Steamed show notes.
(Jack greatly appreciates that The Energizer Bunny writes these up every week)
Jack Mangans Deadpan #188: Steampan
Deadpan Copter
Promoting Steam Punk
Promo – The Leviathan Chronicles (
Brad P from NJ give the contents of his Four Square check in
More Steam Punk promotion
Cj & Sally – Less than sober
Greasy Nipples
Justa J0e
Lost Ralph
JR Murdock (first of the week)
905 comments for last week. Bunny’s happy
More from Brad P
Steam Punk
Check out Jack’s interview at Horror Addicts (
Palooza movies will be both UHF and The Third Man
Nine Inch Smurf official first draft release January 12
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music – Nine Inch Smurf in progress
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
ode to my crappy 3G connection: it’s slow
I’ve never heard of UHF, will my deadpan card be revoked?
UHF has Al Yankovic in it.
That may explain everything.
Heavy reading:
This is my favorite podcast on the Citadel.
I have also joined Pintley. As always, I am Usedhair.
Thanks for pointing out the site. It will be most useful.
Hey Deadpan
Poor hubby is staying home today. He’s a very sick puppy this morning.
number 9
number 9
number 9
906 comments for last week, 905 comments for first week of December 2009.
Bunny’s happy.
Good morning, DP!
well it is morning. and nearly friday
Hope Mr. TEB gets feeling better.
Me too J0e. I plan on doing the Christmas thing tomorrow and it would be easier if he wasn’t home. (selfish much?)
He’s running quite the fever as well as achy all over. I know it’s bad since he took time off work, he almost never does that.
poor Mr. Bunny
Here is a link (SFW) for those who wish to have a pretty girl stare at them (after the intro) while swell music plays.
Good morning
Get well soon MY. TEB
I like answer number 2. for me an science thats enough
lol Mr. TEB, I think I should just stop trying to write on electronic devices. It’s not going well for me this week.
Virtual keyboards are the enemies of communication.
Hopefully Mr TEB will get well soon.
Wonderful episode, Jack! Love it.
Brad P., you should stay in Denver longer next time!
Oh Pintley… where doth my time go?
Psycho! Psycho!
Scarier than monsters:
Death by Bloch…
So the oven part says it could be in as early as Tuesday. I’m counting on more like Friday.
Re: Pintley
I wish they would change the rating system.
As it currently stands, you can rate beer as follows,
I strongly disliked it, I disliked it, I liked it, I really it, I loved it.
Problem is, the bulk of the beers I have tasted fall somewhere between “like” and “dislike”. They are beers that are drinkable but I would not choose them were I to have a better offer. I wouldn’t turn one of these down if a neighbor offered it but I wouldn’t be seeking it out on my own.
Why any of this is important is because Pintley’s recommendation algorithm is doesn’t have that sort of accuracy. According to them you either like a beer or you don’t like it.
This really seems to miss the mark. Given that the vast majority of beers just aren’t going to make you hate them … you will end up with a LOT of “like” ratings for forgettable beers and thus the recommendations will be skewed towards these sort of brews to the sheer volume of them.
and all of that is probably waaaay to much thought on a web site about beer.
I like a good Katakalizm from time to time.
Eh, what can you do. I use it more to record the beers Ive tried anyway.
The more important question is what would a steampunk vibrator sound like?
I think I had a Katakalizm this morning.
JOe, what I’d like to change about, or add to, Pintley (and maybe this is possible and I just don’t know it) is the ability to make notes on “friend’s” ratings/notes.
When all of your Kit-Kat bars melt …
A Kit-Katakalizm
Wow. Jack read a heavy comment from mine. Ooopsie.
ditto, I agree. I do think that has been the most important question of the day. I must know before I agree to go to a steampunk universe.
I’m C(re-)R: His Dark Materials trilogy via audiobook
The steam vents must be in a remote location otherwise it’s a scalded kitty vibrator.
This just in..
NASA has discovered aliens in Lo Pan.
News at 11.
Essbee- that could be useful. Like “Hey, if you like this beer then you might try this other beer because it has a similure taste”.
ditto – it would give more meaning to the phrase, “Who stokes your fire?”
Tentacle onanism?
Also the phrase, “She’s really hot!”
jj — the doors have the theme song for that one 🙂
Or, “Hey, is your palate retarded?”
Beer Trolls
“Palates of the Caribbean”.
I would of course say that only with love.
Palate pilates
A wine tasting = Palate pilates
Spherical Tomi, Spherical Tomi, Spherical Tomi
good morning!
CD: Just checked in to my Gettysburg address using FourScore.
morning, Cj!
CD: LOLing at Rhettro’s joke. What is FourScore?
Don’t tell me – that was not a serious question.
The truth is in me.
CL: Soma Fm: Christmas Lounge
Nice, seasonal, background tune-age.
It’s a little like being in a Target commercial – minus the dancing, cool, trendy people (unless that is in fact who you are).
This just in…
Aliens dispute the science behind the declarations that aliens are in Lo Pan. “This is a clear case of shoddy probing and reporting.” Non-alien scientist have no probing comments at this time.
Deadpan Secret Santa gifts ordered and shipped.
I’m an online shopper because the post office scares me.
The brass balls seem appropriate for the current weather.
I don’t consider Pullman’s Trilogy steampunk, since parts of the book are set in the modern day.
A pneumatic drill ?
You couldn’t really hear Shelley and me but yes, I’d had 3 dirty martinis and she’d had two duck farts which are more delicious than I would have imagined.
Thanks, Van. I’m just not sure what IS or ISN’T steampunk (except Freakangels).
Shoddy probing my ass…
“probing my ass”
Oh, yuck! No offense, Cj, but YUCK.
Duck Fart = liquid candy it seems
did someone say beer?
This just in…
Scientists have come out swinging in the rejection of their alien claims. “I mean, his blood was black! How human is that?” Was one statement from the head scientist of the Are Aliens Here? Research Project.
Meanwhile an anonymous source claims the sample was taken during a bender by the research staff. It is unclear if the sample was from a bottle of Imperial Stout or from the aforementioned Lo Pan.
I love you so very much, ditto….
“Anonymous source”, eh?
*glares at EssBee*
This just in, an anonymous source resents being glared . . .
um . . .
wait . . .
*starts slow clap*
CP: What’s Left Of The Flag — Flogging Molly
eww “slow clap”
FYI -I did not drink, taste, or even smell the duck fart.
“apparently delicious” was based on my friend, Shelley, drinking a 2nd one.
I’m leaving now to get some of my hairs cut.
Do with that what you will…
This just in…
Another party has entered the PanAlienGate imbroglio. The Society for Take Us! is claiming that Lo Pan cannot have been assimilated by aliens.
“Since, 1991, our Treaty for Preferrential Alien Probing has guaranteed us the right to be taken first. Lo Pan is not one of our past or present members. Besides, how can a scientist have taken a blood sample from a fictional, non-corporeal entity?”, continued Sven Swagbloen the head of the Society. When asked how Lo could “get it on with the green-eyed ladies” as Lo Pan commonly claims to do, Swagbloen had no response.
The FBI continues to ignore our request for comments.
Currently awaiting comment from the “Society for Women with prosthetic Tentacles” on the Alien Probing, mass debate.
Dont you even trust that Sven Swagbloen!!!!!!! He/she is not what he/she appears to be
If anyone is traveling for the holidays and wants to stay at an Omni hotel (they are super nice), holler at me. I have a great coupon.
Oh, a blood sample can be taken. It. Can. Be. Taken.
Or so I’ve heard . . .
Just warn me before the probing starts.
I’d like to brace myself.
“brace myself”
Are we back on 1s and 0s?
slow clap sample?
Evil, Inc. offers free “mental health” webinars for employees.
Today’s: The Best Gift Of All: Giving the Gift Of Forgiveness
The earbuds that Apple sell always fail the same way.
The volume output on one bud gets lower and lower then it fails completely.
This has happened with three sets so far.
Van, I like the skullcandy brand of earbuds. I don’t like the apple ones.
I like the 5$ ones I buy from Wall fucking greens.
“fucking greens”
The webinar was actually quite good.
Ah, there’s that frigid air. I was wondering what had happened to it.
Van – I have two sets of Bose (Bo$e) earbuds that sound amazing … right up to the point that they did exactly as you described. 🙁
“two sets”
I keep telling myself I’m going to go through this “Top 50 of 2010” list on a downloading binge, but I never do.
LOL … Mr. Peanut indeed.
I’m going to have to dig out my old VHS tape..sigh:
1980s shit… turn it down…
*sarcasm* Oh good! More Leviathan Chronicles. *sarcasm*
Er I mean… YES!!!! GILA COPTER!!!!!! Not monster.
Steampunk Willie
Charles in Charge = Whos the Boss, my friend.
Does anyone care about Transformers 3?
Oh UHF… Ill slog thru it just for the Palooza.
Never seen The Third Man so Im excited.
I do not, good sir ditto. I do not.
Me neither. And I despise that they are throwing Apollo 11 into the mix.
ditto, I like Transformers for what they are. robot and explosion porn. they keep me entertained so I’m looking forward to getting it on DVD when it is on a good sale
Apollo 11? Fuck me now….
And by “fuck” I mean “kill”.
Oh I get it” “DARK OF THE MOON”.
hold on they are now fucking with real history and things I care about…
I may have to resined my stance
I’d only watch it if Optimus runs over the witwickis.
that would rock
Transformers 2 killed the franchise for me, it induced an almost jawbreaking yawn as I watched it.
A friends son, still find it hard to believe how crap I thought the Transformers movies were.
I want to get a copy of the original cartoon movie and watch it again to see how well it’s held up over the past two decades.
I’d watch if Megatron ate Shiloh’s folks.
If only that walking skin cancer advert could get eaten by one of the Transformers..I would pay to see that.
Oh, Van, surely you don’t mean Megan Fox . . .
CP: Fake Plastic Trees — Radiohead
That would rock too.
as apposed to real plastic, trees or maybe real, plastic trees?
One should not try and find a rational explanation for Radiohead track titles.
One should not try and find a rational explanation for Radiohead.
I will take that advice. I don’t want my head to Asplode.
CP: A Long Walk — Jill Scott
This however is still cool:
CP: Together — The Raconteurs
Whatchu boo, EssyBessy?
Radiohead haters!
jk – I know they’re not for everyone . . .
CP: Stronger Than Me — Amy Winehouse
Then please….boo me. BOO ME HARD!
Theyre not for anyone…
the boo is inside you
AGAIN?????????? I thought that was the aliens
“boo . . . HARD”
Radiohead is not a band I would love on my own, but rather one of those bands I love because someone I dig loves them. You know the kind, don’t ya?
Err no, I don’t believe in compromising on taste.
I like them, I don’t mean that. But I probably wouldn’t have come to like em without the connection . . .
Oh, you guys . . .
umm maybe not
Oh! Oh! I’ve heard of that. It’s like you connect 4 in a row and you, uh….
Taste the compromise Van.
With a tree like this who needs presents?
ditto, good point after that you uh…
Taste the compromise! Smell the magic!
CP: Got Me Wrong — Alice In Chains
I seen your sister naked
Nothing I tried to see
Caught your sister by the pool there
Nothing I tried to see
Well I hope it’s not huntin’ day
I hope it’s not your daddy’s shootin’ day
Ribs and whiskey make my mind feel tight
Whiskey makes my body feel hot
If you won’t be my love
I’m gonna find a new place to spend my night
So unsure we reach for something strong.
CP: Do You Love Me Now? — The Breeders
I’m not adding the A word.
Im sure if you had enough drinks…
Better or worse than Radiohead:
CP: Violet Hill — Coldplay
Music to slit your wrists too.
That’s how Sly B feels, Van.
Keep her away from Dido Essbee…
I will not tell you how I read that the first time.
DADT repeal fails.
Chuck a bucket of water over Lo will you..he’ll be steaming after that cough.
LOL I read it the same way EssBee…
It failed?
Yep, by 3 votes.
Wow. Close.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Gonna make pretty womens, jump and shout
Just like me……
Lo Pan, Hoochie Coochie Man
As well as Hurdy Gurdy
Just like me!
Hibbldy Bibbly!
CP: Tooth and Nail — Dengue Fever
As much as I like Pintley, there are beers that I have had or want to try and don’t show up on their lists.
I’ll leave you all to guess which I’ve had and which I want to try :drevil:
UH: they just launched Pintley a week or so ago. You might shoot them an email or something and let them know they should add those beers.
They do have a form to fill out to add beers, I need to do that for a couple of local breweries.
I’ll do that. Thanks.
CW: Celebrity Rehab
Poor Leif Garrett . . .
Busy day – guess the Deadpan Holiday Season is upon us. A lot less work an a lot more posting.
A word of advice – In general, you don’t want to see how the old cartoons hold up. Michael Bay, et al have already fucked with your childhood. You don’t need to do it to yourselves.
Steam powered Dido
I am on my way to an annual Christmas open house/party that I have been going to for longer than I care to mention. It used to be a party … now more of an open house.
Ahhhh, … when punk rockers get old.
Happens to the best of us, justa.
This just in:
My brother is a horrible person.
Thanks to those of you who have become family.
Fuck. Again EssBee? Im sorry
Ed: The old T-Formers, as well as the old Gi Joe cartoons, hold up exactly as I would expect. They were never great in the first place but growing up on them they hold a special place (then and now) in my heart. They do nothing but enhance my childhood to this day. Unlike Bayformers which chooses to forget our childhood existed altogether
CD: AC Golden Winterfest
Yes its a subsidiary of Coors. Yes they desperately try and hide that fact andits hi-larious. But its a small batch beer thats only available in CO this time of year – and its tastier than you may think. Ill forgive them…this time.
Ed! You should watch Voltron now. Transformers is The Empire Strikes Back compared to it. But its still special.
Gonna grab GoLion from Netflix. Hoping its better in its uncut form than Voltron.
I take it back… this girl knows EXACTLY what shes doing… watch for the evil wink at the end.
Then again she looks like shes gonna cry thru the whole thing….
EssBee: sorry to hear about your brother, if I was in town I’d take you out for a beer.
RE: original transformers I actually watched the first few original episodes earlier this year, and it was about what I expected. Except I found all the old special effect sounds hilarious.
Yeah Yeah
Fight to live
Live to fight
Got to break some balls if the money’s right
Well, there’s no beating the classic transformation sound, especially when Grimlock himself calls it in.
ditto – Did you happen to check out The Sword by the Luna Brothers? I ran out of money about 6 issues in, but I was really enjoying it up to that point.
And I think Gaiman is the bee’s knees, but I didn’t care for 1602. On the other hand, I really dug the short run of Eternals that he did a few years back.
(That was Gaiman, wasn’t it? Stupid memory.)
Saw a great quote in a webinar today:
If you look out into the long-term future and what you see looks like science fiction, it might be wrong. But if it doesn’t look like science fiction, it’s definitely wrong. –Christine Peterson, Foresight Nanotech Institute
Even back then, it always bothered me that my beloved GI Joe figures were animated with laser guns. Isn’t Stalker holding an AK-47? Why is it shooting laser beams? And why can’t anyone hit anything?
On the topic of nostalgia, I spotted a reissue of Groo the Wanderer #1 on the shelf today for $1.
Wait, and why didn’t I buy it?
Drink drink drink drink drink the poor.
A political comment? Or a commentary on the quality of your drink, J0e? I hope the xmas mingling went well.
Although not cartoons, the Gerry Anderson puppets series have modelwork that still impresses today, even if the stories are a bit twee.
Oh and of course, the intros are bloody brilliant:
I like Dido, even the stuff she did with Faithless from the before time.
Then again, I like the Irish Rovers. And The Orb.
Talking about disappointing cartoons to re-watch reminded me of this old show.
I find it funny that it was such a blatant advertisement for the TYCO toys that they had commercial breaks on the VHS.
I didn’t appreciate Groo the one time I tried, but I still would have grabbed a #1 issue.
Someone go check Jack’s temp. I think he may be sick. =)
Yeah, maybe if I’d been a regular Groo reader back then.
I had no idea Dido was ever involved with Faithless.
Quake Rugby Saturday in Phoenix!?
Good night :random latenight information:
Where? Where?
Do they do rocket jumps in Quake Rugby?
Get into the festive mood with a free Xmas theme version of Cut the Rope:
Did someone say
Nah NS, a figment of your overacting imagination.
Damn, TSH comes running through, flashes “boobs” and I missed it.
TSH sure knows how to start my day right. Thanks.
*mental note – at a late night party, go with the artichoke dip OR the eggnog … not both. *
Morning, DP.
Thanks, Lo & Ralph . . .
CW: Hawaii Five-Oh
Morning DP.
Today I have peeps coming over. We’re going to deck the halls, trim the tree and back gingerbread cookies. Fun times.
On the other hand, hubby is being totally insane and going into work this morning. He looks terrible. I think he should spend another day in bed but…
back = bake in earlier post
NS: I heard about The Sword but haven’t checked it out yet. I agree with your assessment of 1602 and The Eternals. Yes, Gaiman did both.
“When you feel the shiver of lust grow deeper… I’m coming for you.”
Bunny, you should have worked harder to keep him in bed.
And btw, I also want to send a “that sucks” out to EssBee. Thank YOU for being an awesome Deadpan sista.
Our CEO just announced the Jewel is singing the National Anthem at our Company Party.
ZOMG.. I’m excited.
““When you feel the shiver of lust grow deeper… I’m coming for you.”
Oh Rhett … I bet you say that to all the girls.
Just one. 🙂
Well that was a bit surreal, a bunch of lads on a drinking session dressed as smurfs..they even blued up with the face makeup.
So my manager is on vacation today. In some ways I like that
I can listen to any podcast or music loud
But on the other hand I’m way busier because I have to do everything.
Thanks, Jack.
I’ve got today off from work and am playing housewife until 11:30, then playing trophy wife (LOL) at Sly B’s office party at noon. Then we’re going to make tamales and empanadas and other things that will make my arse bigger at her mom/grandma’s for the weekend.
Drunk smurfs are the worst!
So they blue themselves?
Sorry I couldn’t help it.
or maybe blue each other…
Van … please PLEASE tell me you whipped out your portable audio device and played Jacks song for them.
That would have been a moment.
No one wants to play with Pukey Smurf.
I don’t play trophy husband very well. I just can stay quite in a small crowd.
Just watched that office. I think I heard the greatest quote EVAR from Dwight:
“I have no feeling in my fingers or peinus but it was worth it.”
Recreating ancient computer in Lego:
Reaper, the skeletal hands, the tattered black cloak, and the giant sickle might be a bit off-putting for a trophy husband.
Jack, I just thought it was my conversation skills.
Off to see ‘The Tourist’, Depp films tend to either good or very very crap.
Fingers crossed…
We used to play Morphine’s “Like Swimming” album at one of my Sam Goody stores, back in the 90s.
At the time I found it intriguing and took home the promo CD.
Now, every time, I give it a re-listen, I’m blown away. Holy crap, I love every song on this album.
I should record an Earbuds segment.
RIP Sandman….
After Sandman’s death, they’d apparently joined forces with some members of another defunct band to form The Twinemen.
Not bad.
sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight.
Hey Phx deadpanians, I’m landing in a few hours. Tonight we shall be drinking at cherry bar, and tomorrow playing your Phx gay team the storm in a spirited match of rugby. 1pm at Monterey park. Djutopia at to make contact!! Hope to see you’s out there!
Sorry I will miss seeing Jeremy, but I have to work tomorrow.
Then tomorrow night apparently I’m being treated to a George Thorogood & Destroyers concert.
Well that was cheesy.
CD: Stuck on a train, flooding caused melting snow is buggering things up.
Thankfully only stuck for 15 minutes.
The mirror in the bathroom here is evil.
Who’s the Top Dogg of them all?
There was a rubble dubble, five minutes it lasted.
The mirror said, You are, you conceited bastard”
Glad you made it through the bad weather, Van. Was the movie tolerably cheesy?
Yup to the movie Jack, I should have had a drink first.
Tonight is my night to be the trophy date.
I will have that drink first.
For those with more dexterity than I:
And probably not a project for J0e after the dinner tonight.
Unless it goes really badly..
CJ, we’ll be at Cherry Bar tonight from 8:30 on. Sounds like Evo shall be too.
I lied. The gathering tonight is at the Clarenden Hotel, my bad.
Yeah its your bad!!!!!!!!
so this time my son is playing super meat boy and the girls are watching “Bring It On” I am so very glad I have ST TNG to watch
CW: Star Trek TNG – 1×09 – The Battle
so that’s over.
Wish I was at the Clarenden .
now what’s this about paper snowflakes?
jMangan – Dido is Rollo’s sister. Dido co-wrote & provided vocals for some (I think?) early Faithless tracks, but I don’t think she was ever technically considered a part of that trio.
And you make the #1 first person I’ve known to also know of Faithless.
I lose hipster cred, hooray! =D
Cj – Try to stay away from Jewel. She may have Palin cooties on her.
When did Wikipedia lose the search box on individual article pages?
My downstairs neighbor is a Star Wars nut. I may now have the best (and cheapest) gift I could get for him.
Thanks Deadpan!
I dug Faithless as an inferior alternative to Massive Attack. I even have the album with the theater marquee on the cover.
Ah, Saturday.
As is often the case, we miss a lot of movies a the theater and catch them later. Last night, the kids were out and we watched “Inception”
Enjoyed it overall, though the whole “dream sharing” business seemed a bit vague. Though, it was probably for the best that it didn’t try to explore the technical side too much.
I do think it bordered on getting too complicated for its own good.
Any Deadpan opinions on this one?
Morning, DP! It’s Saturday and I’m at the Sly B family spa. Just had coffee . . .
Tamale time.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Ed, I liked Inception. Sly B is more on your side of things.
Don Hertzfeldt’s “Rejected” has been around for a decade now, but it is still one of the most original pieces of animation I have ever seen. NSFW.
working on the weekend = ugh.
morning pan
everybody’s working on the weekend
wait thats not right
Poor bunny.
I’ll have to do some work later to.
run to the store, fix a wireless network I setup yesterday for some extra Christmas money. strange how the laptop decided not to get on to the internet but it can get to the router
Ed – “Inception” has made my “Top 10 all time films” list. Easily was in the top 5.
Good performances and effects.
It was one of the few films I’ve seen where I didn’t see EVERYTHING coming before it happened and some things that I thought would happen, didn’t. As for “complicated”, yeh it was … but I liked the mental challenge. It’s a film I feel like I could watch multiple times and still be discovering new stuff in it.
…and you thInk your commute is bad:
with my new job i don’t complain about my commute. 6 miles across town. I’ll take that any day over tokyo
It’s hard to complain about my commute when, most of the time, I just walk across the hall from my bedroom to my office.
Oh and since I work most weekends, welcome to no sympathy Saturday.
Not working now. The system seems to be down in Ontario so I have to wait until tomorrow to do what needs to be done. *sigh*
I prefer working Saturday over Sunday. Because if i work Sunday it seams like the week started early
Just baught my :pan: secret santa gift. Will ship on Monday. The cashier said he envies the gift recipient.
Faithless – I only own Reverence. And thats indeed where I first heard of Dido. She did a few tracks on the album.
Boom Snap there goes me baseball cap.
I have Italian sausages cooking on the grill.
Massive Attack reminds me of a dumb ass memory.
CP: Queen of Hearts – Dave Edmunds
I had one sausage with spicy, honey Dijon mustard.
Then I had another but this one I dipped in apple sauce.
Hmmm, somebody needs to go back to school:
I really loved Inception in the theater, Ed. I was happy to try to keep up.
I ain’t scared of no peanut butter.
What Jack and JJ said about Inception. Its a keeper. And a lover and a fighter
It Has a cursed stamp UH and the Cashier is a demon?
Don’t mind me, just daydreaming..
Whatever you say. I thought maybe I misspelled something that would make it look like the gift and/or the cashier was evil or from hell.
CD – New Glarus Brewing Co. “Spotted Cow”
Wisconson’s finest (?)
justa J0e, Spotted Cow is my favorite beer. on tap anyway. Not as good in the bottle but if you let it sit in the glass long enough it gets close.
I didn’t know they got were aloud to ship out of Wisconsin.
CW:Star Trek TNG – 1×12 – The Big Goodbye
Why the hell did Data have to read the text from the story he was interested in. To get any data back to the ships computer did he have type or recite it. seams kind of slow
Damnit J0e now I want to shoot darts and have a cow…
spotted not brown
if I ever get a Kegerator it will have spotted cow in it.
Reaper – Under Normal conditions The Cow is only spotted in WI … but I have my sources *mmmwwaaaahahahahaha*
… and darts would be swell.
JJ if you get the chance Fat Squirrel is good too
stone soup i have to be in the mood for
as for the unpluged and “known and loved” offerings I have had an number of them and they are all at least interesting and often very good
“Some people paint, some sing, others write … I brew.”
-Daniel Carey
CW: CW:Star Trek TNG – 1×13 – Datalore
I think I have seen this episode before and if at only 15 minutes in what I think will happen is what happens why doesn’t the other Data have a mustache?
shoved some snow in hopes the dog would go out to go potty. That was the heaviest inch of snow/”cold wet stuff” I ever shoved. and he didn’t go. oh well guess there will be a mess to clean up
I had no idea what was going on, but I watched a Quake rugby victory today.
Go Jeremy!
Damn your oatmeal links! Twenty minutes later, this is the best of the others I clicked through:
Hello, Pan.
Have been super-busy lately with exams. Will have no respite from that until the end of next week.
Just stopping by to say that Ed’s and Bunny’s Christmas cards both arrived at my house today. Thank you! :happy: Mine will probably arrive during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, at this rate. (I haven’t even gotten around to writing my letter yet. :blush: )
Good night, mush.
I was on the news..
So I finally got to bed about 2am and holy crap.. I’ve already been at work for over an hour and it’s 7:20am right now.
I suspect it will be a long day…
Also… how does Hotel California reasonably come up on the “ABBA” station I created on Pandora…???
I mean… not that I don’t love both… I do… but… I consider them not similarish….
Creepy Japanese Manga:
Only 24 pages…
Play by Play for the news story CJ was on
Hey, this reporter is a bit of a smug jackass
I wish I lived in Arizona so I could work for Godaddy
Did you get any of the 1/2 million dollars worth of prizes they gave out?
:FTB: says this is a duplicate comment. I know that :FTB: , it’s part of the joke!
I wish I lived in Arizona so I could work for Godaddy
:FTB: has no sense of humor and like to ruin joke. Fuck you :FTB:
:ftb: Hey, this reporter is a bit of a smug jackass
CJ: Looking good
ZZ Top! I wish I lived in Arizona so I could work for Godaddy
Not really a surprise:
UH! Nice! Thanks 🙂
I did not win any of the big prizes, sadly, but I got to see ZZ Top LIVE from the top of the Ferris Wheel –
I will note that I had never seen ZZ Top LIVE before nor had I ever been on a Ferris Wheel before.
Bucket List – CHECKED! :biggrin:
Wow Cj, looking all dolled up!
You clean up right nice! 😉
Morning pan. My DPSS present has arrived. I haven’t opened it yet.
Catching up on comments now….
I like this picture:
Ed: I really enjoyed Inception. When examined too closely, no movie stands up to scrutiny.
Mass Effect 3 teaser:
So does anyone here have an opinion on whether “Arkham Horror” or “Munchkin” would be appropriate for young but very creative children?
I haven’t given up the hope of corrupting young family members … it just turns out I am too busy (lazy) to become a DM and create a D&D world for them. So I was in this toy shop that had gamer stuff and the (maybe 30 year old) gamer geek there told me that “Arkham horror” would be a good game to start them with. While I have heard the Mighty Mur talk about how fun the game is … I’m not sure if it would be inappropriate for 9 – 10 year olds.
The gamer geek said it was fine for them but then again … I question whether this guy has ever been on a date much less whether he had kids.
*end babble*
So, “Arkham Horror”- “Munchkin” are they kid appropriate or is there something better?
morning pan 2.5 hours later the driveway is clear of snow. for now
jj: Not really sure. It’s been quite a while since I played Munchkin. I can’t recall it being shocking.
Reaper: That really sucks.
Very cold here today. It was in the single digits with a pretty nasty wind. Not really sure what the wind chill is.
it is 17F here steady winds around 15-20 gusts up to 35 wind chill 0. kinda suck
but holy shit the Metrodome Roof Collapsed:
Did Brett Favre catch a break or what?
You mean that hes not being sued or that the dome roof collapsed so he cant be embarrassed on the field??
Oh you mean the latter…..
Wow, if that isn’t a metaphor come to life…..
I’m OK with either option really.
I thought he was talking about that actor from the first Ironman movie…
Mass Effect 3 Teaser trailer….schwing!
Holiday 2011….fuck!
Well I’ve resisted the first two ME games, so will probably pass on No. 3
Brett Favre, the actor from ‘There’s Something About Mary”.
Dunno why but that made me think of Jon Favreau who, IMO, is kinda hot.
Honestly. I think I have the strangest taste in men sometimes, but then again… I always seem to approve with my choices.
-with +of
That’s what I was thinking of Cj.
CW: Eureka Xmas episode
I can’t help feeling that genre shows should ban xmas episodes..with the exception of Dr Who..
..and even then it’s a close run thing.
Van, Agreed, Eureka’s version was ok at best. But i’m the guy that tends to like things
Well, it was at least fun to have Max Headroom back on the show.
Man, I did not realize that Jennifer Connelly is older than I am. Well, happy birthday to her.
jJ – We’ve been playing Munchkin Cthulhu with our son since he was 9. I don’t think there is any real problem, especially if you stick to the basic Munchkin game. On the other hand, if the intended recipient is parented by hardcore conservative parents, they may consider it some sort of devil-worship. That’s how my folks would’ve viewed it when I was 9.
I always thought that Hardknox was trip-hop, but Wikipedia says that Faithless and Massive Attack are examples of trip-hop. Hardknox sounds nothing like them. Very dirty sound comparatively.
Vanamonde – Nice link, that creepy manga. I wasn’t expecting it to turn that way.
Thanks Nomad.
The only negative thing the guy at the store said about “Munchkin” was that kids might have a hard time with other players “turning” on them. I got the impression that attacking your fellow players might be part of the game.
Not too worried about the “devil worshiping” thing.
Those wacky ultra conservatives, just a laugh a minute aren’t they.
Van Im not sure I wouldnt include Doctor Who in that.
I’ve wondered the same thing about those games. I think we’ll wait a few years for Munchkin. I would have considered buying Talisman and reliving some memories, but I seem to recall that it gets old fast – and it’s 50 bucks.
Anyway. Goodnight :toad:.
justaJoe – I’m not sure if Munchkin can be enjoyably played without backstabbing your fellow players. It sort of takes all the bad RPG ideas of the min-max’ing treasure hoarding me-me-me munchkin and turns them into a fun and wacky card game. There is an element of working together to negotiate advantages, so it may be possible to play it as a team game…
We usually take it easy on the little buggers, until they start getting annoyingly cocky. =)
If -you- are physically fit and can take with being a silly fool, then try to check out a board game called Kragmortha ( ) . It is discontinued now, so I don’t know what sort of availability it has.
JW: Dexter season finale
Boo on a certain person leaving.
At the risk of stating something obvious to anyone that takes gaming seriously, my die-hard gaming friends (that include an author for Steve Jackson Games) insist that Settlers of Catan is a great game for all age levels of the family to enjoy. Some day I will get around to buying it (I’m just not that in to gaming).
I dunno..
I kinda laughed at this one:
Holy crap, I’m unmotivated today.
Send motivation. STAT!
Would that be the six or the 20 sided die-hard fans?
Is it bedtime yet?
If I were rolling a 20 sided die right now it would have a plus 5 to narcolepsy.
CD: Green Tea, Hot to wash down vitamins which will hopefully help me wake the hell up.
Insomnia or late shift ?
JJ, our nieces & nephews (age 6 to about 17) LOVED Munchkin. LOVED.
Neither.. I actually slept from like 9pm to 4am.. I should not be tired. I don’t know what is wrong. I’m guessing iron deficiency..
I have a couple of wrinkled shirts I could send you if it would help?
Now I am game conflicted.
Who are you sending wrinkled shirts for and why?
So I can use them at a pillow?
Pillowy billowy frillowy..
Just need to survive this week. 🙂
Not a big fan of Eureka, I find the acting quite wooden. But I did quite enjoy the Christmas special.
Speaking of Christmas, I received my SS gift in the mail, so cheers to you Secret Santa, you rock! The gifts were wrapped, so they are currently sitting beneath our tree. 🙂
Also, as chaotic as my week was, I stll managed to send my SS gift out this morning. So one lucky Deadpanite won’t get Scrouged this year.
I enjoyed the first season of Eureka, but the second killed it for me.
I feel the same about Eureka, guys.
Deadwood the Complete Series on Bluray . . .
morning pan, Re Eureka, i tend toward things that don’t take themselves to seriously so i still like it just not as much.
hope you all have a good monday and tuesday I’m on vacation for both
Eureka acting wooden, Rhett? Me thinks youre not watching what Im watching… 🙂
CJ – I thought you said you might be ironing deficient, so I thought I’d send some wrinkled shirts to help out.
You know, before it becomes a pressing problem.
I love Eureka but the new stupid DVR didn’t know it had started so I missed it. Looks like I’ll be plugging my laptop into the TV during the next 3 days.
I didn’t mean to get you steamed.
or hot under the collar.
Oh, and I mailed out a Secret DeadpanSanta gift too, but I didn’t wrap it. I hope my recipient isn’t disappointed.
I guess I’m just a hanger-on.
I’m running out of dry-cleaning puns here.
You’ve cleaned me out.
oh I may have just given a hint as to who I didn’t send a gift too.
Maybe it’s a red herring..
Maybe I did wrap something and go to the post office.
CP: Kaki’s Song — The Mother Truckers
I do find two or three actors on Eureka wooden Lo. I do like Fergenson, his daughter and Fargo. And I’m looking forward to the Wil Wheaton-Felicia Day episodes. Salli Richardson I can’t read and I’m also uninspired by Joe Morton, which is surprizing given I’ve enjoyed many of his other roles he has played.
I like Fargo.
Huh… thats funny cause I have no problem with any of the acting. Actually the one I had the biggest prob with was James Callis when he was on and I lobe me some James Callis.
Long Pan can come to my house and watch Eureka with me anytime! :wub:
I also LOVE me some James Callis. Not that he doesnt have nice lobes….
WOO HOO Eureka CJ viewing PAR_TAY!!!!!!
I think Lo Pan needs to be added as a Eureka character, then I’d watch every episode. 🙂
Lunch time at the Bunny house
EssBee, I have a question. I’ve started reading Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I know you’ve read it. Did you find the commercial breaks in the book jarring? I find it takes me out of the moment whenever the author starts to shill something.
Later today, when it’s movie time, everybody is either going to love me or hate me :happy:
I thought the “lobe” was intentional. Like in the Stevie Wonder song,
“I Just Called to Say I Lobe You”
Or “Radar Lobe”.
Might as well face it, you’re addicted to lobe…?
Bunny, I didn’t notice any “commercial breaks.” Sly B and her mom both said that it took them quite a while to get into the first book, but once they did they were HOOKED.
NO SPOILERS: In one part of the book someone wants a new laptop. Instead of just saying she wanted a top of the line laptop at such and such a price, the author gave the brand name, CPU, internal memory, graphics card, HD size and size of the monitor (dating the book BTW as top of the line HD was 60 gig)
In another part, someone is using a program to write notes on the computer. Not only did the author name the program, he listed many of its features and the website where it could be found.
There was also an ad for an i-pod.
I’m about 1/3 through the book. I am enjoying but, as I said, the occasional shilling tends to pull me out
Huh, I didn’t even notice.
Now back to Shuffle mode on my 60gig iPod classic.
I used to have a thing for Lisa Lobe.
According to USPS my secret Santa gift was delivered on the weekend 😉
Lobe of a Lifetime
Amazon hath sent my secret santa gift. I did not not pay the extra 4$ to have it wrapped… SO DEAL WITH IT_________ ;P
What Long Pan said… I said that only nicer.
CW: Warehouse 13 Xmas Special
I have masochistic tendercies…
“WOO HOO Eureka CJ viewing PAR_TAY!!!!!!”
With alternate punctuation options…
Woo Hoo! Eureka, Cj! Viewing PAR_TAY!!!!
Woo Hoo, Eureka! Cj viewing PAR_TAY!!!!
Woo Hoo! Eureka! Cj! Viewing PAR_TAY!!!!
FYI – there will be no viewing of Cj at my party.
well.. unless… dirty martinis are involved…
Well, I mean… Unless Long Pan … No.. nope.. not gonna go there…
(quietly eats my lunch)
I missed both Xmas specials . . . Lo Pan, help a sister out . . .
I still have a thing for Lisa Loeb, ca. 1994.
Even though that was the worst song of the decade, right behind “MMMBop”.
Hulu, EssBee! Hulu!
Jack, you said youd call me when you want me any day…you let me go… somethin…mmmamamanamama….
Well Steg was left wing, so maybe the branding was a dig at capitalism.
OMG, you can Hulu via PS3.
Mwah, Lo, Mwah!
Or (pissing into the wind here) maybe he was a fan of cyberpunk..
I’ll get my coat…
My DPSS gift has been shipped.
I salute you all for tracking your DPSS gifts,tracking wasn’t an option at the place I ordered from.
OK Deadpan. Give me 90 minutes of your time and I’ll give you Bikini Girls on Ice!
The DVR writeup: Cindel Chartrand stars in this bloody fun horror flick about a bus load of female athletes who are stranded on their way to a bikini car wash fund raiser and decide to set up shop in front of a gas station, where they are stalked by a homicidal mechanic.
Ooooooooh sounds like things will be perky TEB..
Violence, coarse language and nudity. All the makings of a good B horror
Full moon
seriously, who drives their car in the middle of the night in a bikini? The blond in this movie, that’s who :happy:
Spooky pop machine
No cell service. What a shock
She has her pen knife ready in case some one attacks
There we go. First body
I honestly don’t know what’s going on at this point.
“do you think my boobs look hot in this?”
competing for who has the best cleavage
The bus broke down
Sucking on a lollipop
That bus doesn’t look broke down to me.
So let me get this straight. The took a bunch of bikini babes out of town to wash cars… where?
Poor puppy we don’t see
Two bikini babes making out with each other
Let’s have the car wash at the deserted garage!
Why did they need to hide to remove their outer clothes? They had their bikinis on underneath, no changing involved.
They’re washing each other more than cars
French tourists
The obligatory crazy old man
“that’s what happens when things get abandoned”
“I need ice for my beer”
Don’t do it, that’s where the bodies are kept
ok, that’s funny
For those keeping score, the body count is up to 3 now
Rejecting the bikini babe’s offer
The inside of that car’s going to get wet if he doesn’t put the roof up.
Now they’re prostitutes
Hitchhiking home
I see things about to happen to an idiot
Found the dog
That’s not how you play spin the bottle
Stop calling for him. Face it, Blake’s dead
Body count now five people and one dog
I looks like there is now 4 girls and one guy left… in the dark… in the scary garage
Cat fight
Rule of horror movies: Separate to look for missing friends. That way you’ll cover more ground and be alone when attacked
How does he fit all those bodies in that little freezer?
Yoiks and away.
DPSS done
It’s these kinds of situations that bring the guy and the girl closer together
Who telephones an abandoned gas station
Look, a necklace
I’m confused
You know, killers are slobs
A body shaped patch of ice. How strange
There’s only three left.
Trying to find cell service
The height of stupidity
Why is he dead? He wasn’t even there.
I lost track of the body count. Now they’re just adding bodies of people for no reason
Oh that’s funny. Bloody bikinis on a clothes line
rusty scissors? Really?
To whomever that sent me my DPSS gift, thank you. I’m saving it for Christmas since I probably won’t have any other presents this year. It’s been that kind of year.
The door’s chained shut. Too stupid to use the window
“it’s a gas station in the middle of no where, they all have guns”
That’s a new one on me
My gift receiver will know it’s me. I put a return address on it.
found a box of keys
scared of the car
hey look, it’s the crazy old man
and the Canadian postage. LOL
the killer’s name is Moe.
strange sounds from the trunk
Running away again
One left
We’ve come full circle
Why is she just standing there watching?
You think the Canadian stamp wouldn’t a big enough clue?
Stabbed in the throat and still going strong. Gotta love B movie killers
I absolutely loved Inception, too. :happy:
Incidentally, I need to pick the Deadpan’s collective brain about music again. Can you think of a song that could relate well to the stories of any of the characters in the movie, especially the protagonist and his relationship with his wife (any stage thereof)? The InceptionLand challenge community over at LiveJournal is challenging us to create a mixtape for the movie, and I can only think of three songs out of the eight required to submit a mixtape. (They’re “Lay Down” by Beatnik Turtle, “In My Dreams” by a local band called Kanan Road, and “Old Souls” from the “Phantom of the Paradise” soundtrack.)
Be very, very quiet
Wow this is a resilient killer
Why are you doing this!
“I guess the town yokel ain’t so crazy after all”
Oh look, more babes
Blood and ice
What a strange movie…
My thoughts. Actually, I think the last post covers it nicely. I’ll just leave it at that
I feel like I watched the movie as it happened and yet didn’t have to experience any of the horror of it because I was protected by my Bunny the entire time.
I’ll protect you any time Cj *hugs* 🙂
CP: Queen of the Underground — Sue Medley
Although, I have to admit, my play by plays aren’t really that informative.
This is making the rounds today but it isn’t clear how long it will be on the interwebs as it’s pretty clear it WON’T be in the theaters.
It’s an alternate ending where Booboo , well … see for yourself.
(SFW if they are okay with hunting)
Oh bugger, I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place, no idea how to state the problem without sounding ungrateful.
Oh … it was done by the animators of the new Yogi Bear movie.
Van, that’s not a good place to be!
The play-by-plays are always fun, Bunny. And I don’t think you’ve ever done a movie that I’d had any intention of seeing. 🙂
Maybe this week during my days off I’ll do a play by play of my baking of holiday goodies.
jj: Yeah, I saw that.
Van: did I screw up?
Amy, off the top of my head:
Silent Lucidity – Queensryche
Close My Eyes Forever – Lita Ford & Ozzy Osbourne
Coil – Opeth
I Build This Garden for Us – Lenny Kravitz
Stay – Shakespeare’s Sister (ok that’s a stretch)
In My Dreams – Dokken (shudder)
Only in My Dreams – Debbie Gibson (shudder)
Dream Weaver – Gary Wright
Free double Christmas cd from Canadian artists:
< Stealth Mode >
So, I’m stopping by to say hi, but I’m not here.
< /Stealth Mode >
Amy: Haunted by Poe might be a good choice.
Who was that masked man?
I’ve sent you a PM on Facebook ditto.
Jack put up some great ones, so that means I’m free to suggest a Nevermore song.
Go look it up on Youtube, you’ll be happy your did. 🙂
Truly Madly Deeply – Savage Garden
Sway – Bic Runga
Pearl of the Stars – Coheed and Cambria
“What has been put asunder
shall again be whole”
In this neon black gloom I still see her face
She comes to me bringing darkest hour, I am forlorn
The pain is reborn
You are forever in my heart you never died
You are forever I still wonder where you are
I know you’re dreaming, I know you’re at peace
I’ll meet you in the dreamtime
Whenever you call me I’ll go under, I’ll swim through you
You are forever in my heart you never died
You are forever I still wonder where you are
I know you’re dreaming neon black
“As the curtain calls, and the cast recedes,
I am all that ever was and all that ever will be.
In wither and repose this frayed chapter
now does close, and fade into neon black”
Quoth the Rhettro Nevermore.
Dream within a Dream Alan Parsons Project.
Agreed, for those of us not in the Arizona belt the return address labels and/or postage markings will be dead giveaways.
Once the DPSS is over (or at least the guilty parties are revealed) I have a humorous story behind mine.
So glad to hear that someone else out there has seen (and hopefully enjoyed) Phantom of the Paradise. I think that would make a good palooza at some point.
Thank you SO much for the song suggestions, everyone! Making this mixtape is going to be SO much fun! :happy: (More suggestions are still welcome, of course!)
UH: I confess, I’ve only listened to the soundtrack, not actually seen the movie. Based on the soundtrack alone, though, I agree that it would make excellent Palooza material.
Wolf, is there a way to grab the goodness that is WR#34 again?
CW: Fringe
So good . . .
The Hulu on PS3 service is $7.99/month. Boo.
Ya that last Fringe was pretty creepy/good.
Van: I can send you the file if the Wolf has lost it for some reason.
Ed: I liked Inception, but I still think the last shot was weak. In my opinion there are more interesting ways to imply the same thing cinematicly.
I have not seen Inception yet, but I’m inclined to suggest that Dream Theater’s Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory might have something appropriate… maybe?
The worst part of the $8 for Hulu Plus is that they don’t have any of the current TV I want to watch. I’m still working my way through Angel, and I can now watch that through Hulu+ or Netflix (or on DVD), but I can’t watch Fringe or SGU on either.
Piff, I say.
Yeah, Hulu has become far less appealing ever since Rupert Murdoch bought it. Meh.
Morning Pan, bloodtests this morning, thankfully the queue is small.
Yes folks, I’ve reached the age for an annual checkup, I can hear the guy with the boney hands having a good laugh…
Thanks LR, I’ll email you if Wolf is busy.
Have you tried the Necronomicon?
Duke Nukem 3D is free on the app store:
I have just become aware of the fact that Flash Gordon was released on Blu-Ray earlier this year.
I also finally finished the latest Wheel of Time book over the weekend.
It’s almost surreal to me to see many long running plot lines finally get resolved. With this book, I finally believe the end is coming.
While I’ve been looking toward the end of this universe for a while, now that I know it will soon be upon us, I find myself conflicted.
Ooh, Ed, isn’t it great? I’m on about page 500, so no spoilers, but I agree with you.
More Japanese weird:
Van I need an email address,
I’ve sent the email address to your Facebook mailbox Wolf.
Hey Pan
-5 right now. Looking to be a nice day.
Sssssssh TEB, you’ll jinx it, the weather has ears..
really Van? Where?
*turns head to look at sky from different angle*
IMO if youre watching any pre-1990 film in blu-ray youre doing it wrong.
Ah but just think of the extras Lo…
Yes that was sarcasm.
Sarcasm FTW!!!!!!
CW: Avs-Blackhawks highlights
CD: sitting in the auto service waiting room. Licking envelops.
I should maybe point out that they are MY envelops.
I brought them with me to give me something to do while I waaaaiiiiiiiit.
I always buy self sticking envelopes. I don’t like the fuzzy tongue you get from licking. :tongue:
I just don’t know if I can handle a techno-rock version of the Snoopy song…
Fuzzy Tongue either belongs in quotes or will be the name of our new band.
I like that better than “Fozzy Tongue.” It’s just wrong to think of muppets and cunnilingus at the same time.
Oh… I thought you meant THIS Fozzy….
They look like they all have very nice tongues.
So far I’ve listened to the new Tron Legacy soundtrack about three times. It’s pretty good. I don’t think it is quite as iconic as Wendy Carlos’ effort, but Daft Punk does a good job of updating the theme. I wish it took a few more chances musically, but pretty good overall.
Rhett, I think “Wokka wokka wokka” would be the ultimate mood-killer.
In reference to your Fozzy/cunnilingus joke, that is. . .
“Wokka wokka wokka” for Tron would be more of a Pac-Man joke.
Remote debugging. I can hardly contain the joy!
CP: Wander Radio Holiday Mixtape
Wolf, you’re ruining my rep at work. People who come in my office assume I’m not a scrooge. Thanks! I like to keep em guessing.
“Your car is ready”.
Oh, hmmm. Not sure where we put it. Hang on.
*wait wait wait wait*
PSYCH!!!! Not really. We’ll come get you when it’s really ready.
I was thinking “Pac Man” there. LOL
Is “wokka wokka wokka” as much as a mood killer as announing your presence in the bedroom saying “IT’S FOZZY BEAR!!”
…wokka wokka wokka
…wokka wokka wokka
Sorry, mind still wandering.
Off to see this guy perform tonight:
Probably the last gig I’ll see this year.
So would the power pellet be – – never mind.
Hmmm… it’s on the tip of my tongue.
“How to completely shut down the conversation”, by Jack and Rhett.
*high five*
Dear god…
Nor really sfw
“Fecal transplants”:
I saw those on boingboing yesterday, Lo, and saved the link to show Sly B.
Despite Van’s warnings.
Call of Cumthulu!
And thank you, sir. I needed a laugh.
*smile and a nod*
“Call of Cumthulu!”
That’s some version of tentacle porn right?
Click the link…Rhett. Clink…the…link
Here’s a movie I don’t recommend
I couldn’t even make it through the while movie, which should tell you something considering te movies I do watch
Oh that’s nothing. The CNN article earlier in the week about the guy who had to harvest… well, you don’t need know, but after that this doesn’t seem so bad.
See, man?
Um, no.
Don’t click the link. Don’t carefully read the link’s description.
I’ve heard about something like that, Rhett, but for another purpose. It was on a recent (I think) This American Life. Apparently hookworms have been proven to help/cure autoimmune diseases, and this guy went in search of them.
It’s yukky, but also interesting and tempting if you have chronic pain. Still, ew, ew, ew!!
Wow, today at Deadpan is just full of links I will never click.
This, however, is a pretty shocking revelation from wikileaks:
OMFG I just got RR……. fuckerass!
Yeah EssBee. I would catagorize that as “Worms, who knew?”
Yo Jack!
Did you get both my snail mail and my e-mail?
Just wonderin’ :blink:
So I went over to my neighbor’s house last night to brew a nice batch of Bock …(say THAT 5 times real fast) and he had an assortment of beers he had smuggled back FROM WISCONSON!
What’s the deal with all these people I know, suddenly having WI brewed craft beers?
Last nights tasty session included –
Stevens Point Brewery – St. Benedict’s Winter Ale
Cross Plains Beer Company – Esser’s Best German Style Lager
New Glarus – Coffee Stout
The Lager left me un-impressed, the Coffee Stout was nice but the Winter Ale was BRILLIANT!
This has been your Wisconson beer report for tonight.
(BTW – after those beers I had one of my home made Barley wines and then we split a home made “La Fin Du Pistoles” … this morning was a bit of a slow one.)
Under who cares: I got a new purse today. My old one wasn’t quite big enough to fit my e-reader in to. This new purse has 8 pockets/sections. I just don’t know what to do with them all :blink:
Hubby’s working late tonight. The little kiddies are having their Christmas concert tonight
Is it The Tardis of purses?
I promise, no spoilers, EssBee. Honestly, I thought you were finished ahead me. So, glad I didn’t divulge anything before.
Totally cool, Ed. I am really enjoying it. I think the resolution of all the strands is really satisfying!
Hopefully next week I’ll be able to finish, and then we’ll chat.
I don’t know yet about the snailmail – but I did get the email, Ryah. Thanks!
Essbee and Ed chatting, does that mean the universe will end now?
Only if they cross the streams.
I have just been Rick Rolled haven’t I?
LOL! Hooray for good books uniting people! :happy:
DPSS gift has been purchased, but not sent yet.
Oh, very funny! Ed and I have tons in common.
I would be remiss to not congratulate Jack and Rhettro on the fozzy tongue jokes earlier. *standing ovation*
For The Big Bang Theory fans (this might be a repeat):
The mixtape I needed song ideas for has been completed. (Over at LiveJournal, they’re commonly called “fanmixes.”) Thank you so much to everyone who gave me ideas!
Link to the fanmix
Link to the playlist on YouTube (“Lay Down” is missing because it’s not on YouTube; “Paris” is on the YT playlist because I like it and think it’s romantic-sounding, but left it off the fanmix because the lyrics (the two lines that are in French, anyway) were totally wrong for that point in the story I was retelling.)
Great playlist, Amy! I’d never heard that Coheed & Cambria song.
And wow, that Shakespeare’s Sister song is a better fit than I’d thought it would be.
This is frustrating. I have no vacation time left and my ex-wife just drove my eldest up so I could see her. And I am at work. Aaaaaah!
Sod’s law in action NS.
CP: This years WR mixtape.
Well… sod that.
Dual stick shooter ‘Revolt’ goes free for the day on the app store:
Indeed, there is much in common. Though, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to bring myself to forgive her for hooking me on that Acacia series. 🙂
When is that third book coming out, dammit!
Alright, those that have taken the “100 books challenge” on Facebook – is it legit, or some kind of spam deal? With all the “You won’t believe this….” things that you have to like to see some video or another, I tend to be skeptical about liking things I don’t already know on Facebook.
Bah, no word on the author’s site regarding a release date for Acacia 3.
Not sure if I posted this one before:
TEB, your Xmas card arrived today, thank you.
I would advise Jack and Rhettro not to look:
I correspond with him some, Ed. I know he’s writing it . . and he “promises” to stop at three!
I did the 100 book thing as a note on FB – I’ll tag you, Ed. Tagged NS this morning.
Also, what about you hooking me on the Sword of Truth series? Huh?
I’m glad you enjoyed the “Fozzy” jokes EssBee. 🙂 And wow Amy, that’s quite the play list. Nice layout on your blog. I plan on listening to all the songs in order sometime soon, maybe even tonight.
Yesterday I baked oatmeal cookies. Today I’m leaning toward Kahlua Chocolate Chip Cookies and maybe some standard sugar cookies or shortbread.
I gotta run to the store first though. Need more ingredients for everything.
Rhettro: Sly B and I had fun last night talking about why Jack, you, and Lo Pan were the only ones in on the conversation about . . . you know . . .