At least this one might actually arrive at some point unlike the ominous silence from the makers of Play date.
We watched, and enjoyed Army of Thieves last night. I know it’s supposed to be a prequel to Army of the Dead, but it wasn’t a zombie movie at all. If you like heist movies, I’d recommend it
I too have seen that one. At the time I didn’t even know it was zombie related.
It’s fun.
I preferred Army of Thieves and was disappointed that Army of the Dead didn’t continue with the characters. Also, that final vault was so disappointing after the designs in Thieves.
I was going to get a hair cut today but, at -26 (-34 with the wind chill) I have decided it’s too cold to leave the house
You could just wet your hair and use a hammer, at those temps.
I too have an appointment for a haircut today.
Anyone else?
One of us
one of us
one of us
No, for obvious reasons.
An appointment….for a …. haircut?
Can’t say as I’ve ever had such a thing.
I usually wake up one day, see myself in the mirror and go “Damn, I need a haircut”…then head out and get one.
Happy Twosday. 2-22-22
Goodbye to the guy who played Gehn in the Myst sequel:
That was…a whole lot of words that didn’t really say anything.
Jesus fuck Ed you read all that!?
Ed is doing penance for things he can’t admitt to …
Otherwise we would all be dissapeared.
Thank you Ed.
It’s a response to gatekeepers saying you aren’t a true fan of a certain genre if you haven’t read the ‘classics’.
I get that he was trying to say that….but I don’t think he succeeded per se. If anything, it came across as more of a general dismissal of SF as not “real literature” hence, no canon.
This new Oceans of Slumber song is just beautiful.
Even though it’s still stupid cold today, I decided to chop my locks anyway.
Ok, now Steam isn’t even pretending. At least with some, the titles are more obscure to the game theme. But when “Elf Wives Cheat to Ride My Meat” is recommended, you know they have given up trying.
It got a little weird when those elf wives started getting into orcs.
CW: All Our Yesterdays – ST:TOS
You know S3 gets a lot of stick but this is a cracking episode.
Yes I did read the sequels by A C Crispin
I thought the makers of Futurama were silly for announcing a new season without having John DiMaggio fully onboard first (thereby giving him a lot of power of negotiation). This whopper makes that seem like a minor faux pas.
What if Chris Pine will be busy shooting Wonder Woman 3?
Props for attributing the animation style to Tex Avery as he is one of the all time greats. But I think they drop the ball (most likely intentionally) on attributing much of the interactive idea to the Dragon’s Lair video game. If you watch the preview the concept looks like most of the “hour and a half of animation” is the cat dying because you answered a trivia question wrong (muck like most of the Don Bluth animation in Dragon’s Lair is Dirk dying over and over because you chose the wrong direction or didn’t time your response correctly).
I wish there were anyway to confirm these stories. Or maybe not, because for every one story that might be fabricated you know there will be many many who die in anonimity doing horrifically brave things.
I read another about a solder who stopped an advancing Russian tank Collum by running onto the bridge and setting off the demolition charges while on the bridge.
When this finally ends, Putin should be arrested and prosecuted.
Hard to tell, the Snake Island lot may have actually surrended (even the Ukrainians admitting that), if so good for them.
On a lighter note. . . .
TIL: All of the spaceships on the Boston album covers are actually spaceships.
I should have checked these more closely when I was younger, but oh well. Don’t look back.
What are you talking about man? They are guitars that look like alien spaceships.
Yeh, I’ve got more then a fealing that can’t be right.
Well I see it now!
Part of the reason the Atari Lynx failed was it’s shitty battery life, so nothing new here then :
When I agreed to be on the board for the CDN SF Hall of Fame, nobody told me there would be so much homework.
so. much. research
William Shatner was born in Montreal in 1931, if that helps.
Leonard Nimoy died this day in 2015:
Leonard Nemoy doesn’t qualify. He isn’t Canadian
Neil Peart: Born September 12, 1952 in Hamilton. He should count as he’s written a metric asston of sci-fi themed songs.
He’s co-author on the “Clockwork Angels” books with Kevin J Anderson!
Yesterday was my busiest day in years.
RenFaire all day. Huzzah! It was as crowded as the worst day I’d ever seen at Disneyland. All outdoors, except the mermaid exhibit, and they required masks and social distancing in there. The girls had fun.
I did feel for the regulars. (The NY RenFaire was briefly a big deal for me, many eons ago.) The hordes of mundanes (including us) must have been rough.
And then a Bruce Dickinson spoken word show at night. Which was great (although Henry Rollins does it better).
So two big events with big crowds in one day. The numbers and official guidelines say I’m good (because I’m boosted) – – it just feels weird.
Had a beer with a buddy tonight. He and his wife are friends with a family that lives in the Ukraine between the airfield the antonov was in and a fighter base.
My friend is trying to get the paperwork through to get that family’s daughter out, to come live with them. The dad is undergoing treatment for cancer and can’t leave. His wife will stay there with him.
There really aren’t words. Or maybe it is all the words. Either way-
Fuck Putin.
I am glad that I’m not the only one who hates the Amazonification of Comixology. Even Patton Oswalt has chimed in.
(I realize where this fits in the grand scheme of things to be upset about)
I’m pretty unhappy about it.
One thing missing in the article and other complaints is that you can no longer backup purchases. That used to allow you to download a .cbz or .pdf of many titles. Obviously that isn’t in line with Amazon’s stance that you don’t own your purchases, so it is gone with this upgrade.
I’ve heard and agree with this complaint too. I’m shocked Amazon has never had a major competitor rise up on that platform: “If you buy it, you own it. We won’t take it away from you.”
Looks like the new Batman movie is getting generally favorable reviews. At 3 hours though, I’d rather watch it at home than in a theatre. I guess I’ll be waiting for streaming options to check it out.
Holy strained bladder, Batman!
Yeah, as promising as it looks, I think I’m likely to wait for the home theater on this one as well. I may go out for Multiverse of Madness.
I’m on holiday next week so will probably go and see it at the cinema.
I’ll continually watch films at home no matter what.
Marc Maron: Did you see Power of the Dog, did you see that movie?
Sam Elliott: Yeah do you wanna talk about that piece of shit?
Marc: [ohh noo] You didn’t like that one?
Sam: Fuck no.
Morning Pan
I think kitty has a sore tooth. I’m going to call the vet this morning and see if I can get her in.
Had this conversation the other night. For all of the mental deficiencies in the US and Soviet leaders of the 80s, in hindsight, they were pretty clearly never going to just go off half-cocked and push the button.
Recent US and Russian leadership? Yeah, I don’t have the same confidence.
But what are ya gonna do?
In the book Dead Hand, there is a story about Brezhnev watching an exercise for a nuclear launch where he had to press a button that was not actually linked to missiles launching.
Brezhnev was nervous it would lead to an actual
launch so the Generals had to keep telling him
It was fine to press the button…
Yeah. For many of those leaders and generals, up until the 80s, they had actual exposure to war and its consequences. Now… not so much.
When working on a collection of short stories, you can sure tell the American authors from any of the others. They are the ones missing u’s in their words as well as spelling words er instead of re
This just means extra work for me as I fix them all.
Those fuckres
The soundtrack for a spy movie that does not exist:
First real concert in years. According to the CDC and the experts and the observations from the medical professionals in my life, I’m good.
Volbeat/Ghost co-headlining. Unfortunately, Volbeat didn’t close the show, so I had to hear their entire set. Eh, they were fine. Ghost, however, put on an amazing performance. It was good to be back.
Wear your N95 and increase the odds in your favor.
Their argument = concerts and sporting events work by having you pay extra for better seats and more popular bands/teams, therefore we should be able to do the same thing with movies.
The problem (IMHO) = if all other theaters don’t take the same approach people will just go to see a more popular movie in a great seat at a different theater for less money.
Another point here.
If the theatre charges me more for a “better” seat, in my mind they have just accepted responsibility for a “better” experience.
If someone nearby is talking or carrying on, I will be asking for a refund.
Also, f$&@ that.
I will wait and watch it at home with my own cocktail, snacks, bathroom.
Theatres are correct in thinking that they need to evolve … but making the experience WORSE (in this case financially) is not the direction to head in.
“Theatres are correct in thinking that they need to evolve … but making the experience WORSE (in this case financially) is not the direction to head in.”
The home experience is pretty amazing right now. What can a theatre offer to sweeten the deal other than (manufactured) early access?
There strengths I can think of are-
-Early release.
-BIG screen.
-Rich surround sound.
-Seating for a LARGE group of your friends.
Somehow they need to leverage that.
Maybe some sort of “box seating” for you and your pals?
I don’t know what else they can do.
And all this after everyone thinking that theaters were not going to survive COVID. I don’t understand the reasoning behind the super rapid transition from what can we do to get more people into the theaters to the power move they are trying now. Maybe back when theaters were still really popular. But not now when they are struggling just to get anyone to go.
I’m curious about the market research that led to this. Was it based on consumer polls or just speculation? Was there a trial run somewhere?
(I didn’t read the article end-to-end, so forgive me if it’s in there)
Excellent point. They claim that they’ve been doing it in Europe for many years. The article also said that they will be rolling this out slowly so I imagine that equates to the Batman movie being their trial run.
Well it will be a dark night before I participate in that!
I need more info, but it looks like the torches and pitchforks for Sam Elliott may be a little bit premature.
I only know what’s here and in a handful of the comments. Sure, I cringe at some of his words, but I don’t get the sense that he’s going full Pence. Or even half-Pence. According to one commenter, he also praised “Brokeback Mountain” and past Jane Campion films. So maybe he just has a huge beef with this “Power of the Dog” movie?
I know nothing about who knows who in the whole SF/F author realm…but has Scalzi never heard of Scott Sigler? While obviously not Kickstarter per se, seems he’s mostly made his career out of that kind of publishing model.
I’m sure he has, but he was answering a different question, imo.
This makes me want to see it. I’ll wait for streaming though.
Crap joke for the day:
Why couldn’t the dwarves renew their lease on the Lonely Mountain?
It failed the Smaug test.
Tell crap jokes and smash the plates.
That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates!
Sometimes work is all whiskey and cheesecake.
Sometimes it all be like Bam! Lulled you in a false sense of security. We’re gonna make you hate your life.
Then sometimes, like today, it falls somewhere in between.
At least you can put whiskey and cheesecake on your resume.
Just let it dry first.
Ranker might be the worst of the worst for clickbait, but I found some of these interesting:
And this is exactly the kind of completely fucking stupid idea I would expect from that jackass.
Anytime I see a post about Hannity I feal Blige to post the following information. This allows the reader some perspective about puting any weight behind anything he says.
Here is Hannity’s Resume:
-private High School. Now closed.
-House Painter in Ca.
-Unemployed House Painter.
-Hate Radio, talk show host in Al.
-Fox TV Show Host
-trump policy Advisor
That’s it.
No college. Not even continuing Education Economic or History Classes.
A brand new gaming store in Scottsdale. I went in to check it out last weekend.
The place was packed! – – but it was about 70 dudes playing Warhammer at 10 different tables, with one table dedicated to Magic: The Gathering.
There was one corner with a small selection of tabletop games, but otherwise, almost their entire inventory was dedicated to Warhammer and other games like that.
Is this the future of nerdy tabletop gaming?
Meanwhile, AZ Game Depot, one of the better gaming stores in town, is closing down. Apparently it’s owner retirement, so at least their story ends happily.
Now the only good one left (that I know of) is Imperial Outpost, over on Rhett’s side of town.
Yeah, Imperial is still going strong. There is a newer, but smaller game store by the Stadiums that seems pretty cool. Goat Games or something.
That’s been about what I’ve seen in the gaming stores in Orlando. I used to belong to a group that played table top games every other Saturday. Every time we tried playing in a gaming store it was us in a back room and metric asston of Warhammer people.
The Gizmoplex is mostly a rebranding of the old MST3K site at this point. There should be the first episode of the new season (Santo in the Treasure of Dracula) in week or two. I’m at a kickstarter pledge level where I’ve seen the episode and had a tour of what the Gizmoplex is going to look like when they get it fully ramped up in May or so. It will be pretty cool and there will be ways to have group watch parties. BTW, they really changed up the intro quite a bit and the feel is a bit different as they were forced to transition to really small sets with greenscreens.
Speaking of hokey terribleness. . . 3 eps into TOS S3. Paradise Syndrome is playing right now. Kirk loses his memory and a Native American tribe on another planet think he’s a god.
As bad as Spock’s Brain was, it’s a thousand times better than this one.
S3, E2: The Enterprise Incident, was actually pretty excellent.
IMO – if his military collapses and all he has left is lobbing Nukes… we’re in for an even worse time.
This only ends well with regime change.
On that note- Zelenskiy is claiming that the last 3 death attempts to send death squads to get him, were thwarted by direct Intel from within the Russian FSB.
If true, this gives hope that Putin could soon meet with an “accident”.
Shows what they know
Even before I’d started this TOS full watch, I’d thought that “And the Children Shall Lead” was the all-time worst episode. I still have most of S3 to go, but after rewatching, I think it’s going to keep that title. “Spock’s Brain” is The Godfather, in comparison.
It’s unfortunate that one can’t temporarily forget all they have seen AFTER these were made. I think it would soften the perception of them.
I sheilded my young ones from seeing any sci-fi until I felt they were old enough to watch/ grasp TOS. They were in elementary school.
Then we did what Jack is doing and watching it through their eyes was magical.
With nothing to compare it to, they took it for what it was and not for what it wasn’t or what it could be.
I guess we can never really go back.
Goodbye to Mitchell Ryan, he played Minnie Driver’s Dad in Grosse Pointe Blank:
For a second I read that as “Michelle” Ryan and Im like WTF!
Happy birthday, Lo Pan!
A super happy birthday you god wanna be you!
Happy Lo Birthday!
JW: No Exit
On Hulu in the US, Disney+ outside, a not too shabby crime thriller.
David Gilmour is 76 today!
Hey longevity scientists, how’s that immortality serum coming along?
Cheers all! Appreciate it
Crap joke for the day:
A defendant was on trial for murder. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense’s closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all,” the lawyer said as he looked at his watch. “Within one minute, the person presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom.” He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all looked on eagerly. A minute passed.
Nothing happened.
Finally the lawyer said, “Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all looked on with anticipation. I therefore put to you that you have a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you return a verdict of not guilty.”
The jury, clearly confused, retired to deliberate. A few minutes later, the jury returned and pronounced a verdict of guilty.
“But how?” inquired the lawyer. “You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.”
The jury foreman replied: “Oh, we did look, but your client didn’t.”
(I haven’t listened. Two hours and nineteen minutes!)
We watched West Side Story on the weekend. Usually I’m a fan of musicals but this one just didn’t click for me. It had all the elements. Beautiful set. Music. Dance numbers. but still…
John said he didn’t really feel any chemistry between the two main actors. Maybe that’s it. *shrug*
That guy was great in Baby Driver and like a plank of wood in WSS.
Interesting. We had a good VRBO experience, but we’ve only done it the one time. There are definitely still some advantages over hotels, but good points are made.
I had a good experience with them some years back. I get the sense that was early in the game though and those who participated were people who were listing properties that were already short time rentals and the owners were actually “professional” about it.
Now it seems over run with grifters and those who have no intention(or ability) of providing a good experience. They are just trying to grab some of that cash.
JW: The Batman
Agree about it being overlong, but thought it was pretty good.
Ended up taking the day off. This just means twice as much work tomorrow
The article also correctly points out that the music of this era that mattered to us rarely charted. I check in on this ongoing column, and the Billboard number 1s for most of the 90s were utter Pop ballad drivel garbage. And markedly NOT Garbage.
Quite like that Lisa Loeb track.
I’ve never seen “Reality Bites.”
I’ve also never seen the movie. I didn’t care much for the song back then, but it’s impossible to dislike now.
Definitely transports me back.
I like “Stay” but I have a weird feeling whenever I consider the songs of that era. A lot of overplayed sad women folk songs in the day. Do you know where your cowboys have gone?
Some of those Lilith Faire lineups were pretty good.
Yeah, that’s the thing. I like female singers, I like folk music, it just seemed to me that radio stations were trying to make a scene happen, rather than let it grow organically.
I get what you are saying–and you aren’t really wrong–but let’s not overlook the number of women rockers from that era too. Bikini Kill, Tracy Bonham, The Breeders, Liz Phair, Elastica, Garbage, just to name a few. And I like quite a few of the “sad women folk songs” too.
I think what we’re all saying is this:
Jewel was fucking terrible.
Tish and Pish, Jewell has throaty voice that adds to her records.
Well if we are naming names …
Courtney Barnett makes me want to violently destroy my audio gear.
I’m a guy who likes “unique” vocal styles but hers just makes me HATE to the point of rage!
CP: Running from Wolves — Shireen
Farhad Hussain deserves more recognition. This is a near-perfect Tears for Fears cover:
Slow down a Chipmunks New Wave album and you get The Cure. Some of these are amazing.
1.) Call Me
2.) Walk Like An Egyptian
3.) Heaven Is A Place On Earth
4.) Diamond Dolls
5.) You Keep Me Hanging On
6.) My Sharona
7.) Always On My Mind
8.) Refugee
This could be the cure for Chipmunk songs.
Crap joke for the day:
An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, “Ah, you’re an engineer — you’re in the wrong place.”
So, the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After awhile, they’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy.
One day, God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, “So, how’s it going down there in hell?”
Satan replies, “Hey, things are going great. We’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there’s no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next.”
God replies, “What??? You’ve got an engineer? That’s a mistake — he should never have gotten down there; send him up here.”
Satan says, “No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I’m keeping him.”
God says, “Send him back up here or I’ll sue.”
Satan laughs uproariously and answers, “Yeah, right. And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?”
Little known fact – engineers have to be able to recite this joke from memory to earn their diplomas.
It never gets old.
I finally finished The Expanse Season 6. I rather enjoyed it.
Oo, let’s argue!!
I’m kidding. I do look forward to doing a full series rewatch in the next year or so.
Some minor issues here and there but … I have become a full-on, Expanse fan boy.
Yep. Me too. I’ve only read the first book, but I plan on going back and catching up. Overall, it’s one of the best SF series that I’ve seen.
I enjoy it when the high school senior declares at 11:15pm that she needs to print stuff for school tomorrow. . .
. . . When the dead old printer’s corpse is still plugged in, and it’s refurbed replacement is still sitting in the box it arrived in yesterday.
So according to an article in the new scientist, if you have a a garden and a slug/snail problem, make balls of bread dough and leave them
In the garden. The slugs/snail will home in on the dough, allowing you to collect them and dispose of them.
Personally I just let my little garden run wild and leave the slugs/nails to themselves.
I admit, it was touch and go for a few days there but, today I think I may actually survive the week
You been ill?
I didn’t realize! 🙁 I thought you just meant you were overworked/overstressed.
Started to read. Fascinating that it could have been the first feature cartoon before Snow White, if talks hadn’t fallen through.
I thought John Carter was fine. It reminded me a lot of Attack of the Clones as a messy big-screen CGI action fest. I’d have been glad to have more sequels.
I’m watching it tonight, bloody hell a pre-breaking Bad Cranston is in this, totally forgotten that.
No government would ever capture, imprison, enslave, and commodify sentient beings to use for their own violent amusement!
Because it would infringe on corporations right to do so?
Currently in Denver. Been here about 6 hours and I have such a headache.
I forgot how little oxygen you Cloud dwellers need.
I don’t get headaches when I’m there but I do pee more.
Go figure..
There is a lot of that but I assumed it was do to all the water I am drinking.
People keep telling me my head won’t hurt so much if I drink a lot of water.
Would that “water” be 80 proof with a twist of lime? That’ll get the bladder going.
Ha! I wish.
Head is much better this morning.
Think I’ll avoid the alcohol though. At least a few more days. I’m afraid it might bring back the headache.
Shame too because this place is swimming in craft beer!
You think it’s bad now, wait til 4/20.
That probably comes with less headache ?
Sunny but cold day.
Taking my eldest around for her Birthday. Visited a pet store to get her supplies for her Hermit Crabs (only pet her landlord will allow).
Went to an area called Arvada (sp?) which seemed nice. Visited a greenhouse and got a lovely, hanging plant.
Stopped in her favorite Disc Golf shop “Another Round”. Got her a disc and one for me that she is going to hand dye for my Birthday 🙂
Having a nice visit. Learning to live with less oxygen.
Bloodcurdling. I can’t believe that, at this point, anyone sees this as an issue with 2 sides.
I have to admitt that I don’t know any specifics about Cosby’s crimes.
I know the overview, he was convicted of drugging and then rapping a woman (women?).
I don’t know how many, I don’t know when (was it something he did for a decade? Durring the “Cosby Show” years? His whole life?)
I mean, I have heard a bunch of stuff here and there but I don’t think I’ve ever read a detailed accounting of what came out in his trail (trails?).
Don’t know if I need to. Basically, after he was convicted, I wrote him off.
On a happier not I just watched the new Pixar flick on Disney+ called Turning Red.
Great fun, thumbs up from me:
Just finished “The Adam Project”. That was fun, and a lot better than “The Tomorrow War”.
Elton Dan show tonight. Not autocorrect – – it was an Elton John tribute show. The guys singing voice is nothing like the original, but the songs sounded great anyway.
The show ended earlier than expected and right after “Sad Songs,” which felt weird. And I didn’t need “Candle in the Wind,” but it seems strange to do an Elton John set without it. I DID need “Funeral for a Friend/Loves Lies Bleeding” and I didn’t get those either. Oh well. I’d still see Elton Dan again.
At least it concentrates on recent titles but ditching the Cities trilogy for, no, NO!
Saw Death on the Nile today, not too bad but bloody fucking hell can we stop AC adaptions, maybe adapt writers from the 21st century..just a thought.
I only found her books in the past decade, so I’m feeling the opposite. I’m good with well-produced adaptations for modern audiences. I liked Murder on the Orient Express, so I’m way down for this one.
I know the pre-Branagh Agatha Christie shows and movies have a loyal fanbase, but they always seemed hopelessly dated to me.
Definitely some odd rumblings from across the pond today. I mean, aside from these couple of Kenneth Branaugh adaptions, I can’t say I’m familiar with any movies made from Agatha Christie’s works in the last few decades.
On the other hand, it seems everything that isn’t a comic book movie is adapted from books written in this century (Hunger Games, Harry Potter, etc,)
They have been tv adaptions over here as well.
Anyway it’s coming to Disney+ in the UK and Hulu in the US so you can decide for yourself:
How about adaptations of Sherlock Holmes, Alice in Wonderland, A Princess on Mars, War of the Worlds, etc. Honestly I think we’ve had enough adaptations already of Sherlock Holmes and Alice in Wonderland. I’d like to see more Barsoom movies. And the last version of War of the Worlds was down right atrocious. But I think we can take from a variety of sources and time periods. It’s all in how well it’s executed.
After rewatching John Carter, I wholeheartedly agree about more Barsom flicks.
Having decided there was too much oxygen … we relocated to Breckinridge.
Another day of headaches but that has past. Still trying to catch my breath.
Everytime I think “Dolly Parton is a class act” and there is just nothing more to add to that … she gets even classier.
So. At the ER with my older daughter. She’s fine, but we’re just getting her checked out to be sure.
She was crossing the street near our home and some sack of shit hit her with his car, then drove off. No one got any info on him, so this POS is off scot free. She was too scared to ID anything about him.
I can only hope he crashed further up the road and was killed without harming anyone else.
And it’s like a fucking off-Broadway play in here, with the cast of eccentric characters. Just waiting for the musical number to begin.
Well I hope your daughter is ok.
Warm wishes to you daughter, Jack
That really sucks Jack.
Hope all is going to be fine.
Jesus that’s awful Jack! I hope she is fine. What a POS.
So this winter there have been no heavy snowfalls, the first time in my life that this has happened.
Yes, there’s actually been less snow than normal here too
Oh look, she can do housework for the first time in several weeks.
I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. *sigh*
The husband took the wheels of his office chair. I know why he did it but it still makes the chair impossible to move when I want to vacuum.
Now that is something I could not do, I enjoy rolling the around on the wooden floor.
He took the wheels off so the chair wouldn’t roll when using pedals on his driving games
You want a nuclear war? Cos that’s how you start a nuclear war:
Vonnegut is most likely always right. As for the theories in this article, I could never hope to fully wrap my head around all of the implications and any of them will be difficult to demonstrate scientifically so I think of them mostly as philosophy.
Later in the article they talk about a different theory with a mirror universe in which time and entropy flow backwards. That one seems more like science fiction. I did love a David Brin book called The Practice Effect in which the protagonist finds himself in a world where time flows forward, but entropy flows backwards. I highly recommend it.
I wouldn’t even categorize the block universe theory as a “theory” since that should have direct, observable implications. In any case, it is an interesting mind experiment, but that’s about it imo.
I think I’ve heard variations of the mirror universe for years.
F. Scott Fitzgerald too, if we’re all living Benjamin Button lives.
The practical implication of that article seems to suggest that time doesn’t really exist if past, present, and future are all just “now”.
I can’t say I find the proposal terribly convincing.
I don’t think they suggest that they are all now so much as that they are as fixed as x,y,z coordinates. The earth exists in space at a constantly moving set of coordinates. We can’t change that, but we can map it. They are suggesting the same with time (except that we can’t yet observe/map the future) The upside is a lack of paradoxes because traveling back in time would not change anything. The downside is that my dream of finding a way to bring my wizened adult mind back in time to inhabit my teenage head so I can avoid all my past mistakes (and make a whole new set of even dumber mistakes) is shot to hell in this framework. I’ll just have to assume a different framework. If I’m wrong, I’ll simply have to live my life all over again exactly the way it happened (ug).
They’ve changed her powers, but I can understand why: it will be probably be a bit more believable on the screen.
I only know about her character because she was in Ultimate Alliance 3. I guess I understand that it would be hard to emulate her primary power without it looking goofy, but on the other hand that is her primary power. There was a Fantastic Four cartoon that came out in the 80s and they replaced the Human Torch with a robot because they didn’t want to constantly redraw the animated flames. This seems like the same kind of thinking.
Maybe, but I think they are following the “spirit of the law” as opposed to the “letter”. We’ll see how it plays out in the show, but I’m willing to accept the change. I’ve enjoyed the comics of her that I’ve read and at least some of that is transferring well. A nice node to the comics is her sitting on a telephone pole.
Oh, I’ll still watch. Marvel seems to have a good track record on character choices, so I’ll give it chance. Unlike Fox with their Galactus as a storm cloud.
Yeah. That made no sense at all. lol
CP: Lords of Kobol (live) — Bear McCreary
Our power went out for a bit. What was that about?
A few years back we upgraded our Amazon Alexa speaker unit to the new video version. The video version is now in the kitchen and the old Alexa speaker is now located in our television/office room. So last night we were watching a documentary on Netflix and there is a scene where a guy asks his Alexa to play a song. Our Alexa complied and we had his song playing on the television and our Alexa playing the same song a few milliseconds behind and we had this weird echo effect. Pretty surreal.
This is similar to why we had to change the “wake ID” on ours to “Computer”.
I often keep the radio playing throughout the day and for a while it was all the rage to have commercials where the characters were asking their Alexa to do things. Ours would try to comply.
I was not amused.
OK. This is getting into the land of strange now. I have always really liked Vonnegut and his writing style. Slaughterhouse 5 is a definite contender for my favorite book of all time. I watched the recent documentary on Kurt Vonnegut and it has put me back onto re-reading some of his stuff. So I’m now in re-reading Breakfast of Champions. Today we had the Vonnegut discussion here about being unstuck in time. On a separate level, I like to find old movie that I might have missed. There is a movie called Slapstick of Another Kind that looks absolutely atrocious except that it is chock full of powerhouse people like Jerry Lewis, Madeline Kahn, and Marty Feldman. But I really like old crappy comedy so I decided to watch. The story is “A rich, beautiful couple give birth to deformed alien twins who, when their heads are together, are the smartest kids on the planet.” With the parents and the children both played by Jerry Lewis and Madeline Kahn. The special effects around the twins in particular look like this should be an MST3K movie.
As I start watching the movie, the credits start and, lo and behold, it lists “in Kurt Vonnegut’s”. So I had to do some research. He is, indeed listed as the first name under “writers” ( I’m not familiar with the novel “Slapstick that it’s apparently based on, but I looked it up and it includes “Dr. Swain is a hideous man whose ugliness, along with that of his twin sister Eliza, led their parents to cut them off from modern society. The siblings came to realize that, when in close physical contact, they form a vastly powerful and creative intelligence.”
So, wow, so much Vonnegut. It reminds me of the movie Repo Man where Tracy Walter’s character talks about the “lattice of coincidence” in which someone says “plate” or “shrimp” or “plate of shrimp” and you suddenly start to see “plate of shrimp” everywhere around you (at which point in the movie you start to see a lot of “plate of shrimp” references (side note: watch Repo Man if you haven’t yet. It’s insanely good). I feel like I’m going to see more and more Vonnegut all around me. And I couldn’t be happier about it.
I’ve somehow never heard of this movie(also haven’t read the book). It looks painful – – but I suppose Repo Man would look bad too, and it’s a favorite of mine (and it made a great Palooza).
I asked Siri if he could do my housework for me. He said, “I cannot”
Siri’s useless
Appreciate the non-binary Siri.
I saw Rhett for the first time in literal years last night for the Queensryche/Judas Priest concert.Great fun!
I saw the poster, gawd they look old,
Rob Halford is 70. And he looks it.
But he still has a ton of power in his voice – – and he still drove the motorcycle out onstage for “Hell Bent For Leather.” And got off the motorcycle himself!
I missed this posting. Yeah, we had a great time. Too bad we didn’t have the chance to really catch up, we’ll have to fix that later.
For those keeping score at home, I canceled ComiXology Unlimited. I’ll miss having access to all of those books, but the new interface is dreadful. It’s such a chore to find books, that I would be more frustrated than anything else. Also, it’s been over a month now, so I’m spite of some empty promises, they’re clearly not serious about undoing the damage.
Sad, it used to be a great way to connect with comics.
Sadly, ComiXology is the only game in town for digital comics that isn’t tied to one publisher (Marvel, DC), so I will still buy new books from them.
Ah, the famous interracial kiss between Kirk and Uhura (not actually the first on TV, there was an earlier one).
Sadly, “Plato’s Stepchildren” is one of the worst of all TOS episodes (though not the actual worst). Good gawd, so many cringey scenes.
-Kirk and Spock performing Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
-Kirk slapping himself.
-Kirk making horsey noises while the little guy rides his back.
-Spock dancing.
Friday before spring break.
Two whole weeks of hubby to myself!
Deadpanites you really should give Severance a try,
Just saying, cough up the 5 bucks and bunge it on AppleTV+, it’s worth it..
-u +i
Also if you have bought a new Apple device you might get a free trial.
Our Apple+ free trial is done in about a week.
That show does have a neat concept. I wonder if I’d just be gritting my teeth in horror and frustration the entire time.
So does anybody else find the DP website getting slowing when you refresh or post a message?
It feels looks I have a dodgy connection but a speed test on my mobile connection indicates it’s fine.
Absolutely. Rebels started off a bit rough, but by the end of it run had given us some of the best Star Wars ever produced. That episode was a high water mark that, sadly, most Star Wars fans likely aren’t even aware of.
Rebels IS Star Wars
I would never have completed the first season if I was watching on my own, but I’m glad I persisted. Rebels best moments are the best of all the animated shows.
Ahsoka dueling Vader was not quite as great as this one – – but up there.
As someone who has coached both male and female athletes in the same sport, over more than a decade, I can say that this author is “cherry picking” an awful lot of data just to support their theory.
For the general athletic community, my experience does not support their thesis.
Denver traffic…
I am not a fan.
That is all.
I’ve heard plenty of Nightwish before, but somehow never listened to Oceanborn.
Wow, now I get it. I’ve always just liked them, nothing more – – but this album is a masterpiece. Even those with Metal allergies might dig it.
I like Ghost River and Nemo. Levi is the one in the family that is a true fan. They are pretty great live.
Play No Mans Sky tonight and reflecting how bloody amazed my younger 80s self would be at this game.
Elite on steroids.
Completed my first expedition, yes!
Let’s start the first day of spring with snow and a biting wind
Talking of Vonnegut, there is a documentary called ‘Kurt Vonnegut Unstuck in Time” which is available on Hulu in the US.
And it is very well done.
Looks like Amazon is taking some feedback into account for ComiXology. The backup your purchases function is back, but you do have to look for it. I haven’t noticed much improvement in the app itself. I’ve been reading my comics in the iOS Kindle app, mostly because it will mark what I’m reading in GoodReads.
How Daniel Radcliffe laded the role of Weird Al in the biopic
Hubby’s home this week for spring break. It’s very had to work when he’s playing games on his computer. I want to play too.
So I bought these minimal shoes that are cheap version of those shoes that are supposed to support your feet in a more natural way.
Which basically means slightly wider and thin soles. They are comfortable though, certainly might make a good spring/summer shoes if they last.
Crap joke for the day:
A guy was boarding a plane when he heard that the Pope was on the same flight. “This is exciting!” thought the gentleman. “I’ve always been a big fan of the Pope. Perhaps I’ll be able to see him in person.” Suddenly, the man realized his seat was right next to the Pope himself!
Still, the gentleman was too shy to speak to His Holiness.
Shortly after take-off, the Pope took a crossword puzzle out of his carry on bag and began penciling in the answers.
“This is fantastic!” the gentleman mused. “I’m really good at crosswords!”
It crossed his mind that if the Pope got stuck, he’d ask him for assistance.
Almost as if providence struck, the Pope turned to the man and said, “Excuse me, but do you know a four letter word referring to a woman that ends in ‘unt’?”
The three Cardinals behind, in front of and beside him shrunk down in their seats, as far as possible, all looking for something on the floor.
The gentleman was in morbid shock.
He couldn’t breathe.
He went within himself, thought deeper, longer for a plausible answer and after almost a minute, the dark clouds of evil parted in his mind and the sun shone in.
Turning to the Pope, the gentleman said with reverence and politeness, “I believe, Your Holiness, that you’re looking for the word, ‘aunt.'”
“Of course!” the Pope mused, not taking his gaze off the crossword. “You wouldn’t happen to have an eraser, would you?”
CP: Emil – Ultimate Weapon No. 7 — Square Enix Music
I think hubby and I are going to switch cars. They’re the same year but, because he commutes to the city for work, he has almost four times the klicks on his than I do. We’re hoping, having him put the extra kilometres on mine will extend the life of both cars.
Have there been any changes to the backend of the Deadpan site in the last few days? I use Feedly to get updates and it’s been acting odd for only this site. Instead of displaying all of the updates, it says I have x number of updates and only shows me one at a time.
I’ll ask Tony. I have not made any changes recently.
Ah man, feel better. You’re triple vaxed so, it shouldn’t be too bad.
Get better man!
In total selfishness… if you can, keep us posted as to how things manifest. Sort of “our reporter on the ground”.
Though I too am triple vaxed and still mask (about 50% of the time)… I figure it’s “when” and not “if” before it gets me and I’d like to know what to expect/watch for.
So. . . . the full story:
I assume I caught it at the Judas Priest concert last week (Tuesday). I started to feel congested and achy on Saturday. I took a home COVID test on Sunday (or was it Monday?) and it was negative. I even took LeeLoo to her first karate class on Monday – – we were all masked up the whole time.
The symptoms steadily worsened as the week progressed. Achy, headachy, congested, tired, blecch. So I took a different brand of home COVID test last night, and it came up positive.
Today I’ve done nothing but sleep, which I think has helped, but I’m not out of the woods at all yet. Yes, because of my vax status, I’m not worried for myself.
I am concerned because LeeLoo has tested positive. She had a 101 temp last night.
This post inspired by a podcast that I’m listen too that covers this short term trend:
CD- rebuilding the calander on my laptop.
About 80% of my entries starting from about May 2021 have vanished.
Big news from MST3K land. You really want to do that free registration for the Gizmoplex ( I just got a backer update with this information:
“Starting on MAY 6, all registered Gizmoplex users will be able to stream EVERY AVAILABLE CLASSIC EPISODE – that’s over 125 episodes from Seasons 1-10 – for free, and without ads!
Yeah, you heard us: even if you don’t have a Gizmoplex Member Pass, you’ll be able to stream the entire MST3K classic collection for free, and – for a limited time – without advertising!”
And if you are interested in season 13:
“Grab a Season Pass ($135) before the SEASON PREMIERE on May 6, and you’ll also get a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of Season 13 – worth $85 – for free!”
Honestly, $135 for a season pass is a bit steep. But they are doing more than just new episodes. They are also doing live stream events each month and a bunch of other bonuses. Although probably still steep at $135.
She’s off to see the wizard
the adequate wizard of Meh
we hear he is an adequate Wiz if ever A wiz there was
If ever an adequate Wiz there was
the wizard of Meh is one because
because because because because becaaaaause
because of the average things he does
….she’s off to see the wizard
the adequate wizard of Mehhhhhh
You missed your calling, JustaJoe.
This is inspired!
For my part, I’m going to aspire to put the “me” into mediocrity.
Little one is crabby today. Presumably because she’s sick.
Me, I’m still coughing and blecch. Sleep just isn’t happening (worse than usual).
Seriously fuck COVID.
That blows. Sorry about the little one. There is some data that if you have been vaxed and still manage to get Covid, your immunity will be stronger. How long that immunity lasts is still up in the air.
Hope you and the little one get better soon *hugs*
The science is on our side. Little ones tend to recover just fine. Vaxxed people tend to recover fine. But I don’t want to tempt the universe any further with any optimism. Last time I did that, I caught covid.
For posterity: we were both trending in the right direction yesterday, we’ve both had worse days today. I am less achy, but more congested. Her temp is fine, but she’s very moody, which is not like her at all.
One more complaint – – I had a coworker telling me on a call to take ivermectin, to “not believe the media.” It worked for him! Being a polite person, I just nodded and smiled. I did mention that I’d heard good things from people I trust sources about remdesivir, but this expert then told me to avoid it because it was full of side effects.
Seriously, how did these people come to dominate our conversations? It’s like the smelly guy on the subway has taken over all discourse.
The same guy took over a company call during Texas’s big energy crisis to rant about “the windmills.” When a higher up said, “That was disproven immediately,” he retreated into more dogma, so everyone else, recognizing treacherous political talk ahead, dropped the topic.
Hope you and your family get better soon, Jack. And ignore the crazies. Not that you need me to tell you that. 😀
We watched the first ep of Halo. It’s quite a departure from the games and books, imo. But, it was enjoyable in its own right. I’ll just think of it as an alternate universe version. 😀
Agreed but there had better be an actual Halo and the flood at some point.
Interesting look at what may have been going on in other countries to make it APPEAR that ivermectin was effective against Covid. (Narrator- “It was not”.)
Fwd to me from my eldest, who is currently studying for her Masters in the bio-engineering world.
It’s really not bad at all. It’s not amazing – – but I feel like a few days with a skilled film editor, and you could have had something really excellent.
Lots of parallels between this and Justice League – – even a few DC jokes – – but it’s far, far better than any of the DCU movies.
The most far-fetched thing in this movie would have been Angelie Jolie’s enormous lips.
Yeah. Pacing was the biggest issue, imo.
We were ok with Eternals. However, given all the reviews, I think we went in with low expectations so were pleasantly surprised.
This Pitch Meeting on Eternals is also fun (contains spoilers)
I keep confusing “The Eternals” (which I haven’t seen) with “The Old Guard” (which I have, and enjoyed).
Still fighting with my MacBook and Firefox.
Every site I try to go to gives me a warning that says it’s certificate is bad and it won’t open the site.
– Making sure computer’s date/time is accurate. It is.
– Erasing every bit of cache, history, cookies… everything has been deleted.
Still nothing.
I know the sites are OK because my old computer will access them.
We have 3/4 of the household tested positive now.
The littlest one seems to be recovering. Fingers crossed.
I’m recovering, but still coughing more than I’d like. The worst part is the Covidsomnia. And of course, lack of sleep (worse than my usual) isn’t helping anything.
I’m not gonna shut down talk of the Smith/Rock thing. I’m sure there are important things to be said about it.
But jesus, I was already tired of it last night.
I half expect it was planned just to generate buzz.
Looking at prices of G=Shock watches that have a similar spec to mine, prices have tripled over 15 years..ouch!
Mine is still working, mocking me everyday by continuing to work.
CP: You Never Give Me Your Money/The End — Tenacious D
I haven’t read in almost two weeks. I know there is a very good reason for such, but it still bothers me
So we watched the animated Aladdin tonight, and wow, it has not aged well. Even the Robin Williams parts were often seriously dated. (Hey kids, look, it’s Jack Nicholson jokes! And a Rodney Dangerfield impression!)
Hey, at least there’s no Aladdin connection to Wil Smith, right?
Wait, what?
First film I rewatched when I subscribed to Disney+ and a very hard disagree from me, still love it and prefer it to the non animated version.
Hard pass on the CGI Aladdin. Unrelated to recent events.
I don’t know if the COVIDsomnis is the worst part, but it’s pretty fucking awful.
It snowed last night. I’m sure spring will show up at some point.
If I can distract you from that Star Trek episode you’ve watched 100 times, The Last Days of Ptolemy Greyon Apple TV+ is also rather good.
I need to check, but I think our Apple TV+ has run out.
Speaking of Apple TV+, we did at least make it through the 2 seasons of Ted Lasso.
Truly a special show. Took us completely by surprise. It surpasses the hype. We’ll have to find ways to watch future seasons.
This soundtrack and movie were both a big deal to me. I still listen to this often. I don’t agree with the article that the movie “doesn’t hold up…” – – but then, it’s been a few years since I last watched.
Also – – Kennedy! What a shame that she went from “that quirky music geek VJ” to “that rage-filled blathering talking head.”
I HATED Kennedy.
Like, a lot.
Like, so much that I WROTE her a letter (email did not exist at the time) asking if perhaps she wouldn’t find something else to do with her life. I believe I may have been a bit more acerbic with my wording than that.
That is the only “personality” I have ever written to in my life.
This is how strongly I disliked her.
Well, it would seem you were prescient about her.
The only VJs I ever really liked were Martha Quinn and J.J. Jackson.
Hubby is home this week. He’s decided we need to go… somewhere. I guess tomorrow we’re going for a drive.
Well the first episode of Moon Knight has dropped on Disney+
I will be watching it with my tea this evening.
Pinky out or in?
I got into Moon Knight during my brief time back in NJ, but never too deeply. I tried a few reboot attempts – – the best dealt with his multiple personalities, the worst made him into a white-caped Batman.
I’m glad the show seems to be leaning into the madness angle.
Regardless of his recent track record – – on and off camera – – this guy was such a huge part of our formative movie and TV days. Truly sad news.
But other than that, an intriguing start to a series,
I didn’t think I was going to enjoy ‘Our Flag is Death’, but 5 episodes in and I’m really enjoying it.
On HBO Max in the states or you could go down the ironic route to watch.
“go down the ironic route” *cough*
Never heard Google Maps’ voice direction cough before.
So we’re going to Drumheller tomorrow. Will probably hit the Tyrrell. I took Van there when he was up my way.
We quite liked the first episode of Moon Knight. However, personally speaking, I don’t think it’s a show my eldest should watch
As a casual fan of the character, I liked it too. Intriguing premise, intriguing bad guy. The main character whose perspective we get is a bit of a cliche, but it works.
Do you think there would be triggers for for your eldest?
Yeah, big time triggers. I’ve never made it a secret she has schizophrenia. She doesn’t have a split personality, but the voices and hallucinations were big time early on before she was diagnosed. She keeps them in check now but still…
I liked it more than T Cat. She found it a bit too disturbing, though she’s willing to watch the rest of it.
I was afraid Teresa wouldn’t like it because of the time gaps, but she really liked it. I’m quite happy with the first episode.
Fun idea. It looks more like a social/party game than a “sit down in your chair and play alone” kind of thing. From their perspective, it’s a good idea.
Will I play it if invited? Sure! Will I buy it? Doubtful.
It snowed, and it’s cold. I think we’ll head out tomorrow instead
AV club moves to LA after giving ultimatum to staff:
Well finished watching ‘Our Flag Means Death’, that ending..right in the feels.
I’ve done the first couple of episodes so far. Quite intrigued. Though, now that I know where I recognize the lead from, I can’t help but to keep saying “Welcome to Jumanji” now…
The hat does appear in a later episode.
On the read to see the dinosaurs
Read = road
Yesterday I replaced the 3, burned out bulbs in my kitchen ceiling fixtures with three LED bulbs.
Today they wouldn’t turn on. Took one out and put it in a different fixture and it worked. Put it back up and nothing.
Resolved to take them back. Went to kitchen pantry for breakfast, turned on the pantry light and all three kitchen bulbs came on.
I begin to suspect I am living in a 3 stooges episode.
Can turn pantry light off and the other bulbs stay on. Played with it a bit. Sometimes 1 or 2 lights come on when their switch is flipped but to get all 3 I must flip switch in pantry.
Internet turned up no hits on this so I call GE help line. Got routed to a technical person. She was amused at the situation and congratulated me for being the first to report this situation.
Guess I need to scour the town for any remaining, incandescent, “Reveal” bulbs.
BTW – after spending 2 days trying to trouble shoot my laptop, it still tells me every website’s certificate is invalid and just will not work on many of them even if I tell it to ignore the security message.
I think I shall go out and pull weeds from the garden. I don’t think those are digital yet.
I’d say there is a problem with your ceiling fixtures, not your bulbs.
Yeah, it is either your light fixture or your circuit that connects your fixtures. I’m not an electrician, but my intuition is telling me there is some electrical resistance in your fixture or circuit. The extra power draw of flipping on your other switch is enough to overcome the resistance and turn on the bulbs. Imagine me telling you this in the voice of Cliff Clavin.
Sounds like a good day to churn butter by candlelight.
CP: I Got You — Split Enz
What it is like to own an out of warranty German automobile:
A little dog goes into a saloon in the Wild West, and beckons to
the bartender. “Hey, bartender, gimme a whiskey.”
The bartender ignores him.
“Hey bartender, gimme a whiskey!”
Still ignored.
The bartender takes out his six-shooter and shoots the dog in the
leg, and the dog runs out the saloon, howling in pain.
Three years later, the wee dog appears again, wearing boots,
jeans, chaps, a Stetson, gun belt, and guns. He ambles slowly into the
saloon, goes up to the bar, leans over it, and says to the bartender,
“I’m here t’git the man that shot muh paw.”
Huh, I have just been hearing “Convoy” in recent days. Asking google to play “Eastbound and Down” auto generates a follow on play list that includes this one.
CW: Moonfall
It’s all rather silly but it does mention the Roche limit so props for that.
Half a million views in a few days. At this rate he might just make enough money to pay off what it took to make that guitar.
And totally agreed about the talent it takes to pull this off.
So this is what he’s been up to. lol
It’s been ages since I’ve heard of him.
Vai was at the last MHoF event in Jan 2020, getting inducted and inducting Satriani. He and his wife were clearly not open to stop and chat, so I didn’t approach him.
Unlike the gaggle of fanboys who chased him everywhere.
Spring will arrive at some point
Well goodbye to Alain Delon, just not now but soon:
Well Oscar’s English accent was not quite as grating on a rewatch of Moon Knights first episode.
I didn’t notice anything off about it. But I’m not a native British English speaker. I will say that after years of watching British comedies, I can (with utter confidence) say that the accent was better than Dick Van Dyke in Marry Poppins.
And (minor detail spoiler) some one even says to him at one point, “What’s with that accent?” I think, even if it is dodgy, they gave a workable excuse.
Happy birthday to both Amy Bowen and Dani! May you have the bestest birthday ever
With luck, (fingers crossed) I’ll do a movie on Friday. It’s been awhile, I know.
I’m getting off some meds today so I’m hoping life will be back to normal
What he said.
Make it three.
CP: Don’t Get Yourself In Trouble (live) — Bachman-Turner Overdrive
I get that there are different sides of this issue. . . But man, that’s a hard life. And it’s the cold-hearted, tone deaf responses from some that get me.
And really, it comes down to the same argument: streamers should just provide adequate compensation to the musicians who are providing the product for their customers.
They should clarify that it’s Pink Floyd without Roger Waters.
That’s just Waters under the bridge by now.
Do you think he’s trolling them?
From the article –
A week before Russia invaded Ukraine, Waters told an interviewer on Russia Today that talk of a Russian invasion was “bullshit … anybody with an IQ above room temperature knows [an invasion] is nonsense”; he has subsequently condemned the invasion calling it “the act of a gangster”, while also condemning “propaganda to demonise Russia”
If we start to go down that route, how many clarifiers would it take to describe “Yes” for any given album?
With season 2 of Picard airing, there seems to be a lot of Trek news lately. In my Facebook feed, an old friend of mine, posted about how he and his brother were on set to observe the taping of TNG S1E25 “Conspiracy”.
He posted, “At some point when Patrick is picking up the phaser and the take is cut, he stands up and tosses the phaser II in the air end over end and catches it again by the handle.
Picard and Riker holding those phasers in that shot will live with me forever.”
The overture is included and just like that I’m bloody old..
So you did watch that new-fangled version?
Yup, nice and sparkly.
I was on Reddit today and on the /r/startrek group, someone was watching Star Trek : The Motion Picture for the first time thanks to the Paramount+ 4K Remaster.
The fellow was astounded that the movie featured the theme from Star Trek: The Next Generation
I’ve never felt so old…
I remember how the decades felt distinctly different. 1984 was so much different than 1994. 2008 and 2022 seem about the same. Everything after the ’90s is just one long decade. That gives me a warped perspective on the passage of time.
Goodbye to another part of my childhood, the author of Mr Benn has died:
When we visited the wonderful Space Center in the south with the wonderful JustaJoe, they had a bunch of these kinds of posters, referencing Stargate, different versions of Trek, Aliens.
Who’s surprised that career space scientists are also nerds?
Loads of Brit actors doing terrible US accents…argh!
Actually not too bad, if you like your spy movies to be as far away as possible from James Bind you might enjoy this.
-i +o
If you think I might enjoy thos, I might give it a try 😉
Today we were talking about porpoises and I made a Hudson Hawk reference. Hubby had no idea what I was talking about. I think I will introduce him to the (fun) hot mess that is Hudson Hawk. I wonder if it will hod up. I have my doubts.
You know, it held up. Still silly fun
That one would be a good Palooza candidate…someday.
I know what it is. I haven’t had the experience. I would watch it for you guys.
I saw it at the cinema.
Was my ‘I’ll watch any film good or bad’ phase.
Don’t think I’ve seen it.
JW: Amelie
Goodness I just love this film and the accordion music is just FAB.
It’s been years since I viewed it but I recall loving it.
Seems like it had my level of movie quirkiness.
I’m way too tired to read it in full, but I intend to get back.
Took in the new 4K Remaster of Star Trek: The Motion Picture on Paramount+ . While still not a perfect film, it’s certainly much better than folks give it credit for. It’s based on the 2001 Director’s Edition, which I don’t think I had actually seen before.
I do recommend it if you’ve got access. I also stayed through the credits to take in this bit of a 40 year overdue fix:
Star Trek is not Star Wars, so the first film was very much in the spirit of the original series.
I’m definitely more Wars than Trek, but I’ve seen a goodly amount of Trek over the years. I remember people giving the first Trek movie a lot of crap for being slow, but I really, really liked it. It was visually stunning and I loved the concepts it got into.
I’ve never agreed with the common opinion that the first Star Trek is a bad movie – – but – – it is goddamn slow. That scene of viewing the Enterprise is majestic. . . then tedious. . . then oh my god, move on!!
I recall reading as a kid that the Trek community felt that it was a fine Sci-Fi movie, but not really true to Star Trek. That’s why we got Wrath of Khan, which was more true to its roots.
I’ve never been busted for bringing them to mmmeetups.
It bemuses me that they are still banned when loads of children die each year in the US from firearm accidents.
There was a dark joke a few years back about including small toys inside of AR-15s instead of chocolate eggs so kids would have easier access to them.
A lot about the US bemuses me
That Dark City article (I posted April 10) is pretty interesting. The parallels between Dark City and the Matrix are obvious, but I didn’t know DC was actually a direct influence on the Matrix.
Well the ‘From’ season finale was rather short of anything indicating what the fuck was going on.
Hopefully it will get a S2.
Woah, royalties are done.
That means, tomorrow, I can actually do a PBP!
For Mother’s Day, my Boo is using their 3D printer to make me a Majima statue. She keeps sending me pics of the work in process. The last one was of a bunch of limbs beside a Coke bottle. It was a little disturbing
We used Bose Frames for a work project and I was extremely impressed with the quality. They have speakers that point into your ears from the frames of the sunglasses so it works like headphones but without anything actually sitting in your ears.
Oy. . . TL;DW – – I only skipped ahead to see the book he chose. But oy.
Ok, let’s see what Netflix has on tap. Whatever it is, it will just be a normal pbp. My brain is still getting off spreadsheet mode so isn’t feeling overly creative right now.
Ok, today’s movie is Privlige
The write up: Dark rituals. Family secrets. And a demonic evil lurking in the shadows. In this town, privlige comes at a terrible price.
Oh. Language, violence, and nudity warning. The perfect trifecta of a terrible B movie
It was time.
Johnny Fever listening to Pink Floyd on WKRP
Third-sies! 😀
I put down a deposit for a steam deck.
At least this one might actually arrive at some point unlike the ominous silence from the makers of Play date.
We watched, and enjoyed Army of Thieves last night. I know it’s supposed to be a prequel to Army of the Dead, but it wasn’t a zombie movie at all. If you like heist movies, I’d recommend it
I too have seen that one. At the time I didn’t even know it was zombie related.
It’s fun.
I preferred Army of Thieves and was disappointed that Army of the Dead didn’t continue with the characters. Also, that final vault was so disappointing after the designs in Thieves.
I was going to get a hair cut today but, at -26 (-34 with the wind chill) I have decided it’s too cold to leave the house
You could just wet your hair and use a hammer, at those temps.
I too have an appointment for a haircut today.
Anyone else?
One of us
one of us
one of us
No, for obvious reasons.
An appointment….for a …. haircut?
Can’t say as I’ve ever had such a thing.
I usually wake up one day, see myself in the mirror and go “Damn, I need a haircut”…then head out and get one.
Happy Twosday. 2-22-22
Goodbye to the guy who played Gehn in the Myst sequel:
CP: Rockstar — Momma
Nice Veruca Salt vibe to this.
CW: From – Episode 1
Well that was very creepy.
Episode 2 it is.
RIP Mark Lanegan.
What a distinct voice we’ve lost.
Truly a rock icon in breadth and depth. The number of projects he was a part of as well as the number of artists he guested with is truly astounding.
Why canon in sci-fi doesn’t exist:
That was…a whole lot of words that didn’t really say anything.
Jesus fuck Ed you read all that!?
Ed is doing penance for things he can’t admitt to …
Otherwise we would all be dissapeared.
Thank you Ed.
It’s a response to gatekeepers saying you aren’t a true fan of a certain genre if you haven’t read the ‘classics’.
I get that he was trying to say that….but I don’t think he succeeded per se. If anything, it came across as more of a general dismissal of SF as not “real literature” hence, no canon.
This new Oceans of Slumber song is just beautiful.
Goodbye to Gary Brooker:
Crap joke for the evening:
Q. What’s the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
A. Outlaws are wanted.
History of the club sandwich:
There is a new season of “Stranger Things?”
And you guys didn’t tell me about it?
Well I knew it was coming but it’s still not on Netflix in the UK.
When does it release here in the States?
27th May for Volume 1
I’m pretty sure I saw it on Netflix last night…
But maybe I was just seeing the preview ?
Did you miss a season ?
Ah I see now
Vol 1 – May 27
Vol 2 – July 1st
Medieval photoshop:
Even though it’s still stupid cold today, I decided to chop my locks anyway.
Ok, now Steam isn’t even pretending. At least with some, the titles are more obscure to the game theme. But when “Elf Wives Cheat to Ride My Meat” is recommended, you know they have given up trying.
It got a little weird when those elf wives started getting into orcs.
CW: All Our Yesterdays – ST:TOS
You know S3 gets a lot of stick but this is a cracking episode.
Yes I did read the sequels by A C Crispin
I thought the makers of Futurama were silly for announcing a new season without having John DiMaggio fully onboard first (thereby giving him a lot of power of negotiation). This whopper makes that seem like a minor faux pas.
Well that’s awkward.
What if Chris Pine will be busy shooting Wonder Woman 3?
Props for attributing the animation style to Tex Avery as he is one of the all time greats. But I think they drop the ball (most likely intentionally) on attributing much of the interactive idea to the Dragon’s Lair video game. If you watch the preview the concept looks like most of the “hour and a half of animation” is the cat dying because you answered a trivia question wrong (muck like most of the Don Bluth animation in Dragon’s Lair is Dirk dying over and over because you chose the wrong direction or didn’t time your response correctly).
Peacemaker bloopers.
These were fun
Goddammit. Not that anyone was surprised.
Quite surprised how many want to start a nuclear war or how my GOP politicians are supporting Russia.
Oh from 2018 and still relevant:
Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to D.C. Republicans or their bootlicker supporters.
I heard a few excited gasps in the theater. Maybe those were just from me.
once again, my life is exciting. Just finished filing my taxes.
For the Ghost fans.
Ah Tobias…. speak on my friend.
Goodbye to Sally Kellerman:
You know I could have swore she wasn’t in Star Trek but she bloody was.
Some good games for PS subscribers in March:’s%20PlayStation%20Plus%20games%20will%20be%20available,Assault%20On%20Dragon%20Keep%3A%20A%20Wonderlands%20One-Shot%20Adventure.
Off to the city this morning. Hopefully the road are clear. We go a fair amount of snow over the last couple of days
Brave. A waste. Awful for their loved ones. But if a soldier has to go, then I guess this is the way to do it.
I wish there were anyway to confirm these stories. Or maybe not, because for every one story that might be fabricated you know there will be many many who die in anonimity doing horrifically brave things.
I read another about a solder who stopped an advancing Russian tank Collum by running onto the bridge and setting off the demolition charges while on the bridge.
When this finally ends, Putin should be arrested and prosecuted.
Hard to tell, the Snake Island lot may have actually surrended (even the Ukrainians admitting that), if so good for them.
On a lighter note. . . .
TIL: All of the spaceships on the Boston album covers are actually spaceships.
I should have checked these more closely when I was younger, but oh well. Don’t look back.
What are you talking about man? They are guitars that look like alien spaceships.
Yeh, I’ve got more then a fealing that can’t be right.
Well I see it now!
Part of the reason the Atari Lynx failed was it’s shitty battery life, so nothing new here then :
Now here’s a what if that I could go for
This guy’s subscriber count is simply criminal. He’s been churning out some fantastic animation.
Great premise.
So there was a Chess tournament held in Gibraltar:
How to be calm at the end of the world:
When I agreed to be on the board for the CDN SF Hall of Fame, nobody told me there would be so much homework.
so. much. research
William Shatner was born in Montreal in 1931, if that helps.
Leonard Nimoy died this day in 2015:
Leonard Nemoy doesn’t qualify. He isn’t Canadian
Neil Peart: Born September 12, 1952 in Hamilton. He should count as he’s written a metric asston of sci-fi themed songs.
He’s co-author on the “Clockwork Angels” books with Kevin J Anderson!
Yesterday was my busiest day in years.
RenFaire all day. Huzzah! It was as crowded as the worst day I’d ever seen at Disneyland. All outdoors, except the mermaid exhibit, and they required masks and social distancing in there. The girls had fun.
I did feel for the regulars. (The NY RenFaire was briefly a big deal for me, many eons ago.) The hordes of mundanes (including us) must have been rough.
And then a Bruce Dickinson spoken word show at night. Which was great (although Henry Rollins does it better).
So two big events with big crowds in one day. The numbers and official guidelines say I’m good (because I’m boosted) – – it just feels weird.
Well, fuck!
Had a beer with a buddy tonight. He and his wife are friends with a family that lives in the Ukraine between the airfield the antonov was in and a fighter base.
My friend is trying to get the paperwork through to get that family’s daughter out, to come live with them. The dad is undergoing treatment for cancer and can’t leave. His wife will stay there with him.
There really aren’t words. Or maybe it is all the words. Either way-
Fuck Putin.
And fuck anyone who is rooting for Putin.
I am glad that I’m not the only one who hates the Amazonification of Comixology. Even Patton Oswalt has chimed in.
(I realize where this fits in the grand scheme of things to be upset about)
I’m pretty unhappy about it.
One thing missing in the article and other complaints is that you can no longer backup purchases. That used to allow you to download a .cbz or .pdf of many titles. Obviously that isn’t in line with Amazon’s stance that you don’t own your purchases, so it is gone with this upgrade.
I’ve heard and agree with this complaint too. I’m shocked Amazon has never had a major competitor rise up on that platform: “If you buy it, you own it. We won’t take it away from you.”
Peacemaker/Encanto mashup:
Looks like the new Batman movie is getting generally favorable reviews. At 3 hours though, I’d rather watch it at home than in a theatre. I guess I’ll be waiting for streaming options to check it out.
Holy strained bladder, Batman!
Yeah, as promising as it looks, I think I’m likely to wait for the home theater on this one as well. I may go out for Multiverse of Madness.
I’m on holiday next week so will probably go and see it at the cinema.
I’ll continually watch films at home no matter what.
Marc Maron: Did you see Power of the Dog, did you see that movie?
Sam Elliott: Yeah do you wanna talk about that piece of shit?
Marc: [ohh noo] You didn’t like that one?
Sam: Fuck no.
Morning Pan
I think kitty has a sore tooth. I’m going to call the vet this morning and see if I can get her in.
Neat deep space photo:
Cool, this gets me excited about what we’ll see from the Webb telescope.
March 16th for the Netflix Marvel shows to be on Disney+:
Let the continued… “Sooooo are these part of the MCU or not?” debate continue.
This post brought to you by the Department of the Redundancy Department….
Think you are safe punk? Well do ya?
Had this conversation the other night. For all of the mental deficiencies in the US and Soviet leaders of the 80s, in hindsight, they were pretty clearly never going to just go off half-cocked and push the button.
Recent US and Russian leadership? Yeah, I don’t have the same confidence.
But what are ya gonna do?
In the book Dead Hand, there is a story about Brezhnev watching an exercise for a nuclear launch where he had to press a button that was not actually linked to missiles launching.
Brezhnev was nervous it would lead to an actual
launch so the Generals had to keep telling him
It was fine to press the button…
Yeah. For many of those leaders and generals, up until the 80s, they had actual exposure to war and its consequences. Now… not so much.
The eldest daughter loves this game. She’s obsessed. It has quite the backstory and tragic real life meta story too.
IS this one you gamers have played?
I don’t think it was on my radar. I’ve added omit to my Steam wishlist
I had heard of it, put it on my steam wish list. It’s also out on iOS for 4.99.
Bender is coming home:
How did I get so busy all of a sudden?
When working on a collection of short stories, you can sure tell the American authors from any of the others. They are the ones missing u’s in their words as well as spelling words er instead of re
This just means extra work for me as I fix them all.
Those fuckres
The soundtrack for a spy movie that does not exist:
I like the song.
Not so much the video.
This one is more my style:
First real concert in years. According to the CDC and the experts and the observations from the medical professionals in my life, I’m good.
Volbeat/Ghost co-headlining. Unfortunately, Volbeat didn’t close the show, so I had to hear their entire set. Eh, they were fine. Ghost, however, put on an amazing performance. It was good to be back.
Wear your N95 and increase the odds in your favor.
Looks like it might be fun:
I don’t see this going over well.
Their argument = concerts and sporting events work by having you pay extra for better seats and more popular bands/teams, therefore we should be able to do the same thing with movies.
The problem (IMHO) = if all other theaters don’t take the same approach people will just go to see a more popular movie in a great seat at a different theater for less money.
Another point here.
If the theatre charges me more for a “better” seat, in my mind they have just accepted responsibility for a “better” experience.
If someone nearby is talking or carrying on, I will be asking for a refund.
Also, f$&@ that.
I will wait and watch it at home with my own cocktail, snacks, bathroom.
Theatres are correct in thinking that they need to evolve … but making the experience WORSE (in this case financially) is not the direction to head in.
“Theatres are correct in thinking that they need to evolve … but making the experience WORSE (in this case financially) is not the direction to head in.”
The home experience is pretty amazing right now. What can a theatre offer to sweeten the deal other than (manufactured) early access?
There strengths I can think of are-
-Early release.
-BIG screen.
-Rich surround sound.
-Seating for a LARGE group of your friends.
Somehow they need to leverage that.
Maybe some sort of “box seating” for you and your pals?
I don’t know what else they can do.
And all this after everyone thinking that theaters were not going to survive COVID. I don’t understand the reasoning behind the super rapid transition from what can we do to get more people into the theaters to the power move they are trying now. Maybe back when theaters were still really popular. But not now when they are struggling just to get anyone to go.
I’m curious about the market research that led to this. Was it based on consumer polls or just speculation? Was there a trial run somewhere?
(I didn’t read the article end-to-end, so forgive me if it’s in there)
Excellent point. They claim that they’ve been doing it in Europe for many years. The article also said that they will be rolling this out slowly so I imagine that equates to the Batman movie being their trial run.
Well it will be a dark night before I participate in that!
I need more info, but it looks like the torches and pitchforks for Sam Elliott may be a little bit premature.
I only know what’s here and in a handful of the comments. Sure, I cringe at some of his words, but I don’t get the sense that he’s going full Pence. Or even half-Pence. According to one commenter, he also praised “Brokeback Mountain” and past Jane Campion films. So maybe he just has a huge beef with this “Power of the Dog” movie?
Check it out, meatbags:
Interesting. Maybe only to me.
No, I found it interesting too.
I know nothing about who knows who in the whole SF/F author realm…but has Scalzi never heard of Scott Sigler? While obviously not Kickstarter per se, seems he’s mostly made his career out of that kind of publishing model.
I’m sure he has, but he was answering a different question, imo.
Interesting non-spoiler review of “The Batman”
This makes me want to see it. I’ll wait for streaming though.
Crap joke for the day:
Why couldn’t the dwarves renew their lease on the Lonely Mountain?
It failed the Smaug test.
Tell crap jokes and smash the plates.
That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates!
Sometimes work is all whiskey and cheesecake.
Sometimes it all be like Bam! Lulled you in a false sense of security. We’re gonna make you hate your life.
Then sometimes, like today, it falls somewhere in between.
At least you can put whiskey and cheesecake on your resume.
Just let it dry first.
Ranker might be the worst of the worst for clickbait, but I found some of these interesting:
Joseph Joseph / Les Doigts de l’Homme featuring Sébastien Félix
I could listen to this all day. They’re all great, but the older guy just kills it.
Pictures of the AN-225. I think any hopes of getting it back in the air are pretty well dashed now.
Ugh. Power listening to an audiobook for errors is time consuming and more exhausting than you’d think.
JW: Picard S2E1
Oh dear:
And this is exactly the kind of completely fucking stupid idea I would expect from that jackass.
Anytime I see a post about Hannity I feal Blige to post the following information. This allows the reader some perspective about puting any weight behind anything he says.
Here is Hannity’s Resume:
-private High School. Now closed.
-House Painter in Ca.
-Unemployed House Painter.
-Hate Radio, talk show host in Al.
-Fox TV Show Host
-trump policy Advisor
That’s it.
No college. Not even continuing Education Economic or History Classes.
A brand new gaming store in Scottsdale. I went in to check it out last weekend.
The place was packed! – – but it was about 70 dudes playing Warhammer at 10 different tables, with one table dedicated to Magic: The Gathering.
There was one corner with a small selection of tabletop games, but otherwise, almost their entire inventory was dedicated to Warhammer and other games like that.
Is this the future of nerdy tabletop gaming?
Meanwhile, AZ Game Depot, one of the better gaming stores in town, is closing down. Apparently it’s owner retirement, so at least their story ends happily.
Now the only good one left (that I know of) is Imperial Outpost, over on Rhett’s side of town.
Yeah, Imperial is still going strong. There is a newer, but smaller game store by the Stadiums that seems pretty cool. Goat Games or something.
That’s been about what I’ve seen in the gaming stores in Orlando. I used to belong to a group that played table top games every other Saturday. Every time we tried playing in a gaming store it was us in a back room and metric asston of Warhammer people.
Free sign-up at the new MST3K site.
The Gizmoplex is mostly a rebranding of the old MST3K site at this point. There should be the first episode of the new season (Santo in the Treasure of Dracula) in week or two. I’m at a kickstarter pledge level where I’ve seen the episode and had a tour of what the Gizmoplex is going to look like when they get it fully ramped up in May or so. It will be pretty cool and there will be ways to have group watch parties. BTW, they really changed up the intro quite a bit and the feel is a bit different as they were forced to transition to really small sets with greenscreens.
Speaking of hokey terribleness. . . 3 eps into TOS S3. Paradise Syndrome is playing right now. Kirk loses his memory and a Native American tribe on another planet think he’s a god.
As bad as Spock’s Brain was, it’s a thousand times better than this one.
S3, E2: The Enterprise Incident, was actually pretty excellent.
Well if the intelligence pundits are to be believed, the Russian army will collapse by Sunday.
Fingers crossed and all that.
Sounds too easy. And sounds dangerous as long as Vlad still has access to power.
IMO – if his military collapses and all he has left is lobbing Nukes… we’re in for an even worse time.
This only ends well with regime change.
On that note- Zelenskiy is claiming that the last 3 death attempts to send death squads to get him, were thwarted by direct Intel from within the Russian FSB.
If true, this gives hope that Putin could soon meet with an “accident”.
Shows what they know
Even before I’d started this TOS full watch, I’d thought that “And the Children Shall Lead” was the all-time worst episode. I still have most of S3 to go, but after rewatching, I think it’s going to keep that title. “Spock’s Brain” is The Godfather, in comparison.
It’s unfortunate that one can’t temporarily forget all they have seen AFTER these were made. I think it would soften the perception of them.
I sheilded my young ones from seeing any sci-fi until I felt they were old enough to watch/ grasp TOS. They were in elementary school.
Then we did what Jack is doing and watching it through their eyes was magical.
With nothing to compare it to, they took it for what it was and not for what it wasn’t or what it could be.
I guess we can never really go back.
Goodbye to Mitchell Ryan, he played Minnie Driver’s Dad in Grosse Pointe Blank:
For a second I read that as “Michelle” Ryan and Im like WTF!
Happy birthday, Lo Pan!
A super happy birthday you god wanna be you!
Happy Lo Birthday!
JW: No Exit
On Hulu in the US, Disney+ outside, a not too shabby crime thriller.
David Gilmour is 76 today!
Hey longevity scientists, how’s that immortality serum coming along?
Cheers all! Appreciate it
Crap joke for the day:
A defendant was on trial for murder. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense’s closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have a surprise for you all,” the lawyer said as he looked at his watch. “Within one minute, the person presumed dead in this case will walk into this courtroom.” He looked toward the courtroom door. The jurors, somewhat stunned, all looked on eagerly. A minute passed.
Nothing happened.
Finally the lawyer said, “Actually, I made up the previous statement. But you all looked on with anticipation. I therefore put to you that you have a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you return a verdict of not guilty.”
The jury, clearly confused, retired to deliberate. A few minutes later, the jury returned and pronounced a verdict of guilty.
“But how?” inquired the lawyer. “You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.”
The jury foreman replied: “Oh, we did look, but your client didn’t.”
More outrage for the Comixology debacle.
(I haven’t listened. Two hours and nineteen minutes!)
We watched West Side Story on the weekend. Usually I’m a fan of musicals but this one just didn’t click for me. It had all the elements. Beautiful set. Music. Dance numbers. but still…
John said he didn’t really feel any chemistry between the two main actors. Maybe that’s it. *shrug*
That guy was great in Baby Driver and like a plank of wood in WSS.
Off to the city this morning.
Interesting. We had a good VRBO experience, but we’ve only done it the one time. There are definitely still some advantages over hotels, but good points are made.
I had a good experience with them some years back. I get the sense that was early in the game though and those who participated were people who were listing properties that were already short time rentals and the owners were actually “professional” about it.
Now it seems over run with grifters and those who have no intention(or ability) of providing a good experience. They are just trying to grab some of that cash.
JW: The Batman
Agree about it being overlong, but thought it was pretty good.
Ended up taking the day off. This just means twice as much work tomorrow
Take that, future you!
Oh, the memories.
The article also correctly points out that the music of this era that mattered to us rarely charted. I check in on this ongoing column, and the Billboard number 1s for most of the 90s were utter Pop ballad drivel garbage. And markedly NOT Garbage.
Quite like that Lisa Loeb track.
I’ve never seen “Reality Bites.”
I’ve also never seen the movie. I didn’t care much for the song back then, but it’s impossible to dislike now.
Definitely transports me back.
I like “Stay” but I have a weird feeling whenever I consider the songs of that era. A lot of overplayed sad women folk songs in the day. Do you know where your cowboys have gone?
Some of those Lilith Faire lineups were pretty good.
Yeah, that’s the thing. I like female singers, I like folk music, it just seemed to me that radio stations were trying to make a scene happen, rather than let it grow organically.
I get what you are saying–and you aren’t really wrong–but let’s not overlook the number of women rockers from that era too. Bikini Kill, Tracy Bonham, The Breeders, Liz Phair, Elastica, Garbage, just to name a few. And I like quite a few of the “sad women folk songs” too.
I think what we’re all saying is this:
Jewel was fucking terrible.
Tish and Pish, Jewell has throaty voice that adds to her records.
Well if we are naming names …
Courtney Barnett makes me want to violently destroy my audio gear.
I’m a guy who likes “unique” vocal styles but hers just makes me HATE to the point of rage!
CP: Running from Wolves — Shireen
Farhad Hussain deserves more recognition. This is a near-perfect Tears for Fears cover:
Sleep is for wimps
My new iPhone is supposed to be delivered today. That’s something, I guess.
Slow down a Chipmunks New Wave album and you get The Cure. Some of these are amazing.
1.) Call Me
2.) Walk Like An Egyptian
3.) Heaven Is A Place On Earth
4.) Diamond Dolls
5.) You Keep Me Hanging On
6.) My Sharona
7.) Always On My Mind
8.) Refugee
This could be the cure for Chipmunk songs.
Crap joke for the day:
An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, “Ah, you’re an engineer — you’re in the wrong place.”
So, the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After awhile, they’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy.
One day, God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, “So, how’s it going down there in hell?”
Satan replies, “Hey, things are going great. We’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there’s no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next.”
God replies, “What??? You’ve got an engineer? That’s a mistake — he should never have gotten down there; send him up here.”
Satan says, “No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I’m keeping him.”
God says, “Send him back up here or I’ll sue.”
Satan laughs uproariously and answers, “Yeah, right. And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?”
Little known fact – engineers have to be able to recite this joke from memory to earn their diplomas.
It never gets old.
I finally finished The Expanse Season 6. I rather enjoyed it.
Oo, let’s argue!!
I’m kidding. I do look forward to doing a full series rewatch in the next year or so.
Some minor issues here and there but … I have become a full-on, Expanse fan boy.
Yep. Me too. I’ve only read the first book, but I plan on going back and catching up. Overall, it’s one of the best SF series that I’ve seen.
I enjoy it when the high school senior declares at 11:15pm that she needs to print stuff for school tomorrow. . .
. . . When the dead old printer’s corpse is still plugged in, and it’s refurbed replacement is still sitting in the box it arrived in yesterday.
You forgot the …not!
I’m laughing but only because I have been there.
Bloody hell:
Explains a lot.
Endurance: Shackleton’s lost ship is found in Antarctic:
The title is sarcastic:
Web3 is bs vaporware
CP: Bow Down — Leah Andreone
Stealing Van’s crap joke thunder:
Woman: Do you have any batteries?
Clerk: Yes, come this way (wiggles finger).
Woman: If I could come that way, I wouldn’t need batteries.
Obi-Wan trailer
Awesome. 😀
I can’t imagine the series can be as good as the trailer. But I still have high hopes.
Marshmellow pie in the sky.
I have faith in Ewan
May is looking really good this year:
So according to an article in the new scientist, if you have a a garden and a slug/snail problem, make balls of bread dough and leave them
In the garden. The slugs/snail will home in on the dough, allowing you to collect them and dispose of them.
Personally I just let my little garden run wild and leave the slugs/nails to themselves.
I admit, it was touch and go for a few days there but, today I think I may actually survive the week
You been ill?
I didn’t realize! 🙁 I thought you just meant you were overworked/overstressed.
I do hope you feel better asap.
Nice job on the latest Tyche email, btw.
Ouch! Hope you get well soon.
Oh, not fun. Feel better Bunny!
That sucks.
Hope the worst is behind you.
The untold story of the John Carter film:
Started to read. Fascinating that it could have been the first feature cartoon before Snow White, if talks hadn’t fallen through.
I thought John Carter was fine. It reminded me a lot of Attack of the Clones as a messy big-screen CGI action fest. I’d have been glad to have more sequels.
I’m watching it tonight, bloody hell a pre-breaking Bad Cranston is in this, totally forgotten that.
Free story:
CP: Fortune Days — The Glitch Mob
I find it amusing to think of The US government playing Pokémon
No government would ever capture, imprison, enslave, and commodify sentient beings to use for their own violent amusement!
Because it would infringe on corporations right to do so?
Currently in Denver. Been here about 6 hours and I have such a headache.
I forgot how little oxygen you Cloud dwellers need.
I don’t get headaches when I’m there but I do pee more.
Go figure..
There is a lot of that but I assumed it was do to all the water I am drinking.
People keep telling me my head won’t hurt so much if I drink a lot of water.
Would that “water” be 80 proof with a twist of lime? That’ll get the bladder going.
Ha! I wish.
Head is much better this morning.
Think I’ll avoid the alcohol though. At least a few more days. I’m afraid it might bring back the headache.
Shame too because this place is swimming in craft beer!
You think it’s bad now, wait til 4/20.
That probably comes with less headache ?
Sunny but cold day.
Taking my eldest around for her Birthday. Visited a pet store to get her supplies for her Hermit Crabs (only pet her landlord will allow).
Went to an area called Arvada (sp?) which seemed nice. Visited a greenhouse and got a lovely, hanging plant.
Stopped in her favorite Disc Golf shop “Another Round”. Got her a disc and one for me that she is going to hand dye for my Birthday 🙂
Having a nice visit. Learning to live with less oxygen.
The history of Wolverine.
I’ve always found the phrase “oral history” to be slightly dirty.
Professor XXX?
You weren’t expecting to face “that” in the Danger Room.
Is Storm controlling the weather or is it getting hot in here?
No, NO I wasn’t thinking that at all!
Bloodcurdling. I can’t believe that, at this point, anyone sees this as an issue with 2 sides.
I have to admitt that I don’t know any specifics about Cosby’s crimes.
I know the overview, he was convicted of drugging and then rapping a woman (women?).
I don’t know how many, I don’t know when (was it something he did for a decade? Durring the “Cosby Show” years? His whole life?)
I mean, I have heard a bunch of stuff here and there but I don’t think I’ve ever read a detailed accounting of what came out in his trail (trails?).
Don’t know if I need to. Basically, after he was convicted, I wrote him off.
On a happier not I just watched the new Pixar flick on Disney+ called Turning Red.
Great fun, thumbs up from me:
Just finished “The Adam Project”. That was fun, and a lot better than “The Tomorrow War”.
Agreed, enjoyed that.
African Americans and the Manhattan Project:
Elton Dan show tonight. Not autocorrect – – it was an Elton John tribute show. The guys singing voice is nothing like the original, but the songs sounded great anyway.
The show ended earlier than expected and right after “Sad Songs,” which felt weird. And I didn’t need “Candle in the Wind,” but it seems strange to do an Elton John set without it. I DID need “Funeral for a Friend/Loves Lies Bleeding” and I didn’t get those either. Oh well. I’d still see Elton Dan again.
At least it concentrates on recent titles but ditching the Cities trilogy for, no, NO!
I’ve read 5 of those, only heard of a handful more.
Some of the unknowns are intriguing.
Ah, when the high schooler is frustrated that the ending of 1984 was too lacking in hope.
Every generation must go through this.
As Cyrano says:
Hope is hell.
I can’t fault the logic here:
“It’s awfully black, isn’t it?” – Spinal Tap
Goodbye to William Hurt:
Oh no!
So many great roles. “Altered States” gets some oddball love .He was also great as Keanu Reeves’ braindead stoner buddy in I Love You To Death`
And of course, the gory details are coming out now. It seems he committed some heinous acts in the 1980s. Oh well, we can celebrate his great career.
And the 80s was long time ago – – Hopefully he was able to make amends and become a better person in the following decades.
Morning Pan
We re-watched the original Total Recall on the weekend. It’s still silly fun
We started to re-watched the 2012 Judge Dredd film. About halfway through.
The last time I watched it, my reaction was “How the fk did anyone like this??”
But that was awhile ago. I should give it a rewatch.
I do recall that the Colin Farrell remake was completely forgettable. No pun intended.
A short tour of the PDP-11:
Saw Death on the Nile today, not too bad but bloody fucking hell can we stop AC adaptions, maybe adapt writers from the 21st century..just a thought.
I only found her books in the past decade, so I’m feeling the opposite. I’m good with well-produced adaptations for modern audiences. I liked Murder on the Orient Express, so I’m way down for this one.
I know the pre-Branagh Agatha Christie shows and movies have a loyal fanbase, but they always seemed hopelessly dated to me.
Definitely some odd rumblings from across the pond today. I mean, aside from these couple of Kenneth Branaugh adaptions, I can’t say I’m familiar with any movies made from Agatha Christie’s works in the last few decades.
On the other hand, it seems everything that isn’t a comic book movie is adapted from books written in this century (Hunger Games, Harry Potter, etc,)
They have been tv adaptions over here as well.
Anyway it’s coming to Disney+ in the UK and Hulu in the US so you can decide for yourself:
How about adaptations of Sherlock Holmes, Alice in Wonderland, A Princess on Mars, War of the Worlds, etc. Honestly I think we’ve had enough adaptations already of Sherlock Holmes and Alice in Wonderland. I’d like to see more Barsoom movies. And the last version of War of the Worlds was down right atrocious. But I think we can take from a variety of sources and time periods. It’s all in how well it’s executed.
After rewatching John Carter, I wholeheartedly agree about more Barsom flicks.
Having decided there was too much oxygen … we relocated to Breckinridge.
Another day of headaches but that has past. Still trying to catch my breath.
Everytime I think “Dolly Parton is a class act” and there is just nothing more to add to that … she gets even classier.
So. At the ER with my older daughter. She’s fine, but we’re just getting her checked out to be sure.
She was crossing the street near our home and some sack of shit hit her with his car, then drove off. No one got any info on him, so this POS is off scot free. She was too scared to ID anything about him.
I can only hope he crashed further up the road and was killed without harming anyone else.
And it’s like a fucking off-Broadway play in here, with the cast of eccentric characters. Just waiting for the musical number to begin.
Well I hope your daughter is ok.
Warm wishes to you daughter, Jack
That really sucks Jack.
Hope all is going to be fine.
Jesus that’s awful Jack! I hope she is fine. What a POS.
So this winter there have been no heavy snowfalls, the first time in my life that this has happened.
Yes, there’s actually been less snow than normal here too
Oh look, she can do housework for the first time in several weeks.
I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. *sigh*
The husband took the wheels of his office chair. I know why he did it but it still makes the chair impossible to move when I want to vacuum.
Now that is something I could not do, I enjoy rolling the around on the wooden floor.
He took the wheels off so the chair wouldn’t roll when using pedals on his driving games
You want a nuclear war? Cos that’s how you start a nuclear war:
Thanks, everyone. Pretty disgusted with the species, right about now.
Present company excepted, of course.
And btw, she’s doing fine today. Just a little sore.
That is messed up, but glad to hear she’s doing ok
Kurt Vonnegut might have been right all along:
Vonnegut is most likely always right. As for the theories in this article, I could never hope to fully wrap my head around all of the implications and any of them will be difficult to demonstrate scientifically so I think of them mostly as philosophy.
Later in the article they talk about a different theory with a mirror universe in which time and entropy flow backwards. That one seems more like science fiction. I did love a David Brin book called The Practice Effect in which the protagonist finds himself in a world where time flows forward, but entropy flows backwards. I highly recommend it.
I wouldn’t even categorize the block universe theory as a “theory” since that should have direct, observable implications. In any case, it is an interesting mind experiment, but that’s about it imo.
I think I’ve heard variations of the mirror universe for years.
F. Scott Fitzgerald too, if we’re all living Benjamin Button lives.
The practical implication of that article seems to suggest that time doesn’t really exist if past, present, and future are all just “now”.
I can’t say I find the proposal terribly convincing.
I don’t think they suggest that they are all now so much as that they are as fixed as x,y,z coordinates. The earth exists in space at a constantly moving set of coordinates. We can’t change that, but we can map it. They are suggesting the same with time (except that we can’t yet observe/map the future) The upside is a lack of paradoxes because traveling back in time would not change anything. The downside is that my dream of finding a way to bring my wizened adult mind back in time to inhabit my teenage head so I can avoid all my past mistakes (and make a whole new set of even dumber mistakes) is shot to hell in this framework. I’ll just have to assume a different framework. If I’m wrong, I’ll simply have to live my life all over again exactly the way it happened (ug).
I like the trailer for Ms. Marvel. I’m tentatively hoping it will be good.
They’ve changed her powers, but I can understand why: it will be probably be a bit more believable on the screen.
I only know about her character because she was in Ultimate Alliance 3. I guess I understand that it would be hard to emulate her primary power without it looking goofy, but on the other hand that is her primary power. There was a Fantastic Four cartoon that came out in the 80s and they replaced the Human Torch with a robot because they didn’t want to constantly redraw the animated flames. This seems like the same kind of thinking.
Maybe, but I think they are following the “spirit of the law” as opposed to the “letter”. We’ll see how it plays out in the show, but I’m willing to accept the change. I’ve enjoyed the comics of her that I’ve read and at least some of that is transferring well. A nice node to the comics is her sitting on a telephone pole.
Oh, I’ll still watch. Marvel seems to have a good track record on character choices, so I’ll give it chance. Unlike Fox with their Galactus as a storm cloud.
Yeah. That made no sense at all. lol
CP: Lords of Kobol (live) — Bear McCreary
Our power went out for a bit. What was that about?
A few years back we upgraded our Amazon Alexa speaker unit to the new video version. The video version is now in the kitchen and the old Alexa speaker is now located in our television/office room. So last night we were watching a documentary on Netflix and there is a scene where a guy asks his Alexa to play a song. Our Alexa complied and we had his song playing on the television and our Alexa playing the same song a few milliseconds behind and we had this weird echo effect. Pretty surreal.
This is similar to why we had to change the “wake ID” on ours to “Computer”.
I often keep the radio playing throughout the day and for a while it was all the rage to have commercials where the characters were asking their Alexa to do things. Ours would try to comply.
I was not amused.
When the only programmer of the software dies:
OK. This is getting into the land of strange now. I have always really liked Vonnegut and his writing style. Slaughterhouse 5 is a definite contender for my favorite book of all time. I watched the recent documentary on Kurt Vonnegut and it has put me back onto re-reading some of his stuff. So I’m now in re-reading Breakfast of Champions. Today we had the Vonnegut discussion here about being unstuck in time. On a separate level, I like to find old movie that I might have missed. There is a movie called Slapstick of Another Kind that looks absolutely atrocious except that it is chock full of powerhouse people like Jerry Lewis, Madeline Kahn, and Marty Feldman. But I really like old crappy comedy so I decided to watch. The story is “A rich, beautiful couple give birth to deformed alien twins who, when their heads are together, are the smartest kids on the planet.” With the parents and the children both played by Jerry Lewis and Madeline Kahn. The special effects around the twins in particular look like this should be an MST3K movie.
As I start watching the movie, the credits start and, lo and behold, it lists “in Kurt Vonnegut’s”. So I had to do some research. He is, indeed listed as the first name under “writers” ( I’m not familiar with the novel “Slapstick that it’s apparently based on, but I looked it up and it includes “Dr. Swain is a hideous man whose ugliness, along with that of his twin sister Eliza, led their parents to cut them off from modern society. The siblings came to realize that, when in close physical contact, they form a vastly powerful and creative intelligence.”
So, wow, so much Vonnegut. It reminds me of the movie Repo Man where Tracy Walter’s character talks about the “lattice of coincidence” in which someone says “plate” or “shrimp” or “plate of shrimp” and you suddenly start to see “plate of shrimp” everywhere around you (at which point in the movie you start to see a lot of “plate of shrimp” references (side note: watch Repo Man if you haven’t yet. It’s insanely good). I feel like I’m going to see more and more Vonnegut all around me. And I couldn’t be happier about it.
I’ve somehow never heard of this movie(also haven’t read the book). It looks painful – – but I suppose Repo Man would look bad too, and it’s a favorite of mine (and it made a great Palooza).
I asked Siri if he could do my housework for me. He said, “I cannot”
Siri’s useless
Appreciate the non-binary Siri.
I saw Rhett for the first time in literal years last night for the Queensryche/Judas Priest concert.Great fun!
I saw the poster, gawd they look old,
Rob Halford is 70. And he looks it.
But he still has a ton of power in his voice – – and he still drove the motorcycle out onstage for “Hell Bent For Leather.” And got off the motorcycle himself!
I missed this posting. Yeah, we had a great time. Too bad we didn’t have the chance to really catch up, we’ll have to fix that later.
How the Finns prepare to defend themselves:
I think the windshield would need fewer chip repairs if the husband didn’t commute to the city every day
For those keeping score at home, I canceled ComiXology Unlimited. I’ll miss having access to all of those books, but the new interface is dreadful. It’s such a chore to find books, that I would be more frustrated than anything else. Also, it’s been over a month now, so I’m spite of some empty promises, they’re clearly not serious about undoing the damage.
Sad, it used to be a great way to connect with comics.
Sadly, ComiXology is the only game in town for digital comics that isn’t tied to one publisher (Marvel, DC), so I will still buy new books from them.
Ah, the famous interracial kiss between Kirk and Uhura (not actually the first on TV, there was an earlier one).
Sadly, “Plato’s Stepchildren” is one of the worst of all TOS episodes (though not the actual worst). Good gawd, so many cringey scenes.
-Kirk and Spock performing Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
-Kirk slapping himself.
-Kirk making horsey noises while the little guy rides his back.
-Spock dancing.
Friday before spring break.
Two whole weeks of hubby to myself!
Deadpanites you really should give Severance a try,
Just saying, cough up the 5 bucks and bunge it on AppleTV+, it’s worth it..
-u +i
Also if you have bought a new Apple device you might get a free trial.
Our Apple+ free trial is done in about a week.
That show does have a neat concept. I wonder if I’d just be gritting my teeth in horror and frustration the entire time.
So does anybody else find the DP website getting slowing when you refresh or post a message?
It feels looks I have a dodgy connection but a speed test on my mobile connection indicates it’s fine.
Has it been going on for awhile or just today?
The page loads fine for me.
Off and on for a while.
Works ok for me
Godzilla actor has died:
CP: Minus Sixty One — Woodkid
I need to listen to more of his music. I really like his “Guns for Hire.”
One of the best non-movie scenes.
Absolutely. Rebels started off a bit rough, but by the end of it run had given us some of the best Star Wars ever produced. That episode was a high water mark that, sadly, most Star Wars fans likely aren’t even aware of.
Rebels IS Star Wars
I would never have completed the first season if I was watching on my own, but I’m glad I persisted. Rebels best moments are the best of all the animated shows.
Ahsoka dueling Vader was not quite as great as this one – – but up there.
Finally watched Eternals. It was merely ok.
Not even that.
Good do some online board gaming today.
On tap, Beyond the Sun
Hunza in 1953:
CW: Fresh
As someone who has coached both male and female athletes in the same sport, over more than a decade, I can say that this author is “cherry picking” an awful lot of data just to support their theory.
For the general athletic community, my experience does not support their thesis.
Denver traffic…
I am not a fan.
That is all.
I’ve heard plenty of Nightwish before, but somehow never listened to Oceanborn.
Wow, now I get it. I’ve always just liked them, nothing more – – but this album is a masterpiece. Even those with Metal allergies might dig it.
I like Ghost River and Nemo. Levi is the one in the family that is a true fan. They are pretty great live.
Play No Mans Sky tonight and reflecting how bloody amazed my younger 80s self would be at this game.
Elite on steroids.
Completed my first expedition, yes!
Let’s start the first day of spring with snow and a biting wind
Talking of Vonnegut, there is a documentary called ‘Kurt Vonnegut Unstuck in Time” which is available on Hulu in the US.
And it is very well done.
Looks like Amazon is taking some feedback into account for ComiXology. The backup your purchases function is back, but you do have to look for it. I haven’t noticed much improvement in the app itself. I’ve been reading my comics in the iOS Kindle app, mostly because it will mark what I’m reading in GoodReads.
Well that is depressing:
I wonder if future movies that exist 100% digitally will be safer or even more at risk.
JW: Quiz Show
Watching this decades later, the realisation hits that Rob Morrow did a Robert Redford impression through the whole fucking film.
Oh guested in the latest episode of Shining Vale and he did not talk like Robert Redford.
I rest my case.
How Daniel Radcliffe laded the role of Weird Al in the biopic
Hubby’s home this week for spring break. It’s very had to work when he’s playing games on his computer. I want to play too.
So I bought these minimal shoes that are cheap version of those shoes that are supposed to support your feet in a more natural way.
Which basically means slightly wider and thin soles. They are comfortable though, certainly might make a good spring/summer shoes if they last.
Crap joke for the day:
A guy was boarding a plane when he heard that the Pope was on the same flight. “This is exciting!” thought the gentleman. “I’ve always been a big fan of the Pope. Perhaps I’ll be able to see him in person.” Suddenly, the man realized his seat was right next to the Pope himself!
Still, the gentleman was too shy to speak to His Holiness.
Shortly after take-off, the Pope took a crossword puzzle out of his carry on bag and began penciling in the answers.
“This is fantastic!” the gentleman mused. “I’m really good at crosswords!”
It crossed his mind that if the Pope got stuck, he’d ask him for assistance.
Almost as if providence struck, the Pope turned to the man and said, “Excuse me, but do you know a four letter word referring to a woman that ends in ‘unt’?”
The three Cardinals behind, in front of and beside him shrunk down in their seats, as far as possible, all looking for something on the floor.
The gentleman was in morbid shock.
He couldn’t breathe.
He went within himself, thought deeper, longer for a plausible answer and after almost a minute, the dark clouds of evil parted in his mind and the sun shone in.
Turning to the Pope, the gentleman said with reverence and politeness, “I believe, Your Holiness, that you’re looking for the word, ‘aunt.'”
“Of course!” the Pope mused, not taking his gaze off the crossword. “You wouldn’t happen to have an eraser, would you?”
CP: Emil – Ultimate Weapon No. 7 — Square Enix Music
I think hubby and I are going to switch cars. They’re the same year but, because he commutes to the city for work, he has almost four times the klicks on his than I do. We’re hoping, having him put the extra kilometres on mine will extend the life of both cars.
So crazy it just might work!
I’ve been to a few of these locations.
Have there been any changes to the backend of the Deadpan site in the last few days? I use Feedly to get updates and it’s been acting odd for only this site. Instead of displaying all of the updates, it says I have x number of updates and only shows me one at a time.
I’ll ask Tony. I have not made any changes recently.
CP: Down, Down, Down — HushPuppies
Wasn’t this a South Park episode?
I hate people
A “gaynine?” Maybe if he had Rover baptized it wouldn’t have come to this.
LeeLoo had her first Martial Arts class today. She did well and had fun! We’ll see if it sticks.
Went to bed at 9 last night (me!!)
Was still up until 3am coughing, sneezing and feeling blecch. Good times.
The test was negative and I never lost my sense of taste or smell, so I don’t think it’s that. Just crud.
/end complaining
Nic Cage explains it all:
Wow, the pricetags on his outfit are offputting.
So this funk actually is Covid.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Get well soon Jack.
Ah man, feel better. You’re triple vaxed so, it shouldn’t be too bad.
Get better man!
In total selfishness… if you can, keep us posted as to how things manifest. Sort of “our reporter on the ground”.
Though I too am triple vaxed and still mask (about 50% of the time)… I figure it’s “when” and not “if” before it gets me and I’d like to know what to expect/watch for.
So. . . . the full story:
I assume I caught it at the Judas Priest concert last week (Tuesday). I started to feel congested and achy on Saturday. I took a home COVID test on Sunday (or was it Monday?) and it was negative. I even took LeeLoo to her first karate class on Monday – – we were all masked up the whole time.
The symptoms steadily worsened as the week progressed. Achy, headachy, congested, tired, blecch. So I took a different brand of home COVID test last night, and it came up positive.
Today I’ve done nothing but sleep, which I think has helped, but I’m not out of the woods at all yet. Yes, because of my vax status, I’m not worried for myself.
I am concerned because LeeLoo has tested positive. She had a 101 temp last night.
This post inspired by a podcast that I’m listen too that covers this short term trend:
Quite the Chinook arch this morning
CD- rebuilding the calander on my laptop.
About 80% of my entries starting from about May 2021 have vanished.
Big news from MST3K land. You really want to do that free registration for the Gizmoplex ( I just got a backer update with this information:
“Starting on MAY 6, all registered Gizmoplex users will be able to stream EVERY AVAILABLE CLASSIC EPISODE – that’s over 125 episodes from Seasons 1-10 – for free, and without ads!
Yeah, you heard us: even if you don’t have a Gizmoplex Member Pass, you’ll be able to stream the entire MST3K classic collection for free, and – for a limited time – without advertising!”
And if you are interested in season 13:
“Grab a Season Pass ($135) before the SEASON PREMIERE on May 6, and you’ll also get a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of Season 13 – worth $85 – for free!”
Honestly, $135 for a season pass is a bit steep. But they are doing more than just new episodes. They are also doing live stream events each month and a bunch of other bonuses. Although probably still steep at $135.
But I really hope they never for to go offline.
So it appears dedicated chess computers refuse to die:
Actually quite fancy the rollable chess board, but realistically I’m so crap at chess it would soon become a rather expensive ornament.
The creator of the GIF is no more:
I don’t care what he says, I’m still producing it as G-IF.
He also wasn’t a linguist.
Nobody is perfect, like my spelling.
… or was he a cunning linguist?
It appears he died from complications from Covid:
It’s not jood practice to gust jo and decide your own pronunciation of things. It would jet jreatly confusing.
(Also, RIP to him. Fuck COVID.)
It’s pronounced SOVID.
We have a skiff of snow on the ground. What’s that about?
Well actually, I had to look it up.
Noun – a flurry or light covering of snow:
North American, Scottish
Thank you, Rhett ma bookie.
Leave it to Arizonans to turn talk of snow to talk of the desert.
I thought it was a name for a small boat as well.
What a skiff of snow might look like.
No, that’s a boatload of snow
CP: Black Flies — Ben Howard
On this date in 1944!
My Pavlovian response was to hum the theme tune to the movie.
CW: Halo tv series E1
I don’t know if I want further backstory. She’s basically a perfect character as is.
Also – – Aliens is better assuming she’s never met a xenomorph before.
Damn shame, it was very creepy:
Darn, I really liked that one.
Off to the city. Meh
She’s off to see the wizard
the adequate wizard of Meh
we hear he is an adequate Wiz if ever A wiz there was
If ever an adequate Wiz there was
the wizard of Meh is one because
because because because because becaaaaause
because of the average things he does
….she’s off to see the wizard
the adequate wizard of Mehhhhhh
You missed your calling, JustaJoe.
This is inspired!
For my part, I’m going to aspire to put the “me” into mediocrity.
Little one is crabby today. Presumably because she’s sick.
Me, I’m still coughing and blecch. Sleep just isn’t happening (worse than usual).
Seriously fuck COVID.
That blows. Sorry about the little one. There is some data that if you have been vaxed and still manage to get Covid, your immunity will be stronger. How long that immunity lasts is still up in the air.
Hope you and the little one get better soon *hugs*
The science is on our side. Little ones tend to recover just fine. Vaxxed people tend to recover fine. But I don’t want to tempt the universe any further with any optimism. Last time I did that, I caught covid.
For posterity: we were both trending in the right direction yesterday, we’ve both had worse days today. I am less achy, but more congested. Her temp is fine, but she’s very moody, which is not like her at all.
One more complaint – – I had a coworker telling me on a call to take ivermectin, to “not believe the media.” It worked for him! Being a polite person, I just nodded and smiled. I did mention that I’d heard good things from people I trust sources about remdesivir, but this expert then told me to avoid it because it was full of side effects.
Seriously, how did these people come to dominate our conversations? It’s like the smelly guy on the subway has taken over all discourse.
The same guy took over a company call during Texas’s big energy crisis to rant about “the windmills.” When a higher up said, “That was disproven immediately,” he retreated into more dogma, so everyone else, recognizing treacherous political talk ahead, dropped the topic.
JW: Severance E7
That ending..
Now that isn’t good:
Hope you and your family get better soon, Jack. And ignore the crazies. Not that you need me to tell you that. 😀
We watched the first ep of Halo. It’s quite a departure from the games and books, imo. But, it was enjoyable in its own right. I’ll just think of it as an alternate universe version. 😀
Agreed but there had better be an actual Halo and the flood at some point.
Taylor Hawkins has died:
I assume we’ll know the cause of death soon. Only 50. RIP.
He was younger than me. So sad. And we just watched Studio 666 a few nights ago.
I never knew any of this about Harry Knowles or AICN, as I was never a reader or a part of that community. But. . . . just wow.
Look nice, but I ain’t giving up my Casio for one of these:
Interesting look at what may have been going on in other countries to make it APPEAR that ivermectin was effective against Covid. (Narrator- “It was not”.)
Fwd to me from my eldest, who is currently studying for her Masters in the bio-engineering world.
Crap joke for the evening:
What kind of door likes to lick your face?
A Labrador.
We finally watched Eternals.
It’s really not bad at all. It’s not amazing – – but I feel like a few days with a skilled film editor, and you could have had something really excellent.
Lots of parallels between this and Justice League – – even a few DC jokes – – but it’s far, far better than any of the DCU movies.
The most far-fetched thing in this movie would have been Angelie Jolie’s enormous lips.
Yeah. Pacing was the biggest issue, imo.
We were ok with Eternals. However, given all the reviews, I think we went in with low expectations so were pleasantly surprised.
This Pitch Meeting on Eternals is also fun (contains spoilers)
I keep confusing “The Eternals” (which I haven’t seen) with “The Old Guard” (which I have, and enjoyed).
Still fighting with my MacBook and Firefox.
Every site I try to go to gives me a warning that says it’s certificate is bad and it won’t open the site.
– Making sure computer’s date/time is accurate. It is.
– Erasing every bit of cache, history, cookies… everything has been deleted.
Still nothing.
I know the sites are OK because my old computer will access them.
We have 3/4 of the household tested positive now.
The littlest one seems to be recovering. Fingers crossed.
I’m recovering, but still coughing more than I’d like. The worst part is the Covidsomnia. And of course, lack of sleep (worse than my usual) isn’t helping anything.
I’m not gonna shut down talk of the Smith/Rock thing. I’m sure there are important things to be said about it.
But jesus, I was already tired of it last night.
I half expect it was planned just to generate buzz.
Looking at prices of G=Shock watches that have a similar spec to mine, prices have tripled over 15 years..ouch!
Mine is still working, mocking me everyday by continuing to work.
The not so humble Jerry Can:
CP: You Never Give Me Your Money/The End — Tenacious D
I haven’t read in almost two weeks. I know there is a very good reason for such, but it still bothers me
So we watched the animated Aladdin tonight, and wow, it has not aged well. Even the Robin Williams parts were often seriously dated. (Hey kids, look, it’s Jack Nicholson jokes! And a Rodney Dangerfield impression!)
Hey, at least there’s no Aladdin connection to Wil Smith, right?
Wait, what?
First film I rewatched when I subscribed to Disney+ and a very hard disagree from me, still love it and prefer it to the non animated version.
Hard pass on the CGI Aladdin. Unrelated to recent events.
I don’t know if the COVIDsomnis is the worst part, but it’s pretty fucking awful.
It snowed last night. I’m sure spring will show up at some point.
If I can distract you from that Star Trek episode you’ve watched 100 times, The Last Days of Ptolemy Greyon Apple TV+ is also rather good.
I need to check, but I think our Apple TV+ has run out.
Speaking of Apple TV+, we did at least make it through the 2 seasons of Ted Lasso.
Truly a special show. Took us completely by surprise. It surpasses the hype. We’ll have to find ways to watch future seasons.
This soundtrack and movie were both a big deal to me. I still listen to this often. I don’t agree with the article that the movie “doesn’t hold up…” – – but then, it’s been a few years since I last watched.
Also – – Kennedy! What a shame that she went from “that quirky music geek VJ” to “that rage-filled blathering talking head.”
I HATED Kennedy.
Like, a lot.
Like, so much that I WROTE her a letter (email did not exist at the time) asking if perhaps she wouldn’t find something else to do with her life. I believe I may have been a bit more acerbic with my wording than that.
That is the only “personality” I have ever written to in my life.
This is how strongly I disliked her.
Well, it would seem you were prescient about her.
The only VJs I ever really liked were Martha Quinn and J.J. Jackson.
Hubby is home this week. He’s decided we need to go… somewhere. I guess tomorrow we’re going for a drive.
Well the first episode of Moon Knight has dropped on Disney+
I will be watching it with my tea this evening.
Pinky out or in?
I got into Moon Knight during my brief time back in NJ, but never too deeply. I tried a few reboot attempts – – the best dealt with his multiple personalities, the worst made him into a white-caped Batman.
I’m glad the show seems to be leaning into the madness angle.
Oh I hate it with the power of a thousand suns.
That’s Oscar’s English accent.
I’m kind of looking forward to Marvel’s take on insane Batman. Of course, is insane Batman different than regular Batman?
Sad news:
Wondering if it’s a prelude to dementia.
Regardless of his recent track record – – on and off camera – – this guy was such a huge part of our formative movie and TV days. Truly sad news.
But other than that, an intriguing start to a series,
I didn’t think I was going to enjoy ‘Our Flag is Death’, but 5 episodes in and I’m really enjoying it.
On HBO Max in the states or you could go down the ironic route to watch.
“go down the ironic route” *cough*
Never heard Google Maps’ voice direction cough before.
So we’re going to Drumheller tomorrow. Will probably hit the Tyrrell. I took Van there when he was up my way.
We quite liked the first episode of Moon Knight. However, personally speaking, I don’t think it’s a show my eldest should watch
As a casual fan of the character, I liked it too. Intriguing premise, intriguing bad guy. The main character whose perspective we get is a bit of a cliche, but it works.
Do you think there would be triggers for for your eldest?
Yeah, big time triggers. I’ve never made it a secret she has schizophrenia. She doesn’t have a split personality, but the voices and hallucinations were big time early on before she was diagnosed. She keeps them in check now but still…
I liked it more than T Cat. She found it a bit too disturbing, though she’s willing to watch the rest of it.
I was afraid Teresa wouldn’t like it because of the time gaps, but she really liked it. I’m quite happy with the first episode.
Another reading list. Some obvious, some not.
Well I had heard and read some of the works of Kameron Hurley and Malka Okder.
I’ve read most of those authors. Some good stuff there. Some strange omissions though.
I completely agree with ditto
Rifftrax game. Not sure how I feel about that. Then again, I’m not that much into gaming. I have a Switch but haven’t turned it on in close to a year.
Fun idea. It looks more like a social/party game than a “sit down in your chair and play alone” kind of thing. From their perspective, it’s a good idea.
Will I play it if invited? Sure! Will I buy it? Doubtful.
It snowed, and it’s cold. I think we’ll head out tomorrow instead
AV club moves to LA after giving ultimatum to staff:
The site has greatly declined over the past few years. This does seem like more bad news, however.
I’m not the biggest fan of AV Club, but I agree that the handling of this is rather shitty.
Your chilling read for the day.
CP: Theories — Edwin
Well finished watching ‘Our Flag Means Death’, that ending..right in the feels.
I’ve done the first couple of episodes so far. Quite intrigued. Though, now that I know where I recognize the lead from, I can’t help but to keep saying “Welcome to Jumanji” now…
The hat does appear in a later episode.
On the read to see the dinosaurs
Read = road
Yesterday I replaced the 3, burned out bulbs in my kitchen ceiling fixtures with three LED bulbs.
Today they wouldn’t turn on. Took one out and put it in a different fixture and it worked. Put it back up and nothing.
Resolved to take them back. Went to kitchen pantry for breakfast, turned on the pantry light and all three kitchen bulbs came on.
I begin to suspect I am living in a 3 stooges episode.
Can turn pantry light off and the other bulbs stay on. Played with it a bit. Sometimes 1 or 2 lights come on when their switch is flipped but to get all 3 I must flip switch in pantry.
Internet turned up no hits on this so I call GE help line. Got routed to a technical person. She was amused at the situation and congratulated me for being the first to report this situation.
Guess I need to scour the town for any remaining, incandescent, “Reveal” bulbs.
BTW – after spending 2 days trying to trouble shoot my laptop, it still tells me every website’s certificate is invalid and just will not work on many of them even if I tell it to ignore the security message.
I think I shall go out and pull weeds from the garden. I don’t think those are digital yet.
I’d say there is a problem with your ceiling fixtures, not your bulbs.
Yeah, it is either your light fixture or your circuit that connects your fixtures. I’m not an electrician, but my intuition is telling me there is some electrical resistance in your fixture or circuit. The extra power draw of flipping on your other switch is enough to overcome the resistance and turn on the bulbs. Imagine me telling you this in the voice of Cliff Clavin.
Sounds like a good day to churn butter by candlelight.
CP: I Got You — Split Enz
What it is like to own an out of warranty German automobile:
Well I’m tempted to try Paramount+:
A joke worthy of Van:
A little dog goes into a saloon in the Wild West, and beckons to
the bartender. “Hey, bartender, gimme a whiskey.”
The bartender ignores him.
“Hey bartender, gimme a whiskey!”
Still ignored.
The bartender takes out his six-shooter and shoots the dog in the
leg, and the dog runs out the saloon, howling in pain.
Three years later, the wee dog appears again, wearing boots,
jeans, chaps, a Stetson, gun belt, and guns. He ambles slowly into the
saloon, goes up to the bar, leans over it, and says to the bartender,
“I’m here t’git the man that shot muh paw.”
Slime robots. Cool, gross, cute, and terrifying.
Translated sci-fi and fantasy:
While there are a number of contenders this year, I have to nominate this one for “damn fine go of an April Fool’s prank”
FYI, if you have any interest in military history, this guy’s channel puts out a lot of impressive content.
That was really well done.
“Some controllers would later report hearing distortion, noises, and melancholy music over their headsets, but this is unconfirmed.”
Oh. Bravo.
Bill Fries has died:
Huh, I have just been hearing “Convoy” in recent days. Asking google to play “Eastbound and Down” auto generates a follow on play list that includes this one.
CW: Moonfall
It’s all rather silly but it does mention the Roche limit so props for that.
You are god damn right!
Even that one had some differences, yaknow.
I’ll grudgingly agree with the article, but that still doesn’t diminish my love for BR and MR.
ASD is goddamned great stuff, though. No debate.
True but a different league of faithfulness compared to BR.
So that makes all 4 of us now. The teenager is also triple-vaxxed, so I’m not unreasonably worried. But still. Ugh.
Well that sucks Jack, I hope you all get over Covid asap.
Absolutely incredible to watch. Incredible for one person to pull all of this off at the same time.
And it’s a pretty groovy tune too.
Half a million views in a few days. At this rate he might just make enough money to pay off what it took to make that guitar.
And totally agreed about the talent it takes to pull this off.
So this is what he’s been up to. lol
It’s been ages since I’ve heard of him.
Vai was at the last MHoF event in Jan 2020, getting inducted and inducting Satriani. He and his wife were clearly not open to stop and chat, so I didn’t approach him.
Unlike the gaggle of fanboys who chased him everywhere.
Spring will arrive at some point
Well goodbye to Alain Delon, just not now but soon:
Well Oscar’s English accent was not quite as grating on a rewatch of Moon Knights first episode.
I didn’t notice anything off about it. But I’m not a native British English speaker. I will say that after years of watching British comedies, I can (with utter confidence) say that the accent was better than Dick Van Dyke in Marry Poppins.
And (minor detail spoiler) some one even says to him at one point, “What’s with that accent?” I think, even if it is dodgy, they gave a workable excuse.
Happy birthday to both Amy Bowen and Dani! May you have the bestest birthday ever
Cheers to you both!!
“Early morning, April 4”
Happy birthday, Amelia Bowen!
Happy birthday, Dani, aka Mrs. LoPan!
Happy birthday to the both of you!
“Bulls on Parade” may be even more relevant today than when it first came out over 25 years ago.
That applies to a lot of RATM.
The groove on that song is just the nast.
Vera Farmiga singing Iron Maiden. Yep.
Morning Pan
With luck, (fingers crossed) I’ll do a movie on Friday. It’s been awhile, I know.
I’m getting off some meds today so I’m hoping life will be back to normal
What he said.
Make it three.
CP: Don’t Get Yourself In Trouble (live) — Bachman-Turner Overdrive
An 11-minute Primus song! I haven’t listened yet.
Looks like a good interview! You podcast types probably remember Jadzia Axelrod.
Belated birthday best wishes all around.
“Octopuses fight over territory and, perhaps, females by throwing debris at one another and boxing.” How uncivilized!
That is one futuristic looking aircraft for something designed in the 1950s:
Yep. Pretty familiar with that one. There are a bunch of other cool experimental aircraft from that era.
Is anyone still making concorde-shaped planes?
These guys are.
Oh, and these guys.
Short horror film:
Between the cat and the husband both having dreams last night, it’s a wonder I got any sleep at all.
Only 7 episodes! Man, I’m looking forward to this. . . . even if I’m not 100% sure how I’ll watch it.
I get that there are different sides of this issue. . . But man, that’s a hard life. And it’s the cold-hearted, tone deaf responses from some that get me.
And really, it comes down to the same argument: streamers should just provide adequate compensation to the musicians who are providing the product for their customers.
Good article.
Episode 2 of Moon Knight just rocked.
The numbers are rather staggering:
CP: Jailbreak – Dropkick Murphys
Michelle Yeoh reflects on some of her major roles:
The Cuban Missile crisis from another angle:
Hubby is expected to be home a little early today. This makes me happy
There, draft newsletter done. Now, back to your regularly scheduled spreadsheets.
Moon Knight ep 2 was fun. Definitely getting interesting.
They should clarify that it’s Pink Floyd without Roger Waters.
That’s just Waters under the bridge by now.
Do you think he’s trolling them?
From the article –
A week before Russia invaded Ukraine, Waters told an interviewer on Russia Today that talk of a Russian invasion was “bullshit … anybody with an IQ above room temperature knows [an invasion] is nonsense”; he has subsequently condemned the invasion calling it “the act of a gangster”, while also condemning “propaganda to demonise Russia”
If we start to go down that route, how many clarifiers would it take to describe “Yes” for any given album?
Speaking of TOS
With season 2 of Picard airing, there seems to be a lot of Trek news lately. In my Facebook feed, an old friend of mine, posted about how he and his brother were on set to observe the taping of TNG S1E25 “Conspiracy”.
He posted, “At some point when Patrick is picking up the phaser and the take is cut, he stands up and tosses the phaser II in the air end over end and catches it again by the handle.
Picard and Riker holding those phasers in that shot will live with me forever.”
Did a rewatch of the first ST film tonight:
The overture is included and just like that I’m bloody old..
So you did watch that new-fangled version?
Yup, nice and sparkly.
I was on Reddit today and on the /r/startrek group, someone was watching Star Trek : The Motion Picture for the first time thanks to the Paramount+ 4K Remaster.
The fellow was astounded that the movie featured the theme from Star Trek: The Next Generation
I’ve never felt so old…
I remember how the decades felt distinctly different. 1984 was so much different than 1994. 2008 and 2022 seem about the same. Everything after the ’90s is just one long decade. That gives me a warped perspective on the passage of time.
Goodbye to another part of my childhood, the author of Mr Benn has died:
They have a plan
When we visited the wonderful Space Center in the south with the wonderful JustaJoe, they had a bunch of these kinds of posters, referencing Stargate, different versions of Trek, Aliens.
Who’s surprised that career space scientists are also nerds?
Here it is!
Weird to hear Pink Floyd with these kinds of vocals. Still powerful stuff.
Was going to do a movie today but woke up to a ton of work. Seriously, who drops a bunch of work on a Thursday evening?
Around my place, it’s SOP that disasters show up right before the weekend.
This table of contents and I are not getting along
JW: The Duke
An actual visit to the cinema to see this very British film. The geordie accents by the main cast were pretty good.
Doubt you’ll see it on your side of the pond. ?but I enjoyed it.
These are great.
CP: More — Holly McNarland
CW: Severance season finale
Not going to change the record, this series is bloody great.
Your hot take of the day: Maverick was the Villain
He definitely has a point
CW: All the Old Knives
Old style spy drama on Amazon Prime.
Loads of Brit actors doing terrible US accents…argh!
Actually not too bad, if you like your spy movies to be as far away as possible from James Bind you might enjoy this.
-i +o
If you think I might enjoy thos, I might give it a try 😉
Today we were talking about porpoises and I made a Hudson Hawk reference. Hubby had no idea what I was talking about. I think I will introduce him to the (fun) hot mess that is Hudson Hawk. I wonder if it will hod up. I have my doubts.
You know, it held up. Still silly fun
That one would be a good Palooza candidate…someday.
I know what it is. I haven’t had the experience. I would watch it for you guys.
I saw it at the cinema.
Was my ‘I’ll watch any film good or bad’ phase.
Don’t think I’ve seen it.
JW: Amelie
Goodness I just love this film and the accordion music is just FAB.
It’s been years since I viewed it but I recall loving it.
Seems like it had my level of movie quirkiness.
I’m way too tired to read it in full, but I intend to get back.
Took in the new 4K Remaster of Star Trek: The Motion Picture on Paramount+ . While still not a perfect film, it’s certainly much better than folks give it credit for. It’s based on the 2001 Director’s Edition, which I don’t think I had actually seen before.
I do recommend it if you’ve got access. I also stayed through the credits to take in this bit of a 40 year overdue fix:
Star Trek is not Star Wars, so the first film was very much in the spirit of the original series.
I’m definitely more Wars than Trek, but I’ve seen a goodly amount of Trek over the years. I remember people giving the first Trek movie a lot of crap for being slow, but I really, really liked it. It was visually stunning and I loved the concepts it got into.
I’ve never agreed with the common opinion that the first Star Trek is a bad movie – – but – – it is goddamn slow. That scene of viewing the Enterprise is majestic. . . then tedious. . . then oh my god, move on!!
I recall reading as a kid that the Trek community felt that it was a fine Sci-Fi movie, but not really true to Star Trek. That’s why we got Wrath of Khan, which was more true to its roots.
I know Imagine has become a cliche, but the root song is still a gorgeous piece of music.
Here’s Julian Lennon performing it beautifully, with Nuno Bettencourt on guitar.
I’m glad he got off his pebble.
What happens when you ban Kinder eggs:
You know this is dated 2014, right?
I’ve never been busted for bringing them to mmmeetups.
It bemuses me that they are still banned when loads of children die each year in the US from firearm accidents.
There was a dark joke a few years back about including small toys inside of AR-15s instead of chocolate eggs so kids would have easier access to them.
A lot about the US bemuses me
That Dark City article (I posted April 10) is pretty interesting. The parallels between Dark City and the Matrix are obvious, but I didn’t know DC was actually a direct influence on the Matrix.
Well the ‘From’ season finale was rather short of anything indicating what the fuck was going on.
Hopefully it will get a S2.
Woah, royalties are done.
That means, tomorrow, I can actually do a PBP!
For Mother’s Day, my Boo is using their 3D printer to make me a Majima statue. She keeps sending me pics of the work in process. The last one was of a bunch of limbs beside a Coke bottle. It was a little disturbing
I’ve been meaning to check this out.
Your reminder that Jewel always sucked.
(Loder is a bit deuche-y in the clip, no denying it)
If you ever visit Malta:,coastal%20setting%20Popeye%20lived%20in%20for%20the%20movie
So, the eldest daughter wanted to see The Batman a second time, so I took her.
OK – – it’s good. Way too long, but my interest held for most of it. Honestly, it waned* a little bit in the final chapter.
All of the actors were damn good in their roles, yes, including Robert Pattinson.
It snowed last night
Earbuds/headphones give me headaches. I use speakers but they do fill the whole room. I wonder if this might be a solution for people like me
We used Bose Frames for a work project and I was extremely impressed with the quality. They have speakers that point into your ears from the frames of the sunglasses so it works like headphones but without anything actually sitting in your ears.
You are just minutes away from a Play by Play. You lucky, lucky people
The worst romance?
Oy. . . TL;DW – – I only skipped ahead to see the book he chose. But oy.
Ok, let’s see what Netflix has on tap. Whatever it is, it will just be a normal pbp. My brain is still getting off spreadsheet mode so isn’t feeling overly creative right now.
Ok, today’s movie is Privlige
The write up: Dark rituals. Family secrets. And a demonic evil lurking in the shadows. In this town, privlige comes at a terrible price.
Oh. Language, violence, and nudity warning. The perfect trifecta of a terrible B movie