Lazy Bat-Show Notes.
Click here for the 2001.2 Poll.
Click here to watch the Smarty Hotties’ Batman clip. (From 1:54 to 2:26)
Energizer Bunny Show Notes (Thank you, TEB!)
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #133: A Straight Deadpan Caper
More of The Incredible Shrinking Deadpan
Come to the Deadpan Gathering! Come to visit cool people on the September Labour day weekend.
Promo – Down the Road by Jack Jaffe (
Dirty Lyrics
Star F**ker by Kurt from St. George
Darling Nikkie by The Computer King
Deadpan Palooza movie is Flash Gordon (1980 movie)
Go to the Dead Pan website and vote on potential changes to the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey
Amy Bowen shares the contents of her graduation gift bag
Bad Lyrics Theatre
Bad (Michael Jackson) by imag1narynumber
More Dirty Lyrics
Sir Psycho by Lady J
More of Amy’s gift bag
The contents of Justa J0e’s kit
Andrea Smarty Hottie with a Batman riddle – see Dead Pan website for link
Cj with a dumb ass memory
Only one comment to be read today from Cj
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Outro Music
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Messing with 2001:
I’ve poked fun at 2001 a few times during my podcast career. . . I should clarify: I do think it’s a brilliant film.
ZP puts an Olivia Newton-John record on and get physical as he reviews Wii Sports Resort:
I haven’t seen most of the number title movies, which is fine. What gets me are the ones that I haven’t even heard of before.
That pie fight is epic.
And another movie I’d never heard of.
Oh hai. I didn’t realize the new episode had dropped. Ha.
Comment number 9 is fine.
Crap, now I’m REALLY behind. I still haven’t listened to #132.
This one goes to 11.
I hope your fake English accent was upto snuff i.
Pretty interesting:
Vanamonde: Aw, crap. Probably not.
I was hasty with Nurse Jackie judgement Essbee, started to enjoy the series after episode 3.
(answering a question from the previous board)
Jack: I’m podcasting about the environments of Jupiter’s moons for my third and final episode of 365 Days of Astronomy. My previous two episodes went out on June 2nd and July 24th.
Morning DeadPanians!
Cj, will you be able to do notes next week? I’ll be at World Con.
Here Van. In case you get bored on the weekend
Steam Punk strangeness–Other–Gear.html
Tonight is podcast production night.
1. My first guest audio for QN Podcast
2. Two QC sessions for Angel Between the Lines
3. Recording audio for Amy Bowen (long overdue)
4. Dirty Lyric editing for Deadpan (recording of which will be on portable recorder in car at lunch today.
Pocket watches are never out of style
So after to listening to this weeks DP, I can’t help wondering if Jack walked out near the end of 2001 and missed the Baby…
There is a giant hill across the street from my workplace. At some point it was placed there by MNDOT. This summer they have been taking it back for road projects. It is startlingly about half gone.
Now, everybody pick up their mouse and speak into it saying, “computer.”
TEB, I have wanted a nice pocketwatch since I was 11 or so. I have a non-functional very spartan one of my grandfather’s that I have toyed with the idea of having repaired…
I remember, a few years ago, my hubby and I were in the mood for 2001 so we went to the local Block Buster and rented it. (This was when Video was still the norm, not DVD). We were so upset when the copy we had was edited. We didn’t notice it at first but, near the end we noticed the main line of “My God, it’s full of stars” was missing. We then went back and rewatched the tape and found about ten minutes had been cut. We were not impressed. I complained to the BB clerk when I returned the movie but only got a shrug in return.
I’ve always hankered after a Grandfather Clock myself.
I knew there was something I wanted to say, but I kept forgetting what it was.
That story about the horse buggery? Yeah, it’s from South Carolina. I know when I die, I’m going to heaven ‘cuz I’ve already lived in hell twice. Bloody hate that state.
Although if you read the book, the ending of 2001 makes a bit more sense, since DB is being converted into god like being by going backwards through his life.
Messing with 2001 is a great idea, espeically since that movie is so booooooooooooring that I’ve never been able to sit through it without falling asleep.
I propose full-contact 2001. 😉
Good Morning!
I haven’t listened yet – saving it for the treadmill. Leaving to do that in about 20 minutes. Coffee before treadmill.
TEB – Yes. I can do the show notes. I can’t read todya’s yet because I haven’t listened to the show yet. I don’t like knowing what to expect. I’m a “surprise me” kind of girl.
I think during next Deadpan Jack will need to say something like, “Cj, are you remembering to write this down?”
😉 Cj.
I liked TSH’s Riddler submission. 🙂
I probably need to rewatch 2001, but as I recall he never said “my god its full of stars” in the original picture but the line was retconned in for the 2010 novel and film. I know I’ve seen the whole thing all the way through to the Starchild at the end.
OK, it’s been almost 10 years since my last viewing, but if time-altered recollection serves, I’d thought he was being hyper-evolved and reborn.
Slight hitch in the lunch recording, the portable recorder is apparently sitting next to the home computer, more or less defeating its purpose…
TEB: JohnBoze is correct, the “My God it’s full of stars” line is at the end of the Book 2001, but not at the end of the movie, it is at the beginning of 2010.
Oh, and Good Morning, Pan!
And I know I promised not to say anything more about numerological films, but I’m not counting… Honest. And I didn’t start it. Ooh, look, a Monkey!
Jack Mangan: very wily of you, sir – posting a new ep right after I said I was caught up… Well played…
Just doing my part in the pan-global conspiracy against you, Lejon.
Is it possible the “My god, it’s full of stars” line was dropped into a special edition of the original? Along with extra silly footage of Jabba the Hutt and a new Ewoks song?
Hey! A good friend of mine from high school was the Lead on the walking Jabba scene!
Okay, I admit, it was actually a bit lame, despite the St. Paul Central connection…
Star Wars Music concert is coming to Phoenix – selected scenes from the movies to enhance the experience.
I sort of want to go, but I am of the firm opinion that I am no longer Lucas’s little bitch anymore… What do you think?
I was contemplating the same concert, Lejon. Ticket price will be a big factor.
I think that enjoying Star Wars does not necessarily equal Lucasbitchdom.
CP: Ball the Wall — Professor Longhair
jackmangan: I agree, enjoying Star Wars /= Lucasbitchdom — Enjoying Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and maybe Revenge of the Sith, on the other hand…
“If while you’re out in space, love
You’re horney as a targ
Take a tip from a security cheif, love
That fat slut Tasha Yar
She discovered the pleasures of Data
He became her sexual pet
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct
He’s defiant with his thrusters will explode in your wormhole
and he’ll rub his trusty spangler wrench on your warpcore manifold
his multiphasic torpedo will penetrate your rift
and cause a quantum singularity in your transwarp conduit
So if you’re a filthy horta Data’s your bestest bet
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct
He gently massages your gel packs
while he replicates some lube
then he shoves his throbbing razor beast into your Jeffery’s tube
so lower your shields spread your necells to make room for his craft
as he thrusts his delta flyer to your big fat juicy aft
So if you’re a filthy horta datas your bestest bet
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct
His pelvis a tireless engine he skhakes it when he struts
He’s full of dilithium crystals in his bulbs and in his nuts
He too likes to be pleasured
He will put you on your knees
And if you’re into disgrace
He’ll cover your face with his andriod anti-freeze
so if you’re a filthy horta datas your bestest bet
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct
He’s fully functional and anatomically correct”
Feel better now that you’ve got that out of your system TEB?
Shoutout to Essbee, was there a new episode of Nurse Jackie this week?
Yes Van, I do. I was thinking of recording it but hubby’s here and I’d get all red faced and everything.
CP: BBC Podcast of “The Now Show”
Now… I guess we’re off to Sentry Box.
w00t! Got my new machine up and running. Crappy keyboard, but about a decade newer than my old one.
The Riddler thing was an awesome find.
I like 2001 and I like the reboot ideas. I’ll do the survey on Saturday.
Specs for the new pooter i?
It’s a refurbished Dell, 2 GHz dual-core 3 gigs of ram, 150 gig HD. Nothing fancy, but it’s a huge update for me here. My needs are modest and my boss is cheap.
I’m home and in dire need of a hot tub.
21 days makes this workout thing a habit right? Is that when the pain stops? My arms are still aching and today I worked legs and abs so guess what I’ll be bitching about tomorrow! 🙂
There were no bees on the loos at the gym today.
Dead forks
Dead knives
Dead pots…
Dead Pans..
Cj: The pain stops when it stops, is the unfortunate answer. It’s a natural reaction. And if, when it stops, you start to really, really kick up you workouts, it’ll come back. And if you stop and start, it’ll come back. It’s a uncomfortable friend.
Muscle-building isn’t my goal, overall health, weight-loss, and just feeling better are what I’m aiming for so I don’t think I need to do the super-push that makes the pain continue.
I’ve been through this before and I know it will cease shortly, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to vent about it.
A great part of me is damned proud of this pain because it reminds me that I’m actually DOING THIS which is the first step toward my success. Getting started is the hardest part.
Hell yeah!^2
CPimh: No Pain – New Model Army
My brain feels fried and not in a good way.
CP: Plainsong — The Cure
I’m listening to the pre-edited Love Long and Prosper and realizing just how annoying my laugh is.
Great anti-science post from PP.
Watch the vid.
So been invited to a friends 30th Birthday party in August, I feel like I should bring my slippers and a pipe.
Oh and I realise that it means little coming from somebody else, but I don’t find your laugh annoying Cj.
Tonight, I will be playing D&D again. I found this moments ago, and it seemed appropriate, given the terrain…
Sudden horrific images of a one-legged man named Ahab making an appearance as the bad guy on Whale Wars…
I don’t know why…
Back from the Sentry Box. Ended up buying some new dice.
Also stopped at the liquor store and bought the ingredients to make an Alberta Sunset (Rock Creek Cider and raspberry flavouring). A nice treat to have after MA tonight.
Go Cj!
Maybe not a good idea to go then.
When it comes to exercise I’ve always felt cheated cos I never get ‘the high’.
Cj there’s an app for the touch clled livestrong that I use. If you’re interested.
Van, what high? I found when I first started working out on a regular basis I felt more like I was going to die, than anything good. It wasn’t until I kept at it for a length of time that I noticed it on the days I didn’t work out. It almst becomes an addiction after a while. “Gotta…get…my…exercise fix” 😆
BEsides, high or not, even if you a in relatively good shap, some exercise is good for you. (now I sound like a commercial)
That’s the high
I’ve never got to the addicted stage.
a = are
Yes I try and do 30 minutes brisk walk a day.
Just don’t replace that l with a n.
I think how long it takes to get to (or even if you get to) is different for everybody.
Currently in CCH.
30 minutes a day is still exercise. Don’t let anybody tell you different.
CCH, ditto?
Conference Call Hell.
Serious MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over) going on here.
Mmmmm …. glaze….
Glazed donuts are yummier than glazed eyes.
And I don’t know that I get the “high” either… I get more of a trembley, uncomfortable feeling afterward, especially when I do large muscle exercises.
What I do notice is that when I’m using the treadmill regularly, I walk faster in my normal routines. I’m just generally more comfortable in my body when I’m working it regularly.
I have to agree with Cj
About the doughnut thing
The latest podcastle has a story about bunnies:
New LLAP just released featuring the super-dreamy Jack Mangan as himself.
Old-Fashioned Buttermilk Glazed Cake doughnuts… Where’s that StarBuck’s again?
I can attest after my high-school years of distance running, “The High” isn’t a myth, but it’s not something you can just get to.
The high is usually the endorphins kicking in. Your “second wind” hits, and then you roll into “the high.”
It takes a serious, long exercise period with a heavy amount of effort to hit it consistently.
I never really got into running deep enough to have it more than a couple times… I’m not sure it’s all it’s cracked up to be.
Cool Cj, I’ll have to listen to it tomorrow.
Rock hard abs=artistic license?
I think Dubshack coined the phrase… I think?
FYI – my favorite line on the LLAP show is still when Jack says “Get off my hair”
Oh how I loath iTunes store on the phone..too much lag between when a new podcast goes live and when you can directly download it to the phone.
Van, I agree. I always have to d/l to my computer and sync up if I’m in a hurry.
CP: As – Stevie Wonder
My eyeballs are smoldering from computer screen exposure.
On average, people have sex 2500 times in their lifetimes in the UK.
I think I had better switch over to the cartoon channel.
On my way out for the evening – Listening to my first Wander Radio… Wish me luck
Ooooh another DP going to lose his WR virginity.
I recommend the fine vintage that is episode 34.
Greetings, Pan. I have returned from Vegas, though I’m not quite sure why. Well, I guess having flight tickets for today and then end of my hotel reservation probably had something to do with it.
Already thinking about a future trip.
please tell me someone is going to touch on Richard O’Brien’s cameo in Flash Gordon. Also, Deep Roy, the little person who played every Mopalopa in Charlie and the chocolate factory had a cameo.
I can’t think of a good way how to use these facts and the deadpan show. Hopefully someone more talented and mention them appropriately.
And, I am greeted upon my return home with a shiny new two disc score for Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica. Ripping to Itunes now.
Lejon, when listening to wander radio daily from episode 30. It’s particularly painful. Whatever you do don’t listen to episode 30!
Lejon, I have been trying to listen to your podcast but I can’t seem to add to my iTunes.
Sorry if I gave you a complex about mentioning your from Chandler. I just don’t know anyone else named Lejon anywhere in the world. I think it stands alone without the geographical designation.
I’m also waiting high to add from Texas. I’m spending the night in Houston and will be traveling down to Freeport tomorrow. I will wave hi as I pass.
As to FG, I suspect most of you missed out on Department S/Jason King in the 70’s. and you thought big hair and moutaches started with Magnum PI..
Oh the guy who plays Ming’s sidekick in the movie.
Van, yes there was a new Nurse Jackie this week!
Just home from Evil meetings. Rough day today. Now, it seems I’m working on another kidney stone. Please humor me as I say MOTHERFUCKER!
I now return you to your regularly scheduled DP . . .
CW: Warehouse 13 pilot (still)
I don’t love the female lead.
*hugs* for EssBee!
*more hugs* for EssBee.
Very successful day today. Last 365 Days of Astronomy episode was completed and submitted. Then I spent the afternoon at a water park, gave away a bunch of stuff, and went out for a delicious dinner.
I’ll be writing an article tonight, but for the moment I’m off to soak my sore muscles in the hot tub.
I can’t wait to be there so there is where I’ll be.
That sucks about the kindney stone, EssBee. That’s definitely not the good kind of getting stoned.
Well, I expect there will be more as I get around to it, but I have posted a panoramic image that I put together from our Grand Canyon visit.
I think it turned out pretty decently, but I’m also a hack, so take my opinion for what it’s worth.
Nicely done sir.
That’s beautiful, Ed!
Excellent photo, Ed! Did you drive from Vegas to the Grand Canyon? Just curious if you saw that weird new bridge construction thing they’re building over the Dam.
EssBee 🙁 I hope this is the last of em. Stupid stones.
A Trucker Overdrive sighting!
And with that, I’m leaving the bar to you guys.
Morning Pan, hugs to Essbee.
TO: I take the fact of living in Chandler as a penance. 😉
ALSO, the iTunes thing sounded weird, so I checked into it. I can find it looking under the title Touching the Monolith – for some reason, we come up under Philosophy… I’ll have to fix that…
The kazoos are growing on me. Crap.
Ed: Photo is almost enough to make me think I might want to check out the canyon some time before I lose the rest of my mind. (Tommorrow?)
Gorgeous shot, Ed. When we visited the canon about 5 years ago, I was struck by how unreal it looks. It’s very beautiful.
Thanks for the hugs, y’all. I’m better this morning, ready for another day of meetings with the new corporate overlords. Actually, half a day – they must get their be-booted butts back to Dallas, so leave at noon.
I refused to run for so long that when I finally did, I got the “runner’s high” from only going one mile.
Lejon – Which episode are you listening to?
I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think.
Wolf, I loved the latest music show. Kiss the Gunner’s Daughter!
Thank you EssBee! I had to fight off Megan’s Mom to play that one…
Ed: That is simply gorgeous. Currently my wallpaper.
Morning Pan!
Have the latest LLAP to listen to 🙂 as I start on month end 🙁
Beautiful picture, Ed.
Ooooh, a chorus line!
So sleeping with Reeva would be like sleeping with conjoined twins? (quadruplets?)
Maybe they were vampires. In Buffy they would first turn into skeletons before turning into dust.
Fishing is dull.
eewww, injected burgers!
I agree with everyone else. Gorgeous picture, Ed.
He has a palm in his front pocket?
Wait a minute! I play video games and I get laid regularly 😉
Or as Evo put it on the FB event page: “Jack, who?”
I use FF on my home computer and IE on the work one.
Oh a castle… Oh a diver… Oh a vine… Oh! A castle!
There’s frozen pie crusts?
Why hasn’t this conversation about liking pie degenerated into total gutterness. Oh, there it is 🙂 Leave it to Jack.
eeewww, Oreos! I don’t like Oreos.
Who eats pop tarts with a cloth napkin and knife and fork?
Holy crap.
I’ve got basically nothing to do with tons of work hanging over me. And I’m pretty tired as well. There are somethibng like 7 jobs all on hold for one reason or another, and you just know they will all get cleared to go at the same time…
Interesting to us eggheads:
JB – And they will expect all of them done yesterday once they are cleared…
ditto: What a fabulous find! Thank you!
Many thanks for the compliments.
Regarding the Grand Canyon tour – We went with a small tour company for a day trip. They picked us up from our hotels and did all the driving. We had two guides and only eight tourists, including my wife and I. It was a fantastic experience.
We didn’t go to the new clear bridge. I’m pretty sure that’s on the North Rim as part of an Indian reservation. Our tour went to the South Rim. Darryl, the owner and main guide, basically started this company because he could find no one offering tours of the Grand Canyon in small groups. So, he quit his banking job and is pretty much living his dream with this. I highly recommend them if you want to take a day trip to the Canyon from Las Vegas.
Regarding imag1narynumber’s security post:
During our last couple of days, it turned out the Black Hat conference was going on at our hotel. There were a few exceptions, but it was a sea of stereotypical looking computer nerds – white guys aged 25 to 55 wandering around with their red ID badge holders.
Ed: great picture!
i: You’re welcome.
Currently listening to: Alone in the Wilderness
They seem to be a progressive metal band, that does instrumental music. At least, that’s all I’ve heard so far. Pretty good stuff so far.
You can get their 3 albums for free here:
OK. Not entirely instrumental.
Hardened pie crusts can be dangerous..just look what happened to Ernie.
Reminds me of that old joke about an unfit person getting high climbing the stairs.
Ed: Yeah, I recall a shirt that says “Hacking: So Easy, a White Guy Can Do It.”
I have a deep appreciation for good progrock; I’ll definitely check out the link at home, ditto.
A cool link of my own:
Be sure to check out all 3 pages.
“My God! It’s full of star fuckers!”
Back from the grocery store. Hubby came with me. He’s the same way, Cj. I never know what I’m going to bring home when he’s with me.
I won’t go there.
TEB Are you alluding to a conversation with Cj that didn’t happen on here?
It was on LLAP, Van.
Jack: Awesome stuff.
CP: Wearing The Inside Out — Pink Floyd
I am now caught up on Deadpan and LLAP. I’m ODing on Jack Mangan right now.
How do you think I feel, Ed?
Wow, that story, The Nostalgist, was really good. Thanks to whomever posted it.
For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals.
Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination.
We learned to talk.
Jack, still going through the images on your link. Love the two Vader ones at the bottom of the first page.
CP: High Hopes — Pink Floyd
One of my favorite songs.
The Vader in Japan ones were funny.
Yeah, I’m thumbing through them as well on and off. Really enjoying them.
Critical updates for Adobe products. Adobe has more information here:
These could be fun:
That could get you Lorena Bobbitt’ed if you aren’t careful. 😉
Those are fun Star Wars pics. Especially love Darth Vader with Hello Kitty and the really cool poster of the Millennium Falcon on the top of the original linked page, but mostly, I think I now must own an X-wing desk.
Thanks for listening to LLAP.
Ed’s ODing on Jack? How is that possible? I mean, really isn’t LLAP just me interrupting him repeatedly? (I am really working on that bad habit!)
Now *this* is kewl!
And, TEB, yes, you can buy frozen pie crusts in the dessert section at the grocery store. Thaw, then bake. It’s terrible. I buy them as snacks and just break off frozen chunks and eat them. It’s one of the various things about me that makes me, um, you know… “special”
ditto: Thanks for the heads-up
“Dog Boarding” … turns out that’s not a sport. Heck, it’s not even an interrogation technique.
..and we’re back…DP DTs have been avoided.
I prefer the pie crusts to the pie contents.
But to keep my weight under some sort of control the pie crust munching had to go.
And of course, you can’t have pie without Cool Hhwhip.
So for lunch I went to the Jack in the Box drive-thru and noticed that the car in front of me had a Hawaiian license plate. Does that mean the economy has gotten so bad that even Hawaiians have elected to drive instead of fly when traveling out of state?
It’s Friday night and all I want to do is climb into bed and go to sleep.
I think there’s something a little sad about that!
Apple release a patch for the SMS vulnerability:
Tonight’s tip:
Never argue with a Portuguese woman about umanned v manned lighthouses when you are gnackered.
CW: Dr. Who, S3, E9 Human Nature
Really, why didn’t you guys tell me it was so great?
gratuitous Whoism
I believe I shall go camping again tomorrow.
Someone keep an eye on the bar.
Ciao !
… olleh?
EssBee – The new Who is excellent. I say that having only seen the first two seasons with Eccleston and never really having had a chance to get comfortable with the new Doc, the one from Harry Potter. *cough*
Is it ok to argue with a Portuguese woman about unmanned v manned lighthouses if you AREN’T gnackered?
She’s scary, so probably not.
Eccelston only did one season NS.
Was it really only the one season? Wow. Cuz it really was excellent. I’m sure that there is some bad spec fiction tv being made in …
Erm, do I want to say Briton, England, the UK, or something else?
… anyhow, I’m sure that the BBC cannot have a 100% hit record, but the three shows I’ve seen were all excellent. Being Human, 3rd season of Torchwood, 1st season of Dr. Who.
I would pick up the DVD sets of Dr. Who, but they were $90USD when I looked a year ago.
I keep distracting myself, I meant to ask if there are bad specfic TV shows on BBC?
Hell ya NS, soaps like Eastenders for a start.
But in regards to BBC scifi, pre-new Who a lot it was great on ideas (Blakes 7) but let down by the shoddy FX.
Oh and if you think B5 started major story arcs in scifi’d be wrong.
NS, do you have Netflix? The first 3 seasons are all watchable online (though we have gotten the DVDs). Our S3, disc 4 was cracked when we opened it up last night, though, so I bought those 3 episodes from iTunes and hooked the iPod up to the TV and we watched em that way. I think David T. makes a wonderful Doctor. I loved Rose, but I really love Martha.
Mundane EssBee health update: I finally went to Urgent Care late yesterday because I could not stand it anymore! I have a ginormous bladder infection (I know that’s oversharing, but we’re all friends, right?) plus the stones, so now am on mega medication. It must be bad because I was told that if I wasn’t markedly improved today to head to the ER. I am better, so screw that, btw. /medreport
Also, Computer King, if you’re out there, you could record yourself reading the phone book and it’d be just a-ok with me.
Morning Pan!
Woke up, ate breakfast then had a shower. Hubby still asleep and I don’t want to wake him so I’ve just got a towel wrapped around me ’til he gets up and I can get dressed. Now my shoulders are chilly.
I think my feet are getting cold too.
I might wait another 1/2 hour, then climb into bed and snuggle up to him with my cold feet and shoulders.
That’ll teach him.
The Deadpan Ambassador is now on her way home. Do to uncooperative weather, she missed her connecting flight was was delayed overnight in Houston. We were able to put her up for the night at the Deadpan consulate here in southeast Texas.
And, yes, Joe, she did get to ride in the CTS. 🙂
All hail the generosity that seems to be the Deadpanites, Ed.
Ugh! Evil hubby kicked me out of bed because my feet were cold. I showed him, I turned on the bedroom light – without warning – so I could see to get dressed. I think we’re both up now.
You are laying the evilness of Mr TEB a bit thick there TEB.
Hubby actually didn’t get up. I shut off the light and he rolled over and went back to sleep.
Hubby finally dragged his butt out of bed. Now I can clean the bathrooms.
Him sleeping in is not as big of a deal as I’m making it. He was up quite late last night. I’m a morning person, he’s a night owl so every once and a while this difference clashes. We both understand 😉
Hubby’s laughing at me because I’ve pulled out the suitcases and started packing. We don’t leave until Wednesday.
Now my cat has decided to sleep in the open suitcase – as cats generally like to do. No more packing for me.
Common sense prevails:
Icy feet on bare skin is just 👿
EssBee: yes, the ER is a quagmire, but don’t fuck around with that.
Ed: you are an excellent human being. Very knightly of you to rescue a stranded Amy Bowen.
Err Essbee my Mum almost died from a bladder infection, go and get checked out if your aren’t feeling better.
Thanks, fellas. I’m on the nuclear antibiotics, and suffer from chronic kidney issues (thanks, mom). I’ll be good as new in a few days.
I was gonna say, Jack, that I definitely will NOT be fucking around in my current state, but that might only be funny in my own head.
Ed, what a guy!
CW: The latest Eureka
Yeah the new season isn’t doing it for me.
Hey, all! I’m home, safe and sound. 🙂 Ed is, indeed, excellent. Hooray for the generosity of Deadpanites near and far! 😀
There’s no place like home.
Ed: I made the following image as a thank-you present for you.
That is very cool, Amy. Even cooler than Fonzie socks.
So the Pelham 123 was a well acted excercise in pointless remakes.
How well do you know your cat?
Morning Pan!
My cat’s definitely left pawed, even though she’s female. We noticed this, almost from the time we got her.
May have posted this before:
I have to say the Scooby Doo made me laugh.
Well judging from the fist two entries I’m officially weird:,_In_Increasing_Order_of_Weirdness
I guess I’m not weird because I don’t do any of that. However, I do have a significant other to go with so that probably makes a difference. If I was on my own, I’d be more inclined to go to a movie or a restaurant by myself.
Amy is quite the artist, if I do say so myself 🙂
I can’t say that it has ever occurred to me to try to play Monopoly by myself.
I wouldn’t play Monopoly by myself, but I have played the Game of Life solo before. Does it count if it’s a computerized version of the game?
And I disagree completely with any solo movie viewings being weird. One of my favorite things to do is go to the theater to see a movie that is 100% my choice. Settle in with popcorn, redvines, and a diet soda – none of which I have to share – and watch the movie without having to concern myself with anyone else. Pure selfish enjoyment, that’s what that is.
I like to go to the movie theater alone wearing only shorts and a trenchcoat.
My LifePod
I think we’ve done this before, but I’m in the mood to do it again and maybe some of you didn’t before. I didn’t cheat and neither should you.
Put your iPod or iTunes on Shuffle
Read the question
Hit “next” and the song title that comes up is the answer.
1. How am I feeling today?
Lullaby – Jack Johnson
2. What was high school like?
Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around – Stevie Knicks & Tom Petty
3. How will today be?
Never Gonna Fall in Love Again – Eric Carmen
4. What is in store for me this weekend?
Mr. Roboto – Styx
5. What is the best thing about me?
All Around the Kitchen – Dan Zanes
6. How is my life going?
Upside Down – Diana Ross
7. What song will they play at my funeral?
Rock the Casbah – Clash
8. How does the world see me?
Julie – Merril Bainbridge
9. What do my friends think of me?
Absolutely (Story of a Girl) – Nine Days
10. How can I make myself happy?
Bang Your Head – Quiet Riot
11. What is some good advice?
They Don’t Know – Tracy Ullman
12. What is my current theme song?
Every Rose Has Its Thorn – Poison
My LifePod
1. How am I feeling today?
Laugh Kills Lonesome – Michael Nesmith
2. What was high school like?
Gotta Make It So – Warp 11
3. How will today be?
Gonna Buy Me A Dog – The Monkees (my note: No I’m not)
4. What is in store for me this weekend?
Slither – Velvet Revolver
5. What is the best thing about me?
Salve Virgo Virginum – The Mediæval Bæbes
6. How is my life going?
Kiss from a Rose – Seal
7. What song will they play at my funeral?
Zor And Zam [TV Version] – The Monkees
8. How does the world see me?
Who Am I – Peace Orchestra
9. What do my friends think of me?
Little Red Rider – Michael Nesmith
10. How can I make myself happy?
Limelight – Rush
11. What is some good advice?
Brandenburgische Konzerte – Allegro assai – Johann Sebastian Bach
12. What is my current theme song?
What’s Keeping You Awake – Quantum of Solace (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
# 8 should be Who Am I – Peace Orchestra: Animatrix Soundrack
My LifePod
1. How am I feeling today?
Singing In My Sleep — Semisonic
2. What was high school like?
Go With The Flow — Queens of the Stone Age
3. How will today be?
Montana de Oro — Rachel Kann
4. What is in store for me this weekend?
Judith — A Perfect Circle
5. What is the best thing about me?
Serious Juju — Sammy Hagar
6. How is my life going?
Barracuda — Heart
7. What song will they play at my funeral?
Violet — Hole
8. How does the world see me?
A Farewell To Kings — Rush
9. What do my friends think of me?
Why I’m Here — Oleander
10. How can I make myself happy?
Best Waste of Time — Tom Cochrane
11. What is some good advice?
Minions — Wild Strawberries
12. What is my current theme song?
Big Daddy Of Them All — John Mellencamp
1. How am I feeling today?
The Aspergian Theme – Torley Wong
2. What was high school like?
Cardeosa – John McLaughlin, Paco DeLucia, Al DeMeola
3. How will today be?
Funk #49 – James Gang
4. What is in store for me this weekend?
All For This – Anything After
5. What is the best thing about me?
Back to the Pines – Moonlight Towers
6. How is my life going?
Tupelo – Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
7. What song will they play at my funeral?
Synchronicity II – The Police
8. How does the world see me?
Donna Donna – The Tenniscoats
9. What do my friends think of me?
I Don’t Know Why I Love You (But I Do) – Clarence “Frogman” Henry
10. How can I make myself happy?
Cowboy Jazz – The Relatives
11. What is some good advice?
Consider Me – Mark Lanegan
12. What is my current theme song?
Elvis’ Bathtub – Zeugma
Great ad for a game! 🙂
Anyone know what song this is?
Night out spoilt somewhat by a nasty drunk, sigh.
1. How am I feeling today?
Crying Song – Pink Floyd
2. What was high school like?
Squinting Contact Lenses – Dr. Science
3. How will today be?
Next Year Baby – Jamie Cullum
4. What is in store for me this weekend?
So Fine – Electric Light Orchestra
5. What is the best thing about me?
Flute Solo Improvisation/God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/Bouree – Jethro Tull
6. How is my life going?
Gowing Down Slow – Eric Clapton
7. What song will they play at my funeral?
Rise Up In The Morning – The Modern Jazz Quartet
8. How does the world see me?
Detroit City – Alice Cooper
9. What do my friends think of me?
Oedipus Tex – P.D.Q. Bach
10. How can I make myself happy?
Repent Walpurgis – Procol Harum
11. What is some good advice?
This Love – Maroon 5
12. What is my current theme song?
Do You Think It’s Alright? (III) – The Who
Wow. Some of those came out quite interesting.
Jack, I think you win for most bands I’ve never heard of before
Ditto: The midomi app on iPhone tells me it’s Backyard of our neighbors by Au Revoir Simone. It’s incredibly wrong though.
I’ve tried it a few times now and it usually says it can’t come up with a close match. Sorry.
Yeah Shazam craps out as well.
The funny thing is I’m sure I’ve heard it before, but I can’t place it. It’s either old, or a new independent. A lyrics search turned up nada.
Thanks for looking guys.
I’d never heard of Reflectoporn till tonight:
For those of you who don’t have facebook *cough*Jack*cough* – check out what a cute Vulcan I am!
Best song Placebo has done in a while: For What It’s Worth
One has to wonder about the reflectoporn. I mean… are they thinking “Hey, I’m taking naked pics of myself. While I have my camera out, I should take pictures of those things I keep meaning to put up on eBay.” ?
Or do you think it’s the other way around?
Ed: Thank you! 🙂
Oh……. come…… on…….
They’re lizards.
What?! Crap. No point watching it now.
Didn’t there already used to be a show like that one before? Seems familiar.
-horrible sentence structure +something that made better sense
Brilliant mashup of Iron Maiden and the Monkees. Yep.
Goodnight ____
My LifePod
1. How am I feeling today?
The Promise – When in Rome
2. What was high school like?
Eye has not Seen – Marty Haugen
3. How will today be?
Ditch (from Twister score) – Mark Macina
4. What is in store for me this weekend?
The Stargate Opens (from Stargate Score) – David Arnold
5. What is the best thing about me?
Shadow of a Doubt – Roxette
6. How is my life going?
Two Wives (from Hunt for Red October score) – Basil Poledouris
7. What song will they play at my funeral?
The Treasure Caves – Diane Arkenstone
8. How does the world see me?
Find a Way to my Heart – Phil Collins
9. What do my friends think of me?
Ring Game and Dance (from Tron score) – Wendy Carlos
10. How can I make myself happy?
A Day at SGC (from Stargate: Continuum score) – Joel Goldsmith
11. What is some good advice?
Superfabulous – BT featuring Rose McGowan
12. What is my current theme song?
Boughs of Holly – Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Well, given my music library, I can hardly say I’m surprised.
Anyone else been seeing banner ads for this? I’ve started noticing them in the last week or so since returning from my trip.
I don’t see any banner ads.
Vanamonde: Your “It’s a-me, Mario” is one of the great moments in podcast broadcasting. (Finally listening to #132)
ditto: the song is God’s Gonna Cut You Down originally by Johnny Cash. I’m not sure who the band singing there is, though
Oh and Good Morning Pan! Terrible storm last night. I’m afraid to go out and see what kind of damage was done to my yard.
Working today, even though it’s suppose to be a holiday today. Blech. Silly month end.
Good morning, DP!
Have to go to work now. I hope you all enjoy your day!
This is going to be a rough week for me…
Good news the August Spotlight has been found! Woohoo!
Ed, I haven’t seen any ads for Evony, but it looks like it’s a game that runs in the browser, much like Free Realms which, from what I understand is horrible. I tried to play Free Realms and couldn’t make it work. Seeing as I like to think of myself as a little bit tech savvy (at least) that was frustrating. Now I’ll have to check this out and see if it runs better.
Good Morning, everyone.
‘your lipstick was the colour of Nairobi in spring’
Cheesey enough for W&G
What colour is Nairobi? Spring or not.
I suspect a shade of red.
I think the whole point of those Evony ads is the cleavage. Which doesn’t say much for the gameplay. Or maybe it speaks volumes.
Morning, Pan.
The wikipedia article suggests in pretty scathing terms that it’s largely a ripoff of material from the Civilization games.
What’s odd is that the banner ads suggest a game of an adult nature, but apparently that’s just a tease.
Cleavage was advertising something… really…
I was just enjoying the view…
Why does Cpt. Kirk climb the mountain
Yes, I think I have seen the Evony banner ads, on TVTropes.
Amy that does raise a couple of questions…
Here’s a neat bit of podcast history:
Free wifi at the play area today. Then back home for more spreadsheet he’ll.
My iPod touch added that extra apostrophe without my permission.
…good morning, Pan…
WNDRWolf: Good cast. Listened to 42. Would be better if Music and Spoken stuff were closer in levels. Listening in the car, lost half of what people were saying when I was turning the volume back up, had to turn back down when music came on.
Good mix, though.
Although, I must admit I’m a country music hater. Twang-on, change station… Oops, it’s my MP3 player… I guess I’ll listen…
Would someone please tell me when I became a lifeguard at the shallow end of the gene pool?
Just gave the kids their five minute warning. they are ready to go
Lejon – No worries about the Country music It will be a while before it comes back…
I will work on the levels…42 I was working with a new program… Thats my excuse and I am sticking to it…
Would Jean-Michel Jarre then be the lifeguard at the Oxygene Pool?
(too obscure?)
No on the obscurity.
With penguins!
The first computer virus I encountered was on an Atari ST disk with an Oxygene sound sample demo.
Have you tried this tool Wolf:
Really F things up…
Ah I should have known it couldn’t be that simple to solve.
Van No worries… I have been fighting this problem for a while… I think I have found a better answer but I am still figuring it out.
I tried levelator with the Bedlam Bards interview and that totally f’ed that up and I had to re do the whole thing… which was why that took so long..
As a tool it is handy but you do have to watch it….
Defying Gravity
A definite hmmmmmm!
WNDRWolf: Levelator is great for speech. Speech only. It will completely ruin music.
Of course, if you cut your ‘cast together, levelate, then open both the levelator file and the original cut in your audio software, you should be able to mute the bad music on the levelated track, and mute the bad speech on the original cut, and produce a third file.
Of course, that’s a lot of work… Probably just easier to increase the volume on the speech portions.
Lejon – You would think it would work that way but not really… it does weird shit to the audio file…
Interesting… I won’t change the way I talk. I think accents make a difference in how people pronounce things, but it’s still interesting.
Anyone know if EssBee is feeling better? Hoping that she is!
I have a horrible horrible tummy-ache. I’m debating whether or not I think Alka-Seltzer will help. 🙁
I can’t claim to be an expert, but I’ve heard rave reviews for Reaper for mixing software.
Minigore review:
This Baja California earthquake was allegedly felt right here in the building.
I didn’t notice anything.
Insert ‘did the Earth move for you?’ jokes here ——>
I hope beta doesn’t turn out to be god.
I’m just saying…
People who get peevish about pronunciation are a pet peeve of mine….
w00t – better Like Butta!
I made a quiche yesterday (zuchinni – sorry Amy, mushrooms, green chili, and cheddar) and Sly B IM’d me at lunch to say it was “like buttah”. Hehe.
Do real mean really not eat quiche?
I was given a quiche earlier this year. I ate it. I survived, manliness intact.
Vanamonde, is this true?? (imag1narynumber tweeted this earlier)
Do you have Ed Balls watching you right now in your home?
Does George Orwell look a lot like Sean Penn in that picture?
EssBee: I don’t know, but I make quiche so make of that what you will.
Quiche is heavenly.
Pie crust filled with mostly cheese?
I can’t imagine why anyone would not love this amazing creation of food goodness.
EssBee – your ingredients sound ZOMG so delicious.
Mine is pie-crustless.
Interpret that as you will, pervs.
Also, I LOVE Torchwood.
That is all.
I wouldn’t put it past the current UK government Jack.
As to quiche, not so keen.
Morning Pan, back to work today, enthusiasm missing.
Morning, Van. I was about to break the silence with some Marva Whitney:
Cute Kitty antics:
Re: Van’s 11 Things That Are Weird To Do Alone, In Increasing Order of Weirdness.
1. Check
2. Check
5. This one isn’t so much weird as it sucks ass. I’ve done it at least twice and it is really pathetic how much it sucks.
6. I’ve played Pente and Chess and Tic-Tac-Toe against myself, but Monopoly never occurred to me.
8. No Prom at my HS. No solo, no double, no nothing.
9. Does running up a see-saw and trying to ride down the other side count? Cuz I’ve done that.
That’s me. Yeah.
Even for just speech, Levelator is hit or miss. Sometimes it works really great. And sometimes it spits out a pile of crap. You really really have to listen to the entire file afterwards to make sure it doesn’t go bad.
But when it works, heh. Nothing easier.
37. Arctic is pronounced “ark-tik,†not “ar-tik.†[Not “ant-ar-tik-ah either]
Sure. I’ve never heard anyone pronounce it clearly enough to differentiate. Then again, could just be my ears.
I passed the ninja kitties link on to my wife. I think I understand now why my Vex cat reacts the way he does when I start batting at his paw.
Oh, and I like quiche, but I can’t comment on the “real man” bs. Cuz I think “real men” are a bad stereotype. So there.
There are computer versions of Monopoly. Heck back in the anything get rips off 80’s there were non licensed computer versions of Monopoly:^Go+to+Jail$&pub=^Automata+UK+Ltd$&loadpics=1
Reaper looks like over kill of the “my brains are melting” variety, much like Ardour.
I managed to record once using Ardour. I wasn’t able, in thirty minutes, to figure out how to do anything more than that.
EssBee: Hope you’re feeling better, and I keep forgetting to add Who to the queue. *smacks head*
Van: Sorry, I was unclear. I rarely have any interest whatsoever in anything non-specfic. If I can deal with the FX, should I check out the Blakes 7? Any other recommends?
Everyone else: Where are you guys? It’s a great day out here!
If playing computer Monopoly counts, then I guess I have committed that weirdness. Someone had it on their NES/SNES and I had to try it out.
But I didn’t inhale.
Erm, enjoy it.
Oh dude! Opera has a “reload every [set period of time]” option.
Thursday morning will never be the same.
Blakes 7
Star Cops
Tom Baker Era of Dr Who (Pyramids of Mars and the Robots of Death being two of my favs).
The Nightmare Man (one off, four part series)
The Avengers (and The New Avengers)
I survived Monday. I declare victory….oh, wait, I have to go again?
I’m starting to detect some sort of pattern here.
Good morning!
Back to work today, but only for a 1/2 day. I have some unpleasant check ups with the Dr. mid-day, and then we’re going to see Harry Potter!!
Better go shower and get to the office early. xox, y’all
Nomad Scry: Amen re: “real men”
I think you guys are very real and very man.
*puffs up chest*
Oh yeah, forgot to mention my new box at work is 64-bit. A first for me.
Morning Pan!
Wet today. Suppose to be wet all week but that won’t dampen my spirits.
Leave for World Con tomorrow! Woo Hoo!!!!
The kitty on the left in Van,s link almost looked like a scruffy stuffed cat
…. and I’m back.
You’ve been busy little bees haven’t you?
Not sure about the “real man” thing. I’m beginning to suspect that ditto is just a very clever algorithm.
Speaking of rhythm … Jack’s “Marva Whitney” link broke my “Funk-O-meter”®. I shall have to have it re-calibrated now.
Off to clean/put away all my camping gear.
Glad you had a good trip, J0e.
CP: New Bones — So Many Dynamos
/drive by
It was … adventurous.
– Overnight rainstorm. (stayed dry – Yea!)
– Ticks.
– Wasp up the pant leg. (bit me 3 times before I killed him.)
/drive by
I’m here and I’m gone.
Heading to the gym this morning, but will check in with y’all later. Many projects on my plate at the moment!
CP: Heavy — Collective Soul
There’s that word again; “heavy”. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth’s gravitational pull?
Alas poor Wasp, I did not know you well..
I don’t mind wasps. If they make it into our house, I’m usually the one that kills them. It’s other types of creepy crawlies that I can’t handle.
So of course, on the day before I go on holidays nothing balances at work. I wonder if I can pretend to work and then deal with it when I get back? If I’m really lucky, maybe someone else will look at it while I’m gone – not!
Good Morning, Pan!
This A.M. greeting brought to you by the good ol’ folks at Lejon from Chandler.
Morning LJ 🙂
It helps, as I know so many other Lejons.
Well, you can’t have too many Lejons. They’re just so handy.
Explore the web.
Pick the first song on your iPod that you are listening to. If you currently aren’t, listening, pick the first song on shuffle. Pick the first word in the song title that isn’t an article, preposition, or conjunction. Go to Google and do the “I feel lucky” search with that word. Post the results.
Apparently, “More” is a women’s health magazine.
What about LeEds?
Sugar Mountain – “Sugar” in google just brought me to the wiki definition of sugar. How boring.
Terry Pratchett campaigns for the right to take his own life
That makes me very sad.
“Climbing up the Walls” by Radiohead – – there’s apparently a Climbing Magazine.
Have fun in Montreal, Bunny!
Joe: Wasp stings CAN’T have been fun. Ticks also suck.
“LeEds” 🙂
Morning, LeJack. 😉
Well, damn. The first song that came up was “Elmo’s Rap Alphabet” which means that is not surprisingly the website. So I’m going to re-shuffle and …
“Workin’ for the Weekend” by Loverboy yields website:
Because if you say “Workin'” instead of “Working” apparently you have a Texan accent.
I had to test that theory to see what came up with the word “Working” and apparently that is the name of a musical. I didn’t know. I feel more smarter today now.
RE: Legalising Euthanasia
I just can’t help feeling it will be used to get rid of people who have become inconvenient.
I don’t want to live in that world.
But I may have said that before.
I agree, there, Van. When does the right to die become the responsibility to die? Slippery slope? They usually are.
Well, currently listening to “How to Grow Your Geek”
Grow yields
Which, I can’t access from work as it is apparently categorized as “Games”
Van & Ed: Yep.
Not listening to anything, mostly because it’s difficult with a phone job.
“Nothing” brings up:
So, no surprises there…
Vanamonde: You’re surely not under the impression this does not currently happen.
Devil’s Advocate:
Think about it from Pratchett’s perspective. He’s facing a lot of years of undignified suffering as the Alzheimer’s erodes his ability to think and to clearly perceive the world. The disease will kill him anyway, but he’ll undergo months or years of dementia first. In this case, he’s made a rational, functional decision to depart with dignity.
There must be some way to allow this, while protecting elderly relatives who are “in the way” from their conniving relatives.
Yes i but it’s not legalised. Legalising euthanasia would open the flood gates in my view.
CP: Jumping Bean — Tracy Bonham
RE: Euthanasia
Like so much in life, there is NO black and white to this one. There will be times when it isn’t right and there will be times where it is the sort of compashionate act that actually defines us as “human”.
I say we don’t “legalize” euthanasia but we don’t criminalize it either.
I’m not sure how that gets pulled off. The idea is NOT to give it an official governmental blessing … but also have the human compassion to look at individual cases.
Dang! Another hard one. Why won’t life just give in and be simple?
… and where is my damn hover craft. 🙁
My hovercraft is full of eels.
What is the word for a song that is a mix of other songs. Like, I know there’s the Grease Megamix or Stars on 45 are they called remixes or megamixes? Is there a word for a bunch of songs all tangled up?
Melange’ ???
It has eggses in it’s pockets!
“My hovercraft is full of eels”
I hope they’re electric. Something has to power the dang motor 😉
Cj: A medley?
Doh! ditto wins.
RE: Euthanasia
I believe it should be limited to the terminally ill and Youtube commentors.
Well Pan!
That’s it. I’m gone. I’m not sure what the WiFi will be like so you may or may not hear from me. At the very least I’ll try to get word out on Friday after the awards. Wish me luck!
Good luck too, Bunny! And say hi to Jetse de Vries, if you see him (amongst the other thousand or so attendees).
Good luck Bunny!
Yay! Have a great time, Bunny!!!
Oh and THANK YOU … Medley. That was the word I couldn’t think of.
My brain it does so malfunction on occasion.
Rhettro: Good policy.
Good luck, TEB.
A bit twee but I like her voice:
All I can say is that it better come with a hooker:
Jack: it looks like this is all we get
RE: Youth in Asia
There are a lot of them…
CP: Then He Kissed Me — Asobi Seksu
CP: Gum — Cornelius
I am also CP: Asobi Seksu! The song is Nefi + Girly.
Do I need to play some more Marva Whitney, people??
CP: Chillpak Hollywood Hour
CP: Jackie Blue – The Ozark Mountain Daredevils (blip)
JOe!! Scary wasp story, btw.
We just saw Harry Potter. I loved it. I cried.
We have 2 more episodes of Torchwood to watch. I cannot wait, yet I’m sad to be finished with it again.
I just discovered that my hubby has never heard the song “Knockin’ at Your Back Door” by Deep Purple.
I’m still just sitting here agape.
And just in case …
The song I was playing was “All Along the Watchtower.”
“All” brings up:
CE (currently eating): Cherry pie with Cool Whip. “You can’t have a pie without CooHHwip!” 😉
Tweet: It makes me very angry when my actually intelligent coworkers decide not to use their eyes and then want me to “show them how” to fix their problems. /Tweet.
But Nomad, why should they do anything when youre there to do it for them?
Only about an hour left in the Flash Gordon poll. Not a huge turnout, but some great write-in responses. . . 🙂
Do you mean 2001?
Sleep is a good thing.
I think he meant 2001 – otherwise you all are doing some super-secret Flash Gordon poll and I feel really super left out.
oh and … *snicker* you said “poll” .. oh wait.. I was thinking “pole” dangit.. never mind.
Back to my dirty lyric recording… it’s happening tonight all you doubters! (i1)
Hmmm Dr. Hans Zarkoff vs. HAL?
Good might, nush.
According to the Folkcast, 21 weeks till Xmas.
I need a drink.
Isn’t there a facebook app for that?
Crap, I totally missed the poll.
Not “pole”, JOe.
Morning comes around fast. Ugh.
Off to the showers and Evil. Have a wonderful day, DP!
Nomad Scry: Can’t agree more. It’s gotten to the point I’ve told one of my co-workers that I will no longer spoon-feed him.
Morning, Pan! Today I’m doing my Volunteer Service Project of the Week: going to the school where my dad works to help out with new student registration and/or the distribution of textbooks. I’m looking forward to it!
hmmmm … I sensed activity in the innuendo force.
Good morning.
EssBee said: “I totally missed the poll.”
That’s what She Said.
That’s a shame. I’d thought EssBee was in the Pole Position.
An eBuddy of mine, CommandLine (a.k.a. cmdln) has just released the beginning of his Inner Chapters on podiobooks.
It appears that this message board needs more “In and Out”
Ed – That’s what she said.
ZP reaches a 100 shows as he reviews Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood:
I could definitely go for some In and Out right now. It’s not too early for that is it?
Cj – It is never to early for In and Out.
CP: Get Off — Monster Taxi
CW: Saving Grace S3E8
I second WNDRWolf
Le-doppler-effect-jon was here.
CP: You’re Pitiful — Weird Al
All this and a science demosntration too..we are blessed.
Alas not in the spelling department.
“You never had a date. . . that you didn’t inflate. . .”
v v v v v v v v v v vVVVVPP !!!
I’m not sure what that sound effect is but I felt it was needed.
On a differrent but similure note, I also suddenly don’t feel so good.
No energy, joints achey, spell checker not functioning.
Who needs this in the summer?
I had this vision of Lejon “diving” by. As though he had a diving board at one end of the comments and jumped, leaped, dove… to the other end. And then, as if he was never even here, he disappeared in to the nothingness which followed, well, until imag1narynumber commented a few minutes later.
J0e, you must have caught something from all that coughing around here.
jJ – I know the cure for what’s ailing you. It’s called a hot tub. You go now.
Feel better soon.
I’m all caught up on my DeadPan…
Don’t tell anyone, especially not Jack!
My lips are sealed. 🙂
[note to self] — learn to make pumpernickel bagels —
[/note to self]
I love pumpernickel.
There might be a new episode up in the next 24 hours, Lejon. You have been warned.
Refresh boogie time.
I will not go insane now, I will not go insane now, I will not go insane now…
There’s an etcetera out there with my name on it…
Wednesday’s Humor Quote (from my desk calendar):
“Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers.” — Mignon McLaughlin
CP: Lazy — Love & Rockets
“I really enjoy pumpernickel,” Tom said wryly.
CP (in My Head): Spirit of the Falklands — New Model Army
jackmangan: Who’s this Tom person anyway?
I’m out for the night, Pan. It’s time for my Violin lesson.
I will see you en la manana.
Jack, I think you should know that your “wryly” comment made me laugh out loud for the first time today. That’s much better than my usual little snicker.
Hello, crazy friends.
It’s a pleasant evening at casa de Bee. I’ve worked out (because I overslept this morning), watered the flowers, and caught up on your — yes YOUR — dirty talk. In and out indeed.
Crazy? I’ll show you crazy!