Pestilent Show Notes.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #202: The Disease. The Cure.
Promo – View From Valhalla (
Dumb Ass Memory with Brad P from MJ
Amy Bowen comments on podfading
Musical Interlude
Finishing off with Brad P
Gaming with the Energizer Bunny
Justa Joe contents of Turn 2
Ear Buddies
Dan From Oregon
Justa Joe
Greasy Nipples
Lo Pan
The Energizer Bunny
Lost Ralph
Amy Bowen
Vanamonde (First of the Week)
NHL Playoff Matchups
Paul Maki Asks Why?
Amy Bowen gets the joke
Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music – Nobody Home
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
What shall I do or write against the fall of night.
Van, I missed your Canucks song declaration onpod…. But it shall be as you’ve chosen.
Goodnight :Bryan Adams:
Wow, this is a brilliant treatment:
That is a great treatment, what is funny is I never heard the Black Sabbath version, only the Pantera one.
Hail, Thursday.
Morning Pan, it doesn’t feel like Thursday already but i’m glad it is
Reaps!!!!!!! Zat you??!?!
Equality at last:
Umm read the link very carefully TEB, the photo give me the willies.
I decided not to look at this link at all, Van.
Morning, Pan!
Lo, mine also does the taxes – yay, wives!
I know right! OMG we’re fucked this year! Wazoooo!
/crosses South America off ‘places to visit’ list
Hey Pan!
Quite the winter wonderland outside.
The best version of Friday
The rather excellent World of Goo comes to the iPhone/ iPod Touch and is 99 cents for a short time:
This ones called Jack Mangan
He makes the best fuckin’ casts
He makes the best fuckin’ casts
If I ever meet him
I’m gonna grab his fuckin’ neck and just shake him
And say thank you, thank you for makin’ such excellent fuckin’ casts
Then I’d twist his nose all the way the fuck around
And then rip off one of his ears and throw it
Like a, like a, like a fuckin’ Frisbee
I wanna chew his fuckin’ lips off
And grab his head and suck out one of his eyes
And chew on it and spit it out in his face
And say thank you, thank you for all of your fuckin’ podcasts
Then I’d pick him up by the hair
Swing him over my head a few times
And throw across the room
And kick all his fuckin’ teeth in
And then stomp on his face 40 or 50 times
‘Cuz he makes the best fuckin’ podcasts
He makes the best fuckin’ podcasts
I’ve ever heard in my life
I fuckin’ love him, I fuckin’ love him
CP: Punching In A Dream — The Naked And Famous
King Missile’s “Mystical Shit” and “Happy Hour” are two cassettes that I have that never made it thru “The Great Lo Pan Cassette to CD Crossover”. That should really be remedied.
BTW I love our House’s. We should make a House army in various suits and take over the world.
I have “Mystical Shit/Fluting on the Hump” (double album) and “Happy Hour” on CD. I also have the self-titled disc, and the two albums I like best “They (Dog Fly Religion” and “The Way to Salvation”
Well, good morning then.
I’m Zumba-ing again tonight.
My legs are all a quiver with anticipation.
Either that or they are still quivering from Tuesday’s class. Either way. I’m so doing this!
I have an ex-girlfriend who teaches Zumba in New Jersey.
Holy crap, I’d completely forgotten about that King Missile song.
Brad P = sharin the love.
And I concur, yo.
My podcasts seem to have dried up, only 2 new ones today, most disturbing.
Apropos of nothing.
For no apparent reason
I got nothin
A swing and a miss.
Thats what…nevermind *sobs*
did you bring enough for everyone Lo?
Oh I have plenty of nothin, good sir.
Money for nothing.
Moovah moovah
Beverly, Beverly, Beverly Hillbillies
Beverly, Bev Early, Beverly Hillbillies
Beverly Hillbillies
Beverly Hillbillies
OK. This is, another test
God-damned :ftb:
Apparently, one can’t repeat the same word three times in a row… must be a setting.
I suppose that saves us from some horror movie clichès
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Say, say, say.
you realize, I attempted to type that 5 times, and nothing happened, right?
beverly beverly beverly
Damn :ftb:
OK. The Candyman can get you again. You may return to your usual routines.
ZOMG…. this is what ditto and I mentioned in the previous episode.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
Oh, the humanity!
Damn you Mangan!
*shakes fist*
That is the 80s-est damn thing I’ve ever seen. And I lived through the 80’s. (and that blond guy sings like a chick)
CW: Kung Fu Hustle
Retired monks eat, drink, break-dance-fight, and have their asses handed to them.
Fun movie, and that’s just one scene.
I just listened to eps 200 and 201. I was finally caught up, and then…
dun Dun DUNnnnn
Jack dropped an ep right when he was expected to.
Darned Consistency.
I’ll shut up now.
No one need shut up in Deadpanland
I saw this on a High School Facebook page:
Does that seem like a perfectly reasonable attitude?
I mean, anyone can do it…
I sometimes cryyyyy
Goddamn you, Jack.
CD: Sonic Limeade
Barfy sickness struck the ladies of the house, so Fox and I are at Sonic for supper, before a supply run for Gatorade and jello.
I believe that AEIOU video is the perfect counterattack to a Rick-Rolling. Really, that’s more of an escalation.
I hate you.
Just found a GREAT Brown Ale. Upslope’s Brown. A newer brewery in Boulder. Of course not on Pintley. Wonderful smooth and malty.
… aaaand it’s off to the races for me.
I’ll try to check in if I find any Interwebs laying about.
It’s a love affair, mainly JustaJ0e and my hotrod.
Yeah fuck it
Looking forward to catching up on comments, y’all. Man, I miss you guys.
Worst work day of my career today . . .
Quick Lo Pan! Essbee needs an emergency beer delivery.
I guess this is more important than the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan?
Its gotta be, right?
Jack, LOVED the episode today. LOLed at the song.
Typing on the iPad is a little odd. Better than the smart phone though.
I.m sitting in the waiting room of Scottsdale Gymnastics while the kiddos get their lessons. My son is doing parkour, my daughter is doing tumbling.
What is this “parkour”?
Oh, Its like Parkour Lewis Cant Lose
Who can forget that crazy Corky Nemec?
You just made me wet myself
Holy shit…
This is what my 12 year old wants to get into… 5 years of gymnastics and a couple of years of karate… the kid’s got serious dedication for some stuff. Now about that clean room…
GO Rockies.
/end secret love of baseball post
So how bout this hockey????
I hear you have to keep your stick on the ice, which sounds uncomfortable to me…
I actually dated that girl. No matter how frigid, I indeed had to keep said stick in the ice. I mean on.
Slap stick?
That’s a different sort of ‘girl’, watch out for the blue ribbon.
CW(wishing): I wasn’t doing laundry so I could be home having a beer.
FYI – chances are good that you are getting a free preview of HBO this weekend. Of course, A Game of Thrones premieres this weekend. Not a coincidence, I think.
So, I shall torture myself by watching the premiere this weekend, then waiting for the DVD/Blu-Ray release after the season runs. As awesome as it promises to be, I can’t justify $18/month for one show.
Sadly, looking through the guide, I couldn’t find much on the HBO channels that I wanted to record. You would think they’d roll out the big guns to try to hook me into subscribing.
What about buying it through amazon or itunes, or is HBO stingy about that?
Its called bittorrent 😉
You can see if your cable/satellite service is getting the preview this weekend.
Free Iphone/Ipod/Ipad app guides for several national parks.
My goalie brings all the boys to the rink. Damn right, hes better than yours.
Does he make a mean milkshake?
Go Rockies!
Ed, you can always come over on Sundays and watch it here. I’m a TV slut.
Also, Ed my friend, Sharks over Kings 1-0 in the 1st. Might wanna brush up on the Grateful Dead, you.
And speaking of hockey and songs, Lo, just what the fuck is this song you’ve chosen? I nearly spit a whey protein shake all over my computer monitor this morning when Jack read it off.
The translation is “Do you want to see the bed in flames”…its about nasty rough sex…and its awesome.
Sex is a battle
Love is war
I like the concert version.
I need to wear the bass player’s outfit to work someday.
You just want a flamin dildo up yer bottom
True story, started playing that riff this morning and Jehovah’s Witnesses came to my door. I wonder if they would have left me alone if I had the amp blaring.
Ha! And then a German HAR~!
Du hast
Ich habe einen grossen Milkshake
A gross milkshake? ick
Gross = big.
Now… had I said “Ich habe krassen Milkshake…
Oh I luv yer avatar
I’m so just gonna copy your avatar theme…
you know you wanna…
You just don’t see the flame throwers at a Radiohead concert.
Also you just dont hear good music at a Radiohead concert.
Radiohead is the musical equivalent of the Lord of the Rings
*prepares for backlash*
So we have the Rick Roll, then the IOU, I would then suggest this as the perfect follow up.
Bonus: Introduction by 80’s douche bag. LOL
Yeah, I think that one might need a brain cancer warning.
lemme help
CGI donkeys wouldn’t help that video.
Well it helped Clerks 2
Dammit Rhett, just drive here real quick and we can go downtown and have a beer and chat.
I’d luv too. About a ten hour drive right?
Its 16 🙁
Meet me halfway in Salt Lake?
We could go to one of those Mormon strip clubs.
With the golden plate pasties?
Plasties…if you will
Cool, Jonathan Frakes just made a guest appearance on an episode of “Criminal Minds.” Great to see him acting. 🙂
Made it so
So we doing the deadpan bar crawl?
Or not.
Goodnight :thee ol boozerooney:
ol boozerooney should be the name of our brewpub, or irish folk band, ala dropkick murphies
On 2nd thought it should be the name of our pintley competitor site.
You guys rocked the joint this evening!
Goodnight :mush:
Parkour = WOW!
CW: The Wire S2, E5(?)
Ugh, what a horrible way to wake up. My brain realized it was Friday and started playing that damn song. Two somewhat saving graces, it was trying for a homebrew parody, and only got six words in before the rest of my brain realized what was going on and stopped it.
But I still need coffee before I can deal with autotuning.
Consider yourself fortunate that all you need to deal with autotuning is coffee!
Well I did queu up some good music to get the horrible taste out of my mind.
Holy crap people.
I’m hurting all over! Feeling the burn.
I took some friends to Zumba with me last night and about 1/2 way through one of them says to me, “I can’t believe you’re actually doing this TWICE!” LOL.. yeah, it hurts that good.
Don’t forget your water!
The joy of coming to work on a Friday and finding that a ginormous wrench has been thrown into the plan.
Heard from JR Murdock that I made the show… can I get a w00t w00t.
Alternative idea for the Kids Show… Why not have “Numbskull Memories”… a kidsafe version of “Dumbass” perhaps?
Friday early afternoon is here… only 5 more meetings ’til the end of my day 🙂
CP: Hello — Oasis
Nobody ever mentions the weather can make or break your day
Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play
We live in the shadows and we had the chance and threw it away
And it’s never gonna be the same
Cuz the years are falling by like the rain
It’s never gonna be the same
‘Til the life I knew comes to my house and says
All right Deadpan.
Grab your popcorn and your harpoon. It’s movie time!
Today’s movie is The Beast of Bottomless Lake
The writeup: Dr. Paul Moran leads a team of scientists on a search for a mysterious creature known as the Ogopogo monster.
Which means this is a Canadian movie. WooHoo
Dictionary definition of Ogopogo
This movie is done in a faux documentary style.
TEB: That’s a pretty new movie for you.
And higher rated than most B-movie fare:
Sorry ditto. I’ll do better next time
No, I think it’s cool. 🙂
It will be fun to hear your usual commentary.
Wow, that’s an old style monitor.
not getting money for his “research”
Interviewing people for the expedition
They are bring someone in fluid dynamics. Hug?
“Don’t enjoy your bread too much”
The main “doctor” is a bit of a putz
Ok, maybe the Brit named Nevill is more of a putz.
He supplies the underwater camera. The same one used to search for the Loch Ness Monster
Oh, oh. The budget doesn’t add up.
Dropping the scientist.
ow. That’s gotta hurt
beavers with logs.
Now that’s an old, broke down van
“tie it down tight”
Asking who are the juanabees
Off to the fruit filled plains of the sunny Okanagan.
Oop. might have broken the camera
As I side note, I’ve driven by Lake Okanagan a few times and I’m disappointed to say I’ve never seen Ogopogo
Me neither. 🙁
I can also say no lake monster. Plenty of fruit, no Ogopogo
Apparently there’s a cryptozoology club of BC
Basing the entire expedition on a beaver
That kinda explains most of the bad dates Ive ever been on
Were they beavers with or without logs Lo?
Oh they were rather anti-log
Well Pan. I ran into an issue.
It looks like my DVR only recorded 20 minutes of the movie. It stopped in the middle of a riveting scene where the scientists were being told their reservation at the resort didn’t exist.
Sorry Pan.
I’m not sure when it will be on again for recording. Don’t have time to start a new movie as I’m going out at 11. Will have to try again next week.
*grumble, grumble* stupid DVR.
As a consolation prize for not being able to watch my movie, I’m going to clean the bathroom.
So the mysteries of the Oingo Boingo will remain unsolved. But at least we’ll have sparkling clean toilets.
You mean the mystery of Danny Elfman’s eternal youth?
Although here not so much. HOLY VAMPIRE!
Clearly hes goin to a party where noone’s still alive
No one will ever understand Danny Elfman. 🙂
Is best that way?
Without doubt.
Fuck the government
Usually…but why now?
Just did my taxes, I was expecting bad news and I got worse.
Ususally its the state that rapes me at tax time.
Boo. Sorry, man.
I hate it when that happens. Fortunately, I’ve been able to actually pay an accountant, and he’s helped me get a lot of the tax thing under control. Balance between giving them an interest free loan of my money, or owing a big chunk every year… stoopid taxes. Driving in NJ, I’m not even sure that we get any of that money back in services. I need to find out if flat tires because of potholes and other crap infrastructure will be a tax write-off next year 🙂
“rendered” 😉
“Barrel aged with natural charcoal” Natural charcoal? What do they set the barrels outside and wait for a forest fire or lightening strike to naturally char the inside of the barrel?
wut? Who?
If my head explodes, then please reassemble and prop me up in a chair somewhere. KTHX.
Brad P!
Jack Mangan!!!
You got your shit togeeeeether.
“Pieces of Mangan”?
squuuuaaaaAAAAAWWWWWwwwwwkkkk… Pieces of Mangan…
Up is Down!
The Black Spot!
^^Treasure Island reference.
Um, did you not trust us to get the reference?
The “Big W” or upside down W in this case.
The Big Red 1
Rhett, your new avatar isn’t a Herbie Hancock reference?
No, it’s an Alvie Handjob reference.
Okay, not literally. LOL
It’s the bass player in the Rammstein video.
Well what ISNT???
CP: Dream On – Aerolips… err… I mean Aerosmith…
CP: Living on a Prayer – Bon Jovi*
*Wil Wheaton hates this song.
Also, I’m CE: a Cheese Stick and drinking water 😉
CP: Dance the Night Away – Van Halen
CP: The Stroke – Billy Squier
ZOMG they used to play this at my school dances … eeks.
CP: Tush – ZZ Top
Wil Wheaton has never been more correct.
I still need to watch the Rammstein video – – the is the Herbie Hancock video I was thinking of: A *good* 80s memory.
^likes the like
^likes the “^likes the like”
And yeah you need to watch the Rammstein video.
“Das Colonel’s chicken is finger lickin'”
I concur with the Wheaton. Funny thing, when I had him autograph my Expert manual for first edition DnD, he asked me if I ever used the modeling of large troops that that particular manual brought up. I totally forgot about it, and I never did. Of course I’ve only played maybe eight sessions of DnD in my lifetime.
Sigh. Today continues to be completely unfun. And, apparently, I’m considered to be a grumpy person. 🙁
Grumpy? That’s not the ditto I know.
It’s not how I want people to perceive me, but I have been grumpy at work. I guess more so than I realize.
Yeah, but don’t those people know what dumbasses you work with? Oh, right…
I think youre the bees kness, sugartits
also “knees”.
I like the Hancock video as well. Much lighter than the Tool video.
“Hancock”??? “Tool”???? Oh I suppose these are more Alvie handjob references….
There’s got to be an Alvie Johnson that did a music video.
I want someone to call me sugartits.
is that wrong?
Yet another thing to add to the list of things I should never do on the interwebz.
You should never call me sugartits?
I think it’s ok as long as it’s on Deadpan or at a :pan: meetup. Otherwise, I might not know you are and then I’d just kick you in your junk.
That might take the fun out of it for you.
I could be wrong.
Nice… Good to know where the boundaries are 🙂 CJ always rocks.
I probaly could do as long ad I knew there was at least 3000 miles distance between us.
I’d bet Brad P. is able to belch the word “sugartits”. . . which would make it much more classy.
gotta have my bowl gotta have cereal…
kickin in the front seat
kickin in the back seat
gotta make my mind up
which seat can I take
Faaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhh. It’s time again. Wish me luck.
Good luck!
Too late, but I have to do it anyway:
16 pieces of Jack Mangan at a time?
Ugh. Sorry to see you go, Jack. Sending luck with you!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh
I’ll get him hot, show him what I’ve got
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh-oh-e-oh-oh-oh,
I’ll get him hot, show him what I’ve got
Can’t touch my,
Can’t touch my
No he can’t touch my sugar tits
(she’s got to love nobody)
Can’t touch my,
Can’t touch my
No he can’t touch my sugar tits
(she’s got to love nobody)
“That kinda explains most of the bad dates Ive ever been on”
Also, King Missile from ^^. Do not make me laugh like that.
CD: Merlot. It’s good. 🙂
CW: 30 Rock
“I can get in my bra and you can throw nails at me.”
What’s that, a woman without underwear wants to get Nailed?
Maybe . . .
I demand whores!!!!
Crap I should go finish S2 of Breaking Bad. Then start S1 of The Wire….. knowwhatimeaness?
I am the Frizzle Fry
Eating a frizzle fry will contribute 10% to your recommended daily fat intake .
Hi Deadpan.
Interesting day.
Saw some Nascar practice. Hung around the garage area and had a crew chief show me around a hauler.
Then rain.
Then storms.
Hung at the hotel just down the road from Talladega and met some businessmen from California. One owned a winery and brought out a case of wine that we drank throughout the evening as we watched for tornadoes to go past.
Good times.
Goodnight Vroom.
Ed, I think I need to hear you sing it 🙂
Sounds like there was some pleasant wine consumption around the Pan tonight! Not here, alas.
I’m home. Thanks for the positive vibes. Brain = :mush:
CL: Tegan & Sara cover of Bad Religion’s “Suffer”
Before Deadpan, I almost never went to YouTube. Now, I spent almost two hours catching up on the links that were posted here over the last week.
That Herbie Hancock one is subtly disturbing.
Don’t mess with the Rand fanatics.
Do they have those across the pond? I thought that was just a domestic phenomenon.
Morning, DP!
Here you go, Ed:
I can see I’m going to need to search for lyrics to make sense of that warbling.
Aw . . .
Morning Pan
If I said it was snowing, would anybody be surprised?
April showers and all that . . .
That would be fine if it was raining
Our rainy month is usually late may/early June
So Jack, Detroit is leading 4-0 Oner Phoenix fine minutes into the second. How do we feel about that?
We feel sick.
Fuck of a comeback tho
It can stop snowing any time now
We feel pretty good about that actually. Yes I live in Phoenix but I was born in Detriot. 🙂
Bunny, we don’t feel very surprised. And we don’t much like Gene Simmons.
I appreciate some Dead… I think you’ll hear the vocals a bit more clearly if you click the “Studio Version” link:
I’d never heard this song before, but I kinda like it.
Sarlac pits, Gene Simmons and Jack Mangan. It’s all about the tongues.
The Coyotes had me worried there for a second.
It’s a good song, Jack – thanks for the studio version.
I thought of a second option for San Jose, given the teams support of gay rights. I’d also be okay with Electric Six — Gay Bar. But the Dead song is a great old California song too . . .
CW: the last episode of The Pillars of the Earth. They didn’t do the book justice at all.
Go is dead you see
All you need is me.
OHAI Deadpan
Omnipotence just becomes impotence when ya cant fuckin type
Freudian slip?
CW: The Killing E2
Well, this is dissapointing. I just finish the third “Song of Ice and Fire” audiobook and was all set to download the fourth. However, it looks like they changed narrators and nobody is happy with the new guy. Roy Dotrice made the first three books not simple audio readings, but true audio drama with distinct voices for each character with the subtly of similarities within families (Tyrian and Jamie Lannister sound similar enough to clearly be related, but they are still distinctly different from each other).
I have to say that Mr. Dotrice is probably one of the best narrators I’ve ever heard in brining a story to life like this.
Audible listeners are suggesting skipping the audio version of this book and just reading the text, or skipping altogether.
I wonder who will be reading the fifth book.
Ed, it took me a long, long time to get used to that narrator for the first book.
Ed, the narrator of the 4th book is Jon Lee – he does a lot of epic fantasy, and I like what he did with book 4. It did take a bit of time to get used to, though.
Is he a Supertaster?
You reminded me that I have quite a stack of credits piling up on audible, Ed. I just got Bossypants – Tina Fey; and the new Manning Marable (R.I.P.) Malcolm X biography.
CW: L&O Los Angeles
1) Is naming the pot farmer Mota a joke?
2) Could they not find a kid in Los Angeles who could speak Spanish without an American accent?
3) Poor Skeet Ulrich cannot catch a break.
If I had a nickel for all thew times in my life I’ve said, “Poor Skeet Ulrich”. . .
Do NOT ask the bar tender to “Pour Skeet Ulrich”.
A “Skeet Ulrich” is the contents of the drip tray, isn’t it?
Bwahaha, Jack and JOe . . .
We’re about to P: Rock Band. I think I’ll take bass.
Oh… oh dear god…
A slightly longer version of Cookie getting tickled. So damn cute.
It’s BIG:
OK. My addiction to Fable 2 is reaching frightening levels. Fortunately, I rarely play any video game more than 2 weeks so I’m hoping it will go away on it’s own.
And you should absolutely NEVER accept if the bartender pours you a Lars Ulrich.
Perhaps a higher alcohol drink of a Keith Moon and a slice of lime?
I’m very excited about Game of Thrones tonight!
Alright, I’m going to get the 4th book from Audible. EssBee opinion counts for me more that the random Audible reviewers.
It’s been some interesting reading for me today. GRR Martin selected Roy Dotrice as the narrator for the books. He didn’t get to do book four because of a scheduling conflict. He was also supposed to be Grand Meister Pycelle in the HBO version, but had to bow out due to health issues. However, I think Julian Glover should do a good job of it as well.
I could actually watch it on Sky tomorrow, but will probably grab it by other means.
I think I’m boned for GoT tonight, what with no cable and no HBO.
No HBO so I’ll have to wait for the DVDs.
The new trailer for Cowboys & Aliens looks cool.
I think it looks great as well. Kind of made me think of Firefly though.
Shaun of the Dead done in 60 seconds Scott Pilgrim style:
We are back in the Chi and cancer free bitches!!!
We’ve decided to retire the Smarty Hotties. We are still as smart and hot as ever (maybe even more so now)
As we are starting our new life, we thought a new name would be appropriate.
Many other greats have done this throughout history:
Puff Daddy to P Diddy
Jennifer Lopez to J. Lo
Beyonce to Sasha Fierce
The Smarty Hotties© to hugh-n-dre.
kinda like kid-n-play 🙂
Hughs the kid, I’m the play
(Hugh made me type that, it’s his joke)
Great news hugh-n-dre!
So…. here in Hell, AZ – – about to go make an exchange with the devil. Sigh.
Catch you on the flip.
Mangan, you got your shit togetha.
Liked the premier – so far, so good!
“Jack Mangan, You Got Your Shit Together” will be the kick to get you back.
It would be a good choice. It has a distinctive enough sound that it would be impossible to mistake for anything else, even slowed down 12x. 🙂
Let’s give this midnight thing a shot.
Goodnight :shum:
Hoax tv from the 70’s:
Game of Thrones
Visually very impressive. We watched the half hour intro show before hand and appreciate all the work that went into the look and feel of the different areas.
Hopefully, the acting will improve as everyone gets more comfortable with their roles. While everything was competent, I felt more like I was watching a Shakespeare performance rather than seeing a window into a world of “real” people. Still, I think they’ve got a solid foundation and just need some time for the chemistry to build. Being a paid for a produced series, they’ve got time to build up without fear of being canceled after two weeks like a network show would.
Delicious chocolate 👿 is deliciouis
Retarded misspelled, no-evil post is retarded
Those would be fun to hide in this years Easter baskets.
Good morning Deadpan, and welcome back Hugh and dre. I’m glad that you didn’t get blown off course on your trip back to the windy city.
Hey Pan
Made it downtown and back in the brrrrr. At least the sun’s out. I guess that’s something
Tax day must be a slow day on Deadpan.
Here in Canada, tax day isn’t until the end of the month :tongue:
Of course, here in Bunny land the point is moot. I filed my taxes and spent my refund weeks ago
Luckily, my wife is an accountant. Taxes were done and filed a month ago. Also $7000 was payed against the credit card.
It’s a Monday. 🙁
I’m PAYE, tax is deducted from my wages, so no tax day..
I think I’d like to Mondayfade.
Doing a little research on advise for purchasing a telescope the general consensus is that you don’t spend less than $250 and you don’t buy a department store scope. Armed with this knowledge I marched down to a department store and bought a scope for $35. Specifically this one:
I have already decided I’m going to get a much better telescope in the near future, but I wanted to see if I could see the rings of Saturn from my back yard. With the $35 scope I was able to see the rings of Saturn and Saturn itself looked like a tiny sphere. This was comparable to my dad’s old scope so it totally meant my expectations. 🙂
-meant +met
I wonder if I can find a new brain on Craig’s List?
Apparently there is some guy in NY that has been doing that rather regularly. You might want to wait though and see how that all pans out for him.
On an unrelated note: hubby is reading a book that takes place 40,000 years in the future. In this book they drink a liquor called Glayva. I have this liquor on my counter. While I enjoy it, I wonder if it’s taste, and brand, is really enduring enough to last 40,000 years…
Well if I was an apOlogist for the authors fiction I would suggest:
A present from a time travelling friend.
A trend to call new drinks with old names.
It’s not really that name in the future, but your retro mind can’t handle the truth so a name from your time is inserted in the text.
But I’m not so I won’t.
CP: Manic Girl — Radio Iodine
That’s a pet peeve of mine, Bunny, especially when the author throws in plugs for their stupid music.
I’d be fine with them listening to Deadpan 40,000 years out, though.
Rhett, you can apparently find a pretty nice place on Craigslist too:
Oh, a square door in front!
Lo: You all caught up on Gosick?
Almost. Was going well til I hit a snag in der life. Over halfway done. Well done on the recommendation!!
Cool! I have more recommendations. Not sure if I should call them into Jack, or Slice, or both. 🙂
Well at least to Jack!
But any author wanting set something That far in the future should really be forced to read ACC’s The City and the Stars.
CP: Disorder And Dissarray — Rancid
I. Am. Not. Grumpy.
I’ve killed it!
50cc of whatever he;s drinking, stat!
Oh you wicked semi colon
But surely people will still be drinking Zima in a couple of hundred years on the last of the Babylon stations, right?
Pintley’s been awful quiet
B5 also succeeded at putting 80s hair into the far future.
What a totally shit day. ditto, I. AM.
CW: Game of Thrones
Hmmmm, Camelot may have poisoned my brain in regards to medieval fantasy..
…and still not impressed with HD…sigh
Heavy D ?
Hurricane Doors?
Hydrogen Dioxide?
High Definition, call me an old fool, but I can’t help feeling it’s still overrated.
Agreed. For the most part.
It does shine for live sports(which originate as video to begin with).
Other than that though, it leaves me “meh”.
Camelot is ass
bad ass not good ass. Merlin in all its silliness is far superior to Camelot.
I hope Game of Thrones is better
I was very impressed by the US version of Being Human. Is anyone else watching that?
I actually get disappointed when the US version gets too close to the UK version. I want to see how far it will stray. The season finale of the UK version was a total shocker.
Really looking forward to True Blood Season 4!!
That is your hugh-n-dre TV update
Being in Chicago is awesome. It was even awesome to see the Blackhawks get their asses handed to them while in a Chicago bar in Chicago.
Whats even more awesome is sitting on my couch in Chicago while Hugh and his brothers get ready for the Bulls game 🙂
Hope you are all doing well
Even MORE awesome is getting to read about you guys successful return to teh awesome! 🙂
Yup, I’ve enjoyed the US version of Being Human, even though it did start off aping the UK version too closely.
Did anyone catch Fringe’s Friday episode ala “A Scanner Darkly”? Pretty neat.
Yes, so neat! Loved it.
I’m surprised that they had the budget for something like that.
The cartoon effect looked like a watercolour filter in photoshop.
I normally LOVE Fringe, but I haven’t been enjoying the latest couple of story arcs. The whole accelerated pregnancy thing stank of plotonium to give Peter a reason to care for the alternate Olivia. And, even in a show with giant cold germs and anti gravity caused by ultra heavy elements, the whole soul magnets thing just came off as stupid. And the latest episode where they went to cartoons because they couldn’t get Nimoy to show up on camera came off as cheesy. That episode went from Inception rip-off to Scanner Darkly Rippoff, and not very well. If the show doesn’t turn around for me soon, I will have to give up on it. I don’t know what exactly changed that I’m finding so many faults, but it just doesn’t seem the same show any more.
OMG! I was just looking at Michael Cerveris (the Observer on Fringe) and found out he was also Mr. Tiny on Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant. They did a really good job in Cirque du Freak. I had no idea it was him.
I didn’t try the US Being Human.
The two shows I really, really dig right now the very mostest are: Nurse Jackie and The Killing
Ess – I’ve not watched either of those.
j0e- thanks 🙂
wait how do you add a comment to a comment like that?
comment to my comment?
technology is amazing
I iz N UR comment – commenting
Good night mushy comments.
Seeing the return of Hugh and Dre to the comments board makes me very, very happy.
Good night, Deadpan friends. <3
Hugh-n-dre is an awesome name, too. Not only does it evoke Kid n Play, but also Ed n Dre, the duo from Yo MTV Raps – – possibly the greatest show ever on television.
One more comment before I DVD out.
OK, my other comment:
Stupid Coyotes. Now where’s my white and black facepaint?
m/ Although they could still pull it off if they win the next four in a row.
*passes out*
Yeah, but do we really want them to? 😉
BeyOnd Ynth goes free for a few days:
The iPad version is also free if you are reading this Ed.
Downloaded now. Looks like a nice find.
My i-pad isn’t scheduled to arrive until next week 🙁
You can still grab it in iTunes TEB and then install it when your iPad 2 arrives.
ZP knees Yakuza 4 in the unmentionables:
Well went a bit mad and preordered Portal 2 from Amazon.
Looking forward to playing it, but it looks like some of the puzzles are even crazier than the original.
What do you mean there’s a new i-tunes update! Seriously?
Hey Andrea!
Glad to see things are getting back to normal for you.
My kitty goes to the vet today. She hates it. I have to take her early because they have to sedate her just to check her over. I worry. She’s old enough there’s always that chance she won’t come out of sedation.
Kitty’s also mad at me because I refuse to feed her. Because she’s being sedated she had to fast since last night. She’s not a happy camper
Fingers crossed for kitty.
At the flicks waiting for ‘Your Highness’ to start, trainwreck expected.
Oh, oh a trainwreck I feel youll get
Not so much a trainwreck but a massive pile up at a road crossing..ugh!
They’ve locked the internet down at work. Humbug. I don’t think it’s fair that they keep trying to make me actually work when I’m there.
That’s an old school idea. After all, they can’t lock down your smart phone.
I think I’ll have to get a smartphone again. Can’t stop the signal. ::cough::
Off to the vet. Later Panites.
Death to all but metal.
Kitty’s at the doctor’s. Won’t hear from them until after lunch. They have to make sure she comes out of sedation ok before the call me.
Best wishes to kitty.
CP: Creep — Scala & Kolacny Brothers
(Radiohead cover)
So, looks like the Lightning are already out, havinf lost to the Penguins. Now I must go back and find what it is I have to sing 🙁
Theres a long way to go, sir. Its only 2-1 Pitt
WTF? I did a google search to see if anyone had played yet. What I found seems to indicate that several games had been played and won. Looking into things further, it doesn’t look like anything is done yet. I don’t get all this sports crap. Unless you guys are seeing things time delayed and I just spoiled the game for you. Sorry.
2010-2011 Playoffs: First Round Matchups – – StandingsConference, Division and League standings for all 30 NHL teams. Playoff races, streaks, last 10 games, tiebreakers.
Scores & Schedule – Standings – News – Teams – Video – Shop
04/16 Kings 4 – 0 Sharks – Recap-Highlights
04/17 Capitals 2 – 3 Rangers – Recap-Highlights
04/17 Ducks 3 – 4 Predators – Recap-Highlights
04/17 Canucks 3 – 2 Blackhawks – Recap-Highlights
04/18 Flyers 4 – 2 Sabres – Recap-Highlights
04/18 Bruins 4 – 2 Canadiens – Recap-Highlights
04/18 Penguins 3 – 2 Lightning – Recap-Highlights
04/18 Red Wings 4 – 2 Coyotes – Recap-Highlights
04/19 Canucks vs. Blackhawks – 08:00pm (ET)-Tickets
04/19 Sharks vs. Kings – 10:30pm (ET)-Tickets
04/20 Capitals vs. Rangers – 07:00pm (ET)
04/20 Penguins vs. Lightning – 07:00pm (ET)
04/20 Flyers vs. Sabres – 07:30pm (ET)
04/20 Ducks vs. Predators – 08:30pm (ET)
04/20 Red Wings vs. Coyotes – 10:30pm (ET)
Show more gamesShow fewer games
Oh, I get it. It’s a World Cup type set of Playoffs where a team has to loose several times before getting kicked out. See… I am trainable sometimes.
Indeed! Lose 4 out of 7 and yer done. Conversely, win 4 out of 7 and yer movin on.
Yeah, it’s the best out of seven
The games so far are
Washington leads NYR 2 – 1
Phi leads Buf 2 – 1
Montreal leads Boston 2 – 1
Pittsburgh leads Tampa Bay 2 -1
Vancouver leads Chicago 3 – 0
San Jose is tied with LA 1 – 1
Detroit leads Pheonix 3 – 0
Nashville leads Anaheim 2 – 1
I’m having a blond day today, and I don’t mean in a good way.
And I’m only going to apologize to the Deadpanites who are naturally blond. Everybody else… you made your choice. (can you tell I’m really in need of a nap?)
Now… to do some sewing. Hubby has some pants pockets with giant holes in them. Honestly, I don’t know what he keeps in there but it’s hard on his pockets.
Yep…. only inappropriate responses come to mind. None of them funny enough to post.
You mean like this?
Inappropriate response:”Yeah it’s getting harder and harder to tell who’s a real blonde and who isn’t”
^This wasn’t the inappropriate response you were looking for.
There are two games tonight.
San Jose/LA
Hey, UsedHair – What you found were the results of single games. The playoff rounds consist of teams playing best-of-7 game series. There’s a pretty good chart here:
No team has been eliminated yet, but a few are close.
Your Lightning are down 2 game to 1 behind the Penguins.
No worries, if you’re not a sports fan. 🙂 We’ll tell you how things progress.
Now wrapped up in my snuggie waiting for the news to start
Fair warning, there’s going to be a movie play by play tomorrow
You know it’s a slow news day when one of the feature stories is about River Dance opening up here in Calgary and their “top secrete” stage set up
Slow news day around here too!
So, here’s my iPod’s Top 25 Most Played list:
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat 1:01 Various Artists
One With the Stillness 3:24 Jack Mangan
Vanity Fair 2:57 Mr. Bungle
Is There Love In Space? 4:51 Joe Satriani
Dog Diary 4:15 Jack Mangan
fear regret and hope 3:32 Jack Mangan
Myself Within Love 2:14 jack mangan
temple of earth and sea 6:01 jack mangan
Movie – Popeye – 08 – He Needs Me 2:38 Popeye Soundtrack
Earth Time Pigs Fate 3:23 Jack Mangan
Red Right Hand 4:49 Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Slaughter of the Soul 3:02 At the Gates
Lost In Space 3:28 Aimee Mann
Re Your Brains 4:31 Jonathan Coulton
Rumble 2:24 Link Wray & His Ray Men
Defender 6:05 Manowar
Black Circle Remix 4:19 Jack Mangan
Skullcrusher Mountain 4:16 Jonathan Coulton
Head Out To The Highway 3:45 Judas Priest
Candles II 1:03 Jack Mangan
Wine 1:50 Jack Mangan
Asteroid Speed Highway 6:00 Matt Mango
Glass, Philip-Music Box 1:05 Philip Glass
Space Oddity 5:18 David Bowie
right where it belongs 5:04 nine inch nails
Wow, that’s a lot of me in there.
Ah, the riveting lyrics of the popeye movie. “He needs me, he needs me, he needs me, he needs me, he needs me, he needs me.”
Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie. But it does have its faults.
The news has cut to Riverdance again. They’re interviewing some of the dancers
I’m not in a position to say my top 25. Curled up on the couch. Too comfy to move. Will look later
The Calgary remote control helicopter club is looking for a new home.
Just thought you’d like to know
Thomas the Tank Engine is coming to Heritage Park
I’m so excited I’m quivering
Oh, so that’s where I put my arrows
Just wait until Stampede, Bunny! then the news will have nothing to do with Irish dancers or hellish blue steam engines.
I can’t say bucking bronc and the bravest steers are not much better
– not
Silly me and my double negatives
Good morning. I’m checking in and checking out for now. I have entirely too much going on, but will read when I get a chance.
Hey! Did you know the catholic church doesn’t ordain women? Shocked I am! Shocked!
Ok I really need some sleep
By the way Jack. I have a bone to pick with you. No not that one. The one that makes you think my show notes are pestilence *hits Jack over the head with a bone*
Afternoon Cj. I’m watching old fashioned shaving bunnies
Did you know the Canadian dollar is pushing a buck – five US?
I think it’s time to do some on line shopping
Somewhat related thought:
California wants every last tax dollar it can get out of its residents. I learned this year that we’re supposed to pay Use Tax on merchandise that was purchased from vendors in other states who don’t have a business presence in CA. The idea is, “Haha, you can’t get out of paying sales tax on stuff that way!” (Thankfully, I didn’t have to pay any – I only had one purchase that fit those qualifications, and the amount was so little it wasn’t even taxed.)
The more you know.
Knowledge is power
Not in this century its not.
Actually I’m pretty sure every state wants you to do that. I know Oklahoma and Pennsylvania “require” it. I think itunes is the only online vendor I regularly use that doesn’t charge sales tax though…
Actually, I think it’s time to use the lavatory.
It’s got roses in it. Or is that TMI?
My back is itchy. Why isn’t my hubby home to scratch my back?
Well, since I’m obviously not getting any sleep, I think it’s time to get out the old reader and immerse myself in another world
CR: Of Blood and Honey – Stina Leicht
Oh yeah. It’s getting close to nomination season for SF & F. Time to see what’s hot to add to my reading list. I read Native Star by MK Hobson and enjoyed that
Has anybody else been watching the new Christian Slater TV show Breaking In? We’ve only seen two episodes so far but find it quite cute. I, personally, find the safecracker’s boyfriend’s little touches of affection really sweet
Sad to say yes, but that from Reaperacting is more wooden than a plank of 2 by 4z
Elisabeth Sladen is dead.
That is very sad. 🙁
damnit 🙁
Muh. It really is depression.
49:22 on CCH.
Sigh. Stupid Dropbox.
EH… figures
Well, at the risk of sounding like a lethargic 21st century pud, I’d never post anything with sensitive info on DropBox anyway – – so I will probably continue to use in the same way.
Oh yeah:
Bunny, your Show Notes are vibrant and full of life – – not pestilent at all.
And I wasn’t going to go there with your “bone to pick” comment. Honest.
I know. I wasn’t really serious :cheerful:
Don’t keep your “bone” pictures on DropBox.
Or you’ll get shafted. 😉
Don’t bone your box in pictures?
This is really not a fail at all:
Kitty’s back from the vet. For the most part the vet is satisfied but kitty’s twitches worry her (me too). She think kitty might be having a series of mini strokes but is not sure. She’s sending Reeny’s file to a kitty neurologist. Fun times
What is drop box? I don’t think it’s big in Canada
Since you can share a link to a file that’s stored, good for sending someone a large file without all the stress of trying to email the bloody thing as an attachment.
Why is the hockey commentator reading the words to Bruce Springsteen’s Glory Days?
In strange the hubby and I both Canadian national anthem with the guy on the TV even though we are sitting on our livingroom couch?
We don’t stand or anything like that, just sing
In = is it
The commentator said the series ends tonight. That seems a rather fatalistic attitude towards Chicago
Nice goal. Chicago draws first blood
Vancouver scores. Game now tied at one
Aw, RE: Sarah Jane . . .
I had to agree. Maybe she’s traveling in the great tarsus in the sky
Top 25 in iTunes (disclaimer, Sly B likes Dr. Horrible and Once More With Feeling A LOT . . . and she is a Mariachi):
El Tilingo Lingo 4:22 Conjunto Jardín
Overture / Going Through The Motions 2:57 The Cast Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
La Bruja 4:22 Conjunto Jardín
Modulation 4:31 Ani DiFranco
La Vieja 4:07 Conjunto Jardín
So They Say – Ensemble 2:13 Ensemble
Under Your Spell / Standing (Reprise) 1:35 The Cast Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Ain’t Life Grand 4:49 Widespread Panic
My Eyes – Neil Patrick Harris & Felicia Day 2:48
La Barca De Oro 2:43 Carlos Periguez
What You Feel (Reprise) 0:46 The Cast Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Uncle John’s Band 4:50 Indigo Girls
Horrible Theme – Instrumental 0:10 Instrumental
Bad Horse Chorus (reprise) – Jed Whedon, Joss Whedon & Zack 0:21 Jed Whedon, Joss Whedon & Zack Whedon
La bamba 3:48 Mariachi Azteca
La Feria De Las Flores 2:54 Mariachi Mexico Jalisco
I’ll Never Tell 4:01 The Cast Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Once More, With Feeling
Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters 3:27 Indigo Girl
El Cascabel II 6:36 Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan
Brand New Day – Neil Patrick Harris 1:50 Neil Patrick Harris
What You Feel 3:01 The Cast Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Ghost (Demo Version) 5:11 Indigo Girls
Manhole 3:45 Ani DiFranco Knuckle Down
La Llorona 2:20 Lila Downs & Mariachi Juvenil De Tecalitlán
La Charreada 3:45 Linda Ronstadt
I love Linda Ronstadt! Specially her 70’s rock/roll!!
Im not even joking.
My top 25 would not be a true picture of me. Or maybe it would. I tend to leave my I tune on random so my tunes would reflect that more than anything
So, there’s no singing in hockey, yet?
No singing yet. The Blackhawks survived with a win tonight.
I suspect we’ll be getting Bryan Adams and Kiss soon, however.
Please never use those two “artists” in the same sentence again. Ever.
Thank you.
Bryan Kiss? Kiss Adams?
Morning, DP! Did L.A. or San Jose win last night?
Morning Pan
Another day where hubby won’ be home until after I’m in bed. *sigh*
San Jose won last night EssBee
I think, once hubby leaves for work, I’m going to send in the trials and tribulations of the basketball team at hubby’s school. Entitled “what happens if you’re too good”
It’s actually quite amusing.
…and what was the fate of kitty?
Actually Van, I think I said earlier. She’s home but her file is going to a kitty neurologist.
Off to the races – have a good day, all y’all.
No you!
Brand new full length record next month from Notorious MSG.
This is outstanding news.
Bettar rate dan nebar! 😉
Thats light!!!
Hai hai!
Bunny: re: singing Canadian national anthem along with the guy on TV: No, I don’t think it’s strange. As you know, I think it’s an enjoyable song to sing.
Also, yes, please. Do tell about the trials and tribulations of the basketball team.
FYI: Starting tomorrow, Syfy will be showing Star Blazers! 🙂
AH ha!!!! So THATS why they took it off Netflix Instant….
I thought they only had the animated movie, not the entire series of Quest for Iscandar.
At one point this year (or late last) they had the whole of the series on instant and 3 movies. Now they just have one movie. They do that from time to time but I wonder if they did it in this case because of SyFy
It’s quite possible. The rights holders like to jack around with thinks like this. Bastards. It’s the same BS that Disney pulls all the time. I don’t think they’ve realized that it doesn’t work so well anymore: artificial scarcity doesn’t promote increased sales.
Tell ’em Steve-Dave!!!!!!!! 😉
CP: Theme From Flood — TMBG
Minimum waaaaaaage! Heeeyah!
(I know its not the song but its in my head…)
I’m listening to the album. Currently it’s “slowly twisting in the wind. Twisting, twisting, in the wind.” 😉
You know, I really wasn’t planning on seeing Thor since I’ve never liked the character. But, Brannaugh is defeating my expectations: Thor looks interesting.
Dang! Thor is George Kirk?!
I know right! Actually I was never a Thor fan either… but this looks really good. Could be a great superhero movie summer
Should be seeing that next week, but 2D, not going to bother with the 3D version.
I avoid 3D too.
Usually like the plague.
I wish that was an option for me, usually the 2 newest theaters to me only show the 3D version.
That does suck much. 3D needs to end. Now.
That is soooooo strange, it might actually work!
Go listen to samples on Amazon. Its…odd.
Plus its only 3 or 4 lesser known bands doing all the tracks
“Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads.”
You want a rock do ya?
“Minimum waaaaaaage! Heeeyah!”
Worst idea ever. Collin Farrell and Jessica Biel star in the total Recall remake.
Did I say idea? I mean reality.
Sometime it seems like they just want these remakes to fail.
I know.
Oh also Ashto Kutcher wants to remake Smokey and the Bandit. Dont care so much bout that… but fucking Total Recall is geek heaven to me.
Sharon Stone kicking ass
It’s rumoured to be sticking more to the original PKD story, so there is hope.
/scowls at Bladerunner for the nTH time.
Thats what Kenneth Branagh said about Frankenstein…
Well I didn’t think that one was that bad.
Speaking of sacred relics of the 80s:
Nothing sacred about the 8bit breadbin it seems.
What about the 16bit garbage bin?
Well I wouldn’t call the Amiga that…
What about the Amigo?
ZP takes a peek at Crysis 2:
To be taken with a large pinch of Sodium Chloride:
But its on Youtube… I must be real…
Its still up in the air if *I* am real
I guess I’m not as much as a game as I thought, I only played 25 of the top 100 pc games
However, I’m not much for first person shooters so that eliminates about half of them.
You know it’s my pet peeve, we have scroll buttons (or touchpads) guys, just have the whole fucking list on one page for fsake.
/takes deep breath
game = gamer
Lunch time, then the news, then movie time!
Are you ready?
I have my doubts that Lo Pan is actually real.
Fire away, Bunny! It’s a Rob Zombie film, how bad could it be?
I cant blame you
Oh yeah, my top 25 played songs. Keep in mind, I tend to play my music on random so this is actually I-tunes favourite songs:
1. Driving With The Top Down – Ironman Soundtrack
2. Levon – Elton John
3. The Town Crotch – Jonathan Coulton
4. Battery – Metallica
5. Dangers in the Mist – Zenoclash Soundtrack
6. The Audience is Listening – Steve Vai
7. Symphony # 8 – Anton Dvorak
8. Given the Dog a Bone – AC/DC
9. Woke Up This Morning (Chosen One) – The Sopranos Soundtrack
10. Limbo Rock – Chubby Checker
11. Words – Bee Gees
12. Hosanna Filio David – Canto Gregoriano.
13. Prologue – The Wolfman Soundtrack
14. The Travelling Monologue – the Wolfman Soundtrack
15. That’s Life – David Lee Roth
16. This Train Don’t Stop There Any More – Elton John
18. Amon Hen – TLOR – Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack
19. The Black Gates Open – TLOR – Return of the King Soundtrack
20. Brandenburgische Konzerte – Andante – J.S. Bach
21. The Return of Titus Quinn – John Anealio
22. When You Go – Jonathan Coulton
23. Victim of Change – Judas Priest
24. Asu E Touchdown – Bubblegum Crisis Soundtrack
25. Reprise – Time Rider, The Adventures of Lyle Swan Soundtrack
Holy cow 25 seems like a lot
I keep forgetting to do this.
I dont have MP3 player. I listen to full CD’s still.
I know. I know.
A bunch of the Eisner nominees can be read here:
Great tribute to Sarah Jane.
Unfortunate name come across today:
H.J. Allcock
He’s all in? 😉
It occurs to me, I have an awful lot of soundtracks in my audio library
OK, Deadpan
Grab your popcorn. It’s movie time
Today’s movie is The Haunted World of El Superbeasto
The DVR Writeup: This animated adaptation of Rob Zombie’s comic book centers on the misadventures of a masked wrestler and his pulchritudinous sister-sidekick as they try to foil the schemes of the demonic Dr. Satan
according to
pulchritudinous – [puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs, -tyood-]
physically beautiful; comely.
Pulchritudinous Zombie was his first choice for the band name, but finally caved and simplified to White zombie.
Who knew Rob Zombie would teach me a new word… or at least the DVR write up of his movie.
Now… ON with the show
This program is rated 14 A and contains scenes with coarse language, nudity, sexuality and violence
I expected no less
A B&W friendly warning
Sheri Moon Zombie is in this. I wonder what the relationship is.
Original Songs by Hard & Phirm
Casting for an “art film”
A lot of “cameos” in this casting call. Barbara Streisand, Katherine Hepburn, etc…
Ewwww, she’s sucking the fungus off his toe
Two dildos make a good crucifix.
Bat exterminator
Cool car
Music Video
He killed Jason
that bastard!
Meanwhile, in Nazi headquarters
Naked “Arian Assholes”
Hitler’s head in a jar
Murray the horny robot sidekick
High school counselor says a beautiful woman is best suited in the career of crack whore
So really, what kind of drugs do you think Rob Zombie was on when he wrote this?
The devil and his female cam
That gorilla has a screw in his head
“Marriage is legalized fucking”
Literally blow up breasts
And blackjack breast
I so love WP and the way it insists there will be an extended version of my commentary
G-string wegies
Wall crasher
Jumbo Jiggily wiggilies
LOL! If I were picking the comments to read this week, I would pick this one. It would be hilarious out of context.
BAck to Susie X fighting the nazi zombies
This song is just… strange
primate kidnappers
Back in the elevator
Bullet friends
Playing twister
drinking to death
The devil squeaks
Following the cigarette trail
Sorry about the door, I just had sex
Bat cam
five eyed monster
I think this car would be very distracting
HIs phone is very old school
I need some mouthwash and a mind eraser immediately.
This movie is nothing but naked women
22 marriages
Finger sucking goodness
The second coming of the third reich
or the first coming of the forth reich
HOw fast can you saw the finger off a corpse?
sorry, I had to take a brief break. Where was I? Oh yeah, corpse engagement ring