Jack Mangan’s Deadpan 77: Before This Microphone

Deadpanites, come out to play-eee-yay
Can you dig it?
Leann is happy to hear me
The Curse Line
Buffy Between the Lines promo
Chris Fisher‘s updated Deadpan Podthroat promo
Malapropism Theater
Justa J0e and his neighbors on a Voicemail
Unrelated. . .
More unofficial Greasy Spoon Comments
Cool new Deadpan bumper
Stolen Paragraph
Cool new Deadpan bumper
PoetFox voicemail – he’s come up with a great word
Politics and Billiards
PodCamp AZ promo
Jimmy from Denver Deadpan bumper
You Too lyricsmash
Welcome to the Era of Obsessive Efficency and Fast Returns
Deadpan Acronym Bumper
Justa J0e’s neigbbors on another VM
Brad P’s Deadpan Bumper gives him the hiccups
Outrobabble this bitch
Shoutouts to
::::Amy Bowen, aka the Deadpan Ambassador
::::Tee Morris
Greasy Jelly Bean game — guess who won?
Go Hugh Smarty Hottie!
Original music (thanks to Paul Fischer and Martha Holloway for the recording!)
Jack Mangan live: “Deadpan is the Way” (yes, that’s the name of the song)

Lazy. . . . but that’s how it goes.

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