordinary Naffness?”
You knew somebody was going to do it