We have Pirate Fluxx and Space Fluxx and enjoy them both. Sometimes it’s fun to play a game where chaos is the norm. It’s just tough to predict game time. . . Could be5 minutes, could be 55.
Yotes fans. I hope you get a chance to go see Alex Tanguay while he’s there. While he’s a far cry of what he used to be he’s still a joy to watch. I know Jack still has fond memories of him….
In all seriousness do it. What a great guy. And a ledgendary Av
Alex’s Tanguay bbq sauce isn’t as potent as it used to be. . .
I do hope Boedker reaches his true potential in Colorado, and that – if the Avs get in – he can give them a solid playoff run. He was usually disappointing and streaky here in AZ. Since the Yotes and in build mode, I was hoping they’d deal Boedker for someone to help build for the future.
… Not… a former star at the end of his career. Let’s hope Tanguay finds what he’s lost and can help Doan add some veteran leadership to a talented young Yotes team that should absolutely be a contender next year.
Boedker is still great in the shoot out, but hasn’t been producing offensively that much lately. I hope he attempts more goals for the Avs than passing the puck.
To be fair the Avs could REALLY use someone who knows how to pass
As a geek, I feel like I should be excited by this, but I find myself less interested in tinkering with stuff like this anymore. One of those things to add to the list when I’m retired and the kids are out of the house.
Something’s been bugging me. You know the poem, As I was going to St. Ives?
Why does everybody say the answer is one? Nowhere in it does it say the men were going in opposite direction. When you think about it, a lone person (the poet) would travel faster than someone with a bunch of wives and cats. Maybe they were going in the same direction. The poet caught up to the man and they started chatting as they were were both walking together for a short while.
With this in mind, I postulate the real answer to this poem is (7*7*7)+2 which is 345.
… or 9 people. Not sure how the cats are really counted. Also, I didn’t include the sacks as that would be just weird. :sideways:
As I was going to St. Ives
I met a man with seven wives
Each wife had seven cats
Each cat had seven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives
How many were going to St. Ives
I agree. Most riddles involve some lame trick. The argument is that he “met” the people, not “passed” them.
Even if the poet “passed” the other group, the answer would still stand. A lone traveller would, most likely, go at a faster pace than a group so could pass them.
Like I said: lame trick.
The pbp will be much more fun. 😀
But it also never says the man etc are traveling. They could just be sitting near their home on the way.
Bringing us full circle to the answer of 1
For today’s pbp I have three choices.
Veronika Decides to Die
Decisions, decisions.
It will be happening some time after lunch.
CP: Holiday On The Moon — Love & Rockets
Ok Deadpan, it’s that time.
Today’s movie is Hellions.
The PVR write up: A teen faces a night of terror when malevolent trick or treaters come knocking at her door.
Because, who doesn’t need a Halloween tale on March 2nd
I’m hoping to get Van in on a PBP when he’s out here
No need to hope, it’s on the itinerary.
We have an itinerary?
Well I say an itinerary, more like a sketch on a piece of scrap paper..
Let’s see, you come in on a Friday so…
Probably the Zoo on Saturday, followed by gaming with Solier.
Sunday… Maybe the Tyrell.
Monday, Heritage Park. (The Zoo and Heritage Park can be changed but, since we will be gaming on the Saturday, the Tyrell is too far to be home for sure by four.)
Tuesday, Banff, Maybe? At this point, it gets a little sketchy. 😉
Hey, Keifer Sutherland’s brother is in this
A hospital. Is this the beginning or the end?
Halloween, Wear something slutty and get away with it.
Your ass is grass and I’m a lawnmower
Pumpkins everywhere
She’s preggers
The doctor has elf ears
The pig statue is bleeding
She’s hearing things in the woods
On the roof, smoking a joint. That’s got to be good for the kid
Can you hear me?
Well, that can’t be good
Not a blood moon
Good pep talk
Mom is such a clown
Pickles and honey? Yuck
Now, how to tell the daddy
Her boyfriend is late
Creepy kids
Who smashed the jackolatanterns
Something is wrong
Egging the house
Can you hear me now?
Is a severed head a trick, or a treat?
Secure the doors and windows
And they cut the phone lines
A creepy doll
I think they need to look up the definition of a blood moon
I plan to keep the billiards to a minimum, but this hearkens back to the era when Deadpan was born.
So today I’moff to see ‘London has Fallen’.
I wonder how many British stereotypes Hollywood can fit into a film..
I hope you moffed that film really good. :silly:
Even by the low standards of action films it was a bit shite.
Even the witty one liners fell flat.
Anyone else here have Annual Compliance Modules to complete for their job? Also, they affect your job performance review (ie pay raise).
These modules suck every year.
Realised a long time ago that game was rigged,
Use to at my previous job. Much better not having to do them any more.
Rate yourself honestly on a scale of 1-3.
1: You’re horrible and should be fired immediately.
2: You’re just average and should probably be replaced with someone better.
3: You’re overqualified and entitled to more than we’re willing to pay for your position, so we’ll need to replace you with someone better suited for the role.
That was pretty cute. I hope the reboot doesn’t suck.
For months, I’ve been seeing lots of gripes about the gender of the team. I’d assume those people are unimpressed with the new trailer for that reason.
Me, I think it’s a good cast, and an all-female team is a great way to reboot (or continue?) the franchise. Unfortunately, I’m unimpressed with the new trailer for the lack of real laughs or new ideas.
I did feel that way about the new Star Wars trailer, but the film was much better than what I was expecting it to be from the trailer.
Seriously. Holy crap. The song “Battery” is now about the thing you need to replace in your hearing aid.
“The Thing That Should Not Be” is about the 9-hour-erection from too much Viagra.
Sanitarium, leave me be.
Morning Pan
Today is Friday. I’m glad it’s the weekend.
Moved lunch with my Boo from yesterday to today. What she doesn’t know is I have lots of errands to do and I’m dragging her with me.
The cat decided 3:45 was a perfect time to get out of bed. We’re still working on her morning wake-ups
Happy belated birthday Lo!
Speaking of free games, I sunk a good hour+ into playing Star Realms on the tablet last night. The physical game is much more fun, but this is a decent intro to the game.
Many things are more fun in physical form rather than VR.
Thankfully, I don’t take that road to work and also was already in the office well before this happend.
BTW – do not click on any pictures of the offender…
They’re not called an “offender” for nothing.
To the tune of “She’s a maniac, maniac.”
CW: Latest Shameless
Oh Frank..
So its time for honest conversation and not just because of Mr. Whiskey. This has been a long time coming and only now do I feel strong and safe enough to say it.
I love my kids. You all with children know how much they mean to you. Those of you who have lost children know how much that affects every single future decision and announcement as well. It is therefore with a humble heart that I say my 5th child (including my angel baby TJ) will be arriving on this earth on the first week of June.
i am FUCKING stoked, tho I have no idea how this happened. I guess Im the one shot king. HA! Barf…
This is the reason I am very sketchy about being able to make the wedding. That plus an ill time car wreck have sapped the time and money. With all luck the pregnancy will go smoothly and Ill have the cash to come out.
Why am I writing this? Case I respect most of you. And youre fam. And god bless the USA and fuck Trump in his butt. Thank you
Congratumaholyshit! I’m happy for you both too, and sending positive vibes to all. More details as they become available!
You are truly the shooter of no blanks.
Hey Daddy-O and Mama Dani. Congrats on the big baby news. I’m sure Lady Luck will be on your side for a healthy, safe pregnancy and delivery. Hooray LoPans!
I hope that all who have lost little ones have the same fortune as your family.
What everybody else said! Congrats!
Congratz man!
Many, many, many congrats! 🙂
Off to see Hail Caesar today.
Ooooo looks fun. Let us know!
It was all rather silly, but in a good way.
Nothing shows how we in the UK like to keep things running long after the sell by date then the Pacer train:
Pleasant surprise of the morning – Neve Campbell on S4 of House of Cards
We are both really digging Neve on S4, and we are both enjoying the twists and turns S4 has given us so far.
Late to the party congratulations to Lo on the new progeny … and getting older.
Older but at least Im not wiser.
Even though it’s still early March, the weather has been nice enough that I think I’ll start my yard spring cleaning this afternoon.
CP: The Streets Themselves — LIke Bells
So some of the more conservative peeps on my FB news feed are getting their nickers in the twist over Obama choosing SXSW over Nancy Reagan’s funeral.
Let the gnashing and wailing of teeth begin…
Love th Wachowski sisters news. Sorry can’t post a link from my phone.
The Daily Fail was fucking with her..bastards!
Those 2 are great spokespersons. They’re famous in the modern era for brilliant movies and advancing the art of film-making and storytelling. . . As opposed to a reality TV star in a family full of assholes.
Hubby’s still not home 🙁 I won’t see him until tomorrow evening.
CP: Liana — The Joy Formidable
Crap joke for the day:
A little old lady , well into her eighties, slowly
enters the front door of a sex shop. Obviously very unstable on her feet, she wobbles the few feet across the store to the counter. Finally arriving at the counter and grabbing it for support, stuttering
she asks the sales clerk, “Dooo youuuu have
The clerk, politely trying not to burst out laughing,
replies, “Yes we do have dildos. Actually we carry many different models.”
The old woman then asks: “Doooo youuuu carrryy aaa pppinkk onnee, tttenn inchessss lllong aaandd aabboutt
ttwoo inchesss ththiickk…aaand rrunns by bbaatteries?”
The clerk responds, “Yes we do..”
“Dddooo yyoouu kknnnooww hhhoww ttooo ttturrrnn iittt
Seriously, how far off can the day be when our phones are also our TV remotes?
That here now, apps on iOS and Android.
I gave up. The remote is missing. Wiill have to read instead
That reminds me, the beauty of the first flat screen TV I bought (still working as a monitor for my PlayStation TV) is it still had buttons on the side for changing channel, volume and cycling through inputs.
The new TV is useless with out the remote.
It always amazes me that an intelligent man like GK still likens socialism to communism:
Agree with him or not, he articulates his case with civility and intelligent, non-partisan points. He’d never fit in at Fox. I absolutely support Bernie’s vision, but most of Kasparov’s cautions should stay in the conversation.
Good link, Van. Even if it is about billiards.
He makes some really good points and he makes some bold assertions without cross examination. I wouldn’t consider Eisenhower era America socialist by any means, but with a top tax rate of 90 percent America was considered to be in its height of innovation.
Ok, now I’m serious. Must find the remote. Before hubby comes home tomorrow would be nice.
Inbetween or under the cushions?
Litter try?
When I loose mine it’s typically deep in the couch or someone (cough) mindlessly took it into the kitchen and left it on the table.
Looked in the chairs several times.
It’s not like my schedule is any different, regardless of whether or not hubby is home. I shut off the tv, then go into the bedroom to read for an hour.
I’m firmly in the camp that if you can’t eat it, don’t put it in your stew.
So no stew for Vanamonde when you’re here. Got it 😉
Morning Pan
Hubby called me last night, he seems to have caught something nasty at his conference. It’s going to be a yucky drive home today.
I just told my boss I’m not making the changes to a book the author requested. Let’s see how well that goes over.
I’ve been instructed to read the book, “Basic Rconomics” by Thomas Sowell. If I read it and I still want to vote for someone other than Trump, then my coworker will give me $100.
That doesn’t sound like it would be worth $10,000.00.
I’ve taken economics as part of accounting. I still wouldn’t vote for Drumph if I was American. The few policies I’ve heard don’t make economic sense to me
Agreed. The Sowell book is good, but there is no correlation between it’s contents and anything that Trump has demonstrably done.
The consensus amongst the majority of my co-workers (surgeons, perfusionists, anesthesiologists, nurses) is that Trump
trumps Hilary.
They will take the “showboater for shock-value” over the pathological liar-crook.
I have one co-worker who is supporting Bernie, only because she has lived in Denmark and has experienced his vision of politics there.
There are so many logical fallacies in their stance… I wouldn’t even know where to begin to deconstruct them. (e.g.: Trump is not a pathological liar and a crook??)
These are obviously people with intelligence and rational thought on some level. I can only assume they’re caught in the zeitgeist of 30 years of Hillary-bashing and numbskull celebrity Trump has enjoyed as “real-life Robocop movie villain”, from a certain segment of the populace.
That got me to smile and not just have a “resting bitch face”
“The Family”
In my answer to Ed on FB you can tell I haven’t a fucking clue about how analog computers work.
Interesting. I guess the Wikipedia writer’s are probably correct. Since a slide rule has scales with indicated position marks along it, I would have thought it was still digital.
I can see where nomographs would be analog computation, but man they are awful to work with.
Morning Pan
Daylight Saving = Ugh.
BST in a few weeks..meh!
It occurs to me, I have a lot of liquids at my desk. I have a cup of tea, a glass of juice, and a bottle of water. I guess I’m staying at my desk for awhile.
Did that already. I call it, brushing my teeth. :silly:
Then pour me a trippel.
New Indy film in 2019, I wonder Indy will be in an old peoples home…
I can’t believe “The Crystal Skull” is already 8 years old. Perhaps Harrison Ford will just do a voice over for a CGI double in all movies going forward.
He has done voice-over narration before. . .
Look if he brings the same excitement and fun as he did reprising Han Solo Im in
So it seems that Tiff and I picked a tough year for everyone to travel to a wedding. . . .
We will continue to update and ask and hope because it’s important to us, and because we’re trying to plan – – but please don’t feel guilt tripped. We get it. But please also know that you matter a lot and we want you there for our big day!
What HE said <3
Today’s wonder:
A pensioner wearing an Apple Watch.
Planning taint never easy. Good man.
One can never really plan for taint.
And there’s a slyly disguised St. Patrick’s Day Google doodle today.
RIP Larry Drake. 66 years too young
Dr. Giggles and Darkman were instrumental in my youth.
“I abhor violence, especially when it doesn’t make me money.”
An absolute icon of genre TV character bits.
Definitely a distinctive character actor and bad guy. RIP
THANK YOU New Jersey Devils
7 goals!
Everyone should have goals but doesn’t this seem a little much?
Goodnight :mush:
Morning Pan
Spring Break starts at 5pm today for hubby.
Grilled cheese and tomato sandwich makes a breakfast full of yum.
You had me at the cheese then lost me with the tomato.
Grilled cheese and bacon?
How the fuck are you still alive?
I just discovered leprechaun porn is a thing. I can’t decide if I’m horrified or fascinated
I’d avoid those lucky charms.
CP: Sommarfågel — Wintergatan
In case you missed the news, Daredevil Season 2 is available on Netflix
I’m watching E1 of S2 as I type.
I expect nothing less from a grape-drying proprietor of midgets
Go descrate a bovine you bloody cow Banger!
Sounds like you’re both quoting obscure Metallica lyrics.
You know, whenever I hear these commercials recruiting people to go teach English to folks in foreign countries, they never suggest England as one of the place to go. Why is that?
If I had the energy I would be offended by that quip, but I haven’t so I won’t.
Oh snap, son
You’re putting snuff powder in your eyes? That could be the first problem.
Van, did you send me an email? I had one show up in my spam mail from you. It looked a little hinkey so I didn’t want to open it until I knew for sure. The subject line is Hi Ryah.
The last one I sent you was about the flight from Canada to leaving Phoenix slightly earlier, but that was the 29th February.
Ok, so this is probably spam and I’m just going to delete it. Heads up, you may want to run a virus check on your computer, just to be safe.
Will do.
I’ve sent you a test message, see if that one looks garbled.
It’s title is test message.
It wasn’t garbled. It was simply an email from you with the subject line: Hi Ryah. Since it both showed up in my spam and you never head your emails that way, it raised a red flag. Never did open it so I have no idea what it was about. Have since deleted it.
I finished Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo today. It’s a heist story set in a fantasy world and it was rather good.
There’s a series of books by Patrick Weeks that are fantasy heist books. Starting with The Palace Job. They are fun. I’m currently reading the third one.
If you dont have a dog in the hunt, I respectfully ask you to root for U of Denver as they chase their 8th championship.
I doubt if I’ll have a dog in this hunt for awhile. We watched Yale completely own ASU at the tournament back in January.
Theyll get there
I’ve somehow never hear David Gilmour’s 1978 solo album until now, through the magic of Youtube. I’m digging it! Sounds like the posr-Roger Pink Floyd stuff (which would make sense).
As much disappointment I had with s3 of Vikings I have equal amounts joy and love for s4. This is why I fell for it in the first place
I dread to think what I would find if I brought a black light to your house after you’ve watched an episode….
The wedding scene?
I’ve found all seasons of Vikings entertaining so far. S4 has been a bit slow, but seems to be picking up lately.
I’m going to call it official – SPECTRE is the worst of the Daniel Craig Bond films. FIGHT ME!
It’s the worst of the 3 I’ve seen.
Fight Ed!
Nah! since I agree with you. They completed wasted a good actor in the villain role.
But for sheer tedium, Quantum of Solace wins out.
The villain is even more valid in that one.
But for sheer tedium, Quantum of Solace wins out.
The villain is even more vapid in that one.
Spectre Spoiler!
In the next sentence!!
Don’t read!!
I think they plan on making him a big deal in the upcoming films.
Waltz or the French guy?
Walz. I don’t even remember a French villain.
I’ve only ever seen the first DG Bond film, but from what I read online, the consensus seems to be a “thumbs down” for Spectre.
Also, “The Americans” is off to a promising start for Season 4. Though, the “coming this season” bit at the end sure seems like they are going to wrap up the story this year.
There is also an official podcast for the show that posts about a day after each episode airs. The ones for Season 3 were most excellent.
It’s a show I’ve got my eye on to watch from the beginning.
I enjoy the show. I’ll also be happy if they wrap it this year.
I read somewhere that the writers would like another 2 seasons, whether they get it is another matter.
Hubby’s home for the next two weeks. Expect lots of tumbleweeds from me.
Okay, I’m trying to remember the name of a film, probably Disney, where three crooks are trying to get to a aeroplane to escape the country. A mini submarine is involved, and a large Salami gets gets fired from the sub at a coastguard ship.
They get away at the end but have to dump the money to lighten the plane.
Probably from the 70’s.
Any ideas?
Sorry, can’t help
When you Google ” Salami gets gets fired from the sub at a coastguard” the Disney movie Boatniks comes up. There are theives as well but I don’t see anything about the airplane.
I might b getting the end of the film mixed up with another, but judging from the film poster it’s the Boatniks.
That mini sub was cool….
“And a large Salami gets fired.” Doesn’t sound like a Disney movie to me.
It sounds more like the opening to a bumper for “Jack Mangan’s Deadpan”
Our world broken down
*sigh* I guess it would help if I included the link
Hubby seems to have hurt his eye so, instead of working like I should be, I’m sitting in a doctors office waiting on him
Poor hubby
Everything ok?
I re-read all of The Red Star the past couple of days. It is very frustrating that this comic series is still unfinished. 🙁
One of these days I must get round to reading this series .
I enjoyed the PlayStation 2 game.
I haven’t finished the game. I’ve been meaning to replay it. I think you’d enjoy the comics, even if it leaves you hanging. Did you know Weta Workshop did the 3D compositing for the series? It looks pretty cool.
i remember flicking through some issues in a little comic book store in Aldershot when I visited my sister.
It looked interesting.
Back home
Hubby has an eye infection so has to have drops.
Brussels attacks: Zaventem and Maelbeek bombs kill 31:
Hair metal had become a parody of itself that is true, but as brilliant as “Nevermind” was it inspired a large amount of drek.
As any perfect and paradigm bending album does. Its really true. For every Soundgarden’s ‘Badmotorfinger’ (which Ill argue nearly superseded Nevermind) there’s Candlebox. For every Seaweed’s ‘Four’ there’s Days of the New
I love that people of the 90s would sometimes confuse Candlebox with Candlemass.
Dear ESPN, you have heard of the expression; pot calling the kettle black:
Jesus Christ… are they saying how? Always have a soft spot for Tribe, tho I admit its been a long time since Ive listened to one of their records.
The documentary”Beats, Rhymes, and Life” covered some of his struggles with diabetes, as well as the band’s history and dramas.
“”I still haven’t struck oil,” said Tom boringly.”
jColoradians be safe in your weather today.
Are those like Midichlorians?
As I feared, Dawn of Justice is getting semi-shat upon by critics. It simply looks a MESS of shoehorned in characters and unnecessary villains. You know what else it seems to suffer from (IMO)? Unlike the Marvel films I can SEE the CHARACTERS the actors are portraying. Its the exact opposite for this film. All I see are the ACTORS. That’s a problem. And I remind you i REALLY liked Man of Steel, so no DC hatred just to hate here. The DC film universe may be in trouble. That being said of course Ill see it… right after I see Star Wars 5 more times and Deadpool.
I’ll be seeing it for sure. From what I’ve read, the advanced ticket sales are so high, that if for some reason no one bought tickets, it’d still would have made enough money to warrant a sequel.
And THAT is why this film exists. Oi.
I shall be seeing it sometime over The Easter weekend.
“For as by a man came death, by a man has come the resurrection of the dead. For as in Superman all die, so in Batfleck shall all be made alive.” (1 Justice League 15:21-22)
I saw “Man of Steel” a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it. As I recall, it got very mixed critical response, so I’m expecting more of the same with the new movie.
Agree. But at least Man of Steel stuck true to one hero vs one villain (yes I’m counting it as one villain). This new one.. I can’t count the amount of characters in it. It makes Spiderman 3 look subtle.
So very true. But you know what? Anything that gets us a real Wonder Woman movie is worth it in my book. I thought the trailer for WW looked promising.
Im not so secretly hoping this turns into a WW filma dn Bats and Supes are left in the background
And as DC has Supes and Bats stick their thumbs up each other’s bum’s, Marvel is braching out and fucking doing this
The reboots of the Marvel Star Wars and Darth Vader comic titles have become must reads. Theyre really impressive in both story and art. I’m still an Image guy by far, but these two titles are lots of fun
I’m not following the Star Wars comic title, but I agree totally on the Darth Vader comic. This is the Darth Vader I’ve always wanted to see.
I’ve been up for three hours. Hubby, still asleep. I have a feeling one of us will be going to bed sooner than the other this evening before the long weekend
Hmmm. Queens of the Iggy Pop. I’ve only heard American Valhalla. Not really working for me.
I hadn’t heard about a collaboration between Iggy Pop and Josh Homme. As much as I like them both, I’m curious, but have low expectations.
The album just came out, this week I think. Iggy is saying it is his last album. Like I said, I’ve only heard the one song. Maybe it is a matter of getting used to it. It is very different, plinky strings and steel drums.
They’re on an upcoming Austin Coty Limits
Its terrible. Like Metallica/Lou Reed terrible
Worse than James Hetfield yelling, “I am the table!!” over and over?
My friends and I all loved the broken 4th wall of his show, when it originally aired in the 80s. Sad news.
He got me into comedy at an early age
“I’m dating a woman now who, evidently, is unaware of it.”
Brilliant. He will be missed.
This is the theme to Garry’s show…
Crap joke for the day:
Mick walks into Paddy’s barn and catches him dancing naked and wanking in front of a tractor.
Mick says ‘fucking hell Paddy, what ya doing?’
Paddy says ‘well me and Mary haven’t been getting on in the bedroom lately and the therapist recommended I do something sexy to attractor.
Looks like Batman V Superman has a 44 rating amoungst critics but a 71 rating with average users. Considering how much I liked MoS, Watchmen and 300 I am still hopeful.
My sister’s only comment that it was long.
Hopefully she was talking about the film.,,
Watchmen was kinda long too.
A Dr. Manhattan joke?
Goddammit Rhett
I hated the changed ending to Watchmen, but I still liked the film.
Zack Snyder is not some Michael Bay; this guy has made some indelible visuals and images in his movies. I agree with the story complaints about MoS, but I still liked it a lot too. I’ll reserve judgment on BvS until I see it.
CW: The Catch E1
30 minutes in and Ugh!
In my view a step backwards for the actress from the US version of The Killing.
The fact of the matter is that DC is still trying to get film versions of their anchor heroes right while Marvel is like “Oh look guys, here’s Ant-Man, Black Panther, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, and a bunch of other B comic heroes.” That’s impressive
Maybe the day is coming when something doesn’t have to be dark and grim for us to accept it as cool. Maybe DC will figure how that Batman is their only A-list character where a dark tone is appropriate.
After all, The Flash tv series works– and it’s not constantly bleak.
Watched Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday on Netflix last night. I was pretty good. Mostly the same thing as the other Pee-Wee movies. Definitely some laugh out loud moments.
You can all go back to Defcon 5 now.
How about 4?
Words fail.
I could never get into the Fluxx games.
We have Pirate Fluxx and Space Fluxx and enjoy them both. Sometimes it’s fun to play a game where chaos is the norm. It’s just tough to predict game time. . . Could be5 minutes, could be 55.
I had never heard of him.
That’s an awkward discovery… “Hey, my dad’s old journals!”
I keep hearing that some day these all-nighters (in the OR) are going to catch up with me.
I’m still spry for a pixie.
Morning Pan
This bunny gets to go grocery shopping this morning.
… and the excitement never ends.
It rained the other day, and the temperature must have dipped blow freezing last night because, holy crap, are the roads slick.
The news said there were 179 accidents in the last 12 hours
I’m rather enjoying this collection of Neil Gaiman short stories.
Actor George Kennedy, star of Naked Gun, dies aged 91:
Yotes fans. I hope you get a chance to go see Alex Tanguay while he’s there. While he’s a far cry of what he used to be he’s still a joy to watch. I know Jack still has fond memories of him….
In all seriousness do it. What a great guy. And a ledgendary Av
Alex’s Tanguay bbq sauce isn’t as potent as it used to be. . .
I do hope Boedker reaches his true potential in Colorado, and that – if the Avs get in – he can give them a solid playoff run. He was usually disappointing and streaky here in AZ. Since the Yotes and in build mode, I was hoping they’d deal Boedker for someone to help build for the future.
… Not… a former star at the end of his career. Let’s hope Tanguay finds what he’s lost and can help Doan add some veteran leadership to a talented young Yotes team that should absolutely be a contender next year.
Boedker is still great in the shoot out, but hasn’t been producing offensively that much lately. I hope he attempts more goals for the Avs than passing the puck.
To be fair the Avs could REALLY use someone who knows how to pass
New Raspberry Pi released:
As a geek, I feel like I should be excited by this, but I find myself less interested in tinkering with stuff like this anymore. One of those things to add to the list when I’m retired and the kids are out of the house.
Morning Pan
… that’s all I’ve got
Super! Tuesday!
A Golan-Globus Production, tm MCMLXXXV.
Wow, I finished our next box set in two days. A new record.
If things continue as they are, we may get a ply by play tomorrow.
Hooray for bad movies!
CW: Better Call Saul S2 E3
Another for the “watch later” category.
The dark side of obi wan
Speaking of Dark Sides, happy 43rd anniversary to Dark Side of the Moon. As the old man said:
There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark.
Your fantasy hockey quote of the week…
“Petr Mrazek is dealing with a tender groin”
Fuck you, Bill O’Reilly.
This is infuriating on so many levels.
Some people have more money than sense:
But they still have cents.
Morning Pan
Something’s been bugging me. You know the poem, As I was going to St. Ives?
Why does everybody say the answer is one? Nowhere in it does it say the men were going in opposite direction. When you think about it, a lone person (the poet) would travel faster than someone with a bunch of wives and cats. Maybe they were going in the same direction. The poet caught up to the man and they started chatting as they were were both walking together for a short while.
With this in mind, I postulate the real answer to this poem is (7*7*7)+2 which is 345.
… or 9 people. Not sure how the cats are really counted. Also, I didn’t include the sacks as that would be just weird. :sideways:
As I was going to St. Ives
I met a man with seven wives
Each wife had seven cats
Each cat had seven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives
How many were going to St. Ives
I agree. Most riddles involve some lame trick. The argument is that he “met” the people, not “passed” them.
Even if the poet “passed” the other group, the answer would still stand. A lone traveller would, most likely, go at a faster pace than a group so could pass them.
Like I said: lame trick.
The pbp will be much more fun. 😀
But it also never says the man etc are traveling. They could just be sitting near their home on the way.
Bringing us full circle to the answer of 1
For today’s pbp I have three choices.
Veronika Decides to Die
Decisions, decisions.
It will be happening some time after lunch.
CP: Holiday On The Moon — Love & Rockets
Ok Deadpan, it’s that time.
Today’s movie is Hellions.
The PVR write up: A teen faces a night of terror when malevolent trick or treaters come knocking at her door.
Because, who doesn’t need a Halloween tale on March 2nd
I’m hoping to get Van in on a PBP when he’s out here
No need to hope, it’s on the itinerary.
We have an itinerary?
Well I say an itinerary, more like a sketch on a piece of scrap paper..
Let’s see, you come in on a Friday so…
Probably the Zoo on Saturday, followed by gaming with Solier.
Sunday… Maybe the Tyrell.
Monday, Heritage Park. (The Zoo and Heritage Park can be changed but, since we will be gaming on the Saturday, the Tyrell is too far to be home for sure by four.)
Tuesday, Banff, Maybe? At this point, it gets a little sketchy. 😉
Hey, Keifer Sutherland’s brother is in this
A hospital. Is this the beginning or the end?
Halloween, Wear something slutty and get away with it.
Your ass is grass and I’m a lawnmower
Pumpkins everywhere
She’s preggers
The doctor has elf ears
The pig statue is bleeding
She’s hearing things in the woods
On the roof, smoking a joint. That’s got to be good for the kid
Can you hear me?
Well, that can’t be good
Not a blood moon
Good pep talk
Mom is such a clown
Pickles and honey? Yuck
Now, how to tell the daddy
Her boyfriend is late
Creepy kids
Who smashed the jackolatanterns
Something is wrong
Egging the house
Can you hear me now?
Is a severed head a trick, or a treat?
Secure the doors and windows
And they cut the phone lines
A creepy doll
I think they need to look up the definition of a blood moon
Doctor danger
He’s a close friend of General Hospital .
She’s stapling his neck
Well I enjoyed S2 of Agent Carter.
Fingers crossed it gets renewed.
Her pregnancy is advancing really quickly
I guess you could say he’s not in danger any more
Blood for baby
A melted child
Terminator knows what’s happening
That’s a lot of balls:
I hate really clever and talented people
I can’t decide if I’m upset, or glad my house doesn’t have an attic storage
Her brother has turned evil
Salted fetus
Salt kills them
She’s been blanketed
She’s tripping something fierce
She made a tiger fall on his face?
Llamas are larger than frogs.
XM Kids much?
Terminator to the rescue
The baby’s an alien
Exploding pumpkins
It’s a barn birth
Yeah, blood loss will do that to you
In the hospital
Mom is not impressed
Why is there nobody in this hospital?
Oh, there they are
What an ambitious ending
Not ambitious, ambiguous. Stupid autocorrect
I can’t decide if I liked this movie or not. I’ll give it extra marks for being different from the usual fare, though.
Today I won an ebook naming my favourite meal.
Dali has nothing on me…
Aside from a crazy mustache.
I could always go the full Groucho Marx.
Blade Yummer?
omg. Who named John Tortorella the coach of the U.S. World Cup hockey team? How am I supposed to cheer for this scumbag?
I plan to keep the billiards to a minimum, but this hearkens back to the era when Deadpan was born.
So today I’moff to see ‘London has Fallen’.
I wonder how many British stereotypes Hollywood can fit into a film..
I hope you moffed that film really good. :silly:
Even by the low standards of action films it was a bit shite.
Even the witty one liners fell flat.
Anyone else here have Annual Compliance Modules to complete for their job? Also, they affect your job performance review (ie pay raise).
These modules suck every year.
Realised a long time ago that game was rigged,
Use to at my previous job. Much better not having to do them any more.
Rate yourself honestly on a scale of 1-3.
1: You’re horrible and should be fired immediately.
2: You’re just average and should probably be replaced with someone better.
3: You’re overqualified and entitled to more than we’re willing to pay for your position, so we’ll need to replace you with someone better suited for the role.
Duh. We all know where I stand
Official trailer for the new Ghostbusters:
That was pretty cute. I hope the reboot doesn’t suck.
For months, I’ve been seeing lots of gripes about the gender of the team. I’d assume those people are unimpressed with the new trailer for that reason.
Me, I think it’s a good cast, and an all-female team is a great way to reboot (or continue?) the franchise. Unfortunately, I’m unimpressed with the new trailer for the lack of real laughs or new ideas.
I did feel that way about the new Star Wars trailer, but the film was much better than what I was expecting it to be from the trailer.
As if we didn’t need another reminder of our age, “Master of Puppets” came out 30 years ago today: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/metallica-talk-30-years-of-master-of-puppets-we-were-just-kids-20160302
Seriously. Holy crap. The song “Battery” is now about the thing you need to replace in your hearing aid.
“The Thing That Should Not Be” is about the 9-hour-erection from too much Viagra.
Sanitarium, leave me be.
Morning Pan
Today is Friday. I’m glad it’s the weekend.
Moved lunch with my Boo from yesterday to today. What she doesn’t know is I have lots of errands to do and I’m dragging her with me.
I like it that the sun is up by 7am again.
I’m sorry you guys can’t be here to enjoy my 10am presentation on Corporate Item Codes. It should be a hoot.
I’ll trade you for my pre-application meeting at 11.
“It rubs the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.”
Pics, or it didn’t happen.
In pictures: American airmen in England during World War Two:
Very cool snapshots.
I think that was probably the last time in history that you could publish a legitimate magazine called, “Yank.”
CP: You And Me And The Bottle Makes 3 Tonight — Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
A big collection of short stories is free to download in March:
I’m friends with one of the authors.
Which one?
Ron Friedman
This looks like the way I’d like to break my leg:
HoC, season 4. Going in.
JF: United States of Japan by Peter Tieryas
If this book was a film it would be directed by Werner Herzog and not Chris Columbus.
A rainbow lightsaber would be awesome.
In the books he’s married and has kids.
Yeah none of the books matter anymore. The entire EU has been overwritten
He did spend a lot of nights alone in that cramped but with Yoda and his gimer stick. . .
May we all reach 80 and still be this focused.
Tonight I’m going to watch Casablanca, a film I’ve only seen bits of.
So after watching a very wrinkly globe, there is a montage.
Ah Conrad Veidt, a German who got out of Germany to flee the Nazi’s ended up playing a Nazi.
Isn’t that ironic?
I wonder if in some deep dark cellar, Steven Speilberg has a version of this film with all the cigarettes edited it out..
Peter Lorre was very good at playing a creep.
I had forgotten that this film is was a bit of a Maltese Falcon reunion.
This cleaned up print is rather sumptuous.
..and in walks Ingrid Bergman, one to add to the list of retro crushes.
THAT song!
Gin joints..you know the quote.
Paris flash back.
The problem with this being in HD is the back projection is rather obvious.
Ingrid still looks cute in a beret.
This film has a lot of drinking,a LOT.
Ink running in the rain.
Threats and more threats.
She was married!!!
A threesome quip in 1942..WHAT!
Awwww Rick’s a good guy after all.
Battle of the Nationak anthems .
France wins..
Victor knows and forgives..what a guy!
She looks good holding a gun.
Will Rick really sell out Victor?
Of course he won’t
Course he won’t
Course he won’t!
That plane looked very dodgy.
We’ll always have Paris
One dead German.
The end!!!
Viva la France!!!!!
Casablanca is worthy of its hype. Great story, legendary performances, and the fakest Paris set ever filmed.
Oh dear:
So it’s Lo’s birthday today:
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes
That’s the nicest thing youve said to me in months!
…and it’s goodbye to the inventor of email:
We have a number of games that allow solo play. Hubby will sometimes pull one out and… yeah, insert your own joke here.
Happy Birthday, LoPan!
And it’s the big 4-0 for Lo! Have a happy, healthy day.
The lights are blinking I’m thinking
It’s all over when I go out drinking
Makin’ my mind slow,
That’s why I don’t fuck wit da big four-oh
this….this so hard
Try it again.
Oh dear:
Happy, Happy, day of birth, Lo Pan!
CP: Rocks – Primal Scream
CP: Sit Down – James
CP: I like Chinese – Monty Python
Happy birthday, Lo!
Thanks for the bday wishes, yalls.
Come for scenery, stay for the madness:
F’thagn cool posters.
Looks like Jack may need to take a road trip one of these years…
Another reason to tour Canada.
If you like a challenge on your iPad :
Morning Pan
The cat decided 3:45 was a perfect time to get out of bed. We’re still working on her morning wake-ups
Happy belated birthday Lo!
Speaking of free games, I sunk a good hour+ into playing Star Realms on the tablet last night. The physical game is much more fun, but this is a decent intro to the game.
Many things are more fun in physical form rather than VR.
Not all however…
Like eating Twinkies?
I wonder if Ed made it to work on time today?
Thankfully, I don’t take that road to work and also was already in the office well before this happend.
BTW – do not click on any pictures of the offender…
They’re not called an “offender” for nothing.
To the tune of “She’s a maniac, maniac.”
CW: Latest Shameless
Oh Frank..
So its time for honest conversation and not just because of Mr. Whiskey. This has been a long time coming and only now do I feel strong and safe enough to say it.
I love my kids. You all with children know how much they mean to you. Those of you who have lost children know how much that affects every single future decision and announcement as well. It is therefore with a humble heart that I say my 5th child (including my angel baby TJ) will be arriving on this earth on the first week of June.
i am FUCKING stoked, tho I have no idea how this happened. I guess Im the one shot king. HA! Barf…
This is the reason I am very sketchy about being able to make the wedding. That plus an ill time car wreck have sapped the time and money. With all luck the pregnancy will go smoothly and Ill have the cash to come out.
Why am I writing this? Case I respect most of you. And youre fam. And god bless the USA and fuck Trump in his butt. Thank you
Congratumaholyshit! I’m happy for you both too, and sending positive vibes to all. More details as they become available!
You are truly the shooter of no blanks.
Hey Daddy-O and Mama Dani. Congrats on the big baby news. I’m sure Lady Luck will be on your side for a healthy, safe pregnancy and delivery. Hooray LoPans!
I hope that all who have lost little ones have the same fortune as your family.
What everybody else said! Congrats!
Congratz man!
Many, many, many congrats! 🙂
Off to see Hail Caesar today.
Ooooo looks fun. Let us know!
It was all rather silly, but in a good way.
Nothing shows how we in the UK like to keep things running long after the sell by date then the Pacer train:
Morning Pan
I have a bran muffin and some tea in my belly. Now I’m ready to take on the day.
CP: Immigrant Song — Karen O, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross
Hammer of the Gods.
Left over chili makes a yum lunch
Super nostalgia here. They even mention Sam Goody.
Interesting line in the article “Old music outsold new music for the first time ever last year.” That seems worthy of its own report.
This tells me 2 things:
1. Pop culture is more actively recycling old shit, and keeping it relevant.
2. Fans of new music don’t pay for their music.
3. Yeezus.
A farewell to kings:
I’m so glad I made it to the R40 tour.
CP: Mission Statement — Weird Al
This is his most brilliant song. Not his best or my favorite, but still a masterpiece of bullshit bizspeak.
My hearty congratulations to the Elder god and family on the upcoming special delivery!
Peaches to guest star in Season 4 of Orphan Black!
No Herb?
Thanks, everyone!
Enough about me let’s talk about me….
Oh, well if we’re going to to there….
This should not have been posted up there, under that other conversation.
It bears a repost:
Jack Mangan
March 8, 2016 at 8:45 pm
A farewell to kings:
Never forgotten:
..and I’ve just heard Desert Ouxie mangle his name in Technorama podcast.
-Ouxie + Pixie
Yune Gangreen is a o much cooler sounding.
(and to be fair, the monitor was at a weird angle from her)
‘Fifth Beatle’ Sir George Martin dies, aged 90:
Kudos on a great life and legacy. RIP.
Morning Pan
I am hubbiless for a couple of days 🙁
Pleasant surprise of the morning – Neve Campbell on S4 of House of Cards
We are both really digging Neve on S4, and we are both enjoying the twists and turns S4 has given us so far.
Late to the party congratulations to Lo on the new progeny … and getting older.
Older but at least Im not wiser.
Even though it’s still early March, the weather has been nice enough that I think I’ll start my yard spring cleaning this afternoon.
CP: The Streets Themselves — LIke Bells
So some of the more conservative peeps on my FB news feed are getting their nickers in the twist over Obama choosing SXSW over Nancy Reagan’s funeral.
Let the gnashing and wailing of teeth begin…
Love th Wachowski sisters news. Sorry can’t post a link from my phone.
The Daily Fail was fucking with her..bastards!
Those 2 are great spokespersons. They’re famous in the modern era for brilliant movies and advancing the art of film-making and storytelling. . . As opposed to a reality TV star in a family full of assholes.
Ta-Nehisi Coates talks Black Panther. Plus a preview:
Thanks for sharing, bro! We are very excited and put our subscription in months ago.
Hey Van, instead of the Tyrrell, Maybe you want to go here. I’ve never been. 😉
Too much chance I would get deported :-p
Hubby texted. He’s now on the road to Edmonton.
I’m on the road to Perdition.
Yours is probably more interesting.
Highway to Hell?
Morning Deadpan
Hubby’s still not home 🙁 I won’t see him until tomorrow evening.
CP: Liana — The Joy Formidable
Crap joke for the day:
A little old lady , well into her eighties, slowly
enters the front door of a sex shop. Obviously very unstable on her feet, she wobbles the few feet across the store to the counter. Finally arriving at the counter and grabbing it for support, stuttering
she asks the sales clerk, “Dooo youuuu have
The clerk, politely trying not to burst out laughing,
replies, “Yes we do have dildos. Actually we carry many different models.”
The old woman then asks: “Doooo youuuu carrryy aaa pppinkk onnee, tttenn inchessss lllong aaandd aabboutt
ttwoo inchesss ththiickk…aaand rrunns by bbaatteries?”
The clerk responds, “Yes we do..”
“Dddooo yyoouu kknnnooww hhhoww ttooo ttturrrnn iittt
OK, Who stole the remote control for the TV?
Update: Still haven’t found the remote.
It’s the cat, messing with you.
Seriously, my house isn’t that big.
Call it. Oh wait….
Seriously, how far off can the day be when our phones are also our TV remotes?
That here now, apps on iOS and Android.
I gave up. The remote is missing. Wiill have to read instead
That reminds me, the beauty of the first flat screen TV I bought (still working as a monitor for my PlayStation TV) is it still had buttons on the side for changing channel, volume and cycling through inputs.
The new TV is useless with out the remote.
It always amazes me that an intelligent man like GK still likens socialism to communism:
Agree with him or not, he articulates his case with civility and intelligent, non-partisan points. He’d never fit in at Fox. I absolutely support Bernie’s vision, but most of Kasparov’s cautions should stay in the conversation.
Good link, Van. Even if it is about billiards.
He makes some really good points and he makes some bold assertions without cross examination. I wouldn’t consider Eisenhower era America socialist by any means, but with a top tax rate of 90 percent America was considered to be in its height of innovation.
Ok, now I’m serious. Must find the remote. Before hubby comes home tomorrow would be nice.
Inbetween or under the cushions?
Litter try?
When I loose mine it’s typically deep in the couch or someone (cough) mindlessly took it into the kitchen and left it on the table.
Looked in the chairs several times.
It’s not like my schedule is any different, regardless of whether or not hubby is home. I shut off the tv, then go into the bedroom to read for an hour.
…It’s not in the bedroom either.
Found it! We can all relax now.
I’m glad it didn’t come to this:
I know we all have the Facebook, but here’s the new Civil War trailer that released today, inside a whirlwind of geek squeals.
I haven’t watched it yet myself.
I feel like I’ve just woken up outside of the Matrix:
Goodnight :leaf:
I’m firmly in the camp that if you can’t eat it, don’t put it in your stew.
So no stew for Vanamonde when you’re here. Got it 😉
Morning Pan
Hubby called me last night, he seems to have caught something nasty at his conference. It’s going to be a yucky drive home today.
I just told my boss I’m not making the changes to a book the author requested. Let’s see how well that goes over.
I’ve been instructed to read the book, “Basic Rconomics” by Thomas Sowell. If I read it and I still want to vote for someone other than Trump, then my coworker will give me $100.
That doesn’t sound like it would be worth $10,000.00.
I’ve taken economics as part of accounting. I still wouldn’t vote for Drumph if I was American. The few policies I’ve heard don’t make economic sense to me
Agreed. The Sowell book is good, but there is no correlation between it’s contents and anything that Trump has demonstrably done.
The consensus amongst the majority of my co-workers (surgeons, perfusionists, anesthesiologists, nurses) is that Trump
trumps Hilary.
They will take the “showboater for shock-value” over the pathological liar-crook.
I have one co-worker who is supporting Bernie, only because she has lived in Denmark and has experienced his vision of politics there.
There are so many logical fallacies in their stance… I wouldn’t even know where to begin to deconstruct them. (e.g.: Trump is not a pathological liar and a crook??)
These are obviously people with intelligence and rational thought on some level. I can only assume they’re caught in the zeitgeist of 30 years of Hillary-bashing and numbskull celebrity Trump has enjoyed as “real-life Robocop movie villain”, from a certain segment of the populace.
Please click through and sign the petition. I’m open to answer questions if you have any doubts.
You have my support Jack
Back from getting my neck and head push, pulled, stretched, and rubbed.
I’m ready for a nap.
RIP Keith Emerson. This guy seriously reinvented his instrument — and influenced everyone who followed.
So this is a thing:
Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home! Hubby’s home!
Yay hubby! Boo Edmonton!
This. This is seriously impressive.
Well we can still beat them at tiddlywinks:
Why don’t they just set the difficulty to EASY?
Looks nice but I’m sticking to my paperback edition I bought in the 80s:
Some of those other special editions seem interesting too, but like you, Van, I have a fondness for my old paperbacks.
So tomorrow I shall be going to see this:
…and that was weird…
A better picture of Judah Friedlander would have seriously helped that article. I needed the Googles to remember who he is.
Humanity strikes back:
He’s still lost overall though.
I can barely remember the pre PAS days.
Anyway… Finally took the young uns to see the final Hunger Games flick.
I know it’s been said umpteen times: this is seriously grim stuff for YA.
“Grim” seems to be a requirement for YA these days.
In case you haven’t seen this yet:
That got me to smile and not just have a “resting bitch face”
“The Family”
In my answer to Ed on FB you can tell I haven’t a fucking clue about how analog computers work.
Interesting. I guess the Wikipedia writer’s are probably correct. Since a slide rule has scales with indicated position marks along it, I would have thought it was still digital.
I can see where nomographs would be analog computation, but man they are awful to work with.
Morning Pan
Daylight Saving = Ugh.
BST in a few weeks..meh!
It occurs to me, I have a lot of liquids at my desk. I have a cup of tea, a glass of juice, and a bottle of water. I guess I’m staying at my desk for awhile.
You’ll be the first to know if a T-Rex is nearby.
She may be in the restroom about now
Especially if its riding a white swan
Pie and Steak? Could this day get any better?
Of course it can.
Also… What’s up, pan?
I knew I shouldn’t have out bromine in my tea.
Hubby’s getting a curry chicken for dinner tonight. As for the other… Let’s see what the evening brings. :blush:
Good to see you, Mast!
CP: Warm Shadow — Fink
So I’m third the way through a book that covers accidents in the US nuclear weapons program focusing particularly on this incident:
..and bloody hell we we’ve been lucky we’ve not had an accidental nuke explosion.
Even more amazing (not covered in the book) that the Soviets didn’t either as they seemed to have had a rather more lax attitude to safety.
“How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”?
The truth is stranger than fiction.
My favorite T-Erx song is ‘Gang A Bong’
That was covered pretty well by 80a supergroup, Sower Ptation.
You mean Sauer Patton?
Lost 90’s masterwork
Wow, I’d forgotten that I’d forgotten that song. It’s so 90s, my shirt turned flannel while I was watching.
I have no conscious memory of hearing that song before.
I fucking love it. That album is a clinic of 90’s power guitar
PAS TEDx talk. yay.
Morning Pan
This must be Belgium.
Wash your mouth out.
Did that already. I call it, brushing my teeth. :silly:
Then pour me a trippel.
New Indy film in 2019, I wonder Indy will be in an old peoples home…
I can’t believe “The Crystal Skull” is already 8 years old. Perhaps Harrison Ford will just do a voice over for a CGI double in all movies going forward.
He has done voice-over narration before. . .
Look if he brings the same excitement and fun as he did reprising Han Solo Im in
Song for today:
And speaking of Iron Maiden:
I haven’t heard them, but I’m intrigued.
Interesting. I’ve wanting to check out the all female tribute band the “Iron Maidens” as well.
We just missed them playing live here in Phoenix.
Yeah, I know. Next time.
So this Link turned up on my Twitter feed:
Lori Petty is brilliant in Gotham IMHO. That is all
I didn’t know she was on Gotham. I adored S1, and I have had a big crush on her since Point Break
I think it was a one time on the latest episode
We should have Palooza’ed Tank Girl.
Or Point Break.
Doesn’t mean we still can’t.
Check out Hells Belles
Who scheduled a 7am dentist appointment??
Oh yeah. Me.
Hubby has next week off. He scheduled a 7am blood test on Tuesday. *shakes head8
CP: Tumble In The Rough — STP
Good one
I’ve never seen that show (surprise). I didn’t even know Michael Emerson was on it. I’m looking forward to seeing his character again on Lost.
Welcome back ‘The Americans’.
I shouldn’t go back to sleep if I wake up early.
Today’s dream was going to Canada and talking to a cat for a week.
Speaking of prophetic… 😆
Morning Pan
The cat figured out Daylight Saving. She was trying to get us up at 4:30 again.
We had a skiff of snow over night. We actually need more. We need the moisture
Pinch me I’m Irish!
So begins March Madness. My picks are all ridiculous I’m sure! Goodbye $20.
One of my HS friends has a son on Oregon Ducks #21. So excited
For him.
So I say, Go Ducks!
#1 seed in Pac 12 woot
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! May you drive all the snakes out of your life today too.
Does my face hurt? It’s killing me.
Stupid dentist.
Meow box came today. Let the insanity begin
Does anyone want me to try and grab an autograph?
Nope, I’m good.
So it seems that Tiff and I picked a tough year for everyone to travel to a wedding. . . .
We will continue to update and ask and hope because it’s important to us, and because we’re trying to plan – – but please don’t feel guilt tripped. We get it. But please also know that you matter a lot and we want you there for our big day!
What HE said <3
Today’s wonder:
A pensioner wearing an Apple Watch.
Planning taint never easy. Good man.
One can never really plan for taint.
And there’s a slyly disguised St. Patrick’s Day Google doodle today.
RIP Larry Drake. 66 years too young
Dr. Giggles and Darkman were instrumental in my youth.
“I abhor violence, especially when it doesn’t make me money.”
An absolute icon of genre TV character bits.
Definitely a distinctive character actor and bad guy. RIP
THANK YOU New Jersey Devils
7 goals!
Everyone should have goals but doesn’t this seem a little much?
Goodnight :mush:
Morning Pan
Spring Break starts at 5pm today for hubby.
Grilled cheese and tomato sandwich makes a breakfast full of yum.
You had me at the cheese then lost me with the tomato.
Grilled cheese and bacon?
How the fuck are you still alive?
I just discovered leprechaun porn is a thing. I can’t decide if I’m horrified or fascinated
I’d avoid those lucky charms.
CP: Sommarfågel — Wintergatan
In case you missed the news, Daredevil Season 2 is available on Netflix
I’m watching E1 of S2 as I type.
I expect nothing less from a grape-drying proprietor of midgets
Go descrate a bovine you bloody cow Banger!
Sounds like you’re both quoting obscure Metallica lyrics.
The new Pee Wee movie is too
Too what?
Much Pee Wee?
We give it 5 out of 5 nipples
. . . much knitting, a-ha-ha-hand knitting, a-ha-ha-hand knitting, a-ha-ha-hand knitting, a-ha-ha-hand knitting?
A blues cover of a Gary Numan song:
Not that ONE!
So that moment of realisation when you’ve waited decades for VR and realise your eyesight is no longer upto snuff to use VR…that.
Small potatoes I know, but still.
You’ll just have to put in a few more years wait to get the Brainstorm Virtual Reality. Then only the eyesight of the other person will matter.
You’re trying to watch snuff films on VR?
Snuff has other meanings.
You know, whenever I hear these commercials recruiting people to go teach English to folks in foreign countries, they never suggest England as one of the place to go. Why is that?
If I had the energy I would be offended by that quip, but I haven’t so I won’t.
Oh snap, son
You’re putting snuff powder in your eyes? That could be the first problem.
oh, wait…
Those are some seriously impressive eyebrows.
Yes, it was clickbait, but still impressive.
That was pretty cool
Dinner with Dan Shaurette and his Mrs. tonight. Good times, good people.
That moment, when you think you’ve read a lot of books this year and then you check TEB’s read list on goodreads..that.
That moment when you realize the only book youve read all year are from Image, Dark Horse, Marvel, and DC. And youre just fine with that
You’ve got young children.
Dr. Seuss books definitely count.
Aiming a bit high there Jack, colouring books perhaps.
I don’t know what you’re talking about. Your stats say you’ve read 12 books this year, my stats say I’ve read 8.
Ah, must have misread the statistics.
Why getting the public to name your boat may not be a good idea:
The alternate names are also great.
Van, did you send me an email? I had one show up in my spam mail from you. It looked a little hinkey so I didn’t want to open it until I knew for sure. The subject line is Hi Ryah.
The last one I sent you was about the flight from Canada to leaving Phoenix slightly earlier, but that was the 29th February.
Ok, so this is probably spam and I’m just going to delete it. Heads up, you may want to run a virus check on your computer, just to be safe.
Will do.
I’ve sent you a test message, see if that one looks garbled.
It’s title is test message.
It wasn’t garbled. It was simply an email from you with the subject line: Hi Ryah. Since it both showed up in my spam and you never head your emails that way, it raised a red flag. Never did open it so I have no idea what it was about. Have since deleted it.
I finished Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo today. It’s a heist story set in a fantasy world and it was rather good.
There’s a series of books by Patrick Weeks that are fantasy heist books. Starting with The Palace Job. They are fun. I’m currently reading the third one.
If you dont have a dog in the hunt, I respectfully ask you to root for U of Denver as they chase their 8th championship.
I doubt if I’ll have a dog in this hunt for awhile. We watched Yale completely own ASU at the tournament back in January.
Theyll get there
I’ve somehow never hear David Gilmour’s 1978 solo album until now, through the magic of Youtube. I’m digging it! Sounds like the posr-Roger Pink Floyd stuff (which would make sense).
As much disappointment I had with s3 of Vikings I have equal amounts joy and love for s4. This is why I fell for it in the first place
I dread to think what I would find if I brought a black light to your house after you’ve watched an episode….
The wedding scene?
I’ve found all seasons of Vikings entertaining so far. S4 has been a bit slow, but seems to be picking up lately.
I’m going to call it official – SPECTRE is the worst of the Daniel Craig Bond films. FIGHT ME!
It’s the worst of the 3 I’ve seen.
Fight Ed!
Nah! since I agree with you. They completed wasted a good actor in the villain role.
But for sheer tedium, Quantum of Solace wins out.
The villain is even more valid in that one.
But for sheer tedium, Quantum of Solace wins out.
The villain is even more vapid in that one.
Spectre Spoiler!
In the next sentence!!
Don’t read!!
I think they plan on making him a big deal in the upcoming films.
Waltz or the French guy?
Walz. I don’t even remember a French villain.
I’ve only ever seen the first DG Bond film, but from what I read online, the consensus seems to be a “thumbs down” for Spectre.
Also, “The Americans” is off to a promising start for Season 4. Though, the “coming this season” bit at the end sure seems like they are going to wrap up the story this year.
There is also an official podcast for the show that posts about a day after each episode airs. The ones for Season 3 were most excellent.
It’s a show I’ve got my eye on to watch from the beginning.
I enjoy the show. I’ll also be happy if they wrap it this year.
I read somewhere that the writers would like another 2 seasons, whether they get it is another matter.
owww, brain hurt
A tumbleweed sort of day.
Hubby’s home for the next two weeks. Expect lots of tumbleweeds from me.
Okay, I’m trying to remember the name of a film, probably Disney, where three crooks are trying to get to a aeroplane to escape the country. A mini submarine is involved, and a large Salami gets gets fired from the sub at a coastguard ship.
They get away at the end but have to dump the money to lighten the plane.
Probably from the 70’s.
Any ideas?
Sorry, can’t help
When you Google ” Salami gets gets fired from the sub at a coastguard” the Disney movie Boatniks comes up. There are theives as well but I don’t see anything about the airplane.
I might b getting the end of the film mixed up with another, but judging from the film poster it’s the Boatniks.
That mini sub was cool….
“And a large Salami gets fired.” Doesn’t sound like a Disney movie to me.
It sounds more like the opening to a bumper for “Jack Mangan’s Deadpan”
Our world broken down
*sigh* I guess it would help if I included the link
Some good games going cheap if you use Android:
/waits for Lo to disagree with io9
Ive never seen this show and it has nothing to do with io9 which, btw, is not my Bible
Wrong link, should have been this one:
Oh yeah that scene’s MUCH better than hot girls battling dragons. Pppppffffft
You don’t find Carla Gugino hot?
Are you ill?
That has nothing to do with anything. Dancing < Dragons
So this should be the best of both worlds?
Another day, another iOS update.
Which appears to have went fine:
CP: Under Ice — Kate Bush
Morning Pan
Hubby seems to have hurt his eye so, instead of working like I should be, I’m sitting in a doctors office waiting on him
Poor hubby
Everything ok?
I re-read all of The Red Star the past couple of days. It is very frustrating that this comic series is still unfinished. 🙁
One of these days I must get round to reading this series .
I enjoyed the PlayStation 2 game.
I haven’t finished the game. I’ve been meaning to replay it. I think you’d enjoy the comics, even if it leaves you hanging. Did you know Weta Workshop did the 3D compositing for the series? It looks pretty cool.
i remember flicking through some issues in a little comic book store in Aldershot when I visited my sister.
It looked interesting.
Back home
Hubby has an eye infection so has to have drops.
Brussels attacks: Zaventem and Maelbeek bombs kill 31:
CP: Wolf’s Law — The Joy Formidable
Those kooky Welsh.
More links for your tumbleweeds:
This one comes with a reminder that you’re 25 years oldat than you used to be:
Hair metal had become a parody of itself that is true, but as brilliant as “Nevermind” was it inspired a large amount of drek.
As any perfect and paradigm bending album does. Its really true. For every Soundgarden’s ‘Badmotorfinger’ (which Ill argue nearly superseded Nevermind) there’s Candlebox. For every Seaweed’s ‘Four’ there’s Days of the New
I love that people of the 90s would sometimes confuse Candlebox with Candlemass.
Dear ESPN, you have heard of the expression; pot calling the kettle black:
Never take them seriously. They are the sports news equivalent of The Sun
Well done. Great job, Internet!
My favorite Nelvana song is ‘Rape Em’
Not “Hard-Shaved Blocks”?
Close second!
The Walking Dead – fuck off
I think Im really glad I never started this TV show.
It’s in my top 10 best list, but damn…
You home today? Just watched a massive maple branch break off my tree and miss the car by an inch.
Oh yeah. Didnt even try going out. Cat’s have no food….HA! Expect them to gang up on us soon
I was digging the last episode.
I’m only about 6 episodes into this season. I’m still enjoying it.
Now THIS is a snowstorm
Be safe to you and EssBee
Rest in peace, Phife Dinawg, way too soon. We’ve lost one of the all-time greats.
Jesus Christ… are they saying how? Always have a soft spot for Tribe, tho I admit its been a long time since Ive listened to one of their records.
The documentary”Beats, Rhymes, and Life” covered some of his struggles with diabetes, as well as the band’s history and dramas.
“”I still haven’t struck oil,” said Tom boringly.”
jColoradians be safe in your weather today.
Are those like Midichlorians?
As I feared, Dawn of Justice is getting semi-shat upon by critics. It simply looks a MESS of shoehorned in characters and unnecessary villains. You know what else it seems to suffer from (IMO)? Unlike the Marvel films I can SEE the CHARACTERS the actors are portraying. Its the exact opposite for this film. All I see are the ACTORS. That’s a problem. And I remind you i REALLY liked Man of Steel, so no DC hatred just to hate here. The DC film universe may be in trouble. That being said of course Ill see it… right after I see Star Wars 5 more times and Deadpool.
I’ll be seeing it for sure. From what I’ve read, the advanced ticket sales are so high, that if for some reason no one bought tickets, it’d still would have made enough money to warrant a sequel.
And THAT is why this film exists. Oi.
I shall be seeing it sometime over The Easter weekend.
“For as by a man came death, by a man has come the resurrection of the dead. For as in Superman all die, so in Batfleck shall all be made alive.” (1 Justice League 15:21-22)
I saw “Man of Steel” a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it. As I recall, it got very mixed critical response, so I’m expecting more of the same with the new movie.
Agree. But at least Man of Steel stuck true to one hero vs one villain (yes I’m counting it as one villain). This new one.. I can’t count the amount of characters in it. It makes Spiderman 3 look subtle.
So very true. But you know what? Anything that gets us a real Wonder Woman movie is worth it in my book. I thought the trailer for WW looked promising.
Im not so secretly hoping this turns into a WW filma dn Bats and Supes are left in the background
And as DC has Supes and Bats stick their thumbs up each other’s bum’s, Marvel is braching out and fucking doing this
PLEASE make this happen. For the love of god and Van.
I actually bought the first issue of Captain Britain Weekly back in 1976…sheeeesh.
Those 70’s Marvels are a treat. Or a curse…
It would be fun–it really would be–but, I’m concerned that the market has been over-saturated. I guess we’ll see.
Soon to be sure but I dont think yet. Not as long as they are still quality. When we have NCIS: Smallville.. .then Ill start to worry.
Actually now that I say that, that’s ‘Gothem’.
I think it already is. The time when I don’t have to see every superhero flick on the big screen is fast approaching.
At the same time I’m quivering like a school girl over next week’s Supergirl / Flash crossover. Go figure.
Lookalike it will be fun from the trailer.
But he’s British. Shouldn’t he be playing the villain?
Not if he uses an American accent. Note that Hugh Laurie is playing a brit bad guy in his new AMC mini-series.
Also in the Night Manager starring that bloke who plays Loki.
Would such an act violate a vegan’s diet rules?
The reboots of the Marvel Star Wars and Darth Vader comic titles have become must reads. Theyre really impressive in both story and art. I’m still an Image guy by far, but these two titles are lots of fun
I’m not following the Star Wars comic title, but I agree totally on the Darth Vader comic. This is the Darth Vader I’ve always wanted to see.
And that Dr. Aphra… amirite!!???
Enjoy it before it’s taken down.
More Amazon reviews:
Hit TOP rather than recent for the funny ones.
Linked from the same page. Who knew there were a number of different kinds
I’ve been up for three hours. Hubby, still asleep. I have a feeling one of us will be going to bed sooner than the other this evening before the long weekend
Hmmm. Queens of the Iggy Pop. I’ve only heard American Valhalla. Not really working for me.
I hadn’t heard about a collaboration between Iggy Pop and Josh Homme. As much as I like them both, I’m curious, but have low expectations.
The album just came out, this week I think. Iggy is saying it is his last album. Like I said, I’ve only heard the one song. Maybe it is a matter of getting used to it. It is very different, plinky strings and steel drums.
They’re on an upcoming Austin Coty Limits
Its terrible. Like Metallica/Lou Reed terrible
Worse than James Hetfield yelling, “I am the table!!” over and over?
Oof. No.
Is it a daytime full moon today?
Holy crap
Damn. Gatty Shandling died today
Damn autocorrect. GARRY
I was not a fan of his show, but 66 is too young.
My friends and I all loved the broken 4th wall of his show, when it originally aired in the 80s. Sad news.
He got me into comedy at an early age
“I’m dating a woman now who, evidently, is unaware of it.”
Brilliant. He will be missed.
This is the theme to Garry’s show…
Crap joke for the day:
Mick walks into Paddy’s barn and catches him dancing naked and wanking in front of a tractor.
Mick says ‘fucking hell Paddy, what ya doing?’
Paddy says ‘well me and Mary haven’t been getting on in the bedroom lately and the therapist recommended I do something sexy to attractor.
Yea! New Joy Formidable!! 😀
Looks like Batman V Superman has a 44 rating amoungst critics but a 71 rating with average users. Considering how much I liked MoS, Watchmen and 300 I am still hopeful.
My sister’s only comment that it was long.
Hopefully she was talking about the film.,,
Watchmen was kinda long too.
A Dr. Manhattan joke?
Goddammit Rhett
I hated the changed ending to Watchmen, but I still liked the film.
Zack Snyder is not some Michael Bay; this guy has made some indelible visuals and images in his movies. I agree with the story complaints about MoS, but I still liked it a lot too. I’ll reserve judgment on BvS until I see it.
CW: The Catch E1
30 minutes in and Ugh!
In my view a step backwards for the actress from the US version of The Killing.
CP: Movie Star — Cracker
CP: King in a Catholic Style – China Crisis
That’s a blast from the past.
In case you haven’t seen Sadfleck: (spoiler-free)
Supersimon and Batfunkle
The fact of the matter is that DC is still trying to get film versions of their anchor heroes right while Marvel is like “Oh look guys, here’s Ant-Man, Black Panther, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, and a bunch of other B comic heroes.” That’s impressive
Maybe the day is coming when something doesn’t have to be dark and grim for us to accept it as cool. Maybe DC will figure how that Batman is their only A-list character where a dark tone is appropriate.
After all, The Flash tv series works– and it’s not constantly bleak.
A slice of audio history:
So what I learnt this week from a folk music podcast:
What the Mason-Dixon Line was and what Mark Knoffler was singing about on a certain song.
Hmm. I don’t know the song, but this is how I first learned about the Mason Dixon line as a kid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMZfCar-Ks8
I probably saw that but didn’t understand it at the time.
Bangers and mash..yum.
One of my favorite pasties!
Oh I see what youre doing here and I love it
My stomach says no.
Seriously, is anyone here watching Horace and Pete?
I’d never heard of it, but holy crap – – Louis C.K. and Steve Buscemi together!
Oh its much more than just them. It has my highest of recommendations.
We have seen E1!
So at the cinema waiting for the Wonder Woman cameo to start…
I’ve seen worst films.
…and does this mean that the new Captain Kirk is going to be in the WW film?
I guess that’s a yes:
Watched Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday on Netflix last night. I was pretty good. Mostly the same thing as the other Pee-Wee movies. Definitely some laugh out loud moments.
Go get ’em, Jesus!!!
“Happy Yeaster from de Jesus”