HiFiPalooza, part 3! Featuring The Energizer Bunny (Ryah) and Vanamonde (Vanamonde).
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HiFiPalooza, part 3! Featuring The Energizer Bunny (Ryah) and Vanamonde (Vanamonde).
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…2-3-4 shut the door. (door. door. door)
5-6-7 seventh heaven.
8-9-10 do (Deadpan) again!
/utterly random.
Going to be a long day.
It’s Cracked, so click cautiously at work. And don’t click the Rachel Bloom video. It’s as unfunny as her Ray Bradbury vid was hilarious. If that made sense.
Goodnight :mustsleep:
I read this a couple weeks back and had to forward it to Teresa. Good stuff.
Lunar Racer is free today:
Universal app.
I finally remembered that it’s Tuesday. I will gladly pay you for a hamburger!
Actually … it is NEXT Tuesday.
So you’re safe.
Good morning, community of mine. Have a good day, yo!
Which character am I?
(wishes he was the sexy, former anarchist)
Morning Pan! I could get use to this sleeping in an extra hour every day
No show notes today Jack. I find, when hubby’s home my time is less.
Thats a better use of your time, Bunny. 🙂
CP: Mirror Man — The Human League
Now that is a blast from the past.
I think I’m going to market my own brand of sausage called “Depressing Links”.
Made from 100% grade A, ground-up dreams!
Sounds like the worst Legend of Zelda game ever.
Sorry, your dreams are in a different castle.
Ground up dreams in another castle? Mmmm, White Castles. . .
‘Mmmm, White Castles. . .”
…aaaaand full circle back to the racist, “hunger game fans” link
Maybe a Panite can bring you White Castle at the MMMmmmeetup.
Sounds like a punishment, not a reward. 😉
“Jack and Deadpanites go to White Castle”
Would that be a horror/comedy?
You would have to be really drunk for that 😛
Super neat! Im guessing kid-approved too
In this week’s Entertainment Weekly mag, there is a spot-on article about AMC’s The Killing. This article hit my pulsepoints for sure and it has reengaged me to want to continue on to Season 2.
If you’re a (frustrated) fan of the show, the article is worth the read.
CP: Two — The Antlers
Crap joke for the day:
I was in town yesterday and I thought I’d spotted a superhero when I saw a man running down the street wearing a cape.
Turned out it was some git who hadn’t paid for his haircut.
Well enjoyed ‘The Hunger Games’ movie.
Imagine Ridley Scott rant here —->
Is Katniss a Replicant?
Do Androids Dream of Katniss?
Did her eyes not give it away for you?
I was waiting for the Unicorn.
Electric Unicorns?
I hope you brought the starter motor..
That only works in Electric Dreams. 😉
Speaking of which, if you liked the trailer music, you can get it here:
In Canada, eh? :cheerful:
Canada, home of the ghost resort?
This is why I don’t watch reality tv. Ugh!
Hubby picked up the new Iron Maden DVD. God they look old
There’s a good reason for that.
Maybe he got the DVD for the wrong Region.
Hardcore fans are really cool but some really do border on down-right creepy.
Well I haven’t got a tattoo stating ‘I love Dick’ if that’s what you mean.
The capital D is very important.
This post made me laugh.
It made me laugh out loud too… (& said hardcore fans quickly looked in my direction)
So were their hardcore fans around Mr. Whitney?
-their +there
*smacks head*
Not sure yet. We are still in line, waiting to get in. They appear to be diehard Team fans. But we will see when the doors open. 🙂
*whispers to the bar* … um … is she talking about us?
Your confection of the week:
OMFG its a Marathon Bar! I haven’t seen one since I was just a wee lad.
Looks like I’m right. One seems to have become the other.
Thanks for remembering Usedhair. I knew I had one before but forgot what brand name is was under.
You might have to bring some of those with you when you visit the States, Vanamonde.
Jack, put me down for Chicago
CD Red Hook ESB
That Mr. Whitney sure is a sneaky devil.
I am the very model of a modern major general….
“Nag No More”
Our other band’s name.
Careful, Eugene.
From FB yesterday:
Dan Shaurette
So, deadpanites, excuse moi if this has been suggested already, but I have an idea to pose for for the next Palooza.
Battle Royale (novel/manga/movie) vs. The Hunger Games (book/movie) followed by a Duel of the Fates to determine the Ultimate Winner!
Cool? P.S. Wanna see Battle Royale the movie? Here you go: https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/Battle_Royale?id=tgFt63qpD80&feature=featured-movies
Battle Royale – Movies on Google Play
In a future where society is on the verge of collapse, the government takes drastic action against the problem of rebellious teenagers in this violent sci-fi opus from…
I shall be interested in this. Read some of the reviews for Battle Royale on Amazon (only $2.99 to rent there). Though, I don’t know when I’ll get to see it as it definitely sounds like one that I’ll have to make sure the kids and wife aren’t around for.
Rhettro may have mentioned this before:
Nope, that’s news to me Van. I may have to download a couple of samples for the drive home.
CW: Alcatraz finale. I wanted to like this show so much more than I did.
I’m very lukewarm on the show. For a series that hinges on how the protagonists are linked to the antagonists of Alcatraz, there really isn’t enough character development.
Morning Pan!
It’s 7am, do you know where your pillow is?
We’re suppose to reach a balmy 14C today. I look forward to walking in the spring.
20C here, and already I feel like I’m walking through treacle.
Hey Van, I know you’re interested in these kind of things. There’s a new Danish SF Fan magazine http://www.whenwordscollide.org/documents/FANDOM_FOREVER_1_2012_PdfanzineEdition.pdf
So my team would be Chicago Blackhawks
My movie choices will be Hudson Hawk with Bruce Willis and then Head with the Monkees
Here are some book contests from Tor
Where it hell is everybody?
Hiding under a rock.
I was in a meeting. The temp job is eating my soul. Starting to sing “re: Your brains” by Jonathan Coulton
ummm http://www.nipplesatthemet.com/
Now I’m leaving. Off to get hubby’s eyes checked and dilated.
Thanks for partaking, Bunny. Your selections are noted.
We have been running a skeleton crew for the past week-or-so. Maybe Deadpan isn’t hip anymore, like MC Hammer pants. Or rattail hairstyles. Or human beat-boxing. Or Nana Mouskouri…
Deadpan might need a hip replacement. 😉 Can’t speak for others, but I’ve been consumed with RL of late. Should have more creative input toward the end of May.
Me as well. RL, boo. Deadpan is still hip and groovy as far as I’m concerned.
I’m reminded that this opens this week:
I’ve been moving appliances this morning.
Mt heart is filled with joy over this.
No. Wait.
That’s not joy, it’s spinal cord fluid.
*stands with mouth agape*
Seems House republicans are giving up on their strategy of hammering the negative and insisting that things aren’t getting better under the current administration … instead they have now decided to take CREDIT for any improvements that may be occurring.
Jack, please assign me a team for the hockey thingie. I don’t know enough about the teams to make an informed selection. From there I’ll pick a few flicks.
As above for me Jack.
I’m torn between the Tampa Bay Lightning (because I currently live in Florida) and the Ottawa Senators (because we were big fans of the farm league team The Binghamton Senators when we lived in NY). Anyone already have their hearts set on either one of these? My movie choices would be Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (takes place in Ottawa) for the Senators and to be horribly cruel, Cop and a Half (takes place in Tampa) for the Lightning.
And, yes… I am perfectly aware that the Panthers are also a Florida Team. However, Tampa Bay is much closer to me than Miami and I actually go to Tampa once in a while. I have yet to visit Miami.
It’s all good, y’all. RL happens to the best of us.
To those who requested NHL team assignments: I’ll be in touch.
To UsedHair: Ottawa will probably make it, Tampa will probably not.
Gotta post this stuff from my phone, these days. Sigh.
Back from the optometrist. Hubby’s eyes are beautiful but I knew that already
Did he go for the bionic upgrade?
Naw, he has this thing about putting things in his eyes 😉
Actually, that’s true. Not the bionic part but the rest. He won’t wear contacts and can’t even be in the same room as me when I’m putting in or taking mine out.
Did you help in Hubby’s dilation?
What do you mean he can’t dilate? It’s right there on the phone, between the 7 and the 9.
Here, take Van’s coat.
*sigh*. While it’s highly unlikely Jack, if (with a giant as IF) they make it, I guess you can put me down for the Flames too. I know they want get very far bit I feel I should support them. I’ll decide on my movies for them if the time comes
I just read some of a piece on Salon about how much The Killing S1 sucked, how much S2 will suck, and how much the writer hates the show.
I LOVE that show, and exponentially more now after having finished the Danish Series 2 last weekend. Why does the mystery have to resolved neatly? Nordic Noir, baby. That’s how it works. That’s what “red herring” means.
I cannot wait for Sunday’s premier.
Crap joke for the day:
*Girl opens gift on her birthday*
Girl: “shoes and a vibrator?”
Boyfriend: “If you don’t like the shoes, you can go fuck yourself!”
and still chuckling over the Gladiator edition
Me too.
Im sorry I cant post the link, due to limited interwebs access…
You Tube vid: NIN perforning Down In It on Dance Party USA. I hear its a trainwreck. Maybe the search is worth the look
I exist, albeit rarely.
I have a new phone.
I work 5am to 2pm now.
My daughter tested for advanced placement in school (she was one of three in her class chosen)
I bought a Coach purse.
I have no other notable news at the moment. I think.
Miss ya all.
Two more Playoffs things, then I’ll move on. I promise.
1. The last day of the season I’d April 7, so you do have some time to mull. We’ll set midnight of the 7th as the deadline to pick a team and its movies.
2. I’m gonna assign movies to the leftover teams, with your hell and suggestions. This way, no one is off the hook, just because they’re up against an unclaimed team.
OK, I’ll get back to the bad one-liners now.
I claimed (possibly) two teams. Maybe closer to 1 1/2? I’m a glutton for punishment Jack, if any team is not chosen, I’ll take one of them.
IF!!! the Flames make it, their two movies will be Silver Streak with Gene Wilder or Shanghai Knights with Jackie Chan. Both filmed in the Calgary area
Now… my frying pan awaits. I see curry chicken and carrots in our dining future.
Would you… Could you… share that delicious-sounding recipe?
It’s a really simple recipe
Cut up some chicken (I use breasts and cut them into 1 – 2″ pieces.
Heat oil, brown chicken.
Remove chicken and set aside. It does not need to be cooked through as it will simmer later
Add to same pan chopped onion, chopped carrots, garlic clove, Curry paste (the recipe book calls for 2 tsp, I like curry so I add a third tsp. Also, I use green curry but red will work too), 1/2tsp grated ginger root.
Cook until onion is tender
Add 1/2 c. apple sauce and mix with other items in pan.
Add chicken, cover and simmer until chicken is cooked through
add 1/3c. plain yogurt.
Serve over rice
Thank you, Miss Bunny. I look forward to cooking it with my peeps.
If no one else has grabbed them, I’ll take the Buffalo Sabres. I worked up there when they won a few years back, so I feel connected in a weird way.
Oh? Are they as good as the Buffalo wings?
Nothing is good as my buffalo wings. Someday I’ll post the recipe 😛
Jack, did you want me to start a spreadsheet with match ups and movies? I seem to do this every year anyway. Maybe I’m just a little anal retentive?
I’be actually already started one (yes, really!). Can you access Google docs? Maybe I can post it there and we can both update it.
Yes but I don’t want to horn in on your thing. If you still want me to access it then just share it with me, otherwise *shrug* I’m happy either way :happy:
Im reserving my picks until the deadline. Stupid Western Conference.
I’m not sure how I going to find the time, but put me down for the Redwings. Bad movie choice “Doctor Detroit” with Dan Aykroid. I’ll have to think about a secondary feature.
Red Wings?! Pffft. You don’t deserve Mr. Whitney!
That hurts, Rhettro. That really hurts.
Don’t worry Pixie, Yotes are still tops with me, but I was born in Detroit. 😉
I’m trying to remember which team Whitney played for prior to Carolina.
Wasn’t it Destiny’s Child? No, no, that was Beyonce. . .
Lucky for him that he wised up and left Detroit after just 1 season with the winged wheels.
Christopher Priest bitches about that lastest Clarke award nominees:
Thus proving the adage: you can’t please everybody.
Since I have’t read any of them (yet), I guess I can’t make a judgement one way or another.
ZP takes an axe to Twisted Metal:
OK, so I assume that only Rhett will appreciate this:
Maybe Ryah (and John)?
Definitely a close match. I dig it. I still think of Machine Men when I think of the go to Maiden cover band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3nPaQhVNKQ
Hubby say’s they are pretty spot on but, as the real Iron maiden is currently on tour, doesn’t see the point. They also dress like Iron maiden did in the eighties. Iron Maiden doesn’t dress like that any more.
Most unbelievable excuse EVAR:
SO does he hang curtains while naked?
Well I mean who doesnt hang up curtains naked?
Well I mean random produce laying around the house IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
This spud’s for you?
Mr. Buttato Head?
*falls over*
If no one picks up the Penguins, I think Slap Shot 2 (The Charlestown Chiefs are from Pennsylvania) should be the default movie for that team. Anything with Steven Baldwin MUST be a train wreck.
Morning Pan!
Can we have a separate post for the hockey pickings? Or can we go back a couple posts ago and list off our teams/films there? I ask because I’m too lazy to scroll up and look at what everyone’s picked.
And in case of hockey rapture, I’m picking the Avs. But as its more likely that Adam Sandler win a best actor Oscar than the Avs make the playoffs I’d like to pick Ottawa (as my man crush Chris Neil is there) unless UH had his hearts set on them. UH did you decide on the Sens?
Oh, you will scroll up and read.
*These arent the droids we’re looking for…*
I think Jack and Bunny are making a spreadsheet.
I also picked the very unlikely team of the Flames. We seem to be in the same boat, Lo.
Used Hair picked the Penguins Lo. Unless there has been private emails sent to Jack that I don’t know about, Ottawa is now yours.
Oh, my:
Be warned that the word “anus” is in the title of the post.
Sorry Ess, Van beat you to the punch on this one.
Just saw that – sorry Van!
Nyah! Looks like you should have scrolled up and read! Nyah!!!
Well I mean who doesnt hang up curtains naked?
Well I mean random produce laying around the house IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
This spud’s for you?
Mr. Buttato Head?
*falls over*
and by flute, I mean–
Swollen and distended or congested: “a turgid and fast-moving river”.
(of language or style) Tediously pompous or bombastic: “some turgid verses on the death of Prince Albert”.
swollen – puffy – tumid – pompous – bloated – inflated
For the Hockey Pool, this is what I have – Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong
Energizer Bunny – Chicago Black Hawks – Hudson Hawk or Head
Energizer Bunny – Calgary Flames (HA!) – Silver Streak or Shanghai Knights
Cynful – Buffalo Sabres – TBA
LoPan – Colorado Avalanche – TBA
LoPan – Ottawa Senators – TBA
Used Hair – Pittsberg Penguins – Slap Shot 2 or TBA
Rhettro – Detroit Red Wings – Doctor Detroit or TBA
Jack Mangan – New Jersey Devils – Legend or Jersey Girl (this was done in jest on the podcast so may not be accurate)
Vanamonde – TBA
Desert Pixie – TBA
Did I miss anybody?
Ah EssBee should be added as TBA
UH said earlier Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter for Ottawa. Decided not to go for Tampa Bay huh?
or Ottawa? Oh well, LoPan gets to choose the movie for Ottawa since you decided to do Pittsburgh. Way to confuse me people.
Morning Pan!
Don’t homemade cinnamon rolls sound good?
Okay, I’m trying to decide on my movies. I think I have one, but want to make sure that it is available on the nets.
CD: Sitting at Durham train station, slightly sozzled, totally gnackered.
Sounds a bit like what you’re first night in Deadpan Land will be like. Actually, sounds like what every night in DPL will be like :silly:
*furiously Googles 90% of the words in this post*
Gnackered = tired
Sozzled = tipsy
Gee Lo Pan, get with the program.
There’s a program? It must be hundreds of pages long
Sitting = resting on your bottom
*furiously scribbles on paper while nodding*
Sitting on a spud = a bad move
Ok ok..keep going keep going
Gnackered = tired
(although, it was my understanding that it is a particular type of tired)
CD: Nettle tea. Allergies, you’ve come to soon and I do hate thee.
Well the fire dont help neither
I didn’t pick the Penguins. I said I was torn between the senators or the lightning (if they make it). I suggested a movie for the penguins following up on someone’s concept that unclaimed teams also have movies assigned to them. I am fine with Lo taking the senators as I never really claimed them. I will take the lightning if they make it. If they don’t I can pick a different team. The penguins were the biggest rivals of the farm league Binghamton senators team. So I really really don’t want the penguins.
Way to confuse me!!!
Of to see my Boo.
Well I dont mind you taking Ottawa either if you wants em.
A population distribution map for metal bands. Pretty interesting.
Those Vikings like their black metal.
Stupid spotty Sprint Service/network lockdown…
UsedHair had requested Ottawa awhile back… and Tampa isn’t making the playoffs without performing a ritual sacrifice to some Pagan god.
Thats cool. Ottawa be his. I’ll pick once the dust settles
Oh my God it’s full of stars:
Just zoom in if you don’t believe me.
We played this game with 4 adults and a 6 and 10 year old last weekend – it was mega fun:
Here are my hockey pics:
Boston Bruins – Movie is The Cutting Edge
Phoenix Coyotes, if they make it – Movie TBA
if Yotes dOnt make it, then Dallas Stars – Movie TBA
Ah the dangers of buying ‘THe Hunger Games’ from Amazon, emails reccomending fiction for teenage girls…
Van, one of my friends writes romance novels with exclusively African American characters. I read and reviewed one of her books on Amazon, and I get the STRANGEST mix of recommendations now.
FYI Van, Charles Stross has apparently changed his twitter avatar to a grinning puppy, in response to Christopher Priest’s harsh words in that article you linked.
“Charles Stross writes like an internet puppy.”
Cool in a geeky kind of way:
Has anyone here seen “The Last Starfighter” recently enough to know why it got a PG rating? Teen sexual antics? Lots of cursing? Were they just afraid that a “G” rating would keep the high school crowd away?
I was going to recommend it to someone but it has been 2 decades since I’ve seen it and I just don’t remember anything much more then that I enjoyed it. Oh, and the “death blossom”. hehehe
Did the alien clone sleep with Alex’s girlfriend?
IMDB says:
s-word 2 times. playboy magazine is mentioned twice. hell said a few times
Frightening/Intense Scenes:
Alien beings from other planets. Not human looking.
I haven’t seen that since it was first released on VHS, so. . . .
I’ve kinda held off showing it to my kids, assuming it was loaded with cursewords.
That, plus fear that it would be as hopelessly dated as Forbidden Planet.
Its also a god awful film. Plus its PF cause of the scene where Xur kills the Defense Force spy by melting his head for all the pilots to see.
Also.. “What the shit???”
Well, it holds up a lot better than Megaforce does.
Well… an 80 year old penis holds up better than Megaforce does
Isnt that… a man…with 8…
no wait…
This video has potential and a couple LOL moments, I thought
Neo Lebowski
HUGE tilt on the ice in the desert tonight. LETS GO COYOTES!
Sorry. Cannot abide.
This dude abides. Go Yotes!
The coolest LEGO Battlestar you’ll see today:
I’d like some Wingles and a Vlasic.
Wingles have ridges
Sharks got Vrbatted!
Dont give Red Wings fans any more ideas. :-/
I must admit that when I saw “tentaclespectacle” I was thinking it would be more like this:
Hentai and the Red Wings are two causes worth cheering for. LOL
To quote Lo, “You make me giggle.” 😉
Holy crap! Somebody remember this for the eventual BR Palooza.
That was an impressive find.
Only $250 on Amazon!!!
No melodrama this time:
Morning Pan!
I’m sitting here working while my lazy hubby is still in bed. Some people are so lucky.
Hubby better get up soon. One of us is getting cold with nothing but a towel on.
Dressed now. Hubby’s not really awake yet but I was cold so I snuck in grabbed some clothes
Things would be quite a bt different around here if working in nothing but a towel was an option.
CP: I Am The Doctor — Murray Gold
There, work is done and the bathroom is cleaned. Now to do some dishes then to go to the store. I need some ingredients to make some mint chocolate cookies.
Wake up call indeed.
“This Creepy App Isn’t Just Stalking Women Without Their Knowledge, It’s A Wake-Up Call About Facebook Privacy”
Just… wow. You’re welcome, creeps.
I got 99 problems but a bitch…nevermind.
“Girls Around Me isn’t an app you should use to pick up girls, or guys for that matter. This is an app you should download to teach the people you care about that privacy issues are real, that social networks like Facebook and Foursquare expose you and the ones you love, and that if you do not know exactly how much you are sharing, you are as easily preyed upon as if you were naked.”
Yeah to say the least
This quick reads gets better as it goes along. I look forward to Ripley’s contribution.
That’s awesome and so true. 🙂
The comments make me embarrassed for Buffy people, of which I am one. Get lives, folks!
*furiously fumbles for iphone. Starts “Girls Around You” ap*
I got 99 dittos but a…
…wait no
I got 99 dildos but a dick ain’t one. How does that song go again?
Oh, *standing ovation*
Lo brings out the best in me. 😉
*le blush*
It’s a hard-knock life.
Mentally transposed that to –
“It’s a rock-hard life.”
Take that anyway you want it.
I wonder if that App has filters to help stalkers narrow down their choices. Like – Buffalo Bill could use that to find plus-sized girls with smooth skin around him.
Creepy. Block the 4square, kids.
(I still don’t get why the article-writer recommends downloading it and using it. His logic escapes me.)
1. Develop controversial app.
2. Write a blog post lambasting it but recommend installing it.
3. ???
4. Profit.
I now demand you write a catchy tune… something like, “Time to go and stalk, stalk all night. Search for girls around me, hey!”
“Would you like some making fuck, BERZERKER.”
I think the app needs to be repackaged and come pre-installed on every smart phone as a security aid … it should be called –
“Um … Have I said too much?”
Advertisement – Is your online identity safe? Exactly how much of “you” have you put out there or the world to see? Did you check EVERY privacy box buried deep within those user agreements?
With “Um … Have I said too much” you can quickly see yourself as the rest of the world does!
“Um … Have I said too much?” If you have to ask … it’s probably too late!
Cookies in the oven. Once they cool I’ll dip them in some mint chocolate.
Oh, my gosh, this is heart-melty. After the week/month/year/life I’ve had, I just love seeing parents of gay kids who really say the exact right thing:
That was beautiful
I know, in her early teens, my Boo wasn’t sure of her sexuality. While I very much like the guy she’s with now, I’ve admitted to her I liked her old girlfriend more. Ashley was such a nice girl
Great article. You can’t go wrong by unconditionally loving your children.
BAM! Brilliance
My hubby’s vacuuming. Doesn’t he know I’m trying to watch he news? I can’t hear a thing
*snicker snicker*
This Western Conference race is a drama-filled, butt-pucker of a soap opera.
I think I lost a couple pounds myself.
Happy Friday!
Possible for the MMMmmmeetup? Maybe Lo can peddle this alone for all of us.
CW: Latest US Shameless
I’m off to spend the weekend in the middle of nowhere that is the Scottish borders.
Later Deadpan.
Did you know that today is the 90th day of the year?
Random trivia brought to you by….(insert sponsor here)
…by “Soap on a Rope”, now available as a liquid.
It feels like the 90th day of this week. . .
It is.
About to crack open a Bristol Smokebrush Porter.
Been looking forward to this for a long time. A long time.
Yes, I bet you have.
In hockey news, in what should have been a tilt of major implications, the Avs and Flames face off in 90minutes. Unfortunately both teams decided to be assholes and give up on the chase. Blah.
Its still hockey. :o}
*blank stare*
Is that the ice skating game with guys using brooms to play shuffleboard?
I think it’s that deal where they punch and hit one another in this big, white, slippy arena. The winner seems to be the side that leaves the most gear on the ground.
*blanker starer*
No, I believe this is it:
My secret dream is to be on a curling team.
To sweep, perchance to dream.
Ay, there’s the rub.
The solid sheet of freeze.
The dense smooth stone of gray.
My hand My arm. My leg. My knee.
The handle meets my grip.
Intense patience. Cold and wet is the release.
Sweep! Sweep! Sweep!
My vision in my dream– the blue dot.
The beauty of being in the middle of nowhere is you can walk around the house almost naked and only the sheep look unimpressed.
The friend I staying with leaves the front door unlocked which does freak me out.
Well I was being modest.
I always get sheepish looks when I walk around Scotland almost naked.
I’ll get Van’s coat, since he’s not wearing it.
Have there been any “Hunger Game of Thrones” jokes yet?
I am so gonna write an Unger Games skit. . . . for the 3 people who still remember The Odd Couple.
Wasnt there an I Dream of Genie spinoff?
Whistling Odd couple theme now.
They tried to wipe my memories of the Odd Couple. Do you know why it failed? l started to recite the commercials that Felix worked on, the articles that Oscar wrote, – Edna running away to follow Paul Williams, anything l could remember, even the Billy Jean King guest appearance. lt armored me. They couldn’t wipe those things away. You can’t beat the human spirit.
I even remembered:
What about the Umber games. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umber_hulk
Were umber hulks compete for their ration of humans.
Another Kindle e-book. Don’t know if you can get it Van. Here’s hoping
I guess I should include the link 😉
Thanks TEB managed to grab it after searching the UK kindle store.
And, the son’s birthday party, while small, went over well. Definitely the last time time I having a kids birthday party at my house, though. Next year we definitely go back to someplace where they can hose down the walls after we leave.
Just three words for you –
You’ll be remembered as best dad EVAH!
Ed, was your son born on the 31st? My son turned 14 today.
Yes, my son may sometimes play the fool, but he’s no April fool. He turned 7 yesterday.
An oldie but still a goodie:
Wow that takes me back.
Not sure I’ve seen a spitting image in a decade (plus).
Just finished one of my Sweeyt Ciders from this year. This batch is the best ever.
No enjoying my latest … a “Mustache Envy, Belgian Stout”
Tasty tasty tasty.
Reply 1: I don’t suppose any of those homebrews will make it to AZ this year. . . .
Reply 2: I also recall Spitting Image’s brief run here. Their peak in the U.S. was probably the Genesis video.
Hello, Pan.
Busy, busy Saturday, but a really good one. Had a great time today.
Script Frenzy starts tomorrow. Going to be a Script Frenzy Rebel and finish up my big audio drama project, [I]Cubelorg X.[/I] (I started it during Script Frenzy 2008.)
Good night, mush.
Oops. I participate in vBulletin discussion forums so much that I forgot that this board uses regular HTML tags, not the bulletin-board ones. :silly:
Well it’s noon here so any attempts to Play April fool will be given excessive contempt.
I have contempt for April Fools no matter what time of the day it is
Me too.
I don’t have contempt for Joe Murphy Day. 🙂
Oh, yeah! Thanks for the reminder. Must get myself a root beer float today. 🙂
Morning Pam
Off to do some grocery shopping, then I get to look at big numbers in little boxes. Stupid month end
Ah month end, how I do not love thee.
Yep. Rent is due now.
Root beer floats are due shortly.
..and relax:
There have been some gems of comments in the past couple of days, from the Odd Couple Youtube link to little Ed’s birthday.
I just learned today there is a place in Alberta called Bwalf. Go figure.
Sounds like a place where Nightcrawler would appear.
That and BAMF!
My love/hate relationship with the band Shiny Toy Guns is remarkable.
/all about me
Do tell. 🙂
Why is the disclaimer, “tree nuts” necessary?
‘Almonds’ is a perfectly good descriptor, IMO
Rootbeer floats here.
CP: Houses — Great Northern
CD: Finishing Taxes
ditto… April 24th = new Torche album. Be there!
Watching a great ND/UConn game; wish we had gotten tickets with the Final Four in Denver.
Looking forward to The Killing premier! w00t!
Wee doggie – Geth and Quarians living together. Mass Hysteria!
CD: Root beer float :happy:
We used Virgil’s instead of Henry Weinhard’s. Sorry Joe, it’s just better. (and no HFCS)
Must share before I return to the network lockdown:
Morning Pan
Still month end. Bleh
Good morning.
It is morning
Well I would argue afternoon.
Stiiiiiiiiiiiillll morning.
Your argument is invalid.
I think the point is really whether it is actually good or not, regardless of the time of day.
Well I was off, so it was good.
Well back to civilisation, hopefully it will be a 4 day working week with the easter holidays.
Sigh . . . the last WOT not out until January 8th . . .
Wiggling Orange Tarantula?
Is it possible to get Stockholm syndrome from work?
Possibly, if you work in Sweden.
So…. youre attracted to your captor?
My contract is five weeks from being complete and although I’ve been miserable, I’m having thoughts of extending. So either S.S. or I’m a masochist.
Stick a drawing pin in a finger, if you enjoy the sensation you are the latter.
So… your ARE attracted to your captor?
Maybe she just likes contractions.
I don’t have today off.
Month end has been stalled. Now I get to sit here and twiddle my thumbs until they figure out what to do with this mistake I had nothing to do with. *sigh*
Good to see Whitney batting 1000.
I let my kitty outside for a few minutes. She was very happy.
The good thing about having a neurotic cat that’s afraid of everything is, you can let her out the back door and she won’t go any further than the back step, and then only if I’m in sight. The moment I leave her sight she goes back indoors.
CP: Blunt — Econoline Crush
Playoff Update from the weekend:
Flames (sorry, Bunny), Lightning (sorry, UsedHair)
Sabres (sorry, Cynful), Jets, Avalanche (sorry, Lo Pan), Stars
Coyotes, Kings, Sharks, Crapitals
“GRIM” DONT MEAN DEAD!!!!!!! Just mostly dead…
Also I do believe the Jets are officially out as well. Which is too bad cause they would have been my “other” team. Lo’s battin’ 1000! ugh.
The Jets should be better next year with Tebow.
(I also forgot to mention that the Islanders were eliminated this past weekend)
Heh… thats a double jetendre
Is Billy Blanks leading an exorcise class for the Jets?
*Blanks stare*
Hi Pan! Ive been entertaining an out-of-town friend today. We hit the botanical gardens and were graced with sightings of fun wildlife. The cacti & succulants are in full bloom now too.
Better than the succubi being in bloom.
Hope you enjoy 😀
Wither Wacks Tender Dopester
CW: Game of Thrones S2E1
and on a side note:
We’ll watch G0T later tonight.
Well it got off to a good start, but it’s a safe bet I’ll forget most of the characters names by next week.
Oh my god I hate today!!!
Told hubby we’re going to Dairy Queen after supper. I need something sweet and decadent.
The 2012 AZ Renfaire closed yesterday, making this the 7th or 8fh year in a row that I’ve missed it.
Oh well, my wallet thanks me. Huzzah.
I forgot to look out for the Renfaire, oh well. Hit me up next year, my kids have never been and I think they would enjoy it.
Most of you know I’m not a big chocolate person but there’s something about a peanut buster parfait that makes me all melty. I figure it must be psychological. I can have ice cream, chocolate sauce, and peanuts at home but I won’t eat them because it’s not the same.
Not much of a PB fan, but DQ is one of the perfect cures for a stupid day .
After Eight mints straight from the freezer.