2018 NHL Playoffs brackishes

Jack’s picks for the 2018 NHL Playoffs:


NSH – COL: NSH in 5
WIN – MIN: MIN in 7
VGK – LAK: VGK in 7
ANA – SJS: SJS in 7


TBL – NJD: NJD in 6 (Come on)
BOS – TOR: TOR in 4
WSH – CBJ: WSH in 7
PIT – PHI: PIT in 5

Put your picks in the comments!

30 thoughts on “2018 NHL Playoffs brackishes

  1. NSH – COL: COL in 6 (stop…homer time)
    WIN – MIN: WIN in 5
    VGK – LAK: VGK in 7
    ANA – SJS: SJS in 5


    TBL – NJD: TBL in 6
    BOS – TOR: BOS in 6
    WSH – CBJ: WSH in 5
    PIT – PHI: PIT in 6

  2. NSH -COL: NSH in 5
    WIN – MIN: MIN in 5
    VGK – LAK: VGK in 6
    SJS – ANA: ANA in 7

    PHI – PIT: PIT in 4
    TBL – NJD: NJD in 7
    BOS – TOR: BOS in 4
    WSH – CBJ: CBJ in 7

  3. NSH – COL: NSH in 4
    WIN – MIN: WIN in 6
    VGK – LAK: VGK in 6
    ANA – SJS: ANA in 5

    TBL – NJD: TBL in 5
    BOS – TOR: TOR in 7
    WSH – CBJ: WSH in 4
    PIT – PHI: PIT in 5

  4. I was wrong about the number of games, but I picked VGK and SJ correctly! No more SoCal hockey this year.

    I’ll probably only get 2 more of the remaining 6, though.

  5. I only got one pick really wrong, but I should have expected that from the Sharks. Boston not Toronto won in 7. The rest were close with only Tampa being exactly right.

    Next round:
    NSH – WIN: WIN in 6
    VGK – SJS: VGK in 6

    PIT – WSH: WSH in 7
    TBL – BOS: TBL in 6

  6. I went 4/4 in round 1 bleh

    Round 2: here’s hoping for better results!

    NSH- WIN: NSH in 5
    VGK-SJS: VGK in 6

    PIT-WSH: PIT in 6
    TBL – BOS: TBL in 7

  7. Well that last round was awful for me. I’m terrible at picking the correct team. Let’s try this again.

    WSH – TBL : TBL in 6
    WIN – VGK : VGK in 6

  8. I only picked 1 of 4 correctly. Time to accept that Vegas is going to shame the league and win it all.

    VGK – WIN: VGK in 5
    WSH – TBL: TBL in 7

    VGK over TBL in 6.

  9. I got all my picks right and almost all right for number of games. Probably just means I’ll get it all wrong this round.

    VGK – WIN: WIN in 7
    WSH – TBL: WSH in 7

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