Pour Some Scrolling on Me (In the Name of Deadpan)
It got the most vote!
1,088 thoughts on “Pour Some Scrolling on Me (In the Name of Deadpan)”
Alien: Covenant… I’m going to expand on Van’s comment about it.
I think he sighed in his review.
My review gets a different bodily function sound:
I thought the ship was a very cool design and had some really cool functions.
There were a few great tense, anxiety-ridden suspense/action moments. But they last just mere moments.
Still; it was a crapfest of a movie.
We need to stop making prequels of beloved film franchises. Prometheus wasn’t a terrible movie. . . Covenant is a fucking terrible movie. . .
That’s all I’ll say, because I’m sure some of you still want to see it (and I get that).
Listen I get people do stupid shit when encountering the unknown , but the Crew not knowing the specs of their sim human was just fucking absurd.
I highly doubt it’s “fucking terrible”. Terrible films don’t get positive scores on metacritic. It may not be your cup of tea but so it goes. The DC films we actual terrible films due to their scores on most every respected critic site. That being said some people enjoyed those films.
Now if I can actually see it without Van spoiling it in the next few days it’ll be a win win.
I’ll withhold my critiques until it’s been out for awhile, and everyone’s had a chance to see it. If people do enjoy it, then cool. There are a few good scenes and some brief touches on interesting concepts.
Well, I see I managed to sleep through what turned out to be a pretty awful day…
Crap joke for the day:
A couple has been married for 60 years. And to stay together for that long you have to be completely honest with your partner. So the husband and wife were very open, shared everything and didn’t have any secrets from each other. Well, almost… The wife kept a shoe box in the closet, which she had asked her husband not to open or even ask about.
And the man never thought about the box in 60 years, until the day his wife got very sick. The doctor said she wouldn’t make it. While trying to sort out their affairs, the husband took the shoebox to his wife’s bedside and she agreed it was time for him to see what was inside. The man’s eyes widened as he discovered $95000 and two crocheted dolls in the box.
“When we were to be married,” the old lady explained, “my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.”
The husband was deeply touched, two dolls meant she was angry with him only twice in 60 years!
“Honey,” he said after overcoming the emotions “that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?”
“Oh, that?” the wife said. “That’s the money I made from selling the dolls.”
Netflix recommends Before I Wake. It has 29% on Rotten Tomatoes
Sounds perfect
The Netflix write up: a sweet little boy’s wondrous dreams come to life while he sleeps. Unfortunately, so do his nightmares
Sleeping child
Crying man
Are you ready for this?
House renos
Removing pictures
Insomnia is latin for dream
Really? Now I have to look it up
Ha! Insomnia does not mean dream but sleeplessness in Latin
Anyway. It looks like her first kid died in the bath tub
Hello kid
Shoes make floors dirty
Wait, social services never visited the house before qualifying for foster?
The kid isn’t sleeping
Hiding caffeinated drinks
School time
She found his box
Butterfly book
The monster ate his mom
It’s always fun and games until someone’s mom gets eaten, either literally or in the cunnilingus sense
I don’t know what your talking about. The fun is just getting started in the second instance
Yes, I know the difference between your and you’re. It’s auto correct that doesn’t
I want to be a grammar nazi, but the fact that I didn’t notice until you pointed it out disqualifies me.
She took away his stash
No. Don’t jar the butterflies
They disappeared
Time for a drink of water
Ghostly presence
She broke her glass
Back to group
Lucid dreams are still dreams
We can have R.E.M. Sleep while we are awake
Something else to look up
CP: Gum — Cornelius
Bad boy of the class
*real life interruption *. It’s starting to get cold. I’m pausing to close the windows
Ok back to the movie
Portrait of a happy family
Sleeping with the tv on
More butterflies
Their son lives
Hugging the dead son
Cody is sorry
Wait, they promised him pizza yesterday
Showing the new kid videos of the dead kid only two days in seems wrong
Why do mom and dad always stay up so late?
Glowing butterflies this time
Butterfly kisses
And the nightmares begin
She put the pictures back up
This is not healing
She’s so much taller than him
He’s falling asleep in class
The bully sees him sleeping
The monster sees the bully
She’s waiting for her dead son
Eating coffee grounds. Yuck
Don’t look under the bed
While I admit, jump scares work on me, I prefer the more cerebral kind
Sleeping drugs
Making him a car bed
Changing the subject
Putting drugs in his milk
They are terrible painters
Today was his favourite day
Right. Tell the new kid how the old kid died just before bed
She thinks she’s a bad mom for drugging the kid
Dead son is back
Ok, another jump scare
Drugged kids don’t wake up
Absorbing daddy
The police think drugging kids is bad
Codys dreams took daddy
She took codys file
A visit to the mental hospital
Time for backstory
It started with the butterflies
Dream a little dream of me
This is where the movie started
You need to kill the kid
The kid doesn’t like his state mandated room
Searching for original parents
Now we know why he likes butterflies
Ha! Now the state is drugging the kid
Wow. What a run down place
Social worker believes her now
Some people are just idiots
Wow, she did the smart thing
Ext in dream land…
Still searching for Cody
The monster’s back
Stopped by a butterfly
Monster hugs
Let’s just take the kid shall we
Letting them go
Following the pretty lights
Everybody loves a happy ending
Explaining cancer to Cody
The canker man ate his mommy
The bully is no longer a bully
Awww. He called he mom
You know, I kind of liked that movie
In an alternate universe, Kate Bush doesn’t become a crazy cat lady and instead of singing standards decides to take the musical foundation of “The Hounds of Love” and press it forward into the modern age. If she did that, I think she would sound a lot like Chelsea Wolfe. I submit for your consideration “House of Metal”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI5WbKK5wbk I can easily imagine Kate doing the vocals for this. If Justa jOE isn’t listening to Chelsea Wolfe, he should be.
And you also want to slash the CDC’s budget? Are you fucking stupid?
I mean….
Signs point to…
The new Joy Formidable live album – Leave No Trace – is excellent. Not acoustic, but a very toned down subtle performance that still maintains an all out rock and roll atmosphere. Lots of stuff from each of their albums – with lots of deep cuts – and some delightful witty banter.
Rating – 4 out of 5 Welsh Ritzys
Meant to say “mostly” acoustic.. not “not”
Ah lookie there
There he comes
Here comes that Van again
I think the line in the article “and this has caused some Trekkies to fret about the lack of white men in charge” should be changed to “and this has caused some racists to fret about the lack of white men in charge”. I think it would put the story in its proper light.
I’m going to say it again… STOP WRITING AND POSTING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE. It’s what they want and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. Seriously… as soon as The Last Jedi comes out these people will again be yelling that “women have bled all over our Empire!”. People will be enraged for about a week then forget it happened. Then the next film will come out to get these people riled up. Folks will be enraged for about a week and then it will be forgotten. Wash rinse repeat.
Here’s a tip – racists are gonna be racist. Bigots gonna bigot. It’s not new. Silence their voice by silencing your own about them.
See, you’re 100% right about giving these troglodytes the attn they crave. . . . but I don’t think it’s that simple. Our ignorance of just how deep and dangerous their particular mudpit is has cost us dearly.
We need to somehow keep up our awareness that these people exist, without feeding their sad lust for atten. Their numbers are small and dwindling, but still apparently enough to mobilize and vote through disasters like Brexit and Trump.
Hubby’s not home tonight. What should I have for dinner? Decisions, decisions
If it’s still crazy windy, then I’d rule out take-out.
Speaking of systemic racism – – we saw Book of Mormon last night, in spite of me feeling sick-like.
Holy crap, is it funny. So many great recurring jokes. (Yes, I’m endorsing a musical)
Computers have been able to beat the best human players since 1980.
I don’t believe I’ve ever played. My guess is as computers get faster and AI improves, there will be a point were a human can never beat a machine at games of skill.
Get me out of here
I’ve been lost in the dark
Get me out of here
Sometimes it’s fun to go back to the beginning and read some of the comments made some years ago (11??!). Since I avoided the board for so long, it is bringing back memories of all those bumpers and making me realize some people really haven’t changed 🙂
So many of them have been lost.
I realize you meant commenters but after watching The Leftovers I wanted to ask where they went. Did the comments or the people go?
This is what happens when you get tired and watch dystopian shows.
I doubt we’ll find out, best left to be a mystery.
Morning Pan
My cat decided that 4:00 was a perfect time for us to wake up. We were not amused
What a week. I’m glad that things are no longer (metaphorically) on fire any more. I hope they stay that way over the weekend.
@Lo Comixology has a 40th anniversary sale for Star Wars. Make your recommendations! 😀
Of the modern books I’ve read, the full Darth Vader series is the best. Highly recommended! Especially the first 2 storylines (although there’s crossover with the main Star Wars series for the ‘Vader Down’ books).
Otherwise, the Lando series was short and pretty good.
Anyone else?
Oh ma gerd!
Recent Marvel stuff – The entirety of the Vader series including the Vader Down crossover event, the Princess Leia miniseries, the current Dr. Aphra series (think Star Wars meets Tomb Raider meets Indiana Jones) and you could check out the main Star Wars series if you want. It doesn’t get truly great until issue 5 or 6 and this last arc they just got done with was meh.
My very favorite SW run though, is the Star Wars: Legacy series from Dark Horse that ran 2006-2010. That is truly great Star Wars stuff. And that Deliah Blue…. vavavavoooom!
Now get to it, Padawan!
Agreed with Jack on Lando. Was good if forgettable.
My cough decided that 3:00 was a perfect time for us to wake up. We were not amused.
You should make your cough sleep outside.
And we celebrated the last day of school by taking the girl and her BFF to see the new Pirates movie.
There are some seriously creative idea people on Disney’s payroll. . . . Although the movie was still completely bonkers.
I unfriended someone today on FaceBook. I’m a terrible person
(Not a Deadpanite)
Well I would guess that would depend on why you unfriended them.
Yeah, I assume it would take a lot to get you to that point.
I learned a new word today: parging
I had to look it up when the condo association sent a notice out saying they will be parging in June
Are they parging iceholes?
Those bastages!
Don’t lock the door on me
You’d kill me, face down, dead
Another part of you gone to waste
Please hear me out
You kill me face down dead
Another day in the dark
I wonder if “You’d kill me, face down, dead” sounds less silly in French.
Am I more stoked to see Gojira again than Metallica this summer? Possibly.
Vous me tuez, face cachée, mort
Are the coming again?
I’ve seen Lars’s band in their heyday. I don’t need to see them again for 100$
Now…Roger Waters just went on sale for 25$…… how the fuck can I pass that up
Oh! WITH Metallica. Got it
Depends. If he’s doing the Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking he might have to pay the crowd $25 to come and see it.
I briefly considered putting a bid on the box seats for the Roger Waters concert here until I saw the price. $900 for two tickets. The cheap seats were $70 when I looked.
I don’t know, Asshat, I’m hoping he plays Radio KAOS in its entirety. (Shudder)
Also I don’t think you can simply translate that phrase from French to English. I’m sure some is lost when they originally translated from their native tongue.
Worth the 11 minutes. I always found that scene with the Architect fascinating. I just wish it had paid off better.
That Lode Runner redux app is a neat trip down memory lane.
I was never that impressed with the ZX Spectrum version and the Japanese Gameboy version (which scrolled the screen as the res of the Gameboy screen was so low).
But the latest version on iOS, which is completely free has been a lot of fun.
I used to play it on the Atari 800.
So, Mr. Mangan and I ate dinner at a BBQ place here in town tonight, and it got me thinking about KC-style BBQ. What is it like? Is it smothered in sauce? Cooked in a smoker, on a grill, or in a pit?
What are we in for in August? My mouth is watering!!!
I can attest that this conversation did come up during our fancy dinner at Porkopolis.
And sure, there’s Google, but I think we’re more interested in hearing from you who’ve experienced KC BBQ.
Traditional bbq is a low slow smoker with a brown sugar or molasses based sauce (so sweet). I tend to like the spicier sauces. A specialty if KC is the burnt end. I had to explain to a recent transplant that they aren’t really burnt. This was produced by our local public tv. https://youtu.be/AZgD2pn8CAQ
KC, unlike most cities, specializes in all styles of BBQ. You’ll even find Carolina vinegar style if you look. Food doesn’t tend to be smothered in sauce, they leave that to you. Most places have a tomato based sauce; dry rubs are also around. Ribs, brisket, beef, pork, chicken, lamb… you can find pretty much anything and I’m sure you’ll find something you love.
Burnt ends originated in KC and is delicious. It originated from the trimmed ends of brisket, cut up with sauce, and served either in a sandwich or on their own.
Thanks, dude and dudette! Burnt ends are commonly available at places here. I’m a fan, although I think I prefer straight brisket. A couple of my favorite bbq places here also have the “naked meat” style, with a variety of sauce options to suit your tastes.
I think the Phoenix BBQ scene is sticking to the KC style, as opposed to the Texas or Southern styles.
We have a competition society here that often trains judges, so we learn a lot about the different styles (as you can see by our responses)
Like Cynful said the traditional KC style is slightly sweet with brown sugar, but as ditto stated all sorts of BBQ are represented locally. From memory, I would rate Gates BBQ as traditional KC style. Arthur Bryant is less sweet with a more mustard base. Watching all the cooking shows, Joe’s BBQ (Formally Oklahoma Joe’s) is the best in town. I’ve never tried Joe’s but in the group of people I associated with back in KC, Jack Stack was generally thought of as best, and it gets my recommendation as well.
If you are coming here, you shouldn’t eat at Gates or Arthur Bryant. Gates, while an interesting experience, is very middle-of-the-road as is Arthur Bryant, which is important for historical reasons. There are much better places to eat here. Joe’s KC is excellent, as Rhettro said, as is Jack Stack, and Q39. I quite enjoy Danny Edwards and LC’s, and I’ve also heard great things about Slaps.
There are so many excellent BBQ places here that you shouldn’t settle for merely good.
As to the Roger Waters song selection. . .. this setlist is pretty legit.
For the TL;DR: it basically says that making Captain America a fascist was a canny reaction to bouts of white rage that had been directed at a couple of recent storylines that involved black men in the Captain America role, or empowered my the Super serum and acting heroically. . . Basically: giving the loudmouthed racist fanboys exactly what they were asking for.
My teeth are strange. Now sitting at the emergency dentist waiting to be looked at
My regular dentist said he’s only seen my issue twice before
Oh joy
I’ll take “Things you don’t want to the dentist to say” for $1000.
That is seriously awful, Bunny 🙁 . I hope this gets resolved without a lot of pain and complication.
Yeah, that sounds no fun. 🙁
Oh My!
Bunny, I hope it is painless and not too serious!
I hate dentists. May I never see one again. Oh wait, I have to go back next week to get the whole thing properly filled
Currently at the drug store filling prescriptions for pain killers and antibiotics
Oh and so people don’tbm bwnorry ltd d. Mno much, this is my dental woes
Went in for a root canal. I’ve one I think he past so thought I knew what to expect
Apparently, the tooth that should have had only on nerve, had a second one hiding behind it that did not show up in the x-ray, but did not like being drilled into thank you very much. To add to that it also curved under Neath the bone or something like that so they couldn’t just get out it. So it was already open so they had to send me into a specialist in the city to deal with it.
Done now
Now I just want to sleep
Telling your little girl via text that her hamster died while she’s on an extended vacation with her mom. :'(
I’ve been on a kick lately of listening to old Deadpan episodes. One funny comment, when Jack asks Mike T. Nelson if there was a possibility of any future MST3K, Mike said that given the legal hurdles he unfortunately didn’t think there was any chance of future MST3K episodes. LOL
-T +J
A melding of Mike J. and Craig T. Nelson would have been absurd and wonderful.
I do appreciate those trips through the old Deadpans! So many treasured little moments preserved there in mp3 amber.
John Buccigross. No one was finer.
NOW if you had interviewed JOEL instead of Mike… 😉
Wanna do something fun? Type “askew” in Google search
Weaker now, drawing fluid from me
You kill me
I’m not afraid of what you have just done
But of what you’ve just become
Buying Dead Cross tix on Saturday. Good or bad I am not passing up a chance to see Patton and Lombardo live.
Don’t you mock me!
But if I don’t who will?
HINT: He’s bald, British, and beautiful.
Tickets acquired for Wonder Woman tomorrow night.
I’ll have to wait till Sunday.
Hello Deadpan.
Life took an unfortunate turn a few months back. A dream and a goal that I had invested my life in for the last 6 years evaporated rather suddenly. Been a bit adrift since then.
In other news, the eldest of the Deapan Jr. Auxiliary got an Academic AND Athletic scholarship to the Colorado School Of Mines so who knows … I might get to share a pint with some of our Denver Deadpanites in the next 4 years.
So yeh. That.
Good news plus good news plus bad news – – I think you come out slightly ahead there.
Sorry about the disappointment, but I am glad to see you back.
Excellent news about your eldest. Mines is a SERIOUSLY spectacular school that you haev to be seriosuly spectacular smart just to get a sniff at. Well done !
Yeah jOE, sorry about the plans going astray but I’m happy for your progeny. If you look up thread I recommended you check out Chelsea Wolfe’s “House of Metal” as a substitute for a modern Kate Bush. I’m curious about your thoughts on this.
I did give it a listen. I think it is the sort of thing I dig … but need to give it a listen again when I am less distracted.
It’s a pretty cool place but they’d have never let ME in.
I have threatened to get a job at Coors and move to Golden.
That has not been well received.
Since she will be a 20 hour drive from home … if there’s an emergency I might have to call on our Denver area Deadpanites to be her surrogate Aunt’s and Uncles!
S5 of The Americans was pretty low key, nice character development, and the finale left me looking forward to the final S6.
Morning Pan
My boss is going on holidays for about a week. This means I’m on holidays for a week as most of my work requires reports from her.
Why is it, when I think of bands that really ROCK … I never think of the Foo Fighters … yet every time I hear one of their songs on the radio I think “wow … that really rocks”?
Foo blindness?
I think they suffer from auto-dismissal, due to their popularity, and a handful of tacky poppy singles. But yeah, Grohl gets full marks for sticking around, as he promised.
Grohl is a talented musician and I definitely like a few Foo songs. But apprehension is that I’ve heard so much of it on rock radio, that it doesn’t feel unique enough for me to seek out more of the same.
So I just did some research and it turns out the Foo Fighters that I like were the FF from the 2007 album “Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace” .
I especially like the musical complexity of “The Pretender”.
“The Pretender” is an excellent song.
My favorite will always be the first album, on which Dave Grohl wrote and recorded the parts for every instrument (not at the same time).
There have been two more wrong-way driver incidents here in the Phoenix Metro area in the past few days. It is such a disturbing and confusing phenomenon.
Considering over half of them since 2009 are alcohol related, it’s not confusing nor a phenomenon. Disturbing, sure.
Fla had (still has?) a problem with that but it was retirees who should have not been driving do to bad eyesight or onset dementia.
Right! I;d like to also kno wthe age group in AZ too.
Oh Vanny… the Brits are always to blame. No matter what the data shows…
CP: Everybody Wants To Rule The World — Tears For Fears
Hmmmm. I have a hankering for popcorn now. 🙂
Wow, that is a deep Real Genius reference. 🙂
You’re welcome. 😀
“Ministry is gearing up to release a new album, featuring guest artists DJ Swamp (Beck), Burton C. Bell (Fear Factory), Arabian Prince (NWA), Lord of the Cello…”
I don’t know if this an interesting or awful idea.
Can Al Jourgensen still dedicate himself to a full project? He released a terrible thing last year. The collaboration with Burton is promising.
By almost all accounts WW is a smashing critical success. Unless youre the AV club… then it just gets a ‘eh’ from those hipsters.
Hopefully this translates to box office success because I can see DC films in their ultimate ‘wisdom’ still relegating her to the background of the Universe in favor of continued awful Batman and Superman films. Time will tell but it’s obvious THIS is the franchise the DC universe should rotate around.
Without having watched Season 2 yet, I am bummed to hear this news. I hope the series has resolved all of its storylines by the end…
Wow. 3 posts about Sense8 being cancelled within a half hour of each other…
I will say this. As much as I don’t like that show I can empathise because I feel the same way about The Get Down being cancelled. Methinks some of these giant budget Netflix shows just get too big for their britches.
Hubby’s going to be home only a little late tonight. I’m waiting til he gets home and we will have a late dinner together
Has he heard about Sense8 yet?
😆 I think we’re the only people who haven’t wat he’s it yet
Wat he’s = watched it
The fiend!
Hubby just texted me he’s coming home. His school soccer team just won the gold medal in their division ( which should tell you where he was )
Yay, go team! Congrats on the gold!
Wonder Woman. It’s good. I’m glad we finally have a front-and-center badass female hero.
Girl Power!
My co-worker asked me this morning if I was familiar with the band “Surfer Blood”. Sound familiar to anyone here?
Strange beautiful grass of green,
With your majestic silver seas
Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer
May I land my kinky machine?
Although your world wonders me,
With your majestic and superior cackling hen
Your people I do not understand,
So to you I shall put an end
And you’ll never hear surf music again
Did Jimi Hendrix believe in life on other planets?
Morning Pan
Hubby’s school is putting on a production of Willy Wonka. We’re going to see it after lunch.
Apparently his school has a theatre style popcorn machine and a candy floss machine. I haven’t had candy floss since I was very young. I think I may have to get some for nostalgia.
Is candy floss the same as cotton candy?
The pink colour always put me off..true story.
How are you with the blue?
Yeah, we define floss as the string you use to clean between your teeth. Which is less fun than cotton candy.
Life gets the big F U today
Sarah Silverman’s new special – A Speck Of Dust is an absolute clinic on how to do stand up. Highest of recommendations.
I’ll add to my FB post…. “God has a plan” are not only the 4 most ignorant words one can say, but also the laziest.
Well we all know how well that worked for their water system
I’m praying that you find peace with this.
And also you…
I don’t think I realized how much I am rooting for the Preds. OR I’m that much rooting against the stupid Penguins
Wonder Woman was great, just go and see it, unless you are A Palestinian, then you have a good excuse..
WTF are you talking about? I feel I’ve missed something
The actress who plays WW was in the IDF when they killed a lot of Lebanese civilians. I should have said Lebanese not Palestinian.
That seems … well …
It’s just that I can’t think of an army that hasn’t killed a lot of civilians.
US included.
Recently in fact. 🙁
Right. . . . I know nothing about her history, but I can’t really hold that against her – – unless it comes out that she orchestrated murders, atrocities, etc.
Now if she’d been a war-mongering politician. . .
To be fair, every Israeli citizen serves in the armed forces. So it’s unfair to single out one over another.
Right. She’s being used as a convenient anti-Israeli sentiment.
Something something “hey look at this link!” Something blah blah SQUIRREL
Is that a commentary on this conversation? Or that one?
Or the other one!
Hey LOOK I’m posting something that mean nogragra
No YOU look! I’m posting something that means nothing about your post naginata!
Also I have questions about the WW comics but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.
The Trailer – I . am . so . IN!
The trailer at least, gives it the look/feel of a pre – Daniel Craig, Bond Film!
As to your WW comics question. Yes, there was a lot of underlying bondage themes.
What? That wasn’t your question? Oops.
; ) Mmmmbondage.
No I have questions about characters in comics vs movie. I started reading the relaunch so something in the movie is making me curious about that character in the past.
The amount of coverage that 5-10 people dying from terror attacks in Western countries gets compared to the utter lack of coverage of what 50-100 people dying in terror attacks in non-western countries is still fucking appalling to me
You don’t understand – without the coverage, what good would that kind of attack be?
These violent extremists have absolutely no hope of killing everyone who doesn’t believe as they do. None. Zero. Zip.
The only way they can possibly “win” is by doing something tremendously in-humane and then getting as much press coverage, social media coverage and politicians grandstanding about what they did … that the rest of us will FEAR them and change our very lives to stop living as we had been doing and instead, become more like them.
So you see, If they don’t get all that coverage … what would be the point of committing these acts to begin with?
Huh… interesting. But my original statement still stands. And actually Jack’s link sums it up perfectly…only like Oliver can
Well and actually watching the whole thing I wish he would have mentioned that there are actual countries ‘under siege’ from ISIS that are conveniently discussed for 5 min then dismissed
I was actually agreeing with you and attempting to make the point that the news coverage you are talking about is not only filled with hysteria it is “aiding and abetting” these (as Oliver puts it) monumental a$$holes.
I think I knew that but the whiskey has been poured and the night is late
Morning Pan
It’s strange having a forced vacation. Since I’m not on my computer as much, I’m not here as much. Must try to remember to check in more often on my mobile device.
Terry Gilliam finally finished shooting Don Quixote. I never thought that statement would be uttered.
I think Gilliam wins the award for making the most number of movies that went massively over time/budget … were declared complete disasters before being released … were met with mild indifference by the general public … and are among my favorite films!
I look forward to seeing this one!
Wasn’t there even a documentary about how the movie production had failed?
Yup. Lost in La Mancha. It’s available on Netfilx and pretty good.
I hope they make another documentary about this narrated by Jeff Bridges.
This is rad.
“South Africa’s first all-black black metal band, Demogoroth Satanum, is overcoming the country’s dark past with every tension-breaking show.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hMPFVpKh0E
I’ll have to click that link when I can listen. I hear that the kids from Stranger Things are not fans.
A fly made it into the house. Kitty loves her new toy.
I just hope she doesn’t eat it. :-o~~
Protein is good for animals
I’m enjoying the dialogue in Ssn 1 of Killjoys
CP: Progress – Public Service Broadcasting
CP: Blame It On Me — Unwritten Law
My favorite weapon is the look in your eyes
/fake British accent
Archer Dreamland may not have been the best season of Archer, but it was, in fact, the best season of Archer.
Fuck that! All seasons of Archer are the best.
I mean I can’t disagree, my sloppy British freund.
Haven’t gotten to the end of this season yet but am enjoying it.
Well today the UK population vote for change or the same old shit.
I’m hoping for the former, expecting the latter.
Reporting in: Today I read a fascinating Rolling Stone interview with Johnny Carson from 1979. His Tonight Show persona was likable and witty, but he seems to have been a very intelligent, cool guy off-camera. His commentary about the state of TV, talk shows, comedy, actors, etc. was very sharp, and fully applicable to today’s world.
It was abridged version of this article, if you’re playing along at home.
The real question is, tomorrow morning when I bake cookies, do I make chocolate chip peanut chocolate brownie cookies?
Watched the first (2 hrs) of the new Twin Peaks last night.
It was appropriately weird and messed up. If you were not a fan of (or did not ever see) the original series, I highly doubt you would enjoy this.
Bonus – got to watch it with 3 of my buddies whom were part of the gang that got together every week, 25 years ago, to watch the original broadcasts.
Liberals and sane people are setting themselves up for major disappointment if they expect any real results to come of this.
Before I could even hit the “Post Comment” button, I spotted right-wingers declaring victory.
I don’t even think we can rule out a Trump second term as it is the way are electorate is divided up these days.
As I heard one political analyst say, “With both houses controlled by Republicans, you will not see this president impeached until he has done something so heinous, that impeachment won’t be able to remedy the situation.”
hehe … (it’s funny cause it’s true)
Lots of ways in which “I hope” can convey a threat. “Nice store you have here. I hope nobody burns it down.”
Thank you. British voters, for not doubling down on your stupid, fear-inspired vote from last year.
We’ll try to do the same, if we get another chance.
Got to thank the young uns for not falling for the right wing tabloid smears.
Morning Pan
We had a bit of weather last night
Cookie making time!
Cookies are cooking. Once I put them in the cookie jar, I’ll do the floors
I’m baking as well.
Instructions – take muffin tin and line each compartment with a strip of bacon.
(2) pour in some egg, add chopped yellow/red/orange peppers and chopped mushrooms. Top with shredded cheese.
(3) Bake in oven 15 minutes at 350 degrees
(4) Figure out a way to remove them from pan.
(5) decide that maybe they needed another two minutes.
(6) Eat one anyway because you are running late.
(7) Decide that if I do this again I should slightly pre-cook bacon to get it a little more done.
Aside from the peppers, sounds good joe. We’ll be right over.
This does sound good (with the peppers, of course).
FYI – 15 minutes didn’t quite do it.
added another minute in microwave oven.
Also – might want to slightly pre-cook bacon just to remove some of the grease.
It made more of a mess in the kitchen than I had hoped … but I do have plenty left over in the fridge so that I can now just warm up and eat in the future.
I’m just allergic to bell peppers, so I avoid them. I will just let others eat them for me 🙂
Indeed, though thanks for posting that link. Other headlines I saw refered to her role in Dick Tracy. I knew her name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite come up with the role I remembered her from. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was it. Damn shame!
Much the same. Two items I checked off because I never had them and have never had an opportunity to eat them: marmite and Taramasalata. I would if given the chance. The other two I don’t like: licorice and pickled eggs. Overall, I only checked 4 out of 87.
48 out of 87
42 out of 87…which is actually better than I expected from a picky eater test. Of course, that also included checking several things that I couldn’t identify.
By the stubbing of my thumb
Something stupid this way comes
Just finished the full season of the new MST3K. The cameos, the jokes, the cast, the tiny changes, the riffs. It’s like being 21, watching Comedy Central at 2am again.
Ack, sorry Van. I posted before I looked at the previous posts for the day
No worries.
There is a LOT that isn’t going to be the same.
My very first TV action hero. :(. May he wear his ill-fitting spandex with pride in that bat cave in the sky.
Good afternoon Pan
Game Day! (shocking I know)
Today we are looking to play Star Trek Ascension, Terraforming Mars. Both good games
We have the 60’s batman series on Blu-Ray. We quite often watch them when friends are over gaming (so almost every weekend) while we eat take-out
Look you have to get up pretty early to beat Van on a dead celeb post
Viva la time difference’
So the charging cord wasn’t staying plugged in, so I took a toothpick to the iPhone charging port. I gotta tell ya, it had more lint than an old guy’s belly button. The cable seems to be staying nicely now.
Guys…guys… my name is now “Lo T”. I mean that’s some self deprecating funny shit right there
Not a clue how I replied here. LINT!
Currently, PHX is only 7 degrees hotter than Denver. Fuck this shit. I swear there are no seasons here anymore… its rainy and cool for all of April and May and then suddenly OH HAI HEAT!!!!!!!!!!! No middle ground
I blame the Californians moving here and also Cheeto Hitler
Maybe he can build a wall to keep the bad weather out.
Underrated president. Certainly better than anyone put forth by the right in the past 30+ years.
For shizz. The rad thing about him is that the farm where he lives is a National Historic Site owned and run by the Park Service. So at any given time if you go visit there just may be an ex-pres hanging out at home. I mean you can’t just go see him but it’s still a very unique situation.
20,387 steps today and counting.
No faith in your world
Create my own to thrive
Oh fuck the Penguins.
Hey it’s cool to witness the Sidney Crosby era. He’s truly established himself as one of the all time greats. Congrats to the Pens and their fans on yet another Cup victory.
It’s not! I mean fine it is.. .but its not!
Morning Pan
Another hubiless evening.
Remember it’s legal now to challenge his bosses to a duel.
Huh. We just had a small power outage. Now I have to go around and reset the time on all the clocks.
Last night, hubby tells me we need eggs. I ask him what he used them for since there were still a half dozen left when I made cookies on Friday.
Apparently he was getting something from the fridge and knocked the eggs on the floor. There were no survivors
Ok pan, grab your comfort blanket. It’s movie time
Today’s movie is Morgan
The Netflix write up: when scientists in a clandestine lab create a human girl from synthetic DNA, a risk-management consultant is sent in to decide the project’s fate
Lunch together
Stabby, stabby
Bridge overhead shot
Ice car
Not another Helsinki
That’s a lab?
Nice digs
Thank you, Ted
Press the issue
You know nothing John Snow
Ask Amy
Everybody loves lasagna
Skip cooks
Cathy looks a little worse for wear
Cathy feels good. It must be the drugs
It was cathy’s fault
Feel better
Getting up to speed
Science stuff
Naked baby
First birthday
Discussing the incident
Morgan finds music relaxing
In light of recent events
Lee Weathers feels ok
Morgan feels bad
This is a pine tree
Being yourself is the most important thing
Anticipated profit
Lee speaks multiple languages
For every decision we make, there are consequences
How profound
Alien: Covenant… I’m going to expand on Van’s comment about it.
I think he sighed in his review.
My review gets a different bodily function sound:
I thought the ship was a very cool design and had some really cool functions.
There were a few great tense, anxiety-ridden suspense/action moments. But they last just mere moments.
Still; it was a crapfest of a movie.
We need to stop making prequels of beloved film franchises. Prometheus wasn’t a terrible movie. . . Covenant is a fucking terrible movie. . .
That’s all I’ll say, because I’m sure some of you still want to see it (and I get that).
Listen I get people do stupid shit when encountering the unknown , but the Crew not knowing the specs of their sim human was just fucking absurd.
I highly doubt it’s “fucking terrible”. Terrible films don’t get positive scores on metacritic. It may not be your cup of tea but so it goes. The DC films we actual terrible films due to their scores on most every respected critic site. That being said some people enjoyed those films.
Now if I can actually see it without Van spoiling it in the next few days it’ll be a win win.
I’ll withhold my critiques until it’s been out for awhile, and everyone’s had a chance to see it. If people do enjoy it, then cool. There are a few good scenes and some brief touches on interesting concepts.
Well, I see I managed to sleep through what turned out to be a pretty awful day…
Crap joke for the day:
A couple has been married for 60 years. And to stay together for that long you have to be completely honest with your partner. So the husband and wife were very open, shared everything and didn’t have any secrets from each other. Well, almost… The wife kept a shoe box in the closet, which she had asked her husband not to open or even ask about.
And the man never thought about the box in 60 years, until the day his wife got very sick. The doctor said she wouldn’t make it. While trying to sort out their affairs, the husband took the shoebox to his wife’s bedside and she agreed it was time for him to see what was inside. The man’s eyes widened as he discovered $95000 and two crocheted dolls in the box.
“When we were to be married,” the old lady explained, “my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.”
The husband was deeply touched, two dolls meant she was angry with him only twice in 60 years!
“Honey,” he said after overcoming the emotions “that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?”
“Oh, that?” the wife said. “That’s the money I made from selling the dolls.”
(Yes, it’s a bunt of a response, admittedly.)
Morning Pan
Had a good visit with the youngest over the weekend. Her birthday is in a couple of days so we spoiled her.
Now back to regular life.
Woot 🙂
A Bond has died. RIP Roger Moore. Confirmed by family
Big bucket of win. Not the best Bond but he was my Bond
He was the Bond of my childhood. Safe travels Mr. Moore.
You and helium
You guys said it perfectly. He was my first Bond, and I still think he’s the best embodiment of the character. RIP.
It’s only 8:30 and it’s already 18C outside. Looks like we’re in for a hot day today
Don’t know what it will be, but I think I’ll watch a movie tomorrow
Be sure to read them both.
Damn it got dusty in here….
I saw Van talking about this very kind of thing on FB, earlier today.
Morning Pan
Kitty goes for her quarterly vet appointment today
Wow. I’ve always admired her artistic eye.
Dang, I’ll have to give this my full attention over lunch.
Quick skim is all I’ve got time for today. Looks like great stuff.
This was a good one
That was perfect.
Time to see what Netflix has for us to watch
Netflix recommends Before I Wake. It has 29% on Rotten Tomatoes
Sounds perfect
The Netflix write up: a sweet little boy’s wondrous dreams come to life while he sleeps. Unfortunately, so do his nightmares
Sleeping child
Crying man
Are you ready for this?
House renos
Removing pictures
Insomnia is latin for dream
Really? Now I have to look it up
Ha! Insomnia does not mean dream but sleeplessness in Latin
Anyway. It looks like her first kid died in the bath tub
Hello kid
Shoes make floors dirty
Wait, social services never visited the house before qualifying for foster?
The kid isn’t sleeping
Hiding caffeinated drinks
School time
She found his box
Butterfly book
The monster ate his mom
It’s always fun and games until someone’s mom gets eaten, either literally or in the cunnilingus sense
I don’t know what your talking about. The fun is just getting started in the second instance
Yes, I know the difference between your and you’re. It’s auto correct that doesn’t
I want to be a grammar nazi, but the fact that I didn’t notice until you pointed it out disqualifies me.
She took away his stash
No. Don’t jar the butterflies
They disappeared
Time for a drink of water
Ghostly presence
She broke her glass
Back to group
Lucid dreams are still dreams
We can have R.E.M. Sleep while we are awake
Something else to look up
CP: Gum — Cornelius
Bad boy of the class
*real life interruption *. It’s starting to get cold. I’m pausing to close the windows
Ok back to the movie
Portrait of a happy family
Sleeping with the tv on
More butterflies
Their son lives
Hugging the dead son
Cody is sorry
Wait, they promised him pizza yesterday
Showing the new kid videos of the dead kid only two days in seems wrong
Why do mom and dad always stay up so late?
Glowing butterflies this time
Butterfly kisses
And the nightmares begin
She put the pictures back up
This is not healing
She’s so much taller than him
He’s falling asleep in class
The bully sees him sleeping
The monster sees the bully
She’s waiting for her dead son
Eating coffee grounds. Yuck
Don’t look under the bed
While I admit, jump scares work on me, I prefer the more cerebral kind
Sleeping drugs
Making him a car bed
Changing the subject
Putting drugs in his milk
They are terrible painters
Today was his favourite day
Right. Tell the new kid how the old kid died just before bed
She thinks she’s a bad mom for drugging the kid
Dead son is back
Ok, another jump scare
Drugged kids don’t wake up
Absorbing daddy
The police think drugging kids is bad
Codys dreams took daddy
She took codys file
A visit to the mental hospital
Time for backstory
It started with the butterflies
Dream a little dream of me
This is where the movie started
You need to kill the kid
The kid doesn’t like his state mandated room
Searching for original parents
Now we know why he likes butterflies
Ha! Now the state is drugging the kid
Wow. What a run down place
Social worker believes her now
Some people are just idiots
Wow, she did the smart thing
Ext in dream land…
Still searching for Cody
The monster’s back
Stopped by a butterfly
Monster hugs
Let’s just take the kid shall we
Letting them go
Following the pretty lights
Everybody loves a happy ending
Explaining cancer to Cody
The canker man ate his mommy
The bully is no longer a bully
Awww. He called he mom
You know, I kind of liked that movie
In an alternate universe, Kate Bush doesn’t become a crazy cat lady and instead of singing standards decides to take the musical foundation of “The Hounds of Love” and press it forward into the modern age. If she did that, I think she would sound a lot like Chelsea Wolfe. I submit for your consideration “House of Metal”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI5WbKK5wbk I can easily imagine Kate doing the vocals for this. If Justa jOE isn’t listening to Chelsea Wolfe, he should be.
Yeah man, she’s something else
Will give it a spin!
And you also want to slash the CDC’s budget? Are you fucking stupid?
I mean….
Signs point to…
The new Joy Formidable live album – Leave No Trace – is excellent. Not acoustic, but a very toned down subtle performance that still maintains an all out rock and roll atmosphere. Lots of stuff from each of their albums – with lots of deep cuts – and some delightful witty banter.
Rating – 4 out of 5 Welsh Ritzys
Meant to say “mostly” acoustic.. not “not”
Ah lookie there
There he comes
Here comes that Van again
This why we don’t deserve good things:
I think the line in the article “and this has caused some Trekkies to fret about the lack of white men in charge” should be changed to “and this has caused some racists to fret about the lack of white men in charge”. I think it would put the story in its proper light.
I’m going to say it again… STOP WRITING AND POSTING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE. It’s what they want and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. Seriously… as soon as The Last Jedi comes out these people will again be yelling that “women have bled all over our Empire!”. People will be enraged for about a week then forget it happened. Then the next film will come out to get these people riled up. Folks will be enraged for about a week and then it will be forgotten. Wash rinse repeat.
Here’s a tip – racists are gonna be racist. Bigots gonna bigot. It’s not new. Silence their voice by silencing your own about them.
See, you’re 100% right about giving these troglodytes the attn they crave. . . . but I don’t think it’s that simple. Our ignorance of just how deep and dangerous their particular mudpit is has cost us dearly.
We need to somehow keep up our awareness that these people exist, without feeding their sad lust for atten. Their numbers are small and dwindling, but still apparently enough to mobilize and vote through disasters like Brexit and Trump.
Hubby’s not home tonight. What should I have for dinner? Decisions, decisions
If it’s still crazy windy, then I’d rule out take-out.
Speaking of systemic racism – – we saw Book of Mormon last night, in spite of me feeling sick-like.
Holy crap, is it funny. So many great recurring jokes. (Yes, I’m endorsing a musical)
I’ve only seen clips:
I do remember the film, but never saw it.
Don’t worry, we’d never allow those kinds of governments in reality!
Morning Pan
Time for some morning cuteness & smiles
These are adorable, and have nothing to do with politics.
April sales have been entered. Now, April payments
Happy birthday Star Wars and Alien
Say hello to your new Overkord.well if you play Go! That is:
Hubby and I don’t play Go that often. Too many other games grab our attention.
I don’t recall ever playing a game of it, not even on a computer.
Isn’t Othello a Western mod of the game?
It appears not:
Computers have been able to beat the best human players since 1980.
I don’t believe I’ve ever played. My guess is as computers get faster and AI improves, there will be a point were a human can never beat a machine at games of skill.
This makes my hockey childhood happy. There are a few with Trottier and Coffey.
My favorite Paul Coffey moment…
Get me out of here
I’ve been lost in the dark
Get me out of here
Sometimes it’s fun to go back to the beginning and read some of the comments made some years ago (11??!). Since I avoided the board for so long, it is bringing back memories of all those bumpers and making me realize some people really haven’t changed 🙂
So many of them have been lost.
I realize you meant commenters but after watching The Leftovers I wanted to ask where they went. Did the comments or the people go?
This is what happens when you get tired and watch dystopian shows.
I doubt we’ll find out, best left to be a mystery.
A GREAT hockey game being played tonite
Honest Trailer for Logan with a special guest:
Morning Pan
My cat decided that 4:00 was a perfect time for us to wake up. We were not amused
What a week. I’m glad that things are no longer (metaphorically) on fire any more. I hope they stay that way over the weekend.
@Lo Comixology has a 40th anniversary sale for Star Wars. Make your recommendations! 😀
Of the modern books I’ve read, the full Darth Vader series is the best. Highly recommended! Especially the first 2 storylines (although there’s crossover with the main Star Wars series for the ‘Vader Down’ books).
Otherwise, the Lando series was short and pretty good.
Anyone else?
Oh ma gerd!
Recent Marvel stuff – The entirety of the Vader series including the Vader Down crossover event, the Princess Leia miniseries, the current Dr. Aphra series (think Star Wars meets Tomb Raider meets Indiana Jones) and you could check out the main Star Wars series if you want. It doesn’t get truly great until issue 5 or 6 and this last arc they just got done with was meh.
My very favorite SW run though, is the Star Wars: Legacy series from Dark Horse that ran 2006-2010. That is truly great Star Wars stuff. And that Deliah Blue…. vavavavoooom!
Now get to it, Padawan!
Agreed with Jack on Lando. Was good if forgettable.
My cough decided that 3:00 was a perfect time for us to wake up. We were not amused.
You should make your cough sleep outside.
And we celebrated the last day of school by taking the girl and her BFF to see the new Pirates movie.
There are some seriously creative idea people on Disney’s payroll. . . . Although the movie was still completely bonkers.
my Alma Mater…
Yikes! Glad they caught them.
I unfriended someone today on FaceBook. I’m a terrible person
(Not a Deadpanite)
Well I would guess that would depend on why you unfriended them.
Yeah, I assume it would take a lot to get you to that point.
I learned a new word today: parging
I had to look it up when the condo association sent a notice out saying they will be parging in June
Are they parging iceholes?
Those bastages!
Don’t lock the door on me
You’d kill me, face down, dead
Another part of you gone to waste
Please hear me out
You kill me face down dead
Another day in the dark
I wonder if “You’d kill me, face down, dead” sounds less silly in French.
Am I more stoked to see Gojira again than Metallica this summer? Possibly.
Vous me tuez, face cachée, mort
Are the coming again?
I’ve seen Lars’s band in their heyday. I don’t need to see them again for 100$
Now…Roger Waters just went on sale for 25$…… how the fuck can I pass that up
Oh! WITH Metallica. Got it
Depends. If he’s doing the Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking he might have to pay the crowd $25 to come and see it.
I briefly considered putting a bid on the box seats for the Roger Waters concert here until I saw the price. $900 for two tickets. The cheap seats were $70 when I looked.
I don’t know, Asshat, I’m hoping he plays Radio KAOS in its entirety. (Shudder)
Also I don’t think you can simply translate that phrase from French to English. I’m sure some is lost when they originally translated from their native tongue.
I haven’t watched the video; it seems a little silly.
Great song, though.
Is what it is. Very reminiscent of 90’s videos where images over structural content was key
Dammit you always mention these folks and I continually forget to look them up.
That Pamela Johnson tho…
I’m going to take this as the subtle mockery it was meant to be. 🙂
If a married man with a foot fetish has an affair, did he get off on the wrong foot?
Maybe he just needed some sexual heeling.
Damnit, Mangan! I see what you did there…and I chuckled.
RIP, Gregg Allman. Don’t let ’em catch the Midnight Rider.
Lord, he was born a ramblin man.
I’ve never met an Allman Bros song I didn’t not turn off. RIP.
I meant to reply hours ago with applause for this.
Although I’ve still never seen Primer. I should rectify that.
Yes you should.
Worth the 11 minutes. I always found that scene with the Architect fascinating. I just wish it had paid off better.
That Lode Runner redux app is a neat trip down memory lane.
I was never that impressed with the ZX Spectrum version and the Japanese Gameboy version (which scrolled the screen as the res of the Gameboy screen was so low).
But the latest version on iOS, which is completely free has been a lot of fun.
I used to play it on the Atari 800.
So, Mr. Mangan and I ate dinner at a BBQ place here in town tonight, and it got me thinking about KC-style BBQ. What is it like? Is it smothered in sauce? Cooked in a smoker, on a grill, or in a pit?
What are we in for in August? My mouth is watering!!!
I can attest that this conversation did come up during our fancy dinner at Porkopolis.
And sure, there’s Google, but I think we’re more interested in hearing from you who’ve experienced KC BBQ.
Traditional bbq is a low slow smoker with a brown sugar or molasses based sauce (so sweet). I tend to like the spicier sauces. A specialty if KC is the burnt end. I had to explain to a recent transplant that they aren’t really burnt. This was produced by our local public tv. https://youtu.be/AZgD2pn8CAQ
KC, unlike most cities, specializes in all styles of BBQ. You’ll even find Carolina vinegar style if you look. Food doesn’t tend to be smothered in sauce, they leave that to you. Most places have a tomato based sauce; dry rubs are also around. Ribs, brisket, beef, pork, chicken, lamb… you can find pretty much anything and I’m sure you’ll find something you love.
Burnt ends originated in KC and is delicious. It originated from the trimmed ends of brisket, cut up with sauce, and served either in a sandwich or on their own.
Thanks, dude and dudette! Burnt ends are commonly available at places here. I’m a fan, although I think I prefer straight brisket. A couple of my favorite bbq places here also have the “naked meat” style, with a variety of sauce options to suit your tastes.
I think the Phoenix BBQ scene is sticking to the KC style, as opposed to the Texas or Southern styles.
We have a competition society here that often trains judges, so we learn a lot about the different styles (as you can see by our responses)
Like Cynful said the traditional KC style is slightly sweet with brown sugar, but as ditto stated all sorts of BBQ are represented locally. From memory, I would rate Gates BBQ as traditional KC style. Arthur Bryant is less sweet with a more mustard base. Watching all the cooking shows, Joe’s BBQ (Formally Oklahoma Joe’s) is the best in town. I’ve never tried Joe’s but in the group of people I associated with back in KC, Jack Stack was generally thought of as best, and it gets my recommendation as well.
If you are coming here, you shouldn’t eat at Gates or Arthur Bryant. Gates, while an interesting experience, is very middle-of-the-road as is Arthur Bryant, which is important for historical reasons. There are much better places to eat here. Joe’s KC is excellent, as Rhettro said, as is Jack Stack, and Q39. I quite enjoy Danny Edwards and LC’s, and I’ve also heard great things about Slaps.
There are so many excellent BBQ places here that you shouldn’t settle for merely good.
As to the Roger Waters song selection. . .. this setlist is pretty legit.
One more link/discussion point for the night. . . I know the Captain America-Hydra conversation has been talked up ad nauseum, but this is truly an interesting perspective on it:
For the TL;DR: it basically says that making Captain America a fascist was a canny reaction to bouts of white rage that had been directed at a couple of recent storylines that involved black men in the Captain America role, or empowered my the Super serum and acting heroically. . . Basically: giving the loudmouthed racist fanboys exactly what they were asking for.
Goodnight Hydra.
Good article. It put a few things in perspective.
Conan board game review:
Does the expansion come with Grace Jones?
Morning Pan
PMJ’s take on a classic Metallica song is quite good
We are seeing them in a dual concert with SNC this summer! Should be a heck of a good time!
That’s Post Modern Jukebox with Straight No Chaser- not Metallica with either of them.
Happy Day Off Day if ya got it.
Should i know this Phoebe Waller-Bridge?
She seems to be pretty much UK
Morning Pan
After lunch, I’m going to have a water way dug in one of my teeth.
A man, a plan, a canal. . .
Imaginary Worlds:
My teeth are strange. Now sitting at the emergency dentist waiting to be looked at
My regular dentist said he’s only seen my issue twice before
Oh joy
I’ll take “Things you don’t want to the dentist to say” for $1000.
That is seriously awful, Bunny 🙁 . I hope this gets resolved without a lot of pain and complication.
Yeah, that sounds no fun. 🙁
Oh My!
Bunny, I hope it is painless and not too serious!
I hate dentists. May I never see one again. Oh wait, I have to go back next week to get the whole thing properly filled
Currently at the drug store filling prescriptions for pain killers and antibiotics
Oh and so people don’tbm bwnorry ltd d. Mno much, this is my dental woes
Went in for a root canal. I’ve one I think he past so thought I knew what to expect
Apparently, the tooth that should have had only on nerve, had a second one hiding behind it that did not show up in the x-ray, but did not like being drilled into thank you very much. To add to that it also curved under Neath the bone or something like that so they couldn’t just get out it. So it was already open so they had to send me into a specialist in the city to deal with it.
Done now
Now I just want to sleep
Telling your little girl via text that her hamster died while she’s on an extended vacation with her mom. :'(
I hope the link works. Looks like a good read. It’s still a masterpiece today.
Morning Pan
My mouth is still a little frozen. What’s that about?
CP: Country Feedback — R.E.M.
Yes, you too can do a better Cockney accent than Dick Van Dyke, just watch and learn:
Can’t pull off Cockney but can do a mean Dickelbow
I get it, phallusjoint!
Johnsonknuckle would be better.
Accepted. We’d also take Shaftfemur
Try to read these without snickering at your desk.
Gawd this IS delightful
Lion King Bloopers that were animated:
I’ve been on a kick lately of listening to old Deadpan episodes. One funny comment, when Jack asks Mike T. Nelson if there was a possibility of any future MST3K, Mike said that given the legal hurdles he unfortunately didn’t think there was any chance of future MST3K episodes. LOL
-T +J
A melding of Mike J. and Craig T. Nelson would have been absurd and wonderful.
I do appreciate those trips through the old Deadpans! So many treasured little moments preserved there in mp3 amber.
John Buccigross. No one was finer.
NOW if you had interviewed JOEL instead of Mike… 😉
Wanna do something fun? Type “askew” in Google search
Weaker now, drawing fluid from me
You kill me
I’m not afraid of what you have just done
But of what you’ve just become
Buying Dead Cross tix on Saturday. Good or bad I am not passing up a chance to see Patton and Lombardo live.
Don’t you mock me!
But if I don’t who will?
HINT: He’s bald, British, and beautiful.
Tickets acquired for Wonder Woman tomorrow night.
I’ll have to wait till Sunday.
Hello Deadpan.
Life took an unfortunate turn a few months back. A dream and a goal that I had invested my life in for the last 6 years evaporated rather suddenly. Been a bit adrift since then.
In other news, the eldest of the Deapan Jr. Auxiliary got an Academic AND Athletic scholarship to the Colorado School Of Mines so who knows … I might get to share a pint with some of our Denver Deadpanites in the next 4 years.
So yeh. That.
Good news plus good news plus bad news – – I think you come out slightly ahead there.
Sorry about the disappointment, but I am glad to see you back.
Excellent news about your eldest. Mines is a SERIOUSLY spectacular school that you haev to be seriosuly spectacular smart just to get a sniff at. Well done !
Yeah jOE, sorry about the plans going astray but I’m happy for your progeny. If you look up thread I recommended you check out Chelsea Wolfe’s “House of Metal” as a substitute for a modern Kate Bush. I’m curious about your thoughts on this.
I did give it a listen. I think it is the sort of thing I dig … but need to give it a listen again when I am less distracted.
It’s a pretty cool place but they’d have never let ME in.
I have threatened to get a job at Coors and move to Golden.
That has not been well received.
Since she will be a 20 hour drive from home … if there’s an emergency I might have to call on our Denver area Deadpanites to be her surrogate Aunt’s and Uncles!
Cute post, and definitely applicable to Whippets.
So awesome!
My boo adopted a retired racing greyhound a couple of years ago. She calls it the cat of dogs because it likes to laze around.
Did she name it “Santa’s Little Helper?”
You guys – – I think I’ve narrowed down the possibilities on the covfefe code! It’s gotta be one of the following:
Comb-Over Victim Fakes Effectiveness, Fails Extravagantly
Clutches On Vaginas, Frightening Enticing Females Everywhere
Creepy Orange Villain Finds Excreted Fluids Erotic
Crusty Oldie Very Flatulent Every Friday Evening
Cheeky Oligarch Victimizes Females, Eensy Fingers Encroaching
Come On. Verified Fake Every Fucking Evening.
Although #3 of yours is beyond inspired
S5 of The Americans was pretty low key, nice character development, and the finale left me looking forward to the final S6.
Morning Pan
My boss is going on holidays for about a week. This means I’m on holidays for a week as most of my work requires reports from her.
Why is it, when I think of bands that really ROCK … I never think of the Foo Fighters … yet every time I hear one of their songs on the radio I think “wow … that really rocks”?
Foo blindness?
I think they suffer from auto-dismissal, due to their popularity, and a handful of tacky poppy singles. But yeah, Grohl gets full marks for sticking around, as he promised.
Grohl is a talented musician and I definitely like a few Foo songs. But apprehension is that I’ve heard so much of it on rock radio, that it doesn’t feel unique enough for me to seek out more of the same.
So I just did some research and it turns out the Foo Fighters that I like were the FF from the 2007 album “Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace” .
I especially like the musical complexity of “The Pretender”.
“The Pretender” is an excellent song.
My favorite will always be the first album, on which Dave Grohl wrote and recorded the parts for every instrument (not at the same time).
There have been two more wrong-way driver incidents here in the Phoenix Metro area in the past few days. It is such a disturbing and confusing phenomenon.
Considering over half of them since 2009 are alcohol related, it’s not confusing nor a phenomenon. Disturbing, sure.
Have British tourists been ruled out?
Fla had (still has?) a problem with that but it was retirees who should have not been driving do to bad eyesight or onset dementia.
Right! I;d like to also kno wthe age group in AZ too.
Oh Vanny… the Brits are always to blame. No matter what the data shows…
CP: Everybody Wants To Rule The World — Tears For Fears
Hmmmm. I have a hankering for popcorn now. 🙂
Wow, that is a deep Real Genius reference. 🙂
You’re welcome. 😀
“Ministry is gearing up to release a new album, featuring guest artists DJ Swamp (Beck), Burton C. Bell (Fear Factory), Arabian Prince (NWA), Lord of the Cello…”
I don’t know if this an interesting or awful idea.
Can Al Jourgensen still dedicate himself to a full project? He released a terrible thing last year. The collaboration with Burton is promising.
By almost all accounts WW is a smashing critical success. Unless youre the AV club… then it just gets a ‘eh’ from those hipsters.
Hopefully this translates to box office success because I can see DC films in their ultimate ‘wisdom’ still relegating her to the background of the Universe in favor of continued awful Batman and Superman films. Time will tell but it’s obvious THIS is the franchise the DC universe should rotate around.
Yup. That’s the TRUE story but here’s the story that will actually be printed
Stealing this for FB
I’ve decided Covfefe is like the word smurf. Any word can be replaced with it. Case in point: I want to covfefe you like an animal.
I haven’t seen season 2 yet. Still a bummer.
Sense8 was cancelled.
Whoops. I didnt see this post before posting mine
This is cool:
Netflix has canceled Sense8.
Without having watched Season 2 yet, I am bummed to hear this news. I hope the series has resolved all of its storylines by the end…
Wow. 3 posts about Sense8 being cancelled within a half hour of each other…
I will say this. As much as I don’t like that show I can empathise because I feel the same way about The Get Down being cancelled. Methinks some of these giant budget Netflix shows just get too big for their britches.
Sense8 has been cancelled by Netflix.
So this happened…
Did you guys hear that Sense8 was cancelled?
Hubby’s going to be home only a little late tonight. I’m waiting til he gets home and we will have a late dinner together
Has he heard about Sense8 yet?
😆 I think we’re the only people who haven’t wat he’s it yet
Wat he’s = watched it
The fiend!
Hubby just texted me he’s coming home. His school soccer team just won the gold medal in their division ( which should tell you where he was )
Yay, go team! Congrats on the gold!
Wonder Woman. It’s good. I’m glad we finally have a front-and-center badass female hero.
Girl Power!
My co-worker asked me this morning if I was familiar with the band “Surfer Blood”. Sound familiar to anyone here?
Strange beautiful grass of green,
With your majestic silver seas
Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer
May I land my kinky machine?
Although your world wonders me,
With your majestic and superior cackling hen
Your people I do not understand,
So to you I shall put an end
And you’ll never hear surf music again
Did Jimi Hendrix believe in life on other planets?
He was from another planet.
True. But did he believe in himself?
Not necessarily stoned. . . but. . . beautiful. . . .
Meet Baroness’ rad new guitarist
An actual female in the band Baroness?
And an excellent one as well
CP: Teeth & Tissue — Headstones
“When cowboys file for divorce
Where the money go?
Who gets the kids?
When cowboys file for divorce
Who gets the house?
Who gets the hounds?
When cowboys pistol-whip the whores
They build the case for more divorce
They set the stage for martial wars!
When Vladamir Putin stops commutin’
He runs around the Kremlin shootin’
Everythin’ in sight!”
Morning Pan
Hubby’s school is putting on a production of Willy Wonka. We’re going to see it after lunch.
Apparently his school has a theatre style popcorn machine and a candy floss machine. I haven’t had candy floss since I was very young. I think I may have to get some for nostalgia.
Is candy floss the same as cotton candy?
The pink colour always put me off..true story.
How are you with the blue?
Yeah, we define floss as the string you use to clean between your teeth. Which is less fun than cotton candy.
Life gets the big F U today
Sarah Silverman’s new special – A Speck Of Dust is an absolute clinic on how to do stand up. Highest of recommendations.
I’ll add to my FB post…. “God has a plan” are not only the 4 most ignorant words one can say, but also the laziest.
Well we all know how well that worked for their water system
I’m praying that you find peace with this.
And also you…
I don’t think I realized how much I am rooting for the Preds. OR I’m that much rooting against the stupid Penguins
Don’t TL;DR, if you can. It’s a fascinating perspective.
Fun Wonder Woman texts!
Yes. fun
I can’t even….
Oh man.
That needs an unboxing video.
Wonder Woman was great, just go and see it, unless you are A Palestinian, then you have a good excuse..
WTF are you talking about? I feel I’ve missed something
The actress who plays WW was in the IDF when they killed a lot of Lebanese civilians. I should have said Lebanese not Palestinian.
That seems … well …
It’s just that I can’t think of an army that hasn’t killed a lot of civilians.
US included.
Recently in fact. 🙁
Right. . . . I know nothing about her history, but I can’t really hold that against her – – unless it comes out that she orchestrated murders, atrocities, etc.
Now if she’d been a war-mongering politician. . .
To be fair, every Israeli citizen serves in the armed forces. So it’s unfair to single out one over another.
Right. She’s being used as a convenient anti-Israeli sentiment.
Something something “hey look at this link!” Something blah blah SQUIRREL
Is that a commentary on this conversation? Or that one?
Or the other one!
Hey LOOK I’m posting something that mean nogragra
No YOU look! I’m posting something that means nothing about your post naginata!
Okay, who stepped on Lo’s tail?
Morning Pan
Hubby says he’s not working late at all this week.
Yea for TEB!
Goodbye To Wallace:
Peter Sallis: Last of the Summer Wine actor dies aged 96
RIP, Wallace :'(
The Big Trouble in Little China board game is available for pre-sale. $100 is a bit too much for me.
Does James Hong come and set up the pieces for you?
IT’s probably worth it for that price considering all the miniatures it comes with. This’ll be just another pipe dream to me… like these have been for over a decade https://www.amazon.com/Big-Trouble-Little-China-Burton/dp/B001AQDL8G
Calm down boy
And here’s another type of speedwagon.
I always thought they were Foreigner.
Or Night Ranger.
Or Styx.
Or Bad Company.
Sharing the pain/joy from yesterday’s previews
I guess I need to watch with sound.
Well you don’t have to, but it is catchier with sound.
So this was one of the trailers shown at the theater yesterday. One that really intrigued me. Has anyone read the graphic novels?
Also I have questions about the WW comics but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone.
The Trailer – I . am . so . IN!
The trailer at least, gives it the look/feel of a pre – Daniel Craig, Bond Film!
As to your WW comics question. Yes, there was a lot of underlying bondage themes.
What? That wasn’t your question? Oops.
; ) Mmmmbondage.
No I have questions about characters in comics vs movie. I started reading the relaunch so something in the movie is making me curious about that character in the past.
The amount of coverage that 5-10 people dying from terror attacks in Western countries gets compared to the utter lack of coverage of what 50-100 people dying in terror attacks in non-western countries is still fucking appalling to me
You don’t understand – without the coverage, what good would that kind of attack be?
These violent extremists have absolutely no hope of killing everyone who doesn’t believe as they do. None. Zero. Zip.
The only way they can possibly “win” is by doing something tremendously in-humane and then getting as much press coverage, social media coverage and politicians grandstanding about what they did … that the rest of us will FEAR them and change our very lives to stop living as we had been doing and instead, become more like them.
So you see, If they don’t get all that coverage … what would be the point of committing these acts to begin with?
Fuck this is perfect and wonderful
Huh… interesting. But my original statement still stands. And actually Jack’s link sums it up perfectly…only like Oliver can
Well and actually watching the whole thing I wish he would have mentioned that there are actual countries ‘under siege’ from ISIS that are conveniently discussed for 5 min then dismissed
I was actually agreeing with you and attempting to make the point that the news coverage you are talking about is not only filled with hysteria it is “aiding and abetting” these (as Oliver puts it) monumental a$$holes.
I think I knew that but the whiskey has been poured and the night is late
Morning Pan
It’s strange having a forced vacation. Since I’m not on my computer as much, I’m not here as much. Must try to remember to check in more often on my mobile device.
Terry Gilliam finally finished shooting Don Quixote. I never thought that statement would be uttered.
I think Gilliam wins the award for making the most number of movies that went massively over time/budget … were declared complete disasters before being released … were met with mild indifference by the general public … and are among my favorite films!
I look forward to seeing this one!
Wasn’t there even a documentary about how the movie production had failed?
Yup. Lost in La Mancha. It’s available on Netfilx and pretty good.
I hope they make another documentary about this narrated by Jeff Bridges.
This is rad.
“South Africa’s first all-black black metal band, Demogoroth Satanum, is overcoming the country’s dark past with every tension-breaking show.”
I’ll have to click that link when I can listen. I hear that the kids from Stranger Things are not fans.
I did what you see there…
Clicked. That is awesome.
I didn’t know this was a thing. Anyone familiar with it?
Hello from one so bad at keeping up!
EssBee! (In CO or in TX?)
Love ya! toot toot!
EssBee *hugs*
*insert awkwardly long hug hear*
*hear hear here*
Deep thoughts.
To quote Bill & Ted: Whoah.
I think a Lo “dafuq” is warranted.
Warranted. Even Wingered.
CP: We Looked Like Giants — Death Cab For Cutie
In CO at the moment!
Umm, yeah. I’ll Never hear war pigs without seeing this now. Thanks internet
Osbourne Squarepants!
That is extremely well done.
So apparently this June is the anniversary of the release of the first Harry Potter book.
Sorry, 20th anniversary.
Another good WW article:
Then there is this:
Morning Pan
I cleaned my garage this morning. Haven’t had breakfast yet though.
Recycling done. Car fueled up. Now waiting in line for a car wash
Saw this film today, no dialogue but it was a good watch:
A fly made it into the house. Kitty loves her new toy.
I just hope she doesn’t eat it. :-o~~
Protein is good for animals
I’m enjoying the dialogue in Ssn 1 of Killjoys
CP: Progress – Public Service Broadcasting
CP: Blame It On Me — Unwritten Law
My favorite weapon is the look in your eyes
/fake British accent
Archer Dreamland may not have been the best season of Archer, but it was, in fact, the best season of Archer.
Fuck that! All seasons of Archer are the best.
I mean I can’t disagree, my sloppy British freund.
Haven’t gotten to the end of this season yet but am enjoying it.
Well today the UK population vote for change or the same old shit.
I’m hoping for the former, expecting the latter.
Reporting in: Today I read a fascinating Rolling Stone interview with Johnny Carson from 1979. His Tonight Show persona was likable and witty, but he seems to have been a very intelligent, cool guy off-camera. His commentary about the state of TV, talk shows, comedy, actors, etc. was very sharp, and fully applicable to today’s world.
It was abridged version of this article, if you’re playing along at home.
Morning Pan
I think I shall clean the washroom today
The real question is, tomorrow morning when I bake cookies, do I make chocolate chip peanut chocolate brownie cookies?
Watched the first (2 hrs) of the new Twin Peaks last night.
It was appropriately weird and messed up. If you were not a fan of (or did not ever see) the original series, I highly doubt you would enjoy this.
Bonus – got to watch it with 3 of my buddies whom were part of the gang that got together every week, 25 years ago, to watch the original broadcasts.
May you all have aged as well as Kyle Mclachlan.
Or his sister Sarah.
But what about her two mules? 😉
They followed John Wayne into the sunset
Turns out that the mule were psychic astronauts.
No idea how legit, just seems like an interesting concept. Reminds me of Sealand.
CP: The Blues Never Die — Otis Spann
Game time!
Liberals and sane people are setting themselves up for major disappointment if they expect any real results to come of this.
Before I could even hit the “Post Comment” button, I spotted right-wingers declaring victory.
I don’t even think we can rule out a Trump second term as it is the way are electorate is divided up these days.
As I heard one political analyst say, “With both houses controlled by Republicans, you will not see this president impeached until he has done something so heinous, that impeachment won’t be able to remedy the situation.”
hehe … (it’s funny cause it’s true)
Lots of ways in which “I hope” can convey a threat. “Nice store you have here. I hope nobody burns it down.”
25 years ago today.
I have that album on cassette somewhere.
Me too! One of the greatest albums ever created. A true classic spanning multiple genres
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day/2017/06/hong-kong-apartments-night/ Cool Sci-Fi-as-real-life image.
That place is fucking amazing
Thank you. British voters, for not doubling down on your stupid, fear-inspired vote from last year.
We’ll try to do the same, if we get another chance.
Got to thank the young uns for not falling for the right wing tabloid smears.
Morning Pan
We had a bit of weather last night
Cookie making time!
Cookies are cooking. Once I put them in the cookie jar, I’ll do the floors
I’m baking as well.
Instructions – take muffin tin and line each compartment with a strip of bacon.
(2) pour in some egg, add chopped yellow/red/orange peppers and chopped mushrooms. Top with shredded cheese.
(3) Bake in oven 15 minutes at 350 degrees
(4) Figure out a way to remove them from pan.
(5) decide that maybe they needed another two minutes.
(6) Eat one anyway because you are running late.
(7) Decide that if I do this again I should slightly pre-cook bacon to get it a little more done.
Aside from the peppers, sounds good joe. We’ll be right over.
This does sound good (with the peppers, of course).
FYI – 15 minutes didn’t quite do it.
added another minute in microwave oven.
Also – might want to slightly pre-cook bacon just to remove some of the grease.
It made more of a mess in the kitchen than I had hoped … but I do have plenty left over in the fridge so that I can now just warm up and eat in the future.
I’m just allergic to bell peppers, so I avoid them. I will just let others eat them for me 🙂
Goodbye to one of the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels:
Well that sucks.
Indeed, though thanks for posting that link. Other headlines I saw refered to her role in Dick Tracy. I knew her name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite come up with the role I remembered her from. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was it. Damn shame!
I only had two items I’d rather not eat and one item I don’t think I ever had (Taramasalata) so can’t make a judgement on.
Much the same. Two items I checked off because I never had them and have never had an opportunity to eat them: marmite and Taramasalata. I would if given the chance. The other two I don’t like: licorice and pickled eggs. Overall, I only checked 4 out of 87.
48 out of 87
42 out of 87…which is actually better than I expected from a picky eater test. Of course, that also included checking several things that I couldn’t identify.
CP: Oklahoma — Jake Houlsby
Lots of room there to bang your pots and pans.
http://io9.gizmodo.com/the-trailer-for-big-trouble-in-little-china-the-game-h-1795819484 To watch later.
By the stubbing of my thumb
Something stupid this way comes
Just finished the full season of the new MST3K. The cameos, the jokes, the cast, the tiny changes, the riffs. It’s like being 21, watching Comedy Central at 2am again.
Really great to hear
Family Guy isn’t going to be the same:
Ack, sorry Van. I posted before I looked at the previous posts for the day
No worries.
There is a LOT that isn’t going to be the same.
My very first TV action hero. :(. May he wear his ill-fitting spandex with pride in that bat cave in the sky.
Good afternoon Pan
Game Day! (shocking I know)
Today we are looking to play Star Trek Ascension, Terraforming Mars. Both good games
We have the 60’s batman series on Blu-Ray. We quite often watch them when friends are over gaming (so almost every weekend) while we eat take-out
Fine, I’ll post this one instead
Shhh don’t tell her
Look you have to get up pretty early to beat Van on a dead celeb post
Viva la time difference’
So the charging cord wasn’t staying plugged in, so I took a toothpick to the iPhone charging port. I gotta tell ya, it had more lint than an old guy’s belly button. The cable seems to be staying nicely now.
Guys…guys… my name is now “Lo T”. I mean that’s some self deprecating funny shit right there
Not a clue how I replied here. LINT!
Currently, PHX is only 7 degrees hotter than Denver. Fuck this shit. I swear there are no seasons here anymore… its rainy and cool for all of April and May and then suddenly OH HAI HEAT!!!!!!!!!!! No middle ground
I blame the Californians moving here and also Cheeto Hitler
Maybe he can build a wall to keep the bad weather out.
Fuck this shit!
Dammit you know how to talk sweaty!
I really wish I could go to more shoes., E6 played two nights this weekend and I missed both
Shows! Not shoes! Ha!
Happy birthday, CJ!
Happy birthday Cj!
Lo T doesnt appreciate having his comments in moderation. Although I’m sure everyone else does.
That’s right! I pity the fool who’s got low T!
How right you are you little munchkin.
Only munchkin here is in your trousers
Oh shit. Sorry Lo T.
Lo T still ain’t gettin’ on no plane!
Have a great birthday Cj!
Ok then:
So board games just cost $100 now, huh.
Steve Jackson released a Frag tabletop in the last 2 years, based on these FPS’s, but I think that was more PvP.
We have Doom, although I think i t was the first issue of the board game. Hubby likes it. I do not.
Have a Tinkerbell-style birthday, Cj!
Ah Jimmy…
Underrated president. Certainly better than anyone put forth by the right in the past 30+ years.
For shizz. The rad thing about him is that the farm where he lives is a National Historic Site owned and run by the Park Service. So at any given time if you go visit there just may be an ex-pres hanging out at home. I mean you can’t just go see him but it’s still a very unique situation.
20,387 steps today and counting.
No faith in your world
Create my own to thrive
Oh fuck the Penguins.
Hey it’s cool to witness the Sidney Crosby era. He’s truly established himself as one of the all time greats. Congrats to the Pens and their fans on yet another Cup victory.
It’s not! I mean fine it is.. .but its not!
Morning Pan
Another hubiless evening.
Remember it’s legal now to challenge his bosses to a duel.
Huh. We just had a small power outage. Now I have to go around and reset the time on all the clocks.
Last night, hubby tells me we need eggs. I ask him what he used them for since there were still a half dozen left when I made cookies on Friday.
Apparently he was getting something from the fridge and knocked the eggs on the floor. There were no survivors
Ok pan, grab your comfort blanket. It’s movie time
Today’s movie is Morgan
The Netflix write up: when scientists in a clandestine lab create a human girl from synthetic DNA, a risk-management consultant is sent in to decide the project’s fate
Lunch together
Stabby, stabby
Bridge overhead shot
Ice car
Not another Helsinki
That’s a lab?
Nice digs
Thank you, Ted
Press the issue
You know nothing John Snow
Ask Amy
Everybody loves lasagna
Skip cooks
Cathy looks a little worse for wear
Cathy feels good. It must be the drugs
It was cathy’s fault
Feel better
Getting up to speed
Science stuff
Naked baby
First birthday
Discussing the incident
Morgan finds music relaxing
In light of recent events
Lee Weathers feels ok
Morgan feels bad
This is a pine tree
Being yourself is the most important thing
Anticipated profit
Lee speaks multiple languages
For every decision we make, there are consequences
How profound
You know what you must do
Shimmy shimmy coco pop
Their camera has a glitch
Going at it
It happens
Bad Amy, bad
Suck face time
Good night, skip
Tell me about the lake
Doe a deer
Morgan tames the wild beasr
The next day
Risk management carries a gun?
Phone call. Back In a bit
That was strange. Now back to the movie
Btw, this movie is filmed in a washed out way
Hey, it’s modern day Richard Dreyfuss
You see a tortoise on its back…
What is the incorrect response
Look at me
There was an error
She’s a precog
Would you love me then?
He’s pushing his luck
He made Morgan cry
She shoed him
Shoed = showed.
Tranqing Morgan
A containment crew is on its way
Go back to the house
Time to go to sleep
You have no mother
He can’t do it
The tables have turned
It needs to be terminated
Everything is fine
Waking Morgan up
Ha! Lee was right
Morgan is here
Get in the car