Requiem for Lazy Show Notes.
This ep is not Levelated, though the previous one was. Your feedback is appreciated.
Jack Mangans Deadpan #163: Deadpan the Musical
Jack is a Sorcerer with a Sword
Jack phones it in
Promo – Podculture (
Paul Maki Broken Lyrics Challenge – recorded at the Deadpan mmmmmmeetup
JR Murdock reading I Am Ozzie
Jack mashes music
Johnny Null gives us some Dirty Lyrics
New Zealand Anthem by Tee Morris and Pip Ballentine
Cj tells a musical moment
More Broken Lyrics Challenge
Greasy Nipples:
Vanamonde (First of the week)
Johnny Null
Johnny Null
Lejon from Chandler
Ed from Texas
JR Murdock rapping Green Eggs and Ham
(At this point the person doing the show notes just gave up. I don’t know who half these people are)
Johnny Null has more Dirty Lyrics
More Broken Lyrics
La Bruja – Sly B
Jack has happier news – thanks to all for their warm wishes.
Outro Babble
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music is part one of a “sloppy demo” recorded in Jack’s living room
Closing with Broken Lyrics
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
…and when Jack goes to sleep..
Trouble sleeping.
Nobody knows….the trouble Jack’s seen…..
Finally got to see the new Doctor. I came into Dr. Who late in life. So, whenever I think of The Doctor, I will think of David Tennant. Which is ironic as I thought he was going to be a disaster when he first replaced Eccleston.
That said, I think this new one is going to do pretty well.
Heavy Gunner 3D is free on the app store today:
Ack! Tilt controls…hate, hate tilt controlled games.
Hope everything goes well for Jack with the meeting.
+ you
I think I need to follow kitty’s example and curl up in a little ball and go back to sleep.
Bunny, that sound like a good idea
You know peeps, you would really make my life easier if you introduce yourself before or after your bit. I think half my show notes are by guesswork.
In case you were trying to figure out how to pronounce that volcano’s name:
I’m fine with “that volcano” ๐
Me too.
The Daily Show announced that they were just going to call it “Kevin”.
Bunny, I agree. I think everyone would know what you are talking about for now.
ooohhh, a new LLAP
BTW, I’ve cleared my afternoon. Scary movie time! Be afraid, be very afraid. ๐
Cj says: “Are all your buttons functioning?”
CP DP163 Go Jack!
Well I would hate to make a Volcano unhappy by being impolite..
Yeah Van. You wouldn’t want it to blow it’s top or something, sheesh :silly:
I’m no audio buff, but apart from on segment being a bit quiet, the unlevelated show didn’t sound too bad.
This is how boring our lives are. I hung new curtains the other day. Yesterday I made a few changes (as requested by hubby – he’s lucky I haz mad sewing skills). So what does hubby do last night? Take a bajillion pics of the living room and the new curtains. Really, I didn’t think they were that exciting. I have no idea what he plans to do with the pics. It boggles the mind.
I think you’re buff Van. :biggrin:
Maybe he has an interior design fetish TEB..rolling around on photos of curtains…
I don’t want to know.
Wait until they start construction in our yard. I wonder how many pics will be taken then.
Cj doesn’t like curry? Oh Cj! Curry is the bestest!
Oh hey! New ‘pan, it being Thursday and all.
I completely forgot, what with the work and other dirty words.
With my office in Ontario I get all their e-mails. Apparently they are serving cake in the board room. I feel gypped.
Darth Vader’s Face Book Page. Pretty funny
Uno? Really?
Some of these films are kind of an interesting snapshot of the duck and cover era.
I want the Star Knight
Hey, I found a video of my daughter working out!
(It’s a bit of an inside joke)
Tokyo drift the early years
Wow, she’s pretty good.
new smg2 trailer
It’s so nice today I might go for a walk, once school starts and all the little kiddies are off the street.
I don’t have a wii. Never played SMG1. I guess I’m only half a gamer ๐
Fox has cancelled thier plans for a U.S. Torchwood. Crisis semi averted.
Now if we can just get the BBC to redo Season 1 all shall be well.
For those who need a daily dose of cuteness
BTW Bunny I pretty much peed while reading Darth’s Facebook page. Thats fuckin classic.
Now to listen to a lil show called Jack Mangan’s Deadpan
Also on sale at Amazon is “The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly” for $5.
time for a walk.
Later Panites!
Props to SlyB! That was awesome, as was Jack’s outtro.
Totally agree!
And nice job weaving the Lost reference into your lyrics mash-up.
Wow, after skimming the KatG link, I’m 1,000% less interested, if that’s even possible.
CP: Pulse of the Earth — Hungry Lucy
That was so good. I second Rhett’s props to Sly B
Go have a fucking kick ass weekend Jack. Its well deserved. Too long in coming.
I get a kick out of KatG. It is the first comedy talk podcast I could stand listening to. I know the humor is generally at a pretty low level and I’m OK with that.
I don’t put DeanPan in the same category though. DeanPan is something special in a different way.
I like talk shows. When I’m listening to something alone I haven’t listened to music by choice in at least 5 years or more.
reaper: I like The Video Game Show podcast. Infantile, crude humor mostly, but damn it, it sometimes makes me laugh.
If you like infantile and crude
Kicked in the Dicebags
are “excellent” choices.
Thanks everyone.
I especially liked Yoda’s bit on the FB page.
I’d also really like a Robert Cop action figure.
Nomad Scry: I shall look into them. Thanks.
Yoda: The fuck up, shut
Ok Deadpan! Prepare to be horrified. It’s movie time.
You know the rules.
The spoilers will be great.
Spelling may be suspect (not stopping the movie to make sure things are spelled correctly).
And the movie will be bad.
Also, there will be a brief pause in the middle when I stop and pretend to do some real work.
Today’s movie is called The Unborn
The DVR gives it one star, so we know it’s going to be good.
The Writeup: A young woman who is plagued by nightmares and haunted by a ghost tries to uncover the source of a terrifying family curse.
It has Gary Oldman in it, so it can’t be all bad.
Pressing play now.
Definitely SModcast.
I know I’m changing themes from low humor to celeb podcasts, but I’d like to recommend Doug Benson’s I Love Movies and the Kevin Pollak Chat Show…
Ohh, HD. Extra Scary.
A river in winter, scary
A woman jogging alone in a park.
Scary kid comes up behind her. Turns into a dog with a kid mask on.
The mask, the glove, the… what the heck is that?
Switch to her babysitting and talking on the phone. Good scene change
OK, I admit, this movie is a little creepy. More than I can say about a lot of them.
Maddy? Are you awake?
A glove on the road. Same as last time.
REfusing cheesecake? What’s that about
Never look in a bathroom mirror. First rule of horrors. There’s always something there that isn’t when you look behind you.
Breakfast time. Creepy kid outside window.
Now at highschool “you’re retarded”
Oooh, the prof is turning all creepy. Now the bug attacks.
Obligatory shower scene
Something wrong with the eye. She developed herochromia. Cause by trama of course
Dad’s out until tomorrow
“Great, because those glasses are definately giving me wood. I don’t know what it is”
BAck story time. Has adopted sister that was sent to a mental hospital, then died.
“I hate her for it”
I think I’ve heard of this movie. . . ? That would be a first.
Underwear scene
Holy crap, that last scene actually made me jump. Damn creepy kid inside the medicine cabinet
Boyfriend checks, nothing there of course
JOgging alone in park again.
My cat didn’t like the fact I jumped, she moved off my lap.
Are you a twin?
Hey wait, now I think I’ve heard of this movie. I’m sure I’ve seen the previews on TV when it came out.
Yes, you’re a twin. Brother died inuteral.
Turns out it was mom who was committed and then died. I’m already confused
Looking through old baby photo. Who’s Sofi?
“If this was me, I’d take a Zanex and forget about the whole thing”
Old folks home. Lovely
Old creepy lady seems to know things. hmmm
“I’m not crazy, Romi”
“Do you think it’s possible to be haunted by someone who has never even been born?”
Watching 8mm movie of sanitarium? Mom’s old room? Movie ends.
“I don’t think you’re crazy. A little hormonal maybe, but not crazy”
Having fun with vodka and burbans.
In the bathroom again.
Thanks for the suggestions I’ll have to check them out. guess books will have to move back a bit further in the queue
Seriously. You’re having kickass nightmares, you’re being followed by the creepy ghost of your twin brother. So you’re in the bathroom of some club and on the wall you see a giant creepy eye with a hole in it. What do you do? You look through it.
In no way related to Bunny’s movie:
We live in the future.
I would not make a good horror queen. I’d be too chicken (i.e. intelligent) to do any the things the girls do in any of these movies
This movie sponsored by Apple. Guess what all the computers are.
“Put a pair of scissors under your pillow with the points open. It’ll keep evil spirits away”
That’s not a recipe for disaster
Time for a bathroom break and to see if they need me at work.
Back in five.
Oh look, the yard people are here to clean the leaves from my back yard. I figured they weren’t going to show.
Breaktime’s over. Back to the creepy kid.
DAddy’s out of town for a few days. More recipe for disaster
Woah dark! I have a night light in my house
Sofi Calls. There are things we need to talk about
YOur great uncle is creepy kid in mirror pic.
Nazi experiments on twins.
Wait, Nazi’s?
The Nazi’s experimented on turning brown eyes blue.
“Have you ever heard of a dibulk?” (spelling is definately suspect here)
“twins are doorways to the other world”
“When the dibulk couldn’t have the one twin, it turned it’s gaze to the other child”
She needs to find the book of mirrors to perform the twin exorcism.
Wow, it was in the library. I think I need to visit my local library more often.
OH, BTW Gary Oldman is her dad. A very nothing part.
one more reason I love my job:
after the virus signature fiasco yesterday we got 5 email and 2 in person “thank yous”
at my last job it would have been twice as many “what the hell did you do” and “What took so damn long to fix mine, don’t you know how important I am?”
well maybe not those words but the implication would be there
I lied, Gary Oldman is the Rabi. Her dad just looks a lot like the Rabi. Although, I haven’t seen them in the same room together. Hmmm….
“I need an exorcism performed”
Spellcheck via message board: dybbuk.
Sorry. Had to take a break. The yard people needed me to move my car so they could get in the back with their equipment.
Now, were was I…
This movie doesn’t star Danny Diveto and Arnold does it?
Thanks JB
Nope, Rhett. Just a girl who keeps claiming she’s not mentally ill.
I have indeed heard of a dybbuk, in discussions of “The Sixth Sense” back when it came out…
The Rabi will do some research, maybe make a couple of calls
breaking mirrors , burning them, and then burying them. Huh?
rewatching asylum movie. That dog wasn’t there before.
Now best friend is being contacted by creepy kid
My cat is biting me. I don’t think she likes this movie
Rhettro, it must since that certainly was a gateway to hell.
Dreaming of asylum. See the creepy kid?
I just noticed. Main characters eyes are both turning white. Must be Nazi experiments
The creepy kid isn’t being played by Danny Devito?
The Nazis invented Visine.
Why are all the lights out? What happened to the other residents?
Old lady, aka grandma (don’t ask) going to be killed by creepy kid.
Why is it the latest thing for all horror movies to show somebody walking up stairs on all fours in a creepy way? It’s not scary any more?
subtract that last question mark. It was a statement, not a question.
She found out grandma’s dead. Let the tears commence
The Exocist called. They want their creepy four legged walk back.
^Also has been called creepy.
Wait a minute! The Dybbuk began in Austowich? What the hell were the nazi’s doing with those twins?
Gotta love the Weekly World News, Rhett
BAck to the Rabi. His lights have gone out too
Yuck, the dog’s head is on upsidedown.
BAck to the apple computers
Oops, best friend has a mirror in her home. Cue creepy kid
Well that sucks. No more best friend. That will teach her to answer the door.
creepy kid now possesing best friend
Cracked hit this one out of the park today. I dare you to read through this list without laughing.
“I don’t think the world was ever safe. We like to think it is, but it’s not”
Where did this guy come from. NOw brought in a basketball playing priest to help with the exorcism
They are going to perform the exorcism at night (stupid) in the old closed asylum where her mother use to be (really stupid).
Cool horn.
Time to strap Casey (main heoin in case I forgot to mention earlier) down to a hospital bed for the exorcism
I’m having trouble keeping in the mood for this movie while flipping back and forth to your link, Rhett
Ten people are needed for the cerimony. Funny, none of them seem to be wearing red shirts. It must be under thier main garments
Cue typical exorcism wind, and general spirit fighting them.
Cue creepy little boy
Yup. Dead volunteers
That’s it for that priest. Where’s the Rabi?
There goes the boyfriend
There are some “good” photos in the comment section of Fark in regards to that link Bunny that will give you pause as well. LOL
Oh yes, gotta do the streatch face effect. Also a new staple in horror movies
Oh, there’s the Rabi
Movie’s almost over. Will look at it in a minute, Rhett
Did the boyfriend live? Is it over?
BAck to the lonely jog in the park, thinking over what happened
Typical, not really over ending.
Watching credits.
Holy Crap. This movie was co-produced by Michael Bay
Rhettro, awesome link for the toys
hehe new wonderfulness from the oatmeal
Movie time is over. Thanks for playing along.
Rhettro: There are a lot of Mattel toys on that list.
Thanks for the commentary Bunny. ๐
Ok Rhett, that Fark comment page picked on us Canadian a lot. I think I might cry :cwy:
Oh I didn’t read any of the comments, just looked at some of the pictures posted. Like the Superman Pillow thing.
Read the caption for the Canadian flag on page 3 (I think)
I found that one more of a compliment.
Cricket had developed to the point where it had become the national sport of England.
Today, the game’s governing body, the International Cricket Council, has 104 member countries.
Cricket Communications, Inc. founded in 1999, provides wireless services to about 4.6 million customers in all US states. The company is a subsidiary of Leap Wireless.
The Crickets are a rock & roll band from Lubbock, Texas, formed by singer/songwriter Buddy Holly in the 1950s. Their first hit record was “That’ll Be the Day,” released in 1957.
The Cricket Wireless Pavilion (commonly shortened to just Cricket Pavilion) is an amphitheater located in Phoenix, Arizona USA which seats 8,000 under a pavilion roof and an additional 12,000 on a spacious hillside behind the main stands
The “Noisy Cricket” was one of the many weapons employed by the Men in Black
Jiminy Cricket is the Walt Disney version of “The Talking Cricket” (Italian: Il Grillo Parlante), a fictional character created by Carlo Collodi for his classic novel Pinocchio, which was adapted into an animated film by Walt Disney in 1940.
The Acme No. 470 clicker, or “cricket” was used by the 101st Airborne in WWII to identify friendly or enemy soldiers.
The Plymouth Cricket refers to two badge-engineered automobiles associated with the Chrysler manufacturer.
The Cricket was an early automobile released in 1914.
I fondly recall the Cricket children’s magazine.
Not to be confused with the Plymouth Cricket.
(That Oatmeal comic is a win, btw reaper)
The Cricket magazine was a 19th-century American general-interest magazine – not to be confused with Jack’s children’s mag.
A Cricket is a ridge structure designed to divert water on a roof.
Carrom Ball
a style of bowling delivery used in cricket, named because the ball is released by flicking the ball between the thumb and a bent middle finger in order to impart spin
I figure me and Lo are looking at the same webpage.
Cricket was a doll made by Playmate Toys in the 1980’s.
sabertooth crotch cricket
โขReally bad infestation of pubic lice.
Cricket is a type of darts game played on a standard dart board.
A bone disease:
A. Measles.
B. Mumps.
C. Rickets.
I figure youre right, Van
I’m not a great blog reader, but any guy who is prepared to play through the fucking insane difficulty level that is Army Moves gets my respect:
Dammit Jack….. witty… very witty
Cricket was a Puerto Rican porn star active between 1992 and 2005.
Cricket Pavilion is an amphitheatre in southwestern Phoenix. (where Rhett and I went to see Iron Maiden)
Yep, we had two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby.
Damn, that Darth Facebook was funny.
Make sure to start at the bottom (duh!)
Good luck with the big meetup this weekend, Jack. It is indeed well deserved and long overdue!
Thanks, Ed. I kinda can’t believe it.
While I won’t discourage premature “w00ting”, given the history, I’m going to maintain a hopeful deadpan composure, in anticipation of a successful reconnection.
Oh, Unborn. That one is in my queue.
Train reservations made. I’m visiting Santa Barbara the weekend of April 30-May 2! ๐
I thought that perhaps Rhettro oversold the Cracked bit on kids’ toys. I was wrong.
My very very very first ever boyfriend was named Jeff.
One day I called his house and “Cricket” answered his phone and said, “Hi, I’m Cricket. Jeff is in the shower. We just had sex. Who is this?”
I replied, “His ex-girlfriend… apparently.”
I don’t like crickets much.
Tomorrow! Sadly, I suspect some trickery is afoot, but let’s hope I’m wrong. Let’s just hope for the best.
And oh yeah – Stupid Devils! Looks like I’ll be singing one of the Philadelphia songs. . . . .
Goodnight :cth:
Fingers crossed.
And fingers crossed here too.
So I’ve been listening to Spherical Tomi. Jack actually got a frustrated gasp out of me when episode 9 ended. I had to go searching through to find the next episode on my player. So… ya bastard. =D
And, so begins one of those long weekends where, when Monday comes, I’ll be ready to go into the office to recover. ๐
morning pan hehe:
WIN! = Win
reaper: JJ does Questionable Content, a web comic that I love. ๐
Good luck, Jack!
Oh reaper….oh that room looks like a place where not nice things happen….
“The result is a simple-enough-looking armoire that opens to a hidden room of magic and play.””
Yuck and ugh. I hate my brain. = creepy
Lo, maybe they just need a smaller hole.
Hi Gang – Yes TEB I know I still owe you a song… I will get to it. Really…
This weekend I will be rubbing elbows with publishers and musicians and authors at a local con… WOOT! So I will not be around much. So be good pan.
Morning Pan!
This Bunny is feeling really tired this morning. I don’t know why but I’m just dragging.
I think I need a teddy bear hug (or one from my Goddess) and then to crawl back into bed
Hubby has asked me to make puffed wheat squares instead of cookies today.
I made this big production about how hard worked I am and how he takes me for granted. He didn’t buy it :biggrin:
reaper Says:
April 23rd, 2010 at 6:04 am
Lo, maybe they just need a smaller hole.
cool pic:
cool pics:
Bunny, I have an unlimited supply of hugs for you! :heart:
I suggest you get back in bed and bundle up.
I’d like to do the same!
No sleep for this Bunny, Cj. ๐
finished my work work, just finished cleaning the bathroom, off to the grocery store.
Then to make puffed wheat squared, have a quick lunch, then hubby is coming home early and we’re off to the bank to sign some paper. Then maybe, just maybe I can rest
On a different note, I ordered the Ultraviolet TV series today, based on the Deadpan recommendations
Oh and since I won’t be around much – the fastest hour in podcasting released early. Check your feeds!
My little brother just informed us that he’s got a job in Colorado and is moving there next month.
Make sure he’s warned of the dangers of Lo Pan.
Off to the store.
RE: J0e’s link:
Put ze candle bek.
Thanks everyone. I’m off.
Get off!!!!!!
Wait no…..
CW FlashFoward
Um… its snowing. Hard.
Oh sweet! Its the awesome snow storm WITH lightning. Thus shit rulz.
Damned impressive:
Much more funny if you are a long-time reader:
Jack: Best of luck on the weekend. Hope it’s awesome.
CP: In The Flesh? — Pink Floyd
Good Luck tomorrow Jack! Please post pictures if you can! I’ve got all my fingers crossed for you. Makes is a bitch to type.
(At this point the person doing the show notes just gave up. I donโt know who half these people are)
I read that and had a good laugh LOL
Quick hop in, hubby home so more errands to run.
JR, That statement was made because I ended up leaving a lot of blanks for Jack to fill in because some people don’t introduce themselves before or after their recording so I can’t give credit.
That being said however, I occasionally put in my own little lines. The last time I did it (when Jack spoke of the health care debate), I asked Jack if that was ok, and he said he was ok with it so now, every once in a while… *shrug*
Some writers/speakers are incredibly boring no matter how interesting their topic/material may be.
They also shouldn’t refer to themselves in the 3rd person as an expert, even if they really are.
Ditto: I feel that way about Al Gore.
Though he’s a ‘green; man, I still find it funny that he bothers to pay ‘carbon credits’ to the company that he owns. I mean, I’d believe in the man more if he just wrote the check to himself instead of trying to pretend he’s ‘green’.
TEB: Your show notes still make me laugh ๐
WNDRWolf: That was a rockin’ episode. Very nice.
Am I the only one who finds listening to trivia that is recorded supremely frustrating? Esp. when you knw the answer and no one gets it!!
Curse my busy schedule not letting me got to the mmmmeetup.
lol. It just proves how motivated some people can be when it comes to porn.
I guess porn is a powerful motivator. I’m seeing a whole new market for the old motivational poster.
Question for those of you who use WordPress with PodPress: Does PodPress just refer to the contents of your RSS feed? More importantly, are the actual mp3s just hosted on Libsyn or on your own server? My mom wants to make an mp3 available somehow through a WordPress blog post, and if PodPress requires there to be an RSS feed for it to work, we’ll just host it on our family’s domain.
Amy, I dunno if you ever got the answer to your question. . . I *believe* that your file will need to be hosted online somewhere (Libsyn should be fine; FPM files are hosted at the FPM servers, WordPress itself *might even* allow a certain amount of MB uploaded). The Podpress plugin needs to know the file’s location, plus a few other bits of info about it. It should then be available in the player for that WordPress post, once you post it.
Anyway, yeah, it’s been an amazing day.
Goodnight :mush:
Amy – I’d have to do it to remember, but I’m pretty sure that the WP & PP combo let’s you host the files anywhere – you just tell the plugin where they are so that it points to them and you will almost definitely want the FeedBurner plugin too.
An easy Saturday morning is on the cards, train tickets need to be purchased..
So listening to the lastest Wander Radio…through the little phone speaker, wolf sounded like Charlie Chan at the beginning of the episode.
Thanks, Jack and NS!
Jack, glad to hear that your day was awesome! :happy:
By the way, I checked last night and WP does allow a certain amount of MB uploaded, but it will only allow picture and document files, not audio files.
Oh and is the lass who does the audio drama reviews putting on that accent? It sounds fake.
Hey Deadpan, slept in. It felt good, but not good enough – stupid cat
My Boo has been asked to do the artwork for The Loaded Dice comic. She’s pretty pumped
I was going to post some of the concept are for the comics but WP hates me. wouldn’t accept the full link or the tiny url. Will have to wait until Jack releases them.
Now… martial arts.
Kick Butt TEB!
Waiting in a queue at Pizza Hut, just been to see ‘Life During Wartime’ was rather strange.
TEB: Excellent!
Does anybody remember the PEP bar? Or the York Peppermint Patties? We can’t get them here, if they’re still available, and my hubby has been driving me nuts about craving them the last few days. If they are still available outside of Canada, can I wiggle my bunny nose nicely and have some sent to me? I’ll gladly send some Bernard Callebaut to you in exchange (ask Cj about those chocolates)
Not Junior Mints, we can still get those.
Thanks bunches in advance
We have York Peppermint Patties here. I will gladly send you some and you don’t have to send me anything in exchange as you’ve given me more than I could possibly make up for in this lifetime :heart:
Lot of sweetness ’round here today . . .
thank’s Cj :kiss:
:kissing: sorry
Darn, my teeth have rotted away read that..
Super cereal.
Ok, watching the latest Dr Who, and the start of the episode is just great (sequel of sorts to Blink), nice use of time travel.
We’re watching the premier again right now, Van. Getting ready for tonight’s.
Sly B, Sly B’s mom, and I built two above-ground gardens this week. We’re tired. Photographic evidence:
Those are incredibly awesome, EssBee! Well done!
Thank ya, doll.
Now I’ll download this week’s episode and give it a listen!
Here’s a tip: when on vacation, don’t peek at your work email.
Well, this was an interesting day.
On the plus side, I got some pretty good sell prices on Ebay for mine and my wife’s old phones.
I think I’ll leave it at that and end the day on the positive note.
This is for my Bunny and anyone else who wants to see complete cuteness!
Just a quick Hop in.
Those are cute Cj
Also, Jack and Ditto have to sing so far. Vanamonde and Cj move on to the next round.
Not a hot bubble bath calls me.
We have the Pearson Peppermint Pattie here in Minnesota, and I would swear the York was still on the market in the US in general.
I’m partial to the locally-produced Pearson, though.
Add the Avs supporters to the list of singers (sorry, Lo Pan).
San Jose’s songs:
Do you know the way to San Jose?
or Shark Attack (Split Enz)
Philly (grr)’s songs:
Fly Like an Eagle
Philadelphia Freedom
Pittsburgh’s songs:
The Kid is Hot Tonight
Hang on Sloopy
Goodnight :drevil: :panties:
I’m very irrational about ebay, won’t touch it with a bargepole.
Not a fan of the show buy the gymnastics is impressive:
-y +t
Well, payments received for both phones. Packed up and ready to go out with the mail tomorrow.
Morning Pan.
There’s snow on the ground. What the heck is that about?
EssBee: Very nicely done!
The tumbleweeds are strong tonight.
These are not the tumbleweeds you are looking for.
very quiet weekend. I hope Jack’s was not and was filled with happiness and excitement!
May a day trip to the open house where my daughter will be spending a week at summer camp. I think she’s going to have a grand time. Made for a long day, though.
Ed: I first read that as “opera house” and went, “Whoa, COOL!” That’s still great, though.
I had a wonderful weekend. Earth-Day-themed group meditation day at one of the local churches on Saturday, then a very brief span of writing time, then dinner at a great Mexican cafe with a bunch of my mom’s friend, followed by Country at the Merc, where one of her songs debuted. Today we spent the entire day out, joining in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the starting of the old church we went to before we moved to Temecula, and catching up with old friends.
Yeah, I am truly at a loss for words. What a run of emotions, over the course of this weekend.
Every single moment with my little ones was magic. In spite of the long time apart, we reconnected immediately, as if only a few days had past, rather than hundreds.
EssBee – Did you use a treated lumber for the garden beds? I’ve heard that whatever the treatment is, it can leach out of the wood making it dangerous to use indoors.
I’m with Van re: eBay. I don’t trust the system, I don’t trust the company. I just wish there was an alternative that wasn’t even worse. (uBid, etc.)
And again, with Vanamonde. That vid of Spellbound was hair raising. I’ve never seen a gymnastic piece that actually fit the music that smoothly. Very impressive.
Jack – Hooray for good things!
I had better luck welling furniture through Craigslist than eBay (in 2006), but I think I’d probably avoid CL for selling off electronics.
Thanks, Nomad.
FYI everyone, there’s a rare blog post from me up on this site’s main page.
Goodnight moon.
The slow death of the floppy disk:
Good Morning Peeps.
I had an excellent weekend reconnecting with authors and bands.
Van that is not a fake accent – The young lady you are referring to in the show is Alexa Chipman she runs the Imagination Lane Production Company. She is originally from England and is currently living in San Francisco. So she maybe losing her accent in spots… however that works.
Jack: Awesome news about the weekend. Rock.
eBay is sketchy, but I do use them once in a while. I must be loosing my paranoia-cred.
Yea for Jack!
And after years of iTunes not working properly when embedded in 64-bit windows, they’ve finally fixed the display problems with the latest release.
Well done, Apple. Great job at promptly fixing a well-known bug.
I think the statement “Anime will die” is overblown, but there are good points (and bad) in this article.
Back from Sedona weekend. I’m thinking that I’m gonna skip catching up on most of it.
No offense.
No offense, Lejon.
Possibly the best response to Ebert’s dumb-ass games-as-art denial:
Good news Jack about the weekend. hope the good things continue.
ditto: re: anime article: I absolutely agree with the need for the unpaid viewing to stop (not that I’m not guilty myself…) The situation makes me very, very sad.
One day, I’ll catch up on my Anime… I haven’t been up on it since they were calling it Japanimation…
Amy: I agree. While I have downloaded episodes, I did so only to sample material before buying. I was not going to spend money on something I’ve never seen. Add to that the ridiculous prices for many offerings and it was no surprise that a number of companies collapsed. I dislike the fact that I’ve contributed to the problem.
Fortunately, Funimation and Crunchy Roll provide legitimate and free streaming of current and past shows. To a lesser extent, ANN and Hulu do the same. In addition, suppliers are releasing box sets that are reasonably priced: $40 for season as opposed to $30 for several episodes. I’m definitely buying more now that things have changed.
Lejon: Neither have I. That’s why I’m hopeful that Netflix can provide me with enough anime that I haven’t seen yet to last for years. That’s the only way I’m watching any anime anymore.
Speaking of Anime, Stan Lee is contributing to a new series called Heroman that is a cross between Japanese & American comic book styles. I’ve watched the first episode so far and it is… interesting. I haven’t decided if I’ll continue watching it. Of course, Stan makes his appearance in the first episode. ๐
You can find Heroman here:
Episodes are released a few days after they air in Japan.
And yes, the hero’s name follows Stan’s ubiquitous naming convention. ๐
Ooh! Thanks, ditto. I will keep those sites in mind.
And to share, the anime shows I’m currently watching are:
On Crunchy Roll:
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
On Funimation:
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Soul Eater
Haruhi and Soul Eater are finished series. The others are currently airing in Japan with new episodes released a few days later here.
With the exception of Heroman–I haven’t made my mind up on this one yet–I highly recommend these series.
interesting short read:
the second is my fav:
the choice is crack or DMV. wow that sucks.
swine flu VS. cleavage
wow they have some good match ups but it’s a way to kill time over lunch
CP: Coverville 666 – some fun music but not a really stellar episode.
Lots of interesting links this morning, everyone!
Sadly, this is all I have to contribute:
My wife has been told to watch:
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku
I should probably do some checking on this…
sum checking on this…?
Jack I wouldn’t worry about your link contribution. your weekend is a way better link any any of us could find.
So Left 4 Dead 2 on the PC, or Afterburner Climax on the 360…hmmmm.
Lejon: ANN is a great resource for such things.
I haven’t seen it and I can’t say it greatly interests me, however, it is only 6 episodes long.,17322/
Jack: lol
CP: Down, Down, Down — The Hushpuppies
For a second there, I thought they’d go for the ones made of brass…
Is Left For Dead 2 worth getting?
I hate gray whiskers in my mustaches. They’re very distracting.
Don’t look in the mirror Lj.
Van, I can see them without the mirror, just in the edge of my peripheral vision. One lone whisker standing out among the dark forest of … I plucked it, I’ll be OK…
Yeah, I get this one wispy, barely visible white eyebrow hair, drives me nuts.
I think I’ve shared too much.
Funk that. I flipped when I found a white chest hair.
The 10th Doctor Musical video is brilliant!
Fuck that. I flipped when I found a white… uh, never mind.
This probably isn’t the time to mention that my father has only recently started getting any gray.
*throws a dead fish at Ed from Texas*
*considers modifying the potato gun to fire fish*
*walks in, slips on dead fish*
Lejon: Bob’s Lego-gladiators reminded me of this excellent short story:
Montreal is playing with serious desperation. Currently up 3-0 with 12:30 in the 3rd.
Looks like I may cross the border into Canadia for a little bit this September.
Hi from Texas, DP.
avast! privilege-escalation vuln:
I feel a sense of closeness with EssBee right now…
JN: Cool! ๐
Ed …
Thinking of Ed’s full head of hair…
And those dreamy blue eyes…
DAMMIT! I’m at work people.. I can’t work in this environment!
And BTW … I often feel a closeness with EssBee and I’m nowhere near Texas.
See?! See what you’ve all done to me.
I’m DeadpanCorrupted.
I was such a sweet innocent girl until I met Jack.
Gosh darned that Jack Mangan and his wiley ways.
It won’t stop!
All your links are blocked by my company.
Oh but I have a dumbass memory.
I might have to call it in.
I promise not to talk as long as last time.
Ramble Ramble Ramble Weird Al Ramble Ramble Ramble Dr. Demento…
As if Dark Matter (& Dark Energy & Dark Flow) weren’t enough, now we’ve got Mirror Matter.
Next up, Mirror Energy. Mirror Flow. Dark Mirror. And of course, Mirror Mirror.
Ah vanity is a strange thing.
The grey hairs out number the non grey hairs, Alamo is brewing.
Blackhawks w00t!!!!!!!
I’m waiting for some LoPan Sinatra!!!!!!!!!!
wait it was LoPan who had the Predators yes?
Vanity was also awesome in Action Jackson.
Goodnight, you princes (and princesses) of Deadpan.
You know what I’ve come to appreciate – fanatics.
No matter what subject I’m trying to learn about, somewhere on the net is a web page, podcast, and forum full of people who eat, sleep, and discuss ad nauseum that subject.
In this particular case, we’re going to Disney World this year (niether my wife nor I have ever been, so it will be a first for the whole family).
I’ve been warned by friends who’ve been to make some plans to make best use of time.
I’ve found so far two major discussions forums and four podcasts dedicated solely to the topic of vacationing at Disney World. Populated by people who make several trips a year there.
And I thought the Las Vegas people were hard core!
That is nuts, Ed.
Also, Don’t mess with Texas.
That is all.
I just opened a box of 1000 floppy discs at work yesterday.
and DC vs. Princess Bride? They both have a lot of awesome… grr
morning pan
funny mix of stories
Morning :deadpan:
This day is another day – CARPE DENIM!
no that’s not right – is it go to work pantless day>
there it is –
off to do the job.
Fuuuuuuuck…….. oh well. So what 2 songs do I have to do now?
Did both of your teams lose out already Pan?
Yup. Aint hockey life grand?
To be fair I had the “balls” to pick 8 and 7 seeds so the chances I’d be singing two were already 80% or so.
You dont know what I have been through
Let me put my love in you
No more nights…of blood and fire.
Only two contests left to be decided by game 7: PHX vs DET and WAS vs MTL.
PHI in 5
BOS in 6
PIT in 6
SJ in 6
CHI in 6
VAN in 6
Impressive that so many matches went to 6 games.
Ed: Welcome to the Disney Themeparks fandom! One of the first podcasts I subscribed to, back in 2006/2007 was The Meandering Mouse. Not much in the way of planning information, but great if you want to experience one of those places via audio. I don’t listen anymore, but I do read MiceAge every morning. They have a new column every weekday (Tuesdays are WDW column days) with the latest changes and updates to the parks, and a very active discussion forum. (Is it one of the ones you’ve already discovered?)
Uh Oh
“What none of realised was that another disaster was about to unfold in front of our eyes, for Iron Man 2 is a travesty โ a mind-numbingly dull, chaotic and often unwatchable muddle. It might even be the ultimate masterclass in how not to make a movie.
Given the strength of part one, the sequel is not just a terrific failure but a terrific disappointment.”
Oh, wow. That’s bad. ๐
CP: The Scare of Meaning Less — 54-40
One may think hes just a pissed off and jaded reviewer – which he could still be… but his relating it to Spiderman 3 and the problems it had makes me cry. Cause that was a terrible film for all the reasons hes saying Iron Man 2 wreaks of. Ill still see it… still not a good way to start.
If he hated the first movie, I might believe the jaded reviewer theory. He still might be, but….
…but I’m scared.
Yknow and for all the hype, Kick-Ass has only made $56 million worldwide. Which isnt bad at all for a film made for $30 million. Thats good profit. Still I thought the controversy would get more people seeing it. S’cool tho. Its really niche. And really good.
For the Blackhawks methinks the 2 decided upon songs were
Sinatra- My Kind of Town
Fratellis- Chelsea Dagger
Mealsothinks Paul picked chicago too and I think he was ok with those 2 songs. Jack might need to confirm that.
I can send you these tunes if you need ๐
I wanted to see Iron Man 2. I did really like the 1st one.
I’m really behind on movies. Although we did just pay-per-view Inglorious Bastards and I really enjoyed it. Minus a few scenes I covered my eyes on.
Since no one is here I am going to girly out on Deadpan. I love my job!!!!!
I’m freelancing at Sephora and the coolest part of that is when I get an email from Sephora advertising some new product I know I can go into the office and get a sample of it for free. I love it. My makeup supplies have increased quite impressively since I started.
and Hugh is happy cuz he was sure I was going to spend my entire paycheck on makeup. Silly Hugh.
Although there are a couple things I am coveting…
*strips naked*
*dances around deadpan bar like a mad woman*
TSH *swoon* ๐
Since Chicago hasn’t lost, you don’t have to sing.
Oh- I think I like the new doctor. He’s cute. But I have trouble understanding him sometimes… I know I am just a dumb american, but his accent is a little troubling. Sometimes when the last doctor started talking a mile a minute I would get lost. But this guy seems worse. I wonder if I just need to get used to him. Where in England is he from? I don’t really like his assistant.
oh wait did I have the rules wrong? Didn’t the loser have to sing the winning teams songs?
You better hope for the sake of your eardrums that chicago doesn’t lose my friend
We are also totally hooked on Merlin for some reason. The actress who is playing Morgana is beautiful. I would so do her.
We found the first Iron Man movie dull. Even called in to the Slice podcast to say so.
Sounds like you have it right.
Haven’t seen Merlin.
So, I wonder if the Mirror Matter model backs up the 11/12 dimensions of string theory?
According to Wikipedia the new doctor is from Northampton. Not that that means anything to me. But maybe I have trouble with Northamtian accents. Like there are some places in southern Argentina.. omg..I can’t fucking understand a word they are saying. There are people from southern united states I have no idea what the hell they are talking about either.
JN: It’s turtles all the way down. ๐
Merlin is cute.. I mean its sorta dumb I guess. Hugh and I are kinda surprised we like it so much. But I don’t know. We are enjoying it right now.
That and Vampire Diaries… LOL.. I admit to watching that purely for the vampire sex.
And we don’t want to disturb Mirror Kirk and Mirror Spock.
Had to look her up. But yes, Katie McGrath is very attractive. ๐
Time to procure some victuals.
she has the most amazing green eyes with the black hair *swooon*
victuals? you pervert!!
i laugh at me own joke
The first Iron Man was actually the opposite of dull.
That being said Iron Man was the comic of my youth so maybe I was geared up for it more than most.
Whos Matie Kagrath?
Mr Lo Pan!
Yeah I liked Iron man as well and I wasn’t a fan of the comic. I thought they made it very interesting.
I liked Spiderman 1 as well, not so much 2 and 3
Katie McGrath is no Katie Perry.
shes a girly I lust after. Let me find you an appropriate photo…
No she ain’t shes bettererererer
although…. *swoooon*
I think I slightly prefer Perry. Tho I wouldnt want a conversation with her.
hubba hubba
Hughs sez he will take both, please ๐
I need to make a “bathroom break” real quick.
HUBBA HUBBA.. wowza.. shes a looker
I love that pin up girl look. Call me old fashioned but I do like the pinup girlys.
pin up girl referring to my image not the last one… the last one was just bunk-a-licious ๐
Done! *zips up*
Call you old fashioned? Ill call you whenever! *wakka wakka*
Yeah ok, Katie McGrath doesn’t seem to have too many scantily clad images unfortunately. So Perry might win ๐
hard – e – hard hard
everyone scattered? oops.
LoPan is this you?
awwww.. scared everyone off just like the good ol days!! *sobs*
WTF is that pic all about?
No, no everyone knows my girlfriend is Ke$ha. I just make fun of her to throw people off the scent. Of her. Cause she smells like pee.
Katie perry reminds me of Zooey Deschanel
Ke$ha? LOL.. oh you soooo want her!!!!
Hugh has been lusting over the Uhura actress.. whats her name???
Who is married to Ben Gibbard. Which, as said before, makes no fucking sense.
Dear Lo Pan
Zoe Saldana. She needs to eat a burger or two tho.
Pee!!!!!!!!!! You can smell it wafting from that pic.
Tho shes kinda sassy there…. DAMMIT!
For Hugh
look at those nipples!!×3000-900kb-media-2559-media-124204-1193402102.jpg
OMG pee
Yes, she is really fucking thin.
Hugh sez: she could use a little meat in her, I mean on her
So kidding….
“Sassy” = “Stinky”
ewww. total pee
Oh Hugh! Wakka Wakka!!!!
Hughs gems of wisdom
Hey Lo Pan did you get a chance to listen to any of that muzak?
I would email you but I am being lazy and thoguht I would just ask you here
and in more pee news. I believe Holes new album is out today *barf*
oh yes.. there it is on iTunes *barf2*
Negative. Know why? Forgot to burn disc therefore couldnt listen in car. Total fail.
But this has reminded me to do it NOW!!!!!!
I can’t decide if I like The National. Sometimes I think I like them and sometimes not so much. They have a new one today it seems too.
But I have really been digging LCD Soundsystem lately.
burn baby burn
I decided to click on the new Hole and sample it and now I am deaf
OMFG Im way out of music…. learn….me….
Oh the new National is coming out May 11- there is only 1 track available to sample and again I give it an: eh.
sit my child and learn
Actually looking through the new releases under “Alternative” I don’t know most of these bands. I swear its like the internet made music more accessible but it so much easier for bands to get out there- so its like there is this overload of new music. Its almost overwhelming
Why you did that? Hole = fail. You know this.
Cept their cover of Gold Dust Woman which is really good. Odd.
Where you at?
When I was a wee child finding new music was so difficult. You had a hear a rumor then go out and buy something or beg whomever told you about said band to make you a mix tape.
I’m in SF, where are you??? ๐
I clicked on Hole cuz I just wanted to know.
I do still like Live Through This, the album Kurt wrote.
Some of those songs I still to this day really like.
OMG there is an album called Punk goes Classic Rock and its an album of punk bands covering old classic rock tunes!
Course what they call “punk” nowadays makes Hugh cry
what was that quote you love so much Hugh?
Punk rock died the day the 1st Hot Topic opened
TSH, you seen/heard the new M.I.A video/song?
Kinda punk rock. Also, Atari Teenage Riot is back together, they are pretty punk rock too!!
LOL.. one of the songs is Pour Some Sugar On Me
fucking classic!!! (hence its inclusion in the classic rock album)
No I mean where you at finding your music????? Smarty Ass.
Hot topic is awesome for my 8 year old. Nuff said.
I just heard the new ATR single. Its good.
Oh and Ditto on the LCD Soundsystem.
I love both M.I.A and Atari Teenage Riot
I saw M.I.A’s video on Pitchfork melikey!!!
Those poor Gingers… *sniff*
I know, I know… Hot Topic has its purpose but I thought that quote was hilarious. What would Sex Pistols say about it? Its is kinda anti-punk rock if you think about what punk rock was rebelling against at the time. I was once in Hot Topic and these 2 kids were discussing about how Sex Pistols didn’t really know how to play music and couldn;t understand why they were so popular. I wanted to hurt them. Like could you have totally missed the point more completely???
LCD is rad.
and then I freaked out that I was actually IN a Hot Topic and promptly left
oh shit sorry- I am at the iTunes store looking at the new releases
But beware.. when you go the “alternative” music section Courtney Loves big mug is there. Ugh. She makes me ill.
I’m kinda digging the band White Apple Tree
Wow, a GYGO reunion!
I really dug the song, “Atari Teenage Riot”, but never heard anything more from them.
I stick to Electronic. Alt music so does nothing for me anymore. Nor does radio other than KEXP. I am fully Seattle now… is a good place to get music too. As is….ooo and
Hi Jack!!
Jeremy- I hear ya. Alternative is such a bad genre, what the heel does it mean?? It is all over the place. But I do still like lots of bands who would be under the alternative umbrella in iTunes land.
I get the rcrdlbl mp3 of the day sent to me every day. Ill check out those others. I kinda like going to The hype Machine cuz it lists all the songs and bands and shit being blogged about every day. Kinda interesting. A little of everything.
Pitchfork is an ok resource, though not as good as it used to be. I also like Aquarium Drunkard a lot for a mix of cool old stuff and indie new:
Yeah, Electronica is the same way. But you can get a good mix of stuff in there. Check out the Scuba album “Triangulation”, its pretty frakkin good. Atmospheric dubstep stuff.
Never been a huge Wings fan, but that “Arrow Right Through Me” song is pretty funky sweet.
I’m liking the new Futureheads too
Agreed on Pitchfork, Jack, they’ve gotten full of themselves. I’ll check that site too.
Ok, kids, Gotta go. Our day at treatment is winding down and I gotta tend to da Hugh.
everyone take care
Speaking of good Seattle bands, Nevermore’s new album comes out in June! wOOt!
I love all music as long as it’s Nevermore.
thanks Jeremy, I will look at those too. I wrote em down ๐
“# Jeremy From Seattle Says:
April 27th, 2010 at 10:01 am e is a good place to get music too. As is XLR8R.comโฆ.ooo and”
I’m always up for new (legal) online music resources.
Wow. Missed all the action over runchie.
CP: Happy Birthday — Altered Images
This is nuts:,237019,237019
Just checking. Your link didn’t work for me the first time, ditto. Works now, though ๐
I’ll have to watch later.
Bango is the best of my local sport mascots. I heard he also made some videos “welcoming” visiting fans there where pretty funny.
Some Indie Housy kinda stuff for yous deadpanners.
I believe this is in line with Lejon’s solution suggestion? I still need to try that.
Lo Pan: A slightly different take on Iron Man 2
ditto thats about what i was expecting. A good 3 star summer popcorn film. Heres hoping thats more right on than the pissed off Brit. (Not that all Brits are pissed off, Van)
Lo Pan: That’s a common problem with very early Rotten Tomato reviews. There’s a small group–usually 5 to 7–of non-trustworthy reviewers that will provide a 100% review. This usually gets cleared about a week before a movie opens when the legitimate reviewers start posting their reviews.
Just ignore it for now.
More drama in the Apple vs Gizmodo saga:
Studio plants? ah, tomato plants?
Dead plants? Dead pans?
Anything Macgruber I cannot ignore. For it must be put down.
If we ever review a zombie film, we should call it “Night of the Living Deadpan”
If we ever review a true crime file we should call it “Dean Pan Walking”.
file = film
If we ever review a teenage comedy romance, we should call it “Better off Dead Pan”.
If we ever review a zombie comedy, we should call it “Shaun of the Deadpan”
If we ever review a movie set in a 1950’s private school, we should call id “Dead Pan Society”.
Metacritic says Iron Man fails
If we ever review a western, we should call it “The Quick and the Deadpan”
If we ever review a video game / terrible but fun fighting film it should be called “Deadpan or Alive”
If we ever review one of the greatest Faith No more songs it should be called “Surprise! Youre Deadpan!”
Lo Pan: Did they make Black Widow American?!?!!! She’s Natasha and always will be in my book.
*redhead swoon*
Oh yeah, ditto. Shes utterly American from what I understand. You think Scarlett Lohanssen could pull off a Russian accent?
If we ever review Joy Division, we should call it “Deadpan Souls”.
That’s IT! I’m done with Hollywood.
Oh, who am I kidding. ๐
If we ever review a quirky 80’s detective show we should call it “Mangan P.I.”
Who needs Hollywood when we have Bioware?
Only a Russian accent makes “Moose and Squirrel” sound sexy. ๐
You are loooking for da nukleear wessels.
Lo Pan: Well done!
Rhettro: Very true.
Magnum D.P. ?
CP: War Pigs — Black Sabbath
Dosvedanya, Pan
Goodnight commerade Lo Pan.
We are da Deadpan Empire.
We should cover a Jack Black animated film for Kung Fu Deadpanda.
Dead Pandamoneum?
If we ever review a Russian invasion movie we should call it “Deadpan Dawn”
Bad fantasy bikini flick: “Dead[pan] Sonja”
Jร: I’ll have to check out that story.
NS: Oh, no! Does the Mirror Matter end up on your chin?
Ed: As much as I hate THE Mouse and his house, the wife and I are of the Disney initiated. Plan of attack is not a bad idea. The parks usually get hit by new people daily, which means that lines for rides at the front of a park will be very long. Don’t fall for this, there are convenient methods for getting around the park, use them, go to rides in the back. Check out guide books and find out what rides you want to go on, find out where they’re at, and plan accordingly. Make use of the Fast Pass options. A little planning may mean the difference between sitting for hours in line, and actually riding more than 3 or 4 rides in 8 hours. Just sayin’
TSH: He sounds like he’s from the North… Lot’s of planets have a north.
These hollywood starlets…They all look THE SAME… Stupid barbie moulds should be thrown out. Get some women with personality…
Jack: Yeah, that’s sort of in keeping with that drive. Just set the system to boot from USB in the BIOS, and reboot. it should boot into LinuxMint
— I’d like to watch Dawn of the Dead Pan…
Living Dead Pan – New White Zombie song… Maybe.
Dead Pan Again — Will there be Scissors?
I’ve been hearing a lot of Linux Mint of late. I may have to download a copy.
Drop Dead Pan Gorgeous… OK. I’ve got nothing…
Dirty Deadpantsing?
Dead Pan Wood – a tale about movie making, transvestism, and nipples in black and white…
Reservoir Dead Pan … I’ll be Mr. Pink. Why not?
Dead Pan After Dawn… OK, so the title gives it all away…
Red Dead Pan … TV show set in the future, deep in the dark reaches of space, with holograms, and androids with nipples…
We should reboot the Manimal franchise as Deadpanimal!
Jack: Yes, that would be much more preferrable over Mangansquito.
So I have to sing Boston music? What was the Boston music?
Dead Pan Wood – a tale about frontier badassery, cussing, killing and nipples…in sepia.
Yeah do I have to sing yet??
Don’t forget the Benicio del Toro classic – DeadPan’s Labyrinth.
TEB made an excellent .pdf file listing all of the teams, people, and songs. I’m going to update it after the first round and post the images in a mainpage Deadpan post. (Sorry I’ve been slow posting that, Bunny)
Paul, you have the choice between “I’m a Gummy Bear” or “More Than a Feeling”.
Jeremy, *if* the Montreal Canadiens lose tomorrow, then you have “Cry Me A River” or “Just the Two of Us”. If they win, then both of your teams made it to round 2.
And BTW, I’m singing “Montreal” by the gay rock-disco outfit “Macho,” so there.
Heh, or the Classic Korean War movie M.U.S.H.
This is cool:
Lejon – Is that where goatees come from?
Okay, so I may be bland and not fun, but it looks like we may start the process of incorporating the hacker group.
Detroit crushes Phoenix. Unfortunately.
Mixed emotions with the Wings over the Coyotes, from one who was born in Detroit but now lives in Phoenix.
Lo Pan said:
If we ever review a quirky 80โs detective show we should call it โMangan P.I.โ
*gets amusing mental images and an urge to write this*
*has obviously been listening to way too much Black Jack Justice lately ๐ *
*worries that if she did write “Mangan, P.I.,” it would just end up a blurry photocopy of Black Jack Justice*
Lejon said:
TSH: He sounds like heโs from the Northโฆ Lotโs of planets have a north.
LOL! ๐ ๐
I’m trying to imagine Jack with a big bushy mustache now.
My imagination is weak.
I’m late to the game but I have…
Drop Deadpan Fred – I got nothing but we’d all be goofy looking redheads
Deadpan Like Me – instead of stealing souls we steal emoticons
Stupid Red Wings.
Where we are: The Deadpan Zone
What we are doing: being Deadpan Calm
Who is the star? Jumping Jack Mangan Flash
No response?
Bueller? Bueller?
I lose. :pinch:
Because by the time I post you’ve all gone to sleep nowadays. By morning, I’m irrelevant!
Goodnight, Inglorious Dedpans.
Working! Bah.
Waking! Bah!
You’re never irrelevant, CJ.
Alright, I got caught up on Chuck before turning in last night. I like the new direction. Show is definitely still a winner.
So far, this is something interesting that I’ve learned about from one of the DIS podcasts:
interesting concept. Definitely a product of our times.
…and anyway Cj, I’m usually awake at that time.
So think I may check out Agora later..although it’s been pointed out by the scholarly types that there is Little evidence On who burnt down the Library of Alexandria…Christian mob is blamed in the film.
Jack, I’ve got an up to date version of that hockey PDF, I’m just waiting for the montreal/Washington game to finish then I’ll send it to you. Probably tomorrow with the show notes.
It is morning –
I have been feeling more chipper than I usually do lately…
Not sure why…
I don’t think I will be asking that question anyway…
Wood chipper?
I dont like the fact that RCRD LBL really only allows you to download fucked up remixes of what would be good songs. I wanna listen to the original. Why only remixes? Why why why?
Also: Beach Girls by Sleigh Bells and You Do You by Bear in Heaven are the two best new songs Ive heard this year (or so) by a mile. Theyre grrrrrreat! Lo Pan heartily approved!
I have to say that Nomad Scry is an excellent person that allows me to bounce ideas off of…
Such a great giving guy.
That is all.
Need address in Calgary … I have this pile of candy to ship there….
I’ll send you an e-mail Cj. Many thanks and hugs.
CP: A Series of Small Flames — Land of Talk
Glad to hear Liz Powell’s voice is better.
Happy to oblige my beautiful Bunny. Let me know if there’s anything else I can send that you’d like since I’m sending! ๐
Rush! The Story of Rush!
Ok, it isn’t called that, but there is a documentary about Rush coming out called “Beyond the Lighted Stage”. It looks great.
It is ridiculous that they aren’t in the Rock ‘n Roll hall of fame. But, when one of the committee members was an editor of Spin, and vocally proclaimed his disdain of the band, it isn’t any surprise.
Nothing else, just warm thoughts – you’ll know why.
Need to prep my Loverboy singing voice for my walk of shame. ๐
Singers and their songs – so far:
Jack – Running Down a Dream or Detroit Rock City
Lo Pan – Chelsea Dagger or Do You Know the Way to San Jose
Amy – Vancouver Anthem or So Unsexy
Lo Pan – Shark Attack or Here Come the Hawks
ditto – Hang on Sloopy or The Kid is Hot Tonight
Jack – Fly Like an Eagle or Philadelphia Freedom
Paul Maki – More Than a Feeling or I’m a Gummi Bear
Montreal/Washington will be settled tonight.
I was just listening to the History of Rome’s 100th podcast last night and he was talking about how even the date of the burning of the library at Alexandria is pretty much up in the air.
Um, thanx Wolf.
Where is the blush icon?