Jack Mangan Deadpan: Episode 6. Slush God Rejection

Mark Forman Bumper
More babble
Dumbass Memories (by the way: the phrase, “great career”, sounded sarcastic – but was not. It was genuine. Deadpan voice can sometimes be misinterpreted)
7th Son, Book One: Descent – by JC Hutchins. Promo
John Joseph Adams interview – part 1
Skype snafu
-quick break-
Unrelated Thought
-end quick break-
John Joseph Adams interview – part 2
Spherical Tomi promo
Stolen Rap/Hip-Hop lines
Call for submissions for Episode 7
Original Music: “Darkness” from the Mango CD release, “Be the Light”

update— This episode has been blurbed over at JJA’s Slush God Speaketh blog!

26 thoughts on “Jack Mangan Deadpan: Episode 6. Slush God Rejection

  1. One reason to love the Deadpan is to learn about SF figures Ive never heard of before, like a John Joseph Adams. And hey, someone who knows who the fuck Ultraspank is is fine by me.

    Thanks for learnin me something, Jack.

    And Ill be happy to buy you a virtual drink as the tears of hockey run down our faces. No sweep dammit. No sweeps….

  2. Episode 5 again? Methinks Jack had too much fun whist at LeperCon.

    Great interview. I’ve sent so many stories off to F&SF over the years. Great to hear from the slush reader. Knowing his likes/dislikes may help me finally write a story that’ll get published over there. šŸ™‚

    You rock Jack! Pod on!

  3. Thank you for harping on my mistakes and driving me completely over the edge. Fixed now – Episode 6.

    I can’t blame the hangover – I can blame the stress overload.

    Oops —- my head just exploded.

  4. “Jackness of being” another point on the board for the Alvster.

    That reminded of this relic-great song though:
    Artist: Argent Lyrics
    Song: Hold Your Head Up Lyrics
    And if it’s bad
    Don’t let it get you down, you can take it
    And if it hurts
    Don’t let them see you cry, you can take it

    Hold your head up, hold your head up
    Hold your head up, hold your head high

    And if they stare
    Just let them burn their eyes on you moving
    And if they shout
    Don’t let them change a thing what you’re doing

    Hold your head up, hold your head up
    Hold your head up, hold your head high

  5. Youll have to be a Futurama fan to sorta laugh. and also know about Half-Life the video game. but if you dont…..then uh…..my idea might not be funny. Oh well. šŸ˜‰

  6. Thanks for the support, gang. I’m not playing a violin for myself, but times have been tough of late. However, as with all things, we deal and move on.

    I look forward to drinking this weekend at Wingin’ It!

    Jason C — I am a Futurama fan, but I confess, I know almost nothing about Half-Life. I kick(ed) it old school first-person-shooter —- Wolfenstein, Doom, Duke Nuke’Em. I just don’t get you kids with your new-fangled Quake and Halo first-person games…. But Jason, go for it!!! I look forward to hearing your doodle.

  7. Hello! I listened on the commute home tonight- thanks for the shout out and the stolen rap lyrics!!! Ive got a million more requests!! Awesome interview!!

    Jumping in on the conversation here I am a little disappointed no one came up with you should be glad you only cant play cello- imagine what you would be missing if your other head exploded?

    alright buh-bye!

    PS- Ive missed you Alvie šŸ™ No wingin it for all of us to comment incessently over this week. Im glad I found you over here!

  8. I confess — I played lots of AD&D (and a few others), but never Tunnels & Trolls. Still — I used to look at the box every time I went into my favorite gaming store. I know what a big deal that game was/is. I was pretty thrilled to have sat on a few panels with Ken St. Andre.

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