We picked up Apple TV last night to see some of the original content, such as “Greyhound” and “Wolfwalkers”.
We gave “Greyhound” a try. I liked it quite a bit, but it seemed like it was greatly edited down to 90 minutes. There was hardly any character development, and the movie was focused mostly on the sub-hunt action. That’s not a bad thing since it was obviously the main intent of the film.
T Cat and I agreed it would have been a much better movie if some sort of story was woven into the action. There were obvious hints that this was intended. Unfortunately, there was no narrative to hang this information on, so those scenes and flashbacks felt out of place. I saw that this was based on an old WW2 book. When I looked into the book’s story, it was obvious that those scenes were a key part of the story. I’ll probably read the book to learn more, but I’m hoping there is a director’s cut of the film.
Some of the TV series on AppleTV are well worth a try. I really enjoyed For All Mankind, Dickinson and The Servant.
Happy new thread Deadpan!
So, I’m going to start 2021 with a bit of controversy. Recently got to finish the animated “Lower Decks” Star Trek series. I have to say, as much as “The Mandalorian” folks understand Star Wars more so than anyone involved in the Sequel Trilogy (especially JJ Abrams)….the folks behind “Lower Decks” understand Star Trek far more so than the ones involved in Picard and Discovery.
Discovery certainly has it’s moments and I’m cautiously optimistic about Strange New Worlds. Picard was everything I feared it would be and worse. Lower Decks has renewed my hope that Star Trek can still be a viable property.
I’m not sure that is a very controversial position. I’ve heard somewhat similar opinions from some other friends. I’m still haven’t watched any of those shows yet.
We love ST Lower Decks
I love all three series.
So it goes.
Is Tralfamodore officially recognized by the Federation?
Too tired to finish watching Bridge of Spies tonight but I’m going to say Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance are just great in this.
First film of 2021 is WW84!!!!!
What a bloated slog of a film. Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig are glorious, tho the latter is criminally (no pun intended) underused. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine more than hold their own as leads with the crap script they’re given; but boy, it’s 2.3 hours that feels like 5. WTF are you doing, DC? This is the ONE hero you had gotten right. (Shazam! notwithstanding)
Also as much as I am an MCU apologist even I admit many of their Deus ex Machina’s are ridiculous. But boy oh boy none reach this level. I WISH this movie was good. I WISH the writers knew what they were doing from the get go. And I WISH that it mattered that this film was set in 1984, other than to give the poor man’s Steve Rogers some laughs.
I really hope they release a cut one day with all the 80’s music that should have been in the bloody film.
Yeah the music was the the LEAST of its probs. But I getchu
So it’s clear that you didn’t think it was “good” … but did you “enjoy it” or “hate it” ?
Fwiw most reviews I have read ranged from “It’s bad but I enjoyed it” to “It was good but forgettable”.
I haven’t seen anyone who thought it was “Great” or even gave it an enthusiastic “good”.
I…enjoyed parts of it. But nowhere near enough to say I enjoyed the film. I can def see the overall “good but forgettable” stance but in hindsight that’s not me. There’s no enjoy. There’s no hate. Only meh.
I didn’t hate it or enjoy it – – which is worse than outright laughably terrible. I might rewatch a complete turkey again, just to shake my head and laugh. There is no reason to ever watch this P.O.S. again.
But. . . there are people who dig it, in spite of its flaws. I recommend you see it for yourself.
/butting in
Please butt! Cough.
I’ve had some more time to chew on it and my dissappoitment on it is ever-growing. This is the last I’ll think of this film.
I thought it was okay. I thought the actors did their best with the script that was given, that was one of the few pluses of the film. The 80’s as a backdrop was woefully underused. “Hey look, breakdancers”, doesn’t count. It felt like they were just making stuff up at the end, “wishes” I guess. I did enjoy the film, but like Jack, I don’t feel a real pull to rewatch it later.
“Jack is taking the Mangans to Eisengard!”
Disc 1 of the extended Fellowship of the Ring tonight! (So part 1 of part 1. . .. or part 1 of part 4, depending on how you look at it).
-This movie is 20 years old, as of this year.
-The effects are dated at times, but overall, seriously impressive, and still better than many movies big-budget being made even today.
-These are the most meme-ified movies of all time.
-Goddamn, these movies are my happy place.
-The extended editions are far better than the theatrical versions.
I’m curious. I loved the LOTR Peter Jackson movies. Then again, I loved the books and have read them through several times. I know that love of the Peter Jackson LOTR movies are high amongst us who are extremely familiar with the books. Anyone know if it’s equally well likes (especially the super long extended versions) by people that didn’t know anything about the books? The only people I know who watched the movies and didn’t read the book were also not fans of Fantasy movies in general.
Couldn’t get thru the books. Not a fan of the films. That’s to to say I wasn’t familiar with the books per say, just never read them.
“That’s not to say”, that should say
The Hobbit and LOTR were my first major book series. I remember going to the theater with very low expectations, and walking out with my mind blown. They’d gotten it right!
Another cool memory. I recall a blind guy sitting in the row with us, eager to hear his favorite books in the theater.
I’ve read the books multiple times and love the LotR movies. They are about as good an adaptation as can be done, imho. I haven’t seen The Hobbit movies yet and have heard split opinions on them.
The Hobbit movies fail in every way you’d expect. I’m positive that there must be a fan edit that cuts away all the bloat for something close to the book.
The Hobbit almost seems like the opposite syndrome. The worked so hard to condense down the enormity of LOTR into one movie per book and people familiar with the books seem to be the ones that love the adaptations most. For The Hobbit, they took a very small book written at the 10 year old reading level (seriously, he had his 10 year old son read it and provide feedback) and bloated it out to 3 movies, changing everything they could get their hands on. And in that case, it’s the people most familiar with the books that seem to dislike the series most.
2 days now complete.
So far so good.
Fingers crossed for the next 363
All reasonable people have to remember: trump and the proud boys have already planned a riot on Jan 4-6 in DC to ring in the new year. Lots of people will see this as a sign that the whole year is hosed.
Yes, a white supremacist riot staged by the sitting president is a terrible start to any year, but it doesn’t need to be an omen for the whole year.
Well ‘Shadow in the Cloud’ was as shit as the reviews had made out.
That’s a shame. I was hoping it would be mindless fun.
PArt 2 of Fellowship was done last night. Boromir’s moment against the orcs and afterwards with Aragorn is so, so, so well done. I recall that it didn’t resonate so powerfully and emotionally in the book.
I don’t know when we’ll get to Two Towers (which we’ll also divide across 2 nights), but I can’t wait.
Morning Pan
Back at my desk. I miss holidays already.
I was hungry so I ate lunch a half hour early. I have a feeling I’m going to be snacking this afternoon
Our son mentioned that he was watching “Twin Peaks” with his roommate. “Twin Peaks” was a series that neither Teresa or I had caught when it aired so we figured we could get through most of it over the holiday. The show is comprised of the initial two seasons in the early nineties. Then the 1992 movie “Fire Walk With Me” and then the 2017 3rd season on Showtime. I found it funny just how far down the rabbit hole it goes by the third season. Starting out as a humorous parody of soap operas and morphing into a David Lynch mindfuck, I can’t imagine anyone jumping right into season 3. Overall, I’m enjoying it, although I loosing Teresa fast as it surpassed Teresa’s tolerance for psychedelic themes by the second episode of the 3rd Season.
I haven’t watched season 3. I watched the old series on Netflix a bunch of years ago.
There was a lot of cutting edge, innovative stuff there, sure – – but also a lot of Maximum Cringe. I made it to the series finale, but only because I fast-forwarded through as much awfulness as I could (e.g.: the middle-aged woman becoming a teenager with super strength, the cigar guy becoming obsessed with Civil War miniatures).
Coincidentally, CP: “Black Lodge” – Anthrax
Now I need to listen.
It is about Twin Peaks. Great song. OK album.
So many TV series in recent years take a season just to get ramped up and people will tell me just to ignore or power through the first season so it can get good. Twin Peaks was much the opposite. First season was great. Second season meh, and so on and so forth.
It’s hard to get across to people who didn’t see the original seasons on network TV, just how groundbreaking this show was.
I wasn’t just unapologetically trippy, it wasn’t just that it was breaking the standard molds of what weekly, serial TV shows did in script, acting, cinematography … it did it DURRING what was referred to as “Prime Time”! Somehow they convinced a major Network to put this “front and center” when there really weren’t more than 3 stages out there. This ran opposit scripted comedies with laugh tracks and cookie cutter weekly serials.
For much of America at that time, this was a complete mind frack … and somehow it got 2 SEASONS!
Twin Peaks will always hold a high place for me.
That being said, I only made it through part of the new season. It’s mainstay of just being weird doesn’t set it appart anymore. I now have access to all kinds of streaming content and there is plenty of weird out there. Legion s1 &s2 had Max weirdness but was also extremely compelling. Much more so then I found the new Twin Peaks.
We are almost halfway through the 3rd season. I’m still… intrigued. I understand how Twin Peaks would be ground breaking in 1990 and also why it got canceled after the second season. I also remember that there were other series that tried to ape the quirkiness but tone down the surrealist aspects such as “Northern Exposure” and “Key West.”
I actually really enjoyed Northen Exposure.
I need to go back and give S3 Twinn Peaks another shot.
So. . . Tanya Roberts isn’t dead. . . OK 2021, I think I see how you’re gonna play it.
CNN reported her as dead
I saw several stories posted announcing her passing. Was it all a mistake?
Apparently yes. Wow!
It turns out that Marc Singer and his ferrets were able to save her from the evil wizard’s sacrificial altar.
I will spray paint my cats black. Let’s do it.
2020 is going to be like Jason.
It’s going to take quite a few “final battles” to finally get it to stop moving and even then, I fear it will haunt us for years to come.
I’m just the opposite. I’m sure there’s a study somewhere that says morning people have issues if they stay up late
My shift pattern fucks up my sleep pattern every week.
Read that as “shit pattern”
Crap joke for the evening:
At the end of the nineteenth century there was a little known Dutch Artist. His work was characterised by bold, dramatic colours and impulsive, expressive brushwork.
He wore dark, mysterious and antiquated clothes. Dyed black hair and raven coloured lipstick garnished the dark cake.
His name, Vincent van Goth.
I keep thinking that perhaps Brexit will make getting hold of Crap jokes harder for you.
CP: Magia (Instrumental) — Kalafina
It would seem that Dr. Dre is doing ok. Loathe as I am to share a TMZ link, this site seems to have the latest update:
This really seems like it should be an Onion article.
I missed this post yesterday. How does someone pitch this???
“I have an idea for a kids’ TV show!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! It’s about a guy with a giant uncontrollable penis!”
“Call security.”
Didn’t Pee Wee already do that? 😉
OMG. I am sooooo sorry my US friends
A very dark day indeed but we brought this on ourselves.
“We” didn’t do a goddamn thing. This is the work of one man and his personal “army” and that of those that enabled him these past 4 years.
This is exactly what “Stand back and stand by” meant
On seeing the confederate flags a person on Twitter commented that Robert E Lee never got that flag that close to the capital.
This was never not going to happen.
And it was more the decades of propaganda disguised as patriotism and news from FoxNews and other far-right media. trump’s narcissism just reaped the benefits.
The internets provide some strange things you didn’t know you needed…like when you’re serious about locking your bike up:
Longtime Deadpanites may remember that I interviewed Jennifer Batten, back in 2006. Well, I’m going to talk to her again! This Sunday on a Facebook Livestream. She and 3 other will be promoting a big guitar event for the following weekend.
Parler being removed from Google App store.
The Apple Sotre may follow.
46 yr old me is happy about this.
18 yr old me would’ve been screaming, “Censorship!!”
This is an interesting debate, imo.
I don’t know enough about Parlor to weigh in on that but 8 have the whole censorship thing some thought and don’t think I can eloquently explain the peace I came to but the basic is-
Your rights come from the community in which you live. Therefor, you can speechify about changing your community but if you want to talk about destroying that community … you are destroying the rights they gave you as well. THUS your right of speech no longer exists.
Adjacent to that –
You do not have the right to speech that advocates for removing or ignoring of the rights of others in your community. As that is aimed at the distruction of the community who gave you your free speach rights to begin with and if you destroy the community you destroy that which grants and defends your rights.
Did any of that make any sense?
You can advocate for change but not destruction.
You can advocate for altering everyone’s rights but not just a targeted group. ???
It does, but I’m afraid I have to disagree. The very concept of “free” speech is that any idea should be able to be argued for. You need to be ready to defend it your argument and you’re not entitled to have anyone agree with you. But, to argue that some ideas are simply off limits is something I find anathema.
More importantly – change vs. destruction: which side you stand on an issue is going to determine how you view its impact on the world.
For the White Supremacist, arguments for Civil Rights, interracial marriage, etc. are arguments for destruction.
Who gets to decide what ideas are off limits? The state? Apple? The Church? Hollywood?
I know to some degree I’m playing devil’s advocate, but that’s the point. Defending the expression of speech and ideas that aren’t offensive to anybody is easy (though, these days, I can’t even imagine an idea that we could get a majority of people to agree on anymore). It’s always the controversial and offensive that most requires protection of expression.
I don’t use Parler. It’s my understanding that it’s more like Twitter than Facebook and I really don’t care much for Twitter.
That said, while I appreciate the threats that can be posed, I’m deeply concerned with the level of power Google and Apple now have over communication and information.
While the 1st amendment doesn’t apply and these are “private” companies, there are still public accommodations considerations, particularly since section 230 was supposed to insure that these companies were protected liability for not exercising editorial input over the content on their platforms.
This feels akin to the movie companies back in the day trying to outlaw the VCR over piracy concerns.
I still lean toward the view that the answer to “bad” speech is more speech – countering and contesting the ideas not just trying to suppress speech that you disagree with.
At least from the chatter that I’m hearing, it’s not like trying to shut down Parler is winning anyone over. If anything, it’s galvanizing them.
I’d read that the stated concern about Parler is the lack of moderation. Which is completely fair, especially considering its intended use (official or unofficial).
I kinda feel like violence/hate-inciting rhetoric needs to be treated the same way we treat illegal porn and images of violence. In the pre-internet, pre-social media past, we could shun those people into inactivity, or into isolation. Their hateful ideas wouldn’t flourish.
In the social media world, you can find any validation you want for your shitty ideas. (There are probably Leonard Part VI fan clubs out there).
My final comment. . . Ed, I don’t have the solution, but I don’t think that serious discussion with these haters will change a damn thing. Even if they nod their heads at your valid points, like drug addicts, they’ll go back to alternative facts FoxNews, hate radio talk shows, their hateful message boards, etc. and fix on their poison and forget your message. At best. At worst, they’ll mock and target you.
The only thing I can think is to shun them (as a society) drive the hateful messages deep enough underground that they can’t flourish.
Adding to my essay: we do need outreach to these folks, as with any cult. They need to know they have a way out any time.
Adding to my essay: we do need outreach to these folks, as with any cult. They need to know they have a way out any time.
OK guys, we are going to have to slow down political talk on FaceBook. As an administrator of the Jack Mangan FB Page, they sent me notification that they are flagging some content. While the content they flagged was posted to show what was wrong, FB’s bots don’t know that. They just see a misleading repost.
Fascinating. Which post was it?
Believe it or not, it was the Kevin Sorbonne tweet that was replied to by Lucy Lawless. If you go on FB they show it as flagged as well
I’m assuming it’s for the Kevin Sorbonne part more than anything else
Really auto correct? You change Sorbo?
At least is could have gone with something useful, like sorbet.
I’ve started reading “Thrawn” (2017) by Timothy Zahn. I’d never read the old Thrawn books, but I’d read a few Star Wars comics years ago that featured him, and I liked him in Rebels.
Anyone else read this one? Or the “Legends” versions of hiim?
Hubby read this book. He said it was enjoyable
Ok Pan, are we ready?
Today’s movie is Fantasy Island
This is horror a prequel to the series
The Amazon write up:in Blumhouse’s Fantasy Island, the enegmatic Mr. Roark makes the secret dreams of his lucky guests come true at a luxbut remote tropical resort. But when those fantasies turn into nightmares…
Running, running, running
The plane!
Smiles everyone
Hi five
Dude, close the curtains before you change
Nose bleed
Seriously, nobody has any modesty
The old, someone’s in the mirror trick
Only the island knows
Pool party
Is this a therapy session or a vacation?
She’s in the past
She wants revenge
Blood drips from the walls
A super creepy control room
A really good hologram
She’s not a hologram
Call of Duty time
Chasity’s name is ironic
She said yes
Panic room
Grenade baseball
Watching her cry
Dr. Torture
Water and electricity don’t mix
Doing shots to gun shots
He hung up
Unless your fantasy is to die, come with me
Daddy lives
Her picture changed
Time to live your new life
Dead hero or live daddy, what do you want
Who is Calishoff
No new fantasy
Scary caves
She’s being followed
Magical well
Julia’s not doing well
Help me
Time for a do over
She’s going back in
Ah, the penny dropped
Self sacrifice
He’s a black eyed man
Crossing the streams
Well, that did t work
Death to daddy
We used to be happy
Island fantasy
Once again, the plane, the plane
Time to end the fantasies
Splitting up
Sea snakes
Sorry means nothing
The twist?
Psycho stalker freak
I cannot
Those are the rules
Fantasy fucking island
Oh, now I get the nickname
You know. This was a passable movie
If there were no Khan Noonian Singh references, then it’s dead to me.
Don’t Prosecute Gotham’s Supervillains for Their Latest Scheme
by The Joker
CP: Kill V. Maim — Grimes
Answering Jack’s pre-movie inquiry:
Yes, I’ve read Zahn’s original (now “Legends”) Thrawn trilogy as well as the three new canon ones. The original Zahn books pretty much kicked off Star Wars post-ROTJ. They’re not perfect and have some bit of cringe along with a very different idea of what the Clone Wars were about since they predated the Prequel Trilogy. Still, Thrawn was the villain that Star Wars needed and his story made a lot of sense (as opposed to a somehow how more powerful “First Order” showing up out of nowhere to destroy the New Republic with a more powerful than ever superweapon…cough cough).
As for the new ones – the first Thrawn book does a great job bringing him into the new Canon. The story there predates his appearance in the Rebels TV show.
The second one….largely fails. It tells two parallel adventures with Thrawn pairing up with Anakin during the time of the Old Republic, then again with Darth Vader some ten years later under the Empire. Both times, they go to the same planet (Batuu, Bantuu?) which is the setting for the Star Wars land at the Disney Parks. It feels like a book that Zahn was forced to write in part to create some backstory for the planet that.
Thrawn is essentially Sherlock Holmes. In the old books, he has Captain Pellaeon to serve as his Watson and it works well. In the new Thrawn book you are starting, he gets the sidekick of Eli Vanto. In the 2nd book, Zahn has to try to make Anakin and Vader serve the Watson role…and it’s a poor fit both times.
The third new Thrawn book (Treason) gets back to form. It sets during the time of the Rebels series, but has Thrawn on an assignment that ultimately gives us a visit to see more of his own species, the Chiss. This is something we never got to see in the original trilogy.
So, I definitely recommend the originals, they are still a great story. For the new ones, 1 and 3 are thumbs up. I think you could skip the second (Alliances) without missing anything of value.
Thanks for that, Ed. Thrawn mentions early on that he’d worked with Jedi Anakin, but it seems like that will be no more than a a one-off reference, in book 1, at least.
I love the idea of Anakin/Vader and Thrawn working together, but I will probably heed your warning about book 2.
My only grumble. . . At times, the writing style is a little hard to follow. E.G.: There was an early scene where Thrawn gives a hard-to-parse description of some plan, and all of the other characters talk about how brilliant it is. . . but I’m going, “Huh?”
It’s quite possible it’s just my deficient brain, and not Zahn’s writing.
I really enjoyed the Audible book versions of the original trilogy and the two book follow up. Haven’t read any of the post Disney Thrawns.
I read the old Thrawn series, but not the new ones, nor have I watched Rebels. For me the old Thrawn series was good, but his Sherlock Holmes-ness seemed a stretch at time.
The Zahn Trilogy should have absolutely been the canon sequels. Absolutely.
I like noodles.
There. I’ve said it.
Well my sister has tested positive for Covid.
This is her second time so she has been reinfected.
Plus her dog is seriously ill and she can’t even say goodbye as she has to isolate.
Oh Van. *Hugs* to you, your sister, and her pet.
Aw man.
That sucks.
🙁 So sorry for you and your sister and her dog, Van. I hope for the best.
It’s the new variant which might explain the reinfection.
Sent my test off today so will probably find out Monday if I’ve caught it.
Best wishes from the both of us.
Aww Van- I hope your sister’s recovery is easier than before.
Did her dog contract COVID? I think that’s possible?…
I don’t think so, rampant antibiotic resistant infection on one of the dog’s legs, one those sad things that can happen.
Apparently the folks at Parlor were increadably lazy/sloppy with their security and just before they were shut down, hackers were able to download terabytes of posts and media.
They estimate they were able to get 99% of everything including account identifying info.
First reports are that it contains a treasure trove of info on Jan 6th terrorists.
It will take a minute or two to sort through but that’s ok. We don’t get a REAL Attorney General for a few more days yet. At that point there may be no place to hide and no pardons.
Doesn’t look like I’ll be visiting Florida any time soon.
Come for the Parlor users. Stay for the fact no one there is taking COVID seriously.
Padme is built differently in the genital department:
CP: Attack on Titan — Hiroyuki Sawano & Mika Kobayashi
So, I’ve been playing Star Wars Squadrons. I’m pretty meh on the game. I know some people love the multiplayer, but I’m completely uninterested in that. The story mode is ok, so I’ll finish the game. My biggest complaint is that the different ships really don’t feel all that different.
I was really looking forward to it but played it a few times and got bored with it.
Alas, it isn’t proving to be the single player sequel to the old X-Wing and TIE Fighter games that I was hoping for.
I’ve played it a few times, haven’t really got into it yet. Teresa hasn’t been traveling with her job (because COVID) so I’ve been playing on the PS4 less overall. I bought 3 games for cheap I haven’t even broken the plastic on. Must be getting old.
Keep the noise down, you kids! I’m watching the Wheel of Fortune on the television and doing my scratchoffs! When I run out, I’ll drive 6 MPH in the left lane to double-park at the Walgreens, so I can write a check for a $1.29 bag of sugar-free hard candies.
(Because I’m old, you see. . . )
Thank you, my friends.
Happy Birthday to my Better Half!
Enjoy the sweet things today (and the pasty.)
May they fill your tummy with as much yummy goodness as the girls And I do every day. :-). Love you!
But I love you too, Desert Pixie. Thank you for all of the ways you spoil me every day.
Just saw this in a “Pandemic news roundup”-
Here’s some very exciting vaccine news: According to press yesterday (Wednesday Jan 13), “Early stage trials of Johnson & Johnson’s experimental coronavirus vaccine [Ad26.COV2.S] show it generated an immune response in nearly all volunteers, with minimal side-effects, after a single dose.” ETA for submitting an application for emergency FDA approval is the end of this month.
I’m not really daring to hope yet, but all of this vaccination talk is promising.
That’s the one I’m doing the trial for. I have a 50/50 chance of having had that vaccine. Some of us in Florida are taking Covid seriously. And we don’t use Parlor to boot.
Van, how are you and your sister doing?
Did you get your test back?
Yeah I tested positive for the virus jj.
Mild symptoms so far, it’s early days though.
Take care of yourself. Monitor closely.
Let us know.
What jj said. And fuck COVID.
Here’s hoping your symptoms stay mild. My boss caught it right before Christmas and the rest of us got tested. Luckily, no one else caught it and my boss had a light case and is now fully recovered. My brother’s sons and their spouses caught it a while back. They too had mild cases and have recovered.
CP: Snakes And Ladders — Basia Bulat
Hey Ed, I got your Christmas card/letter today. Thanks!
Well, I’m glad something I sent you made it through the border. You will get your DPSS give in 2021….most likely.
We thought so as well.
I’d watch more (further adventures or prequels) if they could keep it on par with that movie.
I’m usually pretty happy with Rucka’s Image work. And it sounds like the sequel may happen.
Did you read the book? Terrific. I was very happy with the Netflix adaptation.
There’s already a book sequel that came out a bit ago. I haven’t red yet
I have it, though I haven’t read it yet. I wanted to watch the movie first.
He really needs to make a Lazarus movie. 😀
The Two Towers Extended Edition is definitely packed, and slow-paced until the big, concurrent climactic battles – – but again – – these versions are for the deep geeks.
I could really never go back to the theatricals, as long-running as they are, and as much as I loved seeing them in the actual theater.
I don’t know when we’ll get to ROTK, but I’m already psyched for its best moments. I especially love the Mouth of Sauron, who was cut altogether from the theatrical version (IIRC).
I’ve got all three extended versions on DVD and still haven’t watch them.
No one else in the house is sick and one of us is vaccinated – – and we’re pretty goddamn careful, so logic dictates that we shouldn’t be too highly alarmed. But I’m a panicker-type, so. . .
No matter what, I still hate seeing little ones feeling sick.
Here’s hoping she gets better soon
WandaVision episode 1 consumed.
In and of itself, it’s painfully terrible, but. . . *that’s the point.*
I’m very intrigued to see where this is going.
I won’t say anything more. Does it need its own discussion page?
We saw episodes one and two. I wish Disney followed the NetFlix model and dropped all the episodes at once. This weekly release thing sucks.
I want to know what happens next
Only 9 episodes for this season, so just a way of stretching it out. Amazon are doing that with the new season of The Expanse.
Yeah, I know. They also did it with season 2 of The Boys. Doesn’t mean I have to like it
I love people who gripe about series being released weekly.
*pfffft* to LoPan
(Yeah, yeah, I know, first world problems.)
I am all about the weekly release!
Gives you a whole week to mull over what you’ve seen and guess about what will come next.
We’ve caught up on the first two episodes as well. It’s delightfully campy so far for the on the surface portion. It will be interesting to see how the underlying narrative actually plays out.
“In and of itself, it’s painfully terrible, but. . . *that’s the point.*”
Painfully incorrect.
I’ll watch episode 2 before taking this any further.
Watched both episodes and they’ve nailed what they were trying to accomplish. I’m quite impressed with Elizabeth Olsen’s acting. Looking forward to the next episode.
I mean, he was apparently a murderer. . .
But he had a major impact across the board on the last 5 decades of music.
“I mean, he was a convicted murderer. . .”
Fixed it for you.
Fair. There’s no ambiguity. Terrible person.
BTW WandaVision #1 isn’t a laugh track. Its a live studio audience.
Reading about what and how they used to film the first two eps and discovering the Easter eggs throughout makes me love it more. Like Lost, binging this series would be fucking no fun whatsoever. It would absolutely take away from the slow burn mystery. I adore watching week to week and being able to have a virtual drink among friends and talk about it.
I love that it would hold up as a goofy 50’s/60’s sitcom if that’s all it was. Lizzie Olsen and Paul Bettany have clearly been doing their research; they’re wanderful. But clearly it’s not just a sitcom and Marvel knows we know it’s not. There are SO many layers in these first two eps it’s ridiculous.
Make mine Marvel. This series (so far) seals it that deal.
And while I think Liam Neeson is great, I wouldn’t choose him to be Frank Drebin.
Could be fun for an action star to play a bumbling fool.
As opposed to a serious actor turning to comedy?
I mean the guy was in Forbidden Planet for goodness sake.
Yeah, I was just poking you. I think Liam Neeson turning to comedy would be as interesting as Leslie Neilson doing the same thing.
But Liam Neeson has done a wide range of stuff. We’ve seen him be funny, deep, philosophical, angry, etc.
Part of the Airplane/Police Squad/Naked Gun joke was that Leslie Nielsen had always been so stiff in of his previous roles.
Anyway, I’m a bit meh on MacFarlane, so I’m not really interested in this anyway.
I know I don’t want a reboot of anything from anybody. But if there is a gradient to which I don’t want something, this one is pretty high up there.
Instead of a reboot of a movie that spoofed a show that none of the current generation has ever seen… how about applying Naked Gun’s “joke”, to a send up of Law & Order or CSI ?
Even at that time, most people hadn’t seen Police Squad. There were almost as many movies as episodes of the TV show it got cancelled so fast. Guess the Zucker Abrams Zucker humor just worked better for the mass audiences in movie format. It worked in any and all formats for me.
These look great, but should come with upper and lower age limits, like board games.
The orange one looks like it would make a great slide. I wouldn’t mind having a stair case that converts to a slide (like the traps in the old movies). Some seem downright impractical (like the Edouard Brunet and François Martens) where you have to climb up on a bookshelf in order to access the first step.
I love this sort of stuff.
A few of them though … maybe not designed for humans.
CW: One Night In Miami
New film that has dropped on Prime.
I had a couple of attractive ladies ask me to take off my shirt to touch my skin today. Yep, I still got it. . . .
(Never mind that it was a routine dermatologist appointment)
Hey now!
That’s my job!
You DO still got it, Babe.
CP: I’m So Sick — Flyleaf
I really REALLY want to like “The Watch”.
I feel like all the pieces of a good show are right there.
Somehow though, they just aren’t coming together.
I’m not giving up yet though.
I was really expecting to hate it but been rather enjoying it, I’m even soppy enough that I hope we get to see Vimes and Sybil hookup as they do in his vision.
We don’t seem to get it here yet.
I was put off by the trailers. . . .then further put off by fan reactions.
I have way too many emails to answer this morning. What’s that about?
We are working on alt text for our e-books to make them visually impaired accessible. Basically I have to describe every image in our books as if to a blind person. It’s harder than you’d think.
Am I the only one that wishes we had a “National Lead Guitarist”?
Can we make Jack the unofficial NLG?
As long as I ride around on a massive vehicle with a stack of amps behind me, like the guy in Fury Road.
Bleccch is the word.
It takes a lot for me to take a PTO day, especially in WFH lockdown world, but I needed it today. Grateful that Desert Pixie let me sleep it off as much as possible.
Yes, I seem to have caught what the littlest one had. At this point, I fully believe it’s just a cold.
I’m not just going to be a partisan Biden cheerleader for the next 4 years. . . but his first 24 aren’t even done, and so far, I want to applaud every action he’s taken.
I can say that it will be a relief to hear pundents discussing the various merits/effectiveness of a “National Pandemic Plan” … as opposed to hearing them wonder WHEN or even IF we might actually get one.
Unless I see the ultimate in cleverness, this will be my last Bernie Sanders mittens post (because they’ve spread and multiplied across the internet like tribbles)
LOT’S of brilliant ones but this may be one of my favorites for both cleverness and the effort that someone went through.
(stands and gives slow clap)
The latest Fiona Apple Album (at least the 2 or 3 tracks that get airplay) are starting to grow on me.
Or maybe I’m getting numb.
That being said- The latest Foo Fighters single that is getting a ton of airplay (“Shame”) … I HATED the first time I heard it but now to is growing on me.
I only gave it one listen. I hear and read all of the critical gushing, but the album just didn’t connect with me.
TBH, I only love “Tidal.” I always respect her integrity, but I haven’t heard anything from her to match that.
Yeah, no gushing here. For me it’s just gone from “hating it” to “not changing stations when it comes on.”
I certainly wouldn’t buy it.
A question for the Deadpan Hive Mind –
Has anyone here ever had a Tankless, gas, water heater?
If so, what brand and what did you think of it?
They called combi boilers in UK.
Had one installed for a good while now and it’s much better than the old system where you had to have a cold water tank and an gas fire heater.
No brand recommendations though I had no choice what was installed.
We had one in our house in Calgary. It was great. We would never run out of hot water. We could run the dishwasher, do laundry and still have a shower as long as we wanted after. It was a Rinnai. We installed it about ten years ago so technology may have changed by then. But it was quite good. We even had wasps try to nest in it and it still ran. (the vent runs to the outside – it took us some time to figure out where all the wasps were coming from in the house). Of course we got rid of the wasps and had it cleaned out after but it did still run throughout.
The one thing I don’t like about being in a condo now is we aren’t allowed to install a tankless hot water heater or I’d install one in this home in a hot minute.
I’m pretty sure a Rinnai is the same that I’ve got in my house now. We did it as an upgrade when we built the house. The “standard” was two 40 gallon water heaters. Definitely glad we did it. I honestly don’t even think about running out of hot water. Ours is gas heated.
Wow! Super thanks guys. Seems I’ve been living in the Hot Water heating stone age. BTW Van – they have the “combi boiler” option available in the States and Canada as well.
It really looks like Rinnai has been a reliable choice for most folks. I have a friend here who said he went with one 6 years ago and wondered why he waited so long! Do you guys (or did you) do the annual “flush” to keep “scale” from building up in your heat exchanger?
My plumber is pushing for the Navien brand. I really like their tech but am worried about their reliability.
Calgary’s is really hard so a scale form on everything. We would get our’s serviced annually
Legally the council has to do a gas check once a year and they have the right to force entry if you won’t let them in.
I’ve got a whole house water filter/softener setup as we’ve got pretty hard water.
Honestly, I’ve not touched the thing since we moved in and that is coming up on 10 years ago.
I fucking adore the “derp stuff isnt happening fast enough” WandaVision crowd.
This is brilliance.
Well they can just fuck right off, this ain’t a 22 episode season.
For some reason I actually read this piece instead of just looking at the pictures.
By about 1/3 the way through I was laughing out loud… then again, I laugh at “2 1/2 Men”.
In fact, if you will read this with the voice of “Jake”, the young son from that show … even funnier.
CW: Princess Mononoke
For the first time.
..I enjoyed it. Not going to be on my top 3 of SG films but it was well done.
I have watched this one but off the top of my head I can’t separate it from the rest of the Anime I have watched with my youngest.
Seems like there were swords and maybe something vaguely supernatural and maybe Nature was attacking everyone and there were stupid bad guys. and giant (vaguely steampunk) airships.
Also, might have been a girl who rode a large wolf and saved some Miners?
Correct apart from the airships, no airships in this one, it’s set in medieval Japan with magic.
Just finished a session of D & D. We wrapped up that particular story and made 10,000 gold each. We then retired and lived happily ever after…
Except, as an assassin drow, I decided to keep killing people. Not because I needed to, but because I enjoyed it.
There might be something wrong with me.
Lawful Evil?
This is fun and cool and clever and neat and soooooooo not-trump.
The premise as presented seems incredibly stupid and contrived. . . but. . . it’s also a movie about a giant radioactive dinosaur fighting a giant ape.
Seems like the only recent giant monster movies I’ve actually enjoyed were “Kong: Skull Island” and “Pacific Rim.” While I’m excited about the concept of a modern Godzilla vs Kong movie I have a feeling in my stomach that this will be two hours of CGI monsters and explosions. I’m hoping for a strong story to connect with, but I’m not expecting it.
I liked Godzilla: King of the Monsters quite a bit as a monster-a-go-go.
I mean they talk a bit about that in the article, but I remember reading about the cause for a while now. Still, I guess this is new information.
I’ll have to give this a try sometime.
This is where I admit that I have a “Garage Microwave”. A friend got a new microwave oven and mentioned she was wondering what to do with the old one. It worked ok but It was a small, apartment sized unit that had seen years of wear.
I offered her $20 for it and she was happy to be rid of it.
It was the perfect thing to put on the end of a heavy duty electrical cord, in the center of your driveway, away from the house and anything else … and put things inside of that you had always been told to NEVER put in a microwave oven. 🙂
BTW – This makes your young kids think you are the greatest dad EVER! It also perturbs your spouse when they find you in the driveway with the kids, creating lightning storms in a box.
Avoid ovoids in the microwave (unless you’re JustaJoe).
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman to Publish a New Series Based on Classic Dragonlance
Wilmington, NC – January 25, 2021 – Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman are pleased to announce a multi-year licensing agreement with Wizards of the Coast to produce a new, three book series of Classic Dragonlance novels.
The new trilogy will return fans to the most beloved characters from the original novels along with introducing a new strong protagonist. The books will be published by Del Rey Books, an
imprint of Penguin Random House. Although a publishing date has not yet been formally set, they anticipate announcing when the first book will be released later this year.
Alright, I could probably Google this, but I’d hope that some of our literary Panite’s might have a more insightful answer –
What does it mean to be “an imprint of” in terms of book publishing? I’ve seen that mentioned a few times, but never really grasped the context.
Without googling or wracking too much, I always understood imprints to just be subsidiaries, like a small publishing company operating under the umbrella of a big company.
I assume our resident publishing expert can give a better answer tomorrow.
CP: Warning! — BAND-MAID
Thanks for all the water heater input guys.
In the end I’ve decided to go with the Rennia .
The brand that the plumber was pushing IS perhaps the nicest and the more I read about it the more I wanted it… but my contractor’s plumber is not a “certified” service guy for that brand and apparently the company will void the warranty if not installed by one of their own.
On top of that, the closest “certified” service tech is 50 miles away!!! I’d be having to pay 2 hours of drive time on top of any actual work time if I needed any thing done and didn’t want to void the warranty.
That’s a deal breaker.
While mine has been trouble free, I certainly wouldn’t take the gamble the could lead to a minimum two hour drive for a repair.
One of those tabs I’ve had open for weeks. I worked Poe’s mysterious death into “Night’s Plutonian Shore” for the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. It’s a fascinating, tragic historical mystery.
CP: Mugen ni hirogaru daiuchu yuuhi ni nemuru Argo D-3 — Argo Studio Orchestra & Hiroshi Miyagawa
You. Complete. Me.
Fucking this was supposed to go under Vans Wandavision comment
I assumed it was meant for Bunny’s comment: “I just love filling out forms for work”
I just watched “The Forbiden Zone” again for the first time in over 20 years.
I had forgotten how truely outrageous this film is.
My mouth was literally agape by midway through the first scene and the movie just never lets up.
I have trouble wrapping my head around how low budget and yet, completely off the rails, this fever dream is.
For me, Forbidden Zone is the strangest movie that I enjoy. There are stranger movies out there (like Eraserhead), I just don’t enjoy them. Others at the top of that list include Rubber, Happiness of the Katakuris, and Tampopo.
Good timing for this comment, directly after Justa Joe talking Forbidden Zone:
It’s actually a decent list, heavy on the John Carpenter.
Of course there are a few odd choices and a few omissions (Zardoz! Dark Star! Buckaroo Banzai! Night of the Creeps! Heavy Metal!).
I have seen 23 out of 50 of these.
Although I saw 8 out of the top 10.
22 but not many in the top 10
Ahhh, I get it now.
I just watched the documentary that is included on the disc. (It was done 20 years after the film).
“The Mystic Nights of the Oingo Boingo” was a theatre, performance band. Really good musicians doing just crazy off the wall, stage shows in clubs back in the late 70’s.
I would have loved to see one of their shows.
Anyway … the idea for The Forbidden Zone was to get maybe a dozen of their musical numbers on film and then just figure out a way to tie it all together with some words and bits of scenes.
Elfman had no idea who the audience would be or how he’d market it and he didn’t really care. Art for art’s sake.
I got respect for that!
As a “film”, it’s bat crap crazy.
But as just a bunch of friends who knew little about film making and were
basically just screwing around on camera, some of this stuff is pure brilliance.
One of my favorite comments from the commentaries is the Elfman brothers talking about the older guy with the really heavy Yiddish accent and mannerisms. They said they got called anti Semitic for that portrayal, but in fact it’s their grandfather just plain being their grandfather. That’s just the way he is.
The Soundtrack Show did some great background on Elfman. There were 4 episodes covering his early history, The Batman score, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.
If you have HBO Max then the remastered edition of Babylon 5 is on there now, not widescreen though, 4:3 aspect ratio is all you get.
Jeez the CGI is dated and the opening credits are in w/s so you get even more letter boxing on a w/s tv.
Just finished watched the original pilot episode…which, FYI, didn’t get remastered because the original film stock has been lost. The remaining episodes did get new high res scans and color corrections, so they will look a lot better.
I know that the first season was pretty rough but…man that pilot was pretty heavy with the 90’s cheese.
Morning Pan
A late night from hubby. Although, I don’t understand, if the parent teacher interviews are all virtual, why do the staff still have to be at the school?
He was in Narcos with Pedro Pascal and the lead actor in the last Predator film.
I’m pretty fucking furious. Someone deleted our interview last night before I had a chance to download it. I don’t think it can be recovered. We were on the phone with this guy for 3 hours.
I love Rush and am really glad to see this article. But oh my god, the typos. So… many… typos.
Sorry. Much of that seems to be my poor reading. Only one glaring typo.
I met a guy a few years back and told him I did some Metal journalism, and he said, “You don’t write for Blabbermouth, do you??”
CP: Pear Tree — We Were Promised Jetpacks
Tonight I finish my qwest to watch all the Pierce Brosnen, James Bond movies, in order, one a night.
Btw – If you are on your own, Bond and cocktails are a lovely way to spend an evening.
Anyway… I’m sure you’ll get an essay on this part of the franchise from me in the near future.
I suppose I should watch a Brosnan Bond one a these years.
No essays from me, but my wife and I decided we should be watching more James Bond movies based on a Bond Special of Top Gear. I’ve seen some of them, she hasn’t really seen any of them. We decided to go in the order they were released. We have one more Roger Moore movie to get through before I start my hunt for the next set. I will say that the first bond movie I saw as a kid was Moonraker at a drive in movie theater. So Moore was who I considered Bond to be when I was growing up.
My first MovieTheater Bond was “Live and Let Die”!
Can’t remember which Bond film was my first to see on TV. Probably a Moore.
I loved the franchise so of course I loved him.
From the first Sean Connery I saw though … HE was my top Bond.
The original had even more laughable moments. I love both the original and the remake.
I only saw the original in the heavily edited version that got a theatrical release in the UK.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all of it. I’ve seen all the original 3 seasons of the TV series, all 5 of the animated movies, the live action, and the new reboots.
Fortunately, the only people I text are too old to misinterpret the astoundingly correct use of OK as a negative.
Okay great.
I really can’t tell if that article is serious or not. At least nobody I know has interpreted ‘k’ that way.
Reading all the theories about WandaVision is giving me such joy as comic knowledge is slim.
Well, this week’s episode certainly changed the game…or really showed us what the game has been all along. And ffs, will someone get the good doctor a coffee?
I’ve been getting more and more sheet music through my ipad. However, my eyesight not being what it was, it’s also harder to read. This morning, hubby helped me jury rig a full page magnifier to my music stand in such a way I can just slip my ipad behind it and then I can see my music.
Hooray for a smart hubby!
NicE! (and sorry if I missed an earlier post) what are you playing?
The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady because she had just gotten married for the fourth time. The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband’s occupation. “He’s a funeral director,” she answered.
“Interesting,” the newsman thought.
He then asked her if she wouldn’t mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living. She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years. After a short time, a smile came to her face and she answered proudly, explaining that she had first married a banker when she was in her 20’s, then a circus ringmaster when in her 40’s, and a preacher when in her 60’s, and now – in her 80’s – a funeral director.
The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers.
She smiled and explained,
“I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go.”
Usher’s Van out, WITHOUT his coat.
I am going to stomp all over your blue suede shoes!
Very meta
In film, when I click that link I would’ve immediately gotten a webpage.
In reality – I click the link in the screen goes white and the little timer just spins.
Last of the big Studio Ghibli films I’ve never seen before.
Over long but not too bad.
I’ve never seen this one either.
I only skimmed. I don’t think I fully agree, although I do agree that I never understood the early complaints about WV. It was always clearly dropping clues and going somewhere.
I’m not sure how people could watch the trailers for Wandavision and not perceive that Marvel was trying something really different. This is the Marvel universe in the Twilight Zone.
In preparation for Godzilla vs. Kong, I did a watch this weekend of the first 3 films as I had not seem them (yah yah late to the party as usual.. Here’s my one sentence non spoiler review of each,
Godzilla – Fine but forgettable.
Kong Skull Island – The best of the 3 by far but it’s definitely more fun than it is good.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters – WTF is this is bullshit….
I gotta say these as a whole don’t get me too amped for Godzilla vs. Kong, especially the meh to just bad 2 Godzilla films. But I liked Kong enough, and I do like Kong as a monster a lot, to give it a whirl.
Godzilla – agreed.
Skull Island – not a masterpiece, but good.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters – it’s just a mindless monster battle royale, with some great visuals and great kaiju battles. That’s all I wanted, that’s what I got.
When the original theme tune kicked in latest Godzilla flick I did shout out yeah at the cinema.
But I did that with the Lone Ranger when the William tell overture kicked in.
I find that Skull Island is the only one I want to rewatch.
Love those blindsiding calls that wreck your entire day. Especially on Monday morning.
Ugh. Sorry to hear that.
I hope things improve for you.
Thanks. It’s just workday stress. It’s not the real world.
I’m just grumbling.
CP: TV Song — Blue Man Group
Looking at video of my daughter, practicing the PoleVault with her college track team … she (and the rest of them) wearing a mask the entire time.
I now have even less sympathy for those who complain about having to wear a mask to go shopping.
bUT My FreEdums
There’s no Fre for your Edums. Just live with it.
BTW, Facebook friends. Ray Murphy is an old friend from my teenage days in NJ. TBH, I don’t know if he ever listened to any Deadpan episodes.
His sense of humor is sometimes “edgy,” but I’ll vouch for him. He’s a good guy.
Having recently rewatched “Captain Marvel”, it was cool to see that CM’s pilot friend’s daughter, Monica Rambeau, is the agent sucked and kicked out of Westview.
This article is a lot longer than it needs to be, but you don’t have to read far to get the gist. FFS!
Apparently it’s an old Saga song, but they’re redoing and rerecording select tunes from their catalog. I’ve always loved “On the Loose,” but never explored them beyond that song.
This brand of maple/carob syrup mixture sucks ass compared to the real, 100% maple syrup.
No mention of Capricorn One, he was a great bad guy in that.
I still love that movie.
Loved that film!
Got to see him on stage doing his Mark Twain. It was a great fun.
One of the ultimate “Hey, it’s that guy” character actors. RIP
I accidentally slept in this morning. Now I’m all discombobulated.
Ok, enough of this. Time to throw my body under some warm running water.
My wife was showing me a catalog we got in the mail this morning. It was a group of items that you typically see peddled on late night tv, but focused mostly for old people. There was a page on motorized wheelchairs, incontinence pants, and a two-page spread for vibrators.
Welcome to middle age.
Have you started getting the AARP fliers in the mail yet?
That’s always a nice “pick me up”.
I actually joined AARP this year (didn’t realize you can join as young as 50 years old) because the membership was less that what I would save on my Audible subscription and I figured I might find a few other savings. Haven’t found any other savings yet. But I now receive more physical junk mail than I’ve ever received in my entire life
You can be our undercover man inside the AARP.
Keep us apprised of the discounts!
It was a weird cultural moment when Bob Dole became a viagra spokesman.
One participant later recalled: “When Rudy’s the voice of reason, you know the meeting’s not going well.”
I’m gonna say. . . I believe Marilyn Manson’s accusers. Not just because I dislike his music or because of his shock schlock career, but because their claims seem to be credible.
And if evidence proves his guilt, then yes, we cancel him.
Yeah, hope he gets what he deserves.
I’ve enjoyed a few MM albums, but yes, the accusations seem credible. MM has never seemed particularly emotionally stable, to put it lightly. Plus, there are a multitude of sources that give credence to the accusations. While I’ll wait for more information, things don’t look good.
CP: I Feel Love — Blue Man Group featuring Venus Hum
This is that game going round FB:
First concert – Whitesnake (Great White opening)
Last concert – Victor Wooten and Steve Bailey with Gregg Bissonette
Best concert – Roger Waters – The Wall
Worst concert – Three Doors Down
Loudest concert – Overkill
Most surprising – Depeche Mode
Band I’ve seen the most – Joe Satriani
Wish I could have seen – Jimi Hendrix
Cool. Here’s mine.
First concert – Doctor Hook
Last concert – In Flames
Best concert – Nevermore
Worst concert – Chicago
Loudest concert – Ratt
Most surprising – Opeth
Band I’ve seen the most – Iron Maiden
Wish I could have seen – The Who
and you were there for Iron Maiden and Opeth. LOL
First Concert – Don Maclean
Last Concert – Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies
Best Concert – Martyn Joseph in a pub in Sunderland
Worst Concert – Wishbone Ash
Loudest Concert – Texas
Most Surprising – Loudon Wainwright III
Band I’ve seen the Most – Martyn Joseph (singer/songwriter)
Wish I could Have seen – Fairport Convention with Sandy Denny on vocals
Wishbone Ash was bad in concert? That’s disappointing.
The acoustics of the venue were shit, the best sound was in the toilets.
First concert – Harry Chapin (my mother took me)
Last concert – They Might Be Giants
Best concert – Rush – R40 tour
Worst concert – Captain & Tennille (my mother took me)
Loudest concert – Ozzy Ozbourne
Most surprising – Kansas (the first time I saw them they were a contender for the worst, second time they surprised me by being fantastic)
Band I’ve seen the most – Rush
Wish I could have seen – Pink Floyd – The Original “The Wall” tour
First concert – Spoons
Last concert – Rush
Best concert – Beach Boys — outside on a beach
Worst concert – And most bizzarre lineup: Barenaked Ladies, Smashing Pumpkins, Blues Traveler. The Pumpkins sounded terrible, played terrible, and were terrible to the crowd.
Loudest concert – Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Most surprising – Kraftwerk
Band I’ve seen the most – Barenaked Ladies
Wish I could have seen – Pink Floyd
So rewatched all of Star Trek: Lower Decks as it popped up on Prime.
A damn fine show.
You know, for that concert game – – one of the lines is for “Next concert.” Most people have “?” – – but I actually have outstanding tickets for 3 different shows: Apocalyptica, Ministry (with KMFDM), and Judas Priest.
None as all the local venues are still closed.
Well right, my concerts continue to get rescheduled, and I would not attend if they were happening.
Toy Galaxy tackles the history of Photon, though this is more about the brand than the game at the centers. I didn’t care about the toys or the TV show, I just loved the actual game.
So the Russian Sputnik vaccine turned out to work well:
Ok, for those panites that live in colder climes, how do you heat your homes?
I have an electric fire in the sitting/living room that I never use dues to costs. So rely on the central heating, a combi boiler, that burns gas to heat the water for the radiators in the house.
We have a natural gas furnace to heat the home. That’s pretty common in Canada. Although older buildings, like John’s school, have an actual boiler.
We do have a (natural) gas fireplace in the living room. We don’t actually use it to heat the house, but it’s nice to take the chill off first thing in the mornings. In the warmer months we shut it right off as even just with the pilot light it puts out a little heat.
I have friends who have wood fireplaces but, like our fireplace, they aren’t used to heat the house
While not supposed to be in “colder climes” it did get down to 28F last here night.
We have a Heat Pump with built in gas heat as “emergency” back-up.
When the temps get below 40F I usually just switch the system over to gas, as the heat pump struggles with those temps.
It’s -17C here right now
Well that doesn’t bode well for the great heat pump switchover the UK government wants house owners to do.
Generally, a heat pump is an air conditioner that can run in reverse. At temperatures below freezing, air source heat pumps don’t do as well as electric or gas heaters so you usually need an auxiliary heat source: Ours is the hot water heater. Ground source heat pumps don’t have this problem.
I have a heat pump in Florida as well. Similar setup except ours has electric coils that kick in if the temperature drops below what the heat pump can handle.
Even if I owned the house I live in, I don’t have enough land for ground source. Dread to think how much it would cost to bore down 80m to install vertical pipes instead of horizontal.
I like the heat pump but only because it comes with the “gas pack” to help out on those dozen or so really cold days.
We picked up Apple TV last night to see some of the original content, such as “Greyhound” and “Wolfwalkers”.
We gave “Greyhound” a try. I liked it quite a bit, but it seemed like it was greatly edited down to 90 minutes. There was hardly any character development, and the movie was focused mostly on the sub-hunt action. That’s not a bad thing since it was obviously the main intent of the film.
T Cat and I agreed it would have been a much better movie if some sort of story was woven into the action. There were obvious hints that this was intended. Unfortunately, there was no narrative to hang this information on, so those scenes and flashbacks felt out of place. I saw that this was based on an old WW2 book. When I looked into the book’s story, it was obvious that those scenes were a key part of the story. I’ll probably read the book to learn more, but I’m hoping there is a director’s cut of the film.
Some of the TV series on AppleTV are well worth a try. I really enjoyed For All Mankind, Dickinson and The Servant.
Happy new thread Deadpan!
So, I’m going to start 2021 with a bit of controversy. Recently got to finish the animated “Lower Decks” Star Trek series. I have to say, as much as “The Mandalorian” folks understand Star Wars more so than anyone involved in the Sequel Trilogy (especially JJ Abrams)….the folks behind “Lower Decks” understand Star Trek far more so than the ones involved in Picard and Discovery.
Discovery certainly has it’s moments and I’m cautiously optimistic about Strange New Worlds. Picard was everything I feared it would be and worse. Lower Decks has renewed my hope that Star Trek can still be a viable property.
I’m not sure that is a very controversial position. I’ve heard somewhat similar opinions from some other friends. I’m still haven’t watched any of those shows yet.
We love ST Lower Decks
I love all three series.
So it goes.
Is Tralfamodore officially recognized by the Federation?
Too tired to finish watching Bridge of Spies tonight but I’m going to say Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance are just great in this.
First film of 2021 is WW84!!!!!
What a bloated slog of a film. Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig are glorious, tho the latter is criminally (no pun intended) underused. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine more than hold their own as leads with the crap script they’re given; but boy, it’s 2.3 hours that feels like 5. WTF are you doing, DC? This is the ONE hero you had gotten right. (Shazam! notwithstanding)
Also as much as I am an MCU apologist even I admit many of their Deus ex Machina’s are ridiculous. But boy oh boy none reach this level. I WISH this movie was good. I WISH the writers knew what they were doing from the get go. And I WISH that it mattered that this film was set in 1984, other than to give the poor man’s Steve Rogers some laughs.
I really hope they release a cut one day with all the 80’s music that should have been in the bloody film.
Yeah the music was the the LEAST of its probs. But I getchu
So it’s clear that you didn’t think it was “good” … but did you “enjoy it” or “hate it” ?
Fwiw most reviews I have read ranged from “It’s bad but I enjoyed it” to “It was good but forgettable”.
I haven’t seen anyone who thought it was “Great” or even gave it an enthusiastic “good”.
I…enjoyed parts of it. But nowhere near enough to say I enjoyed the film. I can def see the overall “good but forgettable” stance but in hindsight that’s not me. There’s no enjoy. There’s no hate. Only meh.
I didn’t hate it or enjoy it – – which is worse than outright laughably terrible. I might rewatch a complete turkey again, just to shake my head and laugh. There is no reason to ever watch this P.O.S. again.
But. . . there are people who dig it, in spite of its flaws. I recommend you see it for yourself.
/butting in
Please butt! Cough.
I’ve had some more time to chew on it and my dissappoitment on it is ever-growing. This is the last I’ll think of this film.
I thought it was okay. I thought the actors did their best with the script that was given, that was one of the few pluses of the film. The 80’s as a backdrop was woefully underused. “Hey look, breakdancers”, doesn’t count. It felt like they were just making stuff up at the end, “wishes” I guess. I did enjoy the film, but like Jack, I don’t feel a real pull to rewatch it later.
“Jack is taking the Mangans to Eisengard!”
Disc 1 of the extended Fellowship of the Ring tonight! (So part 1 of part 1. . .. or part 1 of part 4, depending on how you look at it).
-This movie is 20 years old, as of this year.
-The effects are dated at times, but overall, seriously impressive, and still better than many movies big-budget being made even today.
-These are the most meme-ified movies of all time.
-Goddamn, these movies are my happy place.
-The extended editions are far better than the theatrical versions.
I’m curious. I loved the LOTR Peter Jackson movies. Then again, I loved the books and have read them through several times. I know that love of the Peter Jackson LOTR movies are high amongst us who are extremely familiar with the books. Anyone know if it’s equally well likes (especially the super long extended versions) by people that didn’t know anything about the books? The only people I know who watched the movies and didn’t read the book were also not fans of Fantasy movies in general.
Couldn’t get thru the books. Not a fan of the films. That’s to to say I wasn’t familiar with the books per say, just never read them.
“That’s not to say”, that should say
The Hobbit and LOTR were my first major book series. I remember going to the theater with very low expectations, and walking out with my mind blown. They’d gotten it right!
Another cool memory. I recall a blind guy sitting in the row with us, eager to hear his favorite books in the theater.
I’ve read the books multiple times and love the LotR movies. They are about as good an adaptation as can be done, imho. I haven’t seen The Hobbit movies yet and have heard split opinions on them.
The Hobbit movies fail in every way you’d expect. I’m positive that there must be a fan edit that cuts away all the bloat for something close to the book.
The Hobbit almost seems like the opposite syndrome. The worked so hard to condense down the enormity of LOTR into one movie per book and people familiar with the books seem to be the ones that love the adaptations most. For The Hobbit, they took a very small book written at the 10 year old reading level (seriously, he had his 10 year old son read it and provide feedback) and bloated it out to 3 movies, changing everything they could get their hands on. And in that case, it’s the people most familiar with the books that seem to dislike the series most.
As for fan edits, I hadn’t even though to that. Looks like they abound. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheHobbit/comments/82zg0q/what_is_the_best_fanedit_of_the_hobbit_trilogy/
The ineptitude of the UK government continues:
The Great Gatsby is now in the Public Domain. Plus some early Agatha Christie, Hemingway, Huxley. . . and so much more!
I’ve read Gatsby, but I’ll be checking Project Gutenberg later in the year for some of this other stuff.
Three Men and a Little Lady is a good place to start…
I thought I’d dive right into the Police Academy sequels.
They’ll be in public domain starting right around 2080.
Defender, Galaxians, Frogger and Donkey Kong arcade games are forty years old this year.
Feeling old yet?
No. Realizing Christina Aguilera turned 40 makes me feel old
This rubs me the wrong way.
Your cheery thought for the evening:
2 days now complete.
So far so good.
Fingers crossed for the next 363
All reasonable people have to remember: trump and the proud boys have already planned a riot on Jan 4-6 in DC to ring in the new year. Lots of people will see this as a sign that the whole year is hosed.
Yes, a white supremacist riot staged by the sitting president is a terrible start to any year, but it doesn’t need to be an omen for the whole year.
Well ‘Shadow in the Cloud’ was as shit as the reviews had made out.
That’s a shame. I was hoping it would be mindless fun.
PArt 2 of Fellowship was done last night. Boromir’s moment against the orcs and afterwards with Aragorn is so, so, so well done. I recall that it didn’t resonate so powerfully and emotionally in the book.
I don’t know when we’ll get to Two Towers (which we’ll also divide across 2 nights), but I can’t wait.
So cool and neat and nerdy!
Guy buys art from thrift stores and adds Star Wars scenes to them!
Did I miss the discussion here about “Death To 2020?”
This is funny shit.
This book would probably be gut-wrenching, but also probably fascinating. Mark Lanegan must have (or had) a Constitution of 50.
Your 2nd MyModernMet link of the day: https://mymodernmet.com/ruby-silvious-tea-bag-paintings/
Paintings on teabags. (Get your mind outta there)
For really short viewers.
Don’t be an assam!
Sorry, I was getting into black humor there. I’m green to this whole subject.
I didn’t want to leaf it like that.
Dammit. RIP Tanya Roberts. Beastmaster forever.
Morning Pan
Back at my desk. I miss holidays already.
I was hungry so I ate lunch a half hour early. I have a feeling I’m going to be snacking this afternoon
Our son mentioned that he was watching “Twin Peaks” with his roommate. “Twin Peaks” was a series that neither Teresa or I had caught when it aired so we figured we could get through most of it over the holiday. The show is comprised of the initial two seasons in the early nineties. Then the 1992 movie “Fire Walk With Me” and then the 2017 3rd season on Showtime. I found it funny just how far down the rabbit hole it goes by the third season. Starting out as a humorous parody of soap operas and morphing into a David Lynch mindfuck, I can’t imagine anyone jumping right into season 3. Overall, I’m enjoying it, although I loosing Teresa fast as it surpassed Teresa’s tolerance for psychedelic themes by the second episode of the 3rd Season.
I haven’t watched season 3. I watched the old series on Netflix a bunch of years ago.
There was a lot of cutting edge, innovative stuff there, sure – – but also a lot of Maximum Cringe. I made it to the series finale, but only because I fast-forwarded through as much awfulness as I could (e.g.: the middle-aged woman becoming a teenager with super strength, the cigar guy becoming obsessed with Civil War miniatures).
Coincidentally, CP: “Black Lodge” – Anthrax
Now I need to listen.
It is about Twin Peaks. Great song. OK album.
So many TV series in recent years take a season just to get ramped up and people will tell me just to ignore or power through the first season so it can get good. Twin Peaks was much the opposite. First season was great. Second season meh, and so on and so forth.
It’s hard to get across to people who didn’t see the original seasons on network TV, just how groundbreaking this show was.
I wasn’t just unapologetically trippy, it wasn’t just that it was breaking the standard molds of what weekly, serial TV shows did in script, acting, cinematography … it did it DURRING what was referred to as “Prime Time”! Somehow they convinced a major Network to put this “front and center” when there really weren’t more than 3 stages out there. This ran opposit scripted comedies with laugh tracks and cookie cutter weekly serials.
For much of America at that time, this was a complete mind frack … and somehow it got 2 SEASONS!
Twin Peaks will always hold a high place for me.
That being said, I only made it through part of the new season. It’s mainstay of just being weird doesn’t set it appart anymore. I now have access to all kinds of streaming content and there is plenty of weird out there. Legion s1 &s2 had Max weirdness but was also extremely compelling. Much more so then I found the new Twin Peaks.
We are almost halfway through the 3rd season. I’m still… intrigued. I understand how Twin Peaks would be ground breaking in 1990 and also why it got canceled after the second season. I also remember that there were other series that tried to ape the quirkiness but tone down the surrealist aspects such as “Northern Exposure” and “Key West.”
I actually really enjoyed Northen Exposure.
I need to go back and give S3 Twinn Peaks another shot.
So. . . Tanya Roberts isn’t dead. . . OK 2021, I think I see how you’re gonna play it.
CNN reported her as dead
I saw several stories posted announcing her passing. Was it all a mistake?
Apparently yes. Wow!
It turns out that Marc Singer and his ferrets were able to save her from the evil wizard’s sacrificial altar.
I will spray paint my cats black. Let’s do it.
2020 is going to be like Jason.
It’s going to take quite a few “final battles” to finally get it to stop moving and even then, I fear it will haunt us for years to come.
This is from The Guardian, apparently, she died on Monday. 🙁
This is a shame, but not all that surprising.
From the Australian version of The Onion:
Ugh. I did not want to get up this morning.
I have a beef dip going in the slow cooker. My house always smells wonderful when I do that.
Is that the same as French Dip, but you dont call it “French Dip” since half of Canada is French?
Asking for a friend
I admit, I had to look up what a French dip was. Yes, it’s the same thing. I have no idea why we call it something different from the US.
Why have I not heard of this before now? I don’t know if I should be amused or horrified
Apparently, this time, Tanya Robert’s is actually dead
Absurd and surreal in all the unfunny ways. Rhett’s Guardian link above clears it up a bit.
OK great!
This is actually good news for some of you.
I’m just the opposite. I’m sure there’s a study somewhere that says morning people have issues if they stay up late
My shift pattern fucks up my sleep pattern every week.
Read that as “shit pattern”
Crap joke for the evening:
At the end of the nineteenth century there was a little known Dutch Artist. His work was characterised by bold, dramatic colours and impulsive, expressive brushwork.
He wore dark, mysterious and antiquated clothes. Dyed black hair and raven coloured lipstick garnished the dark cake.
His name, Vincent van Goth.
I keep thinking that perhaps Brexit will make getting hold of Crap jokes harder for you.
CP: Magia (Instrumental) — Kalafina
It would seem that Dr. Dre is doing ok. Loathe as I am to share a TMZ link, this site seems to have the latest update:
Universal’s classic horror films are coming to YouTube in mid-January. This is very cool news.
Morning Pan
Hubby’s working from home today.
How not to commemorate HG Wells
Really cool episode on indigenous influences on music. Did you know Link Wray is Shawnee?
A glimmer of hope on the American political front.
I’ve never read any Eric Jerome Dickey, but I know he’s widely loved and respected.
Why are you closed?
Metal – The soundtrack for your all too public, mental breakdown.
This guy now has a lot more material to work with.
Those wacky Danish:
This really seems like it should be an Onion article.
I missed this post yesterday. How does someone pitch this???
“I have an idea for a kids’ TV show!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah! It’s about a guy with a giant uncontrollable penis!”
“Call security.”
Didn’t Pee Wee already do that? 😉
OMG. I am sooooo sorry my US friends
A very dark day indeed but we brought this on ourselves.
“We” didn’t do a goddamn thing. This is the work of one man and his personal “army” and that of those that enabled him these past 4 years.
This is exactly what “Stand back and stand by” meant
On seeing the confederate flags a person on Twitter commented that Robert E Lee never got that flag that close to the capital.
This was never not going to happen.
And it was more the decades of propaganda disguised as patriotism and news from FoxNews and other far-right media. trump’s narcissism just reaped the benefits.
The internets provide some strange things you didn’t know you needed…like when you’re serious about locking your bike up:
Wait for the hand to appear.
Well that was a fucked up day.
The Mandalorian as a 90s sitcom:
I’d buy that for a dollar!
Morning Pan
Are you still the U S of A or just the S of A?
You know, I used to like Keven Sorbo… Used to being the key words.
Yeah he turned out to be a real asshole,
His true colors were revealed awhile back. He needs to STFU.
I’d always felt like I’d never given Iced Earth a fair enough shot. I’d been planning ot check them out further.
It turns out their singer was part of the mob of terrorists in DC yesterday. . . So. . . one less band to investigate. I will not be supporting that.
A good reason to let them go.
Apparently, the word “to” is the most difficult word to spell.
Stephen Colbert delivers.
Laura Branigan delivers!
I had no idea she’d died in 2004.
This is my shocked face.
On a lighter note:
Longtime Deadpanites may remember that I interviewed Jennifer Batten, back in 2006. Well, I’m going to talk to her again! This Sunday on a Facebook Livestream. She and 3 other will be promoting a big guitar event for the following weekend.
Oh? How large are those guitars?
!! Imagine the roadies !
Morning Pan
I think I’m gong to take today off.
A day off sounds lovely.
Wait, not a day off from Deadpan??
I mean, you hadn’t filed your PTO request 7 days in advance, anyway. . .
CP: Prisoner’s Dilemma — Ramin Djawadi
Vsauce! Michael remembered his Youtube password, apparently:
A 31 minute video, Ed!? That’s about 30.5 minutes more than my attention span can squirrel.
I really dug the first 4 minutes, but I was interrupted.*
*The interruption actually came from other people.
Some scientist have better jobs than others.
Parler being removed from Google App store.
The Apple Sotre may follow.
46 yr old me is happy about this.
18 yr old me would’ve been screaming, “Censorship!!”
This is an interesting debate, imo.
I don’t know enough about Parlor to weigh in on that but 8 have the whole censorship thing some thought and don’t think I can eloquently explain the peace I came to but the basic is-
Your rights come from the community in which you live. Therefor, you can speechify about changing your community but if you want to talk about destroying that community … you are destroying the rights they gave you as well. THUS your right of speech no longer exists.
Adjacent to that –
You do not have the right to speech that advocates for removing or ignoring of the rights of others in your community. As that is aimed at the distruction of the community who gave you your free speach rights to begin with and if you destroy the community you destroy that which grants and defends your rights.
Did any of that make any sense?
You can advocate for change but not destruction.
You can advocate for altering everyone’s rights but not just a targeted group. ???
It does, but I’m afraid I have to disagree. The very concept of “free” speech is that any idea should be able to be argued for. You need to be ready to defend it your argument and you’re not entitled to have anyone agree with you. But, to argue that some ideas are simply off limits is something I find anathema.
More importantly – change vs. destruction: which side you stand on an issue is going to determine how you view its impact on the world.
For the White Supremacist, arguments for Civil Rights, interracial marriage, etc. are arguments for destruction.
Who gets to decide what ideas are off limits? The state? Apple? The Church? Hollywood?
I know to some degree I’m playing devil’s advocate, but that’s the point. Defending the expression of speech and ideas that aren’t offensive to anybody is easy (though, these days, I can’t even imagine an idea that we could get a majority of people to agree on anymore). It’s always the controversial and offensive that most requires protection of expression.
I don’t use Parler. It’s my understanding that it’s more like Twitter than Facebook and I really don’t care much for Twitter.
That said, while I appreciate the threats that can be posed, I’m deeply concerned with the level of power Google and Apple now have over communication and information.
While the 1st amendment doesn’t apply and these are “private” companies, there are still public accommodations considerations, particularly since section 230 was supposed to insure that these companies were protected liability for not exercising editorial input over the content on their platforms.
This feels akin to the movie companies back in the day trying to outlaw the VCR over piracy concerns.
I still lean toward the view that the answer to “bad” speech is more speech – countering and contesting the ideas not just trying to suppress speech that you disagree with.
At least from the chatter that I’m hearing, it’s not like trying to shut down Parler is winning anyone over. If anything, it’s galvanizing them.
I’d read that the stated concern about Parler is the lack of moderation. Which is completely fair, especially considering its intended use (official or unofficial).
I kinda feel like violence/hate-inciting rhetoric needs to be treated the same way we treat illegal porn and images of violence. In the pre-internet, pre-social media past, we could shun those people into inactivity, or into isolation. Their hateful ideas wouldn’t flourish.
In the social media world, you can find any validation you want for your shitty ideas. (There are probably Leonard Part VI fan clubs out there).
My final comment. . . Ed, I don’t have the solution, but I don’t think that serious discussion with these haters will change a damn thing. Even if they nod their heads at your valid points, like drug addicts, they’ll go back to alternative facts FoxNews, hate radio talk shows, their hateful message boards, etc. and fix on their poison and forget your message. At best. At worst, they’ll mock and target you.
The only thing I can think is to shun them (as a society) drive the hateful messages deep enough underground that they can’t flourish.
Adding to my essay: we do need outreach to these folks, as with any cult. They need to know they have a way out any time.
Adding to my essay: we do need outreach to these folks, as with any cult. They need to know they have a way out any time.
OK guys, we are going to have to slow down political talk on FaceBook. As an administrator of the Jack Mangan FB Page, they sent me notification that they are flagging some content. While the content they flagged was posted to show what was wrong, FB’s bots don’t know that. They just see a misleading repost.
Fascinating. Which post was it?
Believe it or not, it was the Kevin Sorbonne tweet that was replied to by Lucy Lawless. If you go on FB they show it as flagged as well
I’m assuming it’s for the Kevin Sorbonne part more than anything else
Really auto correct? You change Sorbo?
At least is could have gone with something useful, like sorbet.
I have to read this article:
Wandavision is getting good reviews, well the three episodes reviewers have got to watch anyway.
Excellent reviews. Stoked for this one
I am excited for this one too. I assume it’s a bit too eerie for little ones.
Well, that’s enough Facebook for today.
Hat tip to Lo Pan for pointing this one out. The best Hurdy Gurdy song of 2021 (so far)
Morning Pan
I think tomorrow will be movie time.
Don’t worry be happy:
This is what the alien archaeologists will find when they’re picking through the rubble of the earth.
Do you think the ’90s were five years ago?
No, but they feel like it was 5 years ago.
I did, in fact, know what “Altered States” was without having to look it up.
CP: English Civil War — The Clash
We can only hope.
Amy, your Christmas card arrived this week, thank you!
Good read, if the link works:
We Need a New Media System
Looking up information on witches and covens. Boy, the targeted ads should be interesting for the next few weeks!
New Gary Numan!
Di dah di dunt de dunt
Di dah di dunt de dunt
I liked it.
Didn’t love it.
Do you think the authors would notice if I decided to go on strike and not work or royalties today?
There’s a thread on Twitter about making up space shanties but my heart still belongs to this one:
Great song and fantastic movie.
Still a better game than actual Monopoly.
I have this one and play it fairly often. Loads of fun.
CP: Dog Bone — Curve
New Indiana Jones game from Bethesda:
Richard Harris getting revenge in Macbeth:
I’ve started reading “Thrawn” (2017) by Timothy Zahn. I’d never read the old Thrawn books, but I’d read a few Star Wars comics years ago that featured him, and I liked him in Rebels.
Anyone else read this one? Or the “Legends” versions of hiim?
Hubby read this book. He said it was enjoyable
Ok Pan, are we ready?
Today’s movie is Fantasy Island
This is horror a prequel to the series
The Amazon write up:in Blumhouse’s Fantasy Island, the enegmatic Mr. Roark makes the secret dreams of his lucky guests come true at a luxbut remote tropical resort. But when those fantasies turn into nightmares…
Running, running, running
The plane!
Smiles everyone
Hi five
Dude, close the curtains before you change
Nose bleed
Seriously, nobody has any modesty
The old, someone’s in the mirror trick
Only the island knows
Pool party
Is this a therapy session or a vacation?
She’s in the past
She wants revenge
Blood drips from the walls
A super creepy control room
A really good hologram
She’s not a hologram
Call of Duty time
Chasity’s name is ironic
She said yes
Panic room
Grenade baseball
Watching her cry
Dr. Torture
Water and electricity don’t mix
Doing shots to gun shots
He hung up
Unless your fantasy is to die, come with me
Daddy lives
Her picture changed
Time to live your new life
Dead hero or live daddy, what do you want
Who is Calishoff
No new fantasy
Scary caves
She’s being followed
Magical well
Julia’s not doing well
Help me
Time for a do over
She’s going back in
Ah, the penny dropped
Self sacrifice
He’s a black eyed man
Crossing the streams
Well, that did t work
Death to daddy
We used to be happy
Island fantasy
Once again, the plane, the plane
Time to end the fantasies
Splitting up
Sea snakes
Sorry means nothing
The twist?
Psycho stalker freak
I cannot
Those are the rules
Fantasy fucking island
Oh, now I get the nickname
You know. This was a passable movie
If there were no Khan Noonian Singh references, then it’s dead to me.
Don’t Prosecute Gotham’s Supervillains for Their Latest Scheme
by The Joker
CP: Kill V. Maim — Grimes
Answering Jack’s pre-movie inquiry:
Yes, I’ve read Zahn’s original (now “Legends”) Thrawn trilogy as well as the three new canon ones. The original Zahn books pretty much kicked off Star Wars post-ROTJ. They’re not perfect and have some bit of cringe along with a very different idea of what the Clone Wars were about since they predated the Prequel Trilogy. Still, Thrawn was the villain that Star Wars needed and his story made a lot of sense (as opposed to a somehow how more powerful “First Order” showing up out of nowhere to destroy the New Republic with a more powerful than ever superweapon…cough cough).
As for the new ones – the first Thrawn book does a great job bringing him into the new Canon. The story there predates his appearance in the Rebels TV show.
The second one….largely fails. It tells two parallel adventures with Thrawn pairing up with Anakin during the time of the Old Republic, then again with Darth Vader some ten years later under the Empire. Both times, they go to the same planet (Batuu, Bantuu?) which is the setting for the Star Wars land at the Disney Parks. It feels like a book that Zahn was forced to write in part to create some backstory for the planet that.
Thrawn is essentially Sherlock Holmes. In the old books, he has Captain Pellaeon to serve as his Watson and it works well. In the new Thrawn book you are starting, he gets the sidekick of Eli Vanto. In the 2nd book, Zahn has to try to make Anakin and Vader serve the Watson role…and it’s a poor fit both times.
The third new Thrawn book (Treason) gets back to form. It sets during the time of the Rebels series, but has Thrawn on an assignment that ultimately gives us a visit to see more of his own species, the Chiss. This is something we never got to see in the original trilogy.
So, I definitely recommend the originals, they are still a great story. For the new ones, 1 and 3 are thumbs up. I think you could skip the second (Alliances) without missing anything of value.
Thanks for that, Ed. Thrawn mentions early on that he’d worked with Jedi Anakin, but it seems like that will be no more than a a one-off reference, in book 1, at least.
I love the idea of Anakin/Vader and Thrawn working together, but I will probably heed your warning about book 2.
My only grumble. . . At times, the writing style is a little hard to follow. E.G.: There was an early scene where Thrawn gives a hard-to-parse description of some plan, and all of the other characters talk about how brilliant it is. . . but I’m going, “Huh?”
It’s quite possible it’s just my deficient brain, and not Zahn’s writing.
I really enjoyed the Audible book versions of the original trilogy and the two book follow up. Haven’t read any of the post Disney Thrawns.
I read the old Thrawn series, but not the new ones, nor have I watched Rebels. For me the old Thrawn series was good, but his Sherlock Holmes-ness seemed a stretch at time.
The Zahn Trilogy should have absolutely been the canon sequels. Absolutely.
I like noodles.
There. I’ve said it.
Well my sister has tested positive for Covid.
This is her second time so she has been reinfected.
Plus her dog is seriously ill and she can’t even say goodbye as she has to isolate.
Oh Van. *Hugs* to you, your sister, and her pet.
Aw man.
That sucks.
🙁 So sorry for you and your sister and her dog, Van. I hope for the best.
It’s the new variant which might explain the reinfection.
Sent my test off today so will probably find out Monday if I’ve caught it.
Best wishes from the both of us.
Aww Van- I hope your sister’s recovery is easier than before.
Did her dog contract COVID? I think that’s possible?…
I don’t think so, rampant antibiotic resistant infection on one of the dog’s legs, one those sad things that can happen.
A mashup of Wolfenstein 3D and monkey bal:
Parler user map:
9 people in my county..WTF!
One in Airdrie
Apparently the folks at Parlor were increadably lazy/sloppy with their security and just before they were shut down, hackers were able to download terabytes of posts and media.
They estimate they were able to get 99% of everything including account identifying info.
First reports are that it contains a treasure trove of info on Jan 6th terrorists.
It will take a minute or two to sort through but that’s ok. We don’t get a REAL Attorney General for a few more days yet. At that point there may be no place to hide and no pardons.
Doesn’t look like I’ll be visiting Florida any time soon.
Come for the Parlor users. Stay for the fact no one there is taking COVID seriously.
Padme is built differently in the genital department:
CP: Attack on Titan — Hiroyuki Sawano & Mika Kobayashi
So, I’ve been playing Star Wars Squadrons. I’m pretty meh on the game. I know some people love the multiplayer, but I’m completely uninterested in that. The story mode is ok, so I’ll finish the game. My biggest complaint is that the different ships really don’t feel all that different.
I was really looking forward to it but played it a few times and got bored with it.
Alas, it isn’t proving to be the single player sequel to the old X-Wing and TIE Fighter games that I was hoping for.
I’ve played it a few times, haven’t really got into it yet. Teresa hasn’t been traveling with her job (because COVID) so I’ve been playing on the PS4 less overall. I bought 3 games for cheap I haven’t even broken the plastic on. Must be getting old.
Shit getting serious:
Arizona, the Australia of the USA:
Well, that would have been better if any of those maps were scaled to be readable.
So, #twatfacechallenge is a thing, mostly in the UK.
It’s funny and not what you think.
A coworker of mine is in the equestrian world and it’s a horse thing mashed up with a UK thing.
Well Jack according to FB you’ve survived another circle around the Sun, Happy Birthday!
On navigating gender roles:
Have a great birthday, Jack!
Laundry day, How exciting.
HappyHappy Joy Joy Mr. Mangan!
I’ve only read Hench, which I enjoyed:
Happy birthday, Jack!
Keep the noise down, you kids! I’m watching the Wheel of Fortune on the television and doing my scratchoffs! When I run out, I’ll drive 6 MPH in the left lane to double-park at the Walgreens, so I can write a check for a $1.29 bag of sugar-free hard candies.
(Because I’m old, you see. . . )
Thank you, my friends.
Happy Birthday to my Better Half!
Enjoy the sweet things today (and the pasty.)
May they fill your tummy with as much yummy goodness as the girls And I do every day. :-). Love you!
But I love you too, Desert Pixie. Thank you for all of the ways you spoil me every day.
Just saw this in a “Pandemic news roundup”-
Here’s some very exciting vaccine news: According to press yesterday (Wednesday Jan 13), “Early stage trials of Johnson & Johnson’s experimental coronavirus vaccine [Ad26.COV2.S] show it generated an immune response in nearly all volunteers, with minimal side-effects, after a single dose.” ETA for submitting an application for emergency FDA approval is the end of this month.
I’m not really daring to hope yet, but all of this vaccination talk is promising.
That’s the one I’m doing the trial for. I have a 50/50 chance of having had that vaccine. Some of us in Florida are taking Covid seriously. And we don’t use Parlor to boot.
Let’s hope they don’t find out and deport you!
Wolves and Ravens:
At grunge.com? Do they wear flannels and listen to Pearl Jam?
Freaky sculptures done with science:
Morning Pan
Off to the city later this morning
Van, how are you and your sister doing?
Did you get your test back?
Yeah I tested positive for the virus jj.
Mild symptoms so far, it’s early days though.
Take care of yourself. Monitor closely.
Let us know.
What jj said. And fuck COVID.
Here’s hoping your symptoms stay mild. My boss caught it right before Christmas and the rest of us got tested. Luckily, no one else caught it and my boss had a light case and is now fully recovered. My brother’s sons and their spouses caught it a while back. They too had mild cases and have recovered.
CP: Snakes And Ladders — Basia Bulat
Hey Ed, I got your Christmas card/letter today. Thanks!
Well, I’m glad something I sent you made it through the border. You will get your DPSS give in 2021….most likely.
One of my favorite Bob Dylan songs is now also one of my favorite Silversun Pickups songs:
Not Dark Yet, but it’s gettin’ there.
The Old Guard was very entertaining.
We thought so as well.
I’d watch more (further adventures or prequels) if they could keep it on par with that movie.
I’m usually pretty happy with Rucka’s Image work. And it sounds like the sequel may happen.
Did you read the book? Terrific. I was very happy with the Netflix adaptation.
There’s already a book sequel that came out a bit ago. I haven’t red yet
I have it, though I haven’t read it yet. I wanted to watch the movie first.
He really needs to make a Lazarus movie. 😀
The Two Towers Extended Edition is definitely packed, and slow-paced until the big, concurrent climactic battles – – but again – – these versions are for the deep geeks.
I could really never go back to the theatricals, as long-running as they are, and as much as I loved seeing them in the actual theater.
I don’t know when we’ll get to ROTK, but I’m already psyched for its best moments. I especially love the Mouth of Sauron, who was cut altogether from the theatrical version (IIRC).
I’ve got all three extended versions on DVD and still haven’t watch them.
Get past the headline. I laughed a lot watching this.
Goodbye to Storm Constantine;
My poor littlest one has a cold 🙁
No one else in the house is sick and one of us is vaccinated – – and we’re pretty goddamn careful, so logic dictates that we shouldn’t be too highly alarmed. But I’m a panicker-type, so. . .
No matter what, I still hate seeing little ones feeling sick.
Here’s hoping she gets better soon
WandaVision episode 1 consumed.
In and of itself, it’s painfully terrible, but. . . *that’s the point.*
I’m very intrigued to see where this is going.
I won’t say anything more. Does it need its own discussion page?
We saw episodes one and two. I wish Disney followed the NetFlix model and dropped all the episodes at once. This weekly release thing sucks.
I want to know what happens next
Only 9 episodes for this season, so just a way of stretching it out. Amazon are doing that with the new season of The Expanse.
Yeah, I know. They also did it with season 2 of The Boys. Doesn’t mean I have to like it
I love people who gripe about series being released weekly.
*pfffft* to LoPan
(Yeah, yeah, I know, first world problems.)
I am all about the weekly release!
Gives you a whole week to mull over what you’ve seen and guess about what will come next.
We’ve caught up on the first two episodes as well. It’s delightfully campy so far for the on the surface portion. It will be interesting to see how the underlying narrative actually plays out.
“In and of itself, it’s painfully terrible, but. . . *that’s the point.*”
Painfully incorrect.
I’ll watch episode 2 before taking this any further.
Watched both episodes and they’ve nailed what they were trying to accomplish. I’m quite impressed with Elizabeth Olsen’s acting. Looking forward to the next episode.
Goodbye to Phil Spector:
Oh damn.
I mean, he was apparently a murderer. . .
But he had a major impact across the board on the last 5 decades of music.
“I mean, he was a convicted murderer. . .”
Fixed it for you.
Fair. There’s no ambiguity. Terrible person.
BTW WandaVision #1 isn’t a laugh track. Its a live studio audience.
Reading about what and how they used to film the first two eps and discovering the Easter eggs throughout makes me love it more. Like Lost, binging this series would be fucking no fun whatsoever. It would absolutely take away from the slow burn mystery. I adore watching week to week and being able to have a virtual drink among friends and talk about it.
I love that it would hold up as a goofy 50’s/60’s sitcom if that’s all it was. Lizzie Olsen and Paul Bettany have clearly been doing their research; they’re wanderful. But clearly it’s not just a sitcom and Marvel knows we know it’s not. There are SO many layers in these first two eps it’s ridiculous.
Make mine Marvel. This series (so far) seals it that deal.
Indiana Jones/Downton Abbey crossover fan fix:
SFW (as far as I scrolled)
That’s a mouthful of a headline!
That stuff is so disturbing…and alluring, which is even more disturbing.
For all the Pokemon addicts (and Pokemon widows/widowers)
Hey Amy, your Christmas card came in today’s mail. Thanks
It always amazes me that I receive Amy’s card before you. It’s messed up.
This is apparently a great 1965 Radio Drama of a classic? pulp sci-fi novel.
Free at archive.org, I’m passing the savings on to you.
I don’t think I want a Naked Gun reboot from Seth MacFarlane.
And while I think Liam Neeson is great, I wouldn’t choose him to be Frank Drebin.
Could be fun for an action star to play a bumbling fool.
As opposed to a serious actor turning to comedy?
I mean the guy was in Forbidden Planet for goodness sake.
Yeah, I was just poking you. I think Liam Neeson turning to comedy would be as interesting as Leslie Neilson doing the same thing.
But Liam Neeson has done a wide range of stuff. We’ve seen him be funny, deep, philosophical, angry, etc.
Part of the Airplane/Police Squad/Naked Gun joke was that Leslie Nielsen had always been so stiff in of his previous roles.
Anyway, I’m a bit meh on MacFarlane, so I’m not really interested in this anyway.
I know I don’t want a reboot of anything from anybody. But if there is a gradient to which I don’t want something, this one is pretty high up there.
Instead of a reboot of a movie that spoofed a show that none of the current generation has ever seen… how about applying Naked Gun’s “joke”, to a send up of Law & Order or CSI ?
Even at that time, most people hadn’t seen Police Squad. There were almost as many movies as episodes of the TV show it got cancelled so fast. Guess the Zucker Abrams Zucker humor just worked better for the mass audiences in movie format. It worked in any and all formats for me.
These look great, but should come with upper and lower age limits, like board games.
The orange one looks like it would make a great slide. I wouldn’t mind having a stair case that converts to a slide (like the traps in the old movies). Some seem downright impractical (like the Edouard Brunet and François Martens) where you have to climb up on a bookshelf in order to access the first step.
I love this sort of stuff.
A few of them though … maybe not designed for humans.
CW: One Night In Miami
New film that has dropped on Prime.
I had a couple of attractive ladies ask me to take off my shirt to touch my skin today. Yep, I still got it. . . .
(Never mind that it was a routine dermatologist appointment)
Hey now!
That’s my job!
You DO still got it, Babe.
CP: I’m So Sick — Flyleaf
I really REALLY want to like “The Watch”.
I feel like all the pieces of a good show are right there.
Somehow though, they just aren’t coming together.
I’m not giving up yet though.
I was really expecting to hate it but been rather enjoying it, I’m even soppy enough that I hope we get to see Vimes and Sybil hookup as they do in his vision.
We don’t seem to get it here yet.
I was put off by the trailers. . . .then further put off by fan reactions.
I have way too many emails to answer this morning. What’s that about?
We are working on alt text for our e-books to make them visually impaired accessible. Basically I have to describe every image in our books as if to a blind person. It’s harder than you’d think.
Am I the only one that wishes we had a “National Lead Guitarist”?
Can we make Jack the unofficial NLG?
As long as I ride around on a massive vehicle with a stack of amps behind me, like the guy in Fury Road.
Bleccch is the word.
It takes a lot for me to take a PTO day, especially in WFH lockdown world, but I needed it today. Grateful that Desert Pixie let me sleep it off as much as possible.
Yes, I seem to have caught what the littlest one had. At this point, I fully believe it’s just a cold.
It is usually bad to feel joy for someone else’s sorrow. But in this case.
Some of these are gold.
Watching the Foo Fighters from tonight’s Inaugural Celebration… rocking much harder than old guys have a right to.
I am inspired.
Ted Cruz thinks the Paris agreement is just for the people of Paris.
Mixing oil and water:
I’m not just going to be a partisan Biden cheerleader for the next 4 years. . . but his first 24 aren’t even done, and so far, I want to applaud every action he’s taken.
I can say that it will be a relief to hear pundents discussing the various merits/effectiveness of a “National Pandemic Plan” … as opposed to hearing them wonder WHEN or even IF we might actually get one.
CP: Moon Over Bourbon Street (Live) — Sting
Good one! I will (almost) always defend Sting.
I haven’t been following this story:
Is a Gort Invasion how 2021 will top 2020?
Sad news.
Very sad, she was one of the best characters in B5:
That show remains unduly cursed for all the actors who passed too soon. Very sad tidings.
Her character was great on Lost too.
I love filling out forms for work.
Unless I see the ultimate in cleverness, this will be my last Bernie Sanders mittens post (because they’ve spread and multiplied across the internet like tribbles)
LOT’S of brilliant ones but this may be one of my favorites for both cleverness and the effort that someone went through.
(stands and gives slow clap)
It pairs nicely with her “no more fucks to give” atitude she exuded when leaving AFO to to get into her SUV.
I LOL’ed alot. Not sure if it was sue to
the no more fucks or due to Bernie landing ALLLL over that hideous curtain of a dress.
The Art of Deep Listening. I read this and think “Who has time for that??” but that’s exactly the point.
Got 9minutes and 50 seconds?
Want to know about the latest connections between Covid and your Microbiome?
Then this link is for you.
CP: Beauty And The Beast — David Bowie
I got a Mangan Christmas card in the mail today.
Thanks guys.
Cat is on her way to the vet. We’re a little concerned… ok, a lot concerned… that she might not be coming back home. :’(
Positive vibes accepted.
Positive vibe given. *hugs*
Positive purrs sent your way .
Fingers crossed!
She’s home, but she looks terrible.
Back to the vet. In emergency surgery now.
I wish her well.
She had surgery tonight. She’s home, seems like her usual self, but she has some rough days of medications ahead.
Thank you, everyone, for the kind words!
I hope she recovers and is well again. What happened?
Ok Bernie memes, you’ve had a great run. Can we please just stop now?
In other topics. . .. will the 80s be next? Cosby Show, Family Ties, etc.?
At the rate they are going, by the end, it will be modern days
Yeah it’s not a secret that it’s a decade an episode
After this week, that’s what I’m expecting.
I kinda hope not. The premise is wearing thin.
The latest Fiona Apple Album (at least the 2 or 3 tracks that get airplay) are starting to grow on me.
Or maybe I’m getting numb.
That being said- The latest Foo Fighters single that is getting a ton of airplay (“Shame”) … I HATED the first time I heard it but now to is growing on me.
I only gave it one listen. I hear and read all of the critical gushing, but the album just didn’t connect with me.
TBH, I only love “Tidal.” I always respect her integrity, but I haven’t heard anything from her to match that.
Yeah, no gushing here. For me it’s just gone from “hating it” to “not changing stations when it comes on.”
I certainly wouldn’t buy it.
A question for the Deadpan Hive Mind –
Has anyone here ever had a Tankless, gas, water heater?
If so, what brand and what did you think of it?
They called combi boilers in UK.
Had one installed for a good while now and it’s much better than the old system where you had to have a cold water tank and an gas fire heater.
No brand recommendations though I had no choice what was installed.
We had one in our house in Calgary. It was great. We would never run out of hot water. We could run the dishwasher, do laundry and still have a shower as long as we wanted after. It was a Rinnai. We installed it about ten years ago so technology may have changed by then. But it was quite good. We even had wasps try to nest in it and it still ran. (the vent runs to the outside – it took us some time to figure out where all the wasps were coming from in the house). Of course we got rid of the wasps and had it cleaned out after but it did still run throughout.
The one thing I don’t like about being in a condo now is we aren’t allowed to install a tankless hot water heater or I’d install one in this home in a hot minute.
I’m pretty sure a Rinnai is the same that I’ve got in my house now. We did it as an upgrade when we built the house. The “standard” was two 40 gallon water heaters. Definitely glad we did it. I honestly don’t even think about running out of hot water. Ours is gas heated.
Wow! Super thanks guys. Seems I’ve been living in the Hot Water heating stone age. BTW Van – they have the “combi boiler” option available in the States and Canada as well.
It really looks like Rinnai has been a reliable choice for most folks. I have a friend here who said he went with one 6 years ago and wondered why he waited so long! Do you guys (or did you) do the annual “flush” to keep “scale” from building up in your heat exchanger?
My plumber is pushing for the Navien brand. I really like their tech but am worried about their reliability.
Calgary’s is really hard so a scale form on everything. We would get our’s serviced annually
Legally the council has to do a gas check once a year and they have the right to force entry if you won’t let them in.
I’ve got a whole house water filter/softener setup as we’ve got pretty hard water.
Honestly, I’ve not touched the thing since we moved in and that is coming up on 10 years ago.
I fucking adore the “derp stuff isnt happening fast enough” WandaVision crowd.
This is brilliance.
Well they can just fuck right off, this ain’t a 22 episode season.
What your Venmo transactions can reveal:
For some reason I actually read this piece instead of just looking at the pictures.
By about 1/3 the way through I was laughing out loud… then again, I laugh at “2 1/2 Men”.
In fact, if you will read this with the voice of “Jake”, the young son from that show … even funnier.
CW: Princess Mononoke
For the first time.
..I enjoyed it. Not going to be on my top 3 of SG films but it was well done.
I have watched this one but off the top of my head I can’t separate it from the rest of the Anime I have watched with my youngest.
Seems like there were swords and maybe something vaguely supernatural and maybe Nature was attacking everyone and there were stupid bad guys. and giant (vaguely steampunk) airships.
Also, might have been a girl who rode a large wolf and saved some Miners?
Correct apart from the airships, no airships in this one, it’s set in medieval Japan with magic.
Just finished a session of D & D. We wrapped up that particular story and made 10,000 gold each. We then retired and lived happily ever after…
Except, as an assassin drow, I decided to keep killing people. Not because I needed to, but because I enjoyed it.
There might be something wrong with me.
Lawful Evil?
This is fun and cool and clever and neat and soooooooo not-trump.
All hail(en) for Janet Yellen!
Nicely done.
That’s brilliant.
If you haven’t seen the trailer for Godzilla vs. Kong. . .
The premise as presented seems incredibly stupid and contrived. . . but. . . it’s also a movie about a giant radioactive dinosaur fighting a giant ape.
Seems like the only recent giant monster movies I’ve actually enjoyed were “Kong: Skull Island” and “Pacific Rim.” While I’m excited about the concept of a modern Godzilla vs Kong movie I have a feeling in my stomach that this will be two hours of CGI monsters and explosions. I’m hoping for a strong story to connect with, but I’m not expecting it.
I liked Godzilla: King of the Monsters quite a bit as a monster-a-go-go.
Grapes in a microwave? Not a good idea:
This has been talked about for decades, tbh.
I mean they talk a bit about that in the article, but I remember reading about the cause for a while now. Still, I guess this is new information.
I’ll have to give this a try sometime.
This is where I admit that I have a “Garage Microwave”. A friend got a new microwave oven and mentioned she was wondering what to do with the old one. It worked ok but It was a small, apartment sized unit that had seen years of wear.
I offered her $20 for it and she was happy to be rid of it.
It was the perfect thing to put on the end of a heavy duty electrical cord, in the center of your driveway, away from the house and anything else … and put things inside of that you had always been told to NEVER put in a microwave oven. 🙂
BTW – This makes your young kids think you are the greatest dad EVER! It also perturbs your spouse when they find you in the driveway with the kids, creating lightning storms in a box.
Avoid ovoids in the microwave (unless you’re JustaJoe).
Speaking of microwave tips/tricks:
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman to Publish a New Series Based on Classic Dragonlance
Wilmington, NC – January 25, 2021 – Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman are pleased to announce a multi-year licensing agreement with Wizards of the Coast to produce a new, three book series of Classic Dragonlance novels.
The new trilogy will return fans to the most beloved characters from the original novels along with introducing a new strong protagonist. The books will be published by Del Rey Books, an
imprint of Penguin Random House. Although a publishing date has not yet been formally set, they anticipate announcing when the first book will be released later this year.
Alright, I could probably Google this, but I’d hope that some of our literary Panite’s might have a more insightful answer –
What does it mean to be “an imprint of” in terms of book publishing? I’ve seen that mentioned a few times, but never really grasped the context.
Without googling or wracking too much, I always understood imprints to just be subsidiaries, like a small publishing company operating under the umbrella of a big company.
I assume our resident publishing expert can give a better answer tomorrow.
CP: Warning! — BAND-MAID
Thanks for all the water heater input guys.
In the end I’ve decided to go with the Rennia .
The brand that the plumber was pushing IS perhaps the nicest and the more I read about it the more I wanted it… but my contractor’s plumber is not a “certified” service guy for that brand and apparently the company will void the warranty if not installed by one of their own.
On top of that, the closest “certified” service tech is 50 miles away!!! I’d be having to pay 2 hours of drive time on top of any actual work time if I needed any thing done and didn’t want to void the warranty.
That’s a deal breaker.
While mine has been trouble free, I certainly wouldn’t take the gamble the could lead to a minimum two hour drive for a repair.
You chose….wisely.
Well the UK has passed the 100,000 corvid deaths:
The UK has the highest death rate in the world.
Not the highest, just one of the worst.
I didn’t realize crows were that big of a problem in the UK 😉
Sleep is for wimps.
A reminder that rich people can take being an asshole to a whole other level:
Nice to see the Dutch take some of the international gaze off the US for a change. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jan/26/netherlands-third-night-riots-covid-curfew-lockdown-protesters
and by nice I mean, riots aren’t nice.
Nigel Powers : There are only two things I can’t stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Dutch.
And I know riots and corrupt governments aren’t funny. . .
One of those tabs I’ve had open for weeks. I worked Poe’s mysterious death into “Night’s Plutonian Shore” for the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. It’s a fascinating, tragic historical mystery.
CP: Mugen ni hirogaru daiuchu yuuhi ni nemuru Argo D-3 — Argo Studio Orchestra & Hiroshi Miyagawa
You. Complete. Me.
Fucking this was supposed to go under Vans Wandavision comment
I assumed it was meant for Bunny’s comment: “I just love filling out forms for work”
I just watched “The Forbiden Zone” again for the first time in over 20 years.
I had forgotten how truely outrageous this film is.
My mouth was literally agape by midway through the first scene and the movie just never lets up.
I have trouble wrapping my head around how low budget and yet, completely off the rails, this fever dream is.
For me, Forbidden Zone is the strangest movie that I enjoy. There are stranger movies out there (like Eraserhead), I just don’t enjoy them. Others at the top of that list include Rubber, Happiness of the Katakuris, and Tampopo.
Good timing for this comment, directly after Justa Joe talking Forbidden Zone:
It’s actually a decent list, heavy on the John Carpenter.
Of course there are a few odd choices and a few omissions (Zardoz! Dark Star! Buckaroo Banzai! Night of the Creeps! Heavy Metal!).
I have seen 23 out of 50 of these.
Although I saw 8 out of the top 10.
22 but not many in the top 10
Ahhh, I get it now.
I just watched the documentary that is included on the disc. (It was done 20 years after the film).
“The Mystic Nights of the Oingo Boingo” was a theatre, performance band. Really good musicians doing just crazy off the wall, stage shows in clubs back in the late 70’s.
I would have loved to see one of their shows.
Anyway … the idea for The Forbidden Zone was to get maybe a dozen of their musical numbers on film and then just figure out a way to tie it all together with some words and bits of scenes.
Elfman had no idea who the audience would be or how he’d market it and he didn’t really care. Art for art’s sake.
I got respect for that!
As a “film”, it’s bat crap crazy.
But as just a bunch of friends who knew little about film making and were
basically just screwing around on camera, some of this stuff is pure brilliance.
One of my favorite comments from the commentaries is the Elfman brothers talking about the older guy with the really heavy Yiddish accent and mannerisms. They said they got called anti Semitic for that portrayal, but in fact it’s their grandfather just plain being their grandfather. That’s just the way he is.
The Soundtrack Show did some great background on Elfman. There were 4 episodes covering his early history, The Batman score, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.
It’s snowing
The best children’s Holocaust fiction of 2020:
I’m not in a reading mood today. How strange is that?
You shall never possess the necronomicon!
This never ends well.
Looking good for PS Plus in February:
CP: W.F.L. – Happy Mondays
I went out to get the mail. Kitty, who was standing at the door, cot a couple of snowflakes on her nose. She was not impressed
As spring follows winter:
How often do I talk about tech gear and that stuff? Tiffany got me some nice Bose headphones for my birthday. They sound great!
Quietcomfort 35 II, for those keeping score at home.
I’ve got the earlier QC35, very comfortable on long flights.
I got a rock.
Very Nice!
This upcoming tv series looks interesting:
It looks like it could be silly but I am OK with that! I am ready for a well written, silly, FUN show.
Yep. We are going to give it a shot too.
Enjoyed the first episode, roll on the season.
We liked it too.
Gonna get a big dish of beef Chow main.
Your hair is perfect.
If you have HBO Max then the remastered edition of Babylon 5 is on there now, not widescreen though, 4:3 aspect ratio is all you get.
Jeez the CGI is dated and the opening credits are in w/s so you get even more letter boxing on a w/s tv.
Just finished watched the original pilot episode…which, FYI, didn’t get remastered because the original film stock has been lost. The remaining episodes did get new high res scans and color corrections, so they will look a lot better.
I know that the first season was pretty rough but…man that pilot was pretty heavy with the 90’s cheese.
Morning Pan
A late night from hubby. Although, I don’t understand, if the parent teacher interviews are all virtual, why do the staff still have to be at the school?
Sandman casting. I don’t know the main guy, but he looks a lot like a young Neil Gaiman.
Gwendolyn Christie! Charles Dance. And I don’t know the actor, but – – The Corinthian!
He was in Narcos with Pedro Pascal and the lead actor in the last Predator film.
I’m pretty fucking furious. Someone deleted our interview last night before I had a chance to download it. I don’t think it can be recovered. We were on the phone with this guy for 3 hours.
Reconstructing the menu for an ancient pub:
Il Norm!
CP: Lay It On The Line — Triumph
“Don’t waste my time.”
I got an email that says Netflix is raising my monthly rate.
Cool. https://filmbar.eventive.org/adaptation
Today was bollocks.
CP: Beatallica. “For Whom Michelle Tolls.” Cleverness rank: Black Belt
CP: Woah! — Palomar
Geddy Lee remembers Neil Peart.
I love Rush and am really glad to see this article. But oh my god, the typos. So… many… typos.
Sorry. Much of that seems to be my poor reading. Only one glaring typo.
I met a guy a few years back and told him I did some Metal journalism, and he said, “You don’t write for Blabbermouth, do you??”
CP: Pear Tree — We Were Promised Jetpacks
Tonight I finish my qwest to watch all the Pierce Brosnen, James Bond movies, in order, one a night.
Btw – If you are on your own, Bond and cocktails are a lovely way to spend an evening.
Anyway… I’m sure you’ll get an essay on this part of the franchise from me in the near future.
I suppose I should watch a Brosnan Bond one a these years.
No essays from me, but my wife and I decided we should be watching more James Bond movies based on a Bond Special of Top Gear. I’ve seen some of them, she hasn’t really seen any of them. We decided to go in the order they were released. We have one more Roger Moore movie to get through before I start my hunt for the next set. I will say that the first bond movie I saw as a kid was Moonraker at a drive in movie theater. So Moore was who I considered Bond to be when I was growing up.
My first MovieTheater Bond was “Live and Let Die”!
Can’t remember which Bond film was my first to see on TV. Probably a Moore.
I loved the franchise so of course I loved him.
From the first Sean Connery I saw though … HE was my top Bond.
What????!! Star Blazers??
It’s not the Starblazers of your youth but the 21st remake:
Yeah, that’s clear in the first few seconds. Has anyone watched?
Yeah, bloody great even though they take the space as the sea to laughable points at times.
Oh and that intro music, fantastic.
The original had even more laughable moments. I love both the original and the remake.
I only saw the original in the heavily edited version that got a theatrical release in the UK.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all of it. I’ve seen all the original 3 seasons of the TV series, all 5 of the animated movies, the live action, and the new reboots.
I leave you with:
Fortunately, the only people I text are too old to misinterpret the astoundingly correct use of OK as a negative.
Okay great.
I really can’t tell if that article is serious or not. At least nobody I know has interpreted ‘k’ that way.
Reading all the theories about WandaVision is giving me such joy as comic knowledge is slim.
Well, this week’s episode certainly changed the game…or really showed us what the game has been all along. And ffs, will someone get the good doctor a coffee?
I’ve been getting more and more sheet music through my ipad. However, my eyesight not being what it was, it’s also harder to read. This morning, hubby helped me jury rig a full page magnifier to my music stand in such a way I can just slip my ipad behind it and then I can see my music.
Hooray for a smart hubby!
NicE! (and sorry if I missed an earlier post) what are you playing?
I wouldn’t mind doing that now:
Crap joke for the day:
The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady because she had just gotten married for the fourth time. The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband’s occupation. “He’s a funeral director,” she answered.
“Interesting,” the newsman thought.
He then asked her if she wouldn’t mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living. She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years. After a short time, a smile came to her face and she answered proudly, explaining that she had first married a banker when she was in her 20’s, then a circus ringmaster when in her 40’s, and a preacher when in her 60’s, and now – in her 80’s – a funeral director.
The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers.
She smiled and explained,
“I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go.”
Usher’s Van out, WITHOUT his coat.
I am going to stomp all over your blue suede shoes!
Forget King Kong vs. Godzilla – – Apple vs. Facebook.
Worth the read.
Too many are still asking the question, ‘How much can we get away with?’ When they need to be asking, ‘What are the consequences?’
So I got the Lost Cities board game for Xmas. We played it tonight for the first time. Should a board game engender extreme frustration? Probably not.
It was a bit like the E.T. Atari 2600 game in tabletop format.
So is that a recommendation?
And there you go – – I typed “THE END” on a different Comics script tonight!
(Not Am I Evil? Something different.)
(It’s just the first draft)
Wonderwall/Small Town Boy mashup:
If you’ve watched The Dig on Netflix and want to find out how the Anglo Saxons were revealed by archaeology:
Comparing film to reality:
Very meta
In film, when I click that link I would’ve immediately gotten a webpage.
In reality – I click the link in the screen goes white and the little timer just spins.
Maybe the direct link will work better.
Mary Sherman, the discoverer of the fuel combination that allowed Explorer 1 to reach orbit:
CW: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Last of the big Studio Ghibli films I’ve never seen before.
Over long but not too bad.
I’ve never seen this one either.
I only skimmed. I don’t think I fully agree, although I do agree that I never understood the early complaints about WV. It was always clearly dropping clues and going somewhere.
I’m not sure how people could watch the trailers for Wandavision and not perceive that Marvel was trying something really different. This is the Marvel universe in the Twilight Zone.
In preparation for Godzilla vs. Kong, I did a watch this weekend of the first 3 films as I had not seem them (yah yah late to the party as usual.. Here’s my one sentence non spoiler review of each,
Godzilla – Fine but forgettable.
Kong Skull Island – The best of the 3 by far but it’s definitely more fun than it is good.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters – WTF is this is bullshit….
I gotta say these as a whole don’t get me too amped for Godzilla vs. Kong, especially the meh to just bad 2 Godzilla films. But I liked Kong enough, and I do like Kong as a monster a lot, to give it a whirl.
Godzilla – agreed.
Skull Island – not a masterpiece, but good.
Godzilla: King of the Monsters – it’s just a mindless monster battle royale, with some great visuals and great kaiju battles. That’s all I wanted, that’s what I got.
When the original theme tune kicked in latest Godzilla flick I did shout out yeah at the cinema.
But I did that with the Lone Ranger when the William tell overture kicked in.
I find that Skull Island is the only one I want to rewatch.
Morning Pan
It’s very… Monday today.
Some MST3K history I didn’t know:
I have Pop Tarts! Wahoo!
I have ordered Top Parts!
Toasted or straight out of the package?
Frozen, then some left over custard spread on top.
A slice of history:
Love those blindsiding calls that wreck your entire day. Especially on Monday morning.
Ugh. Sorry to hear that.
I hope things improve for you.
Thanks. It’s just workday stress. It’s not the real world.
I’m just grumbling.
CP: TV Song — Blue Man Group
Looking at video of my daughter, practicing the PoleVault with her college track team … she (and the rest of them) wearing a mask the entire time.
I now have even less sympathy for those who complain about having to wear a mask to go shopping.
bUT My FreEdums
There’s no Fre for your Edums. Just live with it.
BTW, Facebook friends. Ray Murphy is an old friend from my teenage days in NJ. TBH, I don’t know if he ever listened to any Deadpan episodes.
His sense of humor is sometimes “edgy,” but I’ll vouch for him. He’s a good guy.
Having recently rewatched “Captain Marvel”, it was cool to see that CM’s pilot friend’s daughter, Monica Rambeau, is the agent sucked and kicked out of Westview.
This article is a lot longer than it needs to be, but you don’t have to read far to get the gist. FFS!
Oh, that pesky reality! So inconvenient when you have your own made-up narrative to push.
I couldn’t read this story. It was behind a paywall.
Oh, that pesky reality! So inconvenient when you have your own made-up narrative to push.
OK, one more link – – this one is less cranky.
A new song from Saga! Remember Saga?
Apparently it’s an old Saga song, but they’re redoing and rerecording select tunes from their catalog. I’ve always loved “On the Loose,” but never explored them beyond that song.
This brand of maple/carob syrup mixture sucks ass compared to the real, 100% maple syrup.
Let it be written.
Let it be so.
A damn good innings:
No mention of Capricorn One, he was a great bad guy in that.
I still love that movie.
Loved that film!
Got to see him on stage doing his Mark Twain. It was a great fun.
One of the ultimate “Hey, it’s that guy” character actors. RIP
I accidentally slept in this morning. Now I’m all discombobulated.
Ok, enough of this. Time to throw my body under some warm running water.
My wife was showing me a catalog we got in the mail this morning. It was a group of items that you typically see peddled on late night tv, but focused mostly for old people. There was a page on motorized wheelchairs, incontinence pants, and a two-page spread for vibrators.
Welcome to middle age.
Have you started getting the AARP fliers in the mail yet?
That’s always a nice “pick me up”.
I actually joined AARP this year (didn’t realize you can join as young as 50 years old) because the membership was less that what I would save on my Audible subscription and I figured I might find a few other savings. Haven’t found any other savings yet. But I now receive more physical junk mail than I’ve ever received in my entire life
You can be our undercover man inside the AARP.
Keep us apprised of the discounts!
It was a weird cultural moment when Bob Dole became a viagra spokesman.
Hopefully my only serious post of the day. Paywall site, but I have 2 articles/month. This one was worth it.
Off the rails: Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency
One participant later recalled: “When Rudy’s the voice of reason, you know the meeting’s not going well.”
I’m gonna say. . . I believe Marilyn Manson’s accusers. Not just because I dislike his music or because of his shock schlock career, but because their claims seem to be credible.
And if evidence proves his guilt, then yes, we cancel him.
Yeah, hope he gets what he deserves.
I’ve enjoyed a few MM albums, but yes, the accusations seem credible. MM has never seemed particularly emotionally stable, to put it lightly. Plus, there are a multitude of sources that give credence to the accusations. While I’ll wait for more information, things don’t look good.
Encouraging news:
We’ll never really know but this guy trained with him:
CP: I Feel Love — Blue Man Group featuring Venus Hum
This is that game going round FB:
First concert – Whitesnake (Great White opening)
Last concert – Victor Wooten and Steve Bailey with Gregg Bissonette
Best concert – Roger Waters – The Wall
Worst concert – Three Doors Down
Loudest concert – Overkill
Most surprising – Depeche Mode
Band I’ve seen the most – Joe Satriani
Wish I could have seen – Jimi Hendrix
Cool. Here’s mine.
First concert – Doctor Hook
Last concert – In Flames
Best concert – Nevermore
Worst concert – Chicago
Loudest concert – Ratt
Most surprising – Opeth
Band I’ve seen the most – Iron Maiden
Wish I could have seen – The Who
and you were there for Iron Maiden and Opeth. LOL
First Concert – Don Maclean
Last Concert – Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies
Best Concert – Martyn Joseph in a pub in Sunderland
Worst Concert – Wishbone Ash
Loudest Concert – Texas
Most Surprising – Loudon Wainwright III
Band I’ve seen the Most – Martyn Joseph (singer/songwriter)
Wish I could Have seen – Fairport Convention with Sandy Denny on vocals
Wishbone Ash was bad in concert? That’s disappointing.
The acoustics of the venue were shit, the best sound was in the toilets.
First concert – Harry Chapin (my mother took me)
Last concert – They Might Be Giants
Best concert – Rush – R40 tour
Worst concert – Captain & Tennille (my mother took me)
Loudest concert – Ozzy Ozbourne
Most surprising – Kansas (the first time I saw them they were a contender for the worst, second time they surprised me by being fantastic)
Band I’ve seen the most – Rush
Wish I could have seen – Pink Floyd – The Original “The Wall” tour
First concert – Spoons
Last concert – Rush
Best concert – Beach Boys — outside on a beach
Worst concert – And most bizzarre lineup: Barenaked Ladies, Smashing Pumpkins, Blues Traveler. The Pumpkins sounded terrible, played terrible, and were terrible to the crowd.
Loudest concert – Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Most surprising – Kraftwerk
Band I’ve seen the most – Barenaked Ladies
Wish I could have seen – Pink Floyd
So rewatched all of Star Trek: Lower Decks as it popped up on Prime.
A damn fine show.
You know, for that concert game – – one of the lines is for “Next concert.” Most people have “?” – – but I actually have outstanding tickets for 3 different shows: Apocalyptica, Ministry (with KMFDM), and Judas Priest.
None as all the local venues are still closed.
Well right, my concerts continue to get rescheduled, and I would not attend if they were happening.
Toy Galaxy tackles the history of Photon, though this is more about the brand than the game at the centers. I didn’t care about the toys or the TV show, I just loved the actual game.
So the Russian Sputnik vaccine turned out to work well:
..and if you aren’t bio researcher:
Our oldest turns 34 today. At what point can you stop counting your kid’s birthdays since they are a reflection of your own age?
There is a blanket of snow over my world this morning. The weatherman says we’re going to get between 10 to 15cm once it’s all done falling.
Nice! Just rain here, plenty of rain.
Worth twenty minutes of your time, the Castle Bravo disaster:
CW: The Expanse S5 finale
Gawd I love this series.
Ok, for those panites that live in colder climes, how do you heat your homes?
I have an electric fire in the sitting/living room that I never use dues to costs. So rely on the central heating, a combi boiler, that burns gas to heat the water for the radiators in the house.
We have a natural gas furnace to heat the home. That’s pretty common in Canada. Although older buildings, like John’s school, have an actual boiler.
We do have a (natural) gas fireplace in the living room. We don’t actually use it to heat the house, but it’s nice to take the chill off first thing in the mornings. In the warmer months we shut it right off as even just with the pilot light it puts out a little heat.
I have friends who have wood fireplaces but, like our fireplace, they aren’t used to heat the house
While not supposed to be in “colder climes” it did get down to 28F last here night.
We have a Heat Pump with built in gas heat as “emergency” back-up.
When the temps get below 40F I usually just switch the system over to gas, as the heat pump struggles with those temps.
It’s -17C here right now
Well that doesn’t bode well for the great heat pump switchover the UK government wants house owners to do.
Generally, a heat pump is an air conditioner that can run in reverse. At temperatures below freezing, air source heat pumps don’t do as well as electric or gas heaters so you usually need an auxiliary heat source: Ours is the hot water heater. Ground source heat pumps don’t have this problem.
I have a heat pump in Florida as well. Similar setup except ours has electric coils that kick in if the temperature drops below what the heat pump can handle.
Even if I owned the house I live in, I don’t have enough land for ground source. Dread to think how much it would cost to bore down 80m to install vertical pipes instead of horizontal.
I like the heat pump but only because it comes with the “gas pack” to help out on those dozen or so really cold days.
CP: Debaser — Pixies
I….. eh. I’m willing to give it another listen but it’s not a good album let alone a “classic”