un-Bleah Show Notes.
Jack Mangans Deadpan 155: Social Media Bleah
Jack Mangan is The Seventh Victim
Three weeks til the Deadpanmmmm meetup. (March 11(ish) to 14th(ish) is the Deadpanmmmm meetup.) Are you coming?
Promo – Tuning in to SciFi TV (http://tuningintoscifitv.com/)
Broken Lyrics Challenge by Paul Maki
Cj got one point from last challenge
Polite rap songs
“The Shave” – Claudine
Vanamonde reads the Finnish national anthem
The Troll Master calls Jack
Stolen Paragraphs – Ed from Texas
Jack reads More Polite Rap
Rich Sigfrit discusses the podcasters webathon to raise money for Sonic Boom, Tee Morris’ daughter. Tee’s wife and Sonic’s mother passed away recently. Tune in to theboomeffect.org on February 27th. There are even some bid item up now. Please help in any way you can. (www.theboomeffect.org)
Jack’s Big Doll House
“The Marriage Without Us” – Claudine
Greasy Nipples
Nomad Scry (first comment of the week)
Lo Pan
Outro Babble
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Closing music – Circle of Doom
Troll Master Orgo has something more to add
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Best if used before 2012.
Jack: I wanted to say :901: but did not want to disturb the wonderful symmetry you had going there. So I held my finger.
See? That’s my finger. And I’m holding it.
Morning Pan, dentist today, ugh!
Symmetry that I just destroyed because I didn’t see the new post here until it was too late… I’m really sorry, NS. 🙁
Anyway, what I posted over there was: U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! We have the most incredible snowboard-trick-performers in the WORLD!!!
(Night, Pan!) 😀
Morn Van, condolences on the dentist.
*LOL’ing @ Amy*
Night Amy.
🙂 Night, NS!
Apparently the company I now work for loves me.
I’m gettin’ a raise.
go me
chant chant
I one the “become a full-time employee with benefits” award today. (two weeks early, I might add)
I however lost the award for homophone use.
-one +won
One to look out for Essbee if you can get it cheap:
It could be worse Vanamonde. I had to take my cat to the Dentist this past Monday. He had to have two teeth removed. I’ve given him pain killers every twelve hours for the past two and a half days. No fun for kitty but only one more dose to go.
Oh and an action game I really enjoyed was Mirror’s Edge:
a game with a female protangonist who isn’t top heavy.
Ah, I had forgotten about Mirror’s Edge. That was one that I definitely want to check out (someday (when I start gaming again.))
What was the one that no one liked, Heavenly Sword? That one looked interesting too. Unless it is God of War style gameplay, in which case… run away!
Hm, I guess I should specify that the God of War that I played was on the PSP and probably is not indicative of the full on PS2 experience.
Cj! Hooray for raises and full timedness!
And, here we go again….
Congrats to CJ! Apparently they finally got the memo that CJ is Hawt!
And, also, my condolences to the dentist….no, wait wait ON the dentist 🙂
Just because grammar is hard, that’s no reason for us to kill it:
Morning Pan,
CP: Dead Pan 155
Go Cj!!
Thanks for the game recommendations, all!
NS, I hear the mandatory job dope testing argument.
Good morning, you beautiful mfers.
Morning –
you da (wo)man
Morning Deadpan!!
How are my warblers today? Here are the current standings with the anthems they need to do:
Amy – Canada
Ed – Finland
WndrWolf – Sweden
Jack – Czech Republic
Good luck! I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say, I look forward to mocking you 🙂
I’ll get a new schedule up sometime today. I’ve made a few cosmetic changes to it as well.
And… GO Cj!!!! YOU DA BOMB!!!
Oh yeah. Jack, my show notes are bleah! Often full of errors maybe, but never Bleah 😉
Ya know… someone needs to beat Canada. Just so we can hear that Bunny singing.
I have a funny feeling she’s the only one who won’t be toeing the line though.
Go Me!
Trust me Scry when I say you really don’t want to hear me sing. Ears bleed.
In MNSHO, crying doom on (English) grammar is kind of silly. As long as this is a living language, the grammar will also be a living, changing, growing thing. Trying to determine the rules is part of the fun because those rules are (slowly) changing all the time. Who knows what our writing will look like in 50 or a 100 years? 200 years?
Just look back to see what comes next.
(I thought I was reading recently that the use of the apostrophe to denote possession is a fairly recent innovation. Amazing!)
Wasn’t that you who did the Warriors come out to play bit last time around? Sounded fine to me.
(Then again, I listen to podcast for 5 hours a day. I may be insane.)
Ok, now I have the chance. Time to listen to the episode and work on “bleah” show notes.
Sorry Scry, wasn’t me.
CJ, Excellent news on the job. Now all you need is a raise!
*listening to the Deadpan* Heh, there goes my Bogart impression…
Well, I know Amy and Cj’s voices pretty well, but I’m less familiar with EssBee and yours. So perhaps I’m confabulating the two of you.
And if confabulating isn’t the correct usage… I don’t care. It sounded awesome.
Dun dun dun!
Really? Ugh. I should have know the one from NPH.
Especially since I have never heard -of- any of the others. =)
ZOMG!! I need a minute . . .
Cj followed by Van
Um . . .
Let’s just say Van put a nice Finnish on that one for me.
. . .
Kick ass
CP: Some podcast that has DEAD in the title…….
Ack. My printer ran out of toner. Must locate more…
hmmm nope, that wasn’t me. I wasn’t in this episode, but Dan asked if that was me also. Apparently I sound like someone!
And thanks for all the congrats. I’m fairly pleased with myself. 🙂
Oops! I feel so dirty! Okay, mystery woman — *swoooon*
Cj, you should totally read that. Then Van should read another anything. Weekly.
Jack, I too thought it was Cj. Please change the name on the show notes to whomever it really was. I won’t post on the FB page until it’s corrected
Maybe it was Lady J?
This is a lot more fun when I don’t wait until I can’t remember what the nipples were all about.
Good night elephants and moons and you.
Polite Rap Lyrics is my new favorite segment.
I also now have Youre Not From Brighton running thru my head.
It was a great episode, Jack. Very fun.
BTW, Jack was wrong. It’s only three weeks to the mmmmmmeetup, not a month.
Well Wolfman was very old school, even the acting was hammy from the lead actor.
As to accents, apart from De Toro and Weavering’s everybody else had various UK regional accents.
But great fun and worth checking out.
I enjoyed Wolfman
Wow! The sun has come out! For the first time this week, I was able to shut off the light in my office.
My kitty will be happy.
NS: I agree about living languages. You should listen to podictionary. It’s a great podcast about etymology.
Is that the movie about my grandfather?
I agree with Lo Pan. Well done, Jack, on the Polite Rap Lyrics.
BLC #3 was obvious.
Ed: Minor nit. You weren’t reading from the novelization since the book was written first. The movie was made years later.
Boob effect?
Should be an interesting day in hockey today. 🙂
TEB – Germany lost to Sweden? Who had Sweden?
Wolf: I think that was Cj.
3 weeks????
Holy crap!
Is there anyone here who isn’t my facebook friend? I’m sending out invites for the Saturday event.
If you don’t have me, please send me a request: http://www.facebook.com/cherylyn
More like great, great, great grandfather, Wolf.
Cj, did have Sweden. I’ll send you a new list Wolf. There were minor errors in the last one.
Cj said, “If you don’t have me, please send me a request”
My grandfather died: http://www.legacy.com/can-calgary/Obituaries.asp?Page=Lifestory&PersonId=139817760
I don’t feel bad, I didn’t know him that well and, honestly didn’t see him at all in the last year and a half. He had Alzheimer and it was too weird seeing him when he didn’t recognize me at all.
The Vatican lists their top 10 pop albums?????
Not a bad list. Clearly they can separate the music from the artist(s).
I have to go to Target… want to go to Target?
I feel the need to purchase stuffs that are located nearby at Target.
I want to go to target! I’ve never been. For me, though, it wouldn’t be the shopping so much as the company :cheerful:
Target sounds like a fun trip.
Everyone hop in the van!
Have fun at Target! Im going to the bar.
I think I am going to need help with this one…
Condolences on your loss TEB.
I’m stuffed full of pizza and will now have a brisk walk home.
The l is very important in that last sentence.
My condolences, TEB.
Lo Pan: That was scary.
Warp Speed!
CP: Chain Lightning — Rush
The Braillettes?
cool cupcakes
This is cute. Hold your mouse over any one to get a brief bio. I must admit, I know very few of them
OMG! You’ll be humming this forevar!!!
TEB, Cj, other Mmmmeetup participants: Let’s make going to Target part of the Mmmmeetup plans! I recommend Sunday, ’cause we don’t have any concrete plans for Sunday yet.
Wow. They both read! We need to ban all books. Books are dangerous and evil. You’ll all end up as killers!!!!!
Targé? Mais oui.
While I’ll gladly go with the crowd. As I said, it would be for the company. Not much of a shopper.
I will take the bunny to Target!
What do you find at Target? Is it much different than any other store?
TEB: I’d say it isn’t much different from Zellers. Same overall idea.
Well, I’m off. Going shopping 😆 Actually, need to get a new shower head for the bathroom. Ours broke.
sounds like bunny and mr. bunny where having some fun in the shower
bow chicka wow wow
Okay, so it was obvious… Nobody wants to go title & artist on #3 for the easy point?
JB: First Drink of the Day — 7 Seconds of Love
So, what do y’all think of the new wrapper on the BLC?
Cuz I have no chance on the other 2.
JB: I like it.
I applaud UsedHair on the slippery grammar slope. I think he made his point real good. Real goodly.
Congrats on the raise and promotion, Cj!
Those cupcakes are fantastic, btw. #14 is the greatest bakery item I’ve ever seen.
— More —
I agree with UsedHair. I don’t like sloppy grammar. People should learn and follow the rules of correct grammar. And learn when to properly break them.
Now I’m heading out to lunch so I can eat while I study.
JB: I meant to comment onpod that I really like the new one, but I doubt if you’ll ever top Fox saying “kaboom! cwash!”
The poet in this episode was Claudine.
Bunny, the show notes are never bleah 🙂
Is it too late to switch my Olympic hockey team from Slovakia to Russia?
“Police seized two Dungeons & Dragons books…”
I hope the books didn’t put up too much of a fight. I wonder if they’ll be sentenced to burning…
Amy to Target as well!
I think we can run amok through the store and have a blast.
personally I’m a fan of the dollar section.
Today I need to go to Target for very non-exiting items such as Toilet Paper, Dishwasher soap, and Napkins.
The cupcakes are amazing!
I was waiting on edge to see the Pitfall one.. and while waiting there was Tempest! Squeee! And Scrabble!
Scattergories.. ahhhh!
Happy joy was received by viewing of cupcakes!
^ President of the Claudine’s voice’s fan club.
Also really awesome:
#41, #60, #72, #87, #90, #98
wow! Busy morning here at the pan. I guess I’d better get to listening.
1 hard boiled egg. 1 can of cream soda. HOLY CRAP does that burp smell! UGH!
Note to self, don’t mix eggs and soda.
gag reflex activated…
“1 hard boiled egg. 1 can of cream soda. HOLY CRAP does that burp smell! ”
Well done. And by well done I mean stay the hell away from me. I don’t need to smell that crap. 🙂
Throw a beer on top of the egg that will smell better…
Then hope for a burp…
breakfast of champions.
and by champions I mean people sitting alone.
Claudine made steering the car a little more challenging this morning.
The farts the next day will qualify as WMD.
CP: When The Smoke Clears — Naja Rosa
Oh, my . . .
CP: Take Care Of Business — Rising Sun Quest
CP: Bloodclot — Rancid
I’m just wondering what’ll happen later tonight. I think Imma need a BIG match!
Poor ol’ American Standard…
And in the news this evening, a suburban home has apparently been destroyed in a gas explosion. News at 11.
Blue Flame club, here I come!
Talk about Howlin’ Mad. . .
Fire in the hole!
Boys are gross.
Also, when I step in it, I really, really STEP IN IT.
That is all.
You know what else is gross? 144.
A dozen dozens.
boy, and I thought I was gross!
I’m more of a baker’s dozen.
Thanks yall for agreeing for the grammar slippy whoops anger thingy. After all: if you can’t take time to express you self properly, don’t be bothering to.
Powerful with the grammar he is.
Theirs nothing like good grammer.
I agree w/ u, rhettro. The grammar, its wicked important and whatnot.
Gram FTW. Head splode w 1337 wrdz
Ooops. I guess that was too much.
Yes. Boys are gross.
but… I love them anyway.
Hey I resemble that remark
I am a boy…
So CJ loves me WOOT!
I’m a boy
CJ Love boys
I am WNDRWolf!
I can haz grammar!
I rather haz cheezeberger
I haz eggs!
with green ham?
better than cream soad
yep: http://i.imgur.com/GxzeV.jpg
:ftb: oh how I hate thee
Green Egg SLAM!
I’ll have to record my speed reading of Green Eggs and Ham for the DeadPan. 🙂
CP: Racing The Tide — The Elders
Currently in men’s hockey, the US is up 3-1 over Norway.
some cool wallpaper
Not a big fan of the Biathlon Wallpaper but not because of the rifles.
Hey Deadpan
Posting from my new netbook. It’s a good thing my hubby loves me. There’s going to be some serious eye rolling when he comes home to discover I bought a net book. If I’m not here tomorrow, then you know I didn’t survive the experience. 😉
Stupid thing rebooted for setup.
On another note, Canada just won another gold in women’s 1000 m. Speedskating.
Come now TEB, spill the beans on the make and model of Netbook.
Oh and the perils of revealing too much information on social networks:
I’m glad I’ve never used a location-aware app. I was thinking of it, but now I certainly never will.
With Layar on the iPhone and that site, I could hunt empty houses out locally.
Of course I would stick out a bit…
I bought an HP mini 110-1115. Staples was blowing them out for $250 so I couldn’t resist. I checked first and it was pretty well reviewed.
On the news is a discussion about the UK press slagging off the running of the Winter Olympics..the Canadian CEO is not impressed.
I see by my board that Amy will be doing the US anthem as well as the Canadian.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with some of the critisim of the Olympic organization. The weather (the warmest in 100 years) you can’t forsee or do anything about but some of the other things I’ve seen… ts, tsk, tsk.
My computer beeped at me. Why?
Amy, let me know if you need any backup.
. . .
. . .
Although I bet I could clash THE SHIT out of cymbals.
Bang your head! :metal: health will drive you mad!
It feels like there’s a quiet riot going on in my head right now.
Ack – ditto caught me. I listened to the episode this morning and heard my self say “novelization”. My first thought was “You dumbass!”
So, unbeknownst to Jack, he not only got a stolen paragraph, but a dumbass memory all rolled into one.
‘Red Storm Rising’ put me off Clancy for life, although I did enjoy the PC game:
Well in this case PC=Atari ST
…OK, I won’t start that up again.
USA over Norway, final score: 6-1.
The comments on ditto’s Warp link are better than the story. To paraphrase, “You obviously didn’t actually watch Star Trek or you would know that…”
My heart is broke
But I have some glue
Help me inhale
And mend it with you
We’ll float around
And hang out on clouds
Then we’ll come down
And have a hangover…
…I think I’m dumb.
You know, despite having been around Nirvana’s music since childhood, I’ve never really listened to many of their songs for the lyrics, so until just now, I didn’t know what any of those lyrics were except for the last two lines. Thanks for the education, Lo Pan.
“…since childhood.”
Uh, anybody else feeling a bit…
Good tune Lo Pan
JB Nirvana was big when I was in High school so for me, old maybe not quite.
Oops, sorry. I didn’t mean to evoke those feelings.
Question for ditto and TEB: While I was recording “O Canada,” I messed up the rhythm once and the pitch of a note once. Both times I had to stop and start the line again. The first time I cursed, and the second time I started giggling. I’m sorry. Will you be offended if the unedited version gets played on the show?
I vote for the one with the curse! Amy launches the F-BOMB!!
No such luck, EssBee. I just said “dammit.”
Well, that will have to do then 🙂
Just finished my first run through Dragon Age. Absolutely fantastic! Took me about 82 hours according to the game counter – and it was worth every minute.
I was in high school when the flannel shirt became cool and I remember being pissed because it hadn’t even been two years since I was getting picked on for wearing them. Now suddenly the same asshats were wearing them because some band dudes were wearing flannel shirts.
But I went to some odd schools down south, where it takes a few years for things to filter down, and it may have been that the flannel was passe again in the larger world.
And that was my introduction to Nirvana.
Well, reaper, I suppose with Nevermind being my freshman year at MSU, I could look at it from your perspective…
I was in the flannel in HS, pre-asshat. But skater culture in MN adopted flannel for practical reasons, really.
Though I never skated, I just had the hair & attire.
ditto: Thanks for the heads up on podictionary. I’ll check it out shortly.
I didn’t come into contact with skaters and punks till later on.
It was kind of funny how the rednecks would pick on the skater punks but were scared of the goths.
Yeah, long hair, black t-shirts, jeans, and flannels had been my usual look – – then it suddenly became trendy.
Thankfully, shitty bands like Bush and Candlebox quickly came along to flood the mainstream. How could we be cooler-than-thou toward all the sheep if they liked the same music and styles as us fringe kids?
We were really saved when Hootie showed up and started a bland, neutered poprock revolution.
/will stop 90s rant here.
/fascinated, attempts to turn 90s rant back on/
I’ve never quite decided how I feel about my pops giving me a Hootie CD for my birthday one year. I hung onto it for years afterwards just because he’d actually found something modern that was both “good music” and not a “bad influence”.
Never had the co-ordination for skating (I fell over a lot before common sense burst through the veil of stubborness).
As the FBers may know, a friend recently accused me of having a mid life crisis, still not sure I agree with that.
Oh and if you have a DSi..Flight Controls rocks on that platform.
I spend a few hours tictak’ing on a compatriot’s board while he jumped hills on my bike. I spent a few days limping afterwards.
I think a part of what turned me off from trying to build up to boarding was watching his foot go the wrong way when he didn’t stick the landing off of a 5ft high wall.
When is the right time to have a mid-life crisis anyhow? Are we talking 30? 40? 50?
Mid-life crisis is this guy who drops his kid off at my son’s preschool. He drives an 85 corvette and leaves the motor running and sits outside on the bench and waits till people are looking and “puts something in” or “gets something out” of his car. His son is a little bully and his stupid dumbass car is making smelly fumes where we are all waiting to pick up our kids.
He’s sooo not my favorite person.
That’s totally not Vanamonde. Van drives a Cooper and smokes a pipe, but only inside the car.
*goes and hides from Vanamonde*
You’ll be portraying me as having a handlebar moutache next.
In regards to mid life crisis, on advantage of not driving is I won’t be getting a sports car..
However I do have a new netbook on order..
I agree with the article. I’m not sure what it says, but it definitely says something:
Happy Friday, all.
LOL’s @ Van. I’m imagining that actor with the awesome voice who does the westerns… Err… he was in Ghost Rider.
Sam Elliot! Yeah, I’m picturing Mr. Vanamonde as Sam Elliot.
Morning Pan!
I’m alive! Alive! Bwa ha ha ha ha!
ON catching up:
Amy, if you truly think the rest of us are going to do well on any anthems we have to do… I think, on our last go round with the anthem bet, EssBee was the only one who actually sang the Canadian national anthem. Everybody else had fun with it. I suggest you do the same. I won’t be insulted.
Jack said “bush”
What notebook did you get, Van?
Now to make some tea and toast. Back in ten
Van, if you’re having a mid-life crisis, I must be too. Except I’m not buying a car either. Hubby approved my really expensive computer wish yesterday. Although, due to a series of events, it does have to wait until I get back from Deadpanland in March
‘Nuff said…
the little blue puffy one is my favourite 🙂
Good morning!
I woke up super early. I’ve already had a shower and a cup of coffee.
Not at the same time.
Getting ready for my son’s Friday morning playdate.
It’s going to be a super-deeee-duper day!
TEB: My condolences on your loss.
Morning Cj! I think it would be cool to have a hot coffee and a hot shower at the same time. Then my insides would match my outsides 😉
Of course it is, TEB ;P
Settle down, CJ. Theres no such thing as a super dee duper dee day. Theres pain and tormenting and “why god why” type days.
New guy in the office looks JUST like Toht from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Kinda freakin me out.
Does he have a torture device that turns into a coat hanger, Lo Pan?
Thanks JN. Sorry, I wasn’t ignoring you. I’ve wiped it from my memory. I’m just hiding under a rock and avoiding the whole mess.
It amazes me how many people hear without listening.
I’d also like to +1 ditto’s Podictionary plug. I’m also a fan of the Grammar Girl podcast.
TEB: Nah, I’m just very late to the game. Haven’t been online too much the past couple days.
Last (maybe?) red band trailer for Kick Ass. I for one cannot wait.
TEB he does not. Tho he does have an odd burn on his hand…
What JN? I wasnt listening.
I broke my arm on a skateboard when I was about 12. Thus ended my skater days.
They showed that trailer before Wolfman, Lo Pan I wasn’t sure what to make of it then.
And congrats, Cj!
They showed the red band one? Impressive. You should make lots of it.
Whats a skateboard?
I’m sure I make a ton of errors, but I am happy to be corrected when I do so. I also assume that in this LOLcatz-heavy webbernets that all speech here is casual. Lastly, don’t contractions immediately imply casual speech?
All that being said, I too am well-nigh disgusted at some of what I see online, and I raise a glass to anyone speaking out against it. Well done, usedhair!
That warp article is really great!
I’ve got this one on order:
not to bothered about the battery life, but want the hardware to transcode video more quickly.
Morning :panties:
Interesting day for men’s hockey yesterday. The US played much better vs Norway winning 6-1. Canada decides to (almost) stage a remake of their loss to Switzerland at the last Winter Olympics, but manage to squeek out a 3-2 win during the shoot out. And Russia, the team favored by many to win the gold, was beaten by Slovakia 2-1.
That has been your 30 second hockey update. We’ll now resume your scheduled programming.
Today is the last day of round-robin play.
Jack: Considering your dislike of Hootie, I’m assuming you also dislike Kings of Leon, right?
Kind of cute:
The science of curling:
TEB: Thanks. I DID actually sing it, though, and I thought my unintentional screwups when trying to sing it straight might be more offensive than intentionally having fun with it. I guess I was wrong, though… wasn’t I?
Amy: This is deadpan. 😉
CP: Noise Annoys — The Buzzcocks
CP: A Different Girl Every Night — Me’Shell Ndegeocello
Sweden National Athem needs more consonants
Wolf! I have to tell you again that I really loved your last episode!
::blush:: thank you EssBee.
Bloody killjoy scientist:
Back from grocery shopping.
Van, my husband has that netbook. He really likes it. It’s considered one of the top rated netbooks.
Today, I upgrade my netbook from Windows 7 starter to Windows 7 home. I think it’s just a way for them to get more money out of you.
Thank you Slovakia for validating my faith, even it was against an unclaimed team. Of course, if they play the US in the medal round, I’ll still have to cheer on the local boys.
Tonight all teams playing have anthems on the line:
Ed vs. Cj
ditto vs. Nomad Scry
Vanamonde vs. WNDRWolf
Good luck to all. I look forward to hearing mangled anthems.
If I have more than one anthem to sing… Can I sing them at the same time.
In order to install Windows 7 home my NetBoot has to do 28 updates. I think it’s going to be a while.
Why not wolf? Nothing like making life interesting 😉
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh a big THANK YOU TEB.
You know why.
Pining? lol
Hubby and I both prefer NeoOpsis over On Spec, Van.
Finnish mixed with Swedish… ouch… I think I need more consonants
EssBee wins skateboarding.
Van is getting a sweet eee.
Kings of Leon annoy the tar out of me. I apparently have too much tar.
Would feathers help, Scry?
More consonants.
Scry come over to my house I have a roof to repair.
Aye! No feathers!
Is it raining?
Don’t fly to close to the Sun NS….
The world needs more Icarus jokes.
Bunny said: Morning Cj! I think it would be cool to have a hot coffee and a hot shower at the same time.
When I first read it I thought she meant something COMPLETELY different.
swoon :wub:
Someone playing too much GTA?
CP: Get It Together — Shake Some Action!
Yes, Kings of Leon are incredibly unimpressive to me – – although the angsty, whiny vocals and 10th-grade dirty lyrics make them slightly less Walmartable than Hootie and the Blowfish. The Kings of Leon drummer also has ‘KOL’ on his bass drum, which I hope is a sly nod to Kingdom of Loathing, not just his band’s initials, which whould also give them a degree of fringe appeal.
I do find both “Sex on Fire” (KoL) and “Hold my Hand” (H&tB) to be pretty good poprock songs.
/end prattle
Long Pan said, Settle down, CJ. Theres no such thing as a super dee duper dee day.
I disagree. Today has, thus far, been Super Deeeeee Duper!
Used the force to get his hair cut, my son did:
I like Kings of Leon, personally. They have a very Widespread Panic-ish sound. I don’t know much about the band, though.
Not familiar with Kings of Leon…
Widespread panic ish not really my taste.
hmmm dunno
It seems Jack channels Lo Pan when it comes to Kings of Dingdong.
LoNG Pan!
You ever fall in love with an actor/actress, only to hear him/her talk in an interview and you realize he/she should never ever open their mouth? Tis sad.
Well I’m not going to mention Charlton Heston yet again…err.
Did you fall in love with Charlton, Van?
One of my fav KOL songs:
No Lo, but even though I was against almost everything he stood for in the real world..I still love the original Planet of the Apes.
He was also awesome in the remake of PotA. And by “awesome” I mean “jesus god why?”.
Think of a slogan:
Huh, I guess the U.S won its first gold in men’s figure skating in 20 years. Shows how much I pay attention to men’s figure skating.
Meh, work blocks all the good sites.
Long Pan, have you ever heard Jolene Blalock laugh?
It’s kinda like that… She should not laugh. It kinda ruins her – but then, it’s kinda endearing at the same time…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxV_LNmXuuE (her laugh is briefly at the end)
Kate Bush.
Listening to her music I fell madly in love with Kate Bush.
Then I heard an interview with her …
She seemed a bit, oh what’s the word – “mmmmad”sir.
Most fantasies are best kept in that realm.
… and now I’m off again.
Some cool scifi art:
CJ, Jolene Blalock is good example. Tho I was never super into her in the first place.
Van – that shit HAS to stop. Seriously its getting ridiculous.
J0e – dontchu know crazy = sexy?
I suppose this is the time to point out Lush’s wonderful “Heavenly Bodies” song?
Awesome link, Van!
JOe, swoo-oo-oon. You, not Kate.
Funny how those superficial long-distance crushes often disappoint. At least Winnie from the Wonder Years didn’t let us all down.
CP: No One Does It Better — Salt-N-Pepa
So true, Jack. You know she wrote a book about math for girls? Pretty cool.
CP: A Journey in the Dark — Howard Shore — The Fellowship of the Ring OST
So – I forgot mention – I attended a Steampunk art exhibit last night: http://nerdvana.freedomblogging.com/2010/02/15/steampunk-scottsdale-artspace/43381
Some very cool stuff, especially from this artist: http://edsgreenart.com/cgi-bin/p/awtp-home.cgi?d=ed-schenck-fine-art
The weirdest moment: talking to a guy who’s involved in the local art scene, but having the conversation interrupted when AZ congressman Harry Mitchell came through, introduced himself, and shook our hands.
Steampunk Congressman?
Youre gonna make it after all, Jack.
Woah. Mary Tyler Moore flashback.
Do not eat the brown Mary Tyler Moore…
So, is Ed prepared to sing the Belarus anthem too?
Sorry, the Swedish anthem. Ed is Belarus.
io9 talked a bit about that Steampunk art festival.
Lo Pan, You might be mixing your TV shows. She wasn’t on The Jeffersons.
Dear reaper,
I thought Belarus (Belarus! Belarus! can you do the Fandango?)
ahem…was my team?
“You ever fall in love with an actor/actress, only to hear him/her talk in an interview and you realize he/she should never ever open their mouth? Tis sad.”
All the time, sadly. Just one of the many reasons I try to pay a little attention to celebrities outside of their job performances as possible.
I beat Kid Icarus for the NES. Then, when I was about to get my kiss from Aphrodite (or whichever goddess it was), the f’ing thing crashed. Where’s my goddamned kiss, Aphrodite?
I’m going to have to revisit the sci-fi art link when I have more time. Looks wicked shiny.
Its truly wicked awesome.
CP: East of Hercules — Ume
Ed, Belarus is your team. I was mistaken in the typing. Belarus is losig 3-1. So you have to be ready to sing Swedish. 😆
Mmmm bork bork bork.
Pretty easy. 🙂
Ed, I think it going something like:
Bork bork bork, plucky der chicken, bork bork Yom-yom-yommm, mit de chocolad Bork bork bork
Ed: I think “(Belarus! Belarus! can you do the Fandango?)” will need to be incorporated into the National Anthem. That’s just brilliant.
Null: I too beat Kid Icarus as a kid. Here’s your chance to go back for another try: http://www.nintendo8.com
Thunder Bolts of bork bork very very bork bork ME!
Ed, I feel that way about Sandra Bullock. Love. But, my goodness she isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed live.
It’s actually turning into a nail biter. 2-3 for Sweden
Game over 4-2 for Sweden. Sing for us Ed!
CP: Kismet — Manooghi Hi
“Bork bork bork, plucky der chicken, bork bork Yom-yom-yommm, mit de chocolad Bork bork bork”
Jø has provided some perspective.
While most of us spent the 1st decade of the new millennium, raising our fists to the heavens and shouting “Where’s my damned jet pack?”
He steps away from the crowd and shouts, “Where’s my goddamned kiss, Aphrodite?”
I think I’m ready to join his camp.
Thank you Johnny Null, but your Aphrodite is in another castle!
Note to self, eventually watch: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/facesofamerica/
I just woke up.
CP: Hey Little World — The Hives
(song used in the Kick-Ass trailer)
Is it still a capella if they have a drummer?
I love The Hives!
UK should win its first gold of the games today in luge. Van’s prolly sleepy time night night.
Speaking of luge I have a new favorite Olympian. Just cause shes hot and I’m superficial. Sue me.
justa J0e: Thanks for your vote!
Jack: Very well done! Now did you beat Bionic Commando?
If memory serves, my NES conquests were:
Super Mario Bros
Castlevania 1 & 2
Zelda 1 & 2
Kid Icarus
Contra (I don’t think I ever beat it without the cheat code)
Legendary Wings (I think?)
Rygar (I think?)
Slalom (I think?)
Super Dodge Ball
Kung Fu
Blades of Steel
I must be forgetting some.
This could be a fun meme. . . . anyone else care to list their oldskool game conquests?
And with this, I’m off:
Nothing cleans like Super Piss.
Nice, Lo!
Jack, I could list my old conquests, but probably not games . . .
Are they Canadian?
I got 12/15.
Not too bad. I got 73% correct in the “are they Canadian?” quiz
Jack: Thanks for that link. I’ll have to revisit it sometime. Not a bad list, either. I didn’t get very far in Metroid. And I never even played Rygar, even though it’s almost some kind of legendary classic.
I can list my conquests, maybe, and you’ll all see how much time I wasted on my arse. Horrifying to think of now.
I did beat Ultima IV. Still have fond memories of that game.
8/15 here.
I managed to destroy the Death Star in X-wing. Of course, I crushed the uprising in TIE Fighter as well. I’m just PC that way.
You know, Belarus needs to beat someone so I can get to hear the Fandango line.
But, it appears the ears of the Deadpan shall be subject to much butchery via my bronze clad pipe.
I have to say they made some pretty good choices with this list. I had no idea Max von Sydow was still alive.
I think Jack should have him on for an interview 🙂
< drive by >
Hey everyone!
I’ve been so busy, this is the first time all week I’ve had to even think about stopping by.
I’ve also been watching the Olympics. (well, not right now, but earlier tonight)
Miss everybody… Not sure when regular surly posting will resume.
I will return.
</ drive by >
I’m sure I completed more games than this but…I definitely remember
NES – Mario Bros 3
Sega Genesis – ToeJam and Earl
Atari 2600 – Missile Command (I consider staying up all night and rolling the score back to zero as defeating it)
The Rubicks Cube – I used to be able to solve it in under 60 seconds
Those were the days.
This list totally blew off the creepiest!
Where was Christopher Walkin? Where was Donald Southerland? Where was William Defoe ?
I get the creeps just thinking about those three simply sitting at a table discussing the weather.
Morning Pan, oooh games I completed, if I go from the 80’s none of you are going to know the games:
Codename Mat (Star Raiders on steroids)
Dan Dare
Knightlore (with infinite lives poke)
The Alchemist
Arnhem (strategy game)
I had better stop now…
Heh..”conquests”. We’re on the same page, EssBee…
Alice in Chains still rocks and puts on damn damn fine show. Obtained Jerry Cantrell’s guitar pick. All is well for the night.
Well done UK and Canada on todays Olympic gold.
Drink and unwind time now now now.
Night, Pan.
On the ST:
Deja Vu
Dungeon Master
Red Storm Rising
Back to the Spectrum:
Elite (well achieved Elite status after 3 months of playing)
Lords of Midnight (the melting the ice crown method ‘in the day’)
Doomdark’s Revenge
On the PC:
The Day of the Tentacle
Sam and Max hit the Road
Half Life 1&2
Wolfenstein (the original)
Interesting article about the latest plagiarism case against JK Rowling:
Lo Pan: I’m of the mind that if it wasn’t “Alice in Chains”, with all the fame and brilliance behind that name, they’d not get the airtime they currently get on the radio. But I am glad to hear that they kick ass in concert. Consider me jealous!
Cj: Holy crap re: Missile Command! I don’t think I ever made it past the third wave.
Vanamonde: Got that right. All names unknown to me.
The Rownling story is interesting, but a bit one-sided. To play devils advocate:
1. plagiarism is not nearly as cut and dry as the author makes it out to be. The one thing we press into undergraduate students’ heads (at least for academic plagiarism) is that even if you don’t understand that your presenting someone else’s work as your own, it’s still plagiarism. I’m not saying that Rowling did or did not plagiarize, just that it can be really hard to determine if an idea you’ve had is truly your own or if you might have picked it up somewhere else without fully thinking about it.
2. This article treats self publication (or vanity publication) as though it has no moral validity (let alone legal). It treats the author of the allegedly plagiarized story as though she has not right to call the idea her own because she had it published in a less-that-standard format. Not that case studies are the best argument for any given subject, but Christopher Paolini did have Eragon published by his parents before it was noticed by a big publishing house. Also, being in the podcasting community, I’m sure we wouldn’t want something that was put on Podio Books to be plagiarized under the argument that it wasn’t really good enough to be published in the proper way, so it’s fair game.
Games I’ve completed:
For NES games:
8 Eyes; Abadox; Astyanax; Bad Dudes (in the arcade); Batman; Bionic Commando; Blaster Master (awesome game!); Castlevania I, II & III; Contra (with Konami code); Crystalis; Dragon Warrior (I think); Duck Tails; Final Fantasy (’nuff said); Kid Icarus; Klax (didn’t win, but man what a fun game!); Life Force; Low G Man; Mega Man 1, 2 & 3; Rampage; Smash T.V. (Big money, big prizes! I love it! — Enjoy my refreshment!); Strider (actually, on the Genesis); Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 & 3; Willow; and Zelda 2
Oh, and I beat Ultima IV on the Atari 800XL. Didn’t realize it was on the NES as well. Bet it was an inferior version. Those four colors and four sounds rocked.
Usedhair’s overview sounds spot-on to me.
Games I’ve played for more than two weeks before getting completely bored with them and then moving on:
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
Lock ‘N’ Chase
Night Stalker (by far my favorites)
Tron – Deadly Disks
Tron 0 – Maze-A-Tron
Arcade Games:
Donkey Kong
Pack Man
Track and Field
Sega Genesis:
Booger Man
Road Rash
Play Station:
Oddworld – Abe’s Exodus
93% or 14/15 onthe are they Canadian quiz. I rock!
This probably the last you’ll hear from me for the day. (maybe) Will definately be on line for the US/Canada hockey game tomorrow.
Morning, all.
I’m sick.
Lo, Mike Starr is on celebrity rehab this season. I haven’t heard any current Alice in Chains, but I might like to!
Okay, I don’t think this looks too awful. I mean, it IS the A-Team after all. The bit at the end is the now-typical way-over-the-top drek, but otherwise fun:
Off to see The Lovely Bones at the flicks, greatness not expected.
Oh, I don’t want to see that one, Van.
I heard excellent things about Shutter Island from a good friend.
Morning, Pan.
Looks the the whole house, save myself, is sick today. No rest for the wicked. Means I may have to postpone my audio torture of the Pan until next weekend. Dammit, but I really want to get those on their way.
So, if I’m not back much today, be excellent to each other.
Ed, you should have the sickies sing backup!
Take care of that brood.
Null – I take it youre not a fan of the new stuff? Understandable. Theres some stuff on the new album thats among their best work and some utter junk thats unlistenable (sp). For a “comeback” album its among the better ones. Heres hoping future work is of quality.
EssBee – I’d be in rehab too if I left Alice in Chains of my own free will to pursue other ventures. Silly boy.
I’m pretty sure he was kicked out, Lo.
EssBee and Ed’s family – hope you feel better quickly!
re: The A-Team. I get the feeling Mr. T might make a cameo in that one. “nice haircut” … It looks fun.
I’d like to see Avatar, Valentines Day, and Alice in Wonderland first.
High of 60 degrees and expected to rain today.
I’m babysitting in a few hours so I’m gonna finish my coffee, shower, and get dressed in a bit.
Hurray for the lazy day off.
I’m baking a blueberry bread and quite possibly a homemade cheesecake today too.
Lo Pan: Yes, although, admittedly, the only bit of Alice in Chain’s new stuff I’ve heard is on the radio. I’ve yet to hear their new album. I’ll have to check it out on Grooveshark. I completely agree that come-back wise, they’re in the top 10%. Their Unplugged album is one of the best albums to come out in at least the past couple of decades, IMO.
Cj: Good point.
I’ll be right over, Cj.
The -from Texas family: Get well soon!
Cj: w00t! Have a good time baking.
Busy day ahead today. Class, local writing group meeting, work on Operation Mission Inn*, recording for my mom, then dinner with friends followed by live music performed by a friend of the family. I’m really looking forward to it all.
*Last week, I was fortunate enough to get into an unpaid internship in event planning. Henceforth, all the major events we’re planning will be given these fun code names here. (And nowhere else. Not Twitter, because I will be using Twitter as part of the job and I have to take it seriously when I’m on there.
+ )
EssBee said, “I’ll be right over, Cj.”
I’d I’d known that’s all it would take I’d have done it a LOT sooner! :tongue:
EssyBessy – Supposedly he left cause touring was too straining for him… but who knows. Seems silly in a band of hardcore druggies he’d be kicked out. BUUUUUUUUT who knows.
Beat me outta me.
I have it from an inside source that he had some other stuff going on as well. Some stuff that even hardcore druggies can’t abide.
I looked for my AIC cds, and can’t find them. Argh!
CE: rice.
Is your inside source TMZ? Bah ha. Bah ha. Bah hahahahahahahahahaha.
You want for to…uh… “borrow” some of the cd’s? Lemme know if you cant find yours.
I’m not talkin’ . . .
I might want to, yeah! For now, I’ll keep diggin’.
Well ‘The Lovely Bones’ was better than I was expecting…may get. The book now.
I made some Italian ground beef meatballs stuffed with mozzarella.. I am thawing some Italian chicken sausage to do the same with.
I have no idea who I am going to feed these too.. I just saw Rachel Ray doing it and said, “I can do that.” … yum.
Dan won’t be home til after 8.. maybe he’ll want something to eat. One can only hope 🙂
Van, I’d read the book, and didn’t take objection to the numerous changes for the film. Peter Jackson deserves much credit for showing restraint. There were a couple of truly moving scenes.
As for the rain and clouds in Phoenix. WTF? Do we need to change the name of our basketball team?
“Sorry, but you could not be authorized by Cox to view Olympics Online Connected content on NBCOlympics.com. Please contact Cox for inquiries or review the help link below.”
I think someone got Olympic coverage via Linux up somewhere . . .
Dammit, CJ, why you gotta be using a bunch o’ foreign beef and chicken? Ain’t ‘merican good enough for ya?
I suppose I SHOULD be making Swedish meatballs…
I would think that the major reason for Starr leaving AIC is that he just wasn’t a very good bassist. Mike Inez is way better.
Wikipedia has some interesting info on his rather checkered personal life, post-AIC.
Could very well be, dreadpirate.
Even more spooky:
Turn off the lights before listening.
It never occurred to me that there was anyone else in AiC aside from Jerry Cantrell and Lane Staley. . . .
OK, that came across as just mean. :drevil: Still, the camera certainly heaped the love on Jerry and Lane.
I think the Persephone Station vid is still creepier, Van.
wuss mode
FYI – if you put the word “creepy” in any description to a link, that guarantees I won’t be clicking it, but I think you all know that about me.
/wuss mode
Ahem..Jack… its “Layne”.. ya bastard.heh. Also,Sean Kinney was always my second fav AIC member over Cantrell. But youre right. Camera loved it some JerryLayne.
dreadpirate’s right. Inez pretty well kills it. Course even he’s no Billy Gould…
Gramma take me home
Usedhair’s Used Links:
this is what youtube should be for, rather than watching reactions to 2 girls and a cup.
Usedhair forgot to mention that the above link is creepy.
Back from doing stuff… Not catching up, even though I saw bits that looked… creepy…
Morning Pan, rules for writing fiction:
So yesterday I visited the new Apple store in Newcastle to book an appointment to discuss my iPhone’s battery problems.
Gawd it was busy, never have I seen a computer store that packed.
CJ: Sorry about that. I’ll try to remember to label the creepy stuff.
Sounds like we need some suitable graphic to go along with a :creepy: code.
I’d say it’s a toss up between :sick: and :cth:
My old sk00l game conquests:
Deus Ex
I’m a terrible gamer. On Mario 2, I’m pleased if I finish the first stage.
On the Canadian test, I cheated and selected Canadian for all 15. I got about half right.
Go me.
Games: I do remember putting a quarter in Rip-Off when they first came out.
That and a lot of Scott Adam’s adventure games on my friends Vic-20. LOL
Morning Pan!
Things have been happening fast and furious in Hockey. I see they’ve changed the schedule somewhat, and have started to add the second round games. The singers and their songs so far are:
Amy – Canada, USA
Ed – Finland, Sweden
WNDRWolf – Sweden, Belarus, Finland
Jack – Czech Republic
Nomad Scry – Czech Republic, Slovakia
I look forward to hearing from you (results are subject to double checking)
Today’s games are:
Cj vs Vanamonde
ditto and myself vs. Lo Pan
Good luck to all
This is going to take some creativity isn’t…
Cj vs. Vanamonde
Suddenly sorry it doesn’t mean we get to wrestle. :devil:
I’ll be in my bunk.
Really, in that battle, does anybody lose?
Oh, I am evil, yes indeed. Finland’s victory was actually my victory, too.
Czech & Slovakia
Oh dear.
Come on Finland!!!!
Give those turnips a good kicking..
I’ll get my coat.
Vanamonde may have just made a politically incorrect statement, but I’m not really sure.
A little more than an hour until the big game Deadpan!
Since Vanamonde is going against Cj, you’re right Jack, that wasn’t very nice 😆
Hubby has left to get Wendy’s spicey chicken burger for supper. He had to leave a little earlier than we would nomally eat because he has to be home in time for the game.
My God. It’s an hour before the game and you should hear the drama from the commentators on TV. You’d think there were lives on the line.
I loves my little netbook. I can sit in front of the TV and keep up with the commets. I could before on my touch, but this involves less thumb action 😉
Someone admitted this was actually a minor game! Wow. No matter who loses, they are not necessarily out of the medal round, they just have to play an extra game to get there.
The one thing I notice is my notebook doesn’t warn me if I spell something wrong. Must be a way to turn the little red underline on…
Ok, deadpan, here’s one for you. Using IE 8. How do I turn on the auto spell checker so I get a little red line under my mis-spelled words?
The answer: don’t use IE8. 😉
I don’t on my main computer (I use Firefox). This one came with it preinstalled. Haven’t changed it.
Words fail:
For the singers: No hurries on getting it in. They’re not all going to be played at once. Jack has said, and I agree, that could get a little much(paraphrasing)
Coffin cams? really?
< drive-by >
This drive-by thing is starting to get me down… Need more time to read posts…
You may enjoy
</ drive-by >
Puck drops in 30 minutes. 🙂
Didn’t he also do Inflateable You? He certainly has an interesting take on love.
Yup TEB it’s for real.
Oh in the UK Swede is the name for a type of Turnip:
A friend loaned me the Rock documentary “It Might Get Loud”. It was really good. Jimmy Page, Jack White, and The Edge talk about Rock, guitars, and song writing.
Is it me or do the uniforms for the men’s speedskating sometimes seem a little too tight?
Leave nothing to the imagination TEB?
Gah! Stupid announcers. Stop with The Miracle on Ice already.
Nope Van. When they are paired up, you can tell which of the two has the better build :blush:
TEB: RE: IE8 and spelling, apparently the developers didn’t include spell check as a feature.
There are apparently add-ons which can provide the function (I hear iespell is one, but I haven’t used it.)
We got a silver in women’s speedskating.
I may wander over to the neighboring bar for a pint to watch the game, since I don’t *think* I’ll be able to watch it streamed. (I might scan around for online options before I go) — But if that’s the case, I won’t be able to join the game-time discussion. Be excellent to each other.
No excellet for this game, Jack. I forsee much flag waving and name calling 😉
In Kandahar (sp?) base hockey, Canada beat the US 16-2
Sometimes, the pre-game commentary is weird.
BTW, where is Lo Pan! How can ditto and I rub our win in if he’s not on Pan?
WTF? US draws first blood 🙁
Gah, I’m missing it! I’ll catch you all after the game. I sure hope people show up to keep you company, Bunny.
As much as it pains me to admit it, so far, in these opening minutes, the US is playing a better game.
Canada gets the first penalty.
Brodur sure likes to come out of the net. Makes for some dangerous times.
Now time for a US penalty.
Woo Hoo!
Now tied!
Well after 1am here, so time to toddle off.
I’ll read the results in six hours time..night pan.
Night Van.
We’re out shooting the US 13 – 5. Why are we behind?
If I hadn’t already spent my wit for the day, I’m sure I could come up with some sort of politically incorrect reply.
Joe, where are you when I need some backup???
Which part would be incorrect, Ed? The shooting, or the behind? 🙂
2-1 USA end of the first. pffffftttt!
Total shots: 24, 18 for Canada and 6 for the US. Rafalski is on fire. We need to keep him locked up. 🙂
I’m now watching the game, but we’re going to eat in less than 10 minutes. Hopefully, I’ll be able to convince the family to let me leave it on during dinner (they consider this kind of behavior crass).
There we go. Tied again.
But that US goalie… Oh my, he’s good tonight.
3-2 USA I repeat, pffffttt!
SOG 31 – 19 Canada. Boy does Miller have our number.
Miller and Rafalski have the US on fire and the Canadians frustrated. That unraveling in the late minutes of the 2nd was tough to watch.
I guess I need to sing the Russian national anthem.
ditto, nobody had Russia so you got a pass on that one.
The big difference in the game? The US is playing like they’ve got nothing to lose. Canada is playing like they don’t want to lose.
Good God! Canada had better stop getting penalties.
4-2 Frack me.
ditto, i hate to admit it, but we may be singing the blues.
Damn this game’s hot!
Good God! Three tries boom, boom, boom and Miller stopped them all. He is on fire.
I dont think Ive ever seen Ryan Miller play on his head like this for Buffalo this year.
Game’s not over yet. 4-3
Oh gonna be maddening last 3 minutes!
Hmmmm… maybe shouldnt play the rest of the game in your zone, U.S
Guys? two zones guys
Over. My….oh…..My
Sokay Bunny. Youre still team to beat.
How does that anthem go?
Oh yeah,
Oh Canada
My home and native land…
Damn Americans.
I don’t guarantee it’ll be this week but I’ll pay up. Damn.
Yeah! Damn Americans! Go home!
Now I think it’s time to take a hot bath and wash away my tears of sorrow.
Later Panites!
So, Canada decides to really play with passion in the last few minutes? Sigh.
Miller was fantastic. Great game for the US and a great indication that they shouldn’t be discounted in this tournament. Well done!
Now I’ll go warm up my vocal cords.
When we meet in a couple of weeks Lo Pan, I’ll give you a congatulatory hug.
You crack me up, Lo Pan.
Watch out, Lo Pan. I think that “hug” has knuckles attached. 😉
Now beer. And a smile. For now anyway.
This game made me miss the NHL just a little less. Big time exciting.
Definitely an exciting game. 🙂
Yay knuckles!
Sa’ll in fun, ditto. Boom chacka
Makes me feel feel better about tournament but if its indeed US-Canada finals (which is still very much up in the air) its gonna be near impossible to beat Canada twice in one Olympics.
That was far better than any All-Star game.
BTw – for those attending the MMMmmmeetup, you can always wait until then to do your anthem singing. . . 😉 altho it won’t be official unless we record it.
TEB: “Our,” not “my.” 😉 Wikipedia has both sheet music (which I was reading when I sang it) and an instrumental recording.
Seriously? Did they just call this the biggest upset since Miracle on Ice? For Real?
If I was a member of the US hockey team, I’d be insulted.
Marty has looked awfully human since setting the shutout record. Not a good sign for the Devils or the Canadians.
Coffee rules.
And now I’m out of coffee in mah cup. Dammit. I have to go back to the lunch room.
The guy walking by my desk said he won’t go get coffee for me.
What good is he then?
Tell him that I said you can kick him inna nuts if he doesn’t get your coffee, dammit!
Did I tell yall what I did this weekend?
I bought a dryer! And installed it! And threw out old clothes that don’t fit!
I think I am an adult now.
I’m home from work. Am I all alone? Probably. Never anyone around and online when I am anymore.
I’ll just sit here and chat with myself then.
Oh.. did I win?
Guess I’ll go back and read.
OK all caught up.
Looks like I missed an exciting night of hockey. :pout: <– should be a picture of lips with the lower one stuck way out.
Goodnight :pout:
Ah damn, Swedish national anthem it is.
poke poke poke poke
Monday. The Olympics are half over now, yes? I get Chuck back next week?
I use a product called IE7Pro that does spell check and I have another plugin that does the search feature like FireFox. I hate IE but it’s a company standard at work so I mutanized mine 🙂
I think I like Slovakia’s anthem better than the Czech one.
Morning Pan.
The sun is shining so bright this morning I had to close the blinds to cut down the glare on my monitor. I love it. I think I might be part kitty cat.
Why are people dying all around me, now?
Hubby’s uncle is in the hospital with cancer and not expected to make the week. Got note today that his parents are coming into town tomorrow to spend last days with him. Now must spend the day getting the guest bedroom and bathroom ready. Ugh.
I may be hit and miss on the boards for the next week.
That’s not good, TEB. You must use your powers to stop the badnessityificationary.
Of course, that means my US anthem will have to wait a few days.
Sorry to hear that news, Bunny. Sending you vibes of strength and patience!
NS – Those pokes were SO much better than the ones I get on Facebook! :tongue:
Laugh till you cough, indeed.
Ed: I agree. I’m looking forward to Chuck again.
TEB: My condolences. I know what you are going through. My family isn’t doing that well either.
Even though nobody picked Russia, I might mix the Russian and US anthems. 🙂
So far, Lo Pan and Cj are the only ones not singing for the Deadpan.
Here’s the problem with Canada.
A balanced review of the game last night:
And what will typically be stated by the media: “What is wrong with Team Canada?”
Sing. SING! I say!
On a “lighter” topic, is anyone going to try the game “Heavy Rain”?
La La La
Bunny, hang in there! I’m sorry about your family’s illnesses.
I’ve sung for Deadpan before and I’m sure I’ll sing again … I apologize in advance. 😉
Bunny, My condolences. it seams some times when it rains it pours.
And now, I have one full hour of the house being completely empty except for me!
The kids are at school and Dan is at work.
I don’t know what to do first. (apparently posting on the Deadpan actually)
I think I might go jump on the bed or something otherwise enthralling.
Ooooh, Cj’s jumping on the bed. I wanna watch! I wanna join in! :pout:
Argh! I had blissfully forgotten this show. Now I need to go find brain bleach.
Cj, good call. do something you tell the kids not too!
OK. Maybe now I *will* watch the La Femme Nikita reboot.
How can you not treasure anything from the minds of Krofft?
I second reaper’s suggestion.
What is Heavy Rain about?
Put clean sheets on the guest bed and fresh towels in the bathroom. I think I’m ready for company now.
ditto, I’m strictly PC gaming. no Heavy Rain for me.
JB: Very easy. EW&DG will scar you for life. 😉
NS: It is an adventure game revolving around a murder mystery that you are trying to solve. The story is played through 4 different characters and will adapt based on choices you make. It sounds very interesting and has gotten good reviews.
TEB: That studio did a lot of PC games. I assumed this would be released to PC, but I see it is only on PS3 right now. I don’t know if they have plans to release it on PC later.
It’s hard to say, ditto. I was upset that Fable 2 didn’t make it to PC. I enjoyed the first Fable
My wife got part of the way through Fable 1 until the game ate a completed mission. She wasn’t really interested in starting over in order to recover.
Fable 2 did sound interesting, what with the dog.
I’ll have to give a closer look to Heavy Rain. My PS3 should be here Tuesday (ohmydogohmydogohmydog) and I’m a bit excited about it.
TEB: :hugs: Hang in there.
Don’t hug me, ain’t my uncle. But I’ll pass it along to hubby. Thanks Amy.
Oh, okay. You’re welcome. 🙂
My sympathies to you and to your husband, Bunny. Let me/us know what we can do.
I never knew that the younger kid on Growing Pains was Chekov’s son? He’s gone missing.
CP: Touched — VAST
Jack: Yeah, I didn’t know that either. I hope they find him. Of course, Vancouver is going to be crazy right now. It’s definitely not a good time to find help for a missing persons case.
Condolences TEB.
As for Heavy Rain, I’m tempted to give it a try as I enjoyed Fahrenheit (Quantic Dreams previous game).
I’ve had a PS3 for a while now NS, it’s not that exciting.
I agree with Van. The interface sucks compared to the 360. On the flip-side, the newer PS3 are much more quiet. I’ve only played a few PS3 games since I love getting achievements. 🙂
TEB: Best wishes to your family during this loss.
ditto: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Not Elektra Woman and Dyna Girl… Why did ya do it, Cindy? Why?
Morning Pan!
I just have one thing to say about this whole Hockey debacle… They interrupted 2 man bob-sled competition to show the last 30 seconds, and I am not happy about it.
You know what they replaced 2 man bob-sled competition with when they came back from interruption? Ice Dancing. Yeah, Ice Dancing. That’s a bit of whiplash right there.
Granted, at the end of Ice Dancing, the Canadian team was in the lead, so Go Canada.
Well, I’m upgrading from my PS2 and it has Blu-Ray, so… 🙂 I think it is exciting.
As for the 360, I do not knowingly purchase defective products. Therefore, I will never own a 360.
Wow. I didn’t realize how much rage I have over the 360. I need to go sit in the corner for a while…
NS: My 360 works great. 🙂
NS: Just for you…
Yeah, this was in my email this morning as well – I didn’t know he was an actor or really that he even existed…
And just since I don’t share links all that often, here’s another…
By the way… Starting March 4th, Taco Bell orders will be served in a “Lap Tray” instead of a bag.
“The Lap Tray makes it easier to eat in the car or take on the go! If you want a plastic bag instead, please just ask us.”
Good lord, folks need to get off Marty’s back. And as an Avs fan that hard for me to say 😉
Woah.. I just used the words “get off”, “back”, and “hard” in one thought that wasnt even dirty.
Lejon: As much as I enjoy watching ice dancing, I was unhappy about bobsledding being interrupted, too. I have a special place in my heart for bobsledding because, when I was in second grade and the ’94 Winter Olympics were going on*, we had to write about what Winter Olympic event we would like to be in when we were older, and I picked bobsledding. I think I’ll read what I wrote on-pod now.
*Apologies if I made anyone feel old again.
Oh and ditto I agree about the whole comparison to the Miracle on Ice. Thats so fucking stupid. Just NBC trying to make a bigger story when they dont need to. Not even close to the same circumstances as 1980. Blech. Media sux no matter what country youre in.
Amy: It’s OK. I felt old in 1994 too.
Miracle needs to have a little more solid definition. I don’t think that Professional players winning an international competition is all that miraculous.
Lejon, what if US goalie Ryan Miller turned the entire ice rink surface into wine?
On a side note, minor bun engine made Benny Lava.
Jack Mangan: well, now that would be an impressive trick. Are we talking a Concorde, or something more like a Shiraz?
Money continues to be tight, but it didn’t stop me from buying a pair of 20 game packs for the new Twins ballpark.
Darcy and I took the kids on the new commuter train yesterday, and it stops right under the corner of the park. It was all the sales pitch we needed.
Greetings, Mister Jak Mangan –
I would like to mention my appreciation for playing my voicemails on your deadpan podcast show program.
My employers at the Strong Back, Weak Mind Moving Co. have told me that I should continue to make these calls of outreach in an effort to educate more on the plight of Trolls in modern society.
As I am an Orc troll master, I am in a unique position to view the perception of Trolls in outer Earth.
Thank you, once again, for your persistance in bringing their story to light.
Youse can count on me to listen and report.
Thank youse.
You need a bun to bite, Benny Lava?
Anybody need this sign, Benny Lava?
Lejon, I suppose it wouldn’t be very miraculous to turn the ice to Arbor Mist.
JB: I be the kids will love that. Sounds like a justifiable expenditure.
Benny Lava?
Amy, I saw some of the bobsled track stuff they still have in place up in Lake Placid. That is an exciting sport to watch. . . .Kinda like a more dangerous Pinewood Derby.
CP: Just Dropped in (to see what condition my condition was in) – Kenny Rogers
On listening. I find it hard to believe that there was a time that Kenny Rogers sounded like that.
Rather frightening. How do I forget this? 😉
Benny Lava.
good lord ditto!
Finished Mass Effect 2. Maranda died (not a spoiler), which is ok, she was my least favourite character anyway.
Thank Youse for removing me from the moderation.
Orc bless you.
Welcome, OrGo!
Hey Troll Master!
CP: Babalon — Unwritten Law
Should I stay or should OrGo?
Oh Jack… *shakes head*
It’s got a beat!
I like it!
*runs to get a club*
with the formalities of the :FTB: out of the way.
Welcome OrGo!!
It sounds a bit like a fortune cookie. OrGo.
*hopes the big Orc has a good sense of humor*
*looks for hiding places*
Time to get back to work. OrGo.
I mean :ftb: f-ing :ftb:
Welcome Orgo, you don’t have a killer whale in the family?
Tautologically speaking, :ftb: is :ftb:
But if I stay it will be Mordor.
CP: More — The Sisters of Mercy
Have turned on the the TV. All the talk is how this game was not a miracle on ice. ditto’s right. Hockey’s not a miracle. You know what’s a miracle? naugahyde is a miracle. I could never figure out how they managed to skin those things.
I really do have to start a new game. I think Wednesday it will be Ego Draconis time.
TEB: Did you every try Arkham Asylum?
CP: Black Snake Moan — Ramblin’ Jack Elliot
ditto, no. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it, I just never got to it. I have Ego Draconis. It came the same time as ME2. I opted to play ME2 first. I also have Assasin’s Creed 2 on pre-order, which is supposed to be out mid-March, as well as the expansion to Dragon Age. Too many games, too little time.
There are no miracles, just events observed with insufficient data.
I stand by my statement.
Can I say Deadpan is a miracle? I certainly haven’t observed it. 😉
I’m feeling might sad for all those Naugas that TEB plans on slaughtering.
My kitty is a miracle. She makes me feel better.
Bwahahahahaha *flourishes cleaver*
ohhhh, WP put my last comment into moderation. What’s wrong with an evil laugh?
What’s wrong with sharpening knives? What’s wrong with slaughtering naugas?
Beer’s a miracle. Thanks Egypt!
“Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” – Ben Franklin
I don’t see him saying it’s a miracle.
Ben Franklin also was into French whores and opium.
Beer = miracle. Of deliciousness.
Yeah? That just makes him all the more reliable.
Currently watching this:
Do a google on the case, not a good advert for the Canadian justice system.
Oh does it? So if I told you I was into the same thing it would make me more reliable? Sweet. I’ll remember that.
or is that more loveable?
Yeah Van, Canada’s extradition and deportation laws leave a lot to be desired. There’s one going on here in Calgary that’s been on going for five or six years now.
I think the problem is, we’re too nice. We’re so afraid of hurting the feelings of “the bad guy” we sometimes forget the feelings of the good guy.
A very moving albeit very sad documentary.
Wow. That’s a pretty awful story.
Interesting: the local sportstalk radio stations typically ignore hockey and the Coyotes, treating it as seriously as go-kart racing. I’ve heard Coyotes’ icon Shane Doan make appearances on the station, only to end up in conversation with hockey-ignorant nitwits.
Today, all 3 sportstalk stations were talking hockey, one was even blasting NBC for its terrible treatment of last night’s game. This is progress.
A beautiful rendition of love at first sight, imo.
Women’s hockey next. If Canada wins, on to the gold medal round. If they lose, bronze round.
Very pretty, ditto.
Holy cow. It took five whole minutes before the Canada’s first goal. They’ll never break double didget scoring at that rate.
At least *they* score first. 😉
Who do you think “scores” more when the game is over, the winners or the losers?
Bunny, I think that even the losers are winners sometimes, among . . . female athletes.
EssBee FTW!
CW: Team USA getting its collective butt kicked by China in curling.
Yahoo! Gold in Ice Dancing. 🙂
Kinda funny: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2010/02/vagilante_scott_galloway_will.html
Love, Peace, and Hair Grease. Goodnight :mush:
Goodnight Jack. Dream well.
I like the comments of people critiquing the grammar in the emails LOL