620 thoughts on “Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #125: Underrated”
I cannot access MP3 files from the network at work, so… someone else will have to transcribe #125 for me so I can read it tonight before I go home.
Cj? Wanna take this one for me?
I already have the entire thing written up in binary, NS. I’ll post that for you in a minute.
Wow, BST sucks.
Uhhh huhh… I’m late to the game on this one.. I was uhm.. yeah.. I might have been playing WoW… 😳
Sweet! I am on Wikipedia now, teaching myself to sight read in binary.
What is BST? I already know what WoW is.
Boney Skeletal Thighs?
Brief Study Times?
Big Silly Things?
Bad Saxaphone Time?
Booze South Tree
All sound much more interesting than British Summer Time.
The idea of actually liking to eat raw fish will always be a mystery to me.
I had an avocado sushi roll once and not only was it very good, it had no fish in it.
And I detest the whole shifting time around idea. I cannot see how anyone ever thought that this was a good idea.
Ripe bananas…Mmmmmmm!
Green bananas…Yuk!
Guess which ones are better for you?
Bananas Sans ToneOfYellow
So it’s a stretch. What do you want from an insomniac at quarter to 3am!
Goodnight to the mushy goodness.
I think I’ve just shared a bonding moment with Van regarding the consumption of raw fish. Perhaps is just goes back to my caveman lineage, but I regard the discovery of fire for cooking animals as a good thing.
Deadpan 125 is locked and loaded.
Morning, Deadpan!
Raw fish = yum. I’ll take Van and Ed’s share, thanks!
Only up for a few minutes. My Boo is taking her car in for servicing so I have to go pick her up in about 15 minutes.
For those of you on FB. My profile picture is of my backyard, taken this morning. To give you an idea of what we are dealing with.
Morning, Pan.
This very long day is starting. I’ve just finished my prep work for tonight’s conference call. I’ve got new Deadpan, Wander Radio, and several other podcasts ready to go, and I’m ready for the rest of the day. Catch you on the other side.
Sight reading binary, Nomad? Just beware anyone trying to show you a scroll…
CP: Excerpt from “Monster in a Box” – Spalding Gray
Alas no more Gray…
Amy you do know that the latest episode of WR is NOT work safe right…
I won’t tell you what the weather is like today.
CP: Songs From The Wood — Jethro Tull
Yep – It is a brisk 72 F here.
CP: Pale Blue Eyes — The Velvet Underground
JaJ, if you lost your severe weather kit, you can borrow my flashlight! I might have a few granola bars too . . .
CP: Heartshine — Mother Love Bone
CP: Rehab — Amy Winehouse
I really think you should go, Amy. Just my opinion.
Back from the brrr. Now to warm up and do some work. Then back out to SHOVEL MY SIDEWALK.
I’m really ready for spring.
Ben I Blessed Queen
Snow is definitely over ratted
Participating in winter sports is over rated (What do you mean you don’t ski? You live right beside the mountains!)
Ugh, I hear that all the time. I personally find no attraction in strapping boards to my feet and throwing myself down a mountain.
Time to go out to the brr and shovel the sidewalk. Back in a bit.
TEB – Have you thought about renting a really large space heater and Blower… Just thinking…
JohnBoze with the Snow Crash reference! (speaking of snow. . . )
No way I was passing that one up, Jack.
I figured you would if I hadn’t…
Brrr, f’n brrr.
Wolf, you almost need that today. Because it was semi-warm when the snow started, there is a beautiful layer of ice under the shovelled snow. Now covered in a coat of de-icer.
Cj, I love your voice!
There! I rotated and vacuumed my bed. It should be good for another six months now.
Put the kettle on. Now to decide what kind of tea I want to make 🙂
TEB, why did you choose today to rotate the bed? Serious question, actually, from an O/CD friend.
Especially when she’s all giggly….
CJ, that is, d’oh!
EssBee, I like to rotate and vacuum my bed every six months or so, and it was about due.
Tip for those who have never vacuumed their beds:
empty your vacuum, change your bag, whatever, so that it is clean.
strip your bed, then run the vacuum over it (a vacuum with a beater bar works best)
I can almost guarantee you’ll vacuum you bed on a regular basis after you see all the junk that comes out 😉
Hmm. 3 things that are underrated.
Accapella Music – The human voice singing is just awesome.
Variety – Trying new things I think is underrated… How else are you going to find something new??? People find something and just hold on to it until it becomes habit…How else can you grow? Learn something new?
Audio Dramas – Underrated because of the power of audio to tell a story that can draw in its listener and engulf the listener into a world.
Wolf the lute of the routine traps many of us.
Err lure and not lute.
TEB, I also do the every 6 months thing. I do July 4th and New Year’s.
Underrated: Turning and vacuuming your mattress.
Snow Crash is my favorite book from him. Before he started writing tomes, of course. 😉
Underrated: Potatoes
I’m going to ask this and duck. Who wrote Snow Crash?
All together now:
Neal Stephenson!
There is no cheating on the Deadpan.
You know Wolf. The guy who wrote about the Age of Diamonds.
Or was that Aging Diamonds?
Underestimated: Australian poisonous fauna.
That’s graphite TEB.
Is this from experience?
All poisonous fauna is underestimated, Van
3 overrated things:
– Twitter
– Open Source
– Java
3 underrated things:
– Reading (in general)
– Empathy
– Quiet time
Those are just off the top of my head. In about an hour I’ll probably feel differently.
To quote the late John Denver:
“Some days are diamonds,
Some days are coal”
I agree with Tee about The Joker.
Many of the best books screw with your head.
I’ll let the open-source slight go. 😉
imag1narynumber: No problem. I’ve been working with open source for over 15 years. It’s got its good points. It’s got its demons. I just don’t subscribe to the fervor.
I don’t think Tee has read Moore & Campell’s “From Hell”.
WNDR: Yes, I know it’s not work-safe. I always listen to podcasts on my iPod with earbuds, so even if I did listen to it while cleaning (I didn’t – I listened to Contagious and Weather Child instead), no one would hear.
Demon (aka daemon) pun intended. 🙂
And another tie to Snow Crash.
Yea! My marshmallow comment got read. 🙂
Amy – that makes feel so much better.
ditto: That pun made my day!
imag1narynumber: You’re welcome. Quick question: i or j?
imagine all the imaginary numbers….
So, what’s the big deal with “The Warriors” anyway? I recall seeing it once, but only bits have stuck with me, such as Jack’s opening with the guy using glass bottles (talk about dated) on his fingers to make his little taunting clacker. Is it just some cult status movie that I don’t belong to? Or is it something Palooza worthy that I don’t appreciate enough?
I don’t need to. It’s C. 😉
Ed: I guess that’s why they call it a cult film. 🙂 I don’t really get it either.
I TOTALLY agree about Twitter being over-rated. I have been using it for the past few weeks to follow the trial in Greeley without streaming the video, and it is EXHAUSTING. It’s like people popping up in your face constantly. It’s too much pressure. It’s too much information.
*writes down Snow Crash for the bookstore tonight*
And if there’s one thing I absolutely hate, it’s people popping up in my face constantly.
[over-wrought voice] I feel so unwanted.
Hmmm. “Over” words sounds like a good idea today.
I read that as pooping.
I’ll get my coat.
Overrated: Holidays. Alone.
It’s not you, it’s me.
We could make it an overarching theme for the day. Good idea!
That too, Van. I did not overlook your comment about pooping.
I’m overly obsessed.
How does our overlord feel about this?
CP: Over Your Shoulder — Concrete Blonde
Would I be over-analyzing the situation to feel self-conscious about whistling along to an Indigo Girls song in my office?
Deapdan is the Over-Fucking Way
over 100
The new host of Rocketboom makes me feel old.
There is an unwashed obese man on the bus…the smell is overpowering.
CP: Over and Over — MC5
That sounds overwhelming, Van.
All this overtime is really making me feel overworked.
CP: Over Theirs – Wire
Are you overwrought EssBee?
Is overuse of over contrary to Deadpan?
Not overwrought, ditto. Just overtired.
Are we overdoing it?
No more than our other memes.
Late lunch for me.
Don’t get overfull, ditto. That makes for a drowsy afternoon.
I don’t think Warriors is Palooza-worthy – – but it is a fun, mindless over-the-top 70s cult classic.
Speaking of movies of the late 70’s, I watched “Times Square” last week. First time I’ve seen that pic. A nice example of 75% of a good movie, and 25% of studio meddling.
Also, could hear many precursors of “Pump Up the Volume,” which the director wrote & made about 10 years later.
CP: Audio from career development webinar for AmeriCorps Members and Alums. Start time was 9:07 PM EDT.
I’ll be lucky to be home from work by midnight CDT. Evry 10 minutes I swap discs out of drives, otherwise I need some entertainin’…
CP: That Fan Who Wasn’t There — The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
At hotel on son’s laptop (I switched to preferred desktop system.)
Hi Deadpan!
Well, we conquered the Sushi, but missed the performance. I’m not too disappointed. We went to Borders, and I picked up Snow Crash. That guy writes some hefty books! I also got Book 6 of the Dresden Files (Blood Rites?), and noted that the newest Dresden Files was in the #1 slot in the bestsellers section. I also got the new Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs CD.
I forgot for a second that today was my mom-out-law’s bday, not mine. 🙂
At any rate, I’m overjoyed by my purchases.
The larger rush job is done, moving on to the smaller one.
Getting some nice overtime.
I envy you the first reading of Snowcrash. Makes me want to go back and reread it again…
JB, his Cryptonomicon looks really interesting to me, but I figured I’d better read Snowcrash first!
Nighty-night, Overlords of Deadpania.
Yes, I liked Cryptonomicon very well as well, but you are choosing the right jumping-off point. I also think that his earlier novel “Zodiac – An Eco-Thriller” is pretty underrated.
Crap, Mountain time goes beddy-bye and I am still at work.
Okay, webinar over. We finished at 10:43 my time. That was interesting. I look forward to more detailed information next week.
Outta here, see y’all after 5 hours or so of shuteye…
Night pan. Partial victory over my computer systems tonight. I’m quitting whilst I’m ahead.
And we’re back!
Morning Pan, I’m overly impressed with amount of books some of you get through in a week, takes all my water these days to get through an issue of F&SF.
Yeah – I typically need a bookmark to finish Goodnight Moon.
I haven’t read any Stephenson. So I thought perhaps I’d grab an “e” version and read it on my phone.
What a headache. First off, I can get a brand new copy of the paperback version for an equivilent or CHEAPER price than some of the digital options. And then, even if I narrow it down to just the .mobi format that I know I can use, the price is still no less than $7. That is almost half the price to get the Audible version! And when I can buy a perfectly good used copy for $7 (I’m including the shipping charges) and then sell it again when I am done with it…
Wait. Nevermind. I don’t get rid of anything. Ever.
Maybe I’ll just grab a copy at B&N or Borders when I pick up the new Depeche Mode CD tomorrow.
Oh and apologies possibly to JJ if he is now on Facebook.
Ebook pricing makes me grind my teeth NS.
This episode is not overrated. This episode of the Deadpan is underrated.
The only reason I would even consider trying the digital option is because of the nice experience I’ve had reading the books that Tor gave me for free. Before that, I literally railed about how stupid the idea of an ebook was. But reading them on an LCD instead of an old school CRT makes a huge difference.
I just buy the big three scifi mags (Asimov. Analog and F&SF) in ebook format to read on my phone. The exchange rate makes them a bit cheaper and I don’t have to trudge around shops.
[slaps head]
That’s brilliant, Van. I have been pondering a sub to F&SF for a while now but getting it onto my phone hadn’t crossed my mind. Thank you.
I fear my consumption of dead trees has fallen quite a bit in recent years as well. I must confess I’ve not read any of Stephenson’s work either. After I get through the current audio tome, I’ll be relying on audiobooks to keep from sliding into a total literary desert. I’ll have to add Snowcrash to the extensive list of stuff I want to “read.”
I’ve been helping my daughter more with her homework this week while my wife is out of town for work. I’ve learned one of the hardest things for me to do anymore is write lower case letters. As an engineer, whenever I write anymore, it’s all upper case with larger upper case letters for “capitalization.” Trying to switch to using actual lower case to write questions for my daughter to answer just about makes my hand cramp up.
As for writing in cursive – I’ve just about completely lost that ability as well. It’s much faster for me to write in print than cursive.
I missed who said it, but thanks to whomever said U2 is greatly overrated. Coldplay seems to be following in their footsteps, IMO.
I’m ashamed to say I too have yet to read Snow Crash. Thankfully my wonderful woman bought me The Best of 2600, so that’ll keep me occupied for quite some time.
And OMG I’ve had a nipple exposed!
I enjoyed Cryptonomicon, but I thought the ending was highly unimpressive and unfulfilling.
Now to find a book to hold me by the hand so I can start to learn about cryptology. I have a hard time wrapping my head around all this public/privet key thing.
Harry Potter the Hacker?
To obscure typo reference?
Morning Pan!
-6 today but at least there is no more snow. The sun is even trying to peek its head over the horizon
Catchup post:
I’ve tried skiing once. I think I could get to like it if I were willing to tackle the learning curve, and had enough strength in my arms to push myself up to a standing position after falling down, which I don’t.
WNDR: YES!!! I love acappella music. It’s been a favorite in my family all my life.
Okay, playtime over. Off to the usual Friday meeting.
Top o’ the Morn, TEB!
Ed from Texas: Great Airplane reference! Bonus points!
Morning IMN, Amy, Ed et, al!
It’s green.
Back at it, tired, with the consolation that 15 minutes after I started this morning all the time pays time and a half…
Van, is it also alive?
Happy Friday, Deadpan!
One of my favorite younger authors, David Anthony Durham, is going to do a Wild Cards:
If you all are looking for a good first book in a series, I recommend his Acacia highly. I actually won a signed copy from Dragon Page and loved the book.
imag1narynumber: Agree on the ending of Cryptonomicon. I enjoy Stephenson’s earlier works better than his tomes, of which Crypto was the first. On the other hand, he packs thousands of brilliant ideas into his books. They are worth a read just for that.
I still buy lots of real books. I don’t have to worry about devices, changing formats, running out of batteries, and I have a nice looking personal library to boot. 🙂
Holy crap! Wild Cards?! I had no clue those were still getting made.
I lost touch with the series in the mid-90’s…
– Don’t Flamenco Round Skullcrusher –
Does anyone have a link to a site with an “Audio ripping FAQ”?
I am trying to convert some old LPs (that’s a “record” for you youngsters) and am having an abysmal time.
I have tried 2 differrent USB conversion devices and the audio randomly comes out sounding “over driven” and “static-ey” sounding.
Somewhere there MUST be a collection of knowledge and troubleshooting on this process.
Me too, ditto. I buy and read tons of books.
I read mostly Fantasy and Urban Fantasy, but I also pick up the occasional contemporary big “L” Literature, and I try to read some kind of non-fiction book, at least one a month.
J0e, I have a friend who converted his LPs. He’s coming over tonight for gaming, I’ll ask what he used.
JaJ, you’re a sight for sore eyes. I can’t help you with your problem, but my, don’t you look handsome today?
One more book thing: I also have an audible.com account and am usually consuming an audiobook too for my commute and work-out times. Right now, I’m re-reading via audio the Song of Ice & Fire series (on book 1 now) in the hopes that book 5 comes out some time in my lifetime.
Morning pan!
j0e- We have a friend who recently digitized a bunch of old rare punk and industrial records. The files he sent us sounded damn good. I will contact him and ask him what he used.
What a cool little clock. Although the heartbeat would creep me out after a while 🙂
I went along with the switch to CDs and MP3s regrettably.. records sound SO much better. I think because the entire music industry has followed the trends, s if you want to keep up with music you needed to change. But books.. I need a physical paper book in hand still.
I still can’t watch movies/tv on my computer either. If I have something downloaded, I have to burn it to disc and watch it on my TV.
On the book thing. My husband and I like both audio and the written word. We have a fair sized library (which we plan to expand once my Boo moves out 🙂 ), but we both have Audible accounts.
Currently I’m listening to A Clockwork Orange, and about to start The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman in printed. My husband is also listening and reading at the same time. (we’re reading the Hugo nominees)
The LP-vs-CD thing kind of bugs me. It’s true that if you spend big bucks on a sound system the LP’s will be much nicer sounding. When Mr. Fabby had the tube amp and $700 turntable on isolation spikes, it sounded much nicer than the CD’s. But I remember the $49 turntable with belt drive and I will contend that a $39 supermarket no-name CD player sounds tons better.
I may be open to reading a book on a Kindle-like device, but they’re just too damned expensive for me to test-drive one.
+1,000 re: vinyl. The sound is just enchanting compared to a crap CD. I recall recently going into a shop and being struck by how great the background music was. Sure enough, phonograph.
I still buy CDs because I have a great car stereo. It has an iPod hook-up, but if I want to listen to music in the car, the CDs sound 100x better than the iPod.
I do still have some vinyl, including a prized first press edition of Buckingham/Nicks and a really nice Fleetwood Mac “Tusk” album. But I no longer have a turn table.
The thing with CDs is they clip too much of the music. Then MP3s do it even more. MP3s sound AWFUL.
On a side note, I bet many kids under 20 have never heard an actual cymbal crash.
Oh, note for those who haven’t heard me mention Fabby before…
When I was divorced from Darcy back in the early 00’s, I lived in Mr. Fabby’s house. Travis AKA Mr. Fucking Fabulous.
Darcy and I are still good friends with Travis and Kristal, so we both really love Awesome on “Chuck” just for his name…
Thanks guys.
I’m thinking there must be some “mystery settings” and special “Tricks & Tips” to getting clean transfers.
– American Autumn Dead Fighting –
Actually also reminds me of phones. Peoples’ voices are so trimmed and compressed they hardly represent people anymore.
Everything Delicious Drowning Metal
This one is all Yeah Yeah Yeahs, as I’m consuming the new album (It’s Blitz) this morning:
Zero Heads Softshock Skeletons
JB, I know there’s more to that story.
Good sounding phonographs cost big money. The lightweight cheap ones from the 80’s were worthless and I really don’t expect you could get a decent one for cheap today.
Bunny- don’t work! 🙂 oh and Hugh is starting to think maybe your Calgary Flames will kick the Blackhawks butt 🙂 He feels he is destined to not have any of his teams ever win again 🙂 Kinda like the Cubs curse has spread to all of Chicago teams.
I do have to say the joy of CDs and MP3s is how you can take your collection everywhere. The 80 gig of music sitting on my ipod.. I can’t imagine how I would either record all of that onto cassettes, and have all the wonderful playlist options. I remember the hassle of making mix tapes.. LOL.. remember mix tapes?
I remember when I was swooning Hugh I made him a few mix tapes.. LOL.. so lame
We did fork over a decent amount of money for the record player we have today. Bought the top of the line one at the Sony store several years back.. but it is really nice, and we will probably never have to replace it.
Does anyone here read Hellblazer comics?
They did a hilarious Christmas special where they called in John Constatine to lift the curse on the Cubs. It was cute 🙂
one last question then I have to get some work done:
JB- still not coming for Throbbing Gristle this weekend?
Mr. Fabby? Well, yeah…
Not my story, but he got the nickname from his buddies, who noted that anytime, anywhere, Mr. Fucking Fabulous could strike up a conversation with a girl and if she was single come away with at the very least a phone number. I suppose the nickname has outlived its original meaning by now…
Uh, unless you mean the divorce thing, heh… Yeah, there’s minor story there as well, Jack and CJ have heard the longer version, but the short version is I got married too young, with too little life experience, so I went away and got all my squirrelliness out and was lucky enough to get a second chance.
I’ll have to be content with my own throbbing gristle at home…
Two great stories, JB. Thanks for sharin’!
please tell us more of your throbbings, Mr Boze 😉
you did share a bit of the divorce story with us deadpanites before, in the days of old of pan.
ok.. for realz, worky time now
Yeah, 8:30 am and the paying job is done for the day!
Now all I have to do is clean the bathroom, go shopping and decide what kind of cookies I want to bake today 🙂
In case you ever get pulled over and asked to take a breathalyzer test, this is the correct way to perform one.
Can’t clean the guest bathroom because my hubby hasn’t removed our unwanted 8 legged guest from it yet. With the in-laws coming next week, I guess he’ll be cleaning it.
Now to do the upstairs.
Awesome! TEB has a shower octopus!
Upstairs washroom clean.
Decided to make fudge today.
Yes, I have an octopus…
Off to the grocery store.
Later Pan
I have yet to pick up the new Depeche Mode album, though it is on the list. I did pick up 3 new(ish) albums from Canadian artists this weekend: Tragically Hip, Metric, and 54-40.
As for vinyl. My ears are fairly bad, so it isn’t worth the $$ to shell out for really good equipment when I can’t hear the difference. Mp3s sound fine in earbuds, but that’s about it.
This almost a perfect description of me: “Just like a surprising majority of our readers, I have never yet made it through Brad Bird’s animated wonder The Iron Giant without choking up at the climax, at the pride and peace on the titular giant’s face as he repeats the affirmation “Superman.†My cellular composition is at least 80 percent cynicism, and I actively resent and resist movies that try too hard to emotionally manipulate me, so I tend to be the one sitting dry-eyed and irritated in theaters full of bawlers.
SWEET! If you were paying attention last year, JfS & talked a bit about a new singer from Sweden called Lykke Li. Though I don’t watch American Idol, I think it’s awesome someone covered “I’m Good, I’m Gone”. http://www.spin.com/articles/lykke-li-hits-big-time-idol
ditto, I’ll be anxious for your review of the Depeche Mode album. Rolling Stone gave it only 1 or 2 stars. Entertainment Weekly gave it 4.
CP: Part Of My Life — India.Arie
Interesting… my last post got filtered by the fucktardbot WP.
EssBee: I’ll let you know what I think when I get it. I have pretty much everything they’ve done; been a fan since ’83.
CP: We Do What We Want To — O+S
Time to go brave government offical-dumb. 😉
I’m done with work now too! I’m going to get ready to meet Hugh for lunch. Its so beautiful here today we are going to have a picnic downtown by the lake.
New Depeche Mode album= eh.. I’m not convinced I like it much yet. I will still see them at Lollapalooza regardless.
Some new albums i do love though: Metric, Silversun Pickups, Pj Harvey & John Parish
l8r pan
CP: Electric Feel – MGMT
Boy these guys have more hooks than my uncle’s fishing hat.
Though, here’s an interesting note, I liked the sound of this cut better when I heard it over FM radio when it was in heavy rotation on our public radio alternative music station than I like this MP3, which is the iTunes Plus “higher quality” version.
I like what I’ve heard of the new Bat for Lashes album, it might be my next (extremely infrequent) purchase.
CP: Ball and Biscuit — The White Stripes
I remember mixtapes.
Regarding MP3 vs. CD vs. vynil – I know I’ve never had a high end enough audio setup to appreciate a well mastered vynil album, so I probably don’t know what I’ve missed. With CD’s and digital audio – I think it is a lost more dependent on what is done on the recording/mastering end. I have heard CD’s and digital audio files on stereos, on computers, and on Ipods. I can’t find plenty of examples of both that sound like ass and examples and sound sublime.
One thing I’m certain of – a recording of ass quality is still going to sound like ass when you listen to it, no matter what you play it on.
Beware of eight legged muggers.
Well, another sign of my age has come to my awareness this morning.
Bloom County went out of publication 20 years ago.
Dilbert has been in publication for 20 years now.
I really didn’t need to know either of those facts.
Thanks for the 411 Ed.
I’ll be in my meadow…
There, fudge is in the fridge setting. Now just killing about 20 minutes until lunch time 😉
It’s still not too late for a Billy and the Boingers reunion tour.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand into CCH right now. Buh-bye swoon. *sniff* 🙁
CP: Mr. Grieves — Pixies
Great album.
This one goes out to Cj.
CP: Shadows Of The Night — Pat Benatar
Still in CCH
CP: Asshole — Denis Leary
I’m just a regular Joe with a regular job
I’m your average white, suburbanized slob
I like football and porno and books about war
I got an average house, with a nice hardwood floor
My wife and my job, my kids and my car
My feet on my table and a Cuban cigar
But sometimes that just ain’t enough to keep a man like me interested
(oh no, no way, uh uh)
No I gotta go out and have fun at someone else’s expense
(woah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah)
I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane
While people behind me are going insane
CP: Look Down — Zach Morris Phone
This call is killing my brain cells with extreme prejudice.
CP: Caught A Lite Sneeze — Tori Amos
nef nop nup
CCH hates us, ditto.
Some of these are NSFW, but this is a HILARIOUS blog:
Now we know how Sauron sapped the will of his minions. He made them suffer in CCH.
uh.. hi, Deadpan! It’s only 1:30pm and it’s been a long day. I had so much to read from you! YAY! And I have responses too, but then, I clicked on the photo bomb website and was completely distracted for about 7.42 minutes.
Thoughts re-gathering…
Going way back to this early morning –
Van, Green is my favorite. Although I have no idea what the context of your green comment really was.
Vanamonde Says: It’s green.
I’m guessing bananas and healthfulness.
RE: Spaghetti in hot dogs – My kids would love this. Wouldn’t you know I just found some spinach (green) spaghetti on sale at Sprouts the other day. This is going to be fun!
Books on paper are my favorite.
I just started reading “My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands” by Chelsea Handler
It’s fluffy reading and good for the doctor’s office where I spent the morning. I love sitting there reading all of her sexy-tales while the people in the waiting room around me have no idea of the naughty tidbits I’m enjoying!
“I like to park in handicapped spaces while handicapped people make handicapped faces….”
My old roommate learned to play that song on his guitar just so he could sing it to me.
Oooh and one more thing, then I’ll shut my yapper…
TEB’s YouTube video share about the tesla coil reminds me of a dumbass memory. Someone remind me to record that later. 🙂
Working Friday night sucks.
Just thought I would let you all know that.
Roll on 23.44.
My contribution to your Deadpan Friday Night (Essbee – skip this post darling)
The Slippery Nipple
– Baileys Irish Cream
– Sambuca
Now, I don’t have Sambuca so I have been using Vodka.
Pour a shot glass about a third full of the Baileys and fill the rest of the way with the Vodka.
Drink quickly. The sweet liquor takes the bite off of the vodka.
It doesn’t kill the pain but it sure does shove it into a broom closet and locks the door!
The Slippery Nipple
How could I NOT share that?!?!?
Damn . . .
I’ll have to find my slippery nipples elsewhere, I suppose . . .
CD: Starbucks doubleshot MOCHA in a can
I stand by my assertion that Starbucks is overrated.
Sorry you have to work, Van.
CP: I Bleed — Pixies
My guess was a Scotty reference “It’s green.”
I third the Liz phair swoon
I thank j0e for his slippery nipples, they sound divine. I have the fixins for them and methinks I might make em!
and an absolutely HUGE thank you and a hug to EssBee for that Throbbing Gristle article.. that was awesome, I can’t wait for those videos. Thank you again.
I get to see them tomorrow, I cannot be more excited for it. The memories that band brings back for me.. shit.
ok pan
take care of each other, its a big bad world out there 🙂
CP: Strawberry Swing — Coldplay
CP: Skullcrusher Mountain — Jonathan Coulton
I’ve had a slippery nipple and it’s a waste of Bailey’s.
Not that I knew that it was called a slippery nipple at the time.
Need to share some hockey commercials from Canada.
Molson’s “The Code”
So, no one owning up to which movies make you cry?
Movies that make me cry:
Things We Lost In The Fire
The Laramie Project
The Life Of David Gale
That’s all I can think of tonight.
I LOVED tonight’s Dollhouse.
Movies that make me cry? Hmmm…
I was “in love” for the first time when I saw Rob Roy and was seriously messed up afterwards.
I got too choked up to speak the first few times I watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It still gets me a little when I take the time to watch all the way through.
Iron Giant.
I can’t think of any others off hand. Certain episodes of Roswell and Farscape still get me teary even though I’ve watched them multiple times. I’m sure Buffy/Angel will do the same to me when I get around to watching them.
Which kind of reminds me, last weeks Fringe, the episode about bad dreams… The actress playing Olivia did a brilliant job in the club scene. Wow on the emoting.
Catching up is fun to do:
Ed – I started printing in allcaps with slightly larger versions for the capitals when I was a junior or senior in high school. My dad was amused/proud of me when he noticed it and said that all of the engineers and compsci folks did it that way. Of course, that cemented it for me and I’ve been learning to write illegibly in caps for years.
Catching up is fun to do:
i – I’m working through Bruce Schneier’s Applied Crypto right now and as an absolute newb, it is very simple and quite a bit over my head. It may be what you are looking for.
Catching up is fun to do:
[timebeat] = Creepy and cool!
Catching up is fun to do:
Cj – spinach spaghetti in hot dogs = me gag. Ugh. gugh.
Hey pan! Just thought we would check in before going to bed. Saw some very cool art tonight. We hit several gallery openings.
Hugh sez: which made us very jealous
we were quite jealous 🙂
Movies that make me cry?
Hugh sez: that would be every movie she ever saw
shut it Hughie!!! I cry a lot. I cry at commercials even
I sez again: Movies that Make Me Cry:
Love Story (cry from the second it starts to the second it ends)
Forrest Gump (the scene at Jenny’s grave!)
Dragonheart (when the dragon dies)
I can’t watch war movies because they make me cry- all that death, all those young soldiers and what they go through. Its too real for me and it makes me sad
Fried Green Tomatoes
I also cry at super happy moments in movies sometimes too
Dead Man Walking
OH! and that movie with the chinese women.. ah crap can’t think of the name
I cried when Spock “died”
I cried as a little girl when Luke found out about his parentage and got his arm chopped off
Hugh sez: she cries at almost every movie for something
I do. I’m an emotional girl 🙂
Hugh sez: she is 🙂 *swooon*
why are you swooning
Hugh sez: I love that about you. Its cute
I cry at those stories during the olympics when they give the heartbreaking story of the athletes suffering to get to the games
I cry at the commercials with starving children
I cry at ESPN sometimes again when they give super emotional athlete tragedies/stories
I recently cried at a story on ESPN about the recovery of Michael Vicks dogs
[spoiler alert]
I cried when Wash died
[/spoiler alert]
I cry reading books sometimes too
My Big Fat Greek wedding made me cry so much..
in conclusion.. I cry at lots of shit. Its just what I do
Morning Pan, I’m a crusty old bird these days and films tend not to have an emotional impact, but I remember Schindler’s List getting tear ducts flowing in adult hood.
As a kid, Charlotte’s Web and Watership Down.
I bah’d at WordPress for telling me I post too quickly
WordPress needs to keep up!!
Ok, nighty nite pan
Hugh sez: nighty nite!
nighty nite mush!
nighty nite cockles!
Hugh sez: oh no, my cockles are quite awake and alert this evening
LOL!! Thank you for sharing with the class Hughie 🙂
For some reason, Wash’s passing bothered me less than Book’s. Then again, Book probably my favorite character just because he obviously had the most untold story.
Lucky underwire. Wonder if overwire would work better?
Big Fish
Life is Beautiful
Moulin Rouge
Big Fish
Nomad Scry: I agree about Bruce Schneier’s books on Cryptology. They are very good. He also has a blog: http://www.schneier.com/blog/
“Applied Cryptography” is good if you know code. “Practical Cryptography” is also good but does not involve code. I think it has a better explanation of asymmetric crypto.
A great game with very complementary music. I’m not sure how well the music will stand on its own, but I think I’ll still get it.
There are a few that have been mentioned that get me (definitely got to agree on Big Fish and Moulin Rouge)
So, I’ll fess up to one I haven’t seen – Star Wars (no stinkin subtitle) When R2D2 gets shot up during the Death Star run. Shit, I’m tearing up a bit even as I type this, dammit.
Well after Ed’s confession….
All Dog’s Go To Heaven..at the end when the goodbyes are being said.
Never cried at a movie….. although E.T.’s “death” got me pretty close. (shaddap)
Requiem for a Dream is also pretty heart-wrenching……….
OK – back to work for me.
Overrated: Bladerunner
CW: Latest Dollhouse
The bringing back the dead bit reminds of ‘The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World’ where Prof Coypu is stored in a memory module.
Jack: Agree about Requiem. It also has an amazing soundtrack.
I haven’t had a chance to catch Dollhouse from last night yet. But, the wife and I did finally watch Caprica. I must confess, I don’t really see much point to continuing on as a series. It stands well enough alone as a prequel to Galactica. But, the notion of transfering memories into a new body (a precursor to resurrection tech) is a major theme of the pilot.
Every so often I scroll through the TIVO guide looking for things to record, especially off of Discovery and History channels. Recorded a show called Extreme Trains. The episode is about a 484 steam locomotive that is still in operation. My boy and I have started it over and are watching it again 🙂
The Kid
CW: Modern Marvels – 70s Tech
The Concorde
Atari 2600
Polaroid instant camera
Speak ‘n Spell (that’s probably how I learned to spell)
Mr. Coffee
Home Microwave Ovens
The Firebird Trans Am (with a 290HP 454cu in engine – my CTS puts out more power with an engine half that size, and it can corner 🙂 )
150,000 Trans Ams were sold the year “Smokey and the Bandit” came out.
Back from commercial
CB Radios – to combat the lowering of speed limits from 70 down to 55 mph.
Hand held digital calculators
Shows over, move along…..
My dad’s mid-life crisis car was a Firebird – sometime around 1985.
CP: “Africa” – Toto
Currently Doing: Submitting the audio and transcript for my first episode of the 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast!
More 70’s Tech:
Space Invaders at the local arcade.
LED Digital watches – press the button to get a quick flash of the time.
Morning Pan, work on a Sunday…grrrrrr!
Oh and handheld calculators that used RPN for calculations:
My poor hubby is sick so I’ve spent the weekend nursing him.
Later today I’m taking out a door downstairs (to move furniture through) and helping my with more of her packing (boy does she have a lot of stuff).
All the time, still being very solicitous to my sick hubby.
Hey, Pan.
I’m planning on making it a productive and enjoyable day by:
-Writing my weekly update email
-Finishing the cleaning-out of my old school e-mail account
-Moving ahead with the writing and audio production on “The Questors from Effpiem”
-Participating in #writechat on Twitter
-Working on “Soul Imprints,” at least a little
-Cleaning up my room (maybe)
When I was in college, the RPN faithful were somewhat on the snobby side. I rebelled and have stuck with TI.
Tired. At work. It must be a Sunday.
I. Am. An. Idiot.
So My daughter works part time for a place that rescues reptiles. They put on shows and birthday parties etc. Last night she brought some of the animals home (without asking) so she wouldn’t have to go get them for a show she had today.
Of course, on of the animals escaped. Instead of doing the things I planned, so far I’ve spent all morning looking for a stupid 3′ ball python… Still looking
I’ll be so glad when she moves out.
ditto, ditto.
*hugs* to ditto and TEB.
Weekly update e-mail accomplished. Back to the audio editing. I love it. 🙂
Done all I can with audio production for now. Time to change gears and write. (#writechat is still going on, too.)
Still haven’t found Willow the Snake. Just how many places can a 3′ bright yellow snake hide anyway?
Just had a great writing session on Questors. Rough drafts of episodes 7-9 are complete, and I feel fantastic! 😀 It’s looking like there will be 11 episodes total, which is just fine with me.
Going on into the climax. When I start writing, I just can’t stop! 😀
Parts of episodes 10 and 11 have been written, but I feel more like recording the outro for #5 right now, so I will.
Just laid down narration for Questors #6. Yay! 🙂
Damn Amy is on a roll!
First 1:43 of said narration has been edited. Bedtime after some relaxation.
Crap, I owe Amy some recordings. I shall atone for my tardiness this week.
If my character doesn’t survive to the end of the story, I ask only that my death be something to make Scott Sigler go “Man, that sick!”
Though, I probably don’t want to imagine what could elicit such a response from Scott 🙂
LOL! 😀 No worries. I look forward to hearing your lines for Episode 6.
Good night, Pan.
Well. It was a very short weekend.
There was a weekend?
I actually had a fun weekend, in between workdays.
In between the workdays, exactly. I got to see my first MST3K and catch up on sleep. I didn’t get to go hiking or watch “My Name is Bruce.”
I actually slept too much. What a thing to complain about.
Who was the MST3K host, Nomad?
(I’ll get the answer tomorrow. Night Mush.)
My fiancee? fiance? betrothed suggested Netflix’ing some MST3K and randomly added a sprinkling to the queue. This one was the Wild Wild World of Batwoman with Servo, Crow, and a young dude with spikey hair. Maybe Mike.
It started with a public service type message about Cheating. I’d say that it was pretty bad, but then the vampire batwomen, hunchback, molemen, atomic hearing aid, dance dance dance, craziness started. Wow.
Unfortunately nothing was close captioned, so I missed a lot of the dialog. Some of it was because of my everyday issues with hearing, but a good portion was obliterated by my 9 year old laughing a fit.
You know, I’ve been reading different articles about this swine flu business over the last few days. Thankfully no reports in the Houston area yet, but if it’s made it up to Canada…..I dunno. Not giving me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Morning Deadpan from the winter wonderland of the north.
More snow last night. More predicted for the next few days. Expected high of only -1C. today.
For those wondering, Willow the Snake has been found at about 7:30 last night. Which is a good thing since she had a value of about $1,000 which we would have had to pay if she wasn’t found.
Morning, Pan.
Today’s the day I get my “Bridging the Spheres” proof! Woohoo! 🙂
Soooo When do we get to read it? Are we going to have to buy it? What are your plans for it?
Snakes!! Eeek! It’s snowing here too TEB.
Morning, Deadpan!
I agree with you on Caprica, Ed. I liked it, think it could stand alone as a BSG prequel, but even so am looking forward to the series. I love myself some Esai Morales.
I just heard Obama say something (I think last week) that I really liked: We now have an opportunity to make a habit of empathy.
Thx to Wolf for getting me interested in my PSP again.
Your welcome Van… I think.
EssBee, I don’t mind snakes. It’s creepy-crawlies that find me with my head under the covers 🙂
It’s the children standing under the sheets that get me. And the ones that shuttle about on the walls.
Thanks for the crypto recommendations! Schneier is indeed very impressive. I am subscribed to his blog.
The two movies that come to mind that get me emotional are Top Gun and The Notebook.
I had Tuesdays With Morey on cassette and that got me choked up every time I listened to it.
Went to Cape Cod and Nantucket over the weekend. Enjoyable, nice places. Dunno how often I’d like to go back, though.
The Swine Flu thing reminds me of the Bird Flu. I recall seeing mention of it on the Qi Magazine website (I used to do Tai Chi Chuan) about 12-18 months before anyone else ever mentioned it. I’m guessing it’s part of the censorship (duh).
CP: Mansion In The Sky — The Brian Jonestown Massacre
On the subject of code, I got burned out a loooooooong time ago on my Atari 800 XL. (DOS? Atari Basic? Anyone?) And I didn’t bother to learn anything apart from graphic calculators. Now I’m trying to start all over again by teaching myself C. I’ve not had much time, but it’s going okay.
CP: Sound Of The Revolution — Lunatic Calm
Correction: I taught myself HTML many moons ago. But never used it.
imag1narynumber : Have fun with C. It is fun, easy, but somewhat dangerous. 🙂
HTML isn’t code, imo, since you can’t program with it.
I vote for a private reading by Amy of her new book at our inaugural Deadpan Con(tm)
I second the motion.
Have we finalized a date yet?
Though I won’t be able to attend, I’ll vote as though I can.
I third the motion as long as I can listen in footie pjs with hot cocoa.
Off to deliver a snake – lucky me.
re PanCon – My schedule and funds have been spoken for this year between World Con in Montreal and DiscWorld Con in Arizona.
Can we hold it concurrently with DiscWorld Con?
Can we hold it in my living room?
ditto, I thought that’s what we had been talking about. Wasn’t it in the early Fall, Bunny?
EssBee: I think it is Sept 4-7.
It should only be around 110 degrees in Arizona at that time.
I really, really need to talk to the AZ Con people. Bunny, do you have connections there as well?
CP: Jumpin’ Jack — Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Back from delivering a snake and having lunch.
Re: AZ con – it is Sept 4 – 7. The only thing to keep in mind is this is the same time as Dragon*Con.
I can stay an extra day (or come a day early) if we don’t want to interfere with there convention.
Jack, sorry, I don’t know any of the committee for this convention (perhaps Summer would know?) I was originally going because a friend of mine was going and we were going to share a room. She can no longer make it, but I’ll still be there.
CP: Brain Crack — Tracy Bonham
WNDR: My plans are to write a final draft and try to get it published while podcasting it.
I have the proof now. I learned a lot about self-publishing from this. Namely, that if I don’t include page numbers or a title page in the file I submit, the printed version won’t have them either. :-/
Ed: Sure, I’d love to read whenever we get together! 😀
What to do when someone claims their phone is on the blink.
Believe them or take it as a hint.
Van, I choose to take people at face value until they prove that they’re damn dirty liars.
Me too Essbee, but I have a paranoid streak that likes to say Coooee!
So back from seeing ‘Shifty’ an oh so bleak urban thriller.
ditto, are you in KC, KS? I just found out I’m heading to a family wedding in KS in a few weeks, but on the OK border, so probably not close enough to buy you or Wolf a cuppa.
I understand, Van. I am the queen of assuming people don’t want to hear from me. I have learned that my instincts on that are wrong, and know that yours are too!
EssBee: Just south of KC, KS. If you are driving through, then you have to visit. 🙂
CP: The Story — Brandi Carlile
I don’t think I’ll be that far East. It sounds like I’ll be suffering . . . I mean celebrating in some BFE town south of Wichita. Darn!
CP: Romance In Durango — Bob Dylan
CP: Desperate Housewives S5E20
What’s that noise? why it’s my DP cred getting pissed away.
Desperate Housewives!!
Wha ?!? We get cred???
I bet it pays in Grand slam breakfasts.
To balance out Van’s viewing activities, I wanted to let you all know that I started Snow Crash last night. Wow! So far, it reminds me of a good Pynchon novel, but I haven’t read very much yet.
I did get the new Depeche Mode this weekend, but then I opted to pay the phone bill instead of getting Snow Crash or a sub to S&SF. That will have to wait until next week.
Until then… EssBee, wanna read to me? 🙂
From the article on beer goggles:
Appreciating neotenous features isn’t the same as being sexually attracted to children, but at least one study has found that average, college-age heterosexual males and child molesters share remarkably similar (and deeply neotenous) attractions: high cheekbones, unwrinkled eyes, glabrous skin.
I’m a little grossed out right now.
Maybe a little more than a little.
Nomad, I will read to you, but I think my last two things Jack played on the Deadpan sounded like Sarah Palin. You sure?
And, ew, ew, ew!
This point stands out from Van’s article:
“Today’s moguls, then, differ only in degree from the prolific breeders of the past, such as Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty, Emperor of Morocco, who produced at least 700 sons (people stopped counting after that) and an untold number of daughters before he died in the early 17th century.”
Getting busy, indeed!
I hear this was old Ismail’s theme song:
People all over the world (everybody)
Join hands (join)
Start a love train, love train
People all over the world (all the world, now)
Join hands (love ride)
Start a love train (love ride), love train
I am most definitely unGlabrous.
The word glabrous sounds a lot more creepy than its meaning.
There was this dance/pop song years ago, I’m not sure really when it was, but it had a little bit that jumped out at me and I’ve never quite forgotten it or figured out how badly I’ve misinterpreted the lyrics.
But this is what I had heard:
“My name is Essbee and I wanted to see if positive people live longer, so just be positive, don’t be negative.”
Delivered, of course, in a charming europop girl child pseudo rap.
I can’t seem to find it on a google search, so I probably slaughtered the lyrics.
Morning Pan, I’m glaring at the rain clouds.
I’ll trade with you, Van. I’m supposed to get 91 f today. [wilts]
I hadn’t realized the U.K. and Texas we’re so close in geography – we’re getting hammered with storms here around Houston. We can certainly use the rain…..just not at 4″+ a hour.
Morning Pan!
Van, I’ll trade with you also. More snow expected over the next few days.
– My Boo is moving out of my house
– My in-laws are coming on Saturday to stay for a week
– I’m testing on Saturday
– and it’s month end here at work so will be spending tomorrow downtown and the rest of the week in front of spreadsheets.
I’m hoping to get a chance to breath somewhere in there 😉
Amazing what you can learn in the New Scientist.
The use of floating trash to study Ocean currents.
Maybe you can explain why you call your daughter Boo, TEB?
TEB, I assume you actually took a snake somewhere.
‘Cuz when I’m “delivering the snake” I prefer not to leave the bedroom…
Boo is a character from the game Balder’s Gate. He is a miniature giant space hamster;
My Boo, at 5′ even, is small (like a miniature giant)
Not so much now, but when she was smaller, she was quite fuzzy (including hair on the small of her back) (like a hamster)
and, being a kid, is possibly from outer space.
Hence… Boo
JB. 😆
This snake was actually lost in our guest room. With my in-laws coming this weekend, we didn’t want to leave it there.
My daughter works for a group that rescues reptiles and does reptile shows for birthdays, schools, etc. so we returned the snake back to its rightful owner (and no matter how I explain this, it still sounds very wrong so take it as you will 🙂 )
Wolf – Hot damn you are good.
And oh god, that is bloody horrible! How the heck did I listen long enough to remember the lyrics to even a part of it? Gah! =)
Well women and snakes have connatations to those weak of will.
Thx for the illumination TEB.
And I thought Boo was a Monsters, Inc reference.
Which is idiotic because then Boo wouldn’t be old enough to move out yet.
Sorry EssBee, I guess the song isn’t by you after all. It’s Efti. Either way, I’m sure you sound nicer than I do. That’s a gender comment though, so take it as you will.
Hugh sez: Blackhawks w00t! Sorry bunny 🙂
hope everyone is doing well, just stopped by to pass on that message
“Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!”
That’s ok, TSH. I had the Flames out in 6 anyway.
See what happens when I have enough to go on…
(Quietly thankful that I can not listen to it at work.)
First interview edited from Conestoga still needs final Quality Check.
Then Show Notes, Album Art, posting… crap this is a lot of stuff.
And I have 2 other interviews that need to be posted… 1 from the Con 1 from another podcaster.
CP: PC Mag Radio
Morning, Deadpan!
Nomad, I am very nice. 🙂
I’m tired and grumpy today. I didn’t sleep at all last night. Grrr.
But, still nice.
Efti, EssBee, I can see how you’d make that mistake!
CP: Stuff You Missed in History Class
CP: Can’t Get High — Widespread Panic
Well, Pan. Must go and buy pillows. (and towels. For some reason, I seem to have to buy towels every couple of months as mine go missing 🙁 )
I happen to disagree with the ABW on this one, but find it interesting nonetheless.
Good Morning, Pan.
My daughter’s nickname is also “Boo”
Wolf is awesome for finding that song. I listened for 3 seconds and now my ears are bleeding. Awful, just awful.
I shall have to check out the links later.
Just spent the last three hours trying to get to work. Finally arrived. The parking lot is very light today.
The worst part was I was able to get into the area off the freeway pretty easily. But, once in the area, pretty much every street was flooded and I couldn’t even turn around to go home.
I could probably get away with a short nap right about now….
CP: Nicotine — Ani DiFranco
Sounds like our soak is on for tomorrow. Not getting hot enough for dangerous weather, though.
CP: Sound Opinions with Jill Sobule
Man, when I listen to this show with an interviewed guest I just want to create.
Shame I listen at work, where I often don’t have the opportunity to create…
Be Careful Ed.
Sorry about the ears Cj…That was not my intention. Just helping Nomad find some bad memories….
Major fault in local area..no landline, no broadband, and no TV.
So, I’m trying to analyze this completely freakish dream I had this morning.
In the dream, I’m a student at a college or some type of higher education place. I go to the school’s restroom – all the stalls are pink. I’m CLEARLY in the ladies room. It’s full of and being used by men. Apparently, while I think this is odd, it doesn’t stop me.
There are 2 sets of stalls – some are open and have miniature child seats and some are normal closed stalls with regular seats.
The child seats are cushioned so I choose one of those. Then I proceed to do my business while chatting with the men and women who are lounging around me on sofas.
The, someone steals my underpants. I’m wearing a skirt so nobody can “see” anything anyway, but I’m uncomfortable without my underpants, but there’s a bomb scare or something so now we are quarantined in the bathroom.
There were other things going on, but I don’t remember much more and really, isn’t what I do remember disturbing enough?
Bathroom Dream Symbols:
A need to eliminate certain burdens or attitudes. Alternatively, it may symbolize purification and self-renewal. You need to cleanse yourself, both emotionally and psychologically. Dreaming that you are in a public restroom with no stalls means your frustrations about getting enough privacy. It may also indicate that you are having difficulties letting go of old emotions.
Maybe you have latent tendencies to exhibitionism, CJ.
You should explore that.
I’m going to second TEB’s suggest, Cj. Explore that. Maybe online. We’re here for you.
TEB EssBee Cj and don’t forget the webcam
Hmm, must be something in the air today at the deadpan bar
Jeez, next thing you know people will be walking around naked in the bar like we were in Toronto or something…
It’s a bit steamy in here.
All the steam seems to be causing some coughing fits.
We are building up a new world.
Do not sit idly by.
Do not remain neutral.
Do not rely on this broadcast alone.
We are only as strong as our signal.
There is a war going on for your mind.
If you are thinking, you are winning.
Resistance is victory.
Defeat is impossible.
Your weapons are already in hand.
Reach within you and find the means by which to gain your freedom.
Fight with tools.
Your fate, and that of everyone you know
Depends on it.
CP: We are winning — Flobots
It’s Snowing! Woo Hoo!
That should cool everybody off.
Sorry did someone say something… I was in my bunk.
A shiver down the spine.
Why is there this pile of panties in the corner?
CP: Thunder Kiss ’65 — White Zombie
life used to be life-like
now it’s more like showbiz
i wake up in the night
and i don’t know where the bathroom is
and i don’t know what town i’m in
or what sky i am under
and i wake up in the darkness and i
don’t have the will anymore to wonder
everyone has a skeleton
and a closet to keep it in
and your mine
every song has a you
a you that the singer sings to
and you’re it this time
baby, you’re it this time
when i need to wipe my face
i use the back of my hand
and i like to take up space
just because i can
and i use my dress
to wipe up my drink
i care less and less
what people think
and you are so lame
you always dissapoint me
it’s kind of like our running joke
but it’s really not funny
and i just want you to live up to
the image of you i create
i see you and i’m so unsatisfied
i see you and i dialate
so i’ll walk the plank
and i’ll jump with a smile
if i’m gonna go down
i’m gonna do it with style
and you won’t see me surrender
you won’t hear me confess
‘cuz you’ve left me with nothing
but i’ve worked with less
and i learn every room long enough
to make it to the door
and then i hear it click shut behind me
and every key works differently
i forget everytime
and forgetting defines me
that’s what defines me
when i say you sucked my brain out
the english translation
is i am in love with you
and it is no fun
but i don’t use words like love
‘cuz works like that don’t matter
but don’t look so offended
you know, you should be flattered
and i wake up in the night
in some big hotel bed
and my hands grope for the light
and my hands grope for my head
the world is my oyster
the road is my home
and i know that i’m better
off alone
CP: Dilate — Ani DiFranco
CCH oooh you want one.
CCH yeah, you really want one.
Hmm, I stumbled across this weather blog today while checking out storm projections for today. Looks interesting:
But, it looks like we’ve got some serious competition when it comes to turning a blog/podcast post into a message board. Those guys must sit on that comment board all day.
CP: At Ch. Degaulle, Etc. — Better Than Ezra
CP: No Speak No Slave — The Black Crowes
Sitting on a bar stool in the middle of the afternoon.
I’m pondering existence and exactly what it was you said to me.
My bottle has no answers so I tell the man I’d like to ask another one.
But this one too is of no help to me, so I kill, pay, and then I leave.
CP: Short & Curlies — The Barstool Prophets
CP: Shame On You — Indigo Girls
CP: Gunshy — Liz Phair
I need to add more Liz Phair to my collection. I really only know her one pop song. Please tell me which album to start with?
CPMM: Erik the Aweful – Ray Stevens
Liz Phair got a little raunchy, in her earlier days.
Are there any particular rules for the Stolen Lyrics segments?
i – They should be recorded and sent in…or phoned in.
I noted my psychic lyrics did not make it in. I now know why. 🙂
Cj, I like Exile In Guyville as classic Liz P.
What kind of tattoos do we have out there? I know Jeremy is covered in ’em — anyone else?
Sly B & I just scheduled an appointment for tomorrow at 6 at the local ink shop.
imag1narynumber: Rules are pretty loose for m80ost segments. WNDRWolf is correct. I would add: Stolen Lyrics was one of the very first Deadpan segments. It started off with just Stolen Rap Lyrics. Later, we added Stolen from the 80s and Stolen from the 70s. Although those types of music are traditional, I’m pretty sure any kind of lyrics are welcome now. When making your recording, identifying yourself and naming the title and artist of the song you’re quoting are preferable, but not strictly required.
Thank you, ambassador!
A little Liz Phair:
Fuck and Run
I woke up alarmed
I didn’t know where I was at first
Just that I woke up in your arms
And almost immediately I felt sorry
‘Cause I didn’t think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn’t think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions, and
What ever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who tries to win you over, and
What ever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who makes love cause he’s in it, and
I want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit
Like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
You got up out of bed
You said you had a lot of work to do
But I heard the rest in your head
And almost immediately I felt sorry
‘Cause I didn’t think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn’t think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions, and
I want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit
Like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
I can feel it in my bones
I’m gonna spend another year alone
It’s fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
You almost felt bad
You said that I should call you up but
I knew much better than that
And almost immediately I felt sorry
‘Cause I didn’t think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn’t think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions
And I can feel it in my bones
I’m gonna spend my whole life alone
It’s fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
Liz Phair lyrics – Ouch.
She might be a tad disgruntled, Nomad.
You’re welcome!
“m80ost” = “most,” in my last post. My cursor got misplaced for a moment.
Amy Bowen: Thank you. I recall a couple taken from the ’90s. My submission will be from that decade. Just perhaps a tad longer than some I’ve heard. Just don’t want to stress poor Jack with editing. 🙂
On a related note, since I’ll be reading lyrics I should “um” and “uh” a bit less often.
Jack also frowns on you sneaking into his bedroom at 3am while he is sleeping and outlining his body on the mattress in stolen song lyrics. Using a lipstick.
… or so I’m told.
imag1narynumber: You’re most welcome. Will you be recording using a computer, or calling the voice mail line?
For all those in the Phoenix Area This is your WARNING!
The WaNDeR Wolf is coming.
The WaNDeR Wolf is coming.
Hide you Little Red Riding Hoods and 3 little pigs.
June 1-3 He will be in town then
You have been warned.
Amy Bowen: I will call. My ancient laptop has a mic but I’ve never tried it. But if it makes life easier I can attempt to e-mail a voice file.
1. Depends on the shade of lipstick, Justa J0e.
2. Imag1 – if you sent something, I did not receive it (or spaced on it). Plz send an email so we can work out getting it played onpod.
3. The Devils blew it. Again. Go Blackhawks.
Jack Mangan: I was planning on calling/sending later this week. I’m juggling projects and I’ll sneak it in.
imag1narynumber: That’s fine. Not being a show producer, I don’t know whether e-mailed files are easier to work with than voice mails or not. Jack, any thoughts?
Wolf is coming to Phoenix from the 1 to the 3rd and bringing some FM Red lipstick to write rap lyrics on Jack at 3am?
EssBee – I see that song on all the karaoke lists when I’m out singing, but I’ve never heard it. I’ll have to check it out finally. Thx!
Imag1 – whatever’s easier for you.
Nighty-night, y’all. If I don’t sleep tonight, I’ll be crying here in the middle of the night.
Time to go to bed. Good night, Pan.
Wake up!
Now? Is there a snooze button?
Right over there —-> [SNOOZE]
That would have been more amusing if the spaces hadn’t disappeared. Then the button would have been … over … there … somewhere.
I was too distraught over the stupid Devils to call Rhett.
So – I played a little place this past weekend, and I’ll be back there again this upcoming Saturday. I, um, really, really did not fit in with the other musicians. . . . but it was a fun gig anyway – and I got a fairly nice reaction. So – let me know if you’re in AZ and interested in going this Saturday.
My views on tatoos…needles are for prescribed medications and getting blood for medical tests.
That’s for me personally of course. I’ve seen some beautiful tattoos and crap ones but never been tempted to get one done.
At work I see a lot old guys (and more women these days) with just a blurry mess of tattoos done 30 years ago.
I want to come! We can bring our out-of-town guest!
Jack – I’m not a musician and I’ve only been inside a bar once, so I don’t really understand. Is the little place a good thing?
I was planning out an elaborate series of tattoos that I was going to start in on when I turned 30. Then I found out how much they cost and decided my boring skin was good enough.
Why am I still up??
Nomad, I’ll tell the gig story onpod somewhere, if/when work allows. Thanks for asking 🙂 Yes, Cj – you’re welcome to come out. Although you might want to hear the story about the place before you commit.
I’d love to hear more about everyone’s tattoos. I’m also entirely unmarked (except for a permanent pencil dot on my right knee from when I was 12).
Why am I still up?? Goodnight.
The snooze alarm’s job is done. It naps now too.
Well I now have an image of that bar from The Blues Brothers movie.
Hello darkness, my old friend. Don’t you know that revenge is a dish best served cold?
It is very warm and muggy in Houston.
And here’s your “I’m glad I’m not those people” moment to start the day….
I was always told the tongue pierce was an attempt at better oral.
Listening to myself blather. I need to email Wolf. I need to go to bed more.
I should really be able to just command at will from my brain a list of songs that mention or refer to Star Trek, but all I can think of is Weird Al’s “White and Nerdy”
First in my class here at M.I.T.
Got skills, I’m a Champion of DND
MC Escher that’s my favorite MC
Keep your 40
I’ll just have an Earl Grey tea
I can sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong
I’ll ace any trivia quiz you bring on
I’m fluent in Java Script as well as Klingon
Only question I ever thought was hard
Was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?
I have no tattoos and probably never will.
My husband wants us to get matching tattoos sorta… he wants to get Super Pac-Man and for me to get Ms. Pac-Man.
I can’t see see how having a stud put in your tongue can help with English exams.
Oh and piecing is out for me as well, although I’m impressed with some deadpanites resistance to pain.
My tongue works perfectly well without any metal assistance…
And really – the idea of metal in the mouth is like that feeling people get when you run your nails on a chalkboard.
I have to back up what JB heard. Tongue piercing has its benefits. So I’ve heard …
Van: actually, pain is not the problem for me. I think some people look good with piercings, but it just has never appealed to me. I’ve long wanted a tattoo, but I can’t figure out what I’d want to put permanently on me.
CP: Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love To Town — The Killers
99 Luftballons mentions Capt. Kirk.
I agree, ditto, at least about the pain issue. I have a very high pain tolerance, so am not bothered by it. As victim #1 said on the Fringe episode I watched this morning before work about tats, “it’s a good pain.”
I didn’t think the pain was too bad. Apparently, tho, some folks go in for the bigger-gauge piercings for the endorphins associated with the pain.
What’s on Your Mind (Pure Energy) by Information Society
Though, when queried in an interview, admitted they knew almost nothing about Star Trek, and just liked Nimoy’s sound clip.
I felt very little pain. The initial idea was indeed for oral. I don’t recall why I got it done a second time. It reduces the tongue’s dexterity too much. And I overall find them extremely overrated.
So watching the latest House, the episode where House keeps seeing Wilson’s dead girlfriend and thinking this could be the episode where the series jumps the shark.
i: also bad for the teeth. Still, pretty sexy IMO.
I’m going to go wash my children and take them to the grocery store so I can make dinner for a houseload of people tomorrow night.
Anyone need anything while I’m out?
EssBee – I agree that it looks sexy – I just can’t get past the metallic thing..
If I have my tongue piercing etiquette right, those who pierce to enhance their, shall we say, performance, pierce toward the tip of the tongue if they are interested in women, and those who are interested in men pierce further back. So I guess straight men and gay women are the ones who deal with the risk of broken teeth when piercing their tongues.
EssBee: Yeah, can’t argue the visual part, no question 🙂
EssBee: That’s far more thought than I put into it! You do have to kind of retrain yourself to eat for a while.
I just can’t help feel sorry for those of us who are bisexual. Where do we pierce our tongues? That is so unfair.
EssBee: There’s pros and cons to everything 😉
The sequel to “Donnie Darko” is being released (escaping?) direct-to dvd in May.
Travesty? Who wants to find out?
JohnBoze: I’m of the opinion the first was a travesty. So this cannot end well.
I LOVE Donnie Darko. Dang!!
I wonder if Southland Tales hurt Richard Kelly’s price tag.
Well I love Hudson Hawk. And that’s a TERRIBLE movie!
Additional note to file under: “Potential Travesty”:
No Richard Kelly.
Two links to original:
The story is of the now-18-year-old Samantha Darko (same actress, Daveigh Chase)
The title: S. Darko – A Donnie Darko Tale
Otherwise, no other creative connection.
They have a “Frank” but he’s more menacing, horror-styled, with alien-like eyes and pointed teeth.
Not the story, but the text under the “photo” connected to the story. “Click to enlarge” Clicking that opened up all sorts of info on the story I didn’t get before…
ZP dons a bedsheet and looks at Siren:Blood Curse:
I have done amazing things with Oreo cookies today.
CP: Honey Pie — The Beatles
CP: I’m So Afraid (Live ’97) — Fleetwood Mac
ditto: I second the “not good” view on that. I do, however, look forward to the Daft Punk soundtrack to Tron 2.0
Vanamonde: It’s a demo reel gone horribly wrong!
Well all this frivolity must come to an end..night Pan.
Sigh. I hate writing specifications on a deadline, especially when everything is not figured out.
CP: Downfall — Matchbox Twenty
CP: Montana — Venus Hum
I just need a new job.
Me too. Too bad the job market sucks big time.
Yep. Need to make our own, methinks.
Sinus headache = brains not work. Happy to see that the ‘Pan was busy, can’t figure out what everyone said.
Back after the pseudophed kicks in (I hope.)
Tip: A day without flooding is a good thing.
Jack, I just left a voicemail and stumbled a couple times. Lemme know if you want me to send it again.
Nomad Scry: To sum up – 8-bit musical Oreos in the dark of Hollywood.
Pierced Oreos, at that.
People are here at Gangplank eating the Oreo cupcakes I made. It smells like Oreo in here.
These people have Oreo breath.
At least they’re not fried!
i1 – The people or the Oreos?
Deep fried Oreos I’ve heard of… well, I’ve heard of people being fried too, but it’s not the same thing.
…….. I once had a boyfriend whose nickname was “Fry Guy”
True story… I’m not proud.
Ah the oddballs of our pasts…
I was thinking the Oreos themselves. People fry just about anything. Boggles my mind. But I try to stay pretty healthy.
Deadpan releases tonight yeah!
I posted my show yeah –
I are tired I going to bed.
Cj, would you be willing to share your recipe for Oreo cupcakes? We’re supposed to be having a Cake Bake-Off here in Literacy-AmeriCorps-land on the weekend of May 8. I would give you full credit for the idea and the recipe, of course. 🙂
Of course. I’d be happy to share my invention – I don’t know that I’d call it a recipe.
I’ll e-mail you unless everyone wants me to post it here … it’ll just make you all salivate anyway.
I cannot access MP3 files from the network at work, so… someone else will have to transcribe #125 for me so I can read it tonight before I go home.
Cj? Wanna take this one for me?
I already have the entire thing written up in binary, NS. I’ll post that for you in a minute.
Wow, BST sucks.
Uhhh huhh… I’m late to the game on this one.. I was uhm.. yeah.. I might have been playing WoW… 😳
Sweet! I am on Wikipedia now, teaching myself to sight read in binary.
What is BST? I already know what WoW is.
Boney Skeletal Thighs?
Brief Study Times?
Big Silly Things?
Bad Saxaphone Time?
Booze South Tree
All sound much more interesting than British Summer Time.
The idea of actually liking to eat raw fish will always be a mystery to me.
I had an avocado sushi roll once and not only was it very good, it had no fish in it.
And I detest the whole shifting time around idea. I cannot see how anyone ever thought that this was a good idea.
Ripe bananas…Mmmmmmm!
Green bananas…Yuk!
Guess which ones are better for you?
Bananas Sans ToneOfYellow
So it’s a stretch. What do you want from an insomniac at quarter to 3am!
Goodnight to the mushy goodness.
I think I’ve just shared a bonding moment with Van regarding the consumption of raw fish. Perhaps is just goes back to my caveman lineage, but I regard the discovery of fire for cooking animals as a good thing.
Deadpan 125 is locked and loaded.
Morning, Deadpan!
Raw fish = yum. I’ll take Van and Ed’s share, thanks!
Downloading now. Of to the gym.
Morning Pan!
From the winter wonderland that is Calgary!
Only up for a few minutes. My Boo is taking her car in for servicing so I have to go pick her up in about 15 minutes.
For those of you on FB. My profile picture is of my backyard, taken this morning. To give you an idea of what we are dealing with.
Morning, Pan.
This very long day is starting. I’ve just finished my prep work for tonight’s conference call. I’ve got new Deadpan, Wander Radio, and several other podcasts ready to go, and I’m ready for the rest of the day. Catch you on the other side.
Sight reading binary, Nomad? Just beware anyone trying to show you a scroll…
CP: Excerpt from “Monster in a Box” – Spalding Gray
Alas no more Gray…
Amy you do know that the latest episode of WR is NOT work safe right…
I won’t tell you what the weather is like today.
CP: Songs From The Wood — Jethro Tull
Yep – It is a brisk 72 F here.
CP: Pale Blue Eyes — The Velvet Underground
JaJ, if you lost your severe weather kit, you can borrow my flashlight! I might have a few granola bars too . . .
CP: Heartshine — Mother Love Bone
CP: Rehab — Amy Winehouse
I really think you should go, Amy. Just my opinion.
Back from the brrr. Now to warm up and do some work. Then back out to SHOVEL MY SIDEWALK.
I’m really ready for spring.
Ben I Blessed Queen
Snow is definitely over ratted
Participating in winter sports is over rated (What do you mean you don’t ski? You live right beside the mountains!)
Ugh, I hear that all the time. I personally find no attraction in strapping boards to my feet and throwing myself down a mountain.
Time to go out to the brr and shovel the sidewalk. Back in a bit.
TEB – Have you thought about renting a really large space heater and Blower… Just thinking…
JohnBoze with the Snow Crash reference! (speaking of snow. . . )
No way I was passing that one up, Jack.
I figured you would if I hadn’t…
Brrr, f’n brrr.
Wolf, you almost need that today. Because it was semi-warm when the snow started, there is a beautiful layer of ice under the shovelled snow. Now covered in a coat of de-icer.
Cj, I love your voice!
There! I rotated and vacuumed my bed. It should be good for another six months now.
Put the kettle on. Now to decide what kind of tea I want to make 🙂
TEB, why did you choose today to rotate the bed? Serious question, actually, from an O/CD friend.
Especially when she’s all giggly….
CJ, that is, d’oh!
EssBee, I like to rotate and vacuum my bed every six months or so, and it was about due.
Tip for those who have never vacuumed their beds:
empty your vacuum, change your bag, whatever, so that it is clean.
strip your bed, then run the vacuum over it (a vacuum with a beater bar works best)
I can almost guarantee you’ll vacuum you bed on a regular basis after you see all the junk that comes out 😉
Hmm. 3 things that are underrated.
Accapella Music – The human voice singing is just awesome.
Variety – Trying new things I think is underrated… How else are you going to find something new??? People find something and just hold on to it until it becomes habit…How else can you grow? Learn something new?
Audio Dramas – Underrated because of the power of audio to tell a story that can draw in its listener and engulf the listener into a world.
Wolf the lute of the routine traps many of us.
Err lure and not lute.
TEB, I also do the every 6 months thing. I do July 4th and New Year’s.
Underrated: Turning and vacuuming your mattress.
Snow Crash is my favorite book from him. Before he started writing tomes, of course. 😉
Underrated: Potatoes
I’m going to ask this and duck. Who wrote Snow Crash?
All together now:
Neal Stephenson!
There is no cheating on the Deadpan.
You know Wolf. The guy who wrote about the Age of Diamonds.
Or was that Aging Diamonds?
Underestimated: Australian poisonous fauna.
That’s graphite TEB.
Is this from experience?
All poisonous fauna is underestimated, Van
3 overrated things:
– Twitter
– Open Source
– Java
3 underrated things:
– Reading (in general)
– Empathy
– Quiet time
Those are just off the top of my head. In about an hour I’ll probably feel differently.
To quote the late John Denver:
“Some days are diamonds,
Some days are coal”
I agree with Tee about The Joker.
Many of the best books screw with your head.
I’ll let the open-source slight go. 😉
imag1narynumber: No problem. I’ve been working with open source for over 15 years. It’s got its good points. It’s got its demons. I just don’t subscribe to the fervor.
I don’t think Tee has read Moore & Campell’s “From Hell”.
WNDR: Yes, I know it’s not work-safe. I always listen to podcasts on my iPod with earbuds, so even if I did listen to it while cleaning (I didn’t – I listened to Contagious and Weather Child instead), no one would hear.
Demon (aka daemon) pun intended. 🙂
And another tie to Snow Crash.
Yea! My marshmallow comment got read. 🙂
Amy – that makes feel so much better.
ditto: That pun made my day!
imag1narynumber: You’re welcome. Quick question: i or j?
imagine all the imaginary numbers….
So, what’s the big deal with “The Warriors” anyway? I recall seeing it once, but only bits have stuck with me, such as Jack’s opening with the guy using glass bottles (talk about dated) on his fingers to make his little taunting clacker. Is it just some cult status movie that I don’t belong to? Or is it something Palooza worthy that I don’t appreciate enough?
I don’t need to. It’s C. 😉
Ed: I guess that’s why they call it a cult film. 🙂 I don’t really get it either.
Interesting factoid: Music pirates buy 10x more music online than anyone else
ditto, I don’t MEAN to cheat.
I TOTALLY agree about Twitter being over-rated. I have been using it for the past few weeks to follow the trial in Greeley without streaming the video, and it is EXHAUSTING. It’s like people popping up in your face constantly. It’s too much pressure. It’s too much information.
*writes down Snow Crash for the bookstore tonight*
And if there’s one thing I absolutely hate, it’s people popping up in my face constantly.
[over-wrought voice] I feel so unwanted.
Hmmm. “Over” words sounds like a good idea today.
I read that as pooping.
I’ll get my coat.
Overrated: Holidays. Alone.
It’s not you, it’s me.
We could make it an overarching theme for the day. Good idea!
That too, Van. I did not overlook your comment about pooping.
I’m overly obsessed.
How does our overlord feel about this?
CP: Over Your Shoulder — Concrete Blonde
Would I be over-analyzing the situation to feel self-conscious about whistling along to an Indigo Girls song in my office?
Deapdan is the Over-Fucking Way
over 100
The new host of Rocketboom makes me feel old.
There is an unwashed obese man on the bus…the smell is overpowering.
CP: Over and Over — MC5
That sounds overwhelming, Van.
All this overtime is really making me feel overworked.
CP: Over Theirs – Wire
Are you overwrought EssBee?
Is overuse of over contrary to Deadpan?
Not overwrought, ditto. Just overtired.
Are we overdoing it?
No more than our other memes.
Late lunch for me.
Don’t get overfull, ditto. That makes for a drowsy afternoon.
Was there no new Lost this week?
I’ve come to the conclusion that I must be an awful person because I found this comic funny. http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/
I think it was an overview episode that compiled scenes from the season, Van, not a new episode.
Rhettro, boo! Hiss!
Okay, I chuckled too. That was overly insensitive.
Thx Essbee.
Ah Burn Notice is getting a third series..cool.
It was a little, wasn’t it EssBee. 😉
No new Lost Van, but they did premire their 100th clip show.
ditto: I’m going with “i” 🙂
Apple will be after him.
Rhettro: That was funny.
imag1narynumber: Just checking. 😉
Van: I’ve been enjoying Burn Notice too. I’m glad they went for a big change at the end of the second season.
Van: Everyone is after me. 😉
Anyone else enjoy Chevy Chase’s evil “Steve Jobs” on Chuck?
I’m listening to the latest DP…a little bit of Dangermouse in there…nice!
seconded on the CC role ditto.
Might explain why Jack thought V was in mono.
Start reading at BACKGROUND.
We should work the over magic more often. First time in months today they are asking me to put in overtime. Should be nice for a few extra bucks…
Happy Birthday Gamebody:
It’s funny we are talking about V colorization. David Lloyd made a post on that very subject last Friday:
Is today’s word meme. . . . . over?
It’s never over until it’s over.
I’m overjoyed with our new commenting variety. 😉
EssBee loves my voice? *swooon*
Back to catching up!
It could get to be overkill.
I’m generally overly-giggly.
CP: Dragnet ’88 — The Art of Noise
I’m too tired to perform a maiden over.
My mind is over in the gutter. I absolutely cannot believe what I thought Van just said… I read it entirely wrong.
It’s a funny old game.
Cj: I think that’s my preferred reading.
I don’t think I’ll ever get over Macho Grande…..
Hmm, maybe I should nominate that one, or at least the original, for a Palooza viewing 🙂
Wow. The fronts are all over the place, today.
I don’t think Warriors is Palooza-worthy – – but it is a fun, mindless over-the-top 70s cult classic.
Speaking of movies of the late 70’s, I watched “Times Square” last week. First time I’ve seen that pic. A nice example of 75% of a good movie, and 25% of studio meddling.
Also, could hear many precursors of “Pump Up the Volume,” which the director wrote & made about 10 years later.
CP: Audio from career development webinar for AmeriCorps Members and Alums. Start time was 9:07 PM EDT.
I’ll be lucky to be home from work by midnight CDT. Evry 10 minutes I swap discs out of drives, otherwise I need some entertainin’…
CP: That Fan Who Wasn’t There — The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
At hotel on son’s laptop (I switched to preferred desktop system.)
Hi Deadpan!
Well, we conquered the Sushi, but missed the performance. I’m not too disappointed. We went to Borders, and I picked up Snow Crash. That guy writes some hefty books! I also got Book 6 of the Dresden Files (Blood Rites?), and noted that the newest Dresden Files was in the #1 slot in the bestsellers section. I also got the new Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs CD.
I forgot for a second that today was my mom-out-law’s bday, not mine. 🙂
At any rate, I’m overjoyed by my purchases.
The larger rush job is done, moving on to the smaller one.
Getting some nice overtime.
I envy you the first reading of Snowcrash. Makes me want to go back and reread it again…
JB, his Cryptonomicon looks really interesting to me, but I figured I’d better read Snowcrash first!
Nighty-night, Overlords of Deadpania.
Yes, I liked Cryptonomicon very well as well, but you are choosing the right jumping-off point. I also think that his earlier novel “Zodiac – An Eco-Thriller” is pretty underrated.
Crap, Mountain time goes beddy-bye and I am still at work.
Okay, webinar over. We finished at 10:43 my time. That was interesting. I look forward to more detailed information next week.
Outta here, see y’all after 5 hours or so of shuteye…
Night pan. Partial victory over my computer systems tonight. I’m quitting whilst I’m ahead.
And we’re back!
Morning Pan, I’m overly impressed with amount of books some of you get through in a week, takes all my water these days to get through an issue of F&SF.
Yeah – I typically need a bookmark to finish Goodnight Moon.
I haven’t read any Stephenson. So I thought perhaps I’d grab an “e” version and read it on my phone.
What a headache. First off, I can get a brand new copy of the paperback version for an equivilent or CHEAPER price than some of the digital options. And then, even if I narrow it down to just the .mobi format that I know I can use, the price is still no less than $7. That is almost half the price to get the Audible version! And when I can buy a perfectly good used copy for $7 (I’m including the shipping charges) and then sell it again when I am done with it…
Wait. Nevermind. I don’t get rid of anything. Ever.
Maybe I’ll just grab a copy at B&N or Borders when I pick up the new Depeche Mode CD tomorrow.
Oh and apologies possibly to JJ if he is now on Facebook.
Ebook pricing makes me grind my teeth NS.
This episode is not overrated. This episode of the Deadpan is underrated.
The only reason I would even consider trying the digital option is because of the nice experience I’ve had reading the books that Tor gave me for free. Before that, I literally railed about how stupid the idea of an ebook was. But reading them on an LCD instead of an old school CRT makes a huge difference.
I just buy the big three scifi mags (Asimov. Analog and F&SF) in ebook format to read on my phone. The exchange rate makes them a bit cheaper and I don’t have to trudge around shops.
[slaps head]
That’s brilliant, Van. I have been pondering a sub to F&SF for a while now but getting it onto my phone hadn’t crossed my mind. Thank you.
I fear my consumption of dead trees has fallen quite a bit in recent years as well. I must confess I’ve not read any of Stephenson’s work either. After I get through the current audio tome, I’ll be relying on audiobooks to keep from sliding into a total literary desert. I’ll have to add Snowcrash to the extensive list of stuff I want to “read.”
I’ve been helping my daughter more with her homework this week while my wife is out of town for work. I’ve learned one of the hardest things for me to do anymore is write lower case letters. As an engineer, whenever I write anymore, it’s all upper case with larger upper case letters for “capitalization.” Trying to switch to using actual lower case to write questions for my daughter to answer just about makes my hand cramp up.
As for writing in cursive – I’ve just about completely lost that ability as well. It’s much faster for me to write in print than cursive.
I missed who said it, but thanks to whomever said U2 is greatly overrated. Coldplay seems to be following in their footsteps, IMO.
I’m ashamed to say I too have yet to read Snow Crash. Thankfully my wonderful woman bought me The Best of 2600, so that’ll keep me occupied for quite some time.
And OMG I’ve had a nipple exposed!
I enjoyed Cryptonomicon, but I thought the ending was highly unimpressive and unfulfilling.
Now to find a book to hold me by the hand so I can start to learn about cryptology. I have a hard time wrapping my head around all this public/privet key thing.
Harry Potter the Hacker?
To obscure typo reference?
Morning Pan!
-6 today but at least there is no more snow. The sun is even trying to peek its head over the horizon
Catchup post:
I’ve tried skiing once. I think I could get to like it if I were willing to tackle the learning curve, and had enough strength in my arms to push myself up to a standing position after falling down, which I don’t.
WNDR: YES!!! I love acappella music. It’s been a favorite in my family all my life.
Okay, playtime over. Off to the usual Friday meeting.
Top o’ the Morn, TEB!
Ed from Texas: Great Airplane reference! Bonus points!
Morning IMN, Amy, Ed et, al!
It’s green.
Back at it, tired, with the consolation that 15 minutes after I started this morning all the time pays time and a half…
Van, is it also alive?
Happy Friday, Deadpan!
One of my favorite younger authors, David Anthony Durham, is going to do a Wild Cards:
If you all are looking for a good first book in a series, I recommend his Acacia highly. I actually won a signed copy from Dragon Page and loved the book.
imag1narynumber: Agree on the ending of Cryptonomicon. I enjoy Stephenson’s earlier works better than his tomes, of which Crypto was the first. On the other hand, he packs thousands of brilliant ideas into his books. They are worth a read just for that.
I still buy lots of real books. I don’t have to worry about devices, changing formats, running out of batteries, and I have a nice looking personal library to boot. 🙂
Holy crap! Wild Cards?! I had no clue those were still getting made.
I lost touch with the series in the mid-90’s…
– Don’t Flamenco Round Skullcrusher –
Does anyone have a link to a site with an “Audio ripping FAQ”?
I am trying to convert some old LPs (that’s a “record” for you youngsters) and am having an abysmal time.
I have tried 2 differrent USB conversion devices and the audio randomly comes out sounding “over driven” and “static-ey” sounding.
Somewhere there MUST be a collection of knowledge and troubleshooting on this process.
Me too, ditto. I buy and read tons of books.
I read mostly Fantasy and Urban Fantasy, but I also pick up the occasional contemporary big “L” Literature, and I try to read some kind of non-fiction book, at least one a month.
J0e, I have a friend who converted his LPs. He’s coming over tonight for gaming, I’ll ask what he used.
JaJ, you’re a sight for sore eyes. I can’t help you with your problem, but my, don’t you look handsome today?
One more book thing: I also have an audible.com account and am usually consuming an audiobook too for my commute and work-out times. Right now, I’m re-reading via audio the Song of Ice & Fire series (on book 1 now) in the hopes that book 5 comes out some time in my lifetime.
Morning pan!
j0e- We have a friend who recently digitized a bunch of old rare punk and industrial records. The files he sent us sounded damn good. I will contact him and ask him what he used.
What a cool little clock. Although the heartbeat would creep me out after a while 🙂
I’m not sure weather to think this food is cool, or to be nauseous
Call me old, but I can’t let go of real books
I went along with the switch to CDs and MP3s regrettably.. records sound SO much better. I think because the entire music industry has followed the trends, s if you want to keep up with music you needed to change. But books.. I need a physical paper book in hand still.
I still can’t watch movies/tv on my computer either. If I have something downloaded, I have to burn it to disc and watch it on my TV.
I love pretending to do some real work 😛
And finally, while I’m sure this is fake, it’s still a cute idea… If you’re into Hello Kitty that is 🙄
TSH: Totally agree about books & music.
On the book thing. My husband and I like both audio and the written word. We have a fair sized library (which we plan to expand once my Boo moves out 🙂 ), but we both have Audible accounts.
Currently I’m listening to A Clockwork Orange, and about to start The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman in printed. My husband is also listening and reading at the same time. (we’re reading the Hugo nominees)
The LP-vs-CD thing kind of bugs me. It’s true that if you spend big bucks on a sound system the LP’s will be much nicer sounding. When Mr. Fabby had the tube amp and $700 turntable on isolation spikes, it sounded much nicer than the CD’s. But I remember the $49 turntable with belt drive and I will contend that a $39 supermarket no-name CD player sounds tons better.
I may be open to reading a book on a Kindle-like device, but they’re just too damned expensive for me to test-drive one.
+1,000 re: vinyl. The sound is just enchanting compared to a crap CD. I recall recently going into a shop and being struck by how great the background music was. Sure enough, phonograph.
I still buy CDs because I have a great car stereo. It has an iPod hook-up, but if I want to listen to music in the car, the CDs sound 100x better than the iPod.
I do still have some vinyl, including a prized first press edition of Buckingham/Nicks and a really nice Fleetwood Mac “Tusk” album. But I no longer have a turn table.
The thing with CDs is they clip too much of the music. Then MP3s do it even more. MP3s sound AWFUL.
On a side note, I bet many kids under 20 have never heard an actual cymbal crash.
Oh, note for those who haven’t heard me mention Fabby before…
When I was divorced from Darcy back in the early 00’s, I lived in Mr. Fabby’s house. Travis AKA Mr. Fucking Fabulous.
Darcy and I are still good friends with Travis and Kristal, so we both really love Awesome on “Chuck” just for his name…
Thanks guys.
I’m thinking there must be some “mystery settings” and special “Tricks & Tips” to getting clean transfers.
– American Autumn Dead Fighting –
Actually also reminds me of phones. Peoples’ voices are so trimmed and compressed they hardly represent people anymore.
Everything Delicious Drowning Metal
This one is all Yeah Yeah Yeahs, as I’m consuming the new album (It’s Blitz) this morning:
Zero Heads Softshock Skeletons
JB, I know there’s more to that story.
Good sounding phonographs cost big money. The lightweight cheap ones from the 80’s were worthless and I really don’t expect you could get a decent one for cheap today.
Bunny- don’t work! 🙂 oh and Hugh is starting to think maybe your Calgary Flames will kick the Blackhawks butt 🙂 He feels he is destined to not have any of his teams ever win again 🙂 Kinda like the Cubs curse has spread to all of Chicago teams.
I do have to say the joy of CDs and MP3s is how you can take your collection everywhere. The 80 gig of music sitting on my ipod.. I can’t imagine how I would either record all of that onto cassettes, and have all the wonderful playlist options. I remember the hassle of making mix tapes.. LOL.. remember mix tapes?
I remember when I was swooning Hugh I made him a few mix tapes.. LOL.. so lame
We did fork over a decent amount of money for the record player we have today. Bought the top of the line one at the Sony store several years back.. but it is really nice, and we will probably never have to replace it.
Does anyone here read Hellblazer comics?
They did a hilarious Christmas special where they called in John Constatine to lift the curse on the Cubs. It was cute 🙂
one last question then I have to get some work done:
JB- still not coming for Throbbing Gristle this weekend?
Mr. Fabby? Well, yeah…
Not my story, but he got the nickname from his buddies, who noted that anytime, anywhere, Mr. Fucking Fabulous could strike up a conversation with a girl and if she was single come away with at the very least a phone number. I suppose the nickname has outlived its original meaning by now…
Uh, unless you mean the divorce thing, heh… Yeah, there’s minor story there as well, Jack and CJ have heard the longer version, but the short version is I got married too young, with too little life experience, so I went away and got all my squirrelliness out and was lucky enough to get a second chance.
I’ll have to be content with my own throbbing gristle at home…
Two great stories, JB. Thanks for sharin’!
please tell us more of your throbbings, Mr Boze 😉
you did share a bit of the divorce story with us deadpanites before, in the days of old of pan.
ok.. for realz, worky time now
Yeah, 8:30 am and the paying job is done for the day!
Now all I have to do is clean the bathroom, go shopping and decide what kind of cookies I want to bake today 🙂
In case you ever get pulled over and asked to take a breathalyzer test, this is the correct way to perform one.
CP: Revolting Cocks – Beers Steers and Queers
what a classic tune!!
Can’t clean the guest bathroom because my hubby hasn’t removed our unwanted 8 legged guest from it yet. With the in-laws coming next week, I guess he’ll be cleaning it.
Now to do the upstairs.
Awesome! TEB has a shower octopus!
Upstairs washroom clean.
Decided to make fudge today.
Yes, I have an octopus…
Off to the grocery store.
Later Pan
I have yet to pick up the new Depeche Mode album, though it is on the list. I did pick up 3 new(ish) albums from Canadian artists this weekend: Tragically Hip, Metric, and 54-40.
As for vinyl. My ears are fairly bad, so it isn’t worth the $$ to shell out for really good equipment when I can’t hear the difference. Mp3s sound fine in earbuds, but that’s about it.
Good introduction to Morrissey’s catalogue:
What movies make you cry?
This almost a perfect description of me: “Just like a surprising majority of our readers, I have never yet made it through Brad Bird’s animated wonder The Iron Giant without choking up at the climax, at the pride and peace on the titular giant’s face as he repeats the affirmation “Superman.†My cellular composition is at least 80 percent cynicism, and I actively resent and resist movies that try too hard to emotionally manipulate me, so I tend to be the one sitting dry-eyed and irritated in theaters full of bawlers.
SWEET! If you were paying attention last year, JfS & talked a bit about a new singer from Sweden called Lykke Li. Though I don’t watch American Idol, I think it’s awesome someone covered “I’m Good, I’m Gone”.
A possible sign that a game won’t be good? When the focus more on (ahem) character design than gameplay.
Of course, if you are into eye candy…. 😉
ditto, I’ll be anxious for your review of the Depeche Mode album. Rolling Stone gave it only 1 or 2 stars. Entertainment Weekly gave it 4.
CP: Part Of My Life — India.Arie
Interesting… my last post got filtered by the fucktardbot WP.
EssBee: I’ll let you know what I think when I get it. I have pretty much everything they’ve done; been a fan since ’83.
CP: We Do What We Want To — O+S
Time to go brave government offical-dumb. 😉
I’m done with work now too! I’m going to get ready to meet Hugh for lunch. Its so beautiful here today we are going to have a picnic downtown by the lake.
New Depeche Mode album= eh.. I’m not convinced I like it much yet. I will still see them at Lollapalooza regardless.
Some new albums i do love though: Metric, Silversun Pickups, Pj Harvey & John Parish
l8r pan
CP: Electric Feel – MGMT
Boy these guys have more hooks than my uncle’s fishing hat.
Though, here’s an interesting note, I liked the sound of this cut better when I heard it over FM radio when it was in heavy rotation on our public radio alternative music station than I like this MP3, which is the iTunes Plus “higher quality” version.
I like what I’ve heard of the new Bat for Lashes album, it might be my next (extremely infrequent) purchase.
CP: Ball and Biscuit — The White Stripes
I remember mixtapes.
Regarding MP3 vs. CD vs. vynil – I know I’ve never had a high end enough audio setup to appreciate a well mastered vynil album, so I probably don’t know what I’ve missed. With CD’s and digital audio – I think it is a lost more dependent on what is done on the recording/mastering end. I have heard CD’s and digital audio files on stereos, on computers, and on Ipods. I can’t find plenty of examples of both that sound like ass and examples and sound sublime.
One thing I’m certain of – a recording of ass quality is still going to sound like ass when you listen to it, no matter what you play it on.
Beware of eight legged muggers.
Well, another sign of my age has come to my awareness this morning.
Bloom County went out of publication 20 years ago.
Dilbert has been in publication for 20 years now.
I really didn’t need to know either of those facts.
Thanks for the 411 Ed.
I’ll be in my meadow…
There, fudge is in the fridge setting. Now just killing about 20 minutes until lunch time 😉
It’s still not too late for a Billy and the Boingers reunion tour.
Oooh, pass the fudge!
Sorry EssBee. Fudge isn’t set yet.
All right. I think I’m going to make some old fashioned macaroni and cheese for lunch.
CP: Your Racist Friends – TMBG
I’ll meet you guys at TEB’s house!
Back and having Liz Phair *swoon* right now. 🙂
TSH: here’s one for you:
Liz Phair
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand into CCH right now. Buh-bye swoon. *sniff* 🙁
CP: Mr. Grieves — Pixies
Great album.
This one goes out to Cj.
CP: Shadows Of The Night — Pat Benatar
Still in CCH
CP: Asshole — Denis Leary
I’m just a regular Joe with a regular job
I’m your average white, suburbanized slob
I like football and porno and books about war
I got an average house, with a nice hardwood floor
My wife and my job, my kids and my car
My feet on my table and a Cuban cigar
But sometimes that just ain’t enough to keep a man like me interested
(oh no, no way, uh uh)
No I gotta go out and have fun at someone else’s expense
(woah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah)
I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane
While people behind me are going insane
CP: Look Down — Zach Morris Phone
This call is killing my brain cells with extreme prejudice.
CP: Caught A Lite Sneeze — Tori Amos
nef nop nup
CCH hates us, ditto.
Some of these are NSFW, but this is a HILARIOUS blog:
Now we know how Sauron sapped the will of his minions. He made them suffer in CCH.
uh.. hi, Deadpan! It’s only 1:30pm and it’s been a long day. I had so much to read from you! YAY! And I have responses too, but then, I clicked on the photo bomb website and was completely distracted for about 7.42 minutes.
Thoughts re-gathering…
Going way back to this early morning –
Van, Green is my favorite. Although I have no idea what the context of your green comment really was.
Vanamonde Says: It’s green.
I’m guessing bananas and healthfulness.
RE: Spaghetti in hot dogs – My kids would love this. Wouldn’t you know I just found some spinach (green) spaghetti on sale at Sprouts the other day. This is going to be fun!
Books on paper are my favorite.
I just started reading “My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands” by Chelsea Handler
It’s fluffy reading and good for the doctor’s office where I spent the morning. I love sitting there reading all of her sexy-tales while the people in the waiting room around me have no idea of the naughty tidbits I’m enjoying!
Where I’m going tonight: http://www.phoenixzoo.org/ZooBrew2009/
How excited am I? w0000000000t!
Pat Benatar is awesome…
As is Denis Leary.
“I like to park in handicapped spaces while handicapped people make handicapped faces….”
My old roommate learned to play that song on his guitar just so he could sing it to me.
Oooh and one more thing, then I’ll shut my yapper…
TEB’s YouTube video share about the tesla coil reminds me of a dumbass memory. Someone remind me to record that later. 🙂
Working Friday night sucks.
Just thought I would let you all know that.
Roll on 23.44.
My contribution to your Deadpan Friday Night (Essbee – skip this post darling)
The Slippery Nipple
– Baileys Irish Cream
– Sambuca
Now, I don’t have Sambuca so I have been using Vodka.
Pour a shot glass about a third full of the Baileys and fill the rest of the way with the Vodka.
Drink quickly. The sweet liquor takes the bite off of the vodka.
It doesn’t kill the pain but it sure does shove it into a broom closet and locks the door!
The Slippery Nipple
How could I NOT share that?!?!?
Damn . . .
I’ll have to find my slippery nipples elsewhere, I suppose . . .
CD: Starbucks doubleshot MOCHA in a can
I stand by my assertion that Starbucks is overrated.
Sorry you have to work, Van.
CP: I Bleed — Pixies
My guess was a Scotty reference “It’s green.”
I third the Liz phair swoon
I thank j0e for his slippery nipples, they sound divine. I have the fixins for them and methinks I might make em!
and an absolutely HUGE thank you and a hug to EssBee for that Throbbing Gristle article.. that was awesome, I can’t wait for those videos. Thank you again.
I get to see them tomorrow, I cannot be more excited for it. The memories that band brings back for me.. shit.
ok pan
take care of each other, its a big bad world out there 🙂
CP: Strawberry Swing — Coldplay
CP: Skullcrusher Mountain — Jonathan Coulton
I’ve had a slippery nipple and it’s a waste of Bailey’s.
Not that I knew that it was called a slippery nipple at the time.
Need to share some hockey commercials from Canada.
Molson’s “The Code”
part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAwg71Gg9ek
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4cIDO1w4Bw
part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQL0Q6EvdH0
part 4 is on TV but not on YouTube yet.
So, no one owning up to which movies make you cry?
Movies that make me cry:
Things We Lost In The Fire
The Laramie Project
The Life Of David Gale
That’s all I can think of tonight.
I LOVED tonight’s Dollhouse.
Movies that make me cry? Hmmm…
I was “in love” for the first time when I saw Rob Roy and was seriously messed up afterwards.
I got too choked up to speak the first few times I watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It still gets me a little when I take the time to watch all the way through.
Iron Giant.
I can’t think of any others off hand. Certain episodes of Roswell and Farscape still get me teary even though I’ve watched them multiple times. I’m sure Buffy/Angel will do the same to me when I get around to watching them.
Which kind of reminds me, last weeks Fringe, the episode about bad dreams… The actress playing Olivia did a brilliant job in the club scene. Wow on the emoting.
Catching up is fun to do:
Ed – I started printing in allcaps with slightly larger versions for the capitals when I was a junior or senior in high school. My dad was amused/proud of me when he noticed it and said that all of the engineers and compsci folks did it that way. Of course, that cemented it for me and I’ve been learning to write illegibly in caps for years.
Catching up is fun to do:
i – I’m working through Bruce Schneier’s Applied Crypto right now and as an absolute newb, it is very simple and quite a bit over my head. It may be what you are looking for.
Catching up is fun to do:
[timebeat] = Creepy and cool!
Catching up is fun to do:
Cj – spinach spaghetti in hot dogs = me gag. Ugh. gugh.
Hey pan! Just thought we would check in before going to bed. Saw some very cool art tonight. We hit several gallery openings.
Hugh sez: which made us very jealous
we were quite jealous 🙂
Movies that make me cry?
Hugh sez: that would be every movie she ever saw
shut it Hughie!!! I cry a lot. I cry at commercials even
I sez again: Movies that Make Me Cry:
Love Story (cry from the second it starts to the second it ends)
Forrest Gump (the scene at Jenny’s grave!)
Dragonheart (when the dragon dies)
I can’t watch war movies because they make me cry- all that death, all those young soldiers and what they go through. Its too real for me and it makes me sad
Fried Green Tomatoes
I also cry at super happy moments in movies sometimes too
Dead Man Walking
OH! and that movie with the chinese women.. ah crap can’t think of the name
I cried when Spock “died”
I cried as a little girl when Luke found out about his parentage and got his arm chopped off
Hugh sez: she cries at almost every movie for something
I do. I’m an emotional girl 🙂
Hugh sez: she is 🙂 *swooon*
why are you swooning
Hugh sez: I love that about you. Its cute
I cry at those stories during the olympics when they give the heartbreaking story of the athletes suffering to get to the games
I cry at the commercials with starving children
I cry at ESPN sometimes again when they give super emotional athlete tragedies/stories
I recently cried at a story on ESPN about the recovery of Michael Vicks dogs
[spoiler alert]
I cried when Wash died
[/spoiler alert]
I cry reading books sometimes too
My Big Fat Greek wedding made me cry so much..
in conclusion.. I cry at lots of shit. Its just what I do
Morning Pan, I’m a crusty old bird these days and films tend not to have an emotional impact, but I remember Schindler’s List getting tear ducts flowing in adult hood.
As a kid, Charlotte’s Web and Watership Down.
I bah’d at WordPress for telling me I post too quickly
WordPress needs to keep up!!
Ok, nighty nite pan
Hugh sez: nighty nite!
nighty nite mush!
nighty nite cockles!
Hugh sez: oh no, my cockles are quite awake and alert this evening
LOL!! Thank you for sharing with the class Hughie 🙂
morning Van!!!
Night TSH’s
Now you don’t get much luckier than this:
For some reason, Wash’s passing bothered me less than Book’s. Then again, Book probably my favorite character just because he obviously had the most untold story.
Lucky underwire. Wonder if overwire would work better?
Big Fish
Life is Beautiful
Moulin Rouge
Big Fish
Nomad Scry: I agree about Bruce Schneier’s books on Cryptology. They are very good. He also has a blog:
“Applied Cryptography” is good if you know code. “Practical Cryptography” is also good but does not involve code. I think it has a better explanation of asymmetric crypto.
Underwire FTW.
Braid soundtrack is available!
A great game with very complementary music. I’m not sure how well the music will stand on its own, but I think I’ll still get it.
There are a few that have been mentioned that get me (definitely got to agree on Big Fish and Moulin Rouge)
So, I’ll fess up to one I haven’t seen – Star Wars (no stinkin subtitle) When R2D2 gets shot up during the Death Star run. Shit, I’m tearing up a bit even as I type this, dammit.
Well after Ed’s confession….
All Dog’s Go To Heaven..at the end when the goodbyes are being said.
Never cried at a movie….. although E.T.’s “death” got me pretty close. (shaddap)
Requiem for a Dream is also pretty heart-wrenching……….
OK – back to work for me.
Overrated: Bladerunner
CW: Latest Dollhouse
The bringing back the dead bit reminds of ‘The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World’ where Prof Coypu is stored in a memory module.
Jack: Agree about Requiem. It also has an amazing soundtrack.
I haven’t had a chance to catch Dollhouse from last night yet. But, the wife and I did finally watch Caprica. I must confess, I don’t really see much point to continuing on as a series. It stands well enough alone as a prequel to Galactica. But, the notion of transfering memories into a new body (a precursor to resurrection tech) is a major theme of the pilot.
Every so often I scroll through the TIVO guide looking for things to record, especially off of Discovery and History channels. Recorded a show called Extreme Trains. The episode is about a 484 steam locomotive that is still in operation. My boy and I have started it over and are watching it again 🙂
The Kid
CW: Modern Marvels – 70s Tech
The Concorde
Atari 2600
Polaroid instant camera
Speak ‘n Spell (that’s probably how I learned to spell)
Mr. Coffee
Home Microwave Ovens
The Firebird Trans Am (with a 290HP 454cu in engine – my CTS puts out more power with an engine half that size, and it can corner 🙂 )
150,000 Trans Ams were sold the year “Smokey and the Bandit” came out.
Back from commercial
CB Radios – to combat the lowering of speed limits from 70 down to 55 mph.
Hand held digital calculators
Shows over, move along…..
My dad’s mid-life crisis car was a Firebird – sometime around 1985.
CP: “Africa” – Toto
Currently Doing: Submitting the audio and transcript for my first episode of the 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast!
More 70’s Tech:
Space Invaders at the local arcade.
LED Digital watches – press the button to get a quick flash of the time.
Morning Pan, work on a Sunday…grrrrrr!
Oh and handheld calculators that used RPN for calculations:
Oh and if you are ever curious about the evolution of calculators:
Morning Pan!
My poor hubby is sick so I’ve spent the weekend nursing him.
Later today I’m taking out a door downstairs (to move furniture through) and helping my with more of her packing (boy does she have a lot of stuff).
All the time, still being very solicitous to my sick hubby.
Hey, Pan.
I’m planning on making it a productive and enjoyable day by:
-Writing my weekly update email
-Finishing the cleaning-out of my old school e-mail account
-Moving ahead with the writing and audio production on “The Questors from Effpiem”
-Participating in #writechat on Twitter
-Working on “Soul Imprints,” at least a little
-Cleaning up my room (maybe)
When I was in college, the RPN faithful were somewhat on the snobby side. I rebelled and have stuck with TI.
Tired. At work. It must be a Sunday.
I. Am. An. Idiot.
So My daughter works part time for a place that rescues reptiles. They put on shows and birthday parties etc. Last night she brought some of the animals home (without asking) so she wouldn’t have to go get them for a show she had today.
Of course, on of the animals escaped. Instead of doing the things I planned, so far I’ve spent all morning looking for a stupid 3′ ball python… Still looking
I’ll be so glad when she moves out.
ditto, ditto.
*hugs* to ditto and TEB.
Weekly update e-mail accomplished. Back to the audio editing. I love it. 🙂
Done all I can with audio production for now. Time to change gears and write. (#writechat is still going on, too.)
Still haven’t found Willow the Snake. Just how many places can a 3′ bright yellow snake hide anyway?
Just had a great writing session on Questors. Rough drafts of episodes 7-9 are complete, and I feel fantastic! 😀 It’s looking like there will be 11 episodes total, which is just fine with me.
Going on into the climax. When I start writing, I just can’t stop! 😀
*writes* yes
*writes* Yes!
*writes* YES!
Sorry. Had to go there. 😉
Robot orchestra comes one step closer:
I’ll have what ditto is having.
There is a live snake loose in a Bunny’s house.
Bad choice of words there… *sheepish smile*
Parts of episodes 10 and 11 have been written, but I feel more like recording the outro for #5 right now, so I will.
Just laid down narration for Questors #6. Yay! 🙂
Damn Amy is on a roll!
First 1:43 of said narration has been edited. Bedtime after some relaxation.
Crap, I owe Amy some recordings. I shall atone for my tardiness this week.
If my character doesn’t survive to the end of the story, I ask only that my death be something to make Scott Sigler go “Man, that sick!”
Though, I probably don’t want to imagine what could elicit such a response from Scott 🙂
LOL! 😀 No worries. I look forward to hearing your lines for Episode 6.
Good night, Pan.
Well. It was a very short weekend.
There was a weekend?
I actually had a fun weekend, in between workdays.
In between the workdays, exactly. I got to see my first MST3K and catch up on sleep. I didn’t get to go hiking or watch “My Name is Bruce.”
I actually slept too much. What a thing to complain about.
Who was the MST3K host, Nomad?
(I’ll get the answer tomorrow. Night Mush.)
My fiancee? fiance? betrothed suggested Netflix’ing some MST3K and randomly added a sprinkling to the queue. This one was the Wild Wild World of Batwoman with Servo, Crow, and a young dude with spikey hair. Maybe Mike.
It started with a public service type message about Cheating. I’d say that it was pretty bad, but then the vampire batwomen, hunchback, molemen, atomic hearing aid, dance dance dance, craziness started. Wow.
Yeah, it’s Mike, Servo, and Crow as hosts.
Unfortunately nothing was close captioned, so I missed a lot of the dialog. Some of it was because of my everyday issues with hearing, but a good portion was obliterated by my 9 year old laughing a fit.
You know, I’ve been reading different articles about this swine flu business over the last few days. Thankfully no reports in the Houston area yet, but if it’s made it up to Canada…..I dunno. Not giving me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Morning Deadpan from the winter wonderland of the north.
More snow last night. More predicted for the next few days. Expected high of only -1C. today.
For those wondering, Willow the Snake has been found at about 7:30 last night. Which is a good thing since she had a value of about $1,000 which we would have had to pay if she wasn’t found.
Morning, Pan.
Today’s the day I get my “Bridging the Spheres” proof! Woohoo! 🙂
Soooo When do we get to read it? Are we going to have to buy it? What are your plans for it?
Snakes!! Eeek! It’s snowing here too TEB.
Morning, Deadpan!
I agree with you on Caprica, Ed. I liked it, think it could stand alone as a BSG prequel, but even so am looking forward to the series. I love myself some Esai Morales.
I just heard Obama say something (I think last week) that I really liked: We now have an opportunity to make a habit of empathy.
Thx to Wolf for getting me interested in my PSP again.
Your welcome Van… I think.
EssBee, I don’t mind snakes. It’s creepy-crawlies that find me with my head under the covers 🙂
It’s the children standing under the sheets that get me. And the ones that shuttle about on the walls.
Thanks for the crypto recommendations! Schneier is indeed very impressive. I am subscribed to his blog.
The two movies that come to mind that get me emotional are Top Gun and The Notebook.
I had Tuesdays With Morey on cassette and that got me choked up every time I listened to it.
Went to Cape Cod and Nantucket over the weekend. Enjoyable, nice places. Dunno how often I’d like to go back, though.
The Swine Flu thing reminds me of the Bird Flu. I recall seeing mention of it on the Qi Magazine website (I used to do Tai Chi Chuan) about 12-18 months before anyone else ever mentioned it. I’m guessing it’s part of the censorship (duh).
CP: Mansion In The Sky — The Brian Jonestown Massacre
On the subject of code, I got burned out a loooooooong time ago on my Atari 800 XL. (DOS? Atari Basic? Anyone?) And I didn’t bother to learn anything apart from graphic calculators. Now I’m trying to start all over again by teaching myself C. I’ve not had much time, but it’s going okay.
CP: Sound Of The Revolution — Lunatic Calm
Correction: I taught myself HTML many moons ago. But never used it.
imag1narynumber : Have fun with C. It is fun, easy, but somewhat dangerous. 🙂
HTML isn’t code, imo, since you can’t program with it.
CP: Mystery Train — Galactic
ditto: point taken. I sit corrected 🙂
This is a little out of date, but here’s a history of programming languages:
CP: Caring Is Creepy — The Shins
ditto: Wow, very cool. Thanks! I will browse.
Languages are getting a bit out of hand, methinks. Lua, Falcon, etc, etc. Really? Seriously?
nuff said.
Ha! Hilarious!
I vote for a private reading by Amy of her new book at our inaugural Deadpan Con(tm)
I second the motion.
Have we finalized a date yet?
Though I won’t be able to attend, I’ll vote as though I can.
I third the motion as long as I can listen in footie pjs with hot cocoa.
Off to deliver a snake – lucky me.
re PanCon – My schedule and funds have been spoken for this year between World Con in Montreal and DiscWorld Con in Arizona.
Can we hold it concurrently with DiscWorld Con?
Can we hold it in my living room?
ditto, I thought that’s what we had been talking about. Wasn’t it in the early Fall, Bunny?
EssBee: I think it is Sept 4-7.
It should only be around 110 degrees in Arizona at that time.
I really, really need to talk to the AZ Con people. Bunny, do you have connections there as well?
CP: Jumpin’ Jack — Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Back from delivering a snake and having lunch.
Re: AZ con – it is Sept 4 – 7. The only thing to keep in mind is this is the same time as Dragon*Con.
I can stay an extra day (or come a day early) if we don’t want to interfere with there convention.
Jack, sorry, I don’t know any of the committee for this convention (perhaps Summer would know?) I was originally going because a friend of mine was going and we were going to share a room. She can no longer make it, but I’ll still be there.
CP: Brain Crack — Tracy Bonham
WNDR: My plans are to write a final draft and try to get it published while podcasting it.
I have the proof now. I learned a lot about self-publishing from this. Namely, that if I don’t include page numbers or a title page in the file I submit, the printed version won’t have them either. :-/
Ed: Sure, I’d love to read whenever we get together! 😀
What to do when someone claims their phone is on the blink.
Believe them or take it as a hint.
Van, I choose to take people at face value until they prove that they’re damn dirty liars.
Me too Essbee, but I have a paranoid streak that likes to say Coooee!
So back from seeing ‘Shifty’ an oh so bleak urban thriller.
Not sure what to think of it to be honest:
ditto, are you in KC, KS? I just found out I’m heading to a family wedding in KS in a few weeks, but on the OK border, so probably not close enough to buy you or Wolf a cuppa.
I understand, Van. I am the queen of assuming people don’t want to hear from me. I have learned that my instincts on that are wrong, and know that yours are too!
Another Hmmmmm:
Today’s queasy word is neoteny.
A bit depressing if you aren’t Personalty A type bloke:
That’s a funny article, Van. Made me laugh!
EssBee: Just south of KC, KS. If you are driving through, then you have to visit. 🙂
CP: The Story — Brandi Carlile
I don’t think I’ll be that far East. It sounds like I’ll be suffering . . . I mean celebrating in some BFE town south of Wichita. Darn!
CP: Romance In Durango — Bob Dylan
CP: Desperate Housewives S5E20
What’s that noise? why it’s my DP cred getting pissed away.
Desperate Housewives!!
Wha ?!? We get cred???
I bet it pays in Grand slam breakfasts.
To balance out Van’s viewing activities, I wanted to let you all know that I started Snow Crash last night. Wow! So far, it reminds me of a good Pynchon novel, but I haven’t read very much yet.
I did get the new Depeche Mode this weekend, but then I opted to pay the phone bill instead of getting Snow Crash or a sub to S&SF. That will have to wait until next week.
Until then… EssBee, wanna read to me? 🙂
From the article on beer goggles:
Appreciating neotenous features isn’t the same as being sexually attracted to children, but at least one study has found that average, college-age heterosexual males and child molesters share remarkably similar (and deeply neotenous) attractions: high cheekbones, unwrinkled eyes, glabrous skin.
Glabrous skin?
Glabrous skin
skin that is normally devoid of hair.
I’m a little grossed out right now.
Maybe a little more than a little.
Nomad, I will read to you, but I think my last two things Jack played on the Deadpan sounded like Sarah Palin. You sure?
And, ew, ew, ew!
This point stands out from Van’s article:
“Today’s moguls, then, differ only in degree from the prolific breeders of the past, such as Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty, Emperor of Morocco, who produced at least 700 sons (people stopped counting after that) and an untold number of daughters before he died in the early 17th century.”
Getting busy, indeed!
I hear this was old Ismail’s theme song:
People all over the world (everybody)
Join hands (join)
Start a love train, love train
People all over the world (all the world, now)
Join hands (love ride)
Start a love train (love ride), love train
I am most definitely unGlabrous.
The word glabrous sounds a lot more creepy than its meaning.
There was this dance/pop song years ago, I’m not sure really when it was, but it had a little bit that jumped out at me and I’ve never quite forgotten it or figured out how badly I’ve misinterpreted the lyrics.
But this is what I had heard:
“My name is Essbee and I wanted to see if positive people live longer, so just be positive, don’t be negative.”
Delivered, of course, in a charming europop girl child pseudo rap.
I can’t seem to find it on a google search, so I probably slaughtered the lyrics.
Morning Pan, I’m glaring at the rain clouds.
I’ll trade with you, Van. I’m supposed to get 91 f today. [wilts]
I hadn’t realized the U.K. and Texas we’re so close in geography – we’re getting hammered with storms here around Houston. We can certainly use the rain…..just not at 4″+ a hour.
Morning Pan!
Van, I’ll trade with you also. More snow expected over the next few days.
NS- Would this be it?
CP: Stuff From the B Side
My schedule for this week:
– My Boo is moving out of my house
– My in-laws are coming on Saturday to stay for a week
– I’m testing on Saturday
– and it’s month end here at work so will be spending tomorrow downtown and the rest of the week in front of spreadsheets.
I’m hoping to get a chance to breath somewhere in there 😉
Amazing what you can learn in the New Scientist.
The use of floating trash to study Ocean currents.
Maybe you can explain why you call your daughter Boo, TEB?
TEB, I assume you actually took a snake somewhere.
‘Cuz when I’m “delivering the snake” I prefer not to leave the bedroom…
Boo is a character from the game Balder’s Gate. He is a miniature giant space hamster;
My Boo, at 5′ even, is small (like a miniature giant)
Not so much now, but when she was smaller, she was quite fuzzy (including hair on the small of her back) (like a hamster)
and, being a kid, is possibly from outer space.
Hence… Boo
JB. 😆
This snake was actually lost in our guest room. With my in-laws coming this weekend, we didn’t want to leave it there.
My daughter works for a group that rescues reptiles and does reptile shows for birthdays, schools, etc. so we returned the snake back to its rightful owner (and no matter how I explain this, it still sounds very wrong so take it as you will 🙂 )
Wolf – Hot damn you are good.
And oh god, that is bloody horrible! How the heck did I listen long enough to remember the lyrics to even a part of it? Gah! =)
Well women and snakes have connatations to those weak of will.
Thx for the illumination TEB.
And I thought Boo was a Monsters, Inc reference.
Which is idiotic because then Boo wouldn’t be old enough to move out yet.
Sorry EssBee, I guess the song isn’t by you after all. It’s Efti. Either way, I’m sure you sound nicer than I do. That’s a gender comment though, so take it as you will.
Hugh sez: Blackhawks w00t! Sorry bunny 🙂
hope everyone is doing well, just stopped by to pass on that message
“Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!”
That’s ok, TSH. I had the Flames out in 6 anyway.
See what happens when I have enough to go on…
(Quietly thankful that I can not listen to it at work.)
First interview edited from Conestoga still needs final Quality Check.
Then Show Notes, Album Art, posting… crap this is a lot of stuff.
And I have 2 other interviews that need to be posted… 1 from the Con 1 from another podcaster.
CP: PC Mag Radio
Morning, Deadpan!
Nomad, I am very nice. 🙂
I’m tired and grumpy today. I didn’t sleep at all last night. Grrr.
But, still nice.
Efti, EssBee, I can see how you’d make that mistake!
CP: Stuff You Missed in History Class
CP: Can’t Get High — Widespread Panic
Well, Pan. Must go and buy pillows. (and towels. For some reason, I seem to have to buy towels every couple of months as mine go missing 🙁 )
Interesting view on Whedon/Dollhouse:
I happen to disagree with the ABW on this one, but find it interesting nonetheless.
Good Morning, Pan.
My daughter’s nickname is also “Boo”
Wolf is awesome for finding that song. I listened for 3 seconds and now my ears are bleeding. Awful, just awful.
I shall have to check out the links later.
Just spent the last three hours trying to get to work. Finally arrived. The parking lot is very light today.
The worst part was I was able to get into the area off the freeway pretty easily. But, once in the area, pretty much every street was flooded and I couldn’t even turn around to go home.
I could probably get away with a short nap right about now….
CP: Nicotine — Ani DiFranco
Sounds like our soak is on for tomorrow. Not getting hot enough for dangerous weather, though.
CP: Sound Opinions with Jill Sobule
Man, when I listen to this show with an interviewed guest I just want to create.
Shame I listen at work, where I often don’t have the opportunity to create…
Be Careful Ed.
Sorry about the ears Cj…That was not my intention. Just helping Nomad find some bad memories….
Major fault in local area..no landline, no broadband, and no TV.
So, I’m trying to analyze this completely freakish dream I had this morning.
In the dream, I’m a student at a college or some type of higher education place. I go to the school’s restroom – all the stalls are pink. I’m CLEARLY in the ladies room. It’s full of and being used by men. Apparently, while I think this is odd, it doesn’t stop me.
There are 2 sets of stalls – some are open and have miniature child seats and some are normal closed stalls with regular seats.
The child seats are cushioned so I choose one of those. Then I proceed to do my business while chatting with the men and women who are lounging around me on sofas.
The, someone steals my underpants. I’m wearing a skirt so nobody can “see” anything anyway, but I’m uncomfortable without my underpants, but there’s a bomb scare or something so now we are quarantined in the bathroom.
There were other things going on, but I don’t remember much more and really, isn’t what I do remember disturbing enough?
Bathroom Dream Symbols:
A need to eliminate certain burdens or attitudes. Alternatively, it may symbolize purification and self-renewal. You need to cleanse yourself, both emotionally and psychologically. Dreaming that you are in a public restroom with no stalls means your frustrations about getting enough privacy. It may also indicate that you are having difficulties letting go of old emotions.
Maybe you have latent tendencies to exhibitionism, CJ.
You should explore that.
I’m going to second TEB’s suggest, Cj. Explore that. Maybe online. We’re here for you.
TEB EssBee Cj and don’t forget the webcam
Hmm, must be something in the air today at the deadpan bar
Jeez, next thing you know people will be walking around naked in the bar like we were in Toronto or something…
It’s a bit steamy in here.
All the steam seems to be causing some coughing fits.
We are building up a new world.
Do not sit idly by.
Do not remain neutral.
Do not rely on this broadcast alone.
We are only as strong as our signal.
There is a war going on for your mind.
If you are thinking, you are winning.
Resistance is victory.
Defeat is impossible.
Your weapons are already in hand.
Reach within you and find the means by which to gain your freedom.
Fight with tools.
Your fate, and that of everyone you know
Depends on it.
CP: We are winning — Flobots
It’s Snowing! Woo Hoo!
That should cool everybody off.
Sorry did someone say something… I was in my bunk.
A shiver down the spine.
Why is there this pile of panties in the corner?
CP: Thunder Kiss ’65 — White Zombie
life used to be life-like
now it’s more like showbiz
i wake up in the night
and i don’t know where the bathroom is
and i don’t know what town i’m in
or what sky i am under
and i wake up in the darkness and i
don’t have the will anymore to wonder
everyone has a skeleton
and a closet to keep it in
and your mine
every song has a you
a you that the singer sings to
and you’re it this time
baby, you’re it this time
when i need to wipe my face
i use the back of my hand
and i like to take up space
just because i can
and i use my dress
to wipe up my drink
i care less and less
what people think
and you are so lame
you always dissapoint me
it’s kind of like our running joke
but it’s really not funny
and i just want you to live up to
the image of you i create
i see you and i’m so unsatisfied
i see you and i dialate
so i’ll walk the plank
and i’ll jump with a smile
if i’m gonna go down
i’m gonna do it with style
and you won’t see me surrender
you won’t hear me confess
‘cuz you’ve left me with nothing
but i’ve worked with less
and i learn every room long enough
to make it to the door
and then i hear it click shut behind me
and every key works differently
i forget everytime
and forgetting defines me
that’s what defines me
when i say you sucked my brain out
the english translation
is i am in love with you
and it is no fun
but i don’t use words like love
‘cuz works like that don’t matter
but don’t look so offended
you know, you should be flattered
and i wake up in the night
in some big hotel bed
and my hands grope for the light
and my hands grope for my head
the world is my oyster
the road is my home
and i know that i’m better
off alone
CP: Dilate — Ani DiFranco
CCH oooh you want one.
CCH yeah, you really want one.
Hmm, I stumbled across this weather blog today while checking out storm projections for today. Looks interesting:
But, it looks like we’ve got some serious competition when it comes to turning a blog/podcast post into a message board. Those guys must sit on that comment board all day.
CP: At Ch. Degaulle, Etc. — Better Than Ezra
CP: No Speak No Slave — The Black Crowes
Sitting on a bar stool in the middle of the afternoon.
I’m pondering existence and exactly what it was you said to me.
My bottle has no answers so I tell the man I’d like to ask another one.
But this one too is of no help to me, so I kill, pay, and then I leave.
CP: Short & Curlies — The Barstool Prophets
CP: Shame On You — Indigo Girls
CP: Gunshy — Liz Phair
I need to add more Liz Phair to my collection. I really only know her one pop song. Please tell me which album to start with?
CPMM: Erik the Aweful – Ray Stevens
Liz Phair got a little raunchy, in her earlier days.
Are there any particular rules for the Stolen Lyrics segments?
i – They should be recorded and sent in…or phoned in.
I noted my psychic lyrics did not make it in. I now know why. 🙂
Cj, I like Exile In Guyville as classic Liz P.
What kind of tattoos do we have out there? I know Jeremy is covered in ’em — anyone else?
Sly B & I just scheduled an appointment for tomorrow at 6 at the local ink shop.
imag1narynumber: Rules are pretty loose for m80ost segments. WNDRWolf is correct. I would add: Stolen Lyrics was one of the very first Deadpan segments. It started off with just Stolen Rap Lyrics. Later, we added Stolen from the 80s and Stolen from the 70s. Although those types of music are traditional, I’m pretty sure any kind of lyrics are welcome now. When making your recording, identifying yourself and naming the title and artist of the song you’re quoting are preferable, but not strictly required.
Thank you, ambassador!
A little Liz Phair:
Fuck and Run
I woke up alarmed
I didn’t know where I was at first
Just that I woke up in your arms
And almost immediately I felt sorry
‘Cause I didn’t think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn’t think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions, and
What ever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who tries to win you over, and
What ever happened to a boyfriend
The kind of guy who makes love cause he’s in it, and
I want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit
Like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
You got up out of bed
You said you had a lot of work to do
But I heard the rest in your head
And almost immediately I felt sorry
‘Cause I didn’t think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn’t think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions, and
I want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend
I want all that stupid old shit
Like letters and sodas
Letters and sodas
I can feel it in my bones
I’m gonna spend another year alone
It’s fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
You almost felt bad
You said that I should call you up but
I knew much better than that
And almost immediately I felt sorry
‘Cause I didn’t think this would happen again
No matter what I could do or say
Just that I didn’t think this would happen again
With or without my best intentions
And I can feel it in my bones
I’m gonna spend my whole life alone
It’s fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was seventeen
Fuck and run
Fuck and run
Even when I was twelve
Liz Phair lyrics – Ouch.
She might be a tad disgruntled, Nomad.
You’re welcome!
“m80ost” = “most,” in my last post. My cursor got misplaced for a moment.
Amy Bowen: Thank you. I recall a couple taken from the ’90s. My submission will be from that decade. Just perhaps a tad longer than some I’ve heard. Just don’t want to stress poor Jack with editing. 🙂
On a related note, since I’ll be reading lyrics I should “um” and “uh” a bit less often.
Jack also frowns on you sneaking into his bedroom at 3am while he is sleeping and outlining his body on the mattress in stolen song lyrics. Using a lipstick.
… or so I’m told.
imag1narynumber: You’re most welcome. Will you be recording using a computer, or calling the voice mail line?
For all those in the Phoenix Area This is your WARNING!
The WaNDeR Wolf is coming.
The WaNDeR Wolf is coming.
Hide you Little Red Riding Hoods and 3 little pigs.
June 1-3 He will be in town then
You have been warned.
Amy Bowen: I will call. My ancient laptop has a mic but I’ve never tried it. But if it makes life easier I can attempt to e-mail a voice file.
1. Depends on the shade of lipstick, Justa J0e.
2. Imag1 – if you sent something, I did not receive it (or spaced on it). Plz send an email so we can work out getting it played onpod.
3. The Devils blew it. Again. Go Blackhawks.
Jack Mangan: I was planning on calling/sending later this week. I’m juggling projects and I’ll sneak it in.
imag1narynumber: That’s fine. Not being a show producer, I don’t know whether e-mailed files are easier to work with than voice mails or not. Jack, any thoughts?
Wolf is coming to Phoenix from the 1 to the 3rd and bringing some FM Red lipstick to write rap lyrics on Jack at 3am?
EssBee – I see that song on all the karaoke lists when I’m out singing, but I’ve never heard it. I’ll have to check it out finally. Thx!
Imag1 – whatever’s easier for you.
Nighty-night, y’all. If I don’t sleep tonight, I’ll be crying here in the middle of the night.
Time to go to bed. Good night, Pan.
Wake up!
Now? Is there a snooze button?
Right over there —-> [SNOOZE]
That would have been more amusing if the spaces hadn’t disappeared. Then the button would have been … over … there … somewhere.
I was too distraught over the stupid Devils to call Rhett.
So – I played a little place this past weekend, and I’ll be back there again this upcoming Saturday. I, um, really, really did not fit in with the other musicians. . . . but it was a fun gig anyway – and I got a fairly nice reaction. So – let me know if you’re in AZ and interested in going this Saturday.
My views on tatoos…needles are for prescribed medications and getting blood for medical tests.
That’s for me personally of course. I’ve seen some beautiful tattoos and crap ones but never been tempted to get one done.
At work I see a lot old guys (and more women these days) with just a blurry mess of tattoos done 30 years ago.
I want to come! We can bring our out-of-town guest!
Jack – I’m not a musician and I’ve only been inside a bar once, so I don’t really understand. Is the little place a good thing?
I was planning out an elaborate series of tattoos that I was going to start in on when I turned 30. Then I found out how much they cost and decided my boring skin was good enough.
Why am I still up??
Nomad, I’ll tell the gig story onpod somewhere, if/when work allows. Thanks for asking 🙂 Yes, Cj – you’re welcome to come out. Although you might want to hear the story about the place before you commit.
I’d love to hear more about everyone’s tattoos. I’m also entirely unmarked (except for a permanent pencil dot on my right knee from when I was 12).
Why am I still up?? Goodnight.
The snooze alarm’s job is done. It naps now too.
Well I now have an image of that bar from The Blues Brothers movie.
Hello darkness, my old friend. Don’t you know that revenge is a dish best served cold?
It is very warm and muggy in Houston.
And here’s your “I’m glad I’m not those people” moment to start the day….
Good morning, Deadpan! I’m your fully-rested Like Buttah, reporting for duty.
at work and feeling bleh.
I want a new job.
Underrated Music: Admiral Twin
Local Tulsa Band.
I have a tattoo of a guy riding a fish (from a sketch in “A Journey of the Imagination” by James Christensen) on my right shoulder.
I have a tattoo of an eagle on my left shoulder. Thinking of getting a howling wolf on the right shoulder.
No tattoos, but I’d rather get one than a piercing.
So, since Star Trek is coming soon… what songs can you think of that are either about Star Trek or mention it?
One that comes to mind is “Never You Mind” by Semisonic.
Tried to scour for a pic of my tattoo online, but did not come up successful.
I don’t know of any Star Trek songs. Darn!
Tonight’s tattoo will be a thumb ring, in celebration of 10 years with Sly B. I’ll share a picture tomorrow.
My next tattoo after that will be some artsy script of the phrase “five by five”, probably on my right forearm.
A big X with small 5s in each quadrant? 😉
Star Trekkin’ Across the Universe.
“There’s Klingons on the Starboard Bow,”
Fun song: I Like You So Much Better When You’re Naked — Ida Maria
I think tonight we are pulling chicken and having sandwiches.
*snicker* “pulling chicken” . . .
CP: Change My Ways — Galactic
Wow. Warner Bros. picks a fight with Larry Lessig:
No ink here. I had my tongue pierced. Twice. Not at the same time, mind ya. Separate occasions. I don’t recall why . . . .
..and my broadband is back.
Wolf beat me to it on the Star Ttrek songs, but I’ve posted the link to the video before on DP:
Fav line:
We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill
I was always told the tongue pierce was an attempt at better oral.
Listening to myself blather. I need to email Wolf. I need to go to bed more.
I should really be able to just command at will from my brain a list of songs that mention or refer to Star Trek, but all I can think of is Weird Al’s “White and Nerdy”
First in my class here at M.I.T.
Got skills, I’m a Champion of DND
MC Escher that’s my favorite MC
Keep your 40
I’ll just have an Earl Grey tea
I can sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong
I’ll ace any trivia quiz you bring on
I’m fluent in Java Script as well as Klingon
Only question I ever thought was hard
Was do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?
I have no tattoos and probably never will.
My husband wants us to get matching tattoos sorta… he wants to get Super Pac-Man and for me to get Ms. Pac-Man.
I can’t see see how having a stud put in your tongue can help with English exams.
Oh and piecing is out for me as well, although I’m impressed with some deadpanites resistance to pain.
My tongue works perfectly well without any metal assistance…
And really – the idea of metal in the mouth is like that feeling people get when you run your nails on a chalkboard.
I have to back up what JB heard. Tongue piercing has its benefits. So I’ve heard …
Van: actually, pain is not the problem for me. I think some people look good with piercings, but it just has never appealed to me. I’ve long wanted a tattoo, but I can’t figure out what I’d want to put permanently on me.
CP: Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love To Town — The Killers
99 Luftballons mentions Capt. Kirk.
I agree, ditto, at least about the pain issue. I have a very high pain tolerance, so am not bothered by it. As victim #1 said on the Fringe episode I watched this morning before work about tats, “it’s a good pain.”
I didn’t think the pain was too bad. Apparently, tho, some folks go in for the bigger-gauge piercings for the endorphins associated with the pain.
What’s on Your Mind (Pure Energy) by Information Society
Though, when queried in an interview, admitted they knew almost nothing about Star Trek, and just liked Nimoy’s sound clip.
I felt very little pain. The initial idea was indeed for oral. I don’t recall why I got it done a second time. It reduces the tongue’s dexterity too much. And I overall find them extremely overrated.
So watching the latest House, the episode where House keeps seeing Wilson’s dead girlfriend and thinking this could be the episode where the series jumps the shark.
i: also bad for the teeth. Still, pretty sexy IMO.
I’m going to go wash my children and take them to the grocery store so I can make dinner for a houseload of people tomorrow night.
Anyone need anything while I’m out?
EssBee – I agree that it looks sexy – I just can’t get past the metallic thing..
If I have my tongue piercing etiquette right, those who pierce to enhance their, shall we say, performance, pierce toward the tip of the tongue if they are interested in women, and those who are interested in men pierce further back. So I guess straight men and gay women are the ones who deal with the risk of broken teeth when piercing their tongues.
EssBee: Yeah, can’t argue the visual part, no question 🙂
EssBee: That’s far more thought than I put into it! You do have to kind of retrain yourself to eat for a while.
I just can’t help feel sorry for those of us who are bisexual. Where do we pierce our tongues? That is so unfair.
EssBee: There’s pros and cons to everything 😉
The sequel to “Donnie Darko” is being released (escaping?) direct-to dvd in May.
Travesty? Who wants to find out?
JohnBoze: I’m of the opinion the first was a travesty. So this cannot end well.
I LOVE Donnie Darko. Dang!!
I wonder if Southland Tales hurt Richard Kelly’s price tag.
Well I love Hudson Hawk. And that’s a TERRIBLE movie!
Additional note to file under: “Potential Travesty”:
No Richard Kelly.
Two links to original:
The story is of the now-18-year-old Samantha Darko (same actress, Daveigh Chase)
The title: S. Darko – A Donnie Darko Tale
Otherwise, no other creative connection.
They have a “Frank” but he’s more menacing, horror-styled, with alien-like eyes and pointed teeth.
No more, JB, no more!
CP: Life Being What It Is — Kaki King
Entering into CCH.
One more: Youtube Viral Vids to promo:
CP: Pot Kettle Black — Tilly & The Wall
Following ditto into CCH.
Tilly & The Wall! *musical swooon*
CP: Ask (2008 remastered version) – The Smiths
CP: Drive – R.E.M.
That seems to be the newest thrust in Hollywood. Starting with The Transformers the (pseudo-)sequels have less and less to do with the originals.
i: It is Hollywood, after all.
BTW, Linkin Park will scoring the next Transformers movie. Not sure how I feel about that.
I know how I feel about that, not good. Not good I say.
Agreed. Not good.
Still in CCH.
This amuses me:
Not the story, but the text under the “photo” connected to the story. “Click to enlarge” Clicking that opened up all sorts of info on the story I didn’t get before…
ZP dons a bedsheet and looks at Siren:Blood Curse:
Trip out in 8 bit style:
I have done amazing things with Oreo cookies today.
CP: Honey Pie — The Beatles
CP: I’m So Afraid (Live ’97) — Fleetwood Mac
ditto: I second the “not good” view on that. I do, however, look forward to the Daft Punk soundtrack to Tron 2.0
Vanamonde: It’s a demo reel gone horribly wrong!
Well all this frivolity must come to an end..night Pan.
Sigh. I hate writing specifications on a deadline, especially when everything is not figured out.
CP: Downfall — Matchbox Twenty
CP: Montana — Venus Hum
I just need a new job.
Me too. Too bad the job market sucks big time.
Yep. Need to make our own, methinks.
Sinus headache = brains not work. Happy to see that the ‘Pan was busy, can’t figure out what everyone said.
Back after the pseudophed kicks in (I hope.)
Tip: A day without flooding is a good thing.
Jack, I just left a voicemail and stumbled a couple times. Lemme know if you want me to send it again.
Nomad Scry: To sum up – 8-bit musical Oreos in the dark of Hollywood.
Pierced Oreos, at that.
People are here at Gangplank eating the Oreo cupcakes I made. It smells like Oreo in here.
These people have Oreo breath.
At least they’re not fried!
i1 – The people or the Oreos?
Deep fried Oreos I’ve heard of… well, I’ve heard of people being fried too, but it’s not the same thing.
…….. I once had a boyfriend whose nickname was “Fry Guy”
True story… I’m not proud.
Ah the oddballs of our pasts…
I was thinking the Oreos themselves. People fry just about anything. Boggles my mind. But I try to stay pretty healthy.
Deadpan releases tonight yeah!
I posted my show yeah –
I are tired I going to bed.
Cj, would you be willing to share your recipe for Oreo cupcakes? We’re supposed to be having a Cake Bake-Off here in Literacy-AmeriCorps-land on the weekend of May 8. I would give you full credit for the idea and the recipe, of course. 🙂
Of course. I’d be happy to share my invention – I don’t know that I’d call it a recipe.
I’ll e-mail you unless everyone wants me to post it here … it’ll just make you all salivate anyway.
Tattoo pic:
Nice tat!
Okay, go here to see the ink I got back in ’01, it’s all I have. I don’t even think I showed this off to anyone at NME…
All above links to tats viewed!
Most excellent on all counts!
And Congrats to EssBee and SlyB on 10 years! 🙂
ditto what Cj said.
Good Moooorning Pan, one more day of work