TEB – The video – Quite popular with some of my men friends. Someone actually arranged the magnets on my front door (I have alphabet magnets there) so they were something like
As a matter of fact … I have found a photo of the incident:
The picture of the little girl gymnasts is so entirely inappropriate there are simply no words … Ugh.
Just then a small man burst through the front door of the bar. He paused a long moment, looking back out into the blinding sunshine, searching, then let the door fall closed. As he stepped up to the bar, Jack and Joe could see that he was panting and sweating profusely.
“She’s-” he paused, gasped, took a deep breath. “She’s coming! I need to hide it! Please!”
Jack looked to Joe, gave a little shrug. The small man placed a small black cube on the bar. “It needs to be hidden very well, or she will detect it.” Joe peered at the cube. “Hurry!” The man nearly shouted, in exasperation.
Joe shrugged back at Jack, then pulled out the stepladder. “I’ll put it on the top shelf. Hmm, it’s heavy!” Joe hefted the leaden box up and pushed it into the cache hole.
“It can’t be that simple!” the man panted, though he was regaining his breath by now.
“Trust me,” said Jack. “That spot has hidden more than you’d believe in the recent past.”
I think the amazon.com thing is curious, but am choosing to think the best (i.e., that it was a glitch). It’s been kind of a rough week to be gay, from my perspective, so I just couldn’t stand it if amazon.com was out to get me!
Oh – and – well… a new Love Long and Prosper was also released last night, as Ed has discovered.
Denise Crosby’s acting was pretty bad. I don’t personally have any Tasha hate – but since I am watching TNG through for the third time, I have to say that her lines (as well as many others’) simply were horrible. It’s not entirely her fault.
And good morning now to EssBee, ditto, TEB, Cynful, again to Van, NS, and of course, JB who made me laugh out loud first thing this morning with
‘Joe looked up, “What was that?†and then as an afterthought, “Nice legs.‒
It’s interesting because the focus has been on the LBT&G community but this effects even Health books and classic literature. One book mentioned in previous articles “Our Bodies, Ourselves” and authors Anais Nin, J.D. Salinger, Eugenides and Khalid Hossein.
And I do think this would get attention if it was the SF&F community because it is amazing how powerful those authors can be and the community that supports them….. look around at all these amazing people.
Okay…. endrant.
ditto, it was the Onion headline it the background that grabbed my eye more than the book itself 😉
cp: Joan Jett & the Blackhearts “Do You Want to Touch Me”
The first cup of coffee is starting to take effect.
I’ve packed my darling hubby his lunch (though he’s still snoring away in bed *jealous*), fed my kids breakfast, taken my vitamins, and even indulged in a nice toasty Eggo waffle myself.
I’m toying with the idea of taking the kids on a little hike around The Riparian Preserve to see some birds this morning. http://www.riparianinstitute.org
Didn’t feel like talking about the amazon mess since it is well covered elsewhere.
Back to the TNG fun! 🙂
Or… I’ll just go grocery shopping because really, one cannot live on Red Vines, Robin’s Eggs, and coffee alone…
Will wait until I’m well into my 2nd cup of coffee before I decide today’s fate.
ditto, you wanna talk about Star Trek? Cuz if you do… I’m your girl! 😉
TEB: The AV Club is not a parody site, unlike The Onion. This book really exists.
Secret TNG conspiracy: Data had Tasha killed off to cover-up their indiscretion. 😉
CP: Black Cat — Ladytron
CP: Yesterday’s Rachel Maddow Show
The teabagging jokes still aren’t old.
ditto, I knew that. I actually saw the book in our local book store.
As for the TY discussion. I liked her better once she became a Romulan (spoiler alert?)
TEB: Silly me going assuming things again. 😉
And I agree, she was much better as a Romulan. And even when she reprised Tasha in the Enterprise C/D episode. I think by then the show had better direction and she decided to have fun with her new roles. I wish they did more episodes with her Romulan character.
DS9 was my fav of the new ST series though, especially when they moved away from the goody twoshoe image of Star Fleet.
For amusement: I used the “I’m feeling lucky” with the word “Mangan” and got: http://www.manganinc.com/
I preferred B5 to DS9. DS9 only got better towards the end, imo.
We must invade and conquer Manganland for the good of all Mangandom!
I haven’t watched DS9 yet. I’m looking forward to it!
I’ve seen all of the Original Series once through, the first season of Voyager, and I’m on my third way through TNG. Just coming to the end of the 1st season there.
Oh, and I did watch all of Enterprise, which unlike most people, I really enjoyed.
Me too, ditto, me too!
Where’s the small arms locker?
These wet noodles won’t scare anyone!
Is a noodle from Canada a Kanudle?
Enterprise crew must get paid. There are some jobs on there I couldn’t see people wanting to do for free, even if it means travelling in space (red shirt?)
A deep rumble filtered into the room from the street outside, getting slowly louder. “She’s here!” The little man’s breathing quickly un-recovered, and he began looking frantically about the room.
Jack took the man firmly by the shoulder. “We can hide downstairs, you wouldn’t fit in the cache with your cube.” He looked to Joe. “We’ll be in the keg room, keeping cool.”
The rumble grew even louder as Jack and the man went downstairs, then cut off suddenly. Joe put on a bar apron, and began to polish the bar. Bright sunlight flooded in from outside, and he could at first only see her silhouette, tall and sleek. The door fell shut and her footsteps rang through the quiet bar. She was clad in motorcycle leathers, impossibly tight and leaving very little to Joe’s fevered imagination. She had a body by DC and a face by Marvel, thought Joe.
She looked down at him with an expression that somehow mixed condescendence and amusement, with just a drop of pity. “I am the Ambassador.” She sniffed deeply. “Where is the box?”
I liked Enterprise, CJ. However I admit I liked the last season best. That seems to be when they decided to let go and have fun.
“And even when she reprised Tasha in the Enterprise C/D episode.”
When did they do a crossdressing episode?
You don’t remember Data in a dress, do you JB? 😉
Jack shivered a bit and folded his arms, looking across at the sweating, nearly-hyperventilating man. “Okay, let’s get some answers. Who are you, who is she, what is the box and why are you here?”
The man swallowed hard, and attempted to bring his breathing back under control. “I’m Dr. John Boze,” he said in a small voice. “She calls herself ‘The Ambassador.’ The box is my experiment, and I’m desperately trying to hide it from her, but she keeps tracking me down.”
That list bit made me laugh JB. Hide the box. 😉
I’m starting to feel like something crawled into my lungs and died. Not pleasant, especially since I have to travel tomorrow.
Huzzah! Deadpan Lives!
Overall, I think Star Trek, on television anyway, peaked during the late seasons of DS9. Voyager had it’s moments, but could never really escape the whole “Gilligan’s Island in Space” concept.
Enterprise stumbled to early. My wife watched all of it and I came back during the fourth season. I really would have liked to have seen in continue as they were coming along well by then. But, I think the verdict had already been given.
Malcolm was too much of a whiner for me to really like him. But I admit I wouldn’t kick either Connor Traneer or Scott Bacula our of my bed 😉
My husband has a T’Pol Christmas tree ornament 🙂
The woman bent down, looking directly into Joe’s eyes. Her eyes are brilliant green, thought Joe, then…
“I am the Ambassador, but you may call me Amelia.”
Joe’s mind buzzed. “Amelia?”
“And soon you will call me ‘Mistress!'”
Joe blinked and the fuzziness faded away. “Uh, I think you may have me confused with my friend C.A.”
“What? This is not possible. I smell the box. It is here, but it is everywhere, and you should be enthralled by me!”
*giggling uncontrollably* C.A. LOL tee hee
TEB – True.. Scott Bakula=YUMMY and I didn’t think much of Malcolm Reed until I was at the Star Trek con in 2007 and Dominic Keating walked right past me and stopped to offer me a big smile – I was just staring and he blushed and smiled more… I immediately fell in love.. In real life, he’s just delicious!
He was also a vampire in an episode of Buffy. I remember we were rewatching it once and my husband and I saw him and both piped up “Hey, that’s Malcolm!”
“I’d been increasingly fearful of what my measurements have been telling me about reality.”
“It isn’t. I can say that firmly at this point.”
“Right. We are living in an unreal universe. All around us is fiction.”
“Are you really a doctor?”
“No, the title just gets me laid.”
“Oh, thought so.”
“Yes, I’m really a doctor, and yes, this reality is not.”
“So what is the box?”
“Once my suspicions were 99 percent confirmed, I developed it to prove the last one percent. It works by concentrating the fictional vorticies in a localized spatiotemporal region.”
“‘vorticies in a localized…’ Is this all true?”
“Sort of. If you’d been paying attention just now you’d see that truth is fiction.”
“My head is starting to hurt.”
“That’ll happen.”
..and before Buffy and Enterprise, he was in a comedy show called Desmonds:
“What is this place?” the tall woman was becoming demanding, whipping her head back indignantly, which caused her blonde tresses to arc backward, yet land in perfect array.
“This is the Deadpan. Jack Mangan’s Deadpan.”
“I will return, Jack Mangan. And I will have that box!” She turned and strode to the door. Joe watched her go. Really, couldn’t help himself, as this view was just as intriguing as when she entered.
CP: Katherine, Kiss Me – Franz Ferdinand
CP: Molly’s Chamber – Kings of Leon.
Well, I need to buy a new pair of work-out runners. Maybe I’ll have lunch at the mall at the same time.
Later, Pan!
CP: Turning Japanese – The Vapors
Yeah I know but it’s one of my fav songs.
CP: Big Yellow Taxi – Amy Grant
CP: Cecilia – Simon and Garfunkel
“Well, the box is perfectly safe. The top shelf of this bar has it’s own pocket universe, as far as we can tell. Joe put it in there.” The small man grew pale and still. “What? It’s perfectly safe, I assure you…”
“He couldn’t have!”
“Well, sure it seems that way, given my understanding up till now of reality, but after what you just told me…”
“No! I mean he couldn’t have, based on my calculations, inserted the box into a subset spatiotemporal reality construct.”
“Uh, well, I can’t say it that multisyllabically, but, yeah. He did.”
CP: Aganju: – Bebel Gilberto
CP: Something the Boy Said – Sting
CP: American Dream — Lucinda Williams
Last time I saw you, you had dirt under your nails
Your eyes were glassy and you looked so pale
You said my life has become a livin’ hell
Ain’t got enough money to pay my bills
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Got a friend with a needle stuck in his arm
He got hooked on heroin in Vietnam
It used to help kill the pain some of the time
Now I can’t sleep at all since I got back home
I worked in the strip mines off and on
Now I can’t seem to get rid of this cough
Ain’t been many jobs these last few months
And the last one I had I got laid off
I ain’t got no hot water and they shut off the heat
Can you loan me some money for something to eat
Been out here on this corner for about a week
Tryin hard to stand on my own two feet
They want to try and tell me where I can live
They kicked me off my land and told me they’d give me
A nice little tract house with running water
But how am I gonna explain that to my Navajo mother
My American dream almost came true
But the things they promised me never came through
I believe in the American dream
But things are never quite what they seem
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
I would be much happier if I had a creamsicle.
CP: I’m A Loser — The Beatles
Comments about creamsicles and songs about masturbation on the same episode. Truly awesome. 😉
Back from spending money, again. Had a bacon cheese dog for lunch, yum
CJ, next time we’re on Skype at the same time, ring me. I want to talk to you about something (nothing evil so don’t worry 🙂 )
TEB – I’m eternally on Skype. I’ll look for you now.
CP: The Guitar Man – Bread
It’s at moments like that I wished I worked for the NSA and could tap into that TEB/Cj skype conversation…
CP: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet – Bachman-Turner Overdrive
TEB: Maybe we should start arranging an informal ManganCon in September. Probably best done through email.
JohnBoze: LOL! I seem to have coined a term. 😀 And yes, these Effpiem-wide outages are getting annoying. I keep having to wait until later in the day on Thursday for my new Deadpan.
My appearance in the Deadpan Bar stories has come!!!!! I’m so excited!!! I look forward to what comes next! I love what you’ve done with this story arc, by the way. I’m a huge fan of stories involving alternate dimensions/universes/realities/etc., which is why I loved Really Big Things so much. 🙂
TEB, ditto: I agree. If you start planning, please keep me in the loop. I may be able to wrangle a trip out to AZ to see everybody.
Adding to an earlier discussion: I followed Enterprise during its third and fourth seasons. I enjoyed them, the fourth more than the third. I think I would have enjoyed them more if I had actually seen TOS, instead of just reading all about it. (I’ve only seen bits and pieces here and there.)
Ah not me TEB, too hot and too many BIG spiders.
CP: Going Underground – Rostok Vampires
Sure, ditto. My plans are pretty much set for The Sept long weekend anyway. I’ll be at the Tempe Mission Palms. So if anybody else wants to hook up, just let me know (via e-mail is fine).
IT’s one of the reasons I prefer the cold.
Given September is far enough in advance, I might be able to swing the time and $$ to manage that.
Cluck, cluck!
Yup that’s me…
CP: Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me) – Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel
2 minutes for unsportsmanlike conduct.
CP: Fisherman’s Daughter – The Waifs
Me too. Arizona is easy to get to for me.
I don’t want to hear about spiders, Van. I’m the type that, if I see a spider, I run to the other room and scream at my husband to kill it.
Whereupon he will capture the spider and take it outside. Leading to many (not actual) arguments about how evil that is because the spider will just find its way back inside.
My favorite part: “A million monkeys with a million crayons would be hard-pressed in a million years to create anything as cretinous as Battlefield Earth.”
Yep. It’s bad. Real bad.
CP: Mighty Storm – The Duhks
Van, I’ll protect you..
And as for the TEB/Cj Skype chat – it was quite titillating! 😉
CP: Shut Your Mouth — Garbage
I’ll be in my bunk.
CP: Mockingbird – Allison Moorer
Time for a cold shower.
Must… resist… comment…
Down, boys of Deadpan!
So, ladies, let’s hear about this call, shall we?
Most of the conversation centered around how CJ likes to make herself pretty for Jack 😉
CP: Done – Beth Thornley
Nah. Why ruin the mystique?
Oh, did I say that? See, and here I thought we talked way more about the uses of sour cream.
CP: Worms – Beth Orton
that’s true too, CJ. Sour cream and oranges 😀
CP: Right Back to Where We Started From – Maxine Nightingale
I’m leaving the house as soon as my daughter’s bus comes to take her to school. Grocery and dollar store runs are badly needed.
I’m sizzling here!
I’ve got more! Though it is still all “upstairs” at the moment…
Glad to see this gets the Ambassador’s stamp of approval. Not going to comment too much “in process,” (though that is exactly what this style affords) but “Amelia the Ambassador” in the bar is not exactly nice. She may be a statuesque badass, but she is the antagonist, probably not purple-eye evil… There were elements I had some concern over.
Pinky, tells us a story!
Well I’m now going to lose all my deadpan cred.
CP: D.I.S.C.O – Ottawan
I even have that one on 45.
CP: Ballroom Blitz – Sweet
CP: Wonderful Life – Black
CP: Good Tradition – Tanita Tikaram
Melted orange creamsicles FTW.
With sour cream, Jack?
Jack is welcome to all of my creamsicle.
My daughter’s bus is 20 minutes late so far.
JB: I don’t mind being cast as the antagonist. It’s something different for me. I’m not anywhere near as statuesque in real life as I am in your story, but I’m flattered by it.
OK, late bus finally arrived. I’m off to the store!
Oooooh I want a chicken.
Yeah, I want a chicken.
Daughter currently on the phone to the insurance company. Sure is a lot of work to move out of your parents house.
I much prefer character driven stories, and I do see some of his points. However, his article comes off as a self-righteous tirade. I think his anger is clouding his judgment, even if he’s entitled to his opinion.
CP: Brainstuff
I think he’s trying to put too much into a simple TV show, ditto.
My downloads over iTunes are always bloody slow…grrrrrr!
TEB: I agree. When he starts throwing around “betrayal to the fans” when talking about TV show writing, well… I just feel like telling him to lighten up.
It’s only make believe…
I agree, Van. i-tunes is only make believe 🙂
Well, I have house work to do. Then butts to kick.
Til tomorrow, Pan!
I believe.
I believe.
Some folks do develop deep attachments to their favorite franchises – especially in Sci-Fi fandom.
Rabid SciFi fans are pretty much exactly the same as rabid sports fans.
Woot! Jack read a comment of mine!!!
Not sure how much you’ll hear from me until next week.
Until then, stay frosty. Stay Deadpan!
Take good care, ditto!
I would agree with you with the exception of Bladerunner.
/whistles innocently.
Have a good week, ditto.
I’m home from shopping. I forgot to buy bread. DOH!
(not bread dough- Bread, Doh!)
I didn’t buy any creamsicles either…
hm. I did buy milk, soda, and lunch meat and this bar of soap that smells pretty good.
I’m lured by pretty smells.
Hmmm, ditto and TEB both left at about the same time….
Very suspicious, indeed.
Good afternoon pan 🙂
I have some very Deadpan news
Silversun Pickups (a great band by the way) has just put out a new album this week entitled: Swoon
I think they may have written this album for me 🙂
wait wait wait
is ditto cheating on me with Bunny???
How come I wasn’t invited?????
awwwww… I was listening to toonage while typing here and a Jack Mangan toon shuffled on 🙂
my iTunes knows me.. its a little scary sometimes how it picks up my actions/mood
I am at 1 with my Mac
Wow, so much chatter and now silence…..like the sound of one hand clapping.
Well, here’s something for when you guys come back in the morning. Some of these are just brilliant:
I’ve been writing a bunch today. I made a little progress on my ’07 NaNovel today. What a massive, tangled morass of plot threads and motivations it is. It’s like opening an old jewelry box to find all your old necklaces tangled together in a ball. You can’t even see how many you have or what they are, let alone start untangling and separating them. I still had some fun writing, though.
Haven’t quite left yet, and now that my computer is alive again, I thought I’d share this music find: Shiny Toy Guns’ version of “Major Tom” that is being used in the new Lincoln commercial. http://www.lincoln.com/extras/asset/majortom.zip
Good night, Pan.
Good night, Amy. I really shouldn’t be up this late, either.
Alas, I’m geeking out over a new Geotagging tool I’ve discovered.
Alright, I’m sending myself to bed now. Work still beckons in about six hours. I am getting to old to get away with that little sleep anymore.
Good night, Ed, Amy, Johnboy, Kings of Maine, Mush.
The guy on Tor talking about BSG is a little hyper, eh? He’s wrong that the narrative voice has to tell the truth. It’s hard to an unreliable narrator that doesn’t destroy the tale, but it can be used to good effect. I just wish I could think of the examples I’ve read. Stupid useless memory.
Damn. Those wildlife photos are impressive. I have to pass them on to my wife. She’ll probably be jealous and deride them. Heh.
Yes, the BSG rant was a humorous read. Why is it that atheists seem more likely to assume that “God” was behind Starbuck and the Head characters? From the way it played out, it seems it could have as likely been an advanced alien race such as the Vorlons or the Ascended ones from Stargate.
I think Moore and company left it open ended enough for each viewer to have their own preference of belief.
And the ranter really doesn’t understand “Deus ex Machina”.
But, enough of BSG. It is finished.
Here’s today’s Haiku theme challenges. Pick one or pick them all:
British Sci-Fi
Card Games
Sea creatures
Run, imagination, run.
Hmm, my haiku rules post didn’t come through for some reason.
Well as a non believer, it looked to me like a VR sim with the programmer messing around.
Ed lost a postie too. Now we’re gonna get fines from the FCC and Timberlake will claim it wasn’t scripted and…
I’m an unbeliever… and I love mythology. So I don’t have a problem with the religious aspects, even at the end. What bothered me was the poor pacing and the answers that weren’t delivered. I can ignore the way everyone fell out of character at the very end simply because I don’t see any way to wrap it up from where they were without extending the story for a few more episodes. Some things had to be dropped.
What bothered me was the way that everytime I started to become emotionally invested in a scene, it changed tone. For instance, the whole opera scene… I was getting seriously excited, this is it, what is it going to mean… oh.
It meant nothing. Great, now I’m emotionally conflicted, i.e. ANGRY.
I like subtle stories that don’t bludgeon me. Show me how she loves him, don’t just have her saying it over and over again. On the other hand, give me something to work with. Don’t promise me an explanation and then don’t deliver. I’m referring to Kara and the head*s. There is NO explanation for Kara, just speculation from the viewers. And the “angels”… Head*six literally held Baltar up at one point and there is nothing about her being an angel that in any way explains how that happened or what it meant. I don’t care, fine, she’s an angel. What the hell did that mean?
Hm. I was going to save that up for a BrainWyrm, but… well, here it is.
Oh crap. Erm. SPOILERS!!!!
Morning, Deadpan!
I was out later than I like last night entertaining Evil, Inc. folks. Then I couldn’t sleep. Now I have a headache.
Good Morning EssBee. Drink water for the headache?
Morning Deadpan!
Last night was very nice, in which ditto and I overcame several hundred miles and our respective spouses to feed the Deadpan rumor mill 🙂
CP: Brainstuff
It doesn’t take much to feed the deadpan rumour mill TEB.
At least nobody mentioned baby oil…
How about cooking oil?
CP: Stuff you missed in history class
CP: Tech Stuff
Whipped cream is even better 😉
CP: HDTV podcast
TEB and ditto! Creamsicles and Whhhipped cream. It must be Friday.
I’m drinking water, Nomad — it has a lot of coffee in it, though. Does that count?
Does anyone here know who John Bell is?
I tried
Son of Mr. Bell?
ditto! my secret lover!
A physicist.
CP: The Hot Spot
Secrets are fun!
So secret even I didn’t know about it.
Obviously ditto is that quick.
Christina Scabbia’s is rocking my world this morning.
Rhettro – Both albums are quite good. Somehow I didn’t realize it was the same voice on the Apocalyptic one. The variety of vocalists makes it a bit uneven though.
Wolf – Who needs TV? I have netbook, mwuahaha. XP
Oh no. Another podcast to podsume. And just when I’d worked my back log down to 35 hrs… not including serials.
Erg, I just remembered. I never did check out that Chattanooga radio ‘cast. Do you still have the linkage?
Just finished putting a new shower curtain in the upstairs bathroom. My hubby was upset when he found out I was changing it. The old one had little fishies on it which, for some reason, he was quite partial to. The new one doesn’t.
Also, what the hell am I doing up still? My wake up comes in 3.5hrs.
Night Pan! Don’t lose anything.
Well Pan. I’m off to do some grocery shopping. Then I see a Cappuccino cookie recipe in my future
Night Scry.
Dr. Boze motioned to Joe. “Hit me with another.” Joe passed John a fourth bar napkin.
Jack set down his beer, two thirds empty. “So how is it working out?”
“Well, based on The Ambassador’s insistence the the box was ‘everywhere’ I think introducing it into a subset space amplified and distributed its effect.”
“Which is?”
“Beg pardon?”
Joe stopped his somewhat compulsive polishing of the bar. “You’ve never really said what this box is, just that it ‘concentrates fictional vortices.’ What is that in layman’s terms?”
“Oh, well, see,” Boze mopped at his perpetually sweating brow. “All of the potential plot threads become concentrated near this box, so…” He searched and then grabbed a fifth napkin, and drew a target on it. “Out here, on the periphery, you have typical drama, maybe a coming-of-age novel or something. Slice-of-life stuff. Then closer to the box, things get a little more gritty, real sturm und drang, murder, passionate love, hate, death. Then as the vortices are concentrated closer and closer they get hyper-real, then finally a thin veneer of surreal, which is the region from which the Ambassador sprang forth.”
“So if that’s been amplified ‘everywhere…'”
“Things might start to get, keeping with layman’s terms, pretty weird around here.”
No more fishies for Poopsie Bubblefanny.
We have a big trial happening in my neck of the woods right now. It’s the murder trial of Angie Zapata, and the first test of Hate Crimes Legislation as applied to transgendered people in the state.
I started following the victim’s sister on Twitter, and have found it extremely painful to follow along with what is happening in the courtroom.
My question for this morning is this: Why can’t we just treat each other with simple respect and dignity?
Not the trial OF Angie Zapata. The trial of Angie Zapata’s killer.
CP: Make Way for the Living — Harry Manx
Netbooks are cool NS.
Dell Mini 9 for me.
Will even play Amiga games via WINUAE.
EssBee, I wish there were a good answer to that question. There’s certainly far to much hate around. I hope her family finds justice.
Robot I forgot the + sign
I agree, Ed, and just have to point out that you calling her “her” just made me cry. Good man.
Ah Amiga games. I recall beating SDI and It Came From the Desert. Loved playing Laser Chess with my father and there was one where you commanded a starship on a grid. Something with Zaldrons. Loved that game.
EssBee, I recommend a book: The Lucifer Principle. “Evil” is born in all of us as with all life. Great read. Not to say we should just allow “evil” to get the best of us and run rampant, you understand.
All missing comments have been found and freed from their cages.
The Amiga and Atari ST had a lot of common games. . . . Projectyle was beyond fun.
Sorry to alarm you Nomad, I was just sighing at the human race.. which brings me to EssBee’s question:
My question for this morning is this: Why can’t we just treat each other with simple respect and dignity?
Because I truly dont believe the majority of humans have diginity, respect for one another nor grace. Humans are judgmental, very judgemental. I see fewer and fewer examples of just basic old human decency anymore. Call me a pessimist (although I am actually truly an optimist) I just believe when you are dealing with humans and they have a choice to let their guard down and actually be nice to one another, they will choose to sit back and judge. Most people care only for themselves, and what they want and don’t care who they step on to get what they want.
But really, I am an optimist. I swear it 🙂
I tend to agree, TSH. I am an optimist – at least in that I have hope, but I do see a lot of dog-eat-dog. Or, this has been a particularly rotten week.
Home from shopping and lunch. Now just waiting for my i-pod to sync so I can listen to some podcasts while I bake cookie.
Remember Jack Nicholson’s speech during the campfire scene in Easy Rider?
People who live unreflective lives feel absolute terror when they see someone who’s chosen a wildly divergent way of living. It shakes up their perceived stability of their narrow way of being. And sadly, those understanding-resistant types often act aggressively toward the thing that caused them to feel fear. Understanding, acceptance, tolerance, etc. – – would require a fundamental change in their way of living and thinking.
I love that, Jack, and find it to be true. We also have the Bernie Madoffs scheming grandmas and grandpas and holocaust survivors out of their nest eggs.
Sorry to be a downer! Back to celebrating Friday, how ’bout?
CP: One Big Crunch — White Zombie
CP: Daughter — Pearl Jam
You Slipping Last Transylvanian
Oh Naked Clip Catfish
CP: Sweet Side — Lucinda Williams
Tongue Wild Touche Brother
Jesus Look So Napoleon
CP: And Darling — Tegan & Sara
CP: Obsession – Animotion
CP: Groove is in the Heart – Deee-Lite
CP: Remedy — The Black Crowes
CP: Sleeping Satellite – Tasmin Archer
CP: I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers
CP: Breakfast At Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something
CP: Bitch – Meredith Brooks
CP: How Bizarre – OMC
CP: Senses Working Over Time – XTC
Returned from the blood center. The vampires have been fed 🙂
CP: Rehab – Amy Winehouse
CP: Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Heart Please Eisler Technicolor
Honesty Red Brown Sweet
Red Right Hand — Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I’m home. For now. Busy.
Going out tonight.
Hoping I have a reason to make myself pretty. *smirk*
CP: In A Big Country – Big Country
CP: Barracuda – Heart
I have no doubt you’re already pretty, Cj.
CP: Cry Baby – Janis Joplin
CP: Enola Gay – OMD
CP: Mr. Roboto – Styx
Thanks, EssBee 🙂 You are sweet! 🙂
CP: Living in a Box – Living in a Box
CP: Mary’s Prayer – Danny Wilson
CP: Turn Me Loose – Loverboy
CP: Shattered Dreams – Johnny Hates Jazz
CP: Dreaming – Blondie
CP: There She Goes – The La’s
CP: Hell In A Bucket — Grateful Dead
Might be goin’ to hell in a bucket
But at least I’m enjoyin’ the ride
CP: Long Time Gone – Tex Ritter
CP: Can’t Help Falling in Love – Lick the Tins
I want to go dancing, but looks like I’m having a garage sale tomorrow instead.
CP: Where have all the cowboys gone? – Paula Cole
CP: Stay – Lisa Loeb
CP: Mambo No.5 (A Little Bit of..) – Lou Bega
CP: Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe – Barry White
[not a critique] Vanamonde is having a poppy musical day. [/not a critique]
CP: Candle Song 3 – Mojave 3
btw, Van, I made the mistake of googling for D.I.S.C.O. and found a youtube post of a music video.
CP: Begin the Beguine – Julio Iglesias
CP: Promises, Promises – Naked Eyes
CP: What’s Your Game — The Ramones
Jack won’t admit it, but I’m sure he’s actually listening to Tiffany or Debbie Gibson right now.
CP: Cum on Feel the Noise – Quiet Riot
A lot of one hit wonders as well.
Stranger in Paradise doesn’t sound half bad in Spanish.
CP: Aquarius – The 5th Dimension
I suddenly feel so free and full of love – I wonder why… and where’d I put that ring of daisies… oh… it’s on my head…
ting a ling a ling..
la la la..
This song is better than valium.
Let the sunshine in.
CP: Apache – The Shadows
CP: Run to You – Bryan Adams
Speaking of which, time to run and pick up the kids. My parents are coming to visit for the weekend, so free babysitters while me and momma go out for a dinner w/o the kids 🙂
CP: Peter Gunn – Duane Eddy
CP: When You’re Gone – Bryan Adams and Mel C
That one I’m going to play again.
There was a terribly pretentacious TV programme on the ‘arts’ in the UK that used that Aquarius track as it’s theme tune.
Home from a long, fun day of service. Must get up early tomorrow, so going to bed in a few minutes. Good night, Pan! 🙂
I’m home from a not-so-wild night out. Glad to be home. I’m going to nerd out for a while.
Morning Pan, I see the tumbleweeds need tickling.
Morning, Pan!
Off to clean up the beach. It’ll be a full morning.
Morning it is. The wife and I enjoyed our evening. Now, I must make the mental preparations for a couple dozen eight year olds running about for my daughter’s birthday party this afternoon.
Read an article this morning about the FX designers working on the new Enterprise. While, I must confess, I think the engines on the new on are rather excessive and ungainly looking, I’m still looking forward to the new movie.
Though, from the comments on the article, it seems J.J. Abrams has a shot at beating Lucas in the “raping people’s childhoods” race.
I’m probably a near equal fan of Trek and Star Wars. I’ll save judgement until I’ve seen the movie, but from what I’ve seen so far, I think it’s going to be hard to beat the job of trashing an iconic franchise that Lucas himself did with Star Wars.
I had no idea that some people hated the Comic Sans font so much. Frankly, it seems a dubious basis on which to get married.
“Empty pubs could get new lease on life by turning them into alcohol free-bars for teenagers with games, music, soft drinks and convenience food. Back in the days, we called those “arcades””
Ah, to be young again. Battlezone, Gauntlet, Tron. I could probably retire if I still had those quarters 🙂
Morning, Deadpan!
I was planning to go visit my folks solo this weekend to celebrate Easter, but our snowstorm has other plans. So I’ll be home alone (Sly B is engaging the astronauts of tomorrow today) catching up on TV today. As I’m sad not to be eating the traditional Czech Easter foods, I will set out to make Sedak (Easter cheese) for the first time on my own. Wish me luck!
CW: Kings. This show sucks. No longer watching Kings.
In honour of Ed’s last post I will now hum the gauntlet theme tune.
EssBee needs Sedak
Justa Joe shot the food!
Good luck on the Sedak. I’m not familiar with that one, myself. What goes into it?
It’s a really mild cheese made with eggs and milk. Some people put cloves in it, but I don’t like cloves. I’ll throw some parsley in for pretty, I think. My only challenge is that I can buy cheese cloth, but I can’t sew a bag to hang the cheese in. Hmm. I guess i kind of need my mommy.
The cheese is served with horseradish. It is part of a Russian Orthodox Easter meal, and everything has connotation. The cheese is made with eggs and milk – bounty and Spring. The horseradish is hot, and reminds us that there is hard times that must be conquered during the year. There are lots of other foods served as well. I just want the cheese!
I’m catching up on Heroes. Does anyone else (SPOILER ALERT) think that Coyote Sands is the Heroes version of The Dharma Initiative?
Morning Pan!
Off to kick butt in an hour. Apparently I’m testing in May so I have to practice lots
Lots of comments last night.
Still 3 weeks behind in Heroes so don’t know what you’re taking about EssBee.
Basically this is the transition between a junior and a senior belt. Green belt being considered a senior belt – which would be next.
Cool and Good Luck.
I finished all my “front side” self defenses (that means, in theory, if someone comes at me from the front, I can handle it) and have now been working on what to do if I’m attacked from behind in various forms.
As I said before, I seem to be really good at kicking butt.
Thanks, Van. Luckily I still have two weeks of practice before I test, though.
I’m off to see ‘In the Loop’ later. a political satire, a bit doubtful about this one.
Good morning!
Ed, thanks for the links – I just spent like 30 minutes going through them. “Squatter” is such an unattractive word.
EssBee, good luck with your cheese. Mmmm I love cheese.
Good morning also to Van and TEB
Woot for TEB kicking butt – I’ll *swooon* for that too!
Cheese is good 😉
Well, I’m off ,Pan.
CW: Sarah Conner finale. I think I love Shirley Manson.
Kick some ass, TEB!
Summer Glau is awesome.
So according to the latest quantum physics research, if skynet ran on quantum computers, it could reset it’s memory and transfer to a univerese where John Connor never existed.
Wouldn’t have made a good movie though..
That was an awesome finale. I loved it.
Currently Drinking: Root beer and milk. “Just like Mason Rocket drinks on TV!”, according to that kid in “Really Big Things.” I decided to try it today, and I like it.
EssBee, I had to google Dharma Initiative. I see it’s a part of the TV show LOST, which, alas, I was never really able to get into.
CJ – I think next week’s “Cheesy Bits” section of LLAP should be dedicated to Sedak in honor of EssBee. Sedak sounds suitably Star Trek, I think – like some lesser known Vulcan philosophers 🙂
I agree, cheese is good.
Sedak is really great after some hot Pon Far. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . We are such nerds.
A fast food joint called Five Guys Burgers and Fries just opened down the street and I tried them for lunch. While I’m sure I just gained five pounds, that was THE best burger I have had in a long, long time. Damn . . .
CP: LOST, Dead is Dead
Jack is going to have some fun picking…er, randomly choosing this weeks greasy nipples.
Mmmm Jack said “hot Pon Far”
*pass out*
Star Trek is delicious!
I made a show note. The next episode we are watching is We’ll Always Have Paris . I’m sure we can work some cheese into that discussion.
Man have I got a storm going on down here. We’re under a tornado watch for the next two hours.
CJ: Excellent!
Hunker down, Ed!
Back from martial arts.
Also did a bit of yard work so had to have a shower. Now all damp and happy 🙂
So CJ, did you get to make yourself pretty last night? Was there sour cream involved?
My husband showed me something silly last night, which I will have you guys demonstrate. It’s hard to visualize without someone doing it in front of you, but here goes…
First: Take both hands, palms out, and do the Vulcan hand gesture with them (please tell me you know what one I mean)
Next: Turn the hands palm inwards, keeping the Vulcan salute.
Now relax the arms and the hands a little bit, keeping the hands in Vulcan salute mode, just somewhat relaxed. Hold them closer to your chest (not right at your chest, just in a relaxed arm gesture), one hand slightly higher than the other
Now, shake the hands a bit and repeat after me…
CD: Strawberry cheesecake milk shake.
“Yo, Yo, my Vulcan Homies! Why do we go up to my crib and get some hot PonFar going with some Vulcan babes…”
Hopefully you can visualize what I was trying to do 🙂
I am baking today. Zucchini bread!
Not to brag… OK just a little. I’m out in Fountain Hills listening to Jack play live. RAWK!
Save some for me EssBee!
So ‘In the Loop’ was better than I was expecting.
[tweet]Added a bit more to Questors. A plan has been laid out and is about to be set in motion.
My husband and I dissolved into a fit of giggles at the Vulcan homies.
TEB, Last night was totally worth getting pretty for. No sour cream though, I did have hummus. Jack can tell you about the giant tree leaves that floated onto his pizza though. (They really weren’t THAT big /that’s what she said/)
If the basil on my pizza had been any more fresh, it would have been Fawlty.
I love me some hummus. Thankfully Costco now carries the big tubs of Sabra hummus. Hands-down the best premade hummus I’ve had. Have yet to make my own yet, though. Supposed to be very easy to do.
Oh, hey, it’s Dan S! Welcome to the Deadpan boards! 🙂
Jack: LOL! 😀
imag1narynumber: I agree, Sabra is really good.
Good night, Pan.
DanS is made of awesome. 🙂
Be careful there, Ed. Hope you and yours are well.
vulcan homies was good 🙂
We may not of seen Jack play but we still had a really good night here in Chicago 🙂
Hugh would like to report on the latest in Chicago sports.
Hugh sez: *ahem*
Bulls playoff series stats: 1-0
Blackhawks playoff series stats: 2-0
🙂 he is so happy.
we’ve had entirely too much fun tonight and need to go to sleep
night pan
night mush
night cockles
Hugh sez: night
Afternoon Pan, the Sun is shining and I’m at work..meh!
Good morning, Pan!
Coffee is brewing.
Mmmm coffee. Good morning!
Basil! Manuel! Duck’s off.
I don’t get Caprica. Is it going to air on SyFy? Or is it only available on DVD?
Nomad, thanks for the SciFiGenre tip – I have moved all my subs over there!
Also, I got Ignition City #1 yesterday and dig it!
morning pan!
Hugh and I are being really really lazy this morning and we’ve finished reading our books and thought we would do a little play by play
EssBee I know you said you just moved your subscriptions to scifigenre, but here is another good subscription place. Its the one I use:
usually comics are 30-40% off, but sometimes it is even higher. They boast that you can get comics up to 75% off and its true sometimes. Like usually some of my Batman comics will be that much off.
They do not offer free bags and boards, you have to pay for them but the bags they use are really nice quality.
Morning Pan.
Calgary down 0 & 2 in the playoffs. Not totally surprised (I know you picked them to win in 7, Jack but I had them losing in 6)
Beautiful Sunny day right now. Only plus 4, but should get up to 12.
Later, will be taking my Boo to the fabric store. She wants me to make her some curtains for her new place.
and if you are really into weird independent comics, may I suggest my local shop. I love this comic book store.. I have been going to this shop since I read my 1st Sandman. Even though I am doing the subscription thing, I still go in here to browse cause they carry an amazing amount of indies and the staff are really cool.
Hey Energizer Bunny.. sorry our Blackhawks got you down 🙂
Welcome 1 and all to the Deadpan retro (rhettro) hour
Staring: Hugh and Andrea
Featuring: that classic Episode, Deadpan 102!!
is this someones stolen paragraph
Hugh sez: cock and endless balls??
methinks thats what she said
I don’t think there is anyway to say ‘Deadpan is the motherfucking way biatch’ and really truly sound Deadpan
Hugh sez: especially biatch. YOu want to put emphasis on biatch
Hugh sez: like that 🙂
unrelated thought
mouse click
that was good Jack
you’re cracking us up with this
its me at NIN methinks!
Hugh sez: thats about how it would sound. Hence the need for communicating through texting while at lollapalooza
fer sure 🙂
Heh, that was me w/ the “cock & endless balls”. *blush* I submitted that when my friend Steve died – that poem was kinda how I felt.
Thanks for the tip on the Mailorder comics! I’m a newbie, so need all the help I can get!
So Hugh you think Energizer bunny is waiting for us to leave 😉
Hugh sez: that happens to us alot
methinks people here hate our play by plays, Hughie 🙂
Hugh sez: eh, who cares. We are enjoying ourselves
sorry if we annoy the crap out of everyone here 🙂
EssBee! Awwww.. I’m sorry about your friend.
We really like the mailorder comics place
I LOVE the play-by-play! Don’t stop!
and by the way.. in case you are not used to our sense of humor.. we were kidding about the waiting for us to leave Bunny 🙂
unless of course you are.. LOL.. 🙂
don’t mind us.
we’re crazy
We won’t stop EssBee.. we just always remember this one time we started a play by play and it was Truckre Overdrive who had wanted to put a comment up for everyon to see and answer and he literally waited until we were done to post his question again, it was kinda finny. We felt bad 🙂
“That was me with the ‘cock & endless balls'” isn’t something I say often. LOL!
we know this has to be a little annoying.. it does interrupt the usual flow of events here. We thought Sunday AM would be quiet and therefor we wouldn’t disturb things
“That was me with the ‘cock & endless balls’†isn’t something I say often. LOL!
we’re dying
oh my God we can’t stop laughing
that was the best essbee
ok.. back to pan if we can ever get a hold of ourselves…
Ok, I must shower, so I’ll give you some time to compose yourselves!
Don’t hold too tight, TSH, you could cut off circulation to something important.
Jack sex: Greasy uhh spoon comments game (long pause)
We have 6 nipples today!!
Hugh sez: 6?!?!?!????!!?? w00t!!
“Jack sex”
hawsome typo
Good advice Ed 🙂
Essbee’s in the shower everyone!!!
Hugh sez: I think she should of invited us
agreed! 🙂
Survived the storms – I hear we broke records for rainfall. The drainage ditches around here were the highest I’ve ever seen them.
Thankfully, we were smart and had my daughter’s birthday party indoors this year. She and the kids had fun. I’ll have to get some pictures posted later.
EssBee and TSH in a shower?
I’ll be in my bunk….
anywho.. I consulted the historical documents:
Greasy Spoon Cigars Comments spoons Comments nipples through unshow XX
Hugh sez: speaking of food that causes orgasms. My baby made Chicken Cacciatore yesterday. Holy fuck, babe. I know I orgasmed while eating that
it was damn good wasn’t it?
Hugh sez: I can’t wait to try it today after its sat in the fridge and gotten even better
mmm mmmm!!!
More orgasmic food: Sly B made burgers the other night (grass fed, free range, butchered by my dad) that had green chile (grown in our back yard) mixed in and a disc of goat cheese in the center. OMG.
Hey, TSH. Not waiting for you to leave. Just doing other things this morning so being very intermittent on my posts 🙂
Shower – accomplished. Solo.
Someone is rambling about work being a pain and that if it frustrates you you can consider changing careers
Hugh sez:I used to do that climbing the corporate ladder thing. I’m over that now 🙂
LOL.. I love the sound effects you’ve added to this
Well see baby, I think thats the difference between you and many others. You didn’t go to school for what you do. You started that job because it was just a job that paid money at the time and then you found you really loved it and moved up the ladder
Hugh sez: plus, I am happy. I’ve made my money. We live a good life. Now at almost 40, I’ve changed my focus. I want art and my wife to be my focus in life. I like where i stand at work and I don’t need to move up anymore. They like me, they like the work I do. Life changes that way.
Right like we were focused on us for a long long time, then when we got straightened out we both kinda focused on work for a while, now we are back around and focusing on us again.
Hugh sez: exactly.
its cool bunny 🙂 we were just being stupid.. like i said there was that 1 time when Trucker Overdrive was waiting for us to finish and we felt bad 🙂
Essbee is clean!
Hugh sez: time to get her dirty again!
LOL.. 🙂
ok I think we need to get Sly B’s burgers, the chicken cacciatore and some absolutely heavenly chocolate dessert and have food orgasms!!!
Hugh sez: Yes. I concur!
He hasn’t given up
he is ok with what he gets paid
its good enough
enjoys his evenings
enjoys nights at home with his wife
Hugh sez; good for him. But I don’t regret my choices either. I enjoy the life my working hard for a few years is allowing us to have now.
Well I guess the key to what he was saying is you stopped climbing the ladder to take the time to enjoy what you did, enjoy the fruit of your labor. Some people never do that
Jack works with a bunch of chinese people
that was the most awesome story evar, Jack
Duel of the fates!
Poor Dubshack
Amy Bowen!
I was thinking, just last night, that Jack should include Buffy Summers in his next DOTF.
We forgive you for being late with ep 2 of Questors, Amy 🙂
Hugh sez: sez the people who are what? 5 months behind on Deadpan?
LOL.. true 🙂
Wait, we can figure this out.. ok this episode had me calling from Lolla, I assume he used those vm’s not too long after i sent them.. that was August of last year
Holy moly!! Thats 9 months ago!!!
Hugh sez: we suck
9 months behind????? thats inconceivable!!
Hugh sez: inconceivable!!
[inigo montoya] I do not think that word means what you think it means [/inigo montoya]
A busy DP Sunday…nice!
It is August for sure, TSH. Steve passed away on August 6th, and I recorded the “cock & balls” stolen stanzas then.
Back to comics – I just read the latest Buffy Season 8 (issue 24?) and Faith’s boobs are GIANT. She would have a helluva time kicking ass with those knockers.
Buffy Summers would kick ass!
Jack we 2nd (and 3rd) the Buffy Summers vote!
Hugh sez: put her up against that lame vampire from Twilight
oh man.. I hope none of you loved that movie. Hugh and I were thoroughly disgusted by that movie. Didnt even finish watching it
Hugh sez: we pay per viewed it and I wanted my 3.99 or what it was back
My review of Twilight (the movie, didn’t read the book) was:
I don’t get it. Why did that gay chick fall for that simple-minded vampire?
How do those comic book babes kick ass the way they are drawn
Have you seen Catwomans boobs??? and then her tiny waist- how the hell does she stand upright?
Hugh sez: plus she is in a painted on outfit so her boobs have no support, they are just flapping around
LOL “flapping around”
Hugh sez: LOL it was more of a comment on how her outfit is so tight it HAS to be painted on. Boobs that big need some support.
would you like to support them Hughie?
Hugh sez: Yes, yes i would
I saw Twlight at the cinema..ugh indeed!
I read the Twilight book and made it about 1/2 way through the movie. It was so bad
I read it cuz I love vamire romances and I wasnt very impressed. The vampire was 80-some years old dating a 15-16 year old girl? huh????
The teenyboppers in the cinema seemed to like it though.
ok almost done with ep 102 here then we are gonna go
it was sooooo teenybopper-y
it was a perfect movie for a 13 year old girl to love
Jack sez: “sucked an icecube”
Hugh sez: ice cubes are fun
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
palooza idea: PCU
Jack gave us homework
Hugh sez: Damn you!
Eraserhead rulez
I like the idea of doing the Watchmen graphic novel too
what a great idea!!
you should do it!
Hugh sez: I think he does
he does!?!?!?? 😉
he is truly outrobabbling
Jacks most painful music
Jack sez: “I like to do deep and sultry”
I bet you do Jackamo 😉
hugh sez: *swooon*
Is Jack coming back after the music game!
Hugh sez: ladies first
methinks he really isnt this time
your on woman
TSH: I enjoy your play-by-plays. 🙂
Jackmo this is high pitched for you
Hugh sez: but it isn’t bad, man. What are you worried about?
I like it Jack
Smarty Hotties approve
Oh thank you Amy.. *blush*
we have fun doing them, and that is what is most important to us. After everything we’ve been through the past few years, we treasure the moments of peace, quiet, and fun.
Hugh sez: we treasure our moments together
we do 🙂
sorry to get all sappy on you guys 🙂
*claps at the end of Jacks song*
Hugh sez: you have the clap?
LOL.. shut up Hugh!
Jack came back after the music!!!!!
greasy jelly bean game
557 won
Paul Maki got his breakfast this past weekend
mouse click
take it away Mennennennnennenennenennga
That’s what matters, TSH.
alright guys and dolls
we hope to be back soon to try and make up 9 fucking months of backlogged Deadpans!!! Holy!!!!
Hugh sez: We aim to do better this year
even though this year is 1/3rd over already
we agree Essbee
ok, we’re off
be around soon to check up on y’all
take care of each other please 🙂
Hugh sez: l8r
Bye! 🙂
That was fun TSH 🙂
Always fun to read your play-by-plays.
Have a good day, Chicagoans.
Hi Amy!
I am off to the grocery store now, and then will be back to read, read, read.
Hi Van, Cj!
Mmmm reading is the best.
Today I’m doing laundry, making grocery lists, and cleaning house.
Gotta find out who has Matzoh on sale. My Gram is requesting it for breakfast one day this week. And… while it is my favorite breakfast food, I don’t keep it on hand because nobody else here will eat it.
Hi, EssBee, Van, and Cj!
Location: bedroom
Eating: Sun Chips
Drinking: water
Doing: finances and bills
Well, it was tough to capture the action yesterday, but this one is my favorite from the party:
Today I broke through a block I’d had for a long time on one of my novels. I’m about to get into a scene I’ve been anticipating for a long time. It’s not the climax, but it’s an important turning point that sets things up for how the climax will play out. I’ve been writing (not really nonstop, but close) since 5:15 – 5:30 ish, and it’s now almost 7:30 and I CAN’T STOP WRITING!!! Not even to go downstairs and get dinner! This feels fantastic and exhilarating.
That’s very inspiring, Amy! Go go go! 🙂
Thank you!
Dinner has been eaten. Now relaxing with music, TVTropes, and other websites. Final word count for the night: 71,317. Novel’s still not done, but I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished today. 🙂
That’s excellent, Amy.
Sorry to hear about the Sunday Suckage, CJ. Hope Monday is better.
My evening is already better. Thanks, Ed. I’m smiling again – tomorrow will be my usual awesome type of day, I’m sure. 😀
Well, gang, I don’t know if I’ll be much help breaking records this week. Mrs. from Texas is out of town this week at her company’s home office. She normally works here at the house, but has to travel to the main office a few times a year. So, this week, it’s just me and the kids and the days are pretty full of various sports/church/ballet and homework.
By the time I’ve gotten finished with the kids each day, I’m usually ready to crash myself. Which is what I’m going to do now.
G’nite, Deadpan.
Night, Pan.
But I’m not tired yet.
Night, Amy and Ed.
and when we find we have no words, Mr. Jonathan Coulton is there to provide them.
Some things we always remember, some things we forget
No way to make it up now no room for regret
That’s no good for anyone
And so I come undone
Now I am less than what I was
Whatever’s left is yours now
Fold my heart up small
Or break it into pieces
Find somewhere and keep it there
Take it when you go
Justa j0e!! *hug*
RIP JG Ballard
that is all
your smarty hotties® will enter into sleep mode now
ps music always has a funny way of saying the things we can’t say i’ve noticed. I’ve also noticed songs will evolve in my life. They start out meaning 1 thing to me, then something happens in my life and suddenly the song has a completely different meaning, or just a whole new significance.
Plus my iTunes has that funny way of shuffling up those songs at that moment that say the things I cannot say. I will be really sad about something, listening to tunes unable to grasp my own sadness and a song will come on that says it all for me. I love that.
that my dear pannitos is the main reasons I love music so much
sleep mode has been delayed. Smarty hotties® will commence immediate shutdown procedures in 10…
Then what does it mean when my iTunes shuffles up “Several Species of Small Furry Animals Grooving in a Cave with a Pict” ?
In all, utmost seriousness – your friends are here for you and care for you.
Ah yes JG Ballard, I see they are already downplaying his scifi work, fooking literary snobs.
That was your oh so mini rant for a Monday Morning.
Oh and if you have a spare 1.5 million quid in your back pocket:
If you ever find yourself in Houston, you owe it to yourself to visit the Johnson Space Center and see the Saturn V that is on display there.
CP: Wander Radio #39
EssBee – Do not listen while in the tub… You’ll turn into a prune before you get out. 😉
I’m safe at the office! With earbuds, noting the NSFW note on the episode.
EssBee – The poem and the final song are really the culprits here.
Quiet around here today…
I did shower…
I think.
Very quiet!
Although I did NOT shower with EssBee…
Just so you know.
If we had, I would have borrowed your cham-poo-pagne, Wolf.
BTW, happy 4/20, Deadpan. I don’t personally partake, but am sure that some of you do.
CP: Tiffany- I Think We’re Alone Now
Hugh sez: Turn that shit off!!!
Hugh sez2: We’re not listening to your iTunes anymore 🙂
errrrr.. dumb Dre question: whats the 4/20 significance.. what am i missing?
4/20 as faar as I can think is the day before the new Depeche Mode album is released 🙂
That maybe it wolf, some like the smell of wild wolf.
So I feel I’ve become emotionally flat to horror stories. So I could appreciate what emotions the writer was trying to instill with the poem without actually feeling anything at all.
OOO the Hotties have decided to grace us with their presence.
The Smarty Hotties: 4/20 = weed. Dumb IMO, but lots of dumb things are popular. It’s also my sister’s birthday, but that’s not nationally recognized.
and to prove what I was saying about my iTunes, it knows Hugh was upset by Tiffany so now:
4/20 is a huge event on the CU campus in Boulder every year. Since I have an insider, I am always amused at the university’s attempts to quell the event. This year, they are expecting over 10,000 stoners to converge at 4:20 this afternoon outside of the library and toke up.
Not too surprisingly, it is always a peaceful event.
I’ll shall have to see if that black flag song is on spotify.
In my day the would put strips of coloured cellophane on the monitor to’colour’ the graphics…
I want my pong.
Fall Guy! Knots Landing! Yeah, that song is bit dated…
Good morning to all of you. This is so my favorite place on the web now.
Unfortunately, I may be quiet today. I’m so sick that my dear husband has had to call off work today to help me. I have a migraine that surely surface from the depths of hell. It’s a cluster migraine which means that I’ll have moments of working vision and the pain will regress for a short time – like now. So, I took the free moment to drop in a hello.
Now I have to get as much work done as possible before the next hit of incapacitation. Stupid spreadsheets are not going to help my cause.
Have a great day! Hopefully I’ll be able to come back and read at least a bit later!
Take care, Cj! Keep your eyes off the computer screen, girl.
Soon, we’ll all be able to choose between same-sex or opposite marriage:
Today is 10 years since Columbine, wow. I remember where I was on that day. I was in Fort Collins, doing an exit exam and picking up the bound volume of my master’s thesis at CSU. I had just started dating Sly B, and it was our first mini-road trip together.
This one is for Hugh TSH:
Nuggets playoffs: 1-0
What’s most socially disturbing about Columbine is the number of gun-toting psycho incidents that have followed. Is this a cultural inevitability for this stage of our collective emotional development – – or is there some particular facet of contemporary culture that has helped enable this kind of thing?
My $0.02 on the matter, Jack, is that as a society, we have allowed kids to raise themselves. Imagine that the Columbine shooters gathered up an arsenal in their parents’ homes completely undetected.
Also, I think that bullying has become a constant torment and torture for kids who don’t “fit in.” Think of the 11 year old boy who hung himself last week in Springfield, MA rather than face school another day.
One of the reasons I refer to my once-beloved employer as “Evil, Inc.” is because we used to deploy to communities where something awful like Columbine or Springfield happened because we knew how to help communities design and implement bully-proofing plans.
CP – Side 2, ZZ Top “Eleminator” LP
Take that, sadness.
CP: Oh Well — Fleetwood Mac
*dancing in my office*
Essbee – RE: 4/20
Get a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms and a few boxs of small Ziplock bags.
Fill the bags. Wander past the library at 4:25 selling the bags of sugared joy for a buck a piece.
Ka ching!
I’m not a 4/20 partaker, but I could so go for a ziploc baggie of Lucky Charms right now.
… then you whip out your cooler full of those little pint containers of ice cold milk and sell those for $5 each.
later Deadpan
A guy could make a pretty nice profit on something like that next year. Hmm . . .
Quiet Monday…
At 4:20 on 4/20 I will be responsible for 5 little minions running around my house.
I’ll probably wish I was a partaker – but, alas – I have never been.
As for the kids who cause destruction, I tend to lean toward the blame-the-parents end of the spectrum.
Parents, IMO, of a very selfish generation seemed to either ignore or over-medicate their rambunctious children instead of spending time with them and paying attention to them. This doesn’t mean that it’s always the case, but I firmly believe that many of the negative actions taken by teens over the past decade could have been prevented with a bit of parental responsibility. I think these selfish parents decide somewhere along the line that the kids are merely a burden to them and basically toss them aside to fend for themselves.
Bad parenting tends to really piss me off.
Totally, agree about the parenting issue, Cj. I think that we were the first generation of latch-key kids, and our kids (thinking of kids who are near 20 now) are the first generation of self-raised kids.
CP: Was It A Lie? — Sleater-Kinney
I think/hope it’s changing now. I even wonder how much the mommy/daddy blogging phenomenon has affected parenting now. I see more parenting blogs and my “MightyMommy” account on Twitter is being followed by anywhere from 3 to 10 new parent bloggers/podcast listeners daily.
If it’s a trend in parents wanting to be better parents then hopefully, the generation of children who are small now, will have a better chance. My kids are 3 and 5 and I’m going to be 40 in a little over a month from now and I’ve noticed in the parenting groups of which I’m a member, most of the moms are close to the same age as me – so I think that parents starting later in life is also a trend and a good one at that! As always, I’m hopeful.
I’ve been over an hour without headache issue. I think I may be out of the dark and after almost 3 days of this pain – I’m about to shout hallelujah.
CP: Got to Get You Trapped Under Ice – Beatallica
Selfish people will always set their own petty wants and fleeting impulses as a higher priority than the well-being of their children.
And OK – can’t watch this here, but it looks like it’ll be worth checking out at home: http://digg.com/d1p9f9
I am not here to be my children’s best friend. I’m here to guide them, support them, and set boundaries for them. I’m eligible for vacation benefits after about 20 years on the job.
Ed, we have something else in common, which is our philosophy on parenting.
CP: Goons Of Hazzard — Dead Kennedys
CP: Cool Drink Of Water — The Gun Club
Personally I think blaming the parents is a kopout. It’s an easy excuse to try to explain why kid x did these horrible deeds.
I don’t care how you were brought up, you do a horrible act and the blame is on you and nobody else.
You should be ok as long as you don’t summon a demon using an hexagram.
Tonight is bachelor night for me, so I’m having a pot pie. Mmm.
CW: The Tudors S3, E2
Do Satanists send each other pick-me-up messages via singing pentagram?
That would be a great dating service!
“We base all of our matches on a battery of 666 questions.”
Cj said: “This is so my favorite place on the web now.”
Awww!! That warms my heart. It’s mine, too. 🙂
EssBee said: “My $0.02 on the matter, Jack, is that as a society, we have allowed kids to raise themselves.”
What both you and Cj said about this was right on the money.
Cj: I didn’t know that parents starting later in life was a trend now. That is interesting, and I agree that it’s likely to be a good thing in terms of parental responsibility. I was born in 1986 (Mom was 33), and my sister was born in 1991 (Mom was 38). I think that was slightly unusual when we were growing up. I think the upside was that she had an established career, but the downside was that she had less physical stamina than parents who started younger, so she didn’t like doing things like going camping in tents (which I liked doing, and still do).
At my university, we had a tradition of yelling “FOUR-TWENTY!” and cheering really loudly when the clock hit 4:20 at both soccer and basketball games.
I too enjoy camping! I love fishing and all of that stuff too… it’s my 33-year-old husband that doesn’t like it! grrr…. I shall make him be outdoorsy! I shall!
Well, Deadpan, that’s it for me. I think I took some of your headache, Cj — not all of it, but some of it. Now I must stop looking at this computer for awhile.
Nighty night, you beautiful denizens of the ‘pan.
You know, now that I hold the new Enterprise in my hands – I have to say the new warp engines are indeed on the awkwardly large size.
I hope the designers weren’t trying to compensate for something.
Shriveled Photon torpedoes?
We are old skool pot smokers and didn’t know about this 4/20 thing 🙂
I’m not a parent so I can’t really comment reliably on the whole who is responsible thing.. but based on my experience- I do tend to agree that its the parents fault when they are young and impressionable, then there comes a point when a child is making their own decisions and at that point it becomes iffy for me. Real generalization here but when kids are living under their parents roof, parents should be more aware of whats going on. Once a kid is away making their own choices, it becomes the childs choice and the parents less.
Essbee- I will tell Hugh of your basketball shout out 🙂 He just watched the Bulls play and now is watching the blackhawks.. I am hiding from it all. LOL. I did watch the end of the bulls game, it was a really good game.
I can say based on my own life, my parents did have a huge impression on me. I am also from a hispanic family with slightly different issues then American families. When I look back at my life and my successes and failures I really do believe up until.. lets say… 14/15, maybe even 13/14 I could point the finger at my parents, after that I made my own choices.
I can say that the worst my parents did was they did little to prepare me for the world. I learned most things about life on my own, through trial and error and meeting other people and actually going out and exploring life, seeing it for myself. Taking chances. So the choices I made when I did that are all on me.. but I guess if you wanted to look at my parents you could say they could of prepared me better and not just let me out with the wolves so unprepared. They were entirely way too overprotective of me, to the point that they stunted me in a way.
ok sorry 🙂
for someone who started out saying I can’t really comment on a subject, I sure commented a whole bunch.
Yes. TSH and to Van – Ultimately, once the kiddos are thinking for themselves, there are cases, where regardless of upbringing – people can simply be idiots or, deranged and unbalanced people.
I think all points and perspectives are valid, but I still believe that if the parents had taken the time to get involved and paid attention to their children, at least some of these kids could have been helped or saved.
I want to hold your Enterprise, Ed. Pretty please? 🙂
I’ll be sure to bring it if I ever get to visit AZ. For now, you’ll have to settle for a picture 🙂
Beautiful 20 C yesterday. The weatherman says snow for tomorrow.
I don’t know if I can take anymore of this crazy weather
The Red Mile was happy last night, now that Calgary has decided to actually join the playoffs.
Only one item on today’s todo list:
Disillusion TEB about another fairy tale.
A friend of mine starts her first day of work today. Normally, not an issue but in today’s economy she got a job in record time. She’s from the US and only received her work permit at the end of March. She put out her resume, did an interview and got a job within a couple of weeks. You don’t see that very much anymore.
You won’t disillusion me Van, I know the evils of Rumplestiltskin. The poor man who tore himself in half…
I still say the king was the bad guy in that story.
I don’t even have the best pants.
CP: Scientific American Podcast
*Pushes the reset button*
Will that work on the weather, EssBee?
Heh! this ain’t a Sar Trek episode Essbee.
CP: Escape Pod 195
Junk Sound Itkin Pressure’s
CP: Get Out the Door – Velvet Revolver
CP: Me and My Arrow – Harry Nillson
CP: I’m a Believer – The Monkees
CP: Of Sins and Shadows – Symphony X
Robert Smith is 50 today.
Damn. You’re right, Van.
Sorry about the weather, TEB. In Colorado, it’s gorgeous and supposed to be 77 today.
Morning, Deadpan!
CP: Salve Virgo Virginum – The Mediæval Bæbes
So far weather not bad +8C. But give it 24 hours…
CP: The look of Love – Diana Krall
CP: Battery – Metallica
CP: WanderRadio EP 39
Well, no more music for now. Gotta do an on-line course for work. Will be out for an hour or so.
Yay! It’s here!
Cj was quickest on the F5 draw!
Merph. I was reading a bit on fearnet from Joss talking about the magic episode 13. I did not understand.
un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un un
I think that’s thirty five.
Heh. The bot didn’t like my rendition of ‘un.’
Morning Pan!
CP: PC Gamer Podcast
Aaaaaaand the Deadpan is back. Looked like an Effpiem-wide outage, no?
Mornin’ TEB!
A very strange video my hubby showed me
“Full beers,” Jack walked over to the bar where Joe was buffing away with a bar towel.
Joe looked up, “What was that?” and then as an afterthought, “Nice legs.”
“You’d do better with full beers, or at least mugs of water, better weight to them.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Frosty mug would help too, I bet. It should be illegal to get this hot up in the mountains.”
“I hear ya. Typically isn’t this bad.”
You do a google search on creamcicle and this is the first thing that pops up. Somehow I find it disturbing
Even Thor eats creamcicles
Who will be the first to record themselves eating a creamcicle for the DP? (Don’t look at me, I’m more of a Del-Monte fruit-cicle person).
Enough creamcicles
Here’s a bacon gun instead
Or, bacon cutting through a pan
Whether or not these are iconic is arguable, but they are time wasters
TEB – The video – Quite popular with some of my men friends. Someone actually arranged the magnets on my front door (I have alphabet magnets there) so they were something like
As a matter of fact … I have found a photo of the incident:
Good Morning, Pan.
Up and *yawn* at em.
The picture of the little girl gymnasts is so entirely inappropriate there are simply no words … Ugh.
Just then a small man burst through the front door of the bar. He paused a long moment, looking back out into the blinding sunshine, searching, then let the door fall closed. As he stepped up to the bar, Jack and Joe could see that he was panting and sweating profusely.
“She’s-” he paused, gasped, took a deep breath. “She’s coming! I need to hide it! Please!”
Jack looked to Joe, gave a little shrug. The small man placed a small black cube on the bar. “It needs to be hidden very well, or she will detect it.” Joe peered at the cube. “Hurry!” The man nearly shouted, in exasperation.
Joe shrugged back at Jack, then pulled out the stepladder. “I’ll put it on the top shelf. Hmm, it’s heavy!” Joe hefted the leaden box up and pushed it into the cache hole.
“It can’t be that simple!” the man panted, though he was regaining his breath by now.
“Trust me,” said Jack. “That spot has hidden more than you’d believe in the recent past.”
Morning CJ
What Has that spot hidden in the past, JB? G’s?
Hi pan, long time no lurk…..
I scanned through and didn’t see any links or talk about this…. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/04/14/amazon_book_delisting/
I first saw it on P.W. Thoughts?
Sorry if this is a repeat topic
CP: Tom Petty “Don’t Do Me Like That”
Yay, Deadpan is back!
Morning, all!
Hey, cynful – long time, no see!
I think the amazon.com thing is curious, but am choosing to think the best (i.e., that it was a glitch). It’s been kind of a rough week to be gay, from my perspective, so I just couldn’t stand it if amazon.com was out to get me!
Oh – and – well… a new Love Long and Prosper was also released last night, as Ed has discovered.
Cynful, as I mentioned on FB, I wonder if the glitch had happened with SF&F it would have went unreported.
Present and accounted for, sah!
You know in regards to TNG, I can remember hating Wesley but not Tasha Yar…where does the hate for TY come from?
Congrats to everyone for the comment count on the last ep!
Van: Bad actress? I don’t know.
I didn’t like either Wesley or Tasha, but I certainly didn’t hate them. The fandom can be unjustifiably harsh sometimes.
Morning Van, Cynful, EssBee, etc, etc.
I was never a TY fan. I actually liked Wesley more than her. I can’t really give a good reason why. She just never clicked for me.
Now back to scanning photos. Presently doing wedding pictures. I wore black to my own wedding.
And speaking of fandom, I don’t mind a good zombie story from time to time, but really don’t understand the fervor surrounding zombies. So, it’s unlikely I’ll every read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
Denise Crosby’s acting was pretty bad. I don’t personally have any Tasha hate – but since I am watching TNG through for the third time, I have to say that her lines (as well as many others’) simply were horrible. It’s not entirely her fault.
And good morning now to EssBee, ditto, TEB, Cynful, again to Van, NS, and of course, JB who made me laugh out loud first thing this morning with
‘Joe looked up, “What was that?†and then as an afterthought, “Nice legs.‒
It’s interesting because the focus has been on the LBT&G community but this effects even Health books and classic literature. One book mentioned in previous articles “Our Bodies, Ourselves” and authors Anais Nin, J.D. Salinger, Eugenides and Khalid Hossein.
And I do think this would get attention if it was the SF&F community because it is amazing how powerful those authors can be and the community that supports them….. look around at all these amazing people.
Okay…. endrant.
ditto, it was the Onion headline it the background that grabbed my eye more than the book itself 😉
cp: Joan Jett & the Blackhearts “Do You Want to Touch Me”
The first cup of coffee is starting to take effect.
I’ve packed my darling hubby his lunch (though he’s still snoring away in bed *jealous*), fed my kids breakfast, taken my vitamins, and even indulged in a nice toasty Eggo waffle myself.
I’m toying with the idea of taking the kids on a little hike around The Riparian Preserve to see some birds this morning. http://www.riparianinstitute.org
Didn’t feel like talking about the amazon mess since it is well covered elsewhere.
Back to the TNG fun! 🙂
Or… I’ll just go grocery shopping because really, one cannot live on Red Vines, Robin’s Eggs, and coffee alone…
Will wait until I’m well into my 2nd cup of coffee before I decide today’s fate.
ditto, you wanna talk about Star Trek? Cuz if you do… I’m your girl! 😉
TEB: The AV Club is not a parody site, unlike The Onion. This book really exists.
Secret TNG conspiracy: Data had Tasha killed off to cover-up their indiscretion. 😉
CP: Black Cat — Ladytron
CP: Yesterday’s Rachel Maddow Show
The teabagging jokes still aren’t old.
ditto, I knew that. I actually saw the book in our local book store.
As for the TY discussion. I liked her better once she became a Romulan (spoiler alert?)
TEB: Silly me going assuming things again. 😉
And I agree, she was much better as a Romulan. And even when she reprised Tasha in the Enterprise C/D episode. I think by then the show had better direction and she decided to have fun with her new roles. I wish they did more episodes with her Romulan character.
DS9 was my fav of the new ST series though, especially when they moved away from the goody twoshoe image of Star Fleet.
For amusement: I used the “I’m feeling lucky” with the word “Mangan” and got:
I preferred B5 to DS9. DS9 only got better towards the end, imo.
CP: Money Changes Everything — Cyndi Lauper
ditto is listening to Cyndi *swoooon*
Oooooohhhhhhhhh. Great rock pictures. 🙂
google.ca gave me this for feeling lucky “mangan”
Yep. I like *all* kinds of music.
We must invade and conquer Manganland for the good of all Mangandom!
I haven’t watched DS9 yet. I’m looking forward to it!
I’ve seen all of the Original Series once through, the first season of Voyager, and I’m on my third way through TNG. Just coming to the end of the 1st season there.
Oh, and I did watch all of Enterprise, which unlike most people, I really enjoyed.
Me too, ditto, me too!
Where’s the small arms locker?
These wet noodles won’t scare anyone!
Is a noodle from Canada a Kanudle?
Enterprise crew must get paid. There are some jobs on there I couldn’t see people wanting to do for free, even if it means travelling in space (red shirt?)
A deep rumble filtered into the room from the street outside, getting slowly louder. “She’s here!” The little man’s breathing quickly un-recovered, and he began looking frantically about the room.
Jack took the man firmly by the shoulder. “We can hide downstairs, you wouldn’t fit in the cache with your cube.” He looked to Joe. “We’ll be in the keg room, keeping cool.”
The rumble grew even louder as Jack and the man went downstairs, then cut off suddenly. Joe put on a bar apron, and began to polish the bar. Bright sunlight flooded in from outside, and he could at first only see her silhouette, tall and sleek. The door fell shut and her footsteps rang through the quiet bar. She was clad in motorcycle leathers, impossibly tight and leaving very little to Joe’s fevered imagination. She had a body by DC and a face by Marvel, thought Joe.
She looked down at him with an expression that somehow mixed condescendence and amusement, with just a drop of pity. “I am the Ambassador.” She sniffed deeply. “Where is the box?”
I liked Enterprise, CJ. However I admit I liked the last season best. That seems to be when they decided to let go and have fun.
“And even when she reprised Tasha in the Enterprise C/D episode.”
When did they do a crossdressing episode?
You don’t remember Data in a dress, do you JB? 😉
Jack shivered a bit and folded his arms, looking across at the sweating, nearly-hyperventilating man. “Okay, let’s get some answers. Who are you, who is she, what is the box and why are you here?”
The man swallowed hard, and attempted to bring his breathing back under control. “I’m Dr. John Boze,” he said in a small voice. “She calls herself ‘The Ambassador.’ The box is my experiment, and I’m desperately trying to hide it from her, but she keeps tracking me down.”
That list bit made me laugh JB. Hide the box. 😉
I’m starting to feel like something crawled into my lungs and died. Not pleasant, especially since I have to travel tomorrow.
Huzzah! Deadpan Lives!
Overall, I think Star Trek, on television anyway, peaked during the late seasons of DS9. Voyager had it’s moments, but could never really escape the whole “Gilligan’s Island in Space” concept.
Enterprise stumbled to early. My wife watched all of it and I came back during the fourth season. I really would have liked to have seen in continue as they were coming along well by then. But, I think the verdict had already been given.
Malcolm was too much of a whiner for me to really like him. But I admit I wouldn’t kick either Connor Traneer or Scott Bacula our of my bed 😉
My husband has a T’Pol Christmas tree ornament 🙂
The woman bent down, looking directly into Joe’s eyes. Her eyes are brilliant green, thought Joe, then…
“I am the Ambassador, but you may call me Amelia.”
Joe’s mind buzzed. “Amelia?”
“And soon you will call me ‘Mistress!'”
Joe blinked and the fuzziness faded away. “Uh, I think you may have me confused with my friend C.A.”
“What? This is not possible. I smell the box. It is here, but it is everywhere, and you should be enthralled by me!”
*giggling uncontrollably* C.A. LOL tee hee
TEB – True.. Scott Bakula=YUMMY and I didn’t think much of Malcolm Reed until I was at the Star Trek con in 2007 and Dominic Keating walked right past me and stopped to offer me a big smile – I was just staring and he blushed and smiled more… I immediately fell in love.. In real life, he’s just delicious!
He was also a vampire in an episode of Buffy. I remember we were rewatching it once and my husband and I saw him and both piped up “Hey, that’s Malcolm!”
“I’d been increasingly fearful of what my measurements have been telling me about reality.”
“It isn’t. I can say that firmly at this point.”
“Right. We are living in an unreal universe. All around us is fiction.”
“Are you really a doctor?”
“No, the title just gets me laid.”
“Oh, thought so.”
“Yes, I’m really a doctor, and yes, this reality is not.”
“So what is the box?”
“Once my suspicions were 99 percent confirmed, I developed it to prove the last one percent. It works by concentrating the fictional vorticies in a localized spatiotemporal region.”
“‘vorticies in a localized…’ Is this all true?”
“Sort of. If you’d been paying attention just now you’d see that truth is fiction.”
“My head is starting to hurt.”
“That’ll happen.”
..and before Buffy and Enterprise, he was in a comedy show called Desmonds:
CP: Holding Back the Years – Simply Red
“What is this place?” the tall woman was becoming demanding, whipping her head back indignantly, which caused her blonde tresses to arc backward, yet land in perfect array.
“This is the Deadpan. Jack Mangan’s Deadpan.”
“I will return, Jack Mangan. And I will have that box!” She turned and strode to the door. Joe watched her go. Really, couldn’t help himself, as this view was just as intriguing as when she entered.
CP: Katherine, Kiss Me – Franz Ferdinand
CP: Molly’s Chamber – Kings of Leon.
Well, I need to buy a new pair of work-out runners. Maybe I’ll have lunch at the mall at the same time.
Later, Pan!
CP: Turning Japanese – The Vapors
Yeah I know but it’s one of my fav songs.
CP: Big Yellow Taxi – Amy Grant
CP: Cecilia – Simon and Garfunkel
“Well, the box is perfectly safe. The top shelf of this bar has it’s own pocket universe, as far as we can tell. Joe put it in there.” The small man grew pale and still. “What? It’s perfectly safe, I assure you…”
“He couldn’t have!”
“Well, sure it seems that way, given my understanding up till now of reality, but after what you just told me…”
“No! I mean he couldn’t have, based on my calculations, inserted the box into a subset spatiotemporal reality construct.”
“Uh, well, I can’t say it that multisyllabically, but, yeah. He did.”
CP: Aganju: – Bebel Gilberto
CP: Something the Boy Said – Sting
CP: American Dream — Lucinda Williams
Last time I saw you, you had dirt under your nails
Your eyes were glassy and you looked so pale
You said my life has become a livin’ hell
Ain’t got enough money to pay my bills
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Got a friend with a needle stuck in his arm
He got hooked on heroin in Vietnam
It used to help kill the pain some of the time
Now I can’t sleep at all since I got back home
I worked in the strip mines off and on
Now I can’t seem to get rid of this cough
Ain’t been many jobs these last few months
And the last one I had I got laid off
I ain’t got no hot water and they shut off the heat
Can you loan me some money for something to eat
Been out here on this corner for about a week
Tryin hard to stand on my own two feet
They want to try and tell me where I can live
They kicked me off my land and told me they’d give me
A nice little tract house with running water
But how am I gonna explain that to my Navajo mother
My American dream almost came true
But the things they promised me never came through
I believe in the American dream
But things are never quite what they seem
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
I would be much happier if I had a creamsicle.
CP: I’m A Loser — The Beatles
Comments about creamsicles and songs about masturbation on the same episode. Truly awesome. 😉
Back from spending money, again. Had a bacon cheese dog for lunch, yum
CJ, next time we’re on Skype at the same time, ring me. I want to talk to you about something (nothing evil so don’t worry 🙂 )
TEB – I’m eternally on Skype. I’ll look for you now.
CP: The Guitar Man – Bread
It’s at moments like that I wished I worked for the NSA and could tap into that TEB/Cj skype conversation…
CP: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet – Bachman-Turner Overdrive
So, so true:
CP: Wide Boy – Nik Kershaw
So, the Crusade for Manganland is not going well.
I guess that just means we need a ManganCon.
CP: Gold – Spandau Ballet
Via Scalzi:
Good Advice. 🙂
As I’ve said before, I’ll be in Arizona in Sept. How many can we get together?
CP: Green Onions – Booker T & the MG’s
CP: That’s Entertainment – The Jam
Playoff standings
Rangers 1 – Caps 0
Devils 1 – Canes 0
Pens 1 – Flyers 0
Canucks 1 – Blues 0
TEB: Maybe we should start arranging an informal ManganCon in September. Probably best done through email.
JohnBoze: LOL! I seem to have coined a term. 😀 And yes, these Effpiem-wide outages are getting annoying. I keep having to wait until later in the day on Thursday for my new Deadpan.
My appearance in the Deadpan Bar stories has come!!!!! I’m so excited!!! I look forward to what comes next! I love what you’ve done with this story arc, by the way. I’m a huge fan of stories involving alternate dimensions/universes/realities/etc., which is why I loved Really Big Things so much. 🙂
TEB, ditto: I agree. If you start planning, please keep me in the loop. I may be able to wrangle a trip out to AZ to see everybody.
Adding to an earlier discussion: I followed Enterprise during its third and fourth seasons. I enjoyed them, the fourth more than the third. I think I would have enjoyed them more if I had actually seen TOS, instead of just reading all about it. (I’ve only seen bits and pieces here and there.)
Ah not me TEB, too hot and too many BIG spiders.
CP: Going Underground – Rostok Vampires
Sure, ditto. My plans are pretty much set for The Sept long weekend anyway. I’ll be at the Tempe Mission Palms. So if anybody else wants to hook up, just let me know (via e-mail is fine).
IT’s one of the reasons I prefer the cold.
Given September is far enough in advance, I might be able to swing the time and $$ to manage that.
Cluck, cluck!
Yup that’s me…
CP: Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me) – Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel
2 minutes for unsportsmanlike conduct.
CP: Fisherman’s Daughter – The Waifs
Me too. Arizona is easy to get to for me.
I don’t want to hear about spiders, Van. I’m the type that, if I see a spider, I run to the other room and scream at my husband to kill it.
Whereupon he will capture the spider and take it outside. Leading to many (not actual) arguments about how evil that is because the spider will just find its way back inside.
Scalzi’s take on “Battlefield Earth”.
My favorite part: “A million monkeys with a million crayons would be hard-pressed in a million years to create anything as cretinous as Battlefield Earth.”
Yep. It’s bad. Real bad.
CP: Mighty Storm – The Duhks
Van, I’ll protect you..
And as for the TEB/Cj Skype chat – it was quite titillating! 😉
CP: Shut Your Mouth — Garbage
I’ll be in my bunk.
CP: Mockingbird – Allison Moorer
Time for a cold shower.
Must… resist… comment…
Down, boys of Deadpan!
So, ladies, let’s hear about this call, shall we?
Most of the conversation centered around how CJ likes to make herself pretty for Jack 😉
CP: Done – Beth Thornley
Nah. Why ruin the mystique?
Oh, did I say that? See, and here I thought we talked way more about the uses of sour cream.
CP: Worms – Beth Orton
that’s true too, CJ. Sour cream and oranges 😀
CP: Right Back to Where We Started From – Maxine Nightingale
I’m leaving the house as soon as my daughter’s bus comes to take her to school. Grocery and dollar store runs are badly needed.
I’m sizzling here!
I’ve got more! Though it is still all “upstairs” at the moment…
Glad to see this gets the Ambassador’s stamp of approval. Not going to comment too much “in process,” (though that is exactly what this style affords) but “Amelia the Ambassador” in the bar is not exactly nice. She may be a statuesque badass, but she is the antagonist, probably not purple-eye evil… There were elements I had some concern over.
Pinky, tells us a story!
Well I’m now going to lose all my deadpan cred.
CP: D.I.S.C.O – Ottawan
I even have that one on 45.
CP: Ballroom Blitz – Sweet
CP: Wonderful Life – Black
CP: Good Tradition – Tanita Tikaram
Melted orange creamsicles FTW.
With sour cream, Jack?
Jack is welcome to all of my creamsicle.
My daughter’s bus is 20 minutes late so far.
JB: I don’t mind being cast as the antagonist. It’s something different for me. I’m not anywhere near as statuesque in real life as I am in your story, but I’m flattered by it.
OK, late bus finally arrived. I’m off to the store!
Oooooh I want a chicken.
Yeah, I want a chicken.
Daughter currently on the phone to the insurance company. Sure is a lot of work to move out of your parents house.
I don’t agree with this guy about BSG & Moore lying to us:
I much prefer character driven stories, and I do see some of his points. However, his article comes off as a self-righteous tirade. I think his anger is clouding his judgment, even if he’s entitled to his opinion.
CP: Brainstuff
I think he’s trying to put too much into a simple TV show, ditto.
My downloads over iTunes are always bloody slow…grrrrrr!
TEB: I agree. When he starts throwing around “betrayal to the fans” when talking about TV show writing, well… I just feel like telling him to lighten up.
It’s only make believe…
I agree, Van. i-tunes is only make believe 🙂
Well, I have house work to do. Then butts to kick.
Til tomorrow, Pan!
I believe.
I believe.
Some folks do develop deep attachments to their favorite franchises – especially in Sci-Fi fandom.
Rabid SciFi fans are pretty much exactly the same as rabid sports fans.
Woot! Jack read a comment of mine!!!
Not sure how much you’ll hear from me until next week.
Until then, stay frosty. Stay Deadpan!
Take good care, ditto!
I would agree with you with the exception of Bladerunner.
/whistles innocently.
Have a good week, ditto.
I’m home from shopping. I forgot to buy bread. DOH!
(not bread dough- Bread, Doh!)
I didn’t buy any creamsicles either…
hm. I did buy milk, soda, and lunch meat and this bar of soap that smells pretty good.
I’m lured by pretty smells.
Hmmm, ditto and TEB both left at about the same time….
Very suspicious, indeed.
Good afternoon pan 🙂
I have some very Deadpan news
Silversun Pickups (a great band by the way) has just put out a new album this week entitled: Swoon
I think they may have written this album for me 🙂
wait wait wait
is ditto cheating on me with Bunny???
How come I wasn’t invited?????
awwwww… I was listening to toonage while typing here and a Jack Mangan toon shuffled on 🙂
my iTunes knows me.. its a little scary sometimes how it picks up my actions/mood
I am at 1 with my Mac
Wow, so much chatter and now silence…..like the sound of one hand clapping.
Well, here’s something for when you guys come back in the morning. Some of these are just brilliant:
Hi there.
I’ve been writing a bunch today. I made a little progress on my ’07 NaNovel today. What a massive, tangled morass of plot threads and motivations it is. It’s like opening an old jewelry box to find all your old necklaces tangled together in a ball. You can’t even see how many you have or what they are, let alone start untangling and separating them. I still had some fun writing, though.
Haven’t quite left yet, and now that my computer is alive again, I thought I’d share this music find: Shiny Toy Guns’ version of “Major Tom” that is being used in the new Lincoln commercial.
Good night, Pan.
Good night, Amy. I really shouldn’t be up this late, either.
Alas, I’m geeking out over a new Geotagging tool I’ve discovered.
Alright, I’m sending myself to bed now. Work still beckons in about six hours. I am getting to old to get away with that little sleep anymore.
Good night, Ed, Amy, Johnboy, Kings of Maine, Mush.
Morning Pan, tis the season to be grey.
Some stunning wildlife photos from a Sony comp:
Morning Van.
Super moody today. Gah.
The guy on Tor talking about BSG is a little hyper, eh? He’s wrong that the narrative voice has to tell the truth. It’s hard to an unreliable narrator that doesn’t destroy the tale, but it can be used to good effect. I just wish I could think of the examples I’ve read. Stupid useless memory.
Damn. Those wildlife photos are impressive. I have to pass them on to my wife. She’ll probably be jealous and deride them. Heh.
Yes, the BSG rant was a humorous read. Why is it that atheists seem more likely to assume that “God” was behind Starbuck and the Head characters? From the way it played out, it seems it could have as likely been an advanced alien race such as the Vorlons or the Ascended ones from Stargate.
I think Moore and company left it open ended enough for each viewer to have their own preference of belief.
And the ranter really doesn’t understand “Deus ex Machina”.
But, enough of BSG. It is finished.
Here’s today’s Haiku theme challenges. Pick one or pick them all:
British Sci-Fi
Card Games
Sea creatures
Run, imagination, run.
Hmm, my haiku rules post didn’t come through for some reason.
Well as a non believer, it looked to me like a VR sim with the programmer messing around.
Ed lost a postie too. Now we’re gonna get fines from the FCC and Timberlake will claim it wasn’t scripted and…
I’m an unbeliever… and I love mythology. So I don’t have a problem with the religious aspects, even at the end. What bothered me was the poor pacing and the answers that weren’t delivered. I can ignore the way everyone fell out of character at the very end simply because I don’t see any way to wrap it up from where they were without extending the story for a few more episodes. Some things had to be dropped.
What bothered me was the way that everytime I started to become emotionally invested in a scene, it changed tone. For instance, the whole opera scene… I was getting seriously excited, this is it, what is it going to mean… oh.
It meant nothing. Great, now I’m emotionally conflicted, i.e. ANGRY.
I like subtle stories that don’t bludgeon me. Show me how she loves him, don’t just have her saying it over and over again. On the other hand, give me something to work with. Don’t promise me an explanation and then don’t deliver. I’m referring to Kara and the head*s. There is NO explanation for Kara, just speculation from the viewers. And the “angels”… Head*six literally held Baltar up at one point and there is nothing about her being an angel that in any way explains how that happened or what it meant. I don’t care, fine, she’s an angel. What the hell did that mean?
Hm. I was going to save that up for a BrainWyrm, but… well, here it is.
Oh crap. Erm. SPOILERS!!!!
Morning, Deadpan!
I was out later than I like last night entertaining Evil, Inc. folks. Then I couldn’t sleep. Now I have a headache.
Good Morning EssBee. Drink water for the headache?
Morning Deadpan!
Last night was very nice, in which ditto and I overcame several hundred miles and our respective spouses to feed the Deadpan rumor mill 🙂
CP: Brainstuff
It doesn’t take much to feed the deadpan rumour mill TEB.
At least nobody mentioned baby oil…
How about cooking oil?
CP: Stuff you missed in history class
CP: Tech Stuff
Whipped cream is even better 😉
CP: HDTV podcast
TEB and ditto! Creamsicles and Whhhipped cream. It must be Friday.
I’m drinking water, Nomad — it has a lot of coffee in it, though. Does that count?
Does anyone here know who John Bell is?
I tried
Son of Mr. Bell?
ditto! my secret lover!
A physicist.
CP: The Hot Spot
Secrets are fun!
So secret even I didn’t know about it.
Obviously ditto is that quick.
Christina Scabbia’s is rocking my world this morning.
Our Truth
EssBee – piff!
Wolf – Fringe on your mind?
Smarty Hotties – Wassamatta? Everything okay?
NS – No…I don’t have a TV…
Rhettro – Both albums are quite good. Somehow I didn’t realize it was the same voice on the Apocalyptic one. The variety of vocalists makes it a bit uneven though.
Wolf – Who needs TV? I have netbook, mwuahaha. XP
Oh no. Another podcast to podsume. And just when I’d worked my back log down to 35 hrs… not including serials.
Erg, I just remembered. I never did check out that Chattanooga radio ‘cast. Do you still have the linkage?
Just finished putting a new shower curtain in the upstairs bathroom. My hubby was upset when he found out I was changing it. The old one had little fishies on it which, for some reason, he was quite partial to. The new one doesn’t.
Also, what the hell am I doing up still? My wake up comes in 3.5hrs.
Night Pan! Don’t lose anything.
Well Pan. I’m off to do some grocery shopping. Then I see a Cappuccino cookie recipe in my future
Night Scry.
Dr. Boze motioned to Joe. “Hit me with another.” Joe passed John a fourth bar napkin.
Jack set down his beer, two thirds empty. “So how is it working out?”
“Well, based on The Ambassador’s insistence the the box was ‘everywhere’ I think introducing it into a subset space amplified and distributed its effect.”
“Which is?”
“Beg pardon?”
Joe stopped his somewhat compulsive polishing of the bar. “You’ve never really said what this box is, just that it ‘concentrates fictional vortices.’ What is that in layman’s terms?”
“Oh, well, see,” Boze mopped at his perpetually sweating brow. “All of the potential plot threads become concentrated near this box, so…” He searched and then grabbed a fifth napkin, and drew a target on it. “Out here, on the periphery, you have typical drama, maybe a coming-of-age novel or something. Slice-of-life stuff. Then closer to the box, things get a little more gritty, real sturm und drang, murder, passionate love, hate, death. Then as the vortices are concentrated closer and closer they get hyper-real, then finally a thin veneer of surreal, which is the region from which the Ambassador sprang forth.”
“So if that’s been amplified ‘everywhere…'”
“Things might start to get, keeping with layman’s terms, pretty weird around here.”
No more fishies for Poopsie Bubblefanny.
We have a big trial happening in my neck of the woods right now. It’s the murder trial of Angie Zapata, and the first test of Hate Crimes Legislation as applied to transgendered people in the state.
I started following the victim’s sister on Twitter, and have found it extremely painful to follow along with what is happening in the courtroom.
My question for this morning is this: Why can’t we just treat each other with simple respect and dignity?
Not the trial OF Angie Zapata. The trial of Angie Zapata’s killer.
CP: Make Way for the Living — Harry Manx
Netbooks are cool NS.
Dell Mini 9 for me.
Will even play Amiga games via WINUAE.
EssBee, I wish there were a good answer to that question. There’s certainly far to much hate around. I hope her family finds justice.
Robot I forgot the + sign
I agree, Ed, and just have to point out that you calling her “her” just made me cry. Good man.
Ah Amiga games. I recall beating SDI and It Came From the Desert. Loved playing Laser Chess with my father and there was one where you commanded a starship on a grid. Something with Zaldrons. Loved that game.
EssBee, I recommend a book: The Lucifer Principle. “Evil” is born in all of us as with all life. Great read. Not to say we should just allow “evil” to get the best of us and run rampant, you understand.
All missing comments have been found and freed from their cages.
The Amiga and Atari ST had a lot of common games. . . . Projectyle was beyond fun.
Have a great weekend, panimanicas
I’m humming the Blood Money chip tune now:
ditto ditto
CP: Radio Africa – Latin Quarter
Sorry to alarm you Nomad, I was just sighing at the human race.. which brings me to EssBee’s question:
My question for this morning is this: Why can’t we just treat each other with simple respect and dignity?
Because I truly dont believe the majority of humans have diginity, respect for one another nor grace. Humans are judgmental, very judgemental. I see fewer and fewer examples of just basic old human decency anymore. Call me a pessimist (although I am actually truly an optimist) I just believe when you are dealing with humans and they have a choice to let their guard down and actually be nice to one another, they will choose to sit back and judge. Most people care only for themselves, and what they want and don’t care who they step on to get what they want.
But really, I am an optimist. I swear it 🙂
I tend to agree, TSH. I am an optimist – at least in that I have hope, but I do see a lot of dog-eat-dog. Or, this has been a particularly rotten week.
Home from shopping and lunch. Now just waiting for my i-pod to sync so I can listen to some podcasts while I bake cookie.
Remember Jack Nicholson’s speech during the campfire scene in Easy Rider?
People who live unreflective lives feel absolute terror when they see someone who’s chosen a wildly divergent way of living. It shakes up their perceived stability of their narrow way of being. And sadly, those understanding-resistant types often act aggressively toward the thing that caused them to feel fear. Understanding, acceptance, tolerance, etc. – – would require a fundamental change in their way of living and thinking.
I love that, Jack, and find it to be true. We also have the Bernie Madoffs scheming grandmas and grandpas and holocaust survivors out of their nest eggs.
Sorry to be a downer! Back to celebrating Friday, how ’bout?
CP: One Big Crunch — White Zombie
CP: Daughter — Pearl Jam
You Slipping Last Transylvanian
Oh Naked Clip Catfish
CP: Sweet Side — Lucinda Williams
Tongue Wild Touche Brother
Jesus Look So Napoleon
CP: And Darling — Tegan & Sara
CP: Obsession – Animotion
CP: Groove is in the Heart – Deee-Lite
CP: Remedy — The Black Crowes
CP: Sleeping Satellite – Tasmin Archer
CP: I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers
CP: Breakfast At Tiffany’s – Deep Blue Something
CP: Bitch – Meredith Brooks
CP: How Bizarre – OMC
CP: Senses Working Over Time – XTC
Returned from the blood center. The vampires have been fed 🙂
CP: Rehab – Amy Winehouse
CP: Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Heart Please Eisler Technicolor
Honesty Red Brown Sweet
Red Right Hand — Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I’m home. For now. Busy.
Going out tonight.
Hoping I have a reason to make myself pretty. *smirk*
CP: In A Big Country – Big Country
CP: Barracuda – Heart
I have no doubt you’re already pretty, Cj.
CP: Cry Baby – Janis Joplin
CP: Enola Gay – OMD
CP: Mr. Roboto – Styx
Thanks, EssBee 🙂 You are sweet! 🙂
CP: Living in a Box – Living in a Box
CP: Mary’s Prayer – Danny Wilson
CP: Turn Me Loose – Loverboy
CP: Shattered Dreams – Johnny Hates Jazz
CP: Dreaming – Blondie
CP: There She Goes – The La’s
CP: Hell In A Bucket — Grateful Dead
Might be goin’ to hell in a bucket
But at least I’m enjoyin’ the ride
CP: Long Time Gone – Tex Ritter
CP: Can’t Help Falling in Love – Lick the Tins
I want to go dancing, but looks like I’m having a garage sale tomorrow instead.
CP: Where have all the cowboys gone? – Paula Cole
CP: Stay – Lisa Loeb
CP: Mambo No.5 (A Little Bit of..) – Lou Bega
CP: Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe – Barry White
[not a critique] Vanamonde is having a poppy musical day. [/not a critique]
CP: Candle Song 3 – Mojave 3
btw, Van, I made the mistake of googling for D.I.S.C.O. and found a youtube post of a music video.
CP: Begin the Beguine – Julio Iglesias
CP: Promises, Promises – Naked Eyes
CP: What’s Your Game — The Ramones
Jack won’t admit it, but I’m sure he’s actually listening to Tiffany or Debbie Gibson right now.
CP: Cum on Feel the Noise – Quiet Riot
A lot of one hit wonders as well.
Stranger in Paradise doesn’t sound half bad in Spanish.
CP: Aquarius – The 5th Dimension
I suddenly feel so free and full of love – I wonder why… and where’d I put that ring of daisies… oh… it’s on my head…
ting a ling a ling..
la la la..
This song is better than valium.
Let the sunshine in.
CP: Apache – The Shadows
CP: Run to You – Bryan Adams
Speaking of which, time to run and pick up the kids. My parents are coming to visit for the weekend, so free babysitters while me and momma go out for a dinner w/o the kids 🙂
CP: Peter Gunn – Duane Eddy
CP: When You’re Gone – Bryan Adams and Mel C
That one I’m going to play again.
There was a terribly pretentacious TV programme on the ‘arts’ in the UK that used that Aquarius track as it’s theme tune.
Bored me silly as a kid.
For your viewing pleasure:
Spread sandwich spread!
Yay for free babysitter, Ed!
Well, there’s no Dollhouse tonight. I guess we’ll watch the rain/snow fly and watch a DVD or something.
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday night! I might check in later to make sure everyone is behaving, so be forewarned!
Review of the new Star Trek movie at IGN:
it contains mild spoilers. They weren’t impressed with the plot.
CP: Oh What A Night – Frankie Valli
Home from a long, fun day of service. Must get up early tomorrow, so going to bed in a few minutes. Good night, Pan! 🙂
I’m home from a not-so-wild night out. Glad to be home. I’m going to nerd out for a while.
Morning Pan, I see the tumbleweeds need tickling.
Morning, Pan!
Off to clean up the beach. It’ll be a full morning.
Morning it is. The wife and I enjoyed our evening. Now, I must make the mental preparations for a couple dozen eight year olds running about for my daughter’s birthday party this afternoon.
Read an article this morning about the FX designers working on the new Enterprise. While, I must confess, I think the engines on the new on are rather excessive and ungainly looking, I’m still looking forward to the new movie.
Though, from the comments on the article, it seems J.J. Abrams has a shot at beating Lucas in the “raping people’s childhoods” race.
I’m probably a near equal fan of Trek and Star Wars. I’ll save judgement until I’ve seen the movie, but from what I’ve seen so far, I think it’s going to be hard to beat the job of trashing an iconic franchise that Lucas himself did with Star Wars.
I had no idea that some people hated the Comic Sans font so much. Frankly, it seems a dubious basis on which to get married.
Well, this is disturbing.
I can’t breath….I can’t breath…..must stop the laughter…..
Best FARK headline I’ve seen in a while
“Empty pubs could get new lease on life by turning them into alcohol free-bars for teenagers with games, music, soft drinks and convenience food. Back in the days, we called those “arcades””
Ah, to be young again. Battlezone, Gauntlet, Tron. I could probably retire if I still had those quarters 🙂
Morning, Deadpan!
I was planning to go visit my folks solo this weekend to celebrate Easter, but our snowstorm has other plans. So I’ll be home alone (Sly B is engaging the astronauts of tomorrow today) catching up on TV today. As I’m sad not to be eating the traditional Czech Easter foods, I will set out to make Sedak (Easter cheese) for the first time on my own. Wish me luck!
CW: Kings. This show sucks. No longer watching Kings.
In honour of Ed’s last post I will now hum the gauntlet theme tune.
EssBee needs Sedak
Justa Joe shot the food!
Good luck on the Sedak. I’m not familiar with that one, myself. What goes into it?
It’s a really mild cheese made with eggs and milk. Some people put cloves in it, but I don’t like cloves. I’ll throw some parsley in for pretty, I think. My only challenge is that I can buy cheese cloth, but I can’t sew a bag to hang the cheese in. Hmm. I guess i kind of need my mommy.
The cheese is served with horseradish. It is part of a Russian Orthodox Easter meal, and everything has connotation. The cheese is made with eggs and milk – bounty and Spring. The horseradish is hot, and reminds us that there is hard times that must be conquered during the year. There are lots of other foods served as well. I just want the cheese!
I’m catching up on Heroes. Does anyone else (SPOILER ALERT) think that Coyote Sands is the Heroes version of The Dharma Initiative?
Morning Pan!
Off to kick butt in an hour. Apparently I’m testing in May so I have to practice lots
Lots of comments last night.
Still 3 weeks behind in Heroes so don’t know what you’re taking about EssBee.
Just to give you a bit of help:
What belt this time TEB?
CP: Stuff From the B Side
It will be my “green stripe”
Basically this is the transition between a junior and a senior belt. Green belt being considered a senior belt – which would be next.
Cool and Good Luck.
I finished all my “front side” self defenses (that means, in theory, if someone comes at me from the front, I can handle it) and have now been working on what to do if I’m attacked from behind in various forms.
As I said before, I seem to be really good at kicking butt.
Thanks, Van. Luckily I still have two weeks of practice before I test, though.
I’m off to see ‘In the Loop’ later. a political satire, a bit doubtful about this one.
Good morning!
Ed, thanks for the links – I just spent like 30 minutes going through them. “Squatter” is such an unattractive word.
EssBee, good luck with your cheese. Mmmm I love cheese.
Good morning also to Van and TEB
Woot for TEB kicking butt – I’ll *swooon* for that too!
Cheese is good 😉
Well, I’m off ,Pan.
CW: Sarah Conner finale. I think I love Shirley Manson.
Kick some ass, TEB!
Summer Glau is awesome.
So according to the latest quantum physics research, if skynet ran on quantum computers, it could reset it’s memory and transfer to a univerese where John Connor never existed.
Wouldn’t have made a good movie though..
That was an awesome finale. I loved it.
Currently Drinking: Root beer and milk. “Just like Mason Rocket drinks on TV!”, according to that kid in “Really Big Things.” I decided to try it today, and I like it.
EssBee, I had to google Dharma Initiative. I see it’s a part of the TV show LOST, which, alas, I was never really able to get into.
CJ – I think next week’s “Cheesy Bits” section of LLAP should be dedicated to Sedak in honor of EssBee. Sedak sounds suitably Star Trek, I think – like some lesser known Vulcan philosophers 🙂
I agree, cheese is good.
Sedak is really great after some hot Pon Far. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . We are such nerds.
A fast food joint called Five Guys Burgers and Fries just opened down the street and I tried them for lunch. While I’m sure I just gained five pounds, that was THE best burger I have had in a long, long time. Damn . . .
CP: LOST, Dead is Dead
Jack is going to have some fun picking…er, randomly choosing this weeks greasy nipples.
Mmmm Jack said “hot Pon Far”
*pass out*
Star Trek is delicious!
I made a show note. The next episode we are watching is We’ll Always Have Paris . I’m sure we can work some cheese into that discussion.
Man have I got a storm going on down here. We’re under a tornado watch for the next two hours.
CJ: Excellent!
Hunker down, Ed!
Back from martial arts.
Also did a bit of yard work so had to have a shower. Now all damp and happy 🙂
So CJ, did you get to make yourself pretty last night? Was there sour cream involved?
My husband showed me something silly last night, which I will have you guys demonstrate. It’s hard to visualize without someone doing it in front of you, but here goes…
First: Take both hands, palms out, and do the Vulcan hand gesture with them (please tell me you know what one I mean)
Next: Turn the hands palm inwards, keeping the Vulcan salute.
Now relax the arms and the hands a little bit, keeping the hands in Vulcan salute mode, just somewhat relaxed. Hold them closer to your chest (not right at your chest, just in a relaxed arm gesture), one hand slightly higher than the other
Now, shake the hands a bit and repeat after me…
CD: Strawberry cheesecake milk shake.
“Yo, Yo, my Vulcan Homies! Why do we go up to my crib and get some hot PonFar going with some Vulcan babes…”
Hopefully you can visualize what I was trying to do 🙂
I am baking today. Zucchini bread!
Not to brag… OK just a little. I’m out in Fountain Hills listening to Jack play live. RAWK!
Save some for me EssBee!
So ‘In the Loop’ was better than I was expecting.
[tweet]Added a bit more to Questors. A plan has been laid out and is about to be set in motion.
Now, off to dinner and a school play.[/tweet]
Classical music done using a beeper:
My husband and I dissolved into a fit of giggles at the Vulcan homies.
TEB, Last night was totally worth getting pretty for. No sour cream though, I did have hummus. Jack can tell you about the giant tree leaves that floated onto his pizza though. (They really weren’t THAT big /that’s what she said/)
If the basil on my pizza had been any more fresh, it would have been Fawlty.
I love me some hummus. Thankfully Costco now carries the big tubs of Sabra hummus. Hands-down the best premade hummus I’ve had. Have yet to make my own yet, though. Supposed to be very easy to do.
Oh, hey, it’s Dan S! Welcome to the Deadpan boards! 🙂
Jack: LOL! 😀
imag1narynumber: I agree, Sabra is really good.
Good night, Pan.
DanS is made of awesome. 🙂
Be careful there, Ed. Hope you and yours are well.
vulcan homies was good 🙂
We may not of seen Jack play but we still had a really good night here in Chicago 🙂
Hugh would like to report on the latest in Chicago sports.
Hugh sez: *ahem*
Bulls playoff series stats: 1-0
Blackhawks playoff series stats: 2-0
🙂 he is so happy.
we’ve had entirely too much fun tonight and need to go to sleep
night pan
night mush
night cockles
Hugh sez: night
Afternoon Pan, the Sun is shining and I’m at work..meh!
Good morning, Pan!
Coffee is brewing.
Mmmm coffee. Good morning!
Basil! Manuel! Duck’s off.
I don’t get Caprica. Is it going to air on SyFy? Or is it only available on DVD?
Nomad, thanks for the SciFiGenre tip – I have moved all my subs over there!
Also, I got Ignition City #1 yesterday and dig it!
morning pan!
Hugh and I are being really really lazy this morning and we’ve finished reading our books and thought we would do a little play by play
EssBee I know you said you just moved your subscriptions to scifigenre, but here is another good subscription place. Its the one I use:
usually comics are 30-40% off, but sometimes it is even higher. They boast that you can get comics up to 75% off and its true sometimes. Like usually some of my Batman comics will be that much off.
They do not offer free bags and boards, you have to pay for them but the bags they use are really nice quality.
Morning Pan.
Calgary down 0 & 2 in the playoffs. Not totally surprised (I know you picked them to win in 7, Jack but I had them losing in 6)
Beautiful Sunny day right now. Only plus 4, but should get up to 12.
Later, will be taking my Boo to the fabric store. She wants me to make her some curtains for her new place.
and if you are really into weird independent comics, may I suggest my local shop. I love this comic book store.. I have been going to this shop since I read my 1st Sandman. Even though I am doing the subscription thing, I still go in here to browse cause they carry an amazing amount of indies and the staff are really cool.
Hey Energizer Bunny.. sorry our Blackhawks got you down 🙂
Welcome 1 and all to the Deadpan retro (rhettro) hour
Staring: Hugh and Andrea
Featuring: that classic Episode, Deadpan 102!!
is this someones stolen paragraph
Hugh sez: cock and endless balls??
methinks thats what she said
I don’t think there is anyway to say ‘Deadpan is the motherfucking way biatch’ and really truly sound Deadpan
Hugh sez: especially biatch. YOu want to put emphasis on biatch
Hugh sez: like that 🙂
unrelated thought
mouse click
that was good Jack
you’re cracking us up with this
its me at NIN methinks!
Hugh sez: thats about how it would sound. Hence the need for communicating through texting while at lollapalooza
fer sure 🙂
Heh, that was me w/ the “cock & endless balls”. *blush* I submitted that when my friend Steve died – that poem was kinda how I felt.
Thanks for the tip on the Mailorder comics! I’m a newbie, so need all the help I can get!
So Hugh you think Energizer bunny is waiting for us to leave 😉
Hugh sez: that happens to us alot
methinks people here hate our play by plays, Hughie 🙂
Hugh sez: eh, who cares. We are enjoying ourselves
sorry if we annoy the crap out of everyone here 🙂
EssBee! Awwww.. I’m sorry about your friend.
We really like the mailorder comics place
I LOVE the play-by-play! Don’t stop!
and by the way.. in case you are not used to our sense of humor.. we were kidding about the waiting for us to leave Bunny 🙂
unless of course you are.. LOL.. 🙂
don’t mind us.
we’re crazy
We won’t stop EssBee.. we just always remember this one time we started a play by play and it was Truckre Overdrive who had wanted to put a comment up for everyon to see and answer and he literally waited until we were done to post his question again, it was kinda finny. We felt bad 🙂
“That was me with the ‘cock & endless balls'” isn’t something I say often. LOL!
we know this has to be a little annoying.. it does interrupt the usual flow of events here. We thought Sunday AM would be quiet and therefor we wouldn’t disturb things
“That was me with the ‘cock & endless balls’†isn’t something I say often. LOL!
we’re dying
oh my God we can’t stop laughing
that was the best essbee
ok.. back to pan if we can ever get a hold of ourselves…
Ok, I must shower, so I’ll give you some time to compose yourselves!
Don’t hold too tight, TSH, you could cut off circulation to something important.
Jack sex: Greasy uhh spoon comments game (long pause)
We have 6 nipples today!!
Hugh sez: 6?!?!?!????!!?? w00t!!
“Jack sex”
hawsome typo
Good advice Ed 🙂
Essbee’s in the shower everyone!!!
Hugh sez: I think she should of invited us
agreed! 🙂
Survived the storms – I hear we broke records for rainfall. The drainage ditches around here were the highest I’ve ever seen them.
Thankfully, we were smart and had my daughter’s birthday party indoors this year. She and the kids had fun. I’ll have to get some pictures posted later.
EssBee and TSH in a shower?
I’ll be in my bunk….
anywho.. I consulted the historical documents:
Greasy Spoon Cigars Comments spoons Comments nipples through unshow XX
Vanamonde: 5
EssBee: 4
wndr wolf: 4
Jack: 3 (from ep 100)
ditto: 2
Cynful: 1
Justaj0e: 1
Ed: 1
Smarty Hotties: 1
Amy: 1
Rhett: 1
Brad P: 1
Ed- so glad you survived okay and the bday party went off without a hitch 🙂
*pause for a moment*
please enjoy this intermission entertainment:
Hugh sez: I love that band
they are AMAZING live. We saw them play here recently and we are hoping they end up in the Chicago area for Lollapalooza this year
Hugh sez: and we are hoping they do some lollapalooza after party thing
ok back to the 6 nipples
Hugh sez: I’m ready to take on 6 nipples
I bet you are. pervert
Jack sez: (about the 6 nipples) Which are 4 too many or not enough depending on how you look at it
Hugh sez: it depends on the male to female ratio of those nipples. 4 female, 2 male sounds good to me!
or 4 male and 2 female
Hugh sez: or all female
Hugh sez: NOW who is the pervert?
*raises hand*
Justajoe- ditto serving cake. Food that causes orgasms
we miss justa j0e!!!
ditto- sieze the extra small day
Smarty hotties: pan unshow 16
Rhetrro- is this offline?
Dubshack- 12 minutes of Jack Mangan rummblings
Justa j0e- 8
Greasy Spoon Cigars Comments spoons Comments nipples nipples through Ep 102
Vanamonde: 5
EssBee: 4
wndr wolf: 4
Justaj0e: 3
Jack: 3 (from ep 100)
ditto: 3
Smarty Hotties: 2
Rhett: 2
Cynful: 1
Ed: 1
Amy: 1
Brad P: 1
Dubshack: 1
Hugh sez: speaking of food that causes orgasms. My baby made Chicken Cacciatore yesterday. Holy fuck, babe. I know I orgasmed while eating that
it was damn good wasn’t it?
Hugh sez: I can’t wait to try it today after its sat in the fridge and gotten even better
mmm mmmm!!!
More orgasmic food: Sly B made burgers the other night (grass fed, free range, butchered by my dad) that had green chile (grown in our back yard) mixed in and a disc of goat cheese in the center. OMG.
Hey, TSH. Not waiting for you to leave. Just doing other things this morning so being very intermittent on my posts 🙂
Shower – accomplished. Solo.
Someone is rambling about work being a pain and that if it frustrates you you can consider changing careers
Hugh sez:I used to do that climbing the corporate ladder thing. I’m over that now 🙂
LOL.. I love the sound effects you’ve added to this
Well see baby, I think thats the difference between you and many others. You didn’t go to school for what you do. You started that job because it was just a job that paid money at the time and then you found you really loved it and moved up the ladder
Hugh sez: plus, I am happy. I’ve made my money. We live a good life. Now at almost 40, I’ve changed my focus. I want art and my wife to be my focus in life. I like where i stand at work and I don’t need to move up anymore. They like me, they like the work I do. Life changes that way.
Right like we were focused on us for a long long time, then when we got straightened out we both kinda focused on work for a while, now we are back around and focusing on us again.
Hugh sez: exactly.
its cool bunny 🙂 we were just being stupid.. like i said there was that 1 time when Trucker Overdrive was waiting for us to finish and we felt bad 🙂
Essbee is clean!
Hugh sez: time to get her dirty again!
LOL.. 🙂
ok I think we need to get Sly B’s burgers, the chicken cacciatore and some absolutely heavenly chocolate dessert and have food orgasms!!!
Hugh sez: Yes. I concur!
He hasn’t given up
he is ok with what he gets paid
its good enough
enjoys his evenings
enjoys nights at home with his wife
Hugh sez; good for him. But I don’t regret my choices either. I enjoy the life my working hard for a few years is allowing us to have now.
Well I guess the key to what he was saying is you stopped climbing the ladder to take the time to enjoy what you did, enjoy the fruit of your labor. Some people never do that
Jack works with a bunch of chinese people
that was the most awesome story evar, Jack
Duel of the fates!
Poor Dubshack
Amy Bowen!
I was thinking, just last night, that Jack should include Buffy Summers in his next DOTF.
We forgive you for being late with ep 2 of Questors, Amy 🙂
Hugh sez: sez the people who are what? 5 months behind on Deadpan?
LOL.. true 🙂
Wait, we can figure this out.. ok this episode had me calling from Lolla, I assume he used those vm’s not too long after i sent them.. that was August of last year
Holy moly!! Thats 9 months ago!!!
Hugh sez: we suck
9 months behind????? thats inconceivable!!
Hugh sez: inconceivable!!
[inigo montoya] I do not think that word means what you think it means [/inigo montoya]
A busy DP Sunday…nice!
It is August for sure, TSH. Steve passed away on August 6th, and I recorded the “cock & balls” stolen stanzas then.
Back to comics – I just read the latest Buffy Season 8 (issue 24?) and Faith’s boobs are GIANT. She would have a helluva time kicking ass with those knockers.
Buffy Summers would kick ass!
Jack we 2nd (and 3rd) the Buffy Summers vote!
Hugh sez: put her up against that lame vampire from Twilight
oh man.. I hope none of you loved that movie. Hugh and I were thoroughly disgusted by that movie. Didnt even finish watching it
Hugh sez: we pay per viewed it and I wanted my 3.99 or what it was back
My review of Twilight (the movie, didn’t read the book) was:
I don’t get it. Why did that gay chick fall for that simple-minded vampire?
How do those comic book babes kick ass the way they are drawn
Have you seen Catwomans boobs??? and then her tiny waist- how the hell does she stand upright?
Hugh sez: plus she is in a painted on outfit so her boobs have no support, they are just flapping around
LOL “flapping around”
Hugh sez: LOL it was more of a comment on how her outfit is so tight it HAS to be painted on. Boobs that big need some support.
would you like to support them Hughie?
Hugh sez: Yes, yes i would
I saw Twlight at the cinema..ugh indeed!
I read the Twilight book and made it about 1/2 way through the movie. It was so bad
I read it cuz I love vamire romances and I wasnt very impressed. The vampire was 80-some years old dating a 15-16 year old girl? huh????
The teenyboppers in the cinema seemed to like it though.
ok almost done with ep 102 here then we are gonna go
it was sooooo teenybopper-y
it was a perfect movie for a 13 year old girl to love
Jack sez: “sucked an icecube”
Hugh sez: ice cubes are fun
Deadpan is the motherfucking way
palooza idea: PCU
Jack gave us homework
Hugh sez: Damn you!
Eraserhead rulez
I like the idea of doing the Watchmen graphic novel too
what a great idea!!
you should do it!
Hugh sez: I think he does
he does!?!?!?? 😉
he is truly outrobabbling
Jacks most painful music
Jack sez: “I like to do deep and sultry”
I bet you do Jackamo 😉
hugh sez: *swooon*
Is Jack coming back after the music game!
Hugh sez: ladies first
methinks he really isnt this time
your on woman
TSH: I enjoy your play-by-plays. 🙂
Jackmo this is high pitched for you
Hugh sez: but it isn’t bad, man. What are you worried about?
I like it Jack
Smarty Hotties approve
Oh thank you Amy.. *blush*
we have fun doing them, and that is what is most important to us. After everything we’ve been through the past few years, we treasure the moments of peace, quiet, and fun.
Hugh sez: we treasure our moments together
we do 🙂
sorry to get all sappy on you guys 🙂
*claps at the end of Jacks song*
Hugh sez: you have the clap?
LOL.. shut up Hugh!
Jack came back after the music!!!!!
greasy jelly bean game
557 won
Paul Maki got his breakfast this past weekend
mouse click
take it away Mennennennnennenennenennga
That’s what matters, TSH.
alright guys and dolls
we hope to be back soon to try and make up 9 fucking months of backlogged Deadpans!!! Holy!!!!
Hugh sez: We aim to do better this year
even though this year is 1/3rd over already
we agree Essbee
ok, we’re off
be around soon to check up on y’all
take care of each other please 🙂
Hugh sez: l8r
Bye! 🙂
That was fun TSH 🙂
Always fun to read your play-by-plays.
Have a good day, Chicagoans.
Hi Amy!
I am off to the grocery store now, and then will be back to read, read, read.
Hi Van, Cj!
Mmmm reading is the best.
Today I’m doing laundry, making grocery lists, and cleaning house.
Gotta find out who has Matzoh on sale. My Gram is requesting it for breakfast one day this week. And… while it is my favorite breakfast food, I don’t keep it on hand because nobody else here will eat it.
Hi, EssBee, Van, and Cj!
Location: bedroom
Eating: Sun Chips
Drinking: water
Doing: finances and bills
Well, it was tough to capture the action yesterday, but this one is my favorite from the party:
My son is a flying monkey.
CW: Tudors S3, E1
#writechat is starting again on Twitter! Whee! 😀
CP: Colditz March – The Central Band of the RAF
CP: Thunderbirds Theme – The Shadows
CP: The Lumberjack Song: Monty Python
CP: Galaxy Song – Monty Python
CP: Every Sperm is Sacred – Monty Python
CP: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Monty Python
All the MP songs are from an album called ‘MONTY PYTHON SINGS’ released in 1989.
Today = Eyestab
I request do-over.
A painful way to describe a day.
Err that didn’t come out right.
Sorry to hear about your bad day Cj.
Thanks, Van.
Sundays should certainly not suck in this way. Ever.
CP: Soldier Boy – Matt Mango
CP: Everybody’s Talkin – Madeline Peyroux
New Wander Radio episode downloading in iTunes..woot!
Yes Van – I run the Gambit in this episode…
72 min of fun!
Dang! Sold out!
Today I broke through a block I’d had for a long time on one of my novels. I’m about to get into a scene I’ve been anticipating for a long time. It’s not the climax, but it’s an important turning point that sets things up for how the climax will play out. I’ve been writing (not really nonstop, but close) since 5:15 – 5:30 ish, and it’s now almost 7:30 and I CAN’T STOP WRITING!!! Not even to go downstairs and get dinner! This feels fantastic and exhilarating.
That’s very inspiring, Amy! Go go go! 🙂
Thank you!
Dinner has been eaten. Now relaxing with music, TVTropes, and other websites. Final word count for the night: 71,317. Novel’s still not done, but I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished today. 🙂
That’s excellent, Amy.
Sorry to hear about the Sunday Suckage, CJ. Hope Monday is better.
My evening is already better. Thanks, Ed. I’m smiling again – tomorrow will be my usual awesome type of day, I’m sure. 😀
Well, gang, I don’t know if I’ll be much help breaking records this week. Mrs. from Texas is out of town this week at her company’s home office. She normally works here at the house, but has to travel to the main office a few times a year. So, this week, it’s just me and the kids and the days are pretty full of various sports/church/ballet and homework.
By the time I’ve gotten finished with the kids each day, I’m usually ready to crash myself. Which is what I’m going to do now.
G’nite, Deadpan.
Night, Pan.
But I’m not tired yet.
Night, Amy and Ed.
and when we find we have no words, Mr. Jonathan Coulton is there to provide them.
Some things we always remember, some things we forget
No way to make it up now no room for regret
That’s no good for anyone
And so I come undone
Now I am less than what I was
Whatever’s left is yours now
Fold my heart up small
Or break it into pieces
Find somewhere and keep it there
Take it when you go
Justa j0e!! *hug*
RIP JG Ballard
that is all
your smarty hotties® will enter into sleep mode now
ps music always has a funny way of saying the things we can’t say i’ve noticed. I’ve also noticed songs will evolve in my life. They start out meaning 1 thing to me, then something happens in my life and suddenly the song has a completely different meaning, or just a whole new significance.
Plus my iTunes has that funny way of shuffling up those songs at that moment that say the things I cannot say. I will be really sad about something, listening to tunes unable to grasp my own sadness and a song will come on that says it all for me. I love that.
that my dear pannitos is the main reasons I love music so much
sleep mode has been delayed. Smarty hotties® will commence immediate shutdown procedures in 10…
Then what does it mean when my iTunes shuffles up “Several Species of Small Furry Animals Grooving in a Cave with a Pict” ?
In all, utmost seriousness – your friends are here for you and care for you.
Ah yes JG Ballard, I see they are already downplaying his scifi work, fooking literary snobs.
That was your oh so mini rant for a Monday Morning.
Oh and if you have a spare 1.5 million quid in your back pocket:
CP: Beeswing – Richard Thompson
We’ve been missing you, JOe.
RIP JG Ballard!
Good morning, you beautiful Deadpannites! How is it Monday already?
If money is supposed to flow like a river…
Who keeps damming my flow?
(ok that didn’t work…)
Yes, please:
If you ever find yourself in Houston, you owe it to yourself to visit the Johnson Space Center and see the Saturn V that is on display there.
CP: Wander Radio #39
EssBee – Do not listen while in the tub… You’ll turn into a prune before you get out. 😉
I’m safe at the office! With earbuds, noting the NSFW note on the episode.
EssBee – The poem and the final song are really the culprits here.
Quiet around here today…
I did shower…
I think.
Very quiet!
Although I did NOT shower with EssBee…
Just so you know.
If we had, I would have borrowed your cham-poo-pagne, Wolf.
BTW, happy 4/20, Deadpan. I don’t personally partake, but am sure that some of you do.
CP: Tiffany- I Think We’re Alone Now
Hugh sez: Turn that shit off!!!
Hugh sez2: We’re not listening to your iTunes anymore 🙂
errrrr.. dumb Dre question: whats the 4/20 significance.. what am i missing?
4/20 as faar as I can think is the day before the new Depeche Mode album is released 🙂
That maybe it wolf, some like the smell of wild wolf.
So I feel I’ve become emotionally flat to horror stories. So I could appreciate what emotions the writer was trying to instill with the poem without actually feeling anything at all.
OOO the Hotties have decided to grace us with their presence.
The Smarty Hotties: 4/20 = weed. Dumb IMO, but lots of dumb things are popular. It’s also my sister’s birthday, but that’s not nationally recognized.
and to prove what I was saying about my iTunes, it knows Hugh was upset by Tiffany so now:
CP: Black Flag- TV Party
TV Party is one of the greatest songs evar.
How did we not know this about 4/20?
Happy Birthday imag1narynumber’s sister!!!
Hi Wolf
ok, back to work 🙂
isn’t it though?? 🙂
we love Black Flag in this house
It is in Wikipedia so it must be right…
Isn’t it?
4/20 is a huge event on the CU campus in Boulder every year. Since I have an insider, I am always amused at the university’s attempts to quell the event. This year, they are expecting over 10,000 stoners to converge at 4:20 this afternoon outside of the library and toke up.
Not too surprisingly, it is always a peaceful event.
I’ll shall have to see if that black flag song is on spotify.
OOO Bubbles….
Old school game of the day. Freespace. wOOt!
You call that old school? LOL
In my day the would put strips of coloured cellophane on the monitor to’colour’ the graphics…
I want my pong.
Fall Guy! Knots Landing! Yeah, that song is bit dated…
Good morning to all of you. This is so my favorite place on the web now.
Unfortunately, I may be quiet today. I’m so sick that my dear husband has had to call off work today to help me. I have a migraine that surely surface from the depths of hell. It’s a cluster migraine which means that I’ll have moments of working vision and the pain will regress for a short time – like now. So, I took the free moment to drop in a hello.
Now I have to get as much work done as possible before the next hit of incapacitation. Stupid spreadsheets are not going to help my cause.
Have a great day! Hopefully I’ll be able to come back and read at least a bit later!
Take care, Cj! Keep your eyes off the computer screen, girl.
Soon, we’ll all be able to choose between same-sex or opposite marriage:
Today is 10 years since Columbine, wow. I remember where I was on that day. I was in Fort Collins, doing an exit exam and picking up the bound volume of my master’s thesis at CSU. I had just started dating Sly B, and it was our first mini-road trip together.
This one is for Hugh TSH:
Nuggets playoffs: 1-0
What’s most socially disturbing about Columbine is the number of gun-toting psycho incidents that have followed. Is this a cultural inevitability for this stage of our collective emotional development – – or is there some particular facet of contemporary culture that has helped enable this kind of thing?
My $0.02 on the matter, Jack, is that as a society, we have allowed kids to raise themselves. Imagine that the Columbine shooters gathered up an arsenal in their parents’ homes completely undetected.
Also, I think that bullying has become a constant torment and torture for kids who don’t “fit in.” Think of the 11 year old boy who hung himself last week in Springfield, MA rather than face school another day.
One of the reasons I refer to my once-beloved employer as “Evil, Inc.” is because we used to deploy to communities where something awful like Columbine or Springfield happened because we knew how to help communities design and implement bully-proofing plans.
CP – Side 2, ZZ Top “Eleminator” LP
Take that, sadness.
CP: Oh Well — Fleetwood Mac
*dancing in my office*
Essbee – RE: 4/20
Get a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms and a few boxs of small Ziplock bags.
Fill the bags. Wander past the library at 4:25 selling the bags of sugared joy for a buck a piece.
Ka ching!
I’m not a 4/20 partaker, but I could so go for a ziploc baggie of Lucky Charms right now.
… then you whip out your cooler full of those little pint containers of ice cold milk and sell those for $5 each.
later Deadpan
A guy could make a pretty nice profit on something like that next year. Hmm . . .
Quiet Monday…
At 4:20 on 4/20 I will be responsible for 5 little minions running around my house.
I’ll probably wish I was a partaker – but, alas – I have never been.
As for the kids who cause destruction, I tend to lean toward the blame-the-parents end of the spectrum.
Parents, IMO, of a very selfish generation seemed to either ignore or over-medicate their rambunctious children instead of spending time with them and paying attention to them. This doesn’t mean that it’s always the case, but I firmly believe that many of the negative actions taken by teens over the past decade could have been prevented with a bit of parental responsibility. I think these selfish parents decide somewhere along the line that the kids are merely a burden to them and basically toss them aside to fend for themselves.
Bad parenting tends to really piss me off.
Totally, agree about the parenting issue, Cj. I think that we were the first generation of latch-key kids, and our kids (thinking of kids who are near 20 now) are the first generation of self-raised kids.
CP: Was It A Lie? — Sleater-Kinney
I think/hope it’s changing now. I even wonder how much the mommy/daddy blogging phenomenon has affected parenting now. I see more parenting blogs and my “MightyMommy” account on Twitter is being followed by anywhere from 3 to 10 new parent bloggers/podcast listeners daily.
If it’s a trend in parents wanting to be better parents then hopefully, the generation of children who are small now, will have a better chance. My kids are 3 and 5 and I’m going to be 40 in a little over a month from now and I’ve noticed in the parenting groups of which I’m a member, most of the moms are close to the same age as me – so I think that parents starting later in life is also a trend and a good one at that! As always, I’m hopeful.
I’ve been over an hour without headache issue. I think I may be out of the dark and after almost 3 days of this pain – I’m about to shout hallelujah.
CP: Got to Get You Trapped Under Ice – Beatallica
Selfish people will always set their own petty wants and fleeting impulses as a higher priority than the well-being of their children.
And OK – can’t watch this here, but it looks like it’ll be worth checking out at home: http://digg.com/d1p9f9
I am not here to be my children’s best friend. I’m here to guide them, support them, and set boundaries for them. I’m eligible for vacation benefits after about 20 years on the job.
Ed, we have something else in common, which is our philosophy on parenting.
CP: Goons Of Hazzard — Dead Kennedys
CP: Cool Drink Of Water — The Gun Club
Personally I think blaming the parents is a kopout. It’s an easy excuse to try to explain why kid x did these horrible deeds.
I don’t care how you were brought up, you do a horrible act and the blame is on you and nobody else.
Cue the Americans don’t know geometry jokes….
Yes, that was on purpose 🙂
No, wordpress, I’m not posting too fast!
You should be ok as long as you don’t summon a demon using an hexagram.
Tonight is bachelor night for me, so I’m having a pot pie. Mmm.
CW: The Tudors S3, E2
Do Satanists send each other pick-me-up messages via singing pentagram?
That would be a great dating service!
“We base all of our matches on a battery of 666 questions.”
Cj said: “This is so my favorite place on the web now.”
Awww!! That warms my heart. It’s mine, too. 🙂
EssBee said: “My $0.02 on the matter, Jack, is that as a society, we have allowed kids to raise themselves.”
What both you and Cj said about this was right on the money.
Cj: I didn’t know that parents starting later in life was a trend now. That is interesting, and I agree that it’s likely to be a good thing in terms of parental responsibility. I was born in 1986 (Mom was 33), and my sister was born in 1991 (Mom was 38). I think that was slightly unusual when we were growing up. I think the upside was that she had an established career, but the downside was that she had less physical stamina than parents who started younger, so she didn’t like doing things like going camping in tents (which I liked doing, and still do).
At my university, we had a tradition of yelling “FOUR-TWENTY!” and cheering really loudly when the clock hit 4:20 at both soccer and basketball games.
Makes interesting reading:
Seems in the UK it wouldn’t do to suggest that booze gives you confidence:
After 2am, yawn, night pan.
I too enjoy camping! I love fishing and all of that stuff too… it’s my 33-year-old husband that doesn’t like it! grrr…. I shall make him be outdoorsy! I shall!
Well, Deadpan, that’s it for me. I think I took some of your headache, Cj — not all of it, but some of it. Now I must stop looking at this computer for awhile.
Nighty night, you beautiful denizens of the ‘pan.
You know, now that I hold the new Enterprise in my hands – I have to say the new warp engines are indeed on the awkwardly large size.
I hope the designers weren’t trying to compensate for something.
Shriveled Photon torpedoes?
We are old skool pot smokers and didn’t know about this 4/20 thing 🙂
I’m not a parent so I can’t really comment reliably on the whole who is responsible thing.. but based on my experience- I do tend to agree that its the parents fault when they are young and impressionable, then there comes a point when a child is making their own decisions and at that point it becomes iffy for me. Real generalization here but when kids are living under their parents roof, parents should be more aware of whats going on. Once a kid is away making their own choices, it becomes the childs choice and the parents less.
Essbee- I will tell Hugh of your basketball shout out 🙂 He just watched the Bulls play and now is watching the blackhawks.. I am hiding from it all. LOL. I did watch the end of the bulls game, it was a really good game.
I can say based on my own life, my parents did have a huge impression on me. I am also from a hispanic family with slightly different issues then American families. When I look back at my life and my successes and failures I really do believe up until.. lets say… 14/15, maybe even 13/14 I could point the finger at my parents, after that I made my own choices.
I can say that the worst my parents did was they did little to prepare me for the world. I learned most things about life on my own, through trial and error and meeting other people and actually going out and exploring life, seeing it for myself. Taking chances. So the choices I made when I did that are all on me.. but I guess if you wanted to look at my parents you could say they could of prepared me better and not just let me out with the wolves so unprepared. They were entirely way too overprotective of me, to the point that they stunted me in a way.
ok sorry 🙂
for someone who started out saying I can’t really comment on a subject, I sure commented a whole bunch.
I always have something to say
I leave you with The Gutter Twins
Yes. TSH and to Van – Ultimately, once the kiddos are thinking for themselves, there are cases, where regardless of upbringing – people can simply be idiots or, deranged and unbalanced people.
I think all points and perspectives are valid, but I still believe that if the parents had taken the time to get involved and paid attention to their children, at least some of these kids could have been helped or saved.
I want to hold your Enterprise, Ed. Pretty please? 🙂
I’ll be sure to bring it if I ever get to visit AZ. For now, you’ll have to settle for a picture 🙂
The new toy looks be to be about the same scale as the original series movie version. Both are a good bit smaller than the original TV series one:
You know, I’m mildly disturbed by the fact that I’ve only posted those images in the last few minutes and 40 people have already found them.
Oh, why not – 600!
Very awesome, Ed! 🙂
And Calgary has made a series of it.
Ed, are the little ones allowed to play with those models?
Morning Pan,
CP: Whiskey in the Jar – Thin Lizzy
Some nice guitar work for a Tuesday Morning.
CP: The Boys are Back in Town – Thin Lizzy
CP: Dancing in The Moonlight – Thin Lizzy
CP: Jailbreak – Thin Lizzy
CP: I Don’t Like Mondays – The Boomtown Rats
CP: Mona Lisa – Nat King Cole
CP: Route 66 – Nat King Cole
CP: Walking My Baby Back Home – Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole
CP: These Boots are Made for Walkin’ – Nancy Sinatra
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
I’m not real familiar with Nancy’s version, but I really enjoy the version that Operation Ivy did.
Jack, only when they are closely supervised and have put down a deposit 🙂
Nah, toys are meant to be played with. I’m not a true “collector” in the museum sense.
Talking of models, I whiled away many a rainy afternoon as a kid playing with the following model:
It separated into four bits for more variety..
Morning Pan
Beautiful 20 C yesterday. The weatherman says snow for tomorrow.
I don’t know if I can take anymore of this crazy weather
The Red Mile was happy last night, now that Calgary has decided to actually join the playoffs.
Only one item on today’s todo list:
Disillusion TEB about another fairy tale.
A friend of mine starts her first day of work today. Normally, not an issue but in today’s economy she got a job in record time. She’s from the US and only received her work permit at the end of March. She put out her resume, did an interview and got a job within a couple of weeks. You don’t see that very much anymore.
You won’t disillusion me Van, I know the evils of Rumplestiltskin. The poor man who tore himself in half…
I still say the king was the bad guy in that story.
I don’t even have the best pants.
CP: Scientific American Podcast
*Pushes the reset button*
Will that work on the weather, EssBee?
Heh! this ain’t a Sar Trek episode Essbee.
CP: Escape Pod 195
Junk Sound Itkin Pressure’s
CP: Get Out the Door – Velvet Revolver
CP: Me and My Arrow – Harry Nillson
CP: I’m a Believer – The Monkees
CP: Of Sins and Shadows – Symphony X
Robert Smith is 50 today.
Damn. You’re right, Van.
Sorry about the weather, TEB. In Colorado, it’s gorgeous and supposed to be 77 today.
Morning, Deadpan!
CP: Salve Virgo Virginum – The Mediæval Bæbes
So far weather not bad +8C. But give it 24 hours…
CP: The look of Love – Diana Krall
CP: Battery – Metallica
CP: WanderRadio EP 39
Well, no more music for now. Gotta do an on-line course for work. Will be out for an hour or so.