Rorschach’s Show Notes
Clarification of podbabble – – the prizes aren’t guaranteed. Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 VM callers.
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Rorschach’s Show Notes
Clarification of podbabble – – the prizes aren’t guaranteed. Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 VM callers.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
I hereby claim this first post in the name of the U.S. of A.
Woot woot! Can’t wait to listen 🙂
But you’ve heard it before.p
All this has happened before.
Apparently Stephen Colbert doesn’t like Browncoats…
Bloody iTunes..the latest DP still isn’t showing up.
iTunes USA has the Deadpan.
Yeah it’s showing up in iTunes on my netbook but not the iTunes store on my phone…grrrrrr!
Ah well will listen next sync.
Yay! New Watchmania!!! I can’t wait to hear it.
LostRalph: Good to see you around again!
Ed: I caught that last night. I was thinking, “Either he really doesn’t like Browncoats, or he simply isn’t aware of Firefly/Serenity…” But now I realize: He’s a TV personality, how could he not be aware of a pop-culture phenomenon like that?
Morning Pan!
Managed to survive the night without my hubby. Now to survive four more…
Morning, Deadpan!
Colbert Nation versus Browncoats — hmm. As I watched him talk about Serenity, sitting next to my NASA-employed better half, I thought well, well, well.
Made the mistake of grabbing a mocha latte from Sonic on the way in.
I’m not sure what that goo was, but if it had coffee in it I’d be surprised.
Have any of you been following the “Racefail ’09” controversy currently playing out? It’s got my hackles up this morning, and I was just about to rant out a blog post on the topic, but thought maybe sitting with the issue for a bit before writing about it was a smarter tactic. Anybody have any thoughts?
JB – I’ve always been too afraid to try the Sonic coffees, now I know to continue avoiding. Thanks for the tip.
Cj – aka coffee snob.
^ coffee snob too.
Cj, have you ever tried ordering beans from Grounds for Change? If not, I’d highly recommend it. It’s fair trade and organic and yum.
EssBee, I haven’t, but I’ll check it out. I do order from an independent roaster at It’s a splurge, but it’s worth it. Her coffee is awesome and I like supporting an independent.
I’m back. I am kind of creeped out by the weird synchronicity of the first three episodes of the ‘Pan and the last Unshows.
Mr. Mangan, I’m very sorry that I don’t have any resources to send your way. My only advice is to doubt and triple check any legal advice that you do get.
Hurm. That was an honest typo where “doubt” was supposed to be “double” but it works better the way I mis-typed it.
And Tee is a good friend. I’m glad he was/is there for you.
Remember if the roasters are to be believed…most people drink stale coffee.
I enjoyed the Watchmania conversation, part 2, just as much as I enjoyed part 1. Well done, all of you!
If I had been on the Skype conf, I would have added to one conversation thread by saying that the “watch” motif throughout the GN also makes me think about the entire Cold War notion of the Doomsday Clock. The ticking clock is no question the Doomsday Clock.
The image is a depiction of our nearness to (self-) destruction via the nuclear option. Who watches the Watchmen? All of us better, or kaboom. I’d be curious if Amy had ever heard of the Doomsday Clock, or if it’s “before your time.”
Just a quick note: Episode 107: “No Dissasemble Rorschach”is available for your listening pleasure.
And… speaking of archived episodes – what’s a girl need to do around here to win a meal at Denny’s with Jack?
Well, first you are going to have to order contract hits on Vanamonde and the Smarty Hotties and then impersonate them 🙂
One note about Watchmen I always took the group name of Minutemen to be a reference to the Revolutionary War group.
And possibly to the ICBM models of the same name.
RE: Colbert, he’s a TV personality do you really expect to recognize anything beyond his own ego, and what’s in his script?
I’m pretty sure I had at least heard of it somewhere before I read “Watchmen.” I was aware of the concept, anyway. But yes, it really was before my time.
Now I’m curious as to what I missed on Colbert. It wasn’t just his usual faux right-wing schtick?
The Minuteman ICBM connection hadn’t occurred to me! Watchmen is some seriously fertile text.
Morning, Pan. Yes it is.
CP: High And Dry — Radiohead
CD: stale coffee
CP: Coverville 558
Well, I didn’t see Colbert recently, but on the news this morning I saw where he was recruiting his minions to do a write in campaign on the new space station module. Serenity had been in the lead, but apparently Colbert’s efforts have been paying off.
NASA says that the vote is non-binding 🙂
My job just started sucking exponentially harder.
Fun listening to the episode.
EssBee: I’m with Scalzi on the whole RaceFail discussion. I’m staying far away from it.
Jack: NASA is allowing people to vote for the name of the newest module of the International Space Station. “Serenity” is leading in the main poll, but “Colbert” is leading the write-in votes, and Stephen Colbert tried to rally people to vote for him on last night’s show.
Thanks, Ambassador.
CP: Merry Go Round — The Lolligags
Weird. Our comment posts actually echo today.
Weird. Our comment posts actually echo today…
I can’t help it, but my mind completely heads to the gutter when I see this chair.
Safe for work.
Ugh, work. Why does it have to be so complicated?
Would it be less complicated if you did it while sitting in the chair from ditto’s link?
Maybe. 🙂
Currently making mushroom risotto for supper tonight.
Wow ditto, nice chair.
I’ll be in my bunk thinking of all the interesting things I could have done in a chair like that.
Not the least of which is probably “working”.
It just warms the cockles. 😉
EssBee: Scalzi has a guest writer talking about RF. The discussion is finally getting to be one of quality, which is what he thought it deserved.
Here’s a link to the Colbert Nation versus Browncoats video:
Hey, ditto, thanks for the info – I’ll read it. I definitely wasn’t impressed w/ Scalzi’s comments from yesterday, but generally feel aligned with his politics so have faith in him.
Also, Sly B likes the chair too.
I do have a birthday coming up.
Jack: You’re welcome! 🙂
I’m moving into a new and (hopefully) better apartment (in the same complex) tomorrow afternoon. My ISP does not know about this yet; I’ll tell them tomorrow. So, if you don’t see me online for the next few days, that’s where I am.
Metal Gurus: Opinion of Mastadon?
Smiley crater on Mars.
Rhett and Van – excellent links!
ditto – I keep reading good things about Mastodon, but I’ve yet to hear anything that I really like. Rhett?
So for Wii owners desperate for a non party game..the following is looking good:
CP: The Geologic Podcast #107
CP: LLAP 107
The best promo I never heard.
Why to I think that, when CJ was talking about Riker and Remmick having a “spat”, she was thinking in her head “The make up sex will be awesome!”
Was I close, CJ?
Crap, I can’t remember my password for LLAP commenting.
No, I remember, I didn’t change it from the randomly generated default. I’ll have to check my email at home.
“Momma, you’re watching KID tv.”
Oh, CJ, that has given me a giggle fit. Damn u!
Ed, your morning messages made me smile. Thanks! 😀
CP: LLAP 106
CP: Salty Dog’s Blues n Roots #160
CP: very interesting discussion about the Student Loan industry on yesterday’s Democracy Now!
CP: Hold That Train — Lil’ Ed & The Blues Imperials
CP: Sleepy Maggie — Ashley MacIsaac
Murphy’s Saloon is a good music podcast.
When I lived in NJ, I loved going to a restaurant called Red Hot & Blue. Good food and live blues music.
My kid is still sick so I can’t leave the house and I desperately want coffee from somewhere other than my pot.
Anyone want to bring me coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts or McDonalds? Heck, I’d even take Starbucks….
Delivery? Please? I’ll pay you … with real cash money and hugs!
Actually… I’m the one that needs the hugs.
Wait – is this delirium just from lack of sleep?
Signature Hot Chocolate at Starbucks is rather nice.
Hugs, but no coffee, Cj, sorry!
Hugs for Cj from across the pond.
Now for something totally trivial:
After playing computer games since 1980 and never dabbling in light guns games…I ordered a gun attachment for the Wii and HOD:Overkill.
The big kid still lives.
So don’t be alarmed when Vaanmonde is hugging you – it’s just the Wii light gun.
Fill your boots on Soviet futuristic mag covers from the Stalin era:
CP: Scratch the Surface – The Week that Was
ditto – I think you’d dig this tune. I don’t have time to chase down the link, but I know I found it at
Did I know that you’d once lived in Jersey?
I have the Watchman Xbox360 game trial downloaded. I’ll play it sometime today or tomorrow and report back. Anyone else have this?
No, mainly because it just looked like another variation on the Final Fight arcade game:
Ah good ole youtube:
Jack: Thanks. I’ll give that song a listen after work. As for NJ, I really don’t remember if I’ve mentioned it before. I lived in Marlton for a couple of years.
Heh. I like the sign in this comic:
CP: Giant Steps — Jennifer Batten
I always get the bands Mastodon and Behemoth mixed up because of the names. LOL One of them has a track on the video game “Need for Speed: Most Wanted” and I’ve always liked it. But apparently not enough to remember who they were. LOL
I’ve added a couple of new tracks from the band “Gojira” to my MP3 running playlist. I’m also thinking of getting a couple of tracks from “Testament” and “Cynic.”
I think I’ve found my next t-shirt.
That’s brilliant!
I can hardly wait for BSG tonight!
So no one has watched the “Black Freighter” DVD yet?
Nope. Surprisingly, I haven’t even seen the movie yet. Been swamped and not feeling well. And trying not to get fired.
CP: Centerfield — John Fogerty
I “may” go see Watchmen this weekend.
Oh it was Mastodon that was on Need for Speed: Most Wanted, and ya I like em.
Behemoth is a little more ruff around the edges.
Of course when it comes to death metal, I like the more technical stuff like Insomnium.
Hello, Pan!
I’m in my new apartment now. I plugged in the cable modem and wireless router, and they started working perfectly. I still haven’t told the ISP, though. I’ll have to do that when they open again on Monday.
Hi Amy!
I was just thinking I need to record some Questors soon…
I haven’t seen the DVD. But, since I bought my watchmen ticket online, I got a free bonus download that included the opening chapters of the Watchmen motion comic and an intro to the Black Freighter animation.
The motion comic (think the GN with the text narrated and the Ken Burns effect applied with some animation) was actually pretty cool. The Black Freighter story doesn’t look to be terribly impressive animation.
I need to do retakes and further editing soon. I’m really glad there will be more Watchmania on the Deadpan, but we will get back to regular episodes in the fairly near future, and I would like to have more than one new Questors episode ready to go. (#4 is already in the can.)
Man, am I tired.
Good night, Deadpan. Good night, mush.
Good night Amy. Pleasant dreams. Don’t let the Rorschachs bite.
Morning, Deadpan!
Going to see the 9:30 a.m. Watchmen today.
EssBee, I don’t know if you’ve been warned or not, but there’s a bit in the opening credits sequence that’s probably going to upset you. It’s mentioned “off camera” in the graphic novel. Personally, I thought it was rather excessive and unnecessary. But, like much of the movie, it was a bone to through for the fanboys.
Thanks, Ed. I’ll bring my hands so I can cover my eyes. I have read a few reviews by lesbo-feminists who HATED the film (because, I am guessing, of the scene you’re warning me about), and the trailer for Lesbian Vampire Killers before the film. I’ll hold my thoughts about that until I see both things with my own eyes, but I am not too worried at this point.
Rhettro: LOL! I actually did have pleasant dreams for the first time in three nights last night.
Yes, it’s true: The Watchmen story universe has pretty much zero tolerance for lesbians or gays. It’s a shame that so many people will be put off from the story by that.
Off to start moving food and kitchen items into new apartment.
I don’t think the book or film endorses or condones the anti-gay attitudes, but they’re certainly there.
Both the book and the film are chock full of horrific ideas and images.
Three nights of unpleasant dreams doesn’t sound good, Amy!
OK – I need to get out and enjoy this day.
Rhettro built a robot…it will be world domination next..
Yeah, it’s my son’s. Finally got it assembled today. Amazing what toys they have out these days.
Jack: That was what I meant. The attitudes are there in the world of the story, but the author certainly doesn’t endorse them.
It was actually only two nights of unpleasant dreams, and then pleasant ones on the third night. The first night’s dream featured the wall directly opposite my bed being completely covered with bedbugs. The second night’s dream took place in a ski resort that also featured elaborate death traps á la the “Saw” films. It didn’t make sense, but I thought it would be a great setting for a horror story.
I dug it! Blue junk & all, it was worth the $10.
ditto, you were right. The Mary Anne Mohanraj posts on Scalzi’s blog have pointed the entire RaceFail discussion in a much better direction.
Glad you liked the movie, EssBee.
Just reached Day 7 of my daily regimen of Rorschach Challenge journal entries at my LiveJournal. Still having fun with it.
As a guy who’s written a bit outside of my own honky race, I admit – I find that discussion fairly interesting, if unnecessarily long-winded.
I just dropped in to share this video:
I haven’t seen that since 1987-or-whenever, when it aired on Liquid Television. Good stuff.
Enjoy your Saturday evenings, amigos y amigas.
Morning Pan, today’s CW saying:
Compromise is a virtue to be cultivated, not a weakness to be despised.
Okay if have a Wii and you just want a fun game, then you won go wrong with HOD: Overkill…cheesey fun.
Not for the kiddies though..too much swearing.
+ ‘t
Morning, Deadpan! Chore day for me.
So The Computer King sent me a gift link last night and my first thought was that I had to share it with the Deadpan:
Also an update: Daughter is still sick. Today is so flippin’ gorgeous outside. We should be running in the yard, riding bikes at the park, or hiking around the zoo – but instead, I’m stuck again looking at the inner walls of my house.
I’m going stir crazy and I’m out of groceries and I’m in desperate need of human adult contact.
But, on a positive note – I did sleep for 7 hours straight last night and after not having slept more than 3 hours a night for the last 4 days – today just HAS to be better!
Coffee and Newspaper are calling me now.
The same guy who did redneck
Now that’s a cake!
WOW! That is a cake?! Wow.
That cake is excellent. I love the dice. It says the dice aren’t edible though – My 20 sided is so much smaller. I have dice envy right now.
I thought it was pretty incredible as well. 🙂 There is a game store in Chandler that sells big D20’s like that.
Funny Rorschach song. We gets no Computer King love round here anymore 🙁
And holy crap – it would be such a shame to cut up and eat that cake. A delicious frosted shame.
Yeah, I’d feel pretty bad taking a knife to it. But being a cake and all it wouldn’t last forever anyway.
That’s what cameras are freeze the moment in time .
That song is hilarious and disturbing.
Night, Pan.
Evening, Pan. It has been a busy family time filled weekend – with lots of cold and rain mixed in.
the. cake. is. a. lie.
Just don’t leave the dragon cake out in the rain.
Morning Pan, Monday morning blues again, and no internet access during the day…here comes the technology DTs..
No internet access? Isn’t that a violation of the Geneva convention or something?
I love how we posted both of the cake-related references one after the other. 🙂
Morning, Pan. Another work week is about to begin.
Morning Pan!
Hubby comes home today – Yeah!
Stuck downtown for part of the morning – Boo!
Morning, Pan!
So there’s this little button at the bottom of the board that says “Insert Audio Comment”. Has anybody tired this? Every time I see it, i want to give it a try but am too chicken incase I mess something up.
Haven’t tried it, but it looks interesting. I might try it sometime.
Life looks much sunnier this morning thanks to rides from friends, an iced mocha from Starbucks, and the prospect of a fun weekend trip on the horizon. 🙂
Well Pan, I’m headed home. Talk to y’all in an hour 😉
Hey, Jack! The ComputerKing love is still here, just mostly in spirit. I still love the community, and still listening. Just consider me lurking in the shadows, like a good Supervillain should:).
Re: Mystery Button
Being the “born button pusher” that I am, I have tried said audio button.
I found it to be very unsatisfying.
Others should try it ans see if your computer yields different (or any) results.
… meanwhile, here are instructions for making your own hand-held, coil gun.
Clicking on the insert audio comment generates the following error:
The requested URL /recorder/record_app_JS.asp was not found on this server.
So now you know.
Well after looking at that coil gun sight I hear some heavy knocking at my door..eeeek!
CP: Wander Radio
site even
Just thought I would pop back in after a week of dental torture.
I was able to get a show posted. Looking forward to get episode #38.
Was a good interview Wolf, I had never heard of bloke so was interesting find out what he was upto.
Van – Cylons hate coil guns because they work in the vacuum of space. You might want to use an emergency exit.
That gun would look good in BSG. lol
Good to know you’re still there, Computer King!
That button used to work, but I think it broke during some site update. If people want it back, I can bring it back.
Well, the Chamberlain is throwing food at me again. Gotta go.
If you still have a copy of Deus Ex lying around you may want to dust if off and give this total conversion mod a try:
CP: Tenement Teeth — Pela
CP: Youth, I Used To Know You — Maximus Parthas
I should have named my puppy
“El Poopacabra”
Hey Van that is the whole point of the interview glad you enjoyed it!
His audio drama stuff is really good and recommend “Twin Stars!”
J0e – thats what I named my Chihuahua.
CP: Off The Wagon — L7
Today, I’ll get some modicum of revenge on certain sources of frustration. To quote Pink Floyd: “Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!” 😉
And yes, I’m currently listening to “The Wall”. 🙂
“When I pick up the phone. . . . there’ll still be nobody home. . . “
I feel like I need to listen to some Poe today.
Cj – Try “Tales of Mystery and Imagination” – The Alan Parsons Project
lol. I’m pretty sure she was talking about the singer.
WNDRWolf, I’m checking that out… my Poe isn’t Edgar Allan, mine is more of the “Angry Johny”, “Trigger Happy Jack”, and “Dolphin” variety.
“Can’t talk to a psycho like a normal human being.”
It’s angry music for angry people.
No decent You Tube videos, but the song I wanted to hear is there.
(Wishing I was near my music collection) The track Cask of Amontillado comes to mind… But I am not an angry person normally..oh well.
My recent Scrabble game is sending me messages of Cheer:
I like both of Poe’s albums, but I much prefer “Haunted”.
I’ve got a little black book with my poems
I’ve got a bag a tooth brush and a comb in
When I’m a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone in
I’ve got thirteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from.
CP: There Goes My Gun — Pixies
And speaking of angry music…
gouge away
you can gouge away
stay all day
if you want to
missy aggravation
some sacred questions
you stroke my locks
some marijuana
if you got some
gouge away
you can gouge away
stay all day
if you want to
sleeping on your belly
you break my arms
you spoon my eyes
been rubbing a bad charm
with holy fingers
gouge away
you can gouge away
stay all day
if you want to
chained to the pillars
a 3-day party
i break the walls
and kill us all
with holy fingers
gouge away
you can gouge away
stay all day
if you want to
Gouge Away — Pixies
Oh gawd..the latest coverville consists of a number covers of ‘seasons in the sun’…most fucking depressing song EVAR.
I need to watch the Seventh Seal to cheer up a bit.
Funnily enough the French original sounds quite cheerey.
OMG, love the Pixies.
CP: This Is How It Goes — Aimee Mann
CP: Emotional Stain — Econoline Crush
CP: Super-Sonic — The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Shuffle, first word of the next 4 song titles that come up (excluding “The”) results in the following:
Blow Meeting Hot Needle
Merl’s Ruins Mothers Come
CP: Bee-Bee’s Song — Sonic Youth
Hit Teenage Girls Faith
Seasons, seasons, seasons and seasons
Hello Dirty Brown Gepetto
Re: Coverville
Music to listen to with your head in the oven.
If he does a “Wreck of the Edmond Fitzgerald” retrospective, the mortality rate among his listeners will sky rocket.
CW: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Paranoid Always Slow Polly
John Connor has mommy issues.
Mother? Yes Son? I want to terminate you…
Is that a euphemism?
Shinka* Peak Star Star
*Japanese for “evolution.”
Got two Star Wars-related sound clips in a row there at the end.
Frightened by J0e’s idea of euphemisms that have to do with mommies.
Good night, Deadpan. Good night, mush.
FYI: I intend to mark April 1 this year as Joe Murphy Day. Who’s with me?
I shall have rootbeer and ice cream at the ready.
April 1st, A rootbeer float in Joe Murphy’s honor.
I’ll definitely join you, Jack. I’m sorry that I never knew Joe because from all I’ve heard, he was an amazing person.
I celebrate my anniversary on Fool’s Day. And while I ran into the Farpoint world after Joe’s passing, it seems appropriate to celebrate him on Fool’s Day.
April 1 is the anniversary of Joe’s death.
Thanks for the initial support, you guys 🙂 If you have access to root beer and ice cream that day, a root beer float would be an excellent way to remember and celebrate a great guy and great friend.
Hey, what kind of root beer was his fav?
And we resolve again to stop complaining so much, as I recall.
I’m afraid to even ask how many years it’s been and even more so to guess. Time does strange things in the podosphere.
What was that line from that a star trek movie…time is the flame in which we burn.
CW: Breaking Bad S2E2
April 1st, absolutely.
Morning Pan.
Nice to have hubby home to cuddle again.
4 days til holidays! Woot!
My hubby did say that Froot Loops taste different in the US than in Canada. I knew some chocolate bars tasted different, but who knew cereals did too.
Ed From Texas – It has been 2 years.
Just had brekkie: Waffles, with berries and whip cream = yum.
And, ever late to the party, the first word of the first four songs in my shuffle:
I’m in on Joe Murphy Day.
I’ll go to Culver’s for a root beer float on Joe Murphy Day, absolutely.
Shuffle Meme:
Mother Ever It’s Me
Hey, that almost makes sense!
(And coincidentally, “Mother” is the Luther Wright and the Wrongs cover of the Pink Floyd off “Rebuild the Wall”)
Friends don’t let friends drink green beer.
Happy St. Patty’s to one an all. Also my daughter turns 6 today. 🙂
Huh, just sent an email to the Computer King last night…
Yeah! I can now make my announcement.
I have been nominated for an Prix Aurora award (CDN equivalent of the Hugos) for the WF08 podcast.
While it probably says more about the state of CDN SF & Fantasy than anything I’ve done, but still.
They haven’t put the voting form on the Aurora site yet, but the announcement is on the World Con Site
World Con did mess up though and put the French version on the English side and visa versa.
Oh, they fixed the french/english error.
Congrats, Bunny!
Congrats TEB!
Congratulations Bunny!
Now it means hubby and I will be going to Montreal World Con in Aug to attend the ceremony (we were hemming and hawing about going anyway, this just sealed it for us)
CP: St. Patrick Never Drank — Marc Gunn
Woo hoo!! Congratulations TEB and Hubby! That’s very exciting news!
… erm, can someone tel me how the “shuffle” thing works. I know how to make iTunes randomly play songs from my playlists, but how do I get it to re-stack my lists in some random order.
and might I add YEAH TEB !!!!!
I-tunes should have a “party shuffle” area. This is basically a randomizer of what ever is in your playlists. I just used that and looked at the first four songs on the list.
CP: You Think I Ain’t Worth A Dollar But I Feel Like A Millionaire — Queens of the Stone Age
On my iTunes screen there in the lower left corner is a rectangle with 4 little symbols. The 2nd one is two arrows crossing over each other. I click that and it shuffles my list.
Yeah, I have that symbol on the upper corner of my i-touch. I actually hate it when I accidentally press it. It messes up the podcasts I’m listening to.
Jack: I’m with you. Joe Murphy Day on April 1 seems to be becoming a tradition in our corner of the podiosphere, which is a good thing, in my book. (Last April 1, we had “I Remember Joe” and the reissue of “Mason Rocket” over at The Song of the Day.) I’ll be on a trip, but if I can, I’ll try to get my hands on the supplies to make root beer floats that day.
TEB: Congratulations! 🙂
Re: shuffle thingy
The crossed arrows randomize play for me but don’t alter the actual order that the list appears in. I shall look into the “party shuffle” thing.
Re: Joe Murphy day
In what seems to me to be the spirit of that man … I shall try to find someone to share an ice cream soda with. 🙂
We have Stewart’s pop in the fridge as a matter of course. I’ll be sure to pop open a Root Beer
Poorboy Human Good Firethief
CW: The Big Bang Theory S2E18
This is what I get for reading too fast trying to catch up
“We have Stewart’s poop in the fridge….”
Hmm, no Itunes at work, so the Ipod will have to do. As it happens, I caught up on subscribed podcasts and I’m listening to my random song’s I’ve not listened to in over a year playlist. It’s already randomized so:
Well, of course!
CP: Monarch Dance — Beth Quist
Like Sleigh Fresh Only
CP: Professional Widow — Tori Amos
Okay, let’s look again this afternoon…
Wet Secret Attention Dear
Congrats TEB
Kozmic West You Jukebox
Arienne Miss The Pop
So just got off the phone to a friend. A Watchmen virgin, she enjoyed the movie and didn’t find the plot hard to follow.
CP: The Queen is Dead — The Smiths
Congratz TEB!
CP: Message In A Bottle (live) — The Police
Anyone have suggestions for clever St. Patric’s Day party snacks?
Green colored Tums?
What kind of snacks do you want? Sweet? Salty? Kid-friendly?
Cute cupcakes:
CP: Happiness Is A Warm Gun — Tori Amos
I’m glad that people are into the Joe Murphy Day idea. The JMMF podcast and fund have run their course (it seems), but I didn’t want the day to come and go without some kind of tribute. I’ll certainly make a special post here on 4/1, but I think any gesture, private or public, is a great way to pay tribute to Joe. If that means you drink a root beer in his honor on April 1 – if that means you spend 5 minutes remembering something funny he said on WI! or KAMN – – – – – awesome.
No Morning Time Milano
A White On Boogie
I like the cup cakes CJ.
I am going with the chips and salsa … just no time to do anything fancy.
2 or three of my home brews and no one will remember anything else anyway!
Outside, at night, sitting on porch, feeling wind on face while using Internet. Reminds me of old times in Japan. Feels good.
(Have suddenly slipped into Rorschach-speak again. Repressed need to continue writing Rorschach Challenge journal entries surfacing?)
(“Repressed” is an overstatement when this is only the second day since I stopped doing them every day, actually.)
my shirt
ironed but wrinkled still
should be repressed
beer is good
Finally, finally made it to part 2. Listening to it now and #1> Yall are awesome. #2> “White pages.” #3> Greg Weisman’s thumbprint. #4> Shaun Farrell is deadpan. Vmmmmm. #5> At the sign off, Amy sounds discombobulated by going first.
I guess now I can go see if I feel the same way about the movie version of Watchmen that I did about the movie version of Sin City.
Help! I’m being repressed!
Morning Pan, a real bitch of a shift ahead of me and no caffeine infusion..ugh.
Morning Pan.
Now it’s official
I can sit back and work on my acceptance speech 🙂
Oh yeah… 3 days until holidays!
Wednesday is always a busy podcast day, I have 14 items downloading into i-tunes right now. I’m already 8 hours behind in my podcasts. I guess I’ll have lots to listen to when I go on holidays (and lots to pile up for when I get back).
If Hesitation Shut Potholes
I just can’t stop doing these.
there, 13.18 hours of podcasts to listen to. Now to find the time…
My shuffle would be the same as yesterday’s as I haven’t listened to any music since them.
CP: Adam Lambert – Ring of Fire
TEB – I know that feeling. I was down for a week and have a back log of 60+ hours. Currently catching up….slightly out of order because the computer did not get turned on for a couple of days.
So I’m doing a shout out…
I’ll be at WorldCon in Montreal in Aug. If any of you will be there, we should hook up for a drink.
Wolf, I have the last WanderRadio on my list at #12 😉
TEB ignore the rest and listen to WR #34.
LOL at “repressed” jokes
Nomad Scry: Yeah, I was caught off guard just a bit when I found myself going first for signoffs.
Morning, Deadpan!
I second that recommendation for WR34!
Van, I’m at the latest WNDR, it’s just twelfth on my list of the 36 podcasts I have in my i-tunes to listen to at the moment.
I… need… coffee.
That. Is all.
(Working on my Jim Kirk speak)
WooHoo TEB- Episode 34 was that good hmm….
Thank you everyone for the vote of confidence.
There are just never enough opportunities to use “penultimate”
A marlodianne sighting! I hope you’re at least semi-well, marlo.
TEB, So sorry for passing up a chance to congratulate you on your nom. Don’t self-deprecate! You earned it! Congratulations and good luck in Montreal.
JM: Scrambled eggs on toast.
I’m digging all oftoday’s media coverage for Martin Brodeur, after he set the allt-ime goaltender Wins record:
I have the penultimate hangover. 🙁
CW: Reaper S2E1
I’ve never heard of Martin Brodeur.
CP: I Am — Radio Iodine
Bah! Eye twitch, go away!!
ZP shouts YO! as he reviews 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
“If Hesitation Shut Potholes” – that’s great stuff.
CP: Large World Turning — John Mellencamp
Belated congrats, TEB!
I must agree with Vanamonde – Martin Brodeur?
So I’m actually beginning to enjoy Tap Tap Revenge 2.
Marty Brodeur is the greatest goaltender of all time, in net for three Devils Stanley Cup championship teams, currently closing in on breaking a record for career shutouts, to go with his recently achieved record for the most career victories.
I named my old German Shepherd Brody after him.
Nope, Jack, I’m still firmly in the not-well-at-all cat. Hence, the silence.
But I’ve had my blood test, and surgery hell is only a couple of weeks away. And then I’ll be in the final shot of ungodly pain and then way better…or not.
I’m trying not to think about it, not that it works. More terror won’t help my odds 😛
marlodianne, I’m fairly new (still?) to the community and I don’t know what you are going through, not that I want you to think about it – but I’m curious what it is. ??
I hope things will be getting better for you soon!
So … Marty Brodeur plays soccer?
Wait, don’t you mean futbol?
“No son of mine is gonna play any foozball. “
So he played foozball for “The Shepards” of Germany ?
Was that a pro team or a club team?
Cj: Short version, to sum up–I have a growth in my abdomen that is shoving aside organs as it grows. The surgery is going to try to try to take it out, and, if won’t go quietly, they’ll take out other organs as well. Because saving some of me is still considered a good thing.
RE: House
That was the most tolerant cat in the history of the two universes.
marlodianne – You’ll be in my thoughts. I’ll be thinking positive and praying for success!