Mindless Show Notes.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #181: My Mind Went Somewhere Else
Jack’s soliloqy
Promo – Into The Dark (http://savethevillain.com/)
Goodnight Moon (bwa ha ha ha ha!)
Deadpan is the way (we all love you Jack!)
Musical interlude
Paul Maki calls from work
Greasy Comments (It’s the Vanamonde show!)
Vanamonde (first of the week)
The Energizer Bunny
60 Lines part two outtakes.
Jack continues his discourse
Mark Twain? (Jack needs to brush up on his geography)
Closing Music
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
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Come on!
Wow, I had all these ideas for stuff to send Jack but a special project for Slice of SciFi got me sidetracked. Sorry, Jack I’ll catch up in the next week.
Kurt said “sidetracked”, he he.
Yes, it’s early in the morning here.
I feel strangely compelled to write comments. And there is a strange compulsion building to call with the contents of my fridge. We’ll see where it goes.
my wireless network decided to take a shit on my just before lunch yesterday so i didn’t get to watch the event. Hopefully I’ll get to it today.
what did i learn from the experience:
1 Always carry and umbrella
2 when Cisco is nearly giving something away it will be on a fast track obsolescences and out of support status.
Morning Pan!
Sleeping in is wonderful!
TEB: I’d like more sleep myself. 🙂
Except for the fact I got to sleep in, my day doesn’t change even with hubby here. I still have to work and do laundry. My cat is still a schmo and I deadpan.
I think I need to change it up a bit.
Shania Twain is Canadian by the way, Jack.
Ok Deadpan, here’s a challenge. We need to have 1,240 comments this week to match September ‘010 comments to 2009.
Get typing!
I see a movie play by play either today or tomorrow (or maybe both if I have the time)
This is a bad week to be busy.
3rd think I leaned from my wireless problem. Always have a spare or tester when it is feasible
4th think I leaned. Update configs to areas that will not affect production first.
5th thing I learned. when lifts are not that easy to get to hang your equipment at a level you can easily get to with a ladder.
6th thing I learned. NEVER EVER hand equipment in a place where your lift can’t even get to if you can help it. I would like to know how the hell he got it up there in the first to
Reaper <==== trying to do his part.
7th thing I learned. inheriting a network sucks but it gives you a scape goat.
I knew #7 before but this experience just reinforced it.
Poor reaper.
Sorry about your network problems
I got notification that my new phone should be in next week. I’ll believe it when I see it.
No word on when hubby’s phone will be in, though.
Bunny, it has been a good learning experience. before this issue i didn’t really know that much about our wireless. it is the only way we get programs to the machining centers so I didn’t want to mess with it to much. now i had to.
Apparently the condensation from my wife’s ice water got into her iPhone last night. It keeps announcing that it is connected to an unauthorized device… and it isn’t connected to anything. Only six months till I can get her a new phone.
reaper – Get management to spring for a bunch of these
and just plug them into EVERYTHING. Instant redundant wireless network.
Maybe not.
Joe, Colbert is doing a rally on the same day/time/place to notch up the rhetoric. I’m not sure who’s going to win.
NS, That might work if most of the PCs were not on the other side of cinder block walls from the Machining centers. The terminals on the shop floor running XP Embedded probably wouldn’t support the software needed to do that. and people turn off there PC at night.
reaper said:
when Cisco is nearly giving something away it will be on a fast track obsolescences and out of support status.
What was it, if you don’t mind my asking? As a candidate for certified Cisco tech status, it’s a good idea for me to know these things. (Actually, it’s good for me to know all the things you learned. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 )
Amy, Our radios are find (1220B) but the manager is the problem WLSE (Wireless LAN Solution Engine) it was available for about 6 months for $700 back in 2006. The about page says this:
(C) Copyright 2006 by Cisco Systems Inc.
Appliance 2.13wlse Fri Jan 6 23:20:18 UTC 2006
WLSE 1030 Release 2.13FCS Wed Feb 22 02:00:55 UTC 2006
(build number 299)
for the moment I just defaulted all the radios and than set the SSID’s IP’s and turned the radios on. This model (and probably all other Cisco APs) have the radio turned off by default. kind of annoying to need to turn on a radio when the only point of the device is to be a radio.
I also set over lapping AP’s to different channels so they don’t keep channel hopping. that confuses the radios in the Machining centers because they are not very advanced.
Happy to help. It is amazing how frustrating it can be to have an AP 4ft above the reach of a ladder when the lift is being used in an extremely important and time sensitive project.
The XP embedded would probably be an issue because those usb sticks require a driver install to work. And that’s if you had open access to a spare usb port.
The one machine I work with that I know for certain runs XP embedded is a shrink wrapper. I can’t think of any reason for it to need wireless network access. =)
Wander Wolf – Remember those $40 earphones I was going to get? They came in today and -wow- they are really nice. I can hear the piano’s foot pedal clang on Adrina Thorpe’s Driving.
Damn those are good ear phones.
TEB and iPhone4..possibility of FaceTime video chat…
scary thought, Van
Ian McKellen:
Yes, I have a paperbag handy.
I don’t have a web cam on my main computer, but my netbook does have one. I also have skype on it. Never tired it though and figuring it out has never appealed to me but it does exist.
CW The event.
Like buttah.
I think it’s lunch time.
Taking my Boo out. Later Gators!
You can put that to use when Deadpan goes video, Bunny.
(The sound of minds wandering…)
we have a bad rap we need a new name. what a bunch of BS
1/2 way through the event. I’m interested but not by much.
So when you tell Hulu that you only want full TV episodes why does it give me excerpts and what I asked for.
Dear Hulu,
Stop That.
*looks for rolled up newspaper*
CP: Sparks Are Gonna Fly — Catherine Wheel
Finished the event. WTF? I’ll watch next week but I don’t think I want a new Lost.
This is really amazing. For those of you who are parents and might learn one of your kiddos is gay, bookmark this. My/our video isn’t up yet.
Look what I found:
CP: Open — The Cure
I say
Back from lunch. going to set up my net book and watch a movie in a few. Must catch up on comments first.
Wow Essbee, what a great project!
For a tortured youth, this would seem to be a light in the darkness.
EssBee, my Boo explored with her sexuality a bit before deciding to stay with the guy she’s with. Luckily for her, John and I have a very whatever attitude so she could bring them home for dinner and we would be fine. Actually, to be honest, she had this one girlfriend that I think I liked best of all her “friends” including her current boyfriend.
Just as a side, her boyfriend is nice and I don’t have a problem with him, I just liked her girlfriend better *shrug*
Dan Savage created the project after a recent suicide. It might just be the day, but it’s pretty emotional for me. I think it’s wonderful.
I shouldn’t have just said “parents” above, also. Everyone.
Yeh … is there someone who can go to Jeremy’s link and clue those people in as to where that came from … in a nice way.
Having mistakingly read the ignorant comments first … I am unable to represent Deadpan in a kind and informative manor.
Oh … and who ever is hogging the Deadpan comment line, how about taking a break. 😉
I’ve been getting a busy signal from the comment line for over an hour and a half now.
(seriously. Did the cat knock it off the hook or something?)
Ok Pan, it’s movie time!
Today’s movie is called Frozen. The DVR writeup:
In this tale to make the blood run cold, three snowboarders are trapped on a ski lift as they’re heading up the Mountain. Dan, Joe and Parker manage to get on the lift, but their luck turns to terror when the chairs suddenly stop.
Sounds like a winner to me. 🙂
Rules: Really do I need to go over these again?
Spelling, spoilers and silliness are either optional or abound. Pause in the middle to check on work. Kitty is watching too so she may have the occasional comment.
Push play now…
Violence, language and sexuality. What no nudity? This movie has gone wrong already
The mechanical workings of a ski lift. I’m scared already
pretty scenery, though.
Looking for the pretty ski lift lady
Trying to get on the lift, without paying the park fees. Evil
Girlfriends really cramp the male/male relationship.
“Why do you call me sweetie or honey?”
“what’s wrong with Parker”
“that’s my name”
Snowboards are emo
Have you ever smelled your floss? It’s just nasty.
Oh No! The chair lift stopped. I’m frightened.
Statistics don’t work on smokers
“I think chicks in helmets are hot.”
I sent content, but I sent it via the email line so I’m thinking that line has call waiting.
Now I know why I don’t ski. The guys are all “douchebags” :happy:
Hey look! They’re skiing!
AT the lodge grumping about not doing some real skiing.
HItting on the chick
Closing the hill early. Weather coming in
They don’t looked dressed for skiing.
Oh oh. They mistook the wrong group. Stopped the lift. Our heroes are still on it.
A sign of class:
Q: What did the 14 year old girl say to her dad when she lost her virginity?
A: Get off me, you’re crushing my Malbroughs.
That’s how you pass time on a stopped ski lift.
“The chick on the jaws poster is hot”
“what’s the worst way to die”
“sarlaac pit”
all the lights are shutting of. They’re getting frightened.
Should we jump?
The girl is a bit of a bimbo.
What to you mean the ski resort is only open on weekends? I live in a skiing city. Once the hills are open, they’re open every day
Discussing how the girl is going to pee. The guy is just going to whip it out and go.
Thunder? It doesn’t thunder when it snows. Man these people need to get their facts straight.
Not only is there a thunder snow storm but you can see the full moon clearly. Obviously it’s one of those cloudless thunder snowstorms.
They thought they were saved, but they were wrong
I don’t know. IF they were really in an ice cold storm, you’d think they’d at least pull their hoods up.
discussing how weird it is to eat a bowl of horseshoes
Maybe it’s because I live in a winter town that’s big into skiing (even if I’m not) but the issues I see in this movie…
She dropped her mittens getting out a cigarette. I think it’s time to quit smoking
It’s only a 20′ or so drop from where he is. soft powder. Jump already!
Really? How stupid are you?
This movie makes me laugh.
eewwww. bones sticking out.
Should I shimmy the cable?
Animals are howling. Are they attracted by the blood?
It could be worse?
How could it be worse?
It could be a sarlaac pit.
In the rules, did I mention grammar and punctuation are also optional?
The level of stupidity of the people in this movie amaze me.
oh oh
I can’t feel my legs
If you rub your face it’s going to come off? That’s something I didn’t know about frost bite
I hope he falls
Ha Ha!
Is it wrong when you laugh when watching one of the characters get eaten by wolves?
My DVR says there’s still another 50 minutes of this silliness.
“cable cut through my gloves, my hands are bleeding”
Let the recriminations begin
my cat is mrrping. I don’t think she’s impressed with this movie.
Bunny, it sounds like you ought to get back to the Merlin movie.
“If you weren’t here, my best friend wouldn’t be dead right now”
Jack, believe it or not, this movie is actually better. Which of course does not mean it doesn’t suck by any stretch of the imagination.
Zoom in on the bloody hand
“I’ll get a pitbull and name him Steve after our newly dead friend”
TEB: Actually, you can have thunder snow storms, they just don’t happen very often. I’ve been through a few.
Wait a minute, the friend wasn’t named Steve. Where did Steve come friend?
Really ditto? I haven’t. What about ones on cloudless days?
I’m having issues with the fact they seem to abandon the ski lift/lodge/area for a week between opening. YOu’d think there’d at least be some form of security. There is here. People try to ski on off time all the time.
Bimbo froze her hand to the safety bar.
TEB: The conditions have to be just right. Lake effect usually helps.
I stand corrected. Though you don’t see many lakes on the top of ski mountains.
AT least, non-frozen ones
She peed herself.
I was going to say that like ditto, I’ve experience a total of two snowstorms with a lot of lightning in my lifetime. It was pretty creepy each time it happened.
rambling talk about relationships. boring
For the serious smasher of plastic models:
One way to warm up . . .
Hey, I just left a test voicemail and received the file, so whatever was wrong appears to be fixed.
While I’m glad my jokey content guilt trip worked, I do hope everyone realize it was 100% joke, especially in light of other recent community events.
I live in a winter town and I’ve never had a snow thunder storm. Now I feel left out.
Lo have you been in a snow thunder storm? Maybe it (or lack of) has something to do with being in the mountains…
They’re still rambling on about old girlfriends.
Van: Yeah, I thought that gun was pretty entertaining. 🙂
There are a lot of continuity errors in this. Especially pertaining to the scab on her face
The chair is breaking.
Everybody chant with me: fall, fall, fall, fall
The wolves are watching
ACtually, the wolves are very pretty
I can’t recall snow and thunder at the same time, but I may have just blocked it out.
Somewhat related: bronchitis-nonstop-coughing-guy should really go home and stop contaminating us all.
don’t rock the chair…
She throws like a girl
Both thundersnows I’ve witnessed occured on the plains of Kansas. I didn’t know that lightning could exist in a snowstorm so I was pretty freaked out the first time in happened. LOL
Maybe it’s because I’m in a snow town but the things they’re doing wrong… I’d never do that. But then, I’ve never had the desire to fall off a mountain with sticks tied to my feet (ski) so it wouldn’t be an issue anyway
I’m also no expert but I have trouble believing wolves would act that way, too
night falls
I’m really hoping that chair falls
Beyond the cold, you’d think dehydration would start to be a problem by the third day
So after getting a nasty spider bit on my stomach, I’m feeling less like Peter Parker and more like Jeff Goldblum in the Fly.
Oh, pleeeze!
YOu’d think she’d at least grab her other glove before trying to leave
Frozen intestines look funny
I also wonder why nobody noticed they were missing. I know if my Boo went skiing and didn’t make it home on time, I’d have the entire world out looking for her.
She made it to the bottom
Oh thank God. The movie’s over.
While I know I’ll often make dumb-ass comments during a movie then turn around at the end and say it was ok and possibly recommend it, I’m not doing it to this one. Take my word for it – DON’T WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! Be glad that I went through the pain for you.
The Deadpan appreciates your sacrifice Bunny. 🙂
Did the spider join you inside the teleporter, Rhett? Srsly, I hope it doesn’t knock you out too badly.
So no “Frozen” for the next Palooza?
reaper: Thank you! :happy:
Also, since I missed out on getting into Lost and I regret it, a new Lost is exactly what I do want. I shall have to watch The Event.
That depends. How masochistic are you, Jack?
I have experienced the thunder snow. it is still freaky even after as often as i have. normally twice a year
Feeling more like a zombie than a human spider hybrid, although I do not have any cravings for brains. Based on my crack doctorial skills and Google Fu, I think I got bit by an Arizona Brown Spider, which is basically a Brown Recluse. Debating on going to the doctor or not.
Amy, any time! and i was hopping flash forward was going to be my new lost and it fell flat so i might be a little jaded by that experience.
So how did you the horrible thing bite you on the stomach? (was it in your bed, oe in your clothes…)
I refuse to acknowledge this conversation is even happening
Tomorrow I have to decide which movie to watch. I have the following:
The Fourth Kind
Wizard of Gore
13: Game of Death
If there’s any you DON’T want me to do a PBP on (spoilers on a movie you may want to see yourself) let me know.
now… I have laundry to fold.
Laundry folded and put away. Now what?
Judging from the wiki entry, 13:GOD might be half decent TEB.
Well Van, I went out jogging early last Friday morning and noticed the swelling on my stomach after I showered. It itched and I just thought it was a bad mosquito bite I got while jogging. However it has become an infected sore with necrotized tissue that matches the photos of a brown recluse bite perfectly. My new theory is that a spider got in my drawer, sat on my shorts and bit me when I got dressed before I went out. I guess that means I need to bait for spiders.
Can I just say Rhettro:
Necrotized Tissue is probably already taken as a band name.
“Aye, there is the NIPPLE rub”
Wizard of Gore and 13: Game of Death both look pretty interesting.
The Fourth Kind looks like the kind of new movie that I tend not to like because it bases it’s “horror” on the audience believing shit that I just don’t believe (e.g. The haunting in Connecticut). I can suspend disbelief just fine. No need to try and get me to actually buy into ghosts and alien abductions.
:gets off skeptic soap box:
Anybody else watch the finale of Warehouse 13? Opinions?
As much as I like this show in general, this whole season seemed really rushed to me. For example, love interests (particularly Pete’s) went from 0 to 100MPH across a single episode. Character development happened too fast to feel comfortable with the changes. I think they would have been better off spreading the story arcs across a few seasons or focusing on fewer arcs and developing them to a greater depth.
I gave up on W13 in it’s first season.
I did catch the season opener of “Glee” and I have to say … “Not so much.”
I’m putting that one on my “I’ll give it three tries” list.
If it can’t get me back in the next 2 episodes I’m moving on.
Oh … and Jeremy made me wonder, does Vic’s make a “nipple rub” ?
We don’t get WH13 here in Canada. Saw season one on DVD and enjoyed it enough that we’ll get season 2 when it comes out.
I dig W13 a lot, but we haven’t watched the finale yet so I’ve skipped UH’s post for now.
Does anyone have a good read to recommend? I’m shopping for this month’s audiobook.
Ender’s Game is pretty good if you haven’t listened to it already.
“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”
Was just loaned to me by someone who swore it was fascinating AND a quick read.
I’m almost finished with the audiobook of “The Help,” and I’m really enjoying it. The writer and all of the actors do an amazing job of creating a real place and time through the words they write and say.
CE: chocolate frozen yogurt
Good night, Pan.
Morning Pan, heading back home today, another long train jouney home..been fun though.
I was disappointed with The Fourth Kind, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. UsedHair nails it.
Also, W13 season two is much better than season one. Though I haven’t seen the finale yet. I just wish io9 hadn’t spoiled me on it. 🙁
I’ve never been able to get into W13. My wife likes it, but I think we’ve still got the last six episodes unwatched on the DVR.
I’m going to watch W13 or Eureka today
Now in my Hulu queue I also have Out Soured, the office, community, and modern family. Guess it is a good thing my wife is going out for a friends birthday.
My Tivo also has the Colony and The Universe on it.
Hey Deadpan.
Hubby comes home today so it’s all good.
EssBee I owe you an apology. You asked for book ideas and I ignored you.
You could try:
Boneshaker by Cheri Priest (a Hugo nominee); or
Finch by Jeff VandeMeer (a Nebula nominee)
I enjoyed them both.
Apparently Kate Beckensale (sp?) has signed on to do another Underworld movie. Tight black leather. Hubby will approve.
This looks fun
Hubby did bottle rockets with his science kids every year (he hasn’t taught science the last couple of year). It’s fun to watch him experiment in our back yard before doing it at school.
Decided to cook up some hard cider today.
Silky bugger on the train who doesn’t realise nobody is really interested in what he is saying.
very cool costume:
That is a cool costume idea, reaper
So just watched the new H50 and The Event..the former too cheesey for it’s own good, the latter was intriguing.
CP: When I’m Small — Phantogram
Nice blend of styles in this song.
I, for one, am not mourning Blockbuster’s demise.
Sounds like a good time to rewatch BSG. 🙂
After I’m done catching up on Torchwood.
I had a roommate for a while that worked at BlockBuster and I changed his name tag to say Mr. PatatoHead. he got to the car and noticed I changed it. I was very disappointed when I dropped by to get some movies. I still have that name tag hanging in my cube.
I’m not disappointed Blockbuster’s demise either.
I like the graph.
I don’t mourn Blockbuster … but I do feel a loss of what it once was. I can remember the first video rental stores in “my neck of the woods” as a place of wonder and excitement. Inviting the gang over to watch a movie was a real novelty and when you walked into that first store there was a sense of excitement for the evening.
Blockbuster took that and cranked it up to “11”. Of course, they killed those first mom & pop video rental shops but “the Video” was KING.
For better or worse, Blockbuster quickly became the center of the weekend entertainment kingdom.
Now, that era is over. While Netflix embraced technological change, Blockbuster failed to evolve. No, I don’t mourn Blockbuster (heck, I don’t even buy DVD’s. I download from Amazon when I DO get a chance to watch video) but I do feel a sense of nostalgic loss for the end of an era.
We haven’t rented videos from a store in a very long time. That being said, when hubby was going for his master’s degree, he worked part time at the local Rogers Video which is a Canadian competitor to Blockbuster. So I suppose they do have a place in our hearts too (long hours, low pay, stupid customers that ask why there are black lines above and below the picture, etc.)
I did also enjoy taking the boy out to browse the Blockbuster shelves and pick out a movie or 2.
I did NOT enjoy being taken for granted as a customer and the hopelessness of ever getting ahold of cool, obscure indy flicks.
some really cool decorating ideas
I really like the last one
Never got into video rentals, prefer seeing films at an actual cinema.
We do still visit the Blockbuster store fairly regularly. We use them for the mail rental and get to trade mailed movies for in store rentals. We tend to do that if there is a new release we want to pick up.
It will be interesting to see if Blockbuster can actually regroup in bankruptcy or if it will die off completely.
thanks for the book recommendations, y’all!
I haven’t been pleased with my Blockbuster experiences for nearly a decade. I do miss my local Hollywood Videos though. They disappeared a few years back, taking with them the only real competition for GameStop. And I detest/boycott GameStop.
CP: Kremlin Karamel — The Beat Tornados
Nice surf guitar song
I am amused by how divergent my taste in TV is from Vanamonde. It makes me smile.
See –> =D
I didn’t, realize. . . there was a: National Punctuation Day!!
The theme song should be Underwhelmed by Sloan.
I didn’t realize! There was a National Punctuation Day.
I didn’t, realize there was a National Punctuation Day?
I didn’t realize. There was a National Punctuation Day.
I didn’t realize? There was a National Punctuation Day!
Re: Blockbuster
If they will embrace the “Netflix” business model they should be able to survive as there is plenty of room in the market. Without buying out Netflix and somehow owning the content libraries directly from the studios though, they will never be the 800 pound gorilla they once were.
CP: She Blinded Me With Science — Thomas Dolby
Ok Panites!
In my effort to grow the comments page. It’s movie time!
Month end is coming, so this will be the last until possibly sometime mid-month next month.
Today’s move, by popular demand 😉 is 13: Game of Death. The DVR write up:IN this taut and gripping psychological thriller, a man who has just lost his job is offered a chance to win a fortune on a reality game show if he can complete 13 challenges that become increasingly bizarre and twisted.
It gave the movie 3 stars, which is actually quite high praise as it doesn’t usually give any.
The rules: See yesterday’s movie for the rules for now… It’s movie time!
Another movie without nudity. Not a true B horror in my mind.
Look at the boyscout.
death to all cellphones!
An American student in some Oriental country (they haven’t specified which yet)
Ok, not student, musical instrument seller.
This movie is dubbed. It took me a moment to figure out what was wrong with the sound vs. lip syncing.
One night in Bangkok makes the tough man tumble…
I Found out where they are :happy:
They sure are building on the hopeless plight of this poor guy
“I don’t think you know what the word try means.”
YOu’ve been replaced by a computer
Quite the ring tone.
Mysterious phone call
How did they know?
Kill the fly for $1000
ah, ah, ah, ah stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive
Swallow dead fly for $5000
Girlfriend saw him eat the fly. She’s a little freaked out
God that ring tone is annoying
“that confused the hell out of your office”
Win get it all. Lose, lose it all
Wow, lots of secrecy
“we’re watching you”
bwa ha ha ha ha
Wow, didn’t see that coming
Challenge 3, make 3 children cry
Since I’m naming the challenges, I think it’s safe to say this episode will be more spoilerific than usual
One down.
wow, bringing back memories of his childhood. Who knew.
CP: Everybody Wants To Rule The World — Tears For Fears
Wow, the dubbing is bad in this spot.
The police station is going crazy with people complaining about mean things being done to them
At the fancy restaurant. What’s he going to do?
Challenge 5: eat a “special meal”
ewwww gross
I think I’m going to be sick
At this point, I’m not looking at the screen. I have a very high vomit reaction to some things.
Challenge 6: trade your phone for a riddle
The land of EBay
The girlfriend thinks he’s gone crazy
Riding the bus
GEtting beat up
After only six challenges he’s quite a mess
Nothings says home than a peas pudding sandwich.
Challenge 7: Walk three bus stops. Doesn’t sound too bad
I really wish this movie was subtitled, not dubbed. I have no idea what she’s Googling
This house was once a home
Chui is in the well
I think Chui is dead
ewww. creepy crawlies
REally, he couldn’t find a rope?
well, that’s disturbing.
ok, this is almost funny
Mr. Nice Guy
Mona looks beat upon
BAthroom break!
I got an e-mail from work basically saying the world is going to end next week. I never thought month end was that bad
The movie so far:
We are at the half way point. Seven challenges completed. He’s bruised, battered, covered in poop vomit and the police are after him.
What will happen next…
Challenge 8: find the number 8 and hit number 8
another funny spot
oh oh. he might have gone a little too far.
An internet game show. The girl friend sees.
I really really hate that cell phone ring tone
ooooh, tough cop
He really needs to find a change of clothes. poor man is easily recognizable
The thought plickens
OH cool, we’ve come full circle
NIne challenges down, four more to go.
CP: Opening: I Can’t Turn You Loose — The Blues Brothers
OH look at me, I’m a big bad tough cop
Oh wow, it’s a guy
There’s a good chance, Henry’s dead
I don’t think I can look
The carnage
Girlfriend sees the bodies
You must turn yourself in.
Challenge 11: Kill the girlfriend or the girlfriend’s dog?
The cop is challenge 13
What is challenge 12?
Slaughter a cow? Seems rather banal after the last few.
pretty full moon
The final challenge (da du dum!)
Yeah, I actually saw that coming.
The poor guy’s a wreck
All for an online game
The child version of our hero doesn’t look at all like him
It would destroy me to see you turn bad
I admit, I didn’t see that coming.
Game over… or is it?
I have to admit, this a an interesting movie and I quite enjoyed it. There were some parts I couldn’t watch but I expected that.
The one complaint I have is the fact that this was the dubbed version. I much prefer watching subtitled version of movies
323. Well Pan, I did my part to raise the comment count, now do yours. We need another 1,100 comments.
Hubby’s home!!!!
make that 1,098
CE: fries from In-n-Out
CD(rinking): chocolate shake
CD(oing): studying
Unrelated thought: Beaker may be the most underappreciated of all the Muppets.
Hmmmm … which one do you suppose was the freakiest (as in “getting ones freak on”)
Personally, I think Ms. Piggie was all show and no go.
probably scooter it’s always the mousy ones
maybe the eagle he seams all repressed
Dr. Teeth?
Zoot was always my favourite muppet
Yeh, I was a Zoot fan.
just finished Eureka. I liked it.
Now Outsourced
Janice, dudes. Janice.
Why hate GameStop, NS?
OH, oh oh!!! I know why! Same reason I dislike them. Although ordering from their online store seems to not be too bad.
so, Outsourced. starting out pretty good. after you get through the first 15 minutes of setup
watching community. interesting start to the season
CW: Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Why, Bunny?
I’ve was burned once by GS. I pre-ordered (and paid for) a game but, because I didn’t pick it up the day of release (one or two days later not a long wait), they sold it to someone else. Sold out of the game and I had to wait for the next shipment. They wouldn’t refund my money but gave me a gift card instead so it would still cost me to get the game elsewhere. From what I understand I’m not the only one this has happened to.
Also, Gamestop, at least in Canada, has a very poor in store PC selection. They seem to prefer console games. It’s easier for me to get my PC game fix on line. I order directly from EA for things like Dragon Age or Mass Effect, etc. Amazon if I can but Amazon Canada does not carry many games. Barring that Gamestop on line. I’d rather have it delivered to me than go through the hassle of dealing with the store.
Oh, not cool. I’ve only ever ordered from them online. That sucks.
Oh, Madonna . . .
Now… off to kick gaming butt.
CW the Office
off to a good start
Woh, it Jim in Shipping with his son.
I did see “Outsourced” … it wasn’t horrific like it really could have been but I just don’t know how it’s going to avoid becoming an endless, cliche’, Indian misunderstanding an American word/idea fest.
I’ll give it another week … it’s always possible that it could be a well written show that just happens to take place in a foreign land as opposed to being endless one-liners. It could happen.
justa J0e, I don’t think those jokes could make it much more than 1/2 a season. at least i hope they don’t.
Aidan Quinn and I were both very thin in 1985
not all that impressed with the office kinda glad it is the last season. at lease i think i heard that.
CW Modern Family
reaper, you’re binging!
I have long since known that after dinner, I don’t want to do anything except relax and maybe do some creative stuff. Tomorrow, I start taking advantage of that fact.
EssBee sez: Oh, Madonna…
oh 🙂 ah yes Desperately Seeking Susan… sigh.. memories.
1985 this Smarty Hottie was QUITE Madonna obsessed. I mean seriously scary obsessed.
(side note which the sexier of the smarty hottie pair would appreciate: 1985 was also the year of the Chicago Bears.. will our team ever reach such glory again????)
Hugh sez: *sobs* I heart you 85 Bears!!
poor. poor Hugh.
I used to be able to say every single 1 of Madonna’s lines in the movie and my friend and I would sneak out of the house looking very normal and redress ourselves ala Madonna and try and repeat the lines from the movie exactly the same way she did…. lol… omg.
In a way I wish there was video evidence of this. Talk about embarrassing.
Dear DJ Bunny
Fucktardbot would like to thank you for your contribution to the comment count
and to engage in a little deadpanite policing.. you could play by play the episodes too! 😉
I know, I know.. thats my job. For which I fail miserably week in and week out.
but again.. I’ve had a damn good excuse.
I am working on it. Once we are back home in Chicago mehopes to be able to do it more. Sorry, Jackamo. You know we love you.
lol.. funniest comment of this visit goes to.. justa j0e!!!
justa J0e sez:
I didn’t realize! There was a National Punctuation Day.
I didn’t, realize there was a National Punctuation Day?
I didn’t realize. There was a National Punctuation Day.
I didn’t realize? There was a National Punctuation Day!
why did I find this so histerical?
Maybe because of my inability to use punctuation at all
Happy Folsom street fair weekend everyone!
Have you spanked your submissive today?
The only way that gets weird is if you think of the Johnny Cash song about Folsom Prison….
No pressure about any play-by-plays. Your priorities are in the right place, Smarty Hotties.
And speaking of priorities – – Amy, that sounds like a perfect plan.
Stardunk is free on the app store today:
It’s a LOT more fun that it sounds..
Funny thing is that I am rarely punctual.
But, when you are, are you more of a question mark, or a semicolon?
Jack: Thank you. :happy: The hard part, for me, is holding off on doing the relaxing, creative stuff until the end of the day.
Love it, Hottie. Neither of us had seen the flick in years.
Some would argue that I am a FULL colon.
I see your point, Joe!
Now I must dash.
This ridiculous song stuck in my brain for years:
Hey, back when I was going to school
I never learned a thing
All I did was daydream
A-waitin’ for the bell to ring
I had a certain teacher
I always tried to impress her
When she stood up in the classroom
I would mentally undress her
Then one day I decided
That I would write a little letter
She said the spelling was a masterpiece
The punctuation could be better
I understood what she was saying
I got the gist of her sentiment
She said, “I don’t mean to be degrading
But here’s the way that it shoulda went”
I love you period
And do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses
I love you period
And do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses
Come on, come on, come on
Right on up to high school
People said I was a writing fool
All my letters became really great
With punctuation that was never late
But I was having trouble meeting girls
I never knew the things to say
Soon I had ’em all overwhelmed
When they heard me talk this way
Like this
I love you period
And do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses
I love you period
Do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses, come on
I love you period
And do you love me question mark
Well, please, please exclamation point
Yeah, I want to hold you in parentheses
Oh, oh, oh
CW: Fringe S3E1
I prefer full stop.
I’m just an Ass…terisk.
BTW – Beaker is awesome
I used to have a crush on Floyd Pepper – which I know means something about me, but I don’t know what.
My kids are fascinated by the Swedish Chef.
There’s a broken beam inside of the big, big bridge
I guess that whole thing is caving in
Maybe it is time I learn how to swim
I’ll be a dolphin
I’ll be a dolphin
It’s 10am already? Ive been at work since 5:30.. time is flying – I’m toying with the idea of going on break to Starbucks… do I want Starbucks?
I really don’t.
My tummy would be angry.
Someone left a container of Strawberry shortcakes on my desk… leftovers.
They are SO not my thing. They are like…from Walmart and meh.. I’m takign them to the lunchroom.
Considering working on some projects for the Deadpan tonight while Darcy continues working on apparel for her sister’s rapidly approaching wedding.
Would have last night, but…
Yup OT
I declare that it’s LUNCHTIME!!!!!
I’m going to tweet that too.
I am also going to post again and say that I did the tweet as expected.
Not that I’m trying to increase comment count or anything.
three eighty two
No wait.. I want to help ONE more person before I go to lunch.
A complaint hubby heard about the above video is that the girls are too good looking to be real gamer girls.
I think I take umbrage with that.
TEB: That always surprises me when I hear that. Are they typical gamer girls? No. But, all of them are fairly well known for being gamers and being involved in the gaming community. Michele Boyd even plays “Riley” in The Guild. To dismiss their gamer cred solely because they are beautiful is ridiculous.
“Umbrage” always makes me think of toads.
I’m reading … er re-reading via audio Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix right now.
Hoopity hoo.
I’m wearing a new perfume I bought.
It’s called Bond Girl 007
Get on with your badass puns now…
You know you want to…
Sorry, the correct title is
Bond Girl 007 Forever
Though it seems to have faded since 4:30 this morning when I put it on.
Going to a new German/Austrian restaurant for dinner tonight.
CP: Maybe Not — Cat Power
Slept my way through A Saturday evening..how sad is that?
Dontcha change that song… it’s my favorite record…. yaooooow!
CP: The Night Santa Went Crazy — Weird Al
Don’t you change that song.. it goes on and on again…..
Someone posted this on Facebook.
Let’s play!
You can have a time machine .. BUT it can only transport you to the PAST or FUTURE and back… What do you choose?? Future ?? Past??? why??
Here’s what I said:
There are many reasons I can think of to go back to the past for both enjoyment and to correct mistakes, but ultimately, I’d fear that I’d alter the way things are now. Because I have this amazing family, I would not want to change anything… that could affect it.
However, if I could see what lies ahead, I could possibly make a better life for my children going forward. I’d have to say the future wins.
Future = lotto ticket ftw
Future. The last thing I want to do is relive my past.
Future, too much of a scifi fan not to be curious about that.
Although would be fun to go back a few thousand years and find out how inaccurate the New Testament is….
I’ll get my coat.
CE: Pumpkin cheese cake concrete mixer from Culvers. The pumpkin spice one is better but this one is also a little piece of heaven.
Future, like Van I’m a Scifi fan and could’t help it. I like justa J0e’s idea to
I could go for some cheesecake right now.
with chocolate drizzled on top
Anyone deliver?
Cj, I’m still working on that FTP (Food Transfer Protocol)
win the lottery, grab a stock market report … use the resulting funds to build a time machine to go back and forth at your own whim.
… or maybe use the money to build a life-like “love-bot”.
It’s a tough call.
But, can you be cool and invent the too that’ll fax me a beer?
Man, that song is so dated…and it’s not even that old.
BTP might be more important than FTP
Finally cracked the seal on Halo3:ODST
Nice to be back in the Halo universe..I’ll have to get Reach at some point.
3.30am here, night all.
Van, I commented to hubby that you should be in bed when we saw you were on line :happy:
hubby has ODST bust hasn’t finished H3 yet so hasn’t started It yet
whole shit SNL made me laugh
I think I posted this ages ago, but considering how passe video tapes are these days, the implied futurism of videotapes just make me smile:
Reaper – That’s a statement I haven’t heard for many, many years.
Van – I don’t think the word forever means what they think it means.
I really wish I had one of those tapes just so I could pester the company.
I recorded SNL. I’ll have to watch it when I get home tonight!
Going to bed at 8:30pm kinda stinks sometimes.
Also recorded SNL. We love it. We’ll watch it over breakfast this morning.
Good Grief.
it’s like angry people day. 🙁
Not here..
Out there in the land of Twitter.
Just in case of gas attack:
The burning question though is really… does it lift and separate? How much support does it offer.
I mean… really, breathing is important, but I need support too.
I might be too old to get Katy Perry
So say we all.
EssBee – You asked about book recommendations earlier. I don’t know if Bitter Seeds by Ian Tregillis is available in an audio edition, but it was a really neat read. A tad slow/dry in some spots, but the story itself was good.
Mmmm Katy Perry.
Katy Perry is fun to look at but the sound at SNL sucks. as far as her music goes I just chalk it up to flavor of the year
Weekend update is the part I laughed at most the rest was still just ok unless i’m forgetting a segment
Oh, is she on SNL?
I look forward to getting home.
Cj, She was. The dancing during California Gurls and the consumes were a bit weird but I was surprised how well the second song went though I didn’t turn around to look because I was playing a flash game on http://www.kongregate.com/
those games a just to addicting.
Ed, what the heck is this?
Oh! I get it. The prologue to the next book – seriously?! The book comes out in November.
Bitter Seeds, check NS.
now to watch 30 Rock
I think it is time to hook a PC to the Main TV. I have 13 subscription on Hulu and unless Tivo starts supporting it (or something similar) I will need a other way to get content up there. I would rather not torrent but since Tivo now support .MKV files it is tempting.
I just started downloading The Gathering Storm. I read it when it came out, but I think I’ll listen now. Sly B refuses to read any more of the series until it’s all done, but I can’t help it. I’ll probably read the whole thing again.
Remember when I told you guys that I was unfriended on Facebook by someone several months ago? She messaged me to apologize!!
its hard to watch TV at a reasonable volume with someone mowing there lawn.
*yells out window “Get off your Lawn”*
wait that doesn’t make scene
She apologized to YOU or she’s asking you to apologize?
It had darn well be the latter of the 2. 🙂
Where’s :jack: ???
Just hooked up a home theater system to a turn table in my home office. Now I can listen to my large vinyl collection when I want to be distracted from doing real work. I may also try to get my daughter to start listening to music as a primary activity (as opposed to only hearing it in the background). I’m sure that if she knew about some of the incredible stories being told is stuff like Rush 2112, she would actually want to listen more. She’s missing out on so much.
Music isn’t what it used to be the stories just seam to be gone from it
Rush is not always an easy sell.
reaper, you just can’t read her poker face.
Look! There he is.
I used to connect my laptop to the TV to watch videos..but settled on streaming them to my 360 using VUZE.
Jack, did you get my email with my lines attached?
EssBee, you’re not too old. You can have her.
I have hooked up the laptop also but my wife likes to use it when when we are watching TV. it is also a very small one so the fan keeps spinning up and down. hooking the PC up will be cleaner because the TV is in front of an air return vent i can use as a cable path to leave the PC in the basement. I already have the cable extenders sitting around and with my new Job they gave me a computer for home so the old one is just sitting there.
getting kids to listen to the story takes a lot some times.
I started loving Rush with Nobody’s Hero
She already likes Rush and most other classic rock. I just want her to take the next step and actually listen specifically to the music instead of just using it as background noise. I just gave her my old iPhone to use as an iPod touch and she has enjoyed all of the music I put on there so far. I think that when she has the headphones on and is listening on the school bus or in the car she is reaching that next level. I’m just not sure she’s paying attention to the lyrics.
Heh. She is kinda cute . . .
She apologized to me!
didn’t I already say that?
today is a long day.
Katy Perry in an SNL Skit NSFW level 1
Lego Batman is fun but some of this stuff is very tedious.
I’m the kind of tired that coffee is not going fix.
Cj: It’s a good thing that you know the difference between different kinds of tired.
It’s 108°F outside my house right now. Holy moly. Time for me to enjoy an iced coffee.
I know the difference, but that doesn’t make me feel any better about the 40 minute drive home in an hour..
I might need to take a brisk walk around the building!
the comments
this week?
EssBee – Yes, that’s right. For those who can’t wait the six more weeks until the book comes out, you can enjoy the priveledge of paying to read the prolouge early. They’re doing the same thing on Audible as well.
Of course, those who bought it are double suckers. Once for having bought the prologue early, and again because they are now amped up for the next book but still can’t get the rest of it until November.
I think I can muster the willpower to hold out for the whole story until November.
I’m also sticking to my vow that I won’t reread any of the WOT until the series is complete. At least now it looks like we have a good chance of seeing then end of the series.
That’s where I saw it – Audible. I said, “COME ON, Audible.”
Just listened to some swell program on National Public Radio.
They were interviewing the subject of a new book. Didn’t catch the name.
The guy is a muslim American from New Orleans who sent his family to safety before Katrina hit but stayed behind to help.
He and three neighbors had a small canoe and over a period of several days, they rescued numerous people.
… until they were apprehended by heavily armed, out of state, law enforcement types who had heard all the frightening rumors and had come to town to stop the terrorist.
Having found no terrorists, they arrest this guy and his neighbors because they were clearly of middle eastern descent.
So this guy spent weeks (months?) in a “secret” holding facility.
Those that ran the facilitydidn’t enter them into their records because they were Homeland Securities prisoners.
The CONTRACTORS that had detained them and brought them there didn’t enter them into “the system” because they had incentive NOT to have them tried. Seems Homeland Security was paying THEM (and the holding facility) by the day for every “terrorist suspect” they were detaining.
No good deed goes unpunished.
in other news …
I . can’t . stop . watching . this . video
I made it home safely.
That video is pretty intense.
people are so creative.
I wish I were creative, but I lack that particular gene. :sigh:
good evening deadpan
CL(istening) : brewing network livestream, interviewing 2 New Zealand craft brewers
CD(drinking): homebrew American Pale Ale
these spread out comments brought to you as an attempt to drive the count up. Gotta make the quota!
OK Lost boy …
unscramble the following items while listening to that podcast
fuck! what is this an online sobriety test?
elngaa = englaa, enagla, elanga, aleang, … I think there are some letters missing. I’d like to buy a vowel
Do you desire a clue ?
I as well have become addicted to that video. However, surprised that it hadn’t had some kind of viral success, I soon discovered that it’s a duplicate.
Here’s the original upload from the good folks that produced it:
ceasdac = caceads, decacas, cadsace, cacades, saccead, dacceas
JJ -2 LR – 0
nah, no clues I’ll try again tomorrow without distractions
gulfge = eggful, gufleg, gefgul, fuggle!
hmmm if that’s the case…
elngaa =galena
englaa – algaen? no.. is that a word?
dacceas – Cascade
er um..
gulfge – fuggle rhymes with muggle gulfeg… eggful – you are making this up
and therefore ceasdac = cascade
hops FTW, although I’ve personally only brewed with two out of 3 of those
Come on get Hoppy!
I think the Galena is for the Oktober Fest!
I have two orders worth ‘o beer sitting here waiting to be brewed.
FedEx took 5 days to deliver it and by then my brewing buddy had gone out of town.
He won’t be back for 2 weeks. 🙁
So I won’t get my Oktoberfest til November.
bah, brew it anyway, or at least that’s what I’d do >.>
or is he the one with the fermentor temp control?
He has the brew pots. Plus, I think that the 3 – 4 hours of brewing/shooting the breeze may be as much fun as actually drinking the stuff.
I do have 5 gallons of hard cider bubbling away in my brew cellar!
I cooked that up Last Friday.
Now I am off to see how Mad those Men are tonight.
well that’s 1 way of looking at it.
personally I usually brew alone so all I care about is cranking out the beer so I can drink it later, and perfect my recipes
man I really want to open 1 of my bottles of 3 Philosophers, but I’m saving them to compare with the 2010 vintage 🙁
*sigh* I think we lost CJ
and grats CJ on getting cascade right
you know considering how much cascade I use in my APA I really should have gotten cascade earlier in Justa Joe’s test.
welp the live show is over so now back to podcasts/vidcasts
CD: 2348 Schwartzbier Ale, homebrew again since I used an ale yeast it tastes more like a stout than a dark lager (the definition of a schwartzbier)
CW: Basic Brewing Video podcast
the archives that of the vidcast that is
elngaa = Enlarge
ceasdac = Cascade
gulfge = Engulf
“the archives that of the vidcast that is” minus 50 grammar points and 5min in the penalty box for me. that is an ugly fragment of a sentence
NS: Enlarge, Cascade, Engulf, those seem like D&D spells or porno chapter titles
note: I do not play D&D
… but he would if those were D&D spells!
Tonight’s Men were truly Mad.
re: Brewing
I think I do like making it as much as drinking it.
My last two batches were so strong though … you couldn’t drink ONE of them if you had ANYTHING else you needed to get done the rest of the day! Sounds like a good thing but when your talking 4 cases of this stuff, that’s a lot of lost “man hours”.
BTW – the other on brewed batch is a batch of Barley Wine.
We do a pretty good Barely Wine. Problem is, it really needs to age 3 years to reach perfection. It is very hard to let the beer just sit there for 3 years.
We do actually have a batch that will be 2 years old this Christmas. I allow myself 2 bottles of it every 6 months. That will leave 2 still left alive at the three year mark.
Oh, and I have a headache. 🙁
Can’t decide if it is sinus or just regular migraine coming on.
Different remedy for different afflictions.
Meh, no mater which.
MEME time.
Pick up nearest book/magazine
Turn to page 18 and read the 1st Sentence (in honor of DP EP#181)
“Patterned after Baveria’s premier example of the style, Advantageous Weizenbock is a luxuriously rich, devastatingly strong, and complex beer with malt, fruit, and spice character.”
Goodnight hops.
JJ: yeah balancing brew with man hours is a pain at times. I would love to have a barleywine available, going to brew a low end 1.080 barleywine next weekend/ week after I bottle the beer currently in the fermentor I plan to use. I’m hoping it will be dialed down enough to be drinkable by christmas, then I’ll lay in a 1.100, and a 15% abv beer so I can get them aging to enjoy.
Was “Barely Wine” a typo? Barleywine can be seriously good stuff. Four Peaks does a nice one.
And on the subject, Ommegang is one of my favorite American craft breweries.
Anyway. Feel better, J0e.
Van: files received. I believe we’re ready for final editing.
“Select and use a limited number of extracts so that you can rely on the results achieved from your brews.”
“nearest book” in the this case being decided by easiest to grab
hmmm only 519 comments os far, so I guess it’s ok for me to blabber on
CL: wander radio ep: 54-3 OH NOES! it’s the finale!
“barely wine” that phrase sounds like a challenge to me
so how many grapes do have you have to put in to be considered barely wine? and what do mix in with them? barley or honey, or both?
wander radio tangent: I fear the Dread Pirate Princess Hermione
or me maybe it could “be bare it all wine”, something tasty and strong to encourage the loss of clothing…
CL: Indiefeed Performance Poetry: Scott Woods – Loving a Lesbian When You Have a Ding-A-Ling
for every guy who thinks they can turn a girl straight
Good poem
[built like that]
©2001 Alix Olson.
some art’s just like a teacup,
when you’re looking for a beer
some art, some art, it scares you and some,
some art’s about the fear.
some art is a highbrow thing
some art’s about the eyebrow ring
some art’s about the tattoo
some art’s about the artist
and that art’s not meant for you:
but my art’s not made like that
my art’s not meant for that
no, my art’s not built like that
my art’s not dressed for that.
some art’s ecclesiastes,
some art’s about the sin
some art it seems just heavenly
and that’s great if it lets you in.
some art’s all multi-colored til it goes behind the scene
it comes out all multi-corporate
then it only comes in green:
but my art’s not made like that
my art’s not meant for that
my art’s not built like that
my art’s not dressed for that.
some art’s a one-hit wonder why
they think we’re deaf and dumb
it’s like the disciples at the last supper
if God fed ‘em bubble gum.
some art’s a pedigree whitewash,
a cryptic clean cover-up
my art don’t need no ivory badge to back up
what’s in its gut:
my art’s not made like that
my art’s not meant for that
no, my art’s not built like that
my art’s not dressed for that.
some art don’t care about you,
what you say or what you do
my art’s the Mona Lisa
and she’s looking straight at you.
my art wears the same clothes seven days a week
cause my art don’t seem to care about
what other people think.
some art’s real nice to look at,
some art’s all neat and clean
my art forgot her tampon
and she’s bleeding through her jeans.
my art forgot her tampon
and she’s bleeding through her jeans
yeah, my art don’t need no tampon
she’ll just bleed through your dreams:
my art’s just made like that
my art’s just meant for that
my art’s just built like that
yeah, my art’s just dressed for that
my art’s just made like that
my art’s just meant for that
my art’s just built like that
my heart’s just
built like that.
and to really get the impact listen to her perform it…
damn, that’s only a 30sec sample
ah here’s the podcast of her performance
CL: Indiefeed Performance Poetry: Omar “Ion” Holmon – 10 Coins to Mario
CD: Mustang Brewery Amber Lager
huh, apparently Google is 12 years old
CD: more homebrew APA
CW: Fellowship of the Ring extended cut
Be warned the following play by play will contain spoilers
because lets face it, if you haven’t watched the Lord of the Rings by now you don’t care… bastards
oooh Kate Blanchett voice over with elven voice under
interesting that when given the rings the elves and drawves held them up, but the humans just held onto them
Oh noes! deception
“One ring to rule them all”
big armies fight now
Remember when Alta Vista hit the scene? It was so amazing, ‘cuz you could just type in what you were looking for and it would give you back a bunch of webpages with those words in them.
And then people made webpages with all the words in them.
it’s alot easier to do a play by play when you know the movie so well you can almost recite the movie line by line >.>
I remember alta vista as a search engine, it was my preferred search before google became the tentacle monstar of the internet
monstar = monster
waah! :fucktardbot: is telling me to slow down stoopid fbot
I should really go abck in the archives and look up all the DP emoticon commands
abck == back
back to the movie
the elf stabbing the orc is looks like he’s getting a disturbing amount of pleasure using his spear…
I’m just saying
oh yeah and I will be pausing as I deem necessary in order to pbp properly
but grammar and spelling may or may not be corrected >_>
yay! victory is near
uhohs, Sauron and his ring laying the smackdown now
GO Isildur! slice those fingers off
they all fall down now, but big bad Sauron is defeated
ooh, men easily corrupted and the ring has a will of it’s own
sounds like congress and lobbyists
Ring go bye bye, sucks ot be Isildur
I want an Isildur pin cushion
2.5 millinia and the precious gets gollum to carry
1st gen gollum looks really weird when compared to the later movie versions
let’s see 2500 years plus 500 years, means the ring has been hiding for 3000 years! I wonder if the knights of the round table could do better
ooh, darkness in the forests and in the east! Time for the ring *scary*
Bilboe Baggins is the most unlikely creature imaginable… but orcs are commonplace of course
shire reckoning is the only important reckoning, please take note
all that talk and we finally see the title of the movie
hmm time for more beer. another glass of APA is in order
concerning hobbits… bunch of insular ignoramuses
then again they do have their priorities in order: food, ale, and pipeweed
I want a hobbit to be my gardener
how can mr baggins have a simple life when he is so rich?
that humming is Gandalf!
” a wizard is never late, nor is he early” sounds like a boss that can’t take criticism to me
no change in the shire… better bring your own change if you’re shopping
oh, what is Biblo looking for? The ring was in his pocket! silly Bilbo, no way this could be a bad thing >_>
lol Biblo, should be Bilbo…
Ya fireworks!, she’s a wetblanket of a hobbit. who doesn’t like sparkly explosions?
111 years old and haven’t aged, that’s a very good plastic surgeon
I wonder what old Winyard tastes like, sounds liek a good wine to me
watch your head Gandalf, low bridges in the shire, and low ceilings
high water pants are stylin’ in the shire
what does Frodo suspect, ooo the mystery!
Bilbo is playing with his ring again
woot! fireworks and a band that’s a hell of a party
I feel like Sam at most parties
I want fireworks like Gandalf makes
uhoh tricksy hobbits are messing with the fireworks
Playing with his what?
Hobbiton is a fertile area 😀
I want to try the Gaffer’s homebrew too…
I think I’ll name my nect barleywine the Gaffer’s Homebrew
dragon fireworks are the best!
Bilbo is a tricksy hobbit with his speeches
Frodo suspects!
he’s inwisible!
hmm, many magic rings… where are the rest?
uhoh the ring is in his pocket, not on the mantle…
spooky music means this bad
Bilbo is being greedy/angry
ohnoes! Bilbo sounds like Gollum
Gandalf is making his scary face, even if is trying to help
the ring is still in his pocket, more dark music!
I always liked the ring theme
ring go thud, Bilbo go byebye
Gandalf no touch ring!
now he’s being extra mysterious
Frodo has the ring!
Keep it secret, keep it safe! says the wizard
hmm, scary music and scary place this is probably bad
scary cloaks on horses!
what is this city Gandalf is at? and what is he reading all these old papers for?
Isildur sounds like a greedy bastard, the ring is precious, again!
fire reveals the writing!
dogs don’t like the scary cloaks on horses, who speak in hissy whispers
looks like Voldemort has family in Middle Earth
old men whining again at the local pub
Good thing Frodo walked home and didn’t drive he looks unsteady on his feet
Gandalf was hiding in the shadows! now he’s burning the ring
Writing on the ring after being in the flames, this and the scary music makes me think this is bad
“One ring to rule them all
One ring to find them
One ring to bring them all
And in the darkness binf them”
I always liked that bit of poetry
Evil is stirring! The ring has heard it’s call
… Sauron must have a really good phone contract
Sauron should have put a GPS locator on his ring if he really cared about it
No one knows… except for Gollum
Uhoh the scary cloaks are coming to the Shire!
Frodo is a brave hobbit, he knows he has to leave.
Gandalf, no don’t go to Sarumon! don’t trust the white wizard
Ooo scary music!
Sam doesn’t drop eaves!
although he does hear everything >_<
The ring wants to be found!
but it’s already found by Frodo
Sam has gone farther than ever before, yay for him!
It’s elves singing! aww they sound saddish
Leaving middle earth from the Grey Havens
Sam is a whiner when he is camping
The horns in the soundtrack help Gandalf ride faster