Relaxed Show Notes.
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #148: A Hammock Between Palm Trees
Jack Mangan wants our full attention
Promo – Cybrosis (
Broken Lyrics Challenge
Partial winner for last challenge – reaper
Usedhair gives us some dirty lyrics
Sponge Bob Deadpan
The Energizer Bunny continues shopping from last week
Duel of the Fates – Buzz Lightyear vs. Bilbo Baggins
Special guest Love Prowess announcer – Cj
And … as Bilbo
Usedhair with more dirty lyrics
More shopping with The Energizer Bunny
Greasy Nipples
Cj (first comment of the week)
Justa J0e
Jeremy from Seattle
The Energizer Bunny
Nomad Scry
Amy Bowen with her NaNoWriMo earbud list
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music: “Deadpan is the Way”
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Is it just me or is this particular week really dragging on? Tired on top of tired.
This is a particularly excellent Picard:
It is Ash! Hahaha!
Seven, seven, seven.
Eight is Great!
Go Itunes! Here comes the Mangan!
I in TEN to listen today.
I have the episode but iTunes has been updating the library for 20 minutes so i can’t listen.
did my comment go all the way to 11?
NS: That Ash costume picture was taken at I-CON (a convention on Long Island in NY). I remember that guy.
Usedhair: Good, bad, he’s the guy at I-CON?
BLC: Oooo, oooo, oooo, Mr. Kotter, Mr. Kotter!
#1 is Brick in the Wall Part 3, by Pink Floyd
The Picard in the above link, NS, was at both of the Trek conventions I attended. He also has an amazing Locutus of Borg costume. I met him and he’s an extremely nice guy.
The fact that he naturally looks like Patrick Stewart really makes the costume.
Morning Pan!
My favourite thing of the year was…. Deadpan!!! 😉
Actually meeting some of the Deadpan peeps in September was one of my highlights of the year.
My plans for today:
Work (blech)
Shovel the sidewalk when the sun comes up (also blech)
Go to the dentist after lunch – Cracked a filling so it has to be repaired (more blech)
I think I need more fun in my day.
It’s a balmy 6F here this morning. Toasty.
Cj, *swoon* for your love prowess reading!
Jack, I might have been in the bath.
EssBee, you win. I didn’t realize it was Cj.
Now if I can only figure out who played Bilbo at the Beach…
aww thanks EssBee 🙂
I had intangibles and everything for Buzz I was going to call in, but my new job has me running crazy.
I’d just like to share that we had our Final yesterday and I scored 2nd highest on the test. I missed a partial point. I know what I missed and I hemmed and hawed about the answer and just wound up choosing the wrong one – dammit! But… that being said, a partial point from 100% is nothing to sneeze at.
I don’t remember what I posted last night in my drug-induced haze, and too lazy to look, so if I repeat myself, sorry.
I start taking inbound phone calls today! I’m so excited! For those that don’t know, I’m doing inbound tech and sales support.
I have a doctor appointment in the morning tomorrow to see what the next step is on my knee. (no pun intended)
Crutches are teh suck, but my abs and arms are getting a good workout.
Off to the shower I go!
Bilbo at the Beach – Hmm My money is on PC Haring…
I did not play Bilbo on the Beach. Nor Mimi for that matter. I figured two major artists and one major cliche would yield BLC results.
(Now, just what did I mean by cliche???)
14 degrees. With windchill its -1. Happy boy, Lo Pan is not.
Time for Deadpan to warm Lo Pan’s cockles.
I have some Google wave invites if anyone is interested just email me.
reaperttii at gmail
woh, cockle warming is that an extra charge?
maybe a job for Sally?
Okay, I suddenly have a whole pile of invites as well…
reaper – talk to the White Tiger
Jack….may Lo Pan send some apple juice?
Well, I think it’s time to go out into the brr and shovel the walk and driveway.
Wish me luck.
Good luck Bunny, don’t freeze your tail off.
my arms feel like Jello today because of shoveling yesterday. I’m just glad the repair shop was open so I could get the shear pins.
Shout out to ditto: Have you kept up with Top Chef this season?
Work is teh suxxors. 🙁
I haven’t seen last night’s finale.
It is the best season by far. I’ve really enjoyed it and the 4 chefs that I thought were the best, have been.
B – frikken – RRRRRR!
finished shoveling but I don’t know how long it will last. It’s still snowing outside.
Now… Hurry kettle and boil, I need warm tea for my cold insides.
I agree about the 4 chefs. No spoilers from me. I’ll be interested in your thoughts!
I hear ya, TEB. It isn’t as bad here as there, but we hit about 0F/-18C last night.
CD: Cinnamon spice tea
Are we the only two that watch the show? I’m afraid to spoil anything for others. Still, the 4 chefs would be obvious to anyone that watched, so I don’t think the following will spoil anything.
I’ve said since the early episodes that it is Kevin’s to lose. Jen is one of my favorites, but she’s her own worst enemy. Michael makes some incredible dishes, but his arrogance and lack of focus on flavors tends to hamstring him. Bryan is excellent and could take it from Kevin, but I still think Kevin has the edge.
It’s not too bad right now, ditto. It’s -13 (approx 8 1/2 F) but it’s close to -20 C with the windchill
They are, however predicting close to -30 on the weekend.
When my wife, my sister-in-law, and I watch the show, it usually takes well over an hour to watch an episode: we are constantly pausing and discussing what’s going on. I know it has spurred me to improve my cooking. 🙂
TEB: Yeah, it is about the same here, right now. This weekend, however, we are supposed to get more seasonal weather; i.e. around freezing. Sorry you aren’t going to get some warmer weather soon.
I don’t watch the show, so I’m ok with spoilers 😉
Holy crap. Sonic Youth has been around for nearly 30 years.
I think we’re the only ones, ditto.
I love Kevin. He’s my favorite. I always vote for the fat kid! Bryan was my 2nd fave. I agree 100% about Michael. What a dickhead.
We’re expecting 20s today, which is WONDERFUL after the past week. My house is way too cold for my taste.
I just talked to my mom. She’s being released from the hospital tomorrow, which I guess is good news. They haven’t explained her fever, which she said is “better” today.
So, tonight I head to my folks’ house to move in with them until she’s back on her feet. Evil, Inc. goes remote.
Best healthcare system in the world?
Can I add that I have a brother who is a fucking DOCTOR who could be a lot of help and support right now, were he not a complete asshole?
*sending good thoughts and wishes EssBee’s way*
*hugs* EssBee
Think any of the top chefs would make some of this food:,0,1511251.photogallery
Good Luck Essbee!
Currently Reviewing the last year of shows for a “Year in Review” Show.
*hugs* EssBee… *big hugs* *more hugs*
reaper: You haven’t seen the vending machine episodes. 🙂
I don’t see myself eating of those foods in the near future.
ditto: that show sounds better and better.
Thanks, guys.
The show is really fun, reaper, if you are into culinary stuff at all.
Essbee: I love the food network, I’m not big on most reality show but food related ones tend to be better than most. IMO good eats is one of the best show on TV.
Here’s an Evil, Inc. story:
I manage a large group of educational consultants (around 300). One of them – from Chicago – canceled on a school district today because she didn’t have gloves and it’s cold in KC, MO. I got a copy of the email from the customer.
I recall watching one of the food ones a few months ago (it may even have been Top Chef) with interesting challenges and no artificially manufactured drama. The chefs were also actual chefs, not standard vain reality tv attention whores.
BTW: While all of those deep-fried foods should make me cringe, the thought of deep-fried tarantulas makes me want to hurl.
EssBee: Gloves? wow
As a bit of a nitpick, I seem to recall Bilbo not doing very well against the giant spiders . . .
LOL, Johnny.
The love prowess category for poor Bilbo was awesome. “Confirmed bachelor” = LOL
I should have sent in something for Bilbo on intangibles, but I just didn’t think of it.
Gloves are for wimps
Gloves ARE for whimps!
That reminds me of a funny story. I had a hardass friend named Michelle back in my partying days. She was a big trainwreck of a person who was really fun to be around. She used to say, at restaurants and bars, “straws are for pu__ies” which always cracked me up.
I do not advocate calling people the p-word, but still hilarious in the right crowd and a the right moment.
Well Nimoy would have you believe that Bilbo’s an ass-kicking Middle-Earth Steven Seagal.
Me _ ow
Whatever stupid problem my iTunes has been having has been fixed. It caught Deadpan #148 for me. 🙂
“Top Chef” is my favorite reality show and one of the few that I watch. It does not have the artificial drama that most reality shows have. That’s not to say everything is hunky-dory. In some seasons, there has been some interesting smack talk, but that’s about the extent of the drama. Contestants are real working chefs and treat each other as such. You’ll often see them helping each other even when it isn’t in their best interest to do so.
The show is always about the cooking, which is why it has garnered an excellent reputation in the culinary industry; to the point where they could run “Top Chef: Masters”, a season where some of the best chefs in the country competed for charities.
I rarely watch TV. There is too much drivel and I can find better entertainment elsewhere. But, I do set aside time to watch “Top Chef”.
I better listen to this episode!
Downside to posting on the wrong entry: All alone.
Upside: I got teh_nine-hundresies.
BLC: #1 is actually “Another Brick in the Wall (Part 3)” by Pink Floyd. Usedhair had most of it.
I know I know #3, but can’t place it right now.
Next Tues. Chef Ramsey is doing a Cook-a-long. That could actually be fun. Kerry and I may do it.
BLC:#2 – “The Girl from Ipanema”, not sure who original did it But IMHO the best version is by Antonio Carlos Jobim
… but maybe because I already know the words.
Gah, #3 is familiar to me too.
Tall and Tan and young and Lovely
The Girl from Ipanema goes walking
and when she passes
each one she passes goes Ahhh.
yes, even the ladies go “Ahhhh”
I was going to guess G.F.I. too.
She’s just that lovely.
and tan
#3 Looked it up because It was going to kill me. I did know it but couldn’t guess it.
though really, not so young. Which I think actually makes her more “Ahhh-able”.
Lo Pan prefers Girl from Ipanema Goes to Greenland.
I’m sorry.
My mind is stuck in Ipanema.
It’s warm and sunny there.
Okay, now the fuctardbot is giving me crap about my posting.
Fine, I’ll take my warm ocean breeze, fantasy and go home.
How the FUCK was silly fucking Jimmy “Retardo-bot” Kimmel the one to get Jawbox to reunite on is show?
Jesus, after 12 years youd think theyd pick a better fucking way to reunite than on that tubby bastards show.
Discuss – Kim Coletta vs. Kim Gordon vs. Kim Deal. If stuck on a desert island and had to pick one to rock you (in more ways than one) which and why?
Lo Pan needs nourishment now. Back in two and two. Bitches.
Kim Gordon. Although Kim Deal is cooler, for some reason I associate Sonic Youth with crazy and crazy ones are better in the sack.
And I am an ass.
That’s hard Lo Pan. I guess I have to go with Kim Deal cuz I loves me my Pixies and Breeders.
I did get the first 2 BLCs, and I heard the spoiler of the 3rd, which I shoulda known.
Kimchee for lunch, Lo Pan? Can I choose Kim Carnes? All of those options are preferable to Kim Jong Il.
Everyone has the correct answer. Lo Pan is well pleased.
Lo Pan drives a Jeep Kimanchee
FYI… Kim Gordon is 56 years old. Put that in your mind and take it for a spin.
Kim Deal. She’s mine, you mens. Back OFF.
Lo Pan does not drive. That was a falsehood.
I was listening to Episode 39 of Wander Radio…
The Poem – Forever by Arlene Radasky
creepily good…
EssBee may have Kim if Lo Pan can have Kelly Deal. Same thing, really. Cept Kelly has the sweet flavor of heroin.
Kim Possible for me!
Jail time for you!
Link for the poem – Just the poem without those pesky music interludes.,_poetry_and_short_stories/Entries/2009/4/19_Forever_released_again!.html
Lo – I like them short and animated…
Can I just watch as the three of them wrestle about for a bit – then “comfort” which ever one still has any energy left?
Wolf – fitting since Lo likes em tall and boring
J0e – fuck and yes.
Red hair == kryptonite. 🙂
EssBee: No fair!
Red hair = kryptonite = and how
Lo, Deal on the Deals.
Wolf, LOL at Kimpossible.
JOe, as always, I like the way you think.
ditto, sorry!
I went to a Breeders concert once, and acquired a pair of tube socks w/ the band logo on them.
I loved wearing them to the gay bar.
OMFG!!! Right wing nut-fucking-job alert! Watch and weep
also: Pokemon keeps you out of Heaven. Film at 11.
OK EssBee, we’ll handle it as a “Tag Team” match.
Re: youtube vid
‘Cause there just isn’t enough substantive stuff to worry about in this world.
I would add that it’s probably not even fair to stick the “Right Wing” with this one. This sort of thing is it’s own special brand of “Out There”.
Thats why I added “nut-fucking-job”.
Sithspawn! Justa J0e beat me to the answer to Broken Lyric #2, the only one this week I knew.
Jack: Great job on this DotF duel. Loved the use of “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.” 🙂
This should make Jack happy: Brodeur is now tied for the all-time shutout record.
Just got done with Thai lunch. *nom* Kim Gordon is 56?? Now she’s definitely my choice!
Church has been saying poking-men is evil for some time. Uganda is trying to pass a death penalty for being gay now. Srs boo!
Yeah, it’s been pretty amazing to watch Marty’s career. Brodeur and Scotty Stevens were the most important factors in the 3 Devils Stanley Cup wins.
Thank you, Amy. 🙂 Now let’s not mention “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins” again, lest it get stuck in my head.
. . . Too late.
BILL-bo. (Bilbo!)
Bilbo Baggins
King of the Wild Frontier !!!
CP: Binky The Doormat — R.E.M.
Jack: You’re welcome! 🙂 (By the way, you’re not alone – it’s getting stuck in my head, too.)
“Brodeur and Scotty Stevens were the most important factors in the 3 Devils Stanley Cup wins. ”
Member that one time? In 2001? *runs*
Lo Pan has “Half Breed” by Cher stuck in his head. Do not ask Lo Pan why.
Update: CPIMM – “Deadpan Is The Way” by Jack Mangan
Great. Now you have me wondering how many things have gotten stuck in Cher.
I didn’t just post that out loud, did I ?
So I’m told I’m a little too intense.
I just want to growl at somebody…
Wow. Today has been… fun.
Van – The life of a Repoman is ALWAYS intense.
Um….. Its Always Sonny in Cher?
I certainly hope not, since Sonny’s been dead for quite a few years now.
Barzini’s men shot him up at the tollbooth, remember?
Barzini da meanie wont let Sonny use weenie?
erg…*shoots self*
So it looks like I’ll be playing at Brent Spore’s (@iboughtamac) tonight after all, unless the bar owner gets cranky about space…
I’ll be doing a mellow, low-key, instrumental set.
The event will be streamed live on, just like PodcampAZ.
or in this case…mellowin
Steve Stevens however, was the reason for the win in the White Wedding cup.
My mowf ith all futhy. Damn dentith – just in case I’m actually playing.
Just say Novacaine, Bunny.
Thank you to my DPSS! It arrived today. 🙂
<Some Guy Drive By>
Stopping by to say “hey”, because I’ve been effing busy
</Some Guy Drive By>
#placemarker = fuctardbot (this only makes sense to me)
My DPSS outgoing is enroute!
Dom Perignon Serving Set?
“Just add Dom Perignon”
I think the last one is the best one:
DeadPan Secret Service
Don Pardo’s Soggy Shorts?
didn’t promise shit, stupid
EssBee: Holy crap!
I don’t think ditto “gets” this meme.
Did you watch it, ditto?
In cases anyone is interested, Itunes is giving away a Christmas collection they put together:–Amy-Grant–David-Archuleta–Sarah-McLachlan–Rascal-Flatts—and-more
I’m listening through it now. So far, the songs are decent. Nothing that I’d call a standout yet. But, free is free.
RE: Pokemon Preacher
I got the item I ordered for DPSS today. So, tomorrow I’ll be getting it out in the mail. Amazon is the way, or a way, anyway.
“Down periscope!” She said.
Thanks for the iTunes “Heads Up” Ed 🙂
EssBee: Yes. I knew it would be close. I’m a little surprised, but I can’t say I’m too disappointed. They all are great chefs. Still… HOLY CRAP! 🙂
Ed: Thanks for the sampler tip. I’ll give it a listen.
Hectic around here. Cooking for the Christmas party this weekend.
Cj: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. U teh awesome. 🙂
We got emails from 4 different deadpanites in the last couple weeks so I felt compelled to stop by and say HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!
Had some very recent excellent news about Hugh’s progress and we are plugging forward in this land of no snow 🙁
How do you people survive without snow on Christmas??? Thats Un-American!! Its unconstitutional!!!!
Please ship us some snow STAT
Dear Santa
All I want for Christmas is the news stories about Tiger Woods to stop. There are bigger more important problems in the world that I care more about.
Dre unt Hugh
PS and please send snow
Dear Santa
the above letter is from me only.
Hugh would like at least 1 team, just ONE fucking team out of Chicago to do something wonderful, just 1. Any sport. Anywhere.
Dre unt Hugh
*rolls eyes*
To be fair, Lo Pan rolled Lo Pan’s eyes to the Tiger Woods comment, not the one fucking team out of Chicago comment. Lo Pan must distinguish what is important with what is…Tiger.
Lo Pan and his eyes are wise
Tiger is not. He just golfs well.
Dre is resisting a comment about Tiger’s ball handling (golf balls that is)
Cj = BrainFried from training. Send more Red Vines. STAT
ditto: you are very welcome! I was excited to be right that it was you that loved BBT as much as me 🙂
Had to do a manual DL of the DP this week. Very odd.
Also, SHINY!
Yeah the new DP didn’t show up in my iTunes feed either NS.
Morning Pan, today to get through then off for three days..woot!
Hahaha … oh …
I wonder why the enclosure isn’t being, well, enclosed. I can see it on the post, but not in the feed. I wonder if this is a feedburner issue.
The last enclosure in the feed is from Unshow 48: Really Big Unshow.
Eh. At least it isn’t like that whole debacle where the nipples disappeared. I was poking around 48-ish yesterday and wow. All of you must have felt like you’d been punched in the gut. It made me feel sad that it was all just gone.
Re: The Gloves Issue.
1. There aren’t any Walmarts in KS for this person to purchase a new pair of gloves?
2. I start wearing my gloves in September. My hands hurt too much when they get cold to allow the mere chance that it might happen. Everything gets a bit difficult without hands.
Amused by Lo Pan’s rage over Jawbox on Kimmel.
I would use a smirking smiley, but I don’t know what that is.
Kim Coletta vs. Kim Gordon vs. Kim Deal?
I pick Gordon. Because I’ve at least heard the name before. I don’t know who any of them are. Hooray for ignorance!
Hi, TSH! Great to see you here! 😀
Bedtime around here, actually. Night, mush.
Lawls at EssBee’s declaration of ownership.
Ni Ni Amy.
What is this Bilbo Baggins song that is getting stuck in folksies heads?
I’m kidding. I haven’t heard it, but I have heard of it. Which is why I haven’t heard it.
I cannot speak of my DPSS.
*waves at DPSS*
Rom, the 10 year old, tried to “save” a cup of snow two days ago.
1> He tried to save it when we were leaving the house.
2> He never ever remembers to bring things back in from the car.
Maybe next time, I’ll let him. Then we can email it to TSH for their Christmas enjoyment.
Well hello Smarties!
I got tattooed tonight. I’ll post pics when I am all healed up.
CW: Fringe – Grey Matters
Did I mention I DLed JfS’s set yesterday? I got a mite confused when the “50meg” download wasn’t done in a few minutes.
Cj: That guy looks quite a bit like Patrick, but it is the high quality shirt and 3D communicator that sells the image. Nice choice in fabrics.
Heh,did I say 50?? OOps.
Did you give it a listen??
JfS: You said 500-something. I just mis-read/mis-remembered.
I started to listen, but broke off for now. At halfway into the first track, I’d say it sounds mighty nice. *snert*
As usual, another fine Friday is upon us. And starting out with a visit from TSH springs a smile to my face.
It’s not fair that you haven’t been subjected to the same torture as the rest of us 😛
Did I miss the JfS download party?
Ed – no day is ever fine when Lo Pan is sober.
Noooooooooooooooo… Wait, that’s what the fuss was over?
*watches it again*
*watches a different copy*
*watches another copy*
I kinda like this. Nimoy sounds like one of those Welk singers, and the bunny hop dancers are kind of charming.
Lo Pan: JfS download party here:
WHAZZA! Thanks NS. Now, go have your daily allowance of Bilbmoy.
Morning Pan!
I feel like someone has punched me in the jaw this morning.
After reading the posts:
The post office told me the SS gift I sent could take as much as two weeks.
DPSS = drop pants; see stuff
Currently listening to Jack through the
You actually have to just listen to If you watch, you mostly see the chef talking about food. You can still hear Jack in the background, though.
awww. *hugs* for Cj.
What’s wrong?
Maybe this will cheer you up
Or maybe you’ll just groan
Ohhhh, what do you think I could spend this on?
Later this afternoon, we’re supposed to have a repeat of last Friday. Tons of snow, but much, much colder
Thanks, Bunny.
I am having a lot of stupid pain this morning.
I’m just SO done being gimpy. I want my mobility back. I’ll probably feel better after my doctor appointment when I have some answers – if I have some answers.
Fletcher would like me to press the letter Q
(technically he pressed it)
And yet, there’s this little tiny bug flying around the office, doing its best to annoy me.
I think Fletcher did a very fine job at pressing the letter Q
I’m hoping for the best for you Cj.
Thanks! I’ll be fine. My coffee is kicking in and that in and of itself is making me cheerier.
A great big bunny hug for Cj
And another one..
A bunny hug for all
Of course, you shouldn’t really listen to what bunnies say. It’s all haresay.
And of course, the music bunnies play best is hip hop
being an energizer bunny, I have to avoid the law. I could get charged with battery.
What happened when the bunny stepped in a cup of very hot chocolate?
He was a hot crossed bunny 😆
I love you too, Van 😉
With all the mist about, the world looks like Silent Hill..with ‘popup’.
Ok, I have work to do before I go shopping.
That actually sounds cool, Van. It could be very pretty.
Not baking cookies today.
On Monday Christmas starts in our house. I make a big deal of it. The tree goes up, the house gets decorated and I bake gingerbread cookies.
My Boo and some friends usually come over to help decorate the tree, house and cookies!
Being in KS, I think that woman is a complete and utter moron, especially since she’s from Chicago. Like she doesn’t already own a pair of gloves!
So cool to have a TSH sighting!
Usedhair: becareful posting dangerous links like that! We don’t want to encourage people to post Star Wars Holiday Special links here. It is “special” for sure. 😉
I don’t think the sun is going to show its face today 🙁
I think I need to update my shopping list.
How can I make gingerbread cookies without molasses?
Ok, I have groceries to buy. Must get some alcohol for the weekend. Then will come back and hibernate for the rest of the day.
Later Panites
*hugs* to Cj
Our little tabletop tree has been up since Tuesday. We’re very low-key around here.
Cj: Thank you! I forgot I’d put a pot of coffee on.
TEB: Don’t forget, molasses go bad. I learned the hard way and lost a bowl of oatmeal.
JfS: About an hour into the mix. Interesting choices here, especially the Getting Undressed track and the Tinkerbell song. I particularly liked the vocalist around the 30 minute mark and would like to learn more about her. At 52 min, I don’t know who that is, but it -feels- like Tricky.
To be continued?
ditto: Haven’t been to KS, but my one-time impression of Chicago was that it would be a good idea to get the gloves on a string. That way you’ll have them all the time, so when it goes from 80 to 32 in two hours, you will be prepared.
NS: exactly. And we are about an 8 hour drive SW of Chicago. It is almost always colder there.
Lo Pan just finished downloading JfS’s mix.
Also, I’m thinking I received more than i asked for this Xmas. Its beginning to look a lot like chlamydia.
I wish I didn’t have to stay up. Stupid delivery company.
OMFG I forgot about Tweet. Thats good stuff.
Sausage delivery?
Nah. I ordered my wife’s present on Amazon and decided that since it was still November, it would be okay to take the cheapy shipping. Turns out that means that the delivery is ONLY 12-5pm.
I go to bed at 1pm. And after this week, I just want to go to bed an hour ago.
I won’t be taking the cheap shipping on large items again.
NS: 52 min in is “Sid Law” He’s pretty good.
Tweet song = Hudson Mohawk Remix
By the by, Cj’s sultry voice had me a mite confused. I thought it was Cynical Woman for a while. She does the Heat Flash erotica podcast, as well as a dozen other things.
LOL1 everybody. Good times.
LOL2 – Jeremy.
LOL3 – me.
Hudson Hawk remix? LOL4
Cynical Woman is Nobilis’s wife, I believe? (OK now to get caught up)
OOps there goes my cappuccino all over my lap, Oh My!
No time to catch up, but wanted to let you all know that doctor visit was made of WIN!
I’m not going to need surgery! The doc gave me a steroid injection in my knee she says will last a few months and she’s going to find out if this stuff I can’t remember the name of right now will be approved by my insurance for a more permanent fix.
I’m off crutches for now! I promised Dan I’d still take the elevator though 🙂
Hurray for good news!
I think I spend too much on spirits. I hope, despite the snow, we get a good crowd at gaming tonight.
Watch out, CJ is going to go on a Roid Rage Rampage!
spend = spent
Yeah, for Cj!
Glad everything is going to be ok.
While I was at the liquor store, I also picked up a new beer glass to add to the collection we seem to be accumulating
Hubby says he’ll be home early today. Yeah!
(or, since I’m Calgarian, should I actually say Yahoo?)
The mailman just delivered my second Christmas card of the year. Yahoo!
Groceries put away. What now?
I think it’s lunch time.
Sushi calleths.
Awesome news, Cj! You’ll be doing crane kicks again in no time.
And here: Q
That’s for Fletcher.
I need to check out the DJUtopia mix at home. Work might get a little cranky if I download a 500MB file.
Thank you for listening to my noodling, Bunny! I hope your snowstorm isn’t too bad. No gaming tonight, I assume?
Cranky! LOL6
Probably not, Jack. Nobody came the last two weeks because of winter snow storms. However, this is the last gaming session until after the new year, so peeps may try to come anyway, simply because of that.
OOOh some kind of burn, be over my crotch. OH MY!
I think Cynical Woman’s husband would be a bit surprised to find out he is Nobilis… o.O
Thanks for those Amiga/Atari music links, whoever posted them. I think it was Vanamonde.
Ooh! These guys’ names, are all candy bars, OH MY!
OOps! There goes nougat, all over my teeeeth. Oh My!
Did I miss Amiga/Atari music links?
Nomad, I could be mistaken about Cynical Woman. I’ve been mistaken about women before.
Teacher FTW:
I’ve decided people are really stupid or commercials just think they are.
There is this new commercial for some game (not sure what game so the commercial failed to begin with). This commercial shows some guy holding a saddle and circling a tiger. The fine print says “do not attempt”. Seriously?
Fine, the next time I’m carrying a saddle, and I’m in the same room as a tiger, I’ll be sure not to try putting the saddle on the tiger.
Om my.
OOps, Sandra Burnhardt, went down on me, OH MY!
Woo! I just puked, all ova my shooes. Oh M..BLEEEAARGH!
Jack: That’s because women are tricksome and other stuffs. BRKyle is Nobilis’ wife. I am not aware of Cynical Woman’s husband.
Bunny: You are correct. People ARE really stupid AND commercials know it.
I declare the meme done.
Oh me, Oh my-o.
Hi-ho Hi-ho
CP: HUM – The Pod
Cj: Yea!!!!
BLC #3: “Perfect Kiss” by New Order.
I knew I knew it.
Well kicked to the kerb today.
Glad the rollercoaster ride is over.
Feeling a bit empty.
Waiter! A bottle of something strong to fill up my good friend Vanamonde, please.
And of course…
*a big bear hug* just because, while hugs don’t actually help, they still make us feel better.
As part of our yearly Christmas tradition, hubby and I watch the movie, Santa Conquers the Martians. Very silly, very fun.
I recently saw this link where MST3K send it up. Hubby and I will have to watch it on the weekend
Now…what game shall I play?
Well I think it’s time to give Sims Adventures a try.
Later Gators!
What a complete fucking boondoggle this week has been.
It sounds to me, most people on this board need a do-over for the week
ditto – ill drink to your boondoggle and raise you an assfuckery. seriously! Lo Pan is hurting inside and out.
Everybody agreed then? Mulligan on the week?
Is Lo Pan stuck in the Hell of a thousand VDs?
Hot Fuzz?
EfT – It burns.
NS -YARP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laters alls…..
Massachusetts doesn’t allow me to have a billy club shipped. Nor a “assasin katar” knife. But that crossbow, no problem.
Oh, and speaking of stupid. Did yall hear about the curfuffle with the border guards and the Canadian author? Grrrr.
My package has arrived. I can go to bed now. whee.
CN: A lackluster rueben an some nummy chicken chili.
Yeah, the nerdpipes have been rattling with that Canadian author’s border guard beating. He claims he got out of the car when pulled over, asked what the problem was, wouldn’t get back into the car when ordered, then got assaulted.
I’m not naive enough to say that innocent people never get roughed up by cops, but I’m reluctant to get riled up over 1 side of a story — not unless the person has earned my benefit of doubt.
*Manly hug for Vanamonde*
These nerdpipes burn.
Ah, ‘Merica.
Rhettro – Rick James?
Lo Pan’s the kind you dont bring home to muthaaaaaaaaa
I’m Rhett Hastings, bitch.
You just blew Lo Pan’s mind.
Jack is wise in his “not getting riled” posture.
Too many professionals out there now that are being paid to enrage the masses. Best to gather info and consider a bit before gathering one’s pitchfork and torch.
Jack: I hope this isn’t what you mean by “manly hug”
Van … dude. Sorry.
TEB – I would trudge through the snow, braving the wolves and even the Snow Miser to play games at Casa de Bunny … if you were but in trudging distance.
“surely hiring Tim Curry for a four-hour miniseries and then using him in a single scene has to be a misdemeanor in at least five states”
+1 justa J0e
Oops, that was a +1 for the Bunny-shack posting
Thx everyone, I’ll get over it.
But I think I’ve joined Jack in getting over attraction to a women with a certain personalty type.
And I was worried that “podtaint” would be my legacy. . .
UsedHair, I watched a few seconds of that Side Hug video with no sound. I’m frightened.
… well, there is always those serial killings you did.
for “a legacy” I mean … not to threaten UsedHair with.
… and really, isn’t wasn’t serial so much as it was oatmeal.
It rubs the oatmeal on its skin.
Actually, I stole the reference for the side hug from the Geologic Podcast. El Hrab-o made fun of it there first.
Hey Lo Pan, Gimmie that Christian Side Hug! That Christian Sid Hug!
Van: That sucks. You have my sympathy.
Side boob? Oh, I misheard. Side hug. Yeah, sure. Here you go. 😉
Gimmie that christian side boob! That christian side boob!
Go side boob!
Go side Boob!
Hmmm. Did someone call for me?
Sideshow Bob?
“She’s a super freak, super freak!” Van, you have my sympathies.
TEB got your card. Thanks! Look like DHS got it too. Nosies.
That settles it. I’ll never get my shot now! 😛
Hey, Van. *bigsnugglywomanlyhugs* coming atcha!
Did Nomad say my voice was “sultry”? … I swoooned a little when I read that.
So, I’m walking. Yay! My knee feels great.
I went live on the phones today for my first few inbound calls at my new job. I sold $300.00 worth of stuffs in 2 phone calls in less than 20 minutes.
I totally rock right now! It seems I’d forgotten how good I was at call center jobs. Lord knows I have over 20 years experience, but I was nervous not having done it in over 5 years.
Did I mention that I totally ROCK right now!? 😀
Evening Pan, just got home from my cousins house. I help rip down the ceiling in the living room because the up stairs bathroom sewage stack broke. it soaked 2 walls and 3/4 of the ceiling. what a mess.
Night pan.
go Cj go. kick some ass out there
I’m totally kicking ass, taking names (and orders), fighting the good fight, working the hard day’s night and..
oh.. wait, I gotta pee.
Cj: w00t!
A long day of studying has come to an end. Night, Pan.
A night of drinking
Leaves Lo Pan tired and sore
Fuck a fruit basket
mmmmm Fruit Basket.
Goodnight banana
Fuck a fruit basket? I think Carmen Miranda might object.
OK it’s superlate. I’m glad things are going well on the new job, Cj!
One more manly hug for Vanamonde: In case you ever forget that you’re a sexy beast, then let this situation be your reminder. Whatever this chick’s faults, she found you attractive. So there will be plenty more who will find you attractive and also be willing to treat you right. (Sorry if that’s overstepping)
Goodnight, sideboob.
A possible explanation for the Norwegian light show:
I wonder if Dr Atlantis has a goatee that he strokes while laughing..
Head… go boom.
Good morning, DP!
*hugs* Van. BFP, Van.
Great news about the knee, Cj! And the job!
Mom didn’t get our of the hospital after all. She’s got some kind of infection in her blood, so they kept her there. We’re going in later on this morning (the hospital is an hour from where mom & dad live, so WORD to the good weather).
CJD: soaked in a hot tub. One of my favorite things about staying at the parents’ house.
Good morning!
I get today off!
Now, where did I put that spreadsheet?
Worth 6 minutes of your time:
Equilibrio free for the day on the app store:
FWI – the “Project Phoenix” free game, crashed my iTouch. It no likey.
Minor headache…er…hangover. need ‘feh. (Coffee)
Worked ok on my iPhone jj.
Going shopping at Big Lots today.
I’m so easily excited.
Buy a Big Lot for me; I am totally sick of trying to find parking.
It’s not the size of your lot …
IMHO The best thing about twitter is following porn stars.
This update brought to you by the now defunct GYGO.
Oh, and I think Dan Savage was sitting a few tables away from me. Pretty neat, huh?
Cj: Way to go on your rock-itude-ness!
EssBee: Hopefully things will right themselves quickly.
Tomorrow I think I’ll give install Gentoo on my laptop a shot. I don’t expect it to end well.
Getting a pedicure. I recommend it to all you dudes out there. its okay to feel pretty. Just don’t get youR toenails painted. That ain’t manly.
mobile JfS: Have you SEEN my Halloween pictures? I still refuse to get a pedicure. I don’t get the point. Rather have a massage.
I think my pedi is incureable.
So’s my clappy
The Clapper
Massages are def. better but try it once. Haven’t seen the pix. Where is they?
Golf clap?
Sorry, no time for more than a quick bounce in n out.
*innuendo truck crash*
Just got back from seeing this guy perform:
mobile JfS: If the Dead-Pool-Pan-Flckr-thing is still around, there’s some pics there. Otherwise, they’re on my Facebook account.
In case you haven’t seen this yet …
30 sec, bunny theatre.
at this link
iBlast Moki free on the app store for the day:
Oh and if you search on the app store for Sentinel: Mars Defense that’s free for a couple of weeks.
quick catch up… in no particular order
SmartyHotties: *wave*
CJ: good to hear about the job and knee.
EssBee: Sending good vibes colorado way
JustaJoe: Thanks for the link I’d half forgotten about the bunny theatre, but I thought twilight had more sparkles?
Morning Peeps.
-30 here in the great white north
Hubby is happy, he has a play date coming over later today. They’re going to play guitar and some chess and talk and generally have a good time. I’m going to hide here in the office so they can have some “man time” 😆
Catching up:
Yeah! to Cj for rocking her job and being able to rock on her knee again. You rock 😉
Warm and fuzzy thoughts to Vanamonde, as well as a big hug. I know it’s cliche but hang in there babe.
EssBee, A big hug to you and your mom, too. And one to Sly B as well because I know the other halves feel the tension we feel, too.
I enjoyed Pigeon: Impossible. It was quite cute 🙂
Taking a bevy of little princesses to see the new Disney movie The Princess and the Frog today.
I’m sure it will be great, but Enchanted is my all-time favorite princess movie. Followed closely by Ever After.
Drew Barrymore = Swooooooon!
Hubby now out of the shower, must attack him, then throw in some laundry.
Have fun at the movie Cj!
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Hmmm, maybe one of the rotating DotF categories should be who would make the best monster truck.
There, hubby well and truly cowed 😆 , laundry in, i-touch syncing.
Almost ready to start playing a game.
Oh yeah, I also made the dough for gingerbread cookies. It has to set in the fridge over night.
I’ve had a productive morning already.
Saw a prince cover band last night. They were sweet.
Hubby’s braving the brrr, shovelling the sidewalk.
I guess it’s better him than me but I’ll have to give him extra hugs when he comes back in to help warm him up.
now… it’s play time!
80 today here in the great green south.
Lessons learned today
1. Leveling sandy Florida soil to build a shed is a FAR more difficult task than it sounds.
2. Just because the shed and shed base are from the the same company, and sold as a single unit, is no reason to think that using the shed base should be handled the same way as the shed instructions for building your own base. Nor should you consider the base and the shed to be compatible.
Grrrr. I’m a geek, not a construction worker. I wasn’t designed for this kind of thing.
TEB – on behalf of “men”, I want to tell you that you are truly swell!
Princess and the Frog = Wow. Truly an original Disney classic. It was like going back in time. I love most Disney movies but there’s something special about the original princesses – Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella… this movie is definitely following the original Disney method that made those movies so special, romantic, happy, sad, and spooky all at the same time.
I recommend it.
Now – considering that I was up all night with a 2-year-old who didn’t want to sleep, and I have to work from 3pm til midnight, I’m going to finish my In and Out burger and take a nap.
Sorry if this is a re-post. Top 20 SFF novels of the decade, according to io9:
I absolutely loved Acacia and Happy Potter, but HATED The Time Travelers Wife. Haven’t read any of the others.
I hadn’t read most of those books, but If you like scifi you owe it yourself to check out the Ted Chiang collection.
I see Acacia is available on Audible. Just got my two new credits for the month, so I think I’ll give this one a go after I finish “The Audacity of Hope.”
Thanks for the link, EssBee!
Wait, did I say “Happy Potter”? It’s been a LONG weekend.
Ed, Acacia is a sure bet. I’m starting book 2 (The Other Lands) today.
Evening pan, finely done helping my cousin replace the ceiling. well most of it, the insurance adjuster will be there Monday so we couldn’t do everything yet. we also had to leave part open for the plummer.
OK, now to get caught up.
If anyone is looking for a new Ipod, Amazon is running the Touches at some serious sales. I picked up a 32GB one for $270. On top of that, they are trying to drum up support for their Paypal competitor – Amazon Payments (watch a catchy name). Through the end of the year, they’re offering an extra 5% off lots of items. My net cost is coming to $256. Not too shabby.
Looks like the monster 64GB Touch is $364 before the extra 5% off.
Dunno if this is working outside the U.S.
Thanks for the tip, Ed.
Thanks for the bunnies, J0e! I think the Shining and Superman episodes were the best, of the ones I watched.
I need to start reading again. The only book out of that list that I read was the one by Gibson, which finished tarnishing his reputation for me.
In fact, I hadn’t even heard of half of the authors on the list.
*cough cough hack*
RE: The list. I’ve read the Stephenson, Gibson, and Mieville books. Really enjoyed all of them, although the Stephenson made my head explode.
I actually *did* like Pattern Recognition, although his latest book was a stinker.
Spook Country?
Black ice tonight. I wonder who will be playing car pachinko in the morning?
RE: Pattern Recognition
it’s got ZX81s in it, nuff said.
Spook Country was Gibsons last novel.
Morning Pan, a lazy Monday ahead of me.
Not to be “all about me” again, but I just got home from work. Customer called at like 11:30 and kept me on the phone for an hour or so.. either way.. I wonder if that will be a normal occurrence. Either way. I did good, made some sales, made that last customer happy and my current supervisor says I have a gift for consultation. So, I’m on the right path. I am, however, going to be tired in the morning.
Note to self: Include Sinclairs in all my writing. =P
So today in the free paper was a face off between computer game charcters (imagine DOF without the love prowess).
Gordon Freeman won..yah!
Hmm, it appears Washington, DC and I are currently connected by a common massive bank of fog this morning. I’m not quite sharp enough to try to come up with some kind of innuendo out of that one.
You can give up on having this year’s best Christmas light show at your house:
Morning Pan!
Today Christmas comes to Bunnyland!
I’ve only read 3 of the books on that list. I guess I better get cracking.
CR: ORCS by Stan Nicholls
personally, I wouldn’t want to be the neighbour of the light hero.
I am at my parents, so away from my elliptical. I shouldn’t have assumed that I could go from 40 minutes a day on that to any proficiency at my mom’s Latin Grooves workout DVD. It was more like Czech Twitches.
LOL, EssBee 😆
In the spirit of the season. Here’s a bit of ego stroking (for me)
I’ll post some pics of today’s decorating either later today or tomorrow morning.
Err and what year was that taken TEB?
Just a few years ago, Van 😉
…and I can scratch your nose from here 🙂
Good morning.
What a cute little bunny!
I always thought Santa looked a little grumpy.
Well, I have gingerbread cookies that just aren’t going to bake themselves.
I have now spent an hour and a half trying to get iTunes to work on a PC with windows XP …
NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg!
Tsk Tsk JJ you must have faith in XP.
Strangely enough iTunes works fine under XP on my netbook as long as I don’t update the firmware (do that on another computer).
OMG!!! I can see the damn “My Music” folder … it’s right there in front of me! WHAT DO YOU MEAN CAN’T FIND THE “MY MUSIC” FOLDER?!?!?!
Why doesn’t “Add or Remove Programs” not see Quicktime … it’s right there in the freaken “Start” menu?
Damn. I was hoping for snow. Alas and alack.
I liked “Pattern Recognition” and “The Time Traveller’s Wife”. I haven’t read most of the books on that list.
TEB: I didn’t like “Orcs”, but a friend of mine did. Your mileage may vary.
Going to be a busy week…
there, the last of 104 cookies are in the oven
TEB: Re: Pic Tee-hee! Very cute! I think we had the same boots, but mine were green.
TEB: Awww, so cute! I can tell it’s you, too. 🙂
CO (ordering): my morning mocha.
CD: Acai Berry Tea
Should I be worried:
ditto, I’m not that far into ORCS but what I’ve read so far is ok. Not the best I’ve read this year, but definitely not the worst.
That picture is ridiculously cute. We’ll keep it positive and say that Santa is just tired, NOT that he’s just completed the 1 bourbon, 1 scotch, 1 beer tri-fecta.
Congrats on the great start, Cj! Soon, you’ll own the place.
“Czech twitches” = comedy gold.
Shopping list complete.
Picking up the boy from school and heading to the supermarket.
Dan says I should nap, but then I don’t get things done and we are out of jelly.
“and we are out of jelly”
What exactly were you/are you doing with jelly that you need it RIGHT NOW 😳
I am sleeping. Can’t you tell?
LOL @ Cj & Bunny
Maybe they have donut holes that needed to be filled.
I have lost half a day of my life that I shall never get back.
Thank you Bill Gates.
Just remember, jJ, you paid for the dinner and the pleasure.
*waggles eyebrows*
Okay, I’m going to try to do that sleeping thing again. Esp. since I have to arise in 1.5 hours. I think I deserve a *sigh* here.
I don’t think I would make a profitable target demographic NS…although there is always
CW: Dexter season 3 finale
I don’t drink it for any supposed benefits JN. I have a bag of various teas, unless I’m in the mood for something specific, I usually just close my eyes and reach in. Today, that’s what I got.
Oooh, watched that last night, Van.
A comment about free radicals. Does anybody remember the time when it was ok to keep our radicals incarcerated?
Personally, if your a radical, I want you far away from me 😉
You know you’ve thought it…
Santa Clause is a peeping tom pervert
TEB: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Sorry about that. 🙂
JJ if you aren’t interested in apps, you could give doubletwist a try:
ditto: the grand fanale should have been those 2 scissoring…Satan Claus approves.
Van: A market of one is better than none!
I’ve only had Acai mixed with other berries. Does it taste rather like cranberries?
I know a girl who thinks of ghosts
She’ll make you breakfast
She’ll make you toast
She don’t use butter
She don’t use cheese
She don’t use jelly
Or any of these
She uses Vaseline
Yeah, well… he uses magazines.
Note to self: The deadpan does not refresh itself if I do not hit the magic f5. der.
I’ve given up on trying to catch up. If you make references that I don’t get, I’m just going to smile and nod.
Jeremy, you think they should use scissors to cut xmas ornaments out of construction paper?
Lejon: That’s just an unfair temptation to make BS fake references so enticing that you’ll have to go back to find them.
TEB is good at the real ones. I wonder if she’d be as good with fake ones.
NS: *smile*
Tom Cruise and Tim Curry star in “Lejon”.
I think Cj and the not-sleeping Nomad Scry were quoting Flaming Lips lyrics.
Scissoring. LOL.
I found out that there is going to be a local PodCamp on Feb 6.
The everyone must participate clause is somewhat intimidating. I’d just like to find out if anyone local is NOT a total social media wank.
Nomad: Dictating how people participate in a Podcamp is uncool. Charging people admission to Podcamp is also uncool.
I don’t know their story though, so I will withhold condemnation. You’ll probably find a creative environment with a bunch of cool, smart people. . . . surrounded by social media wanks.
Pondering what a flaming lip would look like.
Off to work again I go. If I’m still lucid when I get home at “whatever” after midnight. I might post again.
My knee, by the way, is amazingly well. Hurray for giant needles that inject goop!
Yeah, but wht if she wants her hair to be real orange?
I just wish there were quite the social media community here you have in Phoenix…
I think I said before they had a “Podcamp” two and a hlaf years back one afternoon at a bar.
I had a really good experience with the local indie/story-gamer JiffyCon last month. Really casual and friendly folks.
I am trying to make a connection between that good experience and how awesome PodCampAZ sounds with giving this one a chance, but my sleep adled brain isn’t being very helpful.
I guess, simply put, I think that it would be nice to find some smart creatives in real life. Errrr… in real life, meaning locally. Yall are pretty damn smart creatives.
JB: Was that you on a recent episode of The Dreamer’s Thread?
I get to go back to bed! Wooooohoo!
So. when everybody bales on you, it’s about when you’re decorating your 50th cookie that you realize Christmas is actually a chore.
Nomad, I don’t know the Dreamers Thread so I’m leaning no on that one.
add the word “alone” anywhere in there.
One of the joys of being married to someone in the teaching profession is you don’t actually see much of them this last week of school. Between Christmas concerts, parent counsel meetings, etc, he expects to be home quite late every night this week.
*another sigh*
I still have to get a Christmas tree.
CP: Warning — Great Northern
ditto, just so people know how we feel. All together:
I’ve had some pear cider, so no sighs from me yet.
They say it’s not the sighs that matters.
I’ve set my sighs on…
Oh and if you are FB and are not on my friend list:
If you don’t know, as of today, Facebook will automatically index all your info on Google, which allows everyone to view it. To change this option, go to Settings –> Privacy Settings –> Search –> then UN-CLICK the box that says ‘Allow indexing’. Facebook kept this one quiet. Copy and paste onto your status for all your friends…
Oh and if you don’t mind folk music and want to get into the Christmas mood:
Although using a version of Santa Baby is pushing the folk genre to breaking point..
Heh, look at the sighs of that ass!
We broke cold records for today! Woo hoo!!!?
Did JFS just call ditto and I asses?
Dinner alone all week = blech
Is your hubby involved with the Xmas concerts, Bunny? Or just obligated to attend?
Just obligated to attend. He has performed in the past. When that happens I usually try to attend myself. However, at -40, I may not have even if he was playing.
Except tonight it’s a parent counsel meeting that has him captive
You know, I have nothing funny to say about -40 degree temperatures.
I’ll just get the violin out for TEB.
This image seems somehow strangely relevant.
And I’m off.
*pointedly ignoring Van*
How the Grinch Stole Christmas is on in five minutes. I’ll watch it and thunk of Van 🙂
*sticks tongue out*. 😛
Maybe I’ll make some more bear heads for my tree, too
However I still give big hugs to Van because I know he teases and I still love him 😉
I want a jing tingler to tie on my heels
Bravu foreys, davo doray
Does anybody remember the Grinch’s Halloween? I remember seeing it when I was younger. *spoiler alert*. Max had a happy ending and went to live with a mice little girl. Nobody seems to remember this.
Van, shouldn’t you be in bed? It’s got to be around midnight there. Holiday or not, I’d be in bed.
*gets Van some bedtime cocoa and tucks him in*
Actually it’s 1.15am TEB but on a late tomorrow so can have a liein.
Cocoa sounds nice, time to break out the milk.
… Then the Grinch, very nimbly, stuffed the bags one by one up the chimbly.
My mind wants to sleep for 8 hours, but my body always say ‘only six hours for YOU!’
I wish I had a chimbly
They tend to too narrow these days TEB, you would get stuck.
I think my body would shut down if I only had six hours of sleep a night. I know it sure gives me hell if I’m short of sleep on just one or two nights
You two are silly.
Oh oh. The Grinch broke the heart x-Ray thingy. Who’s going to pay for that?
Yeah, but we’re cute, EssBee, so we can get away with it 😉
Ooooh. Frosty the Snowman is next – Happy Birthday!
I have to say, I’m now imagining TEB singing along to Santa Baby…
time to head that way ———->
The latest has Brian Brown and myself. Sage tells me my comic turn was particularly funny. Darcy and I will listen to the explicit-tagged goodness later tonight…
Apparently Neil Pert (sp?) of Rush recorded a drum version on the Hockey Night in Canada theme. TSN is going to start using it next year. Cool
Is it just me or does Prof. Hinkle remind you of Snidley Whiplash?
Van, while I do enjoy singing that song, I’m usually alone. Despite years of voice lessons when I was a kid, I still can make ears bleed 😆
JB, I’ll give it a listen tomorrow when I’m at my computer.
I think I need another beer
CD: kwak
The new Zelda game on the DS is very good…it helps you get to drive a train..
When the thermometer get all reddish, the temperature goes up -Frosty
isn’t it the other way around?
Wait a minute!!! They cut the entire “policeman hollared stop” scene! I know it was just a little scene bit still, I hate it when they do that.
Ack! I’m cracking nuts and eating them for a snack. A shell just flew down the front of my shirt. Is that karma?
Just as an FYI, 8.5% beer is really hard on us lightweights 🙂
Why did the animals have to build a fire? With their fur coats, couldn’t they just snuggle Karen to keep her warm?
Frosty’s all wet.
DJ Bunny: I’m pretty sure I would have remembered seeing Max get a happy ending. That’s not the kind of thing you can scrub off your retinas.
Why is Santa almost always bald on top in most cartoons yet always seems to have a full head of hair when I see him at the malls?
All the engineers in the house say hooooooo!
I’m telling you UH, that show exists. Maybe tomorrow, when I’m on my computer, I’ll do a search for it
That looked fun UH. I’ll check it out more in depth in the morning. In the meantime, a warm bed, a cold beer, and a book calls me.
Tomorrow Deadpan!
Tomorrow deadpan? Isn’t this just Monday, or did I slip through a wormhole?
Almost over Ed. You have nearly slain yet another .
Now FINISH IT!!! There can be ONLY ONE!!! Well, only one a week.
UH: While funny that write up was definitely dated. Government contractors don’t have that large of a vocabulary now a days.
Is it wrong that I like following pornstars on twitter?
If following pornstars is wrong, I don’t want to be right!
In other news, a woman I added as a Facebook friend six month ago is next month’s playmate. Behold the power of the internet!
Today has been my day for Secret Santa presents! I’m involved in two different Secret Santa exchanges, the Deadpan one and the one going on in the community for the Facebook game PackRat. Today at lunchtime, I found and sent a present (an in-game collectible card) to my PackRat Secret Santa recipient, then went to the post office and put my Deadpan Secret Santa gift in the mail. Tonight, when I got home, I found a DPSS gift waiting for me! Thanks, Nomad Scry! 🙂
TEB: Aw! Everybody bailing on you sux. *hugs*
Van: Thanks for the FB privacy info. Done and shared.
We have a chimbly, but we’ve never used it because we don’t want to clean the fireplace. :-/
Night, Pan.
CW: A weird show from UK in the mid 70s called “Children of the Stones” is cool and weird.
I’m not going to this bed:
But I’m off to bed. Goodnight, blue mush.
OK, one more geeky link to make you shudder:
Really off now. I’ll check out JB’s QN audio ASAIC.
Night Jack.
Amy: Most welcome!
Thanks, Bunny!
JB: Lilith’s Love. That’s what it was. I knew I’d heard you -somewhere-. =)
Morning Pan, remaking ‘The Black Hole’…the obvious question is why? much as I like the film I had thought it was a flop.
Hopefully they will keep the John Barry soundtrack…
Also TEB’s Christmas Card arrived today, thank you TEB.
Somehow, I don’t see them releasing that under the Disney label this time around. The Black Hole wasn’t so epicly great as to be a classic. The imagery is dated enough that it probably could have a chance with a remake. The premise certainly has potential.
BBC TV’s orginal adaption of 1984:
Morning Deadpan!
Cj, if you’re saying thanks for the reason I think you are (how cryptic is that?), just remember, when your kids open their gifts and you have a truly WTF moment – you love me for my strange sense of humour 😆
Ha! I knew I wasn’t crazy!
at least not in this matter
ok, so it was a little boy, not little girl.
They just now opened them. I didn’t make them wait because I was excited to see and I, personally, think SO AWESOME!!!!
Everything in there is incredibly awesome and appreciated! Thank you oodles of thank you!!!
After watching a few minutes, I realize it’s not very good. Obviously I had no taste when I was a kid
When I saw that opener, I had to get two, one for us as well 🙂
Ah, that bracing sort of -5F that feels like -21F…
Yup, I was in an episode of Lilith’s Love. Dan Shaurette is a Deadpanite, of course. Did you enjoy my crap Texan accent?
feels like -21. High wind chill JB?
we are at -20 C (-4F) or -30 (-22) with the windchill.
We are headed for a Chinook, though. supposed to break the freezing mark by tomorrow.
Hubby’s birthday on Friday! I’m getting him season 3 original ST on blu-ray. It’s suppose to come out today.
The worst season of ST, are you sure you are sending hubbu the right message TEB?
-u +y
It’s what he asked for, Van.
We’ve got seasons one and two so…
Usedhair: hooooooooooooooooo
Jack: I don’t know about that bed. I might not mind if she were to tuck me in. 😉
Here’s the so-far line up for 2010 New Orleans JazzFest:
Pearl Jam, Aretha Franklin, Artist TBA, Van Morrison, Lionel Richie,
The Neville Brothers, Allman Brothers Band, Anita Baker,
My Morning Jacket, Darius Rucker, Widespread Panic
That “Artist TBA” is one of my faves.
Well Panites, I’m off.
Hubby informed me that he needs a gift for tomorrow for a Secret Santa exchange among the staff.
Nothing like notice. Lucky for him I was headed out to get his birthday gift anyway 😉
CP: Tango Shoes — Bif Naked
Tony Bennett’s Armpit?
Tiger Woods joke I overheard while Xmas shopping at Target yesterday:
“What’s the difference between Santa and Tiger Woods? Santa stopped after three Ho’s.”
Just finished reading X-Factor: Overtime HC. Now I know why Layla knows stuff. =( I think I’m glad I don’t know stuff.
Layla was hilarious. X-Factor was one of the last titles I read before I dropped getting comics (again). I think I have issues 1-24.
totally burnt apples?
Morning Pan.
Seattle got balmy again…no snow. Boo.
Tiny Bunny Antlers
Conversation at dinner last night.
Tiger Woods downfall came up.
Outraged Mrs. Lady – “What is it about these “Stars” that makes them think they can get away with these stupid things?”
Me – “What is it about our culture that makes us believe these “Stars” are somehow human like the rest of us?”
The only thing the public likes more then placing a guy on a pedestal, is kicking him when he falls off.
are = aren’t
Fuck the whole thing. Who cares.
Kobe was on trial for RAPE! And he kept playing, nobody was as outraged as this. He just fucked around with some trashy ladies. big fucking deal. He is a billionare… let him live it up a little. Its HIS family to destroy…
Who cares.
srsly. I’m shocked when people bring this up. I guess it helps with the lifestyle envy to watch these rich brats fall on their faces.
And Jeremy makes a great point about rape vs. infidelity. Are it really an equal or lesser crime?
And just for fun, switch the gender roles. How different do you think the coverage and perception would be?
OMG! Ellen cheated on Portia with 12 women!!
*enrages furiously*
Anyway, on more important topics:
Turkey Baster Ache.
Tom Bombadil’s Anus.
Tito’s Big Afro.
Tigers Bloated Ass
I am a klutz today, thought DP site was down as I using a truncated URL and not getting a response…doh!
My hubby just got a job.
Yah! For Dan.
Hoorah for Dan!
Re: Rape: Remember when that Lacrosse team supposedly raped that chick? Remember the huge uproar? Couldn’t get away from it. Then it was found that the P.O.S. chick was a lying douche. The talking heads barely mentioned that fact and moved on.
Cj: HOORAY!!! 😀
Doesn’t Dan know there’s a recession going on? The nerve of some people!
LOL, Tell Dan congratz for me CJ. Also tell him he needs to put a warning on your podcast before he tells anymore breastfeeding jokes. I was driving and nearly wreaked my car.
Deadp is the way.
woot for Danthol!
Congrats Dan!
Mr. Null,
In fact, I specifically remember channel surfing and for reasons unknown I ended up watching Nancy Grace talk about that very situation. She was going on and on about “Don’t we already know what transpired here? and “Why even have a trial and just lock the boys up?” I remember thinking, what has been alleged is pretty awful but shouldn’t we wait until all the facts of the case come forth? And sure enough, it came to light that the “victim” had fabricated the whole thing. There wasn’t a big follow up story about the abuses of the press following that. Go figure.
So woot we all!
Christmas music meme – “Oh The Fur Oiy”
One other Tiger thought.
His F#$% up has come to light in a most unfortunate time in history (for him personally).
I fear the strong similarity between him and the current President (soft spoken, fair skinned, HIGHLY successful black men) has resulted in this unrelenting public flogging. For a certain, increasingly vocal segment of our society, Tiger’s failings prove (in thier minds) every bad thought they have about having a black man in the White House. He may have become the surrogate target for their vitriol.
or maybe not
Tactical Breast Armour
I want a mulligan on that one.
I think “Tactical Breast Adornment” better.
Tactical Breast Augmentation?
So breast we all?
Why parse words:
Titty Boob Areolas
Tell Bitch Adios
TEB: I distinctly remember the Halloween Grinch thing now. It came to me with the song about not going out on a night like this for __$ and __ cents, with the increments steadily increasing.
But I still don’t want to see Max get a happy ending. That’s just sick.
What about Maximillian?
Damn, missed 600sies..
I think that Anthony Perkins died from a overzealous happy ending by Maximillian.
DAMN! I didn’t know that waters of mars aired already!
Downroading now!
Totally Bumpin’ Action
Those rotating blades were cool but I preferred the beat up B.O.B.
Fame cuts both ways. Tiger isn’t a super millionaire because of his golf skills (though I know some of his tournament wins give him some big payouts), but because of his endorsement deals to hock Nike, Buick, and whatever else. His celebrity status brought him riches. He should have been more careful, as a matter of “job security” if not any moral issues.
Right, he was dumb for sure. It just doesn’t warrant all the hub-bub, broo-ha-ha and Chinese Computer Animation.
I totally agree with you guys. So what? Who cares? I mean, he’s gross and was selling us an image that was obviously not accurate, but also we have WARS going on out there and a financial crisis and gays wanting to get married.
… and Podtaint !
Rhettro: How dare you not have a crazed knee-jerk reaction!
I’ll be sad to see The Black Hole destroyed in its new incarnation. On a similar note, we recently saw the original Journey to the Center of the Earth. Rather enjoyed it.
“I’ll be sad to see The Black Hole destroyed in its new incarnation. ”
Okay. For just the briefest second … I was afraid this was a reference to the Tiger topic.
Journey to the Center could have been even scarier. . .