Holy shitsnacks, what a phenomenal opportunity for her. And she totally kicked ass.
So judging from the spoilers I’m going to be pissed with the new Star Wars flick.
Time will tell.
So I did go to see Episode 7 last night. Take Mark Hamil’s advice and just go expecting a good movie rather than expecting to relive your childhood Star Wars experience. It was light years better than Episode I. Not a perfect movie by any stretch, but I think much of any lacking in the film can be attributed to the concept that you will never relive the Star Wars experience that you had in your childhood. Overall it was a really well done movie and the best sequel we could have hoped for.
Completly agree, pisses over the prequels to a large extent.
Oh and you will realise whether I was pissed or not pissed about the flick when you’ve seen it yourself.
We won’t have a chance to see it until after Christmas 🙁
We will see it next week.
The Pixies!
The Canadian dollar is at an eleven year low.
So latest research indicates that being unhappy or happy has no effect on the mortality rate:
Damn it Lo, EssBee, I told you not to send your snow our way
Well lock the door and keep it out.
I just zoom-scrolled rght past the “judging by the star wars spoilers…” Thread.
I just need 18 more hours of avoiding the internet. I.can.do.it!
I’m going to have to avoid for about a week or so, but I agree. I don’t want to know.
And no “Chipmunks: The Road Chip” spoilers either.
While they tell you about the 30% who “would” … if you look a the poll you see that of the rest, over 50% weren’t sure if they would or not.
That may be just as bad.
Reserved seating at the cinema has become the standard in the UK. Locally the last bastion of the unreserved seat was the local arty cinema and that got ditched a few years back.
So it’s strange seeing US citizens posting on Twitter that they are queuing up for hours in the hope of grabbing a decent seat to wat the new Star Wars flick.
Hubby and I always go for the reserved seating option
CP: Thrill — BAND-MAID
trying a new frozen pizza troday. dr oetker’s rising crust pepperoni pizza. It’s authentica apparently
you mean there are fake frozen pizzas out there?
unfortunately, we’ve all been duped. I looked at all the pizzas, and dr oetker is the only one that states it is authentic.
Earlier today I had try of a Bailey’s store brand ripoff.
It was Salted Caramel flavoured and was rather delicious.
CD: Sam Adams Holiday Porter. Yum.
So, for the most part, keeping in mind that Star Wars is what it is, I approved of Episode 7.
Being as the comments here reveal that many a panite will be delayed in getting to see it, can I suggest we start a dedicated post for spoilerful discussion?
I’d be up for that.
(Just caught up on all the comments. Lejon – glad your DPSS gift got to you, and you’re welcome! :happy: )
Make that page I will!
Um, the comments RSS feed will end up acting as a spoiler source for those of us that haven’t seen the movie.
So looks like there will soon be slash fiction featuring an ace X-wing pilot and an Ex Stormtrooper.
I like that “hoboglyphs” use the Enterprise as one of their codes 😆
No spoiler (I promise) really useful information on Star Wars. There are no extra scenes during or after the credits. No need to sit through them.
Hey, Bunny. I saw your comment about how the site brings you to the top of the page when you leave a comment on your mobile device. I changed a line of code in the comments page when I was trouble shooting the initial problem, but didn’t undo that change until this morning. Would you mind testing it to see if you see the correct response and let me know? I’m hoping that my fiddling under the hood is what caused it and that undoing that will fix it. If not, I’ll do some more digging.
It’s still going back to the top Tony.
That on my iPhone, with Safari.
Test No.2
Although that worked fine in Opera Coast on the iPhone.
Test No.3
..and worked fine in Chrome for iOS.
Test No.5
Back to the top with Safari on iOS even with history and cache wiped.
Mac OS test
Sill doing it with Mac OS 10.7.5 and Safari 6.1.6
So, this is apparently a Safari related issue. Maybe a bit more wide-spread, but it seems that the bulk of browsers don’t have the issue.
It’s something that was introduced to WP in release 4.4, which is what JMDP had to be upgraded to to get past the issues we were having relating to blank comments and the admins not being able to log in.
I’ll keep an eye on this ticket and see if there are any other reasonable fixes for it, or if we’ll have to wait for the next update to fix it.
Thanks for testing this one out!
It still goes to the top of the page on Safari for the iPad
Ok there was a meme in FB, how old were you if you saw The original Star Wars.
I was 11. I saw it at a local flea pit, me and my sister were waiting in this huge queue. We were told there were only a few places left, I got in and she didn’t and had to wait for the next showing.
She has never forgiven me for that..
I was 6 and saw it with my parents and brother
To clarify if you saw it when it was originally released.
I honestly don’t remember when or where I saw the first Star Wars. Since I was 10 when it first came out, given my situation at home, I have my doubts I actually saw Star Wars when it was first released.
I did see it when it was first released. I was 7.
I saw it in 1977 when I was 3. First with my mom, then with my dad. That’s one of oldest memories.
I was 6, saw it in a drive-in theater with my family.
The earliest memoryI have of the originalStarWars viewing was at a drive-in theatre. I don’t know if that was the only place I saw it, or if I also saw it in a regular theatre- did they re-release Star Wars when Empire and/or Return of Jedi came out?
I’m assuming that it was just me, my sis and Mom.
I did not see it when it was originally released because my parents didn’t start taking us to the movies until Fox and The Hound and Ghostbusters, but I remember having the toys
We finished Jessica Jones last night and I give it a solid B+
Why the slight downgrading?
The gay folks had a rough time of it!
This seems like an emotionally taxing series.
Thanks, Jack, for the spoiler friendly spot. I’ve made my opening salvo, so those who’ve seen it, be sure to join in.
As for the rest of life, I’ve pretty well gorged on SyFy this week between Childhood’s End, The Expanse, and The Magicians….along with finishing up The Man in the High Castle.
Childhood’s End – interesting, though count me in the “found the end depressing” camp.
The Expanse – just watched the first two and not the 3rd and 4th. While I’m interested enough and I’ll keep going, I’m not super excited so far.
The Magicians – Interesting premise, with “Magic School” being a graduate level school, rather than the Jr/Sr High School approach of Harry Potter. It will be interesting to see how the two schools interact.
The Man in the High Castle – hurray for confirmation of Season 2!
The Expanse kicks it up a notch with episodes 3 and 4.
The book Childhood’s end was based on was hardly a barrel of laugh.
I haven’t watch the series yet, but the book ends with the last man alive watching what’s left of humanity join with a god like being.
That’s similar to the SyFy offering…actually, the series opens with that last man introducing the story to us.
Episodes 3 and 4 of the Expanse were available here On Demand, so we watched them this morning. Definitely agree that it has kicked things up and now caught my interest.
Just finished Season 2 of Penny Dreadful. I thought it was much better than the first season.
For Doctor Who fans, there is a full frontal of Billie Piper’s body double.
I’ll pass, she was my least favourite conpanion of the modern Who.
Penny Dreadful is of interest (regardless of the Billie Piper or her body double). We’ll get to it.
I loved both seasons.
CW: Burgertown
A PBS documentary, the adverts are truly a PITA.
BB8 stole my heart
Lo Pan and Soy B rule at Loonacy
-o, +l
Is he quiet because he wants to avoid spoilers?
It’s really just a rehash of the “Spock’s Brain” episode of the original Star Trek series.
Soy B is PEOPLE !!!!
When Scrooged comes on the TV I’m reminded that was the last time I saw a film in a cinema that allowed smoking.
Strong possibility of seeing the Northern lights at lower latitudes this evening.
It’s official and I’m announcing it here first. I have started a blog on my adventures in collecting beer bottles. As time goes on I will pretty it up and as some cool functionality. Really the hard thing was just getting it started. I’m also very, very interested in feedback on how I can make it better. Please check it out and let me know. Thanks.
Pictures are fun.
Would love to be able to run a curser across that photo of your collection and see CU shots of the individual bottles themselves.
Any interesting stories of how you ran across some of them? Even if the story has little to do with the beer (“I was climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and one of our sherpas carried these in his pack!”) sort of thing.
first thoughts.
Internet mistake in progress. I don’t know if the use of “CU shots” above is a typo, but I couldn’t figure out what it meant and googled it. DO NOT do likewise.
CU = Close Up
throw back to my production days
Cool. I’m really glad you didn’t want what Google was suggesting you wanted. I’m thinking I should get a small light box and start taking pictures of individual bottles. I can’t see doing it for the existing bottles, but I could start the process now for new ones.
Very good suggestions. The collection is at around 1300 right now and I don’t as of yet have individual bottle pictures. That would fall under long term goals. But a long term goal that absolutely needs to happen.
As of now, the blog content will likely fall in 2 categories. Interesting stories of how I came across and/or transported individual or groups of beers, and discussions/advice on all of the challenges that go along with the hobby (such as cataloging and displaying that many bottles).
I have a long term goal of integrating my current cataloging system (an excel spreadsheet) into the blog so people can look up specific beers and view running totals.
J0e has good ideas. I’d also recommend an “About me” page, especially with a unique handle like “UsedHair.”
Off to a nice start!
Good point on the “About Me” page. I also plan to have an FAQ page (also good to have with a unique handle like “UsedHair”).
Keep the comments and suggestions coming. Thanks so much to you and Joe for checking it out so far.
Apple TV ???
Is this the best bit of hardware to get for watching Amazon Prime movies on my TV?
Is there a better option?
Seems the latest TiVo upgrade no longer has the ability to download movies from Amazon. 🙁
Fire TV Stick
I’m pretty sure there’s no way to watch Amazon content on an Apple TV. Unless the Amazon Video app for the Ipod/Ipad supports Airplay, but I haven’t tried that.
Apple TV directly, does not have an Amazon app. You CAN use Apple TV’s airplay function from an iPhone or an iPad and stream Amazon. That is what we do.
We also have a Smart TV with an Amazon app on it as well. That function is sketchy at times. So we flip between the Airplay on my iPad and iPhone and the Amazon app on the Smart TV.
If you are looking for a streaming device, you can use Roku or Amazon Fire TV. We use Roku in our bedroom for Netflix, Amazon and HBO Now.
We use Apple TV in the living room. I love Apple TV the best. We have a Chromecast also, as well as a DVD player with all of the streaming apps. Apple TV kicks each of their asses, except for the fact Apple TV does not support Amazon via an app.
Hope that helps you, Jj.
I don’t love Apple TV over Chromecast or Amazon – – but they do each have their benefits. It does suck that none of them will play nice together.
One of us should develop a commercially available piece of tech that will bridge all of the platforms, then buy a South Pacific island and retire there.
I have an Amazon app on my Smart TV, it seems to work fine the few times I’ve used it.
But the Fire stick is probably the cheaper option if you want to access Amazon content on a non Smart TV. It certainly is in the UK.
Unless you go the Chromecast route which has it’s own set of limitations.
Thanks all.
I guess I need more research. I don’t think the TV I want to watch movies on, has a way to plug a Firestick in. It also doesn’t do Apps :/
Hate it that the TiVo doesn’t do that anymore.
If your TV has a HDMI port it should work ok with the fire stick.
If it only has 1 HDMI port, you can buy a cheap switcher boxes that will you plug multiple HDMI devices into one port.
So we saw the newest trailer for Batman vs. Superman ahead of Star Wars. I dont know how long that particular trailer has been around, but let’s talk about it…
What a different-looking movie from the trailers released six months ago. This trailer redeemed the movie for me and I think the director may have done some re-shoots and/or editing. It looks like good fun now! I think the CGI- horror may have been re-vamped (I hope, anyway)
It does look to be a better movie now, though I’m concerned about too much being thrown together. From my guess, it will only start with Batman vs Superman and end up being the DC Trio vs Doomsday.
Zack Snyder never makes anything that’s not entertaining, so I’ve never doubted that this movie will be a fun spectacle.
I’m sure the plot will be a mess and sacrilegious in places to DC purists, but that’s also par for the course with this guy.
I also wonder if they’re trying to counter the nerd outrage over the treatment of Zod in Man of Steel.
I loved “Man of Steel” and I don’t really understand the nerd rage over Zod’s treatment, but I’ll save that for another thread. In any event, I expect to be entertained as well.
I that article in io9 killed Man of Steel for me, it really was dumb even for a superman flick.
Looking forward to see what is done with the sequel.
I found that article funny, and some good points were made, but it didn’t diminish my enjoyment.
I own it, so I guess I should see how it holds up to a second viewing.
Some real good points were made in the article. I don’t think the stories told in the comic books would stand up to the same scrutiny either. Whenever you say you have a problem only a superhero in spandex can solve, there is some level of contrivance you have to allow for. The only scene that bugged me in MOS was the scene with Clark as a boy, wearing a red sheet for a cape. As if the idea for Superman existed prior to him being Superman. Still it’s a film I can watch over and over.
Morning Pan
Our doorbell seems to have quit working. As I refuse to hit the stores a few days before Christmas, or in the time between Christmas and New Years, people will just have to knock if they come calling
My question is, if you know someone has a terminal
Illness, is this the message that you really want to send to them?
Doesn’t that person have their own will (to live or not to live)? I mean, I dont understand how the power of prayer of one person can really determine life or death of another person.
Am I missing something here?
Ugh! I have never bought into the line that if you are prayed for or if you have faith you will survive a terminal illness. It’s puts too much onus on the sufferer as if they aren’t trying hard enough to survive.
I don’t think it’s so much that the survival is dependent on prayer, but that the person going through the illness feels supported. Think of times in your life that you know someone has your back. I’d bet you were willing to fight a little harder. Some just put the emphasis on prayer because that’s where their beliefs lie.
Right Pan, off to see the new Star Wars flick again.
Which was good again. I did curse my body for not napping in THAT scene.
If it’s not too late, we should Put leading text on Discussion Page comments, to ensure nothing is revealed in the sidebar.
Don’t worry too much about it Jack. And it certainly not a big deal. I can pop back here after I see the movie. I was partly curious if you could block the comments from the other thread from appearing in the sidebar or the feed. Like I said, not a big deal. It’s just been a bit of a challenge to avoid spoilers.
Some awesome people here and at work have been providing me feedback and supporting me with images. Here is the latest blog post with a new header, some actual info on the bottle collection and links to social media. The about me page is next up on my list of things to tackle.
“A Doctor on TV said in order to have inner peace we should always finish things we start & we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked around my house to find things I’d started & hadn’t finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun prscriptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum….” Cherry Mistmas everyone!
Boo Breckinridge, boo Four Peaks
Did I miss a Four Peaks post earlier?
Boo, Pixie
Wait, Four Peaks too?? We’re going to get Kiltlifter Lite??
Oddly, there actually is a Rey toy. I bought one for a friend’s daughter at Walgreene’s
BUT, I haven’t seen any more since, and that was like a month-and-a-half to two months ago. Not easy to come by.
*Puts on serious toy collector hat*
back in the ’90s I attempted to collect toys. Met up with a guy (Jonas-Khan Garanzuay – probably dead now) who owned a collectibles store, which might as well have been a messy closet or toy box. He taught me some facts about toy collecting.
1. in any series of where there is a mix of male and female figures, buy the female figures. They always go up in price because there are always fewer female figures made. Even if there are 100,000 copies of each figure in the series (100K Han Solo, 100K Luke Skywalker, 100K Lando Calrissian, 100K Bespin Princess Leia, etc.) there are always fewer female figures over all. Snatch them up when you see them. [Read this as “Females are worth more than males” if you like]
2. it will be very difficult to find female figures, because ass-hat vultures targeting “serious collectors” will buy out entire runs in order to sell them at a profit.
Moral of the story: find out what day your favorite toy-selling store gets in their shipments, and camp out to get your toys before the vultures
Happy Christmahanukwansaka, Deadpan!
This drive-by brought to you by Lejon.
Thank you for the gifts Amy! My wife allowed me to open things early. The chocolate is progressing nicely, and I have used the tumbler. The ornament is hung. MWAH!
Updates (In Lejon-world):
How about that Jessica Jones, eh?
I helped “bring back MST3K” – making this Christmas season one of the most expensive to date
I am fully prepped to be disappointed by the Doctor Who Christmas episode.
I am hyped up and on tenterhooks for Sherlock on New Year’s
HAVE NOT SEEN FORCE AWAKENS. Reviews I have received to date (amalgamated): “it didn’t suck”, “you should probably see it in theatres” – Glowing positives (?)
I do own an App-enabled BB-8
This brief overview of Lejon brought to you by Lejon.
We’re caught up on Doctor Who. I’d love to get your take on it, Lejon. I was definitely underwhelmed with the season, following a great start. It’s striking to me, with all of the major events that took place this season, how quiet social media has been about Doctor Who. Where’s the geeking out on FB and Deadpan and sites like i09? Am I just not seeing it?
Feel free to chime in on the Spoilery page here, once you’ve seen VII. Just no spoilers in the first few sentences of your posts, plz, since all posts are visible in the upper left.
I found the sr who finale redeeming
I like Capaldi, and although the last season was uneven I still enjoyed.
Roll on Xmas special.
Where should I start with the good Doctor?
My impressions of eps Officially part of the season:
Last Christmas – Very lame. Still not sure what Moffat was trying to do with it. Used the old “it was all a dream or is it?” trope. Hated it.
The Magician’s Apprentice – Lame. Let’s make it look like the Doctor ran off to hide, but he’s easily found playing rock ‘n’ roll in the Dark Ages. On a tank. ’cause if you’re trying not to make sense anyway, add a tank apparently. Bring back good ol’ Davros, because we just can’t leave him dead after the Medusa Cascade incident, and let’s make him sick. Sure, he’s only 9k years old plus change, now he’s actually dying. Sure. Why not. And let’s kill off Missy and Clara for good measure in this well advertised 2-parter knowing that actress playing Clara is going to make it to the end of the season. I was totally “surprised” when they died. Totally. Yep.
The Witch’s Familiar – Hey, look it’s part 2. Looked good up until it became UBER LAME. Missy and Clara are still alive. Shocker. And what’s this, Davros has just been misunderstood and hates his creations. PSYCHE! You know, Moffat really had the potential on this one to make Davros into a sympathetic character and turn everything around for him and send him off in an epic way… but, instead he just played to type and fucked it up.
Under the Lake – Lame. This tried to trick us into thinking there was a problem with the “fixed point in time” doctrine that Doctor Who has been playing up for some time now. It’s a forgettable episode.
Before the Flood – Lame. Less forgettable than part 1. Not much. “Fixed point in time” doctrine upheld. Bummer.
The Girl Who Died – Good. First good episode of the season. Not great, but compared with the eps preceding, it is gold. Loved Maisey in this. Solid stuff with everyone playing false gods.
The Woman Who Lived – Good-ish. We are firmly established that this season is full of multi-part episodes. Not thrilled with that, but whatever. Nothing I can do. Ischilde (or Me) turning into an immortal didn’t make her more interesting, and the whole limited memory business for an infinite life also seemed lame after only 800 years. Especially with a device that was constantly renewing her cell structure. Not remembering her own birth name not a great gimmick. Ended OK.
The Zygon Invasion – Lame-good? So many things I liked and so many things I didn’t. Nice to see Osgood and Osgood again.
The Zygon Inversion – Good. Finally a Doctor speech worthy of the name’s heritage. Capaldi finally got something decent to work with. Pity about the rest of the episode.
Sleep No More – Just shoot me. Gatiss finally proved he can write a story that Moffat could have written. Proved he could out-awful Moffat with ease and flare. Until I checked the credits, I swore this was a Moffat written ep. So bad. Creatures made of eye-crust? Seriously? If this had been a Moffat ep, I would have stopped watching cold. But, I know Gatiss has written good stuff… so…
Face the Raven – Goooooood. A fitting send-off to Clara. Me getting everyone upset and pissing off the Doctor. No revenge? Not happening.
Heaven Sent – Tried too hard. This was a serious Doctor trap. The concept was solid, and it was set up correctly. But Moffat had to keep spelling everything out. On the up-side, it made me look up the Grimm’s fairy tale. I would much rather have read that. Not a terrible episode, but tedious and felt much longer than it was (the point, maybe?) I could totally tell from the first “Groundhog Day” go around that the Doctor was the only prisoner. Predicable at almost every turn.
Hell Bent – Weak. Welcome to Gallifrey, home of The Doctor, and if your name isn’t the Doctor it would seem the Doctor can tell you to leave. The whole Rassilon expulsion was complete grandstanding. Moffat apparently needed to stretch time in the ep. Which if funny, because he did something similar in the prior ep. Oh, and that whole thing with killing off Clara. Nope. didn’t happen. Well, it did, mostly. Ffffffffuuuuu…. Moffat already established that you can’t beat the raven, so clearly she must die where and when she’s about to die (Fixed point in time BS) – So, let’s effectively make Clara a time lord by taking her out of her fixed point in time and giving her eternal life between heartbeats living with Me who can outlive EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE. I hate Moffat.
Don’t hold anything back Lejon, tell us how you really feel.
Did I mention that not trying to get Timothy Dalton back as Rassilon again also helped weaken that last ep?
You have now.
I somewhat agree with EssBee that the final 2 episodes were a step back in the right direction, although I have serious issues with the Doctor even holding a gun, let alone actually shooting someone – – let alone Doctor actually shooting someone who’s not currently a threat to the universe as we know it.
I’ve never loved the River character, but I’m cautiously, irrationally hopeful for the Xmas special.
Classic Who had the Doctor hold and fire a weapon on multiple occasions. I just watched a Tom Baker series where he held a Gallifreyan staser and fired it at guards in the Panoptican. It’s not precisely out of character. He just doesn’t like doing it.
Lejon pretty much, spot on, summed up this season for me.
I actually fell asleep during the ground-hog day Ep. Went back and re-watched it later and didn’t real I had spent my time well.
If the Christmas EP can’t spice it up, this may become known as the season that ended the re-boot.
No pressure or anything though.
Ah. I actually know something about this. The weather has been really mild so it has been hard to make ice wine. Thus the prices gone up since production has gone down due to the nice weather
After watching that speeder bike chase I’m going to playsome 3D deathchase later as it was inspired by that scene.
It’s still the worst of the original three in my opinion.
But still, Han gets the girl…
It’s the least of the original 3, yes, but still on par with ANH and ESB.
Ewoks. Wookie Tarzan yells. Slave Leia.
Make of that what you will.
Well that latter does at least kill Jabba.
And inspired many young lads to pound on Jabba as well *cough*
My list of unread Kindle books is getting longer.
You could always get rid of the Kindle.
It’s on my phone, so no.
… Uninstall …
I still have games from 2008 on it…
You can have games on a Kindle? Sort of defeats reading on one.
I have games on the phone.
So, how does that prevent you from uninstalling Kindle?
Or, are you saying that you’re a slave to the device and are letting that list grow due to inertia? Don’t give in to the OS man… don’t do it.
I’m a great fan of inertia.
It does tend to hold things in place…
I was under the impression that was gravity.
The rumors of gravity are a lie. Until such time as Newton can add his zeroth law, we’re stuck with this abomination of a theory.
I’ll pass that into Albert.
-into +on
Make sure he gets the memo about that crap “relativity” business, too.
If I can get it past the cat.,,
There’s a trick to that, but I’m uncertain whether it will work
I’m all fingers and thumbs when handling Prussia acid.
Prussic even
Well it’s Xmas Eve here now.
Happy 2nd day of Winter to you?
The weather says no.
So the hifi unit with the turntable gets dumped next week.
I will then no longer be able to play vinyl records.
Have you converted your vinyl to some sort of digital media?
Nope, but the covers are nice.
You can get a usb powered turntable and convert your collection to wav or mp3
Yup, maybe one of these days when I have no other music to listen too.
Well, looks like I’m going to have to put an IOU under the tree for the kids this year. My son really wanted a “hoverboard”, so I ordered one…back on December 1st. It was due by last Friday, but still is stuck somewhere on the West Coast. Ain’t getting here by tomorrow.
With all the threats of fire, they apparently got held up at port for inspections…and are still being held up.
I’m going to go listen to “Weird Al’s” First World Problems now…
But in the meantime, how will he stay on the train as it pushes the Delorean toward 88 mph??
Double-sided carpet tape.
I also must make a confession – we rented Terminator: Genisys yesterday…and I enjoyed it.
Well, you do like Kull. . .
(I haven’t even seen Terminator: Genisys)
I didn’t understand the hate on that one.
There are Youtube videos that will explain it to you.
I don’t want to taint my memories of enjoying the film.
My Deadpan Secret Santa present arrived yesterday! Thanks, Secret Santa! I’m saving it to open tomorrow. 🙂
I’m being a good sheep and randomly play Beatles tracks on Spotify.
Most sheep’s favorite Beatles song is “Let it Baaaaa”.
Runners up:
Eleanor Rigbaaa
Yellow Submableat
Nowhere Baaa
Nor Bleating Wood
And Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Did inspiration run out on that last one?
Nope. But who doesn’t like LSD?
Sheep I hear.
Nicely done!
While My Guitar Gently Bleats is a good one too, but I’m pretty fond of The Fool on the Hill Who Cried Wolf.
Maxwells Woolen Hammer?
Crap joke for the day:
I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week,
Phoned her up to arrange a date but she’d popped her clogs.
Ess you make wonderful beer!
If you like your chop socky well choreographed then you should be checking out ‘Into the Badlands’.
I picked up the Topps compendium of the original Star Wars trading cards. It’s a wonderful bit of nostalgia.
Nice! Please share the pics, if you take any.
I was psyched to find my originals from ESB in NJ, earlier this year.
My mom got rid of mine years ago, much to my chagrin. I’ll share some pics on FB. The cover feels like the old card packs, and the inside hard cover shows the gum in both the (rare) unbroken form and the (common) broken form. The book covers all 5 series, and shows front and back. I would have like to see the front and back together, but I get why they separated the two.
Happy Christmas Eve, Deadpanland! Me Berry tonight.
Kurt Russel has turned into Lee Marvin look a like.
Merry Day. I hope you everything you want, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and metaphysically.
There, my turkey is in the oven.
“my turkey is in the oven”
Merry Christmas!
Nothing says ‘I’m to old for this shit’ then laying down 40 segments of plastic track that are fiddly to connect together.
Still, it works, will have a proper go in the morning.
Excellent! Videos are a must!
CW: Doctor Who Xmas Special
It has Matt Lucas in it, that does not bode well.
Or is it boad?
Well that was fun.
Inconsequential plot but some nice dialogue between River and the Doctor.
it fixed exactly 1 bit of continuity that didn’t need fixing. It tried desperately to jerk tears, but that was mostly through the score. It was “nice” I guess, but useless.
You know that bit of advice you give me about beer? Replace beer with Dr Who and you may be onto something.
I don’t think Safari likes Vine.
I see a still image but nothing I have tried will get video to play. 🙁
I thought that was iOS that didn’t like it. something about flash (AH-ahhh)???
He’s just a man. A man and his courage.
A man and his courage.
and his sound track.
Played fine on my iPhone.
Star Realms finally played! Fun. It’s like a more combat-oriented Dominion.
We enjoy Star Realms
Boxing Day arrives and I’m not going to any bloody sales.
Me either. Hubby and I aren’t even leaving the house. Since now Boxing Day has become Boxing Week for sales, I think we’re going to avoid all shopping areas for the next week.
I suspect the relationship with Sly B is just a smokescreen for the secret marriage between EssBee and JustaJ0e.
I promised JustaJoe that I would take his secret identity to my grave…as soon as I get this resurrection thing figured out, I’ll be ready to spill the beans.
The trick is … which one of the three of us is the smokescreen!
Alright, I must confess…I’m JustaJoe!
So, while Terry Brooks works were ones that I would often see on the shelves at the book store, I never got around to checking them out. The series being made of Shannara has some pretty heavy hitters behind it, so I’ll probably give it a shot.
I did the first 3 Shannara as a wee lad, fresh after my first LOTR read-through. I recall being appalled at all of the elements borrowed from Tolkien in the Sword of Shannara, but I also remember absolutely loving The Elfstones ofcShannara, which seems to be the basis of that show.
A Lejon sighting in the wild!
Yep. Good seeing you at Luminarias. Sorry it wasn’t longer, but there is only so much Clusterfuck of the Bells we can take.
The gaming group I go to once twice a month has acquired a member who loves bluffing games like this. I’ve found that those games simply are not my cup of tea. Fortunately the group is large enough that there are typically more than one game being played at any given time so I rarely have to sit through them.
I’m always a little leery of the requirement that players all close their eyes. It makes it very easy to cheat.
We have a lot of fun with Werewolf. The larger the group, the better the intrigue.
Even though we have close to 200 games, of those on the list, we’ve only played the Werewolf game too.
But, cheating (in the form of lying at least) is actually part of the game. Truth be told, I was part of the rowdy crowd that was trying to bring some life to Werewolf by engaging in copious groping of those around me when players were required to close their eyes. In my defense, someone groped me first.
Probably not advisable if one of the party knows hapakido.
/points at the battery operated toy.
Christmas episode ratings:
Dr Who: 5 out of 5 nipples
Call The Midwife: 5 out of 5 nipples
I think it was one of tho season’s best Eps.
Still, for me at least, it may have left a nipple or two off the table.
FUN though. I have missed the snappy banter.
I really enjoyed Doctor Who. I need to find a few of Call the Midwife. Loved the series, but I think I’m one season behind.
The new Tesla Model-X … Seems they hid an Easter egg – IN THE CAR’S SYSTEM.
This is both really cool and then the creeping feeling of unease starts to set in.
So if I buy a Tesla, then I can also make this light show happen somehow, without a bunch of preprogramming?
This was almost the story of a friend of mine. Except that he was geocaching and his GPS didn’t bother to indicate height so he was just heading towards the cache when some stranger grabbed him by his collar and dragged him backwards.
Well at least he lived to regret it.
So I subscribe to the US version of Audible.
They have no problem charging My CC.
However today I discover they actively hide some books.
Force Awakens just hit a billion worldwide… after 9 days.
I just helped.
JD: Prescott Brewing Co’s Achocolypse Stout.
#1 chocolate stout ever.
Second time seeing Straight No Chaser. These guys are a lot of fun – – and that’s saying something, considering that their set is full of Xmas and pop songs. Lots of laughs and good medleys every time.
I didn’t think anything could stop Lemmy. It seemed like he’d be here when the sun snuffed out.
RIP – – and fuck cancer.
Back to work, ugh.
I believe that translates the same on this side of the pond as well.
Crap joke for the day;
There once was a blonde who was very tired of blonde jokes and insults directed at her intelligence. So, she cut and dyed her hair, got a make-over, got in her car, and began driving around in the country. Suddenly, she came to a herd of sheep in the road. She stopped her car and went over to the shepherd who was tending to them.”If I can guess the exact number of sheep here, will you let me have one?” she asked.The shepherd, thinking this was a pretty safe bet, agreed.”You have 171 sheep,” said the blonde in triumph. Surprised, the shepherd told her to pick out a sheep of her choice.She looked around for a while and finally found one that she really liked.She picked it up and was petting it when the shepherd walked over to her and asked, “if I can guess your real hair color, will you give me my sheep back?”The blonde thought it was only fair to let him try. “You’re a blonde! Now give me back my dog.”
Morning Pan
I have decided to make today a day of reading. I’m not going to turn the computer on at all today :cheerful:
Christmas came 3 days late to the Mangan-Matlock household, and it was deemed good.
There were a few cool X-Wing-related gifts, in fact, but not that.
Well, you have one now. Teresa gave me one without knowing I had one already. I asked it if was okay to send on to you instead of returning and she agreed. 🙂
You need to grow a beard and a pot belly Rhettro.
..and Ho Ho Ho more often.
My Ho days are behind me…
I don’t know. . . I’ve consulted with Admiral Ackbar, and he suspects this might be a trap.
Seriously, I don’t know what to say, other than holy shit, thank you (although we’ll be completely cool if you decide to keep it, in case of Imperial blockades)!
We have some stuff for you too, so we’ll definitely have to meet up in the near future.
I love that the Deadpan Christmas keeps giving.
And who are you fooling Rhettro 😛
When a heavy metal band covers a Simon and Garfunkel song:
You know what – – life deals out plenty of fucking drama and stress, all by itself. No one needs to manufacture their own. There doesn’t need to be a constant state of crisis. Life also provides plenty of days where nothing is actually terribly “wrong.” Just enjoy the opportunity of peace and/or happiness on those days. Stop creating storms of bullshit for everyone around you.
Hugs all round :heart:
What the bunny wrote.
I had forgotten how relaxing steering toy cars around a track was.
A guy brings his dog into the vet and says, “Could you please cut my dog’s tail off?”
The vet examines the tail and says, “There is nothing wrong. Why would you want this done?”
The man replies, “My mother-in-law is coming to visit, and I don’t want anything in the house to make her think that she is welcome!”
The next part of my journey with my Mom has begun. She is being moved to inpatient hospice.
Hugs DP.
I’m so sorry Tiffany. Hugs from me as well.
CW: Mad Men S7 E13
That escalated quickly.
Had a good time watching about the War among the Stars.
Today’s mail had several Christmas cards in it. Lo Pan, you signed yours correctly as it came in today, thank you.
Thanks to all who sent cards.
What a ballsy move to put an intermission in the middle of a movie. And no house lights were brought up
It’s the 70mm Roadshow screening of The Hateful Right, for those keeping score at home.
Is that a Republican documentary?
Gawd that film was tedious.
If you think that Im sure its great
Time will tell.
“The Hateful Right” – – now that’s a funny typo, especially in election season.
I was surprised to see Charlie the former Beer Guy rate it as one of Tarantino’s best. It’s an extremely slow-burner. I appreciate most of QT’s films more upon the 2nd viewing, maybe that will be the case for me with this one.
There’s a lot to admire and I liked it overall, but I think it may be his least – – not counting Deathproof or the Four Rooms bit.
The first on screen death is 1H 35 into the film.
Eating tamales drinking Bad Santa
Fa la la la la thanks Kris n Bern!
Which Bad Santa? My brother didn’t like either version…
2014. Well he’s insane! A little bit more carbonation and you could proper bottle and sell that!!!
OMG and I orgot you gave me the Chile brews too. Those you COULD bottle and sell NOW
As long as it doesn’t taste like Billy Bob Thornton. . .
Okay that sounds like a good way to spend a winter night
Your last crap joke of the year:
A mother-in-law stopped by unexpectedly the recently married couple’s house. She knocks on the door, then immediately walks in. She is shocked to see her daughter-in-law lying on the couch, totally naked.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m waiting for Jeff to come home from work,” the daughter-in-law answered.
“But you’re naked!” the mother-in-law exclaimed.
“This is my love dress,” the daughter-in-law explained.
“Love dress? But you’re naked!”
“Jeff loves me to wear this dress! It makes him happy and it makes me happy.”
The mother-in-law on the way home thought about the love dress. When she got home she got undressed, showered, put on her best perfume and expectantly waited for her husband, lying provocatively on the couch.
Finally her husband came home. He walked in and saw her naked on the couch.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“This is my love dress,” she replied.
“Needs ironing,” he says” “What’s for dinner?”
I don’t even want to think about the appropriate coat for this joke.
So I have a choice of staying in or going to a pub with a friend to listen to a cover band.
Thing is, taxis are booked up so I would have to walk home.
I’m leaning towards the former as friend knows a lot of people at the pub and I don’t.
Sis is going to give me a lift to the pub, so pub it is.
Take me?
It’s dingy pub with a rock cover band, I don’t think it’s your scene.
He just wants to give you a peck at midnight
Are you kidding that’s totally my vibe! And shes right
It was so quiet I couldn’t have evaded you.
Like it’s 1939.
JW: Mad Men finale
If you are on Twitter and like cute pet pictures, do a search for:
A guy traveling through the prairies of the USA stopped at a small town and went to a bar. He stood at the end of the bar, ordered a drink, and lit up a cigar.
As he sipped his drink, he stood there quietly blowing smoke rings.
After he blew nine or ten smoke rings into the air, an angry American Indian stomped up to him and said, “One more remark like that and I’ll smash your face in!”
Last coat of 2015!
Only for those living in the past.
Still a fucker in the future I see
You were expecting jetpacs?
RIP Trapper John.
good riddance 2015
Fuck off, 2015.
I welcome 2016, but I don’t want to make eye contact yet.
A new year is much like a blind date is it not? Much promise, but much potential danger as well. I truly hope your 2016 is the Kim Basinger without alcohol.
Now there’s a reference! Do I have to be Bruce Willis?
Not necessarily. But I wouldn’t recommend being John Larroquette.
Even-numbered years always were better than those odd(ball) years.
I didn’t hate 2015. Some parts were hard to take, but other parts were pretty cool. So I guess my answer is no.
You should absolutely revel in your good 2015.
As long as you don’t lord it over people who are having a bad time.
If you managed to find the good bits of 2015 and not have it turn it’s Sauron like eye in your direction then we salute you.
Party on !
“good bits”
New years Eve for me –
Played “Castle Crashers” on Xbox. Ate Take-out Thai food (Kao-Soi soup. nom nom). Made Hypnotic Martinis.
Watched the first two Episodes of “FireFly”, stoping in between the two to count the New Years and light off a string of firecrackers to annoy the neighborhood.
Slept in.
Now. Having coffee. Doing a jigsaw puzzle.
I am a party machine.
New Years Eve for me –
Watched episodes 5 & 6 of Jessica Jones
Went to bed by 9:30
Woke up around 6
I too, am a party machine.
New Years Eve for me:
Got dropped off at the Pub at 1930.
Had quite a few Tia Maria and Colas as I watched a cover band.
Band finished at 2330.
Saw in the new year and got picked up at 0030 by sister.
Vanamonde said:
“Amy, got your Xmas card today, thank you.”
You’re welcome! :happy:
*hugs* to Tiffany
Really enjoyed the Sherlock special this evening. Cumberbatch and Freeman were back on their game tonight. For those that missed it, it will repeat on January 10th on PBS (at least in the U.S.)
Got a bit weird near the end.
JF – Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin
Really enjoyed this book.
Set in a world where Germany won WW2, a young Jewish woman who was experimented on in a concentration camp, must win a motocycle race to have a chance of killing Hitler.
The experiments means she can skin shift to look like the previous champion , whose brother takes part in the race and complicates the situation.
Listened to it on Audible, well worth checking out.
Honestly, as much as the last book went off the rails, I think I’m more looking forward to the HBO version anyway.
I’m sure I’ll still read it, but with probably the same amount of enthusiasm as he seems to be writing it.
This is really good information. I was wondering if they were going to manage to get the book out before the next season on HBO. I’m actually looking forward to having stuff happen on the show that I wasn’t expecting.
You said it perfectly, Ed. “months away still” means 2017, which means the show will be way ahead. I hope he’s still able to get some artistic fulfilment from working on this massive task, and that it doesn’t now feel like one giant TPS report.
The only surprising thing about that post is that it’s on LiveJournal.
hmmmm, that’s interesting. Did the header go missing and the side bar slip up for everyone? Instead of recent posts, I see the blog roll under that heading etc.
Yup, same for me, Cynful.
..and me.
Weird. I’ll look into it.
I prefer the sidebar like this
Of course you do, so you can post stuff on old sections of the board without most people noticing.
Hubby picked up Halo eight hundred sixty-three on the weekend. At least, I think that’s the number they are at now. He’s enjoying it so far.
I’ve been tempted many times to get one of these, but I know my limits and have concluded that I need to lose 50 lbs (23 kg?) before I even attempt to get on one.
I have similar thoughts on a parachute jump.
CW: Support Your Local Sheriff.
Out of the main cast, only Bruce Dern is still alive.
I’m listening to a debate about who would win in a fight between the Master Chief from Halo and Edward from Twilight. I’m staying out of it, but I did point out that The Doctor would beat ’em both.
I’ve seen many of them but have only played one. Also, hubby and I have played Race for the Galaxy, but not the dice variant Roll for the Galaxy.
Have only seen one, and played it that one time… Last Thursday.
Mission: Red Planet.
Not bad. Sort of Risk-lite meets Starfarers of Catan
So today I’m off to see ‘The Danish Girl’ at the flicks.
I don’t know what to say after watching THAT.
Quip from Twitter:
When women get to a certain age they start accumulating cats. This is known as the many paws.
Van, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to slice you in two with a bread knife now.
Two LOLs in my house. Meow
The required coat will smell awful and be covered in fur.
Crap joke for the day:
There is a truck driver driving along, and he stops and picks up a priest to give him a ride.He’s driving down the highway and he sees a lawyer along the side of the road and thinks, “Hot damn! A lawyer that I could run over!” So he speeds up and heads straight for him.At the last second he remembers the priest with him. So he swerves real quick to miss him, but still hears a thump. He looks behind, no sign of the lawyer.He says to the priest “Wow, that was a close one, I almost hit that lawyer!”The priest then replies “That’s ok son, I got him with my door.”
According to GoodReads, I only read 36 books in 2015. I need to up my game for 2016
China overthrew
Tibet’s existing leaders
It was a high coup
Morning Pan
Back to work today.
And the new work year begins.
The last song played on my iPod for 2015:
“God is Dead?” – Black Sabbath
The first for 2016:
“Summertime Thing” – Chuck Prophet
What do you mean, you don’t care??
Last song of 2015, “Awake” by In Flames
First song of 2016, “Sorry” by Justin Bieber
That’s a worrying trend.
I don’t even know how to find that out.
There’s a “Last Played” column in iTunes. I don’t know if iTunes has an Activity Tracker kind of thing, so we could see exactly when and how often Rhett has listened to Justin Bieber in 2016.
If the number of times I listen to Justin Bieber is expressed as the variable B, then any value of B greater than 0 is equal to B times too many.
#YallQueda is amazing. The situation isnt, but the mocking is beautiful.
other fun ones-
Is this regarding the #militwits in Oregon?
Today I emptied my shredder. Normally it tips nicely in the garbage bag. No fuss, no muss. Not today though. Today I dropped the bag part way through emptying. There are tiny bits of paper everywhere.
So it looks like you just had a party with confetti!
Enjoyed the first two episodes of S2 of Galivant.
Enjoyed the second more than the first. especially the guest star.
Oh I liked the first song of episode 1 poking fun at how they got to S2.
As for E2, never been that impressed with Kylie.
But the third wall this season has not just been broken it’s been demolished.
Um, I think Kylie was in Ep 1. The other guest
So it was, that wasn’t Gandalf though.
Who what???
It’s started already?
Simon Callow
CW: War and Peace E1
New BBC adaption with a token US actor.
In look, the word sumptuous springs to mind, but gawd I find anything to do with that time period hard going.
With the exception of Blackaddee 3.,
-e +r
..and a small section of ‘The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the Workd’
Not sure I can stand another 5 hours of this stuff.
Has anyone here actually read “War and Peace”? There was a time in my twenties when some friends threw down that gauntlet, but no one picked it up.
And it sure ain’t gonna happen now.
I can say for certain that I haven’t. And, honestly, aside from the title and the fact that it is very long…I know just about nothing about it.
No one actually reads “War and Peace”. They survive it. 😉
Closest I came was Crime and Punishment. I didn’t get through it. Still wrote the book report.
“Beginning with Star Wars, Disney is estimating an $88.3 million weekend, which brings the film up to $740.2 million after only 17 days in theaters. It’s the fastest film to cross $700 million domestically, doing in 16 days what took Avatar 72.” – Box Office Mojo
Sheesh! And dont forget Avatar was really only shown at 3D ticket prices, making this even more impressive
Although I guess that means Avatar was shown in less theaters, doesnt it. I guess that’s a wash there
Wash is from a different franchise.
I’ll get me browncoat.
Left on the wind
Well, here’s a rabbit hole into which to can get sucked in:
Monumentally important day today.
Positive wishes, prayers, hopes – – we’ll take whatever ya got.
All of the above plus fingers and toes crossed.
What the man send.
Positive vibes sent your way!
What the others said. *hugs*
Same here!
Thanks everyone. No major changes enacted, but encouraging steps taken.
That’s good news
So I finally broke the wrapping on Diablo 3 for the PS3, I may enjoy this.
Diablo 3 was fun.
Yep, I did every class up to level 50 and then had to stop. I still play Torchlight 2 on and off.
I guess it’s a really good sign for a movie when I like the Honest Trailer far less than I like the movie. For example, one of the major problems they have is all the math that goes on. That’s one of the things I like best about the movie. It’s not made for stupid people. About fucking time we made something that doesn’t cater to the lowest possible denominator.
I *loved* The Martian. I think it’s a huge cinematic feat when I can be entertained when 70% of the movie is just watching one guy go about his day and be witty and charming about it.
It still would have been better if they’d cast Adam Sandler in the lead role, in place of Matt Damon. With Dane Cook as his wacky farting sidekick.
Not one of the better Honest Trailers, tbh.
I loved both the book and movie.
Read the book and really enjoyed it.
Wanted to see the movie but … life.
So decision for tomorrow, going see Joy or the new Star Wars flick for a third time.
Van, see Joy! Let me know how it is!!
I just finished at Urgent Care in Dallas. Diagnosis: bronchitis.
Once you get home you can sleep right?
I thought Bronchitises went extinct 65 million years ago?
Big hug to Tony
Scroll savings come early!
Scroll back to where you once belonged.
Scroll back!
…and another page turns.
CD: 49th Parallel’s Nitrogenated Milk Stout.
I like! 🙂
Wait a minute. Did Jack start a new post right in the middle of my PbP? Silly man :silly:
No, I waited until I saw, “You know, I rather enjoyed that movie.”
It really doesn’t matter. After all, as much as I like to think so, it’s not all about me. 😉
I got my Reboot The Suit shirt. 🙂
CP: Down The Line — José González
Awwwwww here comes the Mos Eisley come back!
Wouldn’t that be a Mos Eisley dewback?
Deep Purple, nine inch nails, Yes, N.W.A, the J.B.s – – there are some good ones in this year’s list of inductees:
J.B, Cars, Yes, and NWA for me
The Super-Scroll was an apt name for the previous comment board
CW: Coyotes vs Blue Jackets.
It’s a Suite life for this game
The full video of my KidKaster. 🙂
Holy shitsnacks, what a phenomenal opportunity for her. And she totally kicked ass.
So judging from the spoilers I’m going to be pissed with the new Star Wars flick.
Time will tell.
So I did go to see Episode 7 last night. Take Mark Hamil’s advice and just go expecting a good movie rather than expecting to relive your childhood Star Wars experience. It was light years better than Episode I. Not a perfect movie by any stretch, but I think much of any lacking in the film can be attributed to the concept that you will never relive the Star Wars experience that you had in your childhood. Overall it was a really well done movie and the best sequel we could have hoped for.
Completly agree, pisses over the prequels to a large extent.
Oh and you will realise whether I was pissed or not pissed about the flick when you’ve seen it yourself.
We won’t have a chance to see it until after Christmas 🙁
We will see it next week.
The Pixies!
The Canadian dollar is at an eleven year low.
So latest research indicates that being unhappy or happy has no effect on the mortality rate:
Damn it Lo, EssBee, I told you not to send your snow our way
Well lock the door and keep it out.
I just zoom-scrolled rght past the “judging by the star wars spoilers…” Thread.
I just need 18 more hours of avoiding the internet. I.can.do.it!
I’m going to have to avoid for about a week or so, but I agree. I don’t want to know.
And no “Chipmunks: The Road Chip” spoilers either.
You cannot spoil what you will never see.
It’s like Hamlet: Everyone dies.
Or not.
Spotted by Mr Neuromancer himself:
Cool article.
Van, in answer to your FB question, I got hubby this as well as some track
Apparently we have to go out some time during his break as I only got straight tracks and now we have to get him some curves
Looks cool. I actually had a small setup as a child (not sure it was called hot wheels though).
My Dad had set it up in the sitting and spent several hours sending the car through the loop the loop.
On Xmas day.
Unfortunately, I have to go out into the brrr. Wish me luck Deadpan!
Pretty cool slideshow.
If a bit of a misleading title…
Polls can be tricksy:
While they tell you about the 30% who “would” … if you look a the poll you see that of the rest, over 50% weren’t sure if they would or not.
That may be just as bad.
Reserved seating at the cinema has become the standard in the UK. Locally the last bastion of the unreserved seat was the local arty cinema and that got ditched a few years back.
So it’s strange seeing US citizens posting on Twitter that they are queuing up for hours in the hope of grabbing a decent seat to wat the new Star Wars flick.
Hubby and I always go for the reserved seating option
CP: Thrill — BAND-MAID
trying a new frozen pizza troday. dr oetker’s rising crust pepperoni pizza. It’s authentica apparently
you mean there are fake frozen pizzas out there?
unfortunately, we’ve all been duped. I looked at all the pizzas, and dr oetker is the only one that states it is authentic.
Poseur Pizzas ?
How gauche.
CP: Time To Go Home — Chastity Belt
CW: Mad Men S7E9
Don picks up another woman with baggage.
He should stop trolling the airport.
You must go through a lot of hats.
Earlier today I had try of a Bailey’s store brand ripoff.
It was Salted Caramel flavoured and was rather delicious.
CD: Sam Adams Holiday Porter. Yum.
So, for the most part, keeping in mind that Star Wars is what it is, I approved of Episode 7.
Being as the comments here reveal that many a panite will be delayed in getting to see it, can I suggest we start a dedicated post for spoilerful discussion?
I’d be up for that.
(Just caught up on all the comments. Lejon – glad your DPSS gift got to you, and you’re welcome! :happy: )
Make that page I will!
Um, the comments RSS feed will end up acting as a spoiler source for those of us that haven’t seen the movie.
So looks like there will soon be slash fiction featuring an ace X-wing pilot and an Ex Stormtrooper.
Oh and a robot fluffer.
I like that “hoboglyphs” use the Enterprise as one of their codes 😆
No spoiler (I promise) really useful information on Star Wars. There are no extra scenes during or after the credits. No need to sit through them.
Hey, Bunny. I saw your comment about how the site brings you to the top of the page when you leave a comment on your mobile device. I changed a line of code in the comments page when I was trouble shooting the initial problem, but didn’t undo that change until this morning. Would you mind testing it to see if you see the correct response and let me know? I’m hoping that my fiddling under the hood is what caused it and that undoing that will fix it. If not, I’ll do some more digging.
It’s still going back to the top Tony.
That on my iPhone, with Safari.
Test No.2
Although that worked fine in Opera Coast on the iPhone.
Test No.3
..and worked fine in Chrome for iOS.
Test No.5
Back to the top with Safari on iOS even with history and cache wiped.
Mac OS test
Sill doing it with Mac OS 10.7.5 and Safari 6.1.6
So, this is apparently a Safari related issue. Maybe a bit more wide-spread, but it seems that the bulk of browsers don’t have the issue.
It’s something that was introduced to WP in release 4.4, which is what JMDP had to be upgraded to to get past the issues we were having relating to blank comments and the admins not being able to log in.
I’ll keep an eye on this ticket and see if there are any other reasonable fixes for it, or if we’ll have to wait for the next update to fix it.
Thanks for testing this one out!
It still goes to the top of the page on Safari for the iPad
Ok there was a meme in FB, how old were you if you saw The original Star Wars.
I was 11. I saw it at a local flea pit, me and my sister were waiting in this huge queue. We were told there were only a few places left, I got in and she didn’t and had to wait for the next showing.
She has never forgiven me for that..
I was 6 and saw it with my parents and brother
To clarify if you saw it when it was originally released.
I honestly don’t remember when or where I saw the first Star Wars. Since I was 10 when it first came out, given my situation at home, I have my doubts I actually saw Star Wars when it was first released.
I did see it when it was first released. I was 7.
I saw it in 1977 when I was 3. First with my mom, then with my dad. That’s one of oldest memories.
I was 6, saw it in a drive-in theater with my family.
The earliest memoryI have of the originalStarWars viewing was at a drive-in theatre. I don’t know if that was the only place I saw it, or if I also saw it in a regular theatre- did they re-release Star Wars when Empire and/or Return of Jedi came out?
I’m assuming that it was just me, my sis and Mom.
I did not see it when it was originally released because my parents didn’t start taking us to the movies until Fox and The Hound and Ghostbusters, but I remember having the toys
We finished Jessica Jones last night and I give it a solid B+
Why the slight downgrading?
The gay folks had a rough time of it!
This seems like an emotionally taxing series.
Thanks, Jack, for the spoiler friendly spot. I’ve made my opening salvo, so those who’ve seen it, be sure to join in.
As for the rest of life, I’ve pretty well gorged on SyFy this week between Childhood’s End, The Expanse, and The Magicians….along with finishing up The Man in the High Castle.
Childhood’s End – interesting, though count me in the “found the end depressing” camp.
The Expanse – just watched the first two and not the 3rd and 4th. While I’m interested enough and I’ll keep going, I’m not super excited so far.
The Magicians – Interesting premise, with “Magic School” being a graduate level school, rather than the Jr/Sr High School approach of Harry Potter. It will be interesting to see how the two schools interact.
The Man in the High Castle – hurray for confirmation of Season 2!
The Expanse kicks it up a notch with episodes 3 and 4.
The book Childhood’s end was based on was hardly a barrel of laugh.
I haven’t watch the series yet, but the book ends with the last man alive watching what’s left of humanity join with a god like being.
That’s similar to the SyFy offering…actually, the series opens with that last man introducing the story to us.
Episodes 3 and 4 of the Expanse were available here On Demand, so we watched them this morning. Definitely agree that it has kicked things up and now caught my interest.
Just finished Season 2 of Penny Dreadful. I thought it was much better than the first season.
For Doctor Who fans, there is a full frontal of Billie Piper’s body double.
I’ll pass, she was my least favourite conpanion of the modern Who.
Penny Dreadful is of interest (regardless of the Billie Piper or her body double). We’ll get to it.
I loved both seasons.
CW: Burgertown
A PBS documentary, the adverts are truly a PITA.
BB8 stole my heart
Lo Pan and Soy B rule at Loonacy
-o, +l
Is he quiet because he wants to avoid spoilers?
It’s really just a rehash of the “Spock’s Brain” episode of the original Star Trek series.
Soy B is PEOPLE !!!!
When Scrooged comes on the TV I’m reminded that was the last time I saw a film in a cinema that allowed smoking.
Strong possibility of seeing the Northern lights at lower latitudes this evening.
It’s official and I’m announcing it here first. I have started a blog on my adventures in collecting beer bottles. As time goes on I will pretty it up and as some cool functionality. Really the hard thing was just getting it started. I’m also very, very interested in feedback on how I can make it better. Please check it out and let me know. Thanks.
Pictures are fun.
Would love to be able to run a curser across that photo of your collection and see CU shots of the individual bottles themselves.
Any interesting stories of how you ran across some of them? Even if the story has little to do with the beer (“I was climbing Mt Kilimanjaro and one of our sherpas carried these in his pack!”) sort of thing.
first thoughts.
Internet mistake in progress. I don’t know if the use of “CU shots” above is a typo, but I couldn’t figure out what it meant and googled it. DO NOT do likewise.
CU = Close Up
throw back to my production days
Cool. I’m really glad you didn’t want what Google was suggesting you wanted. I’m thinking I should get a small light box and start taking pictures of individual bottles. I can’t see doing it for the existing bottles, but I could start the process now for new ones.
Very good suggestions. The collection is at around 1300 right now and I don’t as of yet have individual bottle pictures. That would fall under long term goals. But a long term goal that absolutely needs to happen.
As of now, the blog content will likely fall in 2 categories. Interesting stories of how I came across and/or transported individual or groups of beers, and discussions/advice on all of the challenges that go along with the hobby (such as cataloging and displaying that many bottles).
I have a long term goal of integrating my current cataloging system (an excel spreadsheet) into the blog so people can look up specific beers and view running totals.
J0e has good ideas. I’d also recommend an “About me” page, especially with a unique handle like “UsedHair.”
Off to a nice start!
Good point on the “About Me” page. I also plan to have an FAQ page (also good to have with a unique handle like “UsedHair”).
Keep the comments and suggestions coming. Thanks so much to you and Joe for checking it out so far.
Apple TV ???
Is this the best bit of hardware to get for watching Amazon Prime movies on my TV?
Is there a better option?
Seems the latest TiVo upgrade no longer has the ability to download movies from Amazon. 🙁
Fire TV Stick
I’m pretty sure there’s no way to watch Amazon content on an Apple TV. Unless the Amazon Video app for the Ipod/Ipad supports Airplay, but I haven’t tried that.
Apple TV directly, does not have an Amazon app. You CAN use Apple TV’s airplay function from an iPhone or an iPad and stream Amazon. That is what we do.
We also have a Smart TV with an Amazon app on it as well. That function is sketchy at times. So we flip between the Airplay on my iPad and iPhone and the Amazon app on the Smart TV.
If you are looking for a streaming device, you can use Roku or Amazon Fire TV. We use Roku in our bedroom for Netflix, Amazon and HBO Now.
We use Apple TV in the living room. I love Apple TV the best. We have a Chromecast also, as well as a DVD player with all of the streaming apps. Apple TV kicks each of their asses, except for the fact Apple TV does not support Amazon via an app.
Hope that helps you, Jj.
I don’t love Apple TV over Chromecast or Amazon – – but they do each have their benefits. It does suck that none of them will play nice together.
One of us should develop a commercially available piece of tech that will bridge all of the platforms, then buy a South Pacific island and retire there.
I have an Amazon app on my Smart TV, it seems to work fine the few times I’ve used it.
But the Fire stick is probably the cheaper option if you want to access Amazon content on a non Smart TV. It certainly is in the UK.
Unless you go the Chromecast route which has it’s own set of limitations.
Thanks all.
I guess I need more research. I don’t think the TV I want to watch movies on, has a way to plug a Firestick in. It also doesn’t do Apps :/
Hate it that the TiVo doesn’t do that anymore.
If your TV has a HDMI port it should work ok with the fire stick.
If it only has 1 HDMI port, you can buy a cheap switcher boxes that will you plug multiple HDMI devices into one port.
The longer I look at this article, the funnier it gets. http://syruptrap.ca/2015/12/syrian-family-gets-into-america-by-disguising-themselves-as-guns/
So back on humanity sucking:
..and back on humanity not sucking:
So we saw the newest trailer for Batman vs. Superman ahead of Star Wars. I dont know how long that particular trailer has been around, but let’s talk about it…
What a different-looking movie from the trailers released six months ago. This trailer redeemed the movie for me and I think the director may have done some re-shoots and/or editing. It looks like good fun now! I think the CGI- horror may have been re-vamped (I hope, anyway)
It does look to be a better movie now, though I’m concerned about too much being thrown together. From my guess, it will only start with Batman vs Superman and end up being the DC Trio vs Doomsday.
Zack Snyder never makes anything that’s not entertaining, so I’ve never doubted that this movie will be a fun spectacle.
I’m sure the plot will be a mess and sacrilegious in places to DC purists, but that’s also par for the course with this guy.
I also wonder if they’re trying to counter the nerd outrage over the treatment of Zod in Man of Steel.
I loved “Man of Steel” and I don’t really understand the nerd rage over Zod’s treatment, but I’ll save that for another thread. In any event, I expect to be entertained as well.
I that article in io9 killed Man of Steel for me, it really was dumb even for a superman flick.
Looking forward to see what is done with the sequel.
I found that article funny, and some good points were made, but it didn’t diminish my enjoyment.
I own it, so I guess I should see how it holds up to a second viewing.
Some real good points were made in the article. I don’t think the stories told in the comic books would stand up to the same scrutiny either. Whenever you say you have a problem only a superhero in spandex can solve, there is some level of contrivance you have to allow for. The only scene that bugged me in MOS was the scene with Clark as a boy, wearing a red sheet for a cape. As if the idea for Superman existed prior to him being Superman. Still it’s a film I can watch over and over.
Morning Pan
Our doorbell seems to have quit working. As I refuse to hit the stores a few days before Christmas, or in the time between Christmas and New Years, people will just have to knock if they come calling
Old Skool!
Hang an actual bell out front?
I love the Onion
The last line is the charm.
Stupid crappy Logitech software. Glitchy mouse driver.
CW: Into the Badlands E4
Yes! “The Walking Dead: Michonne” by Telltale Games. 😀
This a family member who posted this post on Facebook, to lift the spirits of another family member, I guess.
My question is, if you know someone has a terminal
Illness, is this the message that you really want to send to them?
Doesn’t that person have their own will (to live or not to live)? I mean, I dont understand how the power of prayer of one person can really determine life or death of another person.
Am I missing something here?
Ugh! I have never bought into the line that if you are prayed for or if you have faith you will survive a terminal illness. It’s puts too much onus on the sufferer as if they aren’t trying hard enough to survive.
I don’t think it’s so much that the survival is dependent on prayer, but that the person going through the illness feels supported. Think of times in your life that you know someone has your back. I’d bet you were willing to fight a little harder. Some just put the emphasis on prayer because that’s where their beliefs lie.
Right Pan, off to see the new Star Wars flick again.
Which was good again. I did curse my body for not napping in THAT scene.
Even coked up why would anyone do this for FFS:
I’ve been terrified of the stuff since I saw what it does to people who spill it on their hands.
-does +did
Looks like I have to avoid this site until Thursday afternoon. 🙁
Is it the Spoilers in the upper right corner?
Well they have scrolled off for now.
*Not* when I was looking. And I also visit via http://jackmangan.com/comments/feed/
Ugh. Sorry. 🙁
If it’s not too late, we should Put leading text on Discussion Page comments, to ensure nothing is revealed in the sidebar.
Don’t worry too much about it Jack. And it certainly not a big deal. I can pop back here after I see the movie. I was partly curious if you could block the comments from the other thread from appearing in the sidebar or the feed. Like I said, not a big deal. It’s just been a bit of a challenge to avoid spoilers.
Some awesome people here and at work have been providing me feedback and supporting me with images. Here is the latest blog post with a new header, some actual info on the bottle collection and links to social media. The about me page is next up on my list of things to tackle.
Bonus points to anyone that gets the Meet the Hollowheads reference (or better yet has actually seen the movie).
I needed the Googles.
My DPSS gift was *finally* mailed out on Saturday! I hope it reaches my peep, in time.
It was “later than others” for a good reason.
I suspose after tonight viewing it will be Return of the Jedi next and those bloody ewoks.
So, to answer a question:
Ah right. And you can’t see any of the stitches?
Only where he had to use lower quality sources, more noticeable with Star Wars than Empire.
But really the two I’ve seen so far look great on a HD TV, probably much better than they did in 1977 and 80 at the cinemas near me.
InBev just bought Breckenridge Brewery. Ill never drink another Breck brew. It saddens me.
Breckenridge Vanilla Porter: the King of Beers.
Crap joke for the day:
“A Doctor on TV said in order to have inner peace we should always finish things we start & we all could use more calm in our lives. I looked around my house to find things I’d started & hadn’t finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun prscriptuns, an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this to all who need inner piss. An telum u luvum….” Cherry Mistmas everyone!
Boo Breckinridge, boo Four Peaks
Did I miss a Four Peaks post earlier?
Boo, Pixie
Wait, Four Peaks too?? We’re going to get Kiltlifter Lite??
Sold to anheiser Busch
CP: Santa Claus Is Coming In Gas Form — Dead Hot
Oh, I need to hear a song with a title like that.
Give Finland a mountain:
Oddly, there actually is a Rey toy. I bought one for a friend’s daughter at Walgreene’s
BUT, I haven’t seen any more since, and that was like a month-and-a-half to two months ago. Not easy to come by.
*Puts on serious toy collector hat*
back in the ’90s I attempted to collect toys. Met up with a guy (Jonas-Khan Garanzuay – probably dead now) who owned a collectibles store, which might as well have been a messy closet or toy box. He taught me some facts about toy collecting.
1. in any series of where there is a mix of male and female figures, buy the female figures. They always go up in price because there are always fewer female figures made. Even if there are 100,000 copies of each figure in the series (100K Han Solo, 100K Luke Skywalker, 100K Lando Calrissian, 100K Bespin Princess Leia, etc.) there are always fewer female figures over all. Snatch them up when you see them. [Read this as “Females are worth more than males” if you like]
2. it will be very difficult to find female figures, because ass-hat vultures targeting “serious collectors” will buy out entire runs in order to sell them at a profit.
Moral of the story: find out what day your favorite toy-selling store gets in their shipments, and camp out to get your toys before the vultures
Happy Christmahanukwansaka, Deadpan!
This drive-by brought to you by Lejon.
Thank you for the gifts Amy! My wife allowed me to open things early. The chocolate is progressing nicely, and I have used the tumbler. The ornament is hung. MWAH!
Updates (In Lejon-world):
How about that Jessica Jones, eh?
I helped “bring back MST3K” – making this Christmas season one of the most expensive to date
I am fully prepped to be disappointed by the Doctor Who Christmas episode.
I am hyped up and on tenterhooks for Sherlock on New Year’s
HAVE NOT SEEN FORCE AWAKENS. Reviews I have received to date (amalgamated): “it didn’t suck”, “you should probably see it in theatres” – Glowing positives (?)
I do own an App-enabled BB-8
This brief overview of Lejon brought to you by Lejon.
We’re caught up on Doctor Who. I’d love to get your take on it, Lejon. I was definitely underwhelmed with the season, following a great start. It’s striking to me, with all of the major events that took place this season, how quiet social media has been about Doctor Who. Where’s the geeking out on FB and Deadpan and sites like i09? Am I just not seeing it?
Feel free to chime in on the Spoilery page here, once you’ve seen VII. Just no spoilers in the first few sentences of your posts, plz, since all posts are visible in the upper left.
I found the sr who finale redeeming
I like Capaldi, and although the last season was uneven I still enjoyed.
Roll on Xmas special.
Where should I start with the good Doctor?
My impressions of eps Officially part of the season:
Last Christmas – Very lame. Still not sure what Moffat was trying to do with it. Used the old “it was all a dream or is it?” trope. Hated it.
The Magician’s Apprentice – Lame. Let’s make it look like the Doctor ran off to hide, but he’s easily found playing rock ‘n’ roll in the Dark Ages. On a tank. ’cause if you’re trying not to make sense anyway, add a tank apparently. Bring back good ol’ Davros, because we just can’t leave him dead after the Medusa Cascade incident, and let’s make him sick. Sure, he’s only 9k years old plus change, now he’s actually dying. Sure. Why not. And let’s kill off Missy and Clara for good measure in this well advertised 2-parter knowing that actress playing Clara is going to make it to the end of the season. I was totally “surprised” when they died. Totally. Yep.
The Witch’s Familiar – Hey, look it’s part 2. Looked good up until it became UBER LAME. Missy and Clara are still alive. Shocker. And what’s this, Davros has just been misunderstood and hates his creations. PSYCHE! You know, Moffat really had the potential on this one to make Davros into a sympathetic character and turn everything around for him and send him off in an epic way… but, instead he just played to type and fucked it up.
Under the Lake – Lame. This tried to trick us into thinking there was a problem with the “fixed point in time” doctrine that Doctor Who has been playing up for some time now. It’s a forgettable episode.
Before the Flood – Lame. Less forgettable than part 1. Not much. “Fixed point in time” doctrine upheld. Bummer.
The Girl Who Died – Good. First good episode of the season. Not great, but compared with the eps preceding, it is gold. Loved Maisey in this. Solid stuff with everyone playing false gods.
The Woman Who Lived – Good-ish. We are firmly established that this season is full of multi-part episodes. Not thrilled with that, but whatever. Nothing I can do. Ischilde (or Me) turning into an immortal didn’t make her more interesting, and the whole limited memory business for an infinite life also seemed lame after only 800 years. Especially with a device that was constantly renewing her cell structure. Not remembering her own birth name not a great gimmick. Ended OK.
The Zygon Invasion – Lame-good? So many things I liked and so many things I didn’t. Nice to see Osgood and Osgood again.
The Zygon Inversion – Good. Finally a Doctor speech worthy of the name’s heritage. Capaldi finally got something decent to work with. Pity about the rest of the episode.
Sleep No More – Just shoot me. Gatiss finally proved he can write a story that Moffat could have written. Proved he could out-awful Moffat with ease and flare. Until I checked the credits, I swore this was a Moffat written ep. So bad. Creatures made of eye-crust? Seriously? If this had been a Moffat ep, I would have stopped watching cold. But, I know Gatiss has written good stuff… so…
Face the Raven – Goooooood. A fitting send-off to Clara. Me getting everyone upset and pissing off the Doctor. No revenge? Not happening.
Heaven Sent – Tried too hard. This was a serious Doctor trap. The concept was solid, and it was set up correctly. But Moffat had to keep spelling everything out. On the up-side, it made me look up the Grimm’s fairy tale. I would much rather have read that. Not a terrible episode, but tedious and felt much longer than it was (the point, maybe?) I could totally tell from the first “Groundhog Day” go around that the Doctor was the only prisoner. Predicable at almost every turn.
Hell Bent – Weak. Welcome to Gallifrey, home of The Doctor, and if your name isn’t the Doctor it would seem the Doctor can tell you to leave. The whole Rassilon expulsion was complete grandstanding. Moffat apparently needed to stretch time in the ep. Which if funny, because he did something similar in the prior ep. Oh, and that whole thing with killing off Clara. Nope. didn’t happen. Well, it did, mostly. Ffffffffuuuuu…. Moffat already established that you can’t beat the raven, so clearly she must die where and when she’s about to die (Fixed point in time BS) – So, let’s effectively make Clara a time lord by taking her out of her fixed point in time and giving her eternal life between heartbeats living with Me who can outlive EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE. I hate Moffat.
Don’t hold anything back Lejon, tell us how you really feel.
Did I mention that not trying to get Timothy Dalton back as Rassilon again also helped weaken that last ep?
You have now.
I somewhat agree with EssBee that the final 2 episodes were a step back in the right direction, although I have serious issues with the Doctor even holding a gun, let alone actually shooting someone – – let alone Doctor actually shooting someone who’s not currently a threat to the universe as we know it.
I’ve never loved the River character, but I’m cautiously, irrationally hopeful for the Xmas special.
Classic Who had the Doctor hold and fire a weapon on multiple occasions. I just watched a Tom Baker series where he held a Gallifreyan staser and fired it at guards in the Panoptican. It’s not precisely out of character. He just doesn’t like doing it.
Lejon pretty much, spot on, summed up this season for me.
I actually fell asleep during the ground-hog day Ep. Went back and re-watched it later and didn’t real I had spent my time well.
If the Christmas EP can’t spice it up, this may become known as the season that ended the re-boot.
No pressure or anything though.
It looks like a Top 19, but it’s my Top 20 :metal: albums of 2015:
Pondering how expensive Ice Wine is in Canada.
ok, why?
Canada is a major producer of the stuff.
Ah. I actually know something about this. The weather has been really mild so it has been hard to make ice wine. Thus the prices gone up since production has gone down due to the nice weather
After watching that speeder bike chase I’m going to playsome 3D deathchase later as it was inspired by that scene.
It’s still the worst of the original three in my opinion.
But still, Han gets the girl…
It’s the least of the original 3, yes, but still on par with ANH and ESB.
Ewoks. Wookie Tarzan yells. Slave Leia.
Make of that what you will.
Well that latter does at least kill Jabba.
And inspired many young lads to pound on Jabba as well *cough*
My list of unread Kindle books is getting longer.
You could always get rid of the Kindle.
It’s on my phone, so no.
… Uninstall …
I still have games from 2008 on it…
You can have games on a Kindle? Sort of defeats reading on one.
I have games on the phone.
So, how does that prevent you from uninstalling Kindle?
Or, are you saying that you’re a slave to the device and are letting that list grow due to inertia? Don’t give in to the OS man… don’t do it.
I’m a great fan of inertia.
It does tend to hold things in place…
I was under the impression that was gravity.
The rumors of gravity are a lie. Until such time as Newton can add his zeroth law, we’re stuck with this abomination of a theory.
I’ll pass that into Albert.
-into +on
Make sure he gets the memo about that crap “relativity” business, too.
If I can get it past the cat.,,
There’s a trick to that, but I’m uncertain whether it will work
I’m all fingers and thumbs when handling Prussia acid.
Prussic even
Well it’s Xmas Eve here now.
Happy 2nd day of Winter to you?
The weather says no.
So the hifi unit with the turntable gets dumped next week.
I will then no longer be able to play vinyl records.
Have you converted your vinyl to some sort of digital media?
Nope, but the covers are nice.
You can get a usb powered turntable and convert your collection to wav or mp3
Yup, maybe one of these days when I have no other music to listen too.
Well, looks like I’m going to have to put an IOU under the tree for the kids this year. My son really wanted a “hoverboard”, so I ordered one…back on December 1st. It was due by last Friday, but still is stuck somewhere on the West Coast. Ain’t getting here by tomorrow.
With all the threats of fire, they apparently got held up at port for inspections…and are still being held up.
I’m going to go listen to “Weird Al’s” First World Problems now…
But in the meantime, how will he stay on the train as it pushes the Delorean toward 88 mph??
Double-sided carpet tape.
I also must make a confession – we rented Terminator: Genisys yesterday…and I enjoyed it.
Well, you do like Kull. . .
(I haven’t even seen Terminator: Genisys)
I didn’t understand the hate on that one.
There are Youtube videos that will explain it to you.
I don’t want to taint my memories of enjoying the film.
Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
…and thus fear was injected into the mind of spouses.
Oh, Man, what year what that from? Is the empty chair next to him eerily prescient, or a “FU, I got away with it” comment?
When you have a craze it’s not long before people start doing this:
Is that why they’re bursting into flames?
Gives a whole new meaning to great balls of fire.
My Deadpan Secret Santa present arrived yesterday! Thanks, Secret Santa! I’m saving it to open tomorrow. 🙂
I’m being a good sheep and randomly play Beatles tracks on Spotify.
Most sheep’s favorite Beatles song is “Let it Baaaaa”.
Runners up:
Eleanor Rigbaaa
Yellow Submableat
Nowhere Baaa
Nor Bleating Wood
And Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Did inspiration run out on that last one?
Nope. But who doesn’t like LSD?
Sheep I hear.
Nicely done!
While My Guitar Gently Bleats is a good one too, but I’m pretty fond of The Fool on the Hill Who Cried Wolf.
Maxwells Woolen Hammer?
Crap joke for the day:
I met a Dutch girl with inflatable shoes last week,
Phoned her up to arrange a date but she’d popped her clogs.
Ess you make wonderful beer!
If you like your chop socky well choreographed then you should be checking out ‘Into the Badlands’.
I picked up the Topps compendium of the original Star Wars trading cards. It’s a wonderful bit of nostalgia.
Nice! Please share the pics, if you take any.
I was psyched to find my originals from ESB in NJ, earlier this year.
My mom got rid of mine years ago, much to my chagrin. I’ll share some pics on FB. The cover feels like the old card packs, and the inside hard cover shows the gum in both the (rare) unbroken form and the (common) broken form. The book covers all 5 series, and shows front and back. I would have like to see the front and back together, but I get why they separated the two.
Happy Christmas Eve, Deadpanland! Me Berry tonight.
Kurt Russel has turned into Lee Marvin look a like.
Past midnight, Happy Christmas Deadpan.
So, he’ll be in a Dirty Dozen remake? 🙂
Lo: What did you think of “We Stand On Guard” ?
http://www.boredpanda.com/funny-animal-selfies-allan-dixon/ Cuteness completely unrelated to Xmas Eve.
I’m going to hell for this one, Merry Christmas…
Merry Christmas you lot!!!
Nice! Merry Xmas, you Angels and Demons.
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…
I suspose I had better get up, presents to open, mini hifi to setup for the Dragon.
Merry Christmas Deadpan!
Looks like we got a bit of snow over night making it a white Christmas for us.
Raining here, 🙁
Merry Christmas, everyone. We briefly had a white Christmas due to frost. 😀
Jack? Frost?
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Deadpan!
Hope the holidays are Shiny!
Merry Day. I hope you everything you want, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and metaphysically.
There, my turkey is in the oven.
“my turkey is in the oven”
Merry Christmas!
Nothing says ‘I’m to old for this shit’ then laying down 40 segments of plastic track that are fiddly to connect together.
Still, it works, will have a proper go in the morning.
Excellent! Videos are a must!
CW: Doctor Who Xmas Special
It has Matt Lucas in it, that does not bode well.
Or is it boad?
Well that was fun.
Inconsequential plot but some nice dialogue between River and the Doctor.
it fixed exactly 1 bit of continuity that didn’t need fixing. It tried desperately to jerk tears, but that was mostly through the score. It was “nice” I guess, but useless.
You know that bit of advice you give me about beer? Replace beer with Dr Who and you may be onto something.
CW: Colony E1
Getting a Half Life 2 vibe with this series.
The gingerbread spice must flow!
I forget, who is gingerbread spice married to ?
If only she’d married Sting. . .
Merry Christmas!
Thanks, Lo!
Merry Christmas all!
Thank you DPSS-go Broncos!!
If you don’t have a Twitter account.
I don’t think Safari likes Vine.
I see a still image but nothing I have tried will get video to play. 🙁
I thought that was iOS that didn’t like it. something about flash (AH-ahhh)???
He’s just a man. A man and his courage.
A man and his courage.
and his sound track.
Played fine on my iPhone.
Star Realms finally played! Fun. It’s like a more combat-oriented Dominion.
We enjoy Star Realms
Boxing Day arrives and I’m not going to any bloody sales.
Me either. Hubby and I aren’t even leaving the house. Since now Boxing Day has become Boxing Week for sales, I think we’re going to avoid all shopping areas for the next week.
The scary thing is, I can see people thinking this is current and raising an uproar.
So this actually exists:
To quote hubby, “Good Lord”
For a chance to win a Raspberry Pi:
One of Essbee’s relatives looks like JustaJoe.
Perhaps shenanigans have been going on.
The mystery of his true identity deepens…
Ha!! I’m not telling who it is
I suspect the relationship with Sly B is just a smokescreen for the secret marriage between EssBee and JustaJ0e.
I promised JustaJoe that I would take his secret identity to my grave…as soon as I get this resurrection thing figured out, I’ll be ready to spill the beans.
The trick is … which one of the three of us is the smokescreen!
Alright, I must confess…I’m JustaJoe!
So, while Terry Brooks works were ones that I would often see on the shelves at the book store, I never got around to checking them out. The series being made of Shannara has some pretty heavy hitters behind it, so I’ll probably give it a shot.
I did the first 3 Shannara as a wee lad, fresh after my first LOTR read-through. I recall being appalled at all of the elements borrowed from Tolkien in the Sword of Shannara, but I also remember absolutely loving The Elfstones ofcShannara, which seems to be the basis of that show.
A Lejon sighting in the wild!
Yep. Good seeing you at Luminarias. Sorry it wasn’t longer, but there is only so much Clusterfuck of the Bells we can take.
I’ve only played the werewolf one:
The gaming group I go to once twice a month has acquired a member who loves bluffing games like this. I’ve found that those games simply are not my cup of tea. Fortunately the group is large enough that there are typically more than one game being played at any given time so I rarely have to sit through them.
I’m always a little leery of the requirement that players all close their eyes. It makes it very easy to cheat.
We have a lot of fun with Werewolf. The larger the group, the better the intrigue.
Even though we have close to 200 games, of those on the list, we’ve only played the Werewolf game too.
But, cheating (in the form of lying at least) is actually part of the game. Truth be told, I was part of the rowdy crowd that was trying to bring some life to Werewolf by engaging in copious groping of those around me when players were required to close their eyes. In my defense, someone groped me first.
Probably not advisable if one of the party knows hapakido.
/points at the battery operated toy.
Christmas episode ratings:
Dr Who: 5 out of 5 nipples
Call The Midwife: 5 out of 5 nipples
I think it was one of tho season’s best Eps.
Still, for me at least, it may have left a nipple or two off the table.
FUN though. I have missed the snappy banter.
I really enjoyed Doctor Who. I need to find a few of Call the Midwife. Loved the series, but I think I’m one season behind.
In case you haven’t seen this –
The new Tesla Model-X … Seems they hid an Easter egg – IN THE CAR’S SYSTEM.
This is both really cool and then the creeping feeling of unease starts to set in.
So if I buy a Tesla, then I can also make this light show happen somehow, without a bunch of preprogramming?
And yes, it was a bit Ed-209.
1:04 of stupid fun.
One more link for you:
This was almost the story of a friend of mine. Except that he was geocaching and his GPS didn’t bother to indicate height so he was just heading towards the cache when some stranger grabbed him by his collar and dragged him backwards.
Well at least he lived to regret it.
So I subscribe to the US version of Audible.
They have no problem charging My CC.
However today I discover they actively hide some books.
*shakes fist on Van’s behalf*
Nice scenery, shame about the plot.
Romeo’s latest film is mostly boring.
Apples and Oranges:
I feel like I’m looking at work documents.
Just bought our tickets for tomorrow…for Sisters
Saw this guy today with his group the bad pennies:
I hear they keep turning up.
If you have the time.
Force Awakens just hit a billion worldwide… after 9 days.
I just helped.
JD: Prescott Brewing Co’s Achocolypse Stout.
#1 chocolate stout ever.
Second time seeing Straight No Chaser. These guys are a lot of fun – – and that’s saying something, considering that their set is full of Xmas and pop songs. Lots of laughs and good medleys every time.
BTW, in a COMPLETELY different musical vein, here’s that interview with Devin Townsend for Metal Asylum:
I’ve never sounded so nervous.
6 points! You win this round, Tony Mast. . . But I’ll be back. Oh yes. . . My Cantina Band shall return. . .
Goodnight, :Mast:
The ‘Thor hunting the whales’ flick was watchable.
Which is more than I can say for the films I’ve seen since TFA was released.
Christmas is over, it can stop snowing now
Oh, is it May already?
Well if the holiday ads are to be believed, yes.
Agent May maybe.
Isn’t it warmer there than Phoenix right now?
We finally bought our tickets. Will be seeing The Force Awakens on Wednesday.
I’ll be Van’s huckleberry….
I don’t think I can pull off the Latino look.
Moonlight and Vanentino
Sharkboy and Lava Girl?
Renee and Renato
Canada eh!
Milky Eh
Fun little read from Neil Gaiman, ca 1986(!).
Ahhh, to be able to play for a living.
He needs a coat for that magician joke.
Illusions shattered:
Isn’t that how Hollyweird used to do everything?
seriously, it can stop snowing now.
CW: S2E6 The Leftovers. Van you weren’t kidding!
Told ya!
FUCK!!!!!!! RIP Lemmy.
No, that’s not even possible.
Considering Lemmy is god I didnt think so either
So sad!!
I didn’t think anything could stop Lemmy. It seemed like he’d be here when the sun snuffed out.
RIP – – and fuck cancer.
Back to work, ugh.
I believe that translates the same on this side of the pond as well.
Crap joke for the day;
There once was a blonde who was very tired of blonde jokes and insults directed at her intelligence. So, she cut and dyed her hair, got a make-over, got in her car, and began driving around in the country. Suddenly, she came to a herd of sheep in the road. She stopped her car and went over to the shepherd who was tending to them.”If I can guess the exact number of sheep here, will you let me have one?” she asked.The shepherd, thinking this was a pretty safe bet, agreed.”You have 171 sheep,” said the blonde in triumph. Surprised, the shepherd told her to pick out a sheep of her choice.She looked around for a while and finally found one that she really liked.She picked it up and was petting it when the shepherd walked over to her and asked, “if I can guess your real hair color, will you give me my sheep back?”The blonde thought it was only fair to let him try. “You’re a blonde! Now give me back my dog.”
Morning Pan
I have decided to make today a day of reading. I’m not going to turn the computer on at all today :cheerful:
Christmas came 3 days late to the Mangan-Matlock household, and it was deemed good.
Did the Manglocks get one of these this Christmas?
There were a few cool X-Wing-related gifts, in fact, but not that.
Well, you have one now. Teresa gave me one without knowing I had one already. I asked it if was okay to send on to you instead of returning and she agreed. 🙂
You need to grow a beard and a pot belly Rhettro.
..and Ho Ho Ho more often.
My Ho days are behind me…
I don’t know. . . I’ve consulted with Admiral Ackbar, and he suspects this might be a trap.
Seriously, I don’t know what to say, other than holy shit, thank you (although we’ll be completely cool if you decide to keep it, in case of Imperial blockades)!
We have some stuff for you too, so we’ll definitely have to meet up in the near future.
I love that the Deadpan Christmas keeps giving.
And who are you fooling Rhettro 😛
When a heavy metal band covers a Simon and Garfunkel song:
I really like this cover
This is magnificent. Not a big Disturbed fan, but this guy’s voice is fantastic.
This is MOST impressive. Especially coming from a mostly mediocre nu-metal band. Bravo.
Specials drummer John Bradbury dies:
You know what – – life deals out plenty of fucking drama and stress, all by itself. No one needs to manufacture their own. There doesn’t need to be a constant state of crisis. Life also provides plenty of days where nothing is actually terribly “wrong.” Just enjoy the opportunity of peace and/or happiness on those days. Stop creating storms of bullshit for everyone around you.
Hugs all round :heart:
What the bunny wrote.
I had forgotten how relaxing steering toy cars around a track was.
Almost like watching fish in a tank.
I wonder if they have gramophones as well:
I have fond memories of the black and white TV in my childhood bedroom. That I last used 30 years ago.
I used one with my first computer in the early 80’s, it was the cheapest way.
I’ll bet there are 9000 US households that don’t know what a black and white TV is.
Well, this day turned to shit and caught me offguard…
Hugs DP.
Poor Taz:
Crap joke for the day:
A guy brings his dog into the vet and says, “Could you please cut my dog’s tail off?”
The vet examines the tail and says, “There is nothing wrong. Why would you want this done?”
The man replies, “My mother-in-law is coming to visit, and I don’t want anything in the house to make her think that she is welcome!”
Morning Pan
Today we finally see Star Wars
Actual movie descriptions
Holy crap, some of these are perfect.
OK then!
That’s my goal for 2016!
So is it too early to start talking about the 2016 meet up?
/runs for cover
You mean the wedding, right?
We have the never-ending situation to deal with, plus some bonus horrors (sorry for the vaguely dramatic drama post).
We’ll have more details finalized in January.
Amy, got your Xmas card today, thank you.
The next part of my journey with my Mom has begun. She is being moved to inpatient hospice.
Hugs DP.
I’m so sorry Tiffany. Hugs from me as well.
CW: Mad Men S7 E13
That escalated quickly.
Had a good time watching about the War among the Stars.
Today’s mail had several Christmas cards in it. Lo Pan, you signed yours correctly as it came in today, thank you.
Thanks to all who sent cards.
What a ballsy move to put an intermission in the middle of a movie. And no house lights were brought up
It’s the 70mm Roadshow screening of The Hateful Right, for those keeping score at home.
Is that a Republican documentary?
Gawd that film was tedious.
If you think that Im sure its great
Time will tell.
“The Hateful Right” – – now that’s a funny typo, especially in election season.
I was surprised to see Charlie the former Beer Guy rate it as one of Tarantino’s best. It’s an extremely slow-burner. I appreciate most of QT’s films more upon the 2nd viewing, maybe that will be the case for me with this one.
There’s a lot to admire and I liked it overall, but I think it may be his least – – not counting Deathproof or the Four Rooms bit.
The first on screen death is 1H 35 into the film.
Eating tamales drinking Bad Santa
Fa la la la la thanks Kris n Bern!
Which Bad Santa? My brother didn’t like either version…
2014. Well he’s insane! A little bit more carbonation and you could proper bottle and sell that!!!
OMG and I orgot you gave me the Chile brews too. Those you COULD bottle and sell NOW
As long as it doesn’t taste like Billy Bob Thornton. . .
Okay that sounds like a good way to spend a winter night
Your last crap joke of the year:
A mother-in-law stopped by unexpectedly the recently married couple’s house. She knocks on the door, then immediately walks in. She is shocked to see her daughter-in-law lying on the couch, totally naked.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m waiting for Jeff to come home from work,” the daughter-in-law answered.
“But you’re naked!” the mother-in-law exclaimed.
“This is my love dress,” the daughter-in-law explained.
“Love dress? But you’re naked!”
“Jeff loves me to wear this dress! It makes him happy and it makes me happy.”
The mother-in-law on the way home thought about the love dress. When she got home she got undressed, showered, put on her best perfume and expectantly waited for her husband, lying provocatively on the couch.
Finally her husband came home. He walked in and saw her naked on the couch.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“This is my love dress,” she replied.
“Needs ironing,” he says” “What’s for dinner?”
I don’t even want to think about the appropriate coat for this joke.
So I have a choice of staying in or going to a pub with a friend to listen to a cover band.
Thing is, taxis are booked up so I would have to walk home.
I’m leaning towards the former as friend knows a lot of people at the pub and I don’t.
Sis is going to give me a lift to the pub, so pub it is.
Take me?
It’s dingy pub with a rock cover band, I don’t think it’s your scene.
He just wants to give you a peck at midnight
Are you kidding that’s totally my vibe! And shes right
It was so quiet I couldn’t have evaded you.
Like it’s 1939.
JW: Mad Men finale
If you are on Twitter and like cute pet pictures, do a search for:
I’m going to try Uber tonight.
It shouldn’t hurt. Too badly.
Well looks like I’m going to have to walk.
Sis saved me from the long walk.
Home now.
And with that, Happy New Year, Deadpan~!
Well past midnight, Happy New Year Deadpan.
Hope 2016 is a goodun.
Happy British New Year, Van!!
May your 2016 not suck, Van!
So the first crap joke of 2016:
A guy traveling through the prairies of the USA stopped at a small town and went to a bar. He stood at the end of the bar, ordered a drink, and lit up a cigar.
As he sipped his drink, he stood there quietly blowing smoke rings.
After he blew nine or ten smoke rings into the air, an angry American Indian stomped up to him and said, “One more remark like that and I’ll smash your face in!”
Last coat of 2015!
Only for those living in the past.
Still a fucker in the future I see
You were expecting jetpacs?
RIP Trapper John.
good riddance 2015
Fuck off, 2015.
I welcome 2016, but I don’t want to make eye contact yet.
A new year is much like a blind date is it not? Much promise, but much potential danger as well. I truly hope your 2016 is the Kim Basinger without alcohol.
Now there’s a reference! Do I have to be Bruce Willis?
Not necessarily. But I wouldn’t recommend being John Larroquette.
Even-numbered years always were better than those odd(ball) years.
Happy New Year, Deadpan!
Should I feel bad that I didnt hate 2015?
I didn’t hate 2015. Some parts were hard to take, but other parts were pretty cool. So I guess my answer is no.
You should absolutely revel in your good 2015.
As long as you don’t lord it over people who are having a bad time.
If you managed to find the good bits of 2015 and not have it turn it’s Sauron like eye in your direction then we salute you.
Party on !
“good bits”
New years Eve for me –
Played “Castle Crashers” on Xbox. Ate Take-out Thai food (Kao-Soi soup. nom nom). Made Hypnotic Martinis.
Watched the first two Episodes of “FireFly”, stoping in between the two to count the New Years and light off a string of firecrackers to annoy the neighborhood.
Slept in.
Now. Having coffee. Doing a jigsaw puzzle.
I am a party machine.
New Years Eve for me –
Watched episodes 5 & 6 of Jessica Jones
Went to bed by 9:30
Woke up around 6
I too, am a party machine.
New Years Eve for me:
Got dropped off at the Pub at 1930.
Had quite a few Tia Maria and Colas as I watched a cover band.
Band finished at 2330.
Saw in the new year and got picked up at 0030 by sister.
Watch best of Glastonbury till around 0300.
Singer Natalie Cole dies aged 65:
CW: Shameless S6E1
It’s back baby!
I’m on E4 of S5. Gotta catch up!
Happy New Year, friends!
And to you too!
Happy new Year, everyone. 🙂
No you!!!!
Ok, great!
Indeed, Happy New Year, Deadpan.
I celebrated by being asleep as the line crossed over.
And what have you done lately?
Happy New Year, Deadpan! 🙂
Vanamonde said:
“Amy, got your Xmas card today, thank you.”
You’re welcome! :happy:
*hugs* to Tiffany
Really enjoyed the Sherlock special this evening. Cumberbatch and Freeman were back on their game tonight. For those that missed it, it will repeat on January 10th on PBS (at least in the U.S.)
Got a bit weird near the end.
JF – Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin
Really enjoyed this book.
Set in a world where Germany won WW2, a young Jewish woman who was experimented on in a concentration camp, must win a motocycle race to have a chance of killing Hitler.
The experiments means she can skin shift to look like the previous champion , whose brother takes part in the race and complicates the situation.
Listened to it on Audible, well worth checking out.
Honestly, as much as the last book went off the rails, I think I’m more looking forward to the HBO version anyway.
I’m sure I’ll still read it, but with probably the same amount of enthusiasm as he seems to be writing it.
This is really good information. I was wondering if they were going to manage to get the book out before the next season on HBO. I’m actually looking forward to having stuff happen on the show that I wasn’t expecting.
You said it perfectly, Ed. “months away still” means 2017, which means the show will be way ahead. I hope he’s still able to get some artistic fulfilment from working on this massive task, and that it doesn’t now feel like one giant TPS report.
The only surprising thing about that post is that it’s on LiveJournal.
hmmmm, that’s interesting. Did the header go missing and the side bar slip up for everyone? Instead of recent posts, I see the blog roll under that heading etc.
Yup, same for me, Cynful.
..and me.
Weird. I’ll look into it.
I prefer the sidebar like this
Of course you do, so you can post stuff on old sections of the board without most people noticing.
Hubby picked up Halo eight hundred sixty-three on the weekend. At least, I think that’s the number they are at now. He’s enjoying it so far.
So there are skulls on the new 2 pound notes?
Well coins and yes.
As the joke goes:
Skulls on our money, are we the bad guys now?
Nicked from here:
Ah. http://metro.co.uk/2016/01/02/skulls-and-fires-were-getting-lots-of-fancy-new-coins-in-2016-5597170/
I’ve been tempted many times to get one of these, but I know my limits and have concluded that I need to lose 50 lbs (23 kg?) before I even attempt to get on one.
I have similar thoughts on a parachute jump.
CW: Support Your Local Sheriff.
Out of the main cast, only Bruce Dern is still alive.
Won’t work on mobile:
I’m listening to a debate about who would win in a fight between the Master Chief from Halo and Edward from Twilight. I’m staying out of it, but I did point out that The Doctor would beat ’em both.
I don’t agree with insulting other people’s tastes, but I do agree with the sentiments about hoppy beer.
Beer that tastes like Coke, why aren’t Brewers doing this?
*raises hand* I like IPAs
Not only have I never played them, I’ve never seen the boxes out in the wild:
I’ve seen many of them but have only played one. Also, hubby and I have played Race for the Galaxy, but not the dice variant Roll for the Galaxy.
Have only seen one, and played it that one time… Last Thursday.
Mission: Red Planet.
Not bad. Sort of Risk-lite meets Starfarers of Catan
So today I’m off to see ‘The Danish Girl’ at the flicks.
I don’t know what to say after watching THAT.
Quip from Twitter:
When women get to a certain age they start accumulating cats. This is known as the many paws.
Van, I’m sorry but I’m going to have to slice you in two with a bread knife now.
Two LOLs in my house. Meow
The required coat will smell awful and be covered in fur.
Crap joke for the day:
There is a truck driver driving along, and he stops and picks up a priest to give him a ride.He’s driving down the highway and he sees a lawyer along the side of the road and thinks, “Hot damn! A lawyer that I could run over!” So he speeds up and heads straight for him.At the last second he remembers the priest with him. So he swerves real quick to miss him, but still hears a thump. He looks behind, no sign of the lawyer.He says to the priest “Wow, that was a close one, I almost hit that lawyer!”The priest then replies “That’s ok son, I got him with my door.”
According to GoodReads, I only read 36 books in 2015. I need to up my game for 2016
I only managed 27 myself, though they tended to average on the longer side.
My reading throughput isn’t what it used to be. My achy-breaky eyeballs don’t help.
No idea because I mixed audible and e books this year.
Picked up towards the end of the 2015.
Happy New Year! Batman Love Letter is a fun little game.
But watch out for that Two-Face.
He is nothing but trouble, all around.
Opeth -Damnation. Fucking brutiful album
Windowpane is one of the most incredible songs of the 21st century.
It was unbelievable to hear them play it live last year.
Man I wish I could have seen that. Oh wait…
Finally saw “Star Wars TFA” tonight.
Feels kind of like life has circled back around.
Does that mean I am done?
Not when there are sequel to see in the future.
Now you’re ready to be frozen in carbonite.
yes. YES!
Broncos yeah!!
3:15 am and headed to the airport. Evil commences…
Safe travels.
So there is this:
More cleverness from Twitter…
China overthrew
Tibet’s existing leaders
It was a high coup
Morning Pan
Back to work today.
And the new work year begins.
The last song played on my iPod for 2015:
“God is Dead?” – Black Sabbath
The first for 2016:
“Summertime Thing” – Chuck Prophet
What do you mean, you don’t care??
Last song of 2015, “Awake” by In Flames
First song of 2016, “Sorry” by Justin Bieber
That’s a worrying trend.
I don’t even know how to find that out.
There’s a “Last Played” column in iTunes. I don’t know if iTunes has an Activity Tracker kind of thing, so we could see exactly when and how often Rhett has listened to Justin Bieber in 2016.
If the number of times I listen to Justin Bieber is expressed as the variable B, then any value of B greater than 0 is equal to B times too many.
#YallQueda is amazing. The situation isnt, but the mocking is beautiful.
other fun ones-
Is this regarding the #militwits in Oregon?
Today I emptied my shredder. Normally it tips nicely in the garbage bag. No fuss, no muss. Not today though. Today I dropped the bag part way through emptying. There are tiny bits of paper everywhere.
So it looks like you just had a party with confetti!
Enjoyed the first two episodes of S2 of Galivant.
Enjoyed the second more than the first. especially the guest star.
Oh I liked the first song of episode 1 poking fun at how they got to S2.
As for E2, never been that impressed with Kylie.
But the third wall this season has not just been broken it’s been demolished.
Um, I think Kylie was in Ep 1. The other guest
So it was, that wasn’t Gandalf though.
Who what???
It’s started already?
Simon Callow
CW: War and Peace E1
New BBC adaption with a token US actor.
In look, the word sumptuous springs to mind, but gawd I find anything to do with that time period hard going.
With the exception of Blackaddee 3.,
-e +r
..and a small section of ‘The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the Workd’
Not sure I can stand another 5 hours of this stuff.
Has anyone here actually read “War and Peace”? There was a time in my twenties when some friends threw down that gauntlet, but no one picked it up.
And it sure ain’t gonna happen now.
I can say for certain that I haven’t. And, honestly, aside from the title and the fact that it is very long…I know just about nothing about it.
No one actually reads “War and Peace”. They survive it. 😉
Closest I came was Crime and Punishment. I didn’t get through it. Still wrote the book report.
“Beginning with Star Wars, Disney is estimating an $88.3 million weekend, which brings the film up to $740.2 million after only 17 days in theaters. It’s the fastest film to cross $700 million domestically, doing in 16 days what took Avatar 72.” – Box Office Mojo
Sheesh! And dont forget Avatar was really only shown at 3D ticket prices, making this even more impressive
Although I guess that means Avatar was shown in less theaters, doesnt it. I guess that’s a wash there
Wash is from a different franchise.
I’ll get me browncoat.
Left on the wind
Well, here’s a rabbit hole into which to can get sucked in:
New Spamshire.
Let’s try that again:
Google “MIT origami robot.” Dammit.
Well, I’m sure we’ll see these in the next Mission Impossible movie.
“one in three black men who have sex with me is HIV positive”
I admit, I laughed.
the 21st century will be remembered for a terrible war between mankind and goats.
I’m rooting for the goats
I’ve just started a book, it has 103 chapter, I’m pining for the old days all over again.
Yes, but how big is the book? If each chapter is only a couple of pages long, then the book is normal size.
700 pages ish
Morning Pan
Another day has begun
I got my hair trimmed the other day. The girl took it upon herself to thin my hair. I think she went a little overboard, my hair feels… wrong.
Easily fixed with time.
Also parsley and sage
I’ll see you at Scarborough Fayre.
JF: Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein.
A sequel of sorts to Codename Verity. Interesting enough, but not as good as Codename Verity.
The sun is actually thinking about getting up. I’m impressed.
Ummm, yeah
Monumentally important day today.
Positive wishes, prayers, hopes – – we’ll take whatever ya got.
All of the above plus fingers and toes crossed.
What the man send.
Positive vibes sent your way!
What the others said. *hugs*
Same here!
Thanks everyone. No major changes enacted, but encouraging steps taken.
That’s good news
So I finally broke the wrapping on Diablo 3 for the PS3, I may enjoy this.
Diablo 3 was fun.
Yep, I did every class up to level 50 and then had to stop. I still play Torchlight 2 on and off.
I guess it’s a really good sign for a movie when I like the Honest Trailer far less than I like the movie. For example, one of the major problems they have is all the math that goes on. That’s one of the things I like best about the movie. It’s not made for stupid people. About fucking time we made something that doesn’t cater to the lowest possible denominator.
I *loved* The Martian. I think it’s a huge cinematic feat when I can be entertained when 70% of the movie is just watching one guy go about his day and be witty and charming about it.
It still would have been better if they’d cast Adam Sandler in the lead role, in place of Matt Damon. With Dane Cook as his wacky farting sidekick.
Not one of the better Honest Trailers, tbh.
I loved both the book and movie.
Read the book and really enjoyed it.
Wanted to see the movie but … life.
So decision for tomorrow, going see Joy or the new Star Wars flick for a third time.
Van, see Joy! Let me know how it is!!
I just finished at Urgent Care in Dallas. Diagnosis: bronchitis.
Once you get home you can sleep right?
I thought Bronchitises went extinct 65 million years ago?
Get rid of yours soon. :-/
Get well soon!
What the shit, lady?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Super Hexagon goes free on iOS:
Hey Deadpan
I just realized I’ve been at my desk for 3 hours and haven’t said good morning yet so, Good Morning
I get that feeling. 🙂