TeeMing Morris Show Notes.
(Thanks for the Show Notes, Energizer Bunny!)
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #140: Flash in the Pan, Part 2. Mongopalooza.
Special Guest Tee Morris tells us of The Crystal Maze (http://teemorris.com/)
Kurt in St. George speaks of the differences between Flash Gordon and Flesh Gordon
Tee Morris returns and talks Flash Gordon
EssBee weighs in on Flash Gordon and her favorite cheeses
Tee Morris returns
Promo – Love Long and Prosper Podcast (http://www.lovelongandprosper.com/podcast/)
EssBee with more cheese
Tee and Jack return
Cheesy EssBee
More from Kurt in St. George
Tee and Jack
Cheese, cheese everywhere
Jack Jaffee (aka Trucker Overdrive) Flashes us (http://www.jackjaffee.com)
Tee Returns
Good God that’s a lot of cheese EssBee!
More to come on Flash Gordon in future episodes!
First comment of the Week was by Cj
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Stolen from the 80’s by EssBee
Closing music
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
10. 10. Hahahahaha! *lighting crashes*
. . . a new baby cries.
I need to wake up.
My missing friend, I found her brother! Now to find out if he remembers me enough to let me know where she is. *fingers crossed*
Throwing Copper. Nice.
OK, Nomad. I think I’m gonna leave you to mind the bar.
Goodnight Gordons everywhere.
I don’t think they ever won wads of cash in The Crystal Maze, but they did win adventure holidays and the like.
Can I just say to Kurt, I’M NOT SCOTTISH.
Another bit part for Sam Jones:
Hey Van! Welcome back.
And would it be wrong of me to ask why you aren’t Scottish? =P
Tetris theme tune done on a church organ:
Morning!! Yay,, it’s Thursday.
morning pan, when to a tech conference yesterday. now i have to dig through my swag. YEAH!!. wow i’m a geek…
hmmm… 2 vmware luggage tags… nothing fun yet…
Jack: Flash Mormon – LOL!
next VMware name badge holder… Handy for holding a beer (in the large middle pocket) but still not that fun…
reaper, you should do a “contents of” for Jack!
Cj & Dan, hahaha!
Lejon: No, that was just fine. Thanks much for your input. I’ll add it to my ever-expanding Netflix queue. I think it’ll wind up somewhere around #250.
reaper: I’m jealous. I’d love to go to a con. I’m roughly 90% positive I’m going to The Next HOPE. It’ll be my first experience of anything of the sort.
+1 EssBee’s recommendation
EssBee: that’s not a bad idea. i did also get a ranter nice VMware swag bag and i have been pulling everything about of it…
Johnny Null: i would love to go to a fun con because I already enjoy going to industry/education cons so much fun stuff…
Ooo a Windows 7 T-Shirt and an “I’m a PC” Pin…
I went to a Comdex in Atlanta, one of the last times it was held there. I watched an insane demo of the power of RISC using a PowerPC chip that had four 3D videos running simultaneously. It was crazy power.
Which is too say, that was utterly fun and I should do it again someday. It’s only been… 15 years or so?
Morning Pan!
Now to listen to the show.
We own the animated Lord of the rings…
Bunny – Do you sing along?
Actually Scy, I do. I love watching the Orcs do the happy dance and then of course you have to sing Frodo of the Nine Fingers…
Played with Google Street View last night. Showed hubby Cj’s house. Then, just to be fair, sent streetview pics to Cj of my home.
I think my favorite part of the con was Listening to Dr Michio Kaku (long gray haired doctor from “The Universe” on the history channel) he was very interesting. I wish I could have gone today also so I could have heard Chris Gardner… Maybe next year I can go both days.
I have a question for everyone who has recorded themselves:
Does your nose clog up every time you do?
What the heck am I doing weird?
Nose clog up???
That’s a new one to me, Scry.
Yeah. It’s a humdinger. Can’t breath through my nose at all now.
Maybe you’re just catching a cold?
Maybe. But it doesn’t explain why it happens every time I try to record myself talking for more than two minutes. It’s been happening all year. I’d hate to think that I had some sort of allergy to talking out loud.
No. Wait, that might be the answer to all my problems. I wonder if I could get on the dole with that one… LOL
Maybe you’re allergic to your mic. How germy does it get 🙂
My mother stole my computer so I had to switch to my work computer for Panning.
Don’t know how much longer I’ll be on the board. Must do the good daughter thing
WNDRWolf 2.0 is here
WNDRWolf 2.0 is everywhere…
Ok that was lame..
Well, tell yer Mum that I said hi.
And my mic is sitting on the desk a good foot away. Google fu says that is over 30cm.
I can’t even listen to podcasts or music while working since she’s here in the room with me and doesn’t have the same tastes
Hey Wolf!!!!
*scritches wolf behind the ear and scrubs his back*
You could play for her the Bonus Halloween episode – as a warning if she doesn’t behave…
Sorry Scry, not saying hi from you. Then she’ll want to see the board and I won’t be able to complain any more 🙁
thank you TEB – I needed that.
So what improvements does Wolf 2.0 actually have?
Wolf, mom likes that kind of stuff. I grew up going to horror movies when I was a child
Van’s here now!
*give Van a big bear hug*
Can you tell I’m avoiding my mom?
On the up side, I reconciled another 5000 contracts so far this morning
Van – I have my coffee…
Much like any other little improvement… not really much.
Nomad, try talking into the mic that ISN’T labelled “pestilence”
Showed my mom my i-touch. She’s having a lot of trouble with the fact it’s not a phone. She’s constantly asking me about talking to people, using it when there isn’t a free wi-fi. Now she want me to take pictures with it.
I’ve put my cell phone and the touch together to show her that I have both and they don’t do the same things but she’s still having trouble grasping the concept. I think that’s just an age and mom’s blond thing than an issue with my mom herself, I simply have no patience
TEB – Just killed me.
UH – Hmmm, let’s try “famine” instead.
What’s really funny is mom will ask me a question, then when she see’s my hubby she’ll ask him the exact same question, sometimes word for word. I asked her last night if she thinks we lie to her and she’s compairing answers just in case. She really didn’t give me an answer…
I don’t understand, Scry. How did I kill you? Would a hug and sloppy wet kiss on the cheek help?
I laughed and laughed. You took me seriously, which was unexpected, and had a cute and reasonable reason not to follow through. I found that hilarious. Better than “dude” “sweet” “dude” “sweet”.
frogs in multitudes.
I almost deleted an hour of recording.
awww, Scry called me cute 😳
Try war, Scry.
Whenever I do something stupid or silly I blame my mom’s genes. She’s a natural blond.
Scry that is an interesting weight loss program -(Famine)
We don’t dream any more of war.
TEB – With the weird week I am having – I think I will blame your mom also.
How is it that I can hear that line in my head and have no idea what it is from?
Bunnies are cute. Period.
Scry what line???
Bunnies are tasty also…
Wolf, go ahead she can handle it: http://www.flickr.com/photos/41443866@N04/3992482097/
Scry: That’s a given 😉
Wolf, that’s between my hubby and I
Ah. I had it wrong.
Of war, we don’t speak anymore,
of war, we don’t speak anymore,
System of a Down. Dur.
Wolf, do you find your nose getting stuffed up when you record? Is it just me?
Anyone want to lend me a better nose?
Bunny, I bet your brains taste nice. *eyebrow waggle*
Now what does that say about you, Scry ❓
Why, it says that I like brains!
Kill the zombie by shooting them in the head.
Scry – Not normally my problem…
Trains that can not reach 88 mph 200 ft away from my house Is usually my problem.
only 17,114 contracts left to reconcile. I may even have it done before lunch.
Of course, this speaks well of all the errors that weren’t made so I had very little to trace this month.
That sounds like a problem. Get it get it get it? *shakes head at self*
Mom’s coughing away. I asked her if she’s ok, she told me she had strep throat. Just what I want
The 🙄 was for Scry
CS: interzone 224
new magazine smell..mmmmmmmm! Oh, I’m susposed to actually read it?
MA! Bunny is rolling her eyes at me! She’s doing it on purpose!
A bear hug from TEB .. Another mmmmmmm!
My cat is being extra snuggly and bratty this morning. She’s letting me know what she thinks of the fact there’s a strange person in the house.
(this is actually not anything against my mom, my kitty hates all people)
Won’t get my contracts reconciled before lunch. Mom wants to go shopping when the malls open in about 1/2 an hour. Then she wants to visit my boo and see all her reptiles.
I’m get to play taxi. Normally wouldn’t mind but mom has a habit of not asking but telling you what the plan is. I told her I do have a day job but… she’s blond *shrug*
Hide the car keys…
Whereas my mum in law has a habit of not asking by not asking.
Well, I guess we’re off.
Later guys!
Nomad Scry: Try keeping a hot beverage with you and drinking from it occasionally while recording. I always have some kind of beverage with me to help keep my throat clear.
And I must toddle off myself. The pillow, she calls me.
Amy: So the ice cold water wasn’t a good idea?
Wolf – Check yer emails. 😉
And, for real this time, I am off. Night all.
Goodnight, Nomush.
I wasn’t that impressed with Three Rivers..far too preachy.
Scry is the man – That is all!
Were you guys discussing the four microphones of the apocalypse earlier?
Yes we were.
NS: I guess not.
Jack, WNDRWolf: LOL! Yes, we were. 😀
Van: Yeah, I guess it was, but I’ll still be watching it again this Sunday.
Trying new exercise program for the last two nights. All I can say is I’m more out of shape than I believed and OW, ow-ow, ow ow ow, Ow.
Oh, and Good Morning, Pan!
.hsum gninrom dooG
*currently giggling at*
Leather Goddesses of Phobos tries to guess what
you reallymean when you don’t give enough information.
For example, if you say that you want to do
something, but not what you want to do it to or with,
Leather Goddesses of Phobos will sometimes decide
that there is only one possible object you could
mean. When it does so, it will tell you. For example:
(with the key)
The door is now unlocked.
(with the insurance policy)
Instruction Manual 19
You read the insurance policy to the rapist, who dies of
What do you want to cover the body with?
You drape the blanket loosely over poor Mrs. Filbert.
Which melon do you mean, the honeydew melon or the casaba melon?
The honeydew melon is ripe and juicy.
whoa, my first cut and paste went all wonky.. should have said:
(with the insurance policy)
You read the insurance policy to the rapist, who dies of boredom.
I’m sure it makes MUCH more sense now.
Ah the good (or bad) old days of computer gaming..
Bloody hell, some people really don’t want to pay:
Home. Took mom to the mall and spent an hour or so wandering. Then went to see my Boo and mom was introduced to all her critters (which is fine, mom likes lizards and snakes). Had Swiss Chalet for lunch. Now back home.
Back to the spreadsheets
Swiss Chalet for lunch? My what a big mouth you have TEB..
All the better to eat you with my dear. 😉
That’s a definite WTF moment Cj
Funny Van, I was just about to link to the full text of the Colour of Magic:
Cj, that picture is from one of the most critical scenes during the invasion of Hoth – – don’t you remember?
only 7,500 contracts left. Then it’s party time!
Or at least non-work time
Wait a minute… Hoth? When did they suffer from global warming?
Whenever I go swimming, I wear my Darth Vader scuba suit.
Really? I wear a lot less than that…
All that black is very slimming.
Clearly it was Degobah and not Hoth. LOL
TEB – Nudist Beaches in Canada???
Wolf, I didn’t actually mean that much less, but still…
i just won four passes to Where the Wild Things Are on Saturday. I wonder if mom will be interested…
The land of the snow capped peaks?
Further to Rhettro’s comment: Not only is this in Alberta, which is scary enough, but it seems to be in northern Alberta, http://www.freewebs.com/heliosnudistassociation/
Google is an amazing thing 🙂
Steampunk story called Zepplin City at Tor.com:
Vanamonde, rightfully, changing the subject 😆
Note to self – Don’t try and read the latest TP whilst wrapped in a duvet…zzzzzz
*tucks Van in and kisses forehead*
*fingers to lips* shhhhhhhhhhh
Contemplating more exercise tonight. So long as I remain in humble contemplation, perhaps I won’t have to exercise.
I see a Thousand Points of Light, and they’re all stabbing me in the eyes
If you catch Monty Python dancing in your head, and you aren’t sure which film you’ve suddenly found yourself in, should you just go with it, chain yourself to a wall and clap along?
Get a good priest for the exorcism tonight, Lejon. . .
. . . If you find yourself in an unknown Monty Python film, then just keep an eye out for knights with rubber chickens, , waffer thin mints, the Judean People’s Front, and vicious rabbits.
jackmangan: what about ducks? should I be worried if there’re ducks?
LdlJF, Are there witches about?
I’ve come by to drop off some links:
jackmangan: there are newts
And finally: http://progressiveboink.com/archive/peanuts-by-charles-bukowski/1.html
Lejon, be sure to carry a fish, in case anyone needs to be slapped. . . .
OK. . . . . I must stop procrastinating. . .
Fish: Check.
Maybe I need more stuff:
Ethyl the Aardvark Goes Quantity Surveying
Trojan Rabbit
Holy Hand-grenade of Antioch
Henry Kissenger
But am I missing anything important?
Lejon, you might want to make sure you know where your towel is.
Ya know… just so, you don’t panic or whatever… anyway…
Evening, DP!
A very prolific day!
It’s snowing in my yard.
Night Pan, hopefully will finally get to see UP in the morning.
Nighty night, Van!
My boss (one of 10) is an idiot. That is all.
Whatever may be the most annoying thing to say, but “I tried everything” comes pretty close for me.
If they -had- tried everything, then they would have found the solution and wouldn’t be bothering me. If they -had- tried everything, then they would have already seen that the reason the machine won’t start is flashing on the display panel and it is because they didn’t turn the knob from “jog” to “run”.
For a … random example.
I am at work. And cranky. I should probably go … do something. Preferably useful. Else I’ll just crank here and we don’t need that much battery in the chest.
*hugs* NS. Hope it gets better.
CJ – 3 day weekend. In 6 hours and counting. And my siblings ponied up their portions to get the phones back on, so … 6 hours and counting.
I’ll count with you!
5 hours and counting.
I’m still up. Why oh why am I still up?
Oh yeah.. work.
work work work work
4 hours and 15 minutes?
I finished my work, but not ready to sleep just yet.
4! 4 hours left! ah ah ah ahhh.
*lightning crashes*
Three hours and twenty minutes left!
I’ll be with you in spirit tho the body part of me has to go pack lunches and put itself to rest for the night.
I’ll dream in numbers 3, 2, 1… home…. on your behalf!
Uh. … Huh.
This is… interesting. (Safe)
Night Cj. Sleep well. Pack well.
1:40 to go.
I ate my pizza and I have a little bit of paperwork and then it’ll be 7am and I can go home!
25 minutes.
Waiting for LCROSS to give the moon a spanking and stumbled on this:
guess I’ll have to buy a playboy this month 😉
8 hours til the weekend…
On the docket for the weekend… a 3 way interview.
The Triple threat launches on 11-11-09.
Okay, back from seeing UP, a film that generated feelings of happiness and sadness, and most non animated films can’t do that.
Great film..
Don’t break my heart, my achey breakey heart, I just don’t think he’ll understand.
I’m not sure who I pissed off, but geez, isn’t this a little cruel and unusual?
Bunny, you were right about the nose thing being a cold -this- time. But still, I’m giving you the finger of warning. No more invoking colds on me. Not nice.
Nomad – So it isn’t the 4 microphones of the apocalypse… Damn
Van: I agree. I think “Up” is the best film Pixar has made.
I don’t think a gallon of coffee will wake me up.
CP: Mama’s Boy — The Ramones
Might need to get Bioware’s Dragon Age so that I get the Dragon armor for Mass Effect 2.
CP: Gloria — Patti Smith
My brains aren’t up to much, so I just watched the first two episodes of Robotech Macross Saga.
Dude, the anti-grav units riped right out. That’s funny.
Damn been a long time since I have seen that…
It has gone quiet – did everyone start their weekend early?
I wish. Forget the beef. Where’s the beer?
Keg party is what I am looking for…
Do they still have Beer Bongs???
You’d have to ask a youngin’ if they still do the beer bongs.
My weekend is off to a great start. I’m going to bed! WooooozZz
Scry – I did ask the young’uns 😛
CW: Flashforward Eps 3
A friend of mine sent out this email last week:
Saturday, Oct. 10th at 6pm
I know you guys don’t go to games often but man the team could really use your support for at least the home opener. They are running a “Welcome Back Whiteout” promotion that is absolutely smoking so I thought I’d pass it on. Basically you can get lower bowl tickets for $20 or upper bowl for only $10. You can’t beat a price like that for NHL hockey and there isn’t a bad seat in that place! The atmosphere should be absolutely insane for that first game so if ever there is a time to be there this is it. Bring the whole family, I guarantee you won’t regret it!! I really think you’ll all enjoy it but if that’s not a good enough reason, man please do it for me. I’m a huge fan scared to death of losing my hockey team. 🙁 The entire hockey world will be watching this game to see if Phoenix fans will come out in support, please show them Phoenix is a great sports down. We’re only one of a handful of cities that have all 4 of the major team sports, let’s keep it that way!! Anyway…
See you at the game and don’t forget to wear white! ow ow ooooowwwwwoooooo!!!!
His email must have worked. The Coyotes sold out their home opener.
And in space news:
Jack: w00t! 🙂
My morning so far: Get up. Eat breakfast. Shower. Get dressed. Sweep house while listening to podcasts on iPod. Get headphone cord caught on drawer pull while turning away from coffeemaker to throw away old coffee filter. React by jerking arm in such a way as to tear old coffee filter. Spill coffee grounds all over kitchen floor. Spend ten minutes cleaning them up. Finally make coffee. Finally sit down to study.
*sigh* At least it’s an amusing story. 🙂
Pass me cup as long as it has a shot of Irish Cream (bailey’s preffered)
Heh heh *passes virtual coffee with Bailey’s to WNDRWolf*
A game to tempt your hard earned buck for iPhone/ipod Touch users:
My goodness, an American who not only has heard of Baileys but actually likes it..I may need to lie down.
CP: The Fan Who Wasn’t There — The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
Wow, I’m very late to the ‘Pan. Anyhow . . . with a quick nipple-glance . . .
Vanamonde: I’m happy you finally got to see “Up” and I’m glad you liked it.
Who hasn’t heard of Baileys? It’s very common. I like a little bit now and again, but Lady J finds its milkyness off-putting.
Nomad Scry: It appears that the two of us will also partake in the NaNoWriMo. I’ll sign up over the weekend. I’ve got a good throw-away idea in my head.
Mmmmm Baileys.
I do believe Jack had some at the Deadpanmmmm Meet, but it had been tainted by a bad suggestion (lemon juice) from Evo. Cement Mixer he called it? Damn I wish I had that on video.
I love Baileys in my coffee.
Amy, sorry you had such a bad experience. Coffee demands to be made and enjoyed as quickly as possible around these parts. I’m glad you were able to find the amusement in it. Coffee isn’t something I joke about! 😉
If you like Marzipan, there’s a nice alternative to Baileys called St.Aidans Cream Liqueur..
Yeah it smells and taste of marzipan..at least it does to me.
Amy sorry but *virtually* does not cut it…
Mmmmm I love marzipan!
I find Irish Coffee tasty, but a bit too sweet. It also had a bad effect on Herbie in the Love Bug.
CP: Cassie — Flyleaf
“It’s lime juice and Baileys, that can’t be bad right?”
I could go for some Irish coffee right now, hell, when I get home I’ll make it happen. 🙂
“Make it so.”
Yes I’m tempted to open a bottle of Bailey’s not opened since Christmas..if only I liked coffee…
Oh yea, Rhett, it was lime juice! Still wish I had video.
I guess you could put Bailey’s in tea. 😉
Yeah CJ, I wish you did too! LOL
Along with video of Sheila saying “Anyone who listens to Evo is a fool!”
I think there’s a picture of my reaction. I knew I was in for something gross, just playing the fall guy. 🙂
I think there needs to be experimentation with coffee and cream stouts.
Van: Why, is there something wrong with Baileys? Have we Americans given up on the Rusty Nail? Ooooh… I’ve got to get some Drambuii…. I’ll get my coat
Lee Majors?
It’s a death defyin’ life I lead,
I take my chances.
I die for a livin’ in the movies and TV.
But the hardest thing I ever do
Is watch my leadin’ ladies
Kiss some other guy while I’m bandagin’ my knee.
CP: Is It You? — Blue Rodeo
Fall Guy was one of those 10:00 shows, so I could only ever watch the first few minutes before I was ushered off to bed. What was on before it? Was that Riptide/A-Team night?
It was 9:00 for me living in central time. Was Hardcastle and McCormick on first?
Sad to think that I didn’t get some of the jokes in Hardcastle and McCormick. I didn’t drive then, so I never got the “Double-Nickel” line.
The car was wicked cool, though.
From the Slice of SciFi website:
Fox News has listed the 10 most prominent Lunar crashes since the creation of that heavenly body over 4.6 billion years ago.
What???!!! Fox News admitted that the age of the universe is more than 6000 years???!!! Now that’s news.
Didn’t Fox cancel the Moon after a half-season?
It found new life on DVD.
New life on DVD could mean a lot of things. I’m voting on bacterial cultures.
one little, two little, three little Seussians
four little, five little, six little Seussians
seven little, eight little, nine little Seussians
ten little Cats in the Hat!
Disinclined to acquiesce to a request.
You know, on general principle.
Well, it’s time for me to head off to that big weekend in the sky, or my living room (whatever).
If I don’t see you before Monday, may you all have a great weekend!
Have a shot of Bailey’s in a pint of Guinness. It’s not as disgusting as a Cement Mixer…
I think I’ve mentioned this before.
A shot of Tia Marie, and a pour in enough to cream to make a thin layer on top of the booze.
Wait, and watch patterns develop as the cream and Tia Marie begin to mix.
If you don’t want to experiment for yourself you can watch a video:
Evening, DP!
I am suddenly home alone for the weekend. What to do, what to do?
purty, Van! Have one for me.
This one has been reminding me of someone:
Night Pan.
CW: The Mist
Just finished “Year One”
Interestingly, a lot of the jokes require a knowledge of biblical stories to work. Like the scene where Cain gets hit with lighting. Haha. It leaves a mark on his head. Which doesn’t mean anything at all unless you know where vampires came from.
Er, I mean… 🙂
So, we let the kids play outside because the weather is freaking beautiful and what do we get for it? A fricken mouse in the house.
Dan saw it run into and then out of the bathroom.
A mouse.
There are no kittens or mittens or old ladies saying “hush” and there shouldn’t be a damn mouse.
In my house.
Mice are cute and leave little presents everywhere!
CPIMM: Mouse mouse in my house.
I am also cute and I leave presents everywhere.
Yet… I’m not one bit mousy.
The mouse has been caught and removed from the house. Yay for Dan and his mousetrap collection.
Alive or dead?
Wow a cliffhanger on the board…
The excitement is almost palpable.
We have at least 3 inches of snow outside, and more falling. I’m in for the day.
CW: Flash Forward
In this week’s episode, Gina Torres is in the FBI Director’s family picture. *swoon*
Oooh, and in the episode.
It’s foggy here. So pretty!
Well, I’d hate to keep everyone hanging for too long…
The mouse was caught … alive.
morning pan, it’s snowing here today… I really have to move… after the kids are out of school
Where are you, reaper?
As I stated on Twitter, Stargate Universe is reminding me of Space 1999.
Oh and for iPhone/iPod Touch users doing a search on the app store for ‘ Chilli X’ all their apps are free this weekend…I wasn’t that impressed with the descriptions.
EssBee: i’m in Wisconsin so it is no ware near as bad as you have it but I still hate Snow. I want to move back to Seattle where the snow melts by the afternoon
CW: Power Rangers RPM
CL: Wolf’s preview for Nocturne’s Rookie thing.
Waiting for soccer time…
I’m not sure I believe in Snow in October. It is a myth.
<Weekend drive by>
Balloon Art for the overachiever
</Weekend drive by>
Wisconsin is frigid! I enjoy Colorado. It’ll be 60 tomorrow and all of this snow will melt.
we get all the cold with not the much snow. the snow we get is only useful for about 2 months of the year. you can hardly snowmobile unless you live on a lake but not the great lakes
Usedhair: Well done! re: 6k years! I done lol’ed
I too am alone for the vast majority of the weekend. I should have time to catch up on things. “Things” includes my new bottle o’ sake. (~39 calories/oz)
Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.
Come on over, Johnny! I have some DVDs, and make a mean re-heated enchilada casserole.
I’ll be right over! *swooooooooooooooooooooosh!*
So I saw Army of Crime tonight, a French film set in WW2 about immingrants fightning the German occupier.
Too many characters, and you know from the beginning that everybody dies..interesting though.
Vanamonde: You give my knowledge of history far too much credit.
I don’t generally like military flicks, but I really liked Enemy at the Gate.
Johnny Null’s sake with EssBee’s enchiladas! I’m there!
Rick Novy keeps recommending Time Crimes. Anyone seen or heard of it?
Drive by posting here…
been insanely busy cuz the basement flooded. Again.
Jack: Never heard of it or him.
ditto: crap.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh . . .
The difference between good sake and crap sake is like the difference between a “happy ending” and a kick in the jimmy.
JN: Very true. I find it is also true of some other alcohols.
ditto: Indeed!
The LHC may allow a test for hyperdrive technology:
Looks like Red Dwarf is coming back:
Oh and if FB is to be believed, Happy Birthday Rhettro.
Gosh! Yes! Happy Birthday, Rhettro! *huggles*
I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo. Let the terror begin!
I’ve also already tossed out my plot idea. YAY!
I think this is what I’m supposed to post:
YAY Rhettro!!
I was going to wait until tomorrow, but now . . .
Happy Birthday, Rhettro!
Tomorrow is today.
Insomnia sucks rancid balls of camel butter.
Happy birthday, Rhettro!
Ew, Van.
Also, I agree!
Wow, I haven’t checked in all day and I missed all my birthday wishes. You guys and gals rock! Technically, tomorrow is my birthday aka Sunday. I feel like I’m turning 21 again, which would be correct because 42 is equal to 2 x 21. 🙂
And we’re back….ok, I’m back at least. I know I’m not going to get caught up on comments. But, I am going to get caught up with this week’s show.
Life is good, but my sleep cycle is screwed.
And…this is what happens when I’m up late ’cause I can’t get to sleep yet. Apparently the “kids” may know this from one of the Grand Theft Auto games. Seasoned Panites like myself should know it from our child hoods (though I don’t know if Van would have had the chance to see it).
Don’t cheat and scroll down to the comments.
Sadly, cannot find it for sale through any legitimate means. But, I have found several sites that will take the youtube stream and give an mp3 of the audio.
And, since it’s Sunday where I’m at – Happy Birthday, Rhettro!
JN: w00t!
Rhettro: Happy (slightly early) birthday! 🙂
Night, Pan.
Happy birthday Rhettro. May you have an awesome year.
Jack, I haven’t seen Timecrimes yet, but it is 181 in my Netflix queue. It is Spanish with subtitles and I must have heard something good about it. I’ll let you know in two years when I get that far down my list…
Sorry Ed I had to cheat by looking down at the bottom of the comments.
I certainly remember watching Gil Gerad as Buck Rogers at the time, but that tune has slipped down a memory hole.
I’ve been burnt so many time by combined external battery pack/cases for my iPhone, that this time I’m just going to go for a small battery pack I can carry around with me and charge the phone at a push.
Plus the battery in my Phone is screwed again, so that will be winging it way back to Apple for repair.
Great phone, but the non removable battery just makes me grind my teeth.
Vanamonde: Here’s hoping that “burnt” is only metaphorical in this instance.
Ah yes JN, not literally burnt..thankfully.
Sleep is so fickle.
Hectic around the Maki ranch of late, between Darcy’s show and my work being swamped. For me at least its job security.
Not really here. Just a quick hop in to say Happy Birthday to Rhettro.
Now back to your regularly scheduled Panning.
Happy Birthday Rhett!
Happy Birthday my stupid kid brother.
Happy National Coming Out Day, queers everywhere.
Ah, October 11th.
morning pan, Happy bday Rhett!! today is my dog bday also. he is 8 but being a Chihuahua he still looks like a puppy.
I have a question or the pan panel (hehe). I’m looking for Recipe Database software. I have tried “role your own” but have never been happy with the results. Has anyone used any of the options out there? so far I have used Recipe center 5.2 and it is nice, but importing recipes from web sites is a bit messy.
JohnBoze: I could go for some tekka maki.
reaper: The only thing I found on a quick search is:
I see .exes as well as Linux packages. I’ve never used it, but there it is.
Very cool, Cj!
Looks like the pan is truly dead this Sunday.
Van – the song was from the episode where Buck goes to meet the “Space Rockers” whose manager plans to use the concert broadcast to conquer the universe by mind control of the kids in the audience.
Glad you’re back safely, Ed! Seems like you couldn’t have been there that long.
Happy birthday wishes to Rhett!
I always get the tentacle when eating steampunk octopus cake.
Aaarg! LLAP recording thwarted. Dan is not pleased with my inability to complete a thought without stopping mid-sentence to cough. Robotussin doesn’t work. Throat lozenges don’t work. NyQuil – well … I guess we’ll see what happens.
I’m feeling very FAIL right now. 🙁
I tried my best. Honest!
Stupid uncontrollable coughing.
Bad joke:
Cj, does that make you a *hack*?
*insert groans here*
More seriously, is this a cough tickle or a cannot-breath cough?
I’m a bit pneumonia obsessed ever since I had it a few years back.
It’s a “Oh crap, I’m not sick again” moment I’m having. Really. I’m NEVER sick and I feel like this year has been the year of the sick Cj. So lame.
Anyway.. thus far, it’s definitely all above the neckline type coughing. I’m breathing fine. No fever. No other symptoms except the occasional sneeze and I might be a bit irritable – although, I don’t know if that’s just how I am these days or from the sick.
Good. Not fun,, but good. =) I don’t have any really good advice. When my throat hurts/feels like I have coughed it raw, I like to drink grapefruit juice. It hurts, but it feels like it is scratching my throat. I think this is more psychosomatic than anything real.
Sorry. No tricks in my pockets tonight.
I’m more of a hot tea with lemon kinda girl.
My lips are chapped too from the nose blowing so, grapefruit juice while yummy, is not going to be anywhere near my mouth right now!
only my beloved Cherry Chapstick and Lotion filled Kleenexes..
and maybe some chocolate.
Coffee is good too.
Mmmm Mocha
Sleep would probably be good too, but ya know… why sleep when I can be typing witty comments.
I feel witty.
Oh so witty.
I feel pithy, and gritty and tired.
And I pity.
Anyone who doesn’t read Deadpan tonight.
Morning Pan, back to work today, but the holiday did me some good.
Good Morning, Van!
My internet keeps going in and out. Maybe it’s trying to tell me something like.. I should get offline and go to sleep?
The internets are trying to outsmart me.
Coffee and wait ’em out. The internets are not known for patience.
Just watched the 3 part of the SG:U pilot. That was much much better. Nothing to call mom about, but certainly something I’d enjoy making time for.
And they did a last three seconds “hey wha!?”
Well, sleep is winning this time!
Kids are on vacation this week so I plan to sleep in an extra hour tomorrow!
Go me!
Night, Pan!
Stupid jet lag. Body clock remains fuxored. Slept for about four hours and now I’m awake….for now. This afternoon is going to be bad.
Grabbed this from the Weird Show, was curious what yall though of it?
Hi, gang!
It’s another business trip for me – I’ll be gone until Friday, but will be checking in from time to time. Be good, y’all!
EssBee I don’t want to be good…
In fact I am better when I am not good.
Wolf: big bad wolf?
Was that a Torchwood reference?
Scry – 😉
Ugh. I know how you feel, Cj.
I think a case of the Mondays would be an improvement to the way I currently feel.
A list of funny movie titles:
I enjoyed the first “Uncharted” game. It sounds like I’ll have to give #2 a try. These guys really enjoyed the writing.
Happy Thanksgiving (Canadians)!
Nomad, that looks like a cult.
RE: Weird Show link from NS
Sometimes I think a world without men could be more relaxing, but if I wasn’t being driven crazy by the men in my life, I think life would be kinda boring.
That aside, it’s an interesting concept. I might have to read up on it further. Right now all searches are basically coming up with the same text and set of photos. Hmm.
Thanks, Jack!
A – Aardvark
B – B.B. King
C – Cece Peniston (Imagine going through life with the word “penis” in your last name?)
Cj: Someone wrote a comic-book series exploring that very topic, called “Y: The Last Man.” I haven’t read it, but it might be interesting.
Happy Thanksgiving to TEB, Randy, Val, and all other Canadians. 🙂
Read AV club list. Had to stop and prevent myself from spitting tea all over my computer. 😀
D – Dee Dee Ramone
E – e.e. cummings
E – eel
My girlfriend’s car broke down so I had to run out this morning and pick her and her two kids up and take everyone home.
My Gram is also sick again so I’m waiting for her doctor to call and let us know if she should go to emergency or if what she’s experiencing is “normal”.
My kiddos are on vacation and home with me, but I’m attempting to get my work done while I’m “on call” for various situations.
Aren’t Mondays the best? Whoo hoo!
Hey! WordPress didn’t like my interrobang!???? It turned it into a question mark. See ?
FF – F-F-F-Foolin’
G – GG Allen
I wonder if I should just growl.
Val is one of the three Canadian guests who were with us for both of the live recordings we made at the DeadpanMMMMeetup. She’s a friend of TEB’s.
Oh dear, my apologies Amy.
H – Wasn’t there a wrestler named Triple H?
I – IIS (can eat me)
known for the Triple H … SMACKDOWN
I am ashamed to know that. 😳
JJ Abrams!
K. K. Downing. m/
L.L. Bean?
Llamas wearing L.L. Bean.
M – Green M&Ms. . . ?
I have no ideas for a double-N.
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
I wanna start a fight
O –
Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I’ve got another puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
If you are wise you’ll listen to me
CP: Native Son — Bryan Adams
If anyone thinks that a world without men would be more peaceful, go read “The Lucifer Principle”. Actually, I recommend everyone read it.
Also, I’d like to pimp this handy site for the
cheapskatesthrifty amongst us.http://ebs.allbookstores.com/
cheapskatedefinitely describes me.P – Roger Rabbit: “P-p-p-p-lease!”
(it beats the alternative for “P”)
Eddie Valiant: “Seriously, what do you see in that guy?”
Jessica Rabbit: “He makes me laugh. “
Q Who?
FYI … or Newsflash…
I like men.
Some more than others.
Go figure.
I’m sure you are all shocked by this information.
(disclaimer: women are nice too… sometimes)
“So if that’s my nose right there, when did my nose grow a thumbnail?”
Oh and what brought this on Cj?
Seems like common sense to me.
JohnBoze, has Fox figured out your little ruse?
CJ, what Van said.
R – Railroad signs.
oops. Cj.
No, but that logical situation I mused upon is bound to come soon, no?
I was just pondering a world without men…
Brought on by the Amazon women article and JN’s recommended reading etc.
SS Minnow
… I really wanted to say Su-Sussudio… but I didn’t.
I’ll tell you once more before I get off the floor
Don’t bring me down
Where is Jack when I need him?
The worst part of a four day work week is going back to work. So, despite being at work now, huzzah for one fifth less work this week.
Unfortunately, I got used to taking a nap right about now.
TT Quick.
Vvvroom, off to bed with me.
Good night, http://www.jackmangan.com
Amazon women..mmmmm!.time for a cold shower.
Morning Pan, the woolly hat is on and I’m prepared for the autumn chill..bring it on.
I seem to remember reading something about how the Y chromosome isn’t being recombined, simply replicated, so that degradations are building up in the code and eventually males will not function correctly due to this.
But I’m getting this thought/memory/idea mixed up with how mitochondria are only passed down from the mothers.
We’ve had snow a couple times now, once Saturday just a coating, and yesterday a solid inch. Terribly pleasant actually…
Morning Pan
Survived Thanksgiving and my mom visiting. Now back to normalcy, whatever that is
I hate it when work decides it’s time to change the passwords but don’t tell you 🙁
this is just bizarre (not as bad as it seems)
Here’s a movie I’d go see
Yeah, I take any chance to pimp that book that I can get. IMO it should be required reading in schools. Much better than, shall we say, “Catcher in the Rye”?
A cute little, and sometimes frustrating game
Oh, wait, maybe I should put the link in 🙂
Looks like we got a bit of snow last night
One advantage of the city doing work in the front of my house is I now don’t have a sidewalk to shovel
So am I alone on the board?
Sadness is being alone on a Pan Board 🙁
I’m never lonely with myself 🙂
Do you think ghosts like to ride in elevators. I know they lift my spirits 😉
I’d tell you a story about my bed but it would be something I just made up.
I once had a friend who kept talking about their trip to Egypt, but I thought they were in de-nile
I know a rancher who has 100 head of cattle. He thought there were only 99 until he rounded them up.
Do you think a High Priest can be arrested on drug charges
I once wanted to work at a mint. I knew the employees made a lot of money
Meh. Not awake yet.
Good morning, bunny.
I need to make me some coffay.
My local store promises an abacus with every purchase, but I wouldn’t count on it.
One horse said to another: your pace is familiar but I don’t remember the mane.
When milk cows reach the end of their lives, do they kick the bucket?
Morning Ditto!
I once tried to buy a chess set from my local pawn broker
Stop staring at my chess set?
I had a friend whose whole left side was cut off. He’s all right now.
Oops, reports finally came in. Gotta do some work now
buh bye
Have fun storming the reports!
Waiting for more reports, so:
In today’s paper: A hole was found drilled into the wall of a nudist colony… The police are looking into it.
I saw a sign on the lawn of our local rehab centre. It said “keep off the grass”
Another news headline:
Cartoonist found dead in home. Details are sketchy.
Is Atheism is a non-prophet organization?
Do cross-eyed teachers have trouble controlling their pupils?
I knew an Atheists who refused to solve exponential equations. He didn’t believe in higher powers.
No matter how hard I try to push the envelope…
…it’ll still be stationary
Finally: I don’t thinghe little old woman who lived in a shoe was the sole owner. I have a feeling there were strings attached.
Ok, no more wasting time. I have things to do… like shovelling the driveway
CP: The Big Sky — Kate Bush
Cuz every time it rains,
You’re here in my head,
Like the sun coming out–
Ooh, I just know that something good is gonna happen.
I don’t know when,
But just saying it could even make it happen.
I’m not a happy bunny. I shouldn’t be shovelling for at least another month.
It’s supposed to be global warming, not global coldening.
Now I’m *really* looking forward to Dragon Age.
I pre-ordered Dragon Age almost a month ago.
Part of the reason they changed it to climate change cos they got pissed off with people saying “Heh it’s snowing in X so much for global warming”.
I’ll get my coat.
You need your coat Van, it’s frikken cold
CP: Love Spreads — The Stone Roses
CP: Da Hui — The Offspring
I was suppose to go out and have lunch with my Boo today but I’m thinking it’s snowing too hard. There is always a problem with the first real snowfall of the year, silly people forget what it’s like to drive in snow from last year and it gets accident crazy for the first few days.
Will have to think about it.
My Boo just called and cancelled for a completely different reason. I guess that solves that dilemma
It’s cold, I’m not going anywhere for about 15 – 20 minutes so…
I like boiled eggs in the morning, they’re hard to beat
If a dog give birth too close to the road, will it be ticketed for littering?
I once knew a TV repairman who recently got married. He had excellent reception
When a magician gets really angry, do they pull their hare out?
I went to a wedding that was quite emotional. Even the cake was in tiers
Are magicians who use trap doors just going through a stage?
I knew a guy who recently changed careers. He use to be a baker but kind of got tired of the hole thing
If I take someone else’s hot chocolate, would it be called a mugging?
I got mad at my calendar so I warned it that its days were numbered
I like to think I have a photographic memory…
…it’s just never developed
A toothless termite walked into a tavern and said, “Is the bar tender here?”
I think I fried my brain
That’s it, I’m sure there are more but … as I said above
I think lunch today will consist of leftover Thanksgiving dinner
Give the devil his Tuesday.
Wow, much bunny wittiness to catch up on!
The first real rainstorm of the winter has arrived here in Southern California. It’s temporarily let up now, but it’s supposed to get worse tomorrow. I’m actually kind of glad about it. It finally feels like it’s fall.
I don’t know what we did different this year, but September’s comments were 2,822. This was a 61% increase over September last year.
Keep up the good commenting!
Question of the day: Why don’t seagulls fly south for the winter? Better yet, why do we have seagulls when Alberta is a landlocked province?
A 61% increase! I knew those steroid injections would pay off.
The woman in me is very happy with a 61% increase 😳
I’m cold. What are we going to do about that?
I wanted to go to a boxing match but on of the fighters was out cold
I think I need a reason to be mad at my hubby so I give him the cold shoulder
There was an article in the paper about a guy who tried tried to rob a refrigerator factory but he got a cold reception when he yelled “freeze”
If a spy gets sick, is it a secret cold for a cure?
I actually have some friends who would soak naked in the sauna in this cold weather, their favourite song was:”Gone we now our day apparel.”
If I’m made at my neighbour, I’ll shovel my snow onto his lawn and yell “Do you get my drift?”
Ok, time to think about lunch
I suspect TEB’s humor is as close as I’ll be getting to snow this year.
BTW, did Cj get all used up with the alphabet last night? Haven’t seen her yet today
There’s nothing funny about snow, Ed
If one of the 70s Harlem Globetrotters achieved a pure state of peace and connection in a snowstorm, would he be fro-zen?
Canadian Tire commercial
Sorry should have been: Canadian tire commercial ss opposed to a Canadian Tire commercial (which is the name of a store here in Canada)
Seems like there ought to be a joke about a snow blower here somewhere. Alas, wit fails me.
Ed, do you know how many thoughts I had to censor over that last comment? 😆
1) The need to wear snow pants
2) Well built snowmen
tongues sticking to poles
Sorry, that was # 3
4) white powder around your lips
5) liquid around your lips (presumable from melted snow, but insert your own dirty thought here)
6) using icicles in very naughty ways
Ok, I guess I only had a half dozen thoughts I should have censored. I suppose it could have been worse.
Now I need a Popsicle
CE: Peach and Mango popsicle
I’m watching the noon news. They’re talking about flu vaccinations and were interviewing some of the nurses giving the shot. At the end of the story the newscaster turned to his co-host and said “The nurses are nice”.
I’m not sure what to make of that
Good Morning, Pan!
My apologies for being gone so long… I had “a Monday” apparently.
TEB: Perhaps the nurses were pleasant people?
Lejon, given my obvious state of mind today, sure, that’s what I was thinking. 🙂
Has the conversation returned to creamsicles?
TEB: Hey, I’m a guy. I simply chose to take the less lascivious way out. It’s chivalrous. Besides, nice nurses need no nipple needling from me.
Jack Mangan: I shall make no comment regarding the creamsicles unless the brave cream-filled danish make known their wishes.
Keep in mind, when talking about nurses, or any female, it’s cold in Calgary right now and it’s showing in some clothing the women wear.
TEB: I look forward to the sweaters of your frosty northern reaches.
TEB: What’s your point?
Would it make you feel better Jack to know I’m wearing a JM sweater at the moment?
Wait a minute… does that mean I’m pointing at Jack right now? How rude 😉
I’m going to make the kitty very unhappy. I’m kicking her off my lap. Going to do some sewing.
Later Panites
Excellent points made, Bunny.
I saw something about tongues and poles, but I digress . . .
I’ll get my snowshoes.
JN, are those tennis rackets on your feet, are you just happy to see me?
(I don’t really get it either. Lunchtime.)
“I’m going to make the kitty very unhappy. ”
Euphemism ?
You must punish, kitty! LOL
Most snowmen are happy to see the arrival of the snow blower.
And for the OCD sake of completeness:
X – Drinking Dos Equis while listening to
Y – YYZ by Rush will help you get your
Z – ZZzzzzz’s.
There, I feel better.
And now for the Greek alphabet…
I’m sorry, I can’t let that pass without adding “ZZ Top”.
Cj: but tell us how you really feel
I feel like punching someone in the face.
Cj: right. That’s the vibe I was getting.
The space goes
down, down baby,
down, down the roller coaster.
Sweet, sweet baby,
sweet, sweet, don’t let me go.
Shimmy, shimmy, cocoa pop.
Shimmy, shimmy, rock.
Shimmy, shimmy, cocoa pop.
Shimmy, shimmy, rock.
I met a girlfriend – a triscuit.
She said, a triscuit – a biscuit.
Ice cream, soda pop,
vanilla on the top.
Ooh, Shelly’s out, walking down the street,
ten times a week.
I read it.
I said it.
I stole my momma’s credit.
I’m cool.
I’m hot.
Sock me in the stomach three more times.
CP: A Comet Appears — The Shins
I’m sticking to the plan.
Night Pan.
It’s not often an idea really REALLY impresses me, but this is absolute brilliance:
Captcha-related post:
BTW: Some will claim that the 61% increase in Deadpan comments can be attributed to one-time “Flash Stimulus”… Part of the new “Cash for Comments” program.
This raises the question – Is the Deadpan considered “shovel ready” ?
Not even remotely amusing answer to why the seagulls don’t fly south in a land-locked …
(I just forgot the word for)
… province: Land fill. All the crap a seagull could desire.
I liked that tire commercial. That’ll be me in a few months.
My MiL’s “friend” bought us brand new tires about three months ago. They spin out in the rain. I can’t wait to see how they’ll handle in the snow.
[not really]
I’d so drive a zamboni in winter if I still lived in NJ.
[/not really]
Overfishing has forced them inland in the search for food.
Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle,
the cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such a sight,
and the dish ran away with the spoon.
I said a
hey diddle diddle, the cat and some fiddles,
they all jumped over the moon.
the little dog laughed to see such a sight ,
and then he ran away with the spoon.
One of the machines shut down. No power.
The electrician found that a pair of fuses had popped. Because a set of wires had caught on fire.
I suppose I shouldn’t be amused.
CD: Overhearing a conversation about how removal of a friend from FB can lead to threats of physical violence.
I’m glad a lot of FB passes me by…
I really don’t associate with co-workers. Mostly ‘cuz I’m blue collar and finding anyone half conversant in … well, anything I give a rat’s ass about is really rather rare. But also because I don’t like talking. Can ya tell? Thankfully, it protects me from a lot of the drama that I eventually hear about once the rumor mill gets really rolling.
Oh and Bunny, did you have that flurry of punnage on recall or did you make it up on the spot?
Is it Wednesday everywhere? Or am I dreaming? Did I fall asleep?
snow blower….man they just write themselves, don’t they (giggle)
Morning Pan!
Lesson for the week: Never try to go full bore on work outs after taking a month off, doing nothing. I am sooooooooo sore today 🙂
1) I knew about the seagull thing, I just felt sorry for them and their little webbed feet in this cold weather.
2) Puns aren’t original, I’m just not that swift.
Now for breakkie!
Waffles, Cool Whip and blackberries = yum
You can’t have waffles without CooHHHwip!
I am remiss in not having already mentioned how much I enjoyed the LLAP bit in the latest DP episode. It made me laugh.
Essbee – you just made me hungry. VERY hungry.
And Amy swoooops in for the *zing*!
CP: Pearl River — Mike Zito
Extremely high praise from PKD about the “Blade Runner” movie:
Just came back from shovelling the walk/driveway. Since I was quite sore to begin with, this didn’t help. I guarantee somebody’s giving me a back rub tonight. 😎
Good morning.
I haven’t slept much due to this nasty cough. Other than the cough I feel fine, but I can’t sleep. So… you might get to see some fun delirious posts from me. Who knows. If you are lucky!
Also – apparently someone punched me in the eye last night while I wasn’t noticing. I woke up with a burst blood vessel and a black eye. I’m sure it happened during one of my boughts of coughing but, holy eyelids, Batman… I look totally ruff and tuff now! 🙂
Oh no.
I have a fever.
Why do I have a fever?
A black eye and a fever. I need immediate reconditioning!
Feel better Cj.
I remember, shortly after hubby and I moved in together, I rolled over at night and ran into his elbow. I came into work the next day with a black eye. I actually got quite a grilling from my boss who was concerned about me having a black eye and this, relatively, new guy I was with. I found it quite amusing 🙂
Is it me or does this morning seem to be dragging?
heh.. yeah I came in the kitchen this morning and said, “Hey dude… Did you beat me up last night while I wasn’t paying attention?”
I know it’s from coughing because I have a burst blood vessel on my eye. Thankfully, none of this hurts and I feel fine. Just tired and heck, I’m used to tired. I barely notice anymore.:P
CP: I Say — Artificial Joy Club
Cj: You might have bronchitis. Maybe you should see a doctor. In any case, I hope you get well soon.
ditto, are you trying to push buttons with that BR article? 😉
Cj, that sounds like the flu. Not the black eye part, the fever part.
Me? Well I too am totally snowed under … but not in a way that can be made better with a good blowing. 🙁
Among other things on the list, I am still trying to replace a faulty hard drive enclosure. I have finally opened the dead one and pulled out the drive.
It is a Barracuda 7200.10 500GB drive that is proudly proclaiming itself to be “Ultra ATA”. The interface of the dead enclosure is USB and Firewire “USB2/1394A”
Physically speaking – the drive measures about 1″x4″x5.75″
(Model # ST3500630A)
I finally got tech support at Maxtor who told me that they could not tell me what sort of enclosure to buy because they don’t recommend switching enclosures.
When I described the fault, they confirmed that the enclosure was likely dead. Since the drive was out of warranty they recommended I just pull the drive out of the dead enclosure, install it in my computer and then remove the data.
When I explained that I was using this with a LAPTOP they wished me “goodluck” and sent me on my way. 🙁
If any of you more tech savy Deadpanites can tell me what sort of enclosure I should look for or an on-line place you’d recommend for buying that sort of thing … it would be swell.
Meanwhile – back to “The List”™ of things to do.
Bite your tongue, Jack!
Or would that be your fingers since you typed it?
The flu is not welcome here.
Besides I have no other symptoms and I seriously feel fine. I don’t feel sick at all.
Er. Wow.
Look at all the Deadpan doctors 😉
Doctor, doctor, give me the news
I’ve got a bad case of lovin’ you
No pill’s gonna cure my ill
I’ve got a bad case of lovin’ you
I’m thinking fish and chips for lunch today. Then curling up on the couch and playing Cities XL
JJ, sounds like you need an enclosure that supports a PATA interface. Depending on the physical size of the drive that could be one that supports 3.5 inch (desktop bays) or 2.5 inch (laptop HDs) HDs.
I’m not biting on the BR article..nosiree!
Van’s here! *runs and jumps into Vanamonde’s arms, almost knocking him over*
I don’t see you around here as much. Keeping busy?
Ok, time to make lunch!
I have to agree with this guy. This is clearly the main reason I always found TNG far inferior to the original Star Trek series.
NS: I agree with Scalzi’s take on that article.
JN: I really like Stross as a writer. Though I agree with him about TNG, there is also the point that it was never intended to be hard SF: it is a space opera. The majority of space operas have “fluffy-tech” and I’m OK with that so long as the characters are good and it is an entertaining story.
JJ – do you have any friends with desktops in your vicinity? Your easiest option may be to stick in one of their machines and retrieve what you need that way. Depending on how many Gigs you are looking to recover, DVD’s or flash drives may then get your data back to your laptop.
Otherwise, Van is probably right about the enclosure. I’ve not shopped for one in a while, but NewEgg is usually a good source for such things.
Damn women ruining Sci-Fi!
Man, the company changes it’s blocking software recently. I’ve not been able to access any of the links posted today.
In any case, Blade Runner, much like religion and politics, is a subject best broached very cautiously. 🙂
J0e: You might want to try teching the tech. I hear that some vendors sell tech that can tech your tech. Of course, finding a new tech to insert your old tech into is probably the best way to handle your tech.
— Yeah, I could write for TNG —
Good Morning, Pan and Panties…
Hope your hump-day leaves your leg alone and clean…
ditto: I agree to a point. You can explore ideas in sci-fi without becoming very “hard” about it. The original ST series did it, at least on occasion, as did others such as The Twilight Zone.
CP: I’m Not Afraid Of Life — The Ramones
Capt. Lou Albano died today.
I agree with j0e. Dan and Cj’s bit in this episode was very funny. 🙂
Thanks for the input guys.
Ed – the “find a friend” option isn’t really viable but I may have found what I need.
It depends though, is ATA and IDE the same thing?
J0e: ATA and IDE are not the same.
I like rebooting this when I can.
Aww Re: Lou Albano
My fond memories of him mostly revolve around Cyndi Lauper videos from my teenager-hood.
I knew I recognized that guy’s name from somewhere… Daddy Dear, you know you’re still number one…
If I had a Slave Leia body, I’d wear a Slave Leia costume every day.
PATA came after IDE, but basically used similar cabling.
SATA superceded PATA.
Darcy said something last night I never expected to hear from her.
“I just leveled up.”
The hand from above.
Bloody lag.
Ooooof! TEB.
In an ongoing situation that is taking up a lot of my spare time (which is a good thing), might all turn to ashes of course, but that’s life.
When you say “leveled up”, please tell me you don’t mean anything like the following Series?
Did you?
errr, so ATA was IDE but is now PATA except where it has become SATA …
my . brain . is . melting
Ooh, and I before E except after C…
Re: “Hand from Above”
So much better then their original attempts, which included the PR nightmare that was “Penis from above”. It seemed like such a good idea in the brainstorming meeting.
I’d like to offer you all the chance to be angry and/or yell at me this week because apparently all of my family members felt the need to do so. Why not invite my friends in on the fun?
Awww, Cj *hugs*
Head-implosion cover of “Ooops, I did it again”
Nope. You won’t get any yelling from me, Cj.
Funny video, Jack.
A very sad song: Two — The Antlers
lol. I like this t-shirt
Vanamonde – – Great news about your new distraction!
But I certainly hope we don’t see a significant decrease in Vanamondage around here.
Cj: Sometimes you just wonder if there’s a bull’s-eye on your forehead.
JN… hehe… not usually. It’s very out of the ordinary stuff and mostly revolving around me taking care of my Gram. She’s old and for crying out loud, her quality of life kinda stinks. The poor dear is blind and her hearing aids aren’t working great. She is living in a place with a few other old people, some of whom can’t walk or talk… I try to visit as much as I can, but I understand her frustration and I love her dearly.
But why everyone needs to be all YELLY about her doctor appointments and medications is beyond me.
I just wish she’d stop calling other family members for help. If she’d JUST call me, then nobody else would have to get involved… she thinks she’s doing me a favor and saving me grief of having to care for her, but the fact is, dealing with the other family members who get grumpy about her calling them is soooooo not worth it.
I tell her JUST CALL ME!
Maybe I should yell at her when I tell her that.
Er, no, LeJon, she leveled up that way long ago…
Just some kind of Facebook game.
Hugs Cj
ZP reviews WET:
When I saw Jack’s word “Vanamondage” I saw “Vanabondage” – am I alone here?
You gonna stop me?
Ain’t family fun?
Today has been a ride on the fail-o-coaster. Goodnight pile.
Good evening, pan. Went to see “Zombieland” with some friends after work today. The movie is very, very wrong. But it is also one of the gut busting funniest movies I’ve seen in a long time.
There’s gut busting?
morning pan… well at least it is morning here (CDT) I should not be at work right now… damn I need some sleep
Cj: Having known two people (my mom and a friend of the family) who have had to deal with taking care of elderly relatives, I can sympathize. Keep your chin up. 🙂
jJ: The drive enclosure you linked to looks pretty good, and should be fine, but double check the width of the actual drive to make sure it will fit first. There are 2.5″ (usually considered laptop hard drives) 3.5″ (most hard drive are now this size) and 5.25″ sizes. I was just poking around on NewEgg to see what kind of options you have and they have multiple enclosures to fit all three sizes.
You could probably save a buck or two by forgoing the firewire connection too. Unless you need that. I mean, I have seen a IEEE 1394 connection in use. I think. Maybe.
JohnBoze: OK… I guess facebook level up is fine… all things considered.
why am I still up??
Corporate just mandated a reboot. I’m glad I was here to save my work notes. Pisses me off no end when they do this and I lose half a nights worth of observations and troubleshooting.