Sorry again about the clicking. Apparently I need to make a few changes in the Skype recording setup.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Sorry again about the clicking. Apparently I need to make a few changes in the Skype recording setup.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
FDA moves closer to criminalizing herbs, vitamins, and minerals:
I don’t know if this blog is trust-worthy, but… it certainly sounds stupid enough to be true.
I had forgotten how good it is to have a lie-in.
ZP slams into Fable 3:
What is a “lie-in”?
It’s almost mythical for shift workers NS.
Or couples with young kids….
Seven is the lonliest number that you’ll ever know….
NS: Good, great even, the herbal market needs some oversight. I think the relevant paragraph is:
“The acting director of the Compliance Branch of the FDA told ANH-USA that any other company unable to show an exemption or prove that it has taken IV C through the drug approval protocols would be subject to a similar order to cease production and distribution.”
What that means is that if you make a specific claim like a drug then the FDA is required to make sure you can back that claim up with the proper trials. That’s why most vitamin C products say “boosts immune health” and not “cures the common cold”.
Sorry for the early morning soap box, I seem to have tripped over it on the way to my morning beer.
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast, “apply directly to forehead”
Morning, DP. I am so sleepy . . .
Lo, I coulda borrowed you some Tegan & Sara; now you might have to borrow me some if you have it all. My fave song of theirs is Don’t Confess.
I do love me some Jack White, though. Especially:
^But we can agree that Dead Weather does not equal The Kills. And mwah!
And what a fucking icy mess it is out there today.
Morning Pan, I’m in the same boat as Mr. Bunny when it comes to levels. It is hard to listen at work when I have to keep the volume up so high.
“fucking icy mess” = hot sex with a snowman or snowwoman?
they are just numbers.
Haha! I like it Reaper.
Good show EssBee and Jack.
+1 LostRalph’s nipple.
My biggest gripe would be that there also should be a clamp-down on homeopathic “remedies”, chiros, acupuncture, reiki, etc, etc, etc.
“should be a clamp-down on “
There should be a clamp on my nipple? That’s a bit kinky for this early in the morning, but what the hell it is a snow day.
Continuing a conversation from the previous comments page:
# Nomad Scry Says:
Amy – Star Wars doesn’t go with brain bending? “Luke, I am your father.” =)
True, that part qualifies as brain-bending. I guess I just took it for granted. :
Nomad Scry: “To have a lie-in” (British English) = “to sleep in” (American English).
like this:
bet you can’t guess what I have been watching.
Muahahahahahaha…this is the Deadpan I was waiting for. EssBee FTW! (no not Fuck the World)
“To have a lie-in”
Ooooo. I was going to go with ” ‘Lie-In’ Name for Faux News’ new morning show”.
EssBee I feel semi-retarded for not coming to you first for the T&S
“*rim shot*”
Speaking of T & S . . .
The Advocate that came yesterday in the mail has the 15 gayest cities listed. Denver is #13. One of the metrics is how many Tegan & Sara shows held last year (5 in the mile high city).
Aaaaaand I missed all of them. I’m awesome. Muh.
T & A ?!?!?!?
I guess I should listen to the episode to figure this all out.
^ +1 (i dont know what this means)
Where’s a Scry when you need him?
demoncat said:
love the picture of kevin and January for it looks like they are scheming together as Emma and sebastian. the only other character i recognize in the first photo is Havok plus thing that one lady is Mystiquee before she becomes blue.
Clamp on, clamp off. The clamper!
^knew that girl.
Jack, I stand by my pfffft
Didn’t make it downtown today. Ended up sleeping in. I’m sore. During my testing yesterday I had to power walk 1.5 miles. No jogging allowed, just walking. For a bit of it I was walking at 4.6 mph. My hips hurt.
On the upside, I see my massage therapist tomorrow afternoon :cheerful:
“Im sore”
“My hips hurt”
“Massage therapist”
People have already been assigned partners for earbuds?
Not yet, d. I’d like to give everyone a chance to play in the Paloozas first.
I’ve actually read the first 3 books in the Song of Fire and Ice series. I just know I don’t have the patience to wait for the rest. 🙂
There’s a standard Deadpan format? Who knew? 🙂
4.6mph walking is hard. And harder still for a little Bunny. Geez.
(Says the guy who experimented with speed walking once. But I didn’t inhale.)
Lo: I haz madz knowledgez? What madez it so mad?
You rang?
I did rang! See above, please. demonkitty calls
ditto iz crazy skillz
This is a great Jack White moment:
Not to mention: Meg white is such great nerd-girl crush material.
Jack: That was a good movie. Have you watched it?
BTW, I’ve switched off the onsite download numbers. Ahhh… 🙂
I suspect that amount of power walking would put me in hospital rather than prevent me from needing to go to hospital.
I have, ditto, and I definitely agree. The Jimmy Page scenes are wonderful.
CP: Yes, We Are Having A Good Time Now — Bikini Test Failure
Jimmy is totally awesome in that movie. I could do less with The Edge, though he is interesting. And Jack is a total freak.
couldn’t help but laugh:
Jack have you seen the “Meg White” sex tape? It may not be her… but if its not its a spitting image
Stop everything.
There is a Meg White sextape?
Lo – You know, at first I just assumed that demoncat was being crazy. Then I checked IMDB and…
He’s not.
I wasn’t able to lower my expectations enough to enjoy Wolverine, but I might be able to with this one.
No…no he’s not (tho its usually a safe bet to assume he is).
I gotta say with the exception of January Jones as White Queen and Fassbender as Magneto… Im kinda MEH on this one. BUT as you said, Nomad, maybe I can just enjoy it for what its gonna be.
EssBee lemme get home. Ill find the link for ya
LOLZ! Dont fuck with the Chinese Elder God comment reading abiliteeez
CP: Tiger The Lion — Tragically Hip
Don’t futz?
No futz a putz
Pro Zombie Soccer goes free:
I bought this one last year, fun game.
CP: Welcome To The Fold — Filter
Clear aluminum?
Will be coming to the iPhone 6…
Rhettro: That would be Transparent Aluminum.
I knows me my Scotty. 🙂
CP: San Pedro — Mogwai
Hello computer… I guess so.
jJ, TFGO (thanks for grooving on) my mix!
Et tu, Notepad.exe?
Buy this for me please. Thank you.
can’t argue with the awesome points they make:
Lo Pan, That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
It IS Reap! Also, your link burned my eyes out. Out.
Lo: So, if you connect them, what happens? 😉
Finally got to listen to the DP ep today.
Great Job EssBee! Jack … well, your hair looked great.
Then the Robeast is defeated… ditto. And Arus is saved…. MMMMMMM
(i kid. Come ON)
“Be Her Carnal Superman”
But it DID look great…
Thanks, jaj – very funny voicemail!
I think I sound a bit laughy, but it was way fun and highly recommended.
“the Roastbeaf is defeated” ????
Re: “Her Carnal Superman”
Faster then a speeding bullet ? That doesn’t sound like a super time.
“I think I sound a bit laughy”
Hah! You give great podcast and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
While I’d highly recommend against Voltron boxers. . . it’s still a better choice than Micronauts.
Evening, Pan.
I agree – EssBee + Deadpan = Win!
Jack, definitely a good choice, especially after having that Lo Pan character on.
Another take on Chinese mommas
Of all the possible finger fuckups, I’d have to make the combination that ended up activating the Submit Comment button.
Link that should have gone with the last post:
“take on Chinese mommas”
of course, 2 hours later …
It’s a little too quiet…
I think I know why, LostRalph…
I’m here, just procrastinating doing work.
Tell me baby how does it feel
Yeah how do you feel
It’s a top ten list of
Things that move me the most
It’s a top ten list of
Things that bother me the most
A top ten list of
Things that scare me the most
I’d have to say that the future
Wasting time in the fast food line
I decide to walk the fine line
And celebrate life celebrate death
I choose to celebrate the first
The world can rest a little easier, knowing that rift between the Prince and Madonna is finally mended.
Lo – I haven’t seen anything with either Jones or Fassbender(sp?), so I can’t really say much except that Jones is too thin, too hippy and ribby for my interpretation of how the White Queen looks.
On the other hand, Shaw looks pretty dead on.
Good night, :mush: .
Good night, Amy.
I had no idea there was a dimensional opening between Jesus’ mum and Micheal Jackson’s kids.
Wow, does that one need to get picked up to be read onpod next week.
If all goes swimmingly, we may be getting a car next week.
He was in the last Taratino film NS:
Morning, DP! No hot water heater, day #2, which is slightly better or worse (can’t decide) than leaking water heater. Well, we DO have a water heater – it’s just in a box in the kitchen.
iBooks may be growing on me, it certainly makes ePub easier to read than the Fictionwise Ereader app on the phone.
They call that a kettle in these parts.
Though I guess I could understand that evolution of language as a functional scale up from the small on the oven types.
I think I’m pretty sure I’ve never owned a stove top kettle, myself.
The more I know…..the more I know how much I don’t know.
needs no comment
Loving the first half of the EssBee paloosa. Jack knows me so well.
Obligatory “Final Product” link.
Cw: Highlights of Ricky Gervais utterly destroy Hollywood while hosting the Golden Globes. God bless this man.
“And thank you to god…for making me an atheist”
Gojira! Thomas Kinkad so des ka! Doozu yurusku! Watishi no meiishi des!
+(prus) e
You know what else is a great Fassbender film? Centurion. I was really really surprised on this one. Its on Netflix instant. Good old swords n blood n guts in 2nd century Britain. Romans vs Picts is always fun. Plus Olga Kurylenko never hurts. No… no she dont hurt a bit.
“Lo Pan… do ya like movies about Gladiators?”
-“Gosh! I sure do sir!”
Well over here, if the central heating fails, if you want hot water it’s either the kettle or boiling water in a saucepan..
CP: Very cool episode on the Holland Tunnel from Engines of our Ingenuity
Now to catch up on comments…
CP: Making No Sense — Regurgitator
EssBee: Sorry about your water woes
Don’t forget to flush your water heater every 6-12 months.
LR: Gojira is not pleased with Thomas Kinkade.
Interesting. ICANN is proposing a .music domain. I think it is a good idea but RIAA is against it. Go figure.
Van, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing . . .
ditto, thanks! I’m going tankless this time.
Lo: I’ve been meaning to watch Centurion. It looked like a fun “What If” with a piece of actual history.
Tanks a lot!
Tanks for the memories!
I guess Tank Girl would be unhappy with your choice.
Exactlt, ditto. Its not a butchering od history ala all of Mel Gibson’s period pieces, but more an “ok, heres a historical mystery. Lets put a story to it”, hence your “what if” sentiments. Plus theres lost of head choppy off with hatchets and swards goodness. Did I mention Olga Kurylenko?
Olga Kurylenko shatters the typical East German Weight Lifting Team image that normally comes to mind when you hear the name Olga. 😉
CP: Wake — Ume
Dammit. When will they put out new material!
Not the most romantic-sounding name. The 80s would have been a lot different if we’d had “M-M-M-My Olga”.
Or “Come on, Olga”.
“Her name was Olga and she danced upon the sands.”
“Olga”, in this case, is short for “Olgathatgirlissohot”
Jack – I’m sending you an e-mail with an attachment you didn’t ask for.
Given how long the 1.5mb file is taking to upload … this was a strategic error.
I’ll send the file you DID request through regular “yousendit” channels.
ditto: RE: Ume… AGREED!!!!! Im afreard theyre stuck in development hell.
*bites lip and cries*
continuing – Song/name mime
“Ooooooolga – you don’t have to put on the red light”
“This new disc should be an even broader release from the band, Lauren says. She and her bandmates are experimenting with the addition of some keyboards and synths for the new album. But they’re also learning to tone things down, too. Lauren and Eric recently performed their first-ever acoustic performance.”
“Olga Olga, who can I turn to”
“Olga. Ooooolga. No time is a good time for goodbyeeee”
“Meet you all the way. Olga yeah”
“Then Olga started to grind”.
“Hey Olga your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind. Hey Olga.”
MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! They are playing today. HERE. IN KC!
“Here name was Olga. She was a show girl.”
WHAT^??????? Theyre on a national tour???
“My name is Olga. I live on the second floor.”
LOL ditto
Sweet Olga o’ mine
Ooops. I may have overreacted. In that link I saw they were playing at the Granada. Apparently there are lots of places called that.
“Walk like, an Olga”
ditto, theyre in Dallas tonite. Aint they?
RE: LoPan’s link
I just checked it out.
I’ll be in my bunk.
Fuckers indeed!
Whats that JJ? I was in my bunk…
I’ll be crying in my bunk. 🙁
Crying… with pleasure? Or depression…?
Maybe both? 😉
“Once the movement starts… Once the movement starts…”
“Together we aaaaaaaaaaage”
“Pour some Olga on me”
“I touch my Olga”
“She blinded me with Olga!”
“Olga was a young girl, she had a heart of stone”
“Hey now, hey now, don’t dream it’s Olga”
Well that’s a releaf. Now to wash my hands.
And my face…. Rhett.
Wait… that… that really came out wrong. Which is why Im pressing “submit”….now
Lunch time!
really? REALLY?
THAT exchange has left you thinking of LUNCH?
I know my tumbly is rumbly
you guys crazy
Wild and crazy
Oh Olga, don’t take your love to town
Another Olga that doesn’t look like a brick shithouse:
My Lyashevska! My my my my my woo!
Find out which apocalypse is for you:
What is “every scenario”, Alex?
No idea, but it’s ice cold.
I’ll have a Carlsberg.
Lo not getting a film reference..fuck the world is going to end..
jj: No, what makes me think of lunch is a rumbly stomach! 😛
CP: Eye For An Eye — UNKLE
I masked my ignorance with a Vanilla Ice reference. I win. And lose.
“My brother’s got an Olga on his head”
I suspect only Jack and CJ may catch that one.
And they’ll never think of the song the same again….
“He ain’t Olga, he’s my brother”
Lunch with DanS and Jack = WIN
Lunch with DanS, Jack, and giggling = Priceless! :wub:
Hmmm will he keep it there all day?
DanS and Jack were giggling? Did you get it on film? 😉
Will he keep Olga there all day?
ditto, I kinda wish.
OK more than kinda 🙂
All I wanna do when I wake up in the morning is see your eyes,
I never thought that a girl like you could ever care for me,
CP: Sway – Dean Martin
Olga. O – L – G – A, Ohhlgaaaa.
OK, this is getting silly. er.
So if we want to switch to movies:
Ice Cold in Olga
Um, perhaps not..
Cool Hand Olga
The Good, the Bad, and the Olga.
Olga wanna do, is have some fun.
Olga: The Professional
Olga: The Hands of Fate
On Olga Pond
GOlga 13
Those are fantastic, Lo Pan.
The Devil Wears Olga.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Olga.
O.T.: The Olga-Terrestrial.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Please dont make another Red Dwarf series.
Ohhh I dunno… I’m rather partial to the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Olga.
Nice anime reference Lo. lol
Olga knows no bounds….
Gross Point Olga
The Third Olga
Close Encounters of the Olga Kind
A fistful of Olga
Olga Strangelove
Olga Kings Men
Breakfast at Olga’s
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Olga
Now I have images of Olga in a bright orange diaper. THANKS JACK!
NOlgamad Scry
Giggle Clarification…
I giggled the most.
Then DanS
Jack may deny that he giggled, but I was there. Who ya gonna believe?
Just remember, you cant have “Olga” without “Lo” backwards…
Goodnight Pan I love you!
A Clockwork Olga
Yesssss. Olga would just luv to have Lo backwards hehehehe
CD: Samuel Adams Imperial Stout
The Black Olga
“Olga would just luv to have Lo backwards hehehehe”
That just reminded me of the second episode of Shameless.
Have a great weekend pan!
From here to Olga
Seeya ditto!
Hunt for the Red Olga
Citizen Olga
Fast Times at Olga High
Bill & Ted’s Olga Adventure
Silent Olga
Sam Elliott is Doc Who, traveling the universe in his transdimentional hot dog stand, new on FX.
Run Silent, Run Olga.
Das Olga!
Return of the Olga
Attack of the Olga
The Taking of Olga, One, Two, Three
3:10 to Olga
Southland Olga
Clash of the Olga
Percy Jackson and the Olga: The Virginity Thief
Two Moon Olga
Flash Olga
Olga! Book II.
Yes, do.
The Book of Olga
Olga of Arabia
The Olga in a White Suit
Olga Legacy
3:10 to Olga
Some of these look pretty good:
I may have to watch some trailers later.
Damn Jack did a cucumber.
CD: Lagunita’s Brown Shugga’
Fine print around label: “We believe this Special Ale is Something Unique. Feeding Brown Cane Sugar to otherwise Cultured Brewery Yeast is a’kin to feeding Raw Shark to your Gerbil. It is unlikely to ever occur in nature without Human Intervention. And it looks weird besides. But it has happened and now it is too Late.”
Is cucumber what it’s called when you steal someone else’s joke, as I did with Ed’s “3:10 to Olga” ?
ditto, I remember being pretty pleased with the Lagunitas Brown Shugga. I don’t think it was sweet at all?
Well more of the after effects of eating cucumber, but along the same lines.
I’ll get my coat.
I’d never heard the expression.
I’ll get my cumberbun.
Jack: Just a hint of the brown sugar taste, but no, it isn’t sweet at all. You mostly taste the hops (pine). I really like it.
Where’s my cucumber bun?
So what do you call it in the USA when you eat something that you can still taste hours later when you burp?
JJ your review of the Sam Adams depresses me. Theres nothing worse than a MEH stout. Luckily, I just picked up an Espresso Oaked Aged Yeti Imperial Stout for the night. We’ll see how that goes down! (Thats what she said).
She cant talk right now…
Ladies, gentlemen…. I give you Espresso Oaked Aged Yeti Imperial Stout. The beauty in this glass is beautiful.
I’ve been working my tail off all day on a huge project that’s due tonight and I’m still not done. But am taking a break before going nuts. Interesting school district names:
Target Range (MT)
Rim of the World (CA)
Lo: I see you like head.
I need a cigarette. Badly.
Wow, Lo, is that you that gives that much head?
Looks good!
ditto wins the everything ever possible.
Jinx, ditto!
I’m a give and take kinda guy, EssBee
“rim of the world”
As opposed to the FL school system “Wang of America” (no offense UH)
I want to marry Red Letter Media
new fav song.
Groundhog Olga
Backward Long Pan… he likes what?
I have to go now.
Groundhog Olga
Backward Long Pan… he likes what?
I have to go now.
Groundhog Olga
Backward Long Pan… he likes what?
I have to go now.
You see what I did there? You were scared for a moment and thought you’d turned into Bill Murray, right? Right?
Groundhog Olga
Backward Long Pan… he likes what?
I have to go now.
I got you, babe.
CJ is apparently more powerful than the FTB.
All tremble and submit to the power of CJ!
Ed: Did you finish watching LotR with your daughter? What did she think of it?
I’m currently rereading the books and have reached my favorite parts: The Ride of the Rohirrim & The Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Go to bed ditto.
Hey! You also cant have LotR without “Lo”. I…dont know what to think of that
Lo and behold!
Oh ditto…
Went and saw The King’s Olga tonight. It was right good though my enjoyment was a bit tinged by the couple next to me. I have now found that there is something worse then the teenagers who go to the theatre to socialize. It is the old couple who have to discuss freakin EVERYTHING.
I knew I was in trouble when they started with the subtitles.
Him – “When did that say it was?”
Her – “The Royal Exposition.”
Him – “No when?”
Her – “Oh, 1925”
Him – “That was before the war”
Her – “Before WW1.”
Him – “Yes. WW1”
Me – “AAAAAAAAAAA” *head explodes*
Then there was the discusion about whether that was the queen who was still alive and no the other lady, but she isn’t the queen, no not yet, but it is her daughters who are alive, whose daughters, her daughters
Me – “AAAAAAAAAAA” *newly re-plastered together head explodes*
Then the big scene at the end where the two start having a discussion about where they were standing when they took “that” picture of the palace (apparently they had been there at one time) the one in the kitchen, no the one in the hall and you were over there, where, over there by the gate, are you sure it was by that gate, yes to the left, I think it was to the right
Me – “AAAAAAAAAAA” *the bits of my head that are scattered about the room begin to fizzle and pop*
Lo Pan – now THAT’S a Stout. What i wouldn’t give for that much head right now!
The good news is that the Sam Adams only came in a 4 pack. The sad news is I have 3 more.
I JUST finished my project. My EVIL project.
Nighty night, you sexy beasts.
I’m frightened.
Judo Olga’s last throw: Ow!
My favorite S&T:
(I’ve officially listened to 2 S&T songs, so I’m not entitled to an opinion yet.)
The Fifth Olga
Ah! They’re twins! Now I understand why I couldn’t tell them apart.
We have not actually had a chance to continue with our LotR viewing. Hopefully I’ll get to put that back on this evening.
Lord of the Olgas
“One Olga to rule them all”
Battle of the Olga
Off to see Black Swan.
Ed from Texas Says:
CJ is apparently more powerful than the FTB.
All tremble and submit to the power of CJ!
As if they need to be told…
As IF.
The Olga was broken! The Olga has been remade!
There can be only Olga.
I love the smell of Olga in the morning.
Olga Hard
Olga Hard with A Vengeance
The Taking of Olga 123
Well not quite as enamoured of Black Swan as some on here, but an interesting film none the less.
Dr Olga
Olga! Olga! Olga!
Got a meme for you guys:
1 – Go to Wikipedia and hit random. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 – Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 – Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days…”. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 – Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.
5 – Add to the DP Flickr Pool:
Ours are silly and there.
Jane Trek
Previous post is not related to not related to Essbee’s meme.
Sounds like hardwork Essbee 🙂
Essbee – your meme is incompatible with my beer(s)
I keep loosing you at “Go to”
Ok here’s my response to Essbee’s meme
Meme contribution:
My cover is up on the pool.
Very strange band name.
Olga Begins
The Dark Olga
My contribution:
I was on the way to epic awesomeness until I found the seventh flickr photo.
Oh, wait. It’s the THIRD picture from last seven days.
I’ll be updating shortly.
meme goodness complete
Dark Olga
Not a cucumber.
For the record:
I wanna rock.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Olgas
Olga & Kumar Go to White Castle?
I don’t know why I’m asking.
Cuz really.
Where else would they go?
meme complete 🙂
I think Olga is the lead singer for ditto’s band.
Jack’s album photo is hilarious, and Ed’s is too but in a different way!
Meme complete also. 🙂
Out of curiosity does anyone else sometimes think of the year as o-eleven, or o-ten for last year?
Or is it just my own weird mind doing that…
weird mind
This year is just 11.
I’m kind of hoping this year goes to 11.
me meme
Thanks for the confirmation CJ, always good to know I’m still losing my sanity check.
So my first read of LostRalph’s comment was that he was losing his salinity.
I feel V has jumped the shark.
Was that done to the tune of ‘Losing My Religion’?
Take a butchers at the centre of our galaxy:
New series of Being Human started tonight on the Beeb, grabbed the episode but will have to watch it in the morning.
CD: Boulevard’s Irish Ale
CD: Choc’s Baltic Porter, tastes more like a stout to me, but still pretty good.
Debating whether I want to mess with moving all the boxes I just finished packing into the attic tonight or wait until tomorrow to mess with it…
CD: Avery’s duganA IPA, another IPA hop bomb
CR: Oath of Swords by David Weber
CD: La fin Du Pistoles.
It is a Trios Pistoles (Belgian Ale) clone – made by my neighbor and I.
Oooops. I think I did it again.
Did what? make a homebrew I want to try? How’s that oktoberfest doing?
CD: Unibroue’s Maudite, and the buzz is building fast
Question about the meme: How did you guys find photos on Flickr that you could actually save? Every time I go to a photo and right click, it gives me the “All rights reserved” message.
Amy: It depends on the poster, I had to reload the page to get a new photo and that I was able to save.
Semi-random find on B&N nook ebook shop:
“Erotic Origami” – …to satisfy the adult-oriented cravings of origami aficionados.
Yes, that is a real ebook. I’m all for imagination, but it makes me wonder how desperate origami enthusiasts are, and I’d be afraid of paper cuts…
Oooo Oooo Lost Ralph – been wanting to try the Maudite. Have you reviewed it yet?
The Oktoberfest is “ok”. Nothing wrong with it. I guess I wish it had a little more “presence”.
Amy – I just clicked on the photo and drug it to my desktop. That may be why it was such a small image. I may have only gotten the “preview” version or something.
This homebrew has me buuuuzzzzzzzed. MAking doing taxes, difficult.
LR: OK, I’ll just keep plugging away at that method.
jJoe: Personally every oktoberfest I’ve tried to date has been lacking, I’ve come to the decesion that except for strong lagers, like dopplebocks, I;m just not a lager person.
The Maudite is a delicious malty beer, with alot of peppery aroma and taste from the yeast.
Gave up and did it my own way. Discovered when I uploaded my picture that, yes, “all rights reserved” is indeed the default setting on Flickr. The more you know!
Amy: whatever works
I realized recently that I was startling to do dance moves from the Buffy musical episode. Does this mean that I’ve had too much to drink? Nah, that’s nonsense.
New Beer: Great Divide’s Claymore Scotch Ale, yummy malt.
Is that a pink elephant over there?
Pink? Only if you consider purple splotted with pink polka dots to be merely pink!
So if all I see is a solid pink, does that mean I need to drink more, or less?
Justas J0e: The End of the Guns?
I think it means that it is time to take the colored cellophane off your head.
‘Cuz it’ll just get in the way of your next drink.
Well there’s my problem.
Goodnight :mush:. goodnight :pan: goodnight beers everywhere
Goodnight LostRalph. Dream… ON!
Can I just say that I really enjoyed this album cover meme?
No? OK sorry. Goodnight :pan:
Goodnight :philanthus pulchellis:
Monday + Rainy drive to work = meh squared.
Night Jack. Afternoon Van. Morning Ed.
-14F last night. I don’t think I’ve ever been outside in weather this cold.
Had a 92% awesome weekend. My folks took the kids Friday night, and we started off with gourmet pizza from a new joint in our town & all the Doctor Who up to current. Saturday, we saw the Green Hornet in IMAX 3D, had pho and banh mi for lunch at a favorite place in St Paul. Then we had steak dinner at home along with watching an episode of Chuck and the Sherlock Holmes movie. Then we got the kids on Sunday morning.
The facts of life:
I thought I said good morning.
I want to wear this ring I wore to work, but like… it is one of those stretchy ones and it’s cutting of my circulation. I’ve worn it before without issue.
My fingers must be fat today. Which makes no sense since I haven’t eaten since like 11am yesterday. I should be completely thin from not eating by now… I mean… it’s been hours, right?
Stupid fail fingers.
I’m not even going to pretend to read the comments of the last three days.
Bunny yawns are so cute.
My hard drive was showing “0 disk space available” this morning.
My computer is as cluttered as my office. Both are filled with projects that are 60 – 80% complete.
My head is stuck in the clouds
She begs me to come down
Says “Boy quit foolin’ around”
I told her “I love the view from up here
The warm sun and wind in my ear
We’ll watch the world from above
As it turns to the rhythm of love”
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun you’re mine all mine
Play the Music low and sway to the rhythm of love
My heart beats like a drum
A guitar string to the strum
A beautiful song to be sung
She’s got blue eyes deep like the sea
That roll back when she’s laughing at me
She rises up like the tide
The moment her lips meet mine
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun, you’re mine
All mine
Play the music low
And sway to the rhythm of love
When the moon is low
We can dance in slow motion
And all your tears will subside
All your tears will dry
And long after I’ve gone
You’ll still be humming along
And I will keep you in my mind
The way you make love so fine
We may only have tonight
But till the morning sun, you’re mine
All mine
Play the music low
And sway to the rhythm of love
Play the music low
And sway to the rhythm of love
Yeah, sway to the rhythm of love
jJ – no matter how many times I read your post all I see is
“My head was showing “0 disk space available” this morning.
My brain is as cluttered as my office. Both are filled with projects that are 60 – 80% complete.
There’s clearly something wrong with me this morning.
I’m like ooozing with loveydoveyness…
And yes..
More so than usual.
Feel free to take advantage of it. I’d like that.
CJ – that would ALSO be correct.
Cj, So today you might be more receptive to a holodeck date on the beach with cheesy music.
All weekend PIMM “Ain’t No Holo-Deck Girl”
heh.. I’m sure I’d be open to that today. Yes.
Loveydoveyness is quite ok with me Cj :wub:
I think it’s time to change the kitty litter. My life is so exciting.
I saw my massage therapist for the first time on Friday. Afterwards I asked hubby if she could move in with us. Surprisingly, he was not open to the idea.
Men are so odd with their rules and stuffs.
I offered her services to him too but, no.
Ah, I finally have found a use for that old, SCSI flatbed scanner sitting here on my desk.
Bunny, is her name Olga?
I have yet to listen, but the description says “Fans of Mia and Talking Heads will love this dire new Hepnova track!
Sorry Jack, her name was Mavis
Mavis is kinda like, but not entirely like, yet reminds me a little of the name Mulva.
Mulva! LOL
Bunny, would he let me come perform ‘services’ ??
If you offer Cj, I think I’d have to over rule any objections regardless.
Time to go spend some money.
Later panites
When you wrote “panites” it reminded me that I woke up this morning to my Android Scrabble game (Droidwords) and my opponent had played the word :panties:
I was just saying..
It was epic.
How many points in Scrabble for the : tile?
All of them.
LO!TRO!PAAAAN!!!!! demoncat is winning teh intronets… one run on sentence at a time
myFOX Dallas -Ft. Worth? Really demon? REEALLLY?
Lots of change on the horizon, all of it good. But change is still stressful.
CP: There is Xxxx (Within My Heart) — You Say Party! We Say Die!
Good change is good, Rhett. I’m glad to hear about your stress.
Indeed Jack, indeed.
Good one, Reaper!
Sorry about the stress, Rhettro, but good news on the good!
Well the new series of Being Human (original) got off to a cracking start.
Thanks EssBee. 🙂
Yeah! I just had a win.
Went to get lunch and decided spur of the moment to stop in this little wine store I pass all the time. I had checked it out once just after they had opened but they only had wine and are kind of on the difficult part of an intersection for me to get to. So even after I noticed the “We have beer” sign showed up a few months ago I didn’t check them out.
Until now.
They now DO carry a very small assortment of craft beer!
They didn’t have any of the ones I could remember from my “wish list” but the nice Mrs. Lady who was running the place was very helpful and interested in Pintley and got her computer and we started researching the beer she did carry. She said she was a wine person and didn’t know much about beer so she was really liking the site.
In the end I got 4 beers I am really looking forward to, she said she’d try and get some of my favorites, AND she gave me a bonus beer for being such a swell customer! Can’t remember the last time a woman bought ME a beer 😉
Anyway. “Spur of the moment stop” FTW
Now, I wonder if anyone would notice if I had one of these with my ham & cheese sandwich?
Cool, Van. I thought when you said you were gonna watch earlier you meant the US version.
No love for V, though?
I missed the JB comment! (as it seems everyone else here did). So glad you had a win weekend, JB! Specially after your not so awesome happenings lately.
Goddamnit JJ! Thats perfect. You keep us posted on Pintely on how they be
And also “Pintley”.
After my mini orgasm with the Yeti Espresso Oaked Stout… I gotta go get the Oaked and Chocolate Oaked varieties now.
Something from my little town actually made a good top 10 list. Amazing.
It’s number 4.
With the packer win yesterday I’m expecting lots of bad lists about Wisconsin and the fox valley.
Oooo Ooooo Ooooo Mr. Kottah!
One of the beers I picked up was a Yeti Imperial Stout !
I shall have some quality time with that one tonight. 🙂
(Pintley is going to be the ruin of me … but what a tasty way to go.)
I just had totally yummy biscuits and gravy at a local restaurant and it brought me yummy joy.
The Razzie nominees are up:
Apologies Lejon, I went a bit serious on facebook.
Derelict WW2 bunkers:
CP: Romeo Void – “Never say Never”
Do tell me how the regular Oaked is, JJ
New game goes free for 24 hours:
Any locations on those bunkers, Van?
Alas no Lo, somewhere in Europe.
Then I’ll assume France just cause
again with the funny:
^There’s probably a market for a cheetah balls t-shirt.
Let the madness begin:
I’m been imagining Jefferson Starship’s “Find Your Way Back” being sung by Patsy Cline today.
CP: Flock of Seagulls – “Modern Love is Olgamatic”
I Olga so far away.
GAH! We don’t need no more stinkin’ Matrix movies!
Re: Van’s article
“But the row hasn’t done any harm to the ratings, with the first episode drawing 3.3 million viewers – 1.2 million of them under 18.”
… and with the publication of this article, aproximately ALL THE REST OF THE UNDER 18 year olds will be trying to find a way to see this show. It’s every entertainment marketer’s dream.
CP: Mean Town Blues — Johnny Winter
I have to echo Lo Pan’s earlier comment to JohnBoze. W00t for the 92% positivity!
this is the nipple that launched a thousand… somethings…
OK. RE: a 4th matrix movie.
|467 319|
|247 332|
No. Only if it’s goal is to start over at “Reloaded” and make it worth seeing through “Revulsions”
|467 319|
|247 332|
Should I understand this?
Only if you are a program.
He was testing you.
Um…. Yeah, I can see why this Guinness commercial was banned.
Turbo Tax just gave me 45 minutes of teeth grinding hell because I paid $3.51 worth of taxes to foreign countries. 🙁
BTW: $1:17 of that went to Canada. Can I officially request that it be evenly split between our Deadpan Canada-ites?
aT the risk of passing along a very old meme …
Here are the results of a contest where newspaper readers were told to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.
I risk sending old meme as some of these are rather amusing.
1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.
2. Ignoranus : A person who’s both stupid and an asshole.
3. Intaxication : Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
4. Reintarnation : Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
5. Bozone ( n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
6. Foreploy : Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid..
7. Giraffiti : Vandalism spray-painted very, very high
8. Sarchasm : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.
9. Inoculatte : To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
10. Osteopornosis : A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)
11. Karmageddon : It’s like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it’s like, a serious bummer.
12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.
13. Glibido : All talk and no action.
14. Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
15. Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you’ve accidentally walked through a spider web.
16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.
17. Caterpallor ( n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you’re eating.
What? Did I kill the Deadpan?
:bang: :bang:
Now that’s how you kill a deadpan.
The pans are Dead!
While that list flirted with Reader’s Digest cutesy-ness, I dug its cleverness. Ness.
CPIMM: Night of the Hunter – 30 Seconds to Mars
One night of the hunter
One day I will get revenge
One night to remember
One day it’ll all just end, oh
(and in my head, that part just loops. Endlessly. To remember.)
It’s 3am right now regardless of what the Deadpan clock says. I’ve been awake since 4am. I have apparently drank a lot of beer.
Yes. Actual beer. I think I may have found a reason to like beer. Or, maybe it just tasted good this one time at Four Peaks?
Either way. I’m going to drink this large glass of water now and go to bed so I can be asleep before I can officially say I’ve been up for 24 hours.
Besides. I have to get up in 4 hours to take kids to school.
Goodnight Oatmeal Stout
And nearly two ships passed in the night….
Map to the stars homes….BSG style.
Whats BSG?
Good times hanging with EssBee is good times!
Hey look, it’s morning.
There’s spots all over my glasses. What the heck’s that about?
did I say good morning? I don’t see my post.
am I awake?
oh there it is.
I feel the need to rant, but will save it for another day.
Oh, come on, Van! Let’s hear it.
Lo: super fun times!
morning pan,
I feel the need to go back to bed.
Flav’s catch phrase should be “It takes a nation of chickens to hold us back”
Re Reaper’s link: Way to beat the stereotype!
Done my work for the day. Woo Hoo!
Bunny, that is exactly what I though.
Maybe next we will up the ante by…
I can’t think of some he doesn’t already do.
CP: Feeling of Guiltiness — Prisma
Has a nice Tool feel to it.
ditto: are you still liking Shameless?
Reaper: He does have “a culinary degree and restaurant experience – and a serious shortage of modesty.” Who knows? It could be good. I’m surprised he chose Clinton, IA. But maybe he picked it because he could open next door to a KFC.
EssBee: I haven’t watched the 3rd episode yet, but I thought the 2nd was hysterical. Who knew agoraphobia had such interesting side-effects? 😉
CP: Rich — Yeah Yeah Yeahs
If you are a woman and want a pay rise, change your sex:,8599,1847194,00.html
ditto, good point but I think people would mock me if I had all those things and decided to open up Reaper Brat shack next to The Milwaukee Brat House. though not quite parallel because The Milwaukee Brat House isn’t a chain. I also don’t do all the things a stereotypical person of German decent does though I tend to embrace the Norwegian side more. I hear they are stereotypically happier people.
Not in my office, Van. Not even close in my office.
That being said my office is the world turned upside down and around. Like a frown turned around on the face of a clown with a mean streak.
I’m not sure witch way is up after reading Lo Pan comment
“Any way you want it
That’s the way you need it
Any way you want it”
I’m liking it too, ditto. Joan Cusack = so great.
Na na na na Na na na… does Steve Perry in the pooper.
^ Not a good place to jump into the comment thread.
Tag team?
“jump in”
CP: Giant Hands — You Say Party! We Say Die!
As few freebies on the app store today:
I really, really, really think that someone needs to walk up to the counter at Flav’s Fried Chicken and say, “You want six dollars for what?!”
(referenceto”Can’t Do Nuttin’ For Ya Man”onPublicEnemy’s1989FearOfABlackPlanetalbum)
They need a menu item called For Ya Man for $6. 😉
but “for ya man” sounds like a Chinese dish
“Yes, I’d like the Cold Lampin’ Value Meal with a biggie-sized Motherfuck John Wayne vanilla milkshake, please. It costs $9.11?! That’s a joke!”
I could go on all day.
“Polly wanna chicken”?
It would be pretty damn ironic if Brigitte Nielson was working the register. . . .
Long as the S1-W’s are looking menacing in the background its all good.
Clear the way.
CW: Star Trek TNG – 3×20 – Tin Man
a new kind if light show
CW: Boardwalk Empire E2
Quite enjoying this series.
I’m inclined to think that study is correlative not causative, Reap
I think I need a new video game. I only have a half dozen on pre-order but, as Tom Petty says, “the waiting is the hardest part”
Hey, our Premier (think governor) is stepping down. While I never liked him, I’m not sure what to think of that
CP: Shut Me Up — MSI
TEB: You can always try some of the arcade games on the 360.
Bunny, Your fancy words won’t stop my enjoyment of the article. HAHA!
Sleep I need, Yes Hmmmmm…
However reaper, if it helps, my Boo has schizophrenia and was born in February
Now who’s being scatterbrained?
I need ice-cream
There, I haz ice-cream
I thinking of picking up the latest Call of Duty, but not until free time comes back into my schedule, so probably around mid-February.
I bought these and they came in the mail today
Now I just need to go out into the cold whether and text someone… Nah
Call of duty was one of those canes that never interested me. I don’t do first person well
I’m having issues getting to the xbox site so I can’t check out the games you’ve played. I enjoyed “Enslaved: Odyssey to the West”. It’s a recent game that has a good story and is fun to play.
I know what you’re saying CJ. I see Call of Duty as more of a diversion until Mass Effect 3 comes out.
Canada’s oldest woman died. She was two weeks short of her 112 birthday. I don’t know if I want to live that long
The Lego games are always good mindless fun.
Cj didn’t say nutten’ Rhett 😉
Rhettro: ME3 won’t be out until the fall, I thought.
TEB: Rhettro hears voices. 😉
You won’t see much from me on XBox, Rhett. Given a choice, I go PC
CJ DJ – same mental space. LOL
Right you are ditto, but that IS the game I’m looking forward to most. 🙂
Oscar nominations are up.
Glad to see “How To Train Your Dragon” is up for best score. I think it is an awesome score.
I hear noises in the dark
I feel sadness inside you
I’m a big fan of the Lego Games. I have finished Batman and Indiana Jones 100% and I’m getting close to Harry Potter 95.4. should finish tonight.
Games I have on preorder (that o can remember off the top of my head without getting off my butt and looking it up):
Two Worlds II
Dragon Age II
Sims Medievil
The Witcher II
Dungeon Seige 3
And… Something else that I can’t remember off the top of my head. I think it might be Sims related but not sure
I’ve decided to hold off preordering Mass Effect 3 until closer to release date. That way I can get the special edition when it comes out
BTW Bunny, that cassette tape USB bus is awesome. I love it every time I look at it. Evidently someone knows I have a good sense of irony.
I see theyre sticking with the stupid 10 movies for best pic.
I’ve been thinking of picking up the last Witcher.
Hailee Stainfeld in best SUPPORTING actress is the bullshit.
Bunny: I need to play the Witcher games.
According to environmentalists Canadian winters are getting warmer over all. I can actually buy that.
Can you tell I’m watching the news?
Rhett, I do recommend the Witcher but make sure you get the downloadable patch that removes the stupid north American censoring.
*grumble grumble*. Don’t tell me I can’t have full frontal nudity in my video games
Bunny: I’m not surprised. Greenland saw sunlight 48 hours earlier than expected due to the melting of the icecap.
BTW, my goddess is so far above me that, while it is a compliment to me to be mistaken for her, the other way around would definatley be an insult to her :cheerful:
Bunny: Speaking of nudity… Did you play Indigo Prophecy? They were the same group that did the recent Heavy Rain.
CP: Maybe Not — Cat Power
Ditto, while we’ve had a couple of cold snaps, over all this has been a milder than normal winter
Rhett, glad you liked it
Ditto, no. Heard about it, just never got too it
On a related note: With so much on preorder I’m actually hesitant to start something new and get in the middle of it only to have my head turned by the mailman
When you both live in Olympus, you’re both goddesses. 🙂
Yeah, I heard about the Witcher patch. I’m a full frontal kind of guy.
I picked up Bioshock 2 and Resident Evil 5 for the 360 last week, still haven’t had time to play them properly.
Hubby’s been doing the latest Halo thing lately
It’s all about the children, man
Hockey, with a twist… Played outdoors. Wow, didn’t see that coming
The pet of the week is a very pretty shepherd cross
I’ve just failed an intelligence test set by an ex bus driver.
He passed over a wristwatch that tells the time in binary by a combination of red LEDs.
Sad to say I couldn’t work out what time it was showing (other than cheating and looking at my watch).
Bloody smug pensioners!
Yeah, the Halo games are great fun, even Halo 2…
The weather lady thinks she’s funny. I have a surprise for her, she’s no David Spence
Taco Bell is being sued for false labeling. Apparently their beef tacos have very little real beef
Hubby had all the Halo’s except two. Boo just gave it to him for Christmas. He plans to star it after he’s done this one
I haven’t played Reach or Wars.
I looked it up. Hubby’s currently playing Reach
I font think he’s played ODST yet
Ow. I think kitty wants to play. She just bit my elbow
Halo 2 is my least favorite of the series.
CP: Digging a Hole – Big Sugar
hence the ‘even’ ditto…
I kinda lost interest in Halo 3 after getting lost in the large intestine of the alien ship.
It was sphincter-rific Rhettro?
Spinctastic ditto!
Speaking of games wow:
well at least we where before my LSS meeting
(LSS = Lean 6 Sigma) but i know how much fun acronyms are around here
Cucumber alert!
^ Leia’s cheeky
Rhett … awww…
Bunny… double awwww..
And on that note.
I’m going to happy hour at a normal time now.
As opposed to middle of the night.
And yes.
I could get used to this.
Aren’t they all?
I get the following error when clicking on the above link:
This web page has a redirect loop.
me too
Blast. Okay one moment.
Still figuring out this dropbox thingy.
That’s a lot of bare skin.
Also, after listening to the latest LLAP, I would totally watch a new Love Connection hosted by Dan F. He needs to be on TV.
Gotta love Comic Con Van.
I stalk it from afar Rhettro…
According to CNN I would expect you to attend the Kazantip festival.
Does is scare you, Van? Mwaha
I don’t forsee any long term problems, but….my wife is currently in the hospital and will likely be there for a couple of days.
She managed to get herself a staph infection and has a blood clot near the infection as well. Lots of nasty drugs in her future.
I’ll update as we progress.
Perfection, you are Oaked Aged Yeti Stout. JJ you GOTTA try this one.
WTF ED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Jesus… but there no immediate danger, right?
Ed, that’s scary – all good thoughts directed to you all.
Fingers crossed for your missus Ed, the rest as Lo wrote.
As for the K festival, some things are best left to the young.
Your wife and your family will definitely be in our thoughts, Ed.
I think we’ve caught things early enough that I expect she should not have long term problems, but it is going to take some work to beat this thing.
And Ed, if possible, can you email me the name of the hospital so we can send her something?
What Jack said.
I third that.
A fifth, we could send her a fifth!
Oh, maybe “best wishes” would be more appropriate till she gets out.
Yes, Best wishes to your wife and family Ed.
Definitely sending love and prayers your way, Ed!
Thank you for part 2. It arrived today 🙂
LoPan – re: Yetti Stout.
I shoulda gone there tonight. Instead I went with a Corsendonk and now I’m having drinker’s remorse.
Sokay, JJ. Save the best for last. Its phenomenal.
Ed keep us up to date, buddy
“Corsendonk”. The name that says it all.
Ed: Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
btw Happy Birthday, JfS!
Fill your boots on Lovecraft:
Good news Cj, I hope you enjoy reading both of them.
Ed: We’re thinking of you and the wife.
Happy Birthday Jeremy!
Aquarius. You are some crazy people!
Happy Birthday Jeremy!
Happy Birthday Jeremy
Hope all goes well Ed.
Ed: Here’s to a swift and full recovery!
Jeremy: Happy non-un-birthday!
Sleeping in is nice. Especially when you have a hubby beside you to cuddle.
Hubby has meetings today and tomorrow so we get to sleep in both days. Yay
Now to read last nights comments.
a little solar system humor very NSFW language
Ed: Warm thoughts and big hugs to you and your wife. Hope she’s able to come home soon.
Happy birthday Jeremy!
I don’t know what my hubby does with it, but I find the stylus for his e-reader everywhere except in the reader where it should be.
Yesterday when I was making the bed I found it among the bedding. This morning it was on the living room floor. I can’t wait to see where I find it tomorrow :cheerful:
Happy Jeremy Day, Birthday
Good morning.
Happy birthday, Jeremy.
Still my favorite boy name: Jeremy
I love that name. It is made of awesome.
My new favorite drink of choice.
I especially like the part that says:
It is far more common for a proprietor to refuse to serve snakebites because some people tend to drink them quickly and become drunk and belligerent.
Because that’s the kind of customer I am. Totally.
Happy birthday, JfS!
UHF recording has been sent.
I may have to add this game to my pre-order list
Hubby says, since it’s a new IP I should wait and see what the reviews are like. He’s no fun when he’s practical
Does anybody remember the old Dungeon Keeper games. I loved those games.
CP: We Don’t Eat — James Vincent McMorrow
CP: The Purist’s Drug – Nevermore
CP: Clusterfuck! — Electric Six
McG is going to direct the pilot to the new Wonder Woman tv show.
So there goes that.
McG is mostly crap. But I do like his work on Supernatural, so there’s hope, albeit a small one.
I’ll raise my hand to remembering Dungeon Keeper.
But then I also remember:
Magic Carpet
Rhett I agree but he’s only a producer there. In fact hes a good producer… but when he directs we get Charlies Angels and Terminator: Salvation, as you well know.
Its gonna be Michael Bay light, I just know it.
^I’m afraid you’re right Lo.
David E. Kelley is producing.
CP: Sugar Baby — The Kills
I loved Populous and Theme Park too. Didn’t play the others.
CP: Tech News Today 165
McG ?
Any relation to McHammer?
Populous was a great game.
Lo: That’s bad news. Did you hear they are going to reboot Lethal Weapon? Sigh.
Is that like MSG and it gives you a headache and makes you ill? Why yes, I think it is. 😉
Well, off to the store. I need tuna for the kitty and bread for us.
Later Panites
Is the invisible jet gonna get humped by a fuel truck?
The Notorious McG
(demoncat-style response)
well Dc cant be happy if the wonderwoman doesnt get viewers or if it isn’t not good there go to be mad they didn’t do the joss whedon movie where inara was be amazon wonder woman i would have liked that well see i just hope they do the lariat and the invisible jet write not like in the superfriends lol