Rick Stringer and the crew at Variant Frequencies have rounded up a number of voice talents to star in the podcast audio production of my short story, “Creature of God”.
Voices: Heather Welliver, Kreg Steppe, John Cmar, Matt Wallace, J.C. Hutchins, Chris Lester, Seth Harwood, Neil Stringer, Scott Sigler, and Rick Stringer.
I am humbled and honored by the wonderful treatment they’ve shown “Creature”. The direct link to the story is here:
This also happens to be their 3-year anniversary episode, so I’m doubly honored and humbled. Congratulations to Variant Frequencies for 3 years of stellar audio work.
Saw that come in my VF feed today. Can’t way to hear it.
Seconded..but will have to wait until tomorrow.
Thanks, Jack, for the kind words and the awesome story.
Very cool
Congrats Jackamo
I guess I’m going to have to break my ‘Deadpan only’ podcast rule 😉
I really enjoyed the story Jack. That was a nice cast of voice talent as well.
Congrats, Jack. I listened on the plane today — very nice!
Morning pan.
Looking forward to listening to the DP today.