Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #84: What’s with the Helium?


Deadpan Velvet 1 (Thanks for the Deadpan Velvet segments, Kurt from St. George, aka Dirt McGirt)
Deadpan Velvet 2
Promo for “Night’s Knights”, a Podcast Novel by Emerian Rich
Vanamonde’s Deadpan Asteroids bumper
VM: Amy Bowen, aka the Deadpan Ambassador volunteers to coordinate this year’s Deadpan Secret Santa exchange
VM: Will Snowy Traffic Cause Paul Maki to Transmogrify? – part 1
Classic VM: Gil from Milwaukee
Deadpan Research Team:
Clyde’s Journal (Thanks for the great reading, TD-0013!)
Mark Forman Dead Pan bumper
Dumbass Memories
::::Amy Bowen
Kirk‘s Deadpan bumper
Classic Deadpan: Original Fiction from Alvie in Boulder: “America”
Jimmy from Denver bumper

Greasy Spoon Comments
Deadpan Velvet 3
VM: Will Snowy Traffic Cause Paul Maki to Transmogrify? – part 2
Deadpanites in Da House (Thanks, Kirk)
VM: Chris the Fixed Kitty‘s shedding problem
Stolen from Christmas
::::Chris the Fixed Kitty
::::Justa J0e
::::duet from Justa J0e and Chris the Fixed Kitty
“Please Deadpan Don’t Be Late” from the brilliant mind of Justa J0e
Outrobabble 1
Deadpan Velvet 4
Outrobabble 2
‘Twas the Night Before Deadpan
Original music: Candles
VM: Will Snowy Traffic Cause Paul Maki to Transmogrify? – part 3

OK, iTunes Podcatcher hadn’t picked this one up at first, but sometimes it takes a minute. Seems to be working now. The embedded player here is working. Please let me know if you have any problems getting the episode. I go now.

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