Big Palooz-ay-ay-ay!
This is Part 3 of 3 of the Deadpan Buckaroo Banzai Palooza.
Thanks everyone for playing along.
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Big Palooz-ay-ay-ay!
This is Part 3 of 3 of the Deadpan Buckaroo Banzai Palooza.
Thanks everyone for playing along.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
i usually fail to find the profound on a Tuesday morning.
Sorry to open the week with politics, but this is simply the best thing I’ve seen all season.
I’ll also bring this nin-related link:
Guess which original Deadpanita sent me that link?
Goodnight :9inch:
Rhettro? Or possibly Lo..
And here I thought something called “How to Destroy Angels” was going to be Dr. Who related….
Or at least “Supernatural”.
I’m guessing Dre.
Oh dear:
Morning Pan
Another hubbyless evening for this bunny. *sigh*
Oddly, I too am hubblyless this evening. *hrm*
Hubby is growing his face fur again. That means a week of scratchy kisses until it grows out enough to be soft.
ditto/Jack, I’m going to be spending the next couple of days finalizing month end at work. I’ll have my EBF out by this weekend, though.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #254: Down to Our Last Buck
Promo – Podio rookie (
Buckaroo Bonzai reviews by:
Jack Jaffee
Desert Pixie
Little Ones from Texas
Nomad Scry
Greasy Comments
Justa J0e
DJ Bunny
Lo Pan
Ed from Texas
Desert Pixie
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Do you have a partner for Ear Buddies Forever?
Donate to Sausagefest!(
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing Music
Gremlock*farts* Decepticons??!”@?
Ask Lo explain, he may use diagrams though.
I enjoyed the episode today, Jack and everyone who contributed!
Nomad, you had me laughing, sir.
CP: Salvation — The Limiñanas
Where the heck did hubby put the paper cutter?
I found it. Crisis averted
Supergirl is relieved.
My phone’s battery life seems to be less since the last ios update. I am not amused.
I’m even less amused by the iPhone 5’s battery life.
Interesting/sad 3-part series on heroin in Denver:
CP: Cats And Dogs — The Head And The Heart
I’m here?! I’m on the site?! OK… ok… don’t waste this comment, don’t waste this comment.
It’s time for another one of those societal “move forward” moments.
I think that it is time for employers who block internet access, to start giving “Net Breaks” in the same way that they allow “smoking breaks”.
I now know many more people who are addicted to connectivity then I know people who smoke.
… and I have yet to be able to forgive Berlin for “Take my breath away”.
You are so ’80s Joe. 😉
Kansas City football:
Good for him!
Van, have you seen the Humble Book Bundle? I’m thinking of getting it.
Umm, see below
HumbleBundle are doing a ebook bundle:
Think I’ll give this one a miss, only fancy two books on the list.
At the rate I devour books, I don’t necessarily need to fancy a book to read it.
Woo hoo! I have actually read one of those books!
I’m downloading my copies now. I saw this a bit earlier and bought into it before lunch.
I’m getting farther behind in my reading, but I’m giving myself some great options for what to read next.
Even if I fancy a book, I usually wait until the third date before I read them.
I’m twirling my handlebar moustache and plotting.
Of course, then he goes right for the back page!
That explains why those back pages always seem to stick together.
Does the book have a happy ending?
Got to be up at 4am, ugh.
So I got a press release from Geoff Tate’s PR guy about his new album.
I’m a big Queensryche fan and in the past I would have jumped at the opportunity to get a promotional copy of his new disc, get invited to his concert (If only he was playing nearer than 300 miles away), and/or interview him.
After what’s gone down the past few months combined with a pretty lame lyric video for a song that’s supposed to be on a METAL album… Man, I just don’t know if I even want them to send me a free copy. (Yeah, I’ll probably still get the free copy, I’m a cheap-ass that way)
Whore that I am, I asked for an advance copy.
Let’s just hope it isn’t Operation: Fancrime.
CP: This Poem Sucks — Mike Myers with David Knowles, Carl Rusk, & Paul Sanchez
I now have eight more books to read. I better get cracking.
Luckily, I expect to finish Leviathan Wakes today.
How is it?
I’m quite enjoying it. John says the sexual isn’t as good, though.
Damn it auto correct!!!
Um yeah… I really did mean sequel
Poor John.
Great! Wonderful! Laugh out loud funny! Fun episode, Pan!
Seven psychocats (not a spelling error).
Holy shit Deadpan wtf??????????????
Ok, who broke the deadpan?
SO Ive decided Im going to vote for the candidates who send the LEAST amount of junk mail. Fucking enviro-nazis.
I’ve decided not to vote at all in this November’s election.
Oh wait…
But how will you help decide who will lead this country into 2nd world status?
Sorry Lo, you’re on your own there
Begin rant\ I have a question. Have I in any way given the impression I have a problem with men and my husband in general? Is there anybody who even slightly knows me, doesn’t know I all but worship my husband? I understand when one has been a single mom for close to ten years and haven’t had much luck with men, that you may be less than enchanted with them. But, when railing against the evil that is male, there is no way, if you even slightly know me, that you should get upset at me when you ask if I feel the same about men in general and, sometimes about my husband in general, that I answer “no”. Seriously, I understand you feelings, but don’t get snarky if I don’t share them. Really, if you know me, even a little bit, you know you won’t find someone more in love with their other half, *humph* /end rant
Nope. You will not find me disagreeing with you.
Wait, did the weatherman just say snow tomorrow? It’s 16C right now. I don’t think I can handle that kind of change in one day
I think it’s time for a bubble bath
Oh! Red!
Neato list of pumpkin beers with some commentary I skimmed. Haven’t tried very many of these:
Ive only tried the Dogfish Head and the Buffalo Bill. The Dogfish Head was, as per usual, good but overrated. The Bill was great.
I have 5 gallons of this
Doing it’s final, bottle fermentation.
Should be ready the weekend before Halloween.
So, any Panites read “Cloud Atlas”? I see it’s coming as a movie in a few weeks and the book apparently is pretty well regarded. I must confess, I’d never heard of it until I saw the movie commercials in recent weeks.
No, I haven’t read it, but I’ve seen the movie trailers. I’m willing to give the movie a try.
Is anyone else getting bizarre behavior when posting? When I click on reply or post, everything switches to a red/black theme and then goes back to normal after the post works. Very strange.
Flushed the cache and updated Firefox. The problem has gone away. For now.
Happened to me on Chrome. I just reloaded and it’s back to normal….for now….
Cleared the cache in Chrome, didn’t fix the weirdness.
Now its more fucked then it has been. Wonderful!
/ html ul.rMenu li.sfhover ul, * html ul.rMenu li li.sfhover ul, * html ul.rMenu li li li.sfhover ul { display: block; /* ^ ditto ^ */ } * html ul.sub-menu li.sfhover ul, * html ul.rMenu-ver li.sfhover ul { left: 60%; /* dropdown positioning uses the left attribute for horizontal positioning. however we can’t use this property until the menu is being displayed. note that all ULs beneath the menu item currently in the hover state will get this value through inheritance. however all sub- menus still won’t display because two rule sets up we’re setting the DISPLAY property to none. */ } * html ul.rMenu-vRight li.sfhover ul, * html ul.rMenu-hRight ul.sub-menu li.sfhover ul * html ul.rMenu-hRight ul.rMenu-ver li.sfhover ul { left: -60%; /* ^ ditto ^ */ } /
Just cause I wanted to play to.
WTF now?
..and weirdness on display when accessing the site on my iPhone.
…and it’s back to normal, woot!
This looks cool:
It is every morning that I wake up and realize that I still exist. I figure a post here and there on Deadpan will convince you all of the same.
Look! I C J !
*hugs* my goddess
<3 Bunny!
I see Deadpan is still broken. At least the home page is anyway.
It seems to have gone away for me.
I find it hit and miss. Some posts work perfectly, some are blood red a a bunch of code shows at the top of the page.
If you just go to (not this post page), the code still shows it’s nakedness.
It looks like some sort of css style update that went wrong. Maybe WP did an update and things aren’t compatible atm?
I wonder if the blood red lettering is a sign of something.
I immediately thought of “28 Days Later…”
It may or may not have to do with a crush I have for Cillian Murphy.
Yeah, *sigh* oh to be a few years younger.
There are strange noises coming from one of our heating vents. I wonder if we have a mouse.
He’s 36!
Van, don’t forget, you and I are of the same age. Today I feel all my 2 score plus a few years.
Hugs TEB
I’m off to see Ralph McTell in concert, hopefully it will be a good night.
I got a Vanamonde hug, squeee *sticks tongue out at the rest of the Pan* :tongue:
CP:All Kinds Of Guns — Tilly & The Wall
I put on a sweater. It’s actually not cold in the house (central heating works), but it looks cold outside so, by extension, I think I should feel cold. It’s funny how the mind works.
Of course, at only 3C outside, looks are actually not deceiving.
You will all be happy to know I did finish Leviathan Wakes. Next up: Two Weeks Notice – Rachel Caine
That’s great and td#footer { width: auto; background-color: #000000; border-top: dashed 1px #cccccc; padding: 10px; text-align: center; color: #cccccc; font-size: 95%; } td#footer a:link, td#footer a:visited, td#footer a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #777777; font-weight: normal; } td#footer a:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #777777; font-weight: normal; } /* —————————————————————— ———- WIDGETS
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Rhett, please don’t say such things around here.
So, this is a bummer of a news article. . . . but it earns Shane Doan that much more of my respect.–shane-doan-pondered-retirement-after-daughter-mauled-by-dog-20121009.html;_ylt=AmAtRA3G0eSCzU5SfsJ_vGl7vLYF;_ylu=X3oDMTN1ZzhuZmZjBG1pdANGRUFUVVJFRCBNZWdhdHJvbiBOSEwEcGtnAzE0NDAzZDU1LWQzMjctMzk3Ny1iN2UwLTZkZTQ3MGZiNjFhMwRwb3MDNARzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyAzdlOTI1MzcwLTEyNjItMTFlMi1hYmRlLThlY2IzMzRhYzNkNg–;_ylg=X3oDMTFoYWo1YzR1BGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANuaGwEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3
Too late. Rhett has been infected by the blood red print
Which is still better than watching “Twilight”.
Does Rhett sparkle?
No, but he may poop rainbows. 😉
Drill me!
Jack may object.
Tight muscle!
Now Im drooling
Im an expresso drinker, but not sure if Im the expresso owl, Jack…
Goodnight :Red:
Mousetrap anyone?
Happy Birthday, Rhett!
Happy Birthday, my brother.
Happy National Coming Out Day!
A busy guy is that Rhettro.
Happy birthday, Rhettro!
Happy Birthday Rhett! *big hugs*
I see the Pan is still awash with the blood of the innocent.
Holy Crap, there’s an inch of snow on the ground. What’s that about?
Living in Canada perhaps?
You know, my life would be a lot easier if people actually understood what the hell a microphone is for.
A back massager?
A self-defense weapon?
A sex toy if it’s a classic shape. :blush:
The Snowball would be awkward, at best.
Happy Birthday, Rhett!
Happy 10/11/12 Day, Pan!
Hooray! We all can count.
Or 11/10/12 if you’re in Canada and the UK
CP:Lovin’ You Ain’t Easy — Pagliaro
CP: “Choux Pastry Heart” — Corrine Bailey Rae
“Is he alive?”
“No, according to Facebook, he isn’t.”
Thanks for the all the birthday wishes Pan! I’m not sure what the day will entail, but I’m pretty sure there’ll be ice cream.
Pretty sure there better be!
Watch the video.
I like that!
*sighs with pleasure*
Turkish Wilhelm Scream!
and to go with it, the best death scene ever:
I love you for picking the CORRECT Buffy!
I object
I am CR: 11/22/63 – Stephen King, which I might have mentioned. Holy crap, it is really excellent.
Rhett! Picture all of us Deadpanites standing around your table at your favorite chain restaurant, with lots of flair on our work uniforms, singing some irritating “happy happy birthday” song.
What is Jennifer Aniston doing here and why is she flipping me off?
*no longer wondering about Rhettro’s age*
me neither.
Except ditto only has 15 pieces of flair. I have 37.
CP: “Rush” — Ferras
CA: Job #2. lame.
Holy crap, did you guys see UsedHair’s Life-size Moustrap link above?
Speaking of news articles, this one is clearly the government controlling the media to help cover up the REAL truth about that flying saucer:
Someone call Giorgio Tsoukalos! Stat!
Paul Ryan creeps me out. It has nothing to do with his politics, although I dislike those too.
I wouldn’t say I “missed” the VP debate, Bob.
Im actually LOL’ing at Bill Maher’s FB status updates he posted during the VP debate.
It rivals a TEB B-movie Play By Play
This is the way we go to work, go to work, go to work, this is the way we go to work on a cold and wet morning.
EssBee… Tell me more… 11/22/63
OMG, so good. The premise is this: what if you could go back and save JFK? How would that work?
I’ve enjoyed the last several King novels. He’s in his sweet spot right now, imo.
Christopher Walken & cast (Seven Psychopaths) reads Honey Boo Boo Child
goodnight :vajiggle jaggle:
This link seems to be broken, DP
I seriously owe the sleep bank this week.
Goodnight :snooze account:
Morning Pan
Hubby says that the Social Studies class are going outside today to recreate the battle of Vimy Ridge. There will be Nerf guns involved. I don’t remember my classes doing anything that coo.
In 3rd grade, my GATE class (for the über smart kds) made model planet out of Play-Doh. We then went off campus in the neighborhood, & we spaced out each planet on the sidewalk in a single line. Each step we took equalled one light year.
In the end, we were probably a mile or two away from the campus, including Puto.
That experiment blew my mind & is still with me to this day.
Those kids are going to have a blast. 🙂
When hubby was teaching the advanced grade six science class he would often take them outside to do “experiments”. They would do such things and make their own bottle rockets and then see who’s would go the farthest, they did the Mentos and Diet Coke thing. I’m not sure who had more fun, him or the kids.
There, the bathroom is nice and clean. I think it’s time to bake some cookies
Chocolate brownie cookies. Hubby will approve.
CP: Punching In A Dream — The Naked And Famous
Looks like enough blood of the innocents was collected to satisfy the angry Internet Gods (aka the style sheet was corrected). :whistling in the dark:
Yeah, except the title graphic still seems to be broken.
I haven’t done a cookie play by play in a while so…
I put some chocolate chipset, chocolate squares, and butter in the microwave to melt
While its melting, I am going to put sugar, flour, and cocoa in a bowl
This is most certainly NSFW, NSFMFR (Not Safe For Members of the Far Right), NSFPAOSP (Not Safe For People Annoyed by Overly Simplistic Platitudes), NSFPWADBAEASLJSAWC ! (Not Safe For People Who Are Disturbed By A Very Angry Samual L Jackson Screaming At White Co-eds)…
… however, if you can overlook all of that, it’s pretty damn funny in a wrong kind of way.
Will check it out once the cookies are in the oven
Old people making out. I know it happens, I just don’t want to see it.
The whole thing made me giggle.
SLJ is awesome.
Ok, why can I only find one measuring tablespoon? I think I need a word with a certain hubby about using my cooking utensils
Ok, I’m putting the melted chocolate into the bowl with the dry ingredients
Eggs and vanilla are added
I had fried egg sandwiches for tea, yum.
I don’t think fried eggs would make the cookies taste any better.
Ack! That seems to be the last of my vanilla. Must add it to the shopping list
Then I stir everything together
Adding some (unmelted) chocolate chips, just because
Cookie PBP
So I put spoons full of dough onto cookie sheets and they are now in the oven.
In about 15 minutes there will be chocolatey goodness for my hubby to eat
Now… Time to clean up my mess
Even though I won’t eat the cookies I have to admit, they sure make the house smell good.
Cookies are done. Come and get them :happy:
How the frak did my cygwin installation get pooched.
That’s why I don’t own a dog.
Creamy Yellow Gears of War Interception Net?
We don’t speak of that. Hush!
Hush? I thought I heard you calling my name now.
Heading out Deadpan. Must pick up medicine for the cat and beer for the hubby. I just hope I don’t mix the two up.
CP: Bound By The Beauty — Jane Siberry
CL: cinema, waiting for Ruby Sparks to start.
There’s a cream now for that
Was a charming film.
Try again:
Chris Walken reads Honey Boo Boo
Great clip, j0e.
Light years? hmmm….
I was suppressing a cough
Are you making fun of my light years commnt, ed?
Astronomical units perhaps
/hangs my 8-yr old head in shame
Retro crushes:
Julie Christie in Billy Liar
Remember kids, blasting caps, do not touch them.
I didn’t know blasting caps were so easily found way back when.
*do not touch dem*
This is the video that Tom Hanks mentioned in the latest Nerdist podcast.
I will never wear them
I had to watch that twice. Um… no thanks.
Especially the way she had to walk
I think I’m going to create a pillow fortress over the weekend and hide from the world, but you all are invited.
Beginning to think that Obama/Biden are just plain sick of the White House and just wanna throw the election, go back home, have a beer, and relax the rest of their lives. Cause they’re pretty much giving the crazies the Election.
Also, I dont know if anyone has been/is following the Jessica Ridgeway story, but once again this community has been shattered. I cant imagine in the least what the family is going thru. If I do ever decide to believe in a god again, it will be because of shit like this.
Yah, the story is gut-wrenching. The torture that little girl suffered. There is no God
I’ll go with a different ‘controversial’ route. The guilty party needs to be executed. My heart goes out to everyone who was hurt by this.
Correct. Preferably shanked in prison the first week so taxpayers dont have to pay for the incarceration long.
EssBee… HOLY CRAP! 849 pages! Ugh. I will attempt to start reading 11/22/63, but as a backup, I have a hold for the audiobook at my nearest library.
I had to look up who Anthony Bourdain was. Fail on me.
You were it alone.
+ not
Goodnight :Guy Fieri:
Your crap joke for today:
My wife asked me if I had any fantasies.
I said “I’ve got this one where we pretend that we’re complete strangers and have never met”.
She said “What, and you pick me up in some bar?”.
I said “No..Just the first bit”.
I suspected as much.
Better rip off those clothes and start dancing naked. You have to keep the real game players entertained.
Xubar naorf grommin nung wo? Keepee ek taga delahticky.
Where’s Neo when you need him?
Made me smile:
CW: Squeeze: Take Me I’m Yours
BBC documentary about the pop group Squeeze.
For years, I thought it was “Caught Me in Bed”, which would make for an entirely different song.
Theres something going on today between Van and Jack…
OH: ” My cardiac nurse wife killed my cat and refused to do CPR.”
Wife said: “Your cat was a DNR.”
Pixie, I finished the S. King today, and it was worth the weight/pages. Loved it, and loved the ending, which is not something I often say about his books.
Now, what to read, what to read?
How about Gone Girl?
I’ll check it out – I’ve never read that author before.
Tomorrow is the big LA day. I arrive around 9:30am and have the rest of the day to putz around. I’m going to the Santa Monica Pier, then to some parks or other (most are named … canyon park) just to the north because that’s what the guy I’m traveling with wants to go to. I Hope that he has actually done some research into these parks and that we can find one with some nice views.
Have you been on the west coast before, UH? Simple as it is, my most profound pleasure at any California beach is to catch the sunset, if the weather cooperates.
I wholeheartedly agree with this advice.
Sorry I didn’t give more advice earlier, UH. You’ll have fun at Santa Monica Pier and at the parks. I would have suggested Long Beach’s main attractions (the Queen Mary and the Aquarium of the Pacific) as cool places that are decently close to where you are. Whatever you end up doing, have a great time!
Safe trip, UH. Jack is right, look for the sunsets and enjoy the mild weather!
But hey, the red font thing seems to be fixed and over with.
Goodnight :quietpan:
*grumble, grumble* Damn husbands who work in germ factories. Think they can get away with coming home sick then passing it on to me. *grumble, grumble*
Quick tip: Makeup brushes make great modelling paint brushes. Use a blush brush for dry brushing and use an eyeliner brush for some of the fine stuff.
And we’re back from camping. Now to rest.
Tic Check!
That was one of the most terrifying things I have ever seen.
I’m not sure I like watching things like that live anymore.
That was intense!
I may need to republish my story, “The Last Cyberpunk”, which featured a Stratodive in its 2nd act. I’ve seen many futurist predictions from that story pop up, in the years since its release.
Why yes, it is all about me, not about some guy’s amazing, historic feat.
I may have mentioned this before.
In the early years of 2000AD comic (the late 70 ‘s), Dan Dare was brought back. In one of the stories he lands on a planet using a hardened spacesuit to fall from orbit to the ground.
You can grab tempest for free in the Google Chrome app store.
After reading an article on the creation of the Tempest arcade, it was nice to give the game a quick blast.
Yea! The deadpan is back!
Hey la, hey la?
If you’ve upgraded to iOS6 you want to look at this:
Apparently the latest updates for Zinga games (Words with friends, Hanging with Friends) no longer work with any OS under 4.3
Used to work fine but now just crashes on start-up.
Why would you purposefully eliminate a chunk of your customer base? Do they really think I’m going to buy new hardware just to play their game?
I won’t, so I guess they have done me a favor.
Well JJ, there is always Tilt to Live.
Did Words with Friends for a bit but, like most social stuff I do, it died off pretty quickly.
Morning Pan
Today I expect to be able to record my EBF segment.
What do you mean you don’t know what my microphone is? It’s the same one I used last time.
Oh right. Different computer.
Stupid Audacity
CP: Frank Sinatra — Cake
Jack, I just sent you my EBF. Don’t lose is 😉
Mine will be coming in the next couple of days.
I’m ready for my next EBF partner. I even have the next song picked out.
CP: Paper Tigers (live) — Tom Cochrane
Songs of a Circling Spirit is a great unplugged album.
I didnt say you are doing it wrong; *he* did.
Actually, I’ve heard this before. That squatting is better than sitting.
I’m not sure I really wanted to know this.
I’m reminded of French public toilets.
^^^ I think I will choose not to begin my week with that kind of self-assessment.
Now where did Bunny’s EBF segment go? I just had it a minute ago. . . Not in my pockets. . . not under the couch cushions. . . And where are my keys?
Oh, so *that* is how it is done! 😉
Interesting piece on the NHL lockout:
Chronotic Frission tonight.
I was reading an article about 8bit ‘Track and Field’ clones with a group of teenagers sitting behind me on the bus making a lot of noise..and thinking I’m reading about games created before this mob were a twinkle in their parents eyes.
This is hysterical.
Lo goddamn Pan approved!
It’s worth listening to at least some of the audio. The guy was awesome.
I got a call from one of these types in the last year or so. He was really pushy and sure of himself. It was easy to see why so many people fall for the scam. I was even a little unsure myself … except he kept referring to corrupted Windows files and of course, I have a Mac.
I finally started pushing him on it and when he insisted I he was looking at my “windows” files and that my PC was definitely infected I just started laughing. When I told him I knew this was all a scam because I didn’t have a PC but a MAC he very confidently ask if I was sure because his data indicated it was a PC.
What do you do with people like that?
I’m not always on Star Trek, but when I am, I play a Red Shirt
Im sorry. I was distracted by the Shat’s sweaty bare chest.
Roar, tiger
Since I’ve been blabbering about it here too, I thought I’d post the Event Donations tally for Sausagefest 3.
Sausagefest 1, which was held over two nights, raised $500 during the event.
Sausagefest 2, which was one night, raised just over $800 during the event.
Sausagefest 3, raised $1333.30 during the event! For the math impaired, that’s more than the first two combined!
Fuck Cancer!
Also of note (because this is stat that I’m going to start keeping). Folks at Sausagefest 3 consumed 47.5 POUNDS of sausage!
That is a LOT of innuendo!
“Tilt to Live” no longer runs on my iPod Touch.
Oh dear, that can only mean the apocalypse is near.
… and I’m all out of buzz saws.
Hubby is being strange. He wasn’t feeling well over the weekend so didn’t vacuum. Now, after dinner, he’s decided to vacuum the whole house. I don’t understand. It’s not like we’re expecting company. And he’s missed vacuuming on a weekend before and it didn’t bother him.
I feel guilty sitting on the couch doing nothing while he cleans house
That is a LOT of innuendo!
^That’s a lot of Menudo.