Dedpan Unnsho 41

Layzey Un-showe Knowtes.

(Thanks to TLEB for the unlazy unshow notes!)

Dedpan Unnsho 41

A blending of vital news and comments.

Comments by:
Ed from Texas

The Deadpan Gathering is taking place in the wilds of Arizona on the Labour Day long weekend

Jack will be doing a Hollywood squares at the Disc World Convention
Some of the Deadpanites who are arriving by Friday will be attending Arizona’s EVFN
Saturday, Cj and Dan of the Love Long and Prosper podcast ( will be hosting a BBQ for the Deadpan gathering

Nomad Scry

Sunday of Deadpan weekend there will be a party at the Tempe Palms Hotel. This is the same hotel as the Disc World Convention. All are welcome to come to this party, whether a member of the Disc World Con or not.

The Energizer Bunny

Currently in the fluffer palooza faze. Watch the 1980 Flash Gordon movie and join in. Possible recordings at the Deadpanmmmmmmmmmmmm gathering.

First comment of the week

If on Face Book, check out the Jack Mangan fan page (

Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

or if you have questions about the deadpan gathering contact Jack or either of the moderators on the Face Book Deadpan Page (Cj or The Energizer Bunny)

Please send in content. Send in how a song touched your life. Send in some fiction.

Remeber: Deadpan is the Weigh!

Goodnight Mush.

557 thoughts on “Dedpan Unnsho 41

  1. I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
    I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
    And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do
    He said that ….

    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang…
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang
    Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
    Walla walla, bing bang

    I told the witch doctor you didn’t love me true
    I told the witch doctor you didn’t love me nice
    And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice
    He said to …

    (Repeat Chorus)

    Now, you’ve been keeping love from me
    Just like you were a miser
    And I’ll admit I wasn’t very smart
    So I went out and found myself
    A guy that’s so much wiser
    And he taught me the way to win your heart

    My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to say
    My friend the witch doctor, he taught me what to do
    I know that you’ll be mine when I say this to you
    Oh, Baby ….

    (Repeat Chorus)

  2. So I’ve come up with a silly thought. Continuing a thread from yesterday, if it wasn’t going to be horrendously expensive, I wonder how cool it would be to use LED light tubing for the hoops instead of just aquarium tubing?

  3. Since it’s by the pet store, I think later today I might sneak up to my local Source store (CDN RadioShack equivalent) and see just how expensive it would be. (as well as the logistics of hooking them up to a battery pack)

  4. I like it TEB!

    If it works, you should think about using a material that would work well with the lights … either a shiny reflective thing or maybe a white or mesh that would pick up the color from the light.

    That is my art direction for the day. *removes “art director” hat*

  5. J0e, I’ve already got the form of the skirt in a light cotton. What I could do, though is put the tubing on the outside of the skirt. Although this might cause bumps that would show through the actually dress.

    Will have to think on it.

  6. 5m at $16 US is still about $105 US ($125 CDN?). I’ll take off in about half an hour once my work is done and see what I can get locally.

  7. ditto: I gave your link a quick skim. At first blush, it looks like some very grandiose language for something not that amazing. It’s only a microkernel. So we can have secure appliances. Yay.

  8. I do have a question for the Pan, though. Rumor has it that there was a movie in the ’80s that featured an ankle-high doll-type creature with big, black hair that would kill people. Any guesses as to the name of this movie, assuming it exists?

  9. Another Dinosaur trips over “new media”.

    Seems the S.E.C. has backed down from the policy it issued Monday that prohibited bloggers and “Tweet”ers from reporting on college football games. They still take umbridge at anyone posting their own pictures.
    The S.E.C. now claims they had just basically re-used the language from some other media policy but more then likely, someone pointed out them that these football games were public events between two schools that were funded with public money … so how can you OWN the rights to personal descriptions of these events?

    Here is a quote from their original ticket policy –
    … released Monday initially said fans could not “produce or disseminate (or aid in producing or disseminating) any material or information about the Event, including, but not limited to, any account, description, picture, video, audio, reproduction or other information concerning the Event.”

  10. Child’s Play immediately comes to mind, if you’re looking for 80s killer dolls.
    I also recall a movie called “Dolls” about a house full of them. Boy, we were culturally hung up on miniature creatures for a few decades there. Gremlins, Critters, Ewoks. . .

  11. Had a nice lunch.

    Jack: For??? does it have to be for anything? Ultimately it will be a Civil War era style Ball Gown, just because. I thought it would be cool to spice it up. The lighting isn’t mandatory. but thought it would look neat on the hoops and along the boning of the corset. the boning will come out to about $100 anyway, so if I can come up with a cool alternative at not much different price…

    After I’ll make a matching outfit for the hubby. Again, just because.

  12. Gee Cj, hope you’re feeling better. You’ve been down quite a bit lately, hope it’s not the start of something bigger.

  13. Thanks, Bunny.

    Migraines tend to come during certain times of year due to weather and seasonal changes. Sometimes when I’m a little (a lot) stressed out, I get them as well. I’ve had a bit of both those things going on lately and it would probably help for me to eat better and get more sleep than I’ve been getting. I’m working on it and it should pass soon! šŸ™‚

  14. Those are cool, Cj.

    I’m definitely leaning towards the glowing wire stuff, but will wait until hubby calls tonight and see what he thinks.

  15. Moving into the living room and a book. Will be on my touch for the rest of the afternoon, so expect random (mis-spelled) comments because I’m too lazy to do the flicky thing.

  16. Just had time to post these questions –

    – Is $100 about the going rate for boning? I’m thinking that’s about the same price as a good dinner and a movie (with popcorn and drinks).
    – Does the quality of the boning increase much if you pay more?
    – If you allow for inflation, is that much more then they would have paid for boning around the time of the American Civil War?

    I’m sure more questions will come to me.

  17. My mother-in-law came over, gave me a B12 shot, and some attention.

    Amazing what a little TLC, friendship, and B12 can do. I feel tons better right now! šŸ™‚

  18. I’m going to imagine I didn’t hear that number. Fell asleep? That may be a hanging offense.

    But, it’s Friday and I’ve taken the day off with the kids, so I’m in a lenient and charitable mood.

  19. I personally would recommend XXXTrek: The Man Eater

    Although Dreym Quest is good too.

    I do better if they have actual story lines

  20. We don’t have Netflix in Canada, Rhett. I had to find a place to purchase it. It’s not actually available so have it on back order. Don’t really expect to see it any time soon.

  21. I’ve never played it, but have heard nothing but good things about P vs. Z.

    Re Flash: Yeah I know. And I have seen it before too.

  22. You are also allowed to post your thoughts about what you don’t like. I find it interesting when someone hates a movie that I like and has good reasons for doing so. So, feel free to share.

  23. Well Pan, off to do some grocery shopping.

    Hubby comes home tomorrow so might bake some cookies as well today. Our local SF convention is also happening this weekend. Busy, busy, busy.


  24. Truth be told, none of the movie adaptation of PKD stories were true, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying (some of) them.

    Ok, now I’m really going.

  25. I never read “Electric Sheep” but there is plenty of buzz from people on the net that said the movie was better than the book. šŸ™‚

    Of course PKD actually liked Riddly’s adaptation.

  26. On a different note…

    What song remakes are better than the original?
    Alien Ant Farm’s version of “Smooth Criminal” comes to mind.

    These two aren’t better, but I really like them because they are different:
    Frente! with “Bizarre Love Triangle”
    Quicksand with “How Soon Is Now”

  27. Well PKD’s Agent claimed that PKD had become more negative to the movie shortly before he died..saying the the plot of the had been dumbed down by Hollywood.

  28. I’m afraid I put people who claim BR is better than the book in the same category as Apple apologists .. And I’m not talking golden delicious.

  29. I guess I’ll have to read “Electric Sheep” then. Bloody British directors screwing over American literature. šŸ˜‰

    ditto: I quite like Lacuna Coil’s “Enjoy the Silence.”

  30. I think the “A Scanner Darkly” movie version was extremely well-done. I’ve also never read “Do Androids Inflate Electric Love Sheep?” (or whatever the PKD story was called).

    Ditto what ditto said about dissenting opinions.

  31. Apparently, Zack Snyder HADN’T finished reading Watchmen.
    I know the BR topic gets your blood boiling, Van. . . šŸ˜‰ My biggest argument in its defense is the impact it had for cyberpunk in cinema. We’d never before seen a cyberpunk world on film (unless I’m overlooking an earlier film).

    Stevie Ray Vaughn’s “Little Wing”.

    Cowboy Junkies “Sweet Jane”.

  32. I’m trying a new chili recipe (Jackrabbit Chili). I was surprised when hubby suggested it as he is not normally a bison or buffalo eater.

  33. OK, I had all these responses I thought of while I was reading and now they are lost. I’ll go back up and start over.

    And I think I mis-quoted the movie last night. I believe the correct quote is:

    “Cover the nipples!”

  34. I have read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep but it was a long time ago and I remember nothing about it. I am terrible at remembering reading materials. Always have been.

  35. How come when I make anything in the blender I always wind up with about 4 times the amount I need?

    Srsly. This homemade java chip frappucino could quench the thirst of 4 dehydrated Cjs.

  36. Oh yeah! I love love love the Frente! version of Bizarre Love Triangle! It’s one of my car ride essentials. My daughter was singing it the other day. Her lyrics are a bit different though:

    Every time I see you pulling. I get down on my knees and pull.

    I’m always wondering what she’s pulling, but I’m glad she wants to help.

  37. I’d like to take this moment to enjoy and bask in the fact that I do not currently have a headache!

    Sometimes we just have to enjoy the little things in life. šŸ™‚

    Now back to my coffee and scone.

  38. Thanks for the offer, Cj, but I honestly don’t think it’s that important. As i said, I have seen the movie before, and you did say you would be playing it in the background.

    Glad you’re feeling better.

  39. Thanks, ditto. And I certainly don’t mind saying when I don’t like something. I too enjoy hear others’ viewpoints and trying to see things from their perspective.

    I AM curious as to what Vanamonde’s objections are to Blade Runner.

  40. +1 for Zombies vs. Plants. Susie at “How to Grow Your Geek” reviewed it a few months ago and my kids and my wife and become hooked.

  41. I’ve only read some of PKD’s short stories, and I don’t really recall if any of them were particularly famous. What they lack in actual writing quality is made up for by the near-complete-detachment-from-reality-fueled insight.

  42. Oh, and do feel free to disagree, number. While Fifth Element is one of my favorites, I bear no malice towards those who don’t care for it.

    As for Blade Runner… better not go down that road šŸ™‚

  43. No shrinking green Vanamondes are necessary.

    Headache-free is a good thing, Cj.

    Bunny – that is very cool!

    imaginary with the PKD slam! I’ve read “Flow My Tears. . . ” and “A Scanner Darkly”. I remember nothing of the former, but really enjoyed the latter.

    No Ed, share your Blade Runner thoughts šŸ˜‰

    Jonathan Coulton: “Baby Got Back”

  44. I don’t have any LD’s on my friends list but that doesn’t mean anything. Usually you can send them a note asking who they are before accepting the friend request (I’ve done it on people I don’t recognize).

  45. That would seem a tastier alternative to lipstick. . .

    . . . Speaking of overrated movies, I’ve started watching “Solyaris”.
    Holy crap is the first half-hour near unwatchable. . . . I recall finding the Clooney/Soderbergh remake ok, if kinda slow. Can anyone vouch for the original? I don’t foresee myself making it to the end.

  46. My mother always dlathers it on really thick. When she kisses you on the cheek there’s always a greasy splotch left behind. Yuck!

  47. I just re-read Solaris. The ending still ruins it for me. I didn’t make it past the first half-hour of the original movie. It’s far more plodding than the book even.

  48. …oooOOO(DRIVE BY)OOOooo…

    Sorry I’ve been MIA… the wife and I have been on vacation in San Francisco (and, yes, we left our hearts there…)

    PKD movie adaptations… I’ve liked most, but you can send Johnny Mnemonic to hell… It’d be fair trade for watching it.

    Covers better than the original…
    A little folk band in Arizona did a nice cover of U2’s I Still Haven’t Found (what I’m looking for). Never properly recorded though…

    You DID NOT get the following from me…

    Hope everyone’s week was well, good Fridays to you and happy weekend

  49. Happy Saturday, DP!

    I am home from Dallas with lots of new merger info, and the new knowledge that I will be in Dallas every 3 weeks for probably the next year. I can recommend the Irving Omni for any travelers out there. It’s my new second home.

    I sure am glad to be home. Sly B, her mom, and I watched several episodes of The Big Bang Theory, Season 1 on DVD last night when I got home. It’s cute, but as my dad says, “I wouldn’t stand in line for it.”

    Ok, coffee is brewed, so I’m going to sit outside and enjoy a cup with my book.

  50. I wholeheartedly agree with Lejon in regards to Johnny Mnemonic (damn, I spelled that right first shot!). However, I rather enjoy the soundtrack.

  51. I hate to be “that guy”. . . Johnny Mnemonic is adapted from a William Gibson short story. As is New Rose Hotel. I’ve refused to watch Keanu Mnemonic. New Rose Hotel is pretty bad.

  52. I’m up really late and posting on the Deadpan wall.

    Riding the Light Rail has failed me in some way at least once every time I’ve ridden it. Tonight was the least fail night of all.

  53. Also, apparently there was a Green Day concert tonight. I rode the rail home with the concert-goers. That was cool. I heard it was an awesome concert.

  54. Van, I’m not sure there really is a TV!

    I’m up early for a Sunday. My back was too sore to lie in bed, so I’m on the couch preparing to read. We had some friends over last night for dinner and had a good time while talking about tattoos with them (he’s our tattoo artist). I’m getting “five by five” put onto my right arm next week – can’t wait.

  55. Well, I snapped my toe again. During my very first martial art class, back in Middle School (or Junior High if you prefer), I snapped a toe. Fractured. And ever since then, if I hit it, even pretty lightly, it snaps again. It is rather uncomfortable. I wish there was something that could be done as a preventive measure. Other than lopping it off.

  56. So I finally saw V For Vendetta. It’s like a sci-fi geek waiting 20 years to watch Star Wars. Anyhow . . .

    spoiler alert/

    You can tell it’s based off of a comic book. Very fictional. The most glaring error? Look around you. Do you think even 5% of the people around you would don the mask and march? Go to a mall, walk around a city. Watch the people wander around listlessly. If they were ever to march, it’d be in-between commercials.

    /spoiler alert

    Anyhow, I liked it much. Much good it was.

  57. So I’m off to hang with my father for an uncomfortable couple of hours. My parents are spending more and more time apart from each other. I don’t know if this is normal or if it’s indicative of something more. Nor do I care. I’d just have to visit twice as many parents if they get a divorce. That would suck.

  58. Jack: My modem (or router) has been flaking out more and more recently. I’m hoping I did not accidently send you about five of the same e-mail.

  59. EssBee, Hope your back feels better!

    i1, Hope your toe heals quickly.

    I was out/up too late and would like to be sleeping.

    My children are fighting over a light saber. I should handle that.

  60. Oh, forgot to mention I had Pepe’s pizza last night. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never had the world’s most famous pizza until now, even though I’ve lived roughly half an hour away from it for most of my life. Was very good. The second best I’ve had.

  61. I’m sorry, I missed that bit. Hope your back feels better soon, EssBee. My thing to do when I hurt mine is to sleep on the floor, but many people don’t like doing that.

  62. Ed: Pepe’s is known far and wide. I’ve heard many stories of people visiting places like Scotland, Greece, Italy, and so on, all being asked about Pepe’s pizza once they learn the tourist is from Connecticut. I seem to recall that Sinatra used to frequent the first one (in New Haven). I’m sure that helped the notoriety.

    Interestingly enough (at least to me), people that move from the New England area complain endlessly about the quality of pizza in their new state. It does not matter how much the new place mimics a place in say, New York, since it all revolves around the water used in making the pizza. And as we all know, the taste of water varies dramatically from place to place. At least that’s what I’ve read. I could be full of anchovies.

  63. As a Public Service Announcement, it is NOT recommended to use regular dish detergent in place of dishwasher detergent if you run low on the latter. This Public Service Announcement was brought to you by the Council For Not Leaving Me Unattended With Large Appliances. Thank you for your time.

  64. It is a desperate ploy and you are not the first to have made and lost this gamble. Perhaps your testimony will spare someone else in the future.

    I certainly could have used it a few years ago šŸ™‚

  65. If you are out of dishwasher detergent I believe that a mixture of Borax and Washing Soda can be used in its place, but then you have to have those items on hand. I use them both in my homemade laundry soap, so I have them, and to be honest, they don’t work that well.

    My best recommendation if you are out of dishwasher soap is to wash your dishes by hand.

    I think I just got all Suzie Homemaker on you guys. What is this world coming to?

  66. Best kitchen mis-use story I have (apart from the time that me and a mate decided to dry out bottle rockets by placing them in a microwave oven … I know, I know) is a buddy of mine whose dad thought he could get away with smelting aluminum on the stove and casting carburetor parts on the kitchen table while his wife went to the store.
    Oh yes, she noticed.

  67. jackmangan: Thanks for the catch. Gibson, Dick… So hard to know one from the other from the movies based on their work…

    √-1: There’s a pizza place out here (NYPD) that imports their water from Yonkers, New York – so, in theory, their pizza should taste close to those made in Yonkers…

    Cj: Fail, it’s what the big kids eat…

  68. Wolf – Mark Waid writes comic books. He has a podcast called 15 minutes with Mark Waid. Apparently his special skill is knowing more than is healthy about comics.

    So, who did that song about the monkey on the back of something, singing “straighten up and fly right”? šŸ˜†

  69. I’d never heard of Pepe’s Pizza until now. Just saying, for a world famous pizza… not so famous.

    Then again, we could argue over whether Papa John and Pizza Hut are actually pizza anymore…

  70. I really loved Long Island pizza, but that was mostly for the heavy garlic, extremely greasy cheese, and thin(ish) crusts. The cheap big pizza I could get from the Exxon station down on the corner was excellent.

    Here in Massachusetts, I’d be terrified to even try a pizza from the corner gas station.

  71. What was that Eckhart / Affleck PKD movie? Payback or Paycheck. Not horrible, except for the Thurman parts.

    I can never remember which titles go to which stories, especially since I read a whole pile of them in one go. But the one about the half-life of dead people and the other one about the split-minded cop, those two were my favorites. Though I never did read Do Androids Infect Electic Peeps.

    I swear, it’s funny in -my- head.

  72. Morning Pan, in regards to pizza, I’ve read that in Italy, pizza is a starter and not the main meal.

    But since I’ve never been to Italy, not sure how true that is.

  73. So the joke that won this year’s Edinburgh Fringe:

    “Hedgehogs. Why can’t they just share the hedge?”

    needle and thread is available if you split your sides.

  74. NS, nope. I toss them quite regularly. The biggest problem I have with my multitude of lip products aside from my compulsive buying of them, is that I tend to only use one or two shades really. So I have all these different brands that look exactly the same. I toss any that don’t please me… Which really is my rule with anything in life. šŸ˜‰

  75. Nomad Scry: Yeah, I suppose I should’ve said something more like “world’s most famous pizza restaurant”. I suppose more people know about Celeste frozen pizzas or something like that.

    In Meriden, CT, there’s a very well-known (locally) pizza joint called Little Rendezvous. I used to get their “Death Pie”, which earned that title due to the outrageous amounts of garlic used in it. It was awesome.

    Nomad Scry, you and I are neighbors. I am close to the CT/MA line.

    What happened in my case was the following: I returned home to find a mix of suds and water spilled out over the vast majority of the kitchen. After I cleaned all of it up and everything was all dry (apart from the throw-rug-thing), Lady J came home from work. She remarked that the kitchen smelled nice. Then I came clean. It was a fun time had by all.

    Paycheck, and I thought it was pretty good.

  76. Morning Pan

    Hubby home. Had a good weekend at our local SF con.

    See the latest Wander Radio is up, will give it a listen.

    But this morning it’s my turn for a headache.

  77. It’s funny how many men make the dishwasher mistake. It’s one I’ve never really understood. Ask a guy if he’d use olive oil in the engine of his car, and he’d tell you not to be stupid.

    If oils aren’t interchangeable, why should soap be?

    Still, I can see that if someone is in a hurry and not really thinking about what they are doing….

    Besides, I’ve made plenty of dumb mistakes myself, so I shouldn’t be too critical.

  78. Sorry to hear you have a headache, Bunny. I hope it passes soon, fast, now, 15 minutes ago even!

    Good Morning, Pan. I’m late and on the run – not sure I’ll have time to finish this messa…

  79. NS: The movie is “Paycheck”. I thought it was pretty good, considering Affleck is in it.

    i: Yeah, pizza in Italy tends to be fairly different, but is getting to be more common here in the US. The crust tends to be thinner, and you have more unusual ingredients. I really like some of the white pizzas (no tomato sauce). One of my favorites had artichokes and gorgonzola cheese on it.

  80. I’ve seen the result of someone using the wrong soap in a dishwasher. It was quite funny watching them clean up the soapy mess on the floor.

  81. i – Considering that my “Daily Pizza” is a Celeste, I should’ve thought of that one first.

    A garlic-y Death Pie sounds wonderful. But not worth an hour drive!

    In Deadpan, am I allowed to laugh myself silly every time I read what happened to imag1narynumber’s kitchen? ‘Cuz I’m following Cj’s rules and laughing until I cough. (ding?)

  82. ditto: The oil comparison doesn’t quite match up. Soap cleans. It’s a surfactant. I figured there may be a problem using the wrong soap, but stuff would still get clean.

    I’ve been making artichoke pizzas as of late. Quite delish. Sometimes with ricotta, sometimes with bacon.

  83. TEB: The only reason I use the dishwasher is it saves on water usage. I don’t wind doing dishes, provided I can soak the bad stuff. This is actually the first time I’ve owned one.

  84. i: No analogy is perfect, but I think the idea that a soap is only a “surfactant” misses the point, which is that we use different soaps, oils, etc for different purposes. We’ve engineered these products for specific applications and the misuse of them can result in surprising consequences.

  85. Another good example, that was recently in the news, are front load washing machines. A lady used regular liquid washing machine detergent in her front load machine instead of HE and ended up ruining the the seal around the door. The way she found out is she started to get black streaks on all her clothes from the seal breaking down. I guess she went to the Washer manufacture to get it fixed and they wouldn’t do it under warranty because she used the wrong type of laundry soap.

  86. Let’s see, the bottle says no more than 12 tablets in a day, I’m not at 4 in the past 6 hours. Doing the math… I don’t think I’m going to make it.

  87. Lunch isn’t for another couple of hours here… I wonder if I should sneak out for a donair?

    Dammit, ditto, I wasn’t before but now I am thinking about lunch.

  88. LJ, if you see the strange choice of songs my shuffle has come up with you’d just scratch your head. Right now, it seems to have chosen two of the same artist in a row, though.

  89. My next 15 songs according to my shuffle
    1 – Neither Can I – Slash’s Snakepit
    2 – Waterloo – Abba
    3 – Let’s Duet – Walk Hard the Dewey Cox Story
    4 – Bittersuite – Motley Crue
    5 – Rock And Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution – AC/DC
    6 – Ren 2 – Anamatrix
    7 – Nevada Fighter – Michael Nesmith
    8 – Ouverture – Overture (Suite) No. 2 – Badinerie – Johann Sebastian Bach
    9 – Formosa Diner – Michael Nesmith
    10 – Pleasant Valley Sunday – The Monkees
    11 – Treebeard: The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
    12 – Raiders March – Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull
    13 – Scheherazade, symphonic suite, Op. 35: No. 1, “The Sea and Sinbad’s ship” in E major” – Nikolay Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov
    14 – Ya-Yo Gakk – Steve Vai
    15 – World Don’t Revolve Around You – Alisa Brown

  90. TEB: I’ve setup my shuffle that it only picks from songs that I’ve rated 3-stars and above, so I don’t have as much music whiplash. šŸ™‚

  91. I do have my music categorize (rock, classical, etc) so I could always just have the shuffle pick from one category, but why?

  92. Michael Nesmith – the tallest of the Monkees?

    I also have to confess that I’ve also never had Pepe’s. New Jerseyans take Pizza (sic) very seriously. . . There’s plenty of adequate pizza in AZ, including NYPD, but only Famous Ray’s really holds up.

    If you guys are close enough to Mystic CT, I remember being surprised at just how damn good Mystic Pizza was.

  93. Jack, yes. Mike Nesmith actually had some decent solo stuff he did after leaving The Monkees.

    Wasn’t Mystic Pizza the name of a movie?

  94. I think I might move to the livingroom and my touch. Am going to lay down on the couch for a bit and see if I can buck this headache before lunch.

  95. Wow I came home to fine all sorts of swoonworthy topics on man pan page:

    Mike Nesmith
    Pan Pizza
    Star Trek Music
    NS laughing until he coughs

    and most of all – John de Lancie… oh how I swoon for that man. *swooon*
    I don’t care if he’s 61… if I ever see him at a convention, someone will have to hold me back. He’s adorable and with that killer smile. Mmmmm

    What were we talking about?

  96. I have a large CD collection, which I’ve mostly ripped into iTunes. There generally tend to be 3-4 songs that I really like off of each album. These are the songs that get starred. When I shuffle, that’s what I want to hear. But, as I said, I tend to listen to the whole album, so I don’t delete any songs from iTunes unless I dislike the whole album.

  97. Speaking of pizza, I had this pizza the other night that was interesting and pretty good, actually. I don’t know what “real” pizza is. I like Pizza Hut’s pan pizza with just mushrooms and tomatoes, but generally I prefer white pizzas.

    The pizza I had was at a place called Hanny’s. I’d never been there before.

    It was the “Bianco” Italian Three Cheese Blend, Goat Cheese, Chopped Tomatoes, Fresh Basil, Black Pepper, and Red Pepper Flakes

    No red sauce. It was yummy.

  98. Yeah, Mystic Pizza is famous for the movie. It’s good pizza, but nothing that wows me. Mystic itself is quite nice. We just went there for their yearly art show. We’re about an hour and a half away from Mystic.

  99. I’m nearly a cave-person. I don’t own an iPod. The closest thing I have is a cell that has a basic shuffle function for mp3 playing. I really only use that when running or working out.

  100. I’ll +1 ditto’s comment on real pizza. One of my dark secrets is a grand pizza-esque creation of mine. It’s one of those English-muffin-and-American-cheese pizzas. But instead of tomato sauce, I use cocktail sauce. Gives it quite a nice zing. Lady J tried it once and said she’d rather eat dirt.

  101. My iPod is full of all my music with it sectioned off into kid-friendly, grown-up only, and kid specific sections.

    My kids have taken a liking to hearing stories in the car too so I’ve been downloading audiobooks for them. It’s pretty cool as it’s like they are being read to while riding in the car, only now I can keep my eyes on the road. šŸ˜†

  102. Okay, scrolling back, I’m far too late to the “tube” thread.

    In other random observations based upon random thoughts bumping into one another, even if the nipple count for Deadpan hasn’t been reaching a peak, wouldn’t you agree that the average density of each nipple has increased?

  103. If it wasn’t for the music podcasts I wouldn’t listen to any music these days. I prefer seeing people perform live (yeah yeah they could hardly perform dead).

  104. Vanamonde: I’m with you, apart from what Lady J introduces me to. I’m just catching up on Dropkick Murphys. I’m stunned it’s taken me this long to listen to them.

  105. Wolf, there is the control thing, but John de Lancie just seems intelligent and that’s a big turn-on. (I can’t confirm that he is personally, but in my fantasy world, we’ll just assume it’s so), and then there’s the fact that he’s adorable and 6’4″… Rawr for the tall men. He’s just cute cute cute.

  106. Is anyone else bothered that John Goodman was cast as Walter in The Big Lebowski?

    I always felt that he was miscast. He should have played Donny.

    Steve Buscemi seems a better fit for Walter. In fact, when I imagine Walter’s lines in my head, I hear Buscemi saying “Shut the fuck up, Donny” – It just seems natural…

  107. Replacement battery has arrived, hopefully this one won’t be a dud.

    Oh how I wish people didn’t stick to the same old caveman crap.

  108. White Russians – I make them well.

    Vodka (vanilla is best) and Kahlua equal parts with cream on top over ice.

    Without the cream it’s a Black Russian

    With the cream and a splash of cola it’s a Colorado Bulldog

  109. Van, that’s the episode I just watched. It was a bit predictable, but I don’t care. I just love the characters. The show definitely has reached beyond it’s realistic possibilities for the moment, but that’s part of what makes it fun.

  110. I like the characters too Cj, but that plot element was so incredibly dumb that it spoilt the episode for me, worst episode so far this season.

  111. Hi, friends!

    Tonight it’s me and the mom-out-law for dinner solo. Sly B has rehearsals on Mondays again. We’re going with a leftover-in-the-freezer selection (curry).

    Miss you guys!

  112. Haven’t caught last week’s Eureka yet. I enjoy the characters quite a bit, though the “science” is at best Star Trek quality. This new season took a while to find a direction, though.

  113. My wife and I had some pretty good pizza when we were in Germany ten years ago. We never made it to Italy. šŸ™‚

    These days, most of my pizza comes via Cici’s. The pizza is nothing special, but I’m pretty sure the cinnamon rolls are actually the manna that fed the Israelites while they wandered the desert.

  114. Cj: I agree. Intelligent men = attractive.

    ditto: YES. I LOVED the Q vs. Spock recordings. šŸ™‚

    Jack: Yes, The Big Lebowski is quirky enough to be a good Palooza candidate.

  115. Cj – The Big Lebowski reminds me of the

    crap. Brain fart.

    of the… erm. The one with Nic Cage. Ah

    …reminds me of Raising Arizona. It has the same sort of hyper-real what the fuck feeling with some very quotable lines.

    And if my memory wasn’t swiss, I’d show an example from Jesus.

  116. Ah! That would explain much. Isn’t “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?” a Coens?

    *google* Yup.

    Raising Arizona
    The Big Lebowski
    O Brother, Where Art Thou?
    No Country for Old Men

    I really enjoyed every one of them and I see there is another whole pile. Nice.

  117. ditto – LOL No wonder I come up short.
    Cj – I can confirm he is very intelligent. I have heard several interviews with him over the years. While I was studying acting he was one of the actors whose careers I did follow. Patrick Stewart was another. In fact in part John deLancie and Lenard Nimoy in a way re- introduced me to Audio Drama back in the late 80’s… Alien Voices anyone….

  118. Just had a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich for breakfast. Now my fingers are all sticky. Just in case you really wanted to know. šŸ˜‰

  119. I just refused a Skype request from a “Jesse” If it was any of you, I apologize. Try again and make sure you put your DP pseudonym or I’ll end up refusing you again.

  120. i if you talking about any of the following:

    a text only web browser

    A handheld games console developed by Epyx and released by Atari.

    A brand of deodorant.

    Then yes I’ve used them all.

  121. I’m still pondering Ed’s discovery of pizza in Germany.
    For some reason I immediately started to hear “Spring time, and pizza in Germany” (Think “The Producers” )in my CPIMM and my mind reeled with questions…
    Did the have a lightning quick, Blitzbuffet that was kept fully stocked by luftwaiters? Did they offer a deepdish, panzer pizza? Did they insist on pure, one topping pizzas?
    No … no, I dare not even think about ze ovens.

  122. Good morning again.

    It seems like this morning thing keeps happening.

    Bunny, I clicked the link and the first word that pops out is “inflatable.”
    Something about the Deadpan has apparently changed and/or magnified the way I think and view things at times and that’s not a bad thing.

    Srsly – what’s the first thing that comes to all your minds when you read —

    “Japanese publisher details vibrating, air-filled cushion that would let gamers use Wii Remote, Nunchuk as reins.”

  123. Whoops. I accidentally jumped from chapter 16 to 21 of Metamor City. End of season one. Meh. It did get better, but still very yawn-inducing.

  124. Lejon: Yeah, I’ve been hitting a link on their site, then switching to other tabs. Eventually it loads. Kinda like the days of dial-up.

  125. Am back, all hot and sweaty after my walk. It’s actually starting to get warm out there (now all you Southerners can laugh as it’s 15C and I consider it warm)

  126. I do notice my touch runs a little warmer on some apps since I updated J0e, but it hasn’t affect the operation in any way.

  127. On the weather note, how high is the AC cranked up in buildings in AZ? I ask because I want to know if I dress for the outside Arizona weather, will I freeze my little tootsies off when I’m in doors?

  128. Bunny, I hate the cold of the a/c. Most places keep it around 78 I believe and that’s very cold to me. It depends on what you are used to and also how you are affected by fake cold.

    I’m always cold and tend to keep light jackets/sweaters in my car in case I’m at a restaurant or something.

  129. Wow, nothing like a morning full of suggestive comments to help you slide into the workday.

    Bunny: some places crank up the AC to penguin level, but it’s usually pretty moderate. Your tootsies should be just fine in AZ.

  130. 78 is nice a toasty, but i don’t like breeze so no standing under vents for me. I’ll have a light jacket anyway. I’m up at 3am (who knew 3am even existed? I didn’t until now), for my flight and it’s a little chilly in Calgary at that time in Sept.

  131. I ‘ve noticed some weird behavour with 3.0 but it’s more noticeable with the battery gauge on the GS.

    For example, when I unplug the phone from the USB lead there is a 3% drop in power. If I plug it back in, the phone starts charging and takes 15 minutes to get fully charged again.

    I’ve external battery pack for the phone, as long as there is juice in the battery then I should see the fully charged icon on the phone. Yet since the 3.0 update, I keep seeing the charging icon during the day as the power drops by 3% on the phone.

  132. I can deal with high heat easily, but CT has the honor of harboring some occasionally pretty high humidity. That makes me want to peel my skin off.

    I do feel people rely way too much on climate-controlled environments. But what do I know?

  133. Did I ever tell the story about “John DeLancie” stealing $30 from me? I’ve been on this board for three years, surely I must have. LOL

  134. Okay CJ, here it is:

    I attended Comic Con in 1997 and got to meet John DeLancie there. He was selling signed photos of himself for $20, so I thought that would be cool to buy one. Unfortunately, when I was at the ATM earlier, it spit out large bills, so I had a fifty on me. I paid him with a fifty, and he signed a photo for me. I patiently waited for change and he looked at me kind of oddly and asked if I needed something else, in a kind of irritated way. Then it occurred to me that he mistakenly thought I had given him a twenty. I assumed that he would probably think I was trying to con him if I told him I gave him a fifty, so I figured I’d let him keep the 30 dollar tip and I could leave with a story about how “Q” had swindled me.

  135. Awww! That’s a nice tip! šŸ™‚ You are much more generous than I would have been!

    I’d be like “For that extra 30 bucks, I better be gettin’ a little something more… if ya know what I mean…”

    I guess you wouldn’t have wanted the same thing though. šŸ˜‰

  136. Did I ever tell the story about Ć¢ā‚¬Å“Marina SirtisĆ¢ā‚¬Ā buying me a drinks at a hotel bar and then later stabbing an ice pick in the back of my head and throwing my lifeless body in a dumpster in the alley?

  137. jJ – hee hee.. all true stories, right?

    Well, not as exciting, but Suzie Plakson did step on me, true story. She was very apologetic.

    I just stood there and swooned at her.

  138. Everything is true on the Internet.

    I can prove it.

    If you can find it, it exists.
    If it exists, it isn’t 0.

    Since 0 == false and !0 == true then everything is true on the Internet. šŸ˜‰

  139. (J0e climbs back up on his bar stool)
    Most people have to PAY to get Suzie Plakson to step on them. Was she wearing the red heals? Say! Did I ever tell the story about Ć¢ā‚¬Å“RhettroĆ¢ā‚¬Ā hitting me over the he*SMASH*
    (This time Rhettro hits J0e over the head with a nearly empty whisky bottle)

  140. 1) Van, HILARIOUS link w/ the buzzwords. OMG, that is my life.

    2), JOe, I don’t know about “Patrick Stewart”, but I once made out with “Linda Perry.”


  141. (Joe suddenly stands up and spits turkey feathers out of his mouth)
    Say … Third base with Perry? Me too!!
    Oh, wait … that was Tyler Perry, um … er

    (J0e ducks down to avoid the next impact, grabs coat from Van, makes a dash for the door – from outside we hear a woman scream, tires squeeling, glass shattering, and then the unmistakable sound of New Zealand Sea Lion’s barking)

  142. The imagery on the Pan is particularly vivid for some reason today. That must have been some pizza.

    I am now in possession of Flash Gordon. I watched the opening title sequence to make sure my “backup” is working correctly. I had forgotten about the “motion comic” effect that they used, drawing from old Flash comics.

  143. Morning Pan.

    Just finished reading Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book, enjoyed it.

    I know some people look down on adults reading YA fiction, but I’ve discovered some good books in that genre over the years.

  144. The idea that alien civs are missing not because of nuclear self-annihilation but because of Wall-E is mildly interesting. The idea that the Fundies recognize the Great Temptation and will survive… is disturbing.

  145. Van – I find that some of the most emotionally satisfying stories I read are YA. Grown ups that feel so strongly are dangerous, out of control, irresponsible, and contemptible. Children are still allowed to feel without being somehow mentally unfit. So their stories or rather, the stories about them tend to be more expressive and satisfying. I am, of course, broadly overgeneralizing.

  146. Due to odd scheduling for this week, we went grocery shopping last night instead of Friday night. I have a feeling this is going to effect the time-food continuum.

  147. Well Pan, I think I’m going to pack it up and head home.

    It’s getting close to nine, here. Approx an hour to get home. By the time I get my hair cut it will be getting close to lunch time. Maybe I’ll pick up a deer burger on the way home since it’s right next door to the haircutter’s.

    See you after lunch!

  148. Learned <ctrl><enter> for browser’s from Cj, on a whim, looked up any other cool commands

    <ctrl><enter> adds www. and .com in both IE and FireFox
    <shift><enter> adds www. and .net only in FireFox
    <ctrl><shift><enter> adds www. and .org only in FireFox

    My surfing speed at work has increased i guess…

  149. Back!

    Had quite the adventure. The girl cutting my hair had morning sickness, she had to stop every few minutes and give her stomach time to settle. Then, when she was finally done my hair, she goes, “does that look straight?”

    Seriously? Doesn’t she get a special education to figure that out herself? That would be like me asking her if a column of numbers was added correctly.

    Then, I found out the burger place removed venison from their menu. Had elk instead.

  150. Flying is fun. There are several cool games you can play!

    I like to sit at a window seat. Then I pick a number – this being a 3.5 hour flight, I’ll go with 6 – then I get up to either “stretch my legs” or “go to the bathroom”. I try to see if I can reach my chosen goal before somebody in the rest of the row says something šŸ™‚

    (I’m kidding, honest)

  151. Bunny, her Twitter account says: “Going offline for a few days. Will not be on IM or Twitter. If you need to reach me, please e-mail or call me.” I also hope everything is ok.

    OK, done with Twitter for the day.

  152. I always got the impression TP was in essence a bit of a nobody in the USA, was I wrong?

    I realise that the con actually happening means he must have some fans in the USA..

  153. They actually reached their registratin cap, Van and stopped accepting new peeps about a month ago. Does that answer your question? Also, earlier in the year Neil Gaiman talked about the con on his blog.

  154. Bedtime soon, been in the wars, ripped the skin off my heel earlier on today..I tend to bleed profusely..blood all over the place.

  155. EB: My non-deadpan name is Jesse, but I haven’t even put skype on my computer yet, so it wasn’t me that tried to call you. Sorry.

    All: Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. New job + New house + Manuscript Revisions + Dissertation writing = no fun. I haven’t had much time to read the 100+ comments a day here. I should soon be back on track.

    Any word on a skype get-together during the DP get-together this weekend?

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