Low-Budget Show Notes.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #178: Dark Star Datapalooza 2 Special guest – Vanamonde!
Jack and Van discuss Dark Star
Other Dark Star Content submitted by:
Ed from Texas
Amy Bowen
Justa J0e
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music: “Love Is Never Distant”
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Aurora Cofrade Pues va a ser verdad que las borrascas limpian bastante las cabezas.. Cada día tengo más claro lo que no quiero.. En fin que me voy a dormir, que me pongo a divagar y es un no parar.
Note to self: remember what text you cut before pasting.
Happy Birthday Ed!
Oh Van. . . . .
So I hope this show’s editing job isn’t too raw.
Goodnight :brain:
Happy Birthday Ed!
And Congrats to The Smarty Hotties for the wonderful news from the previous thread!
OK. Kirk out.
Jack, could delete that Spanish bit of txt? Thx.
This weeks episode brought to you with plenty of Err’s, Um’s, but’s and likes.
I never realise how much I say all that till I hear a recording of myself.
Weekly machine cleaning is done, new episode of the Deadpan is up… it is well with the world.
Hey, look. A fresh Deadpan just for my birthday. Thanks, Jack, you’re the best!
….maybe I need to change my superhero them song to “You’re so Vain”
Happy birthday, Ed!
And now the Deadpan is back up. I couldn’t get to it, or the episode, all morning. I guess I’ll have to listen tomorrow.
We seem to have had a longtime outage this morning.
Van, I don’t mind reading the Spanish text as next week’s FIRST, but I’ll delete it if you want. My “Oh Van” was just in jest.
Happy Birthday Ed!!!
next episode’s first comment should be fun to hear read
Ok Jack just leave it in then, thx again.
Judging from some of the comments on iPhone app review sites the guy has a point:
the Pan was dead this morning, go figure.
Happy birthday Ed!
ZP reflects on Duke Nukem Forever:
On the posting note, August of 2010 saw a 24% increase over the same month last year. Woo Hoo!
Catching up on last night’s comments, let me add my congrats to the rest Smarty Hotties.
TSH: Most rockin’ news!
Ed: Happy Birthday!
[pause for commercial messages]
…And we’re back!
Some scenes in animation that were left out of the movie.
…and the rest of the Scott Pilgrim series has arrived from Amazon, alas not delivered by a cool chick in roller skates.
Listening to Jack and Van and Used Hair. From what I understand the 60 minute version of the film was the original student film. More scenes were added when they got the film distribution contract.
I told hubby some of the comments would be negative in today’s episode, his comment was “how could anybody not enjoy this film?”
He really loved it.
Had both last week’s and this week’s Pan open. Started posting to the wrong one. Damn!
In two weeks, when my phone contract is up, I’m getting an IPhone. I thought about a droid but decided that I have a touch and I have a phone, I could eliminate one electronic device if I combine the two.
Just be aware TEB that you won’t get as good of a battery life on the phone as you get now on the Touch.
There you are!
C: sitting here typing this post
CP: Bank Job — Barenaked Ladies
Betta step up if you want me
Dont be a chicken if you want beef.
Got my glock and I got my cash
Got my bling and I gotta hot ass
Make ah girls sweat when they see ah me pass
So goddamn hot gonna give you heat rash.
Sexy ladies looking my way
Looka my muscle on display
Those girles pay
To get anotha bite of my buffet
Betta step back when Im doin my thing
Slap u down with mah dingaling
When you feel ah the heat of my bee sting
You know yo messin with the real thing.
No good muthabitch….
Mega pot farm busted in my hood:
Muthafucka we’re back
MSG wit da hot track
Lyrical Ginsu cuttin off yo nutsack
Mmmmm hmmmm ah Chinatown hustla
Live n die like a Chinatown hustla
Bona fide crazy muthasucka
In the town thats the mutha to the hustla
no I’m aloud:
I wish I was sleeping right now. Damn spreadsheets.
We have a mayor election coming this October. So far there are 18 people who have announced they are running. How silly can you get?
I guess summer is over, this morning it was cold enough to see my breath. I didn’t dress for the weather so I see a cold in my future.
I’m confused. I guess that’s proof I need a nap.
It was chilly here this morning as well, Bunny, but not that chilly.
I’m hoping for another 3-4 weeks without a freeze. We have loads of green tomatoes on the vine.
And boom boom goes the dynamite.
I have my doubts about how true this is, but it’s still amusing
A well done tribute to dancing in the movies
The scary thing is, I’ve seen almost all of those movies.
I just saw this comment on the last comments page, and I really need to reply to it.
UsedHair said:
I really, really want one of these. And they only cost a couple hundred dollars. If only I had a couple tens of dollars to spare (let alone a couple hundred).
Well, shoot.
That’s exactly what the story I’m going to write this weekend for my unofficial attempt at a 3-Day Novel is about.
It doesn’t exactly seem “science fiction” any more. (Well, not on the surface, anyway. What happens at the end is still fictional, as far as I know.)
This is cool looking. I want one.
TSH: Hooray! Glad to hear the good news! 😀
Ed: Happy birthday! 😀
Does anyone have a buck they can lend me so I can buy a castle/hospital?
Wow, the new still shots from the upcoming Yogi Bear movie kind of creep me out.
Yippie for coherency!
Castle/hospital? That sounds like a Dr. Who episode.
Life Is A Struggle My Son
Got To Bring The Hustle And Run
Living In The Ghettos No Fun
Gotta Hustle In The Midnight Sun
You’re right Rhett, kind of creepy.
Fight to rive
Rive to fight
When my sun comes out at midnight, I call it the moon :happy:
TEB: If we run the cows through the portal in reverse order, you should get your dollar. 🙂
CP: Leave In Silence — Depeche Mode
I enjoy the silence.
or confused cows, ditto 🙂
Ack! one of my numbers were wrong. Must run the calculations again.
Moooooooooooooo + 1 / 0
My cows are very relaxed.
I need a mooosage. My neck is killing me.
At least you can cross your legs EssBee. You should see my cows 😉
*rubbing EssBee’s neck*
Respect when you hear my name
Im bad to the bone, insane
Like that bitch Michael Fay
Whip yo ass with a bamboo cane
I didn’t know who Michael Fay was so I looked him up. My knowledge of useless trivia has expanded.
Bona fide crazy mutha sucka.
My Michael Fay is rich
This is the Michael Fay I’m most familiar with:
The crazy MF walked across Africa.
Poor Lo Pan we are totally messing with your rhyme
CP: Candyman – Spacehog
Oh its not mine…. muthasucka
It’s yours by osmosis :cheerful:
Well, I think I’m tired of staring at big numbers in little boxes. I think I’m going to shut it down until tomorrow.
Later Pan.
Later, Bunny.
“little boxes”
ticky tacky
Still watching Weeds, Van?
CP: Leah — Roy Orbison
Wow, that is a crazy MF.
For your visual enjoyment:
CP: ‘Till The Wheels Fall Off — L7
I find the whole thing about the president having to tell us that he’s a Christian over and over again absolutely absurd. Honestly, who gives a shit?
And the south.
Sadly what Lo said.
Yeah still watching Weeds Essbee, if only cos it’s now a trainwreck of a show.
Salon Futura..new online magazine:
Sadly, the questions of liking pina colodas, making love at midnight or the taste of champagne, remain unanswered.
Just update to iTunes 10, the program seems much more responsive on my netbook running Windows 7 than version 9.
I’ll answer for him, Rhettro.
Yes, hell yes, and it’ll do in a pinch.
I haven’t installed any system updates on my MacBook for months. I just emailed the Boulder Mac Shack, though, about upgrading the internal HD so I can do so!
EssBee: LOL
What on earth have you been doing Essbee to fill up your HD like that?
Depeche mode 101
thank you everyone!! 🙂
We are beyond excited.
After spending a year not knowing what was going to happen tomorrow, having future plans feels damn near extravagant
I here by announce that 2011 is the year of Hugh n Andrea 🙂
and as Jack said, 2010 is our pre-season
2010 is actually probably the year of Hughdre. It was the year we told cancer the whats what! 🙂
and Van, I have no idea about my iphone.
I have an iphone 4, do you too?
lemme try it again
This is a test of the smarty hottie systems
Arlight, as my birthday wish, I demand that Andrea call in Van’s first comment of the week to make me all swoony.
it worked!
I posted a comment on my iphone and it worked.
It is awaiting moderation now but it let me post this time. Please unmoderate me Jackamo.
when I tried posting last night, I couldn’t see the submit comment button but this time I could see it. Must of just been a fluke
[marilyn monroe]
happy birthday Eeeeeeeddddddddd
[/marilyn monroe]
“2011 – the Year of Hugh n Andrea”
I like the sound of that, especially with it including BOTH of you in it.
I shall call it in for you
amen brotha
I don’t know what I would of done if Hugh didn’t get better. When things got critical and we started searching for alternate treatments I was truly truly scared.
I wouldn’t wish anyone to feel that
When the doc told me we could start planning the end of his treatment I kept pinching myself.
Haven’t stopped smiling in days 🙂
Dinnertime here
night pan
For Ed:
I’ll call you Mr President if you want me to, Ed. 😉
That’ll do, as well 🙂
We haven’t had enough swooning around here lately. I expect a good bit more of that in 2011, too.
Gah. Yet another iTunes update which has to update my library. This is going to take frikin’ forever.
Van, just music and photos. It’s not a big HD.
From Boing Boing:
Yeah I have an iPhone 4 TSH.
I’ve noticed that with IOS4, things can go glitchy if you forget to shutdown programs that multitask properply. For example yesterday the mail application wouldn’t pick up new email..I had to reboot the phone to get it working again.
Nomad, I literally LOLed.
Goodnight :Ed’s birthday:
Jack – Me too. Well worth the initial wait-for-it. =)
Alright, based on his excellent work in carrying the torch for Jordan’s “Wheel of Time”, I’ll definitely be checking this new one from Brandon Sanderson.
It’s probably available in dead tree format as well, for those into that sort of thing 🙂
Stonerwall Truth has been posted online by the author:
Well worth checking out if you don’t read Asimov magazine.
Hey Pan!
Friday before a long weekend. I think I’ll spend the extra day off asleep. That sounds like a good idea
Hubby’s kids are already starting to bribe him. He came hoe with Darth Vader and R2D2 Pez dispensers. He told me he accepts all bribes. He won’t give anyone favour, but he’ll still accept the bribes :happy:
hoe = home
That cat video was super cute, but I think I am missing something at the end. He’s just looking at himself in the mirror, right?
There are no hoes in my home.
Is it too early to start thinking about lunch?
I’m surprised that none of the comments about the bad science in Dark Star were about the “absolute zero” freezer that the captain is stored in. Cryogenic freezing doesn’t need temperatures that low. And if he was truly stored at absolute zero:
1. As soon as someone opened the door to the freezer, absolute zero would have been compromised very quickly.
2. Absolute zero implies no molecular motion whatsoever. If that was the case, there could not have been any thinking or communication going on with the captain.
Im surprised anyone cares about science in a movie like Dark Star.
Cj, I’ve been up for three hours already, I’m very ready for lunch
I refuse to nit pick the science in Dark Star. I think that would be an endless task. I take it as it is.
What Lo Pan said 😉
Heh! At least they didn’t say he was -30000K
I’ve been up for 3 hours also. 45 minutes of which was spent driving here so I could sit here and be tired.
I have over 1000 items in my feed reader.
Gotta love Friday morning catching up.
Anyway if you start nitpicking the science…go and pick on a much easier target..Star Wars..
If I am being honest…
I actually do love it.
There is very little about my job that I don’t love.
Maybe the drive – but even that’s pretty cool because I get 45 minutes of Harry Potter listening pleasure.
How about Eureka?
Glad you’re still liking your job, Cj.
Hubby has about the same length commute, he listens to a lot of audio books as well.
I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about the circumstances in which we allow for “bad science” in fiction to occur. This is certainly not specific to Dark Star. In general, if we see a movie that isn’t magic/fantasy based, most of us have a tendency to nitpick about things that get physics wrong. Yet, I’ve never seen someone come out of Superman, or The Hulk, or any other superhero movie complaining about the physics of the superpower of flight, or even the super power that allows Bruce Banner’s pants to stretch to super size so that they don’t have to show us the hulk’s super-sized green schlong. I know that there are articles out there (e.g., Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex) that address the issues. However, I’ve never seen anyone watch a superhero movie and just cringe during the movie and say “if he really tried to run that fast, friction would burn him to a crisp. This is stupid.” Why do superheroes get such a pass from good physics?
And while we’re on the topic of superheroes, why do we still allow such a pass on crappy “disguises” for secret identities. Superman disguises himself with a pair of glasses. Most disguise themselves as superheroes with a mask over the eyes. When comics were young, I could understand it. But, why do we still let comics get away with that sort of thing.
Compressed water
To nail my colours to the mast, I havevto admit I generally don’t nitpick if I find the film enjoyable.
Agreeing with UH and Van right now.
Ok, done agreeing… now in search of ice.
I’m with Vanamonde. I tend to take a movie for what it is. They’re less enjoyable if I have to analyze them.
I have to clean the bathroom. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it :ninja:
Put your mast away, Van. I dont care what colour it is.
Why oh why didn’t I just call in sick?
Me too. Im sorry work sucks so bad Ess.
I think the earliest I can remember seeing people do this was in the Superman movie where he flew around the world in the opposite direction really fast and made time run backwards. People were really upset about the bad science of this, but not with any of the bad science that allows the color of a sun to allow super strength, or the ability to fly, or the other bad science that goes into creating superpowers. What’s worse is that I was one of the people upset about that I’m griping about.
Thank you, dear. I’m more tired that feeling the work suck. Cranky!
“Work Suck”
Spellwight is in Colorado, tweeting and facebooking about who she might get to visit while she is there…
What’s she doin’ here, Cj? I don’t know her very well . . .
I know she won’t be visiting me 🙁
Nobody comes to Canada… except maybe someone Van knows who might be visiting Manitoba polar bears (I’m assuming that’s why you asked a few days ago Van)
She’s be traveling across country and she’s on her way back.
Bunny, I might get up to your hood one of these days. My brother-out-law and his family live in Hobbema. We might make a trip in the next few years, and I’m definitely coming to see you if we do.
I debating on getting a new desk today. I need one, but it’s a matter of whether or not I get it today.
I also need to find someplace to get good pop. The place I used to get it doesn’t sell it any more. I’m almost out and we have people coming over for gaming tonight.
I haven’t decided if I want to get (and put together) a desk and search for pop today. Maybe just one or the other.
EssBee, my guest room is always ready for you and Sly B. :happy:
It’s was for me and my sister TEB, she wanted to go this year but I can’t get my holidays changed so it will have to be next year now.
Right back atcha, Bunny and Mr. Bunny.
So pop doesn’t equal soft drink?
Manitoba! You’re coming to Canada and will be soooo far from me? Why not the Rocky Mountains? Banff is really nice. Or Canmore. You can then go to the Tyrell and see dinosaurs! 😉
I’d love to see Canada someday, especially the part with the cutest bunny.
Pop is a soft drink here. It’s also what you do to balloons and bubbles.
*hugs to Cj and EssBee* :kissing:
Just don’t visit in the height of winter. I won’t drive the highways, especially in the mountains, in the snow and ice.
I don’t “do” snow.
Snow and cold are four letter words, not to be said in polite company.
Says the girl who lives in CALGARY!!
UsedHair: About science in movies: I only nitpick when a movie presents itself as “realistic”. Take Deep Impact vs Armageddon. I’d be far more critical of science in Deep Impact because it tries to be serious about it. That’s less of a problem with Armageddon, and even though the science is atrocious in it–urgh! Don’t get me started!–I can still enjoy it as a mindless action-adventure movie. Besides, Peter Stormare as Lev was awesome. 🙂
B-Movies rarely ever take themselves seriously. They are camp and meant to be enjoyed, not analyzed. Roger Corman movies are great examples.
Superhero movies are somewhat similar: they are set in a world where our physics don’t apply. If you can’t get past that then you’ll drive yourself crazy picking apart the illogic in Superman, Batman, etc.
The girl from Calgary keeps her house set at 23C (73.4F). Hubby always wears shorts in the house.
don’t “do”
Doobie doobie do
” ” ‘ do ‘ ” “
BTW, I never really liked 2001. It puts me to sleep. Every time.
Its not that good ditto. “Ahead of its time” and all. But not real good.
I tend to judge a movie based on the rules it sets up for itself. I’ll totally buy into a world of make believe physics that don’t contradict the premise as told by the story. So it did bother me during the first season of Heroes were Peter needed the aid of his flying brother to dispose of the bomb, when it was already established that Peter absorb the ability to fly from his brother earlier. But if in the Dark Star world, planets occasionally fly out of their orbit and into their suns causing them to explode, well maybe they do in “that” universe. LOL
Rhettro: I’d agree with that. The reality should be consistent with what the world building set it up as. It’s the inconsistencies, the dumb stuff, that throw me out of the movie.
I read the book before seeing the movie “2001” so that gave me enough backstory to enjoy it. Otherwise I don’t think I would have. My father, on the other hand, loved the movie without having read the book, saying that there was enough things visually present to tell the story. I think that movie “Moon” did a better job of that.
LMAO: Catwoman, Julie Newmar, wearing a Harajuku Love shirt.
Harajuku is considered the fashion center of Tokyo.
She doesn’t look happy.
I don’t think I’ve seen 2001. Knowing myself, though, if it’s boring, I wouldn’t make it through anyway!
Yep, inconsistencies. That’s what gets under my skin as well ditto.
actually, she looks terrified.
Wow, she still has a figure. Go Cat Woman!
“Van starts nearly 12 grass fires”
Oh, Kat Von D . . .
Kat told People that she thinks Jesse is “The One.”
“Jesse is only my ninth boyfriend. I don’t hang out with anybody unless I am in love,” she said.
Hmmmmm…… really? Methinks youre getting 2 “L” words confused, honey.
Kat, Jesse is a Nazi. Just FYI.
Jesse ain’t looking too hunky these days either, imo.
I did see a Discovery Channel show a few years back debunking the poor comic book science, basically disproving the possibility for a being like the Hulk to even displace mass like that, in such large amounts, debunking Spider-Man’s superstrong, superthin webs, etc.
He clearly has a “type” as well.
Yeah hes gross.
I actually really like Kat. She’s a brilliant business woman and does amazing portraits.
With poor taste in men?
Yes. I think boyfriend #8 was Nikki Sixx.
CP: The Good Life — Cracker
I thought it was Alex ‘Orbi’ Orbison. Maybe he was #7. she goes thru em like water it seems.
Why the hell do I know this…..
Why the hell *do* you know that Lo? 😉
*sobs* Google made me do it!
I admit it, I watch L.A. Ink.
Thats supposed to be a good show. Ive never seen it.
justa JOe, your comment on Dark Star cracked me up because every time I think of the film (of which I only saw a few minutes), I think of the song. Twisted minds think alike, bro.
Well Bunnies are all very nice, but I want to see Polar Bears that are not in a Zoo.
I like the advice on the Churchill site, if you run into a Polar bear out in the wild then:
Don’t run
Don’t play dead
So today I saw ‘The Secret in Their Eyes’ which was rather good and didn’t deserve me dosing off for 5 minutes in the middle.
Off to South Dakota for the weekend. Later, no good mutha bitches!
Big Trouble in Little South Dakota.
Have fun, LP.
Have fun Lo!
Will he be taking the Porkchop Express?
Oh crap. I forgot to take something out for dinner.
This is the strangest life I’ve ever known.
Well, Jack then you haven’t met MINE!
Oh wait… yes you have.
Something you’ll rarely hear me say… this may be the first and last time…
But dang..
I think I need a massage.
I don’t like massages, but seriously.. my shoulders could use some rough-lovin’ right now…
You offering? 😉
And we’re off!
Everyone have a great, safe US holiday weekend.
I should be back on tomorrow.
You too!
Cj, oh my . . .
Let me think about . . .
Have fun storming the weekend!
Essbee – I had hoped to subvert the entire deadpan and get that song stuck in EVERYONE’s cpimm ! 😀
Hey Pan
I have no comment on Kat Von D’s personal life but she has some amazing makeup I have to say.
When I first saw her line of makeup announced, I scoffed at it. She’s a tattoo artist not a makeup artist, who cares???
But then I freelanced at Sephora for a while and they had this wonderful room I truly truly miss where you can go and take samples of almost anything. So I picked up some of her concealer and liquid eyeliner and I am totally addicted.
and I also discovered L’Occitane this way too
If any of you lady panitas out there have ever struggled with finding a good moisturizer… omg.
They are expensive, but seriously you only use a tiny amount of product and the stuff is made by french skin gods. I swear it.
Everything they make is amazing. Foot and hand lotion, face moisturizer. They have this amazing sensitive skin relief stuff. I use it for around my eyes.
sorry I have once again swooned about make up on Deadpan
A big sale on the app store:
back to Kat Von D
Amazing tattoo artist, but if I remember from Miami Ink she was kinda a spoiled brat
Hi Van!
I’ll have to check out that app sale! 🙂
night pan
good morning van
TSH – there can never be too much swooning over makeup.
My entire being goes into a sort of jelly-like existence when I get within 20 feet of Sephora….
Then it’s as though invisible taffy-pullers are yanking my body into the store… I really don’t even have the will to put up a fight.
I do not understand the makeup conversation, but am a sucker for a good moisturizer.
Agree – Kat Von D is an amazing artist. She is a brat, but I wouldn’t mind letting her tattoo me.
We’re off to re-celebrate Sly B’s birthday with my folks, along with their anniversary.
The 13 books people say they’ve read but haven’t:
I’ve read 8 of these; will likely never read the other 5 – As I Lay Dying makes my top 20 all time favorite novels. I did earn a Master’s in American Lit, so have an excuse.
I love it when Jack digresses.
Van sounds pretty swoonworthy too.
I may listen to this one a few times.
I love the way Van says, “Makin’ a sandwich.”
So I’ve read only 2 on that list (A Christmas Carol and A brief History of Time).
I thought I understood the latter..which probably means I really didn’t
Now if you want obscure:
Hey Pan
I’ve read two books on the list and attempted and third but never finished it (Moby Dick). I take umbrage at them saying I would lie about reading those books. I’m not ashamed to say I have or haven’t read a book. I take pride in the fact I’m a boorish lout :happy:
Now, where’s my pipe and cognac?
Ooooh, I remember reading that book, Van.
(kidding, never heard of it 😉 )
That was my quick pop in for the day. Now to relax and enjoy the long weekend.
Later Pan.
Does beer count as a moisturizer?
Big project weekend.
I’ve read none of those books.
I’ve read “1984” at least 4 times though..
and “Lord of the Flies” twice
So, I think I spend my time re-reading things I’ve already read instead of reading new stuff.
EssBee: I’ve read 5.
Van: Looks like a good book to pick up. I’ve read some similar things, but I still enjoy reading some good technical books.
Just finished putting the first coat of varnish on our dining room window frame.
Oooooooooh. Look at the pretty colours. 🙂
I must freely admit to having actually read none of those. At least two I’d never heard of before seeing them on this list. Have seen movie versions of a a few of them.
I read Don Quixote, A Brief History of Time, Moby Dick, A Christmas Carol. I would really like to read The Name of the Rose.
My big project for this weekend consists of writing a novel… novella… thing. I don’t know how long this story will go, but I’ve been planning to write it this weekend for an entire month now.
Does it count if you have read the script for a Christmas Carol ?
Then I guess I’ve read none of these.
My big project … THE GARAGE! *dum dum dummmmmm*
Getting some cabinets next week so I have to move the “stuff” that is in the way.
Over a decade worth of “stuff”. 🙁
I’ve spent the last hour setting up a stereo system out there.
This job is going to require some MAJOR tuneage.
I wonder what the sci-fi version of that list would be. For starters we would have to get rid of the “claim to have read” part. Geeks are far too aware that other will crucify them if they claim to have read books that they haven’t. I think we should change it to either
a: The top 10 sci-fi books that people quote from, but have never read (Dune would be at the top of that list for me)
b: The top 10 pieces of great science fiction literature that most geeks have only seen the movie of (Dune would be at the top of that list for me)
I should get bonus points for reading Battlefield Earth and while I may not have read A Christmas Carol, I have seen Scrooged multiple times.
Now that I think about it, list b would could be simplified down to a list of Phillip K Dick books.
I have the song “Holy Diver” on repeat in my brain. Apparently I’ve been down too long in the midnight sea. Oh what’s becoming of me?
I agree, UsedHair. I’d be much more interested in a Sci-fi (and Fantasy) edition of such a list.
I’d certainly have a better chance of having read some of them.
Alright, so the new version of Digg seems to have gone a pissed everyone off and people say Reddit is the place to go now. One of the tech podcasts I listen to said that commenters on Reddit were more useful and helpful.
I’ve been poking around Reddit for the last few days and I can’t say that commenters there aren any more or less likely to be douchebags than they are on Digg.
Ed, I know Reddit is the site that does the comments for the Loaded Dice strip that my Boo does the artwork for (blatant plug http://www.rdinn.com/comic.php). the people of Loaded Dice are very hit and miss with Reddit and are of the opinion most of the commentators are from people who aren’t into D & D
commentators = comments
Something to play with:
Re: Beer as moisturizer:
Hugh recommends soaking in a beer filled bath once a week. It is how he keeps his skin so glowing and soft.
Re: Sephora
CJ we are Sephora soul sisters. I have the same problem.
To Justa j0e
Good luck with your garage project
To Amy Bowen
Good luck with your writing
To ditto swooon
Stop sniffing varnish! You’ll kill brain cells 🙂
Hugh sez: I love the smell of varnish, painting oils, paints, gesso, pastels, gauche, printing ink. Swooon indeed.
I admit to loving the smell of all of those things and photo chemicals too.
I love how after a good painting session the house would smell of paint for days. I miss that 🙂 swoon indeed 2
Re 13 books
Canterbury Tales
Hugh: yay Dre: yay
we bought an illustrated version of this on our honeymoon when we were in London and we both read it.
Democracy in America
Hugh: nay Dre: nay
Hugh: yay Dre: yay
Christmas Carol
Hugh: yay Dre: yay (if listening to it counts)
Hugh read Christmas Carol to 1 set of his nieces and nephews who were staying with us for a time. That was how I read it. I hadn’t read it before then.
Satanic Verses
Hugh: nay Dre: yay/nay- read half
I read it to see what all the hoopla was about and it lost me. Never passed it on to Hugh to read.
Moby Dick
Hugh: yay Dre: yay
I love that book!!
A Brief History of Time
Hugh: nay Dre: nay
Infinite Jest
Hugh: nay Dre: nay
The Name of the Rose
Hugh: nay Dre: nay
In Search of lost time
Hugh nay Dre nay
Don Quixote
Hugh yay Dre yay
As I Lay Dying
Hugh nay Dre nay
War and Peace
Hugh yay Dre nay
anyone here set up your iTunes Ping account?
Don’t bother. It gets a big Smarty Hottie: BOO!!!!
Only 2 of the many bands I would follow were on it
Madonna and Nine Inch Nails
Big boo iTunes
They didn’t even have New Order, or Skinny Puppy, or Twilight Singers or Sleigh Bells or many others I searched for.
and no offense to my sweet Trent Reznor, but his other band How To Destroy Angels has a Ping page but Skinny Puppy doesn’t??
C’mon now. wtf?
So now my Ping Artists list consists of:
Trent Reznor
How To Destroy Angels
that is not acceptable by my standards.
Although I appreciate that Trent’s band are totally represented. I heart him.
Ok wait Hugh pointed out something
wethinks the artist has to make their band page.. interesting.
Cuz like Trents pages he has all these comments and stuff on. So he probably made the Trent and HTDA pages. Madonnas page just says she hasn’t added anything. I think it would be up to the artist to maintain it.
Or in Madonnas case her minions would update it 🙂
I would be Madonnas Ping updater minion
Hugh sez: no, you are my minion woman!
Yes my lord. I am sorry. *eye roll*
Hugh My Lord sez: don’t roll your eyes at your lord!
My Lord and I are calling it a night
night pan
night mush
night Trent swoon
all in favor of Jack Mangan making himself a Ping page say yay
Hugh: yay
Dre: yay
The Ataris that never got off the drawing board:
Doesn’t just happen in the USA:
The guy who does podcast 411 was asking podcasters to setup ping accounts.
So that’s a Yah from me!
The tech podcasts that I follow have been thoroughly unimpressed with Ping after trying it for the lat few days. Apparently one big problem is Apple put in no provisions for dealing with SPAM comments and the Spammers have turned it into a litterbox.
Starshipsofa won the Hugo..woot!
I don’t know what Ping is.
I don’t want to Google it.
I want to go back to bed.
To sleep perchance to dream….
Stupid brain wouldn’t fall asleep last night. I get up at 4 fricken a.m. so I can be here at work by 5:30 fricken a.m. and at 11 fricken p.m. I’m looking at the clock thinking “why the frick am I still awake”
My brain sure is stupid for being as smart as I’m supposed to be.
Now THIS is FUN and a little addictive…
You have put the word “farts” in the box (see previous link) even though it seems childish (which it is) it’s so funny!
I’m 12
A blog post about a couples visit to an arcade museum in Moscow:
Awesome post, Van.
I’m just not a huge Sheryl Crow fan. Dan likes when I sing that one song of hers at karaoke… the one that repeats entirely too much.
Crap… what’s it called? Something about Sunshine… ummm
Soak up the Sun.. that’s the one.
I want to Ping you like an animal.
I wonder if “Ping” will get a 404 on Cj’s bear site. . .
I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind
And sometimes I get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes, clear your heart
Cut the cord
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I’m on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Hear my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could
And so long to devotion
You taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye, wish me well
You’ve gotta let me go
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I’m on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight
There is no message we’re receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I’m on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
You’ve gotta let me know
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I’m on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
CD: – THE weekend project.
Day 2
Black Sheep – Metric
Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when
Our common goal was waiting for the world to end
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip, shapeshifting trick, the past again
i’ll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, everytime, everyone, ooo, pulls away, ooo
From you
Got balls of steel, got an automobile, for a minimum wage
Got real estate, I’m buying it all up in outerspace
Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend
You crack the whip, shapeshifting trick, the past again
I’ll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, everytime, everyone, ooo, pulls a way, oo
Mechanical bull, the number one
You’ll take a ride from anyone, everyone wants a ride,
pulls away, oooh from you
CR: Scott Pilgrim and the Infinite Sadness
TSH: Thank you! I wrote about 1,000 words yesterday. It would have been more, except that one of my friends invited me to go to Disneyland, so I did.
I have read excerpts from Don Quixote, but that’s it for me from that list. 🙁
1K !!!
Good going Amy!
“except that one of my friends invited me to go to Disneyland”
I soooo wish that was a common euphemism.
Like say, “I am so tired today. I was going to turn in early last night except this girl I know invited me to go to Disneyland.”
I am going to take issue with the fact that Amy writes
“invited me to go to Disneyland, so I did.”
in the same post as a 🙁 face….
Those two things do not belong together.
Oh! Flarbengarble! Now I’ve gone and done the same thing!
*hangs head*
CP: Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne
I :wub: this song.
You aren’t alone in that regard Cj.
There is also a nice cover of that song in ‘Elite Beat Agents’ for the NDS.
Decaying socialist monuments in Bulgaria:
A web comic to check out:
Good morning, my lovable Deadpanites!
May your day be free from labor!
Hah! At work…
Definitely not a manic Monday….
I’m at work to, my loves!
Work is a nice place.
I’m calling in a dumb ass memory right NOW..
How excited are you about that? hmm?
dumb ass memory has been mumbled into the deadpan voicemail.
Would that be a mumble-ass memory?
Anyway, I’m off to hit the road again. The journey sucks, but assuming that my children are there at the end, it’s worth it.
Have a great day, amigos. :rock:
I mean, :metal:
Ugh, worked Friday night (time & 1/2) and last night (double time) and continuing on rest of week as normal. Kind of shot some of the weekend plans down. Had a good time at Renaissance Festival on Saturday, and at friends’ place Saturday night overnight.
But then slept most of yesterday instead of State Fair, and about to sleep a good chunk of the rest of today.
CP: You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ – Judas Priest
I’m gonna need 12 minutes after this one…
Cj: LOL! No, they don’t belong in the same post. Saturday was a very :happy: day. The rest of today is going to be full of more writing. (Between church and visiting friends, the only writing that happened yesterday was on an unrelated project.)
I never expected the Manic Street Preachers to cover Umbrella, but the harder aspect of this song works well to tone down the sugary aspect of the original.
At last, my many labors are done for the day. Time to kill darkspawn.
Not sure I like the way Don’s character arc is going this season of Mad Men.
I see “wrote” and then a number, I think of NaNoWriMo and begin to shake violently.
Hoping :jack: ‘s day is going well…
Don has always been living on the edge of “This can’t end well.”
Due to technical difficulties I have to wait until tomorrow to see the last 10 minutes of the latest episode. Have to say that it didn’t appear things were going to end on a good note.
Goodnight, :weirdal:
That was a nice long weekend. I assembled a loft bed on Friday and… I don’t think I actually did anything at all the rest of the time.
I’ve read Moby Dick (detested the chapters with no story) and Don Quixote (wasn’t as amusing as I’d been expecting) but I’ve never even heard of half the books on that list.
The closest I’ve come to reading the Canterbury Tales is Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Which is to say, not close at all.
So for the first time since Grosse Point Blank I’m off to the cinema to see a film I’ve seen before.
Back in the saddle again. At least it’s a short week…
What Ed said…
The leaves are starting to fall from the trees in the neighbourhood. *sigh* I guess summer’s over.
I sent my hubby an e-mail this morning. The content wasn’t important but he replied with a head scratch, I signed it “love mom”. I think I need to wake up.
Yah to the end of summer!
Scott Pilgrim was great second time around.
Although there was a young couple making out right next to me.
I’m beginning to wonder if I act like catnip in cinemas…
Vanamonde, makes people frisky at the movies :cheerful:
Sure is quiet in the Pan today.
Catching up:
I tried to read Moby Dick in high school, but stumbled on the highly stylized prose of the old time sailor. It wasn’t for me.
Watched lots of movies via Netflix this weekend, notibly “The Proposal”, “Paranormal Activity”, “Screamers” and “The Ice Harvest”. “The Proposal” was light weight fun, if a bit predictable. “Paranormal Activity” was creepy, but pretty low budget. “Screamers” was pretty good actually, although a few scenes had characters acting pretty irrationally to the point that it took the viewer out of the movie. And the “Ice Harvest” was interesting if a bit pointless. I mainly liked it for its location, Wichita.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Screamers but I do have Screamers 2 on my DVR ready for me to watch.
Speaking of sequels, I also have The Descent 2 on my DVR. Over the weekend our local Sci Fi channel (called Space) showed Descent as one of it’s weekend movies. Hubby and I thought that was great, we’d watch Descent on Space than watch the sequel I had on the DVR after. Did you know SyFy did a cheesy movie called Descent with Luke Perry. We didn’t until this weekend. We were very disappointed. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0437152/)
(correct grammar as you see fit on my last post. After rereading I realized wording and punctuation needs help :happy: )
Hey guy’s, how – – –
– – – Oh sorry, that was my head exploding. I’ll clean it up.
ewwww, there are brain bits everywhere 😉
Jack, sorry for my rambling on my 60 lines. Ummm. Yeah.
Rambling makes for great outtakes 🙂 No worries.
I’m still hoping to put together some of the 60L2 outtakes before 60L3 releases. . .
Just an FYI Jack, I got two copies of your e-mail reply. Don’t know if it’s my end or yours but thought I’d let you know.
A girlfriend of mine told me she’s coming over in about half an hour to take me away from all this for lunch. Now I’m hungry.
There’s a Screamers 2? I may have to check it out.
Rhettro, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1214983/
Haven’t seen it yet. Like I said, waiting in my DVR.
Lunch Time!
Or were you referring to this Screamers http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0823668/
In which case, I take everything back.
No, not that one, even though I can see why you may suspect it. LOL
CP: Twilight Zone — Golden Earing
In defense of Happy Days’ “Jump The Shark” episode:
todays rant at the world –
Please world … if you have some information that your really NEED me to know, that you expect me to act on … would you please PLEASE just send it to me in a text file or at least html?
If you are just going to automatically assume that not only do I have the software package that you used to make this data “pretty” but that I have the same operating system as you AND a compatible version of the software itself … you have failed before you have even begun.
Thanks world.
Ah, the jump the shark episode. I agree that the JTS episode didn’t mark the series decline, but rather when Ron Howard left. Although I think that the JTS episode is noteworthy because it was a cliff hanger episode and the prior year’s episode, Fonzie jumped his motorcycle over something. So the the jump the shark episode seemed like a retread of the motorcycle episode. But the commentor doesn’t have anything else to say about that, other than he went on to write for “Family Matters.” *shudder*
Persons Unknown ended on a damp squib, with no real answers.
Spent Thursday driving to Augusta, GA and back (called in a p-b-p of thoughts on the road) to pick up my son, his fiance and her daughter. Spent yesterday driving my son, daughter-in-law and my granddaughter back to Augusta, GA. Arrived home at 5am today. The rest of the day has been spent de-addling the brain.
And don’t think the irony is lost that I took three vacation days around Labor Day weekend, drove to GA on Thursday – home from GA on Monday night, spent lots of money that I didn’t really have… and DIDN’T GO TO DRAGONCON!!!!!
Sorry, brain is still a mess.
UsedHair, then I hope your trip had far fewer furries involved.
Amen to that, Jack!
Hopefully my domestic fellows did alright on the return to work today.
Mine went pretty well until this afternoon. Took my car to the dealer after work to drop it off for service tomorrow and pick up and loaner (lord, what awful grammar). Well, as usual they need a copy of my driver’s license and proof of insurance.
Go to the glove box, pull out insurance card. Expired in April. D’oh!
Call insurance company to get proof of current insurance emailed to the service adviser. And we wait…..
Call my wife at home to see if she can find the new cards and to fax a copy. Dealer fax machine gives a busy signal. Service adviser checks and it looks like all the fax machines are down.
Ask her to scan and email to the adviser. She does and copies me. Get my copy on my phone. Nothing on the adviser. I forward to another adviser and he doesn’t get it either.
We eventually conclude that a nearby lightning strike that occurred about an hour before I came in must have screwed with their system.
After all this process of discovery, the manager gives the adviser approval to let me take the loaner anyway.
A comedy/tragedy of errors all around. But, I did finally manage to get on with my evening.
When standard chess is just no longer a challenge..there is Quantum Chess:
Ed, if that was a comedy, it didn’t sound very funny. Although, I suppose it could have gone worse.
Goodnight :AdamSandler:
Van: Don’t play that chess anywhere near the LHC.
Interesting take on old stadiums:
OK, I’m going!
Yup. That’s creepy.
Indeed. Hundreds of millions owed for facilities that don’t even exist anymore. That’s some fine work there.
Hey Pan.
Went on FaceBook this morning. Realized it’s been months and months since I was on. Discovered I didn’t miss it so I deactivated my account. Most people know how to get a hold of me anyway. *shrug* I guess the novelty wore off a long time ago.
Oooooh I salute you TEB.
I still it useful for keeping in contact with people.
Nah. I found I know pretty much every’s e-mail anyway so if I want to talk to them, I’ll pop them a note on my own. If it’s a Deadpanite and I don’t know their e-mail (which is very few) then I’ll post something here. Otherwise, there’s the phone or Skype too. How many ways do I need to keep tabs on people?
there comes a point where it start coming eerily close to stalking 😉
/strokes non existent goAtee
Would be a change to be stalked
Oh, oh, oh – I’ll stalk you Van! 👿
Damn nomicons :devil:
Would you prefer corn or brain?
I also stick with FB to keep up with people. I love seeing the crazy stuff my teen nieces and nephews say, and love to see their pictures. And stalking Van.
CP: A Maze — Ume
The view of the smoke from the Boulder fire is quite spectacular from my office window.
Does it affect your air quality, EssBee? This summer Calgary had a lot of air quality warnings due to mountain fires.
CP: Running With Scissors — Estel
Yes, it does, Bunny. It smells like smoke inside!
hay pan
still in lurker mode because of work busyness but I thought you all might like my new desktop background
Nice, reaper!
Do you all ever have workdays where only one hour in you feel like throttling most people in your line of sight?
EssBee, Not at my new job. I love my new job and the owner is awesome.
One example if his awesomeness:
He has 2 sets of 4 season tickets for the Packers and gives at least one set away to an employee every game. I got a set for the 19th. He told me to take my family before my son goes to basic training for the air force.
That’s awesome, reaper. My boss is cool – I like him a lot. But the dozens of fools I deal with on a daily basis = not cool.
reaper: nice!
I just got back from grocery shopping. It’s pouring like crazy out there. Now I’m cold and wet.
Well, it *is* part of character creation. 😉
Glad to see you back, reaper! Cool wallpaper and cool about the Packers tix.
*towels off the wet bunny*
Thanks Jack. Now I’m all poofy.
In that case, I’ll hold off on using the hair dryer. . .
It’s the only one I could find quickly
Fill your boots with oldie comics:
I don’t know about you, Van but i prefer to read my comics, not stuff them in my footwear. :cheerful:
So Apple’s servers must be getting a hammering, version 4.1 is alive for download and still have an hour to wait for downloading completion…sheeesh.
CP: Mind Heist (Inception Trailer Music) — Zack Hemsey
what you see if you seriously play packman:
Well the update to 4.1 went well. Any DPers who sign up for Game Center I’m Vanamonde on there.
Heh there is a plus side to humanity screwing up the climate…if you are Canadian:
ZP takes a dump on Kane and Lynch 2:
< Drive-By >
Just stopping in to say hi. I’ve been extremely busy and haven’t had time to catch up.
Not seeing it happen in the near future either.
Hope everyone’s doing well.
Later :pan:
< /Drive-By >
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s ! !
CP: Worried Life Blues — B.B. King & Eric Clapton
CP: Into My Arms — Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Just got some good health news about a dear friend, so WHEW.
ditto: I have the Inception movie soundtrack, but they didn’t put the trailer music on it (which is sad, because the trailer music is awesome). Where and how did you get a copy of it?
Just installed iTunes v10.0. They changed all the icons, including the one in the desktop shortcut to the program. I liked the old program icon better, but I like the new internal icons (like the ones next to the titles of playlists).
I believe that garbled text on the Pac-Man screen is actually a coded message that says, “Go find something better to do.”
(As if I didn’t spend countless hours on Kid Icarus)
wacka wacka
And speaking of Duke Nukem, these horse dicks aren’t going to blow themselves.
I made rice pancakes for dinner.
I forgot how good they are.
Then again… I’m not even sure I’m doing it right. I do everything *my* way after all.
similar to this but not exactly.. I just did it from memory
Looks like a job for Mega Maid!
fyi – my comment was meant for Rhettro. I even hit reload before posting!
I haven’t had any alcohol in like… well over a month…
OK, Ed. I thought you might have been commenting on the messes you’ve seen in my kitchen. :tongue:
Curse you, Wil Wheaton!!!
Following the trail of linkages from WW’s tumblr leads to idjits on reddit calling the girl “fat”.
WTF? Seriously? Bah. Humans.
Sadly no Titan, Atlas, Entertaining Comics, or National Allied Publications comics at the Digital Comic Museum.
re: comments on reddit
Just another reason to eschew social media.
Ever better, an opportunity to use the word “eschew”.
Don’t mommy birds eschew things up before they give them to their babies?
for you to read
a link i did share
The funny 404 error list missed my favorite one of all time: