Wait, does that make me Sebastian/Isidore?? Jack Deckard? Jack Batty? Leon?
Bladerutger Palooza episode 1: a lengthy dialogue between Desert Pixie, Rhettro, and me about the film, “Bladerunner”, plus some stuff about the movie’s inspiration: the short novel, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” I think we all failed the Voight-Kampff test.
Note: No comments, no closing music this week. I do have some good non-BR content too. We might sneak a regular episode in somewhere, before we’re done with this Palooza season.
Lots more Bladerunner to come in the weeks ahead. Get me your thoughts and comments on the film.
480-788-JMDP (5637)
Email me your recordings.
Describe in single words all of the things that come into your mind about Bladerunner.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Jealous of that horse.
I’ve got a horse in that race.
Blade Runner? Let me tell you about my Blade Runner…
Hey Pan
We finally got a bit of snow. Not much, but it’s a start.
So off to see Cloud Atlas at the flicks.
Oh and two questions for anybody with the technical know how (I’m stumped):
Ouse Powergramo to record Skype conversations. Even with both people wearing earphones, on person has a distinct echo in the recording (this echo is not heard ‘live’). Any ideas?
Some of the games will no longer play full screen on my netbook (strangely they will play fine in a ‘window’), I’ve installed the latest drivers for my ATi GPU, but a bit stuck on what to do next. Which games work and which don’t appears random.
I noticed the echo, assumed one of you didn’t have headphones on. Maybe try the Free Skype Recorder app instead of Powergramo?
I’ll give that a try next time Jack.
I wonder if I should think about booking my hotel *pokes Jack*
Oh! I didn’t realize you were waiting on me. cough.
The seat in front of me is covered in a sack with ‘not in service’ printed on it.
I feel like Pinback looking at Comander Powell’s empty seat…
Let’s have some music in here Boiler.
You are false data.
Quietest day ever.
This looks neat. http://www.wired.com/opinion/2013/01/on-the-art-of-digital/
Van, how was the flick? I’m reading the book right now, and after a slow start really enjoying it.
Ummm it was interesting.
Hugo Weavingin drag was a sight to behold, the Caucasians made up to look Chinese looked like something from the old Fu Manchu movies, Tom Hanks did a Dick Van Dyke with the Irish accent, and the movie held my attention throughout it’s long running time.
I may have to get the book.
So then….
Yes but,
You. Win.
When people start throwing the goat, everybody wins.
*Hands Van Rhett’s goat*
*goathelm scream*
This is freaking fascinating.
I was gonna say earlier that this gave me an immense historgeekrection. But I didnt feel that would be appropriate
Colonel Angus comes home (an oldie but a goodie):
Bwah!!!!!! Love it
Holy crap, that is funny. Inspired me to go find the cork skit:
Nope. This one: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/digital-shorts/video/cork-soakers/280265/
Holy shit Shameless!
Although the case worker gave in a bit too easily to Fiona’s demands.
I can’t believe how expensive coffee tampers can get.
Read as: “coffee tampons”
I thought “coffee tampers” sounded a little spotty myself.
If you leave your computers running for long periods of time you could consider running this:
There is even a slim chance of winning a few thousand dollars.
..and I mean very slim, since some people have the client running on a range of computers in university departments.
Paying it forward this morning.
Is it paying it forward to warn people not to watch the horrible movie, “Pay It Forward”?
“Pay It Forward” is one of Mrs. Rhettro’s favorites. 🙂
Whenever I buy a new type of breakfast cereal I have the urge to try it as soon as I get home.
Strawberry Granola today.
Just wanted to take a minute to thank CJ, LostRalph, Desert Pixie and Jack for making my trip to Phoenix absolutely fantastic. I can’t begin to tell you all how much I appreciate that everyone went out of their way to accommodate my wonky schedule, took time from their busy schedules, and actually dragged my dead ass to some awesome places. Thanks so much for everything.
Are you coming to the mmmeetup, UH?
Sorry I missed you UsedHair. Between the kid functions and the wife being out of town I couldn’t manage it. I hope to catch you next time.
Next time for sure. Hopefully, I won’t be working such a random schedule and can get out on a reasonable night.
Unfortunately, I won’t make it to the meetup. I’m currently trying to get my family to Colorado Springs because my son has been stationed at Fort Carson and we haven’t seen him in several years. This is taking all my travel money and effort at the moment. While I’m there though, I might be able to drive on up to the Denver area and try for another micro mmmmeetup there. I will let people know if or when that trip comes around.
Van, the Shameless sex scene just blew me away. I’m still recoiling!
Well at least it wasn’t *his* mother.
*passes out*
The most recent episode of the His & Hers sports podcast was really thoughtful on a lot of topics: gender in sport, homophobia, the blade runner trial, and other things. I think they coulda gone much further in linking up all the topics they covered, but still I really appreciated the discussion. If you guys like sports, you should check it out and check out Jamele Hill’s column.
Also, WTF NFL asking combine recruits if they are gay? What is going on?!
Yeah that’s fucked.
Morning Pan
I got an email saying I’ve been chosen to take part in the closed Beta of Sim City. Sucks that I can’t fit their time schedule (for a few hours today) to match mine.
Was the invitation sent in Sim language? You should reply, “Boweena, bop lavablonaga.”
Actually, I’ll take Sim City over the Sims any day.
Ah but which version of Sim City?
I guess it would have to be an old one, since I haven’t played in at least 10 years. I assume it’s become more Sims-like, in recent versions?
The new one, coming out next week, is getting nothing but good reviews
Nice, just don’t read the comments below the video:
You read them didn’t you? you may now deduct 10 points from your faith in humanity.
I’m hoping on Friday I’ll be able to do a PBP. I have this silly piece on tap
Booked my hotel for the mmmeetup.
In other news, Scott Weiland is still a mess.
Damn shame. The guy clearly has (had?) great talent and chutzpah.
Finally officially again?
Be prepared to have your illusions shattered:
For the Carrie Brownstein lovers:
She’s pretty nerdgirl adorable on Portlandia.
Ugh. Thanks John! fuckin Frackinlooper. This guy has everyone fooled. “Hes such a good moral blah blah blah…”
That’d be Longmont.
Dammit, Gov.
Its true. And I’m on my hometown’s side.
Has anybody else watched Robot Combat Legue? John and I are not really sure what to make of it
Starting the theatrical cut of Blade Runner in a few minutes. I may or may not make a few PBP-type posts. 🙂
Speaking of which … I think it should be called BitTrickle and NOT BitTorrent.
Turn that patience into a virtue.
Oh how soon we forget the days of Napster and Limewire. I can get whole discographies with BitTorrent in the amount of time it used to take me to get a song from Napster.
Disclaimer: All references to shady technologies are completely fictitious. I have not now, nor at any time shared any music, movies, books, or audio books. Hell, I didn’t even share my toys with other kids when I was growing up. I don’t even think I know what this “sharing” thing is that people speak of. The men in black should definitely not come to my house in the dead of night and seize my hard drive for such a frivolous statement as that provided at the beginning of this comment.
If you hear the knock, rip out your HDs and cook them in the microwave.
Well so I’ve heard anyway..
I’m writing down all my thoughts about the movie, but I’m saving them for a future recording.
Good night, mush.
This is amazingly amazing.
Every time I look at the title of this episode, I read “Bladerhettro” as “Bladderhettro.”
How’s that for your final thought of the evening?
Goodnight :no:
I think I saw that porn.
And I lived it! =p
Bomberman online:
upto a thousand players..
Morning Pan
I have no work to do for a couple of hours.
Yesterday we watched Robot Combat League. Hubby called it baffling. And yet, we plan to watch it again next week. Go figure.
Meh, Pope; Schmope.
Im sure Im a couple years behind on this, but Rhettro, this one’s for you.
AT-AT Day Afternoon
That was amazingly cute
That was pretty funny Pixie. 🙂 My friend Sterling Hershey, who lives in KC and has freelanced for Wizards of the Coast, set up a Hoth scene using his Star Wars miniatures. You can see it here:
Cute Factor rates at about 100 for this.
I hear this went around a couple of years ago, but worth sharing with you today.
Listen with sound.
This video incited a round of I Can Has Cheezburger giggling last night.
Giggling was a fun distraction 🙂
Bwah! No can do link
Kitten vs. TWO scary things, is the title
Nice, Netflix.
I am watching their experimental House of Cards (U.S.) and really enjoying it, but I’m not sure it’s transformational.
Me, Grimlock watched Lilyhammer. Me, Grimlock thought it was pretty alright.
Rather strangely I agree with Grimlock in regards to Lillyhammer.
You know what tho? That is INDEED pretentious bullshit, but anything that gives me another season of Arrested Development in 100% gold in my book.
I’m really happy for you and I’ma let you finish Netflix. But, Blockbuster online had one of the greatest distributions ever. Greatest distributions ever!
*Lo Pan and 3 others like this*
I just want you to know that author Cory Doctorow has gone down in my eyes. I’m reading one of his books (Pirate Cinema) and there’s a line “It was like deja vu all over again for… Did I ever mention how much of a pet peeve that phrase is for me. Deja vu, more or less, means been there, done that, see it before so adding “all over again” is redundant.
“Déjà vu all over again” is a phrase made famous by Yogi Berra, who was know for saying a lot of nonsensical things. I think in this case Doctorow may have been paying homage to Yogi as opposed to redundancy. However, the phase is a bit cliché in my opinion.
Cliches are a dime a dozen. Avoid them like the plague.
“gone down”
CW: The latest Arrow
Kelly Hiu fighting in a a skirt and high heels, oh the shame of it all.
“really enjoying it”
“in my eyes”
I see the doorway to a thousand churches.
“I just want you”
… to want ME.”
Pondering if it’s worth upgrading the ram on my desktop from 2 gig to 4 gig.
Running Windows 8 64 bit.
2 gig? My system has eight.
What can I say, I bought it years ago, when it came with Vista.
Its really ok, man. You dont have to justify anything.
Like Lo said, no need to justify. But if you’re smart, you’ll at least get 8 Gigs. 🙂
Actually though, for most common applications, 4 would be fine, and that is what I have on my desktop at the moment. But for future games and 3d modeling, I would really like 8. You’re not taking advantage of a 64 bit OS until you add more RAM than 4 gigs. \end geektalk.
Oh yeah well my system has un billion!!!
Ok, I have errands to run.
I’ve got something to say! I’m stuck in meetings all day, but it doesn’t matter much to me, as long as I’m paid.
Too long a dayyyy is waiting on your desk…
Deadpan Celeb Bingo
DO you win a full size Wil Wheaton if you get BINGO?
If Deadpan was patient zero I think the Discovery channel would be in a world of hurt.
Oh my fucking WHY?
Cause it’s cheaper than genetically engineering cows that lactate sween-n-low?
Maybe the cows can squirt soylent green directly from their udders.
Swine-n-low, the low cal pork alternative.
Hey replicants, don’t forget, if you’d like to talk Bladerunner, then UsedHair is interested in recording a Skype chat.
Just caught up on videos – Jack, hilarious cork soaker vid! Pixie, Sly B and I just giggled tons watching the grey kitty!
Tonight we’re finishing The Makers documentary – anyone else watch it?
I didnt! Want to!
Hmmmm talk bladerunner… I may have to break out the collector’s case and watch… one of them….
Jesus and Mary my city’s hockey team is fucking atrocious.
Can’t say much about my team either. Let’s see if Coyote fans will notice the difference if we replace their team members with Folgers Crystals.
Shhhhh… the flavor says “butter”
Well, I know I’m a bit late posting compare to Facebook – damn work and sleep getting in the way.
Anyway, my daughter and I went to see Lindsey Stirling for our tour stop in Houston. Overall, quite excellent, though it did keep both of us well past our bedtimes…
Very cool, Ed. I checked out one of her videos. Good stuff! I hope your daughter had a blast.
Ugh, these Coyotes.
Shhhh… you could have my dysfunctionally terrible team
A great come back is a great come back… no matter what state of flux an organization is in.
Morning Pan
Later this morning I will make cookies. This afternoon I’m watching Vampire Dog. I expect today will be a good day.
He’s “studly”
Hya Pan!
*duck n cover*
I need to watch Lil]lyhammer!
You do!!!!! Its a quick watch and quite good. He definitely plays the character he played in Sopranos, tho its supposed to be different. Its fun to think of it as a Sopranos spin off tho. Mighty fun!
It can’t be worse than the Glory Days video.
You take that back right now!!!!!! No wait, that was a terrible vid. I’m thinking of Dancing in the Dark. Much classier.
The Americans is pretty good as well.
I am watching that one and enjoying it!
I meant to watch this last night, but forgot.
That would have been so much better!
That would have been so much worse!
Finally, most of my work is done. Now time to make some cookies.
So I’ve been told (by finding an old receipt) that my LCD 32 inch television was bought in 2006.
I would have thought the backlight would have blown by now.
I may have just jinxed myself.
I’d thought the article was a reference to Dawn of the Dead, but still a very cyberpunk-as-reality concept.
I wonder how much rent would be for the Piercing Pagoda?
Cookies done! In about 20 minutes I will start a movie
Ok folks, you were warned. It’s movie time
Today’s movie is Vampire Dog.
The DVR write up: A young boy inherits a talking vampire dog and must protect the canine from a mas scientist who desires the secret of immortality
Obviously a YA film
Rated G.. Not when I’m done with it :biggrin:
My goal will be to take lines out of context to make this film have a more mature (or immature) rating
Transylvania, blah
Red jello
Petting the fur
That’s really great
You”RE only twelve, you’ll figure it out
Whip him
Crotch shot
Next time try not to be so nervous
Cranky old dog
I’m practicing for investors
He lunged at me
If you were more specific, I’d be more motivated
I will subtly approach you face
I’m so sorry
Like a giant sack of potatoes
Keep it in the shade
Next in line
The poop bag
I’m super fast
It’s party time
I am ascending
Oh, oh, look out for the, oh
Wow, what a ride
Don’t forget my jelly
You were early
Blow it
It’s jelly time
Jelly attack
Jelly and whipped cream
I jumped in
It’s actually quite difficult to find innuendo in this film
Well, it fits
Candy gram
Jelly shortage
Extra lab work
This film sounds offensive.
Come and get it
No jelly
You’re in
Sorry pickles
I used all my strength
Do not know when to quit
This is taking longer than I thought
I’m coming for you
Oh yeah
I won’t hurt you
Get out there and share your talent
Woo hoo
Play those skins
Trust me
I can’t believe it
Well, the movie’s over. It was cute but I don’t think I was the target audience
How did that end up as a PBP? Seems a far cry from the animated Rob Zombie movie you did awhile back.
Vampire Dog! What more needs to be said?
March 1, 2013 at 2:33 pm · Reply
Today makes me want to listen to somewhat pessimistic music.
CP: Is It In My Head? – The Who
(Previously posted to last week’s comment thread – oops)
46 Reasons Why My 3-Year-Old Might Be Freaking Out:
I have a friend who has a kid around that age. Seems pretty accurate to me.
“The inside of his nose stinks.”
How does anyone possibly know that?
OMFG thats also 46 reasons why my 7 year old freaks out.
And my 11 year old.
And me.
Polymer goes free for a while:
Good puzzle game from an indie developer.
CW: The Dictator
Also slowly losing the will to live.
Why would you do this to yourself?
Is this the re-make with Jay Lo?
Here, this will restore your will, at least, until they take your soul:
That was really cool
wow, that was…
Cool clocks/
Saw Julie Felix at the folk club, can’t believe I forgot she sang this:
Damn you, Mel Brooks!
Saw “Life of Pi” tonight.
The only option was to see it in 3D.
I liked the movie and would recommend it.
The 3D was a silly distraction.
It was like putting ketchup on a really good steak. It might have made 2 or 3 scenes “prettier” but had it not been there the movie would not have been any “less good”.
Besides, I had to keep fooling with the glasses because they weren’t the same size as my glasses.
Had you read the book?
Reading? What’s that?
”What the Earth’s orbit really looks like as the sun barrels through space as part of a galaxy…”
Now there’s a science fair model I’d like to see.
http://i877.photobucket.com/albums/ab338/sarekofvulcan/main/Science.jpg NSFW (probably)
The full videos are available on the guys site:
Although, there’s a good bit of controversy regarding the guys work. So, while it’s certainly impressive to look at, it may not be the best thing to educate with.
Morning Pan.
It’s snowing. It’s snowing lots. It’s snowing more than lots. We decided not to go grocery shopping because it’s a veritable blizzard out there. We hung our new kitchen curtains instead.
It’s curtains for you!
Did our parents have to deal with this?
They did have to watch the Howard brothers age.
Ditto how, in any way, did I give you the impression I wanted your snow? I know Calgary could use the moisture bot not all in nor shot
“Hello and welcome to the Land of c. Difficile, where the diarrhea and isolation gowns are a-plenty. Come one, come All.”
Warm Regards,
Your Progressive Care RN Staff
Crap joke for the evening:
Two young guys were picked up by the cops for smoking dope and appeared in court on Friday before the judge. The judge said,
“You seem like nice young men, and I’d like to give you a second chance rather than jail time. I want you to go out this weekend and try to show others the evils of drug use and get them to give up drugs forever. I’ll see you back in court Monday.”
Monday, the two guys were in court, and the judge said to the 1st one, “How did you do over the weekend?”
“Well, your honor, I persuaded 17 people to give up drugs forever.”
“17 people? That’s wonderful. What did you tell them?”
“I used a diagram, your honor. I drew two circles like this…
…and told them this (the big circle) is your brain before drugs and this (small circle) is your brain after drugs.”
“That’s admirable,” said the judge.
“And you, how did you do?”, he asked the second boy, “Well, your honor, I persuaded 156 people to give up drugs forever.”
“156 people! That’s amazing! How did you manage to do that?!?”,
“Well, I used a similar approach. (draws two circles)
I said (pointing to the small circle) “this is your asshole before prison, …”
I laughed.
I chuckled.
It kinda goes along with my diarrhea post. Sorta.
Someone needs to turn this conversation in a different direction.
Did DJ Bunny lose power from the Great North blizzard?
We havent heard from her since the snow fell.
Hi pan.
Another full (fool?) day tomorrow.
Goodnight pan.
Wow. They nailed my company’s website. How ever did they know?
I like standardizaton, I don’t want to hunt through a companies website to find what I want.
That’s fucking brilliant.
Morning Pan. It seems to have finally stopped snowing
Groovy indeed…
Get some!
It’s snowing again
After lunch, this. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1013860/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Supernatural P.I.? Wouldn’t that make this “The Dresden Files?”
CP: Yeti — Like Bells
Back where I can post again. I’ll try catching up later, but I’m going to put off listening to the show(s) until I record my thoughts.
I read that as “CD: Yeti — Lick Balls”
The Abominable Snowman’s gotta keep warm somehow.
Just don’t eat the yellow snow.
News said we had near record snow fall. Woo hoo!
I hope there’s no connection between this conversation and the one about the Yeti.
Some of my friends are strange. I have a friend who hates email. We were suppose to have lunch tomorrow but I have a cold so wanted to cancel. I sent an email telling him I have a cold and currently have no voice. Shortly after I sent the note he phones me. Seriously, what part of “I have no voice and cannot talk” did he not understand? Needless to say, I let the call go to voicemail
Ok peeps. It’s movie time.
Today’s movie is Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
The DVR write up: prepare to scream with laughter as paranormal investigator Dylan Dog attempts to head off a war between zombies, vampires and werewolves by locating a rare artifact in New Orleans
But are there any Yetis?
Violence and coarse language
The opening music has a good beat
Cooking spaghetti
Well that doesn’t look good
And so it begins
I use to protect the creatures of the night
I think his office has seen better days
You cocked to early
Going digital
No partner
Smokey the car
I don’t believe you
I’ll just walk
Vampire blood drug
The heart
Back from seeing the new Die Hard film.
It plumbs the depths of silly plots and bad science (radiation pooling in a bank vault and magic chemical spray that removesradioactivity).
Not the partner toasted
We have Dylon dog. Do we have Danny Hutton and Cory Wells too?
Case scarer
Control the beast inside
His lack of control probably lead to his “cocking too early” as noted above.
Hairy trees
Werewolfism is genetic
Out of respect, I won’t kill you
You hit like a vampire
10 pounds of meat isn’t enough
War is coming
The cross is lost
Sun bomb
Monsters are real
Lost an arm
Bad news is, you’re dead
Good news, the condition is manageable
The good thing about being a living dead, no jogging
Whatever you do, don’t scream
Body shop for zombies
Venator = monster hunter
The human race is obsoleted
They exposed themselves to Dylan
They were out of Caucasian in your size
Maggots, the zombie buffet
Ghouls are humans addicted to vampire blood
Playing squash with your balls
Kill me and you’ll never find it
That didn’t work
I look like a dead hooker
Werewolf dating a vampire
You shot me
Werewolf funeral
Another dead end
Back story time
Time to get it on
…or not
Not hotdogs!
Zombie support group
Life is wasted on mortals
Dante could drink
He’s not even supposed to be here today.
Why don’t I have an attention book that locks? I see them in the movies all the time but not in real life
Poor Gabriel
Hi, I’m Marcus and I’m dead
There’s no room for a zombie hero
Are they going to finally get it on?
Can’t touch this
We can talk about the flesh eating zombie when you are done boming
Zombie penal colony
He’s going down
Cannibal zombies
No plan. Just bigger guns
Open the curtains
Living in his shadow
My grandfather on prom night
I think I just leaked something
Band name?
Attending your own funeral
Humans, predictable to a fault
Zombies are world class diggers
Your death is my life
Did someone say Buffy?
You’re wrong. You are the monster
I think he needs a bigger gun
Washroom time! Back in a bit
Ok, I’m back. Where was I? Oh yeah: Zombie power, bitch
I am your master
Ouch. That’s gotta hurt
Now, it’s dyin’ time
Look at the purdy light
Next time, leave the silver at home
Movie’s over. I didn’t scream with laughter but is till enjoyed it
CP: Song For The Fields — Fields
I admit: I laughed a lot & it was funnier than Harlem Shake.
I apparently missed the debriefing on “Harlem Shake”.
I watched one HS video and it was a just bunch of people doing random things to a completely forgettable song. I can’t even remember the tune.
It wasn’t amusing, odd or even weird.
Is Harlem Shake supposed to be the new Rick Roll?
Well, not to put a total pisser on Jack’s earlier link, but Phil Plait has weighed in to save us from vortex solar systems: