Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #134: Grrriiind

Grrround show notes.

(sorry they’re a little late – Thanks to The Energizer bunny for compiling these)

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #134: Grrriiind

The Otisberg Address

Deadpan Meetup is still happening. Have party room for Sunday

World Con wrap up by The Energizer Bunny.

Dirty Lyrics

Dirty Lyrics Medly by Cj

Amy Bowen with an airport update.

More World Con wrap

Dirty Lyrics

“Bad” lyrics

More Amy Bowen airport update with special guest Ed From Texas

Dirty Lyrics

More World Con wrap

Dirty Lyrics

More World Con wrap

More Amy Bowen airport update

Deadpan is about friendshp. Thanks to you all.

DeadPan Comments by:

justa J0e
Vanamonde (first comment of the week)

Jack weighs in on Healthcare.

Jack gets philosophical

Now… send in lyrics that speak of a profound moment in your life.

Jack tells of a moment with his father. New car, new tape deck and Iron Maiden and 50’s song “Rumble” by Link wray

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

Outro Music – The Smurfette Medley

419 thoughts on “Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #134: Grrriiind

  1. Thanks for the advice yesterday, everyone. I think cameras are going in.

    I just learned that I am not going to be able to make it to the Phoenix meet-up. I am SO bummed!! I was so going to be the designated driver.

    Is anyone else who can’t make it interested in a virtual meet-up via skype? Van, Ed, JOe, Usedhair, ?#, TSH, anyone else?

  2. On another note: The DeadPan board had 2,695 comments for the month of July. This is a 2% decrease from the same period last year.

    Close, but no cigar.

  3. Sorry you won’t be able to make the meet up EssBee. Next time.

    (I know my replies are disjointed. Doing a lot of catchup at work so only sort of following the threads)

  4. Been having trouble using the phone for DP of late, so I’ve been a bit scarce.

    We went to Madison WI last weekend, and went to Little Amerricka amusement park. Fox had a good time despite asthma troubles. He loved the 1/3 scale train and also had a blast on “The Meteor,” a family coaster designed by Herbert Schmeck in the ’50’s.

  5. RE: Virtual meetup. While I’d love to try something, I’m going to be out of town for the weekend at a family gathering. Alas, no real or virtuconning for me this year.

  6. 🙂 Van. There’s one photo of Neil Gaimen holding the Hugo. The way it’s positioned, it looks like he’s trying to put it up his nose 😆

  7. I’d like to apologize for my lack of interaction lately. It’s been a bit of a rough week and I’ve been feeling very depressed and alone, so one would think I’d seek out more of the fun that is the Deadpan, and I really hate being a downer.

    Three years ago today I lost my father to cancer. It’s always difficult for me to think about because it still feels like it just happened yesterday. He was an incredible man and I him every day.

    This week I also put my daughter into full-day school for the first time(which is a good thing, but I still cried), had multiple nights of insomnia, and somehow succeeded at alienating one of my best friends.

    So – I expect to be back in full force next week, but for now, I’m still just trying to keep my chin up and forge ahead with my weakened positive attitude.

  8. On a lighter note- I was trying to listen to the show in the car this morning while running errands and couldn’t understand why everyone sounded like chipmunks.

    Apparently there is a “button” on the iPod Touch that will play your podcast in double speed. I finally looked at the screen and saw the little 2x and was like – OOOH… I didn’t know about that “feature”.

  9. Oh and one more thing: I’m sad to hear, EssBee, that you won’t be attending. I can absolutely set up a webcam at the BBQ at my house so that everyone can interact with those people who are not going to be here.

    I’m not sure I can do the same at the hotel party because since the room will be open to Con Attendees, I’d be forced to stay with my laptop the entire time and anyone who knows me, knows I’m not very good at sitting in one location for very long.

    Also, I there has been talk of palooza skypechatting in the LLAP studio as well.

  10. Cj: I’m terrible at this kind of thing. But I wish you well. Must be rough. We’ll all be here waiting for you to get through it. 🙂

  11. I’ve found the x2 button useful for getting through long talkie podcasts quickly.

    I’ve noticed that most of the hosts of the talkie podcasts don’t sound like chipmunks at x2.

  12. Yeah, Van, I noticed that not everyone sounded like chipmunks. I know I said everyone earlier, but it wasn’t that drastic. I think the most obvious was when Amy said she was there with Ed and he said “hi” so fast, I knew it wasn’t right.

  13. Morning, Pan.

    My goals for today: Unpack, sort out, and put away the accumulated stuff from my last three big moves (Rancho Cucamonga to Temecula, Temecula to Florida, and Florida back to Temecula). And catch up on podcasts while working on that task.

    EssBee: Sorry you can’t make it to the Deadpan gathering. According to the people whose Twitter posts I was following during Balticon this year, Philippa Ballentine proved that it is possible to be the life of the party from thousands of miles away, through the magic of Skype. I hope you, or (an)other Deadpanite(s), manages to pull off the same thing at some point during the Deadpan gathering.

    Cj: *hugs*

  14. Back from lunch. Had to do a “self appraisal” performance review. I hate doing those. I prefer to be told how I’m doing, not telling people how well (or terrible) I think I’m doing.

    *more hugs for Cj*

  15. Vanamonde: I don’t see the point of needing a third-party app nested into my system. Nor do I trust said app nor its random updates.

  16. Van, I suck at rhythym games, but I downloaded it anyway because it’s free. I just can’t resiste the free things.

    At least it only takes up virtual space and isn’t like adding more clutter to the shelf over my head which is horribly cluttered.

  17. TEB, The Bing video bothered me. He couldn’t choose a different pair of pants? I mean really… how distracting was that guy’s junk bouncing around. Maybe it’s just me, that dude srsly needed some type of containment system down there.

  18. Our minds are obviously in different places, Cj. I had to re-watch that video because I didn’t catch the containment problem the first time.

  19. I think I only noticed because I was like “Who would record a video like this in their pajamas? He couldn’t dress nicer… I mean look at… OH MY GAWD…ewwwwww!”

    That’s pretty much how it went on my end.

  20. I’ve got it now. Won’t have a chance to look at it until I get back from MA tonight.

    Van, could I be really snarky and comment on the number of people downloading on your tiny little island vs North America? 🙂

  21. Me to him. It was nice because it didn’t cost anything (daddy in law made it so thus paid for it). I consider his gift to me the trip to Montreal.

  22. One box of stuff has been dealt with, and the remaining clothes and the blanket from Florida that needed to be washed have been put in the laundry. Most of the remaining stuff is books and desk items. I think I’ll bring the books into my room first, and get them all in one place. Then I’ll start organizing and putting away the desk items.

    TEB, the chess table is beautiful.

  23. So this is how my memory works these days.

    Listened to Podcastle 65 this morning. On the way home from work, couldn’t remember for the life of me how the story went.

    Read the extract of the story on the Podcastle website tonight and it call came flooding back.

  24. Okay, after viewing the video, I see no bounce. He dresses worse than I do, which is pretty insulting. Especially for a video on the webbernets.

  25. I would be interested in the Skype “party” IF:
    I am in town that day/evening/whatever
    I am not swamped with a work project
    I can remember to get Skype installed on my computer

    I won’t get to this weeks show until Monday. Can someone please remind me when the Arizona get-together / Skype event would be?

  26. I’d like to share that my Red Vines are now completely stale and chewy. Dan says they are “inedible” I say they are pure heaven!

    I fully cherish and appreciate my almost infinite supply of Red Vines.

  27. Labor Day Weekend eh? That promising as I don’t think I’m slated to start traveling again until at least the week after that. I will definitely do everything possible to attend.

  28. Speaking of “rise and shine” …
    The young lady on the weather channel this morning, well … I think they may have the studio extra cold or something.
    I have no idea what the forecast is but I was riveted.

    Yeh, that’s pretty low brow but come on! I had just woke up and turned on the TV and there they, er she … oh never mind.
    Where’s my coffee?

  29. Morning Pan!

    Pulled a muscle doing spin kicks last night. Now am hobbling around the house. It’s actually kind of amusing.

  30. Do you remember the movie Karate Kid? There was a special kick he wanted to learn a special kick and ended up using it to win the battle at the end despite a broken leg? I can still do that one (jump front kick) so I’m not completely helpless 😉

  31. Hubby’s back to work today. Then he leaves for Halifax on Tuesday.

    It’s going to feel weird not having him home during the days again.

  32. Good morning. Very happy to report that I’ve made it to Friday. Several fun things afoot for me this weekend.

    Van, about that article: I don’t believe it at all. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the subject of relationships lately and I think that their method of testing a woman’s attraction by use of pictures and simple responses is highly flawed.

    Men are (generally) visual, but the test would still be flawed for them because when people are attracted to or “fall for” someone strongly enough to actually pursue a relationship with them I think it’s rarely base solely on their appearance and their obvious commitment ability.

    And just because a guy is able to commit, it doesn’t mean that it’s a healthy commitment.

    People have to fulfill certain needs for one another before an actual relationship can be achieved. This is ultimately why hot chicks are often seen with men that other guys are like “what does she see in that dude?” Because while women like a man who is nice to look at – they won’t want to be with him if he’s useless and unfulfilillng. And while I do believe that there are predatory people (not just women) out there who thrive on “stealing” someone’s affections from someone else, it’s usually the thrill of the win more than anything else.

    That article kinda set me off so I thought I’d share my thoughts. Sorry if it’s heavy.

  33. Ack! I need a shower! Then I’m outta here for a play date that will take hours.

    HOURS.. I hope.

    I’ll have internet there though so – don’t think I’m done with you all yet!

  34. Cj, for the win. I have to agree, though. If a guy can make me smile and I can hold an intelligent conversation with them, they definitely have an advantage over the “jock”. And I definitely wouldn’t go after someone else’s mate. Bad etiquette.

    A good example of this is my husband. While I consider him good looking, at 5’4″ and 125 lbs. Into chess and D & D over sports and outdoor stuff, I have several girlfriends who wouldn’t give him a second look. But to me, he’s a God.

  35. Morning pan. Been absent for health reasons, but I hope to post more now that I’m on my feet (more or less). Perhaps, I’ll finally get the energy to work on a few contributions that I had sketched out this weekend. No promises since I’m so far behind on everything, but I need to do something fun now that I’m feeling somewhat better.

  36. Newest spam mail:
    “Good a thing to write you. I have a proposal for you-this however is notmandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against your will.

    I am Ahmed Hassan 23years old and the only son of my late parents Mr.andMrs.MOHHAMED HASSAN, My father was a highly reputable busnness magnet-(acocoa merchant)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days.”

    It was a direct copy. If I can’t figure out what you’re saying, I’m not interested.

  37. ?#: Oh, I see. Yes, some of the things that go on in the Metamor-verse can be pretty shocking because they’re so different from real life. What episode are you up to? Want me to tell you the rest of the story? If so, send me an e-mail: bowen1138 -at- yahoo -dot- com.

  38. TEB: I couldn’t help but laugh when I read your post about doing that silly chicken-kick thing from The Karate Kid.

    That being said, my fat ass has never, ever been able to do anything slightly resembling a spin-kick. Well done!

  39. On the mend, but no alcohol for the next month because it doesn’t mix well with meds+condition. So, I’ll be dry at DeadpanMMMMMMMMMCon.

  40. i#: You are listening to the short stories that are at the beginning of the feed. He did those to help him learn what he was doing… I would suggest starting at Making the Cut which I believe is episode 10 or 11.

    Those short stories are really character studies… I can see why you would not enjoy them…

  41. As for Chris Lester – I don’t know him, but from all I’ve observed, he seems like a genuinely decent, good guy.

    Never listened to any of his work, but I usually hear good things.

  42. I’ll agree that Metamor City has some low points, particularly in the prequel short stories. On the whole though, I enjoyed the first season of Metamor.

    I’m also curious how far into the episodes you’ve made in, imag1nary.

  43. In an act of “let’s see how stupid we can get”. I think I left the charger for my phone in Montreal. It becomes a real issue since we don’t have a land line…

  44. You might want to look for a USB to AC adapter. My pre came with just such an adapter to go along with my USB cable.

    Of course, that assumes you have access to a USB cable that matches your phone.

  45. Cj, it’s well known that in today’s electronic age, you need to be careful what you say about past and present work places.

    Van, those pics are very cool.

  46. I know, Bunny, but it still amazes me that people are just so stupid. I just keep hoping the human race will smarten up one day.

    And I agree, the pics Van shared are cool with a twinge of creepiness. I kept expecting to see something freakish peaking out from behind something in there!

  47. I have a buddy that was hired by the Army to go and video tape (document) inside an abandon radar installation in a US State along the Canadian border. This was one of those huge multi story installations ( both above and below ground) meant to detect Soviet ICBMs coming over the North Pole.

    He said that it WAS in fact THAT creepy. It was partially flooded, full of “stuff” that had been spilt or stored and forgotten, had all of it’s plumbing and wiring exposed and now rotting. The guy who was to be their escort was required to brief them on the many many ways they could die while in there.

    My buddy said that there was abandon trash laying around (like pipes, wiring, wood and stuff) but you didn’t step on anything because in places there were “man sized holes” where some bit of something had been removed and now these things were just covered with rotting pieces of plywood. These holes went from the top floor to the bottom so if you fell into one you were going to fall many stories before coming to rest. It was explained to his crew that as the bottom floors were flooded and there was no working lights down there … the hand full of staff that kept an eye on the place would NOT be going down to try and recover the body.

    He said he couldn’t blame them. He wouldn’t either.

  48. My computer stopped talking to my iriver :(. I’m trying to convince hubby it’s why I need a new zoom h4 but I don’t think he’s buying it.

  49. I’m officially coming to Phoenix for the Deadpan gathering! I’ll arrive just before noon on Friday, September 4, and leave on Monday morning. Woohoo! I can’t wait! 🙂

  50. Good morning, DP! I’ve got ribs and a pork shoulder marinating in dry rub (sweet for the ribs, savory for the shoulder) and will be firing up the smoker in about 3 hours. Swing by if you’re in the ‘hood.

    I am now just 4 episodes and the Planet of the Dead special away from being caught up on Dr. Who. The 2-episode arc we just finished — Silence In the Library and Forest of the Dead — was SO GREAT!

  51. Good morning. I would like to still be sleeping.

    I’m going to stumble around now and find my coffee.

    My day will be filled with wonders and delights of doing laundry and vacuuming floors.

    The excitement is endless.

    Maybe I’ll marinate something too. Yum.

  52. My house is devoid of people except for me for 1 full hour. I don’t know what to do first! I’m completely overwhelmed at the power of silence.


  53. Hey panites 🙂

    Hope all are well in Deadpanland

    We got back from San Francisco and are now preparing to temporarily move there in like a month probably so we are insanely busy. Just taking a bit of time today to catch up on old emails, Facebook and check in here.

    Hope you are all well and hope to be able to check back in after we are settled in San Francisco. We did listen to a whole bunch of Deadpans during our trip and I wrote down some comments we wanted to make. All that will have to wait until we are settled though. I will try to stop by again soon and say hi when I can.

    take care of each other

  54. I just dropped in for a word of encouragement or inspiration.
    Can that actually be done with just one word?

    Oh well, I shall crawl into my bunk and see what dreams may come.

  55. Watching the Sprint/Nextel commercial where Lumberjacks run the world. Most excellent. Let’s see if Youtube will come through for me.

  56. How’re you feeling, ditto?

    My pork was a mixed bag yesterday. The ribs were the best I’ve ever smoked, if I do say so, but my pork shoulder needs more practice. Colorado corn is in its prime right now (which my dad says means an early frost), and Sly B killed on her pasta salad – that’s lunch today.

    We just finished Season 4 of Dr. Who. Now we’re going to watch The Next Doctor xmas special and then Planet of the Dead Easter special. What are we gonna do once we’re caught up?!

    Happy Sunday!

  57. Hey Deadpan!

    Just saw District 9. Wasn’t quite what I expected but thoroughly enjoyed it (except for the 5 minutes I was squirming through when fingernails come off).

    The movie is very much open for a sequel and a prequel.

  58. Thanks, Bunny! We loved that.

    Tonight – True Blood, and maybe something from the DVR. We’ve been so obsessed with Dr. Who, we’re behind on everything else!

  59. EssBee: Thanks. I’m doing better. Not great, but better.

    A friend is loaning me the Torchwood series so that I can watch “Children of Earth” with the proper grounding. 🙂

  60. I have more good news about the Deadpan gathering! I just talked to Kris Mayo, aka Kris from Tempe, aka @foodgeek. She’s going to be in Phoenix during Labor Day weekend, and is planning on spending some time with us! 😀

  61. I don’t want to think how much dodgy meat (in pies, sausages, and fast food) I ate as a kid.

    Remember children, colonoscopys are no fun…unless you are a masochist.

  62. I was just about to go pack Dan’s lunch for tomorrow and it’s Pastrami! Showed him the article and he’s OK with that – then again, he’s hardly a child.

  63. I call shennanigans on the cured meat story reporting. It may be a factor–heck, everything is a factor nowadays–but I doubt it is as dangerous as the article implies. Otherwise, Italians would be horribly affected by colon cancer. Currently, I can’t find any stats to support that.

  64. Most excellent workout at the gym this morning.

    I feel like Gumby!

    Off to a playdate with the little dude!

    I expect to have a LOT of reading to do when I get home later, so get to work with the posting people! 😛

  65. Sorry, EssBee, Van and anyone else who won’t be here. I feel very boohoo about it too. I will have a webcam set up though, so you can participate somehow.

    Oh and Van, we’ll assume that people will stay late enough to catch you in your morning! 🙂

  66. Ditto: I’m with you on the cured meats article. I think that modern society is WAY too focused on safety, especially concerning children. Not that I let mine run around with scissors or anything, but after fighting schools that didn’t want us to send in fruit rollups (or some such fruit snack) because it is considered candy. I get a bit frustrated.

    I don’t want to claim that I was raised without the concern for safety and I am just fine. I am a scientist at heart (and occupation) and case studies are poor science. I just think that too much focus on safety turns in to fear, and raising kids to be afraid of everything defeats the purpose of keeping them safe to begin with.

  67. I would really like to be in Phoenix.
    I think I could actually show up … but it would be at the great disappointment (and pissing off) of others. I’m caught in the “Do I live my life for me or do I give up my desires for the happiness of those I care about? ”

  68. Re: Mad Men Season opener.
    Had some key plot points in it but all in all, not their strongest Episode.
    If I had ever seen the show before, the season opener would have left me wondering what all of the fuss is about.

  69. Morning Pan, yes Essbee I’m up for the calling via Skype if it’s possible on Cj’s end.

    Just seeing the adverts for District 9 now, so will be a while before I can see the movie in the UK.

  70. As someone who had to go through the gettingcamerastuckwherethesundon’tshine in all probability due to a poor diet..I can’t dismiss the cured meat story so easily.

  71. Usedhair: Thanks for the comment. It’s a sad thing that “news” channels will latch on to any little sensationalistic nugget in any study and loudly pronounce it “fact”, regardless of the quality of said study. People will radically change their lives based upon “findings” from some crappy meta-analysis.

    Another case in point: The recent Time article announcing that exercise won’t help you lose weight.

  72. Van: I have to do that too. And I’m not dismissing the article, I just find it highly suspect.

    I remember when they said peanut butter was a carcinogen. Then, I came to find out, the study basically fed gallons of it to the test animals. I’d want to die too if I ate that much peanut butter. 🙂

  73. Busy day planned for today.

    1) put in a couple hours of work (already did a work out)
    2) go with hubby to see his new school (and put in a couple of hour there
    3) early supper
    4) Martial arts
    5) take hubby to airport for his late night flight to Halifax (I’m going to be all alone for a few days 🙁 )

  74. Oh, and I remember seeing on random early-morning news show (when I watched the news) an “expert” telling viewers how to safely handle raw chicken in the kitchen. It essentially came down to having a part of the room devoted to the terribly dangerous ingredient. Also separate utensils. Just laughable.

  75. All that fuss over a single study that “suggests that eating the amount of processed meat in a single hot dog — about 2 ounces — every day increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 21%.”

    I’d want to kill myself if I had to eat hot dogs every day. 😉

  76. Hello!

    I’ve had a busy day. I agree with Bunny’s comment about moderation.

    I believe in moderation in all things – except coffee. I think I need an unnaturally excessive amount of coffee in my diet. 😛 (OK maybe not when I work out so much, imag1narynumber… I hear your tweets in my head now! geezzzzz>


    As for lunch meat, I think it’s nasty most of the time. I pack my hubby’s lunch every day and touching lunch meat seriously grosses me out. Is that weird? I’ll eat a sandwich from Subway and I know that’s lunch meat on it, but I just can’t stand if it touches my fingers. I probably wash my hands a minimum of 5 times during the time that I’m packing lunches at night.


  77. So going to check out the new QT movie..which looks like it’s going to be a cross between Hogan’s Heroes and the Dirty Dozen.

  78. OOPS!
    Looks like it’s a bad day to be hiding money in a Swiss Bank account.
    UBS just agreed to turn some 4000 names over to the IRS (Wouldn’t it be fun if some of those were Congressmen?).
    The IRS is recommending that this might be a good time for other US citizens who are hiding money there, to voluntarily turn themselves in … because they have another 5000 tax evaders in their sites for the next round. The estimate that these folks will represent another 12 BILLION in hidden money.

    Sorry Jack, looks like you’ll have to come clean.

  79. My mom use to squirrel money in off shore accounts.

    I got really mad at her the first time I found out and basically went up one side of her and down the other. She’s since stopped.

  80. J0e, it’s the lack of a body in my bed that I’m complaining about. Hubby left for Halifax last night and won’t be back until Saturday.

  81. Joe (again), my mother is a hoarder. She’s the type that will buy second hand clothes, only repair her home when she has to, etc so she does have money to squirrel.

    She’s not a sharer, though. Even though I’m an only child, I very rarely see any of the money she hoards (which is part of the reason I got upset with her. As her only heir, I didn’t want the headache of dealing with her off shore accounts when it passed on to me).

    I, however, am the complete opposite. I love to spend. Savings? What’s that?

  82. Student Bodies was a movie that my other brother and I use to make our parents rent so we could watch it over and over … on Betamax.


    It had amazing dialogue like this telephone call:

    Murderer (Breather): I’m gonna kill next at the football game. Click.
    Principal: Did you hang up?
    Murderer (Breather): No. I just said, “Click.”

  83. OK. Since we’ve wandered into health care again.
    Former Industry insider describes the Insurance companies efforts to stop reform.

    “So the next time you hear someone warning against a “government takeover” of our health care system, or that the creation of a public health insurance option would send us down the “slippery slope toward socialism,” know that someone like I used to be – wrote those terms, knowing it might turn many of the very people who would benefit most from meaningful reform into unwitting spokespeople for the industry.”

  84. I can’t claim to have a full, deep, thorough understanding of ALL of the facts in the healthcare mess, but I’d REALLY love to see a reporter walk through one of those crowds and ask the protesters to define the terms on their own signs. Let’s see if the woman who objects to Pubic Option even knows what the Public Option entails.

    The knee-jerk anti-everythingnotRepublican industry AND the insurance industry lobbyists are demonstrating just how easy population mind control can be, given the proper resources.

  85. Heading back from seeing the new Taranatino flick.

    Not as gory as the trailer suggests.

    Some great scenes that build up the tension (at the beginning and the bar scene).

    Oh and a silly plot.

  86. Once I had a love and it was a gas,
    Soon turned out had a heart of glass.
    Seemed like the real thing, only to find
    Mucho mistrust.
    Love’s wong behind.

  87. Do you know you can’t find steel hoop boning anywhere in this city?!!!?

    Everybody wants to sell me this polyester stuff but I don’t think it’s strong enough. Any sewers in Deadpan land? do you think a strong gauge craft wire would work instead (for a hoop skirt)?

  88. Ah yes. Should have seen that coming. No Van, not a mistype. Boning is what you use in corsets and hoop skirts. Impossible to get here in Calgary

  89. Yup. Ultimately it’s going to be a civil war era ball gown. Right now working on the corset and hoop skirt undergarments, though.

  90. Rhett, it’s possible. However I’m the type who likes to feel before buying or at leat have had someone els feel or use it (yes, yes insert another boning joke here). Do am looking to see if anybody has had any experience with it since it’s still not exactly what I’m looking for

  91. I’d like to apply for the coat-check girl job. Is that still open? I promise not to go through the pockets. The idea never even occurred to me.

  92. Did you mean you want to do de-boning in the coat check closet?

    De-boning prior to eating the fish … I’m at a loss as to how to continue my train of thought on this.

  93. Well, I see Deadpan went deep down the rabbit hole this afternoon. But, I’m still a little confused. Who’s the one in the corset boning wong in the coat closet?

    My money’s on Joe, but maybe I’m wong.

  94. “the one in the corset boning wong in the coat closet?”

    Some how, I don’t remember that from my “Clue” game. I’d be willing to be it was Colonial Mustard though.

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