Fuckashitpiss! Finished my reply and then scrolled down to see I was on an old page. Sorry. Here is is again.
Thank you for posting the article Jack. And I would like to apologize to Lo. I think the article states exactly what I was trying to get at. I was not trying to call anyone out or shame them for expressing their political views. I’m not about censuring anyone. I even left the comment to my post from a friend of a friend that I don’t even know saying “good riddance”. It’s his opinion and I respect it. But please understand that while there are people that need to be able to vent about what is frustrating them (i.e., politics), it’s also necessary for others to vent about what is frustrating them (e.g., watching their closest family and friends spouting vitriol at each other). I’m not saying you were spouting vitriol in your particular posts. Just that I had a lot of it going on. So, please accept my apologies and continue to post as you see fit on Facebook. Use it to vent your frustrations and do so with no feelings of shame directed from me. That was never my intent. But, let me vent my frustrations as well.
LOL I did the same thing!!!!!!!!! Reposting here for you
Omg NO need to apologize! Like I said I understand your position 100% and I know how I feel as well (obvious statement). It’s me trying to come to a happy medium and I don’t think there is one. See and that above statement of mine was just more political frustrations being vented. Sick of it I say!
So a morning spent trying various messenger apps that claim to be secure and delete chats after viewing.
A friend was concerned personal info was going to be save forever.
I’d be interested in knowing your results.
If you find one that works well for you.
Morning Pan!
New day, new thread :cheerful:
I’m seeing my Boo for lunch today. I told her I would bring a bookcase I promised her. This morning I get to fit a 7′ bookcase in my car, all by my self. :ermm:
Because my day is just that exciting, I’m getting my tax stuff together.
It feels like a James Bond Film, where James has vanished and the villains are in charge..
So, Fark thread about what the opening title crawl of Episode VII will say, given that it’s supposed to start exactly where VI ended. This clever bastard wins the thread:
As the Resistance celebrates the destruction of Starkiller Base, the New Republic is leaderless, following the destruction of the Hosnian System. Damaged, but not defeated, the New Order continues its plans for destroying the remnants of the New Republic.
Emperor Snoke has dispatched Kylo Ren to the Orlando System System to hunt down the Rogue elements of the long gone, and almost forgotten Jedi Order.
The Dark Knight of the Ren is still grappling with killing of his father, Han Solo, and through his use of the Force, Kylo peers back into his father’s past and sees a young, swashbuckling Han Solo, just starting his Galactic adventures, coming to theaters everywhere in 2018.
So was she confused? Stupid? Or did she think she could just make shit up and no one would fact-check? Or do they think they have a base of nutsos who will support them no matter what shit they spew?
Yes. minus the confusion part.
“I mean terrorists, not massacre”.
No you fucking didnt
“One still shudders to think how bad the Bowling Green massacre would’ve been if not for the heroic intervention of Fred Douglass.”
Granted, some of the boards, especially around more recent films, did have issues with trolls. However, I found them easy enough to ignore and have enjoyed the discussions and insights with other users over various movies and tv shows over the years. bleh!
Yeah, the ratio seemed to be about 50/50 of trolls and insults vs. insightful film geeks. I’ve read some brilliant analyses in the film comments there, sometimes better than any pro critic I’ve ever seen. It sucks to lose that – – those folks really enhanced my appreciation of the films, and also pointed out little moments and scenes that I might otherwise have missed. But you’d know if you had any brains, you simpleton fartheads.
I didn’t realize they had message boards. But I nearly went into cardiac arrest when I saw that a part of the internet was dying and IMDB in the URL. I thought IMDB was going away and I have no idea how my life could go on without it (let alone how I ever got along before it was there).
Ok deadpan fiends, it”s took over 5 decades but tonight is the night I will watch Mary Poppins all the way through.
Yes I’ve seen clips, Yes I know the horror of Dick Van Dyke’s cockney accent, but I have never watched it all the way through.
So on with the show..,
This play by play brought to you by Grumpy Cat
The grumpiest cat.
Judging from the clouds Mary is a heavy smoker.
Bloody hell they introduce the horror early.
Times are hard for a one man band as Leo Sayer would say.
This be fair Dick isn’t the only one doing bad accents.
I never knew there was a suffragette song, the BBC never showed that clip.
‘British pound The admiration of the world’
‘Don’t cloud the issue with facts’
How prophectic of you Mr Disney.
Cute kids singing – ugh!
Mary huffed and she puffed and blew those nannies away.
Mary has too many mirrors not to be vain
I need more than a spoonful of sugar to get some medicine down,,
It’s just a hop, skip and a jump to cartoon
Bert is good at buttering up Mary.
Considering the amount of wire work, they should be a chop socky version of this in some universe out there.
The penguins are cute.
An Irish sounding fox, I’m rooting for him.
Bert to the rescue.
Mary is the winner!
Bring on the song with thAt extremely long word.
Bert”s art is washed away by the rain, a perfect t metaphor for depression..possibly.
That toast is extremely square.
Grumpy Mr Banks a man after my own heart.
In a more serious film, Uncle Albert would laugh himself to death.
Crap jokes in zero gee.
I’m counting the British stereotypes in this song.
Sugary female thinking..ah the 60’s
Thankfully in this day and age with pensions no little old lady needs to sell breadcrumbs.
That old banker is suspiciously bendy.
The young lad is not falling for the capitalist bullshit.
The full horror of Dick’s accent as he sings the chimney song
Well leaving your children with a worker is hardly good mothering..
The painted backdrops are really noticeable in this HD version of the film.
A staircase made from soot that can’t be good for the lungs.
A dirty, dirty dance number.
Mary never explains anything..she would make a good politician .
Takes a chimney sweep with dodgy accent to make a father realise his mistakes.
The long walk of doom..or is it?
Fun fact: the cranky elderly nanny before Mary is Elsa Lanchester, who’s most famous as the original Bride of Frankenstein.
The wind has changed direction time for Mary to leave.
Ah, let’s go fly a kite, best song of the film.
Ah poor Mary, always having to say goodbye.
..and so the credits roll.
Hmmmm, ok I guess.
Oh audible (US) daily deal today is a collection of Ted Chiang stories.
Well worth picking up.
I’m no fan of Trump, but unless you are prepared to admit various branches of the US government have been fucking over other countries in the world since WW2 then your portrayal of USA as some knight in shining white armour that has been corrupted by Putin is so laughable I may never get off the floor…
Yes, but if you can point to a single country with monetary resources that is not corrupt, then I will happily move there.
Anyone who believes that — about any administration — is kidding themselves.
I think most of the US outrage comes not from him admitting the US has done evil … but the fact that he is the representative of a party that spent the last 8 years trying to turn absolutely everything that Obama said into some sort of statement of America being evil … and then trying to make a Federal Case against him based on that forced perspective – this in my opinion is where the outrage is.
Obama say’s “Looks like it might rain today.” and FOX news would run headline “Obama Hates America!”
trump admits US has a sketchy past and FOX news is silent.
Strangely though, you never hear how Russia’s reputation will be tarnished by its association with America.
Don’t worry. You know how well boycotts work… on both sides.
Anyone here watching, and enjoyong the revitalized Voltron on Netflix?
I am two episodes in and finding it very hoaky. Sad.
Loved it. I seriously can’t wait for season 2.
Also… have you see the 80’s Voltron lately? THAT’S what’s hoaky and sad.
I found the new one a bit hokey too, but I think that’s probably a bit intentional. And yeah, I’m sure the original Voltron is even hokier than I remember.
So it had seemed like the dishonest scumbags had no chance of winning, but somehow pulled it out in the end.
But enough about Trump/Pence. Looks like the Patriots won the Super Bowl.
*deep rim shot*
So off to Scotland for a few days.
I do enjoy a good train journey.
Fun train rides – – – there’s something I actually do miss about the East Coast.
Enjoy your trip, Van.
Morning Pan
Another lonely evening in store for this Bunny
It’s been snowing non-stop for the past 24 hours. I think I’m done with that.
I hope hubby is safe on the roads!
It’s cold, so I put on the fireplace
Always loved the Norse myths and legends, but to have them told in Neil Gaiman’s voice? Verily!
Weather is bad enough, hubby’s meeting has been cancelled. He will be home for supper after all
Hooray for shitty weather!
WNDRWolf, if you’re still reading this page, Happy Birthday! 🙂
I haven’t heard from that Jack in years. I do hope all is well in his world!
Me too!
Thank you Amy!
I am doing well. I don’t get the opportunity to cruise by this page. (Honestly thought it was dead)
As for what I have been up to; I am slowly taking over the world through quality. My work has kept me busy. Then there is family.
WNDR Wolf! You were the first person whobelieved in me as a podcaster, for which i am eternally grateful. Happy birthday!
The show is retired here, but the conversation continues.
You were the first author to trust me with a short story. For which I am grateful, seriously thinking of re doing 16 pieces since I have learned so much since I first did it.
Repost from FB. Feel free to share your thoughts here if youre more comfy. I do really want to know folk’s opinions here.
Based on the critical and (mostly) audience failures of D.C.’s films to date, the Flash movie now getting a rewrite FROM PAGE 1, and Affleck dropping out of directing The Batman, does anyone give the Wonder Woman movie an actual chance?
It LOOKS great, but guess what… so did they all. Dollars to donuts (thanks 1870’s saying!) they make it all about Steve Trevor inevitably “saving” Diana from herself or just saving her directly. Because, you know, woman need man oog oog!
I hope I’m wrong. It just has that feeling about it.
As I said on FB, the trailers look great for WW, but they also looked great for Suicide Squad.
For what it’s worth, while I haven’t seen it yet myself, my wife and kids rather enjoyed Suicide Squad.
Not good.
Not good.
I ask cause this is going to be an extremely important film when it comes to female superheros anchoring their own films. I simply don’t trust DC.
I liked Agent Carter.
Oh beyond agree! But that got cancelled after 2 very short seasons after dwindling ratings. THIS is the first big budget superhero film revolving around a non-male lead. Its an IMPORTANT film. It NEEDS to do well.
Double post.
Harley Quinn is NOT a role model.
We have examples in the past (Elektra, Supergirl 1984, TankGirl etc) that studios aren’t as invested in the movie’s success because they did not see ROI. They would like to argue that the predominantly male audience won’t see these heroes in the theater. All business BS. I agree this is a good time to invest in good writing and publicity to ensure it has its best chance, but I don’t hold out much hope.
“Dollars to donuts (thanks 1870’s saying!) they make it all about Steve Trevor inevitably “saving” Diana from herself or just saving her directly. Because, you know, woman need man oog oog!”
I can’t say that this will not happen, but I do think it is unlikely. To do so with the modern concept of “Wonder Woman” would be so culturally tone def, I would assume that the producers were deliberately trolling us if it came to pass. The most successful comic book movies stay true the characters of the drawn comic. That’s the lesson of “Dark Knight”, “Avengers” and “Deadpool”.
Quick question: of those coming to KC in August, does anyone think they will be here beyond the 16th-22nd?
Not us
Not I, or us, still working on the details of the trip.
Negative. Thursday only.
I’m so sick of the snarky commentary and criticism of every.thing.ever.
When will this trend stop?
*not intended as a snarky or cynical comment.
Morning Pan.
It’s -27C. I did not want to get out of bed this morning
I think I’m not going out to get the mail later today. Most days I don’t get anything anyway so it can wait a day or two
Frak. Terrible news. He was a great guy. So say we all.
It’s hard to weed thru the bullshit since there is a “Richard Hatch” who was a famous jack ass of a person and the winner on the first season of Survivor.
This is the only link I can find in it, tho his wiki has been updated.
It much have just happened. Shame. Cause youre right, he was always a friend to the Sci-Fi community, both big and small.
Right. Let’s hope it’s bogus. Seeing “in memoriam” tweets from Edward James Olmos and Ron D. Moore, though . . . 🙁
Yeah its real.
Wasnt he on Slice of Sci-Fi? What was that show/story he was creating?
GREAT WAR OF MAGELLAN! That was it. Lots of potential there. Pity he got no backers.
I talked to him on Deadpan too. I’d actually hung out with him and Tee on a panel at a Con in VA. Super super nice guy.
Even in his 60s, he was the best-looking guy in the room.
God that’s RIGHT! I should find that
*Looks in the mirror *
Spherical Tomi
Spherical Tomi
Spherical Tomi
Some boogeyman are harder than others to summon.
Actually dreaming of doing a Heinlein story in AD. The story is Lifeline.
You had a knack for audio drama, WNDR, right from the first project, of which I’m still super proud. I’m glad you’re still into it.
Been very busy with work and travel, so I haven’t been on lately. As I mentioned on FB, I started Stranger Things. Great stuff.
Enjoy the ride.
Glad season 2 won’t be a long wait for me. 🙂
Anyone watch OA?
We watched OA and enjoyed it. There is a lot of variation in quality between episode from outstanding to mellow dramatic.
Mennenga was pimping it when it first released. I’m interested; I think Tiff is too.
We’re currently working through Penny Dreadful ssn 2 and The Expanse ssn 2.
It’s like a reunion or something. ..
That would imply we actually graduated. Most of us are career students 🙂
I am a student of the University of Life.
If I stop learning I am dead.
We should form a frat!
I tried to join a frat once but the TRI Lambs rejected my application.
Next year, we’ll convince them by performing our New Wave/Rap song.
That’s nothing. Are you ready to get a serial number tattooed to your forehead?
I expect that would be challenged. Plus, from a technical standpoint, it would be extremely difficult to do this for all visitors.
True but we are talking about people who want to build a wall between the US and Mexico.
I get it. Reality is not their strong point. 😉
That is…amazing. Just amazing
CP: Bridge Burning — Foo Fighters
Started “Pride and Prejudice” with the young lady tonight.
No zombies.
Baby steps.
Morning Pan
It’s not stupid cold today. They even say, by tomorrow, the temperature will get above the freezing mark
Wait, what?
While I admit this is a dubious source, given the subject matter, I worry it is true. They are thinking of making Sarah Palin ambassador to Canada?
That bridge is terrifying. You’re basically on a little 2-lane highway in the middle of the ocean, with nothing but water and that narrow bridge in all directions around you miles. (And THEN the scary bridge turns into a tunnel under the water).
Morning Pan
OMG I’m going to make cookies this morning
Last night, hubby’s school had a winter festival. They brought in a horse and sleigh, had fire pits and toasted marshmallows, hot chocolate, and other fun stuff. Hubby told me, at the end of it, this little grade five kid came up to him with tears in his eyes and ask if he could stay later because he was having so much fun.
Kids are so cute at that age… then they grow and become teenagers.
I don’t think it will work. The actors no longer look like they did then. Plus the fact that one died in the movie, and one is dead in real life. I don’t think it would have the same feel.
Perhaps with a whole new cast and different perspective? (Don’t replace the crew with different actors, but have a whole new crew and ship)
Agreed on every point. This is a recipe for disappointment.
They put too many conditions on it. I’ll be excited if it occurs, but I don’t expect it will.
Cookies are in the oven. Now it’s time to clean this house
Those Fox execs are asleep at the wheel. They had the means to make Fire Fly a Buffy level of success and let it pass by. I think a new Fire Fly set chronologically 11 year after the movie could work. Nathon with one or two original cast with some younger new crew, facing a new situations would be my hope. The world that Joss created has a lot of untold story potential.
Here here!!
With Joss at the helm this could work.
Also (with Joss at the Helm) there is a LOT of room in the Firefly world for spinoffs. Action taking place on any number of the planets they visited with any number of the surviving characters.
… basically, give Joss a Steamer trunk load of cash, say “Firefly Universe” and leave him alone to do his thing.
I’d sign up for that!
House nice and clean ( at least the main floor is). Time for a break
There’s a cat outside. Seriously, we’ve had a foot of snow (ok 26cm) in the last few days and someone let their cat outside. Feel sorry for the poor thing. It’s trying to walk through the snow that’s almost as tall as it is. I don’t let my cat out any time let alone when it’s cold and snowy
Interesting. At a glance, it seems to be missing some crucial points.
I don’t get the point of the article. Besides missing some crucial ideas and essential bands, it seems to just be an ad for new doom bands found on bandcamp. Which is fine but that’s not what the article advertised
What I was afeared of.
RE: Firefly reboot
I’m thinking it would have a tough time at this point, even if they got most of the remaining original actors back in some capacity.
The biggest factor is that there is simply a lot more quality Sci-Fi on TV these days compared to back then. I don’t even have time to keep up with all the shows I’d like to. Sure, there will be some built in audience of browncoats, but they weren’t enough to keep the series going originally and the movie didn’t bring anyone new to the audience. I’m not convinced that the new show would be able to stand out enough.
Crap mini joke for the evening:
What do you call a robot who always takes the long way?
And you know what — even with the absence of hyperfit super-powered slugging out big CGI battles, Hidden Figures managed somehow to an excellent movie. Some dramatic liberties assumed, but still a great story. It feels like an excellent companion piece to The Right Stuff.
To celebrate I shall jump off a cliff! Who’s with me?
So the girl-child wanted to stop into PacSun at the mall. I was shocked to spot oldskool Metallica and Slayer (!) t-shirts on the table in there next to Nirvana t-shirts. And Grateful Dead next to Joy Division on another table.
For $40.
Don’t ask the 20 somethings if those shirts are worn to be Ironic.
Just don’t.
Don’t do it. My daughter at least has the knowledge to know that the Nirvana “Smile” shirt is a “sell out”.
the rest… holy shit. wtf
I would never. As crazy as it seems to pay $40 for a t-shirt at a concert, it is beyond ludicrous to pay that for a t-shirt at the mall. Or anywhere.
I adore my $35-$50 concert shirt collection.
Got my trip booked for the KC Deadpan meetup. I guess I’m committed now.
I’ve bought rubber wall paper just for you.
So I guess Van is moving in :p
Off to London for another day trip.
Because I am late coming back to the party…
Tell me about this meet up in Kansas City?
We are planning on meeting up around the eclipse August 17 -21st roughly. We would love to see you if you are available.
We are coming in for the weekend. Then we are going to watch the solar eclipse on the 21st in KC. Most of us will then be leaving on the 22nd.
It would be great to see you again, Jack! It’s been over 10 years (holy shit).
Morning Pan
Today’s Google Doodle was a bit of a time sink
I think I may watch a movie today. I wonder what I have recorded.
I found today’s movie. After lunch you will all be subjected to this little beauty.
It’s been awhile so I’m going to go over the rules.
There may or may not be spoilers
There will definitely be spelling errors
There may or may not be R rated content
Audience participation is encouraged
With that in mind, I give you Darwin
The PVR write up: In an oppressive future where everyone’s only friend is their computer, on sad and lonely young man dares to venture out in search of human contact
Only Two of the three items needed to make a perfect movie, language and violence
Men have become the tools of their tools
– Henry David Thoreau (1854)
Here comes the sun
And the bad guys
He’s having a nightmare
Ok, I might see a problem already
He misses his mommy
Oh, never mind. They seemed to have addressed the problem
He’s staring at her busom
Watch out for claw gangs
Everyone types in short form
he spend his whole life in a chair
Mom sleeps a lot
Sleeping by “firelight”
Mom locked him away
He sees a dog
Continue working
Why is he digging a big ass hole anyway?
It’s raining again
Lightning hit his home
Powered is down to 20%
It’s become a leave or die situation
Manual override
I wonder if those are a set or if they really do exist somewhere
Oh no!
He lives!
Going down memory lane
Credit unavailable
That’s it, he’s dead.
How cute, he’s afraid of a mole
He found his tractor
The dog barks
He’s afraid of a mole but not of a German shepherd?
Who are you?
The chimes. The chimes!
All clear
Feeding the dweller
Dara and Darwin, how sweet
Fruit salad for dessert
He really needs a shower
They live off grid
They eat grids?
They’re communicating
When did he wash his face?
Sun tan lotion
Playing tag
He tires quickly
When did he move from mattress to hammock?
He’s all wet
She had to teach him how to wear underwear
They hear a noise
I don’t know
Teaching him to talk and read and write
They’re going to find you
The claws don’t exist
Back story
We are the criminals
Brain scans
Was it a dream?
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
Playing in the river
“I like to feel it all over me”
I looked for you
I think I love you
Such face time
Such = suck
That’s a waltz?
Why did she want to switch towels?
Almost caught
Beth blames darwin
Where’s Darwin ?
There he is
I can’t stay
It’s warm enough I opened a window. Kitty’s happy
Good bye
Callin mommy
If he’s never been outside his dwelling, how does he know where mommy lives?
Mommy called the cops
He lied to the authorities
Mom looks terrible
Mommy smokes
He touched her. Moms not impressed
They knew!
Wait. Who was operating the drone?
Darwin returns
They just took his word for it?
Wow, that’s trust
You know, I liked this movie. It was quiet and understated. Yes, it had a few flaws, but then, what movie doesn’t?
The only cast member I recognize is Senator Jackie from House of Cards. Was she the mom?
If you mean Molly Parker, she was a mom but not his mom. Darwin’s mom only had about five minutes or so on screen. The other mom had a fair amount of screen time.
Sometimes resistance is just make sure as many people hear about these shenanigans as is possible.
Or as the crew of Serenity put it – You can’t stop the signal.
Interesting analogy. I was thinking about this the other day. . . if Firefly is going to be picked up again, then I think it needs to show how the masses learned of the atrocities their government had committed (after the events of the movie), but still didn’t give a shit. That would be a more accurate reflection of reality.
I am the terror that flaps in the night!
I am the switch that derails your train!
“I am the thing that goes bump in the night!
I am the neurosis that requires a five-hundred-dollar-an-hour shrink!”
Helluva children’s book. What is that from?
Darkwing Duck
“One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Orange Shit Gibbon”
CP: The Best Ever Death Metal Band In Denton — The Mountain Goats
They are interviewing young kids about Vanentine’s Day
Interviewer: can you kiss in valentines’ day:
Kid one: only if it’s your valentine
Kid two: you can kiss other people as long as your valentine isn’t looking
Enjoyed John Wick 2, not as good as the first one, but good nonetheless.
Not as good as Dog Wick either, I assume
Certainly not!
John Wick 2: Wick Harder
John Wick 2: The Wickening
John Wick 2: Keanu Boogaloo
(and hopefully someday) Point Break 2: Point Broken
Tasty Indian/Pakistani hole in the wall VD dinner.
….Probably shouldn’t say “hole in the wall” and “VD” in the same sentence.
I’m disappointed that ‘hole in the wall’ restaurant is not literally food served from a hole in the wall.
I pictured a street side cart in Blade Runner (the movie).
Boy, LoPan is full of <3 on FB this VD Day.
Just for one certain hole-in-the-wall kind of guy….
Wickin 2: Keanu Boogaloo is definitely a worthy sequel. The elderly-ish couple in the row with us walked out halfway through, if that gives you any indication of the tone.
Crapjoke for the day:
A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.
His father said he’d make a deal with his son, “You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your bloody hair cut. Then we’ll talk about the car.”
The boy thought about that for a moment, decided, he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.
After about six weeks his father said, “Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m pissed off that you haven’t had your hair cut.”
The boy said, “You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.”
“Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?!!”
I can’t seem to find your coat of many colors.
Giving the benefit of the doubt, I think he actually just tripped over the name “Trudeau” basically saying Tru-Trudeau.
I don’t think Canada should be overly offended
I pay attention to Huffington Post the same as I pay attention to Fox News… which is to say I don’t.
I don’t pay much attention either. If I find something interesting, I’ll look into more credible sources and make up my own mind.
There is no question that the people Trump has brought in with him are the sort that foam at the mouth. However, this game where liberals try to parody every verbal misstep these guys take is a disservice to the cause. There is plenty (and I mean plenty) of crap that needs to be publicly criticized. But this kind of thing makes the left look petty and devalues the weight of its legitimate arguments.
Thing is. . . I think the *ONLY* way that any of the Trumped will ever change their minds and their upcoming votes will be through mockery, if the cultural tone everywhere they look shows then how orange and ridiculous their guy really is. They certainly won’t be swayed by facts and legit info.The more we portray 45 as a clown, the more they’ll feel inclined to vote differently in 4 years (maybe the Repubs will provide a better option in the primaries for the FoxNews faithful).
Yes, many of the Trumped will also dig in their heels and feel united under the oppressions of all those evil liberals – – but really, the hell with those people. Nothing will reach them.
But…but shame and mockery are how we got here in the first place isn’t it? Well… ok maybe not mockery. SURE! Let’s try it…
Also – – maybe he was just referencing “Sussudio.”
GREAT music article, tho disagree with some of the author’s takes.
” 1996 kicked off with the release of Seven Mary Three’s “Cumbersome”—a song that sounds like something ad execs who couldn’t actually afford Pearl Jam might commission for a beer commercial…”
while I really like that album this is extremely accurate.
Some of the folks here who worked in record store back then *coughJack* will find this near and dear methinks
Yes, thanks for the link! This does read like the playlist of my hours in the corporate record store.
It also reads like every ultradouche, smugger/smarter-than-thou music article I read in our in-store magazines – Spin, Rolling Stone, Replay – back then. Gahh, the smarm in that article could choke a horse.
He also disses everyone and everything, so I wouldn’t be too offended by any of his attacks.
Still…. well-written, and overflowing with good points and references.
DOGS EYE VIEW!!!!!! WTF remembers Dogs Eye View? Not I until this article!
It wouldnt be AV club if it wasnt full of smarm and written by someone was was probably 12 in 1996
A neat article, but I had to give up because of its length. I mostly agree with the points, but I think it is pretty easy to be critical of past trends than it is to create lasting ones. I also remember how dire the metal scene was in 1996. Dark times, and not in a good way. *snirt*
Yeah, I agree.
I had a line from Talking Heads running through my mind reading the article: “Same as it ever was”. It’s not like any of this is new. Most industries have similar patterns. It also reminds me of how people like the author like to say, “I listen to *good* music.” But, good is a very subjective thing.
My biggest problem is the author tries to ascribe a narrative to something that just evolved organically. The music world is huge, with many people being influence by all sorts of things. There are some key players, at any time, that really set the tone to an “era”; the rest are playing “catch-up” in a way. And, let’s face it, artists need to get paid.
I think that was his point? The tru alt scene evolved into something completely anti of what it was formed to be in the first place. And to be fair… there were a LOT of shitty shitty barely one hit wonder bands that year in that new…genre… for lack of a better word. It hit all at once and melted away nearly as fast. But look at the bands now still touring and making very good records like Garbage, Pearl Jam, Weezer (their latest anyway). This time frame really did wash away the chum from the rind. No that’s not a saying I know…
Off to The recycling depot. Then it’s gas and a car wash.
Once again the excitement overwhelms
There’s a bit of a line up at the car wash
I decided to indulge myself and got an ice capp from Tim’s on the way home. Yum
CP: Move — Saint Motel
Another note on John Wick 2: Wick With A Vengeance. . .
No blurry.
A lot of scenes Fantastic Beasts and Rogue One were really blurry to my screwed up eyesight, but they’re also CGI-everything, while John Wick looked to be primarily real actors doing real things.
H.R.861 – The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.
– The bill, introduced by Florida Republican Matt Gaetz and co-sponsored by Kentucky’s Thomas Massie, Mississippi’s Steven Palazzo, and Georgia’s Barry Loudermilk doesn’t bother with anything like wondering what happens to the data the agency collects, or the enforcement the agency carries out. It doesn’t sweat the details of employees or contracts. There’s nothing about what happens to the Clean Air Act, or the Clean Water Act, or the Endangered Species Act, or … anything at all.
My favorite was the Nokia 5160 and yes… I do have 2 of them sitting right here because I was trying to decide how to clear off their memory and then find them a new home.
Still, I could dig on a 3310.
That sounds like something a hipster might say. *eyes justaJOe curiously*
So the oldest of the Deadpan Auxillary went with 300 classmates to see “Hidden Figures”. She confessed she had concerns that they would all ignore the film and just visit throughout. She reports however, that they all really got into it and spontaneous applause broke out various times throughout the film.
She said it is now one of her top all time favorite films.
Excellent! My daughter loved it too.
I enjoyed it so much I didn’t buy the book the film was based on as I didn’t want to be disappointed in the Hollywoodisation of the story.
I should make my daughter watch it with me.
You might get reported if you tie her to the chair.
No objection to the Doctor being a woman but not her.
I also have no problem with the Doctor changing gender … but somehow this feels forced.
Well last time there were many rumor that said Idris Elba was definitely going to be the next Doctor. So, I’ll wait and see what actually happens.
I have no objections for Ms. Swinton, but I don’t watch the series either.
Hrm. Reacting only to your conversation, not the article itself:
Intelligent, strange-looking, does eccentric well – – that’s why she was cat as the Ancient One. I think she’d be fine, but my shilling says it won’t be her.
CP: (The Majestic Tale of) An Idiot With a Box — Murray Gold
In a weird way, I think Swinton is sort of a conventional choice, meaning she fits the odd quirky stereotype that other “Doctors” have been. I would prefer Hayley Atwell.
I think it depends more on the theme that they want for the Doctor. Quirky isn’t always the main point, though it is a part. I also think they will consider the how this will play with Missy. I’m not sure Swinton is the best choice.
Morning Panites
I put on the news this morning. So far, nothing exciting
I keep seeing a trend for the food trucks to pair up with breweries. I often try to get to new breweries by choosing them for dinner while on travel with work colleagues. It’s hard to do that when the potential “dinner option” is gourmet grilled cheese. Not that I didn’t pull that off two days ago, but this guy was pretty easy going and not that hungry.
The food truck thing does feel kinda like a fad – – but it is fun, and we have found a few good ones.
It’s still tough to shake the stigma of those dirty meals-on-wheels trucks, though. There are still plenty of those guys out there too.
Food trucks here rival restaurants in quality and price. I’m not kidding, they take themselves extremely seriously and, much like restaurants, they are hit and miss. See, 60-70% of breweries here (an estimation from observation) don’t serve food. They are just tap rooms that invite 3 or 4 food trucks a week to satiate hunger. It’s a win win win combination for all involved. The brewery/food truck/consumer has become an amazing closed ecosystem here.
CP: Do You REally Believe in Santa? — Murray Gold
I will say, if they cast a woman for the Doctor, I can’t wait to see what Murray Gold does with the score. 😀
It’s the middle of February and every day this week, today included, I’ve had to open the window because it’s been so warm. Many places in Alberta broke records yesterday day. The weather sure is screwy this year
Hrm. Politics and weather broke the conversation.
Next up — sports!
Well I did think about asking Rhettro if there was any temptation to go see the Royals at Spring training, but I thought better of it. :p
Had a busy morning.
Besides my normal cleaning (but not cookies 🙁 ), I went to the hardware store and got a new shower head for the washroom.
Kitty was being a dope and got wet when I installed it. 😆
Some cats have this weird fascination with the shower. 🙂
Whenever I’m in the shower she will sit outside the shower door and meow constantly. However, if I open the door or get her a little bit wet, she hates it.
Sometimes she’s such a cat.
CP: Tornado — Wintergatan
Attempt #2 at a frozen wood-fired pizza on the smoker.
Confession: I’ve never read or seen Wuthering Heights. (except the semaphore version)
Even worse (as a Brit) I haven’t either, but I know enough about the story to get the joke.
I have been Haworth though and seen the home of the Bronte sisters.
CP: Dystopia (The Earth Is On Fire) — YACHT
I made the mistake of watching a video of a guy with pliers extracting some long piece of litter from a turtle’s nostril. Jesus Cristo, it’s a never-ending anxiety attack. Don’t watch. And don’t litter.
Best quote from the article. Anyway, this news makes me happy.
Morning Pan
I wish all weekends were three day weekends.
Well … I survived “President’s Day”.
For those who aren’t in the US this used to be the day we set aside to honer those who have led this country.
Now, due to a recent executive order, it is a day during which ALL crime is legal for the President and all police, fire, and medical emergency services remain unavailable. Restrictions do prohibit the President from disturbing government officials “ranking 10”, as well as the use of all weapons above Class 4 (explosive devices such as grenades, rocket launchers, and bazookas). So far though, Congress has shown no interest in holding the current President accountable for having broken those very few rules.
…wait … that may not be right. I may be thinking of the plot of “The Purge”.
… or something that happened in Sweden.
The cat is mad at me because I won’t share my breakfast
BTW – watch Legion.
The first episode was brilliant! As Jack described, very David Lynchian but in the good ways. I actually watched it twice and was captivated both times.
2nd episode was “good” but (for me) it couldn’t quite sustain the level of WTF that the first episode had.
I’m looking foreword to the 3rd episode. For me, it usually takes 3 episodes to really tell if a show is going to really work.
I admit to partial TL;DR, but this seems like a well-written, deep take on a mostly-forgotten movie.
I haven’t seen it since it was first released on VHS. I recall young me being unimpressed, but a couple of scenes were memorable. This makes me kinda want to give it another go.
I’ve seen it a couple times and I think it was an okay movie. There were some clever parts but it was rarely really funny and if I recall, the critiques of the work-a-day lifestyle were a little too obvious. It was unconventional for the time, but ultimately fell short of being a masterpiece.
Which matches Young Me’s assessment. Maybe it’s just our brain clouds which prevent us from really appreciating this movie.
Out of curiosity I had to check the IMDB link for JVTV and it has a 5.7 rating. Which you wouldn’t know based on the first 10 pages of 10 star reviews there. I wonder if there are people who clamor for the other Hank’s movie that I think is comparable, “The Man with One Red Shoe”. I see it rates a 5.6.
That seems to match my remembrance of it as well.
I recall liking it but also have the feeling that it wasn’t quite what it could have (should have?) been.
*sounds of rushing wind*
I stayed up way to late last night watching “CBGB” on Netflix. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1786751/
A 2013 film starring Alan Rickman and telling the story of that club.
I knew about that place and knew that a lot of Bands had played there in their early days but I didn’t realize it’s crucial importance to the whole punk/underground music scene. The film does take a few liberties with the facts but all in all, if you are a fan of any of the non-pop music from the late 70’s/early to mid-80s, you should check out this film.
If you
I never made it to CBGB’s. :-/
Although, by the time I was old enough to go, it was already way past its prime.
Past prime or not, I would have just loved to go. Talk about a landmark of culture
Eight kinds of bacon!! wowza
The Oink Cafe: applewood smoked, jalapeno, honey cured, sugar cured, apple cider, pepper, hickory, or chef’s choice.
I’m going with pepper.
*you can order a flight of bacon
And that place is right up the block from a similar place called The Salty Sow. We could do a Cholesterol Crawl..
Sounds like you are pigging out!
Like you are in hog heaven!
Like you have found the EIGHTH degree of Kevin Bacon.
It’s Wednesday so it must be Llandudno.
That’s not even a real place. You’re just making shit up now.
He really is. Next he’ll tell you that the “u” is pronounced like an “i”.
Ha! That’s possibly my favorite Deadpan bit of all time.
I bet he has a wallet that says “Bad Motherfucker” on it.
Stay on target …
In the not-too-distant future—not next Sunday, but a bit under two months from now—the Satellite of Love will grace our skies once more as Netflix has announced the release date of the show’s revival: Friday, April 14.
The Trappist System? Will we encounter a bunch of beer-brewing monks when we get there?
We can only hope they are a sweet, malt-based life form ad not a bitter, hop based race.
with a few coffee notes.
My god, it’s full of bubbles. . .
1 Devil on Mars – final draft 2 Jack Mangan
2 Rolling In the Deep ADELE
3 Omens At The End of the World – final Jack Mangan
4 Jar Of Hearts Christina Perri
5 My Immortal Evanescence
6 nese6-final – Rabbit Knees Jack Mangan
7 90something – alternate levels mix – official version Jack Mangan
8 Bangarang Skrillex
9 Yesterday The Beatles
10 He Is Ghost B.C.
11 Humpty Hearts 4 Jack Mangan
12 Red Dust Castle 3 – Final mix Jack Mangan
13 Cry Baby [Clean] Melanie Martinez
14 Stripsearch Faith No More
15 Adagio for TRON (Venaccio Remix) Daft Punk
16 A Thousand Years Christina Perri
17 Hungry Like The Wolf Duran Duran
18 15 15 15 03.15. Slade – Run Run Away Slade
19 Set Fire to the Rain ADELE
20 Bring Me To Life Evanescence
21 Captain and Science Officer 3 Jack Mangan
22 One With the Stillness Jack Mangan
23 Photon Meters Jack Mangan
24 Perfect Green Woman __ True Final Jack Mangan
25 Separate Nation 4 Jack Mangan
Sure is a lot of Evanescence in there…. not judging just surprised
I like both of those songs quite a bit, but they’re also both on my daughter’s playlist.
My iPod top play count analytics say a lot about me:
— I spend a lot of “quality control” plays on my mashup creations.
— I spend a lot of time playing songs on my daughter’s playlist.
— How the hell did “Run Runaway” get in the Top 20?
Del Shannon?
Ah Slade, fun song though.
Finished watching Hacksaw Ridge. It was quite good, once you got past the few Christian pandering moments that Gibson put in.
Oh really? Was it that egregious?
The opening monologue wasn’t necessary, and one visual from the end was a bit much for me. Aside from that, I think the movie did a good job covering Doss’ amazing story.
I was kind of hesitant seeing that film but I’ll have to check it out.
morning Pan
Another hubbiless evening.
Anyone who thinks teachers stop working when the kids go home has never been married to one.
Why call them back from heaven?
Fuckashitpiss! Finished my reply and then scrolled down to see I was on an old page. Sorry. Here is is again.
Thank you for posting the article Jack. And I would like to apologize to Lo. I think the article states exactly what I was trying to get at. I was not trying to call anyone out or shame them for expressing their political views. I’m not about censuring anyone. I even left the comment to my post from a friend of a friend that I don’t even know saying “good riddance”. It’s his opinion and I respect it. But please understand that while there are people that need to be able to vent about what is frustrating them (i.e., politics), it’s also necessary for others to vent about what is frustrating them (e.g., watching their closest family and friends spouting vitriol at each other). I’m not saying you were spouting vitriol in your particular posts. Just that I had a lot of it going on. So, please accept my apologies and continue to post as you see fit on Facebook. Use it to vent your frustrations and do so with no feelings of shame directed from me. That was never my intent. But, let me vent my frustrations as well.
LOL I did the same thing!!!!!!!!! Reposting here for you
Omg NO need to apologize! Like I said I understand your position 100% and I know how I feel as well (obvious statement). It’s me trying to come to a happy medium and I don’t think there is one. See and that above statement of mine was just more political frustrations being vented. Sick of it I say!
So a morning spent trying various messenger apps that claim to be secure and delete chats after viewing.
A friend was concerned personal info was going to be save forever.
I’d be interested in knowing your results.
If you find one that works well for you.
Morning Pan!
New day, new thread :cheerful:
I’m seeing my Boo for lunch today. I told her I would bring a bookcase I promised her. This morning I get to fit a 7′ bookcase in my car, all by my self. :ermm:
Because my day is just that exciting, I’m getting my tax stuff together.
Mmmm… new thread smell.
No, I just forgot my Speed Stick.
Is THAT what the kids are calling it these days?
Glides on smooth and won’t stain your clothing.
I never knew there a video for “Possibly Maybe.”
Of all the weird visuals, I’m somehow most freaked by the watermelon.
I mean… that’s kind of verrrrrry erotic
No. You stop that
Wait … I think I see how this is done.
For your immature fun of the day:
A Ska band from Russia..WTF!
I really thought they were called “Lollipop Larry” at first glance.
CP: Too Much Too Young – The Specials
CP: Mirror in the Bathroom – The Beat
Please don’t freak
No worries Pan Lo Sweet Charity.
CP: Gangsters – The Specials
CP: On My Radio – The Selector
CP: A Message to you Rudy – The Specials
CP: Nelson Mandela – The Specials
CP: Hands Off She’s Mine – The Beat
CP: One Step Beyond – Madness
Bit of a premature entrackation here
It won’t happen again
CP: Special Brew – Bad Manners
So, Propagandhi reminds me a lot of early Against Me!
I can see what you mean! Much more melodic but vocally (depending on who is singing) and definitely lyrically similar!
Kind of bad it’s taken me so long to give this a listen.
I went 20 years between listens until last year!
CP: Do Nothing : The Specials
CP: Little Bitch – The Specials
CP: Debaser — Pixies
CP: Too Much Pressure – The Selector
CP: Do Rock Steady – The Bodysnatchers
CP: Night Boat to Cairo – Madness
CP: Lip Up Fatty – Bad Manners
I’m all Ska-ed out for the evening.
Not yet! You’ve given me an excuse to repost this!
Works 50% of the the time EVERY time!
Twitter on Trump calling Putin:
It feels like a James Bond Film, where James has vanished and the villains are in charge..
So, Fark thread about what the opening title crawl of Episode VII will say, given that it’s supposed to start exactly where VI ended. This clever bastard wins the thread:
As the Resistance celebrates the destruction of Starkiller Base, the New Republic is leaderless, following the destruction of the Hosnian System. Damaged, but not defeated, the New Order continues its plans for destroying the remnants of the New Republic.
Emperor Snoke has dispatched Kylo Ren to the Orlando System System to hunt down the Rogue elements of the long gone, and almost forgotten Jedi Order.
The Dark Knight of the Ren is still grappling with killing of his father, Han Solo, and through his use of the Force, Kylo peers back into his father’s past and sees a young, swashbuckling Han Solo, just starting his Galactic adventures, coming to theaters everywhere in 2018.
Well done, stranger on the internet.
I’m crucified
By my savior…
LIKE my savior.
Huh. I always heard the same thing.
Morning Pan
I’m not making cookies today
Why not?! Is the Seventh Seal opening?
New Depeche Mode!!!!
It won’t be Depeche Median.
That could be mean.
(Music theory) nerrrrd.
For the Metallica fans:
Cool, I’ve give it a listen. Although I don’t really consider myself a Metallic fan, more of a Metallica interested party.
I remember…
So was she confused? Stupid? Or did she think she could just make shit up and no one would fact-check? Or do they think they have a base of nutsos who will support them no matter what shit they spew?
Yes. minus the confusion part.
“I mean terrorists, not massacre”.
No you fucking didnt
“One still shudders to think how bad the Bowling Green massacre would’ve been if not for the heroic intervention of Fred Douglass.”
CP: Electric Surfin’ Go Go — Polysics
Remember how in Batman Returns, Penguin was the crass, leading candidate for mayor, until Batman leaked audio of him saying horrible things?
That’s us, if the people of Gotham didn’t care about the horrible evidence and voted for Penguin anyway.
Yeah someone did a complete comparison of Penguin/Max Shreck with Trump. It’s beyond scary
CP: Cannibal — Silversun Pickups
Amazing photos.
This is actually my dream vacation. Exploring that vast land
I can see the thunder that’s breaking in your heart
Brilliant song
Also, Voyager is atrocious…
There’s no excuse for DS9 not being on tho.
Oh also I heard that they can’t because now that Trump is president, they would have to make Janeway a man and Sisko white in order to re-master them.
Ah so you are a master baiter?
Here’s mud in your eye
Saturday morning spent in line for bloodwork. Seems very non-Deadpan-like
Stopped in to the game store for Tiny Epic Galaxies, and it was out of stock. Shipment on Tuesday.
Seriously, what’s wrong with the world? This is how Immortan Joe got started.
Watch all the episodes of the almost forgotten Other Space sci-fi comedy show:
Assholes gonna ass.
Another slice of history:
Rory from Doctor Who to be young Dumbledore.
Short film set in the Bladerunner universe:
Oh, these are fantastic.
Well, it looks like a part of the internet is dying:
Granted, some of the boards, especially around more recent films, did have issues with trolls. However, I found them easy enough to ignore and have enjoyed the discussions and insights with other users over various movies and tv shows over the years. bleh!
Yeah, the ratio seemed to be about 50/50 of trolls and insults vs. insightful film geeks. I’ve read some brilliant analyses in the film comments there, sometimes better than any pro critic I’ve ever seen. It sucks to lose that – – those folks really enhanced my appreciation of the films, and also pointed out little moments and scenes that I might otherwise have missed. But you’d know if you had any brains, you simpleton fartheads.
I didn’t realize they had message boards. But I nearly went into cardiac arrest when I saw that a part of the internet was dying and IMDB in the URL. I thought IMDB was going away and I have no idea how my life could go on without it (let alone how I ever got along before it was there).
Ok deadpan fiends, it”s took over 5 decades but tonight is the night I will watch Mary Poppins all the way through.
Yes I’ve seen clips, Yes I know the horror of Dick Van Dyke’s cockney accent, but I have never watched it all the way through.
So on with the show..,
This play by play brought to you by Grumpy Cat
The grumpiest cat.
Judging from the clouds Mary is a heavy smoker.
Bloody hell they introduce the horror early.
Times are hard for a one man band as Leo Sayer would say.
This be fair Dick isn’t the only one doing bad accents.
I never knew there was a suffragette song, the BBC never showed that clip.
‘British pound The admiration of the world’
‘Don’t cloud the issue with facts’
How prophectic of you Mr Disney.
Cute kids singing – ugh!
Mary huffed and she puffed and blew those nannies away.
Mary has too many mirrors not to be vain
I need more than a spoonful of sugar to get some medicine down,,
It’s just a hop, skip and a jump to cartoon
Bert is good at buttering up Mary.
Considering the amount of wire work, they should be a chop socky version of this in some universe out there.
The penguins are cute.
An Irish sounding fox, I’m rooting for him.
Bert to the rescue.
Mary is the winner!
Bring on the song with thAt extremely long word.
Bert”s art is washed away by the rain, a perfect t metaphor for depression..possibly.
That toast is extremely square.
Grumpy Mr Banks a man after my own heart.
In a more serious film, Uncle Albert would laugh himself to death.
Crap jokes in zero gee.
I’m counting the British stereotypes in this song.
Sugary female thinking..ah the 60’s
Thankfully in this day and age with pensions no little old lady needs to sell breadcrumbs.
That old banker is suspiciously bendy.
The young lad is not falling for the capitalist bullshit.
The full horror of Dick’s accent as he sings the chimney song
Well leaving your children with a worker is hardly good mothering..
The painted backdrops are really noticeable in this HD version of the film.
A staircase made from soot that can’t be good for the lungs.
A dirty, dirty dance number.
Mary never explains anything..she would make a good politician .
Takes a chimney sweep with dodgy accent to make a father realise his mistakes.
The long walk of doom..or is it?
Fun fact: the cranky elderly nanny before Mary is Elsa Lanchester, who’s most famous as the original Bride of Frankenstein.
The wind has changed direction time for Mary to leave.
Ah, let’s go fly a kite, best song of the film.
Ah poor Mary, always having to say goodbye.
..and so the credits roll.
Hmmmm, ok I guess.
Oh audible (US) daily deal today is a collection of Ted Chiang stories.
Well worth picking up.
I’m no fan of Trump, but unless you are prepared to admit various branches of the US government have been fucking over other countries in the world since WW2 then your portrayal of USA as some knight in shining white armour that has been corrupted by Putin is so laughable I may never get off the floor…
Yes, but if you can point to a single country with monetary resources that is not corrupt, then I will happily move there.
Anyone who believes that — about any administration — is kidding themselves.
I think most of the US outrage comes not from him admitting the US has done evil … but the fact that he is the representative of a party that spent the last 8 years trying to turn absolutely everything that Obama said into some sort of statement of America being evil … and then trying to make a Federal Case against him based on that forced perspective – this in my opinion is where the outrage is.
Obama say’s “Looks like it might rain today.” and FOX news would run headline “Obama Hates America!”
trump admits US has a sketchy past and FOX news is silent.
Strangely though, you never hear how Russia’s reputation will be tarnished by its association with America.
This species has a seriously awful contingent.
Don’t worry. You know how well boycotts work… on both sides.
Anyone here watching, and enjoyong the revitalized Voltron on Netflix?
I am two episodes in and finding it very hoaky. Sad.
Loved it. I seriously can’t wait for season 2.
Also… have you see the 80’s Voltron lately? THAT’S what’s hoaky and sad.
I found the new one a bit hokey too, but I think that’s probably a bit intentional. And yeah, I’m sure the original Voltron is even hokier than I remember.
So it had seemed like the dishonest scumbags had no chance of winning, but somehow pulled it out in the end.
But enough about Trump/Pence. Looks like the Patriots won the Super Bowl.
*deep rim shot*
So off to Scotland for a few days.
I do enjoy a good train journey.
Fun train rides – – – there’s something I actually do miss about the East Coast.
Enjoy your trip, Van.
Morning Pan
Another lonely evening in store for this Bunny
It’s been snowing non-stop for the past 24 hours. I think I’m done with that.
I hope hubby is safe on the roads!
It’s cold, so I put on the fireplace
Always loved the Norse myths and legends, but to have them told in Neil Gaiman’s voice? Verily!
Just went to check the mail. Holy crap there’s a lot of snow out there
The pug.
Weather is bad enough, hubby’s meeting has been cancelled. He will be home for supper after all
Hooray for shitty weather!
WNDRWolf, if you’re still reading this page, Happy Birthday! 🙂
I haven’t heard from that Jack in years. I do hope all is well in his world!
Me too!
Thank you Amy!
I am doing well. I don’t get the opportunity to cruise by this page. (Honestly thought it was dead)
As for what I have been up to; I am slowly taking over the world through quality. My work has kept me busy. Then there is family.
WNDR Wolf! You were the first person whobelieved in me as a podcaster, for which i am eternally grateful. Happy birthday!
The show is retired here, but the conversation continues.
You were the first author to trust me with a short story. For which I am grateful, seriously thinking of re doing 16 pieces since I have learned so much since I first did it.
Repost from FB. Feel free to share your thoughts here if youre more comfy. I do really want to know folk’s opinions here.
Based on the critical and (mostly) audience failures of D.C.’s films to date, the Flash movie now getting a rewrite FROM PAGE 1, and Affleck dropping out of directing The Batman, does anyone give the Wonder Woman movie an actual chance?
It LOOKS great, but guess what… so did they all. Dollars to donuts (thanks 1870’s saying!) they make it all about Steve Trevor inevitably “saving” Diana from herself or just saving her directly. Because, you know, woman need man oog oog!
I hope I’m wrong. It just has that feeling about it.
As I said on FB, the trailers look great for WW, but they also looked great for Suicide Squad.
For what it’s worth, while I haven’t seen it yet myself, my wife and kids rather enjoyed Suicide Squad.
Not good.
Not good.
I ask cause this is going to be an extremely important film when it comes to female superheros anchoring their own films. I simply don’t trust DC.
I liked Agent Carter.
Oh beyond agree! But that got cancelled after 2 very short seasons after dwindling ratings. THIS is the first big budget superhero film revolving around a non-male lead. Its an IMPORTANT film. It NEEDS to do well.
Double post.
Harley Quinn is NOT a role model.
We have examples in the past (Elektra, Supergirl 1984, TankGirl etc) that studios aren’t as invested in the movie’s success because they did not see ROI. They would like to argue that the predominantly male audience won’t see these heroes in the theater. All business BS. I agree this is a good time to invest in good writing and publicity to ensure it has its best chance, but I don’t hold out much hope.
“Dollars to donuts (thanks 1870’s saying!) they make it all about Steve Trevor inevitably “saving” Diana from herself or just saving her directly. Because, you know, woman need man oog oog!”
I can’t say that this will not happen, but I do think it is unlikely. To do so with the modern concept of “Wonder Woman” would be so culturally tone def, I would assume that the producers were deliberately trolling us if it came to pass. The most successful comic book movies stay true the characters of the drawn comic. That’s the lesson of “Dark Knight”, “Avengers” and “Deadpool”.
Quick question: of those coming to KC in August, does anyone think they will be here beyond the 16th-22nd?
Not us
Not I, or us, still working on the details of the trip.
Negative. Thursday only.
I’m so sick of the snarky commentary and criticism of every.thing.ever.
When will this trend stop?
*not intended as a snarky or cynical comment.
Morning Pan.
It’s -27C. I did not want to get out of bed this morning
I think I’m not going out to get the mail later today. Most days I don’t get anything anyway so it can wait a day or two
Probably not worth it.
I fought hard but work won out. sitting at my desk, going through paperwork.
http://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/arizona-news/234076563-story A bit too far of a drive to go and see, but neat nonetheless.
I heard it wasn’t really a space capsule, but more of a Tylenol capsule.
I have plenty of those.
*stays put*
NO. GO watch “Hunting Hitler”. Its on History Channel so it HAS to be fact.
Just like everything on the Learning Channel has to be educational… like watching Honey Boo Boo.
Unconfirmed , but probably true.
Frak. Terrible news. He was a great guy. So say we all.
It’s hard to weed thru the bullshit since there is a “Richard Hatch” who was a famous jack ass of a person and the winner on the first season of Survivor.
This is the only link I can find in it, tho his wiki has been updated.
It much have just happened. Shame. Cause youre right, he was always a friend to the Sci-Fi community, both big and small.
Right. Let’s hope it’s bogus. Seeing “in memoriam” tweets from Edward James Olmos and Ron D. Moore, though . . . 🙁
Yeah its real.
Wasnt he on Slice of Sci-Fi? What was that show/story he was creating?
GREAT WAR OF MAGELLAN! That was it. Lots of potential there. Pity he got no backers.
I talked to him on Deadpan too. I’d actually hung out with him and Tee on a panel at a Con in VA. Super super nice guy.
Even in his 60s, he was the best-looking guy in the room.
God that’s RIGHT! I should find that
*Looks in the mirror *
Spherical Tomi
Spherical Tomi
Spherical Tomi
Some boogeyman are harder than others to summon.
Actually dreaming of doing a Heinlein story in AD. The story is Lifeline.
You had a knack for audio drama, WNDR, right from the first project, of which I’m still super proud. I’m glad you’re still into it.
Been very busy with work and travel, so I haven’t been on lately. As I mentioned on FB, I started Stranger Things. Great stuff.
Enjoy the ride.
Glad season 2 won’t be a long wait for me. 🙂
Anyone watch OA?
We watched OA and enjoyed it. There is a lot of variation in quality between episode from outstanding to mellow dramatic.
Mennenga was pimping it when it first released. I’m interested; I think Tiff is too.
We’re currently working through Penny Dreadful ssn 2 and The Expanse ssn 2.
It’s like a reunion or something. ..
That would imply we actually graduated. Most of us are career students 🙂
I am a student of the University of Life.
If I stop learning I am dead.
We should form a frat!
I tried to join a frat once but the TRI Lambs rejected my application.
Next year, we’ll convince them by performing our New Wave/Rap song.
Morning Deadpan
It’s still cold
Sadness about Apollo. Weird that I didn’t get a Celebrity Death beep about it.
Good morning, Pan. I’m not able to see Southwest flights til the 23rd.. so I’m in waiting period for the KS trip, but I have the time requested off.
I’ll be going to Los Angeles the week before to see Lady Gaga… so much excitement.
I’ll be in Toronto the first weekend of March.
I’m going to need to do laundry for all this traveling.
Hubby gave mr heck yesterday. It wasn’t until he got home that I realized I hadn’t eaten all day.
Who is Mr Heck?
Isn’t he related to Mr. Grumpy?
Gojira is a unique band with an original sound. I’m happy to see Baroness on the Grammy list as well.
How soon before it’s extended to all US visitors:
That’s nothing. Are you ready to get a serial number tattooed to your forehead?
I expect that would be challenged. Plus, from a technical standpoint, it would be extremely difficult to do this for all visitors.
True but we are talking about people who want to build a wall between the US and Mexico.
I get it. Reality is not their strong point. 😉
That is…amazing. Just amazing
CP: Bridge Burning — Foo Fighters
Started “Pride and Prejudice” with the young lady tonight.
No zombies.
Baby steps.
Morning Pan
It’s not stupid cold today. They even say, by tomorrow, the temperature will get above the freezing mark
Wait, what?
While I admit this is a dubious source, given the subject matter, I worry it is true. They are thinking of making Sarah Palin ambassador to Canada?
She is our foremost authority on moose.
Vat about Squirrel !
Shouldn’t it really be Ambassador to Russia?
Here’s a shocker. Hubby’s working late tonight
Interesting to see how West End Games still influence the Star Wars background.
In a west End town, a dead end world
The End End boys and West End Games
Petshop Boys reference FTW!
It’s a sin.
Let’s make lots of money.
I’ve got the brains. I’ve got the brawn,
No wait…
(weeeeird Tom Hardy movie)
Look up the real life “Bronson” guy. Scary dude
If the movie is even remotely accurate, then yeah, he’s a nut.
I like em!!!
One of them is not Scottish.
My job today pulling plastic apart until it breaks…
Next up, bubble wrap!
I don’t want to trivialize the driver’s death. It’s tragic. I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.
That bridge is terrifying. You’re basically on a little 2-lane highway in the middle of the ocean, with nothing but water and that narrow bridge in all directions around you miles. (And THEN the scary bridge turns into a tunnel under the water).
The bridge sounds kinda of cool.
It’s 4pm. Is it too early to start drinking?
My sources say no.
It’s Five o’clock somewhere.
Some good news for a change:
WSJ is cranky about access to the article.
Morning Pan
OMG I’m going to make cookies this morning
Last night, hubby’s school had a winter festival. They brought in a horse and sleigh, had fire pits and toasted marshmallows, hot chocolate, and other fun stuff. Hubby told me, at the end of it, this little grade five kid came up to him with tears in his eyes and ask if he could stay later because he was having so much fun.
Kids are so cute at that age… then they grow and become teenagers.
We’ll at least the Hoth weather cooperated.
I don’t think it will work. The actors no longer look like they did then. Plus the fact that one died in the movie, and one is dead in real life. I don’t think it would have the same feel.
Perhaps with a whole new cast and different perspective? (Don’t replace the crew with different actors, but have a whole new crew and ship)
Agreed on every point. This is a recipe for disappointment.
They put too many conditions on it. I’ll be excited if it occurs, but I don’t expect it will.
Cookies are in the oven. Now it’s time to clean this house
Those Fox execs are asleep at the wheel. They had the means to make Fire Fly a Buffy level of success and let it pass by. I think a new Fire Fly set chronologically 11 year after the movie could work. Nathon with one or two original cast with some younger new crew, facing a new situations would be my hope. The world that Joss created has a lot of untold story potential.
Here here!!
With Joss at the helm this could work.
Also (with Joss at the Helm) there is a LOT of room in the Firefly world for spinoffs. Action taking place on any number of the planets they visited with any number of the surviving characters.
… basically, give Joss a Steamer trunk load of cash, say “Firefly Universe” and leave him alone to do his thing.
I’d sign up for that!
House nice and clean ( at least the main floor is). Time for a break
The cat is feeling particularly sucky today
There’s a cat outside. Seriously, we’ve had a foot of snow (ok 26cm) in the last few days and someone let their cat outside. Feel sorry for the poor thing. It’s trying to walk through the snow that’s almost as tall as it is. I don’t let my cat out any time let alone when it’s cold and snowy
Interesting. At a glance, it seems to be missing some crucial points.
I don’t get the point of the article. Besides missing some crucial ideas and essential bands, it seems to just be an ad for new doom bands found on bandcamp. Which is fine but that’s not what the article advertised
What I was afeared of.
RE: Firefly reboot
I’m thinking it would have a tough time at this point, even if they got most of the remaining original actors back in some capacity.
The biggest factor is that there is simply a lot more quality Sci-Fi on TV these days compared to back then. I don’t even have time to keep up with all the shows I’d like to. Sure, there will be some built in audience of browncoats, but they weren’t enough to keep the series going originally and the movie didn’t bring anyone new to the audience. I’m not convinced that the new show would be able to stand out enough.
Crap mini joke for the evening:
What do you call a robot who always takes the long way?
R2 Detour.
This is not the coat you are looking for.
No lunar eclipse for me, clouds stopped play,
I believe you could be
What I need to believe
Rhett have you listened to any Ghost yet?
I have and I dig it.
Not to be confused with:
If you have Swayze, you have everything
It’s 4:30am. Why is my head not on a pillow?
A Flickr group dedicated to photos of control panels:
flickr? I thought that was just a myth…
Woah. Why do I find that entirely too fascinating?
Seriously. I could spend all day looking at those pictures.
Never send a link like that early on a Saturday!
that was really cool. I need more time to look at them all.
There’s a bit of hype for John Wick 2. But let’s face it, this is the movie we really want to see
The dogs even more emotive than Keanu.
(Too easy. I know.)
Then, there is this –
I would have the best backward messages.
I couldn’t do it for fear of being used for rap music….
I like hip-hop.
I’m think the pressure of trying to put together just the right music selection for my final “mix tape”, would be what actually killed me.
So I’ve heard people are getting ESTA Visa waivers renewals refused from the UK, hopefully it’s a computer glitch.
Mine doesn’t run out till 2018..phew.
I hadn’t had any since I was a kid, so for tonight’s gaming I bought Cracker Jacks. They don’t tast as good as I remember
Did you at least get a good temporary tattoo?
Nope. It was a sticker, a little larger than a stamp. The picture was of the first Cracker Jack box
The world is on fire
And we are tied as one eternally
A funeral pyre
And we are here to revel forevermore
We didn’t start the fire.
Billy Joel is Papa Emeritus of Ghost! It all makes sense now!
You seriously just blew me mind
And you know what — even with the absence of hyperfit super-powered slugging out big CGI battles, Hidden Figures managed somehow to an excellent movie. Some dramatic liberties assumed, but still a great story. It feels like an excellent companion piece to The Right Stuff.
Happy Darwin Day!
And to honor the occasion:
People rarely equate anything Charles Darwin with cute, but…
To celebrate I shall jump off a cliff! Who’s with me?
So the girl-child wanted to stop into PacSun at the mall. I was shocked to spot oldskool Metallica and Slayer (!) t-shirts on the table in there next to Nirvana t-shirts. And Grateful Dead next to Joy Division on another table.
For $40.
Don’t ask the 20 somethings if those shirts are worn to be Ironic.
Just don’t.
Don’t do it. My daughter at least has the knowledge to know that the Nirvana “Smile” shirt is a “sell out”.
the rest… holy shit. wtf
I would never. As crazy as it seems to pay $40 for a t-shirt at a concert, it is beyond ludicrous to pay that for a t-shirt at the mall. Or anywhere.
I adore my $35-$50 concert shirt collection.
Got my trip booked for the KC Deadpan meetup. I guess I’m committed now.
I’ve bought rubber wall paper just for you.
So I guess Van is moving in :p
Off to London for another day trip.
Because I am late coming back to the party…
Tell me about this meet up in Kansas City?
We are planning on meeting up around the eclipse August 17 -21st roughly. We would love to see you if you are available.
We are coming in for the weekend. Then we are going to watch the solar eclipse on the 21st in KC. Most of us will then be leaving on the 22nd.
It would be great to see you again, Jack! It’s been over 10 years (holy shit).
Morning Pan
Today’s Google Doodle was a bit of a time sink
I think I may watch a movie today. I wonder what I have recorded.
I found today’s movie. After lunch you will all be subjected to this little beauty.
It’s rated 6.6 out of 10 – – how bad can it be?
You were warned. It’s movie time!
It’s been awhile so I’m going to go over the rules.
There may or may not be spoilers
There will definitely be spelling errors
There may or may not be R rated content
Audience participation is encouraged
With that in mind, I give you Darwin
The PVR write up: In an oppressive future where everyone’s only friend is their computer, on sad and lonely young man dares to venture out in search of human contact
Only Two of the three items needed to make a perfect movie, language and violence
Men have become the tools of their tools
– Henry David Thoreau (1854)
Here comes the sun
And the bad guys
He’s having a nightmare
Ok, I might see a problem already
He misses his mommy
Oh, never mind. They seemed to have addressed the problem
He’s staring at her busom
Watch out for claw gangs
Everyone types in short form
he spend his whole life in a chair
Mom sleeps a lot
Sleeping by “firelight”
Mom locked him away
He sees a dog
Continue working
Why is he digging a big ass hole anyway?
It’s raining again
Lightning hit his home
Powered is down to 20%
It’s become a leave or die situation
Manual override
I wonder if those are a set or if they really do exist somewhere
Oh no!
He lives!
Going down memory lane
Credit unavailable
That’s it, he’s dead.
How cute, he’s afraid of a mole
He found his tractor
The dog barks
He’s afraid of a mole but not of a German shepherd?
Who are you?
The chimes. The chimes!
All clear
Feeding the dweller
Dara and Darwin, how sweet
Fruit salad for dessert
He really needs a shower
They live off grid
They eat grids?
They’re communicating
When did he wash his face?
Sun tan lotion
Playing tag
He tires quickly
When did he move from mattress to hammock?
He’s all wet
She had to teach him how to wear underwear
They hear a noise
I don’t know
Teaching him to talk and read and write
They’re going to find you
The claws don’t exist
Back story
We are the criminals
Brain scans
Was it a dream?
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands
Playing in the river
“I like to feel it all over me”
I looked for you
I think I love you
Such face time
Such = suck
That’s a waltz?
Why did she want to switch towels?
Almost caught
Beth blames darwin
Where’s Darwin ?
There he is
I can’t stay
It’s warm enough I opened a window. Kitty’s happy
Good bye
Callin mommy
If he’s never been outside his dwelling, how does he know where mommy lives?
Mommy called the cops
He lied to the authorities
Mom looks terrible
Mommy smokes
He touched her. Moms not impressed
They knew!
Wait. Who was operating the drone?
Darwin returns
They just took his word for it?
Wow, that’s trust
You know, I liked this movie. It was quiet and understated. Yes, it had a few flaws, but then, what movie doesn’t?
The only cast member I recognize is Senator Jackie from House of Cards. Was she the mom?
If you mean Molly Parker, she was a mom but not his mom. Darwin’s mom only had about five minutes or so on screen. The other mom had a fair amount of screen time.
Now, I must unload the dishwasher
NASA scientist detained at US border until he unlocked and handed over his phone.
They came for the Muslims but I wasn’t Muslim … then they came for NASA Scientists …
We’re not even a full month into the orange shithead’s rule.
And Pixie’s observation is correct! That DailyKos article is credited to a “JustaJ0e.”
I think not!
You wrote this article?
Re-posted link to the original
with a summary.
Sometimes resistance is just make sure as many people hear about these shenanigans as is possible.
Or as the crew of Serenity put it – You can’t stop the signal.
Interesting analogy. I was thinking about this the other day. . . if Firefly is going to be picked up again, then I think it needs to show how the masses learned of the atrocities their government had committed (after the events of the movie), but still didn’t give a shit. That would be a more accurate reflection of reality.
I am the terror that flaps in the night!
I am the switch that derails your train!
“I am the thing that goes bump in the night!
I am the neurosis that requires a five-hundred-dollar-an-hour shrink!”
Helluva children’s book. What is that from?
Darkwing Duck
“One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Orange Shit Gibbon”
CP: The Best Ever Death Metal Band In Denton — The Mountain Goats
They are interviewing young kids about Vanentine’s Day
Interviewer: can you kiss in valentines’ day:
Kid one: only if it’s your valentine
Kid two: you can kiss other people as long as your valentine isn’t looking
Enjoyed John Wick 2, not as good as the first one, but good nonetheless.
Not as good as Dog Wick either, I assume
Certainly not!
John Wick 2: Wick Harder
John Wick 2: The Wickening
John Wick 2: Keanu Boogaloo
(and hopefully someday) Point Break 2: Point Broken
Tasty Indian/Pakistani hole in the wall VD dinner.
….Probably shouldn’t say “hole in the wall” and “VD” in the same sentence.
I’m disappointed that ‘hole in the wall’ restaurant is not literally food served from a hole in the wall.
I pictured a street side cart in Blade Runner (the movie).
Boy, LoPan is full of <3 on FB this VD Day.
Just for one certain hole-in-the-wall kind of guy….
Wickin 2: Keanu Boogaloo is definitely a worthy sequel. The elderly-ish couple in the row with us walked out halfway through, if that gives you any indication of the tone.
Crapjoke for the day:
A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.
His father said he’d make a deal with his son, “You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your bloody hair cut. Then we’ll talk about the car.”
The boy thought about that for a moment, decided, he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.
After about six weeks his father said, “Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m pissed off that you haven’t had your hair cut.”
The boy said, “You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair.”
“Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?!!”
I can’t seem to find your coat of many colors.
Morning Pan
In the news today: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/02/14/sean-spicer-joe-trudeau-video_n_14748486.html
Giving the benefit of the doubt, I think he actually just tripped over the name “Trudeau” basically saying Tru-Trudeau.
I don’t think Canada should be overly offended
I pay attention to Huffington Post the same as I pay attention to Fox News… which is to say I don’t.
I don’t pay much attention either. If I find something interesting, I’ll look into more credible sources and make up my own mind.
There is no question that the people Trump has brought in with him are the sort that foam at the mouth. However, this game where liberals try to parody every verbal misstep these guys take is a disservice to the cause. There is plenty (and I mean plenty) of crap that needs to be publicly criticized. But this kind of thing makes the left look petty and devalues the weight of its legitimate arguments.
Seriously. While we stay distracted with all of the INSANE shenanigans that are going on in the White House, did anyone notice this –
Russia Deploys Cruise Missile, Violating landmark 1987 arms control treaty
Though this missile has been around a while, the Kremlin hasn’t felt embolden to deploy it until now.
Ok, I’ll admit that the following falls into the category of “Really? Were going to critique THIS now?” but still … pretty funny and it’s being scored as a “Win” for Canada … and a win is a “win”!
Thing is. . . I think the *ONLY* way that any of the Trumped will ever change their minds and their upcoming votes will be through mockery, if the cultural tone everywhere they look shows then how orange and ridiculous their guy really is. They certainly won’t be swayed by facts and legit info.The more we portray 45 as a clown, the more they’ll feel inclined to vote differently in 4 years (maybe the Repubs will provide a better option in the primaries for the FoxNews faithful).
Yes, many of the Trumped will also dig in their heels and feel united under the oppressions of all those evil liberals – – but really, the hell with those people. Nothing will reach them.
But…but shame and mockery are how we got here in the first place isn’t it? Well… ok maybe not mockery. SURE! Let’s try it…
Also – – maybe he was just referencing “Sussudio.”
GREAT music article, tho disagree with some of the author’s takes.
” 1996 kicked off with the release of Seven Mary Three’s “Cumbersome”—a song that sounds like something ad execs who couldn’t actually afford Pearl Jam might commission for a beer commercial…”
while I really like that album this is extremely accurate.
Some of the folks here who worked in record store back then *coughJack* will find this near and dear methinks
PS… I forgot how adorable Shirley Manson was…
Yes, thanks for the link! This does read like the playlist of my hours in the corporate record store.
It also reads like every ultradouche, smugger/smarter-than-thou music article I read in our in-store magazines – Spin, Rolling Stone, Replay – back then. Gahh, the smarm in that article could choke a horse.
He also disses everyone and everything, so I wouldn’t be too offended by any of his attacks.
Still…. well-written, and overflowing with good points and references.
DOGS EYE VIEW!!!!!! WTF remembers Dogs Eye View? Not I until this article!
It wouldnt be AV club if it wasnt full of smarm and written by someone was was probably 12 in 1996
A neat article, but I had to give up because of its length. I mostly agree with the points, but I think it is pretty easy to be critical of past trends than it is to create lasting ones. I also remember how dire the metal scene was in 1996. Dark times, and not in a good way. *snirt*
Yeah, I agree.
I had a line from Talking Heads running through my mind reading the article: “Same as it ever was”. It’s not like any of this is new. Most industries have similar patterns. It also reminds me of how people like the author like to say, “I listen to *good* music.” But, good is a very subjective thing.
My biggest problem is the author tries to ascribe a narrative to something that just evolved organically. The music world is huge, with many people being influence by all sorts of things. There are some key players, at any time, that really set the tone to an “era”; the rest are playing “catch-up” in a way. And, let’s face it, artists need to get paid.
I think that was his point? The tru alt scene evolved into something completely anti of what it was formed to be in the first place. And to be fair… there were a LOT of shitty shitty barely one hit wonder bands that year in that new…genre… for lack of a better word. It hit all at once and melted away nearly as fast. But look at the bands now still touring and making very good records like Garbage, Pearl Jam, Weezer (their latest anyway). This time frame really did wash away the chum from the rind. No that’s not a saying I know…
Off to The recycling depot. Then it’s gas and a car wash.
Once again the excitement overwhelms
There’s a bit of a line up at the car wash
I decided to indulge myself and got an ice capp from Tim’s on the way home. Yum
CP: Move — Saint Motel
Another note on John Wick 2: Wick With A Vengeance. . .
No blurry.
A lot of scenes Fantastic Beasts and Rogue One were really blurry to my screwed up eyesight, but they’re also CGI-everything, while John Wick looked to be primarily real actors doing real things.
I don’t want to be THAT guy but how do you NOT make sure everyone you know is aware of THIS –
H.R.861 – The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.
– The bill, introduced by Florida Republican Matt Gaetz and co-sponsored by Kentucky’s Thomas Massie, Mississippi’s Steven Palazzo, and Georgia’s Barry Loudermilk doesn’t bother with anything like wondering what happens to the data the agency collects, or the enforcement the agency carries out. It doesn’t sweat the details of employees or contracts. There’s nothing about what happens to the Clean Air Act, or the Clean Water Act, or the Endangered Species Act, or … anything at all.
Just ‘terminated.’
Reddit seems to think that the odds of termination are low.
That would be good.
Succinct and perfectly said. Chances of this message penetrating the right-wing bubble? Zero.
CP: A Good Man? (Twelve’s Theme) — Murray Gold
I really want one
My favorite was the Nokia 5160 and yes… I do have 2 of them sitting right here because I was trying to decide how to clear off their memory and then find them a new home.
Still, I could dig on a 3310.
That sounds like something a hipster might say. *eyes justaJOe curiously*
Leave me alone … I’m dusting off my turntable.
Oh, I couldn’t see it past your man-bun.
Something for those with iPhones to try
Works from the UK.
For you Gaiman fans.
He does seem to be a genuinely nice guy.
So the oldest of the Deadpan Auxillary went with 300 classmates to see “Hidden Figures”. She confessed she had concerns that they would all ignore the film and just visit throughout. She reports however, that they all really got into it and spontaneous applause broke out various times throughout the film.
She said it is now one of her top all time favorite films.
Excellent! My daughter loved it too.
I enjoyed it so much I didn’t buy the book the film was based on as I didn’t want to be disappointed in the Hollywoodisation of the story.
I should make my daughter watch it with me.
You might get reported if you tie her to the chair.
Hell No!
No objection to the Doctor being a woman but not her.
I also have no problem with the Doctor changing gender … but somehow this feels forced.
Well last time there were many rumor that said Idris Elba was definitely going to be the next Doctor. So, I’ll wait and see what actually happens.
I have no objections for Ms. Swinton, but I don’t watch the series either.
Hrm. Reacting only to your conversation, not the article itself:
Intelligent, strange-looking, does eccentric well – – that’s why she was cat as the Ancient One. I think she’d be fine, but my shilling says it won’t be her.
CP: (The Majestic Tale of) An Idiot With a Box — Murray Gold
In a weird way, I think Swinton is sort of a conventional choice, meaning she fits the odd quirky stereotype that other “Doctors” have been. I would prefer Hayley Atwell.
I think it depends more on the theme that they want for the Doctor. Quirky isn’t always the main point, though it is a part. I also think they will consider the how this will play with Missy. I’m not sure Swinton is the best choice.
Morning Panites
I put on the news this morning. So far, nothing exciting
Just wait.
I laughed. Tiffany asked why it was funny. I’m not sure what my \M/etal colleagues would think.
lmfao. That was great. 🙂
That’s funny. Will have to show it to hubby when he gets home
This is amazing. Those two are spot on in almost everything they do
Looks like a food truck will be parked north of Jack’s office. Might partake for lunch.
Only if the election had gone a different way. . .
Are they only there today, Rhett?
Down Under Foods at Pima Center at 9200 E Pima Center Pkwy from 11am-1pm.
Back at my office eating a steak and onion meat pie. Mmmm… I don’t know where they’ll be tomorrow. I located them using this website:
I keep seeing a trend for the food trucks to pair up with breweries. I often try to get to new breweries by choosing them for dinner while on travel with work colleagues. It’s hard to do that when the potential “dinner option” is gourmet grilled cheese. Not that I didn’t pull that off two days ago, but this guy was pretty easy going and not that hungry.
The food truck thing does feel kinda like a fad – – but it is fun, and we have found a few good ones.
It’s still tough to shake the stigma of those dirty meals-on-wheels trucks, though. There are still plenty of those guys out there too.
Food trucks here rival restaurants in quality and price. I’m not kidding, they take themselves extremely seriously and, much like restaurants, they are hit and miss. See, 60-70% of breweries here (an estimation from observation) don’t serve food. They are just tap rooms that invite 3 or 4 food trucks a week to satiate hunger. It’s a win win win combination for all involved. The brewery/food truck/consumer has become an amazing closed ecosystem here.
CP: Do You REally Believe in Santa? — Murray Gold
I will say, if they cast a woman for the Doctor, I can’t wait to see what Murray Gold does with the score. 😀
When did the Trump Mistake stop being funny in any way?
I normally avoid Trump stuff even when it involves humor. But this was too damn funny.
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
Well THAT was quick.
Try this one before it goes away. Or just search for “Donald Trump Can’t Shake Hands Right” from Last Week Tonight.
It’s the middle of February and every day this week, today included, I’ve had to open the window because it’s been so warm. Many places in Alberta broke records yesterday day. The weather sure is screwy this year
Hrm. Politics and weather broke the conversation.
Next up — sports!
Well I did think about asking Rhettro if there was any temptation to go see the Royals at Spring training, but I thought better of it. :p
Oh come ON!
Shut up, Mr. Burton! You are not brought upon this world to get it!
But… that doesn’t look anything like Dwayne Johnson.
Steam train rides today, so that’s a win.
Any day with a steam train ride can’t be too bad.
Innuendo FTW
A Weird Al rarity from his early days.
CP: Liana — The Joy Formidable
Man this is a great one right here
Afternoon Pan
Long weekend! Woo Hoo!
Had a busy morning.
Besides my normal cleaning (but not cookies 🙁 ), I went to the hardware store and got a new shower head for the washroom.
Kitty was being a dope and got wet when I installed it. 😆
Some cats have this weird fascination with the shower. 🙂
Whenever I’m in the shower she will sit outside the shower door and meow constantly. However, if I open the door or get her a little bit wet, she hates it.
Sometimes she’s such a cat.
CP: Tornado — Wintergatan
Attempt #2 at a frozen wood-fired pizza on the smoker.
This time, a pizza stone is doing its job.
For those who don’t use FB:
Is Nokia poised to come back from the dead?
So we saw a really good Queen tribute band last month at a local casino. Went back to the same place to see a Metallica tribute.
Let’s just say Ride the Lightning didn’t strike twice for us at this place.
Did James have a pooch?
No, but the Cliff Burton/Robert Trujillo bass player’s fake Trujillo-like wig and potbelly made an appearance
They did have funny stage names. Full marks for the drummer calling himself Napster Ulrich.
My mother will be so happy. As, I’m sure, will all the other 72 year old women to which Zima appeals.
I recall a party in the early 90s where Zima and malt liquor were consumed. That night didn’t end well.
As long as there’s a revival of Babylon 5 to go with it, then I’m ok with this.
Enjoyed the Great Wall.
Will probably have to fight Lo over the General with the immaculately coffiured hair that only gets ruffled in the final battle.
Hmmmmm. It’s gonna be a looooong while til I get to that one
I hope your battle is a blurry CGI mess, when you do get around to it.
Has anyone watched Legion yet? Is it worth starting?
I haven’t seen it, but the social medias have said that the first eps were David Lynchian – – in a good way.
Yes, the first episode, it was good.
SS-GB starts tonight on the BBC, based on a Len Deighton novel, another variant on Germany winning WW2
Is that the 4th season of Hunting Hitler? Can’t wait!!!!
I tease. I wanna watch this just as bad as Man in High Castle
We are enjoying The Expanse s2
I’ve seen some of these, but never the full series. Pretty hilarious.
Did you guys see the horrific attack in Sweden the other day?
Yeah, me either.
Counting myself safe at the Bowling Green, Sweden massacre.
Jack thank GOD! When I didn’t hear anything about any of this I feared the worst!
In case you missed it on FB today.
CP: Who Am I (Animatrix Edit) — Peace Orchestra feat. Hubert Tubbs
Tumbleweeds are back from the black!
Nebula Award nominees:
I’ve read one and want to read two others.
Another reminder that time keeps marching
Even though she’ll never ever have money worries, I feel for Frances Bean. She’s the product of 2 severely damaged people.
If characters from classic lit could text:
Confession: I’ve never read or seen Wuthering Heights. (except the semaphore version)
Even worse (as a Brit) I haven’t either, but I know enough about the story to get the joke.
I have been Haworth though and seen the home of the Bronte sisters.
CP: Dystopia (The Earth Is On Fire) — YACHT
I made the mistake of watching a video of a guy with pliers extracting some long piece of litter from a turtle’s nostril. Jesus Cristo, it’s a never-ending anxiety attack. Don’t watch. And don’t litter.
Van! Maybe they’ll do a faithful take on “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”
Damn It Brian! I will now have to worship you.
” pulling from the works of Dick”
Best quote from the article. Anyway, this news makes me happy.
Morning Pan
I wish all weekends were three day weekends.
Well … I survived “President’s Day”.
For those who aren’t in the US this used to be the day we set aside to honer those who have led this country.
Now, due to a recent executive order, it is a day during which ALL crime is legal for the President and all police, fire, and medical emergency services remain unavailable. Restrictions do prohibit the President from disturbing government officials “ranking 10”, as well as the use of all weapons above Class 4 (explosive devices such as grenades, rocket launchers, and bazookas). So far though, Congress has shown no interest in holding the current President accountable for having broken those very few rules.
…wait … that may not be right. I may be thinking of the plot of “The Purge”.
… or something that happened in Sweden.
The cat is mad at me because I won’t share my breakfast
BTW – watch Legion.
The first episode was brilliant! As Jack described, very David Lynchian but in the good ways. I actually watched it twice and was captivated both times.
2nd episode was “good” but (for me) it couldn’t quite sustain the level of WTF that the first episode had.
I’m looking foreword to the 3rd episode. For me, it usually takes 3 episodes to really tell if a show is going to really work.
I admit to partial TL;DR, but this seems like a well-written, deep take on a mostly-forgotten movie.
I haven’t seen it since it was first released on VHS. I recall young me being unimpressed, but a couple of scenes were memorable. This makes me kinda want to give it another go.
I’ve seen it a couple times and I think it was an okay movie. There were some clever parts but it was rarely really funny and if I recall, the critiques of the work-a-day lifestyle were a little too obvious. It was unconventional for the time, but ultimately fell short of being a masterpiece.
Which matches Young Me’s assessment. Maybe it’s just our brain clouds which prevent us from really appreciating this movie.
Out of curiosity I had to check the IMDB link for JVTV and it has a 5.7 rating. Which you wouldn’t know based on the first 10 pages of 10 star reviews there. I wonder if there are people who clamor for the other Hank’s movie that I think is comparable, “The Man with One Red Shoe”. I see it rates a 5.6.
That seems to match my remembrance of it as well.
I recall liking it but also have the feeling that it wasn’t quite what it could have (should have?) been.
*sounds of rushing wind*
I stayed up way to late last night watching “CBGB” on Netflix.
A 2013 film starring Alan Rickman and telling the story of that club.
I knew about that place and knew that a lot of Bands had played there in their early days but I didn’t realize it’s crucial importance to the whole punk/underground music scene. The film does take a few liberties with the facts but all in all, if you are a fan of any of the non-pop music from the late 70’s/early to mid-80s, you should check out this film.
If you
I never made it to CBGB’s. :-/
Although, by the time I was old enough to go, it was already way past its prime.
Past prime or not, I would have just loved to go. Talk about a landmark of culture
Eight kinds of bacon!! wowza
The Oink Cafe: applewood smoked, jalapeno, honey cured, sugar cured, apple cider, pepper, hickory, or chef’s choice.
I’m going with pepper.
*you can order a flight of bacon
And that place is right up the block from a similar place called The Salty Sow. We could do a Cholesterol Crawl..
Sounds like you are pigging out!
Like you are in hog heaven!
Like you have found the EIGHTH degree of Kevin Bacon.
It’s Wednesday so it must be Llandudno.
That’s not even a real place. You’re just making shit up now.
He really is. Next he’ll tell you that the “u” is pronounced like an “i”.
It is you Wiley old fox:
Is that the Land of Lando?
Lando has issues.
Ha! That’s possibly my favorite Deadpan bit of all time.
I bet he has a wallet that says “Bad Motherfucker” on it.
Stay on target …
In the not-too-distant future—not next Sunday, but a bit under two months from now—the Satellite of Love will grace our skies once more as Netflix has announced the release date of the show’s revival: Friday, April 14.
As long as they stay sway from Stingray.
The Trappist System? Will we encounter a bunch of beer-brewing monks when we get there?
We can only hope they are a sweet, malt-based life form ad not a bitter, hop based race.
with a few coffee notes.
My god, it’s full of bubbles. . .
1 Devil on Mars – final draft 2 Jack Mangan
2 Rolling In the Deep ADELE
3 Omens At The End of the World – final Jack Mangan
4 Jar Of Hearts Christina Perri
5 My Immortal Evanescence
6 nese6-final – Rabbit Knees Jack Mangan
7 90something – alternate levels mix – official version Jack Mangan
8 Bangarang Skrillex
9 Yesterday The Beatles
10 He Is Ghost B.C.
11 Humpty Hearts 4 Jack Mangan
12 Red Dust Castle 3 – Final mix Jack Mangan
13 Cry Baby [Clean] Melanie Martinez
14 Stripsearch Faith No More
15 Adagio for TRON (Venaccio Remix) Daft Punk
16 A Thousand Years Christina Perri
17 Hungry Like The Wolf Duran Duran
18 15 15 15 03.15. Slade – Run Run Away Slade
19 Set Fire to the Rain ADELE
20 Bring Me To Life Evanescence
21 Captain and Science Officer 3 Jack Mangan
22 One With the Stillness Jack Mangan
23 Photon Meters Jack Mangan
24 Perfect Green Woman __ True Final Jack Mangan
25 Separate Nation 4 Jack Mangan
Sure is a lot of Evanescence in there…. not judging just surprised
I like both of those songs quite a bit, but they’re also both on my daughter’s playlist.
My iPod top play count analytics say a lot about me:
— I spend a lot of “quality control” plays on my mashup creations.
— I spend a lot of time playing songs on my daughter’s playlist.
— How the hell did “Run Runaway” get in the Top 20?
Del Shannon?
Ah Slade, fun song though.
Finished watching Hacksaw Ridge. It was quite good, once you got past the few Christian pandering moments that Gibson put in.
Oh really? Was it that egregious?
The opening monologue wasn’t necessary, and one visual from the end was a bit much for me. Aside from that, I think the movie did a good job covering Doss’ amazing story.
I was kind of hesitant seeing that film but I’ll have to check it out.
morning Pan
Another hubbiless evening.
Anyone who thinks teachers stop working when the kids go home has never been married to one.