Featuring Guest Comment Readers.
Unshow 65 Yeah
Still time to get in more Hitchhiker’s content.
The next mmmmmeetup is coming! Details forthcoming.
With special guest readers:
The Energizer Bunny
Ed from Texas
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
What madness is this? Do I really see no comments here yet?
Well, me getting the first comment will most assuredly never come along again. I’m all tingly 🙂
Ah, a most excellent little unshow. Nice reading by the kiddos.
Looking forward to details for MMMMMeetp 2012.
Morning Pan!
Hubby and I are going to the symphony tonight. Sometimes we like to pretend we’re cultured :cheerful:
I’ve been to a symphony and a mosh pit. I’m living the “high-brow/low-brow” lifestyle. 😉
I see my work network is up to it’s usual tricks.
Jack is such a tease. He threatens to talk to me but then never does.
What happens if some of us don’t have Facebook?
I’ve actually had Romulan Ale, how strange is that?
Some interesting trivia on company names
Morning pan. anyone get the number of the week…
Really Reap, aren’t you paying attention? 😉
nope, not after it ran me over 🙂
ummm, yeah
I’m not sure who to thank but it’s 7am and I’m done my work for the day.
I think I’ll take the morning and rearrange the books in the library. I want to free a couple of shelves so I can put my super duper collectors pack games on them.
Speaking of games, hubby has decided to go and download a bunch of old games that have become abandonware. He’s downloaded Dungeon Hack, Eye of The Beholder (which I had to bonk him on the head for because he said he never played that one), an old Star Trek Adventure and a couple of other games I don’t remember. The funny thing is, he put a bunch of them on his work laptop. I asked him if that meant he wasn’t going to get any actual work done now. He just laughed.
Where does one find such things?
I don’t guess they work on a Mac anyway 🙁
Joe, I think this is where hubby goes http://www.abandonia.com/
JJ, you could give this a try with some of the games from the site TEB linked too:
If it’s the 25th Anniversary ST game then he’s struck Gold.
Eye of the Beholder was a Dungeon Master rip-off with a VERY abrupt ending.
I just did a search and they do seem to have the 25th Anniversary ST game.
Hubby also had to use a DOS emulator for most of the games. I have no idea where that came from. Presumably there will be instructions somewhere on the site.
Yup, downloaded DOSbox and got the ST game running.
Time to put on the rose tinted specs/
This is the kind of facebook post I like to wake up to:
“Boulevard Brewing Company
It’s a Smokestack kind of day in production. We’re bottling 12 oz. versions of The Sixth Glass, Dark Truth Stout and Tank 7 as well as Long Strange Tripel in 750mL bottles.”
Dark Truth and Tank 7, please.
By the generousity of ditto, I got to try some Sixth Glass for a secret santa gift. Good stuff. I ended up sharing it with Brian Brown who loved it. 🙂 I’ve discovered a local brewer here in Phoenix that I’m starting to warm up to. SanTan Brewery south of town. May have to pick up a few different beers from them this weekend.
HA! + HA!!!! = http://www.happyplace.com/9969/products-with-unintentionally-vulgar-sticker-placements
Somehow, I’m not surprised that Anal Fantasy comes in chicken and salmon flavors.
*blink blink*
*In the voice of Joel Robinson*
Its possible I actually threw up a lung laughing at the Winnie the Pooh book
Oh bother.
Unfortunate name alert…
Flamen Ball.
It seems there’s been a few Flamen Balls in the annals of history.
I’ve been through a burning ring of fire…
Flamen didn’t have it as bad as his brothers Tether and Kick.
Yes, but their rambunctious brother Dragon had them all beat.
Or his melancholy brother, Blue
Or their Uncle Odd.
Or their crazy brother Basket
No, you are confusing him. He’s their cousin, from the Case family. 😉
Always an awkward time around the house when it came time to shave.
CW: Star Blazers Comet Empire – ep 1.
Seriously, work? Seriously?????
ahem. Back now to your regularly scheduled tumbleweeds.
I think youre 36 minutes ahead of your regularly scheduled sigh time
I’ll stretch it out.
Said that, she did
Sounds like work needs an enema.
Now that’s a new form of torture, a tumbleweed enema.
Mind you I could think of a few people who deserve it…
I bet there is some new-age spa in Sedona that does tumbleweed enemas. Just a word of advice, as cool as a saguaro enema sounds, just say no.
Hey, Deadpan! I have exciting news!
Back on the weekend of June 22-24, I participated in a Deliberative Poll called What’s Next California. It was filmed for a documentary for PBS, and the show is on the air TONIGHT! It will also be repeated next Tuesday. Full schedule here:
I didn’t do any individual interviews for the camera, but I was there, so there’s at least some chance I might be in some of the footage. I can’t wait to watch!!! :biggrin:
Very cool, Amy. If I had cable, I’d watch. The docu should be available on Netflix at some point.
I sure hope so.
For those who can’t watch the docu live, excerpts from it can be found on this page:
CPIMM: Tori Amos – Pirates
Cool Amy! I didn’t see it appear on my local PBS listing, but I’ll check it anyway.
The recent talk of great old games has got me thinking of Freedom Force. I own both games, but I think I’m going to purchase them on Steam tonight for $7.50. Great semi turned based superhero combat, with a big sense of humor.
You’ll be digging out Xcom next…
I spent a year with X-COM, so I don’t think I’ll be trying to get it back on my PC. But an Android version would be great!
Thanks, Rhettro! Looking at the scheduling page, it seems it may only be showing on California PBS stations, which is lame :(, but thanks for checking it out!
Oh and I enjoyed ‘Jane Ayre’, now over to the weather.
-A +E
I told ye Jane Eyre would be good, Van! Mia Wasilklowksksiki was excellent, as was Michael Fassbender.
It’s Friday I’m in love.
Well, that’s certainly better than that other Friday anthem….
“Just Like Heaven” ?
Is there no Cure for The Deadpan?
Just listened to the UnShow.
I wish there was a skype connection to some club from the best times of my life. Maybe I can’t go back there but if I could look in, like it was a chat room …
I need
a lobotomy
Feeling like I have a second chance. It’s time to drop some HG2G content to Jack!
I have a pipe and a smoking jacket at the ready.
Same here. Will be recording tomorrow evening, most likely.
The time is now for HHG content!
More space porn for your perusal:
Now, has this is rare, the guy who programmed a game in the early 80’s, is about to release a reboot that runs on the original hardware:
I somehow missed this song in the 80s. Pretty darned lovely tune.
She has really short blond hair and he has a trench coat and really long wild light brown hair. You don’t think they were influenced by these guys do you?
Tonight’s Dr Who was all sorts of awesome.
Thats a relief!
The last two (here on BBCA) were pretty much rubbish. 🙁
Well your mileage may vary JJ. But I enjoyed it, and Samurai Amy was a nice bonus.
So Van, does this look like one you played on?
Not THAT old Ed lol
Although I did encounter this in the early 80’s:
Just finished Torchwood. I liked, Sly B was meh on it.
Check you email Essbee, you have incoming.
Got it, Van, you prince.
Oooooh, Prince of Persia 2 works nicely in DOSBOX.
And a fine morning, Deadpan.
Van – I knew that well predated both of us. But with all our talk lately of reviving the video games and computers of our youths, it was so very fitting 🙂
I wanted a Commodore 64 so badly I could just about taste it.
This one would suit you then:
I’m holding out for the cake with a side of “cassette tape back-up” ice cream!
Just another author interview:
This does sound tiring though:
“shiver her way through the seven, eight, nine, twelve seconds of worldwide interplanetary flux of orgasmic strobing happy unmatched tired coughing ebbing thrilled spent ecstasy.”
S9 of Buffy gets off to a good start..well it’s cover at least:
Nice artwork
Looks like we’re moving. Now. Next time I have I pop in, we’ll be in Tennessee.
Wish us luck, and keep my seat warm for me. Mwah!
Good luck with that NS, looking for a new job as well?
Good luck on the move, NS.
In other news.
I may have a new addition to the household.
LostRalph got a job in Arizona?
No. This addition is much more furry. Ralph’s working in Oklahoma. I assume that’s why he’s not posting as much due to his busy schedule.
Those cloning experiments with Neanderthal DNA have paid off have they?
Hey, that was just a phase back in college. Everyone was doing it…
I wish. :cwy:
I think we need more details on the big news for both Cj and Nomad.
I say we just jumble all the details up together and let the Deadpan sort them out as they see fit!
I’m gonna guess this won’t work.
As expected. It did not work. Just click on this: http://x.co/ZdJr
Aww! Yay! 🙂
The nervous cat is nervous.
6 Months old
Delivered spayed and fully boostered with
2 scratching posts, 1 scratching pad
1 giant litter box
It’s like I traded all that money I dumped into a dog for about the same amount of money’s worth in a cat. Only, I have much less maintenance and she’s mine. Not the children’s. MINE I say MINE!
BTW: Van was spot on!
Best Dr. Who in quite some time.
“Quite some time” = entire Matt Smith era
Just turned in my first installment of my Hitchhiker’s Guide audio content. There will be at least one more.
Good night, Pan.
Got it, Amy!
If you want to own my Steampunk story for Tee and Pip:
We watched the Dr. Who episode last night. Perhaps my expectations were just too high from the positive vibe I picked up, but I wasn’t so impressed. The whole thing felt like a deliberate emotional manipulation building up from a more ridiculous than usual premise. While the ending was touching, it was also pretty obvious where it was going to end up.
But, that’s just one joker’s opinion. And I’ve largely enjoyed these last two years with Matt Smith as The Doctor.
I will have to admit that the premise was rather contrived. The first 5 minutes or so had me rolling my eyes and thinking “Oh no. Not again.”
What I enjoyed was getting to see a stretch in the characters. Rory got to be more than a clown in this one and I felt his character gained some depth. I also enjoyed getting to see the Karen Gillan stretch her acting chops as well. I found her “Ellen Ripley” persona to be quite believable.
The other thing I liked was the film work in this one. There was a lot of cinematography that was above what was needed just to “show” the scene and it really brought the level up. The very last reaction shot of the Doctor’s being a good example.
Those are the things that took me beyond the weakness of the Ep’s premise itself.
Hey Pan
1) Cute Kitten CJ
2) Family Scry on the move. Tell us more!
3) Got your story Jack. Now I just need more reading time
4) Enjoyed the last Dr. Who and the last episode of Torchwood. Does anybody else (who saw Torchwood), see an American spin off based on that ending? – No spoilers I promise :cheerful:
I’ve lost the will to watch the episodes of Torchwood I’ve got queued up.
“…an American spin off based on that ending?”
Oh, I hope not. Those usually work out so badly.
Bunny, I hope not. I like Rex, but largely love Torchwood for Gwen. Must have Gwen.
I can take or leave Gwen. It just wouldn’t surprise me if they try to Americanize it, especially since a number of Buffy people worked behind the scenes of this one. Although, I don’t see it being as good as past Torchwoods. These things never are when converted to US.
Um…except in the case of Torchwood, seasons 1 and 2 were quite possibly 2 of the worst seasons of TV I’ve ever seen.
And while I agree most shows arent as good when Americanized, you cant say “never”. Three immediate examples that come to mind are The Office, Sanford and Son, and (god help me for saying this) American Idol. There’s plenty more examples as well. So perhaps while history isnt overall on the side of the new Torchwood, hope isnt lot.
And yes… EssBee I’m fighting you for Gwen. Nothing personal, you understand
I’ll give you “The Office” but not so much the rest.
Gwen … she’s MINE I tell you!
Your strange fact for the day.
If a lobster can avoid predators and accidents, theoretically it could live for hundreds of years as it cells don’t age the way human cells do.
They also communicate using urine.
ewwwww! :tongue:
Reminds me of “Wingin’ It.”
I’m trying to decide if I want to go for a walk or not. I think it’s going to rain. Normally I don’t mind rain, that’s what umbrellas are for, but I’m feeling my age today and don’t know if I want to go out in the damp.
Quick, find somebody younger to feel instead!
On a different note, my yard in covered in leaves. Summer’s over. Blech.
Yes, it’s brilliant, changing colours, howling wind and of course rain.
Hello autumn my old friend.
Yup, sounds exactly like Calgary today.
Wow. Just read that Andy Whitfield, the lead actor from Spartacus, died.
UGH!!!!! This fucking sucks. He was fucking awesome and not just as Sparticus. So goddamn sad.
On a more show-based note… the new guy (forget his name) is gonna have some big shoes to fill. Sparticus is by far the show I look forward most to watching every week. Andy was a giant part of why.
Saw that too. I guess it shows that no matter how awesomely in shape you are, cancer can still take you. He was a great actor.
I saw that earlier this morning. While we did see a couple of episodes, for some reason, John and I could never get into Spartacus
School has only officially been in a week and already hubby’s doing the late night meetings. Don’t expect him home until after my bedtime tonight *sigh*
In the sad but cool sort of thing.
Got a hacked Wii, so installed DOSBOX and a certain Star Trek Game.
Dug out an old USB keyboard and plugged it into the Wii, and voilà playing a 1992 PC game on my big TV.
That is cool, Van. I know hubby’s enjoying those old games too.
I just picked up From Dust. I played three hours straight the first day without realizing how much time went by. *tsk, tsk*. This Bunny’s not suppose to do that. Felt it the next day.
I think I’ll watch a movie this afternoon http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135095/
Doubt there’ll be a play by play. We’ll see how energetic I’m feeling after lunch.
It’s got Brian Cox in it, which could be a sign of extreme naffness or somethings interesting.
So with my current Apple earbuds doing the usually trick of fading volume in one bud, I purchased some JVC ones with memory foam earplugs that block out a lot of external noise.
Sadly in blocking out the external noise I can now tell how crap the audio is on some of the podcasts I listen to.
Bugger! That was an observation and not a criticism, I’m not giving up on that floral arranging podcast.,
I think my kettle’s broken. I set it to boil and the water’s Luke warm. It won’t restart to finish heating. It’s convinced the water’s warm enough.
*sigh*. Time to use the microwave
Speaking of coughs, Contagion was decent. Low on drama and Hollywood, it was more a straight description of events surrounding an outbreak.
I fear that the sickness is spread by tumbleweeds.
In space, no one can hear you wheeze.
Except on the East Side…. 😉
I’m hungry. I think it’s lunch time
Mostly through Tell Tale and am actually quite enjoying it. It’s a slower moving movie but that’s ok.
I got halfway thru and started sobbing blood.
Doesn’t look like I’ll have a reason to go to the theater this fall. I may rent the Sherlock Holmes sequel when it comes out. Other than that, meh.
Wait, Don Johnson’s still acting? Who knew?
Wait … did he finally start?
I sure hope that won’t affect his singing career. Still waiting on the follow up to “Heart Beat”.
(notice that there’s no link in this comment post.)
I did have to search youtube to confirm that was as bad as I remembered. You should all be thankful that I’m not cruel enough to post that link.
What link? What do you mean?
P.S. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULI5kolBpAk
I’m bored. I wish there was a hockey game on tonight. The evening’s just not the same without hubby here
/me gives Bunny a toy.
*gives Cj a big thank you hug and starts playing with my toy*
Isn’t there a toy called “The Rabbit”?
I’m still traumatised from being dragged (by two women) into an Anne Summer shop.
There will be one compelling reason to see the new Three Musketeers
Meh. I can wait until it hits my tv
Compelling reason
Bunny, I agree with you about Torchwood (and am ignoring Lo Pan’s comments on Seasons 1 and 2). This season was the weakest, and definitely Star-ified and American-ized. Hated Esther, too.
I probably want to you-know-what Gwen more than you do (and maybe the same than Lo Pan does).
You mean the comments on how seasons 1 and 2 make the new Doctor Who look like genius?
Also… we’ll have to flip for sloppy Gwen seconds.
Oh just wrestle for her and be done with it.
semi random post
NS: good luck with your move
Jack, Jack, Jack of the Deadpan
Watch for tumbleweeds! Ooohh
Sweet. Ume is going on tour and playing in KC next month! 🙂
Kyuss lives?
Without Josh Homme. So…. kinda no. But its as close as we’re gonna get to a reunion.
Dang, at work. I’ll have to check it when I get home.
Yeah, we’ll flip.
Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star –
“This may be the worst movie Pauly Shore has ever been in. Think about that.”
The worst of the worst. Now that’s saying something! 🙂
*stoner laugh*
Bad joke o’ the day.
One day a boy was walking down the road and found a magic lamp. The boy the rubbed the magic lamp and, of course, a genie appeared and told the boy he could have one wish granted.
The boy said he wanted to be just like Batman.
So the genie killed his parents.
Well in the spirit of crap jokes:
Sex is like a gas station, sometimes you get full service, sometimes you gotta ask for service and sometimes you have to be happy with self service!
CP: King of Spain — Moxy Fruvous
Slow day at work, been reading the old comments from Deadpan. Classic stuff. Quick question: Was Joseph Glick the only Deadpan troll we ever had?
Glick, Gleek, they are both annoying. 😉
We had one poster for a while who ended all his posts with something like “lol1”, “lol2”, “lol3”
or something like that.
Can’t remember the name and it was never certain he/she was a troll … or maybe just Alvie 😉
I miss John Klecko.
Moderation? Ha! I guess that answered my question.
It’s a damn shame that we lost so much of those archives. Weeks that had well over 1000 comments now display zeroes.
Yeah I know. I was thinking about that today as well. I’m no internet expert, but isn’t the internet “cauched” or somehow backed up by search engines? Would it be possible to locate the old files there? Just wondering.
Holy shit! Just found a sight that links archived websites and found some lost comments. 🙂
Not for episode 22, just checked, the only snapshot is from 2008 and that contains no comments.
Strangely the comments for episode 21 are there:
What’s up with the moderation? lol
I guess if you mention certain names, you get moderated. 🙂
Thus proving they were in fact, trolls.
jo5heph Gl1ck 4 example. LOL
“JohnBoze Says:
October 29th, 2006 at 3:09 pm
And then re-collect it after it comes spewing back?
We were up at 3am too, Ed. Fox has been running a mystery fever so we were up poking in the thermometer and administering tylenol.
And a fair bit of attempted comforting as well…”
*Happy Dance*
Yeah, that name was on a short list of blocked terms. I think I added “ringtone” and “milf” to that list too, in an effort to curb the spam.
Not “JohnBoze” or “Fox”. They’re always welcome here.
Alas poor Vonnegut, I didn’t know him well/
or at all.
TEB’s first post as Ryah is here:
Wow, it took me over a year to be brave enough to try the boards. Now you can’t get rid of me 😉
Long may it last (insert smiley here —->)
Sadly the webcache idea is hit and miss, some comments are saved and others not.
Hey Deadpan
Lunch is done. Work is done. Supper has been started.
Time to watch a movie. It has Herculese in it :cheerful:
The genesis of Ryah’s switch to TEB is lost in the aether.
Probably just as well
Well I think I called you a Duracell Bunny at one point before the switch.
Lithium is too reactive to be found pure in the ground.
Umm, I’ll shutup now.
I had to wipe some tears from my eyes after reading the following exchange from years past:
“JohnBoze Says:
December 11th, 2006 at 1:47 pm
Oh good, I can losse the pants…
Alvie Says:
December 11th, 2006 at 1:47 pm
I really need a blow job.
That was a statement, not a request… so yall keep your filthy ideas to yourself….
And with that…. Im out….
Alvie Says:
December 11th, 2006 at 1:48 pm
Oh snap!!!!!!!!
So far, this is turning out to be another SyFy classic
Classic? As in written by a monkey?
Wat, this is produced by Kevin Sorbo?
You’d think someone would at least read the script before pumping money into a project.
And also, a second thought should be required knowing it’s a SyFy production
It was a might, damn big explosion.
That’s what she said
Ok, let me get this straight. This extra special isotope, which will quadruple the life of portable batteries, explodes on contact with water. Also, if water is anywhere near the area, it will seek it out with “almost intelligence liike determination.”. Yeah, that’s what I want in my next iPhone
The people seeking fireballs are just weird
Ok, when does a waitress always have a couple of hand drawn maps of the area in her pocket? What else does she have in there?
Bubba is trying to convince some woman that she needs him to give her a “rear end alignment”. Yuck
I do enjoy Deadpan’s past, especially during the past year, as we’ve hit #200, and as my personal/work life has drained away precious Deadpan creative time.
I just hope that as we’re looking back on Deadpan glory days, that we’re still enjoying the present and that the Deadpan future still looks as fun as ever. Or at least as fun as the past.
Awww. Group hugs to all :kissing:
Here here!
There there!
Oh, but then he died in the bathroom. Apparently there’s water in one of those
I just want you to know I don’t understand anything about this movie, including why it was made
Rotten eggs killed the town
Ok, you smell rotten eggs and there are dead bodies everywhere. My first thought would be to get out of the area until, at the very least, I don’t smell anything. But nooooo, our heroes must look around.
Ok, this movie had one redeeming scene. Some guy leaves his car to go to the bathroom. The explosive goes along the ground then up his stream of urine, finally getting to hin and exploding
I’m trying to see the point of hazmat suits if you’re not wearing gloves
Refer to your preceeding comment.
Why is a seismologist getting a skin sample from a dead body?
Oh no wait, I thick it was actually the geologist who wanted the sample. Everything makes sense now
I love this movie! What the fireball do is simply amazing
And did you know, if you’re being chased by a fireball, hide in a barn, it can’t find you there
My cat keeps insisting to use me to get herself off. It has nothing to do with the movie but it’s much more interesting
Don’t deal with many cats do you Rhett?
Nope. *sniff*
Holy crow, that general must be 100 years old. I think he’s senile too. Wy would he be hammering out business deals with evil corporations on behalf of the government?
Duricell uses volatile lithium
I think you’re biased toward Energizer, Bunny.
Not so, the movie told me this. They woulnt lie!
Differences in ad campaigns across continents. In the UK we got the Duracell Bunny and not the energiser one:
I like your bunnies better. Especially the older one when the bunny visited the girl in her bedroom
Oh my god, a phone conversation where they actually said goodbye and didn’t just hang up on the other party
Wow, that’s a nice house. How can they afford that?
I didn’t know lithium grew
I agree
Damn, the dam might be compromised
This is the army, there are no volunteers
Hoo ra!
Another crap joke:
A man walks up to a woman in his office each day, stands very close to her, draws in a large breath of air and tells her that her hair smells nice. After a week of this she can’t stand it any longer! The woman goes into her supervisor’s office and tells him that she wants to file a sexual harassment suit against the man and explains why. The supervisor is puzzled by this and says, “What’s wrong with the co-worker telling you your hair smells nice?” The woman replies, “He’s a midget!”
Smart money says to followthe bats not run in the opposite direction
The dialogue in this movie is so natural and realistic
* falls down laughing*
“university analyst determine that mules are the smartest animal on the farm”
The damn dam held
All is right with the exploding water, we can all drink easier
You probably don’t need me to tell you that the jokes are offensive.
o rly?
http://www.twiningsusa.com/pantry/ – – Spotted on Desdemina’s FB page; she can take credit the next time she’s here.
Not only is the Teabag complimentary … they want to give you 3 of ’em.
Wait. What are we talking about here?
For those Panites with younger kids (Jack and Cj pop into mind first) , I recommend the little Lego Heroica games. They’re easy, fast (average game is 15 minutes) and fun for all ages. Hubby and I have become addicted. It’s actually amazing how much of the D & D experience comes across in these quick little games
Say, that looks kind of fun.
It’s lots of fun and not very expensive. I’ve seen three versions. Each are stand alone, or you can get them all and combine them all for a giant “adventure”. Of course, this will add to the playing time. We have Nathuz, we’ve played the two maps they give with the game plus a couple of custom maps (it is Lego after all) . This weekend hubby wants to get the other two.
Playing time is over. Now to decide what we want to watch…
Great jokes today!
Trolls? We don’t need no stinkin’ trolls!
LOL Oh Ms. EssBee you are so right!
Tik Tok on the clock
But the polka dont stop, no
I hadn’t realized that Weird Al was covering that one….
Its true! “Polkaface” its true genius… and Im not even that big a Weird Al fan
I seem to have acquired AC/DC pint glasses. These will be wonderful when I hold my Big Balls.
For those who sent the cups (FIRE!), we salute you.
Perfect for getting Back in Black & tan.
This makes me feel better about a post Loomis Nevermore. Killer track.
Good night, :plutonian shore:
Morning Pan
6AM, the sun’s not even up.
The Sun has got its hat on today..sigh.
Wild Flag album out!
Have a good day, all you all! I’ve been quiet, I know. Mostly just busy as hell, stupid Evil, Inc.
C: Buying Wild Flag album
I see my day improving already!
Don’t look Ethel:
The sky is all pink now
I’ll have what the Bunny had for breakfast!
New Neal Stephenson book: README
How many forests were destroyed in the first print run?
More renewable than the ebook devices. 😛
CP: Plainsong — The Cure
Comment 300: This is for Deadpan!
*kicks skesis into pit*
Are you buff enough to make that comment?
I’m in the buff, does that count?
I’m sceptical.
What’s your email address?
Essbee, 3 more to go!
I couldn’t muster the will to read Anathem, after all of the “meh” reviews. Maybe I’ll try “Readme”.
Me neither.
Hubby and I both found Anathem very underwhelming.
Sad, because the System of the World – – while a huge 3,000-word chore – – is probably the most brilliantly-constructed thing I’ve ever read.
File this under WTF?
I get that he might be doing this with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but still….
I enjoyed the BBC updated Sherlock. I think I’ll pass on the CBS version
CW: Ringer
30 minutes in and it’s still a snorefest
It didn’t look good from the previews. SMG looked like she was phoning it in.
My Boo is going to be on tv tomorrow, on one of the local morning shows
For what for, bunny?
She works for a company that puts on reptile shows for schools, parties, etc. Their affiliated with The Alberta Reptile and Amphibian Society who rescues reptiles and educates people on them (http://www.albertareptilesociety.org/). She’s going to go to show off reptiles and discuss T.A.R.A.S
Oh, here’s the group she works for.
ZP must be feeling ill as he gives a positive review of the latest Driver game:
Attention Van and everyone:
Very pretty, looks like the smurfs did a paint job on Mordor.
That is beautiful
Release the smurfing ring!
One ring to smurf them all, and in the darkness smurf them.
The sun is coming out, I think I might go for a walk after lunch
I’m trying to think of counter examples, but I can’t. Scalzi may be right: Ripley is the best female character in SF.
I think it is a hard process to define “best.” There are plenty of strong women characters in Scifi.
I would pick:
Jodie Foster in Contact.
Miranda Otto as Eowyn in Lord of the Rings.
Michelle Forbes as Roe in ST:TNG.
But I would still like to see a lot more.
Natasha Henstridge as Sil in Species.
Umm no.
Fine. Xenia Seeberg as Xev in Lexx
Never seen Lexx so can’t comment.
Well from your comment about Species… I wont recommend.
Come now Lo, Species was a very poor Alien knockoff that even the visual delights of NH couldn’t save.
Oh sir. Species was a very badly entertaining Alien knockoff that spawned 3 even more softcore sequels.
Also, the visual delights of Natasha Henstridge saved not only Species, but Ghosts of Mars as well.
Well, maybe not Ghosts of Mars
I also was under the impression that Scalzi was referring to not just “strong” female characters but “leading role” characters (as opposed to supporting roles).
So “Contact” would apply but I’m not sure “Abyss” does. Of course that raises the question … in T2 was Sarah Conor the lead role or was she a supporting character?
Scalzi does specify *film*, so I’d have to agree about Ripley as #1. Good call with Jodie Foster though, Rhett.
Pretty good food for thought.
For serious consideration I’d actually throw in Kate Winslet as Clementine in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. But I do realize that’s right on the edge of sci-fi, tho I’d still classify as such
I concur, good choice.
Hmm, rereading that article:
But having done so, it feels as if science fiction film makers other than James Cameron have said “our work here is done” and offered spinny killbots rather than significant women roles.
Clearly he’s never seen Avatar or The Abyss. That being said I’d definitely have put Sarah Connor in the mix if not for the first Terminator film.
All James Cameron movies. You have to admit, whether you like his movies or not, he almost always has strong female characters in his films.
Oh I agree among directors he’s up there in that detail.
Wasn’t Mary Elizabeth Mastrae7ntonioioqwesdnf a powerful character in The Abyss?
I’d also nominate the female lead the Day the Earth Stood Still, who was remarkably empowered, especially for a 1950s film. Still not as rich as Ripley or Jodie in Contact.
She did faint when approached by Gort though.
Who doesnt?
Swedish Chef: Mmmm Gort Gort Gort!
It seemed to me that she was a powerful character until Ed Harris showed up and she went all “typical melty female for an ex” and eventually became the proverbial damsel in distress. Put it bluntly I dunno if you can include any female character that needs saving from a manly man in the conversation. Its what sets Ripley apart.
Totally agree.
Also you got to see her boobies.
Excellent points, sir!
And to you!
Been awhile since I’ve seen the Abyss. . . . I believe you.
I was afraid someone would point that out, Van. Yes, the fainting hurts my argument.
This may be blatantly obvious, but I think Scalzi was also implying that this limitation only applies to US SF films.
Once you get out of that limited collection, it gets easier to find counter examples. How about Mrs. Incredible from The Incredibles. I agree Eowyn is a great character, though LotR is Fantasy. And, I’d even say La Femme Nikita could be considered contemporary SF.
Oh Le Femme Nikita! One of my all time fav films, but I have a hard time classifying as Sci-Fi. Then again if Eternal Sunshine is then I have no problem classifying Le Femme as such. I do love this choice. Nikita’s growth in the film never once waivers into “oh save me” or “oh poor me” territory. Tho it does touch the edge it never cuts thru
There’s a scene that is in both versions of the movie (original French and US), in the original Nikita is curious about a computer mouse and is told what it is. In the US version the translated dialogue is the same but it’s a trackball.
I have no idea why I remember that.
Okay, an obscure one:
If I remember correctly, she is tricked into thinking she is dying, and when she find outs decides the only ways she can win is to kill herself.
Crap Ive always wanted to see this one
I’ll have to add it to my list.
This is quite a good topic. Love to see a semi-palooza about it.
/blatant hint.
Eowyn gets kinda excessively swoony for Aragorn, though. I think Arwen is a stronger female LOTR character – – at least in the films.
What about Barb Wire? *snicker*
Good points on LotR, though Arwen doesn’t really do much. 🙂
Boob Wire? What’s that.
The swoony feature of Eowyn is actually a reason I like her over Ripley. Not because women have to be swooney to fit the femine profile, but I don’t feel like Eowyn sacrifices who she is to be who she is. She knows what she wants, she fights for it and she isn’t conforming to what other’s expectations are for her. She doesn’t stiffle her attraction to Aragorn to appear “strong.” I’d like to hear some female Deadpanite perspective on this as well.
On a different topic:
I’ve sworn off all bars where there’s not a definite chance of more that likely contracting syphilis.
Tank Girl?
/runs off to hide.
Using Scalzi’s categories, I think that falls under “fantasy” or unrealistic depiction of a woman.
Scalzi shmalzi…. SHES ALL WOMAN BABY!
And that’s why birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let’s do it, let’s fall in love
(:ftb: decided to put this post about 47 comments back but I want it HERE)
I also was under the impression that Scalzi was referring to not just “strong” female characters but “leading role” characters (as opposed to supporting roles).
So “Contact” would apply but I’m not sure “Abyss” does. Of course that raises the question … in T2 was Sarah Conor the lead role or was she a supporting character?
An excellent point. I thought of Sarah Conner as well. My take is that she takes on the role of strong action hero as a result of psychological trama, not because she willed it.
But can you say that any of any of the aforementioned heroes, Nikita and Ripley included, were less psychologically traumatized than Sarah? I think willing it and trauma go hand in hand in many of these
Point taken, but I think there is a case to be made on the severity of personality change Sarah goes through from the start of Terminator to the end.
No I do agree on that. Its actually why I reserve to put Sarah in there. Maybe its not fair… but that whole first film she was the Sci-Fi equivalent of Willie Scott. And unlike most hipsters, I like Willie Scott.
reserve = hesitate. Sue me, Im drunk.
I think he’s also talking about interesting, well-developed (cough), appealing (cough) characters.
There really is no female Tyler Durden, Jules Winfield, Indiana Jones, Ash, etc. – – other than Ripley.
Indiana Jones? Well we did have V.I. Warshawski. *cough*
My mistake, V.I. Warshawski was more of the Martin Riggs. *cough*
Tomb Raider would probably be our female Indiana Jones. Right.
Now there’s a character with a strong backbone… which makes sense considering the massive boobage.
I was trying to decide why I don’t put Tomb Raider on par with Aliens as far as the Scalzi female model goes.
I guess maybe Laura Croft is a little bit too much “spinning fembot”.
Of course that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a good spin … it’s just different.
Dude… boobies. That is all.
Does Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers in Black Swan fall into this? While I hesitate to call that a Sci-Fi film, there are certanly elements.
For a minute I thought you were talking about Sooki Stackhouse, LOL.
Or is TV out. Because you’d have to add Buffy and a number of others to this list if you start including the small screen.
Xena: Strong but sexualized character, which I don’t have a problem with. 🙂 But I think that strays from what Scalzi is talking about.
Heaven knows, this conversation hasn’t strayed at all 😉
Yeh, Scalzi says TV has done much better than film on this topic and therefore gets it’s own discussion.
I’m making dinner. I shouldn’t even be here. My sauce will burn.
Bunny out.
You boys have gotten me quite excited with this women in scifi conversation. Swoon. Moist.
I would add Lisbeth Salander to the list, though not too-too sci-ey.
I guess Scalzi is discounting movies based on TV as well. Otherwise we could include all four ladies from Serenity just based on their actions in the film. And at least some of the Star Trek movies.
No, River is a swirly, crazy, killy thingy. Now, Zoe…. *swoon*
However, Serenity doesn’t really count since the female cast, aside from River, are really secondary characters in the film itself.
I’d also posit that the article isn’t only talking about strong females in SF films. I think it’s well-rounded, fully-realized, three-dimensional female characters, flawed or no.
SF/adventure lit just has a sad history of utilizing female characters as weakness or treachery in a short skirt – – damsels in distress and wicked queens – – so we often view “strength” and “toughness” as top qualities in SF females. There can be other uniquely female qualities to great female characters.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Agreed. Sci Fi hasnt done much to not set women’s lib back 20 years.
In related news, and its funny you use the word “posit”, I would de-posit in most all these characters.
I knew you’d eventually get there.
Because in space, no one can hear you cream.
Alright, but, based on that criteria, how many male roles actually satisfy this criteria? Well rounded, fully realized, three dimensional leading male characters in Science Fiction?
While I’m sure there’s probably more male examples than female, I’m having trouble thinking of any leading men in Sci-Fi that can match the pedestal that Scalzi has put Ellen Ripley up on.
Another good point!
Would Harrison Ford’s “Indiana Jones” (from the FIRST movie)come close or is he too close to the “swirling killing machine” thingy ?
As a side note, I once heard an episode of NPR’s Fresh Air in which an artist for Marvel was being interviewed. Terry Gross was increasingly aggressively, trying to berate him for drawing physically unrealistic portrayals of women in the comics. Finally the guy said, “Have you SEEN our male heros? Does the average REAL male human look like Superman or Batman?” The bottom line was that no kid wanted to read stories about people like themselves … they wanted to read stories about people they’d like to imagine they could be.
er … I ment that Ed had made a good point. Not that I had a good point.
Has anyone posted this yet?
dunno but seen it and LOOOOOOOVE it
Also…. HOT Leia.
That would make the universe make so much more sense.
Has anyone read “How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe”?
2 words – “Zombie Contingency Plans”
(yes I know that is 3 words but due to cut backs you may only choose 2 of them)