Mouse click.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #187: Form Deadpan
Deadpan Force
Promo – Back Seat Producers (
Ode to the Colour Orange
Ricky Ticky Cyborg – Used Hair
Promo – Love Long and Prosper (
Lost Ralph visits the Oklahoma Wrestling Hall of Fame
Bite-sized skits
Ode to a Bathroom Mat
Sly B’s Mariachi Band
Lost Ralph visits the Oklahoma Cherokee Strip Museum
It’s Secret Santa Time. Don’t forget to let Amy know if you want to participate.
The Christmas Train!
Lovin’ the Greasy Nipples in the Afternoon (guest reader’s EssBee & Sly B)
Lo Pan
Nomad Scry
Justa J0e
Lost Ralph
Jack Mangan
JR Murdock (first of the week)
Last Chance to Palooza Vote (
Do you participate in the Deadpan Comments Board? If not, why not?
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music – Nine Inch Smurf (still going strong and more to come)
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Oh yeah, it’s Wednesday!
Goodnight :Thursday:
Still snowing.
“Cyclists Pedal Faster On Wednesdays”
Goodnight Mangan. Sleep well.
I may have drunk dialed the listener line.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
muah hah hah!
7 Messages!
It really wasn’t very exciting…
Well… parts of it were…
not the calling of the listener line..
Although technically, I don’t really know.
I was there… but not..
If you know what I mean.
Nudge nudge wink wink.
I should probably go to bed before I say something stupid.
Something Stupid
Well, darned it all to heck.
WoW is down.
Kinda stinks.
I guess I will go to bed.
G’nite empty martini glass.
That is all.
I haven’t done my due diligence and corroborated this story, but… geesh.
Original story:
Never mind her history and probation, getting jailed for being pregnant is wrong.
In lighter news, scientists have made preternaturally old mice young again. They didn’t live any longer than normal mice, so I’m not sure what the end benefit is for humans.
Bizarre bird-fighting-cat video:
Magic mirror cats practicing Wing Chun:
Get out the vote:
Youth is wasted on the mice….
I see there was quite the binge of posting to start the new Deadpan week. What can this mean for the pattern?
Anyway, if you find yourself with nothing better to do, I’ve finally managed to wade through most of the pics from Disney World. Here’s a smattering for your amusement:
Darn, posted my NSFW Ketchup & Mayo link on wrong one, eh?
Nice, Ed! They decorate the Christmas tree at Disneyworld even before my mother!! Looks like you gave your kids a wonderful time!
Grr 6 inches or more on Saturday.
I’m still sore from the last one…
We have 4″ forecast for Saturday and Sunday but so far no accumulation from the last it of snow. Not looking forward to it
JohnBoze you might want to add that you are in fact talking about snow. someone with a twisted mind might take that the wrong way. I know we don’t have many of those people around here but just in case…
5:44 comment -it +bit
I should learn to type better.
Reaper, he was talking about snow? I have a totally different Saturday planned.
And, oh SGU . . . tsk tsk . . .
Morning Pan
Sleeping in is the best way to go. Now must get my act together before listening.
…where’s my pants.
OK, dressed now. Now must strip the bed, then throw in a load of laundry, have breakfast, then I can listen to Deadpan.
EssBee, Well I hope so with the inches and soreness talk.
also SGU, why did they bother with that ep
Bunny, dressing and stripping all in the same comment. busy morning
Ack! I’m behind in my recordings. Must record something to send with the show notes.
I have 12″ on fun if you want…
*breaks out “The Touch of Leonard Nimoy” on vinyl*
SGU is dead to me. Dead.
Deadpan, Deadpan, Deadpan. *tsk, tsk, tsk*
We have 2,296 comments in November. That’s down a full 12% over November 2009.
Try harder.
You’d never know I was a accountant. Let’s try that again. “that’s down 5% over November 2009”
We should still try harder, though.
Cause its 1-8-7 on a Deadpan cop…
EB its very possible we actually have things going on in life that dont allow for everyday comment blasting.
Just sayin.
AAAAAND just sayin I should refresh comments more. Blah!
5% aint bad. Considering.
Nueromancer ISNT a rip off of the Matrix??? Oh…
Jack its 7:49am. Your bit byte be blowing my mind….
last month was a bad one for me pertaining to comments. Very busy at work and the holiday season starts in November so I’m busy at home to.
“12? of fun”
“try harder”
“very busy”
“I’m busy”
I still watch SGU in a masochistic way. That might’ve been the last episode for me, though . . . Celebrity Rehab is on again, so I’ll shift my attention to that!
Youre a brave one, Ess.
Curious TWD news:
“massive bulging 3-D zeros”
I noticed on one of the TWD articles I read … they tried to justify it by saying that using freelance writers instead of staff writers is what “Dr. Who” now does.
Which could explain a lot about this last season of Dr. Who and also does NOT bode well for TWD.
Pretty neato Voltron force!!
EssBee I’m with you and the masochistic SGU viewing. But I am also one of those people who has to start something he finishes. and since I watch every other SG I have to watch this one.
Bulging zeros? like the plane?
Ah but in Dr Who you can still get the diamond in the rough.
Good morning deadpan.
Good cooking: Turning on the element underneath the skillet you’re using.
Bad cooking: Leaving a plastic cutting board on the element you turned on by accident..
I need more coffee, or stronger coffee.
Conversely, J03, you could look at the last mini-series of Torchwood and have it say alot about that as well as boding WELL for TWD.
“element underneath”
EssBee and Sly B greasy nipple wonderment.
er… -3 +e.
Lo Pan. I in no way truly meant to make you feel bad by commenting on the lack of comments. I too am just as guilty at not posting as all others. Please to accept my most humblest of apologies. I reach out my hand for you to slap. I will never, never, ever do it again… until next time :angel:
Can we hit it one more time??
You didnt make me feel bad! No worries. It was my bad for not refreshing comments first.
But you do still need a slap.
ohhh baby, hit me one more time *sigh* :kissing:
Wow. This week is all kinds of fun. The cable modem died last night. Need to take it in over lunch.
Stop it Brit.
Dammit ditto, Im sorry. I do feel your pain. Technology has been my bane the past 2 weeks.
EssBee, Why do they decorate your mother for Christmas? I don’t understand.
You are an Amazon TEB, slap him back!
Voltron and smurf song. Awesome bits. Great 1001001 in distress Jack. 😉
JohnBoze Says:
Grr 6 inches or more on Saturday.
I’m still sore from the last one…
Me too, JB…. Me too.
Lo might enjoy that of course.
Lo: Yeah. I just don’t need more stuff to go wrong right now. But, I’ll keep my head down and plug away.
The fastest way out is through. 🙂
I have 12? on fun if you want…
That’s why I call him “Long Pan”
Ahh I just realized it’s been ages since I swooned on the Deadpan msg board.
So my first swoon in months and it went to Long Pan.
I hope he feels as special as I do about that.
She loves those sweaters, Cj. She tried to give me one that lights up, which is SO SO SO not me . . .
Van knows me too well…
SO does.. wait nevermind.
I DO feel special, CJ!!!! And not in the Olympics way either!
Oh, my . . .
Long Pan Says: Can we hit it one more time??
As many times as you like, dear. :wub:
Can I spank Bunny next?
Wait, were we spanking Bunny?
Loving Voltron Force.
Wondering if I really need Skype to play with Jack?
Yep. Looks like a terrorist to me.
I apparently woke up on the naughty side of the bed.
Is it too early?
Actually, Neuromancer is officially on my list of books to read next.
I put it on my Amazon wish list, then again, I also have all the Star Trek DVDs on there too.
I have a hangover. Did I mention that?
Cj, you can spank me any time :wub:
Can’t quite get my brain started this morning.
Oooh spanking Bunny gets me hot.
woo hooo!!!
nipples? Lordy, Jack.
Ok, I am not getting any work done. My mind is very much elsewhere.
Great pics, Ed!!!
K, so the part where Jack was talking about the Zero nipple turning into a One.
Well, I had to take a break… I’m just sayin’
12 minutes.
I didn’t cough at ALL
I’m so going to rewind and listen to that part again.
Like it’s a cassette tape.
I have a lot of catalogs.
When I woke up this morning, there were 35 messages.
And now….
It seemed a lot more coherent when I was writing it.
Coherent: 111111000000
Random: 1011100101000
My brain and cottage cheese, beyond the obvious similarity of texture, both exhibit similar levels of cognitive coherence as well.
Today’s secret Deadpan passcode is “coherent.”
..”incoherent” also acceptable.
CP: War Again — Balkan Beat Box
ZOMG… cottage cheese sounds delicious right now.
OK, so, here’s what I’m gonna do right now.
I’m going to make a fresh cup of coffee.
Fill the bathtub with hot bubbly water.
Take some Advil.
Remove pajamas and get into tub.
With my fresh cup of coffee.
Eating cottage cheese and watching “The Walking Dead”
I am then going to sigh blissfully.
I may shave my legs.
Is that too much information?
Too personal?
Is anything too personal for Deadpan?
Go, Cj, go!
I wish someone would bring me some fresh coffee.
If it hasn’t been described on Deadpan, it doesn’t exist.
Slurpie summit.
CP: Alcohol — Barenaked Ladies
Forget the cafe latte, screw the raspberry iced tea
A Malibu and Coke for you, a G&T for me
Alcohol, your songs resolve like my life never will
When someone else is picking up the bill
I love you more than I did the week before I discovered alcohol
It’s Monday, right?
FYI Sam Caliogne from Dogfish Head is being interviewed right now
Rhett: I’m still waiting for the Walking Dead to explain something instead of just following people around dealing with the situation 🙂
0110 1100 1010 1101
There are 10 types people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don’t.
Spanking? O’Rly?
Wish I could watch the whole thing, Ralph. He just said, “like most brewers, I’m pretty promiscuous in what I drink.”
Freddy Kruger and Waldo: I never made the connection!
The Entropy of Binary
JR: I haven’t watched any Walking Dead yet. LOL But I will and soon.
So Pan I’m trying to decide if risking public transport during this cold spell to get away for the weekend is a sane or insane idea.
I’m leaning towards the latter..
Van, is it a train? I think you’d be safe. Just COLD, which might alone warrant staying at home!
Yup Essbee, I’m more worried about getting back.
This one goes out to JB for his Saturday 6 inches:
CP: Make You Feel My Love — Adele
True, Van. I hate icy roads.
EssBee: I’m hoping they recorded it and will re-post it, it seems like they have done that for past question and answers sessions. “I’m promiscuous in what I drink” He used a similar line in the last Brewmasters episode, the one about brewing with the tamarillo(sp?).
I saw that. He’s kind of got an ego on him, but man, what a dream job, huh?
The entropy of binary?
How’s that?
Bunny, today is Thursday, I think.. which is my Sunday because I go to work tomorrow.
But Saturday I’m only working 1/2 day because I’m taking the kids to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live for Sarah’s birthday.
I don’t think it’s as much ego, as in he thinks so highly of himself, as much as just a carefree attitude. And also an approach to life of grabbing the day by the neck and making it fun. I actually worked with a guy that had a similar personality. Maybe a little bit of ego…
The show definitely shows the fun part of brewing, lot of hard work goes in behind the scenes though. Go to a local brewery and see what it’s like to empty a mash tun. Or try homebrewing 😀
Ralph: totally. I like my guys (and girls) with some self-confidence anyway. Sam’s a funny quirky guy, it seems!
I really do envy at times people who’ve made a career out of a hobby, and would love to be self-employed.
EssBee, I agree with you. living off what you love to do and being the boss. that would be a dream come true. I’m at least lucky enough to be doing 2 things I love doing fixing computers and helping people.
JO (Just Ordered) – “Bock Extract” kit and a “Midnight Beatdown Wheaten Porter” kit.
An upside to colder weather is that it’s time for the cold fermentation beers!
“Midnight _BEATDOWN_ Wheaten Porter”
sounds painful
oh ya and
None Of The Above – HUH¿ – 16 – Little Bits Of Blue.mp3 –¿%20-%2016%20-%20Little%20Bits%20Of%20Blue.mp3
description of said painful Porter –
“The diabolically luxurious companion beer to T-Can and Bearcat’s Wheaten Beatdown is a robust porter that conceals a barbed wire-wrapped fist under soft and sexy velvet. Its chocolate malted milkshake flavors, ultra-dense mouthfeel, silky texture, and even its moonless-night-sky color are the result of lots and lots of wheat, malted and flaked and roasted. So you’re thinking: “hey, this is really, really easy to drink!” But sneaking up from behind while you’re distracted is the 6.3% abv and a citrus-kissed blackjack of hop bitterness: this is the Bond villainess of porters. “
The unaired opening of Craig F’s Dr. Who show:!
JOe, please move to Longmont.
“The Bond villainess of porters”.
I’m not drinking any beer called “Octopussy”.
Just got a strange call. The person who has been here for 15 years was asking what the number was for a conference room that has been gone for 5 or more years. I have only been here for 9 months how should I know? but at least I know that room is gone.
Maybe he or she has been hitting Jack’s Octo . . . I mean JOe’s brew, Reaper.
So, Jack has an octo… never mind I just can’t do it.
I often wonder if she is hitting the sauce biased on the questions she asks.
Eight is great.
Would that make you popular at parties?
If your in a quantity-over-quality crowd, no doubt popular.
OctoJack? What?
Well no trip for me.
Jack has mail 🙂
Van: No trip? Porque?
I’m so glad my mind goes the same places yours all go.
my mind never goes there. nnooooooooo no no no… never…
Sorry, Van. Maybe you should record something and send it to memememe for the holidays! Hmmm?
Goblin sharks are the best!
So why do I watch these SyFy movies? I’m obviously a masochist.
CP: How Did I Google This? — Beatnik Turtle
Did you know goblin sharks CBS climb onto the beach to kill you?
You know, I’ve taken a first aid course. That’s not how you resuscitate someone
Earlier: CBS = can
you’re supposed to beat on their chest with your first, right?
Sure JR, especially if they are drowning victims
In that case you push on their stomach REAL hard to get them to spit out the water in their lungs. 🙂
It’s a moot point now anyway. He’s goblin shark food
CP: Bones — Data Romance
So you’ll have to tell us how the leading lady “Renee Bowen” does. Follwed the link you posted and I noticed that this was her first “acting” gig. For the last 10 years or so, all her credits are listed as “stunts” or “Stunt double”
Be interesting to know if this is “Talented actress finally makes her way to the starring roll” … or “The budget was so low that they needed an actress who could do her own stunts”.
Is it wrong that I’m sort of rooting for the sharks?
I don’t know what to tell you J0e. She was the second one to get eaten. She screamed well though
It’s never wrong to root for the monsters in the SyFy movies.
However, before she was eaten she gave a heart warming speech on how in the name of science, nobody should kill these previously thought to be extinct goblin sharks. It brought a tear to my eye – not
The goblin sharks better eat George or I’ll be upset
isn’t that kinda what happened to Sam Jackson in Deep Blue Sea?
So, she’s feeling a little down-in-the-mouth ?
They took a power saw to the goblin shark. An interesting feat in a flooded building
First 2 minutes of Yamato. Looks AWESOME!
Another guy used a chainsaw. Where are all these sawa coming from and how can they work in the water?
George died, yeah!
I’m borne sure I can handle the hard boiled cynicism.
YAMATO!!! I LOVED that cartoon as a kid! So much so that I own the DVDs LOL. I hope they translate this one!
They’re going to “make a stand” against the goblin sharks. I see many deaths in the near future
-borne +not
Let the blood of those humans FLOW!
recently discovered “Will it Blend” episodes on you tube. Quite funny.
OMG! The movie ends with one of the girls basically asking for a threesome with two guys who were lusting after her.
I guess the twist ending is the guys said no she has to choose one or the other. *rolls eyes*. Like that’s realistic
I have vague memories of the cobbled together cinema release.
The battleship rising out of thedried out seabed is all I can envision.
JR: Here’s another 5 minutes!
Van: They have that on Netflix now. I rewatched it last month. Brought back fond memories of the series.
Say what? I missed have missed something. What movie are we referring to, Van?
Which sounds terribly pretentious.
Oh, Yamato. I honestly don’t remember if I’ve seen that one, so I’m going to say I haven’t.
Spacecruiser Yamato as it was named on the cinema release in the UK.
Saw it at a fleapit of a cinema call ‘the Crown’
The translated Anime back in the late 70s was called Star Blazers. The translated Japanese name is Space Battleship Yamato.
Their home theyve got to save
Cause if they dont in just one year
Mother Earth will disappear
Star Blazers = Yamato, who knew? Most of you guys, apparently.
I have vague memories of Star Blazers as a kid. It would seem rife for a 21st century reboot. I’ll check ditto’s link later.
Jack, you must see some episodes of Star Blazers! True fun. It was my first exposure to Anime (before I knew what Anime was)
Just got an envelope from AZ. I was confused at first, but it occurred to me that I’d won a $25 Fry’s gift card after I opened it DOH!
I think I need to go spending WOO WOO!
JR got Fryed!
Ed: Nice Disney Pictures. And you definitely picked the right time to come down here. We had a few days of rain early this week and then the temperature dropped like a stone. 41 this morning with a high in the low 60s. You were much better off in the 80 degree days.
DJ: The guy turning down the M-M-F threesome actually doesn’t surprise me that much. If he had turned down a M-F-F threesome I would have suggested firing the writer.
I’m going to be bad and not shorten this link.
She’s a happy birthday girl!
Thank you all.
Alright, I confess, CJ spanking TEB gets me hot, too.
I had dismissed SGU pretty early, but my wife kept up with it. Invariably, I’d end up sitting down to watch it with her until I started warming up to it.
But, I have to agree that, unless there’s some payoff planned later, this week’s episode seems totally pointless and a real downer overall. There seemed to be nothing of any redeeming value expressed. Bah!
While her face is cute, I shudder when I see the doll she’s holding CJ.
CD: Kwak from Pauwel Brewery, a nice belgian dark ale. Makes me wish I had another bottle.
My first exposure to anime was:
10 toys to avoid this Christmas.
I think my first anime was Akira or Ghost in the Shell.
Then I watched Bubble Gum Crisis and realized not all anime is good.
TEB – Good luck today.
Thanks, Van. Now I’ve got my shopping list for my nieces and nephews 🙂
Yeahhope you get good news TEB.
Bunny Hugs!
I remember seeing the Barbie Nanny cam there from that list when I was in the store and thinking – “ewww… she’s like deformed neck Barbie” or Tracheotomy Barbie is more like it.
Good morning, DP!
I’m on hold with Epic about a newly purchased elliptical. I bought it from Costco with “assembly and delivery included” and they did a shoddy job of putting it together. These kinds of things make me LIVID. I’ve tried for 3 weeks to get Costco to send someone out and they’re just non-responsive.
That stinks, EssBee!
Tell them to come fix your equipment now! dammit!
Tell them Cj said so.
I can open a can of whoopass like nobody’s business!
On another note. I’m kinda hungry. I might go eat a pastry.
Makes me SO MAD!!
I just left a review on They can BITE ME!
It would be Lo Pan approved it both sides would just STFU and take all this cash their using for billboard fodder and do some good with it, like give it to charity. I dont care if you believe in god. I dont care if you dont. Stop forcing both down my face.
Fuck Costco!
How come?
OH! read, Lo Pan. Read.
Yawn. Was up late last night drinking beer with Mike, Brian and Geoff Notkin of “Meteorite Men” and his lovely girlfriend Elizabeth. Life can be pretty surreal at times.
EssBee agrees with Lo Pan on the billboard bullshit.
HTF did you pull that, Rhett?
Can I bite EssBee to?
I told Mike that he should give me a ring the next time Geoff comes on Slice and he did. 🙂
Gotta say that the “It’s a Myth” billboards cross the line into ‘douchbaggery”.
Don’t believe and don’t want to play along? Fine … but do you have to attempt to shit on everyone else’s parade? Do you REALLY want to be THAT guy at the party?
It makes me think that the “do today” list for the people behind that billboard would include –
1) – Tell someone who is overweight that they are fat … in front of a lot of other people.
2) – Tell a small child how stupid they are for not being able to do multiplication.
3) – Find someone who is adopted and remind them that their REAL parents didn’t want them.
4) – Find some people in wheel chairs and talk about how they will never run or walk again.
5) – Twirl my Snidely Whiplash mustache.
Geoff is apparently a fan of Slice and has visited the studio a few times.
Joe: I agree. Unfortunately some of those people feel they have the “divine” right to do because the other side did it first.
It’s like two kids arguing. He did it first!
Jack Shoegazer Alert!
Heedless by No Joy
J0e I agree but it cuts both ways. Its not just the “Its a Myth”, its the “You Know Its Real” as well.
The billboards are nothing more than people creating controversy to create controversy. And agreed – they are wasting money.
My beliefs are mine alone and are nobody’s business… and no billboard is ever going to change either of those to truths.
Twirl my Snidely Whiplash mustache
a must every day
hmm 10 am and I want a snack. out of pretzels though…
I’ll have to check the couch for change…
I’ll first have to find a couch around here…
Geoff is a big fan of Slice. I’g pretty sure he’ll be coming back for a long time.
I’ve never been a big fan of “The American Athiests” tactics, as they always seem to be sticking things into peoples faces. I’m not a big fan of the “If you don’t think like we do then you’re an idiot” school of thought. But as Lo mentioned, there are plenty on the otherside that breach the bounds of good tastes as well. Can’t we just be respectful of others viewpoints and have positive discussion?
I totally agree. Disrespect is not attractive.
The “It’s Real” folks took the bait and I’ve never seen that work out well.
For me, any time one side of a discussion results to douchbaggery, they lose all credibility (in my mind) as adults who might have a rational point.
It also tends to unfairly paints everyone from their side of the argument with the same brush, whether it is trying to crush a child’s positive feelings about Christmas or picketing a funeral. You are not doing anything positive for your cause.
“Can’t we just be respectful of others viewpoints and have positive discussion?”
I have found when debating with people if someone is on the fence about something but can’t admit that fact they get mean as though they are also trying to convince themselves. But people that are secure and comfortable with there position and debate all day with out getting mean. that is also more with face to face interaction.
I find in these kinds of debates that there is a massive absence of humility and civility.
Reaper speaks much truth.
I too have noticed that same thing.
cant we all just get along?
if not I’m taking my soap box and going home
*stomps feet, crosses arms, holds breath*
so i went with the Apple poptarts. i think it was a better choice than chips or cookies but don’t try to change my mind or I’ll have to resort to douchbaggery and character assassination
I don’t want to over-generalize, but I’ve found that American Atheists, American Religion, American Politics… all tend toward extremes. It seems to be built into the system.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of extremists elsewhere, but here it seems to be a policy of BIG!
And don’t get me started on the Catholic church.
Apple poptarts! Apple! APPLE!
Everyone knows strawberry is the flavor!!! 😉
ditto – you’d have to take a number.
Reaper – Apple ?!?!? You’re clearly a loser if you don’t go with the PC poptarts!
Totally, ditto
CP: The Smoke — Home Video
PC poptarts are like 1/3rd the cost and you can do all the same things with them.
CP (Currently Pondering) –
I have a room that I wish I could put a book case in but there is no room for such a thing. So I am thinking maybe this could be the answer –
in all honesty I normally like strawberry better but this apple one was really good. it was apple strudel. next in the vending machine was strawberry and i was a little disappointed at first.
my kids like the smores one. I can’t stand them. I’m allergic to chocolate and hate marshmallow due to a summer camp game.
justa J0e,
thats pretty cool!
Pop rocks + Coke = death. You know it’s a myth. This season, celebrate reason.
Dude… Cherry all the way…
I also like the Cinnamon, but really… Cherry is where it’s at for me.
Pop rocks + Coke = life. You know its real. This season, celebrate the truth.
Imagine if Poptarts came with Jello shots in the middle rather than that jelly stuff. that might make the work day more fun
Wait, I just proved your point. DAMN Im no good at this stuff!
AHHHH damn stand by option. I never want to go to stand by. but i’m to lazy to remove the option.
Jane, you ignorant slut.
Jane probably likes blueberry pop tarts…
ignorant slut
No Janes where harmed in the making of this joke…
we hope
if only i could be this cool:
CP: Open — The Cure
CP: Fuck Me Pumps — Amy Winehouse
CW: comfortable shoes
Thanks for making that distinction, EssBee.
I have yet to listen to any of these:
The Tallest Man on Earth is fantastic, Jack. Think Dylan. I haven’t heard any of the others.
I could probably WEAR fm pumps, but I could not stand nor walk in them. I guess that would make them fm-sitting pumps.
Also, I’d look like the worst drag queen halloween costume evar.
And nobody would say, gee, I’d really like to fh because of those pumps.
Aw, don’t short sell the mighty power of the FM pumps!
Just don’t forget the wax.
Heading back from viewing ‘Monsters’, was better than Skyline.
Jack, you can add me to the list of people to have a chat with for the show.
Jack: I don’t know all of those and only heard parts of others. Both The National and Sleigh Bells are good.
CPIMM: Legs – ZZtop
CP: Turn Up the Zydeco — Rockin’ Dopsie, Jr.
It’s why you should shout FIRE:
CP: TNT 129
Wow, Van.
After spending the morning raging, Costco has finally contacted me.
The pop tarts didn’t last that long.
at least it is nearly lunch time. Potato soup and pumpkin pie. yumm
hmmmm pop rock poptarts and coke? isn’t that a greenday song? or is it green day? I forget.
One of the reasons why I hardly watch any genre television these days is that it has gotten to be pretty much the same thing over and over again. I’m a little bored with it. Instead, I watch a lot of anime because there are some great and different genre stories being told in that medium.
Ditto: The only common theme I find with genre television is that networks give it a few episodes before the cancel it. 😉
JR: I meant that shows are so busy trying to copy the last successful show that they don’t really try and be original. I don’t want to watch the next Lost knock off, or a Heroes wannabe.
As for cancellations, well, I agree that the networks aren’t giving shows enough of a chance. And, of course, there’s the issue of viewership. An audience of only geeks is not enough to support a show. Sad, but true. If a show can’t find a wider audience then it probably will get canceled. That is especially true since networks are playing funny ratings game with the viewership numbers. However, it is a business.
By the same token, the producers know the score. There’s too much competition in the entertainment industry for them to be lazy about a show’s development. I don’t want to sit through a half dozen or more boring episodes before a show finally finds its legs. Burn Notice and Chuck were good from the start. It can be done.
It’s like reading a novel. If you are bored to tears through the first quarter, why continue? It’s a waste of time, especially if the author can’t hook you by that point.
CP: malleus maleficarum — Taku Iwasaki — Soul Eater Soundtrack
kinda liked this link:
Awesome link, Reaper.
Cosplay With My Heart
Worth a giggle or two. 🙂
CP: Nutshell — Alice In Chains
Cool like, Reaper
“link” rather
Since we were talking earlier about religion & stuff, and since you guys are my bros, I thought I’d share a recent heartbreak.
I’ve told you guys about my brother and the way he completely disappoints me as a person.
Last night when we got home we had a parcel from AZ, and I just knew it was from his family. It was a thank you from his oldest daughter, my niece, for her birthday money last month. It wasn’t addressed to Auntie Ess and Auntie Sly, just to Ess and Sly. It was just a plain page with some scrapbook stamps on it (mostly religious in nature and kind of creepy) but also with some of her handwriting.
I know it’s a small thing, and will say that I was proud as a peacock to see how wonderfully that little girl can write, etc., but still: heart a little bit more broken.
CP: Dizzy American — Ryan Rebo
EssBee: There’s always hope that she’s not so completely brainwashed that she’ll make up her own mind about things. Plus, she sent you guys a thank you. A real religious fundamentalist probably wouldn’t have done that.
I don’t have a problem with religion. I have a problem with intolerance.
CP: Dark As Love — Luscious Redhead
I’d love to sit and watch some TV.
Especially live action.
EssBee, Ouch. Sorry your family has to treat you that way.
They are family COME ON!
I know I have said this before but I’m a pretty strong Christian and I would never treat a person that way. Thats not what being a Christian is supposed to be really about.
Right, ditto, but she’s 6 or 7, so mom and she did the thank yous together.
Ah. That sucks.
On the optimistic side, Sly B and I have “tattoo fund” savings accounts for all of our nieces and nephews, so when this little girl decides her fundie parents are whack, she can come to our house and clean out her savings account.
Kewl! Two Steps From Hell has put some of their music on Amazon!
I like that, ditto
CP: This Broken Heart — Funkadelic
Seems more tasteful than ‘proto porn’ suggests:
After watching that, read this:
Van: I was just going to talk about her! I like the fact that more people are learning about her and acknowledging her technical genius. I first learned of her when I was trying to figure out the Blazing Saddles reference.
Today’s embarrassing admission …
About 2 hours ago I realized I had a rubber band around my wrist.
I have absolutely no idea how it got there.
I was digging around in some boxes of “stuff” early this morning … I’m going to tell myself that some how this rubber band found it’s way around my wrist then … but, how and how could I not know for half a day and and and and *blank stare*
Joe: That’s modal memory for you.
A better (beer-ter?) christmas list, I’d forward this to my family but they’d probably get me the 1 thing on there I already have…
I’m actually really excited that I get to attend another Ignite Phoenix event tonight. It was an unexpected surprise – me getting to go.
Check out this lineup of speakers and topics… holy guacamole, Deadpan!
There are a few topics that I’m really interested in, Cj! Not saying which, though . . .
Ralph, the iPhone bottle opener is hilarious.
Grats CJ.
EssBee yeahthat caught my eye 😀
I hate when I catch things in my eye. Generally unpleasant.
Generally… not always.
I’ve been on 2 of the most boring and pointless conference calls ever this afternoon. I’m not looking forward to more of the same tonight.
I had two of those yesterday also, ditto. I believe that a MBA degree is in part a way to learn how to fake transparency while wasting as much time as possible.
Zombie Turtles is the name of our new band.
Yes. I am now officially jealous of you … YOU … people!
BTW: LR your craft beer, Christmas wish list link is full of win.
Wil Wheaton smurftastic contest:
I must brag that Sly B is once again published; this time in a Chicano/a Ethnic Studies text:
Grats Sly B!
But what about the beer?
An Ethnic history of Colorado beer might be interesting . . .
My gramps used to homebrew, though he was an Okie, not a Colorado native.
High brow / low brow
bit slow at the beginning, but worth a laugh
Sly B is teh FUNXIEST!
CD: Saranac Rye IPA
Still dreaming about the Oscar Blues Velvet Elvis Stout I had last week. EssBee knows.
About to go to downtown Golden for caroling and merriment. ANd to try a delish small craft brewery there. (No. Not Blue Moon. Fuck off)
I figured Wheaton was a Deadpan listener.
Congrats to Sly B!
Sorry for the slowness of my email replies, everyone.
And onto the next call…
By now, some geek must have done a Conference Call of Cthulhu joke somewhere.
Google says no! If only we had an outlet for such a skit. . .
Patent Pending!!!!!!!
Do we need to get Summer Brooks to register a domain name….or was it Mennenga that was into that? Damn my aged brain.
I’m truly sorry I couldn’t comment on the religious discussion earlier, but the :pan: is a blocked site at work and I didn’t want to do this much typing on my phone.
First and foremost, I completely agree that respect is the way to be. I am an atheist married to a Catholic and we have been happy together and respectful of each other and our respective opinions for nearly 18 years. Also, the atheist information that I’ve been listening to and reading tries to get people to be as descent and respectful as possible.
However, I find that there is a bit of a double standard in these situations. I have seen countless obnoxious religious billboards over the years:
Example 1:
Yet, I have not seen much in the news about these billboards and I have certainly not heard anyone talking or complaining about them.
I have also seen non-obnoxious atheist billboards:
Example 2:
Usually attached to stories about how many people are up in arms about them and vandalizing them.
I can’t tell you how many cars I pass on the road every day and in my neighbors driveways with bumper stickers expressing a religious (nearly always Christian) point of view. And often they are obnoxious and/or condescending. But I grantee if I put a bumper sticker with an atheist statement on my car it would be a matter of hours before someone vandalized my car and/or me.
I do not condone the billboard or the tone of the atheist message that recently appeared in NYC. But I am a bit upset that people will make a big deal out of it and completely ignore what the opposite side is doing. I’m not accusing anyone here at the :pan: of that (everyone seems to have expressed distaste at the behavior of both sides here), but the media in general and (I believe) the general public have a tendency to “turn a blind eye” to religious nut-baggery while taking a “you shall not pass” stance when it comes to atheist nut-baggery.
CD: Merlot
CW(waiting): as the spaghetti sauce simmers
The talk of religious signage reminds of something from our trip. One afternoon, while the kids were playing in the pool at the hotel, there was a sky writer flying over the big lagoon between the Magic Kingdom and the resort hotels. He made a few lines like:
Even being a Catholic, I must admit I had to roll my eyes. I can’t see this kind of approach, or billboards on the highway, winning much in the way of converts for any point of view.
Still in CCH
If you really want people to consider your cause, live like you are an ambassador of it, because everyone who encounters you and knows what you profess will judge your movement by your behavior.
In short, don’t be an asshole, especially to family.
Now to lighten the mood:
UH: Whenever there is a minority opinion it seems like there is always a double standard.
Personally I’ve always preferred a live and let live philosophy, unless someone wants to use their beliefs to legislate science, or unnecessary morality.
nice candy house UH
Finally done with my conference calls!
CD: Imperal Octoberfest from Avery
CD: (more) merlot
CE: spaghetti with beef and tomato sauce
CR: The Brewmaster’s Table Yeah I know ironic, but still a nice night for me.
ditto: now that sounds like a nice reward for a hard day.
I just finished a plate of spaghetti and the intro to this book is still making me feel hungry…
LR: I’ll have to check that book out. 🙂
ditto: I can’t remember where I got the referral from, but it focuses on pairing and cooking with beer.
It was written by Garret Oliver, the brewmaster for Brooklyn Brewery.
I remember Velvet Elvis, Lo, but it was THIS week!
CW: Fringe
CD: 5 Barrel Pale Ale — O’Dell Brewing
“The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer.” – Egyptian inscription
Glowing Soap = awesome
The description says “its human tested and vegan free”. Does that mean it’s made without any vegans? I don’t know how they managed that. I always have to add vegans to make glowing soap.
So if you drop your soap in the dark is it good or bad that it’s glowing?
Ed said:
“If you really want people to consider your cause, live like you are an ambassador of it, because everyone who encounters you and knows what you profess will judge your movement by your behavior.”
“Whoever makes a poor beer shall be tossed onto the town dung heap” – ordinance in dung heap
So where would the owners of the BMC triumvirate be tossed? I don’t think there is a heap big enough.
Sometimes WoW totally pisses me off. In one dungeon, they tell me I suck as a healer and another I get congrats. Some people are never satisfied.
CP: Utopia — The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
Which server do you play on ditto?
Staghelm. I’ve been playing their mostly because a friend wanted to start a guild.
ah, ok. I’ve actually been avoiding WoW since I have a hard time logging off once I start playing. When I do play I’m on muradin, mostly b/c of the guild I joined there.
ditto = “Miracle Max”
I sure as hell hope Joe isn’t Valerie. 😉
Night pan!
Tonights beer fact –
Oldest known recorded recipe is a recipe for beer. It was found inscribed in an Egyptian pyramid.
The Egyptian quote about the “contented man” makes sense as they were known for providing their slaves with volumes of beer after a hard day of pyramid building.
Not nearly as compassionate a gesture as it was effective. Being made from grains it was a cheep food stuff (like a loaf of bread in a bucket) and could quickly fill a belly. Then there is the whole “contented man” thing. A slave with a good buzz on does NOT organize an effective escape plan or uprising very well. Mostly they just get sleepy.
Class dismissed.
My name is Inigo Montoya
I promise I only have 5 fingers on my right hand.
actually according to this book they got beer 3 times a day, and Ramses II’s breweris produced 30,000 barrels a day. ‘course your history may vary.
I think the sumerians win the anciant beer award though with the goddess Ninkasi. A goddess dedicated to beer, now there’s a religion easy to market.
ok beer tutoring session is over…
for now
goodnight mush
“# Amy Bowen Says:
December 3rd, 2010 at 7:16 pm e
Ed said:
“If you really want people to consider your cause, live like you are an ambassador of it, because everyone who encounters you and knows what you profess will judge your movement by your behavior.”
And thirded. However, if Amy is our Deadpan Ambassador, then what does that say about her??
ditto, that Yamoto stuff looks great, although maybe a bit reminiscent of BSG.
I suddenly want a beer. Hmmm…
Jack, Yamato is NOT BSG. Trust me on that one 🙂
I guess Amy must live a deadpan life.
It’s the deadpan life for us
It’s the deadpan life for us
No one cares for you a smidge
When your in an pananage
It’s the deadpan life
It’s the deadpan life
It’s the deadpan life!
Heddy – More than just a pretty face. Did you check out her website?
One of the problems with replacing hydrogen with deuterium atoms in polyunsaturated acids is that if the percentage of deuterium in the body rises too die.
Oh, my, Van . . . now if only I could hear you say that.
morning pan
want to win free k-cups for life?*
i almost never sign up for stuff like this but this one i like and my spam volume didn’t rise
Jack: I know what you mean. The opening of that clip has a definite BSG feel, plus I see some influences from Star Trek. But, it isn’t surprising that the producers would borrow from some of the recent successes.
I have to back up JR: Story-wise, Yamoto is nothing like BSG. It’s a horrible war of attrition, which I think BSG borrowed from Yamoto. I wonder, however, if that will be as apparent in the movie as it was in the original series. I can see some obvious changes, but I’m hoping they don’t weaken the core of the story.
I believe you. I vaguely remember “Star Blazers” after school, and some of the older kids raving that “the story kept going episode after episode, like a soap opera”. I’d definitely be interested in checking out that film.
Epic Fail
I was in my kitchen a little while ago and heard a “strange” sound. Investigating, I found a large, spreading puddle of water in front of my refrigerator. The sound was now obvious as high pressured, spraying water.
Now on my knees in the puddle, I traced the sound to the area where the water filter cartridge is located. On a whim I gave it a twist and removed it.
The water stopped.
I inspected the cartridge and nothing looked awry so, hoping it had just been knocked lose, I reinserted the cartridge and gave it a twist to re-lock it.
The cartridge promptly BROKE IN HALF!!!
I now had the equivalent of a 2″ water pipe spraying water into my kitchen. It’s like a scene from Das Boot as I stood facing into the raging torrent, trying to pull the refrigerator away from the wall so I could get to the cut off valve and keep the kitchen from sinking.
JJ, wow sorry to hear that. Good luck with the clean up and fixing. I don’t think “balls” is all I would be saying
So, I counted to ten.
Had a sandwich.
Had a rum and coke.
Then I remembered that my Shopvac advertised itself as a “wet/dry” vacuum.
Things are at least dry now.
EssBee…. clearly I have no semblance of time nor space…
JJ: BAH!!!!!!!!!!! I feel your pain. It wasnt more than 3 weks ago my hot water heater flooded my basement. Rum and cokes DO help, dont they?
Appliances. Cant live with em, cant beat em with a bat.
Ed: In short, dont be an asshole????? Oh Im screwed….
Off to the Boulder December Festival of Lights and hopefully a stop at the Walnut Brewery afterwards.
Understanding the ghosts:
Essbee, I accepted your notification on skype.
I had a bit of fail in my day too. I was sorting the wood in the wood box because some of the wood is ready to burn this year and some needs another year to dry. the wood box is large enough to stack wood 3 rows deep. stupid me stacked the outside row and just tossed the rest behind the first row because I had room but the ready and not ready wood was all mixed. so after restacking and sorting the front row I started pulling apart the jumbled mess and in the process a rather large chunk of wood fell out and onto my foot. my feet where cold so I didn’t even notice that is should have hurt till I was finished, cleaned up, and in Target. now my foot has swelled up pretty good by the big toe. not nearly as bad and spraying water but still no fun.
CW: Star Trek TNG Encounter at Farpoint
I’m finely going to watch them
CD: Some blush or rose wine from a local winery. not my favorite but pretty good. think i will go back to Beer after this glass though.
Reaper, don’t give up after the first few episodes. The early years of TNG don’t hold up to well.
FYI, the Mayans were wrong. The world has already ended. Today at the store they had a typical display of various gift cards.
One of them was for Zynga games.
I’m not sure my God is big enough to save us from this one.
Lo, we were also in Boulder today, though not at the Walnut.
Reaper, stupid wood.
Ed, I noticed. I started watching somewhere in the middle of the 3rd or 4th season when they where new and I loved it. No matter how bad any of them are I’ll keep watching.
I watched DS9 in what I like to call rapid fire 2-8 shows a day with very few days off. That was a great show too. I intend to at some point get and watch all the “modern” Star Treks on Blu-Ray so I can watch them in the best quality I can. I have downloads that are 172mb each. thats not much for a 43 minute show. When something is this entertaining (like StarGate SG1 and Atlantis) I think the makers deserve my money of I’m going to watch it again and again.
EssBee, yes, Stupid and heavy
CD: Amber Bock. nothing sounded good and it was on sale.
I know I’m watching low res versions of this show but did Riker junk really stick out the way it seams too? I hope it is just the lighting playing tricks or the dust on the uniform in that seen
wish long HDMI cable weren’t so expensive. I have a 32″ TV behind me about 15′ from the PC with an HDMI out. it is to much of a pain to move the PC to reach the 6″ cable i have
CP: Star Trek TNG – 1×03 – The Naked Now
CE Hummus and Triscuits. should have picked up some bagel chips or something.
There was a young lady from Venus who’s body was shaped like a…
damn they didn’t finish it. that could have been funny.
my son is at a friends house and the Girls are watching the new Twilight Saga movie. Glad I have all of ST TNG to watch.
Hmm, I suspected tampering in the Palooza voting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BTW, Van, that Pac-Man link was fascinating.
Mini Squadron is free on the app store again:
A fun game.
The Pac-Man article was fascinating.
EssBee!!! (What did I do?)
Hey! Good morning Deapanties!
So, I wanna take a moment to kinda gloat, be proud of myself?
I went to the Ignite Phoenix After Hours on a last minute +1 from one of the presenters. I wasn’t planning to go and I certainly wasn’t planning to take the stage.
I was, however, chosen for the Slideshow Karaoke. This is where 3 people are each shown 6 slides that they’ve never seen before and they have to do a presentation based on them as they come up. Then the audience votes for their favorite – by applause.
There’s something amazing in the ear-deafening applause you hear when the hand goes over your head.
Yeah, I won… it was pretty adrenaline-rushing awesomeness right there.
🙂 :blush:
CR: Scott Pilgrim vs the Universe
Congratulations on the coolness Cj.
Awesome, Cj!
Tampering? Who would do that?
Nomad, I’m sure you did something! Just hadn’t seen ya for a bit. How’s the offspring?
CW: Totally 80s — VH1 Classic
Grats CJ!
Fantastic CJ! Congrats.
Go Cj!
I like her voice:
aw thanks, everyone.
I think I’m gonna treat myself to a soda and an apple now.
But first…
This is kinda funny:
Somebody at google has a sense of humour.
Go to google maps
Enter Japan as your start point
China as your destination
Goto point 43 on the directions list
I went to a fun party last night.
Stayed up late. Danced til I could dance no more. Had a swell time.
It was a nice way to end THAT day.
A duet with Bing Crosby?
Reaper: check out for great deals on cables
Music and Dancing is AWESOME!!!!
Thanks JR. I’ll check that out
CW: Star Trek TNG – 1×07 – Lonely Among Us
JJ: That sucks.
Reaper: Wood piles are dangerous. Glad you weren’t more seriously hurt.
Cj: Congrats!
Jack: No tampering here.
Van: I notice there are a lot of tolls on that trip. Maybe that’s why they suggested jet skiing?
ditto, yes they are I’m glad it wasn’t a very big pile (5’hX5’wX3’d). I will remember next time to stack all the wood properly the first time. this really was my own fault.
Time to get the snow thrower ready for the season.
Cograts, CJ!
Microphones make me happy.
Didn’t the Toxic Avenger windsurf across the Pacific?
Congrats, Cj!
All Deadpan Secret Santa assignments are now complete for another year. E-mails have been sent out to everyone who said “Count me in” for this year. 🙂
CW: A documentary about Operation Mincemeat
As for the Deadpan SS..gulp!
Happy Sunday evening, DP. We just did some rearranging of furniture and cacti and are pleased with the results.
CW: Imagine: John Lennon
CW: The Session video livestream on and the google ads popped this up:
I don’t think they’re going for the right audience
CD: Sierra Nevade Estate Homegrown Ale, a delicious hoopy beer. I’m so glad I was actually able to get a hold of some.
Now do I go ahead and open the bomber of Avery’s Hogheaven in the fridge…
Night Pan, I have Improve training as part of the lean six sigma project so have a good Monday I’ll be out all day.
CP: Appalachian Snowfall – TSO
Nice link Van, thanks!
An interesting bit of history.
Well, this is different. I ran out to pick up some food for my wife. The car in front of me at the drive through had a license plate frame that read:
Alumi – University of Phoenix
I’m still not sure I believe I saw it.
CD: Avery’s Hogheaven jell yeah! I should have bought 2 bottles
CL/W: George Hrab – Far
CD: The last of some excellent Oolong loose tea I got at a neat little tea place in Scottsdale.
Me love Oolong time.
CD: North Coast Brewing Old Stock Ale 2009; extremely delicious and malty old ale, like malty candy
Jack: While appreciate a good cuppa tea, and Oolong is a style I prever, why are you drinking tea so close to midnight?
Beer cellar of special note, please excuse my drool:
Damn, I wish I had some Boulevard Saison w/ bret to age. It was delicious fresh when I had a bottle last february.
*collapses in a pool of inebriation and envy*
Oolong’s caffeine content is pretty light, as far as I can tell, LR. And on this particular evening, I have some day job stuff I need to stay up and slog through, so I could really use a cuppa joe, as much as I’d regret it in the morning.
Good times.
Jack: funy I thought oolong had a decent amount of caffiene for a cup of tea, but then again I’ve never actually looked up the actual numbers.
RE work: damn, that sucks. well as long as you’re enjoying what you’re enjoying at the moment.
Now I think I need to go repent for the typos in my previous posts..
I like Oolong. At least in comparison to gunpowder.
Are black/green belt projects a part of SS or was that a prior big business hard on?
Now who on here was a fan of The Stainless Steel Rat series?
EssBbb – =D Babies are (apparently) addictive. She’s so cute and growing so fast and I’m going to want another one and…
Yeah, it’s pretty cloying. And awesome!
:raises hand:
I’ve enjoyed all of the SSR that I’ve read (maybe 75%) but I’m not equipped with the memory necessary to remember what I’ve read after a few minutes.
Van: Wow, it’s been several years since I read the Stainless Steel Rat series. I can remember major characters, and some interesting plot points but not much else. I had alot of fun reading it.
Apologies to my DPSS recipient, in order for your present to arrive before Xmas, I will probably have to get it sent straight from the seller.
Love oolong time, Jack?
As if I haven’t posted it elsewhere enough…..
ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG … I just realized tomorrow is Cataclysm! I’m freaking out right now with excitement!
Morning pan, it has been snowing here for 2 hours but the good pretty snow that doesn’t accumulate much. after two hours three was only a little snow sitting on the bottom of my windshield. well off to training!
I was a fan of the Stainless Steel Providers
Morning, DP!
No snow here, but there are rumors of some this afternoon/evening.
Boo to the snow.
So has anybody heard how TEB is?
I’ve seen her (or hubby) online on Xboxlive but didn’t want to intrude.
I haven’t, Van.
How’s the weather there?
Van: I read a number of SS Rat stories, but not for a long time. Haven’t read the new book yet.
What did you guys think of the 1st season of TWD? Aside from being too short?
I haven’t seen last night’s episode yet, but I enjoyed the season quite a bit. I don’t know the comic at all, so I was just coming at it as a TV viewer. I thought the characters were interesting and the zombies were truly gross and scary.
The snow is still here Essbee, been limited thawing, but more snow expected tonight.
As for TWD, just watched the final episode at the coffee shop. I’ve enjoyed the series, but just wondering where they can go since it appears they want to ignore most of the plots in the comics.
EssBee: I haven’t read the comic either. I remember when it first came out, but I didn’t grab it since I generally am not interested in zombie stories. I’ve heard there are quite a few differences, including the addition of the CDC storyline, but I’m ok with that. I agree with your thoughts, plus, I like the fact that it isn’t a horror/survival show.
Van: I don’t know either. Adapting material is a tricky thing. I’ve found that slavish devotion to the material to avoid fan criticism often ruins it. The first Harry Potter movies were pretty flat, and even still, fans were upset that it left some things out. Then again, ignoring the source material just gives you something that is completely different but shares the same name.
Right now, I’ll give TWD crew the benefit of the doubt since I’ve been fairly entertained with the first season. We’ll see if they can pull off a good 2nd.
CP: Conductor 71 — Fujiya and Miyagi
^ What Jack said.
Just About To Read: Cisco textbook
CP: (You Better Watch Your) Happy Home — The Fucking Eagles
What Amy, ditto and Jack said.
As far as trying to please fans, it’s impossible to please them all so it’s best not to worry about it and please your own vision instead. That said, I’ll never understand why Fantastic Four 2 thought that having Galactus as a bad storm instead of a giant planet eating dude in spandex was a good idea. Maybe the “storm” would seem less hokey, but come on, the FF are already pretty much the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
I see merits in your POVs, really I do, but Bladerunner is still an unforgivable blot on the adaptation of novels to the screen in my view.
CW: Latest Dexter
Certainly in your view.
Two people I was wondering about are:
Dubshack – anyone heard from him?
Trucker Cylon – anyone heard from him/remember his more recent handle?
I can only speak for myself Lo, or the pixies at a push.
Van: I won’t disagree. Had I read the novel first, I might have felt the same way. That’s why I’m hoping they never do a Sandman movie.
Van: You speak for the Pixies? Can I get autographs???? 🙂
If you can speak for the Pixies, Van, Ill be needing a meet and greet with Kim Deal ca. 1992 asap. Thatd be great! And my pants are already tight.
I met Kim Deal once, and got some Breeders tube socks. 1992ish?
I no longer have the socks.
It was fun to hit the gay bars in my Breeders socks . . .
You didnt immediately cum when you met her? I prolly would have been arrested for having an “accident” in my pants
I wanna take you to a gay bar
I wanna take you to a gay bar
I wanna take you to a gay bar gay bar gay bar
Kim Deal
Off to run errands over lunch. Must fix crap that broke over the weekend. Sigh.
Police Orbital Vehical?
Random Who –
FINALLY watching the latest Who series 5. (I know Im late to the party)
So far, on the Lo Pan scale:
“The Eleventh Hour” – 3 black bloods of the earth our of 5
“The Beast Below” – 3.8 six demon bags out of 5
“Victory of the Daleks” – 1.5 Lem Lees out of 5 (fuck this episode. hard)
“Time of Angels”- 4.1 Pork Chop Expresses out of 5
That is all.
-r +t
Agree on “Victory of the Daleks”. Boo. Zero nipples out of five.
We’re watching Series 1 again. Love Rose.
No comment on my pants upon meeting KD. 🙂
Rose is Rose…..
That last CCH really was H. A sales rep hollered at about 5 of us re: her commissions, etc for an hour.
And Bristol Palin because the new face of homophobia. Bless her little heart . . .
-because, + becomes
Wait I thought it was the other Palin with the terrible name.
Bristol is the teen-mom Dancing With the Stars one, I think. She’s trying to go toe-to-toe with Margaret Cho.
I almost feel sorry for her.
I have the hiccups
I enjoyed the Stainless Steel Rat series
No but I thought it was Willow Palin that said the stupid “faggot” comments, not Bristol. Maybe Im wrong OH GOD WHY AM I THINKING SO HARD ABOUT THIS
Van, not MS. Dr gave me some mess to tide me over while he’s away on holidays until the new year.
I went back to my original doc and grumped. He sent me for a full lab work up. I was busy giving blood to the vampires this morning
I think I would be a good case study on what’s wrong with our system *sigh*
I still have hiccups
Not MS is great news, Bunny!
Mess = meds in earlier post. Stupid iPhone
Yes and no EssBee. Good it’s not MS, bad I don’t have a solution a d am stuck in a holding pattern still
Yes, the younger one did that. I disregarded that, though, Lo, because she’s a kid and it was her private Facebook. Kids are off limits, even if they say horrible things.
This young woman, though, is very public and being a total tool.
I feel ya, Bunny, but a not-MS diagnosis is something!
Tools are meant to be used
What, Ess, so I missed some Palin goodness? Ill Google Bristol Palin and homophobe and see what I come up with…
I’m glad it’s hiccups and not MS, Bunny. Hopefully the docs will find a cure for your hiccups soon.
“Indigo Girls”….
I cures my own damn hiccups, Rhett. If I waited for doctors to cure them i’d still be hiccing well into next year
Lo, she just told Margaret Cho that if she knew what conservative values were she’d embrace them like she would kd lang at an Indigo Girls concert.
Pretty lame as far as lesbo-hating goes. She must try harder.
Also, I’m pretty sure that Margaret Cho is married to a man. She’s vocal about being bisexual, but is w/ a dude.
On a side note, while I was out this morning I sent off my Secret Santa gift
What Rhett said earlier, which encompasses what Amy, ditto, and I said earlier.
And what everyone has said to you, Bunny. While I wish you could get a definite answer and well-feeling gameplan, I’m also relieved that you don’t have to deal with the burden of MS.
My doctor said to try swallowing a teaspoon of sugar, and with my deductible that information only cost me $500. Hope you feel better soon.
According to my news feed, GWAR cut Sara Palin in half.
LOL. “Fans compare GnR concert to shit”
The neighbour across te street is getting new shingles put on his roof. I always feel sorry for peep who have to work outside in below freezing weather.
More Game of Thrones vid:
TEB, check your twitter for a couple of direct messages from me.
Insert clueless grin here —->
I’m getting pretty excited about Game of Thrones. I hate to get my hopes up, because this is my favorite series of books next to Wheel of Time, but dang it looks pretty good.
Sly B pointed out that the actress who played Sarah Conner is cast as Cersei Lannister. We both hope that Sarah Conner just wasn’t the right role for her and that is IS a good actress.
A Manos sequel!!!
Time to call your friends at Rifftrax Jack.
Van, I answered
So you did, thx TEB.
I had to google Kim Deal. I apologize for being a loser.
I think it’s time to be a lump on the couch
CR: I Shall Wear Midnight – Terry Pratchett
This pretty much sums up my feelings about comics over the past few years:
Flipping through the superhero Previews pages, even the books I enjoy (like Batgirl), I don’t want to commit to or preorder, because I fear that every month is going to be the one where they change the creative team and tie it more closely into continuity, which are just the things I don’t want. There’s no space any more for odd little titles that have their own distinct audience. It’s a creeping sameness throughout the superhero lines, the idea that if you buy one you need to buy them all.
Cj: and?
TEB: I need to read that Pratchett series.
You haven’t read a Disc World book ditto? Tsk, tsk
TEB: Yes, I have, just not the YA ones.
CP: Jumpin’ Jack Flash — Peter Frampton
I finding the latest TP to be a bit of a struggle.
I almost wish he would hang up the proverbial pen and enjoy whatever life he has left.
They’re all interchangeableand have crossover characters, ditto. I tend to read the Disc World books as they come out, no matter how they’re marketed
I have to agree, Van. While I still enjoyed them, his last few books didn’t have the same sparkle a the others
EssBee, I don’t know or recognize her.
And… she doesn’t appear to be my type. :tongue:
Cj: haha
I might be a bit Kim Deal-ish
TEB: I also agree. While I enjoyed Unseen Academicals, it was not as good as, say, Going Postal. I don’t know about your cover art, but for some bizarre reason, the cover art implied basketball which is completely wrong.
I’m also catching up on some of the books in the series I haven’t read. I’ve followed some of the characters more closely than others.
I haven’t read any TP. I would like to.
I have a hard time judging someone based on appearance in pictures alone. I need a personality to draw me in. I’m much more of a mental person than a visual one – though, nice visuals definitely don’t hurt..
Agreed, Cj! I wasn’t commenting on my own beauty, or lack thereof. I would add to what you said, + talent.
Though I do think I look like the unholy offspring of one of the Deal sisters and Shannon Hoon.
Apparently, I need to read Neuromancer.
Anyone have a spare copy?
Well, I think you are beautiful!
Shannon Hoon. I haven’t heard that name in quite some time. Too bad Blind Melon is only known for not one of their better songs.
Thank you, dahling.
I loved Blink Melon!
-k, +d
cough, cough
Why do you need to read Neuromancer?
I recognized it as a football, ditto. The stitching’s different on a basketball
I mean I can understanding you wanting too as it’s a genre defining book..but need…
I have a need.
We all have needs.
I can’t explain my need.
I’m Batman.
OK, fine.
I have a friend who read the book and I want to be able to discuss it.
Book chat.
That is all.
Stop badgering me.
Mushroom MUSH ROOM!
Jack may have a copy it’s one of his fav books.
So you dont want a badger for Christmas Cj?
Mush room MUSHROOM!
TEB: This is the cover I have.
That really looks like basketball, imo.
After some digging, I guess old soccer balls did have a similar design, but I think the cover art could have been done better.
A truly horrendous game Essbee..runaway, runaway..
CP: Howl — Florence & The Machine
For the UK edition.
Well DPSS ordered, fingers crossed it’s liked.
Is that you after a night on the town Rhettro? I’ve heard Arizona can be rough..
That’s the one I have ditto. You’re right, it doesn’t look exactly like a football.
Here’s what I see when I think basketball
Maybe I just figured football would be more likely than basketball in a book by a British author. hmmm.
We should Palooza Escape from New York
Lets go Pisskin Force!
I have to say, the North American cover for Unseen Academicals is a bit naff, although not surprising since they is a long history of naff covers for TP books in North America.
Van: I’m pretty sure that’s the Goldie Hawn effect.
TEB: Yes! Although that would be two Carpenter projects in a row.
Even when Josh Kirby was alive.
Or Jack Kirby even.
I was right the first time:
Last CCH of the day.
Jack is still alive…
Not the one I was thinking of Lo, and he never did Discworld covers.
My statement still stands.
Paul Kidby…groan
funny.. when I think of basketball…
Here’s a Kirby on the cover of a disc.
Too many fucking Ks
K’s Choice?
Special K?
Kelly Freas anachronism:
CP: Song For The Fields — Fields
When I think of basketball, and sometimes when I’m just alone:
And the circle is complete. Circle-?
And ditto wins
And rhett wins
CIRCLE????? jerk.
It’s a bit hard on the unmentionables.
No one said K-cup??
Or even K-car?
Well thats a fail.
Now that’s an interesting kind of circle, Van.
Do little.
No K-9 either, you Dr Who fans should be ashamed…
Oh my, that TW is rather statuesque.
I wish I knew
I been busy… busy… more busy… buying christmas gifts… busy… Somewhere there was Thanksgiving (with pie)… and busy…
And… I am not addicted to FaceBook.
Curse Evo and his Mushrooms….
Oh, and curse Lo Pan for putting me in the hell of Badger Badger Song Running Through Your Head.
Ed, You should buy the album. Weeble and Chums Pure Yak Frenzy
As for trucker cylon/overdrive and Dubshack….both appear to have faded completely from the internet.
It has the badger remix..
Here come the badger
lots and lots of badger
Here come the badger
the mushroom the mushroom.
Ah yeah
Facebookz iz no Deadpan.
I hate Thanxgiving but I lovz pie….
PhaseBook is what it is.
I loves me some pie. We had 5 kinds to choose from Thanksgiving.
There was Pumpkin, Pecan, Berry (never found out which berry), Coconut Cream, and Double Crusted Lemon…
Of course, Thanksgiving dinner had its place in the taste hierarchy. There was turkey, of course, two kinds of stuffing (homemade and StoveTop®, garlic mashed potatoes, cheesey mashed potatoes, green beans, asparagus, stuffed mushrooms, Martinelli’s®, Moscato, chili (mexican style), and all of that was followed by the pies above.
all in all, I’m sure we could have fed a small platoon
CP: Salvation — Scanners
ditto: yes, everyone should read Pratchett
Ah yes, Trucker Overdrive featured in my fav WR episode EVAR!
Hmmm… WR… Whereabouts art thou WR?