I haven’t watched yet, but it sounds fascinating. Not for the visceral, but because we all watched this stuff when we were in the demographic these ratings were designed to protected.
On Friday afternoon, Eleanor Celeste, the assistant director for biomedical and forensic sciences at the OSTP, sent one last tweet before departing –
Elle Celeste @elleabella1112
science division out. mic drop.
Last week, Jack posted a link to a comic that featured a character who was a child in Italy during the rise of fascism … how as a child, he didn’t see anyone making a big deal about the prison camps so it just started to seem “normal” to him and what will this current generation of kids start to accept as “normal”.
It made me realize that not only had I mostly stopped talking about articles like I posted above … I had even stopped reading them. I would see the headlines and think, “Oh gee. More shenanigans.” and then move along.
The steady erosion of civility, rationality and privacy is becoming “normal” and it is picking up speed. That I have started to only pay slight attention to anything but the twitter rants suddenly bothers me.
So I may post more “shenanigan” links in the future. Feel free to ignore them. I think it’s just a last ditch effort to make me feel like I’ve not given up.
I encourage the effort to keep us all awake, J0e. We’re in danger of waking up one day and finding ourselves rounded into camps for those deemed “not loyal enough.”
I think jj is on a marathon of posts 😀 Go Joe!!!!
Honestly this pleases me and I strangely don’t know why.
I vaguely remember that they were doing this, but the final Black Sabbath concert is coming to the big screen. Sounds like a documentary with music clips. This is my local Alamo listing.
These are pretty great! And I was worried I wouldn’t have any anecdotes for the Eclipse MMMmmmeetup.
It’s suppose to be meltingly hot all week. What’s that about?
Late June/early July is usually our rainiest time but not this year. We are way below our average rainfall and way above our average temperature.
I enjoyed the Doctor Who season finale.
Oooooh and that kiss..
So, I do have to admit to being completely hooked on the Saga comic. Just wonderfully imaginative world-building and storytelling, full of these amazingly poignant little moments.
There s my recommendation for the day.
It’s a-aight. Stylish as a mofo, almost to a fault.
Great soundtrack, obviously chosen by a middle-aged Englishman. Silly cliched story beats. Disappointing choices for most of the characters. The driving action sequences were good, but nothing we haven’t seen before.
I like it just fine, but I don’t get the 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Soooo …
Would you say –
(A) Go see it NOW
(B) Wait for a matinee
(C) Wait for it to come out on Netflix/Redbox/Hulu
(D) … let your DVR grab it off of cable TV.
Go and see it now, on a BIG screen.
I absolutely could have waited for (B) or (C) – – but at 97% and 91% freshness at RT, I’m clearly in the minority. I recommend soliciting more opinions.
From the man who hated Captain America!
So Metallica and Lady Gaga, uhm…. you know I kind of like it.
To add to that, I would also say drink every time someone yells Yeehaw, or Yahoo. You’ll be drunk inside of half an hour.
My only other exposure to the Stampede was hearing the gang from “Air Out My Shorts” talk about it. Although, they seem to indicate the drinking never stopped … so maybe a game was superfluous.
OMG that’s a name Ive not heard in a long time. A long time…
Hubby told me what I’m getting for my birthday next week. He had to tell me so I could pick one out that would suit me. I’m getting a gaming chair *happy dance*
Knowing you, I first translated “gaming chair” as a tabletop gaming chair, which led to me thinking of different dice poppers (see Sorry! board game) in the arms of the chairs.
NPR tweets out the Declaration of Independence.
Trump followers loose it. Call it propaganda and conclude that the lines about standing up to tyranny are advocating violence and the overthrow of the trump regime.
So, what get’s me is that there is a suggested link for me on YouTube that is for an “Official Banned Music Video” for this song. For starters, the video is actually just scenes from Peter Jackson’s “Bad Taste”. But best of all is that the actual video for Big Country has around 100k views, and the fake banned video has around 400k views.
I’ve seen exactly none of these. I know Tony Mast has sung the praises of Mask of the Phantasm. Anyone more knowledgeable want to weigh in?
Correction: I’ve seen #9 and #6. In both cases, Frank Miller’s original comics were much better.
I’ve seen four: 15, 06, 05, 03
You can’t go wrong with #3. I mean, Leggo Batman.
I’ve seen half of them, I’d like to watch them all. It’s been a long time since I watched “Mask of the Phantasm”. It was good, but not near as good as “The Dark Knight”. I’ve completely forgot the twist in “Mask” but I remember it had one.
The twist was a big deal for 1995. Not so much for today. Watch Mask, Jack. Still holds up. Still a great film
Which ones would you recommend?
I can’t remember any of them. LOL I would recommend “Mask” and I really liked “Superman/Batman :Apocalypse”.
Oh! Great also is number 4. I was never a big fan of Batman Beyond but that film is great
Have now binge-watched “GLOW”.
It was fun.
I still haven’t seen Gaurdians of the Galaxy…
I feel like you are slipping back into the rift.
Possibly helpful, for those interested in the 3rd Of the Planet of the Apes of the of the of the of the of the of the movies. I enjoyed the first 2, but I only vaguely remember a few plot points.
Agreed, just wouldn’t want anyone to miss what follows it.
One advantage of the new memory foam mattress, I can just turn sideways and slide off the bed.
/rolls eyes
So when did the meeting happen where it was decided we no longer need big teapots? I must have missed seed that one as I all can find are small teapots..
I’m the Ugly American that uses the “hot water” spout on my water dispenser to make tea. In my defense: 1) I use an electric kettle to get my water to a rolling boil at work where I drink 90% of my tea and 2) the company providing tap water in my area only recently sent out notices that because they had achieved 6 months of consecutive safety regulations, the water is “perfectly safe to drink” and, safe or not, the water tastes of sulfur.
Morning Pan
Hubby has to go into work for a few hours today. In a way that’s good, I get more work done when he’s not here anyway. 😉
Find the link about “the future of football,” even if you don’t give a shit about football. Scroll through. Keep scrolling.
What the fuck kind of rabbit hole be this….
CP: The Break — Soul Asylum
Reports that Stan Lee’s wife of 69 years, Joan, has just passed.
So… I took a Lyft from one remote area in Georgia to another remote area in Georgia. Quick ride, at 15 minutes. But, oh what a ride #ohwhataride, #hashtagsareforidiots, #whyamiusinghashtags? I had just hit up a brewery that was just across the river in Alabama and an odd oasis of a beer bottle shop in remote Georgia and I was feeling pretty good. My friend from work called for a Lyft driver and told me we were looking for a gentleman named “Dragan”. Not your typical Deep South name. When we got into the car, the guy asked how we were doing. Having had a few, I replied… “I have a case of beer, I’m as happy as a pig in shit.” He laughed and started telling us this uplifting (to me anyway) story of how he (being from an Easter European country) felt that it was refreshing to see an American that could understand how awesome life could be in this glorious country to which he had emigrated. I agreed con mucho gusto, even suggesting that we are a spoiled peoples that love to find anything to be unhappy about. But, as the brief and long 15 minute drive progressed, he transitioned from how awesome this country is because he can do something that would seem trivial to most Americans (such as owning a car) to how in his previous country a call from his ex-wife falsely claiming spousal abuse would simply be rotely dismissed by the police. And, from there it bled into an odd tail that I could only half follow about a naked woman in his car and the police in Georgia letting him go because… I really don’t know. For that matter, I don’t really even know the point of telling this story beyond what a strange occurrence it turned out to be. I think it’s time to turn in for the night and try to think of other things.
OK… I thought my night was off after the Lyft driver thing. But, I think this might be the most odd and brilliant thing I’ve seen in a long, long time.
So I pulled into the gas station to get some gas & a cup of coffee. When I was walking in, I noticed a police officer parked on the side, he was watching this woman who was smoking while pumping gas. Of course I saw her & thought “Is she nuts?!?! And the officer right there too…..Dumb!!!” But anywho, I went inside and got my coffee. As the cashier was giving me my receipt, I heard somebody screaming….I looked out the door & the woman’s arm was on fire!!!! She was swinging her arm & running around like crazy! I ran outside to assist the police officer who had JUST put the lady on the ground & was putting the fire out with his coffee!! (was NOT about to waste my coffee).
Then he handcuffed her & threw her in the Police car.. lmbo. I was thinking “What kind of person smokes WHILE PUMPING GAS & think nothing’s gonna happen? Just dumb!” So being the inquisitive person that I am, I asked the officer what he was charging her with….. He looked me dead in the face & said …….. “WAVING A FIREARM!!”
Ok, as you know The British are rather fond of tea. So we have kettles to boil the water and teapots to brew the tea.
I hear you North Americans are not big on kettles, is this true?
I have a goddamn coffee maker to brew my goddamn American coffee.
(from Ethiopia. My goddamn American coffee from Ethiopia). *cough*
Depends on the person. There is a minority of tea fanatics out there that pay strict attention to the exact temperature of the water (e.g., 79.4c for green tea, 90.5 for oolong tea) and steeping time (1 minute for green tea, 3 minutes for oolong). In fact, we had a fancy schmancy tea kettle at work where you put the loose tea in a basket, told the kettle what kind of tea it was and it would get the water to the right temperature for you and drop the basket in for the right amount of time. The grand majority (if they drink tea at all) will pull barely hot water from a water cooler and drop in a cheap ass bag of Lipton or Tetley tea. I’m in the middle. I like loose leaf tea, but will pour boiling water or hot water cooler water over it (caring very little about what temperature the water is supposed to be) and let it steep until I remember about it again (10-15 minutes, sometimes a half hour). I also squeeze the tea bag (shame on me).
To answer your specific question, for North Americans, many have kettles to boil the water, few have pots for brewing. We brew primarily in cups.
What he said 🙂
I have a kettle but no teapot as when I drink tea it is usually a cup at a time.
I used to have a kettle and a few pots, now I have a Keurig
Adult response: I think most Americans do, but also, most Americans are coffee drinkers with little use for hot tea.
I used to have a kettle and a cupboard full of tea bags, but I then learned the wonders of loose tea. I still brewed that with water from a kettle for awhile, but we now have a temperature regulated electric water heater, which is marvelous. We could add a timer and go super precise, as TRA described some doing, but that’s a bit much for me.
Juvenile response: it is kind of you to squeeze when you teabag.
I love that even at my age, I can still get weird looks for my concert t-shirt.
And this one just has an extremely tame image of a Joe Satriani guitar. I should have worn my Overkill shirt.
As I’m wrapping up my day, I want to wish the Mangans a happy anniversary tomorrow.
OMG is that tomorrow?!
Nice job you two.
What they said.
It only hit 106 in Sedona last night, so a nice little cool down getaway from Phoenix for our anniversary.
Happy anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Mangan!
Happy Year One!
There’s a new commercial on tv for co-op gas. It plays the theme to The Littlest Hobo. I hate it when commercials mess with my youth
Thanks, y’all for the anniversary well wishes! We had a great, little quickie trip to the land of cooler (cough) weather and out-of-this-world scenary.
Somewhere out there, hundreds of teenage boys are texting “send me your tits”
Well you’ll have good company.
cock knocker!
Don’t text that to the museum.
So an acquaintance was bemoaning the fact that we don’t really have many parody artists a la Dr. Demento anymore (Alan Sherman, Spike Jones, Kip Addotta). We both could cite Weird Al, and I could remember Tripod and The Axis of Awesome. I’m sure there are more out there who aren’t just one offs. Are there others you turn to?
Weird Al has achieved such a Grand Master level at musical parody. The only ones I can think of in recent years have been YouTube one-offs, like whoever did Hello From the Dark Side. And the guys who did the George Lucas version of Somebody That I Used To Know.
I don’t fully agree, but I’m sad that I mostly agree. :-/ Good points about the setlist and the sound mix.
A bit unfair considering one is in their prime and the other is… not.
Also, while i will never EVER bemoan having to sell my Ghost tickets due to my scheduling cock up, these kind of review make it utterly mandatory that i see them next time they are in town
Tonight’s cult following film is American Pie.
The arty cinema has a strange definition of cult film.
You know youre in Britain when American Pie is “cult”.
Forget the clickbait link – – just bask in the grim wisdom of Henry.
FYI – The Lego Batman movie is awesome. Wonder Woman notwithstanding (is that all one word…dammit, can’t look back now), DC should just outsource their super hero movies to the Lego folks.
True THAT!
Gilbert Gottfried reads 50 Shades of Grey.
You are MORE than welcome. (nsfw brilliance)
Thanks Y’all. Going to see Wonder Woman later today (Yeah I know I’m late to the party *shrug*)
I still haven’t seen Guar OH NEVERMIND
Will you go watch already dammit? 8p
It’s in your “Must Watch Later” column?
(That applies to TEB and Lo.)
GG2, WW, and Spider – Man are in my “really want to see in theater but life dictates I’ll have to wait for rental” column
Dude… Jack… that SyKotic Sinfoney video just blew up my 16 year old mind. There was a local PBS station that had a late-nite video show. “I’m So Happy” was a staple for a time, along with Bungle’s “Travolta”
Yes, they definitely have some Mr. Bungle to them. It was such a memorable, bizarre detour in the middle of a memorably awful, terrible, piece-of-shit movie.
In honor of TEB, Ditto, and Canada Day, here’s a Canadian joke that somebody told on the mike during the local convention we had this past weekend. To fill time while the costume contest was being judged, they opened the floor up for anyone to tell (family-friendly) jokes. I thought it was funny; I apologize if I inadvertently offend anyone.
You know why Canadians are so nice? Every year, at the full moon of the sixth month, they all take part in a moonlight ritual that takes away all their meanness and orneriness…
…and transfers it into Canadian geese.
(Thank you! I’ll be here all week.)
In other news, I just took advantage of my day off to go on an Internet shopping spree. I bought several books I’ve been meaning to read, booked my flight and my membership for this year’s Dragon Con (I confirmed last week that I’m sharing a room with the same roommate as last year), and booked a hotel room for this year’s Deadpan MMMMeetup (same hotel as Rhettro, for convenience). I can’t wait to see everyone! 🙂
Radiohead is a perfect example of a band I find simply atrocious but also I completely understand that they are uber talented and understand why people enjoy them.
There’s a Facebook page for UPS drivers who wAnt to post photos of the dog’s they meet at work:
Did a bunch of errands today. Life is as exciting as usual.
I think the drive in our PVR is going. I seems to have randomly deleted a number of things we had recorded.
“Reservoir Dogs” is 25 years old.
That is all.
Crones to the left of me, geezers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Both The Big Sick and War for the Planet of the Apes are excellent. Both got me in the feels.
And the loud drunken frat boys reminded me why I don’t usually go to a theater opening weekend.
WftPotA is potentially in the plan for this weekend.
That’s quite the acronym for the Ape movie, part 3
We saw it.
Hubby and I went for a walk today and I actually saw a heron. It wasn’t in the heron preserve by our house but it was in the creek along the way.
Cranes to the left of me. . .
Stop it.
Nothing quite like a delish noontime NEIPA
I’ve only made it halfway through this Korean martial arts fantasy movie. It’s utterly bananas – – and a blast, so far. Terrible terrible CGI during some of the fights. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1274293/
It runs a bit long, which is why I’ve stopped halfway.
Started playing a game called Layers of Fear. I don’t think I’m cut out for first person horrors any more. I may have to put it aside for now.
I’ve seen exactly one episode of Broadchurch, so she’ll be new to me. This should be fun! It’s definitely a win.
I liked her on Broadchurch and Black Mirror, she is an excellent choice. Haven’t watched Who though since the Eccleston days.
Yeah I haven’t watched since Smith took over and prolly won’t.
So I’ll take the contrarian view.
I didn’t think I really cared about this when it was first rumored but know that it has happened it makes me sad.
For one, I don’t get why this character HAS to be a woman. In my recollection, this character has never been about “being a man” so why is it imperative that he has to change gender?
I don’t think it is and that is what makes me sad. This just feels like a “stunt”, done in an attempt to boost flagging interest.
The last season or so I’ve felt like the quality of the story lines (on the whole) have really been in the decline. So rather than putting the time and effort (and money?) to develop solid scripts … they’ve gone for the diversion. “Pay no attention to the quality of the episode because !!LOOK!! the Dr. now comes with lady parts!”
Time will tell of course but based on past performance, (where-in they brought in a REALLY quality actor like Peter Capaldi and then rarely gave him anything to work with )… I fear we are in for a season of lazy “look I have breasts” type one-liners, lots of cheeky innuendo about the Dr. now being a women and story lines revolving around the Doctor’s gender.
My creeping disenchantment with this franchise has never involved the main character’s sex – so changing it does not seem to address what’s wrong.
Yeah, I kinda fall in that boat as well, particularly in the drop off in the show. While I liked Capaldi, I haven’t been terribly impressed with the show while he’s been on it. Actually, I haven’t been able to bother with the latest season with the new companion (unless she’s been around for more than one, I don’t really know).
As for the actress herself, I must confess I have trouble seeing her in particular as the Doctor after two seasons of Broadchurch. She always struck me as one of the weaker elements of that otherwise great show.
I guess we’ll see.
There are about 9 good solid counterpoints in these 2 posts. Ed, you’re the first person I’ve seen actually comment on the past performance of the actress herself.
I also have yet to see newest season or its Xmas special, but I am completely disillusioned at this point, after two seasons of wasting a good Doctor on terrible stories. I do welcome a change, and I do think it’s a very positive social decision – – PC or not.
I hope Jodie Whittaker is less publicity stunt, more “let’s see what new possibilities open up we shake things around a bit.” And following J0e’s point, I hope the first episode gets all of the body jokes out of the way.
“fan boys”. So tell me why, so far, the majority of bitching is from women? Fucking odd.
Personally, I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the choice of Capaldi either, but he grew on me. Her character in Broadchurch went through some horrendous stuff, but her acting choices weren’t anything that made me seek out her other roles. I’m happy that they are expanding their options for the Doctor, I’m just in wait and see mode ’til next spring.
What I’m talking about has nothing to do with the choice of actor. This is strictly a male/female issue.
Er, sorry, I guess Cynful also made a comment about Whittakers’s past performance. *cough*
One more note on this Doctor Who business: maybe it’s just my filters, but it does seem that I’m seeing more backlash against the backlash than actual backlash.
I think I’ve seen more backlash against backlash backlash. But who can tell?
This is the same society that starts buying Christmas stuff right after the 4th of July. We are the microwave people. We can’t sit around and wait until the backlash of the backlash actually occurs before we start bitching about it. If we do something crazy like that, we’ll look like we just jumped on the bandwagon. Have to be out there with our opinions RIGHT NOW, before others get the chance.
Now THERE is a guy who made a major change to the world’s culture. A change that has certainly had “staying power”. Quite a feat when you are talking about Pop culture.
You beat me to it.
I hope he rests more peacefully than the characters in his films. Seriously, he’s easily one of the most influential filmmakers of all time.
Wait, I have seen her in something! She was fantastic as the lead in the superfun B-movie, “Attack the Block.” http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1478964/
Attack the Block was phenomenal. As was the similar (sort of) but not as well known Grabbers. Which she was not in. But Ruth Bradley was.
I hate to say it, but I actually thought he’d died years ago. His Bela Lugosi turn in Ed Wood is my favorite of his roles. Respect also for Space:1999 and North By Northwest.
No walk for hubby and I today. AHS are telling people to avoid staying outside if at all possible because the air quality is poor due to smoke from fires west of us
He gets into the timeline after about 2 minutes of snarky patter.
Comedy has become our truest journalistic source.
I need a chart of who’s “MSM,” “Lamestream Media,” “Liberal Media,” “Fake News,” Hollywood Elitists,” “Snowflakes,” etc.
Going to post this here; only because I keep hearing these stories over the past few weeks – the word needs to get spread about this sick, sick, sick, sick, sick mindfuck of a “game”
Do we need to wait to be concerned until there are more deaths, in Russia and here in the US? (There are two US deaths, possibly 3- that Ive read about over the past two weeks.)
Not at all, and especially when kids are involved. However, I am simply pointing out that the “wide spread nature” of the Blue Whale Game may be overstated, given the sensationalized nature of the story, news outlets are more apt to cash in on the web clicks than verify their sources.
We have been trying to monitor my nephew’s online activity quietly when we were made aware of this in early June. While not a parent, I know that keeping the communication open as much as you can helps.
Went to the mall to walk around. The smoke outside is really strong on both smell and feel. My eyes are burning and we’ve only been outside long enough to get to the mall from the car
Went to the mall to walk around. The smoke outside is really strong
on both smell and feel.
My eyes are burning
and we’ve only been outside long enough to get to the mall
from the car
CP: Sea Of Sorrow — Alice In Chains
CP: Negative Thinking — The Death Set
I just got moved to a high traffic area of my office. Considering one of these:
Looks like a a way to get rid of unused bowling balls..
No link to purchase, no link to fund going from a prototype to a sellable item. We seem to have hit the point where we’ve become too lazy to actually make products. We just make something that gets a shit ton of press because we know that no one is actually going to buy the crazy shit we’re making.
I do wonder…. they must know how silly this “product” is. Are they counting on socially inept nerds to buy it anyway, or were they only intending to get publicity from people reposting to laugh at it?
We are very happy with the 13th doctor. Loved her in Broadchurch.
Just saw a funny list posted by Samantha Bee “Fem Agenda What to Ruin Next” with Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Super Heroes, and Dr Who crossed off.
That’s fantastic. Would Star Trek have been considered ruined long ago by Janeway? Or will the franchise not be ruined until the new series with its female leads?
NPR finally chimed in on this today.
They claim that the biggest complaint comes not that she was a woman … but that the new Doctor isn’t black.
So that kind of sums up my annoyance with the whole thing.
Since when did the re-boot stop being about story and start being about what the Doctor looks like?
If it’s come down to that then I’m fine with changing the Doctor’s gender but I want an Asian Female Doctor. Something more like Agent May !
Just hold on for another 50 years..
Rewatching the New Who from the first season.
Dalek was the first stand out episode, even if it felt like a downsides Who classic story.
It took me years to get past the goofiness of the evil mannequins in the first episode.
Relevant to me personally because this is where you can supposedly get a hard copy of my novella, “Crash Day.”
Morning Pan
Today I start on royalties, which, I’m sure, is exciting to no one
That Prince Charles is an old wanker! And his poor kids look like him! And what’s the deal with Fergie anyway?
*Sigh* Once again I’m waiting for info.
Hubby keeps wanting to go to various stores, etc. I’m going to have to put my foot down and tell him I’m not on vacation so I can’t keep leaving my desk to do holiday stuff.
Peter Troyer story, that has got to be be Arthur C Clarke.
Throw ME the idol!
Also, great Satipo reference.
Yeah, I recall those details coming out after his death – – I think I learned about it in comments here at Deadpan.
I can acknowledge the brilliant Sci-Fi ideas he had, and say that I’ve enjoyed some of his books – – but that shit is pretty unforgivable.
-pretty +fucking absolutely
Morning Deadpan
Another smokey day.
I think I’m being mean to Van on FB today. I know I should stop but…
Crazy joke for the day:
Why are the Arthurian legends scarier than any Steven King novel?
Because they have Mordred.
Crap not crazy.
Why not both?
Kitty and hubby are having fun keeping each other entertained.
Trivia I learned today:
The Expanse series of books/tv show (which I’ve read/watched all), their ship is called the Rocinante.
This is the name of the ship in the Rush song Cygnus X-1. Turns out, one of the authors is a Rush fan
(note: Rush was referring to Don Quixote with Rocinante)
Wheeling through the galaxy
So, it’s a meta meta reference?
That is a fantastic bit of trivia about a fantastic show, based on what I assume are fantastic books. And a fantastic Rush song, although I confess that I never knew that about the song.
TBH, it seems to have some cliche to it, but it’s Guillermo Del Toro, so I’m down.
I overheard someone in the office mention it. He said that he had quite the drug problem, but it appears that his drug problem may have arisen from child abuse. Sad day.
I never knew much about his personal life; I really had no idea he was such a wreck. We saw them in Phoenix a few years back – – he was seriously as muscular as a comic book character superhero. I’d have thought he was into fitness and – – based on their last few releases – – living a positive life. Appearances. . . . 🙁
I believe his drug habit was kicked in the late 2000’s.
It also appears his suicde mimicks Chris Cornell’s- by hanging.
Sad day, indeed.
Anger, too.
I have been a diehard fan of LP, a member of the LP Underground, met the band in 2004/2005, and love their music, their talents, and Im so upset.
Mr. Mangan and I have a trip to Vegas planned next month to see LP live. I feel awful for his family, his wife and six young childrena dn for his bandmates that he left hanging. (No pun intended)
Sorry Pixie, that sucks.
Bought tickets for Tuesday for Valerian.
Saw War for the Planet of Apes today, it was ok.
lots of nods to the chuck heston original film.
WftPTotHPAPPA is good. If you like the first 2, then it does its job to wrap up the series.
I haven’t seen the movie “Dunkirk” but I assume it is about a bunch of expat Americans living in England who bravely took their boats to France to rescue Allied soldiers.
Well you are only slightly wrong..
It’s about all the Fan Girls who slept with William Shatner over the years?
“Dunkirk” – – clever!
… with apologies to all those civilians who raced into a Hell-on-Earth for no reason other than “somebody had to do something”.
My God, Tropic Thunder may be the finest performance that Tom Cruise has ever done.
Ben Stiller put together an incredible cast for that one.
Another one I’ve never seen– prob because of Tom Cruise.
I was torn on seeing Tropic Thunder. I really liked Robert Downey Jr., was really meh on Ben Stiller, and could flip a coin as to whether I would like Jack Black (based on his previous performances). I’m glad I watched it. They all gave solid performances.
I found it an odd film.
It wasn’t exactly what I expected … and I’m not sure that they knew what they were going for as it seemed to change it’s tone a few times.
That being said, it was better/more than I was expecting. I’ve never had an interest to see it again though.
Tropic Thunder has my highest recommendation. SImply outstanding
John Heard was 72.
That surprises me.
Morning Pan
The morning was not smokey so hubby went for our usual walk. Saw ducks, but no heron this time.
I think we’re off to Valerian tonight. I think.
And we are! Negative initial feedback be damned!
I enjoyed it. It was a nice bit of Summer Sci Fi fluff.
It wasn’t terrible. No end credits scene — according to the site we checked.
I enjoyed the plot, the graphics, the CGI and the Mül Converter!
The acting was terrible by the two main characters.
This is on my “want to see” list along with Atomic Blonde
Not related to Shatner’s groupies…
Anyone else catch the “meh” Justice League trailer today?
No good trailers before Valerian either — but apparently there were a bunch of new ones out from Comicon today.
I think I’m not gonna watch trailer 2 for Thor. I’m sold already.
Justice League – not bad.
I have yet to watch Ready Player One, but that one I’m interested in.
I haven’t watched the Ready Player One trailer yet, but from what I’ve read, the story is being worked to be more “inclusive” with 90’s and 00’s references. I’m sure I’ll catch it on Netflix eventually.
Maybe I shouldn’t post, but after some input from close friends that love their beer and food as much as you all do, I’ve chosen the Friday night restaurant for the KC Meetup. I’ll solidify the reservation once we have a better idea who will be able to make it. I have a rough estimate at this time. thx
I will be driving into KC from Denver that evening and hope to catch up with the Meet Up!
Thanks for taking the initiative, Cynthia.
I suppose we ought to start discussions for the restaurants people want to hit, coordinating the eclipse viewing, people’s weekend availability, and all that.
Is Oklahoma Joe’s the same thing as Joe’s? Is that place on the agenda?
It’s Joe’s KC now (same food, new name). I’ll let Ditto answer that. I think barbecue was planned for some point, but I couldn’t tell you which was being ordered.
In other news – I just told the Amazon Alexa to “Play that funky music.”
without hesitation she told me to “Play that funky music right.”
She’s a cheeky one.
Watched the first episode of The Hollywood Puppet Sh!tshow tonight. It’s a little hyperactive but Marionettes!!!
I am hearing that Dunkirk is a life-changing film. Might be worth a theater viewing.
Unless you are French, then it could be a source of ‘fucking British rewriting history’
Co workers are saying it was über boring!
Well it doesn’t have Errol Flynn fighting the Germans.
I had the same response loaded ,was just going to use a modern ‘Murican action hero in place of Errol Flynn.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s being rather bratty today.
I can do nothing at work. I have a whole bunch of things I need to do but I’m missing information or files. Our authors didn’t really want royalties for this quarter did they?
We don’t want to put out our next book in the near future either, right?
We were suppose to see Valerian tomorrow. Tickets bought and everything. Then hubby went and bought a new amp that is suppose to be delivered tomorrow. Luckily, movie tickets are close to half price on Tuesday so the loss won’t be as bad as it could be, but still.
So is it new toy playtime or waiting for delivery that interferes with your movie plans?
The end of the greatest art program in computer history.
Been trying to slog my way through Penny Dreadful.
I’m on episode 3 or maybe 4 now. Have renamed it “Pretty Dreadful”.
I sooooo want to like it. The production value is high. It is chocked FULL of actors I like.
It’s just
I liked Penny Dreadful. The way they closed John Smith’s story line was just heart breaking
I loved Penny Dreadful. The dialogue was probably the best I’ve ever seen in any show. Great characters too.
The gore factor was a bit much, though.
While I liked it, I do remember that it was hard to get into. The stories do pick up more the further you go in. I found it worth the time investment, if that helps
Just Watched last night’s episode of Game of Thrones. I still have a disconnect seeing Emma Peel looking like that
It’s a crime that she’s never had a cameo in any of the Marvel Avengers movies.
Ok, clock was checked and found it be working, August is on.
This is good news. I hope they helped you with the side effects
Anyone else been watching Blood Drive (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4898282/?ref_=ttep_ep_tt)? I was expecting little more than grindhouse blood splatter. But, there is a really healthy dose of well done satire in there as well. For example, one episode features a town in which business people have gone feral. They carry weapons, wear ties, have cutoff sleeves, and still speak jargon (“praise synergy as it brings us low hanging fruit”).
I’m two episodes in and have liked it so far. It is little more than an excuse to show as much sex and violence as possible, like a good exploitation series should do, but the satire makes it worth the effort.
I appreciate anything that lampoons the nonsensical absurdities of biz jargon. The trailers for that show do give the impression of gleefully over-the-top trashy, B-horror pulp.
Glad to hear it’s not unknown. I’m worried it’s going to disappear due to lack of general interest.
Morning Pan
Something I learned over the past week. Don’t offer to do a favour for anybody. Nope, don’t do it. It only leads to hair pulling frustration.
I have wrangled royalties for another quarter. All our authors can now breath a sigh of relief that they will, indeed, be paid.
My patience is pretty much done with the developer guys who are so proud of how busy they are, and who talk about how busy they are in every conversation and every meeting.
Note1: Not directed at anyone here.
Note2: I’ve probably been that guy, at some point.
I haven’t watched yet, but I certainly hope I haven’t been that guy.
OK, I have done most of those. . .
So this is fun (?)
The USGS put out a map that shows an animation showing the size and frequency of earthquakes in Oklahoma area between 2004 and 2016.
In 2008 there were two. Last year there was 1000.
Make sure you watch til the end. https://twitter.com/hashtag/okquake?src=hash
I blame LostRalph.
Nicked from FB: If you’re driving a Tesla and it’s stolen, is it now called an Edison?
Morning Pan
Kitty is being very playful this morning. I’m not getting much work done.
Hubby was reading the tag on a battery.
Him: Keep babies away from children
Me: (laughs) What?
Him (rereads): Oh, keep batteries away from children. That makes more sense.
Silly hubby :silly:
Especially 9 Volt babies.
We just had a little brown out. Luckily, I’m the type that saves often so I only lost about 10 minutes of work, but it’s still annoying.
Investing in an UPS gizmo might be a good idea.
Or a laptop.
I use to have a power bar that had a battery in it so you would have time to shut everything down but hubby stole it for the living room when we got the new tv. I may have to get a new one for me
I’ve had this tab open for weeks, intending to read it. Sigh.
Morning Pan
Today I go shopping for stuff to ship to ditto’s for the Saturday night. Should I add ketchup chips to the mix? I, personally, don’t like them but they are Canadian.
Tomato flavoured crisps?
I’m with you in those…bleurgh!
-in +on
Any of the metal/music nerds here know of a band called Periphery? They are touring with Animals as Leaders is their co-headliner.
I’ve heard of the name, but I’m not familiar with them.
[scoff] Boy Rhett, thanks for the heeelp [/scoff]
I’m getting to old be relevant anymore.
“too” even.
Right? I can feel it in my bones
“In my day the only metal was Korn and Disturbed! Phooey!”
My answer is the same as Rhett’s.
Give me 30 minutes on Youtube and Wikipedia, and I’ll tell you all about them!
You’ve already sold me with Animals As Leaders, though. Tosin Abasi is one of the absolute best guitarists working today.
Yeah thats why I’m curious. Wanna go to the show but don’t wanna pay the price is the headliner is no good.
Did a quick listen to the song “Marigold”. Not bad, based on that single song it sounds somewhere between Linkin Park and Allegaeon, without being as death metal or technical as Allegaeon.
Dogs can’t operate an MRI.
But catscan
Someone needs a coat for that one! 😉
A new comment from J0e on the loco Lo-coworker situation:
(I’ll get Lojira’s coat when I get mine)
Yea jj. Bullet dodged.
Where’s that damn coat…
Coupla fun links coming up, starting with an insane AI creating motivational posters:
My favorite.
I was never a huge King’s X fan, but liked them well enough, and always had mad respect for Dug Pinnick as a bass player.
Never knew he was gay. He has an interesting perspective.
And he’s 66?!
Last link for a Friday:
I haven’t watched yet, but it sounds fascinating. Not for the visceral, but because we all watched this stuff when we were in the demographic these ratings were designed to protected.
Well it’s been a while since I was this drunk.
Drunk and wearing jeans! Probably for the best.
I just….. I…
I’m pulling for her.
So this shit still happens:
It’s because they’re Cylons.
We are on the Main Street of Airdrie. Hubby made me go to the Canada Day parade
From Wired –
Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission wants all your data. What could go wrong?
… and of course this –
Science division of White House office left empty as last staffers depart.
On Friday afternoon, Eleanor Celeste, the assistant director for biomedical and forensic sciences at the OSTP, sent one last tweet before departing –
Elle Celeste @elleabella1112
science division out. mic drop.
Last week, Jack posted a link to a comic that featured a character who was a child in Italy during the rise of fascism … how as a child, he didn’t see anyone making a big deal about the prison camps so it just started to seem “normal” to him and what will this current generation of kids start to accept as “normal”.
It made me realize that not only had I mostly stopped talking about articles like I posted above … I had even stopped reading them. I would see the headlines and think, “Oh gee. More shenanigans.” and then move along.
The steady erosion of civility, rationality and privacy is becoming “normal” and it is picking up speed. That I have started to only pay slight attention to anything but the twitter rants suddenly bothers me.
So I may post more “shenanigan” links in the future. Feel free to ignore them. I think it’s just a last ditch effort to make me feel like I’ve not given up.
I encourage the effort to keep us all awake, J0e. We’re in danger of waking up one day and finding ourselves rounded into camps for those deemed “not loyal enough.”
I think jj is on a marathon of posts 😀 Go Joe!!!!
Honestly this pleases me and I strangely don’t know why.
And I hate to leave off on such a dark note, but in line with J0e’s wake up calls is this: http://billmoyers.com/story/new-low-nra/
Terrifying “us vs. them” rhetoric that will likely spur nut jobs out there to horrible acts.
So I’ll bow out for the night with Calvin & Hobbes instead:
I vaguely remember that they were doing this, but the final Black Sabbath concert is coming to the big screen. Sounds like a documentary with music clips. This is my local Alamo listing.
I admit, I didn’t know a number of these
These are pretty great! And I was worried I wouldn’t have any anecdotes for the Eclipse MMMmmmeetup.
It’s suppose to be meltingly hot all week. What’s that about?
Late June/early July is usually our rainiest time but not this year. We are way below our average rainfall and way above our average temperature.
I enjoyed the Doctor Who season finale.
Oooooh and that kiss..
So, I do have to admit to being completely hooked on the Saga comic. Just wonderfully imaginative world-building and storytelling, full of these amazingly poignant little moments.
There s my recommendation for the day.
So between Canada Day and the July 4 holiday, I’m assuming most of us are off from work?
Well, I should say, most you *you* because I’m at the office, for some reason.
My office is a dead zone, but I had to work as well
Inviting neighbors over for cookout and fireworks tonight has turned today into a major work effort.
Will I never learn?
Mower broke with the front yard still to cut.
On the other hand I have a growler of local Ale and a bunch of my homemade cider so …
Nope. I was also at office. Then came home and for some reason worked even harder on the yard. My day was finally doner about an hour ago
How to spot a bad film.
I haven’t listened yet, but I must listen later. Don’t let me forget.
A friend shared this the other day. It’s a pretty good cover.
Today’s MST3K joke… (from Rocket Attack USA)
“All right, Captain, as long as you didn’t get inside.”
TOM: Well, I got to third, if that counts for anything.
Oh, you’re a brave man to venture into the weeds of the early seasons.
Nah it’s been a pure pleasure. Season 2 is spot on brilliant. It’s the “K” Season and season 1 that are rough
My entire existence has been a lie.
With the family out of town this week, I’very been watching the new ones. Pretty funny so far.
Oh I bet you have no problem in giving them the time of…Day
Just curious what format you’re catching this. Ii’ve only been able to find the collections when I get the urge to watch
Every single episode including the “K” season is either on Youtube or Daily Motion.
Thank you. Been using Daily Motion to watch Doctor Who so I’ll poke around there.
Morning Pan
Technically I have today off. One of the problems from working from home is I’m at my desk doing some work.
Working on July 4? This is ‘Murica’s day! Clearly, you hate freedom.
Pottering around London today:
Harry Pottering?
Would that mean you are just Wand-ering?
Just because.
Terrible cleverness!
Today, Americans celebrate their Declaration of Independence from a government that didn’t care about about their needs, and only took their money.
“Taxation without representation” seems like a very interesting phrase this year.
Baby Driver, here we go. Don’t suck, please.
It’s aight.
I agree
Can you translate that into English?
It’s a-aight. Stylish as a mofo, almost to a fault.
Great soundtrack, obviously chosen by a middle-aged Englishman. Silly cliched story beats. Disappointing choices for most of the characters. The driving action sequences were good, but nothing we haven’t seen before.
I like it just fine, but I don’t get the 97% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Soooo …
Would you say –
(A) Go see it NOW
(B) Wait for a matinee
(C) Wait for it to come out on Netflix/Redbox/Hulu
(D) … let your DVR grab it off of cable TV.
Go and see it now, on a BIG screen.
I absolutely could have waited for (B) or (C) – – but at 97% and 91% freshness at RT, I’m clearly in the minority. I recommend soliciting more opinions.
From the man who hated Captain America!
So Metallica and Lady Gaga, uhm…. you know I kind of like it.
Can’t read my, can’t read my, no he can’t read my Motorbreath.
Tenthousand times better than Lulu
Morning Pan
Back to work for this bunny. And what is hubby doing? He’s still in bed sleeping, the lazy bum :silly:
The Stampede parade is on Friday. It’s usually televised so maybe I’ll do a pbp of it.
Is there a standard “Watching The Stampede Parade” drinking game?
Well, it’s pretty early in the morning so my first thought is no. However, the Stampede Bingo is a pretty good place to start
To add to that, I would also say drink every time someone yells Yeehaw, or Yahoo. You’ll be drunk inside of half an hour.
My only other exposure to the Stampede was hearing the gang from “Air Out My Shorts” talk about it. Although, they seem to indicate the drinking never stopped … so maybe a game was superfluous.
OMG that’s a name Ive not heard in a long time. A long time…
Hubby told me what I’m getting for my birthday next week. He had to tell me so I could pick one out that would suit me. I’m getting a gaming chair *happy dance*
Knowing you, I first translated “gaming chair” as a tabletop gaming chair, which led to me thinking of different dice poppers (see Sorry! board game) in the arms of the chairs.
nope, this time it’s a computer gaming chair.
Hubby’s awake so I snuck in for a quick shower.
Because this is not normal …
NPR tweets out the Declaration of Independence.
Trump followers loose it. Call it propaganda and conclude that the lines about standing up to tyranny are advocating violence and the overthrow of the trump regime.
If you’re offended by the words in the documents that a nation was founded upon, then maybe you shouldn’t live in that nation.
No, JJ, this IS becoming the norm and it’s going exactly as planned for the far/mid-right
Crap joke for the day:
[couple on a blind date]
HER: I’m a big country fan
ME {trying to impress her}: China is very large
I’ll get your coat and ten-gallon hat.
So, what get’s me is that there is a suggested link for me on YouTube that is for an “Official Banned Music Video” for this song. For starters, the video is actually just scenes from Peter Jackson’s “Bad Taste”. But best of all is that the actual video for Big Country has around 100k views, and the fake banned video has around 400k views.
I’ve seen exactly none of these. I know Tony Mast has sung the praises of Mask of the Phantasm. Anyone more knowledgeable want to weigh in?
Correction: I’ve seen #9 and #6. In both cases, Frank Miller’s original comics were much better.
I’ve seen four: 15, 06, 05, 03
You can’t go wrong with #3. I mean, Leggo Batman.
I’ve seen half of them, I’d like to watch them all. It’s been a long time since I watched “Mask of the Phantasm”. It was good, but not near as good as “The Dark Knight”. I’ve completely forgot the twist in “Mask” but I remember it had one.
The twist was a big deal for 1995. Not so much for today. Watch Mask, Jack. Still holds up. Still a great film
Which ones would you recommend?
I can’t remember any of them. LOL I would recommend “Mask” and I really liked “Superman/Batman :Apocalypse”.
Oh! Great also is number 4. I was never a big fan of Batman Beyond but that film is great
Have now binge-watched “GLOW”.
It was fun.
I still haven’t seen Gaurdians of the Galaxy…
I feel like you are slipping back into the rift.
Possibly helpful, for those interested in the 3rd Of the Planet of the Apes of the of the of the of the of the of the movies. I enjoyed the first 2, but I only vaguely remember a few plot points.
Wow you enjoyed the first two? I mean they are beyond excellent, which is why I’m surprised you liked them.
*double SNORT!!!!*
If you cut me, do I not bleed?
JW: Embers (2015 film)
Bit of a strange one this, as it’s bleak and the happy ending is also tragic.
This is probably the best stop motion music video that was filmed on the top of a toilet seat, that I’ve ever seen.
dun dun dun dun
Sorry J0e, I didn’t get your question about the Stampede Parade until now. I’ve answered it so, if you’re tingling to know, scroll up.
My nephews are fans of Mondo Media.
Especially the Super Smash Wars…
*scroll scroll scroll scroll*
These *are* the scroll days of summer!
Interesting list from an interesting guy:
Maybe you’ll find something here.
OK, this is a brilliant folksy take on a classic.
Never mind the screwy playing in the beginning.
Did I mention it’s Anneke Van Giersbergen?
The screwy playing is actually quite charming
Agreed, just wouldn’t want anyone to miss what follows it.
One advantage of the new memory foam mattress, I can just turn sideways and slide off the bed.
/rolls eyes
So when did the meeting happen where it was decided we no longer need big teapots? I must have missed seed that one as I all can find are small teapots..
I’m the Ugly American that uses the “hot water” spout on my water dispenser to make tea. In my defense: 1) I use an electric kettle to get my water to a rolling boil at work where I drink 90% of my tea and 2) the company providing tap water in my area only recently sent out notices that because they had achieved 6 months of consecutive safety regulations, the water is “perfectly safe to drink” and, safe or not, the water tastes of sulfur.
Morning Pan
Hubby has to go into work for a few hours today. In a way that’s good, I get more work done when he’s not here anyway. 😉
I don’t follow reddit but I did laugh.
That must be some kind of law, known to ER workers. If a thing exists, people will use it in ways they shouldn’t.
Puts a new understanding to the phrase “sit and spin”
It came up as item deleted when I tried to access the link
Going old school and having peanut butter and honey for lunch
Find the link about “the future of football,” even if you don’t give a shit about football. Scroll through. Keep scrolling.
What the fuck kind of rabbit hole be this….
CP: The Break — Soul Asylum
Reports that Stan Lee’s wife of 69 years, Joan, has just passed.
So… I took a Lyft from one remote area in Georgia to another remote area in Georgia. Quick ride, at 15 minutes. But, oh what a ride #ohwhataride, #hashtagsareforidiots, #whyamiusinghashtags? I had just hit up a brewery that was just across the river in Alabama and an odd oasis of a beer bottle shop in remote Georgia and I was feeling pretty good. My friend from work called for a Lyft driver and told me we were looking for a gentleman named “Dragan”. Not your typical Deep South name. When we got into the car, the guy asked how we were doing. Having had a few, I replied… “I have a case of beer, I’m as happy as a pig in shit.” He laughed and started telling us this uplifting (to me anyway) story of how he (being from an Easter European country) felt that it was refreshing to see an American that could understand how awesome life could be in this glorious country to which he had emigrated. I agreed con mucho gusto, even suggesting that we are a spoiled peoples that love to find anything to be unhappy about. But, as the brief and long 15 minute drive progressed, he transitioned from how awesome this country is because he can do something that would seem trivial to most Americans (such as owning a car) to how in his previous country a call from his ex-wife falsely claiming spousal abuse would simply be rotely dismissed by the police. And, from there it bled into an odd tail that I could only half follow about a naked woman in his car and the police in Georgia letting him go because… I really don’t know. For that matter, I don’t really even know the point of telling this story beyond what a strange occurrence it turned out to be. I think it’s time to turn in for the night and try to think of other things.
OK… I thought my night was off after the Lyft driver thing. But, I think this might be the most odd and brilliant thing I’ve seen in a long, long time.
1000 points for the awesome cabbie story!
You sure you weren’t watching a Cohen brothers film.
Or maybe had stumbled into one?
It certainly felt like it.
Ticket booked to see the new Spider-Man flick.
Still haven’t seen Gaurdians…
Same here. Or WW.
ditto ditto
New Spider-Man = a blast.
Two end credits scenes.
Morning Pan
The parade stars at 8am Deadpan time, so in about four hours. I think I’m going to do some house work until then
Another thing to watch for (drink too) is every time they interview someone along the parade route who is from out of country
Ok Deadpan
Hope you have your cowboy boots and hat on. It’s parade time
First we have the filler babble from the commentators before the parade actually begins
12 bands
34 floats
11 horse hitches
Hey, it’s Darryl Jans!
The parade is starting late
Stampede show band
The stampede queen and princesses on their horsies
The parade marshalls
The stampede Indian princess
The mayor’s horse is named Garfield
The stampede float “the spirit horse”
The stampede show wagon
The round up band
They’re playing the Indiana Jones theme
The Ismaili float is cool
Parks Canada float
Yahoo (again)
More horses
People dressed as cows
Roots of Peru dancers
Kelowna float
Sutherland schools pipe band
Arabian horses
The poor people on foot have to watch for “presents” left by the people on horse
AMA float
It has a giant teddy bear
Inn from the cold
Horses, wagons
Men in kilts pooper scoopers
The commentators say 2,000 pounds of droppings will be cleaned from the parade route
The pooper scoopers aren’t for the men in kilts?!
(think about it!)
(I’d rather not)
Canada 150 carriage and horses
And parade of nations
Red Deer marching band
United Chinese entry. I like the dragons
Commercial time. The one downside towatching a parade on TV. Since they don’t back up, you usually miss some entries
Calgary firefighters honour guard
Chuck wagons
Street cleaners
What a bizarre float from the Tyrell museum
More music
Whitefish winter carnival
Millerville mounted team
Another band
The cranbrook float is full of hearts
And bubbles
Glenmore temple band
The Canada games float
The Stoney nakoda wagon
Oh look, trick riders
Calgary Taichi
Another band
They’re playing Star Wars
Mini train
Sleeping baby
Calgary sihk
Sorry Sikh
Followed by Shriners
Another pipe band
The crowds are getting baked
This next band isn’t very good
The stampede queens and princess alumni
Navy band
Can armed forces with a tank
The Vikings are from Scotland
Fort Calgary
War amps
There are precision drummers. Hubby wonders how often they hit their nose
That’s it. Time to sign off and go buy cat food
Well it’s no Race for Space.
CP: Hex — Forget the Whale
Watched the first episodes of the new Castlevania animated to series.
Nice animation but some of accents were jarring.
Does it have the music from the games?
I cannot say as I don’t remember the in game music.
So I pulled into the gas station to get some gas & a cup of coffee. When I was walking in, I noticed a police officer parked on the side, he was watching this woman who was smoking while pumping gas. Of course I saw her & thought “Is she nuts?!?! And the officer right there too…..Dumb!!!” But anywho, I went inside and got my coffee. As the cashier was giving me my receipt, I heard somebody screaming….I looked out the door & the woman’s arm was on fire!!!! She was swinging her arm & running around like crazy! I ran outside to assist the police officer who had JUST put the lady on the ground & was putting the fire out with his coffee!! (was NOT about to waste my coffee).
Then he handcuffed her & threw her in the Police car.. lmbo. I was thinking “What kind of person smokes WHILE PUMPING GAS & think nothing’s gonna happen? Just dumb!” So being the inquisitive person that I am, I asked the officer what he was charging her with….. He looked me dead in the face & said …….. “WAVING A FIREARM!!”
I wish there was a version of that with a Hawaiian Drummer.
Then it would be …
a Pacific Rim shot.
Yay for randomly stumbling upon a broadcast of Trainspotting while channel surfing.
Followed by Fifth Element. My inner geek is content
Speaking of Korben Dallas:
Ok, as you know The British are rather fond of tea. So we have kettles to boil the water and teapots to brew the tea.
I hear you North Americans are not big on kettles, is this true?
I have a goddamn coffee maker to brew my goddamn American coffee.
(from Ethiopia. My goddamn American coffee from Ethiopia). *cough*
Depends on the person. There is a minority of tea fanatics out there that pay strict attention to the exact temperature of the water (e.g., 79.4c for green tea, 90.5 for oolong tea) and steeping time (1 minute for green tea, 3 minutes for oolong). In fact, we had a fancy schmancy tea kettle at work where you put the loose tea in a basket, told the kettle what kind of tea it was and it would get the water to the right temperature for you and drop the basket in for the right amount of time. The grand majority (if they drink tea at all) will pull barely hot water from a water cooler and drop in a cheap ass bag of Lipton or Tetley tea. I’m in the middle. I like loose leaf tea, but will pour boiling water or hot water cooler water over it (caring very little about what temperature the water is supposed to be) and let it steep until I remember about it again (10-15 minutes, sometimes a half hour). I also squeeze the tea bag (shame on me).
To answer your specific question, for North Americans, many have kettles to boil the water, few have pots for brewing. We brew primarily in cups.
What he said 🙂
I have a kettle but no teapot as when I drink tea it is usually a cup at a time.
I used to have a kettle and a few pots, now I have a Keurig
Adult response: I think most Americans do, but also, most Americans are coffee drinkers with little use for hot tea.
I used to have a kettle and a cupboard full of tea bags, but I then learned the wonders of loose tea. I still brewed that with water from a kettle for awhile, but we now have a temperature regulated electric water heater, which is marvelous. We could add a timer and go super precise, as TRA described some doing, but that’s a bit much for me.
Juvenile response: it is kind of you to squeeze when you teabag.
39, WTF!
This link made my phone browsers go nuts.
That is seriouslY tragic. Way too young. 🙁
Another film about the assassination of Heydrich..really?
I love that even at my age, I can still get weird looks for my concert t-shirt.
And this one just has an extremely tame image of a Joe Satriani guitar. I should have worn my Overkill shirt.
As I’m wrapping up my day, I want to wish the Mangans a happy anniversary tomorrow.
OMG is that tomorrow?!
Nice job you two.
What they said.
It only hit 106 in Sedona last night, so a nice little cool down getaway from Phoenix for our anniversary.
Happy anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Mangan!
Happy Year One!
There’s a new commercial on tv for co-op gas. It plays the theme to The Littlest Hobo. I hate it when commercials mess with my youth
Thanks, y’all for the anniversary well wishes! We had a great, little quickie trip to the land of cooler (cough) weather and out-of-this-world scenary.
A shower later and I am once again human!
Stolen from ditto on Facebook:
Somewhere out there, hundreds of teenage boys are texting “send me your tits”
Well you’ll have good company.
cock knocker!
Don’t text that to the museum.
So an acquaintance was bemoaning the fact that we don’t really have many parody artists a la Dr. Demento anymore (Alan Sherman, Spike Jones, Kip Addotta). We both could cite Weird Al, and I could remember Tripod and The Axis of Awesome. I’m sure there are more out there who aren’t just one offs. Are there others you turn to?
Weird Al has achieved such a Grand Master level at musical parody. The only ones I can think of in recent years have been YouTube one-offs, like whoever did Hello From the Dark Side. And the guys who did the George Lucas version of Somebody That I Used To Know.
I missed that one:
The whole thing is very well done.
Apparently the main guy in the video wasn’t the actual vocalist, but some reality tv star, lip-syncing.
Jonathan Coulton
Who’s that guy who does current Pop tunes in the stile of “Vegas” Frank Sinatra?
He is rather entertaining.
Dick Cheese?
Sorry, RICHARD Cheese
The parody reminds me that I watched all the despecialised editions of the first three films in 2015/16.
So smug mode is on.
Morning Pan
It’s raining. About effing time
It’s time for my goddamn American coffee brewed in my goddamn American coffee maker here in goddamn America. Goddamn it
Maybe try decaf?
You can manage that long without coffee?
It’s brewed using assault rifles and meat and Jesus!
The water is from the Tears of displaced factory workers.
So Jack, this sounds timely.
I don’t fully agree, but I’m sad that I mostly agree. :-/ Good points about the setlist and the sound mix.
A bit unfair considering one is in their prime and the other is… not.
Also, while i will never EVER bemoan having to sell my Ghost tickets due to my scheduling cock up, these kind of review make it utterly mandatory that i see them next time they are in town
Tonight’s cult following film is American Pie.
The arty cinema has a strange definition of cult film.
You know youre in Britain when American Pie is “cult”.
Maybe they spelt it wrong.
Ah HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Take on me” ?
Should it be “culp following” ?
I knew some of these, but most were new to me.
Just finished putting my chair together. Now I’m going to test it out
What kinds of tests??
(Please let it be the Turing test!)
Lots of bouncing:
Need to watch this season.
If any GLOW fans here haven’t gone back and hit up Youtube for highlights of the original GLOW, I’d highly recommend it.
Start here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiXafKF9XCU
You’ll appreciate the faithfulness of the Netflix show more.
If nothing else… PLEASE go to 1:38 for “The Housewives”. Absolutely GLOWrious.
I’d watch this, but I’m too good to watch actual wrestling shows. And anyone who’s ever watched them in their lives are scum too. (/satire)
Slim Jim Christ, that is ungodly.
So another twitter meme, doNorth Americans not eat soft boiled eggs?
Repeating my answer from that alternate FB dimension:
I’ve only ever had them at ramen restaurants. Or seen them in Terry Gilliam cartoons.
That’s for tea drinking Nancys!
Reminder that today is Prime Day, for those who track these sorts of things.
My wallet gently asks that you fuck the fuck off…
His words, not mine. *cwough*
Have fun:
Couldn’t get the Copy Image Link button to work in my browser. :-/ Still fun.
Fascinating read for the nostalgia alone. Forgive me if this has been shared before. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/lifestyle/the-slow-secret-death-of-the-electric-guitar/?utm_term=.84163a6ffa6a
Crapjoke for the day:
Why do Swedish warships have bar codes on the sides?
So that when they return to port, they can Scandinavian.
Terrible joke approved!
I’ve read The Power and The Girl with all the Gifts and enjoyed both:
Morning Pan
“Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb”
All will be forgiven if Affleck says this line in the next movie.
That Batman (1966) line is one of my favorite movie moments of all time.
It’s both nice and not having hubby home during the days. It’s nice because, well, hubby’s home. It’s tough because I’m not getting much work done.
This is just fantastic. I fondly recall the days when this might have been more inspiring.
“I’m like Aaron Burr, dropping Alexander Hamiltons.”
*groans at joke* * hands Jack Van’s coat*
Enter an author’s name, find out which other authors their readers tend to read.
I guess we’ll hear Manson drop the n-word a lot.
OK, one more, then I end my posting streak:
Forget the clickbait link – – just bask in the grim wisdom of Henry.
FYI – The Lego Batman movie is awesome. Wonder Woman notwithstanding (is that all one word…dammit, can’t look back now), DC should just outsource their super hero movies to the Lego folks.
True THAT!
Gilbert Gottfried reads 50 Shades of Grey.
You are MORE than welcome. (nsfw brilliance)
Good folk metal. Good good folk metal
This is good folk metal. Good folk metal.
Happy Birthday TEB!!!!!
Yes. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday TEB!
Happy Bunny Bday yous
Happy birthday, TEB!
Totally Excellent Birthday, The Energizer Bunny!
In the “Must Watch Later” column:
I was just going to post that. Youtube link 😉
Thanks Y’all. Going to see Wonder Woman later today (Yeah I know I’m late to the party *shrug*)
I still haven’t seen Guar OH NEVERMIND
Will you go watch already dammit? 8p
It’s in your “Must Watch Later” column?
(That applies to TEB and Lo.)
GG2, WW, and Spider – Man are in my “really want to see in theater but life dictates I’ll have to wait for rental” column
Dude… Jack… that SyKotic Sinfoney video just blew up my 16 year old mind. There was a local PBS station that had a late-nite video show. “I’m So Happy” was a staple for a time, along with Bungle’s “Travolta”
Yes, they definitely have some Mr. Bungle to them. It was such a memorable, bizarre detour in the middle of a memorably awful, terrible, piece-of-shit movie.
Here’s the video, for those who are curious:
Happy birthday, TEB!
In honor of TEB, Ditto, and Canada Day, here’s a Canadian joke that somebody told on the mike during the local convention we had this past weekend. To fill time while the costume contest was being judged, they opened the floor up for anyone to tell (family-friendly) jokes. I thought it was funny; I apologize if I inadvertently offend anyone.
You know why Canadians are so nice? Every year, at the full moon of the sixth month, they all take part in a moonlight ritual that takes away all their meanness and orneriness…
…and transfers it into Canadian geese.
(Thank you! I’ll be here all week.)
In other news, I just took advantage of my day off to go on an Internet shopping spree. I bought several books I’ve been meaning to read, booked my flight and my membership for this year’s Dragon Con (I confirmed last week that I’m sharing a room with the same roommate as last year), and booked a hotel room for this year’s Deadpan MMMMeetup (same hotel as Rhettro, for convenience). I can’t wait to see everyone! 🙂
You quack me up.
Another helpful catch-up guide.
Morning Pan
Let’s see how much work I get done today.
How was the birthday fun?
Cool for Brand Gamblin:
I believe:
Anyone watching “Blood Drive” on SYFY? I caught the tail end (snirt) of episode 6 and may go back to watch the whole series. It is, ah… interesting.
“Doctor” drama or a horror ?
I just downloaded them all, I’m watch the first one to see if I like it.
Let me know if you find a site that will let me download S1 of “Preacher”.
Boot up your torrent client and copy the following into your ‘magnet upload’:
Or just do a search for Preacher on this site:
I’m guessing there is just no longer any excuse for not using a VPN?
Season 1 was on Hulu. Not sure if it is only pay though
It is sort of a horror series done in the style of 1980’s exploitation films. It has a sort of funny/sleazy vibe to it.
From the adverts, it seems way over the top.
Yep, way over.
As do I!
Same, lol.
I shall take this moment to send best wishes for a speedy recovery to former President Carter, after he collapsed on a work site in Canada .
“Habitat for Humanity CEO Jonathan Reckford said in a statement that Carter, 92, grew dehydrated after “working in the hot sun.”
Even if he doesn’t read Deadpan, I echo that sentiment completely. Decent people are grateful to Jimmy for all of the good work he’s done.
An old friend asked the “Top 5” question on Facebook, so, knowing him, I asked for his top 5 weird songs. He did not disappoint:
Startrekkin https://youtu.be/gi3Xt3Yjk14
Major Connie https://youtu.be/zLDUCvhuJdg
Doctorin’ The Tardis https://youtu.be/PwKMH2HXQ80
Boot To The Head https://youtu.be/ajEOZ4tBqjQ
It’s Garry Shandling’s Show Theme https://youtu.be/iqO1HO9VpLo
So would it be considered Vanazeuma’s Revenge if a hard-boiled egg takes you out?
ZX Spectrum forever:
I dig Radiohead. There, I said it.
Yep. They are good.
Radiohead is a perfect example of a band I find simply atrocious but also I completely understand that they are uber talented and understand why people enjoy them.
There’s a Facebook page for UPS drivers who wAnt to post photos of the dog’s they meet at work:
Capaldi’s successor will be names this Sunday.
-s +d
Afternoon Pan
Did a bunch of errands today. Life is as exciting as usual.
I think the drive in our PVR is going. I seems to have randomly deleted a number of things we had recorded.
“Reservoir Dogs” is 25 years old.
That is all.
Crones to the left of me, geezers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Both The Big Sick and War for the Planet of the Apes are excellent. Both got me in the feels.
And the loud drunken frat boys reminded me why I don’t usually go to a theater opening weekend.
WftPotA is potentially in the plan for this weekend.
That’s quite the acronym for the Ape movie, part 3
We saw it.
Hubby and I went for a walk today and I actually saw a heron. It wasn’t in the heron preserve by our house but it was in the creek along the way.
Cranes to the left of me. . .
Stop it.
Nothing quite like a delish noontime NEIPA
I’ve only made it halfway through this Korean martial arts fantasy movie. It’s utterly bananas – – and a blast, so far. Terrible terrible CGI during some of the fights.
It runs a bit long, which is why I’ve stopped halfway.
Started playing a game called Layers of Fear. I don’t think I’m cut out for first person horrors any more. I may have to put it aside for now.
I first read this as “Lawyers of Fear”.
That sounds like a terrifying game.
We finished GLOW and got caught up with Orphan Black this week.
Wow, I love me some cloneclub.
GLOW was super fun
Fate of the Durious was exactly what I expected it to be. Don’t think. Check your brain at the door and let the action carry you away. It was fun
The new Doctor will be a woman.
Suck on that misogynistic fan boys.
Don’t know her but she seems neat.
Well at least it only took 55 years! Here’s to another quick 55 when they finally make the Doctor non-white! Hell by 2345 he/she may actually be gay!
Don’t look so smug Yank, we got a Wonder Woman film this year.
What smug? If anything it’s the opposite.
Yep. I’m happy too. 😀
I mean I guess compared to the 140 years it took women to get to vote here, 55 years ain’t all that bad is it?
She’s okay. Her character was at least memorable in Broadchurch
Broadchurch Star Jodie Whittaker Is Named Doctor Who’s 13th and First Female Doctor
I’ve seen exactly one episode of Broadchurch, so she’ll be new to me. This should be fun! It’s definitely a win.
I liked her on Broadchurch and Black Mirror, she is an excellent choice. Haven’t watched Who though since the Eccleston days.
Yeah I haven’t watched since Smith took over and prolly won’t.
So I’ll take the contrarian view.
I didn’t think I really cared about this when it was first rumored but know that it has happened it makes me sad.
For one, I don’t get why this character HAS to be a woman. In my recollection, this character has never been about “being a man” so why is it imperative that he has to change gender?
I don’t think it is and that is what makes me sad. This just feels like a “stunt”, done in an attempt to boost flagging interest.
The last season or so I’ve felt like the quality of the story lines (on the whole) have really been in the decline. So rather than putting the time and effort (and money?) to develop solid scripts … they’ve gone for the diversion. “Pay no attention to the quality of the episode because !!LOOK!! the Dr. now comes with lady parts!”
Time will tell of course but based on past performance, (where-in they brought in a REALLY quality actor like Peter Capaldi and then rarely gave him anything to work with )… I fear we are in for a season of lazy “look I have breasts” type one-liners, lots of cheeky innuendo about the Dr. now being a women and story lines revolving around the Doctor’s gender.
My creeping disenchantment with this franchise has never involved the main character’s sex – so changing it does not seem to address what’s wrong.
Yeah, I kinda fall in that boat as well, particularly in the drop off in the show. While I liked Capaldi, I haven’t been terribly impressed with the show while he’s been on it. Actually, I haven’t been able to bother with the latest season with the new companion (unless she’s been around for more than one, I don’t really know).
As for the actress herself, I must confess I have trouble seeing her in particular as the Doctor after two seasons of Broadchurch. She always struck me as one of the weaker elements of that otherwise great show.
I guess we’ll see.
There are about 9 good solid counterpoints in these 2 posts. Ed, you’re the first person I’ve seen actually comment on the past performance of the actress herself.
I also have yet to see newest season or its Xmas special, but I am completely disillusioned at this point, after two seasons of wasting a good Doctor on terrible stories. I do welcome a change, and I do think it’s a very positive social decision – – PC or not.
I hope Jodie Whittaker is less publicity stunt, more “let’s see what new possibilities open up we shake things around a bit.” And following J0e’s point, I hope the first episode gets all of the body jokes out of the way.
“fan boys”. So tell me why, so far, the majority of bitching is from women? Fucking odd.
I’m seeing it from both male and female fans. But generally this: http://imgur.com/gallery/wrxZeW5
Personally, I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the choice of Capaldi either, but he grew on me. Her character in Broadchurch went through some horrendous stuff, but her acting choices weren’t anything that made me seek out her other roles. I’m happy that they are expanding their options for the Doctor, I’m just in wait and see mode ’til next spring.
What I’m talking about has nothing to do with the choice of actor. This is strictly a male/female issue.
Er, sorry, I guess Cynful also made a comment about Whittakers’s past performance. *cough*
One more note on this Doctor Who business: maybe it’s just my filters, but it does seem that I’m seeing more backlash against the backlash than actual backlash.
I think I’ve seen more backlash against backlash backlash. But who can tell?
This is the same society that starts buying Christmas stuff right after the 4th of July. We are the microwave people. We can’t sit around and wait until the backlash of the backlash actually occurs before we start bitching about it. If we do something crazy like that, we’ll look like we just jumped on the bandwagon. Have to be out there with our opinions RIGHT NOW, before others get the chance.
CP: You are the Problem Here — First Aid Kit
New song! 😀
OOOOOH the number of people in this world I’d like to direct this song to
The new Apes movie- #2 out of 3 for me.
I thought Woody Harrelson was fantastic
Ah man.
Now THERE is a guy who made a major change to the world’s culture. A change that has certainly had “staying power”. Quite a feat when you are talking about Pop culture.
You beat me to it.
I hope he rests more peacefully than the characters in his films. Seriously, he’s easily one of the most influential filmmakers of all time.
Wait, I have seen her in something! She was fantastic as the lead in the superfun B-movie, “Attack the Block.”
Attack the Block was phenomenal. As was the similar (sort of) but not as well known Grabbers. Which she was not in. But Ruth Bradley was.
and now Martin Landau. 🙁
RIP Moonbase Alpha Commander.
I hate to say it, but I actually thought he’d died years ago. His Bela Lugosi turn in Ed Wood is my favorite of his roles. Respect also for Space:1999 and North By Northwest.
Morning Pan
No walk for hubby and I today. AHS are telling people to avoid staying outside if at all possible because the air quality is poor due to smoke from fires west of us
Just to underline the surreal-ness of the times we live in … the most complete timeline of the trumps and their Russian connections comes from CRACKED.com
Yeh, not CNN or PBS or BBC but those guys. Go figure.
He gets into the timeline after about 2 minutes of snarky patter.
Comedy has become our truest journalistic source.
I need a chart of who’s “MSM,” “Lamestream Media,” “Liberal Media,” “Fake News,” Hollywood Elitists,” “Snowflakes,” etc.
Going to post this here; only because I keep hearing these stories over the past few weeks – the word needs to get spread about this sick, sick, sick, sick, sick mindfuck of a “game”
“those behind the game” — Who? Online communities? Who is making the threats?
That is indeed disturbing. However, Snopes has questioned just how wide spread it is.
Do we need to wait to be concerned until there are more deaths, in Russia and here in the US? (There are two US deaths, possibly 3- that Ive read about over the past two weeks.)
Not at all, and especially when kids are involved. However, I am simply pointing out that the “wide spread nature” of the Blue Whale Game may be overstated, given the sensationalized nature of the story, news outlets are more apt to cash in on the web clicks than verify their sources.
We have been trying to monitor my nephew’s online activity quietly when we were made aware of this in early June. While not a parent, I know that keeping the communication open as much as you can helps.
Went to the mall to walk around. The smoke outside is really strong on both smell and feel. My eyes are burning and we’ve only been outside long enough to get to the mall from the car
Are you getting fires in Calgary?
No, west of us. We’re just getting all the smoke.
Here’s a handy dandy map
A clue! A clue!
No they just have Flames.
Bunny’s post reads like a Bruce Springsteen Song.
Went to the mall to walk around. The smoke outside is really strong
on both smell and feel.
My eyes are burning
and we’ve only been outside long enough to get to the mall
from the car
CP: Sea Of Sorrow — Alice In Chains
CP: Negative Thinking — The Death Set
I just got moved to a high traffic area of my office. Considering one of these:
Is this a piss take?
Looks like a a way to get rid of unused bowling balls..
No link to purchase, no link to fund going from a prototype to a sellable item. We seem to have hit the point where we’ve become too lazy to actually make products. We just make something that gets a shit ton of press because we know that no one is actually going to buy the crazy shit we’re making.
I do wonder…. they must know how silly this “product” is. Are they counting on socially inept nerds to buy it anyway, or were they only intending to get publicity from people reposting to laugh at it?
We are very happy with the 13th doctor. Loved her in Broadchurch.
Just saw a funny list posted by Samantha Bee “Fem Agenda What to Ruin Next” with Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Super Heroes, and Dr Who crossed off.
That’s fantastic. Would Star Trek have been considered ruined long ago by Janeway? Or will the franchise not be ruined until the new series with its female leads?
NPR finally chimed in on this today.
They claim that the biggest complaint comes not that she was a woman … but that the new Doctor isn’t black.
So that kind of sums up my annoyance with the whole thing.
Since when did the re-boot stop being about story and start being about what the Doctor looks like?
If it’s come down to that then I’m fine with changing the Doctor’s gender but I want an Asian Female Doctor. Something more like Agent May !
Just hold on for another 50 years..
Rewatching the New Who from the first season.
Dalek was the first stand out episode, even if it felt like a downsides Who classic story.
It took me years to get past the goofiness of the evil mannequins in the first episode.
Relevant to me personally because this is where you can supposedly get a hard copy of my novella, “Crash Day.”
Morning Pan
Today I start on royalties, which, I’m sure, is exciting to no one
That Prince Charles is an old wanker! And his poor kids look like him! And what’s the deal with Fergie anyway?
*Sigh* Once again I’m waiting for info.
Hubby keeps wanting to go to various stores, etc. I’m going to have to put my foot down and tell him I’m not on vacation so I can’t keep leaving my desk to do holiday stuff.
New Propaghandi = metal punk amazement
Well this came out of the blue:
*Watch Later*
Ooooh Myyyyyy
I would probably enjoy that film. Thanks for bringing it up
Another idol revealed to be tarnished:
Peter Troyer story, that has got to be be Arthur C Clarke.
Throw ME the idol!
Also, great Satipo reference.
Yeah, I recall those details coming out after his death – – I think I learned about it in comments here at Deadpan.
I can acknowledge the brilliant Sci-Fi ideas he had, and say that I’ve enjoyed some of his books – – but that shit is pretty unforgivable.
-pretty +fucking absolutely
Morning Deadpan
Another smokey day.
I think I’m being mean to Van on FB today. I know I should stop but…
Crazy joke for the day:
Why are the Arthurian legends scarier than any Steven King novel?
Because they have Mordred.
Crap not crazy.
Why not both?
Kitty and hubby are having fun keeping each other entertained.
Trivia I learned today:
The Expanse series of books/tv show (which I’ve read/watched all), their ship is called the Rocinante.
This is the name of the ship in the Rush song Cygnus X-1. Turns out, one of the authors is a Rush fan
(note: Rush was referring to Don Quixote with Rocinante)
Wheeling through the galaxy
So, it’s a meta meta reference?
That is a fantastic bit of trivia about a fantastic show, based on what I assume are fantastic books. And a fantastic Rush song, although I confess that I never knew that about the song.
TBH, it seems to have some cliche to it, but it’s Guillermo Del Toro, so I’m down.
Your crap joke for the day:
Apparently Neil Armstrong used to tell unfunny jokes about the moon, and follow them up w ‘Ah, I guess you had to be there!!
That Armstrong joke was a Stretch.
He was trying to Strong-arm us with that one.
Morning Pan
It’s so calm and peaceful outside, you can hear the cattle lowing from the farm down the road.
The other day hubby bought an actual book made of paper and everything. *falls down in shock*
I’m afraid he has become a heretic.
Crap joke for the day:
Batman came up to me and hit me over the head with a vase and he went T’PAU!
I said ‘Don’t you mean KAPOW?’
He said ‘No, I’ve got China in my hand’
Is this a Star Trek joke?
He wishes T’pau wason his head
Jeez and you claim to like 80’s bands:
Well them too 😉
Official trailer for The Shape of Water:
CP: Strangers — Portishead
Chester Bennington commited suicide.
I’m crying.
This one hurts
Awful. Seems to be a verified story.
I overheard someone in the office mention it. He said that he had quite the drug problem, but it appears that his drug problem may have arisen from child abuse. Sad day.
I never knew much about his personal life; I really had no idea he was such a wreck. We saw them in Phoenix a few years back – – he was seriously as muscular as a comic book character superhero. I’d have thought he was into fitness and – – based on their last few releases – – living a positive life. Appearances. . . . 🙁
I believe his drug habit was kicked in the late 2000’s.
It also appears his suicde mimicks Chris Cornell’s- by hanging.
Sad day, indeed.
Anger, too.
I have been a diehard fan of LP, a member of the LP Underground, met the band in 2004/2005, and love their music, their talents, and Im so upset.
Mr. Mangan and I have a trip to Vegas planned next month to see LP live. I feel awful for his family, his wife and six young childrena dn for his bandmates that he left hanging. (No pun intended)
Sorry Pixie, that sucks.
Bought tickets for Tuesday for Valerian.
Saw War for the Planet of Apes today, it was ok.
lots of nods to the chuck heston original film.
WftPTotHPAPPA is good. If you like the first 2, then it does its job to wrap up the series.
In a bit of good news for the day, here’s the first Pacific Rim 2 trailer:
And of some historical interest …
Well, at least for me and probably for Van.
Very much so.
I did hum the theme tune as well.
They need to make an adult model.
Finally got caught up and finished the third season of Fargo. Every bit as good as the first two. I still can’t believe they got Ewan McGregor for it.
Definitely in my *Watch Later* bin.
I just finished Watching Season 1 of Fargo. Most Excellent. I had somehow missed it when it aired. Fortunately my local public library had it!
So I had watched Season 2, then 3 and then S1 and I can say I thought it worked great in that order.
MST3K Live! Was fun!
Morning Pan
I did not want to get out of bed this morning.
CP: Velvet Noose — Thunderpussy
I haven’t seen the movie “Dunkirk” but I assume it is about a bunch of expat Americans living in England who bravely took their boats to France to rescue Allied soldiers.
Well you are only slightly wrong..
It’s about all the Fan Girls who slept with William Shatner over the years?
“Dunkirk” – – clever!
… with apologies to all those civilians who raced into a Hell-on-Earth for no reason other than “somebody had to do something”.
Are you still talking about Shatner’s groupies?
A Dr. Doom standalone movie. http://io9.gizmodo.com/legions-noah-hawley-gives-a-hint-to-his-next-movie-doc-1797113133
CP: Plump — Hole
Are we still talking about Shatner groupies?
My God, Tropic Thunder may be the finest performance that Tom Cruise has ever done.
Ben Stiller put together an incredible cast for that one.
Another one I’ve never seen– prob because of Tom Cruise.
I was torn on seeing Tropic Thunder. I really liked Robert Downey Jr., was really meh on Ben Stiller, and could flip a coin as to whether I would like Jack Black (based on his previous performances). I’m glad I watched it. They all gave solid performances.
I found it an odd film.
It wasn’t exactly what I expected … and I’m not sure that they knew what they were going for as it seemed to change it’s tone a few times.
That being said, it was better/more than I was expecting. I’ve never had an interest to see it again though.
Tropic Thunder has my highest recommendation. SImply outstanding
John Heard was 72.
That surprises me.
Morning Pan
The morning was not smokey so hubby went for our usual walk. Saw ducks, but no heron this time.
I think we’re off to Valerian tonight. I think.
And we are! Negative initial feedback be damned!
I enjoyed it. It was a nice bit of Summer Sci Fi fluff.
It wasn’t terrible. No end credits scene — according to the site we checked.
I enjoyed the plot, the graphics, the CGI and the Mül Converter!
The acting was terrible by the two main characters.
This is on my “want to see” list along with Atomic Blonde
Not related to Shatner’s groupies…
Anyone else catch the “meh” Justice League trailer today?
No good trailers before Valerian either — but apparently there were a bunch of new ones out from Comicon today.
I think I’m not gonna watch trailer 2 for Thor. I’m sold already.
Justice League – not bad.
I have yet to watch Ready Player One, but that one I’m interested in.
I haven’t watched the Ready Player One trailer yet, but from what I’ve read, the story is being worked to be more “inclusive” with 90’s and 00’s references. I’m sure I’ll catch it on Netflix eventually.
Ok, after watching the new Thor:Ragnarok trailer I will fight Lo for Cate Blanchett:
Maybe I shouldn’t post, but after some input from close friends that love their beer and food as much as you all do, I’ve chosen the Friday night restaurant for the KC Meetup. I’ll solidify the reservation once we have a better idea who will be able to make it. I have a rough estimate at this time. thx
I will be driving into KC from Denver that evening and hope to catch up with the Meet Up!
Thanks for taking the initiative, Cynthia.
I suppose we ought to start discussions for the restaurants people want to hit, coordinating the eclipse viewing, people’s weekend availability, and all that.
Is Oklahoma Joe’s the same thing as Joe’s? Is that place on the agenda?
It’s Joe’s KC now (same food, new name). I’ll let Ditto answer that. I think barbecue was planned for some point, but I couldn’t tell you which was being ordered.
In other news – I just told the Amazon Alexa to “Play that funky music.”
without hesitation she told me to “Play that funky music right.”
She’s a cheeky one.
Watched the first episode of The Hollywood Puppet Sh!tshow tonight. It’s a little hyperactive but Marionettes!!!
I am hearing that Dunkirk is a life-changing film. Might be worth a theater viewing.
Unless you are French, then it could be a source of ‘fucking British rewriting history’
Co workers are saying it was über boring!
Well it doesn’t have Errol Flynn fighting the Germans.
I had the same response loaded ,was just going to use a modern ‘Murican action hero in place of Errol Flynn.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s being rather bratty today.
I can do nothing at work. I have a whole bunch of things I need to do but I’m missing information or files. Our authors didn’t really want royalties for this quarter did they?
We don’t want to put out our next book in the near future either, right?
We were suppose to see Valerian tomorrow. Tickets bought and everything. Then hubby went and bought a new amp that is suppose to be delivered tomorrow. Luckily, movie tickets are close to half price on Tuesday so the loss won’t be as bad as it could be, but still.
So is it new toy playtime or waiting for delivery that interferes with your movie plans?
Waiting for the delivery
Sure, make me cry at work Jack
The end of the greatest art program in computer history.
Been trying to slog my way through Penny Dreadful.
I’m on episode 3 or maybe 4 now. Have renamed it “Pretty Dreadful”.
I sooooo want to like it. The production value is high. It is chocked FULL of actors I like.
It’s just
I liked Penny Dreadful. The way they closed John Smith’s story line was just heart breaking
I loved Penny Dreadful. The dialogue was probably the best I’ve ever seen in any show. Great characters too.
The gore factor was a bit much, though.
While I liked it, I do remember that it was hard to get into. The stories do pick up more the further you go in. I found it worth the time investment, if that helps
Just Watched last night’s episode of Game of Thrones. I still have a disconnect seeing Emma Peel looking like that
It’s a crime that she’s never had a cameo in any of the Marvel Avengers movies.
Ok, clock was checked and found it be working, August is on.
This is good news. I hope they helped you with the side effects
Anyone else been watching Blood Drive (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4898282/?ref_=ttep_ep_tt)? I was expecting little more than grindhouse blood splatter. But, there is a really healthy dose of well done satire in there as well. For example, one episode features a town in which business people have gone feral. They carry weapons, wear ties, have cutoff sleeves, and still speak jargon (“praise synergy as it brings us low hanging fruit”).
I’m two episodes in and have liked it so far. It is little more than an excuse to show as much sex and violence as possible, like a good exploitation series should do, but the satire makes it worth the effort.
I appreciate anything that lampoons the nonsensical absurdities of biz jargon. The trailers for that show do give the impression of gleefully over-the-top trashy, B-horror pulp.
Glad to hear it’s not unknown. I’m worried it’s going to disappear due to lack of general interest.
Morning Pan
Something I learned over the past week. Don’t offer to do a favour for anybody. Nope, don’t do it. It only leads to hair pulling frustration.
I have wrangled royalties for another quarter. All our authors can now breath a sigh of relief that they will, indeed, be paid.
My patience is pretty much done with the developer guys who are so proud of how busy they are, and who talk about how busy they are in every conversation and every meeting.
Note1: Not directed at anyone here.
Note2: I’ve probably been that guy, at some point.
Hubby’s amp finally arrived. He’s now in the basement and I don’t think I’ll see him for a couple of hours.
Neat, which amp?
I believe this is him with the new amp
It’s a Spyder Line 6. He has a line 8 but he will be teaching an introduction to guitar at school next year so he wanted to get something for that.
That is a good amp for that.
CW: Colossal
That went dark towards the end.
Related to Bunny’s comments earlier:
I haven’t watched yet, but I certainly hope I haven’t been that guy.
OK, I have done most of those. . .
So this is fun (?)
The USGS put out a map that shows an animation showing the size and frequency of earthquakes in Oklahoma area between 2004 and 2016.
In 2008 there were two. Last year there was 1000.
Make sure you watch til the end.
I blame LostRalph.
Nicked from FB: If you’re driving a Tesla and it’s stolen, is it now called an Edison?
Morning Pan
Kitty is being very playful this morning. I’m not getting much work done.
Hubby was reading the tag on a battery.
Him: Keep babies away from children
Me: (laughs) What?
Him (rereads): Oh, keep batteries away from children. That makes more sense.
Silly hubby :silly:
Especially 9 Volt babies.
We just had a little brown out. Luckily, I’m the type that saves often so I only lost about 10 minutes of work, but it’s still annoying.
Investing in an UPS gizmo might be a good idea.
Or a laptop.
I use to have a power bar that had a battery in it so you would have time to shut everything down but hubby stole it for the living room when we got the new tv. I may have to get a new one for me
I’ve had this tab open for weeks, intending to read it. Sigh.
This one too:
(Long-neglected open browser tabs are the ultimate in First World Problems, I know)
There was a book by China Mieville that had a Kraken in it. I enjoyed it.
Would that have been his book titled, “Kraken”?
I read it too. Completely bonkers, but fun in a Gaimany kind of way.
Speaking of scary: Slayer on The Tonight Show. *watch later*
She lived a good life and provided voices to many of our favorite characters. Rest in peace
You beat me to it:
Morning Pan
Today I go shopping for stuff to ship to ditto’s for the Saturday night. Should I add ketchup chips to the mix? I, personally, don’t like them but they are Canadian.
Tomato flavoured crisps?
I’m with you in those…bleurgh!
-in +on
Any of the metal/music nerds here know of a band called Periphery? They are touring with Animals as Leaders is their co-headliner.
I’ve heard of the name, but I’m not familiar with them.
[scoff] Boy Rhett, thanks for the heeelp [/scoff]
I’m getting to old be relevant anymore.
“too” even.
Right? I can feel it in my bones
“In my day the only metal was Korn and Disturbed! Phooey!”
My answer is the same as Rhett’s.
Give me 30 minutes on Youtube and Wikipedia, and I’ll tell you all about them!
You’ve already sold me with Animals As Leaders, though. Tosin Abasi is one of the absolute best guitarists working today.
Yeah thats why I’m curious. Wanna go to the show but don’t wanna pay the price is the headliner is no good.
Did a quick listen to the song “Marigold”. Not bad, based on that single song it sounds somewhere between Linkin Park and Allegaeon, without being as death metal or technical as Allegaeon.
Rhesearch! I’ll check er out later
Impressive trailer.