385 thoughts on “Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #122: Watchmania, part 3”
So I’m not sure what to say.
insert interesting comment here ———->
Your comments are always interesting, Van.
[[witty joke involving or Jean Luck Picard reference using the number 4]]
It’s (53 minutes after) 5!
That’s right, no disrespect against Dan & CJ, but no “Short Circuit” reference from over here…
You can’t get there from here.
Ah infocom flashbacks…
Morning Pan
I have a big grey furball on my lap.
… oh yeah, two more days until holidays – Yeah!
2 days ’til the weekend. woohoo.
I would like to offer to anyone here – Please send me an audio review of your favorite podcast. I will edit / produce it. And any link information that you think is important.
Damn it. My podcast list is just now getting to Monday…
Congrats to the Watchmania winners.
My podcast list has not just wrapped on itself. I haven’t listened to the last LLAP episode yet, and the new one just came out.
Ah well, lots to listen to while sitting on the beach in Mexico.
not = now
Thanks for the shout out, Jack.
Jack said “Pricks”… *laughing* 😆
Good morning pricks and aurora!
How’s it going, yo?
Good Morning EssBee and all!
WNDR – I would like to play along with your little reindeer game. Is there a deadline?
Wolf, me too! I’ll work on something, but can’t promise it in any sort of timely fashion!
J0e – By the end of the weekend, So I can get the episode to gether before the dead line of 28th.
EssBee – Feel free. The more submissions I have means I will be able to work ahead a bit.
So how was the bath?
Great bath today, thanks! I think I sound truly dyslexic when I read out loud, so won’t be doing that again for the Deadpan, and didn’t enjoy that part. But still, squeaky clean here.
Here’s some exciting (for me) news: I am cutting off my hair today. I have my ziploc bag ready for my 12″ braid that’s getting chopped and mailed to Locks of Love. Scary! Short-haired EssBee. Eeek!
Wndr : HAHAHAHHHAhahahhaha! Good one!
No really, I’ll see what I can do but I have the “Excellent” relatives visiting this week and “I need quite for about 20 minutes” wouldn’t mean ANYTHING to them.
One of the fun bits – Her telling me the same story she told me 20 minutes ago … and earlier in the day AND the day before about how forgetful her husband has gotten.
MMMmmmmmad sir.
I need to work on this:
The Google search for “climb into my spoon” reveals the phrase has yet to penetrate beyond the Deadpan.
In a further search along Happy Chef lines, I was reminded that there is a former Chef about 20 minutes up the highway from my house. http://is.gd/o1Md
I also thus far have no recent photos of myself with any Really Big Things. Probably the easiest (aside from the repurposed Chef) would be the Crow.
Currently Listening: Ice Box Radio Theater – A Distant Land Part 2.
This is what Science Fiction is supposed to be. Bonus it is Audio Drama!
Anyway. I have to go out and get a few things for our trip.
Later Pan!
Hee hee.. *insert childish giggle* JB said “penetrate”
Love Long and Prosper #108 is out, but linked on iTunes to the wrong feed so if you downloaded it already, check the length – it should be an hour. If it’s 13 minutes long, you’ll need to delete and re-download.
The 13 minute show is actually The Computer King’s show – so listen to that too! Oops
I’m quite impressed with Opera Mini. DAY 1 without iPhone.
CP: 1000 Words — Scroobius Pip
TEB: Great WALL-E mashup.
Hee hee.. *childish giggle* CJ said “insert” while giggling about “penetrate”
That’s a probing insight, JB. 😉
So, everyone needs to do a “climb into my spoon” post on their blog/journal/facebook, etc and point it back here? Kick starting a meme into the cold freezing night of the internet….so to speak?
What are we doing with “climb into my spoon”? I’m not sure what I’d post.
CP: Step Stones — Surplus Sons
So after going to the cinema and finding the film I wanted to see didn’t start until tomorrow..went and saw Young Victoria.
Not a great fan of period costume dramas and I know little enough about the history of Queen Victoria, but was more enjoyable than I expected.
Ho hum.
However, “noops ym otni bmilc’ is catching on everywhere!
CP: Homesick — Soul Asylum
It looks like Bunny has hopped along for the day – but – w00t on the Mexican beach! That will be a great time.
CP: W.M.A. — Pearl Jam
CP: Drama — L7
noops ym otni bmilc
Don’t you need to be evil and have a beard to read that correctly?
So I didn’t get out and accomplish the one thing I’d intended today, but I’m getting a bunch of other stuff done, so the day isn’t wasted. Completely. tweet.
Once again, the challenge has ended. Today was the final weigh in day for, what has become, the traditional start of the year weight loss challenge at my company. I have served as the de facto chairman of the event once again.
77 answered the call to try and reduce themselves by 7% over the first 10 weeks of the year. 34 succeeded, including myself. I managed to pull down 22 lbs, for a 9.5% drop. The best performer this year shed 43 lbs and reduced himself by almost 15%.
Now, the hard part is to try to keep it off for the rest of the year.
You got that right Ed. I’m happy to report the 20 lbs I loss from running has stayed off for the entire year. Well more or less. At one point I was around 171, but lately I’ve hovered closer to 175. But I’m inching it back down again.
Ed – I think that shrink wrap and a storage closet might be handy tools in helping to keep the weight off. Just remember to pull them out every few days and hose them off.
Re: “… and have a beard”
Okay, I always get confused on this one. Is that when a gay guy has a girlfriend ?
Ed: That’s great news! Congrats!
These are all pretty good, but this one caught me just right and made me giggle
Those are excellent pictures, Ed. And congrats on the weight loss, you guys.
Dammit, I can’t get to my email and work…so, still don’t have my password for LLAP.
Anyway – CJ – I’m fairly sure that the jeans you “remember” weren’t actually for sale, but were part of the premise of some 70’s movie. I only remember commercials for it (why would I remember this, I was like 5 or 6 – could this really be my earliest memory? how sad….anyway…back to the original thought)
I have a title of “So Fine” in my memory. I’d plug that one into IMDB (which I also can’t get to from work) and see if that jogs the noggin.
Morning Pan.
Will be on and off the board intermittently. Have lots to do before we leave tomorrow.
Oh yeah. Happy first day of spring.
Whoa, and I thought I was going to be little seen on the board 🙂
Morning, Deadpan!
Dammit, Ed, I was wondering where my extra pounds came from.
CP: Titties — The Trucks
Ed – You through me for a second. I was about to go back through the messages and see where I’d posted about jeans duh. Then I realize that you are talking about the butt-less jeans I talked about on LLAP. I don’t think they were real either – maybe SNL or movie inspired?
Does that make today Ostara? Or was that yesterday? Or am I using the wrong word again?
CP: Daredevil — The Tragically Hip
Ugh! through=threw – too early for me to have been typing.
Ed, YES! So Fine is the movie. I can’t find a trailer though, I’m going to keep looking. You totally rock for knowing that.
I feel so less alone with my memory now! 😉
And an annoying video to go along with that memory. Annoying. I had to say it twice because it is.
Wow is about all I can come up with and I don’t know if words can do justice to describe it. It was an impressive ending on many levels.
CJ – glad I could help confirm your memories.
I share your “wow” Ed, but am not sure how I feel yet.
Dollhouse was good tonight.
Jack Mangan is awesome.
I watched the awful piano man BSG episode, which crammed 10 important events into the last 10 seconds. . . . Guess I have one more to watch before the finale?
And final middle of the night thought, from David Lynch’s Twitter-stream:
Thought of the Day: Stress inhibits creativity.
Goodnight, Eraserhead.
A TSH sighting…woot!
Happy weekend, Deadpan!
We’re off to see the wizard, AKA my parents. Back tomorrow night.
Be sure to pick up some of those yellow bricks along the way – they’ve gotten to be rather valuable 🙂
Watch out for those so-called “Lollipop Guild” guys… they are a sneaky little bunch!
I enjoyed the BSG finale, and I think it wrapped up nicely. But I can’t help but feel like they tried to cram about a season’s worth of answers into two episodes.
Well still haven’t watched the BSG finale, but the latest Dollhouse…wow.
It’s going to get canceled….
Awesome ditto!
Can’t remember if I mentioned this already, but my hubby bought me the 1st season of BSG on HD so now I’m going to actually watch it. I’m pretty excited looking forward to it.
You know, I’ve never had much hope for the new president, but I was at least looking forward to the end of foot-in-mouth disease. Apparently, that was too much to ask for.
Seriously? After the last 8 years you can honestly be down on the guy after only being in office for 2 months??
BSG finale- wait.. I don’t want to spoil anything if everyone hasn’t seen it. I enjoyed it, but what slightly annoyed by certain things.
TSH drive-by postin! woot!!!!
Here’s a fun game to play at home –
Which of the following 5 quotes, is the one that people are trying to make a big giant deal out of, because it was said by the current President.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
“You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.” —to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska
“Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.”
“Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across this country.”
(My bowling ability) “It’s like the Special Olympics or something.”
Gee, how quickly we lose perspective in this country.
The Special Olympics quote?
The BSG finale..I can’t help feeling it would have been a better ending if they had just ended the series after the FTL jump to X.
My latest bit of Watchmen-related geekery is here at my LiveJournal:
I don’t know, Van. I liked the ending even if I would have chose some different resolutions.
No spoilers here though.
Good catch on the Rorschach birthday, Amy! And way to go all out!! That deserves bigger blog coverage than Deadpan.
A poke from the Smarty Hotties!!
Happy Travels, EssBee.
Thanks everyone for holding off on the BSG spoilers. If you want – I’ll make a spoiler-friendly post to discuss…? If the BSG finale merits its own discussion post…?
I stopped in to say something witty, but I got nothin.
Goodnight, Starbuck.
I’m going to watch the first season of BSG in HD this month. So, I guess no fun spoilerific chat for me. . . although really . . . It’ll be like months before I see the end so I’ll forget.
Good morning, Pan and happy Sunday to you all.
I’m drinking coffee and buzzing around wondering where everyone is.
Work for me, sigh.
BSG SPOLIER ALERT!!!!!!!!!- you have been warned
I won’t say too much in case this get read-
the Starbuck explanation annoyed me
the lack of Daniel info annoyed me (although I am wondering if they are saving that for that 2 hour the cylon side of the story movie thing they are doing.
The fact that Balter made it to the end annoyed me 🙂 Although 1 thing I was wondering was are they basically saying that Balter and Caprica 6 become angels themselves?? The visions of themselves they both see… is that them as angels?
I loved the old cylon toasters vs new cylon toasters fight scenes.
Hugh and I generally liked the finale except those few annoyances I mentioned
I cried over Adama and Rosalyn 🙂 I was totally sobbing like a baby. LOL. I am such a sap.
Good morning Pan!
If you’re not on the mailing list and haven’t seen it yet, go to ninja2009.com for free Nine Inch Nails/Jane’s Addiction/Streetsweeper content.
Sunday means tax prep time has come along at last… grr
Don’t get me wrong, we’ve got a tax accountant who wades through all the data and makes sure we don’t need to pay much more, but it is time for us to get all the data in line for her.
P.A.Y.E. is the motherfucking way for tax.
… and a day later …
Yes Van, the special Olympics quip.
The others are a sampling of the quotes the former president issued on a weekly if not daily basis. He was such risk at saying something offensive/stupid/dangerous that at fund raising functions … donors were forbidden to bring recording devices around him. (I got that directly from an attendee of one of these functions).
Yes, the one lesson that Obama has mostly learned is to make sure that teleprompter is always up and running. Bad things happen when he’s allowed to speak on his own.
Jack: Thanks! I posted links to that blog post on several LJ communities dedicated to Watchmen. Was there anything else you had in mind when you said “that deserves bigger blog coverage than Deadpan?”
Evening, Deadpan!
I’m settled in for the finale of Big Love tonight. I just installed Google Chrome – so far, lookin’ good.
I use Chrome on my desktop, but for some reason on my laptop it won’t display the deadpan website properly.
Just watched. Nice.
Just watched the first part of the Battlestar Galactica mini-series. I’m glad we are finally getting around to it.
The BSG finale has me all screwed up. I am twisted with that happy-sad that comes from a good ending and disgust-rage at the lack of a good ending.
Please, just give me one, not both at the same bloody time.
So Mt. Redoubt finally blew three times last night. Sounds impressive, though under cover of darkness, of course. The USGS has of course been monitoring it and I had been hearing since January that it was imminent.
I understand that some high profile publications are calling Michele Obama the “First Bitch”? Wow. Why, exactly? How is that appropriate or called for?
CP: Trampoline — Wild Strawberries
Bang the deadpans!
Can I start an alphabet game? I’m gonna do it. Play with me.
A – All in the Family
B – Benson
C – Cheers
D – Dukes of Hazzard
E – Emergency!
Gotta get my daughter ready for school now. Then going to lunch with my Mother-in-law. I want to see more letters when I get back!
Look at me being all bossy. 😛
F- FireFly
G-Goodness Gracious Me.
H – Hyperdrive (utter, utter tosh)
I – I, Claudius
J- Joe 90
K – Knightmare.
L – Leave it to Beaver
M – My Favorite Martian
M – Manimal
N – Night Court
O – One Day at a Time
P- Police Squad!
Q- Quincy
R- Rhoda
S – Samford and Son
U – University Challenge
Is it cheating to go across the pond?
V – Vision On
W – Whoops Apocalypse
X – Xpress
Y – Yes Minister
Z – Z Cars
That would be a no.
227 (for the non-alpha old tv shows)
Is it ok to confess that I’ve never heard of half the shows in that list?
Never heard of Kids Inc. Martika was kinda cute though. 🙂
If you’re Tarzan … I’m Jane.
Well time to rummage around the old MP3 player.
CP: Waiting around to Die – Be Good Tanyas
Which featured on the latest Breaking Bad.
CP: Blackjack Davy – Johnny Dickinson
CP: Skater Boy – Avril Lavigne
Van, I love that you are listening to Avril!
CP: Messin’ With the Kid – Black Coffee Blues Band
On a geekier note, there is a cover of Skater Boy in the NDS game Elite Beat Agents.
21 Jump Street
30 Rock
CP: Reelin’ in the Years – Steely Dan
Not to dive completely out of my numbered TV show nerd-dom but .. I feel to need to express, lovingly, that it’s spelled “Sk8er Boi”
77 Sunset Strip
60 Minutes
3rd Rock from the Sun
8 Simple Rules
7th Heaven
I’m on a roll.
CP: I’m No Angel – Dido
Dan says there is a show called “120 Minutes” I’ve never heard of it, but I’ll take his word for it.
oooh my kids watch “64 Zoo Lane”
Thunderbirds was well liked in Japan..it’s influence is obvious in some of the cut scenes and the drum roll in EBA.
CP: Orinoco Flow – Enya
I’m going to write an article called Ways to Avoid Getting Work Done with content such as, “Keep Deadpan message board open and post names of TV shows all day long instead of entering data into spreadsheets like you should be doing.”
CP: The Whole Night Sky – Christine Collister
120 Minutes came on every Sunday night after the Young Ones! My dyed-black hair is in my pale mopey face right now.
CP: El Paso – Tom Russell
Sunday nights ROCKED on MTV … at least for those 2 shows.
CP: Long Time Gone – Tim O’Brien and Darrell Scott
I was more of a Friday Night Videos or Headbanger’s Ball kind of girl.
Or… I’m just older. *sigh*
CP: Fishin’ Blues – Taj Mahal
CP: It’s a Jungle Out There – Buddy Guy
CP: Midnight In Her Eye – The Black Keys
CP: But Not For Me – Curtis Stigers
CP: Layla – Eric Clapton
CP: Sweet Talkin’ Woman – ELO
I just ventured back outside to get the mail and saw one of those Smart Cars go down my street. They are so teeny!
Also, made me wish I was outside. It’s a gorgeous day. I think we’ll have dinner on the patio!
Anyone know anything or have opinions to share about the movie “Knowing” ?
Not till the weekend…doesn’t open here till then.
Loved Dark City though.
CW: Law & Order from last Wed.
CW: Pingu
I only watch it long enough to get the little ones enthralled then I escaped to do dishes and start dinner.
I swear, I’m not enjoying it. LOL 😛
Sure….we believe you 🙂
Ron Moore’s 2 hour 20 minute commentary on the final three hours of BSG has been posted. Can’t wait to hear it.
Didn’t see “Knowing” but I went and saw “Taken”.
Action adventure that you’ve seen before. Any of you kids ever see Bronson’s “Death Wish” series?
Action sequences we’re chocked full-o-action.
First third of the movie was painful “set-up” for the rest of the film. It was like everyone (Including the director) just wanted to “get on with it”.
Over all … Sure, give it a look – but I’d wait till you can download it from Amazon for $1.99.
Oh BTW … it IS quit violent.
quit = quite
OK. This is personal – but we’re all close now, right?
I did a new workout routine this morning and It’s literally kicking my ass right now. I can barely sit on my sore ass! It means it’s working right? It fricken hurts.
boo hoo
What doesn’t kill you – makes you HOT !!!!
… er, ah … or stronger or something like that.
oops. sorry.
killed the Deadpan again.
Nah, we are just waiting for the rimshot.
Cylons are mean and Apolllo has no lips.
Off to catch up on sleep. So. Very. Tired.
Good night, Mushy Pan.
Wow, CJ figured out the secret of the whole series and has just begun watching!
tip for the day – water heaters aren’t cheap and need to be replaced on occasion. Check yours out – if it’s leaking into the drip pan, budget for a new one soon. Also, if you are a family with kids using lots of hot water for laundry, showers, and dishes I think the traditional tank design is probably going to be the most economical solution. The “tankless” ones have about 2-4x the installed cost and I don’t see my usage pattern providing enough energy savings for the cost difference.
Enjoy your Tuesday.
Jack – that is quite … spherical
Don’t be fooled by the accent Cj, Apollo is a Brit.
Afternoon Pan, things aren’t smoking..something to be thankful for.
Morning, Deadpan! I’m back to Evil after a sick day.
Evil takes sick days? I thought it made sick days.
I think the Computer King has a new minion….
I am not Evil, md, I just work there.
Off to another day of teaching.
So far Apollo is not my favorite.
Good morning, everyone. I’m heading out to the park to run amok with little people!
EssBee, no, you’re more of an ambiguous henchman who’s just in it for the dental plan. 😛
*wonders if Canadian government is still railing @ Fox News*
CP: Dilate — Ani DiFranco
CP: Don’t Make Me Come To Vegas — Tori Amos
Home from the park. It’s flippin’ beautiful outside. Need to enjoy it before the heat gets here.
I had to throw the kids in the shower though – Sand in shoes, hair, and everywhere! Can’t send the little girl to school while she’s leaking sand.
CW: Yo Gabba Gabba
Another killer day at work. Not like they aren’t unexpected at this point.
304 – officially trumps last week’s message count by 1.
Well phone came back from repair….seems I have a new phone.
Floors mopped even though I have about 20 children coming over tomorrow… Something tells me I’ll be mopping again soon.
It’s a bittersweet day tomorrow. I’m retiring my music and movement program for toddlers. We’ve had 2 years of great times, but it’s time for me to move on. Should be a great party too 🙂
This is for Amy – but – just in case anyone else was curious, there IS a Deadpan Spreadshirt shop.
Not that I’ll ever drink the Smirnoff… but I’ll find some use for it – and take a free hockey ticket.
Jack – Vodka makes a great gift for any occasion. I don’t know where I’ll put the bottles… You’ll have to help me finish off all this tequila so I can make room.
That almond tequila from the Watchmen recording was pretty tasty….
Who watches the tequila?
Holy crap, I’ve caught up on all my podcasts! Time to panic! I’m actually going to listen to music on my Ipod today.
Jack – Do the Coyotes ever play the Swedes ?
Yes it’s a truly horrible feeling to go to the podcast cupboard and realise it’s bare.
Morning Pan, two more days and then four days off..woot!
You’ve inspired me. Next time I’m seeing blue I’ll be thinking of having the laptop swim with the fishes.
And next time will be soon, because every frickin windows update breaks the same damn key file and it starts going code blue multiple times a day.
Oh technology, why must thou be carnal with microsoft?
Morning, fish tank.
It’s a shame the jellies aren’t in season. It would be more satisfying, watching it gurgle down in the ocean among them, knowing it was getting death of a thousand stings…
Argh. The crash wiped out my photoshop settings…
That tears it. It is way over due for a cake break.
md, what is the date/time of your surgery? It’s time that we start planning for a collective good thought sent your way at that moment.
For me.
The laptop is so not getting any cake. Bad Dell, Bad!
There are people more desperate to fill twitchy time than I am. I present, a tv show map:
Every once in a while, I take a break and look up a Japanese word/expression that I don’t know. So, just a while ago, I look up the expression yareyare [やれやれ] to find that it is an exclamation of relief or disappointment.
CP: Like I Give A Care — You Say Party! We Say Die!
Wow, I could use “やれやれ” to describe just about all of 2008.
I. Am. Exhausted.
I really don’t think I could hate my job any more than I do at this moment.
You have my sympathies, EssBee. I’d buy you a beer if it would help. And for anyone else that needs one. 🙂
*hugs* for EssBee
I don’t need a beer, but I’d love a nap. I just did a head count – no wonder I’m tired. I had 19 kids in my house and backyard eating pizza and running amok.
Only my daughter and I are here now – my son is sleeping and all is quiet.
Oh, boy. 8-18 inches of snow predicted for Denver over the next 48 hours.
I’m dreaming of a White Easter…
8 to 18 inches ! “やれやれâ€
CW: Will Ferrell: You’re Welcome America
It’s やれやれing hilarious.
So I’m thinking about hosting a Def Jam Comedy hour with the Farpoint Recap, allow anyone a chance to spend 5-10 minutes doing their own comedy routine. One idea is to have people make fun of me for a change. Does this sound interesting to anyone, and what would be an acceptable amount of time to give people to write and record their material?
The idea here is Deadpan has the Palooza, JT’s Indie Christian podcast has the Poetry Slam… It makes sense for the Recap to have Standup Comedy. Which would be open to pretty much everyone.
Dub: That’s a great idea. I wish I could come up with something, but I’m barely making my own commitments right now. Fuckity-やれやれ-hell. 🙁
I just realized … as I finished the latest WNDR Radio Ep, that I didn’t manage to record a podcast review for Wolf.
I love the idea. If I were witty enough, I’d be all over that. My little brother does stand-up and I could probably coerce him into recording something. 🙂
I’m getting a lot of people saying its a great idea but don’t have time or aren’t witty enough to do it. I may have to redefine this thing so people don’t feel so intimidated.
So I’m not sure what to say.
insert interesting comment here ———->
Your comments are always interesting, Van.
[[witty joke involving or Jean Luck Picard reference using the number 4]]
It’s (53 minutes after) 5!
That’s right, no disrespect against Dan & CJ, but no “Short Circuit” reference from over here…
You can’t get there from here.
Ah infocom flashbacks…
Morning Pan
I have a big grey furball on my lap.
… oh yeah, two more days until holidays – Yeah!
2 days ’til the weekend. woohoo.
I would like to offer to anyone here – Please send me an audio review of your favorite podcast. I will edit / produce it. And any link information that you think is important.
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee’s ditto
…and this would be me!
Damn it. My podcast list is just now getting to Monday…
Congrats to the Watchmania winners.
My podcast list has not just wrapped on itself. I haven’t listened to the last LLAP episode yet, and the new one just came out.
Ah well, lots to listen to while sitting on the beach in Mexico.
not = now
Thanks for the shout out, Jack.
Jack said “Pricks”… *laughing* 😆
Good morning pricks and aurora!
How’s it going, yo?
Good Morning EssBee and all!
WNDR – I would like to play along with your little reindeer game. Is there a deadline?
Wolf, me too! I’ll work on something, but can’t promise it in any sort of timely fashion!
J0e – By the end of the weekend, So I can get the episode to gether before the dead line of 28th.
EssBee – Feel free. The more submissions I have means I will be able to work ahead a bit.
So how was the bath?
Great bath today, thanks! I think I sound truly dyslexic when I read out loud, so won’t be doing that again for the Deadpan, and didn’t enjoy that part. But still, squeaky clean here.
Here’s some exciting (for me) news: I am cutting off my hair today. I have my ziploc bag ready for my 12″ braid that’s getting chopped and mailed to Locks of Love. Scary! Short-haired EssBee. Eeek!
Wndr : HAHAHAHHHAhahahhaha! Good one!
No really, I’ll see what I can do but I have the “Excellent” relatives visiting this week and “I need quite for about 20 minutes” wouldn’t mean ANYTHING to them.
One of the fun bits – Her telling me the same story she told me 20 minutes ago … and earlier in the day AND the day before about how forgetful her husband has gotten.
MMMmmmmmad sir.
I need to work on this:
The Google search for “climb into my spoon” reveals the phrase has yet to penetrate beyond the Deadpan.
In a further search along Happy Chef lines, I was reminded that there is a former Chef about 20 minutes up the highway from my house. http://is.gd/o1Md
I also thus far have no recent photos of myself with any Really Big Things. Probably the easiest (aside from the repurposed Chef) would be the Crow.
Currently Listening: Ice Box Radio Theater – A Distant Land Part 2.
This is what Science Fiction is supposed to be. Bonus it is Audio Drama!
This looks like it could be fun
What happens when Wall-E meets the Watchmen
Anyway. I have to go out and get a few things for our trip.
Later Pan!
Hee hee.. *insert childish giggle* JB said “penetrate”
Love Long and Prosper #108 is out, but linked on iTunes to the wrong feed so if you downloaded it already, check the length – it should be an hour. If it’s 13 minutes long, you’ll need to delete and re-download.
The 13 minute show is actually The Computer King’s show – so listen to that too! Oops
I’m quite impressed with Opera Mini. DAY 1 without iPhone.
CP: 1000 Words — Scroobius Pip
TEB: Great WALL-E mashup.
Hee hee.. *childish giggle* CJ said “insert” while giggling about “penetrate”
That’s a probing insight, JB. 😉
So, everyone needs to do a “climb into my spoon” post on their blog/journal/facebook, etc and point it back here? Kick starting a meme into the cold freezing night of the internet….so to speak?
What are we doing with “climb into my spoon”? I’m not sure what I’d post.
CP: Step Stones — Surplus Sons
So after going to the cinema and finding the film I wanted to see didn’t start until tomorrow..went and saw Young Victoria.
Not a great fan of period costume dramas and I know little enough about the history of Queen Victoria, but was more enjoyable than I expected.
Ho hum.
However, “noops ym otni bmilc’ is catching on everywhere!
CP: Homesick — Soul Asylum
It looks like Bunny has hopped along for the day – but – w00t on the Mexican beach! That will be a great time.
CP: W.M.A. — Pearl Jam
CP: Drama — L7
noops ym otni bmilc
Don’t you need to be evil and have a beard to read that correctly?
The Evil League of Evil is watching, so beware!
A bit pointless:
I’m all over the evil speak.
EssBee gets on-the-job-evil training every day.
So I didn’t get out and accomplish the one thing I’d intended today, but I’m getting a bunch of other stuff done, so the day isn’t wasted. Completely. tweet.
Once again, the challenge has ended. Today was the final weigh in day for, what has become, the traditional start of the year weight loss challenge at my company. I have served as the de facto chairman of the event once again.
77 answered the call to try and reduce themselves by 7% over the first 10 weeks of the year. 34 succeeded, including myself. I managed to pull down 22 lbs, for a 9.5% drop. The best performer this year shed 43 lbs and reduced himself by almost 15%.
Now, the hard part is to try to keep it off for the rest of the year.
You got that right Ed. I’m happy to report the 20 lbs I loss from running has stayed off for the entire year. Well more or less. At one point I was around 171, but lately I’ve hovered closer to 175. But I’m inching it back down again.
Ed – I think that shrink wrap and a storage closet might be handy tools in helping to keep the weight off. Just remember to pull them out every few days and hose them off.
Re: “… and have a beard”
Okay, I always get confused on this one. Is that when a gay guy has a girlfriend ?
Ed: That’s great news! Congrats!
These are all pretty good, but this one caught me just right and made me giggle
Congratulations Ed.
Morning Pan, this makes my blood boil:
Those are excellent pictures, Ed. And congrats on the weight loss, you guys.
Dammit, I can’t get to my email and work…so, still don’t have my password for LLAP.
Anyway – CJ – I’m fairly sure that the jeans you “remember” weren’t actually for sale, but were part of the premise of some 70’s movie. I only remember commercials for it (why would I remember this, I was like 5 or 6 – could this really be my earliest memory? how sad….anyway…back to the original thought)
I have a title of “So Fine” in my memory. I’d plug that one into IMDB (which I also can’t get to from work) and see if that jogs the noggin.
Morning Pan.
Will be on and off the board intermittently. Have lots to do before we leave tomorrow.
Oh yeah. Happy first day of spring.
Whoa, and I thought I was going to be little seen on the board 🙂
Morning, Deadpan!
Dammit, Ed, I was wondering where my extra pounds came from.
CP: Titties — The Trucks
Ed – You through me for a second. I was about to go back through the messages and see where I’d posted about jeans duh. Then I realize that you are talking about the butt-less jeans I talked about on LLAP. I don’t think they were real either – maybe SNL or movie inspired?
Does that make today Ostara? Or was that yesterday? Or am I using the wrong word again?
CP: Daredevil — The Tragically Hip
Ugh! through=threw – too early for me to have been typing.
Ed, YES! So Fine is the movie. I can’t find a trailer though, I’m going to keep looking. You totally rock for knowing that.
I feel so less alone with my memory now! 😉
And an annoying video to go along with that memory. Annoying. I had to say it twice because it is.
The sky was the colour of salmon pink.
Salmon pink tuned to a dead channel.
Clicking is a bad sign with HDs?
How things have changed in 7 years:
CP: The Bleeding Heart Show — The New Pornographers
Back to the shuffle game:
Brief Give Virgo Folsom
The anticipation for tonight’s BSG is killing me!
CP: Once More with Feeling Soundtrack
Ain’t Six Divine Attitude
I touch the fire and it freezes me
I look into it and it’s black
Why can’t I feel?
My skin should crack and peel
I want the fire back
Now, through the smoke she calls to me
To make my way across the flame
To save the day or maybe melt away
I guess it’s all the same
So, I will walk through the fire
Cause where else can I turn?
I will walk through the fire
And let it
CP: Too Much Stuff – Eric Bibb
Cool Essbee, love that soundtrack and episode.
CP: Pump It Up — Elvis Costello & The Attractions
This could be unique to deadpan..a CP where the HD fails during playback.
CP: Words – The Christians
I love it too, Van. In fact, every time I watch it, I get a little choked up. Silly, I know!
CP: Werner Von Braun – Tom Lehrer
Nowt silly about feelings Essbee.
Annie’s Great Mister Alive
CP: Concrete Sky – Beth Orton
CP: Promise Me – Beverley Craven
Go Patman Go!
Ditto, you’ll have to go over and say hi to Pat on opening day.
CP: On the Road Again – Canned Heat
Rhettro: Will do! I didn’t know he was from KC!
I’m going to forward that info to my friends too.
Wing Destroy Justice Drop
Bye Shout Don’t Everybody
CP: Liberal Backslider – Martyn Joseph
CP: Blackbirds – Erin McKeown
CP: Give A Little Bit – Sarah Masen
CP: Australia – Manic Street Preachers
CP: Linger – Cranberries
CP: Winter — Tori Amos
CP: Coffee Coloured Strings – Kirsty McGee
CP: (If You Were) In My Movie – Suzanne Vega
But, funnily enough, just before that I skipped past RBT #7 “Bison Bull.”
CP:Blue Monday – New Order
I don’t even know what to say about this marginally worksafe bit of video.
CP:All Along the Watchtower – Jimi Hendrix
CP: Marlene on the Wall – Suzanne Vega
CP: Stuck in the Middle – Stealers Wheel
CP: The Look of Love – Diana Krall
CP: Dead Skunk – Loudon Wainwright III
CP: Love is the Drug – Roxy Music
CP: Tennessee Girl – Kevin Montgomery
CP: Do Your Part – Chip Taylor & Carrie Rodriguez
CP: Immigrant Song – Led Zeppelin
CP: Paint it Black – Vanessa Carlton
Okay, last one for the night.
CP: Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch
Which featured on a Buffy episode.
Love that one, Van.
Hugo award nominations list is out:
Battlestar Galactica is done.
Wow is about all I can come up with and I don’t know if words can do justice to describe it. It was an impressive ending on many levels.
CJ – glad I could help confirm your memories.
I share your “wow” Ed, but am not sure how I feel yet.
Dollhouse was good tonight.
Jack Mangan is awesome.
I watched the awful piano man BSG episode, which crammed 10 important events into the last 10 seconds. . . . Guess I have one more to watch before the finale?
And final middle of the night thought, from David Lynch’s Twitter-stream:
Thought of the Day: Stress inhibits creativity.
Goodnight, Eraserhead.
A TSH sighting…woot!
Happy weekend, Deadpan!
We’re off to see the wizard, AKA my parents. Back tomorrow night.
Be sure to pick up some of those yellow bricks along the way – they’ve gotten to be rather valuable 🙂
Watch out for those so-called “Lollipop Guild” guys… they are a sneaky little bunch!
I enjoyed the BSG finale, and I think it wrapped up nicely. But I can’t help but feel like they tried to cram about a season’s worth of answers into two episodes.
Well still haven’t watched the BSG finale, but the latest Dollhouse…wow.
It’s going to get canceled….
Awesome ditto!
Can’t remember if I mentioned this already, but my hubby bought me the 1st season of BSG on HD so now I’m going to actually watch it. I’m pretty excited looking forward to it.
You know, I’ve never had much hope for the new president, but I was at least looking forward to the end of foot-in-mouth disease. Apparently, that was too much to ask for.
Seriously? After the last 8 years you can honestly be down on the guy after only being in office for 2 months??
BSG finale- wait.. I don’t want to spoil anything if everyone hasn’t seen it. I enjoyed it, but what slightly annoyed by certain things.
TSH drive-by postin! woot!!!!
Here’s a fun game to play at home –
Which of the following 5 quotes, is the one that people are trying to make a big giant deal out of, because it was said by the current President.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
“You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn’t it? I mean, that is fantastic that you’re doing that.” —to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska
“Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.”
“Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across this country.”
(My bowling ability) “It’s like the Special Olympics or something.”
Gee, how quickly we lose perspective in this country.
The Special Olympics quote?
The BSG finale..I can’t help feeling it would have been a better ending if they had just ended the series after the FTL jump to X.
My latest bit of Watchmen-related geekery is here at my LiveJournal:
I don’t know, Van. I liked the ending even if I would have chose some different resolutions.
No spoilers here though.
Good catch on the Rorschach birthday, Amy! And way to go all out!! That deserves bigger blog coverage than Deadpan.
A poke from the Smarty Hotties!!
Happy Travels, EssBee.
Thanks everyone for holding off on the BSG spoilers. If you want – I’ll make a spoiler-friendly post to discuss…? If the BSG finale merits its own discussion post…?
I stopped in to say something witty, but I got nothin.
Goodnight, Starbuck.
I’m going to watch the first season of BSG in HD this month. So, I guess no fun spoilerific chat for me. . . although really . . . It’ll be like months before I see the end so I’ll forget.
Good morning, Pan and happy Sunday to you all.
I’m drinking coffee and buzzing around wondering where everyone is.
Work for me, sigh.
BSG SPOLIER ALERT!!!!!!!!!- you have been warned
I won’t say too much in case this get read-
the Starbuck explanation annoyed me
the lack of Daniel info annoyed me (although I am wondering if they are saving that for that 2 hour the cylon side of the story movie thing they are doing.
The fact that Balter made it to the end annoyed me 🙂 Although 1 thing I was wondering was are they basically saying that Balter and Caprica 6 become angels themselves?? The visions of themselves they both see… is that them as angels?
I loved the old cylon toasters vs new cylon toasters fight scenes.
Hugh and I generally liked the finale except those few annoyances I mentioned
I cried over Adama and Rosalyn 🙂 I was totally sobbing like a baby. LOL. I am such a sap.
Good morning Pan!
If you’re not on the mailing list and haven’t seen it yet, go to ninja2009.com for free Nine Inch Nails/Jane’s Addiction/Streetsweeper content.
Sunday means tax prep time has come along at last… grr
Don’t get me wrong, we’ve got a tax accountant who wades through all the data and makes sure we don’t need to pay much more, but it is time for us to get all the data in line for her.
P.A.Y.E. is the motherfucking way for tax.
… and a day later …
Yes Van, the special Olympics quip.
The others are a sampling of the quotes the former president issued on a weekly if not daily basis. He was such risk at saying something offensive/stupid/dangerous that at fund raising functions … donors were forbidden to bring recording devices around him. (I got that directly from an attendee of one of these functions).
Yes, the one lesson that Obama has mostly learned is to make sure that teleprompter is always up and running. Bad things happen when he’s allowed to speak on his own.
Jack: Thanks! I posted links to that blog post on several LJ communities dedicated to Watchmen. Was there anything else you had in mind when you said “that deserves bigger blog coverage than Deadpan?”
Evening, Deadpan!
I’m settled in for the finale of Big Love tonight. I just installed Google Chrome – so far, lookin’ good.
I use Chrome on my desktop, but for some reason on my laptop it won’t display the deadpan website properly.
Just watched. Nice.
Just watched the first part of the Battlestar Galactica mini-series. I’m glad we are finally getting around to it.
The BSG finale has me all screwed up. I am twisted with that happy-sad that comes from a good ending and disgust-rage at the lack of a good ending.
Please, just give me one, not both at the same bloody time.
So Mt. Redoubt finally blew three times last night. Sounds impressive, though under cover of darkness, of course. The USGS has of course been monitoring it and I had been hearing since January that it was imminent.
Whoops, actually looks more like four major explosions. Check it out, I’m quicker on my toes than the AP…
Okay, I was restraining myself, but I just can’t help but point and laugh at Jindal right about now.
Cj, it gets better. The mini-series was good; the series is great.
Morning, Deadpan! I hope everyone is well this morning.
Two words: Atmo drop. You’ll understand when you get to that episode. 😉
So say we all!
BSG Crossword:
Wow – Slow Monday…
That sounds like a song title.
I hates the quiet!
I understand that some high profile publications are calling Michele Obama the “First Bitch”? Wow. Why, exactly? How is that appropriate or called for?
CP: Trampoline — Wild Strawberries
Bang the deadpans!
Can I start an alphabet game? I’m gonna do it. Play with me.
A – All in the Family
B – Benson
C – Cheers
D – Dukes of Hazzard
E – Emergency!
Gotta get my daughter ready for school now. Then going to lunch with my Mother-in-law. I want to see more letters when I get back!
Look at me being all bossy. 😛
F- FireFly
G-Goodness Gracious Me.
H – Hyperdrive (utter, utter tosh)
I – I, Claudius
J- Joe 90
K – Knightmare.
L – Leave it to Beaver
M – My Favorite Martian
M – Manimal
N – Night Court
O – One Day at a Time
P- Police Squad!
Q- Quincy
R- Rhoda
S – Samford and Son
U – University Challenge
Is it cheating to go across the pond?
V – Vision On
W – Whoops Apocalypse
X – Xpress
Y – Yes Minister
Z – Z Cars
That would be a no.
227 (for the non-alpha old tv shows)
Is it ok to confess that I’ve never heard of half the shows in that list?
Most of us don’t watch the Beeb.
Well Knightmare was on ITV:
… but could be swapped out for ‘Knight Rider” if anyone is uncomfortable with that.
Or Krypton Factor if you want to be really obscure.
Or Kids Incorporated, if you can admit having watched that.
(especially if you wanted to bang Martika)
Uh, theoretically speaking, of course…
Aaaaaand I killed the board.
Apparently not many Kids Inc. fans around here, JB.
Only marginally a fan here Jack, aside from the whole…
Well, you know…
ZOMG! I LOVED Kids Incorporated..
All around the nation, whoa oh, we’re the new sensation
.. Kids Incorporated K – I – D – S!
I also have a Martika album.
I am the ultimate product of the 80s.
Never heard of Kids Inc. Martika was kinda cute though. 🙂
If you’re Tarzan … I’m Jane.
Well time to rummage around the old MP3 player.
CP: Waiting around to Die – Be Good Tanyas
Which featured on the latest Breaking Bad.
CP: Blackjack Davy – Johnny Dickinson
CP: Skater Boy – Avril Lavigne
Van, I love that you are listening to Avril!
CP: Messin’ With the Kid – Black Coffee Blues Band
On a geekier note, there is a cover of Skater Boy in the NDS game Elite Beat Agents.
21 Jump Street
30 Rock
CP: Reelin’ in the Years – Steely Dan
Not to dive completely out of my numbered TV show nerd-dom but .. I feel to need to express, lovingly, that it’s spelled “Sk8er Boi”
77 Sunset Strip
60 Minutes
3rd Rock from the Sun
8 Simple Rules
7th Heaven
I’m on a roll.
CP: I’m No Angel – Dido
Dan says there is a show called “120 Minutes” I’ve never heard of it, but I’ll take his word for it.
oooh my kids watch “64 Zoo Lane”
Thunderbirds was well liked in Japan..it’s influence is obvious in some of the cut scenes and the drum roll in EBA.
CP: Orinoco Flow – Enya
I’m going to write an article called Ways to Avoid Getting Work Done with content such as, “Keep Deadpan message board open and post names of TV shows all day long instead of entering data into spreadsheets like you should be doing.”
CP: The Whole Night Sky – Christine Collister
120 Minutes came on every Sunday night after the Young Ones! My dyed-black hair is in my pale mopey face right now.
CP: El Paso – Tom Russell
Sunday nights ROCKED on MTV … at least for those 2 shows.
CP: Long Time Gone – Tim O’Brien and Darrell Scott
I was more of a Friday Night Videos or Headbanger’s Ball kind of girl.
Or… I’m just older. *sigh*
CP: Fishin’ Blues – Taj Mahal
CP: It’s a Jungle Out There – Buddy Guy
CP: Midnight In Her Eye – The Black Keys
CP: But Not For Me – Curtis Stigers
CP: Layla – Eric Clapton
CP: Sweet Talkin’ Woman – ELO
I just ventured back outside to get the mail and saw one of those Smart Cars go down my street. They are so teeny!
Also, made me wish I was outside. It’s a gorgeous day. I think we’ll have dinner on the patio!
CP: Vapor – Jennifer Paige
CP: My Aphrodisiac is You – Katie Melua
Gimme Eluardian Blessure Wanton
CP: One Little Song – Gillian Welch
CP: Cold Cold Heart – Norah Jones
CP: Clutch – Shea Seger
Those are most excellent, Jack. I saw this Borg Pony a while ago and fell in love with it though it’s definitely not as amazing as those:
CP: Lighthouse – The Waifs
SMARTS are definitely not cars. A guy at my office has one and pretty much regrets buying it – the MPG is nowhere close to what’s advertised.
The truth will set you free?
Last one for the night.
CP: Super Duper Love – Joss Stone
Anyone know anything or have opinions to share about the movie “Knowing” ?
Not till the weekend…doesn’t open here till then.
Loved Dark City though.
CW: Law & Order from last Wed.
CW: Pingu
I only watch it long enough to get the little ones enthralled then I escaped to do dishes and start dinner.
I swear, I’m not enjoying it. LOL 😛
Sure….we believe you 🙂
Ron Moore’s 2 hour 20 minute commentary on the final three hours of BSG has been posted. Can’t wait to hear it.
Didn’t see “Knowing” but I went and saw “Taken”.
Action adventure that you’ve seen before. Any of you kids ever see Bronson’s “Death Wish” series?
Action sequences we’re chocked full-o-action.
First third of the movie was painful “set-up” for the rest of the film. It was like everyone (Including the director) just wanted to “get on with it”.
Over all … Sure, give it a look – but I’d wait till you can download it from Amazon for $1.99.
Oh BTW … it IS quit violent.
quit = quite
OK. This is personal – but we’re all close now, right?
I did a new workout routine this morning and It’s literally kicking my ass right now. I can barely sit on my sore ass! It means it’s working right? It fricken hurts.
boo hoo
What doesn’t kill you – makes you HOT !!!!
… er, ah … or stronger or something like that.
oops. sorry.
killed the Deadpan again.
Nah, we are just waiting for the rimshot.
Cylons are mean and Apolllo has no lips.
Off to catch up on sleep. So. Very. Tired.
Good night, Mushy Pan.
This is pretty awesome:
Wow, CJ figured out the secret of the whole series and has just begun watching!
tip for the day – water heaters aren’t cheap and need to be replaced on occasion. Check yours out – if it’s leaking into the drip pan, budget for a new one soon. Also, if you are a family with kids using lots of hot water for laundry, showers, and dishes I think the traditional tank design is probably going to be the most economical solution. The “tankless” ones have about 2-4x the installed cost and I don’t see my usage pattern providing enough energy savings for the cost difference.
Enjoy your Tuesday.
Jack – that is quite … spherical
Don’t be fooled by the accent Cj, Apollo is a Brit.
Afternoon Pan, things aren’t smoking..something to be thankful for.
Morning, Deadpan! I’m back to Evil after a sick day.
Evil takes sick days? I thought it made sick days.
I think the Computer King has a new minion….
I am not Evil, md, I just work there.
Off to another day of teaching.
So far Apollo is not my favorite.
Good morning, everyone. I’m heading out to the park to run amok with little people!
EssBee, no, you’re more of an ambiguous henchman who’s just in it for the dental plan. 😛
*wonders if Canadian government is still railing @ Fox News*
CP: Dilate — Ani DiFranco
CP: Don’t Make Me Come To Vegas — Tori Amos
Home from the park. It’s flippin’ beautiful outside. Need to enjoy it before the heat gets here.
I had to throw the kids in the shower though – Sand in shoes, hair, and everywhere! Can’t send the little girl to school while she’s leaking sand.
CW: Yo Gabba Gabba
Another killer day at work. Not like they aren’t unexpected at this point.
304 – officially trumps last week’s message count by 1.
I hear dat, Rhettro.
I know you do EssBee. Thanks. 🙂
I hate it when I leak sand…
WNDR, have you been sand-bagged?
Funny chair:
CP: Good Luck — Basement Jaxx
Appleseed Soundtrack
CP: On A Plain — Nirvana
Apologies for gay marriage:
That’s pretty funny. EssBee. Ellen has had some fly honeys, hasn’t she?
– So – it seems the internet is really nothing more than a big compilation of lists:
Well phone came back from repair….seems I have a new phone.
Floors mopped even though I have about 20 children coming over tomorrow… Something tells me I’ll be mopping again soon.
It’s a bittersweet day tomorrow. I’m retiring my music and movement program for toddlers. We’ve had 2 years of great times, but it’s time for me to move on. Should be a great party too 🙂
This is for Amy – but – just in case anyone else was curious, there IS a Deadpan Spreadshirt shop.
Bunk list, Jack. Serenity isn’t even on it!
MD – Re: EssBee
It seems EssBee is trying to bring down EVIL from within.
Go Essbee, go!
BSG Series Finale. I have now seen it.
There must be some way out of here.
There’s so much confusion?
Jack: Evo gave you some nice props on his recent show!
Yes, he did, in his signature way of giving people props. 🙂 I really enjoyed the latest Evo at 11. I left a comment on their site.
Saw I Love You, Man tonight. It made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Good deal.
And … Paul Rudd is totally hawt…
Hey Phoenix locals – who’s with me??
Not that I’ll ever drink the Smirnoff… but I’ll find some use for it – and take a free hockey ticket.
Jack – Vodka makes a great gift for any occasion. I don’t know where I’ll put the bottles… You’ll have to help me finish off all this tequila so I can make room.
That almond tequila from the Watchmen recording was pretty tasty….
Who watches the tequila?
Holy crap, I’ve caught up on all my podcasts! Time to panic! I’m actually going to listen to music on my Ipod today.
Jack – Do the Coyotes ever play the Swedes ?
Yes it’s a truly horrible feeling to go to the podcast cupboard and realise it’s bare.
Morning Pan, two more days and then four days off..woot!
Note to self – stop using woot.
Midly amusing rather than laugh out loud:
So, here I am with only a bit more than a week until surgery, and here comes arrives a lovely article about ANOTHER virus outbreak at my hospital…
Haven’t these @$%@$%#$ ever heard of Lister? Does everyone need to go buy a bottle of bleach and throw it at the place? #@@$@#! What?
*goes off to huddle and weep for a while*
Ed Relisten to some older WR episodes… The Mix tapes were designed for that.
*glowers at computer, which had the audacity to go Blue Screen Of Death*
Why did they keep the BSOD in vista? Forget new features, how bout losing that feature?
MD – I have crayons… Yellow crayon would make it a friendly Green Screen of death.
MD – you could you find some vinyl “Fish” appliqués and put them on you monitor when that happens – turning it into a friendly, soothing fish-tank.
Or just put a fish tank in front of the monitor.
You’ve inspired me. Next time I’m seeing blue I’ll be thinking of having the laptop swim with the fishes.
And next time will be soon, because every frickin windows update breaks the same damn key file and it starts going code blue multiple times a day.
Oh technology, why must thou be carnal with microsoft?
Morning, fish tank.
It’s a shame the jellies aren’t in season. It would be more satisfying, watching it gurgle down in the ocean among them, knowing it was getting death of a thousand stings…
Argh. The crash wiped out my photoshop settings…
That tears it. It is way over due for a cake break.
md, what is the date/time of your surgery? It’s time that we start planning for a collective good thought sent your way at that moment.
For me.
The laptop is so not getting any cake. Bad Dell, Bad!
There are people more desperate to fill twitchy time than I am. I present, a tv show map:
It’s kind of woefully incomplete, but the idea makes the inner geek squee….
Ahh… I miss Northern Exposure.
*sending good thoughts MD’s way*
CP: Young Adult Friction — The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
CP: Lonesome Blues — The Be Good Tanyas
They don’t schedule the time until the day of, EssBee, but it’s supposed to be some time next Friday.
If the hospital isn’t closed as they try to figure out where germs come from…
CP: A New Beginning — Good Charlotte
CP: Sorry I Am — Ani DiFranco
CP: Honesty – The Billy Joel version as sung by my 5-year-old daughter.
CP: It Ain’t Me — The Subdudes
CP: Complaint Department — Lykke Li
CP: Champagne High — Sister Hazel
CP: Phenomena — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I have seen that Hobotopia site before. . . . Call me a cretin; I didn’t get it the first time, either.
Something you should never have to hear from your boss:
I had a really weird dream last night and you were in it, but I’m thinking I probably shouldn’t tell you about it
Sorry I missed you on FB, Van! My computer coughed.
EssBee: Um… yeah. I certainly don’t ever want to hear my boss say that. 😉
Never, ever.
CP: Annie — Elastica
CP: Wish You Were Here — Pink Floyd
In honor of MD’s repeated saga of BSOD, I share with you a great thread on WTF moments in software:
This made me crack up.
Every once in a while, I take a break and look up a Japanese word/expression that I don’t know. So, just a while ago, I look up the expression yareyare [やれやれ] to find that it is an exclamation of relief or disappointment.
What’s funny is the example sentence:
やれやれã€å¥³ã‚’é¸ã‚“ã§çµå©šã™ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã«ãªã‚‹ã®ã‹ãƒ»ãƒ»ãƒ»ã€‚ Maybe I will settle down with a woman.
Relief? Disappointment? Confusion? 😉
CP: Like I Give A Care — You Say Party! We Say Die!
Wow, I could use “やれやれ” to describe just about all of 2008.
I. Am. Exhausted.
I really don’t think I could hate my job any more than I do at this moment.
You have my sympathies, EssBee. I’d buy you a beer if it would help. And for anyone else that needs one. 🙂
*hugs* for EssBee
I don’t need a beer, but I’d love a nap. I just did a head count – no wonder I’m tired. I had 19 kids in my house and backyard eating pizza and running amok.
Only my daughter and I are here now – my son is sleeping and all is quiet.
ZP puts on a deep voice as he reviews RE5:
Oh, boy. 8-18 inches of snow predicted for Denver over the next 48 hours.
I’m dreaming of a White Easter…
8 to 18 inches ! “やれやれâ€
CW: Will Ferrell: You’re Welcome America
It’s やれやれing hilarious.
So I’m thinking about hosting a Def Jam Comedy hour with the Farpoint Recap, allow anyone a chance to spend 5-10 minutes doing their own comedy routine. One idea is to have people make fun of me for a change. Does this sound interesting to anyone, and what would be an acceptable amount of time to give people to write and record their material?
The idea here is Deadpan has the Palooza, JT’s Indie Christian podcast has the Poetry Slam… It makes sense for the Recap to have Standup Comedy. Which would be open to pretty much everyone.
Dub: That’s a great idea. I wish I could come up with something, but I’m barely making my own commitments right now. Fuckity-やれやれ-hell. 🙁
I just realized … as I finished the latest WNDR Radio Ep, that I didn’t manage to record a podcast review for Wolf.
I love the idea. If I were witty enough, I’d be all over that. My little brother does stand-up and I could probably coerce him into recording something. 🙂
Dubshack: I agree, that would be cool.
I just created a new, Watchmen-inspired Bitstrip!
I’m getting a lot of people saying its a great idea but don’t have time or aren’t witty enough to do it. I may have to redefine this thing so people don’t feel so intimidated.