La Zys Howno Tes
Jackman Gansde Adpa Nunsh Ow45
Duel of the Fates round one complete. Check the standings on the Deadpan webpage
Greasy Nipples
Ed from Texas
Jeremy from Seattle
Nomad Scry
The Smarty Hotties
Lo Pan
LostRalph (First comment of the week)
Can we hit 500 comments this week on the Deadpan board?
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music (Hey, there was no closing music!)
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Only the lonely…
Morning Pan, bloody freezing (and TEB laughs) with sleet falling…the trip to the office is going to be ‘fun’.
Oh hai!
Now that the weekly grease bath is complete, the company will reward our year of being stepped on by feeding us poison food. If I do not return, it was good knowin’ yall.
Well at least I get a three day week next week..yah!
Could be an evil plan NS to reduce pension contributions..
morning pan, pretty warm here today. it is 6 but there is no wind.
So double yah! the DP unshow downloaded in iTunes this morning.
….and it’s snowing.
Three day work weeks are the best.
I did not eat the food, because I do not trust them, but I am told by braver/dumber souls that it was quite good.
NS: I have 2 3day work weeks coming up. best part is almost no one will be here. this will be the best 6 days of work ever.
Good morning, DP!
Morning Panites!
I won’t be able to do show notes next week so, unless someone can take my place, we may be noteless
Just today and tomorrow of working *cough* then hubby and I are both on holidays for two weeks. Yeah! I might be pretty intermittent on the boards at that point.
The only problem with going on holidays is all the work you have to do before you go in preparation. No one does my job while I’m away so I need to get some work done ahead of time or I’m a little overwhelmed catching up when I get back.
CD: Evening Delight Tea
My time table is all screwed up.
Morning Bunny.
Certainly less sweaty than Afternoon Delight Tea, I’m sure…
Darcy is at the dock with a pink guy.
Or at the doc with pink eye, your choice…
Morning J0e, JB.
Can I ask for a little more elucidation, JB?
Hay pan just have to vent.
*Open vent*
we have a VP of a devision bitching about the web filter doing this: “The new approach has placed us at a competitive disadvantage.” because he is getting blocked from some sites we told him let us know what sites and we can exempt them. his thoughts: “It’s a waste of time to keep doing what you suggest, both yours and ours.” it takes an email and 10 seconds than a response email. Not a waist of time to me. So guess what sites will help to put us at a competitive advantage: subaru’s website (he owns one) A shot gun company web site Several resort web site for hunters and others in the same vain. This guy is here 2, 1/2 days a week. My suggestion was tell the owner/CEO what sites he is trying to get to and exactly when basically giving the CEO this guys full web history but my boss wont because he is a “VP”. I don’t care, Owner trumps VP. This filter was also the owners idea.
*Close Vent*
*Deep breath in*
*Deep breath out*
Thanks Pan sorry for dumping on you like that.
Ok, you ‘splained before I got my request in 😉
My best to Darcy.
Don’t you hate when you read something interesting and then when you want to reference it, it seems to have disappeared?
vent away, reaper. That’s what we’re here for.
sorry some more info bout my rant:
My bosses response:
“Apologize for the inconveniences that this has caused.”
what a little bitch.
k i’m done
Reap – I had to have a ‘training’ session because I described a system as ‘fail’ in an email that was then forwarded to the person who had been assigned the impossible job of upkeep for the failed system. No editorializing, I was told. Just the facts.
But, but, but… *deep breath*
Pretend the VP is a prince of the realm. The King (owner) is more likely to remove your head than to admonish the prince. Play nice and wait it out until the prince does something that proves their incompetence to the King. Just hope that they aren’t related. Nepotism overcomes incompetence.
Then when the King remarries, the evil step-mother will deal with the foolish prince and… wait, what? =)
How can you say Avatar when it only just came out?
CD: Ginger Snap Tea
pretty good if you like ginger snaps
Is it just me or does anybody else see something wrong with a Gladiator Robin Hood?
My cat would so freak out if I did this to her
In the spirit of the season
NS: you have a excellent point. I’m lucky here in that the “King” has no real opinion on the “Price”. The king hasn’t been king very long (he is the son of the original owner and actually deserves the kingdome) maybe 1.5 years. Waiting for the price to do something stupid is the problem. he doesn’t do anything at all and could any time use the excuse he is out visiting dealers.
ooo the dreaded training session those are no fun
Finally, if you know any smokers trying to quit
How did they get those cats to sit still with those things on them? Weird.
the “spirit of the season” link was amazing
Ha! I quit smoking a few years ago. Yay, me. Yay, everyone around me.
I COULD do the show notes next week, but there won’t be any sort of similar prompt response time, Bunny, like you deliver.
I don’t think Jack cares about timeliness, EssBee. He has told me on more than one occasion that there should be no obligation to do show notes at all. I do it because I enjoy it (does that make me strange?)
I quit smoking 7 years a go when my now wife than GF asked me to. I didn’t find it that hard. I just stepped up through places I wouldn’t smoke. Winter helped this a lot because I got down to “outside down the block” as the only place left. I think the car was the hardest step. The thing that helped the most was that I didn’t hang around with people who smoked as much. I don’t think I could have done it if I was around smokers a lot though.
It’s the strangness that’s so fascinating TEB.
So tonight I will be mostly freezing backside off at work.
Sending warm hugs your way, Van. 🙂
Oh I’ve never smoked, not even to try it.
Our youngest daughter smokes. It drives us nuts. Once she did it in the house and I freaked. She never did that again.
As a gag Easter gift several years ago, I bought my hubby a pipe very similar to the type Tolkien smoked. He tried that once or twice but couldn’t handle it. The pipe is now in a drawer somewhere.
Now that I think of it, I think I over-indulge my hubby’s Tolkien fanaticism. Maybe I’m an enabler. If you look at the Christmas Flikr pics I posted last week, behind the tree you can see the replica of Sting hanging on the wall. I bought it for him a few Christmas’ ago.
I haven’t seen this movie since it came out, but someone just brought this to my attention, did anybody else notice, in the Jean Claude Van Dam movie Cyborg, a number of the characters are named after guitars? i.e.:
Gibson Rickenbacker
Fender Tremolo
Marshall Strat
That’s just three of many. I fund this funny 😆
So hubby’s school had their gift exchange yesterday. He got a gift certificate from Starbucks. I got him to give a gift basket with teas, coffees, biscuits, chocolates, cups, etc.
Yo pan. I’m back. Sort of.
So, what’s the deal with all the highschool fans of Deapan over on FB?
… grumble.
Hate wrapping stuff. *shakes fist at the sky*
NS: I think the best thing to happed to “wrapping” is the gift bag
CD: Humming the Mission Impossible tune.
Van: humph!
TEB: If doing work because you enjoy it makes you strange, I don’t want to be normal. I volunteer 3 1/2 hours a week at the local elementary school library because I enjoy being there and working on the project I got assigned to.
As someone who has done a job he hates for over 20 years, nice to see people who actually enjoy their job.
I did not know that about Amy. And working at the elementary school library gives you the opportunity to introduce young kids to books like Infected.
I guess that plan to quit smoking doesn’t work as well if you’re Chaotic Neutral.
Nomad (in response to the comment on last week’s conversation): Bob Rock made Metallica’s guitars and snare drum sound great, but he also encouraged their stylistic change. Where every song on the previous records felt like they’d poured blood, sweat, and beer into the meticulous crafting, the Load albums’ tunes felt a lot more disposable, a lot more commercial, and a lot more hastily-constructed. They’re more to blame than he is, but he’s a cheesy wank and makes for a good scapegoat.
OK – must focus on work errors. bbl
CW: Merlin S2E3 The Nightmare Begins
This is a great show if you like ancient magic
On how the U.S. has the best healthcare in THE WORLD:
Mom’s insurance company just called to explain that her $1,800 back brace (purchased and verbally approved of by them – Humana – 4 weeks ago) was being denied. Of course, she’s been wearing it now for nearly 2 weeks.
I just got my first Google Voice call!
It was a wrong number.
Metallica, cont.
I ‘hear’ what you are saying. I had just assumed that it was more a matter of aging than anything else. I would compare them to “my” band, Bad Religion. They’ve done multiple versions of “Digital Boy” but each time they do, it has a slower tempo. (Opinion: No amount of caffeine will match youth.)
Anyhow, a rock producer named Rock is due for scapegoating.
Oh, and you never answered the question about S&M. *cough*
An $1800 personal medical bill for lawmakers: “*Sigh* OK, I guess I’ll write a check.”
An $1800 bill for the rest of us: “Holy fuck, where am I going to get $1800?”
Jack: LOL! 😀 I suppose I could buy the library a copy of “The Rookie,” if I had any money for that.
Watched “Waters of Mars” last night. Wow, it was way good!
NS: Set your cell to forward to it instead of your regular voice mail
Out in the ‘real world’, what the hell are you supposed to do when the people who are supposed to be protecting you decide to screw you over instead? I’m assuming my default response of ‘eff you’ isn’t the right one?
Bunny, if nobody has volunteered to do shownotes next week already (and I didn’t see anyone) I’m happy to do them.
Hey Cj. You and EssBee can duke it out!
Thank you, Cj!
Nomad, yes I do enjoy S&M, though it has some painful moments. . .
(and really, most of those 2 discs are reworkings of their early stuff).
May I suggest either mud or warm oil for the battle?
And thank you, EssBee :blush:
I think Bunny has just defined the new Deadpan format.
I’ll be in my bunk!
Ok, I am a big dork. Here is a Duel of the Fates Bracket I made.
and Pretty high res PDF too
Jack and I have discussed this many times. When Grunge came on the scene there was a lot of pressure from record execs and managers to get Metal bands to change their format so they could get radio play. Some bands just changed their format outright, others changed their sound but never admitted that it was due to pressures from managment, rather the band got “tired” of the old formula or they were trying to “grow” musically. Now, I don’t have anything against musicians growing musically, in fact I encourage it. But when a band adapts the sound of what’s currently popular into their style, I don’t consider it growth. I think that was what happened with Metallica with “Load” Unload” and “St. Anger.” There were a few interesting ideas expressed on “Load” but the thing that made Metallica distinct was lost. “Death Magnetic” tries to correct these errors, but as an album it would have been a lot more relavent if it was released a decade earilier.
CP: Sims 3 world adventures
CP: Blue Christmas – Elvis Presley
CP: White Christmas – Bing Crosby
Painful moments – ha! =)
I am over due for sleep now, so I’ll save my continuing questions for when I am again coherent. Night folks.
Cj would kick my ass, I have no doubt. I’m not saying we shouldn’t play it out, mind you; I’m just predicting the outcome.
So I have a kind of funny story about my wife that is relevant to the Metallica conversation. It involves my favorite band for the last nine years, Nevermore. The Seattle metal band Sanctuary was caught by the rise of grunge in the early 90’s. Two of the band members wanted to change styles and cash in on the trend. Other two wanted nothing to do with grunge and wanted to forge ahead with their unique sound. Consequently Sanctuary broke up ,with two members forming a grunge band and the other two, Warrel Dane and Jeff Loomis, forming a new metal band Nevermore. The grunge band folded in two years and Nevermore got more popular with every new album. Nevermore isn’t the type of music you sit down to and enjoy immediately if at all. You have to hear it a few times for your brain to adapt and start anticipating the changing melodies. The it becomes exceptional music. So anyway, about my wife. LOL She started getting into physical fitness after the start of the millennia. Firstly by doing aerobic classes, then by teaching aerobic classes and currently long distance running. The one constant to all this is music. Aerobics classes, like Jazzercize, typically have play popular music accompanying the workout. This worked out fine for my wife because she’s always liked whatever’s been played on the radio. She’s also been exposed to heavy music by associating with me but hadn’t really listened to metal since the late 80’s. So when she got an iPod some of the Sanctuary and Nevermore music made it over to her player. So she’d be running and then get hit out of the blue by this heavy music. She told me that she listened to it because it was easier than skipping over and it seemed fine to run to. What’s funny though is that she started to learn the songs, listen to the lyrics and now she loves it. She’s skipping over her old pop tunes because they’re too boring and predictable. Now my music collection is also her’s. LOL
I get to wrestle with EssBee?
Well, then no time for show notes… I’ll be much too busy. 😳
and on another note… how the heck did I miss seeing EssBee’s offer to do them?
Could it be that I haven’t gotten more than 4 hours sleep in a row in over a week?
I worked 92 hours during my 1st 2 weeks at the job. Go me?
Warm oil. Almond scented preferably.
And I have to wonder why, EssBee, you think I’d kick your butt? I’m a lover, not a fighter.
Am I scary?
A boy at work yesterday said to me, “I’d be really afraid for you to be angry at me.”
What the heck? Do I emit some sort of evil aura of ass-kickingness?
CP: Romeo & Juliet — Indigo Girls
CP: Suzie Snowflake – Rosemary Clooney
When a pretty girl comes at me, she always wins.
Cj: I know what you mean. I don’t consider myself intimidating or scary, and yet I still manage to intimidate and scare people. I’ve had people walk into my office and turn around immediately saying, “I don’t think I want to bother you right now.”
I try to be nice. Really, I do. Maybe I should get rid of the blood sacrifice altar….
No evil aura Cj, but as a goddess nobody would want to anger you 😉
EssBee: 😳
You girls are going to make my head swell.
Girls are wrestling and things are getting swollen around here? The beauty of Deadpan sometimes makes me weep.
Anyway, RE JfS’s Duel of the Fates image: Holy Carp (sic), did you guys see that?
Cj: I wouldn’t call it an evil aura. More like a confident, in-control one.
Jeremy: Gorgeous work on the DotF tournament tree!
Thanks guys, the Jessica Rabbit is worth checking out. Its one of those “Cartoons made real” images and the guy who did it did a terrifying Homer Simpson too…
I have to agree 100% with Essbee’s sentiment.
Heck she doesn’t even have to be pretty…
Err that is woman coming at me and no slur on Essbee.
Dear DPSS(recipient): I just ordered your gift and it may be a day or two late. We’ll see if it works out.
re: Metallica & Bob “I Wanna” Rock,
I agree with Jack’s thoughts about the production quality. Rock did encourage them to strip down the guitar tracks (contrary to popular belief, 8 tracks of exactly the same part never makes anything sound heavier), and he did fix the drum sound and he even managed to make the bass audible. Having said that, he was also responsible for the steaming pile of sonic shit that was St. Anger (which along with Oasis’ “Be Here Now” has to be the worst-sounding major label release I’ve ever heard). But that’s all music techie stuff. I don’t think he did them any favors stylistically, though they have to share some of the blame for that.
It is possible to “grow” as artists without sucking. They just haven’t figured out how to do it IMO.
Checking out the first bit of “Something Something Something, Dark Side”
Thanks for the garlic salt, Amy!
Today is even better now that it is over.
JB: You’re very welcome! 🙂
Lo Pan loves Jeremy’s arse work…er… art work as well. Either one. Jeremy knows how Lo Pan feels about his arse.
Lo Pan has done many stupid, arrogant things in his long life. Tiger aint got shit on Lo Pan.
Well it took JackBurton to bring Lo Pan down. Tiger would probably get taken out by Tango.
Goodnight, Cash.
Morning Pan, had some snow last night, going to be a lot of incoming snowballs form kids today at work.
DPSS gift arrived today, thanks Ed.
It would appear Tiger went down on his own. It’s going to cost him some Fifth Element:
“Gimme the caaaassshhhhh!”
“That’s a very nice hat.”
Really think something should be made out of “went down on his own,” but my dirty mind is still half-asleep.
Somewhat related to Jack’s link about Trolls, we have an author blow out.
Morning Deadpan!
Hubby’s birthday today!
Last day of work before two weeks holidays.
I was going to do this differently but changed my mind so here is:
10 reasons Santa is a man
1) No dress sense
2) Never replies to your letters
3) The chances of getting what you asked for are nil
4) Beer belly
5) Will only commit to one day a year
6) Obsessed with stockings
7) Never stops to ask directions
8) Too lazy to shave
9) Always wears the same clothes
10) Only willing to to a job where people leave food and alcohol out for him and doesn’t clean up the dishes after
(actually number one isn’t true, my hubby has better dress sense than I do)
I like how WP decided eight-close bracket was the cool sign.
Silly World Press
Hey there Deadpan gang.
First and foremost, have a good and safe holiday season and don’t party too much over New Year’s Eve… 😉
I will be busy over the Christmas break and since I do not get back to work until Jan 11th here is my chance to get some projects done… So I will be sparse (more than usual anyway).
Happy Holidaze!
Merry Christmas Wndr !!!!
there, just finished sending a bajillion e-cards to my hubby… Well, a half dozen or so anyway 😉
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Wolf.
*christmas skritch behind Wolf’s ears*
Lo Pan understands it is the holiday season, but today brings a much more important event than 10000000 holiday seasons combined. Yes, todays is Avatar Day. The day when the biggest movie no one is looking forward to is released. It seems so far that 500 million can at least buy you an 82% freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Well played there, Avatar Cameron. But can 500 million buy you sustaining power? I think not, James Cavatar. Good luck, sir. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Give Lo Pan cheap indie flicks like Kick-Ass any day over 500million reasons of buffoonery. In fact, fuck Avatar Day. Lo Pan shall prepare for April 16, 2010….Kick-Ass Day.
Fuck James Avatar.
I sent three gifts to the US. One I know made it (Cj’s) not sure about the other two yet. One of them was to my SS recipient. If you haven’t got it yet, be patient. It was sent on December 7th but US/CDN shipping is a little flighty.
I will see Avatar when it comes out to DVD. Even if I wanted to see it, much too busy during this season to see any movies.
Appears UK-North America shipping is equally flighty.
Sorry, Lo Pan. I am looking forward to it. It will be entertainment, pure and simple. It will definitely be better than the last Transformer movies. While robot-porn seems to get a pass from a lot of people, for some reason this movie is inspiring a lot of venom. Go watch it before you decide that they bought off the critics.
My DPSS arrived yesterday! Woot! I love it! Thanks Amy! 🙂
Love it Love it Love it!
So, just dropped my daughter to school. Today is pajama day so she got to wear her Christmas pjs to school. Now we (collectively Dan, Son, and me) get to go back to the school for caroling with the kids.
I have 2 parties at my house tomorrow for which I must clean and rearrange furniture.
Shopping and baking for above parties.
A spreadsheet to complete.
A show to write and record.
A map of Holiday Lights to build so that I can take the 6 of us (Dan, kids, MIL, BIL, and me) out Christmas Light viewing tonight.
Then I’m meeting the girls for drinks and THEN and ONLY THEN…
will I come home and pass out.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleven!!!!!42!!!!
I have to agree with ditto. I’m hesitant to see it, not because of what it is or who made it, but because reviews have been hit and miss and I’m not sure I want to pay $15 to see it first run. It still looks interesting. While I am waiting until it hits DVD, I will see it. I have no burning desire to stand in line at the theatre, but curiosity will draw me in.
We also have a theatre within walking distance that shows movies a month or two after they come out at half the price of a normal theatre, hubby and I might see it then .
Not that anyone will ever agree with me but, dammit… I love the Transformer movies.
11 eleven 42????
Happy birthday Mr. Bunny!
Cj: I found the first Transformer movie fun, but the last one didn’t work for me.
Also I wasnt suggesting they bought of the critics. I was suggesting it took them 500 million to make this into even entertainment. The venom is justified as no one… NO ONE… should receive this kind of money to make a film while there are much more appealing and smartly written films out there that dont get a sniff of cash.
I do agree with you on Trans2 getting a pass. That was the biggest most racist most idiotic piece of shit I’ve seen in a long long time. And it was made for 300 MILLION LESS THAN AVATAR. Incredible.
Sweet: Now this is my kind of periodic table!
Lo Pan: While I don’t disagree with the price tag, I don’t agree with the sentiments. There thousands more crap cheap movies than expensive crap movies. That’s economics. Plus, cheap good movies are being made. “District 9” is a good example.
Finally, here’s Cameron’s quote on movie making that I think is appropriate:
“But this isn’t Titanic. Titanic was one of those of those moments when all of the tumblers in the combination lock happened to just line up perfectly. In all cultures in the world, everyone just happened to like that movie! But I can’t run my career trying to reverse-engineer the combination to that lock. If you try to make a movie for everybody, what is that? I have to make a movie for myself and assume that my tastes are so banal and commonplace that someone else will like what I like. I didn’t attend university to study film aesthetics. My film class was a drive-in in Orange County with a six-pack of beer. That’s how I absorb movies, and that’s where I’m stuck as a movie fan.”
As fun as this conversation is, I have a bathroom to clean 🙂
Finally, the best thing you can do–that anyone can do in this kind of situation–is to vote with your wallet. If it something you aren’t interested in, don’t pay for it.
This is why I get frustrated with Slice Of SciFi’s–and other fan’s–position that we as SciFi fans *must* support the industry no matter what. Give a bad show a chance because it *might* get good. Go see a genre movie because it *might* not ever get made again.
I totally disagree. If it is bad, it is bad and I won’t see it or pay for it. If I think it might be entertaining, I’ll give it a try. If I like it, I’ll buy it. My biggest complaint is that a lot of SciFi fans are willing to accept low-standard fare, so that’s what they’ll get. It’s simple economics, actually.
Personally, I’ve never seen “GI Joe”, “Catwoman”, or “Spider-Man 3”. And I never intend to. I still want the 2+ hours of my life back for being dragged to see “Battlefield Earth” by friends. I *loved* “Iron Man”, so I’m excited to see the sequel, but afraid of sequelitis.
IMHO, people are perfectly justified to like and dislike whatever they want, and for whatever reasons they might have. So, feel free to hate “Avatar”. I’m ok with that.
TEB: Have fun storming the castle! 🙂
And now for something a lot more fun:
Yeah, but District 9 wasnt Hollywood. Thats why it was one exception to the rule. And I agree that, obviously, there are thousands more cheap movies being made than expensive. However in the thousands being made, while most are shit, a few come along that are mind blowing and genre-changing. Just seems to me that the money sapped up by a generic story like Avatar impedes the creation of better films. Who knows what or how many of these Sony (Sony?) decided to pass up being made in favor of this.
Then why…the hell…. did he spend so much on this? That quote to me is his rational on why it’ll be ok when Avatar loses god knows how much money.
I’m fully aware this is just my 2 cents. But I’m passionate about my 2 cents. Its all I have.
Happy Avatar Day.
OMFG Lo Pan is getting vertebrae necklace for all his women. Thats hot!
Yes, I agree. 🙂
Freezing mist.
Oh. The. Joy.
Dan O’Bannon passed away. You may not know the name but gurantee you know his work.
I’m back, if temporarily. However, while I was cleaning the bathroom, I decided the best way to resolve the James Cameron issue is for ditto and Lo Pan to dawn speedo’s and wrestle it out in a pit of jello 😉
Lo Pan isnt sure if he can fit into Dawn’s speedo
Dear My DPSS:
I think something arrived at home – Sly B mentioned a fun-looking package. I’ve been at my parents since last week. You can tell my the increase in grey hairs on my head and the wrinkles that have sprouted and my general look of grouch.
I am going home tomorrow for a spell, and will be tearing into whatever it is then. w00t!
May check the 3D version of Avatar on Sunday if it starts early enough.
CWTD: tell all the Xmas shoppers to fuck off and get a life.
My goodness I’m glad we never had the Bladerunner palooza…Speedos don’t look good on me.
*hugs* to grinchy Vanamonde 🙂
Now I have groceries to buy.
Lo-Pan, the sun hasn’t come up here because of all the chinook clouds. I obviously have that on my mind 😉
You may don or dawn as you choose.
*swoooon* for Van’s cursing.
I for one like the constraint of the cinema. Once I’ve paid to get in I’m not leaving till I’ve seen the flick.
At home I find it hard to sit still for 2+ hours to watch a film, one of the reasons I don’t buy DVDs for myself now.
Does Van also like the constraint of the clap? Lo Pan’s just sayin….
Happy Avatar Day!
Show of hands, who else had evil images at the thought of Vanamonde “constrained”? 😳
Ok, really going shopping now.
*puts hands as far away as possible*
Not fully caught up – but that crazy author thread is pathetic/hilarious. Eek.
My Avatar $0.02 coming.
Cj: You’re very welcome! I’m so glad to hear that you love it! 😀
I wanna know: Have you ever seen Lorraine going down on Sonny Dey?
Have you ever seen the rain?
OMFG……… this is the worst thing Lo Pan has sen this holiday season. And its only a minute and a half. Lo Pan loves him some TMNT….but fuck.
Happy Avatar Day
Morning Pan.
I got my DPSS gift a couple of days ago. I think I didn’t catch who it was from but I’ll double check the box. THANKS!!
Kerry and I can’t wait to have a party with colored space invader’s ice cubes!
RE: Avatar. I’ll see it. I think the price tag is pretty redic, but then when you get into the 3-d theater it may be crazy amazing. You never know. BUT the storyline, yeah that spoon-fed drivel has got to go. Take that amazing tech and apply it to, say one of Alistair Reynolds space operas…show us a 3-d chase through Chasm City….fucking make Neuromancer even…jeebus.
Jeebus cant save you.
Happy Avatar Day
OOOOOOOOOOOH Jeremy… careful what you wish for
Damn Christmas falls on a Friday. I go grocery shopping on a Friday. Had to buy extra groceries to allow for not shopping for a week and a half. No way I’m hitting the store during Boxing Day weekend.
PS: Happy Avatar Day
I actually know almost nothing about Avatar, other than blue people. I intentionally avoid trailers or advance info for anything I know I’m going to see. I plan on seeing it this weekend – – maybe even tonight.
For me, this *IS* about James Cameron. I like his work. I don’t think he’s ever made a mediocre movie; everything’s been fantastic.
There are some authors who get my same faith. When they release a new book, I’ll read it.
I’ll agree that $Half-a-billion seems a little excessive, though. How much is that by frame? By scene? I agonize over the extra dollar to make it a combo at Subway; I can’t fathom economics on that scale.
Upgrading my wordpress…is taking some time.
Saw the Family Guy Empire…it was pretty damn funny. Esp. because there were F bombs in it.
Aw Jack, Lo Pan wishes he could be more like you and ignore movie mania. Lo Pan isnt built like that. Hey, Lo Pan knows for every Titanic there has been 10 great movies he’s made. I’m not anti-Cameron. Cept for this movie. I think he’s over his head here.
You can afford subway?
JfS… Lo Pan gonna see that soon. Me loves me some Family Guy Star Wars
PPS: Happy Avatar Day.
One thing I’ll note: the $0.5B price tag is a little misleading. From what I’ve read, and I can be entirely wrong about this, is that this is the cumulative cost to make, produce, and market the movie. A big chunk of that price tag is for the world-wide ultra-hype marketing that is making everyone sick right now. When they quote price tags for other movies, they don’t include marketing. So, this figure is being thrown around basically to piss people off, which I don’t think is fair.
Still, it is an incredibly expensive movie. Will it be worth it? I don’t know, but I don’t doubt it will make that money back and more.
I dont see why peopel would arbitrarily pick this movie to pick on if there wasnt reason.
or people for that matter….
Happy Avatar Day
JfS, I’m the culprit. I am SO relieved that you like it!
C: really hating my last day of work before vacation.
JfS, is that special out yet? Or did you download it from *ahem_cough*?
Hayden Christensen as Case in Neuromancer? Oh no fucking way.
Regardless of, and I cant confirm or dent ditto, thats still more money going into a movie than the GDP of all but 21 countries in the world. ANd if I find out that other movies do this but just dont share th einformation, then I’ll be just as livid at those.
Jack: Also Liv Tyler is rumored also. I like Liv Tyler…. but those two together for Neuromancer screams ACK!
crap… “dent”= “deny” two posts up
This close to Christmas hubby and I have better ways to spend $50 then on a movie
And a big happy birthday to Mr. Bunny!
If Avatar does make a profit, then be sure to expect a $0.5 billion “Armageddon 2” from Michael Bay.
Is it wrong to want to see an Armageddon 2? Best Bay film ever.
Which, yes, is like saying “Hey, thats the least stinkiest dog shit in the yard.”
Lo Pan. Criticize away. You are very right. That money could be put to better use.
“Armageddon” was fun, but talk about horrific science. Sort of makes red matter look tame. 😉
Here’s a different take on the cost of the movie:
Happy Avatar Day!
ditto, Armegeddon was to science as Pearl Harbor was to history. Oh that Bay, he can destroy anything.
Hmmm, link isnt working, ditto
Ah! Was able to read it. See thats just one of numerous conflicting reports, especially cause this one seems to be coming from Fox. I’m sure we’ll know eventually. Regardless of its indeed become the poster child of Hollywood expense, for right or wrong. And I’m running with it.
Happy Avatar Day.
Pretty cool write-up:
Ah! I didnt fucking think about all the IMAX screens theyre gonna show this on at 15 – 20 bucks per ticket for the “true Avatar” experience. Jesus James, you really are issuing a new experience in Cinema. I already have to mortgage the house to see a film, you want my first born now too?
Happy Avatar Day, Null! Ive perused that article before. Its Lo Pan approved.
Lo Pan: You know he needs them for his fields of child slave labor, don’t ya? 😉
Happy Lo Pan Deadpan Day! 🙂
Dammit ditto! This just confirms my suspisions. SOmething wasnt adding up. Not my child, Mr. Avatar! GIMMIE BACK MY SON!
And Happy dittopan Lo Pan Avapan Day!
The fact that Lo Pan has terrible grammer/typing/spelling today is also confirmed. Bleh.
Lo Pan: I secretly suspect that Cameron is really a machine and he’s prepping the day for the Matrix harvesting us.
Happy Lo Jack Deadpan Avapan Day
CP: Will Of The Gun — Annette Ducharme
This would explain much. Cameron is his own Skynet. This make way too much sense….
Happy dittatar Avalo Jackpan Dead Day?
Fun fact! People seem to hate Stargate Universe. Theres even petitions to get it cancelled. What the fuck, people?
I knew I shouldnt have fallen in love with the show. Its gritty and real “if I can use that word here” and has good characters and is everything SGA wasnt, IMO. Blahhhhhhhh.
What my dark black heart wants for 2010 is a Neuromancer film that everybody loves except those that read the book first.
Then I can put on a big grin, wave the Bladerunner DVD under their noses and say ‘Welcome to my world’.
LOL, Van.
Lo Pan, I love SGU also.
As one friend says, “Who barfed BSG on my SGU?” I tell her that is what finally made Stargate (TV) palatable to me. I grew up on cheezy SciFi. Been there, done that, don’t need to do it again.
Re: Lo Pan’s link about the Neuromancer movie:
(I think this is a particularly appropriate moment to invoke this meme:)
Actually, that was a knee-jerk reaction. Maybe Christensen will act better under a better director. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
HA!! Wishful thinking Amy. Luckily that “scoop” is a year old and prolly no longer happening.
I ruv SGU. Its great!
Amy – as one whos seen Jumper and Factory Girl I can definitively say…. probably nay.
ditto: confused. are you saying you agree or no agree with your friend? Answer carefully as EssBee and I are pointing Zat’ni’katels at you.
ditto: I agree 100% on voting w/your wallet.
District 9 was great.
Anyone see [non-scfi] Invictus yet?
Need to figure out what to do for Runchtime!!!
Jfs: Not yet. I plan on seeing Invictus over the holidays.
Lo Pan: I disagree. I like SGU, though I’ve only watched the first 5 episodes.
Amy: I haven’t seen anything in which he hasn’t sucked.
This is way too cool.
Watch the video!
If voting with your wallet is the only requirement, then Titanic is literally the greatest movie of all time. Show of hands who believes that…
Invictus? Soccer flick? Like to.
Wow Amy, that was a surprisingly harsh anti-Lucas comment from you!
omg that vid does rule..
lulz at this komment for the vid:
“No, that’s just a Hyundai Genesis that was left alone for about an hour in downtown Detroit.”
Not like Lucas doent deserve some harshness…. even from staunch Star Wars freaks. meesa meesa.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, SGU is Space 1999 for the 00’s just without the cool spaceships.
Interesting review.
really positive on the visual side. Ignores the rest. But he says that’s what he’s gonna do at the outset.
*ignores Lo Pan’s attempt at baiting*
*goes to lunch*
im the master…. at baiting. youll not ignores.
Ok yeah….. any review, even positive, with the phrase “I’m not going to talk about plot (or that I thought to myself, Dances with Wolves in space more than once)” means fail.
Look I dont care about looks. I think Lindsey Lohan looks great but I know what filth she contains on the inside.
See now its become personal to hate this film due to the film itself and that was never my intention. Oh good job Deadpan!!!!!!!!! *cries Black Blood of the Earth*
OMFG “But about 30 minutes in to the film, you realize that the marketing has undersold the movie. ”
UNDERSOLD????????? 250-300 million on marketing is UNDERSOLD?????
*fumes and goes to mini-bar*
9:45am showing on Sunday for Avatar in 3D…think I’ll make up my mind up on Avatar then.
Haven’t seen Invictus, but want to badly.
Dont get me wrong, with all this ranting I have to see it too so I can confirm/deny my claims.
Happy Avatar SGU Zat’ni’gatal dittvan Jack Lo Day!
*passes out*
Another Avatar review:
Ok so it seems the consensus is great looking crappy movie. Sorry I dont see how this is movie changing, specially for the cost. It better look like Mila Kunis and Milla Jovovich’s lovechild.
One for the computer geek in your life:
From the Daily Dish:
Guy walks into a lawyer’s office, sits down, and says “Sir, I have a simple legal problem and not much money. Can I ask you just two questions, for one hundred dollars even?”
Lawyer: “Sure. What’s the second question?”
Thats win, EssBee. Love “guys walks into a” jokes.
Like this – guy walks into an Avatar showing… *snicker*
And another:
A man walks into a bar.
He wears a charcoal gray suit, a charcoal hat, charcoal socks, black leather shoes, and a silver Porsche watch on the wrist of the hand that carries a rather large briefcase, which he carefully sets down before straddling a stool and addressing the bartender.
“A Knob Creek Manhattan, up,” the man says.
“Sure thing, buddy.”
As the bartender turns his back to mix the drink, the contents of the briefcase are emptied, and when he returns, serving the drink on a square napkin, he sees spread out on the shiny wooden bar top a miniature piano, a tiny piano stool to scale, and atop it a little man, 12 inches tall, playing faint music that sounds like Brahms’ Piano Concerto 2 in B flat major.
“Well I’ll be damned,” the bartender says. “Where did you get a little guy like that?” He hunches over to scrutinize the musician more closely. “Look at those long, tiny fingers!”
The man, having gulped half his drink, says nothing, but the bartender presses him, and finally he erupts. “It’s a long story,” the man says. “But it all started with this magic lamp.” At this he reaches back into the briefcase, produces in his diminutive hands a small, golden lamp, and shoves it toward the bartender, who yanks the towel from his waist and begins polishing.
When the smoke clears, a genie is revealed hovering in the air between the man and the bartender. “You’ve got one wish,” the genie demands. “Use it or lose it.”
The bartender stammers. “I’ll be,” he says, feeling rushed. “Well I guess I wish for… I wish for… I wish for $10 million bucks!”
The genie is gone.
The bar is quiet, except for the faint sound of Brahms rising from the bar top, and the bartender, regaining his composure, starts to worry.
“Hey, what about my wish,” he says. “Nothing happened.”
But that very moment, over at the open door, a fluttering is heard, and then a quack, and in waddles a duck, followed by a second duck, and a third — and soon the bar is filling with a badelynge, a bunch, a brace, a grouse, a whole flock of quacking mallards. They stream in without end.
“Now wait just a minute,” the bartender cries. “I see what’s happening here! I didn’t wish for a million ducks! I wished for a million bucks!”
The man, world weary, sighs knowingly.
“Do you think,” he said, “that I wished for a twelve inch pianist?”
One more:
Did you hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac? He lies awake all night wondering if there is a Dog.
thats more win.
I can’t resist. One more:
Two old men, next door neighbors, meet every evening to walk their dogs.
“You know what?” Harry says one evening. “Twenty years walking through this park, and we’ve never once stopped in at that bar to have a drink.”
“Sure, I’m thirsty,” Dick says. “But we’ve got the dogs.”
“Oh, I’ve already thought of that,” Harry says. “Just follow my lead.”
So they walk over to the bar, where sitting on a stool outside the door is a bouncer.
“Sorry gents, no pets in here,” the bouncer says.
“Oh, you don’t understand,” Harry replies, “this is my seeing eye dog.”
“Oh, I beg your pardon,” the bouncer says. “Go right ahead.”
So Harry leads his German Shepard into the bar, while Dick steps before the bouncer.
“Sorry sir, no pets,” the bouncer says.
“Oh, you don’t understand,” says Dick. “This is my seeing eye dog too. We’re all friends over at the old folks home for blind people.”
The bouncer looks suspiciously at Dick.
“I don’t know, buddy,” he says, “they gave you a chihuahua for a seeing eye dog?”
Says Dick, “They gave me a chihuahua?!”
Vanamonde: That shirt is epic!
In a similar vein, I installed the Vimperator add-on for Firefox to encourage myself to learn how to use Vim more quickly.
Coworker: Ill be ready to go home at 2. You need a ride?
Lo Pan: Yeah thatd be great
Coworker still working. Fucking ugh.
*slips in Lo Pan’s black blood* What the hey-?
Now THIS is what 3D is good for!
When you need to distract people from the the movie itself … slap on a big ‘ol coating of 3D. Get them watching the “effects” and they might not notice the lack of “movie” underneath.
J0e is Lo Pan approved.
Jack that wasnt…uh… black blood. Lo Pan’s bad.
EssBee, do you have any jokes about a weightlifter who walks into a barbell?
Cool video from Charlotte Gainsboroug & Beck: Music/heaven-can-wait/50851477001
No, but I have a GREAT joke about a Cajun wrestler named Boudreaux. I’ll have to tell that in person someday, though, so you can hear the accent.
This is probably Lo Pan Approved. 😉
A guy walks into a phone booth
… and breaks his nose on the glass.
Oh crap, none of these kids know what a phone booth is 🙁
Kick-Ass might be fun. Then again, it could be very very bad.
J0e, isn’t that the cart in the mall where they sell iPhones?
EssBee, yes, that needs to happen.
fyi: I may lose internet in a few….
I think that is one of the first signs of the end of teh world!
When Jack Mangan looses his Inter…
Quick, somebody throw Joe a T1 line!
After several weeks of bouts of craptastic weather, today it was clear and dry and warm enough for me to wash both my vehicles again. Looks like I should enjoy them until Christmas.
I enjoy having clean vehicles…..not so much the cleaning itself, but the result it well worth it.
ditto! Plastiscines!!!! They are so Lo Pan approved that it makes Lo Pan’s nethers tingle. Fuck and Yes.
OMG a Plasticines Naked Party is now #1 on my list of things to do before I die.
Quick question.
If one were to make some custom smilies for ‘pan…what would you guys want.
I already assume a pan, some mush, some metal guitar, and a Cthulhu…and thing else??
Guy walks into a call-box…
…its bigger on the inside.
JfS, maybe some panties?
Guy walks into a phonebox
door shuts behind him
There is no escape
Well one last thing to send off and then I can consign the last couple of months to the trashcan of history.
Night Pan..
I hope there was some fun and cheer amidst the stress, Van.
JfS, maybe a picture of Samuel L. Jackson as Jules Winnfield?
JfS – maybe a bedpan?
Oh thats an oldy but a goodie…. sorry Jack.
Pertaining to Kick Ass..
oh ditto, HOW could this be bad?
so very good
lmfao. That’s awesome Lo Pan.
They sure was Jack, and no hatred on my part, so it goes.
Hear ye, hear ye! EssBee is on vacation for 2 weeks, bitches.
Me too!!!!
I enjoyed the original Day Of The Trifids, but this looks cool:
JfS how about a fucktardbot?
Saw that ditto. Izzard is the shit.
You people get vacations? BWAH! BWAH! You now owe me a drink, EssBee.
Ok thinking of seeing Ong Bak 2 or Ninja Assassin tonite. Thoughts? Anyone seen either? Anyone still here? Lo Pan asks.
Deal, Lo Pan!
Just finished watching “Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist” with Darcy. Followed the entire story arc of the gum this time.
Don’t ask, you’ve got to see it…
Separated at birth (and maybe a decade or two)?
The Plastiscines, Katty Besnard:
and Rosanna Arquette:
Unfortunately I see the resemblance in the video link posted earlier today than in any picture (Video = )
RE:Nick and Nora and the gum: Kinda gross and cool at the same time. I dunno why.
Michael Cera is a little cutiepie. Not actually in a swooonworthy way, but I wouldn’t mind talking to him over a cup of tea.
On another note the strangest thing happened to me tonight.
OK maybe not strange, but this type of thing doesn’t happen to me… it happens to… other girls.
I was at a karaoke bar that I have frequented enough to be considered semi-regular. I was there with my mother-in-law and a girlfriend. The 3 of us were up at the bar chatting and whatever. There are 2 dudes at the bar, one of which was highly intoxicated. He asks us if any of us are single. We tell him that we are not single. Fine. Go away drunk guy. Well drunk guy decides that he doesn’t care that I’m married… he won’t give up to the extent that the bartender had to throw his dumb ass out of the bar. Seriously… Stupid crazy drunk idiot.
JB – Thank you!
I am having an exceptionally empty-head day. Nothing in here, nothing to see. *thunk thunk*
Panties, check, Samuel L…I’ll look into it. Bedpan…hrmm…Fucktardbot…YEA!! Totally gonna make him!!
That’s because you are badass, Cj. I hope the scene didn’t get too uncomfortable.
UsedHair’s Plasticines comments are free.
So – went to the 3D IMAX Avatar tonight. That’s the way to see this movie.
So on the latest QI there was a quote:
War is God’s way of teaching Americans geography.
I’ll get my coat.
Drunk guy = yuck.
Sly B is coming to pick me up today. While I’ve been really pleased to be able to help my parents out for these NINE FUCKING DAYS, I need a little me time. We’re coming back here on Tuesday to spend 3 days of XMAS gluttony with them, so it’s a short amount of me time.
I bought my mom a little 8G iPod nano for XMAS so that I could load some audiobooks on there for her. They’re pretty slick these days, although I am pretty attached to my 60G Classic.
Have a wonderful Saturday, all of you!
Van, that is so sad but true.
Usedhair’s UsedLinks:
Hey Deadpan!
I’m not really here. Just a quick hop in to say hello.
Hubby had a nice birthday yesterday. We didn’t do much, but it was relaxing. He got home early (by about 4:30) we had McDonalds for supper and we stayed in and watched a couple of episodes or Original Star Trek on Blu-Ray.
After that, we were surfing the channels and found the Hooters Bathing Suit Competition. A perfect show for for a guy’s birthday 😉
We are now on holidays until the 31st (damn month end). Hubby has a fair amount of family that lives here in Calgary so we’ll be doing the family thing. I’ll try to check in once a day or so, but can’t guarantee much more than that.
have a super Saturday!
Nomad Scry, you’re welcome!
Not as novel as it used to be, now that they have stores all over, but still at the very least handy…
Hail, Pan!
This is a day for much achieving. No kids game this weekend and it is for the most part wide open. I’ve got a long list of things I’ve been wanting to get done around the house, but haven’t been able to string together the time or interest. Today, I am a tornado….well, except for all that laying waste to the land business.
Evening Pan, snow still falling although not very heavy.
CD: Freezing my balls off at work..brrrrrrr!
Hello Pan, hope everyone’s day is going good, and/or getting better. Currently 50% complete for christmas shopping.
Odd moment of the day: Driving by a church named “Our Lady of Lebanon” in my mind I read ” Our Lady of Libation”. I think I need a beer or 3.
Odd thought of the day: If beer is proof God loves us, would that make AA meetings the work of the devil?
Now I’m off to brave the mall *shudder*
Ralph, I think you’re confusing AA/NA with Asmodeus Anonymous.
Speaking of hell, I need to hit some stores today — probably tomorrow as well.
Happy Saturday! I hosted my 3rd annual breakfast with Santa at my house this morning. It’s always fun! The kids get goodie bags, pictures with Santa, and a chance to run amok in the playland that is my backyard.
The grown-ups (some bring kids and some don’t) enjoy nummy breakfasty things and chit chat. Good times.
Lo Pan, ditto: Since I haven’t seen anything non-Star Wars that Hayden Christensen has been in, I guess I stand corrected about his acting.
Jack: My commentary was simply based on the fact that all the best Star Wars movies are the ones where directing duties were handled by someone else.
Jeremy: I love the idea of custom smilies! All the ideas that have been listed so far sound like they would see plenty of use.
Bunny, THANKS for my DPSS gift. Love the chocolates (that won’t last long around us) and can’t wait to read The Pillars of The Earth (Ken Follett)!!
Oh, it’s good to be home.
Ding tonight. Will post the mix again.
Added Thievery Corporation to the mix per Jack’s suggestion. Was gonna anyway though, had a young hottie request it last time and she totally danced all stupid but sexy. Was nice!
Hey EssBee, glad it came ok. Just a heads up, it’s not exactly a shiny happy book but still worth it in my mind.
Cj can tell you, those chocolates are quite decadent.
That’s two of my three US packages I know were received. Jack, did you get yours too?
Now, this slightly tipsy bunny is going to watch the rest of the hockey game…
ZOMG… those chocolates…
sooooo amazing…
Melting on the tonguey…
Oh my looks like CJ just had a chocolate orgasm.
Morning Pan, the boots are on, and I’m going to ‘brave’ the snow and walk to the cinema to see an early showing of Avatar.
Heh, Van sed, ” Morning.”
The English are funneh because they are in a different time zone.
I did have a lovely package in my mailbox today! Yes, thank you very much, Bunny. I’ll have to try to wrangle up some of the Deadpan folk to watch those movies, as per your recommendation. Thank you so much!
What a coincidence Jeremy – – I also like Thievery Corporation and have been described as “all stupid but sexy”.
I hope you heed my recommendation about the IMAX 3-D, Van.
Goodnight, whyamIstillup.
No local IMAX Jack, so just the Real3D for me.
So Avatar, well didn’t hate the movie, yes the plot puts the C in cliche, nice SFX and way too long..but heh it was a fun ride for a Sunday morning.
But unobtanium really? bleh!
Anyone who remembers the original combat cart on the atari 2600 might like to know that MiniSquadron app is free for the day:
Think dogfight on steriods
Britney Murphy’s dead. 32. Heart Attack.
Lame about Britney. Its shocking when that happens.
32? Wow.
Yikes! That sucks.
Wow. That is way too young.
Just back from Avatar. I really enjoyed it. It is exactly what I expected and what I believe it billed itself as: a fun space opera. It really is Dances with Wolves in space, which I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Yes, it is predictable and has some rather amusing dialog. However, it was a beautiful movie. The CGI was well done and the Na’vi did not suffer from uncanny valley problems. I also liked the blend of Chinese mythic landscapes populated by “Indians” tribes with some African mysticism thrown in for good measure. Overall, I was very entertained.
uncanny valley problems?
Dunno if you can access this one, but it’s a free game that’s supposed to be highly rated for Ipod/Iphone:
Look up the message board Ed 🙂
D’oh! And it was even today. I thought short term memory loss was supposed to be the sign of getting old…, wait a minute!
Well anyway, this will be the first app I try for my Touch. Free is good.
Me Grimlock am not laser mouse
Ed … so far I ONLY use free apps on my iTouch 🙂
If you haven’t grabbed The Weather Channels app yet you should.
Live weather radar in your hand !
Van: The Uncanny Valley is a psychological problem relating to CGI depictions of people. People are pretty willing to accept a CGI representation as a person, especially as the graphics get better and better. Until a point. At that point, people’s minds begin to reject the representation. It looks like a person, but there is something wrong. It is “uncanny”. When quality improves further, this problem goes away.
The graph of acceptance vs quality makes a kind of S-curve. The dip where people have problems is called the uncanny valley.
The CGI movie “The Polar Express” is a good example of this problem. There were many people that had problems with the graphics.
Now, Cameron has an easier job with the CGI since these are “aliens”. However, they are very humaniod aliens. We are meant to accept them as people. I found that the CGI quality was excellent. Good enough where I completely forgot about it. Which is why I didn’t notice uncanny valley problems.
… and thus ends Another Uncanny Valley Sunday.
I thought it was a weird elongated depression between uplands, hills, or mountains, esp. one following the course of a stream.
I did like the fact that the female Na’vi were not over endowed as they tend to be in scifi movies.
Morning Pan, bloody freezing, warming hands on laptop.
With polar express I thought it was more the ‘dead eyes’ that was the issue.
So, is there any productivity to be found this week? I predict little.
Speak for yourself Ed, in my job the run to Xmas is never easy.
Ed, we have so little here we nearly shutdown
Ed: I also recommend the Pandora radio app (of course free).
Van: What’s the problem with over-endowed female aliens? If they’re good enough for Kirk, they’re good enough for me.
And I personally felt the problem with the Polar Express animation was in the movements as opposed to the eyes.
my 2 cents on polar express: sorry couldn’t watch it. My daughter was baby sitting my little cousins and they where watching. I think it was creepy because of the eyes and movements so i had to leave.
Good morning, Gents!
Bunny, those chocolates are ORGASMIC.
Today: Sly B and I are awaiting delivery of a ton of pellets for our stove ($300) and then are off to Boulder (ugh) for lunch with a friend who is cat-sitting for us while we are out holiday visiting for the next 6 or 7 days. We’re then going to my favorite spot in Boulder, the game store It’s Your Move, to see if we can find something fun for us to play with our parents as we visit, and something for the 4 and 7 year old nieces. Should be a pretty fun day.
Oh, we watched Waters of Mars last night and LOVED it. Tonight we may catch up on Dollhouse.
Stay warm, Van!
Ed: I plan on being completely unproductive this week. 🙂
productivity — What is that?
Good Morning Pan.
Can someone remind me the name of that website that lets you ship large files for free?
Jack, fresh content awaits.
Going to be gone for a few days. Take care fellow panites. 🙂
Take Care ditto.
Be safe!
Morning Pan!
Busy week upcoming. Today we’re going for East Indian buffet lunch with friends. tomorrow we spend the day with my grandmother, Wednesday we’re spending the afternoon having tea with friends, visiting hubby’s grandmother Thursday…
I thought, when you go on holidays, you’re suppose to relax.
Something to ponder
I was rooting for the Gorn, you know just to save those over endowed females from ravishing.
A nitpick: The Uncanny Valley also applies to various automatons, as well.
Polar Express sucked.
Usedhair I know I’m in the minority on this, but I really not into big breasts in scifi depiction and reality.
I’m a leg man, myself. In addition to that, I find the boob-focus in various media very tiresome.
Myself … I think it’s all in the presentation.
While the chest is nice, my hubby’s always liked a well rounded butt more.
Did that fall under TMI?
Oh and as for all you slackers not having to deal with directly with the Xmas madness..grrrrrrrrrrr!
TEB: Yes, boobs are fine, but arse is TMI. 🙂
As a culture, we ought to show a little bit more maturity, respect, and taste with our images of bozangas.
Jack: I always try to tip my hat when I see a nice rack.
All kinds of TMI
It’s snowing. I know most people think snow for Christmas is fine, but really, who wants to spend their holidays shovelling?
I spend my holidays shovelling but it isn’t snow
Good summary:
Jack: Very cool link. Thanks.
I like the Transformers computer gear as well. It’s a shame the flash-drives are only 2gig.
Thank you for that link, Null!
Here’s another one:
Thats Jacked.
Jack: That’s EPIC!
Oh Dear,
My hubby is a sweetheart!
He was on the airline site for another reason, saw there was a seat sale so booked my flight for the Deadpan mmmm meet-up as an early Christmas gift. I spoke to Cj (when he told me he was going to do this) and everything is set up (so we can’t change the date now).
Looking forward to seeing you all (and some of you again) then!
Oh that dirty dirty Zach. Him puts the “sigh” in Sylar.
OMG! That Spork was Awesome!
So, Sage Tyrtle is rounding up poetry samples from adolescence, and when I asked she said prose would also be accepted. I went in search of the plastic bin of past writings. I found some late-80’s stuff to use, but that’s not my point here…
I found, to my surprise, I discovered the original longhand version of the performance art piece that I thought was lost and I based “The Sad Tale of Jimmy-Life and Death of a Party Animal” on. The Jimmy story was in an ep of the Deadpan last May, anyone want to hear a recording of the original?
Sure, JB, go for it. —- just don’t send a reading of the Spork slash. Cj would probably have some good stuff for Sage Tyrtle too.
Go Mr. TEB! That’s great news, Bunny. Now everyone else has that much more encouragement to show up. Second weekend in MMMmmmarch.
And of course if other Panites have poetry of their past you can send it to sagetyrtle at gmail, she will have a minion read it in what she is calling “1973 Poetry Reading Style”. (There will be drums).
Hey Hey! Disney’s putting Captain EO back in Disneyland for a limited run.
Money. Whores.
Isn’t Christmas all about whores? I figure Mrs. Clause doesn’t put out enough, since the item at the top of Santa’s Christmas list is Ho’s
Lunch was good but I can’t spend all my time here. I really have things to do before more company comes at dinner time.
Jeremy from Seattle: Very nice!
I guess around this time of year, the tumbleweeds are made of holly. Fa la la la yeah.
Safe and happy travels to all of you on the road.
Lots of good links today. Star Wars Weather = Full of Win!
An unexpected delivery arrived from Think Geek today. One of you North Pole folk wouldn’t know anything about that, eh?
At last, I have Ewallet in a handheld format once again. I had been using it’s predecessor, Flexwallet, going back to my PocketPC days. It looks like there’s never going to be a Palm Pre version (and it looks like the company has also dropped support for the old Palm OS as well).
But, my Touch runs apps, don’t ya know! I feel a moment of geeky bliss upon me.
Think Geek is the funnest store, but I’m not your DPSS, Ed.
We bought Catan today at the game store, and Disney Scene It for the girls. Fun shopping day!
Uploading a mega bonus episode of Wander Radio –
Only available through the feed until Saturday… Reason it has spoilers.
Currently curled up on the couch with a warthog in my hand (it’s a beer), listening to my hubby channel his inner Pantera. This is what holidays should be. *contented sigh*
This is truly the season of warthogs and “Vulgar Display of Power”
Spork, haha!
Midnight nachos are made of win.
Poetry from the 80’s? *MY* poetry? Scary.
“Im late! Im late! For a very important date! No time to say hello! goodbye! Im late! Im late! Im late!” (For the holidays. I’m srsly never going to be ready in time)
If I remember correctly, one of my teenage poems started
Black, black, heart attack
And continued slipping down after that.
/falls on ass
Nomad! How many times have I told you not to just leave your black heart lying out on the floor like that! It’s slippery!
Ed if your tempted to raise the stakes and stump up a few bucks for apps then searchbon the app store for:
Flight Control
Harbour Master
The last two look very retro whilst new.
Hmmm. They look like they’d make the perfect stocking stuffer … (hint,hint)
The house guest arrived last night.
His memory is going (had to be shown where his bedroom was several times) and she wants to tell me endless depressing stories of how bad his memory is getting.
The only slightly amusing part is when she is telling me how bad his memory is and she repeats a story she just told me 20 minutes ago.
Alzheimer’s sucks.
Certainly does JJ, Condolences on what is to’s not an easy journey.
Morning Pan!
Off to visit my grandmother today! I’m bringing her a cake, some jams and homemade gingerbread cookies. Maybe I should be wearing a red hood?
Ugh! Teenage self inflicted poetry. I hate to admit it but I still have some of mine. They included little aliens in pink pajamas. I was a very strange little girl.
You don’t bunny?
I also remember doing a silly, trying to be depressing Sci Fi Christmas poem.
I’m going to see if I can find it. Then you’ll see how a strange teenage bunny’s mind works
No Wolf, my hood is brown
Just stopping by to say HI before I start catching up.
If you don’t see me for a while, it’s probably either catchup time, or work got busy… Again…
Morning pan, I’m actually being productive today. I have gotten 4 servers updated and cleaned along with the fans and power supplies for the blade server rack. I was amazed by the amount of metal shavings found in there.
No, Japan.
Japan, NO!
I think we need more retro-hokey teenage poetry. Or Rhettro hokey.
I have one bad, angsty, free-verse poem I wrote when I was a teenager that I’m pretty ashamed of. I also have several metered poems that I’m pretty proud of.
I think we’re setting up a new Deadpan segment. Actually, I think Cj already set it up for us.
If my folder of godawful teenage poems still exists, then it’s somewhere back in my old NJ room.
I suppose this was inevitable, after the Star wars one:
Go with it Lo Pan, people are living longer these days..
I will not go with anything that makes me watch 75 year olds do the dirty.
Jack I liked the SW one better but theres some good lotr lolz there
But Lo Pan, aren’t you thousands of years old?
What am I getting blamed for now?
Yeah, I’ll call in and read my bad old poetry. Suddenly trying to remember if I actually showed that to one of you now.
Good gawd, it’s truly awful
WNDRWolf: Your show played flawlessly, and was a magnificent compilation! Well done, sir!
The downside of grinding your favorite coffee beans at home:
Coffee-shop coffee tastes worse than ever.
Thank you JN – I think I may have figured out that particular problem…
Oh Jack, but I dont look a day over 28. Its the black blood… does wonders for the skin.
It rubs the black blood on its skin or else it gets the-
OK, that’s just gross.
It rubs the home-ground coffee beans on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
Hey everyone,
The Holidaze have me hellabusy at the moment. Preparing for a 15 hour car to Dorthy’s house “aka Kansas” tomorrow.
Rhett – dont do it. Nothing good comes from Kansas.
Coffee skin!!!!! Jack you have a dark streak….
OMFG! The Hit Girl themed red band trailer for Kick-Ass is up…. so….wonderful… and nsfw
Happy and safe Holidaze travel to you and the family, Rhett. I got your back if anyone complains that Nevermore isn’t Christmas music.
C -95 til we hit the goal of 500…
Weird here, they say a huge winter storm is bearing down on us, travel may be tough on Friday.
Totally doesn’t seem like it. We only have a 45 min. drive to my folks’ house Friday.morning, and I have no idea wht that drive will be like…
There is a huge storm rolling into town. The thunder just shook my house.
The above is not poetry.
Off to work I go – in the rain.
Great article about Martin Brodeur’s career (yes, I know I’m the only one who cares):,210273
Bad poetry? Seriously? I’ve got tons.
For Sooth.
For the record:
The Gamers: Dorkness Rising
Is some funny.
Shout out to Wolf, do you have someone with the initials DJG on your FB friends list?
And for some bad poetry, let’s take a brief tour inside the songs that run through my head now and again…
I wear my sunglasses at night
so I can…
so I can…
blame it on the rain
Yeah, yeah.
Here comes the rain, again.
falling on my head like a memory
falling on my head like a new emotion.
Here it comes again,
here it comes again.
Red rain is falling down,
Red rain,
Red rain is pouring down,
Pouring down all over me.
Hanging around, nothing to do but frown
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays.
Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays.
I want to shoot the whole day down.
Twenty-twenty-twenty-four hours to go,
I want to be sedated.
Nothing to do and no where to go
I want to be sedated.
There’s lots of pretty pretty ones
They want to get you high,
But all the pretty pretty ones
Will leave you low, and blow your mind.
I want a new drug.
One that does what it should.
One that won’t make me feel too bad;
One that won’t make me feel too good.
Can you take me high enough
to fly me over yesterday?
Can you take me high enough?
I’m so glad that I know more than I knew then.
Gonna keep on tryin’ till I reach the highest ground.
Anymore Anymore Cannot take it anymore
Got to get away from this stone cold floor.
Nowhere to look but inside
where we all respond to
You just blew Lo Pan’s mind.
Lo Pan, you might point out that today is Tuesday…
Every day is Monday to Lo Pan.
OMFG indeed! Kick-Ass is not a misnomer!
I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theres more.. lemme find for you…
BAH the rest got taken down by the studio. Anywho safe to say theres not a movie I’m looking forward to more next year.
JfS is that a beatbox in your pocket or are you… you know.
BTW Lejon… you lost Lo Pan after Damn Yankees. For shame, sir.
Let’s just say that there isn’t anything in my pocket. *hubba-hubba*
Penis jokes FTW!
Lejon, that was teh excellent!
Wait, a beatbox in your pocket? Just don’t scratch.
Ever scratch yourself until you have a hole in your bag?
Alright, the LOTR FB string was pretty good. Not quite as impactful as the Star Wars ones as that stuff just runs in our blood. But, still pretty good.
We were so happy…
Things worked out better than we had planned
Capital from boy, woman and man
We were like ink and paper
Numbers on a calculator
Knew arithmetic so well
Working overtime
Completed what was assigned
We had to multiply ourselves
A bouncing little baby
A shiny copper penny
And he spent himself
Would not listen to us
But when he lost his appetite
He lost his weight in friends
Baby became a fat nickel so fast
Then came puberty
Soon our boy became a million
People loved him so
And helped him to grow
Everyone knew the thing that was best
Of course, he must invest
A penny won’t do
But he made us proud
He made us rich
But how were we to know
He’s counterfeit
Now everything’s ruined
bah! bad link. this:'s+Ruined:137988:s6334327.9519158.56513.0.2.144%2Cstd_4a0cc81ef2a34a3b836b19c45fae44de
The sting of black heart/blood nipples left me with an ear to ear grin. Rah.
Erm, stRing. Though sting is good too.
no really… greatest song and vid ever. deal with Lo Pan’s wrath if you dont agree. or dont.
Well, look there, tis a Lo Pan. Hello Lo Pan of the Deadpan.
Its me! Wait is yous gone?
I’m WAY gone.
Jack: Yep, this definitely sounds like a new Deadpan segment. 🙂
Lejon: Around here, we call that string of lyrics you just posted a “lyrics mash.” Lyrics mashes have appeared as Deadpan segments before, and that one would make a great one. If you’d like to submit one, all you have to do is record yourself reading your string of lyrics – not singing, just reading – and submit it. 🙂
I had a very successful day of Christmas shopping today! (Yes, I put off shopping for family until the last minute. -_-; ) Two of the three presents I got are already wrapped and under the tree, the other one still needs to be made.
Morning Pan, last work day before Xmas. Just got to get through today and then I can avoid the festive madness for three days.
Amy speaks the truth. The lyricsmash segments were always fun; I’d hate to think their time has come and gone. Lejon, consider yourself encouraged to record that, if you have the time and inclination.
Lo Pan- I never knew they’d made an actual video for “Everything’s Ruined”! Brilliant song, brilliant album, brilliant band.
Goodnight, Mike Patton.
No, seriously… it’s not Wednesday night?
Stupid wall
Oh wait.
So get this. I can’t post to the deadpan from work but I found a way to read comments. RSS Feeds are made of win. Sooooo… at least I’m not completely out in the cold.
Tho… I am lonely now with the nobody to talk to thing.
boo hoo
OK – I’m just fake crying. Can’t pull one over on all y’all can I?
I seem to have misplaced a box of Kleenex. on.. it’s under the tree. Why is it there? I’d go get it but I have my stupid knee propped up with a hotpad right now. It rained today and aggravated my old age.
Cj – I tend towards being/getting confused, so I catch up on the daily nips via Google Reader (having plugged the DP RSS in quite a while ago). It neatly takes care of wondering if I’ve already read everything or not.
Did I just get moderated?
Huh. No, I just made a missing post. Okay. Fine. Let’s try this again.
Reading womics.
Timewaster extraordinaire.
(That’s the missing post.)
25 min to go.
Morning pan. Going in for a half day. The long weekend beckons. Hopefully going to find time to catch Avatar and the new Sherlock Holmes sometime between the festivities.
Heh! this isn’t Sparta…
Good Morning Van – I may or may not shoot me an email let me know what is going on and I will take of it like a Wolf eating a Bunny or let you know if things is alright… 🙂
morning pan, cleaning out more servers today. I’m SO glad we use blades now. I grab an older server are are trying to replace and I think I nearly pulled something. I think the 8 Blades servers we had weight less they this one old server.
Looks like Sherlock is getting semi-good reviews. Ill have to check it out here soon. Lo Pan approves of Robert Downey Jr. in most anything. Lo Pan has his man crush too, you know.
Robert Downey Jr. looks exceedingly hot in the Sherlock ads. I definitely want to see that movie!
Oh yes, and good morning, Pan.
I used my alarm clock this morning so I could get up and play catch up on some of the things on my “to do” list. I’m seriously so behind that if I get any more behind on things, I’ll literally have to go back in time to catch up and last time I checked, I don’t actually own a flux capacitor.
Morning, Pan! Sly B and I are currently snowed in (about 8 inches and falling) at my parents’ house. Fear not – we have lots of snacks.
Cj, take care of that knee!
Hope you all are happy!
*Cough* I think I will be coughing up computer dust for a week. I clean out our server room and on Monday I have to do the same at the other plant. *COUGH* what a mess
About ten years ago I helped install (meaning, I helped carry) a very small server. Hot swap hard drives. Hot swap and redundant power supplies. Very cool.
Very freakin’ heavy. And the little coat closet they had us put it in was a heat box. *shakes head*
Snow whats up?
CJ & NS:
I too use google reader to read DP comments. At work I can sometimes find time to read them that way, but then I either have trouble following the links because the content is blocked or because I don’t want someone stumbling in and seeing me watching youtube (or what have you).
On the other hand, if I wait until I get home, there are often WELL over 100 comments waiting for me. So there are simply some days where I look at the daunting number of comment and hit “mark all as read”. It’s sometimes a no-win situation for me. But I do what I can.
NS, about 10 years ago every server i installed was a two man job. now the blade enclosure when empty is only about 50lbs. the unit we have has 6 power supplies 10 fans built in fiber channel bridge and switches. it is pretty impressive and all this can take care of up to 16 servers. I think when it is full it can hold up to 500Lbs and it is only 10u high.
Well I’m off for 3 days now..yah!
…and just to stick a finger up at the season, I will later be seeing a Japanese film about a young man being made redundant from an orchestra who ends up being emplyed as an undertaker.
Scrooge..fooking amateur…
Whoa….. fucktardbot faked out
Morning Panites!
Just a quick hop in, then off to lunch with family. Later tonight it’s dinner and a hockey game with a girlfriend.
fun times!
A great big holiday hug to Scroogie Vanamonde.
And, of course, holiday hugs to all.
Wait a minute… did Wolf say he was going to eat me? Does my hubby know?
Bunny, remember to work her hard on the boards to dig out those loose pucks.
I think I know what needs to be done to handle that remote device problem – – just done a horrible job of time management lately.
Avatar wars..
THIS I WOULD WATCH@!!!!11!1!!!!!!!111111
What Jack, no body checks?
I am looking for Holiday BFPs!
Ho, ho, ho, BFP, Wolfie!
EssBee turn off the mutherfucking snow. How will i ever get to the theater to see Avatar? *sigh*
A penny wont do…
I forgot how rough they play in Calgary. Just keep the elbows down, Bunny.
EssBee: A Santa BFP? With that big bushy white beard and belly full of jelly…? I just might hurl.
Rough in Calgary? You best be talking Flames cause I gots a bad image of BDSM Canadians in my head.
Thanks EssBee I needed that.
Doing a bit if reading before I take off. The book had a cute joke in it:
God has Adam approach and says, ” I have two pieces of good news and one piece of bad. Which would you like to hear first?”
“Oh, the good news” says Adam
“well,” says God, “I’ve decided to give you something called a brain. You will find you will look at things in wonderment and achieve much pleasure”
“What’s the other good news?” asked Adam
“I’m also giving you a penis,” said God, “it will be a thing if wonderment ond give both yourself and Eve great pleasure.”
“That’s wonderful. What’s the bad news?” asked Adam
“you won’t be able to use both at the same time.”
Babes for Pickling?
Bring Fucktardbot Pot
I haven’t had pickled Babes since college.
Bourgeois French Poet?
bygone freaky planet?
Broth or Frozen Plants?
Holy new look Batman…..
Holy new look indeed. Kick the tires.
I needs to takes this for a test drive……
If you want an icon, its a gravatar.
wow, did fucktardbot drop some acid?
Whats a gravitar?
Oh shit we can actually reply now.
Whats a gravitar?@Jeremy From Seattle
Hmm…replying not so good.
What’s the new engine behind DP website?
This will take some adjustments and a little getting used to. As I say in the “Whoa.” post, hit me up with questions, concerns, suggestions, comments, etc.
Big thanks to JfS for putting this together!
Well done, JfS…. now about this gravitar stuff….
Oh hells yes!
Wow, this new look is a quantum leap ahead! Well done! Who did the banner at the top? Good artwork!
My experience with servers is this: They put pretty pictures on my screen.
That being said, there’s an old computer at work that I may be able to snag. I want to try to set up a ghetto music server in the house, or a mail server. That will require much learning.
Dear Johnny Null,
“Quantum Leap” is a trademark of Belisarius Productions. Please choose again.
Belisarius Productions.
Its still WordPress. I made the banner at the top. Got tired of my old one!
Fucktardbot should be here in the hour.
@Jeremy from Seattle
Nice work JfS!!
Oh and it’s Dan Dare 8 bit!
The new look is pretty sweet. nice work JfS. me likey
Hrm…DId it nest?
Yeah, I think it’s fantastic. I didn’t realize just how badly this site needed a fresh new look. Thanks, JfS!
Does the conversation flow still feel natural?
reply reply?
It feels natural enough. I dont think that’ll change with the new look.
New smilies. Here are some Deadpan related, sorta custom ones for you. (Panties are still to come)
to get those, type:
put a colon before and after the words “pan” “mush” “metal” “cth” and “ftb”
SUPERSWEET!!! The bomb, sir. :ftb:
:ftb: this is gold
Mobile browsers will now have a mobile theme that should be a little faster and easier to navigate while pooping.
It was your idea, reaper.
is the way!
And is there a better way to spend time then Deadpan and a shat? I think not at all. Not. At. All.
Anyone recognize where I got :mush: ??
I wonder where my icon is…
So that is how it works…
I have way too many email addresses…
Hay :pan: (sorry couldn’t help myself)
30 Minutes to the long weekend. Hope it stopped snowing.
It looks like Snoopy’s dog food turned green, but I’m guessing that’s not it.
Not even close to stopping snowing here. Fuck it. Is what it is.
I was gonna say the brain creatures from Wheeled Warriors… but thats not it probably either.
Hmmm…… cant comment anymore
Wait. Now? Ok so :ftb: has something against my Wheeled Warriors comment and wont post it. Jealous much, fucktardbot???
TEH HunGreez….. must walk in snow. Feed my fuckin habit. Follow the white rabbit…
Checking out the new site Dead :pan:
Now, I want an avatar. Must see if I can figure out how to do it.
I think my head is full of :mush: today. I did a WP search and read their thing on Gravatars and didn’t understand it at all.
I went on line and created a gravatar image. Let’s see what happens
Nice mixtape Wolf, so good I’m listening to it again.
Ok, I have a gravatar, how do I put it on this page. Do I have to sign in and get a WP account?
The only problem with the mobile theme on the iPhone is you can’t zoom out and this makes scrolling when there are a lot of comments more labourious.
Still it can be turned off.
TEB, nope, it just works. See!!
Van, Yeah. That is my prob too.
Ah, I see. It just took a moment for my gravatar to register.
Cool I will finally see what the bunny look like
the bunny looks like…. kitties!
Wolf, you want to see what I look like, Come to DP land in March 😉
Now that’s enticement.
I dig the updated dead :pan:.
The Dr. Evil smiley is just drevil between colons. er. yeah.
🙂 😉
👿 😎
Just trying some of the old emoticons. I see we’ll have to play
although, the gravatar thing, doesn’t seem to like it when you change picture mid pan
Wolf, I downloaded the latest episode, but wont’ get a chance to listen to it until probably after Christmas. I’m going to be so far behind in my podcasts…
So, before I head out again. Is it now, “Do you want to date my gravatar?”
THIS!!!!!!!!!! “Inception” looks fantastic. Too bad the first trailer is all in french. Still….. looking forward to it big time.
’nuff sed.
:panties: = :metal:
I like my Gravatar; I just wish it didn’t cost $0.5 billion USD.
:panties: on :cth:
Are we going to be able to create those picture phrases now?
Hey guys, I’m back. Sweet new look. I do miss having the url to individual comments. I would bookmark the last one I read so that I could keep track. Maybe JfS can put that back?
Ed: Did you like the gift?
YA HAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didnt even notice that.
I likey the new site. I need to go make sure I have clean :panties: before I head out to work.
I just wanted to use an emote. I am ALWAYS wearing clean :panties: honest.
Talk to you later :pan:
Well, this is going to take a bit of getting used to, but I like it.
Any chance of getting the time stamps back on? I rely on that to help me figure out how far to scroll back when I get home and can check the :pan:
:pan: glorious :pan:!
Dont Mess With Edxas!
Actully agreed about the timp stamp. I enoyed having that.
I will look into the timestamp thing.
Looks like more and more folks are departing for holiday destinations.
Meryy Xmascetera, everyone. Safe warm holidays.
I heart :panties:
:panties: I have returned
For anyone who hasn’t caught up:
Cj could use one of these:
Gravatar = Globally Recognized Avatar
And I apparently need to read a lyrics mash up for the show.
All Clear on those points?
:drevil: Good
And apparently, I can’t spell Chandler anymore
JfS: I’m really impressed. A lot of work. Well done, sir!
And I guess I have to re-invigorate my icon creation.
I think :ftb: needs little asterix or drunk bubbles or something around his head..
JfS, that would rock. anything to make him more fucktardlisus
I’ll work on stuff over x-mas break. It’s fun. Let me know any requests and I’ll make them as I have time. If you want to make your own, keep them around 40×40 or under, and send them to me. PNGs with transparency please.
Thanks for the SS gift, Mr. From Seattle!
I may have to put this to use tonight!
Know what else is fun? Rum.
God Bless Us…. everyone *sniff*
I like the scythe in the new heading pic. One of my favorite accessories. And it goes with every outfit… well at least my outfits
JB, YAY!!! It made it to you!! w00t!
Much cleaner than drinking out of a nasty rugby boot!
Well Departures was better than I expected for a film about death.
New theme FTW! And I love the new smilies! 😀 It would be cool to have a “night” one (maybe just a crescent moon and some stars on a dark blue/black background) so that we could post “Night, Pan” using icons.
Let’s see if my Gravatar has registered yet…
Yay! It has!
So do we now have only custom smilies, and no traditional ones? Let’s do a test here…
🙂 🙂 😀 🙁 🙁
@Amy Bowen
I will have to register too.
Oh… yes, the new theme… It doth :metal:
So, did my gravatar take?
Looks like a yes…
Except I changed my mind…
So how long until the different one comes up?
@The Energizer Bunny
No worries there – latest episode is a mixtape of music – A sample from each episode of the year including the episode that drops Saturday.
Oooooooo – we got a new Deadpan for xmas!!
even though I was naughty and everything.
I think I occasionally had a case of pottymouth on the:pan:
erm, confused aboot :pan:
Well, there it worked…
Now when does my wildebeest change to my smilin’ mug?
Stargate rulz. Ok so heres the thing. Correct me if Im wrong but wouldnt everyones life be that much better if a Major Samantha Carter were in it? Smart and sexy, shed enhance so very much…uh….
*realizes he sounds like the worst kind of fanboy and pretends this never happened*
At teh airport drinking winter ale. I changed m gravatar aNd it took a bit of time to. Change. See you in. Ak!
The latest Family Guy with the reenactment of ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ ..yawn.
@mobile JfS
Please take me with you
The computer says Nooooooooo!
I dont know what that means
WNDR if you’re out there … your mixtape rulz
Yes, the gift was most excellent. Though, I think my wife is going to steal it.
Rum makes everything better. I expect plenty of it come March 13th.
Oh, and to make it publicly official, I will be coming to the Deadpan gathering in March. I expect to see you there.
Was confused for a moment and thought I was at my home and not at the Pan. Heh.
@Ed from Texas
And it’s another All Hallow’s Eve with spirits roaming loose about the countryside, questing for candy and souls to devour….
wait, what? Christmas Eve, you say? Man, I was really hoping for some candy, but I guess presents will have to do. 🙂
Copyright 1903?