543 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #291: Too Gross”
sniffle. tear. sniffle.
Whoa… am I that guy? That guy that walked in just as everyone has left the party?
Shit. I feel like St. Clement, always too late for consideration. That and being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea. That kind of feels relevant as well.
Welcome back! 😀
Can you drive me home?
There was a party that ended???
/hands Jack a maths book
There will be porridge this morning.
That makes me sad.
As I sit eating my bowl of maple syrup flavoured wall paper paste I reflect on things past.
But enough of such fluff, I’m off to Edinburgh to see the new Hobbit film.
That makes a kinda a sorta of sense if you think I sound scottish…
You lucky man living that close to that city.
You unlucky man having to see the hobbit.
btw, DPSS gift is on its way!
Your crap joke for the day:
The 70-year old groom and the 25-year old bride attracted raised eyebrow attention as they checked into the resort hotel. Next morning at eight sharp, the groom came into the dining room whistling a gay tune, sat down at a table and ordered ham and eggs. The smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye told everybody present that he was happy and confident.Fifteen minutes later the young bride slowly trudged into the dining room and seated herself across from her 70-year old. Her face was drawn and her voice weak as she ordered toast and coffee.The groom, now finished, excused himself and strolled into the lobby for his morning cigar.As the waitress approached with the bride’s toast and coffee, she said, “Honey, I don’t understand it. Here you are a young bride with an old husband, looking like you’ve encountered a buzz saw.”..”That guy,” said the bride, “double crossed me. He told me he saved up for 60 years and I thought he was talking about money!”
” 1.0 out of 5 stars Thanks a lot, Bic., April 21, 2013
By T. Kaye “tk” (Rockford, IL United States) –
This review is from: BIC Cristal For Her Ball Pen, 1.0mm, Black, 16ct (MSLP16-Blk) (Office Product)
I used one of these pens post-hysterectomy, and my uterus grew back. Thanks a lot, Bic. Thanks a whole hell of a lot. “
Loved how you ended the doodle, Jack!
Hard to fully come to grips with really.
Squeeze tight and hold on to your memories.
Also sound advice if you find yourself in a biker bar.
Or just dance to “Tequila” in platform shoes.
It makes me happy.
Your crap joke for the day:
The Native Americans asked their Chief in autumn, if the winter was going to be cold or not. Not really knowing an answer, the chief replies that the winter was going to be cold and that the members of the village were to collect wood to be prepared.Being a good leader, he then went to the next phone booth and called the National Weather Service and asked, “Is this winter to be cold?”The man on the phone responded, “This winter was going to be quite cold indeed.”So the Chief went back to speed up his people to collect even more wood to be prepared.A week later he called the National Weather Service again, “Is it going to be a very cold winter?”..”Yes,” the man replied, “it’s going to be a very cold winter.”So the Chief goes back to his people and orders them to go and find every scrap of wood they can find.Two weeks later he calls the National Weather Service again: “Are you absolutely sure, that the winter is going to be very cold?”…”Absolutely,” the man replies, “the Native Americans are collecting wood like crazy!”
Now I’m off. Probably out for the day. Lots to do.
Thanks, friends. I think #200 was our big fun retrospective episode. This is how I wanted the “Finale” episode to be…
That said, the door is still unlocked, ajar, dog-door-swingin’, if you ever have a story you need to share with the world. Say, for example. . . if you lock your keys in the car while it’s running. . . .or if you’re an old guy walking along, telling a story about old-time America, and you get hit by a train.
And you can always record your poems, essays, and short stories too! 😀
ditto’s walked this America….
Was he a high school loser who’d never made it with a lady
till the boys told him something he’d missed ?
If I dont listen to this ep, I will officially have not finished Pan, therefore Pan will not have ended.
Some of you may recall that I cut my finger the other day while trying to construct a Christmas present.
Someone noticed the bandaid (“plaster” for you none US peoples) this morning and ask what happened.
Without hesitation I held my hand up and replied “If you cut it then you shoulda put a bandaid on it”.
Eyes rolled in sockets. Groans were issued. Someone began furiously looking for Van’s coat.
Thank you for the shout out in this, your final regular Deadpan episode, Jack.
It was a great ride and as long as I have an unlimited hosting account, jackmangan.com and the deadpan has a home.
I’m going to miss regular pans, but if you find more time to write stories, create music or just have more time to hang out and enjoy the company around you, then missing the pan won’t seem nearly as bad.
Well, it was a rough night, but he turned up the next morning. He’s naturally inclined to explore, so we were a little concerned. Phew! An Xmas miracle!
Glad everything worked out, Jack/Pixie
I made lite but missing pets are a sad thing.
So, you’re saying “But, the cat came back, the very next day….”
Glad to hear that Woody was recovered safely.
Your crap joke from Tesco:
@Tesco: Q: Why did the turkey join the band? A: Because it had the drumsticks! #crackerjokes #bmtshh
As is the way of things I send to the US. My DPSS gift seems to have gone astray. *sigh*
It’s very strange, mine seemed to have arrived within a week.
I got some good news today, I’m just not sure I believe it.
Check twitter
Really? Twitter? I haven’t been on twitter for so long I don’t even remember my password
WTF is Twitter?
This is an Ex-PARROT!
Woot for work non-grinchyness, Van.
I had a SecretBunny-Santa! Delicious coffee and games! We love our Bunny!!!! Thank you!
Not too much thanks to my new neighbor who forgot my name was Cj and left the package in front of his house for the last 10 days… grrrr
I’m glad it got to you. Whew!
CW: an animated Star Trek.
SW(soon watching). Die Hard. It is a Christmas movie after all
Saw the end of “Die Hard” earlier today and thought how strange it was that I think of it as a Christmas movie.
There’s nothing strange about that at all. It takes place at Christmas thus – a Christmas movie
This is a debate along the lines of Trek vs. Wars. Many friends have been torn asunder with this topic
So… it’s been a hell of a weekend, but the highlight was my daughter’s first-ever ice show. So, so proud of my little figure skater.
dislike… then LOVE!
Is there a version of the ice show on the interwebs somewhere?
Amazon are doing a day of cheap kindle versions of Neil Gaiman books.
Time to pick up ‘American Gods’ methinks.
I wasn’t overly enamoured by American Gods. It was ok but not worth the hype it seemed to get.
I liked it, but (apparently) not enough to read Anansi Boys.
Read that one too. I think I’m rather meh to the whole Neil Gaiman thing.
I’ve read most of his works. I’ve enjoyed all of them, but they certainly aren’t for everyone.
For me, the appeal of his stuff is more in the nonstop barrage of neat, creative, clever ideas. Fascinating little characters, concepts, scenes, settings, etc. that are usually better than the overall story.
I definitely prefer his Sandman comics to his books.
Me as well. Sandman is still my favorite of his. The Graveyard book was also quite good, but it is very quirky.
does iTunes no longer have the “radio” option, where you can listen to various radio stations all over the US (and beyond?)
. . .
You can try the Tune-In app.
Anyone else see Van tickle my nose?
I thought that was just a rumour.
The rumor was that it was my nose…
Ah. Well then.
Never mind Pinocchio.
You never make me breakfast anymore…
Now if Only I could sing like Neil Diamond.
Are you coming to America?
Only if it promises to tickle his
Morning Pan
Must pretend to do a little work this morning.
Time to see what Steam is putting on sale for Christmas. With luck, it won’t break me.
Hi yous! We are at my folks enjoying the holiday. Mwah!
Christmas hugs to the Bees
They the bees knees
You better get back hanging out around here soon, young lady! We miss you.
Seriously, I echo Bunny’s merry wishes to the Bees.
Your Xmas card arrived today, thank you.
You’re welcome! :happy: Glad it got there on time!
I apologize for being such a tool about Xmas cards this year. It looks like we won’t be sending any out. Not to be a bummer, but it’s been a more eventful autumn/xmas season than we’d have liked.
We have received some from you, however, and we’re proudly displaying them on our bookshelf. Thanks, one and all!
“eventful” = boo, sir.
Looks like the postal system has let whoever my DPSS was down, no more post till 27th.
I don’t know who my SS is but it’s very rare for me to get anything before Christmas. Sometimes I’m lucky and will get something between Christmas and New Year’s but not very often. In a way, it’s like having two Christmases :cheerful:
Of course even if I hadn’t seen the previous adaptions I would know who the bad guy was because the actor almost always plays the bloody bad guy.
A good film to play spot the British character actor.
Your crap joke for Xmas Eve:
This is just a reminder about drinking and driving over the festive period.
I went out last night and had 14 pints but left my car at the pub and took a bus home.
I’m fucking proud of myself this morning … I’ve never driven a bus before!!!
I also like the fact that this guys “homemade CGI” looks almost as good as the multimillion CGI in the first Ang Lee Hulk movie (which I actually really liked).
I think I’m going to open my presents in the morning.
..and now it ‘s past midnight.
Happy Christmas!
Christmas hugs to Vanqmonde!
Do I have to hunt down this Vanqmonde and slap him with a wet fish?
Wiiiiiiiiith… a Herring!
Who am I kidding? Christmas hugs to everybody in Deadpan land
Happy Xmas to all Deadpanites and non-fuckheads, the world over.
Merry Elfin Christmas to all Deadpanites wherever you may be. 🙂
Hugs to one and all!
Merry xmas to Pan! And to Pan a good nite.
Oh and if you got an iOS device for Xmas (or already have one) do a search on the App Store for ‘Tiny Thief’ it’s free at the moment.
Cute puzzler
downloading NOW, captain
Merry Christmas, Pan!
EssBee: THANK YOU for being an awesome Deadpan Secret Santa! I waited until today to open my present. I now have the 2009 Royal Shakespeare Company production of “Hamlet” on DVD! It’s on my shelf next to my “Slings and Arrows” box set. Thank you! :happy:
Glad you got/like sweetie
And here is a Christmas miracle to shake your unbelieb:
Swell! Shall try and find some “quiet time” to listen to it.
Merry! Merry! To all of Deadpan.
Im celebrating by working 12.5 hrs, trying keep these peeps alive.
I am wearing a Phoenix Coyotes Santa Hat, in honor of JC.
Hey there, fellow worker in a role that requires 24/7 coverage. I’m finally relaxing after 11.5 hours of watching the network monitoring screen while the phone rang exactly twice (I can get 22-24 calls on a busy day). I hope you find time to relax within the next couple of days. 🙂
And, it’s back to the grindstone. Hope everyone got what they wanted and your children managed some gratitude 🙂
Reading about the Soviet invasion of Finland.
You don’t want to piss the Finns off…
B and I still have two days off and plan to make the most of them! Headed home this morning…
If I had the powers of a God, I would tinker with the DNA of salmon so they were inedible to humans.
So, are we going to do anything for Olympic Hockey next year? 😀
Not “try and make the team”?
Yes! I’m down for movie obligations, audio obligations, or whatever.
But no poseurs for this tourney! If you’re in, you’re not going to flake! We got burned by our last Stanley Cup winner Unshow no-show. . . .
Ugh I totally forgot about that….
Im in. Win, lose, or drawl.
I am in, too! The hockey tournament betting pool (for audio content/songs/movies/whatever) is another tradition that I would really love to see continue, especially for the upcoming Winter Olympics. :happy:
I’m trying for a “do over” today.
I got a headache yesterday afternoon that persisted until it became a migraine and had me up and in extreme pain til the wee hours of the morning.
Today WILL be better.
you know you did Christmas right when you wake up the next day with Pink Eye.
Hope Santa was good to all of you. In regular Christmas fashion for the Bunny house, my grandmother gave us… quirky gifts. We each received a can of soup and an oversized mug to eat it out of. Hubby and I got tomato soup. The kids got vegetable. I’d like to use the excuse she can no longer leave the house and shop but, Christmas from her has always been this way. :face:
Cool Granny ..
Put me down for Olympic Hockey. Obviously I’m betting on Canada.
So, I know Christmas just ended but, are we ready to talk mmmmmeetup? I simply mention it as my 2014 is starting to fill up fast
Looks like we have a skeleton crew today, so this might not be the best time – but sure! Let’s talk dates and find some that work.
Every year we make plans for March, then end up going in early May. How does that sound for folks this year?
Well, I’ll give the dates I can’t do and, as people pop in or out, we can refine over the next couple of months.
I CANNOT do the weekends of:
March 29
April 19
April 26
May 10
Told you my calendar was filling up fast 😉
First weekend in MMMmmmay?
We’d also discussed Colorado for last year’s event. Is this still a possibility (ahem, Colorado folks, when you get back here).
We also cannot do March 29
Anytime in April (kids’ birthdays!)
May 10th
My $0.02 is lets keep our new tradition of the first weekend in May (3rd)
And really consider MMMmmmeetup’ing in Colorado!!!
My weekends in the spring are spoken for.
I don’t really have travel time until after the first weekend in May.
I can probably swing that first weekend in May if that’s what gets the most to come.
Though, it looks like the third weekend of May would be safer for me.
The second weekend in May is always out as it’s Mother’s Day weekend.
I have both cool and sad news. The cool part is that next spring, I am going on a cruise that lasts from May 1-14 (I leave town on April 30). The sad parts are:
a) I will be unavailable for other trips during that period (which includes both the first and second weekend in May)
b) That one trip burns all my vacation time for next year and most of my personal time. Due to my regular work schedule, even if the MMMeetup isn’t during the cruise, I can only make it on Sunday and Monday (when I’m not scheduled to work anyway). 🙁 Sorry, guys. Please don’t let that put a damper on the festivities.
The third weekend in May is also doable, if it would help J0e and Amy.
No pressure at all, Amy. Come out if you can and you want — even if it is just for the 2 days.
I seem to be back in the “App” using part of the population Van, solet me know when Tilt to Live goes free again.
As long as you are using the same iTunes account you can reinstall the original game.
Turns out I have to update my iTunes software if
I want to use it with this new phone. 🙁
I like the old interface and I had been told that the new version redoes everything.
Technology turns tried & true, topsey turvey.
Change is a pain that you must endure.
Come on to Colorado! That’d be grand.
Sweet Lord n butter yes
Van, based on your reviews above, I assume we should pass on The Tunnel?
It’s basically identical to the original series.
Nicely acted but adds nothing new.
Upto you.
You may of course enjoy the accents.
Is THAT what the kids are calling them now-a-days ?
Amy! Card! Thank you mam!
You’re welcome! 🙂
I too also received a card from Amy. Like the uncouth oaf that I am, I haven’t yet thanked her. Thanks Amy.
UH: You’re welcome! 🙂 I’m glad you got it.
Tickets booked to see the new Walter Mitty film.
Night Pan.
So, got to see the Dr. Who Christmas Special today.
I do agree, it’s time for Moffat to hand the reigns over to someone with some ideas. I’m interested in the new Doctor, but I’m much more interested is seeing what someone else has to say. I could stand to go a few years without Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, and Silence popping up over and over and over.
I found the Christmas episode rather meh. I agree about some of the baddies. The weeping angels were cool in their first episode, now they’ve lost a lot of the tension they had through over use.
Last two years = sack of shit. Sorry but the Matt Smith episodes were never well written… and the fact they ruined the angels for me is a real damn travesty.
I like the comment on a list of classic Dr Who episodes that one of the reasons Soutek (baddy in the Pyramids of Mars)is great because they never brought him back.
My 2cents
I like the Dr when the episodes were about him saving some planet or people from some menace we hadn’t encountered before and just sprinkled into the story were hints about his tragic or dark past. The episodes story didn’t hinge on those hints but if you were a watcher of the whole season you could collect these little puzzle pieces and start assembling The Dr’s past in your mind.
Then something seemed to change (Moffat?) and every episode was all about The Dr. and his tragic past and the humans or other beings in the episode were just incidental fodder, put there as window dressing.
Either that, or we were getting another slapped together, poorly/hastily thought out “Weeping Angle” episode that clearly existed only to try and ride the coat tales of the original’s epic success.
THAT teat has been milked dry.
We ate watching a (British) football game hubby recorded earlier. I asked hubby who we are rooting for. Hubby says he is rooting for Westham but I can pick which ever side I want. Silly hubby seems to be under the impression I care :silly:
Ate = are
Stupid auto correct
A classic sign of using an iOS device.
What I really want to know is why a bubble machine on the sidelines is traditional in Westham?
WTG China, for purposely flooding a 1,300 year old city
Van, I may save The Tunnel for a rainy day. I received an iTunes gift card and used it to buy the current season of American Horror. We’ll binge on that today. w00t!
While we had a 2600 back in the day, I remember lusting after my neighbors Colecovision a few years later.
My sweet sweet geek
As with most things in my life, while the rest of the world were drooling over each others Ataris and Colecovisions, I had an intellivision. I did have a friend who had Atari so I still get the references to Pitfall Harry and Frogger although I would do better with references to Start Strike, Night Stalker and Burger Time.
Gathering stuff for a Track Meet tomorrow.
I’ll be competing in the Polevault for the first time in years.
A few weeks back I noticed that this meet had a “19 and over” category and since I qualify for that, I thought I’d give it a go.
6 others entered in this category but unless some of these 19 year olds show up hung-over or sick on fruitcake … not any realistic chance of me getting a top 3.
Frankly, I’d be quite pleased if I could clear 9 feet after all these years.
Heck, I guess I should be pleased if I can make the opening height and not have to be carried out on a stretcher.
This is awesome beyond words, J0e. Good luck! (I’d say “break a leg”, but ahhhh, this isn’t show business…)
Video must be posted.
I second the well wishes. Although, given it’s a track meet, I definitely won’t say break a leg :happy:
I shall attempt to take the Deadpan to new heights … if for only a moment.
And then gravity prevails. 😉
Good luck, and have fun. 😀
That is pretty cool! Adding my well-wishes.
Because we can’t do anything in small measures, Calgary is under a “flash freeze” warning. This occurs when the temperature is expected to drop 20 degrees or more in the course of just a few hours.
Lucky us.
Now I have to decide which, of the ones I haven’t read, do I want to add to my reading list.
I fancy ‘The Golem and the Jinni’ but no ebook version as of yet.
My mistake, there is an ebook version.
So … yeh. You don’t have to look to hard to find people doing horrendous things and hiding behind one religious excuse or the other.
… but here is at least a moment of hope.
Well … if you define “not damaging yourself while in the pursuit of useless, self flinging” as victorious, THEN I AM VICTORIOUS!
I did much better than I had hoped. Made 8′, 8′-6″, 9′ and then 9′-6″(2.90m) all on my first attempts. Then had three really good jumps at 10′(3.05m). Been a loong time since I had done that. I suspect I shall be hurting by tomorrow night.
Coincidentally, we watched “Man of Steel” this evening – so, making giant leaps in a single bound was the order of the day for Deadpan.
Nice work, good sir.
There may be pictures later today.
I s trying to think of a joke that involved pole-vaulting with a cane — like, “ha ha, we’re all too old for such silliness” — but everything I came up with would have sounded too mean.
Anyway, good show, old sport. Um, I mean, well done. Seriously.
You know what goes great with lobster ravioli? EssBees chili beer, thats what
You had me at “EssBee” .
So you mince up lobster and stuff the bits into bags of pasta?
I dread to think what you do with Caviar.
Its pretty delicious bits
Avx n Yotes slip slidin away. Not good.
-Avx + Avs
Yes, it’s getting near panic time.
Your crap joke for a Sunny Sunday morning:
Why did Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli work in very small garages?
I guess I can claim ignorance of virtually all of those as I was between the stages of being a child myself and having children – so, not many trips down the cereal aisle for me in the 90’s.
Not one, May be a US thing since over here big brand cereals will do tie ins to attract parents buying for children.
From what I understand, many a Brit are awed when they walk down an American supermarket’s cereal aisle. Cereal is big biz here all around.
Biggest markup of any foodstuff, the basic ingredients are so cheap.
It seems funny that, as many times as my searches for films or tv shows on Netficks has yielded the “not available” result … that they are now making FEWER shows/films available.
Seems like they should be adding, not subtracting.
Remo Williams, Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo, Street Fighter, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back – – nooooooo!
Back to work!!
That will be me in the morn.
Saw Anchor Man 2 today, fun in places and squirmy in places.
oh my my!!!!!!!! The first one was glorious cheese
I loved Dead Snow. I think I may have even done a PBP on it. I look forward to this one.
Morning Pan
Only another hour of work then time to relax. I need more model paints so hubby and I might sneak out after lunch to get some before the stores close early for the new year.
“Riddick Goes for an R Rating to Show Us Starbuck’s Boobs”
I’m guessing this just went on Lo’s queue. 😉
Not if EssBee gets there first 😉
I’m buying it.
I understood the conscientious objection to Ender’s Game, but I’m kind-of shaking my head at the Wolf of Wall Street backlash.
I haven’t been paying attention. Why are people upset?
From what I can gather people are upset that it glorifies a Wall Street swindler. Although if you google “Wolf of Wall Street backlash” you come up with everything from lack of women to harming chimpanzees…
Yeah, I’m seeing a lot of complaints – – from people who haven’t seen the film – – that it glorifies evil Wall St. douchebags.
Watch the film before you make that determination. If that’s still your opinion after seeing it, then by all means, proceed with your stink-raising.
Tonight’s booze of choice will be a cheap Bailey’s clone from ALDI.
Treat yourself, Van!
Because you’re worth it!
Begun this cheap Bailey’s clone drinking has.
Around the toilet bowl a perimeter create
Funnier this gets every time it I read.
Stuck this way speaking we will
Saying Van should spring for Bailey’s, and pitch the clone, I was.
Difficult to stand. Always in motion is the ceiling.
A real bottle have I do
But the fake nicely down it goes
not begun drinking yet am I.
We finished Treme last night. I’d recommend the series to anyone.
You very much love this! I wonder if its on the netflix
You borrow DVDs! We have Season 1, at least.
Lots of great characters in the episodes of I’ve seen.
Well it’s past midnight Pan, Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Take good care of the New Year for us til we can get there Van.
Happy New Year, Van!
How is it so far?
Very chilled out.
Walked home, time for a cup of tea before bed.
First crap joke of 2014:
A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor, “Can I help you?”
The man said, “Yeah, I’ve come to activate your phone lines.”
To the rest of you amazing Pannites…
Happy New Year 2014! May your futures be bright and your pockets be deep.
Happy New Year. Welcome 2014!!!!
Goodnight :2013:
Farewell 2013. Here’s to hoping I never see the likes of you again.
..and DPSS was given me today by the neighbour who took it in.
Hooray, Van! It finally arrived. Sheeesh. That seemed to have taken forEVER!
Glad it is safe and sound and I hope you do enjoy it for many years to come.
Merry Fuckin’ Christmas, Van.
Pretty talk, lady!
Well I enjoyed that episode.
No spoilers but in honour of the actress playing Sherlock ‘s mother:
Marijuana is officially legal and paying for our schools.
I think I’m in bizzarro land
And honestly, its the best thing that could happen here.
The new year + Cave Dwellers = perfection
I so need to rewatch Cave Dwellers. Soon.
Well back to work, your crap joke for the day:
Two married buddies are out drinking one night when one turns to the other and says, “You know, I don’t know what else to do. Whenever I go home after we’ve been out drinking, I turn the headlights off before I get to the driveway. I shut off the engine and coast into the garage. I take my shoes off before I go into the house, I sneak up the stairs, I get undressed in the bathroom. I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late!”His buddy looks at him and says, “Well, you’re obviously taking the wrong approach. I screech into the driveway, slam the door, storm up the steps, throw my shoes into the closet, jump into bed, rub my hands on my wife’s ass and say, ‘How about a blowjob?’ … and she’s always sound asleep.
sniffle. tear. sniffle.
Whoa… am I that guy? That guy that walked in just as everyone has left the party?
Shit. I feel like St. Clement, always too late for consideration. That and being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea. That kind of feels relevant as well.
Welcome back! 😀
Can you drive me home?
There was a party that ended???
/hands Jack a maths book
There will be porridge this morning.
That makes me sad.
As I sit eating my bowl of maple syrup flavoured wall paper paste I reflect on things past.
But enough of such fluff, I’m off to Edinburgh to see the new Hobbit film.
That makes a kinda a sorta of sense if you think I sound scottish…
You lucky man living that close to that city.
You unlucky man having to see the hobbit.
btw, DPSS gift is on its way!
Your crap joke for the day:
The 70-year old groom and the 25-year old bride attracted raised eyebrow attention as they checked into the resort hotel. Next morning at eight sharp, the groom came into the dining room whistling a gay tune, sat down at a table and ordered ham and eggs. The smile on his face and the twinkle in his eye told everybody present that he was happy and confident.Fifteen minutes later the young bride slowly trudged into the dining room and seated herself across from her 70-year old. Her face was drawn and her voice weak as she ordered toast and coffee.The groom, now finished, excused himself and strolled into the lobby for his morning cigar.As the waitress approached with the bride’s toast and coffee, she said, “Honey, I don’t understand it. Here you are a young bride with an old husband, looking like you’ve encountered a buzz saw.”..”That guy,” said the bride, “double crossed me. He told me he saved up for 60 years and I thought he was talking about money!”
Don’t undress in front of your laptop:
Numbers. How do they work?
Morning Pan
I know most people like a white Christmas but this is getting a little silly.
I finally understand what verklempt is all about. Well played, Mr. Mangan.
I didn’t. I had to look that word up.
I have a really busy day planned for tomorrow so I think I’ll clean my washroom now.
Darn rabbits have been hopping in my yard. My freshly fallen snow is full of tracks.
OK, I apparently made a mathematical error somewhere. . . ?
If you did I missed it.
CP: Highschool of the Dead — Kishida Kyoudan and the Akeboshi Rockets
Well Smaug Strikes Back wasn’t too bad.
I still haven’t seen the first one yet.
More like Borena Hobbit
Is that why Frodo ended up with 9 fingers?
Yeah, see them both. There are still moments of LOTR magic.
We are going this weekend.
According to Amazon, all my gifts have been delivered, including my DPSS. Woohoo.
Spoilers for ‘Return of the Bard’:
You go north.
You at the base of the mountain.
You see;
Bard takes aim and shoots the dragon.
The dragon is dead.
It could do with a few ICBMs and some launch codes.
Angry Birds Starwars 2 goes free on App Store:
Henry Rollins’ delivery is like crocheting with a hammer.
CW: (While making dinner) Firefly. S1:E1
hahaha… Season 1..
Morning Pan, back to work, let the Xmas shopping madness begin.
One Step Beyond!!!
I saw what you did there.
Glad to see EssBee got the package okay at the bottom of the last board…
“got the package”
The breadcrumbs basque in the winter sun of Moscow
Oh, justa! Who loves ya, buddy?
Ah Amazon reviews:
Vanamonde, FTW!
” 1.0 out of 5 stars Thanks a lot, Bic., April 21, 2013
By T. Kaye “tk” (Rockford, IL United States) –
This review is from: BIC Cristal For Her Ball Pen, 1.0mm, Black, 16ct (MSLP16-Blk) (Office Product)
I used one of these pens post-hysterectomy, and my uterus grew back. Thanks a lot, Bic. Thanks a whole hell of a lot. “
Loved how you ended the doodle, Jack!
Hard to fully come to grips with really.
Squeeze tight and hold on to your memories.
Also sound advice if you find yourself in a biker bar.
Or just dance to “Tequila” in platform shoes.
It makes me happy.
Your crap joke for the day:
The Native Americans asked their Chief in autumn, if the winter was going to be cold or not. Not really knowing an answer, the chief replies that the winter was going to be cold and that the members of the village were to collect wood to be prepared.Being a good leader, he then went to the next phone booth and called the National Weather Service and asked, “Is this winter to be cold?”The man on the phone responded, “This winter was going to be quite cold indeed.”So the Chief went back to speed up his people to collect even more wood to be prepared.A week later he called the National Weather Service again, “Is it going to be a very cold winter?”..”Yes,” the man replied, “it’s going to be a very cold winter.”So the Chief goes back to his people and orders them to go and find every scrap of wood they can find.Two weeks later he calls the National Weather Service again: “Are you absolutely sure, that the winter is going to be very cold?”…”Absolutely,” the man replies, “the Native Americans are collecting wood like crazy!”
I’ll get you your war bonnet.
Nice job on your curtain call episode, Jack! 😀
Morning Pan.
I give you the perfect wife
Now I’m off. Probably out for the day. Lots to do.
Thanks, friends. I think #200 was our big fun retrospective episode. This is how I wanted the “Finale” episode to be…
That said, the door is still unlocked, ajar, dog-door-swingin’, if you ever have a story you need to share with the world. Say, for example. . . if you lock your keys in the car while it’s running. . . .or if you’re an old guy walking along, telling a story about old-time America, and you get hit by a train.
And you can always record your poems, essays, and short stories too! 😀
ditto’s walked this America….
Was he a high school loser who’d never made it with a lady
till the boys told him something he’d missed ?
If I dont listen to this ep, I will officially have not finished Pan, therefore Pan will not have ended.
Somebody has talent:
Some of you may recall that I cut my finger the other day while trying to construct a Christmas present.
Someone noticed the bandaid (“plaster” for you none US peoples) this morning and ask what happened.
Without hesitation I held my hand up and replied “If you cut it then you shoulda put a bandaid on it”.
Eyes rolled in sockets. Groans were issued. Someone began furiously looking for Van’s coat.
Almost worth getting the wound.
Well I’m not afraid to admit I just grabbed ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ from Amazon as it’s currently free.
This is the book version and not the cartoon.
Downloaded too.
The Stars My Destination is a pretty crazy old book.
The Demolished Man is also worth a Butchers.
I’m worth a Bakers
I’m not quite worthy of the candlestick-maker.
I should read “Demolished.” Not read demolished. Read “Demolished.”
May be of interest to some:
Santa Hates Us All! Santa Hates Us All! Santa Hates Us All!
Holy yum
Reindeer venison???
Reindeer vision ???
Curse you Jack Mangan for making me cry at the end of this episode..
As I realized that 2 Gross is now 291, not 288 as previously assumed.
No more tears.
It’s just a hand in the bush. In the bush. In the bush. In the bush.
No wonder her Heights are Wuthering.
Thank you for the shout out in this, your final regular Deadpan episode, Jack.
It was a great ride and as long as I have an unlimited hosting account, jackmangan.com and the deadpan has a home.
I’m going to miss regular pans, but if you find more time to write stories, create music or just have more time to hang out and enjoy the company around you, then missing the pan won’t seem nearly as bad.
RSA took the dough it seems:
Morning Pan.
Are you more dog?
Yes, months ago, posted here.
I’m grouchy I hasten to add.
*tries to scritch behind Van’s ear*
There There.
I find that the marketing for “The Anchorman 2” is nearly inescapable.
It almost makes me feel like I have shirked some sort of public duty for having not seen the first film.
I finally caught it a few months ago myself. It was pretty good, though I struggle to see how anything good can come of this sequel.
I don’t like Will Ferrel so I doubt I’ll ever see either movie.
Well, he doesn’t like you either!
He has the death sentence on twelve systems!
I’ll be dead. I mean careful!
Blue… No! Green!
Back home after seeing this lot play:
I almost feel festive…
Final boss in Shaw Bros. Saturday afternoon Kung Fu flick – – or Siberian Father Christmas?
CW: The Tunnel E1
Give this a miss since it’s a UK remake of ‘The Bridge’, but after answering a question from Essbee thought I would give it a go.
My mom is being stupid again. I posted that vodka commercial on Facebook and she commented on how it was like her life. *sigh*
Seriously, enough already.
Woody is missing. Ugh!!!
I don’t believe in hell, but I hope Karl Pierson burns in it for a long, long time.
Agreed. Same for all of his predecessors, and all of the ones still to come.
… Woody? …
… The kid whose name should never be mentioned again by anybody? …
Is there a connection?
I’m having “thread following” issues.
No, this would be Woody the cat.
Have you tried running a cat scan?
Well, it was a rough night, but he turned up the next morning. He’s naturally inclined to explore, so we were a little concerned. Phew! An Xmas miracle!
Glad everything worked out, Jack/Pixie
I made lite but missing pets are a sad thing.
So, you’re saying “But, the cat came back, the very next day….”
Glad to hear that Woody was recovered safely.
Your crap joke from Tesco:
@Tesco: Q: Why did the turkey join the band? A: Because it had the drumsticks! #crackerjokes #bmtshh
A bit of trolling against Tolkien fans here, but it’s an interesting point about modern Fantasy.
Woody found?
Yes, look on Facebook.
Oh I dont do that FB stuff
Feeling that tickling sensation? It’s me scratching your nose.
Some of you may find this cute:
As is the way of things I send to the US. My DPSS gift seems to have gone astray. *sigh*
It’s very strange, mine seemed to have arrived within a week.
I got some good news today, I’m just not sure I believe it.
Check twitter
Really? Twitter? I haven’t been on twitter for so long I don’t even remember my password
WTF is Twitter?
This is an Ex-PARROT!
Woot for work non-grinchyness, Van.
I had a SecretBunny-Santa! Delicious coffee and games! We love our Bunny!!!! Thank you!
Not too much thanks to my new neighbor who forgot my name was Cj and left the package in front of his house for the last 10 days… grrrr
I’m glad it got to you. Whew!
CW: an animated Star Trek.
SW(soon watching). Die Hard. It is a Christmas movie after all
Saw the end of “Die Hard” earlier today and thought how strange it was that I think of it as a Christmas movie.
There’s nothing strange about that at all. It takes place at Christmas thus – a Christmas movie
This is a debate along the lines of Trek vs. Wars. Many friends have been torn asunder with this topic
So… it’s been a hell of a weekend, but the highlight was my daughter’s first-ever ice show. So, so proud of my little figure skater.
dislike… then LOVE!
Is there a version of the ice show on the interwebs somewhere?
Amazon are doing a day of cheap kindle versions of Neil Gaiman books.
Time to pick up ‘American Gods’ methinks.
I wasn’t overly enamoured by American Gods. It was ok but not worth the hype it seemed to get.
I liked it, but (apparently) not enough to read Anansi Boys.
Read that one too. I think I’m rather meh to the whole Neil Gaiman thing.
I’ve read most of his works. I’ve enjoyed all of them, but they certainly aren’t for everyone.
For me, the appeal of his stuff is more in the nonstop barrage of neat, creative, clever ideas. Fascinating little characters, concepts, scenes, settings, etc. that are usually better than the overall story.
I definitely prefer his Sandman comics to his books.
Me as well. Sandman is still my favorite of his. The Graveyard book was also quite good, but it is very quirky.
does iTunes no longer have the “radio” option, where you can listen to various radio stations all over the US (and beyond?)
. . .
You can try the Tune-In app.
Anyone else see Van tickle my nose?
I thought that was just a rumour.
The rumor was that it was my nose…
Ah. Well then.
Never mind Pinocchio.
You never make me breakfast anymore…
Now if Only I could sing like Neil Diamond.
Are you coming to America?
Only if it promises to tickle his
Morning Pan
Must pretend to do a little work this morning.
Time to see what Steam is putting on sale for Christmas. With luck, it won’t break me.
This made Cj Squeeee it seems:
..and it’s goodbye to Mr AK47:
Ice Cube was unavailable for comment.
I got away lucky. Steam didn’t have any of the games I wanted at a price I was willing to pay. My credit card will be happy.
Some people take Spelunky very seriously:
I like this song, just saying:
Our robot overlords advance
From Korn to the Nutcracker. It’s been a diverse month.
Festivus for the rest of us!
Morning Pan!
Make a wish and blow out all the candles… oh wait, wrong holiday. 😉
Hi yous! We are at my folks enjoying the holiday. Mwah!
Christmas hugs to the Bees
They the bees knees
You better get back hanging out around here soon, young lady! We miss you.
Seriously, I echo Bunny’s merry wishes to the Bees.
Your Xmas card arrived today, thank you.
You’re welcome! :happy: Glad it got there on time!
I apologize for being such a tool about Xmas cards this year. It looks like we won’t be sending any out. Not to be a bummer, but it’s been a more eventful autumn/xmas season than we’d have liked.
We have received some from you, however, and we’re proudly displaying them on our bookshelf. Thanks, one and all!
“eventful” = boo, sir.
Looks like the postal system has let whoever my DPSS was down, no more post till 27th.
I don’t know who my SS is but it’s very rare for me to get anything before Christmas. Sometimes I’m lucky and will get something between Christmas and New Year’s but not very often. In a way, it’s like having two Christmases :cheerful:
Of course even if I hadn’t seen the previous adaptions I would know who the bad guy was because the actor almost always plays the bloody bad guy.
Grrrrrring at ‘The Tunnel’
I don’t know. I think the whole “internet thing” is just a fad :happy:
I’m pretty sure the video is still the New York Times business plan.
A Cards Against Humanity Christmas
Raiders of the Lost Ark is playing in the TV.
A good film to play spot the British character actor.
Your crap joke for Xmas Eve:
This is just a reminder about drinking and driving over the festive period.
I went out last night and had 14 pints but left my car at the pub and took a bus home.
I’m fucking proud of myself this morning … I’ve never driven a bus before!!!
Give this guy a good script and a fight choreographer. I especially like the fact that his Superman looks a lot like Christopher Reeve.
I also like the fact that this guys “homemade CGI” looks almost as good as the multimillion CGI in the first Ang Lee Hulk movie (which I actually really liked).
More ruin porn:
I think I’m going to open my presents in the morning.
..and now it ‘s past midnight.
Happy Christmas!
Christmas hugs to Vanqmonde!
Do I have to hunt down this Vanqmonde and slap him with a wet fish?
Wiiiiiiiiith… a Herring!
Who am I kidding? Christmas hugs to everybody in Deadpan land
Happy Xmas to all Deadpanites and non-fuckheads, the world over.
Merry Elfin Christmas to all Deadpanites wherever you may be. 🙂
Hugs to one and all!
Merry xmas to Pan! And to Pan a good nite.
Oh and if you got an iOS device for Xmas (or already have one) do a search on the App Store for ‘Tiny Thief’ it’s free at the moment.
Cute puzzler
downloading NOW, captain
Merry Christmas, Pan!
EssBee: THANK YOU for being an awesome Deadpan Secret Santa! I waited until today to open my present. I now have the 2009 Royal Shakespeare Company production of “Hamlet” on DVD! It’s on my shelf next to my “Slings and Arrows” box set. Thank you! :happy:
Glad you got/like sweetie
And here is a Christmas miracle to shake your unbelieb:
Merry Christmas, Deadpan 🙂
Well it ‘s time to get on that train.
His music and legacy and girlfriend will live on.
Rather cool if you like languages :
Merry Christmas to all the Deadpany people and to everyone else.
Merry Christmas to all of Deadpan Land!
Merry Christmas, Deadpan!
Here is a little something that I worked on and making sure gets out to everyone on Christmas.
Excellent, Tony!
Swell! Shall try and find some “quiet time” to listen to it.
Merry! Merry! To all of Deadpan.
Im celebrating by working 12.5 hrs, trying keep these peeps alive.
I am wearing a Phoenix Coyotes Santa Hat, in honor of JC.
Hey there, fellow worker in a role that requires 24/7 coverage. I’m finally relaxing after 11.5 hours of watching the network monitoring screen while the phone rang exactly twice (I can get 22-24 calls on a busy day). I hope you find time to relax within the next couple of days. 🙂
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
And…. I post this every year:
And youre right to do so
Well the trend on twitter is the Dr Who special is a bit crap.
Will check it out myself later after I’ve recovered from carb overload
..and I found it ok.
But Moffat really needs to go, they need new blood with a new Doctor.
Left for Dead 2 is free on Steam.
So much beer received… finished a nice Sawtooth Nitro. On to a Twisted Pine Northstar Imperial Porter
Mushy xmas everyones!
We’re about to eat our sour mushroom soup. It’s traditionally a Xmas eve/lent meal, but we are heathens and forced prime rib on the folks.
I was given lentil soup as a starter (I don’t like prawn cocktails).
Prime rib here (at Charlie the former Beer Guy’s) too, which was delicious.
Goodnight, :figgy pudding:*
*No figgy pudding
Today I bought my first non fiction ebook.
‘All Hell Let Loose’ by Max Hastings
Another book about WW2…
Spoiler … want to know who wins?
And, it’s back to the grindstone. Hope everyone got what they wanted and your children managed some gratitude 🙂
Reading about the Soviet invasion of Finland.
You don’t want to piss the Finns off…
B and I still have two days off and plan to make the most of them! Headed home this morning…
If I had the powers of a God, I would tinker with the DNA of salmon so they were inedible to humans.
So, are we going to do anything for Olympic Hockey next year? 😀
Not “try and make the team”?
Yes! I’m down for movie obligations, audio obligations, or whatever.
But no poseurs for this tourney! If you’re in, you’re not going to flake! We got burned by our last Stanley Cup winner Unshow no-show. . . .
Ugh I totally forgot about that….
Im in. Win, lose, or drawl.
I am in, too! The hockey tournament betting pool (for audio content/songs/movies/whatever) is another tradition that I would really love to see continue, especially for the upcoming Winter Olympics. :happy:
I’m trying for a “do over” today.
I got a headache yesterday afternoon that persisted until it became a migraine and had me up and in extreme pain til the wee hours of the morning.
Today WILL be better.
you know you did Christmas right when you wake up the next day with Pink Eye.
“…and then Scott Baio ave me pink eye.”
Now that’s funny.
Morning Pan
Hope Santa was good to all of you. In regular Christmas fashion for the Bunny house, my grandmother gave us… quirky gifts. We each received a can of soup and an oversized mug to eat it out of. Hubby and I got tomato soup. The kids got vegetable. I’d like to use the excuse she can no longer leave the house and shop but, Christmas from her has always been this way. :face:
Cool Granny ..
Put me down for Olympic Hockey. Obviously I’m betting on Canada.
Your crap joke for Boxing Day:
How do you comfort an English teacher?
There, their , they’re..
Yes, Happy Boxing Day!
Apparently yesterday’s free giveaway by Steam overloaded their system. Their site was down for most of the afternoon here.
A note from one of our final Duel of the Fates contestants.
And, lest we forget:
Another freebie on the App Store:
So, I know Christmas just ended but, are we ready to talk mmmmmeetup? I simply mention it as my 2014 is starting to fill up fast
Looks like we have a skeleton crew today, so this might not be the best time – but sure! Let’s talk dates and find some that work.
Every year we make plans for March, then end up going in early May. How does that sound for folks this year?
Well, I’ll give the dates I can’t do and, as people pop in or out, we can refine over the next couple of months.
I CANNOT do the weekends of:
March 29
April 19
April 26
May 10
Told you my calendar was filling up fast 😉
First weekend in MMMmmmay?
We’d also discussed Colorado for last year’s event. Is this still a possibility (ahem, Colorado folks, when you get back here).
We also cannot do March 29
Anytime in April (kids’ birthdays!)
May 10th
My $0.02 is lets keep our new tradition of the first weekend in May (3rd)
And really consider MMMmmmeetup’ing in Colorado!!!
My weekends in the spring are spoken for.
I don’t really have travel time until after the first weekend in May.
I can probably swing that first weekend in May if that’s what gets the most to come.
Though, it looks like the third weekend of May would be safer for me.
The second weekend in May is always out as it’s Mother’s Day weekend.
I have both cool and sad news. The cool part is that next spring, I am going on a cruise that lasts from May 1-14 (I leave town on April 30). The sad parts are:
a) I will be unavailable for other trips during that period (which includes both the first and second weekend in May)
b) That one trip burns all my vacation time for next year and most of my personal time. Due to my regular work schedule, even if the MMMeetup isn’t during the cruise, I can only make it on Sunday and Monday (when I’m not scheduled to work anyway). 🙁 Sorry, guys. Please don’t let that put a damper on the festivities.
The third weekend in May is also doable, if it would help J0e and Amy.
No pressure at all, Amy. Come out if you can and you want — even if it is just for the 2 days.
The third weekend of May works ok for me too.
I seem to be back in the “App” using part of the population Van, solet me know when Tilt to Live goes free again.
As long as you are using the same iTunes account you can reinstall the original game.
Turns out I have to update my iTunes software if
I want to use it with this new phone. 🙁
I like the old interface and I had been told that the new version redoes everything.
Technology turns tried & true, topsey turvey.
Change is a pain that you must endure.
Come on to Colorado! That’d be grand.
Sweet Lord n butter yes
Van, based on your reviews above, I assume we should pass on The Tunnel?
It’s basically identical to the original series.
Nicely acted but adds nothing new.
Upto you.
You may of course enjoy the accents.
Is THAT what the kids are calling them now-a-days ?
Amy! Card! Thank you mam!
You’re welcome! 🙂
I too also received a card from Amy. Like the uncouth oaf that I am, I haven’t yet thanked her. Thanks Amy.
UH: You’re welcome! 🙂 I’m glad you got it.
Tickets booked to see the new Walter Mitty film.
Night Pan.
So, got to see the Dr. Who Christmas Special today.
I do agree, it’s time for Moffat to hand the reigns over to someone with some ideas. I’m interested in the new Doctor, but I’m much more interested is seeing what someone else has to say. I could stand to go a few years without Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, and Silence popping up over and over and over.
I found the Christmas episode rather meh. I agree about some of the baddies. The weeping angels were cool in their first episode, now they’ve lost a lot of the tension they had through over use.
Last two years = sack of shit. Sorry but the Matt Smith episodes were never well written… and the fact they ruined the angels for me is a real damn travesty.
I like the comment on a list of classic Dr Who episodes that one of the reasons Soutek (baddy in the Pyramids of Mars)is great because they never brought him back.
My 2cents
I like the Dr when the episodes were about him saving some planet or people from some menace we hadn’t encountered before and just sprinkled into the story were hints about his tragic or dark past. The episodes story didn’t hinge on those hints but if you were a watcher of the whole season you could collect these little puzzle pieces and start assembling The Dr’s past in your mind.
Then something seemed to change (Moffat?) and every episode was all about The Dr. and his tragic past and the humans or other beings in the episode were just incidental fodder, put there as window dressing.
Either that, or we were getting another slapped together, poorly/hastily thought out “Weeping Angle” episode that clearly existed only to try and ride the coat tales of the original’s epic success.
THAT teat has been milked dry.
We ate watching a (British) football game hubby recorded earlier. I asked hubby who we are rooting for. Hubby says he is rooting for Westham but I can pick which ever side I want. Silly hubby seems to be under the impression I care :silly:
Ate = are
Stupid auto correct
A classic sign of using an iOS device.
What I really want to know is why a bubble machine on the sidelines is traditional in Westham?
Talk about a hefeweisenheimer: http://beerpulse.com/2013/12/exit-6-pub-and-brewery-writes-open-letter-sends-6-check-to-starbucks-after-cd-letter-2107/
“We are bad spelers”
Love it.
mushy peas :mush:
Go nice with sausage and Mash
Now maybe this is the villain that Dr. Who needs to take on.
Diddled by a sausage is the new horror…
WTF did you just say?!@?!?
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink…
JAAAaaack! Make Van stop nudging people with that sausage!
Best band no one knows about. Original Primus line-up FTW!
This Orange Mocha from Starbucks ain’t too bad.
I would definitely watch this whole movie if it gets made:
My money it can take
Enjoyed Walter Mitty.
Nothing less, nothing more.
Shine on El Pollo Loco.
Some of the places are familiar, most are not.
Van, if you haven’t seen this already, then enjoy:
WTG China, for purposely flooding a 1,300 year old city
Van, I may save The Tunnel for a rainy day. I received an iTunes gift card and used it to buy the current season of American Horror. We’ll binge on that today. w00t!
Very wise.
…and Ooooooh!
I’ll squee to that!
Warlords or GTFO.
While we had a 2600 back in the day, I remember lusting after my neighbors Colecovision a few years later.
My sweet sweet geek
As with most things in my life, while the rest of the world were drooling over each others Ataris and Colecovisions, I had an intellivision. I did have a friend who had Atari so I still get the references to Pitfall Harry and Frogger although I would do better with references to Start Strike, Night Stalker and Burger Time.
Release your inner bureaucrat:
I don’t know if I agree with this 100% but then, I live here.
Let’s see if we can manage to see 1% of these.
Gathering stuff for a Track Meet tomorrow.
I’ll be competing in the Polevault for the first time in years.
A few weeks back I noticed that this meet had a “19 and over” category and since I qualify for that, I thought I’d give it a go.
6 others entered in this category but unless some of these 19 year olds show up hung-over or sick on fruitcake … not any realistic chance of me getting a top 3.
Frankly, I’d be quite pleased if I could clear 9 feet after all these years.
Heck, I guess I should be pleased if I can make the opening height and not have to be carried out on a stretcher.
This is awesome beyond words, J0e. Good luck! (I’d say “break a leg”, but ahhhh, this isn’t show business…)
Video must be posted.
I second the well wishes. Although, given it’s a track meet, I definitely won’t say break a leg :happy:
I shall attempt to take the Deadpan to new heights … if for only a moment.
And then gravity prevails. 😉
Good luck, and have fun. 😀
That is pretty cool! Adding my well-wishes.
Because we can’t do anything in small measures, Calgary is under a “flash freeze” warning. This occurs when the temperature is expected to drop 20 degrees or more in the course of just a few hours.
Lucky us.
Now I have to decide which, of the ones I haven’t read, do I want to add to my reading list.
I fancy ‘The Golem and the Jinni’ but no ebook version as of yet.
My mistake, there is an ebook version.
So … yeh. You don’t have to look to hard to find people doing horrendous things and hiding behind one religious excuse or the other.
… but here is at least a moment of hope.
Hey … after all, he is the leader of a VERY large organization. Let’s see if THIS trickles down.
I have a dilemma that is leaving me feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Wishes for Air Supply soft rock and bean bag chairs.
Seriously, let me/us know how we can give feedback/support.
CP: Wander Radio #34
Well it is the season..
I enjoyed the Dr. Who special. It was certainly better than the trees one.
Yous guys playing that artis meme on FB oughtta post some of your cool discoveries here. Just a thought.
My guy. He’s great!
Well hard.
Mine has some beautiful work
My guy is pretty interesting in an abstract/impressionistic kind of way. I like his sculptures.
My guy makes hobo nickels:
CP: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
A John Hughes film I actually like.
Damn you Wikipedia:
I’d forgotten he was a real-life creep.
Off soon to face the dragon. Wish us well.
A Game of Thrones euphemism?
Winter averted — if only for one day.
I am returned victorious!
Well … if you define “not damaging yourself while in the pursuit of useless, self flinging” as victorious, THEN I AM VICTORIOUS!
I did much better than I had hoped. Made 8′, 8′-6″, 9′ and then 9′-6″(2.90m) all on my first attempts. Then had three really good jumps at 10′(3.05m). Been a loong time since I had done that. I suspect I shall be hurting by tomorrow night.
Coincidentally, we watched “Man of Steel” this evening – so, making giant leaps in a single bound was the order of the day for Deadpan.
Nice work, good sir.
There may be pictures later today.
I s trying to think of a joke that involved pole-vaulting with a cane — like, “ha ha, we’re all too old for such silliness” — but everything I came up with would have sounded too mean.
Anyway, good show, old sport. Um, I mean, well done. Seriously.
You know what goes great with lobster ravioli? EssBees chili beer, thats what
You had me at “EssBee” .
So you mince up lobster and stuff the bits into bags of pasta?
I dread to think what you do with Caviar.
Its pretty delicious bits
Avx n Yotes slip slidin away. Not good.
-Avx + Avs
Yes, it’s getting near panic time.
Your crap joke for a Sunny Sunday morning:
Why did Erwin Schrödinger, Paul Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli work in very small garages?
Because they were quantum mechanics.
More at:
Great Amazon UK customer reviews. I picture Van’s accent when I read the comment titled “Oh the shame….”
Lobster ravioli?!
It’s Broncos day, yipee!
We don’t get that kind of cuisine here in the steerage decks.
Neither do we. It was bagged in the freezer section…
Win and its home field throughout (cause it did us so good last year)
I guess I can claim ignorance of virtually all of those as I was between the stages of being a child myself and having children – so, not many trips down the cereal aisle for me in the 90’s.
Not one, May be a US thing since over here big brand cereals will do tie ins to attract parents buying for children.
From what I understand, many a Brit are awed when they walk down an American supermarket’s cereal aisle. Cereal is big biz here all around.
Biggest markup of any foodstuff, the basic ingredients are so cheap.
CW: Frances Ha
Via netflix.
Man this film’s protagonist is making me squirm.
To get you in the mood for 2014
So skateboard assembly is kind of a PITA.
The wheels go on the bottom.
All of them.
That’s all I got.
You know what goes with Sly B’s tamales? EssBee’s Pale Ale. That’s what
You had me at “Sly B” .
Your such a whore this week jj.
Only This week?
I must be slipping.
“You had me”
Du hast mich
I haven’t Snopesed this, but it would be fitting.
NSFW cursywords.
God I hope this is real
Final note of the night for Netflix users:
Goodnight :Killer Klowns From Outer Space:
Hoping theyre making room for new films
It seems funny that, as many times as my searches for films or tv shows on Netficks has yielded the “not available” result … that they are now making FEWER shows/films available.
Seems like they should be adding, not subtracting.
Remo Williams, Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo, Street Fighter, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back – – nooooooo!
Back to work!!
That will be me in the morn.
Saw Anchor Man 2 today, fun in places and squirmy in places.
Sooooo just like first one?
These are pretty amazing. Scott’s story is such a great tragedy.
Agreed. I love antarctic history
Some historians disagree, one in an interview in New Scientist called Scott an idiot.
Hindsight has 20/20 vision as they say.
Some have also said he was a dick.
One of the services that the youth of today are leaving facebook for:
Crap joke for the day:
We’ve just been told to prepare for strong wind, disruption, chaos and untold misery.
Not sure what time the mother-in-law is turning up.
OK, I’m intrigued by some, they pretty much all look like Bunny PBP movies.
Of all five pages, I’ve seen four.
I’ve seen none, but I’ve read the complete series of Lone Wolf & Cub.
I saw one of the Lone Wolf and Cub movies, which was terrible. I’ve heard good things about the comics.
It’s too bad you don’t live nearby. I’d loan you all 28 volumes. 😀
I only saw the first one on the list. But I really liked it.
yeah – what he said:
for the tl:dr crew – Matt Smith deserved better (writing).
This post was tl;dr
Back to work, ugh.
Reds in Spaaaaace:
Since I won’t be online the next few days – I wish you all a safe New Year’s Eve in however you celebrate and a good New Year.
We’re going to be on a ship tonight, so I’ve got my designated driver taken care of.
Dont get stuck in the Arctic
See you next year, Ed! Catch you on the flip side! Sea you in 2014! (*hook emerges from the wing*)
Keep clear of the Italian Coast!
Ditto your Xmas card arrived today.
Thank you.
You’re welcome. 😀
Hey! When did you mail that?!
Um… later than I’d like to admit. 🙁
It’s a nice, quiet day in the office so far. Fingers crossed that it stays that way!
ditto, of other cooks out there, have you ever made Yorkshire Pudding? I’m grilling a Prime Rib tomorrow and want to give it a whirl.
Must admit. I prefer the small ones to the big ones restaurants tend to make.
The really to be kept an eye on when cooking as they can deflate easily if over cooked .
GO take a nap.
Thanks, Chef Van!
This can only lead to rednecks squirrel-huntin’ with shuriken.
Sly B spotted this on some-ecards, and it expresses my feelings exactly:
“I thought a Golden Corral was when you crawled through a tunnel of legs while people peed on you, but this restaurant is much worse.”
Barf upon gross
oh my my!!!!!!!! The first one was glorious cheese
I loved Dead Snow. I think I may have even done a PBP on it. I look forward to this one.
Morning Pan
Only another hour of work then time to relax. I need more model paints so hubby and I might sneak out after lunch to get some before the stores close early for the new year.
You may agree or disagree as you see fit
A lot of it is BS imo.
“Riddick Goes for an R Rating to Show Us Starbuck’s Boobs”
I’m guessing this just went on Lo’s queue. 😉
Not if EssBee gets there first 😉
I’m buying it.
I understood the conscientious objection to Ender’s Game, but I’m kind-of shaking my head at the Wolf of Wall Street backlash.
I haven’t been paying attention. Why are people upset?
From what I can gather people are upset that it glorifies a Wall Street swindler. Although if you google “Wolf of Wall Street backlash” you come up with everything from lack of women to harming chimpanzees…
Yeah, I’m seeing a lot of complaints – – from people who haven’t seen the film – – that it glorifies evil Wall St. douchebags.
Watch the film before you make that determination. If that’s still your opinion after seeing it, then by all means, proceed with your stink-raising.
Tonight’s booze of choice will be a cheap Bailey’s clone from ALDI.
Treat yourself, Van!
Because you’re worth it!
Begun this cheap Bailey’s clone drinking has.
Around the toilet bowl a perimeter create
Funnier this gets every time it I read.
Stuck this way speaking we will
Saying Van should spring for Bailey’s, and pitch the clone, I was.
Difficult to stand. Always in motion is the ceiling.
A real bottle have I do
But the fake nicely down it goes
not begun drinking yet am I.
We finished Treme last night. I’d recommend the series to anyone.
You very much love this! I wonder if its on the netflix
You borrow DVDs! We have Season 1, at least.
Lots of great characters in the episodes of I’ve seen.
Told you I did
I can’t decide if this is real or satire:
Your New Years enjoy, my friends!
Missed it for Van, I fear I already have.
Future calling:
Well it’s past midnight Pan, Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Take good care of the New Year for us til we can get there Van.
Happy New Year, Van!
How is it so far?
Very chilled out.
Walked home, time for a cup of tea before bed.
First crap joke of 2014:
A young businessman had just started his own firm. He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working. He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor, “Can I help you?”
The man said, “Yeah, I’ve come to activate your phone lines.”
To the rest of you amazing Pannites…
Happy New Year 2014! May your futures be bright and your pockets be deep.
Happy New Year. Welcome 2014!!!!
Goodnight :2013:
Farewell 2013. Here’s to hoping I never see the likes of you again.
..and DPSS was given me today by the neighbour who took it in.
Thank you Desert Pixie, can’t wait to try it out.
Happy New Year!
Always the bridesmaid…
Happy New Year!
Morning Pan
We were such parties last night. We want to bed at ten.
For the new year we got a bunch of snow. I was hoping for something better
We’re getting snow here in Nebraska, too. :/
Hirohito Gamera
Senorita Gamera
Watching the Leafs & Wings play in the winter classic. The snow should make things very interesting.
That red and blue team colors on the white white rink is fantastic looking
-proper English
Yep. Looks great.
Totally forgot this was happening today! (As seen on Facebook)
I completely forgot to set my lineup this morning. 🙁
Crap, Tornado!
Dude just got Lupuled
New series of Sherlock starts tonight.
The Resurrection of Cucumber..
That’s totally a porn title. 😀
Two great tastes!
SHIT!!! Well torrent time for me
..and it’s goodbye to James Avery:
Dammit Uncle Phil
CP: Shake it Up – The Cars
CP: The Circus – Erasure
CP: Temptation – New Order
New Wave for the New Year, Van?
Nah, just listening to some music before Sherlock starts.
CP: Alway on my Mind – Pet Shop Boys
CP: Chequered Love – Kim Wilde
CP: Smalltown Boy – Bronski Beat
CP: Island of Lost Souls – Blondie
CP: Ashes to Ashes – David Bowie
CP: Getting Away With it – Electronic
I’m pretty sure I sense a theme, Van-tastic
CP: Are Friends Electric? – Gary Numan
Not Tubeaway Army this time.
Now for Sherlock, later Pan.
Lucky sod
The moustache is impressive.
We don’t get it for a while yet.
Well.. not “legally”
Not sure of Sherlock is on it:
Hooray, Van! It finally arrived. Sheeesh. That seemed to have taken forEVER!
Glad it is safe and sound and I hope you do enjoy it for many years to come.
Merry Fuckin’ Christmas, Van.
Pretty talk, lady!
Well I enjoyed that episode.
No spoilers but in honour of the actress playing Sherlock ‘s mother:
The Admiral is good
The Captain is better
But nothing beats the Sailor
In cold winter weather
Sailor Moon?
Jerry, my friend
Again, agree or disagree as you choose. I was actually surprised to find I hadn’t seen one of these.
Seen em all/love em all
Seen them all, love a few.
Marijuana is officially legal and paying for our schools.
I think I’m in bizzarro land
And honestly, its the best thing that could happen here.
The new year + Cave Dwellers = perfection
I so need to rewatch Cave Dwellers. Soon.
Well back to work, your crap joke for the day:
Two married buddies are out drinking one night when one turns to the other and says, “You know, I don’t know what else to do. Whenever I go home after we’ve been out drinking, I turn the headlights off before I get to the driveway. I shut off the engine and coast into the garage. I take my shoes off before I go into the house, I sneak up the stairs, I get undressed in the bathroom. I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late!”His buddy looks at him and says, “Well, you’re obviously taking the wrong approach. I screech into the driveway, slam the door, storm up the steps, throw my shoes into the closet, jump into bed, rub my hands on my wife’s ass and say, ‘How about a blowjob?’ … and she’s always sound asleep.
New post is up for the new year.
Ummm ok:
Gunpowder Day
Grey Day… whatever the fuck that is.