Phew! I thought I was going to have to cover myself in glitter there.
Whatever you do, avoid the Gary Glitter.
Goodnight :whyamistillup?:
Shiny Van made me guffaw.
Chortle, even.
It is by Bea alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Golden Girls that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by Bea alone I set my mind in motion.
February’s comments were 2,486. This was a bit of a decrease from last year.
Further to Jack’s comments about a mmmmmmeetup – I’m looking to be cleared for travel by late spring. So, as long as it’s after then, count me in. :cheerful:
Corporate advertising on radio and TV is a fully deductible business expense, which means that every advertising dollar costs a company only 30 cents.
If that deduction was lowered by just 20% … it would bring in more than $4 billion annually and would cover the entire budget for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which in 1995 was only $286 million, not sure what it is now).
… another point, the REAL reason that some congressmen are trying to KILL PBS is for their lobbyist pal’s in the cell phone industry.
Somewhere I have an article on this (that I can’t locate at the moment) but basically, if they can kill PBS then they can move something else to that section of the broadcast spectrum. This frees up additional broadcast frequencies for the very profitable cell phone service providers. Their lobbyists have been pushing hard for this for several years now.
Your Market update –
Corporate America is recovering nicely, thank you.
Since the market bottomed in March 2009 … the Dow Jones Industrial average has Doubled, rising over 6000 points!
I weep for the investors who didn’t pay attention but instead, got out of the market because they were listening to the political pundits who were selling fear and gloom.
Much of that reached a crescendo last November. Once they got their candidates into office, the hoards of people coming on shows like CNBC to peddle fear and tell us how bad things were, slowed to a simple steady drumbeat.
Since the end of last November the Dow has steadily risen some 1200 points! That’s an unheard of, 10% rise in just 3 months!
Professional investors are referring to these last two years as a “once in a generation” investment opportunity”.
The only thing that is more remarkable then this multi year Bull Market, has been the media blitz to make American’s think that things AREN’T getting better when they very clearly are.
That has been your Market Update.
Yes, it is “Financial Thursday” here in Parts Unknown.
I like financial Thursday… tho it blows my mind and I feel dumb never fully understanding it
Um … it was a Human Sexuality class and students who were warned about a half dozen times about the frankness of the discussion/demonstration were also told that attendance to this “after hours” lecture was NOT mandatory.
I fail to see the problem.
Unless perhaps, they fear that it might teach men & women to put some importance on (i)female(/i) orgasm. :dizzy:
and where the frak is my italics?
WP parses standard HTML, so pointy brackets create italics. 🙂
Those were my thoughts as well jOE. Although, it may instill the false notion of the necessity for gas powered appliances.
[i] here they are! [i]
cant catch em…
no wait! not there either!
here they are!
Slanty text looks dodgy.
Perhaps John Cleese should have taught the class?
Ah yes – Psychology 269: From the Ministry of Silly Cocks
“You back there. Pay attention!”
I’m sorry, but that cock is far too silly. Move along now. Move along.
*slinks away*
CP: Deliverance — The Mission
Dig the new site design. Lookin’ Good!
Oh… and high everybody. It’s been a while.
Has it?
Tony Mast(er of the Universe!)!
I’ll claim it, but I’m not doing any of the universe’s dishes. I do enough around here as it is.
Hay Pan no time to get cough up. been cleaning plant services Parts area as part of the Lean 6 sigma project. just wanted to say hi
so HI!
Reaper weighs in with his lean, mean, clean, 6 sigma, part!
Come back!!!!!
Frien took me out fir east Indian food. He wanted to quiz me on the elliptical we just bought so the food was a bit of a bribe.
Hey free food is free food
Hi reaper
Hi Tony
Hi jack
Hi Lo Pan(ite)
Hi all other Panites (if I continued this would be a very long list
Scry, I think I’ll have to resign. With only four letters left in my hand there’s no way I’ll reach the 100 points you are ahead by. (see pantless :cheerful: )
Noooo! The Energizer Bunny -never- gives up! =D
Wait a minute. How come PC gamer was able to get Dragon Age II (they gave it a 94/100 btw)?
Humph. *mutters*. I want DA2. Where’s my copy of DA2? * /mutter*
It’s coming soon, bunny. Less than a week. The reviewers get it early so they can post reviews before the games are released.
Bastards. 🙂
And in news that sure to cause Van fits: Blade Runner sequels and prequels happening
Alcon Entertainment has previously produced 19 other films, including The Blind Side, Insomnia, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant, P.S. I Love You and the post apocalyptic science fiction film The Book of Eli, which starred Denzel Washington.
Book of Eli. Meh.
I resisted replying on another board where the link was posted.
They could be crap enough to tarnish BR, yah!
That last comment was wishful thinking…
CP: The Meaning Of Love — Depeche Mode
I knew that ditto. I just like to grumble. You should know that by now :cheerful:
*Gives Van a conciliatory hug and pats him on the head*. There, there.
D’oh. What was I thinking?
Not that I don’t agree with you. I need to try out the demo.
*gives ditto a conciliatory hug and pats him on the head*. There, there
Hands off, hes mine.
*gives Lo Pan a conciliatory hug and pats him on the head*. There, there
Hands off. Im mine.
Where’s my hubby! He said he would be home early today. I don’t see him yet! *mutters to myself*
Women’s FIFA world cup will be played in Canada. Wait… We play soccer?
The comments on Topless Robot are so mean about G.R.R. Martin!
I liked Niel Gaimen’s rant he did a while back entitled “George R.R. Martin is not your bitch”
Did I ever tell you about the time we (GRRM & his otherhalf) washed elephants together? (true story)
Do tell, Bunny.
I don’t want to know that Long Pan poops.
no no no
Deckard, that is. Hands Van, Rachael’s owl.
Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home!
Now to think about dinner
I see deviled chicken and Spanish rice in our culinary future
Bunny: Yep, it was a good article and I agree with most of it. On the flip side, if you are pushing a product–which books are–its not unreasonable for your customers to expect some sort of timely delivery.
Fans that feel entitled, or that Martin owes them some sort of obligation, are the ones that are out of line, imo.
EssBee, he and Astrid (his other half) was here in Calgary for the local SF convention. Apparently Astrid use to work at the circus. As the time our zoo had a thing where you could book a private breakfast then go to the elephant enclosure to help wash them. The condom at the time arranged for this for them and a select when they were here. I wasn’t part o the con com then but myself, hubby, and our Boo were part of the select few. I have pictures somewhere of us right up beside the elephant giving her a scrub while she was flopped over like a cat
Ok, just so you know condom = concom
*mutter, mutter*. Stupid iPhone thinks it knows what I mean better than I do *mutter, mutter*
I do think I’ve heard that story – very cool!
Time to start dinner!
Public service announcement: 12 year olds should not be allowed to dress like Lady GaGa
I need me some rescuing.
echo echo echo
*gives Cj mouth to mouth* :tongue:
Sorry, it turns out the kid is 10. My previous statement still stands
note to Lady Gaga:
When 12 year olds are dressing like you … you are no longer “out there”, “different” or “cutting edge”. You have been assimilated and are now “mainstream pop”.
Time to move along to the next thing.
Here, here! *claps hands*
I just can’t parse the idea of Joe Satriani poring over a stack of report cards.
Is there anything Satch can’t do?
Well I just purchased Beyond Good and Evil HD since I rather enjoyed the demo (the original missed buying at the time).
You can keep your new fangled DA2, I’ve got wildlife to photo…
That was a fun part of the game.
I only played a wee bit before the youngster took over my game, but I was quite enjoying BG&E on the PS2. Very neat storytelling.
Surely that should be the name of our 80’s pop cover band.
Do not do the BROWN “Disco Dancing Horse”. The BROWN “Disco Dancing Horse” is bad.
Woodstock references to obscure for the Deadpan?
Not for me…good sir. Dont eat it.
Bobby Brown? I think he made it pretty clear; it’s his prerogative.
He can do what he wanna do
Snoopy’s bird friend?
Voodoo Lady…. shakin that stick, drivin me crazy. YOur eyes are red n hazy.
Just helped 5 people I dont know come in second place on Breckenridge Brewery’s Geeks Who Drink Trivia Night. 25$ free drinks…. winner. You cant process. Uh…winner.
Lo Pan … he just gives and gives and gives but does he get so much as a temple?
I say thee ‘nay’, good sir.
How exactly does one drink trivia?
Hopefully not the same way one drinks the brown disco dancing horse.
Yeah, a new version of i-tunes is downloading. You don’t know how excited that makes me.
itunes seemed to have updated without a hitch. Now I get to pay a bunch of bills. The excitement around here is palatable.
A friends just dedicated a small poem to me..ummm.
There, now they won’t cut off my electricity for another month.
His name is Van
He likes Deadpan
I dig the new Jack Mangan at the top of the site – might not be new today on the site, but I just noticed. Love that pic.
ME too also as well.
Fucking now I has “das das das boot” running thru my head. Curse you, ditto. Curse you and your boot.
has = have. Unless one is speaking Germenglish. Then it works.
I has a smile on my face :cheerful:
Yes you has!
Or Lolcat.
I thought this too!!!
We haz same thoughtz
More excitement in my life. Finished printing the first half of my March reports. Now going to take a break and clean the bathroom. Really, it doesn’t get any better than this. :blink:
You needs to get on the buzz first before has these tasks.
Somewhere is the Happy Hours now.
Ill see it. It’ll be my son’s first chance so see a Star Wars film in the theater. Frankly Id see them all anyway. I’m like that. Or, as Rob from Topless Robot says quite perfectly,
“I can complain all I want, but when Lucas pulls out the big guns — theatrical movies — I just sit back and wait for him to unload all over my face.”
Just because something’s playing at the theatre doesn’t mean I have to go.
Um… thats true?
I really like this quote from Soul Eater:
It translates to: “A sound soul resides within a sound body and a sound mind.”
It sounds a lot like some sort of proverb, but since there is not attribution, I think it just comes from the show.
Damn you :ftb:
I second that!
An old Midsomer Murders is playing on the TV, starring a young Orlando Bloom as rightish thief.
-I +o
Need to start Fox’s Star Wars education soon. I need to make sure he starts in the right place before some well-meaning friend shows him Phantom Menace.
I’ll probably go and pay at the theatre, but the snark response is that I can see a turd in 3d daily, assuming I’ve eaten salad properly.
Snark +100000!
One of the things hubby faces regularly at school is the kids who only know about the second trilogy. More than once he has come home saying he made a (original) Star Wars reference and was questioned on it by a kid. So yes, JB, please educate your children properly.
This is indeed great. I could kill half my day at someecards.
/shameless plug
The real fun in the grammar one comes in the comments section. And this is the first time I have ever ever heard of a single space after a period.
Double space with a monospaced font (like courier). Single space with variable width.
I think a lot of it depends upon the kids With our girls, the older has learned to prefer the original trilogy but the younger prefers the newer. They have both seen both sets of movies but the flash, bang of the new ones seem to appeal to our younger daughter, what I call, the Britney Spears (or pop) generation. The younger seems to have wiped the original Star Wars from her mind, our older daughter has done the opposite. Both will claim not to remember the movies they did not get as much out of.
Meh, what can I say?
Now, before I have lunch with my Boo (older daughter)
People continue to confuse me with their complex natures.
Why can’t everyone just be simple.
You know.
Like me?
Can we just refer to by the code name “3,8” ?
Roger that, 8,8.
What’s your vector, Victor?
Does anyone else heave a big sigh when reading the headline “Huckabee chastises Portman for out-of-wedlock pregnancy”? Maybe he’s just jealous of the donor?
I’m sorry, what was that? He was chastising Bristol Palin for out-of-wedlock pregnancy?
I really do heart Huckabee…
I was just going to post something on that. Given that
A. How Natalie Portman lives her life has no statistical effect the number of women who choose to become single mothers.
B. As noted Natalie is engaged to the father and has the financial resources to take care of her child.
C. Given that single parent families are now the majority condition I would think it obvious that something other than “celebrity fashion” is at work here.
Now if Mike had said something along the lines that sexual irresponsibility by adults has a damaging effect on children, I would agree 100 percent. I’m baffled why these social conservatives don’t frame their debate in such a way.
I take it back. I heart Rhettro
What would the priests of the Temples of Syrinx say?
That he RUSHed into judgment?
Looks like I killed the Pan. Dammit. Oh well, time to get a chicken sandwich anyways.
*CPIMM: “Oh I want a chicken”
notice the way I totally ignored the political conversation?
I sometime’s wonder what the other people at the Sams Club are up to. I understand we’re there to buy things in large quantities, but some of the combinations that I see in people’s carts make me scratch my head.
The guy checking out in front of me bought 315 scrubbing sponges, about 6000 paper clips, 200 binder clips, and a couple of other oddball things.
I go every couple of weeks for bulk type items, though I don’t think I ever go in with the notion that I’ll buy my next three year supply of scrubbing sponges when I go. At least, I hope he bought a three year supply.
Let’s see… scrubbing sponges, paper clips, binder clips. I see a S & M session gone wrong.
CostCo – – for those moments when anything less than a ten-gallon drum of Vaseline just won’t be enough.
Bunny: I’d vote for the non-Sorbo movie.
Groupie it is, Jack! :cheerful:
Ok Peeps. Grab your tub of popcorn and gallon of pop.
It’s movie time!
Since it’s been a while we’ll go over the rules.
Spoilers will be plentiful. As well as spelling errors. This play by play may or may not make sense. And it is likely there will be an extended version as WordPress likes to eat my comments and Jack will have to release them.
Also, my netbook seems to be acting flighty so there may be pauses in the action
Actually, I’m going to reboot because it’s driving me nuts. One moment please…
On my phone for the moment. Please bear with me, I think my netbook just died
Seriously, I think I killed my netbook
Ok, my netbook seems to be up again. Let’s see how long this lasts.
Wow. This will be interesting. I have a box to write comments in but cant’ see what’s been written. I’ll give this a try but may have to switch to my phone half way through.
Where was I…
Oh yes…
It’s movie time!
Today’s movie is Groupie!
The DVR says, “Psychotic groupie Riley Simms stalks a cursed rock band during their big reunion tour and schemes to give each band member a slow and painful death as they make one final bid for stardom in this unrelentingly tense thriller”
So remember,this movie is going to be “unrelentingly slow and painful: 😆
Rated 18A with scenes of course language, nudity, sexuality and violence.
Woo Hoo!
Hey look. There’s a band on stage
They set him on fire. How strange
OMG That’s hilarious!
Prescott, Arizona…
Sure, everybody packs a freaky mask when they go on a trip
I want to be your monkey baby!
This movie was written by Randall Frakes. As far as I can tell he’s no relation to Jonathan but he did do the novelization for Terminator 2
ON the band bus
“The Dark Knights would be nothing without their leader”
Awww, isn’t she cute?
Cat Fight!
Eric Roberts plays bit parts in everything
The audience is getting restless
A british lead singer, a Scottish bassist, an American everything else. I’m confused.
“I’ll do whatever it takes… but not that”
ooooh, the first death.
Back on the bus
Bus Bunnies!
I make life masks.
“Maybe you can make a mask of my face?”
There’s foreshadowing if I’ve ever heard it.
Scottsdale Villas, Arizona
Ohhh, the room has a giant hot tub!
MOre Boobies!
The bassist keeps trying but she keeps blowing him off.
I have no idea what’s going on. The scene seems just to exist to show topless women.
That describes most of these movies. 🙂
The lead is having a breakdown
The next day… at the swimming pool
Don’t pick on his british accent!
“I thought it was because of the way we fuck!”
Girl Wonders
The bitches!
Tied to the bed
“It’s the bobbing boobie brigade!”
To sum up the movie so far:
Music, boobies, bitches.
And no Kevin Sorbo.
Two dead.
Since only the female groupies are biting the dust, they’re going to run out of naked breasts soon.
😆 Jack
NO more road hags!
Make up you’re mind. Are they road hags, wonder girls or road warts?
“I’ve never done a rock band. You guys can be my first”
It’s not what you think
They want him to burn
Tuscon, Arizona
My money’s on the manager going next followed by the bassist.
Yah! I rolled the comments over.
What a waste of a good guitar
Sex scene time
She’s ruining good sex by trying to have a meaningful conversation
Hear hear!
Blech. Computer problems. Please be patient while we deal with technical difficulties.
Weird. The paging of the comments changed.
My hubby just sent me a picture of him holding the new Justin Beeber book their library just got. Isn’t he a little young to have his memoirs written?
I agree ditto, that is strange.
Still waiting on the other computer…
This time, we’re actually waiting on my work computer. The system in Ontario hiccuped. I have to reboot it every time they do that.
OK, where was I?
Oh yes… pillow talk
Yup, I think sex is over.
Listening to back story is boring.
Revenge is a bitch
Sexy moulding
When did she do the bronzing?
oooooh, lead singer is married. She’s about to be pissed
Yup, she’s pissed
Pissed and pregnant.
Bus leaves in 30 minutes. Really
Now he gets a conscience?
Who cares about the face masks?
This movie is going nowhere. Slowly and painfully
What? No kiss goodbye?
What a dull horror. The movie’s half over and only two people have died so far.
Z-Search??? What the hell is Z-Search???
I’m tired of this same flashback
Oh, and I was right, the manager was the next to go.
Wow, look at the size of that petroleum jelly tub!
And the bassist was next. Can I call it or what.
The price of this comeback is too high
She’s having another breakdown
Hey! icing sugar goes in cookies not up your nose!
Death by face mask!
I guess this band really is cursed.
Holy crap! Nice digs.
How come we don’t get to see her boobs?
in the shower
Fatal Attraction
How did those get there?
Tie yourself up? with duct tape? How?
“I admit I lost my mind completely.”
Someone please remind me that this needs to be a Random Comment selection for next week:
DJ Bunny
March 4, 2011 at 2:27 pm · Reply
Wow, look at the size of that petroleum jelly tub!
Wow, what an exciting fight *insert sarcasm here*
Shot through the heart and you’re to blame. You give love, a bad name
Really? It ends there?
This has got to have been one of the most boring horrors I’ve seen. Where’s the tension? The story? The… anything? The special effects, such as they were, were pretty terrible too.
That’s one hour and twenty minutes of my life I’ll never get back
You know, I think I’m disappointed with the movie channels. i was looking at what is on my DVR and, out of eight movies, not one of them is a B horror. Checked over the weekend and nothing is coming up.
Oh well. I’m sure you all are just as happy there will be no play by plays in the next little while anyway.
It would seem that you suffered plenty for this PBP, Bunny.
Good morning, DP! I’m home for the first time (save a 48 hour stint to wash clothes and re-pack) in over two weeks. What a relief it is to be home.
I hope you all have good weekends, yo.
Well heading back home after seeing ‘Adjustment Bureau’.
A pleasant film rather spoilt by the unsatisfying ending.
Welcome home, Ess!
Thank you, Jack!
I just discovered that two people from high school unfriended me on facebook and have discussed at length the SCANDAL of my queerness. I know I shouldn’t, but I just love that . . .
Just desserts for bigoted tossers, feel good about their contempt..
This is news to these people?
I will never de-friend you on FB, or anywhere else. 🙂
How sad that their lives are so empty, that who YOU find attractive is such a pivotal and devastating thing in THEIR daily life.
I love SCANDAL. Shootin at the walls of heartache. Bang bang.
Also… fuck those haters. Fuck them in their bigot mouths.
So here is the “Wisconsin” version of one of the most re-subtitled clips in teh history of da internets.
Pretty funny. NWS if someone is reading over your shoulder.
Thanks, guys. Agreed on all counts. Stupid tossers.
Sly B and I were just discussing our experiences with both male and female (these two are female) homophobes. Mostly, they either have and want to again, wish they had, or think about it when they’re alone and panting.
… um, I’ll be in my bunk.
EssBee: That sucks.
You’ll always be appreciated here.
Wait a minute. . . you’re gay??
She’s just really happy, Jack. 😉
Thats it… Im out of here. This scandal is an outrage! Come let us all discuss the scandal at length. And then watch lez-pr0n.
I didn’t say THAT exactly . . .
You dont wanna watch?
I didn’t say THAT either
This should make Lo happy. My earbuds recordings have been (finally!) sent to Jack.
YAY! Now that Ive guilted you I should probably finish mine…
Jack played my earbuddie selection but not my partner’s. Not sure if Dan sent his in or not.
“alone and panting”
I’m quite willing to pant in public given the right motivation 😉
Yo Pan!
Still frikken cold here!
EssBee, You and Sly B, together, are always welcome to hubby and I.
On that note, when you plannin’ to visit Sly B’s brother (if my memory is correct?) here in Canadaland? You has relatives so close and yet still have yet to see you.
Actually, I need somebody to visit. I need an excuse for hubby to clear all the spiders out of the guest bathroom. I wonder when the parents are going to visit next…
Hmmm, I should clarify in case people get the wrong idea about our guest bathroom. The problem is I have a very large phobia about creepy crawlies. I have a very sweet hubby who won’t kill anything. We’ve come to an arrangement that, during the winter when it’s too cold for anything to survive outside, when he captures a spider for me he can put it in the guest bathroom since the only time I go in there is if we are having company. The stipulation is, when it warms up, they all must go outside. Or if we get company, he has to deal with them and clean the guest bathroom. The other thing is, if any of them get out of the guest bathroom, and I see them first, they are fair game for the death squad.
We were just talking about a trip, actually — new baby on the way!
got notification that DA 2 has been sent. I should get it by Tuesday. I’m happy! :happy:
Hubby’s vacuuming the living room. He’s awfully noisy.
For Lo Pan: Calgary won last night. Now we is in fifth place. :tongue:
You sure are.
Enough of this. I have dungeons to build.
I actually don’t think I received your take on Dan Shaurette’s song. Did I?
(I’ve been known to make errors before)
Yes, yes you did. I can resend it some time today. Most likely later this evening
Ok I lied. Sending it your way now.
Dumb things to do today.
Delete 30 gigs of video files by mistake.
Oh bugger….
Thankfully they were stored on a seperate partition, so Recuva mananged to get most of them back.
I’ve been at a party.
I had a choice between so-so beer and this cocktail that was a mixture of tequila, a honey like substance, and champagne.
I went for the cocktail.
Several times.
would that be a fermented honey like substance?
Something with “nectar” in the name.
hmm, sounds I wonder if it was agave nectar, which would be what tequila is made from 🙂
Following up on last week’s request for song recommendations: I finished my new fanmix tonight. I opted to use both “Entre Nous” and “Color My World.” The finished product is here if anyone is curious.
Good night, Chicago.
YEEESSSS!!! Rush wins! Take THAT Bon Jovi! Eat my shorts Kiss! Bite my shinny metal ass Iron Maiden!
Sorry. I get a bit excited about Rush.
I’ve used this tunnel since I was a child, and I’ve never noticed this effect:
You know..the one mentioned in Gibson’s Pattern Recognition…
WooHoo! Found a diagnosis of the problem I was having with sound file conversion. Now I can reliably go back to the portable recorder as a solid alternative to setting up the full rig and kicking the fam out of the house, at least for non-skype-related content.
One of the financial market podcasts that I listen to talked about how Best Buy looked to be heading down the same path as Circuit City, CompUSA, etc – i.e. eventual bankruptcy.
The article said that, while Walmart and Amazon were winning in sales of consumer electronics based on competitive prices, Best Buy was resisting discounting, instead trying to focus on the superior service offered by their trained and experienced staff.
It’s a good thing I wasn’t eating anything when that line came across. Surely I would have chocked to death from the laughter at the notion that Best Buy sales droid’s bring anything but a training to upsell everyone on the benefits of Monster cable.
And you thought Skynet was going to be a product of the military. I don’t know that any science fiction writer predicting the future robotic overlords would come from the legal profession, though we shouldn’t be surprised:
Fascinating and frightening article Ed.
THIS line popped out at me though –
“The number of computer chip designers, for example, has largely stagnated because powerful software programs replace the work once done by legions of logic designers and draftsmen. ”
Isn’t that the “singularity”? The moment at which computers/machines start to design themselves?
Are we there?
Actually, my guess for Skynet would have been coming from the medical community. That is, until I started working with the medical community. They probably have the technology to build Skynet, but wouldn’t be able to agree on anything long enough to put it together. I use medical billing as my defense.
A product of it’s time, ciggies, rising and falling breasts, and a talking dog..
This is the basis for the new film out?
Yup, public domain in the US.
I srsly hope this describes more than 1 character in the book.
You had me at breasts
BTW – Lost Ralph WINS!
It WAS agave nectar. Between that and the Champagne, the tequila became waaaay to drinkable.
Seemed like a great idea last night … not so much this morning.
RE: Ed’s article: What is a Terminator’s retainer fee?
RE: The Singularity: That moment is when the rate of technological development of Artificial Intelligences accelerates to a rate beyond our prediction models.
RE: Your Brains. No one’s gonna eat your eyes.
One of the first “positive” signs I’ve seen from the U.S. general public in long time –
“His (Beck) show has lost more than one million viewers over the course of the past year. (snip) Beck’s three-hour radio show has been dropped in several major cities, including New York and Philadelphia, and has seen a ratings decline in most other markets.”
He’s just not been the same since “Midnight Vultures”
Oh..not that…uh… one?
Put… ze candle… beck.
And its nobody’s fault….nobody’s fault… but my oooowwwn
Let’s not forget Jeff Beck.
I’ll have a Beck’s, please.
What? Am I at your Beck and call?
Bartholomew and the Oobeck.
Bent like Beck ham.
I am a giant fan of Beck-enridge Brewery.
Beck in the Saddle Again
I guess Fox is no longer Beckingham Palace.
We just saw Adjustment Bureau. Spoiler alert: there’s no dog in this movie
But they did use the agent nodding off and causing problems.
CW: Being Human S3E7
Yeah but agent was suppose to make him early, not late.
And that’s all I’m going to say or I really will be into spoiler territory
Ironic aside –
None of my friends here in “parts unknown” are aware that I am involved in podcasting.
Worlds would collide.
Umm, I get mixed up, was it you or ditto that did the cup car update?
I realise on he scale of faux pas, it’s not in the same league as when I thought one of you was TEB’s spouse.
I’ll get my coat.
None of you could handle me :cheerful:
It was “you”
There is no you.
Nerdist is awesome. Been listening since Ep. 1. Hardwick is a great host and now that they have started regular guestless (“Hostful”) podcasts the other hosts Jonah Ray and Matt Mira have really gained their voices.
…and before I dig a bigger hole for myself, I’m off to bed.#
night pan
Night Van
Calgary down 2-1 end of the first
None of you could handle me
False statement
Is that a boast, Lo?
Trust me, you can’t handle the Bunny
Tied at two, end of the second
Big Love is so great.
Clagary wins 3-2
Night Pan
I had the Cup Car Update.
It’s still fun when friends come up to me and tell me about this thing they’ve discovered called “podcasts”.
“Oh really” says I, “Tell me more about it.”
I can’t remember, do we want they should win?
TEB does. 🙂
Hey, hockey fans: How much longer until this year’s finals? When do we get to start betting national-anthem singing this year? :happy:
I have a major internal dilemma going on right now. I switched from iPhone 3G with AT&T to a Droid with Verizon (started with a HTC Incredible and moved to a Droid 2). I have found the Droid phones to be EXTREMELY glitchy. A situation culminating in my missing a great video of my daughter standing in front of a monkey at the zoo (which was making eye contact and funny faces at her) because my video app repeatedly crashed instead of taking videos. I have also been missing iTunes. No other music player has been able to take the work that I put into iTunes and give me descent smart playlists.
On the other hand, I got away from the iPhones because I don’t like Apple’s overly restrictive policies concerning apps, flash, web browsers, music transfers, etc.
I have an opportunity to get an iPhone 4 with Verizon, but the 32GB version will cost me $300. Should I go back to the iPhone or stick it out with the Droid? If I miss the opportunity, it will likely dig at me for years to come. But we’re talking $300 that I, in all honesty, don’t really NEED to spend.
Hey Pan!
UH, hubby has an HTC Desire Driod, I have an Iphone 4. I’ve recorded video on my IPhone but hubby has only taken pictures. You’re right, the droid can be a little glitchy, hubby quite regularly has to reboot his phone but he wouldn’t trade it for anything. He’s lucky in that Telus has not held back any of the updates as has been known to happen with some carriers and android phones. Hubby has doesn’t use his phone for music much but does transfer some podcasts onto his phone
I love my iphone. I know when an update comes down I’m not dependent on my carrier on whether or not I get it. Also, because Apple is restrictive on its apps, I’m less likely to get a virus or malware on my phone (still not impossible, but less likely). I got the Iphone more because I had a touch and a phone so when my cell contract came up I decided to go from two devices to one that would do both jobs.
I think they both have their pros and cons. There are some apps on the iphone still not available on the droid however, we’ve come across some apps on the droid not available on the iphone. Some are available and cross platform like Words With Friends that we play with each other. The biggest difference, as you mentioned, is the price. With contract hubby’s phone was only $80, mine was $250. We both love our phones and wouldn’t trade them in.
I know I probably haven’t helped much. I think it really comes down to personal taste.
I like their podcast Stuff You Missed In History Class.
I listen to most of their “stuff” podcasts ditto. I think the only one i don’t listen to is High Speed Stuff, simply because I have no interest in cars.
The Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know is fun and kooky.
Re: Droid or iPhone
You just have to decide which is more restrictive to you personally.
A device that limits the ways you can share or alter apps/music or a device that you can’t count on doing what you bought it for in the first place WHEN you absolutely need it to.
For me the choice is pretty easy but I realize that everyone has their own level of “unacceptability”.
Cool(hot really) things happening at my old summer job.
Here is a particularly neat video of part of the crator collapsing into the lava pool in the vent.
For some perspective – the crater you see there is about 500 feet(150m) across and the lava pool is about 60m (200ft) below the edge of the crater.
/geeking out
The other thing you have to keep in mind as you watch the lava in these videos is that even though it splashed around like water or wax … it still has the same weight as a rock! So a blob of lava the size of a bowling ball, getting spattered 50 feet in the air comes down with the weight of a rock that size! It’s just that after it crushed you, it would set you on fire.
/geeking out
… and with this one, turn up your audio.
The sound of the rocks falling into the pool is fascinating. Also, listen for the sound about 22sec into the clip … like crockery braking.
It’s another frikken cold day here in Canadaland. Time to make some tea. I see some ginger mint with lemongrass tea in my immediate future.
Difficult question UH, JJ and TEB giving very sensible answers.
The iPhone 4 is nice but battery life pretty much sucks, applications do crash and can make the phone reboot. So the iPhone can suffer from glitches.
What I do like about Apple, is that they will replace faulty phones without too much hassle (unless you’ve smashed the screen or dropped it water).
My husband’s droid has about the same battery life as my iphone so I don’t think that’s an issue in this case.
At the risk of opening my self up to Deadpan’s humour, I have a question. I overfilled my kettle and hot water spilled on my counter. Not sure what it reacted with but now my kitchen smells like fish. I haven’t cooked fish in several weeks. What would cause this odor to occur? I keep my kitchen quite clean but do have a few recipe books on the counter. hmmm.
Is there a lot of mineral build up in the kettle? And what kind of counter do you have? It might not be fish you are smelling.
I also have more games on the phone than audio tracks.
Well, I’m moving into the living room. I have about 500 pieces of paper that need 3 hole punching and I’d rather do that in front of the TV. Will probably watch the Kevin Sorbo movie I didn’t watch last week.
At the risk of further inciting the dirty Statler & Waldorf reactions, I know certain types of rubber can get a fishy smell.
um. PDFs crash my Firefox every time. WTF and make it stop.
What versions of Firefox and Adobe reader are you using? Where are you getting the pdfs?
CP: I Am Here — Grapes of Wrath
Additionally, I watched Catfish last night and thought it was good. I enjoyed it quite a bit and whether it was real or not (let’s assume it’s real because I like it that way) I found it to be very touching and quite human…
ditto, I can’t handle reply threads yet so new thread… I’m waiting for my FF to shut down so I can check that info.
I know I have the most recent version of Adobe reader because that was my first thingie that I did. Maybe I should just use Chrome for those types of files.. or some different reader add-on
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
Adobe Reader 9.4.1
Cj, you should be using 10.0.1 of adobe reader.
I’d be wary anytime a document crashes the reader. If you trust the source of the pdfs, I wouldn’t worry, otherwise you should check that your browser hasn’t been compromised in some way.
I have no problem with gravy in chips, it’s adding the cheese that is a step too far.
That’s my issue too.
Post Comment
Post Comment
Post Comment
Post Comment
Post Comment
Post Comment
I DID! ##$%$^ #$$%^&&@n n 89732478923457890jljkl;34y89jklsdvjksdkkllkl;kedfgl;kg;lkajsdfj;alsjkdf;lasjkdf;lasdfjkasdflk
I exploded.
Back at NJ diners, they call that gravy cheese & french fires slop, “disco fries”.
I’d love a plate of hot fries and gravy about now.
I enjoy beef chili on my fries. My green chili goes on rellenos.
Fuck Im hungry
We were in Albuquerque once and had green chili/cheese fries at Kelly’s. OMG, they were good. I’m talking religious experience good. I’m talking wet . . . well, you know what I’m talking.
“you notice some lazy designs, some stupid designs, and some designs so ugly even the youngest Poké-addict might think before trying to fit it in a Pokéball”
So what makes the new games different from the old games then?
Ah Staten Island… good to see youre still the one burrough we can count on to be 20 years behind the times.
Had to put my boy kitteh to sleep on Saturday. I can honestly say it was the worst day of my life. He was 15 and the sweetest thing ever. 🙁
Sorry, Jeremy — that is SO HARD. We lost a beloved cat a few years back and it was gut-wrenching.
That really sucks, jeremy. We had to do the same thing with our cat a couple of years ago. I still miss him.
Condolences from me, too, Jeremy. 🙁
Sounds like he had a nice long run of it. 🙁
Damn. Condolences, man. That’s a death in the family. 🙁
Jeremy *hugs* we did it a couple of years ago and know that our other cat, who’s also 15, is not long for the world too.
Off to see the massage therapist.
Later Panites
CP: Not Enough — Our Lady Peace
I’m so sorry, Jeremy. Been through that twice not so long ago myself. Hugs to you and your family.
🙁 Jeremy
Thanks everyone.
In happier thoughts:
Off to see the massage therapist.
Later Panties
You want happy ending?
The coat will get itself.
Oh I thought JfS was going to get message therapied. My bad.
My writting could use a message therapist.
You could use a nice Oaked Yeti…
Well if ya werent all secret like Id send you one 😛
Everyone could use an Oaked Yeti…
Just watched the latest episode of Shameless. Wow.
Yes indeed.
Thanks to all for the advice. I have more than 32GB of music, so the iPhone will still not solve all my music issues. Plus, I got away from the iPhone for a reason (although I can’t seem to put my finger on it right now). I’m sure I would just be trading my Droid frustrations for iPhone frustrations. I think I will keep an eye out for a used 64GB iPod touch and get the music playing fun with apps. I have seen them as low as $200. In the meantime, I will keep my Droid 2 and my physical keyboard (which I still really like for texting).
someecards says: “Your Fat Tuesday is Charlie Sheen’s Tuesday”
Well, this coffee IS delicious.
Yes it is.
Lil mocha-y?
Lil bitter?
Lil Rhettro-y?
Strong, sweet and no hint of civet droppings.
Lil Lo
Lil Cup o’ J0e
CP: Settle — Headstones
Perfectly describes my conference call right now.
I wouldn’t settle for nothing
I couldn’t settle for that
I’d rather settle for something I don’t believe in
than listen to anymore of your chit chat
Yeah! We would have also accepted “Talk Talk” by..uh… Talk Talk
*lil gag*
Huh… this comment was supposed to go under th “civet droppings” ala Rhett
Thanks for manning the pumps on your own this morning, Lo.
I’m sort of around…. It’s a work-asplode day, and I have 2 kids home with the flu. And maintenance guys coming to fix the washing machine.
Gah! Mine boy has it too. Its awful.
“Manning the pumps”
Are you working from home, Jack?
And my girl has a bad cold. Odd.
Tis the sneezon
Better than the clapon
Dammit. A day and a half wasted to debug an issue caused by capitalization in a config file. All because of inconsistent handling depending on whether things had been previously initialized or not.
lAME! InItialiZe This!
I heard a song on the radio this morning and I want to know what it was.
The Salamanizer by GWAR?
Jack the World by GWAR?
“A Soundtrack To Kill Yourself To” by GWAR?
Death Pod by GWAR?
Nine Inch Smurfs by the Deadpan Band?
Wait thats not it…
“GWAR, What is it good for!”
Cj: If you know the station id, you can try this website:
There is no guarantee the station is on there, but it is worth a shot.
Picked up my copy of Dragon Age 2 today. I’ll probably start playing tomorrow.
Hm. I don’t THINK it was GWAR..
So near yet so GWAR.
OK ditto
You are officially amazing!
I knew what time I’d heard it and I found the song. Holy crap! thank you!!!
Oh for the curious…
It’s “Star a Fire” by Ryan Star
Start a Fire
Pats Jack gently on the head.
I think you broke him somehow. 🙂
I’m officially amazing. I think I need that on a T-shirt! 🙂
Along with “The Internet is my playground”. Because it is.
The power of the Deadpan compels you…
to do what, I don’t know, but it’s probably illegal in a few states.
So, Jack’s posting color is pink. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
*double cough*
Jack’s is pink?
I didn’t even notice until you pointed it out.
Can mine be green?
AFAIK, only the site owner/moderator gets the color. That way people can scan through comments and find responses.
CP: Wild — Poe
Jack’s Pink?
Let’s get this party started.
I’m ashamed I get this.
And me.
I didn’t until you admitted shame, and then I figured it out.
But that’s just ‘cuz I’m slow.
I’m coming up.
Good things happened to me today.
Cj’s starting to happen.
Yin and Yang
Bad thing happened to me today.
Bit of work equipment I’m responsible for lost/stolen.
Maybe out of a job by the end of the week.
WHAT?!! I really hope not, Van!
Gah!!!!!!!! Fuck, man. Here’s hoping for the best.
Awwww man that sucks.
That really sucks, Van. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Eeks Van, I hope that’s not the case!
I remember when you said your father’s asleep
I remember swimming as our clothes drifted off to sea.
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me,
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me.
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
I remember drinking as the stars were falling,
I remember dancing on the hotel’s unmade bed.
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me,
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me.
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
Taking chances in the back of your car,
We burn and on my radio is “Rockin’ in a Free World,
So obsessed,
Oh you make me such a mess,
Why can’t this just last forever, why, why, why?
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me,
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me.
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
Ft. Collins, CO is best known for New Belgium Brewery. But its one of its others, Odells, that it should be known for.
Not to bad. Not as sweet as I would expect it to be with it advertising it being like the See’s Candy of beers. LOL
Well if you were on Pintley you could have read what I thought about Black Butte! And you could tell us yours!!!
I now have a smart phone and I was able to find the rad feed for comments. WooWoo. Now I just need to remember how I got here. LoL
Cool. The form remembered my info just like a real.web page. I feel like I finally made it to the future. This whole on screen keyboard is goinng to take a lot of getting used to though
Goodnite lame vampire jokes.
Phew! I thought I was going to have to cover myself in glitter there.
Whatever you do, avoid the Gary Glitter.
Goodnight :whyamistillup?:
Shiny Van made me guffaw.
Chortle, even.
It is by Bea alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Golden Girls that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by Bea alone I set my mind in motion.
Do not say “juice of Golden Girls”
Hail and well met, Unshow 57!
Bea….the very name means death.
number 9
etc, etc, etc
Double Digits!
Double jointed….
Morning pan!
Morning Pan.
It’s -22. I decided not to go downtown.
Oh, VV, how I do love thee.
Me too me too! I (would) love her hard.
Morning, :panties:
February’s comments were 2,486. This was a bit of a decrease from last year.
Further to Jack’s comments about a mmmmmmeetup – I’m looking to be cleared for travel by late spring. So, as long as it’s after then, count me in. :cheerful:
Sheen Family Circus…
SO jealous
Look at me. Winner! You cant process.
CP: In One Ear — Cage The Elephant
To quote Jack: “Colon, happy colon”.
Dude. Just how much fiber is in your diet? 😉
“Just 1 bowl of Super Colon Blow…”
Jack of the morning to ya.
No. I didnt this morning.
Clean up in aisle 3!
More info on the international rollout of the BBC iplayer service:
What makes this coffee exquisite is the bold choice of flavors. Dont you agree, Blanche?
CP – Greenskeepers, “Lotion”
(Chorus – “It rubs the lotion on it’s skin”)
JJ, are you soaking in it?
It’s more than just mild.
Blooming heck:
CP: Short Skirt/Long Jacket — Cake
A CP from Cake is moderated? Wow. Screw you :ftb:
Awwwww, man. A full color version of Bone is coming out later this year.
If you’ve never read the series, I highly recommend it.
“massive bone”
“Bone is coming”
give a dog a bone.
Um, not that..
This is kind of cool
Personally, I find a claw on the mouth of a seal freaky.
Will a cute Japanese girl displaying an in ear alarm clock do instead:
looks like wordpress is the target of a ddos
All your WordPress belong to us.
Just got a email from Tor saying George R.R. Martin’s “A Dance With Dragons” will be out on July 12th.
I just did a backflip. You shoulda seen it.
I’m imagining the vertebra being crushed as I type..
Only of the unfortunate peons at Evil Inc that totally had it coming to them. 😉
Wait, did it say which year?
This one. So youll get to read it before the world ends!
CP: Hateful — The Clash
Aw man. MyGamerCard shuts down.
Couldn’t process Charlie Sheen’s winning.
Stand with the Muppet Lobby
Interesting note about funding Public Television.
Corporate advertising on radio and TV is a fully deductible business expense, which means that every advertising dollar costs a company only 30 cents.
If that deduction was lowered by just 20% … it would bring in more than $4 billion annually and would cover the entire budget for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which in 1995 was only $286 million, not sure what it is now).
… another point, the REAL reason that some congressmen are trying to KILL PBS is for their lobbyist pal’s in the cell phone industry.
Somewhere I have an article on this (that I can’t locate at the moment) but basically, if they can kill PBS then they can move something else to that section of the broadcast spectrum. This frees up additional broadcast frequencies for the very profitable cell phone service providers. Their lobbyists have been pushing hard for this for several years now.
Your Market update –
Corporate America is recovering nicely, thank you.
Since the market bottomed in March 2009 … the Dow Jones Industrial average has Doubled, rising over 6000 points!
I weep for the investors who didn’t pay attention but instead, got out of the market because they were listening to the political pundits who were selling fear and gloom.
Much of that reached a crescendo last November. Once they got their candidates into office, the hoards of people coming on shows like CNBC to peddle fear and tell us how bad things were, slowed to a simple steady drumbeat.
Since the end of last November the Dow has steadily risen some 1200 points! That’s an unheard of, 10% rise in just 3 months!
Professional investors are referring to these last two years as a “once in a generation” investment opportunity”.
The only thing that is more remarkable then this multi year Bull Market, has been the media blitz to make American’s think that things AREN’T getting better when they very clearly are.
That has been your Market Update.
Yes, it is “Financial Thursday” here in Parts Unknown.
I like financial Thursday… tho it blows my mind and I feel dumb never fully understanding it
Where is Jack?,0,7493639.story
^I guess you can’t learn everything from a book.
Um … it was a Human Sexuality class and students who were warned about a half dozen times about the frankness of the discussion/demonstration were also told that attendance to this “after hours” lecture was NOT mandatory.
I fail to see the problem.
Unless perhaps, they fear that it might teach men & women to put some importance on (i)female(/i) orgasm. :dizzy:
and where the frak is my italics?
WP parses standard HTML, so pointy brackets create italics. 🙂
Those were my thoughts as well jOE. Although, it may instill the false notion of the necessity for gas powered appliances.
[i] here they are! [i]
cant catch em…
no wait! not there either!
here they are!
Slanty text looks dodgy.
Perhaps John Cleese should have taught the class?
Ah yes – Psychology 269: From the Ministry of Silly Cocks
“You back there. Pay attention!”
I’m sorry, but that cock is far too silly. Move along now. Move along.
*slinks away*
CP: Deliverance — The Mission
Dig the new site design. Lookin’ Good!
Oh… and high everybody. It’s been a while.
Has it?
Tony Mast(er of the Universe!)!
I’ll claim it, but I’m not doing any of the universe’s dishes. I do enough around here as it is.
Hay Pan no time to get cough up. been cleaning plant services Parts area as part of the Lean 6 sigma project. just wanted to say hi
so HI!
Reaper weighs in with his lean, mean, clean, 6 sigma, part!
Come back!!!!!
Frien took me out fir east Indian food. He wanted to quiz me on the elliptical we just bought so the food was a bit of a bribe.
Hey free food is free food
Hi reaper
Hi Tony
Hi jack
Hi Lo Pan(ite)
Hi all other Panites (if I continued this would be a very long list
Scry, I think I’ll have to resign. With only four letters left in my hand there’s no way I’ll reach the 100 points you are ahead by. (see pantless :cheerful: )
Noooo! The Energizer Bunny -never- gives up! =D
Wait a minute. How come PC gamer was able to get Dragon Age II (they gave it a 94/100 btw)?
Humph. *mutters*. I want DA2. Where’s my copy of DA2? * /mutter*
It’s coming soon, bunny. Less than a week. The reviewers get it early so they can post reviews before the games are released.
Bastards. 🙂
And in news that sure to cause Van fits: Blade Runner sequels and prequels happening
Alcon Entertainment has previously produced 19 other films, including The Blind Side, Insomnia, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant, P.S. I Love You and the post apocalyptic science fiction film The Book of Eli, which starred Denzel Washington.
Book of Eli. Meh.
I resisted replying on another board where the link was posted.
They could be crap enough to tarnish BR, yah!
That last comment was wishful thinking…
CP: The Meaning Of Love — Depeche Mode
I knew that ditto. I just like to grumble. You should know that by now :cheerful:
*Gives Van a conciliatory hug and pats him on the head*. There, there.
D’oh. What was I thinking?
Not that I don’t agree with you. I need to try out the demo.
*gives ditto a conciliatory hug and pats him on the head*. There, there
Hands off, hes mine.
*gives Lo Pan a conciliatory hug and pats him on the head*. There, there
Hands off. Im mine.
Where’s my hubby! He said he would be home early today. I don’t see him yet! *mutters to myself*
Women’s FIFA world cup will be played in Canada. Wait… We play soccer?
The comments on Topless Robot are so mean about G.R.R. Martin!
Angry nerds gravitate to that site in a big way.
They need to listen to John Anealio.
Sorry FIFA 2015. Clarify woman! Clarify!
*Hands Van Decker’s coat.*
This just made me poop
I liked Niel Gaimen’s rant he did a while back entitled “George R.R. Martin is not your bitch”
Did I ever tell you about the time we (GRRM & his otherhalf) washed elephants together? (true story)
Do tell, Bunny.
I don’t want to know that Long Pan poops.
no no no
Deckard, that is. Hands Van, Rachael’s owl.
Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home!
Now to think about dinner
I see deviled chicken and Spanish rice in our culinary future
Bunny: Yep, it was a good article and I agree with most of it. On the flip side, if you are pushing a product–which books are–its not unreasonable for your customers to expect some sort of timely delivery.
Fans that feel entitled, or that Martin owes them some sort of obligation, are the ones that are out of line, imo.
Hubby’s ignoring me!
*mutter, mutter* stupid report cards *mutter, mutter*
EssBee, he and Astrid (his other half) was here in Calgary for the local SF convention. Apparently Astrid use to work at the circus. As the time our zoo had a thing where you could book a private breakfast then go to the elephant enclosure to help wash them. The condom at the time arranged for this for them and a select when they were here. I wasn’t part o the con com then but myself, hubby, and our Boo were part of the select few. I have pictures somewhere of us right up beside the elephant giving her a scrub while she was flopped over like a cat
Ok, just so you know condom = concom
*mutter, mutter*. Stupid iPhone thinks it knows what I mean better than I do *mutter, mutter*
I do think I’ve heard that story – very cool!
Time to start dinner!
Public service announcement: 12 year olds should not be allowed to dress like Lady GaGa
I need me some rescuing.
echo echo echo
*gives Cj mouth to mouth* :tongue:
Sorry, it turns out the kid is 10. My previous statement still stands
note to Lady Gaga:
When 12 year olds are dressing like you … you are no longer “out there”, “different” or “cutting edge”. You have been assimilated and are now “mainstream pop”.
Time to move along to the next thing.
Here, here! *claps hands*
I just can’t parse the idea of Joe Satriani poring over a stack of report cards.
Is there anything Satch can’t do?
Well I just purchased Beyond Good and Evil HD since I rather enjoyed the demo (the original missed buying at the time).
You can keep your new fangled DA2, I’ve got wildlife to photo…
That was a fun part of the game.
I only played a wee bit before the youngster took over my game, but I was quite enjoying BG&E on the PS2. Very neat storytelling.
Christian can be rather weird:
I want to play a disco dancing horse! 😆
Good song choice for the new Sucker Punch trailer. 🙂
“Disco Dancing Horse”
Surely that should be the name of our 80’s pop cover band.
Do not do the BROWN “Disco Dancing Horse”. The BROWN “Disco Dancing Horse” is bad.
Woodstock references to obscure for the Deadpan?
Not for me…good sir. Dont eat it.
Bobby Brown? I think he made it pretty clear; it’s his prerogative.
He can do what he wanna do
Snoopy’s bird friend?
Voodoo Lady…. shakin that stick, drivin me crazy. YOur eyes are red n hazy.
Just helped 5 people I dont know come in second place on Breckenridge Brewery’s Geeks Who Drink Trivia Night. 25$ free drinks…. winner. You cant process. Uh…winner.
Lo Pan … he just gives and gives and gives but does he get so much as a temple?
I say thee ‘nay’, good sir.
How exactly does one drink trivia?
Hopefully not the same way one drinks the brown disco dancing horse.
Yeah, a new version of i-tunes is downloading. You don’t know how excited that makes me.
itunes seemed to have updated without a hitch. Now I get to pay a bunch of bills. The excitement around here is palatable.
A friends just dedicated a small poem to me..ummm.
Das Beer Boot, baby!
*clears throat*
There, now they won’t cut off my electricity for another month.
His name is Van
He likes Deadpan
I dig the new Jack Mangan at the top of the site – might not be new today on the site, but I just noticed. Love that pic.
ME too also as well.
Fucking now I has “das das das boot” running thru my head. Curse you, ditto. Curse you and your boot.
has = have. Unless one is speaking Germenglish. Then it works.
I has a smile on my face :cheerful:
Yes you has!
Or Lolcat.
I thought this too!!!
We haz same thoughtz
More excitement in my life. Finished printing the first half of my March reports. Now going to take a break and clean the bathroom. Really, it doesn’t get any better than this. :blink:
You needs to get on the buzz first before has these tasks.
Somewhere is the Happy Hours now.
The horror, the horror:
Ill see it. It’ll be my son’s first chance so see a Star Wars film in the theater. Frankly Id see them all anyway. I’m like that. Or, as Rob from Topless Robot says quite perfectly,
“I can complain all I want, but when Lucas pulls out the big guns — theatrical movies — I just sit back and wait for him to unload all over my face.”
Who wants to take me?
I can hAZ beer?
I second that!
“Who wants to take me?”
Hello? Who doesn’t!
Just because something’s playing at the theatre doesn’t mean I have to go.
Um… thats true?
I really like this quote from Soul Eater:
It translates to: “A sound soul resides within a sound body and a sound mind.”
It sounds a lot like some sort of proverb, but since there is not attribution, I think it just comes from the show.
Damn you :ftb:
I second that!
An old Midsomer Murders is playing on the TV, starring a young Orlando Bloom as rightish thief.
-I +o
Need to start Fox’s Star Wars education soon. I need to make sure he starts in the right place before some well-meaning friend shows him Phantom Menace.
I’ll probably go and pay at the theatre, but the snark response is that I can see a turd in 3d daily, assuming I’ve eaten salad properly.
Snark +100000!
One of the things hubby faces regularly at school is the kids who only know about the second trilogy. More than once he has come home saying he made a (original) Star Wars reference and was questioned on it by a kid. So yes, JB, please educate your children properly.
I liked the Star Wars humor, but was rolling out of my chair when he started impersonating Eddie Izzard. Nicely done.
Half-kidding: It’s kind of amazing to me that parents of our generation would only introduce their kids to the prequels.
Those with subscriptions have already seen these:
This is indeed great. I could kill half my day at someecards.
/shameless plug
The real fun in the grammar one comes in the comments section. And this is the first time I have ever ever heard of a single space after a period.
Double space with a monospaced font (like courier). Single space with variable width.
I think a lot of it depends upon the kids With our girls, the older has learned to prefer the original trilogy but the younger prefers the newer. They have both seen both sets of movies but the flash, bang of the new ones seem to appeal to our younger daughter, what I call, the Britney Spears (or pop) generation. The younger seems to have wiped the original Star Wars from her mind, our older daughter has done the opposite. Both will claim not to remember the movies they did not get as much out of.
Meh, what can I say?
Now, before I have lunch with my Boo (older daughter)
Or this, about someone who has too much time on their hands
People continue to confuse me with their complex natures.
Why can’t everyone just be simple.
You know.
Like me?
Can we just refer to by the code name “3,8” ?
Roger that, 8,8.
What’s your vector, Victor?
Does anyone else heave a big sigh when reading the headline “Huckabee chastises Portman for out-of-wedlock pregnancy”? Maybe he’s just jealous of the donor?
I’m sorry, what was that? He was chastising Bristol Palin for out-of-wedlock pregnancy?
I really do heart Huckabee…
I was just going to post something on that. Given that
A. How Natalie Portman lives her life has no statistical effect the number of women who choose to become single mothers.
B. As noted Natalie is engaged to the father and has the financial resources to take care of her child.
C. Given that single parent families are now the majority condition I would think it obvious that something other than “celebrity fashion” is at work here.
Now if Mike had said something along the lines that sexual irresponsibility by adults has a damaging effect on children, I would agree 100 percent. I’m baffled why these social conservatives don’t frame their debate in such a way.
I take it back. I heart Rhettro
What would the priests of the Temples of Syrinx say?
That he RUSHed into judgment?
Looks like I killed the Pan. Dammit. Oh well, time to get a chicken sandwich anyways.
*CPIMM: “Oh I want a chicken”
I totally agree with this criticism of the Wonder Woman casting.
They also just cast Liz Hurley and her breasts.
CP: Why Worry — Dire Straits
Back from lunch. Now I think I’ll watch a movie.
If I was to do a movie Play by Play today. Would the audience prefer Paradox (
or Groupie (
notice the way I totally ignored the political conversation?
I sometime’s wonder what the other people at the Sams Club are up to. I understand we’re there to buy things in large quantities, but some of the combinations that I see in people’s carts make me scratch my head.
The guy checking out in front of me bought 315 scrubbing sponges, about 6000 paper clips, 200 binder clips, and a couple of other oddball things.
I go every couple of weeks for bulk type items, though I don’t think I ever go in with the notion that I’ll buy my next three year supply of scrubbing sponges when I go. At least, I hope he bought a three year supply.
Let’s see… scrubbing sponges, paper clips, binder clips. I see a S & M session gone wrong.
CostCo – – for those moments when anything less than a ten-gallon drum of Vaseline just won’t be enough.
Bunny: I’d vote for the non-Sorbo movie.
Groupie it is, Jack! :cheerful:
Ok Peeps. Grab your tub of popcorn and gallon of pop.
It’s movie time!
Since it’s been a while we’ll go over the rules.
Spoilers will be plentiful. As well as spelling errors. This play by play may or may not make sense. And it is likely there will be an extended version as WordPress likes to eat my comments and Jack will have to release them.
Also, my netbook seems to be acting flighty so there may be pauses in the action
Actually, I’m going to reboot because it’s driving me nuts. One moment please…
On my phone for the moment. Please bear with me, I think my netbook just died
Seriously, I think I killed my netbook
Ok, my netbook seems to be up again. Let’s see how long this lasts.
Wow. This will be interesting. I have a box to write comments in but cant’ see what’s been written. I’ll give this a try but may have to switch to my phone half way through.
Where was I…
Oh yes…
It’s movie time!
Today’s movie is Groupie!
The DVR says, “Psychotic groupie Riley Simms stalks a cursed rock band during their big reunion tour and schemes to give each band member a slow and painful death as they make one final bid for stardom in this unrelentingly tense thriller”
So remember,this movie is going to be “unrelentingly slow and painful: 😆
Rated 18A with scenes of course language, nudity, sexuality and violence.
Woo Hoo!
Hey look. There’s a band on stage
They set him on fire. How strange
OMG That’s hilarious!
Prescott, Arizona…
Sure, everybody packs a freaky mask when they go on a trip
I want to be your monkey baby!
This movie was written by Randall Frakes. As far as I can tell he’s no relation to Jonathan but he did do the novelization for Terminator 2
ON the band bus
“The Dark Knights would be nothing without their leader”
Awww, isn’t she cute?
Cat Fight!
Eric Roberts plays bit parts in everything
The audience is getting restless
A british lead singer, a Scottish bassist, an American everything else. I’m confused.
“I’ll do whatever it takes… but not that”
ooooh, the first death.
Back on the bus
Bus Bunnies!
I make life masks.
“Maybe you can make a mask of my face?”
There’s foreshadowing if I’ve ever heard it.
Scottsdale Villas, Arizona
Ohhh, the room has a giant hot tub!
MOre Boobies!
The bassist keeps trying but she keeps blowing him off.
I have no idea what’s going on. The scene seems just to exist to show topless women.
That describes most of these movies. 🙂
The lead is having a breakdown
The next day… at the swimming pool
Don’t pick on his british accent!
“I thought it was because of the way we fuck!”
Girl Wonders
The bitches!
Tied to the bed
“It’s the bobbing boobie brigade!”
To sum up the movie so far:
Music, boobies, bitches.
And no Kevin Sorbo.
Two dead.
Since only the female groupies are biting the dust, they’re going to run out of naked breasts soon.
😆 Jack
NO more road hags!
Make up you’re mind. Are they road hags, wonder girls or road warts?
“I’ve never done a rock band. You guys can be my first”
It’s not what you think
They want him to burn
Tuscon, Arizona
My money’s on the manager going next followed by the bassist.
Yah! I rolled the comments over.
What a waste of a good guitar
Sex scene time
She’s ruining good sex by trying to have a meaningful conversation
Hear hear!
Blech. Computer problems. Please be patient while we deal with technical difficulties.
Weird. The paging of the comments changed.
My hubby just sent me a picture of him holding the new Justin Beeber book their library just got. Isn’t he a little young to have his memoirs written?
I agree ditto, that is strange.
Still waiting on the other computer…
This time, we’re actually waiting on my work computer. The system in Ontario hiccuped. I have to reboot it every time they do that.
OK, where was I?
Oh yes… pillow talk
Yup, I think sex is over.
Listening to back story is boring.
Revenge is a bitch
Sexy moulding
When did she do the bronzing?
oooooh, lead singer is married. She’s about to be pissed
Yup, she’s pissed
Pissed and pregnant.
Bus leaves in 30 minutes. Really
Now he gets a conscience?
Who cares about the face masks?
This movie is going nowhere. Slowly and painfully
What? No kiss goodbye?
What a dull horror. The movie’s half over and only two people have died so far.
Z-Search??? What the hell is Z-Search???
I’m tired of this same flashback
Oh, and I was right, the manager was the next to go.
Wow, look at the size of that petroleum jelly tub!
And the bassist was next. Can I call it or what.
The price of this comeback is too high
She’s having another breakdown
Hey! icing sugar goes in cookies not up your nose!
Death by face mask!
I guess this band really is cursed.
Holy crap! Nice digs.
How come we don’t get to see her boobs?
in the shower
Fatal Attraction
How did those get there?
Tie yourself up? with duct tape? How?
“I admit I lost my mind completely.”
Someone please remind me that this needs to be a Random Comment selection for next week:
DJ Bunny
March 4, 2011 at 2:27 pm · Reply
Wow, look at the size of that petroleum jelly tub!
Wow, what an exciting fight *insert sarcasm here*
Shot through the heart and you’re to blame. You give love, a bad name
Really? It ends there?
This has got to have been one of the most boring horrors I’ve seen. Where’s the tension? The story? The… anything? The special effects, such as they were, were pretty terrible too.
That’s one hour and twenty minutes of my life I’ll never get back
You know, I think I’m disappointed with the movie channels. i was looking at what is on my DVR and, out of eight movies, not one of them is a B horror. Checked over the weekend and nothing is coming up.
Oh well. I’m sure you all are just as happy there will be no play by plays in the next little while anyway.
It would seem that you suffered plenty for this PBP, Bunny.
“Its pleasant fragrance and rich lather make Mansoap men’s favorite shower companion period.”
Not to mention the hole in the middle :silly:
Damn, the front page of CJ’s link isn’t showing up on my phone
Probably can’t beat my imagination anyway
I was right. It didn’t beat my imagination.
That soap probably shouldn’t use Safeguard’s old slogan:
“The Smallest Soap in the House”.
I may have mentioned this before.
My sister still has an R2D2 soap I bought her in the late 70’s for xmas.
That’s pretty amazing, Van. Also, that’s the first I’ve heard of it. Do we get to see picture evidence?
Just finished watching Centurion. I enjoyed it. And Imogen Poots is a cutie. 🙂
You know, Olga Kurylenko is in that….
Yep. Scary in it, isn’t she. 🙂
She could scare me any time…
No complaints there! Break out the wold!
Wow. That was Olga as the tracker? I certainly didn’t recognizer.
^This upon this
There are several hotties in this film. And they fight quite well. 🙂
I know, right? Never has hacking off a head with a hatchet been so sexy
I so wish we had comment voting now. +1 sir!
Fun to see Mickey from Dr. Who in it too.
Time for me to do some quests. I rewarded myself earlier with a Chimay Blue. Now I’m having a Mighty Arrow from New Belgium.
I envy!
Lo Pan’s “Samuel Adams White Ale” loses to ditto’s “Chimay Blue”.
JustaJoe’s “absolutely nothing” loses to both.
Rather unfortunate name.
Shouldnt you be doing an earbuddies segment, sir??? 😉
I refuse to answer cuz that will incriminate me?
Uh, yeah. That’s what I’ll go with. 😉
Hell – o
Have you ever noticed that “Olga Kurylenko” is just “galo krunk yelo” spelled sideways?
Goal for J0e!
Van – Thanks for the Daily SF thing. I’ve not heard it mentioned elsewhere and the story quality is really nice.
Some guys have all the luck:
Good morning, DP! I’m home for the first time (save a 48 hour stint to wash clothes and re-pack) in over two weeks. What a relief it is to be home.
I hope you all have good weekends, yo.
Well heading back home after seeing ‘Adjustment Bureau’.
A pleasant film rather spoilt by the unsatisfying ending.
Welcome home, Ess!
Thank you, Jack!
I just discovered that two people from high school unfriended me on facebook and have discussed at length the SCANDAL of my queerness. I know I shouldn’t, but I just love that . . .
Just desserts for bigoted tossers, feel good about their contempt..
This is news to these people?
I will never de-friend you on FB, or anywhere else. 🙂
How sad that their lives are so empty, that who YOU find attractive is such a pivotal and devastating thing in THEIR daily life.
I love SCANDAL. Shootin at the walls of heartache. Bang bang.
Also… fuck those haters. Fuck them in their bigot mouths.
So here is the “Wisconsin” version of one of the most re-subtitled clips in teh history of da internets.
Pretty funny. NWS if someone is reading over your shoulder.
Thanks, guys. Agreed on all counts. Stupid tossers.
Sly B and I were just discussing our experiences with both male and female (these two are female) homophobes. Mostly, they either have and want to again, wish they had, or think about it when they’re alone and panting.
… um, I’ll be in my bunk.
EssBee: That sucks.
You’ll always be appreciated here.
Wait a minute. . . you’re gay??
She’s just really happy, Jack. 😉
Thats it… Im out of here. This scandal is an outrage! Come let us all discuss the scandal at length. And then watch lez-pr0n.
I didn’t say THAT exactly . . .
You dont wanna watch?
I didn’t say THAT either
This should make Lo happy. My earbuds recordings have been (finally!) sent to Jack.
YAY! Now that Ive guilted you I should probably finish mine…
Jack played my earbuddie selection but not my partner’s. Not sure if Dan sent his in or not.
“alone and panting”
I’m quite willing to pant in public given the right motivation 😉
Yo Pan!
Still frikken cold here!
EssBee, You and Sly B, together, are always welcome to hubby and I.
On that note, when you plannin’ to visit Sly B’s brother (if my memory is correct?) here in Canadaland? You has relatives so close and yet still have yet to see you.
Actually, I need somebody to visit. I need an excuse for hubby to clear all the spiders out of the guest bathroom. I wonder when the parents are going to visit next…
Hmmm, I should clarify in case people get the wrong idea about our guest bathroom. The problem is I have a very large phobia about creepy crawlies. I have a very sweet hubby who won’t kill anything. We’ve come to an arrangement that, during the winter when it’s too cold for anything to survive outside, when he captures a spider for me he can put it in the guest bathroom since the only time I go in there is if we are having company. The stipulation is, when it warms up, they all must go outside. Or if we get company, he has to deal with them and clean the guest bathroom. The other thing is, if any of them get out of the guest bathroom, and I see them first, they are fair game for the death squad.
We were just talking about a trip, actually — new baby on the way!
got notification that DA 2 has been sent. I should get it by Tuesday. I’m happy! :happy:
Hubby’s vacuuming the living room. He’s awfully noisy.
For Lo Pan: Calgary won last night. Now we is in fifth place. :tongue:
You sure are.
Enough of this. I have dungeons to build.
I actually don’t think I received your take on Dan Shaurette’s song. Did I?
(I’ve been known to make errors before)
Yes, yes you did. I can resend it some time today. Most likely later this evening
Ok I lied. Sending it your way now.
Dumb things to do today.
Delete 30 gigs of video files by mistake.
Oh bugger….
Thankfully they were stored on a seperate partition, so Recuva mananged to get most of them back.
just bloody time consuming.
Just like the female org…uh… organ playing.
Ill get…you know.
Is there a comment-specific rss feed?
Where the hell has LR been?
Yeah, where the hell?
We just watched A Dirty Shame (John Waters). OMG. LOL.
Been keeping busy with a new distraction.
Somebody’s playing minecraft?
yep 🙂
It’s kinda like playing legos with an rpg adventure.
Making friends
Minecraft killed the deadpan…
I’ve been at a party.
I had a choice between so-so beer and this cocktail that was a mixture of tequila, a honey like substance, and champagne.
I went for the cocktail.
Several times.
would that be a fermented honey like substance?
Something with “nectar” in the name.
hmm, sounds I wonder if it was agave nectar, which would be what tequila is made from 🙂
Following up on last week’s request for song recommendations: I finished my new fanmix tonight. I opted to use both “Entre Nous” and “Color My World.” The finished product is here if anyone is curious.
Good night, Chicago.
YEEESSSS!!! Rush wins! Take THAT Bon Jovi! Eat my shorts Kiss! Bite my shinny metal ass Iron Maiden!
Sorry. I get a bit excited about Rush.
I’ve used this tunnel since I was a child, and I’ve never noticed this effect:
Happy 30th birthday ZX81:
You know..the one mentioned in Gibson’s Pattern Recognition…
WooHoo! Found a diagnosis of the problem I was having with sound file conversion. Now I can reliably go back to the portable recorder as a solid alternative to setting up the full rig and kicking the fam out of the house, at least for non-skype-related content.
Woah, Van, cool picture!
Creepy story about the FLDS sect in Texas:
One of the financial market podcasts that I listen to talked about how Best Buy looked to be heading down the same path as Circuit City, CompUSA, etc – i.e. eventual bankruptcy.
The article said that, while Walmart and Amazon were winning in sales of consumer electronics based on competitive prices, Best Buy was resisting discounting, instead trying to focus on the superior service offered by their trained and experienced staff.
It’s a good thing I wasn’t eating anything when that line came across. Surely I would have chocked to death from the laughter at the notion that Best Buy sales droid’s bring anything but a training to upsell everyone on the benefits of Monster cable.
And you thought Skynet was going to be a product of the military. I don’t know that any science fiction writer predicting the future robotic overlords would come from the legal profession, though we shouldn’t be surprised:
Fascinating and frightening article Ed.
THIS line popped out at me though –
“The number of computer chip designers, for example, has largely stagnated because powerful software programs replace the work once done by legions of logic designers and draftsmen. ”
Isn’t that the “singularity”? The moment at which computers/machines start to design themselves?
Are we there?
Actually, my guess for Skynet would have been coming from the medical community. That is, until I started working with the medical community. They probably have the technology to build Skynet, but wouldn’t be able to agree on anything long enough to put it together. I use medical billing as my defense.
Adjustment Team by PKD:
A product of it’s time, ciggies, rising and falling breasts, and a talking dog..
This is the basis for the new film out?
Yup, public domain in the US.
I srsly hope this describes more than 1 character in the book.
You had me at breasts
BTW – Lost Ralph WINS!
It WAS agave nectar. Between that and the Champagne, the tequila became waaaay to drinkable.
Seemed like a great idea last night … not so much this morning.
RE: Ed’s article: What is a Terminator’s retainer fee?
RE: The Singularity: That moment is when the rate of technological development of Artificial Intelligences accelerates to a rate beyond our prediction models.
RE: Your Brains. No one’s gonna eat your eyes.
One of the first “positive” signs I’ve seen from the U.S. general public in long time –
“His (Beck) show has lost more than one million viewers over the course of the past year. (snip) Beck’s three-hour radio show has been dropped in several major cities, including New York and Philadelphia, and has seen a ratings decline in most other markets.”
He’s just not been the same since “Midnight Vultures”
Oh..not that…uh… one?
Put… ze candle… beck.
And its nobody’s fault….nobody’s fault… but my oooowwwn
Let’s not forget Jeff Beck.
I’ll have a Beck’s, please.
What? Am I at your Beck and call?
Bartholomew and the Oobeck.
Bent like Beck ham.
I am a giant fan of Beck-enridge Brewery.
Beck in the Saddle Again
I guess Fox is no longer Beckingham Palace.
We just saw Adjustment Bureau. Spoiler alert: there’s no dog in this movie
But they did use the agent nodding off and causing problems.
CW: Being Human S3E7
Yeah but agent was suppose to make him early, not late.
And that’s all I’m going to say or I really will be into spoiler territory
CP: Robot — Heike Has The Giggles
I like this.
Ever want to experience the outdoors without having to come in contact with any of that icky outdoors?
Oh and after that
A buddy just called me and recommended this podcast.
Ironic aside –
None of my friends here in “parts unknown” are aware that I am involved in podcasting.
Worlds would collide.
Umm, I get mixed up, was it you or ditto that did the cup car update?
I realise on he scale of faux pas, it’s not in the same league as when I thought one of you was TEB’s spouse.
I’ll get my coat.
None of you could handle me :cheerful:
It was “you”
There is no you.
Nerdist is awesome. Been listening since Ep. 1. Hardwick is a great host and now that they have started regular guestless (“Hostful”) podcasts the other hosts Jonah Ray and Matt Mira have really gained their voices.
…and before I dig a bigger hole for myself, I’m off to bed.#
night pan
Night Van
Calgary down 2-1 end of the first
None of you could handle me
False statement
Is that a boast, Lo?
Trust me, you can’t handle the Bunny
Tied at two, end of the second
Big Love is so great.
Clagary wins 3-2
Night Pan
I had the Cup Car Update.
It’s still fun when friends come up to me and tell me about this thing they’ve discovered called “podcasts”.
“Oh really” says I, “Tell me more about it.”
I can’t remember, do we want they should win?
TEB does. 🙂
Hey, hockey fans: How much longer until this year’s finals? When do we get to start betting national-anthem singing this year? :happy:
Only about a month until the playoffs begin, Amy.
Goodnight :DevilsCupChances:
Taking nephew to see Dunstanburgh Castle today:
Been before but nephew hasn’t.
I have a major internal dilemma going on right now. I switched from iPhone 3G with AT&T to a Droid with Verizon (started with a HTC Incredible and moved to a Droid 2). I have found the Droid phones to be EXTREMELY glitchy. A situation culminating in my missing a great video of my daughter standing in front of a monkey at the zoo (which was making eye contact and funny faces at her) because my video app repeatedly crashed instead of taking videos. I have also been missing iTunes. No other music player has been able to take the work that I put into iTunes and give me descent smart playlists.
On the other hand, I got away from the iPhones because I don’t like Apple’s overly restrictive policies concerning apps, flash, web browsers, music transfers, etc.
I have an opportunity to get an iPhone 4 with Verizon, but the 32GB version will cost me $300. Should I go back to the iPhone or stick it out with the Droid? If I miss the opportunity, it will likely dig at me for years to come. But we’re talking $300 that I, in all honesty, don’t really NEED to spend.
Hey Pan!
UH, hubby has an HTC Desire Driod, I have an Iphone 4. I’ve recorded video on my IPhone but hubby has only taken pictures. You’re right, the droid can be a little glitchy, hubby quite regularly has to reboot his phone but he wouldn’t trade it for anything. He’s lucky in that Telus has not held back any of the updates as has been known to happen with some carriers and android phones. Hubby has doesn’t use his phone for music much but does transfer some podcasts onto his phone
I love my iphone. I know when an update comes down I’m not dependent on my carrier on whether or not I get it. Also, because Apple is restrictive on its apps, I’m less likely to get a virus or malware on my phone (still not impossible, but less likely). I got the Iphone more because I had a touch and a phone so when my cell contract came up I decided to go from two devices to one that would do both jobs.
I think they both have their pros and cons. There are some apps on the iphone still not available on the droid however, we’ve come across some apps on the droid not available on the iphone. Some are available and cross platform like Words With Friends that we play with each other. The biggest difference, as you mentioned, is the price. With contract hubby’s phone was only $80, mine was $250. We both love our phones and wouldn’t trade them in.
I know I probably haven’t helped much. I think it really comes down to personal taste.
I like their podcast Stuff You Missed In History Class.
I listen to most of their “stuff” podcasts ditto. I think the only one i don’t listen to is High Speed Stuff, simply because I have no interest in cars.
The Stuff They Don’t Want You to Know is fun and kooky.
Re: Droid or iPhone
You just have to decide which is more restrictive to you personally.
A device that limits the ways you can share or alter apps/music or a device that you can’t count on doing what you bought it for in the first place WHEN you absolutely need it to.
For me the choice is pretty easy but I realize that everyone has their own level of “unacceptability”.
Cool(hot really) things happening at my old summer job.
Cool J0e. And pretty.
Here is a particularly neat video of part of the crator collapsing into the lava pool in the vent.
For some perspective – the crater you see there is about 500 feet(150m) across and the lava pool is about 60m (200ft) below the edge of the crater.
/geeking out
The other thing you have to keep in mind as you watch the lava in these videos is that even though it splashed around like water or wax … it still has the same weight as a rock! So a blob of lava the size of a bowling ball, getting spattered 50 feet in the air comes down with the weight of a rock that size! It’s just that after it crushed you, it would set you on fire.
/geeking out
… and with this one, turn up your audio.
The sound of the rocks falling into the pool is fascinating. Also, listen for the sound about 22sec into the clip … like crockery braking.
It’s another frikken cold day here in Canadaland. Time to make some tea. I see some ginger mint with lemongrass tea in my immediate future.
Difficult question UH, JJ and TEB giving very sensible answers.
The iPhone 4 is nice but battery life pretty much sucks, applications do crash and can make the phone reboot. So the iPhone can suffer from glitches.
What I do like about Apple, is that they will replace faulty phones without too much hassle (unless you’ve smashed the screen or dropped it water).
My husband’s droid has about the same battery life as my iphone so I don’t think that’s an issue in this case.
At the risk of opening my self up to Deadpan’s humour, I have a question. I overfilled my kettle and hot water spilled on my counter. Not sure what it reacted with but now my kitchen smells like fish. I haven’t cooked fish in several weeks. What would cause this odor to occur? I keep my kitchen quite clean but do have a few recipe books on the counter. hmmm.
Is there a lot of mineral build up in the kettle? And what kind of counter do you have? It might not be fish you are smelling.
I also have more games on the phone than audio tracks.
Well, I’m moving into the living room. I have about 500 pieces of paper that need 3 hole punching and I’d rather do that in front of the TV. Will probably watch the Kevin Sorbo movie I didn’t watch last week.
At the risk of further inciting the dirty Statler & Waldorf reactions, I know certain types of rubber can get a fishy smell.
This movie feels like a failed TV pilot
Poutine goes global!
Ugh. I could never get into poutine. I know, I’m a bad Canadian.
Naw. It isn’t for everybody. I’m guessing you don’t like gravy on your fries either.
Love gravy on my fries. It’s adding the cheese too that makes me pause
Not here it doesn’t, yuk!
Awesome! Rock wins all!
I love gravy on my fries as well.
um. PDFs crash my Firefox every time. WTF and make it stop.
What versions of Firefox and Adobe reader are you using? Where are you getting the pdfs?
CP: I Am Here — Grapes of Wrath
Additionally, I watched Catfish last night and thought it was good. I enjoyed it quite a bit and whether it was real or not (let’s assume it’s real because I like it that way) I found it to be very touching and quite human…
ditto, I can’t handle reply threads yet so new thread… I’m waiting for my FF to shut down so I can check that info.
I know I have the most recent version of Adobe reader because that was my first thingie that I did. Maybe I should just use Chrome for those types of files.. or some different reader add-on
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
Adobe Reader 9.4.1
Cj, you should be using 10.0.1 of adobe reader.
I’d be wary anytime a document crashes the reader. If you trust the source of the pdfs, I wouldn’t worry, otherwise you should check that your browser hasn’t been compromised in some way.
I have no problem with gravy in chips, it’s adding the cheese that is a step too far.
That’s my issue too.
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I DID! ##$%$^ #$$%^&&@n n 89732478923457890jljkl;34y89jklsdvjksdkkllkl;kedfgl;kg;lkajsdfj;alsjkdf;lasjkdf;lasdfjkasdflk
I exploded.
Back at NJ diners, they call that gravy cheese & french fires slop, “disco fries”.
I’d love a plate of hot fries and gravy about now.
I think I want to be surprised:
Chili cheese for me, please.
I enjoy beef chili on my fries. My green chili goes on rellenos.
Fuck Im hungry
We were in Albuquerque once and had green chili/cheese fries at Kelly’s. OMG, they were good. I’m talking religious experience good. I’m talking wet . . . well, you know what I’m talking.
More food for thought for UH:
testing testing
Cast Iron Frypan + someone’s skull = Happiness
Is this thing on?
This bar called um… 10.. Draw 10 Bar here in Phoenix has this amazing Mac-n-cheese with green pork chili on top.
It is made of NOM NOM NOM
Hmm . . .
Is it fried mac-n-cheese? Fried mac-n-cheese trumps all…
I second this declaration.
My arteries try to veto it, but Lo and I have a veto proof majority.
Its true. Delish overrules heath in this case. So say us two.
Then be a man and try some deep fried mars bars..or Hershey bars in your case.
Not everything is meant to be fried…
lmao. I think I have the same degree. 🙂
You then shall enjoy!
“you notice some lazy designs, some stupid designs, and some designs so ugly even the youngest Poké-addict might think before trying to fit it in a Pokéball”
So what makes the new games different from the old games then?
St. Patricks Day is no place for Gay Pride . . .
Ah Staten Island… good to see youre still the one burrough we can count on to be 20 years behind the times.
Had to put my boy kitteh to sleep on Saturday. I can honestly say it was the worst day of my life. He was 15 and the sweetest thing ever. 🙁
Sorry, Jeremy — that is SO HARD. We lost a beloved cat a few years back and it was gut-wrenching.
That really sucks, jeremy. We had to do the same thing with our cat a couple of years ago. I still miss him.
Condolences from me, too, Jeremy. 🙁
Sounds like he had a nice long run of it. 🙁
Damn. Condolences, man. That’s a death in the family. 🙁
Jeremy *hugs* we did it a couple of years ago and know that our other cat, who’s also 15, is not long for the world too.
Off to see the massage therapist.
Later Panites
CP: Not Enough — Our Lady Peace
I’m so sorry, Jeremy. Been through that twice not so long ago myself. Hugs to you and your family.
🙁 Jeremy
Thanks everyone.
In happier thoughts:
Off to see the massage therapist.
Later Panties
You want happy ending?
The coat will get itself.
Oh I thought JfS was going to get message therapied. My bad.
My writting could use a message therapist.
You could use a nice Oaked Yeti…
Well if ya werent all secret like Id send you one 😛
Everyone could use an Oaked Yeti…
Just watched the latest episode of Shameless. Wow.
Yes indeed.
Thanks to all for the advice. I have more than 32GB of music, so the iPhone will still not solve all my music issues. Plus, I got away from the iPhone for a reason (although I can’t seem to put my finger on it right now). I’m sure I would just be trading my Droid frustrations for iPhone frustrations. I think I will keep an eye out for a used 64GB iPod touch and get the music playing fun with apps. I have seen them as low as $200. In the meantime, I will keep my Droid 2 and my physical keyboard (which I still really like for texting).
Some days…….
This… is one.
Goodnight :zombie fungus:
That is bloody disgusting. :shivers:
New Lykke Li song: I Know Places
someecards says: “Your Fat Tuesday is Charlie Sheen’s Tuesday”
Well, this coffee IS delicious.
Yes it is.
Lil mocha-y?
Lil bitter?
Lil Rhettro-y?
Strong, sweet and no hint of civet droppings.
Lil Lo
Lil Cup o’ J0e
CP: Settle — Headstones
Perfectly describes my conference call right now.
I wouldn’t settle for nothing
I couldn’t settle for that
I’d rather settle for something I don’t believe in
than listen to anymore of your chit chat
Yeah! We would have also accepted “Talk Talk” by..uh… Talk Talk
*lil gag*
Huh… this comment was supposed to go under th “civet droppings” ala Rhett
Thanks for manning the pumps on your own this morning, Lo.
I’m sort of around…. It’s a work-asplode day, and I have 2 kids home with the flu. And maintenance guys coming to fix the washing machine.
Gah! Mine boy has it too. Its awful.
“Manning the pumps”
Are you working from home, Jack?
And my girl has a bad cold. Odd.
Tis the sneezon
Better than the clapon
Dammit. A day and a half wasted to debug an issue caused by capitalization in a config file. All because of inconsistent handling depending on whether things had been previously initialized or not.
lAME! InItialiZe This!
I heard a song on the radio this morning and I want to know what it was.
The Salamanizer by GWAR?
Jack the World by GWAR?
“A Soundtrack To Kill Yourself To” by GWAR?
Death Pod by GWAR?
Nine Inch Smurfs by the Deadpan Band?
Wait thats not it…
“GWAR, What is it good for!”
Cj: If you know the station id, you can try this website:
There is no guarantee the station is on there, but it is worth a shot.
Picked up my copy of Dragon Age 2 today. I’ll probably start playing tomorrow.
Hm. I don’t THINK it was GWAR..
So near yet so GWAR.
OK ditto
You are officially amazing!
I knew what time I’d heard it and I found the song. Holy crap! thank you!!!
Oh for the curious…
It’s “Star a Fire” by Ryan Star
Start a Fire
Pats Jack gently on the head.
I think you broke him somehow. 🙂
I’m officially amazing. I think I need that on a T-shirt! 🙂
Along with “The Internet is my playground”. Because it is.
The power of the Deadpan compels you…
to do what, I don’t know, but it’s probably illegal in a few states.
And Abu Dabi
Yabble dabble.
Life Hacker gives a thumbs up to making coffee using the AeroPress.!5778831/dropping-the-drip-how-to-get-started-with-better-coffee-making
CP: 3 Skinny Girls — The Fratellis
So, Jack’s posting color is pink. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
*double cough*
Jack’s is pink?
I didn’t even notice until you pointed it out.
Can mine be green?
AFAIK, only the site owner/moderator gets the color. That way people can scan through comments and find responses.
CP: Wild — Poe
Jack’s Pink?
Let’s get this party started.
I’m ashamed I get this.
And me.
I didn’t until you admitted shame, and then I figured it out.
But that’s just ‘cuz I’m slow.
I’m coming up.
Good things happened to me today.
Cj’s starting to happen.
Yin and Yang
Bad thing happened to me today.
Bit of work equipment I’m responsible for lost/stolen.
Maybe out of a job by the end of the week.
WHAT?!! I really hope not, Van!
Gah!!!!!!!! Fuck, man. Here’s hoping for the best.
Awwww man that sucks.
That really sucks, Van. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Eeks Van, I hope that’s not the case!
I remember when you said your father’s asleep
I remember swimming as our clothes drifted off to sea.
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me,
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me.
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
I remember drinking as the stars were falling,
I remember dancing on the hotel’s unmade bed.
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me,
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me.
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
Taking chances in the back of your car,
We burn and on my radio is “Rockin’ in a Free World,
So obsessed,
Oh you make me such a mess,
Why can’t this just last forever, why, why, why?
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me,
So wake up, wake up dreaming,
And lie here with me.
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
Here we go,
Just lose control and let your body give in,
To the beat,
Of your heart as my hand touches your skin,
Is this love
Just sexual desire,
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
We’re gonna start a fire!
Ft. Collins, CO is best known for New Belgium Brewery. But its one of its others, Odells, that it should be known for.
That is all.
Had a couple of these this last weekend.
Not to bad. Not as sweet as I would expect it to be with it advertising it being like the See’s Candy of beers. LOL
Well if you were on Pintley you could have read what I thought about Black Butte! And you could tell us yours!!!
I now have a smart phone and I was able to find the rad feed for comments. WooWoo. Now I just need to remember how I got here. LoL
Cool. The form remembered my info just like a real.web page. I feel like I finally made it to the future. This whole on screen keyboard is goinng to take a lot of getting used to though