At the restaurant waiting for my boss and one of our authors to arrive. They have pina colada pancakes on the menu. I might have to try that today
I would try pina colada pancakes – – if I could also have a regular on the plate as a backup.
Inspirobot says:
Participating in society is surprisingly a lot like being boiled alive
A lot = similar
Semantics, I know, but I must be accurate, the boss is here 😉
Inspirobot says: “No double penetration, no privacy”
Um… wft?
Words to live bi.
I passed on seeing Operation: Mindcrime live last night, and I fear that Geoff Tate isn’t going to continue doing the full show. . .
. . . But it turned out to be the right call to be home, because my older daughter had a rough night – – and I’m glad I was there for her.
Being a good dad is always the right call.
I have never had a pina colada.
In fact, without consulting google I have no idea what goes into one.
However I do like getting caught in the rain.
Pineapple and coconut
I’ve only sipped others’ pina coladas (not a euphemism), never had one of my own.
It is a popular candy and sweets flavor, though. I mostly associate that flavor with Lifesavers.
Well pineapple and coconut doesn’t sound to much of a risk for a pancake.
‘Shined a torch’ or ‘Shone a torch’?
*Carried* a torch. Shone a flashlight.
Torch=flashlight in the UK
Yes, I know. Just thought it might be ace to play the wanker. Corrrrr.
I’m not sure I can tell the difference :-p
Is there a Diablo clone in the UK called “Flashlight?”
I set myself up for that pie in the face. I’ll wear it. 🙂
I enjoyed the first episode of Stumptown
Im on the fence. I was left feeling like there was a creative fight going on between those who wanted to do something special and those who wanted more network “product”. It is an anti-hero hero story that seems to be afraid to get very dark.
Hoping the more “creative” forces grab the reigns cause I think this has the potential to be really good.
Shrug. I didn’t feel that way.
And I was surprised to learn that this is based on a comic book.
Ok, watched the first episodes of Emergence and Stumptown.
Morning Pan
A little chilly this morning. I’m actually in a sweater
I’m curled up in my comfy chair and I don’t want to move.
I think it’s movie time.
Today’s movie is Hungerford
The Netflix write up: while filming his daily life for a media course, Cowan discovers his small English town may be under an ominous and otherworldly influence
I, personally, hate first person shaky cam movies. I know they’re a thing but I could never get into them
He’s a couch surfer
Nobody likes boring Graham
Group photo interruption
Stuff is happening
Shots contest
Time to rescue jinnene’s dad
Dressing up for the party
Party time
One of the reasons I don’t like shaky cam is because they give me motion sickness
Talking to Janinene
(Yeah, it’s obvious I don’t know how to spell Janine)
People are starting to act strange
Playing deluded games
He’s an idiot
Time to fight
What happens to Adam?
Cleaning up the body
Spay on deodorant kills them
Killing the giant bug
Time to rescue Janine
We need to steal more deodorant
Now that we have 15 cans of deodorant, it’s really time to rescue Janine
Time to use the GoPro
Planning their escape
She went and did something stupid
What the hell is that shotgun loaded with?
Well, that didn’t work
They spen a lot of time screaming Phil!
Everyone is gone
Time to rescue…everybody?
People in cages
Of course the lights are out
I would be long gone at this point
Stuff’s happening, just not sure what. It’s too dark
Machine guns
Mass slaughter
Helicopter evac
Those who are free must fight
Meh. It was an ok movie, I guess
So this morning I am getting 14mb Internet speeds.
Make sure your telephone headset is securely in the modem cradle.
Thankfully that historian puts the boot in with his review.
Iron Man 3 rewatch tonight! I often hear that this is one of the “bad” Marvel movies, but I like this one a lot. It really works.
It’s in my top five MCU films. Totally underrated.
Who says this? I’m with Rhett, it’s great.
Oh, Nick Cave. . .
“But what had collapsed? What is at the centre of our lives? In an artist’s case (and perhaps it is the same for everybody) I would say it is a sense of wonder. Creative people in general have an acute propensity for wonder. Great trauma can rob us of this, the ability to be awed by things. Everything loses its sheen and appears beyond our reach. We were surviving, but we were surviving in exile on the perimeter of our lives, way beyond anything that mattered.”
My wife and I went into town and visited a shop. When we came out, there was a policeman writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and I said, “Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?” He just ignored us and continued writing the ticket.
I called him an “a**hole.” He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn-out tyres.
So my wife called him a “s*ithead.” He finished the second ticket and put it on the windscreen with the first. Then he started writing more tickets.
This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote. He finally finished, sneered at us and walked away. Just then our bus arrived, and we got on it and went home.
Watch the first episode of the new Creepshow, the first story was pretty naff but the second with the creepy doll house was great.
Not gonna lie. I’m a Huey and the News fan. Have been since a lil bitty boy. This makes me happy. It’s not a terrific new song but it gives me hope that the new album won’t be dreadful
I enjoyed both of the first two, though I didn’t care for what they did with Pedro Pascal’s character at the end of the 2nd one. Looking for some redemption with this origin story.
I heart you, Ed. I respect everyone’s tastes and opinions. But wow, the second Kingsmen film is possibly the worst thing I’ve seen in the theater this decade. And that includes live Rifftrax and MST3K.
Internet to my neighborhood was out of commission for about 10 hours today. A dumb-ass utility crew cut the fiber optic line feeding our neighborhood in several places digging holes to put up new poles.
Thankfully, AT&T had their act together and got it fixed up quickly…otherwise, we probably would have descended into The Purge in a couple of more hours 🙂
“Thankfully, AT&T had their act together” – – I don’t understand this strange phrase. Is it some kind of secret code.
Rewatching Firefly is a bittersweet experience.
It’s so good and it’s a darn shame it never got a second season.
It’s good to only to have 15 episodes to rewatch.
Every time I rewatch that it is good, solid entertainment. EVERYtime.
Morning Pan
I have no voice.
The wonderful nature of text based communication.
Get well soon.
. . . and I must scream.
I’m out of Halls. I don’t want to leave the warmth and comfort of my house to get more. It’s a conundrum.
Three Women Three women — one engaged, one married and one a mistress — are chatting about their relationships and decided to amaze their men. All three buy black leather bras ” stiletto heels, and masks for their eyes. After a few days, they meet over lunch to compare notes. The engaged women says: The other night when my boyfriend came over, he found me in the black leather bodice, tall stilettos, and a mask. He said, “you are the woman of my life. I love you”. Then we made love all night long. The mistress says: I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather bodice, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. When I opened the raincoat, he didn’t say a word — but we had wild sex all night. The married woman says: I sent the kids to my mother’s house all excited about having alone time with my husband. Had the lights dim, candles going, I was wearing the leather bodice, black stockings, stilettos heels and a mask over my eyes. As soon as he came to the door and saw me and said,”What’s for dinner, BATMAN?
To the Bat Coat!
I’m going to go and silently weep in the corner now.
These jokes are comedy Bane.
CP: El Paso — Marty Robbins
A rare gem, a song that ditto listens to that I’ve actually heard of.
Last week I spent some time with tech support trying to figure out why our website says there is an error whenever we “publish” an update, even though there actually doesn’t seem to be. The site works fine with whatever changes I make.
They couldn’t figure it out so put in a ticket and kicked it upstairs.
It’s been a week and I see the problem still exists.
Meh so far. It’s probably progressive for a 1960 publication, but still pretty damn dated.
Have any of you read this one or its sequels? Or his Stainless Steel Rat books? AFAIK, they’re not related at all.
Yes to both.
I love the Stainless Steel Rat books (and the 2000AD comic adaptions of three of the novels).
The SSR for President is my fav of the series.
Deathworld series I only read once, thought it was ok.
I’ve read the Stainless Steel Rat Novels. I also met him as he came to our local convention. However, this was when I was just an attendee, not working behind the scenes so I don’t have any real stories.
I loved the Stainless Steel Rat books. Lots of fun. 😀
Good article, though I suspect it may have been airbrushed.
So the remastered version of The Last of Us was one of the games on PS+ this month.
Playing again and marvelling how bloody good it still is.
I love this game. And it is worth playing on harder difficulties.
I’m also super happy that there is no multi-player. Naughty Dog focused on a great story experience, which I am excited to play.
I was making my way through The Last of Us when I got totally hijacked by Horizon Zero Dawn. I’ll have to head back and get it going again.
Crossposting the good news here and in the Facebook group:
On Friday night of the Deadpan MMMMMMeetup this year, I announced that I had finally, finally gotten a podcast feed submitted to, and accepted by, Apple Podcasts. I’m pleased to announce that the first-ever podcast-directory-indexed episode of “Movie Chat with the Movie Night Crew” is coming out Sunday, Oct. 6. The plan is to release a new episode every other Sunday thereafter, until I run out of raw audio. I’ve updated my website with “Subscribe” links and everything. 🙂
Congrats, Amy!
Morning Pan
No longer have the gravelly voice. Now it’s all about catching up with my nose.
Because it’s running?
Serious sleep apnea. Yeah, that’s the latest.
Yeah, I need to find out more. Good times.
I got used to my CPAP machine, but it does rather take the spontaneity out of certain situations.
yeah, I’ve had mine for a couple of years. I don’t have the full mask though, just the little nose plugs they call pillows
Like a midnight pee?
I was thinking more of on the spur international travel as you have to give the airline notice you are bringing a medical machine through customs.
But kudos to you for going the toilet route over the sex one…
This must be a British, or crossing the ocean thing. Last time I went to Arizona, I packed my cpap in its case and brought it as an extra carry on, no advance notice needed
So saw Joker, thought it was ok.
I was bemused that after all the warning about incel violence, most of the people I could see were coupled up.
“shrug” seems to be the response to this film. A pity after all early the “changes all the superhero film rules” talk
I’m hearing gushing reviews so far.
My disinterest is mainly because I prefer the Joker to be an enigma. I don’t want a real origin story (even if Tim Burton gave us one in 1989)
70% RT, 58 on Metacritic. Not exactly terrific.
But see I don’t mind this origin because it’s a total Elsewhere film. It’s not cannon
Or even canon!
Elsewhere? Elseworlds. Jesus!
I love Tom Breihan’s writing. This is a fascinating column he’s been doing for Stereogum:
Waiting for a connecting flight to Hartford, Connecticut.
Touring Harvard and Yale because someone seems to think she wants to attend one of those institutions.
Well, count me as one of the many thankful ones that Amazon picked up The Expanse
RIP Ginger Baker. Truly one of the most important drummers of all time.
So after all of my big talk, I now have tickets to see Joker tonight. The teenager had plans to go yesterday, but they fell through. She still wanted to go, so here we are.
JW: In the Shadow of the Moon (Netflix)
Not a bad film at all, nice time travel story that rather skates over paradoxes, recommended.
Count me in the “meh” camp for Joker.
Joachim Phoenix is a hell or an actor; I’ll say that.
Ok, on things I don’t understand, the swipe function in iOS 13.
It works fine, but I still find it slower than typing on the virtual keyboard.
This was written using the swipe functionality.
CP: My wife thinks you’re dead – Junior Brown
Morning Pan
A week of work, then a long weekend. I can do this.
Watching street performers in the Boston, market square yesterday – I was struck by the thought that I was taking part in an activity that humans had been on that very spot for over 200 years. Not ancient by any means buts still …
JustaJe is wicked smahhhht!
So after watching the Discovery Trek short ‘Q&A’ I really want a ST series starring the Enterprise crew seen in Discovery S2.
It would seem that the answer is to drop the gender question.
After all, someone looking to cause problems could change their gender appearance, rendering the whole issue moot anyway.
Other note – I heard an NPR piece on this recently and they indicated that it was not feasible to process the 10’s of millions of people who still have not gotten the new national ID, by next year’s deadline.
Good times
I’m rather gobsmacked that the remastered version of the first three Spyro games clocks in at 38 gigs when the originals were 700MB each.
Followed by a 17gig update.
my eyes can’t roll hard enough.
Looks like I might be going to see Eddie Izzard next week.
That could be great fun!
Morning Pan
Looks like we got a bit of snow over night.
Crap joke for the day:
Three newly incarcerated convicts are discussing how they will pass their time in jail.The first one pulls out a harmonica and says “I can play all my favorite songs on this.”The second takes out a deck of cards. “I can play poker with myself with these.”The third gets out a box of tampons. “Well, it says on here that with these I can go swimming, horseback riding, cycling, …”
I’ll get you your coat with wings.
Man it’s yucky out there. It’s days like this that make me glad I work from home
I have to amend my take on Deathworld. The ending was really good. If the lead character wasn’t kind of a scoundrel, it could have been a top-tier Star Trek TOS episode.
The last line of article: “This time, the moons must be named after giants from Norse, Gallic or Inuit mythology.”
So no Moony McSaturnface.
Morning Pan
I’m suppose to go to the condo association agm tonight. It’s still cold and snowy, and I’ve still got the tail end of a cold. I think I’m going to skip it.
We did an impromptu overnight in Flagstaff for Fall Break. Lovely temperatures.
Also on this particular trip: walking an overstimulated toddler through hotel hallways at 3am.
One of these meet-ups.
I’d be happy to walk the hotel hallways with you at 3am at a MMMmmmeetup.
The google mesh Wi-Fi has arrived and I guess I should set them up buT I really can’t be arsed tonight.
Hopefully you can be arsed some other night.
I couldn’t wait.
A slice of tv history from behind the Iron Curtain:
When you install the first unit of a mesh network and find it gives a good Wifi signal around the house all by itself..that.
He did the Mesh.
… he did the Monster Mesh
Mesh good!
Crap joke for the day:
As a singer I sing at many funerals & I was recently asked by a funeral director to sing at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery out in the country. As I was not familiar with the area, I got lost. I finally arrived an hour late and saw that the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started to play. The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I’ve never played before for this homeless man.
As I played “Amazing Grace”, the workers began to cry. They cried, I cried, we all cried together. When I finished, I packed up my keyboard and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full.
As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, “I’ve never seen nothin’ like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.” Apparently, I’m still lost….
Because what hubby really needs is another RPG book.
One can never be too thin, too rich or have too many RPGs.
At least you’re not going for the Wendy’s Beef RPG.
I steer clear of horror RPGs.
I’m cold.
I think I need to sit by the fireplace
I’m curled up in front of the fireplace with a cup of white hot chocolate and a book. Afternoons don’t get much better than this
That does sound fantastic. And I don’t think I’ve ever had white hot chocolate.
CP: Roots Radicals — Rancid
No moneyman can win my love
I consider myself kinda knowledgeable about music genres, but “Blackgaze” is a new one to me. Metal, not R&B. I’d actually be really down for an R&B/Shoegaze hybrid.
Looking at Wiki, I see that Agalloch is considered “Blackgaze”, which makes sense. I always thought of them as ambient folk metal.
This is a bigger deal than most people realize. Including me. RIP.
So I have the ticket for the Eddie Izzard show in my hand.
The only downside Is I’m going to be in agony all evening as there is so little legroom in the seat I’ve got.
I guess it will be time to use that strip of codeine I have for a rainy day.
Morning Pan
Hubby expects to be home a little early today, then it’s a long Thanksgiving weekend here in Canadaland.
Happy Rhettro Birthday!
Thanks Bunny!
We discovered something interesting about our community.
We live in a small community within the city. For those who have seen it, think like Jack’s place except we don’t have an locked gate.
Someone new moved into the area and asked how much candy they should buy for Halloween. After giving her very different numbers, we figured out that those who live in the front half, closer to the entrance got about 100 kids last year. Those of us who live in farther from the entrance only got a little under 30 kids.
Our community isn’t that big, so we’re not sure why the sudden drop off.
Crap joke for the day:
A man needing a heart transplant is told by his doctor that the only heart available is that of a sheep.The man finally agrees and the doctor transplants the sheep heart into the man. A few days after the operation, the man comes in for a checkup. The doctor asks him “How are you feeling?”The man replies “Not BAAAAD!”
Happy birthday, Rhett-volt! (It almost works)
Join the Rhettrolution! Or not.. LOL
Hubby and I are going to do our duty and do advanced voting thing this weekend
Yup, I listened to the first series, very chummy he was with the guests.
So I haven’t see a stand up comic at a theatre for at least a decade. Then two coming along within a week of each other.
Tonight it’s Ben Elton (of Blackadder writing fame), the first half was fun.
The second half was also fun even though it mainly consisted of old man shouting at cloud.
Retro Rhettro Day!
Happy Day!
In Metal News – Static-X’s new frontman has been revealed as Edsel Dope from the band Dope and I couldn’t give a fuck about any of it.
In semi-metal news – Billie Eilish selling hats with her name in death metal font embroidered on them is causing a stir (I guess?) and I couldn’t give less of a fuck about any of it
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving weekend to Bunny and family.
So one of the trailers before Gemini Man was for the Midway film.
Never has a film trailer left me liking for the days when war films used real aircraft. It looks like actors superimposed on video game footage.
How was Gemini Man then?
I enjoyed it, the deaging tech rather fails at times making the younger Will look like a cartoon, but a fun action flick.
-liking +pining
+for the fjords
+It’s merely resting.
I had forgotten how much of a time sink Spyro was, still good fun but I have to get 100% for every level.
// whine mode
So I get back from a week of visiting colleges and promptly get sick. Fever, body aches just want to curl up in a ball … but now I am over a week behind in Halloween prep. Can’t afford not to be productive.
Meh, one of my fog machines has stopped working. Yea.
Plenty of vitamin C and rest. For you, not the fog machine.
Morning Pan
Had a nice quiet long weekend. Now it’s back to work with us.
I just said, “No worries, homey,” in a text to a buddy of mine.
Luckily, I noticed it had autocorrected “homey” to “honey” before I hit Send.
A MetalSucks reader’s best of list.
The 25 Best Metal Albums of 2010 – 2019:
#25: Cult of Luna & Julie Christmas, Mariner (2016)
#24: Triptykon, Eparistera Daimones (2010)
#23: Pig Destroyer, Book Burner (2012)
#22: Yob, Clearing the Path to Ascend (2014)
#21: The Black Dahlia Murder, Ritual (2011)
#20: Mastodon, Once More ‘Round the Sun (2014)
#19: At the Gates, At War with Reality (2012)
#18: Meshuggah, Koloss (2012)
#17: Gorguts, Colored Sands (2012)
#16: Between the Buried and Me, The Parallax II: Future Sequence (2012)
#15: The Ocean, Pelagial (2013)
#14: Kvelertak, Kvelertak (2010)
#13: Judas Priest, Firepower (2018)
#12: Metallica, Hardwired… to Self-Destruct (2016)
#11: Converge, All We Love We Leave Behind (2012)
#10: The Dillinger Escape Plan, One of Us Is the Killer (2013)
#9: Rivers of Nihil, Where Owls Know My Name (2013)
#8: Deafheaven, Sunbather (2013)
#7: Baroness, Yellow & Green (2012)
#6: Power Trip, Nightmare Logic (2016)
#5: Ghost, Opus Eponymous (2010)
#4: Deftones, Diamond Eyes (2010)
#3: Behemoth, The Satanist (2014)
#2: Carcass, Surgical Steel (2013)
#1: Gojira, Magma (2016)
All due respect to MetalSucks. . . . this list is terrible.
I do endorse their choice for #1.
I’ve been plotting something similar in my head for
You should cause this is ass
It’s a list. I admit that I haven’t listened to most of these albums. I for the ones I’m familiar with I would have picked other albums as better. “Firepower” is an okay album, but the fact that it is on the list of the best of the last 10 years is a little disappointing. Same with “Hardwired…”
No Animals as Leaders, no In Flames, no Draconian, no Chelsea Wolfe or Stolen Babies. *shrug*
I figure that because I have an album subscription service I should at least listen to at least the first couple of songs of the albums on the list.
Starting with #25 “Mariner”, I listened to all 5 songs. It’s good. Not mind-blowingly good, but still pretty decent.
#22: Yob, Clearing the Path to Ascend (2014)
Okay, I’m familiar with this one. Yob is a band I discovered recently and I quite like it. However, the more recent album “Our Raw Heart” is superior in my opinion.
#24: Triptykon, Eparistera Daimones
Two songs in and I’m moving on. I do like a few Triptykon songs, but it is a little repetitious for my taste. Okay album, doesn’t belong in this list.
#23: Pig Destroyer, Book Burner (2012)
Yeah, no. There are literally 100s of bands that sound just like this. Moving on…
#21: The Black Dahlia Murder, Ritual (2011)
Up tempo black death metal. It’s okay, nothing special.
#20: Mastodon, Once More ‘Round the Sun (2014)
Good album, but I much prefer the Mastodon of the “Blood Mountain” era.
#19: At the Gates, At War with Reality (2012)
Not bad, nothing really jumps at me. Not a fan of the vocals.
#18: Meshuggah, Koloss (2012)
This is a band most metal heads are familiar with. Extreme metal. There are some interesting things here. The repetitious tribal vocals wear on me though. That’s the primary reason I’ve never been able to get into Meshuggah.
#14: Kvelertak, Kvelertak
So I almost skipped to the next album after the start of the first song, but the track list got way better by song #3. At first I was going to peg Kvelertak as death metal band no. 319, but there is some music here. No dirt boxes on the guitar tone, just really loud natural tube (or if your European, valve) amps turned very loud and doubled. The smooth guitar tone plays well against the harsh vocals, of which I couldn’t understand a single word of, most likely because I think it is all Norwegian. Anyway, this album is going on my workout list. Heavy as hell, but it has groove, which makes it cool.
The 2:25 mark of this video, where the horse is “jumping” over a gap, should tell you everything you need to know about this movie.
#17: Gorguts, Colored Sands
Extreme technical death metal. These guys can play, but this sounds like more of the same.
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I much prefer Bloodbath’s “Nightmares Made Flesh”, which would have been a better replacement with most of the albums on this list.
#16: Between the Buried and Me, The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Finally, something a little different. Think Dream Theater does
Death metal and you are close. I would still prefer Dream Theater,but this is pretty good.
#15: The Ocean, Pelagial
This is actually decent. I’ll be coming back to this one for a full listen.
love it. Keep going Rhett!
Nice list upgrade!
I was going to suggest to Jack that if he does a list, he should add a short, one sentence description of each choice to give an idea of why it made the list.
The “Coma Ecliptic” album is mostly brilliant, though apparently too “soft” for their fanbase.
Rhett, we saw BTBAM perform that album live in its entirety.
I was unimpressed with what I heard of the Parallax albums (too screamy), but I should give them another chance.
I remember, it was pretty good, but a little too screamo.
I’ll have to give “Coma Ecliptic” a listen as it’s been a while since we heard them live. Also I seem to have screwed up the posting order. I start #13 somewhere around here.
#13: Judas Priest, Firepower
I like this album fine. Better than any of the Rob Halford solo albums, falls way short of Painkiller.
#12 Metallica, Hardwired… to Self-Destruct
A good outing from Metallica, but I feel these guys are running out of gas. Lacks the energy of the pre-Load days and while a competent album feels like they sort of phoned it in. After three listens I haven’t returned to it.
#11: Converge, All We Love We Leave Behind
More death metal. This has a tinge of punk and their drummer is Chuck Norris. Skipping from one song to the next, they sound the same. Attitude gets you so far, then you need to change things up.
#10: The Dillinger Escape Plan, One of Us Is the Killer
So my number one rule with The Dillinger Escape Plan is that I don’t listen to The Dillinger Escape Plan unless they are fronted by Mike Patton. These guys are musical geniuses, but it mostly goes over my head. Generally too chaotic and too screamo for my tastes. I can’t deny the musicianship, but this isn’t for me. I can listen to a band of similar style “iwrestledabearonce” because they are a tad less chaotic, are more humorous and the female lead is a bit less damaging to the hearing.
Agreed on Firepower. It’s a good record, with a number of quality tunes. I’m torn about its place on a “Tops of the Decade” list, because. . .
The latest Metallica appealed to their base because it’s heavy and very dumbed down. It’s fine, but “Death Magnetic” from the previous decade is a truer return to form for them.
Yes, I agree on both points.
#9: Rivers of Nihil, Where Owls Know My Name
More death metal. Slightly technical, but nothing really stands out.
#8: Deafheaven, Sunbather
I guess this is the “shoe-gazing” metal people have been talking about. Screechy vocals, very ambient guitars and kinda repetitive. It’s fine, I just have trouble telling one song from the next. This is like elevator death metal, put it in the background and forget about it.
#7: Baroness, Yellow & Green
Hey it’s band that’s not death metal for a change. Another band I’m familiar with, in fact Jack and I have seen them live. I struggle to call this metal though. This sounds like an Americanized version of the new Opeth, heavy progressive rock with strong influence from the 70’s. Less leather and spandex, more denim and man buns. It’s good if a bit melancholy for my taste, but a nice change from death metal band #197.
#6: Power Trip, Nightmare Logic
Unlike #7 this definitely is metal, specifically old school thrash. These are Slayer wannabees. Performed well, but again nothing new. In my opinion the band Testament does it better.
#5 Ghost, Opus Eponymous
I’ve followed Ghost for a while and have seen them live. They are a great band and this is a good album. However, Prequelle is a better album and should be in this list instead.
#4: Deftones, Diamond Eyes
A popular band with a numetal vibe. Korn does the style better, but okay band, okay album. Totally overrated at #4.
#3: Behemoth, The Satanist
Hey, another death metal band! As death metal goes, Behemoth are pretty good. Again the vocals put me off a bit. There are worse dm vocals, but there are way better. Bloodbath does it better, Insomnium does it better, Dark Tranquillity does it better.
#2: Carcass, Surgical Steel
If yourself a star if you guessed that #2 would be yet another death metal band. Hyper drumming, lots of guitar noodling and rapid shot dm vocals ad infinitum. Not bad for the style, just super repetitious. I’ll give them points for being great musicians, but it all sounds the same in the end.
And finally…
#1: Gojira, Magma
This a great band and a great album. This french band is mix of styles, some progressive, some doom and uses occasional death metal vocals. But it feels fresh and different. Probably not my number one album of the 2010-2019 era, but it is in my top ten. I might have to come up with an alternate list. I could probably come up with 10 albums, not 25.
To recap #15, #14 and #1 are solid. Yob and Ghost are good bands, but are better represented by other albums.
Excellent job, Rhett!
Even in the places where I know enough to differ with you (Meliora is my peak Ghost album over Infestissumam and Prequelle)
I had already begun writing my “Best of the Decade” for; I’ll share here when it’s published. My format will be a bit different. . . I’m just going to list the top records, not put them in any kind of order.
Thanks Jack. Yeah any list like this is going to be subjective. My top 11 for the decade, also not in any order would be:
Stolen Babies, Naught (2012)
Draconian, Sovran (2015)
Overkill, The Wings of War (2019)
One Eyed Doll, Something Wicked (2017)
Gojira, Magma (2016)
Ghost, Prequelle (2018)
Cellar Darling, This is the Sound (2017)
Vhol, Deeper Than Sky (2015)
Chelsea Wolfe, Hiss Spin (2017)
In Flames, Siren Charms (2014)
Leprous, The Congregation (2015)
Crap joke for the day:
One night a guy takes his girlfriend home.
As they are about to kiss each other goodnight at the front door, the guy starts feeling a little frisky:
With an air of confidence, he leans with his hand against the wall and smiling, he says to her. “Honey, would you have sex with me?”
Horrified, she replies. “Are you mad? My parents will see us!”
“Oh come on! Who’s gonna see us at this hour?” He asks, grinning at her.
“No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught?”
“Oh come on! There’s nobody around, they’re all sleeping!”
“No way. It’s just too risky!”
“Oh please, please, I love you so much!”
“No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can’t!”
“Oh, yes you can. Please?”
“No, no. I just can’t”
“I’m begging you.”
Out of the blue, the light on the stairs goes on, and the girl’s older sister shows up in her pyjamas, hair dishevelled and in a sleepy voice, she says….
“Dad says to go ahead and have sex with him, or I can do it, or if need be Mom says she can come down herself and do it……
But for heaven’s sake, tell him to take his hand off the intercom!”
Morning Pan
That is all.
Samuel Delaney reviewing the reviewing (in 1977) the original Star Wars:
I started watching this last night. Thundarr was a huge part of my Saturday mornings. The interviews in the first part of the video sure make it seem like just another product cranked out by the cartoon factory.
Yes HD reveals the dodgy SFX, but still a damn fine film.
Who the fuck puts 80’s films in HD?
Lots of people. It’s closer to the quality that you’d have seen on film in the theater.
I really REALLY loved that film when it came out. When I watched it again after a few decades … it just hadn’t held up as I had hoped. Part of the problem was that it was so “pop culture current”, a technique that made it feel very real at the time but not so much decades later.
It still holds a high place in my cinematic list.
FWIW – I think T2 holds up much better and is still an action romp.
Time to cross Janes Franco off your Xmas card list:
He’s adamantly denied it. I’ll take the accusations seriously and won’t dismiss them, but I won’t condemn anyone without evidence.
Yep, I’ll withhold judgment until all the facts come out.
Weren’t there other accusations last year?
This seems to be connected to those?
I will also not assume that he’s innocent.
Apparently a lot of people took these classes. If things are as these two say… there should be dozens more coming forward. So yeh, I’ll not jump to any conclusions.
You do! It’s a good show. I’m eager to see how they wrap it all up.
Oh, most excellent.
Sitting here with my morning coffee, looking through my bills from my recent medical adventure.
The total seems to be $55,539.04
My part comes to $1,222.04
As I approach an age in which income will be decreasing and medical expenses will likely be increasing … I am not filled with confidence.
“LIFE is a pre-existing condition. When insurance companies figure out THAT angle, we’re all screwed.”
You could have socialized medicine, like those other countries, where you just have to die every time you get sick. You want that? Sounds to me like you just don’t want to put in a little work and earn the money to pay for these things. You people always just want handouts! Well you can’t take away freedom!
This is why I am seriously considering retiring in New Zealand, just not to spend my entire nest egg on medical bills.
CP: Nothing’s Impossible — Depeche Mode
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I have started reading the new “Blade Runner” comic books. I’ve enjoyed it so far. Ashina is an interesting character.
Off to a con this weekend, fingers crossed it’s not a complete and utter disaster.
So, I made the vague teaser announcement on Facebook. . .
I shouted about my writing news to everyone over the noise at Stone Brewery during the San Diego MMMmmmeetup. . . .
Basically, I’ve begun working again on a Spherical Tomi redux. I’m a bunch of words into book 2, and have begun work on the second draft of book 1.
But! Even more exciting: I have a professional-level crowdfunded comic book project in the works. I’ll be sharing (carpetbombing) details about that in the months ahead. Stay tuned!
Cool on both counts. I look forward to hearing more
Looking forward to all your new projects.
Thank you!
Apologies in advance for the fundraising media blitz in the months ahead.
It’s a blitz I can get behind!
Looking forward to it!
As long as we’re announcing things: I just uploaded Movie Chat with the Movie Night Crew #11, featuring one of our favorite Palooza movies: Big Trouble in Little China! The podcast episode will be released on Sunday, Oct. 20. I’m on the Apple Podcasts directory, or you can click my name to go to my website (which has one of Apple’s buttons).
So far, so good with sticking to the biweekly release schedule. I actually started working on the 11/3 episode today; I’ll go back and do the rest of the editing sometime between now and then.
That’s awesome, Amy! I’m thrilled to see you guys tackling some Palooza movies.
At the con was an American author called Paul Tremblay. His accent reminded me very much of Jack’s.
I just picked up his book “The Cabin at the End of the World”. I haven’t read anything from him yet.
He was telling the story (on a panel) of how that book had been optioned and his visceral reaction on seeing the script. I asked what he would do if they made a successful out of the script. He replied “my wife said I should just take the money but I’ve said (jokingly) that I would want to burn the cinema down”
If his accent is like mine, then he must be a good author! #logic
Spent the morning at the emergency vet hospital with a cat who suddenly went into distress.
After 4 hours of tests and no positive responses to the aid they were administering … they put him to sleep.
They let my daughter hold him while they euthanized. She had been that cat’s human for the bulk of her life. Slept on her bed since her earliest memories.
Best most snuggly of all our cats. He was the loveable curmudgeon.
This morning has sucked.
Condolences on your JJ
Oh no. 🙁
I’m so sorry, JJ
Oh J0e. *hugs*
Thanks All.
Today is still pretty rough.
Sorry Joe. Losing a beloved pet is hard.
A childhood friend of mine was over with his sweet but hyper teenager for board gaming. It was Overstimulation at the House on the Hill.
Morning Pan
It’s election day here in Canadaland. We voted last weekend in early voting.
I hope you start a new trend of voting sanity in this continent.
CW: Watchmen E1
Bloody hell, it’s getting off to a good start.
I love that it’s based on the comic, and not the movie. And Lindelof has a lot of goodwill with me from The Leftovers. I’m still conflicted, but I might give this a shot.
Lindelof had the best response when asking about working with The Watchmen. He said that teenage Alan Moore would have said “fuck you” to DC I’ll use your Batman and Superman characters as I want. So I’m saying “fuck you” to Alan Moore and playing in the world he created.
Works for me. I like that he is working several decades after the end of the comics, so he is free to tell a new story in the world.
Crap joke for the day:
A man is in a hospital bed completely wrapped up in a body cast.One of the nurses gave him a rectal thermometer and said,”Don’t move — I’ll be right back.”When she returned the thermometer was in his mouth. She asked in amazement, “How did you get that in your mouth, you can’t even move?””I hiccuped.”
My god the cat is playful today. I want her to sleep like cats are supposed to so I can get stuff done
40 days! That’s how long our election campaigning lasted. I’m sorry, but you Americans, with you never ending campaigns need to take notes
As per my usual trailer policy, I have not watched. I’ll see the movie first, then watch them all.
But think of the children Jack, THE CHILDREN!
The force kid with the broom?
Morning Pan
Today I get my flu shot, followed by lunch with my Boo
My arm is sore
I shall be sore by tonight.
We’ve been in drought all summer, with temps 90-100 for Sept and the first of Oct.
Subsequently I have spent the last 2 hours, hacking at the clay with an Axe. I’ve managed to dig down about a foot. Needs to be at least 4’ I would think.
Long day still ahead.
A take on the ending of The Leftovers, from one of its directors:
Where I learnt his wife was the niece (or possibly daughter) of A Bertram Chandler, whose short novels set out at the galactic rim were a great source of entertainment for my young self.
She was his daughter.
I’ve heard of him because of his HP Lovecraft stuff.
Just watched the ‘Why Women Kill’ season finale, the tv series was a joy to watch and it will be getting a season 2.
Same jeans today as yesterday, btw. They’re clean.
I was a bit dubious about the setup for the new Netflix series “Living With Yourself” but after watching the first episode I’m hooked.
There is a podcast that consists of a cat purring for half an hour:
I don’t need the podcast, I go to the live concert on a regular basis.
There’s apparently also a podcast out there of the audio from a guy’s hikes. No words, no descriptions, just footsteps.
Jeeesh, and I wasted all that time writing, recording, and editing bits for Deadpan.
Hubby may or may not be late tonight. He’s suppose to go to this thing tonight but he really doesn’t want to. He says he’ll make a decision and let me know this afternoon.
Shroedinger’s Hubby
So a White Castle opened 2 days ago in Scottsdale, AZ. The waits are apparently still in excess of 2-3 hours for an order. I was told tonight that they closed their doors, due to staff shortage and fatigue.
Me, I’ve waited 16 years for a White Castle to open here. . . . I can wait a few more weeks until the lines shirnk to typical fast food.
Three guys went Las Vegas and after a losing their money at the blackjack tables, they decided to stay off the strip and found a cheap hotel on an old farm. The farmer had 18 daughters, so naturally the first man went up to their father and asked, “Can I sleep with your 18 daughters?”
The father said, “No but you can sleep with the pigs.”
The second man went to the father and said “can I sleep with your 18 daughters?”
The father said, “No but you can sleep with the cows.”
The third man said “can I sleep with your 18 daughters?”
This time, the father said “yes.”
So in the morning the three men and the father had a conversation over breakfast.
The first man said “I slept like a pig”
The second man said “I slept like a cow”
The third man said “I felt like a golfer” the father asked why?
He said, “Because I got my balls in 18 holes!”
This joke is a bogey.
Looking at you kid.
I think I’m going to be bad and have a donair for lunch
When people talk about “a fresh new take on Batman,” my eyes tend to glaze over. As much as I’ve loved Batman for pretty much my entire life, I’m definitely feeling the Batman fatigue.
That said, the “Batman: White Knight” graphic novel is a fresh new take on Batman. I enjoyed it.
I’ve bookmarked it for later. Still working my way through all the Infinity Wars graphic novels.
Is it weird that I think of “Moon Knight” when I think of Batman as a White Knight?
I loved Infinity Gauntlet, but stopped there, because word was that all the followups were crap.
Gauntlet is the only one I’ve finished and it was good. I already purchased the pre-gauntlet Silver Surfer and Infinity War.
So I have “The Outer Worlds” coming in the mail for the PS4. As much as I loved Fallout 4, I’m sure I’ll like it.
Heisenberg went for a drive and got stopped by a traffic cop. The cop asked, “Do you know how fast you were going?” Heisenberg replied, “No, but I know where I am.”
Schrödinger was at an airport when the TSA agent asked to open his luggage. She popped it open and then looked up in shock: “Sir, did you know there is a dead cat in here?”, to which Schrödinger replied, “Well, I do now.”
Doctor Who theme as if Ennio Morricone had written it for a spaghetti western.
Now that we’re a few hundred years into our current major storytelling models – – building on storytelling across the millennia – – everyone feels qualified to be a critique. And way too many people focus way too often on how something is “supposed to be” made, rather than its impact on us as the audience.
It occurs to me, tomorrow’s Halloween. I should do a play by play
I had no idea he was such a serial skeeve, but even as much as I loved his show growing up, he did always strike me as 80s Members Only golf guy. Kudos to her for calling him out, and the other skeeves she’s encountered. Things gotta change. Her Jim Stafford story is fucking awful.
I don’t get how her saying, “I see one of us shaved” to him is “sexually charged,” though.
Morning Pan
Actually at my desk this morning. What’s that about?
Trick or Treat !
CP: Rock and Roll is King – ELO
CP: Roll Over Beethoven – ELO
CP – “ Nature Trail to Hell”- “Weird Al” Yankovic
For all my complaints, it’s been nice walking to the office this past month. It was actually a little bit chilly this morning!
I was bad. I had to taste test the candy before putting it into the bowl for this evening
The PBP will start in about a half hour
CP: Come To California — Matthew Sweet
Last year, I couldn’t get either Halloween or Friday the 13th on either Netflix or Prime so I did Alvin and the Chipmunks meet the wolfman. This year, I still can’t get Halloween or Friday the 13th
Now I need to decide what to watch instead
Oh! I’m going old school
See if you can guess the movie based on this pbp
A lion bust
Don’t go in the basement
Paper flying everywhere
The wind machine doing its job well
Wrong! Now you must be punished
Rigging the study
that was quick
This is it!
My uncle was St. Gerome
That can’t be good for the paper
What do we do?
Get her!
He got a chocolate bar
Getting a evicted
We’ll take it
She’s not ready to fight aliens
Locked out
I had eggs for breakfast but they weren’t the self cooking kind
Wow. Look at that computer
Random product placement
Standard procedures
He’s a game show host
More product placement
To our first customer
Pressing the red button
The long elevator ride to the 12th floor
Zapping the maid
He’s smoking!
Eww. Gross
Bringing down the house
Making room
Mugging for the camera
Beautiful dreams
Everybody smokes
I respect you
Not the EPA
Seriously, I didn’t realize how much smoking was done in this movie
Glowing red eyes
On an unrelated note, hubby and I are watching the Netflix series Marianne. I recommend it for people who like the spooky and creepy
Her kitchen is glowing
Who brought a dog?
The cgi doesn’t quite hold up in some places
The wind machine in action
It’s good to have rules
All prisoners will be released
He’s going to die
Do you believe in god
Here comes the suits
Don’t do it
They did it
There’s the sign they were waiting for
Cool light show
Sausage eater
More wind machine workings
The two meet
Your eminence
Let’s run some red lights
Pandering to the public
Mystery stairs
Now we e moved on to the fog machine
Nimble minx
When someone asks if you’re a god…you say YES!
Awww isn’t he cute
Destroyed the church
Not in MY town!
See you on the other side
Peeling the dog
Who does your taxes
Some of the cg doesn’t hold up, but overall, this is still a fun movie
I don’t know anything about the movie, just the song and soundtrack.
Morning Pan
Another Halloween over and done with. We had about 30 kids, the same number of kids as last year.
Going on a pub crawl is a great way of avoiding that..just saying.
We had about 25, slightly higher than last year, but way short of the time we had close to 100.
We only had one cute pirate, but left the bowl of assorted candies in front of the house while we went trick-or-treating. There was a disproportionate number of Snickers left when we got home.
Our turnout was nearly non-existent. It had rained until about 4pm and the temp had been plumitting all day. By dark, it was in the 30’s with a stiff North wind.
Very unpleasant.
Well shit. I guess that was inevitable. I still haven’t got the hang of AirBnb.
Bummer. That said, I’ve only had positive experiences with the two homes we’ve rented in the past, but that was through VRBO, not AirBnB. Alas, the really cool house in Malibu burnt to the ground in the 2017 California fires.
I hate to say it, but I don’t think it’s limited to the more unofficial sites like AirBnB. I had this same scenario happen to me in Scotland. We went to check in at our regular BnB booked through a legit site like travelocity or some such place. The owner told us she couldn’t take us in because she was passing a kidney stone, but had booked us in another local BnB at no extra cost to us. The other place turned out to be a shit hole. Beginning to think I should have reported the incident to travelocity (or whoever it was I booked it through. There were a number of sites used for that trip).
Remember that brief 8-year period when our highest official had dignity and class?
I is first?
At the restaurant waiting for my boss and one of our authors to arrive. They have pina colada pancakes on the menu. I might have to try that today
I would try pina colada pancakes – – if I could also have a regular on the plate as a backup.
Inspirobot says:
Participating in society is surprisingly a lot like being boiled alive
A lot = similar
Semantics, I know, but I must be accurate, the boss is here 😉
Inspirobot says: “No double penetration, no privacy”
Um… wft?
Words to live bi.
I passed on seeing Operation: Mindcrime live last night, and I fear that Geoff Tate isn’t going to continue doing the full show. . .
. . . But it turned out to be the right call to be home, because my older daughter had a rough night – – and I’m glad I was there for her.
Being a good dad is always the right call.
I have never had a pina colada.
In fact, without consulting google I have no idea what goes into one.
However I do like getting caught in the rain.
Pineapple and coconut
I’ve only sipped others’ pina coladas (not a euphemism), never had one of my own.
It is a popular candy and sweets flavor, though. I mostly associate that flavor with Lifesavers.
Well pineapple and coconut doesn’t sound to much of a risk for a pancake.
‘Shined a torch’ or ‘Shone a torch’?
*Carried* a torch. Shone a flashlight.
Torch=flashlight in the UK
Yes, I know. Just thought it might be ace to play the wanker. Corrrrr.
I’m not sure I can tell the difference :-p
Is there a Diablo clone in the UK called “Flashlight?”
I set myself up for that pie in the face. I’ll wear it. 🙂
I enjoyed the first episode of Stumptown
Im on the fence. I was left feeling like there was a creative fight going on between those who wanted to do something special and those who wanted more network “product”. It is an anti-hero hero story that seems to be afraid to get very dark.
Hoping the more “creative” forces grab the reigns cause I think this has the potential to be really good.
Shrug. I didn’t feel that way.
And I was surprised to learn that this is based on a comic book.
Ok, watched the first episodes of Emergence and Stumptown.
Enjoyed them both.
You don’t have to login to twitter to watch the video.
Absolutely brilliant!
Worth everyone’s time to read.
Morning Pan
A little chilly this morning. I’m actually in a sweater
I’m curled up in my comfy chair and I don’t want to move.
I think it’s movie time.
Today’s movie is Hungerford
The Netflix write up: while filming his daily life for a media course, Cowan discovers his small English town may be under an ominous and otherworldly influence
I, personally, hate first person shaky cam movies. I know they’re a thing but I could never get into them
He’s a couch surfer
Nobody likes boring Graham
Group photo interruption
Stuff is happening
Shots contest
Time to rescue jinnene’s dad
Dressing up for the party
Party time
One of the reasons I don’t like shaky cam is because they give me motion sickness
Talking to Janinene
(Yeah, it’s obvious I don’t know how to spell Janine)
People are starting to act strange
Playing deluded games
He’s an idiot
Time to fight
What happens to Adam?
Cleaning up the body
Spay on deodorant kills them
Killing the giant bug
Time to rescue Janine
We need to steal more deodorant
Now that we have 15 cans of deodorant, it’s really time to rescue Janine
Time to use the GoPro
Planning their escape
She went and did something stupid
What the hell is that shotgun loaded with?
Well, that didn’t work
They spen a lot of time screaming Phil!
Everyone is gone
Time to rescue…everybody?
People in cages
Of course the lights are out
I would be long gone at this point
Stuff’s happening, just not sure what. It’s too dark
Machine guns
Mass slaughter
Helicopter evac
Those who are free must fight
Meh. It was an ok movie, I guess
So this morning I am getting 14mb Internet speeds.
Make sure your telephone headset is securely in the modem cradle.
Oh look. It’s snowing
Another plot twist:
If I’m understanding it right, we could see Spider-Man back in the MCU movies AND still get Spidey vs. Venom in the Sony world.
Since it’s a site of a mass shooting, it could be argued that film is in very bad taste:
Well, I have some errands to run. I’m Canadian, a little snow won’t stop me fromgoing to the store
Well, my larder is full of snacks, and my fridge is full of drinks. I don’t care how much it snows, I’m still gaming this weekend
Good grief!
Already sold out.
Btw – I am 48 minutes into the “Our technician will be there sometime between 1 and 5” event.
ComiXology has a Dark Horse sale. Lone Wolf Cub volumes for $3! 😀
CP: But, Honestly — Foo Fighters
They’re calling it a Clue remake. . . So. . . the original is kind of a fun, but a mess. I’d say just do an entirely new Clue movie, don’t remake it.
How dare you. A mess?! A classic I say!
..and they still try to say Hitler was a socialist:
Thankfully that historian puts the boot in with his review.
Iron Man 3 rewatch tonight! I often hear that this is one of the “bad” Marvel movies, but I like this one a lot. It really works.
It’s in my top five MCU films. Totally underrated.
Who says this? I’m with Rhett, it’s great.
Oh, Nick Cave. . .
“But what had collapsed? What is at the centre of our lives? In an artist’s case (and perhaps it is the same for everybody) I would say it is a sense of wonder. Creative people in general have an acute propensity for wonder. Great trauma can rob us of this, the ability to be awed by things. Everything loses its sheen and appears beyond our reach. We were surviving, but we were surviving in exile on the perimeter of our lives, way beyond anything that mattered.”
Crap joke for the day:
My wife and I went into town and visited a shop. When we came out, there was a policeman writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and I said, “Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?” He just ignored us and continued writing the ticket.
I called him an “a**hole.” He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn-out tyres.
So my wife called him a “s*ithead.” He finished the second ticket and put it on the windscreen with the first. Then he started writing more tickets.
This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote. He finally finished, sneered at us and walked away. Just then our bus arrived, and we got on it and went home.
Watch the first episode of the new Creepshow, the first story was pretty naff but the second with the creepy doll house was great.
Not gonna lie. I’m a Huey and the News fan. Have been since a lil bitty boy. This makes me happy. It’s not a terrific new song but it gives me hope that the new album won’t be dreadful
Not to shabby.
In fact a bit of a toe tapper!
I give it thumbs up.
Morning Pan
We had about 10cm (4inches) of snow overnight and it’s still going strong. I see a day indoors today.
Sid Meir talks about the development of Civilisation:
I used to work with a guy who’s wife required a sitdown talk every time a new edition of that game was released.
Tzar Spangled Banner
We are amused
Musical jokes FTW !!!
Bring. it. on!
I enjoyed both of the first two, though I didn’t care for what they did with Pedro Pascal’s character at the end of the 2nd one. Looking for some redemption with this origin story.
I heart you, Ed. I respect everyone’s tastes and opinions. But wow, the second Kingsmen film is possibly the worst thing I’ve seen in the theater this decade. And that includes live Rifftrax and MST3K.
The first one was fine. Ish.
In less cranky postings from me: The Jacket Potato
I agree with the first two tips but never tried the third one.
That’s what she…
Crispy on the outside and fluffy inside?
Well of course!
And finally, what will surely be the weirdest 18 seconds of your day today:
Honestly, that’s hardly the weirdest I’ve had today. Highly nostalgic, though.
Morning Pan
I’m hubbyless this evening.
Cyberpunk beat poetry from Van’s PM. It’s as if Gil Scott-Heron were an
old British dude.
Well this could be good:
Loved JS and Mr. N. The book, more than the series. This is exciting news.
As much as I wanted to, I can’t say I was blown away by either the book or the TV series. But, I’ll keep an eye out since this is a new world.
An in depth look at the folklore behind the Norell book:
Morning Pan
It’s still more than a little cool outside
Happy Spooktober!!
What gate?
Also cute:
CP: The Rock — Harry Chapin
Internet to my neighborhood was out of commission for about 10 hours today. A dumb-ass utility crew cut the fiber optic line feeding our neighborhood in several places digging holes to put up new poles.
Thankfully, AT&T had their act together and got it fixed up quickly…otherwise, we probably would have descended into The Purge in a couple of more hours 🙂
“Thankfully, AT&T had their act together” – – I don’t understand this strange phrase. Is it some kind of secret code.
Rewatching Firefly is a bittersweet experience.
It’s so good and it’s a darn shame it never got a second season.
It’s good to only to have 15 episodes to rewatch.
Every time I rewatch that it is good, solid entertainment. EVERYtime.
Morning Pan
I have no voice.
The wonderful nature of text based communication.
Get well soon.
. . . and I must scream.
I’m out of Halls. I don’t want to leave the warmth and comfort of my house to get more. It’s a conundrum.
Umm: The speed of light.
Crap joke for the day:
Three Women Three women — one engaged, one married and one a mistress — are chatting about their relationships and decided to amaze their men. All three buy black leather bras ” stiletto heels, and masks for their eyes. After a few days, they meet over lunch to compare notes. The engaged women says: The other night when my boyfriend came over, he found me in the black leather bodice, tall stilettos, and a mask. He said, “you are the woman of my life. I love you”. Then we made love all night long. The mistress says: I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather bodice, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. When I opened the raincoat, he didn’t say a word — but we had wild sex all night. The married woman says: I sent the kids to my mother’s house all excited about having alone time with my husband. Had the lights dim, candles going, I was wearing the leather bodice, black stockings, stilettos heels and a mask over my eyes. As soon as he came to the door and saw me and said,”What’s for dinner, BATMAN?
To the Bat Coat!
I’m going to go and silently weep in the corner now.
These jokes are comedy Bane.
CP: El Paso — Marty Robbins
A rare gem, a song that ditto listens to that I’ve actually heard of.
Kim Shattuck has died:
Well that sucks
Dammit. While I admit I kind of lost track of them, their first album was on heavy rotation in my formative years. People should not die at only 56
This is my pet peeve. Talking about the weather and taking about the meaning of life achieve the same thing, nothing!
Introvert can come over as pretentious prigs at times.
Why you fuckers, why?
Morning Pan
Today I’m rocking the sexy gravelly voice.
There’s a fine line between Kathleen Turner and Lemmy from Motorhead.
Songs as book covers
PJ Harvey! Some impressive deep cuts.
Last week I spent some time with tech support trying to figure out why our website says there is an error whenever we “publish” an update, even though there actually doesn’t seem to be. The site works fine with whatever changes I make.
They couldn’t figure it out so put in a ticket and kicked it upstairs.
It’s been a week and I see the problem still exists.
Confounding tech support FTW.
I’ve never read any Harry Harrison, so I started Deathworld.
It’s also free on Amazon Prime right now.
Meh so far. It’s probably progressive for a 1960 publication, but still pretty damn dated.
Have any of you read this one or its sequels? Or his Stainless Steel Rat books? AFAIK, they’re not related at all.
Yes to both.
I love the Stainless Steel Rat books (and the 2000AD comic adaptions of three of the novels).
The SSR for President is my fav of the series.
Deathworld series I only read once, thought it was ok.
I’ve read the Stainless Steel Rat Novels. I also met him as he came to our local convention. However, this was when I was just an attendee, not working behind the scenes so I don’t have any real stories.
I loved the Stainless Steel Rat books. Lots of fun. 😀
I had forgotten that one of the things this magazine was originally known for (apart from the pointlessly tasteful nudes) was journalism.
Good article, though I suspect it may have been airbrushed.
So the remastered version of The Last of Us was one of the games on PS+ this month.
Playing again and marvelling how bloody good it still is.
I love this game. And it is worth playing on harder difficulties.
I’m also super happy that there is no multi-player. Naughty Dog focused on a great story experience, which I am excited to play.
I was making my way through The Last of Us when I got totally hijacked by Horizon Zero Dawn. I’ll have to head back and get it going again.
Crossposting the good news here and in the Facebook group:
On Friday night of the Deadpan MMMMMMeetup this year, I announced that I had finally, finally gotten a podcast feed submitted to, and accepted by, Apple Podcasts. I’m pleased to announce that the first-ever podcast-directory-indexed episode of “Movie Chat with the Movie Night Crew” is coming out Sunday, Oct. 6. The plan is to release a new episode every other Sunday thereafter, until I run out of raw audio. I’ve updated my website with “Subscribe” links and everything. 🙂
Congrats, Amy!
Morning Pan
No longer have the gravelly voice. Now it’s all about catching up with my nose.
Because it’s running?
Serious sleep apnea. Yeah, that’s the latest.
Yeah, I need to find out more. Good times.
I got used to my CPAP machine, but it does rather take the spontaneity out of certain situations.
yeah, I’ve had mine for a couple of years. I don’t have the full mask though, just the little nose plugs they call pillows
Like a midnight pee?
I was thinking more of on the spur international travel as you have to give the airline notice you are bringing a medical machine through customs.
But kudos to you for going the toilet route over the sex one…
This must be a British, or crossing the ocean thing. Last time I went to Arizona, I packed my cpap in its case and brought it as an extra carry on, no advance notice needed
So saw Joker, thought it was ok.
I was bemused that after all the warning about incel violence, most of the people I could see were coupled up.
“shrug” seems to be the response to this film. A pity after all early the “changes all the superhero film rules” talk
I’m hearing gushing reviews so far.
My disinterest is mainly because I prefer the Joker to be an enigma. I don’t want a real origin story (even if Tim Burton gave us one in 1989)
70% RT, 58 on Metacritic. Not exactly terrific.
But see I don’t mind this origin because it’s a total Elsewhere film. It’s not cannon
Or even canon!
Elsewhere? Elseworlds. Jesus!
I love Tom Breihan’s writing. This is a fascinating column he’s been doing for Stereogum: (Great song too)
His take on Stevie Wonder is excellent.
Why I continue to laugh at the outrage over Russian interference in US elections;
Meh. It’s all beyond laughter at this point.
Had a free VIP ticket to the HU Band last nite and couldn’t go. Meh.
The Chinese Folk Metal band??
Mongolian. And yes!!!!!!!
So it appears some of you lot are ahead of the curve:
Whisky maker invents Jell-O shots and pretends it’s amazingly new:
Fact checking the Chernobyl tv series by a Doctor who worked there:
Waiting for a connecting flight to Hartford, Connecticut.
Touring Harvard and Yale because someone seems to think she wants to attend one of those institutions.
Well, count me as one of the many thankful ones that Amazon picked up The Expanse
I haven’t watched the trailer yet… but damn, I can’t wait.
Sometimes things get “lost” in the translation. Other times, as in the description of this video game … something beautiful is born.
Your garden? I make it terrible!
I flap back and forth my business rear for balancing and I snapple-pap my feet all up and down the town for terrible reasons, and you don’t like it.
Morning Pan
Went shopping this morning. Hubby found some Count Chocula and Frankenberry cereal. He’s happy
A Jaws board game that is not boring:
RIP Ginger Baker. Truly one of the most important drummers of all time.
So after all of my big talk, I now have tickets to see Joker tonight. The teenager had plans to go yesterday, but they fell through. She still wanted to go, so here we are.
JW: In the Shadow of the Moon (Netflix)
Not a bad film at all, nice time travel story that rather skates over paradoxes, recommended.
Count me in the “meh” camp for Joker.
Joachim Phoenix is a hell or an actor; I’ll say that.
Ok, on things I don’t understand, the swipe function in iOS 13.
It works fine, but I still find it slower than typing on the virtual keyboard.
This was written using the swipe functionality.
CP: My wife thinks you’re dead – Junior Brown
Morning Pan
A week of work, then a long weekend. I can do this.
Watching street performers in the Boston, market square yesterday – I was struck by the thought that I was taking part in an activity that humans had been on that very spot for over 200 years. Not ancient by any means buts still …
JustaJe is wicked smahhhht!
So after watching the Discovery Trek short ‘Q&A’ I really want a ST series starring the Enterprise crew seen in Discovery S2.
I mean, no one else is doing the TOS right now. . . .
We need more of Number 1 and shouty Vulcans!
Yes! Although Kelvin Spock is a basket case. He needs to chill the fuck out.
It’s kind of a gloomy day out there
Sorry for the stupid link. I hope you can see it. The TL;DR message is, don’t give struggling people bullshit empty reassurances.
“Stay positive, everything will work out.” “You’ll be fine.”
Your doing great Kack.
I’ve been called worse.
Your doing great Jack.
Good article. The advice of ” Listen to understand instead of listening to respond” is golden.
CP: Get Some Freedom — Big Data feat. Dragonette
Also, Rest in Peace, Rip Taylor. *throws confetti in his honor*
Make your own XKCD style comic (talent not included):
Facebook x-post.
Ruth is a friend of mine!
It would seem that the answer is to drop the gender question.
After all, someone looking to cause problems could change their gender appearance, rendering the whole issue moot anyway.
Other note – I heard an NPR piece on this recently and they indicated that it was not feasible to process the 10’s of millions of people who still have not gotten the new national ID, by next year’s deadline.
Good times
I’m rather gobsmacked that the remastered version of the first three Spyro games clocks in at 38 gigs when the originals were 700MB each.
Followed by a 17gig update.
my eyes can’t roll hard enough.
Looks like I might be going to see Eddie Izzard next week.
That could be great fun!
Morning Pan
Looks like we got a bit of snow over night.
Crap joke for the day:
Three newly incarcerated convicts are discussing how they will pass their time in jail.The first one pulls out a harmonica and says “I can play all my favorite songs on this.”The second takes out a deck of cards. “I can play poker with myself with these.”The third gets out a box of tampons. “Well, it says on here that with these I can go swimming, horseback riding, cycling, …”
I’ll get you your coat with wings.
Man it’s yucky out there. It’s days like this that make me glad I work from home
I have to amend my take on Deathworld. The ending was really good. If the lead character wasn’t kind of a scoundrel, it could have been a top-tier Star Trek TOS episode.
CP: Fighting for the Same Thing — The Heavy
The last line of article: “This time, the moons must be named after giants from Norse, Gallic or Inuit mythology.”
So no Moony McSaturnface.
Morning Pan
I’m suppose to go to the condo association agm tonight. It’s still cold and snowy, and I’ve still got the tail end of a cold. I think I’m going to skip it.
We did an impromptu overnight in Flagstaff for Fall Break. Lovely temperatures.
Also on this particular trip: walking an overstimulated toddler through hotel hallways at 3am.
One of these meet-ups.
I’d be happy to walk the hotel hallways with you at 3am at a MMMmmmeetup.
The google mesh Wi-Fi has arrived and I guess I should set them up buT I really can’t be arsed tonight.
Hopefully you can be arsed some other night.
I couldn’t wait.
A slice of tv history from behind the Iron Curtain:
When you install the first unit of a mesh network and find it gives a good Wifi signal around the house all by itself..that.
He did the Mesh.
… he did the Monster Mesh
Mesh good!
Crap joke for the day:
As a singer I sing at many funerals & I was recently asked by a funeral director to sing at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery out in the country. As I was not familiar with the area, I got lost. I finally arrived an hour late and saw that the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started to play. The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I’ve never played before for this homeless man.
As I played “Amazing Grace”, the workers began to cry. They cried, I cried, we all cried together. When I finished, I packed up my keyboard and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full.
As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, “I’ve never seen nothin’ like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.” Apparently, I’m still lost….
Morning Pan
Just me again tonight.
Tales from the Loop, RPG rule book is free today;
Because what hubby really needs is another RPG book.
One can never be too thin, too rich or have too many RPGs.
At least you’re not going for the Wendy’s Beef RPG.
I steer clear of horror RPGs.
I’m cold.
I think I need to sit by the fireplace
I’m curled up in front of the fireplace with a cup of white hot chocolate and a book. Afternoons don’t get much better than this
That does sound fantastic. And I don’t think I’ve ever had white hot chocolate.
CP: Roots Radicals — Rancid
No moneyman can win my love
I consider myself kinda knowledgeable about music genres, but “Blackgaze” is a new one to me. Metal, not R&B. I’d actually be really down for an R&B/Shoegaze hybrid.
Looking at Wiki, I see that Agalloch is considered “Blackgaze”, which makes sense. I always thought of them as ambient folk metal.
They’re right there on this list, along with a bunch of bands I don’t particularly like.
Tho I do love me some Zeal & Ardor.
“Behemoth meets Mogwai”
But I… but I don’t want that
Ew. Most of this is very bad with the exception of the aforementioned 2 bands. I am though intrigued by Myrkur and perhaps Alcest
Chelsea Wolfe is someone that would get my highest recommendation.
Sheesh, I barely remembered the details of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
But I liked it the first time in 2014, and again on my second viewing, 5 years later.
..and it’s goodbye to Alexi Leonov
This is a bigger deal than most people realize. Including me. RIP.
So I have the ticket for the Eddie Izzard show in my hand.
The only downside Is I’m going to be in agony all evening as there is so little legroom in the seat I’ve got.
I guess it will be time to use that strip of codeine I have for a rainy day.
Morning Pan
Hubby expects to be home a little early today, then it’s a long Thanksgiving weekend here in Canadaland.
Happy Rhettro Birthday!
Thanks Bunny!
We discovered something interesting about our community.
We live in a small community within the city. For those who have seen it, think like Jack’s place except we don’t have an locked gate.
Someone new moved into the area and asked how much candy they should buy for Halloween. After giving her very different numbers, we figured out that those who live in the front half, closer to the entrance got about 100 kids last year. Those of us who live in farther from the entrance only got a little under 30 kids.
Our community isn’t that big, so we’re not sure why the sudden drop off.
Crap joke for the day:
A man needing a heart transplant is told by his doctor that the only heart available is that of a sheep.The man finally agrees and the doctor transplants the sheep heart into the man. A few days after the operation, the man comes in for a checkup. The doctor asks him “How are you feeling?”The man replies “Not BAAAAD!”
Happy birthday, Rhett-volt! (It almost works)
Join the Rhettrolution! Or not.. LOL
Hubby and I are going to do our duty and do advanced voting thing this weekend
Happy birthday!
\m/ !!!
I had no idea this existed.
Um, this:
Yup, I listened to the first series, very chummy he was with the guests.
So I haven’t see a stand up comic at a theatre for at least a decade. Then two coming along within a week of each other.
Tonight it’s Ben Elton (of Blackadder writing fame), the first half was fun.
The second half was also fun even though it mainly consisted of old man shouting at cloud.
Retro Rhettro Day!
Happy Day!
In Metal News – Static-X’s new frontman has been revealed as Edsel Dope from the band Dope and I couldn’t give a fuck about any of it.
In semi-metal news – Billie Eilish selling hats with her name in death metal font embroidered on them is causing a stir (I guess?) and I couldn’t give less of a fuck about any of it
I see the start of a Metal News Blog. . .
She might fancy herself as a Bad Guy.
I kinda of like Billie Eilish.
He played a few great cranky old men.
The first Guardians of the Galaxy is still a blast. Possibly my #1 of the Marvel movies.
Mr Bluesky tips Vol 2 over into the better film for me.
GotG2 is a worthy sequel, for sure.
Well now you know:
It’s encouraging to know he never gets paid for its use. That song gets used all of the time.
It seems that Stephen Moore, the original Marvin the paranoid android, has died.
In happer news, this is an amazing cover of an amazing song from one of the most amazing Electronic albums of the 90s/all-time.
He was just this guy you know .
Date night pub crawl ended at 9 because the babysitter needed to get home.
So really, a shitload of money at 2 different restaurants.
The maps of Ticket to Ride ranked:
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving weekend to Bunny and family.
So one of the trailers before Gemini Man was for the Midway film.
Never has a film trailer left me liking for the days when war films used real aircraft. It looks like actors superimposed on video game footage.
How was Gemini Man then?
I enjoyed it, the deaging tech rather fails at times making the younger Will look like a cartoon, but a fun action flick.
-liking +pining
+for the fjords
+It’s merely resting.
I had forgotten how much of a time sink Spyro was, still good fun but I have to get 100% for every level.
// whine mode
So I get back from a week of visiting colleges and promptly get sick. Fever, body aches just want to curl up in a ball … but now I am over a week behind in Halloween prep. Can’t afford not to be productive.
Meh, one of my fog machines has stopped working. Yea.
Plenty of vitamin C and rest. For you, not the fog machine.
The naughty witches on broomsticks sounds a bit far-fetched. Interesting list, though.
On broomsticks.
Seems to be the hypothesis of one individual with some very scant information.
Ridley Scott, not only is he crap at adapting SciFi novels he is also crap at history:
I was concerned for a minute that this was going to be a cut on The Duellists. We were gonna have to have a disagreement.
It’s been awhile, but I remembering greatly enjoying this one. Harvey Keitel’s character was such a dick.
Hereditary was one weird ass horror film.
Crap joke for the day:
My flatmate has just earned a PhD in palindromes.
She’ll now be known as Dr Awkward.
Is their first name Bob? Hannah?
This was a quality crap joke!
This is a huge list of movies and shows without cursewords or boobs.
I seem to remember boobs in “The Rocketeer”.
That movie was all about the blimps.
And motorboats.
Morning Pan
Had a nice quiet long weekend. Now it’s back to work with us.
I just said, “No worries, homey,” in a text to a buddy of mine.
Luckily, I noticed it had autocorrected “homey” to “honey” before I hit Send.
A MetalSucks reader’s best of list.
The 25 Best Metal Albums of 2010 – 2019:
#25: Cult of Luna & Julie Christmas, Mariner (2016)
#24: Triptykon, Eparistera Daimones (2010)
#23: Pig Destroyer, Book Burner (2012)
#22: Yob, Clearing the Path to Ascend (2014)
#21: The Black Dahlia Murder, Ritual (2011)
#20: Mastodon, Once More ‘Round the Sun (2014)
#19: At the Gates, At War with Reality (2012)
#18: Meshuggah, Koloss (2012)
#17: Gorguts, Colored Sands (2012)
#16: Between the Buried and Me, The Parallax II: Future Sequence (2012)
#15: The Ocean, Pelagial (2013)
#14: Kvelertak, Kvelertak (2010)
#13: Judas Priest, Firepower (2018)
#12: Metallica, Hardwired… to Self-Destruct (2016)
#11: Converge, All We Love We Leave Behind (2012)
#10: The Dillinger Escape Plan, One of Us Is the Killer (2013)
#9: Rivers of Nihil, Where Owls Know My Name (2013)
#8: Deafheaven, Sunbather (2013)
#7: Baroness, Yellow & Green (2012)
#6: Power Trip, Nightmare Logic (2016)
#5: Ghost, Opus Eponymous (2010)
#4: Deftones, Diamond Eyes (2010)
#3: Behemoth, The Satanist (2014)
#2: Carcass, Surgical Steel (2013)
#1: Gojira, Magma (2016)
All due respect to MetalSucks. . . . this list is terrible.
I do endorse their choice for #1.
I’ve been plotting something similar in my head for
You should cause this is ass
It’s a list. I admit that I haven’t listened to most of these albums. I for the ones I’m familiar with I would have picked other albums as better. “Firepower” is an okay album, but the fact that it is on the list of the best of the last 10 years is a little disappointing. Same with “Hardwired…”
No Animals as Leaders, no In Flames, no Draconian, no Chelsea Wolfe or Stolen Babies. *shrug*
I figure that because I have an album subscription service I should at least listen to at least the first couple of songs of the albums on the list.
Starting with #25 “Mariner”, I listened to all 5 songs. It’s good. Not mind-blowingly good, but still pretty decent.
#22: Yob, Clearing the Path to Ascend (2014)
Okay, I’m familiar with this one. Yob is a band I discovered recently and I quite like it. However, the more recent album “Our Raw Heart” is superior in my opinion.
#24: Triptykon, Eparistera Daimones
Two songs in and I’m moving on. I do like a few Triptykon songs, but it is a little repetitious for my taste. Okay album, doesn’t belong in this list.
#23: Pig Destroyer, Book Burner (2012)
Yeah, no. There are literally 100s of bands that sound just like this. Moving on…
#21: The Black Dahlia Murder, Ritual (2011)
Up tempo black death metal. It’s okay, nothing special.
#20: Mastodon, Once More ‘Round the Sun (2014)
Good album, but I much prefer the Mastodon of the “Blood Mountain” era.
#19: At the Gates, At War with Reality (2012)
Not bad, nothing really jumps at me. Not a fan of the vocals.
#18: Meshuggah, Koloss (2012)
This is a band most metal heads are familiar with. Extreme metal. There are some interesting things here. The repetitious tribal vocals wear on me though. That’s the primary reason I’ve never been able to get into Meshuggah.
#14: Kvelertak, Kvelertak
So I almost skipped to the next album after the start of the first song, but the track list got way better by song #3. At first I was going to peg Kvelertak as death metal band no. 319, but there is some music here. No dirt boxes on the guitar tone, just really loud natural tube (or if your European, valve) amps turned very loud and doubled. The smooth guitar tone plays well against the harsh vocals, of which I couldn’t understand a single word of, most likely because I think it is all Norwegian. Anyway, this album is going on my workout list. Heavy as hell, but it has groove, which makes it cool.
Hubby and I saw this on the weekend.
Best. Movie. Ever.
A 2.5 score on IMDB is pretty impressive.
The 2:25 mark of this video, where the horse is “jumping” over a gap, should tell you everything you need to know about this movie.
#17: Gorguts, Colored Sands
Extreme technical death metal. These guys can play, but this sounds like more of the same.
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I much prefer Bloodbath’s “Nightmares Made Flesh”, which would have been a better replacement with most of the albums on this list.
#16: Between the Buried and Me, The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Finally, something a little different. Think Dream Theater does
Death metal and you are close. I would still prefer Dream Theater,but this is pretty good.
#15: The Ocean, Pelagial
This is actually decent. I’ll be coming back to this one for a full listen.
love it. Keep going Rhett!
Nice list upgrade!
I was going to suggest to Jack that if he does a list, he should add a short, one sentence description of each choice to give an idea of why it made the list.
The “Coma Ecliptic” album is mostly brilliant, though apparently too “soft” for their fanbase.
Rhett, we saw BTBAM perform that album live in its entirety.
I was unimpressed with what I heard of the Parallax albums (too screamy), but I should give them another chance.
I remember, it was pretty good, but a little too screamo.
I’ll have to give “Coma Ecliptic” a listen as it’s been a while since we heard them live. Also I seem to have screwed up the posting order. I start #13 somewhere around here.
#13: Judas Priest, Firepower
I like this album fine. Better than any of the Rob Halford solo albums, falls way short of Painkiller.
#12 Metallica, Hardwired… to Self-Destruct
A good outing from Metallica, but I feel these guys are running out of gas. Lacks the energy of the pre-Load days and while a competent album feels like they sort of phoned it in. After three listens I haven’t returned to it.
#11: Converge, All We Love We Leave Behind
More death metal. This has a tinge of punk and their drummer is Chuck Norris. Skipping from one song to the next, they sound the same. Attitude gets you so far, then you need to change things up.
#10: The Dillinger Escape Plan, One of Us Is the Killer
So my number one rule with The Dillinger Escape Plan is that I don’t listen to The Dillinger Escape Plan unless they are fronted by Mike Patton. These guys are musical geniuses, but it mostly goes over my head. Generally too chaotic and too screamo for my tastes. I can’t deny the musicianship, but this isn’t for me. I can listen to a band of similar style “iwrestledabearonce” because they are a tad less chaotic, are more humorous and the female lead is a bit less damaging to the hearing.
Agreed on Firepower. It’s a good record, with a number of quality tunes. I’m torn about its place on a “Tops of the Decade” list, because. . .
The latest Metallica appealed to their base because it’s heavy and very dumbed down. It’s fine, but “Death Magnetic” from the previous decade is a truer return to form for them.
Yes, I agree on both points.
#9: Rivers of Nihil, Where Owls Know My Name
More death metal. Slightly technical, but nothing really stands out.
#8: Deafheaven, Sunbather
I guess this is the “shoe-gazing” metal people have been talking about. Screechy vocals, very ambient guitars and kinda repetitive. It’s fine, I just have trouble telling one song from the next. This is like elevator death metal, put it in the background and forget about it.
#7: Baroness, Yellow & Green
Hey it’s band that’s not death metal for a change. Another band I’m familiar with, in fact Jack and I have seen them live. I struggle to call this metal though. This sounds like an Americanized version of the new Opeth, heavy progressive rock with strong influence from the 70’s. Less leather and spandex, more denim and man buns. It’s good if a bit melancholy for my taste, but a nice change from death metal band #197.
#6: Power Trip, Nightmare Logic
Unlike #7 this definitely is metal, specifically old school thrash. These are Slayer wannabees. Performed well, but again nothing new. In my opinion the band Testament does it better.
#5 Ghost, Opus Eponymous
I’ve followed Ghost for a while and have seen them live. They are a great band and this is a good album. However, Prequelle is a better album and should be in this list instead.
#4: Deftones, Diamond Eyes
A popular band with a numetal vibe. Korn does the style better, but okay band, okay album. Totally overrated at #4.
#3: Behemoth, The Satanist
Hey, another death metal band! As death metal goes, Behemoth are pretty good. Again the vocals put me off a bit. There are worse dm vocals, but there are way better. Bloodbath does it better, Insomnium does it better, Dark Tranquillity does it better.
#2: Carcass, Surgical Steel
If yourself a star if you guessed that #2 would be yet another death metal band. Hyper drumming, lots of guitar noodling and rapid shot dm vocals ad infinitum. Not bad for the style, just super repetitious. I’ll give them points for being great musicians, but it all sounds the same in the end.
And finally…
#1: Gojira, Magma
This a great band and a great album. This french band is mix of styles, some progressive, some doom and uses occasional death metal vocals. But it feels fresh and different. Probably not my number one album of the 2010-2019 era, but it is in my top ten. I might have to come up with an alternate list. I could probably come up with 10 albums, not 25.
To recap #15, #14 and #1 are solid. Yob and Ghost are good bands, but are better represented by other albums.
Excellent job, Rhett!
Even in the places where I know enough to differ with you (Meliora is my peak Ghost album over Infestissumam and Prequelle)
I had already begun writing my “Best of the Decade” for; I’ll share here when it’s published. My format will be a bit different. . . I’m just going to list the top records, not put them in any kind of order.
Thanks Jack. Yeah any list like this is going to be subjective. My top 11 for the decade, also not in any order would be:
Stolen Babies, Naught (2012)
Draconian, Sovran (2015)
Overkill, The Wings of War (2019)
One Eyed Doll, Something Wicked (2017)
Gojira, Magma (2016)
Ghost, Prequelle (2018)
Cellar Darling, This is the Sound (2017)
Vhol, Deeper Than Sky (2015)
Chelsea Wolfe, Hiss Spin (2017)
In Flames, Siren Charms (2014)
Leprous, The Congregation (2015)
Crap joke for the day:
One night a guy takes his girlfriend home.
As they are about to kiss each other goodnight at the front door, the guy starts feeling a little frisky:
With an air of confidence, he leans with his hand against the wall and smiling, he says to her. “Honey, would you have sex with me?”
Horrified, she replies. “Are you mad? My parents will see us!”
“Oh come on! Who’s gonna see us at this hour?” He asks, grinning at her.
“No, please. Can you imagine if we get caught?”
“Oh come on! There’s nobody around, they’re all sleeping!”
“No way. It’s just too risky!”
“Oh please, please, I love you so much!”
“No, no, and no. I love you too, but I just can’t!”
“Oh, yes you can. Please?”
“No, no. I just can’t”
“I’m begging you.”
Out of the blue, the light on the stairs goes on, and the girl’s older sister shows up in her pyjamas, hair dishevelled and in a sleepy voice, she says….
“Dad says to go ahead and have sex with him, or I can do it, or if need be Mom says she can come down herself and do it……
But for heaven’s sake, tell him to take his hand off the intercom!”
Morning Pan
That is all.
Samuel Delaney reviewing the reviewing (in 1977) the original Star Wars:
Some people are just very clever:
But it does also come in chocolate flavour. . .
I started watching this last night. Thundarr was a huge part of my Saturday mornings. The interviews in the first part of the video sure make it seem like just another product cranked out by the cartoon factory.
At least they havent put it in HD yet
JW: The Terminator REMASTERED version
Yes HD reveals the dodgy SFX, but still a damn fine film.
Who the fuck puts 80’s films in HD?
Lots of people. It’s closer to the quality that you’d have seen on film in the theater.
I really REALLY loved that film when it came out. When I watched it again after a few decades … it just hadn’t held up as I had hoped. Part of the problem was that it was so “pop culture current”, a technique that made it feel very real at the time but not so much decades later.
It still holds a high place in my cinematic list.
FWIW – I think T2 holds up much better and is still an action romp.
Time to cross Janes Franco off your Xmas card list:
James even…
He’s adamantly denied it. I’ll take the accusations seriously and won’t dismiss them, but I won’t condemn anyone without evidence.
Yep, I’ll withhold judgment until all the facts come out.
Weren’t there other accusations last year?
This seems to be connected to those?
I will also not assume that he’s innocent.
Apparently a lot of people took these classes. If things are as these two say… there should be dozens more coming forward. So yeh, I’ll not jump to any conclusions.
Pretty well done:
Morning Pan
I am hubbiless this evening. Shocking, I know.
Bring it on:
I really need to start watching this
You do! It’s a good show. I’m eager to see how they wrap it all up.
Oh, most excellent.
Sitting here with my morning coffee, looking through my bills from my recent medical adventure.
The total seems to be $55,539.04
My part comes to $1,222.04
As I approach an age in which income will be decreasing and medical expenses will likely be increasing … I am not filled with confidence.
“LIFE is a pre-existing condition. When insurance companies figure out THAT angle, we’re all screwed.”
You could have socialized medicine, like those other countries, where you just have to die every time you get sick. You want that? Sounds to me like you just don’t want to put in a little work and earn the money to pay for these things. You people always just want handouts! Well you can’t take away freedom!
This is why I am seriously considering retiring in New Zealand, just not to spend my entire nest egg on medical bills.
CP: Nothing’s Impossible — Depeche Mode
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it, but I have started reading the new “Blade Runner” comic books. I’ve enjoyed it so far. Ashina is an interesting character.
I recall you mentioning them. I’m intrigued.
Also intrigued.
I listened to one of the most recent YANSS podcast episodes about happiness. Some surprising and counter-intuitive stuff.
Tor’s free book this month is a good one, grab it when it’s free:
I loved the book.
The chinook winds are strong today.
Off to a con this weekend, fingers crossed it’s not a complete and utter disaster.
So, I made the vague teaser announcement on Facebook. . .
I shouted about my writing news to everyone over the noise at Stone Brewery during the San Diego MMMmmmeetup. . . .
Basically, I’ve begun working again on a Spherical Tomi redux. I’m a bunch of words into book 2, and have begun work on the second draft of book 1.
But! Even more exciting: I have a professional-level crowdfunded comic book project in the works. I’ll be sharing (carpetbombing) details about that in the months ahead. Stay tuned!
Cool on both counts. I look forward to hearing more
Looking forward to all your new projects.
Thank you!
Apologies in advance for the fundraising media blitz in the months ahead.
It’s a blitz I can get behind!
Looking forward to it!
Congrats! And keep us posted. 😀
The stages of listening to classical music:
This is fantastic.
As long as we’re announcing things: I just uploaded Movie Chat with the Movie Night Crew #11, featuring one of our favorite Palooza movies: Big Trouble in Little China! The podcast episode will be released on Sunday, Oct. 20. I’m on the Apple Podcasts directory, or you can click my name to go to my website (which has one of Apple’s buttons).
So far, so good with sticking to the biweekly release schedule. I actually started working on the 11/3 episode today; I’ll go back and do the rest of the editing sometime between now and then.
That’s awesome, Amy! I’m thrilled to see you guys tackling some Palooza movies.
How to become a dissident by picking fights:
I’m probably not going ot watch a webseries called “Brother Dong’s Hot Takes” at work.
I should properly learn to properly spell the word, “to.”
If you stick with the one form, you’ll be write at least about a third of the time. That should be good enough for government work.
Morning Pan
Off to the city today
This album can’t be 30 years old already. That’s a Terrible Lie!
I’m not sure what I did to activate that Gravatar. . .
It’s 30 and it’s still fresh.
Thank you very much, Jack and Lo Pan! 🙂
I’m awake. Hubby is not
Hubby is finally awake
So this happened:
One down, twety-four-hundred to go.
At the con was an American author called Paul Tremblay. His accent reminded me very much of Jack’s.
I just picked up his book “The Cabin at the End of the World”. I haven’t read anything from him yet.
He was telling the story (on a panel) of how that book had been optioned and his visceral reaction on seeing the script. I asked what he would do if they made a successful out of the script. He replied “my wife said I should just take the money but I’ve said (jokingly) that I would want to burn the cinema down”
If his accent is like mine, then he must be a good author! #logic
Well it’s looking more hopeful:
Spent the morning at the emergency vet hospital with a cat who suddenly went into distress.
After 4 hours of tests and no positive responses to the aid they were administering … they put him to sleep.
They let my daughter hold him while they euthanized. She had been that cat’s human for the bulk of her life. Slept on her bed since her earliest memories.
Best most snuggly of all our cats. He was the loveable curmudgeon.
This morning has sucked.
Condolences on your JJ
Oh no. 🙁
I’m so sorry, JJ
Oh J0e. *hugs*
Thanks All.
Today is still pretty rough.
Sorry Joe. Losing a beloved pet is hard.
A childhood friend of mine was over with his sweet but hyper teenager for board gaming. It was Overstimulation at the House on the Hill.
Morning Pan
It’s election day here in Canadaland. We voted last weekend in early voting.
I hope you start a new trend of voting sanity in this continent.
CW: Watchmen E1
Bloody hell, it’s getting off to a good start.
I love that it’s based on the comic, and not the movie. And Lindelof has a lot of goodwill with me from The Leftovers. I’m still conflicted, but I might give this a shot.
Lindelof had the best response when asking about working with The Watchmen. He said that teenage Alan Moore would have said “fuck you” to DC I’ll use your Batman and Superman characters as I want. So I’m saying “fuck you” to Alan Moore and playing in the world he created.
Works for me. I like that he is working several decades after the end of the comics, so he is free to tell a new story in the world.
Crap joke for the day:
A man is in a hospital bed completely wrapped up in a body cast.One of the nurses gave him a rectal thermometer and said,”Don’t move — I’ll be right back.”When she returned the thermometer was in his mouth. She asked in amazement, “How did you get that in your mouth, you can’t even move?””I hiccuped.”
My god the cat is playful today. I want her to sleep like cats are supposed to so I can get stuff done
40 days! That’s how long our election campaigning lasted. I’m sorry, but you Americans, with you never ending campaigns need to take notes
By my beard, this is perfect:
As per my usual trailer policy, I have not watched. I’ll see the movie first, then watch them all.
But think of the children Jack, THE CHILDREN!
The force kid with the broom?
Morning Pan
Today I get my flu shot, followed by lunch with my Boo
My arm is sore
I shall be sore by tonight.
We’ve been in drought all summer, with temps 90-100 for Sept and the first of Oct.
Subsequently I have spent the last 2 hours, hacking at the clay with an Axe. I’ve managed to dig down about a foot. Needs to be at least 4’ I would think.
Long day still ahead.
A take on the ending of The Leftovers, from one of its directors:
Me and Mimi, that close.
Morning Pan
While some days it’s questionable, today I exist.
Crap joke for the day:
An old married couple no sooner hit the pillows when the old man passes gas and says, ‘Seven Points.’
His wife rolls over and says, ‘What in the world was that?’ The old man replied, ‘It’s fart football.’
A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says, ‘Touchdown, tie score…’
After about five minutes the old man lets another one go and says, ‘Aha. I’m ahead 14 to 7.’
Not to be out done the wife rips out another one and says, ‘Touchdown, tie score.’
Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says, ‘Field goal, I lead 17 to 14.’ Now the pressure is on for the old man.
He refuses to get beaten by a woman, so he strains real hard.
Since defeat is totally unacceptable, he gives it everything he’s got, and accidentally poops in the bed.
The wife says, ‘What the hell was that?’
The old man says, “Half time, switch sides”
Mini crap joke:
We have trained the office dog to bring us meringue-based desserts whenever we ring a small bell.
This is called a pavlova response.
What the hell was that?
He may say it’s not staged but I have my doubts
It does seem unlikely to have gotten that many matches.
So this guy was at Fantasycon:
Where I learnt his wife was the niece (or possibly daughter) of A Bertram Chandler, whose short novels set out at the galactic rim were a great source of entertainment for my young self.
She was his daughter.
I’ve heard of him because of his HP Lovecraft stuff.
Just watched the ‘Why Women Kill’ season finale, the tv series was a joy to watch and it will be getting a season 2.
Same jeans today as yesterday, btw. They’re clean.
I was a bit dubious about the setup for the new Netflix series “Living With Yourself” but after watching the first episode I’m hooked.
There is a podcast that consists of a cat purring for half an hour:—Episode-4-e7t9tk
I don’t need the podcast, I go to the live concert on a regular basis.
There’s apparently also a podcast out there of the audio from a guy’s hikes. No words, no descriptions, just footsteps.
Jeeesh, and I wasted all that time writing, recording, and editing bits for Deadpan.
Hubby may or may not be late tonight. He’s suppose to go to this thing tonight but he really doesn’t want to. He says he’ll make a decision and let me know this afternoon.
Shroedinger’s Hubby
So a White Castle opened 2 days ago in Scottsdale, AZ. The waits are apparently still in excess of 2-3 hours for an order. I was told tonight that they closed their doors, due to staff shortage and fatigue.
Me, I’ve waited 16 years for a White Castle to open here. . . . I can wait a few more weeks until the lines shirnk to typical fast food.
Something like that happened here with Jollibee Chicken
Crap joke for the day:
Three guys went Las Vegas and after a losing their money at the blackjack tables, they decided to stay off the strip and found a cheap hotel on an old farm. The farmer had 18 daughters, so naturally the first man went up to their father and asked, “Can I sleep with your 18 daughters?”
The father said, “No but you can sleep with the pigs.”
The second man went to the father and said “can I sleep with your 18 daughters?”
The father said, “No but you can sleep with the cows.”
The third man said “can I sleep with your 18 daughters?”
This time, the father said “yes.”
So in the morning the three men and the father had a conversation over breakfast.
The first man said “I slept like a pig”
The second man said “I slept like a cow”
The third man said “I felt like a golfer” the father asked why?
He said, “Because I got my balls in 18 holes!”
This joke is a bogey.
Looking at you kid.
I think I’m going to be bad and have a donair for lunch
When people talk about “a fresh new take on Batman,” my eyes tend to glaze over. As much as I’ve loved Batman for pretty much my entire life, I’m definitely feeling the Batman fatigue.
That said, the “Batman: White Knight” graphic novel is a fresh new take on Batman. I enjoyed it.
I’ve bookmarked it for later. Still working my way through all the Infinity Wars graphic novels.
Is it weird that I think of “Moon Knight” when I think of Batman as a White Knight?
I loved Infinity Gauntlet, but stopped there, because word was that all the followups were crap.
Gauntlet is the only one I’ve finished and it was good. I already purchased the pre-gauntlet Silver Surfer and Infinity War.
So I have “The Outer Worlds” coming in the mail for the PS4. As much as I loved Fallout 4, I’m sure I’ll like it.
It’s hailing
What madness is this?
It’s the fault of those damn Millennials!
Crap physics jokes:
Heisenberg went for a drive and got stopped by a traffic cop. The cop asked, “Do you know how fast you were going?” Heisenberg replied, “No, but I know where I am.”
Schrödinger was at an airport when the TSA agent asked to open his luggage. She popped it open and then looked up in shock: “Sir, did you know there is a dead cat in here?”, to which Schrödinger replied, “Well, I do now.”
Doctor Who theme as if Ennio Morricone had written it for a spaghetti western.
There is also the theme as if done by Kraftwerk:
This is fantastic.
I approve of both of these versions. Most excellent.
Enjoyed the new Terminator flick.
I will of course fight Lo over Mackenzie Davis.
Tonight is film night with one of my sisters and the film is going to be Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Fuck me will you EVER lose that fight…
We were suppose to have people come over for gaming this evening. I’m not sure they are still coming given it’s a veritable blizzard out there
Snow’s died down. They texted and still plan to come. Tonight’s game is Witch of Salem
Why no one should celebrate Disney’s acquisition of Fox.
No surprise that Disney would do this with their new acquisitions. It really sucks for these small theaters though.
Captain Obvious went there:
Couldn’t love this one enough!
I’m getting really jealous of these fuckers in the US picking up Arcade1Up machines dirt cheap in Walmart.
It would have nowhere to go, and then would end up covered with crap.
It was a hard-fought game of tablet Wlder Sign, but alas, Hastur the King in Yellow succeeded and doomed all of humanity.
Wider Sign is probably fun, but no, we played Elder Sign.
It appears there are people on Twitter obsessed with the lack of drama in this long running tv show:
Horror stories from Laser Tag employees and regulars.
At the garage getting snow tires put on hubby’s car
Go oldskool and get chains on the tires!
(I think we had this discussion last year)
Fans of “Vikings” will probably enjoy the anime “Vinland Saga”. It’s available on Amazon Prime.
CP: Drown — milet
I’ve been enjoying browsing this Stereogum column cataloguing every Billboard Number 1 single since 1958.
I was more of a Pitchfork and Spin reader, back in the previous decade, but Sterogum seem to have aged the best by far of all the online music zines.
Goddamn it, I’ve made a huge fucking mistake.
I hope it isn’t serious. 🙁
I realize that all companies take their people for granted. Some just do it more than others.
I don’t know if this is the weirdest or worst or greatest thing I’ve ever seen:
Greatest. Cartoon Planet was truly one of a kind.
Greatest! 😀
Space Ghost Coast to Coast! 😀
One more from me:
I rarely/never take joy in another person’s unhappiness, but I’ll make an exception here.
You can’t watch it just once.
Morning Pan
Off to the garage to get snow tires put on my car
Welp, listened to this during the morning commute. It’s stuck in my head for the day.
It’s a good one!
How the universe will end:
Sleep tight.
Two cars down, one to go. Now a bit of work.
CP: Murdering Crows — Other Americans
I really need to figure out which gods I pissed off and find out why they have it in for me. It hasn’t been my year.
Context: This is the 3rd time this year that a particular company’s delivery drivers have damaged my house. Furious doesn’t even cover it.
What!?!? I am so sorry. What is the company doing about it?
Infuriating. Is this company named after a South American river?
Yes. And they say that *this* time they are taking it seriously. We will see.
Listening to a podcast discussing the film ‘Dead Heat’ and it’s making me want to watch the film.
Off for breakfast with my Boo and to take her car in for snow tires
CP: Red — Survive Said The Prophet
CP: Girlfriend — Matthew Sweet
I loved this old video, even though I didn’t know the anime.
I’ve never seen that one either, though I have heard of it. Surprisingly, you can watch the Space Adventure Cobra movie on Amazon Prime. lol
I enjoyed the first series of Pennyworth so this is good news:
The cult of the imperfect:
Now that we’re a few hundred years into our current major storytelling models – – building on storytelling across the millennia – – everyone feels qualified to be a critique. And way too many people focus way too often on how something is “supposed to be” made, rather than its impact on us as the audience.
It occurs to me, tomorrow’s Halloween. I should do a play by play
This list made me chuckle
I relate to far too many of these.
I think that’s why I chuckled.
I had no idea he was such a serial skeeve, but even as much as I loved his show growing up, he did always strike me as 80s Members Only golf guy. Kudos to her for calling him out, and the other skeeves she’s encountered. Things gotta change. Her Jim Stafford story is fucking awful.
I don’t get how her saying, “I see one of us shaved” to him is “sexually charged,” though.
Morning Pan
Actually at my desk this morning. What’s that about?
Trick or Treat !
CP: Rock and Roll is King – ELO
CP: Roll Over Beethoven – ELO
CP – “ Nature Trail to Hell”- “Weird Al” Yankovic
For all my complaints, it’s been nice walking to the office this past month. It was actually a little bit chilly this morning!
I was bad. I had to taste test the candy before putting it into the bowl for this evening
The PBP will start in about a half hour
CP: Come To California — Matthew Sweet
Last year, I couldn’t get either Halloween or Friday the 13th on either Netflix or Prime so I did Alvin and the Chipmunks meet the wolfman. This year, I still can’t get Halloween or Friday the 13th
Now I need to decide what to watch instead
Oh! I’m going old school
See if you can guess the movie based on this pbp
A lion bust
Don’t go in the basement
Paper flying everywhere
The wind machine doing its job well
Wrong! Now you must be punished
Rigging the study
that was quick
This is it!
My uncle was St. Gerome
That can’t be good for the paper
What do we do?
Get her!
He got a chocolate bar
Getting a evicted
We’ll take it
She’s not ready to fight aliens
Locked out
I had eggs for breakfast but they weren’t the self cooking kind
Wow. Look at that computer
Random product placement
Standard procedures
He’s a game show host
More product placement
To our first customer
Pressing the red button
The long elevator ride to the 12th floor
Zapping the maid
He’s smoking!
Eww. Gross
Bringing down the house
Making room
Mugging for the camera
Beautiful dreams
Everybody smokes
I respect you
Not the EPA
Seriously, I didn’t realize how much smoking was done in this movie
Glowing red eyes
On an unrelated note, hubby and I are watching the Netflix series Marianne. I recommend it for people who like the spooky and creepy
Her kitchen is glowing
Who brought a dog?
The cgi doesn’t quite hold up in some places
The wind machine in action
It’s good to have rules
All prisoners will be released
He’s going to die
Do you believe in god
Here comes the suits
Don’t do it
They did it
There’s the sign they were waiting for
Cool light show
Sausage eater
More wind machine workings
The two meet
Your eminence
Let’s run some red lights
Pandering to the public
Mystery stairs
Now we e moved on to the fog machine
Nimble minx
When someone asks if you’re a god…you say YES!
Awww isn’t he cute
Destroyed the church
Not in MY town!
See you on the other side
Peeling the dog
Who does your taxes
Some of the cg doesn’t hold up, but overall, this is still a fun movie
Great Halloween song. Love the spooky piano!
Why. Oh why. Have I never heard of them?!?
Still my all time fav Halloween song
That is a true Halloween classic.
Cute Halloween Google doodle today. btw.
One more “new” Halloween classic:
I don’t know anything about the movie, just the song and soundtrack.
Morning Pan
Another Halloween over and done with. We had about 30 kids, the same number of kids as last year.
Going on a pub crawl is a great way of avoiding that..just saying.
We had about 25, slightly higher than last year, but way short of the time we had close to 100.
We only had one cute pirate, but left the bowl of assorted candies in front of the house while we went trick-or-treating. There was a disproportionate number of Snickers left when we got home.
Our turnout was nearly non-existent. It had rained until about 4pm and the temp had been plumitting all day. By dark, it was in the 30’s with a stiff North wind.
Very unpleasant.
This is why we don’t deserve good things:
Well shit. I guess that was inevitable. I still haven’t got the hang of AirBnb.
Bummer. That said, I’ve only had positive experiences with the two homes we’ve rented in the past, but that was through VRBO, not AirBnB. Alas, the really cool house in Malibu burnt to the ground in the 2017 California fires.
I hate to say it, but I don’t think it’s limited to the more unofficial sites like AirBnB. I had this same scenario happen to me in Scotland. We went to check in at our regular BnB booked through a legit site like travelocity or some such place. The owner told us she couldn’t take us in because she was passing a kidney stone, but had booked us in another local BnB at no extra cost to us. The other place turned out to be a shit hole. Beginning to think I should have reported the incident to travelocity (or whoever it was I booked it through. There were a number of sites used for that trip).
Remember that brief 8-year period when our highest official had dignity and class?
Adam and Eve on a Raft.