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Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #138: Garden State Parkway North
promo – Theme and Variations (
imag1narynumber with the contents of his fridge
Greasy Nipples by:
Vanamonde (first comment of the week)
DJ Bunny
Lejon (Some Guy from Chandler)
The Energizer Bunny has a few words for Paul Maki
Amy Bowen talks about special guest for Questors Effpiem
Jack gives Haiku readings
Johnny Null – Extermination
Justa J0e with music moments of note
Jack Mangan – Nowhere in Jersey is Safe pt. 3
More contents of imag1narynumber’s fridge
The Energizer Bunny continues her thoughts of World Con
Next DeadPan is the start of the Flash in the Pan
Next Deadpanmmmmmm meetup – March? 4th anniversary of Deadpan.
Outro music mashup – The Photon Meters
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
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So this oyster rolls into a bar..
… but at least it wasn’t South Carolina!
(So close. So very very close.)
Morning Pan just Finished Kronos on my way in:
The reading was a little fast for me sometimes but I really enjoyed the book.
Maybe it is time to re-listen to Spherical Tomi
Today’s discovery:
Twix milkshake = ugh
the chocolate crispy bits were nice though.
7. Is there a Doctor in the house?
Now that I have cough up with Deadpan I like the nipple reading way more.
I always thought “wow that could be a lot better in context” Now I fondly remember the context and in some cases realize just how bad of a speller I am.
Bath time.
10 here I am!
This one goes up to eleven.
Wait, I said that one before. Man, I’ve already gotten stale.
Nomad Scry: I’m glad to hear that your Linux experience has improved. It has become really pretty easy to use in the vast majority of instances. And man is it fast compared to Windows.
The Mac OS is built up off of BSD. There’s a BSD out there that runs as a LiveCD.
Stale jokes are ok… Stay away if they turn green or get fuzzy
15. Jø – some things just get better with age
justa J0e: This is true.
Catching up on comments from yesterday and this morning…
LeJon – No impaling the Wolf.
Yeah i think it was worth repeating.
Morning Pan!
What happened to the unshow?
I think it grew up and became a real show. or it proved his worth like Pinocchio.
There is a place you could go with that..but I won’t
The anti-unshow
Van: but going there is 1/2 the fun… or is it driving there… hmm i don’t know i don’t do metaphors
reaper – At the Deadpan, “going there” isn’t a drive – it’s a short putt.
I’m up for a March DP Meet up. Month end doesn’t fall on a weekend at all in March so any time is good for me. Although hubby has report cards the first two weeks so it’ll likely just be me again. But that’s ok, I’m the cuter of the two of us 😉
Cj, I had a couple of eggs, basted, this morning and thought of you. It’s strange how some conversations stick in your memory.
Spoke to hubby. Hypothetically, he could take March 26th off. However (and it’s a big however) we still have the problem in that we have a kitty we can’t leave alone and hates people. May still just be me.
Now time to change gears and listen to LLAP 🙂
Cj, has a gurgly throat
I almost feel guilty because I’m listening to LLAP drinking blueberry tea, not Earl Grey
Someone scratch Jonny Null and check his best before date.
This is the Deadpan. We are nothing if not unpredictable.
Bread gun? Why not just use a replicator?
At least Cj doesn’t have a googly throat.
A bread gun is extreeeeemly dangerous when using Dwarven fighting bread.
Can I go home now?
Picard..sponsored by Chanel.
Piquant… sponsored by Salsa
I think I might give Wet a try.
Yes, Data is “fully functional”
So… would that be a data stream?
Does Data have a backdoor?
Data doesn’t want a bad case of the worms, so he has strong intrusion detection.
Somebody gets the distinctions right!
Cj, likes a little action
Heavy Metal is not for kids
Doesn’t the actress that plays Faith in Buffy do the voice for the main character in Wet?
I dunno TEB, the covers are pretty..
Van, I mean little kids, adult kids don’t count 😉
Van: Yes. I personally don’t really care for her. I like Sierra much more. 🙂
The first Heavy Metal was pretty good, I though. The other, not so much.
because “pound” puppies are not sexual?
It’s better than go pound sand. 😉
Rootbeer cake is Teh awsome
TEB has just ruined a small part of reapers childhood.
*gets out mental shovel and places pound puppy in shallow grave”
In for a penny …
Would the female version of “beefcake” be “pound cake” ?
Cj, Sara is too young to “get down on her knees and play”
And now for something different…
Jack: I liked the new song a lot. Thanks!
I didn’t think I was overripe yet.
Thumbing through the Deadpan FB page, I noticed that my flash fiction is in this episode (Thanks Jack!). This is the first thing I’ve written since junior high. I would like some critiques if you please. And I can take constructive criticism.
“I can take constructive criticism.”
OK, measure twice and cut once.
JN, the joists were strong but the plumbing should have more pipes…
oh wait, different construction
No, it was good 🙂
oh, I thought you said “construction” criticism.
boy, are we predictable or what?
So Cj, the show notes mentioned the DPmmmmmm gathering, but the show didn’t. Just sayin 😉
J0e and I obviously think alike 😆
Reaper is sad. His wife just informed him “My Name is Earl” isn’t going to be on this year.
Reaper now feels like Grimlock. Me Reaper is a much happier now.
Me Reaper needs more sleep or Tea…
Just don’t sleep in your tea, reaper or else you’ll sound like Cj.
I need milk. Must step out and purchase cow juice.
Here I was thinking, “Wow, it’s almost spooky, like she’s speaking directly to me, then…”
Hey reaper, they cancelled “Reaper” too, hope that doesn’t weigh too heavily on you…
JohnBoze: It was actually a relief we kept running in to dead ends with the stories and it seams like a good idea to finely kill it… can’t seam to squeeze another death reference out of that one… might be beating a dead horse…
I guess it’s curtains then.
I feel November is underrated.
TEB is out juicing Cows?
Well the cows can not play in the MLB now…
What with Thanksgiving and Black Friday….er, well maybe not then.
I thought “Earl” was a funny concept and the first season had something special about it … then it was as if the producers said “Okay! Now that we’ve made it we no longer have to be creative … let’s replace all the writers with the “Sitcom Script-bot 2000”.
I don’t know if they DID actually change writers but the show became drastically like all the other “product” that was on the air.
In a way nice to see the back of Earl and Reaper, new shows coming this year are looking good.
I will mostly miss “Earl” because it was one of the few comedies I could watch with the family. Randy doing something dumb or Earl not having his eyes open for any pictures, for us, never got old; you didn’t have to understand some obscure concept. Most everything out there is hard to watch because we have to stop and explain (we don’t really mind doing that) or stop and tell my son to quit doing something annoying or obnoxious because he is taking something too far. It was a show we normally would pause because we where laughing to hard…
Van: You have a very good point I am pretty excited for the new fall lineup too
Jack: Are we to assume that you’re ill?
*throws up hands runs away in hysterics yelling “Swine flu has infected Deadpan The End is Nigh”*
Actually, I’m fine. Although I am concerned that there may have been a virus in my html there. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And btw, JN (since you asked): I thought the story was solid. Good visuals.
Thanks. That means a lot. Especially as I know you put a lot into your own visuals. My stomach got all knotted up when I saw it came out in this episode.
Jack Mangan: Thank you for being.
Heh so last week was apparently a bad one for a Tale From the Deadpan Bar.
Should I break protocol and continue in these comments?
CP: He Doesn’t Know Why — Fleet Foxes
Thank you for being, JR. And thanks, Johnny. And thanks, ditto!
Unlazy show notes are up. Thanks, Bunny!
Oh just thanks for everyone.
I think my next shot at travel for pleasure won’t be until 2012 most likely, unless I should fall headfirst into a pile of filthy money…
Anybody know when Easter is next year?
Flight Control coming to the DSi:
Van: It’ll be on Easter Sunday
JB: Can’t it be clean money so you can just be filthy rich?
Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
CP: Jacob’s Ladder — Rush
Okay, I don’t like to bitch about my job, largely because I hate it and I don’t know when I’d stop. However, I just got an e-mail from my boss with a pdf showing how to do some really top-quality work fairly easily. Stuff that would be really great to do. His sole comment was “This looks interesting.”. Yes, it looks very interesting. However, it’s abundantly clear that this REQUIRES equipment that would easily run in excess of $50k. I had to wrangle with him for over a year to get a $10 part. (*censored mumblings*)
Ah, I feel better now.
Yes Jø.
Nicely done short.
Jack. Yur st0Ry iZ fookn g4Y!!!
I didn’t type that last bit !!
Damn You 5W1NE pHluE virus !!!!!
Thanks much justa J0e.
Jø – you should craft an EXCITED response to your boss about the pdf and ask if he has already put in the request for funding for the equipment or would like you input on which bits of equipment to get. Then watch him squirm as he has to explain that he didn’t mean you WERE going to be getting this new equipment and has to basically admit that he has given you less then the necessary tools needed to “do the job right”.
Thx for the Easter date, another reason to hate my job..
CP: Jack Hinks — Great Big Sea
Excellent plan, justa J0e. I think you nailed it.
You’re welcome and I’m sorry, Vanamonde.
I just committed myself to attending Comicon in July in San Diego.
I get to be beyond excited for the next 10 months while I wait for it to get here.
I thought we talked about the BBQ and the gathering on LLAP… that’s what I get for writing show notes 3 days after recording. Meh.
Oh and a very late good morning to everyone.
It’s been a crazy day for me so far. I’m looking forward to some sitting here and staring at the air for the next 15 minutes.
breathe in
breathe out
tick tock tick tock
I need to listen to the newest Deadpan episode. Must put son down for nap and do just that.
CJ: You’ll be in SD for Comicon? Let me know when you get into town 🙂
JR: Yep. I’ll be there. It has been inked.
Did some sewing.
Looks like it might rain this afternoon. This is good. We need to cool down. Actually broke some heat records yesterday here in Canadaland
Cj is so sweet 😉
I don’t do hidden messages 😆
Just playing with message options. Don’t mind me.
Ok, gotta go!
Jack’s secret message scared me;)
Jack: Just don’t do blinky, or there will be… trouble. 😉
Hit the hooker on the head?
Oh shit I’m a butterhead.
It’s so dark in my house. Thunder clouds have shut off the light.
… but not the “lectrics ?
J0e: The female version of Beefcake is Cheesecake. Q.E.D.
I guess I’m just a gentleman in the traditional sense of the word. You know, the tradition that’ll get me kicked in the balls nowadays.
Jack Mangan: Hrmph. You and your changing font colors to match the background. Hrmph
*PSSST* How’d you do that?
DeejAy! Rain sometimes comes with thunder…Don’t de-frak your harddrive right now, though… Bad juju.
reaper: I officially cancel you too. I won’t be requiring your services. No offense.
Wow. I had so many responses… Oh, and Wolf, the whole impale thing, Red Riding-hood reference… sorry.
I chuckled.
Evening, DP!
I sure miss y’all during the daytime hours.
Oooh, Bones and Fringe tonight!
You’re missed during the day too, EssBee.
No. I mean, I 2nd that emotion.
Turned out to be a good day today. 🙂
It IS a good day isn’t it?
I’m having a nice cup of sipping chocolate and doing absolutely nothing right now. ahhh
Oh, I thought I’d update: my rash is about 50% gone and I’m amazingly less itchy. yay!
And now, for the disturbing link of the day:
Morning Pan,
I feel another variation of the N word is coming my way to hit where it hurts.
I forget who asked, but yes, it is the girl from Buffy doing the voice in Wet.
Eliza Dushku… No wonder I couldn’t find her when I searched for Elisha. Bah.
G babies instead of C babies. *huge eyes*
I usually catch up on the days nipples through Google Reader, so Jack’s nipple was just big and bold. I am so happy that I just came straight here today and got to see a big “empty” nipple first.
There are so, so many things just *wrong* about Nomad’s last comment. . . . .
Yeah! I feel I have finally joined the community! X)
45 Minutes to go. Weekend, here I come.
Welcome, Friday. Too long have you been away from us.
Deadpan is the big and bold nipple way.
Cripes it’s early.
CJ- saw the Deadpan pics this morning, thank you!!!! Looked like an awesome time
Everyone have a good weekend please! 🙂
Re: CJ’s link
A baby trebuchet ?
Talk about your “Fetal Attraction”.
These nipples are empty!
Morning Pan!
Here’s your shake your head and ask why of the day
Here Cj, in case you need some Halloween ideas
If Raiders of the Lost Ark were made in the 50’s
Really, I can think of things I’d rather do with cheese
Holy crap CJ, that link is funny.
I think today will be a lemon almond cookie day. Yup, I think that’s the cookie for this week.
Time to clean the bathroom. Oh joy.
When life gives you lemons … add some almonds, sugar and dough !
Or When life gives you lemons add some chemicals like bleach and ammonia and start cleaning. hmmm not nearly as much fun…
Stupid squirrels are playing race track on my roof
TEB Thats no fun you can’t watch them. The squirrels do that on my oak trees. I could watch them for hours.
Yeah reaper, when they decide to do it on the trees in the front yard it’s fun to watch my cat watch them out the window
TEB I hear that! Watching my dog watch the squirrels is almost as fun as just watching the squirrels. 🙂
TEB: You need acorns stuffed with C4.
good morning.
I can’t get the sleep out of my eyes.
TSH – thanks for the notes on the flickr pics. I have labeled one of them for you!
Excellent link, Bunny!
I want to make a Cylon Jack-o-Lantern now!
But I like the squirrels, JN 🙁
Cj, I still say I’m making funny faces.
I think the birds need to repair their GPS. I just saw a flock of them flying north
TEB: Ooops, then my apologies. Left a funny image in my twisted mind, though.
Bar none my faves were the Cylon Jack-o-Lantern and the Dalek pumpkin. Really great stuff.
Also a correction. The mayo was for tuna melts, not Monte Cristos.
We have both the black rat looking squirrels and the cute fuzzy brown squirrels. They seem to hate each other and it’s amusing to watch them battle it out for supremacy. Unfortunately the black ones usually win as there are more of them.
CP: Radio Free Europe — R.E.M.
There, cookies are in the oven.
Maybe, if the DP thing does happen in March, I’ll bring the ingredients I need to make fudge since I’ll have access to a stove.
Wow, Jack’s iPod selection is odder than my mp3 collection. That cool beat helped to bring it together. Reminds me of something I heard recently. I’ll have to use Lady J’s memory to tell me what mine isn’t remembering.
Cookies are baked and iced and are now ready to be eaten 🙂
Now I think it’s time to buy groceries. Must keep the larder stocked.
I loved the mash-up at the end of the show! I think I didn’t mention that before.
Taking the princess to school and then the little dude to his Friday morning play date.
Then I come home and clean my “house” to get ready for the arrival of the “Brazilian”
Rash is 75% gone.
The beauty of lemons is that they taste the same way going down as they do coming backup.
I’m feeling all caught up and stuff. If it weren’t for the fact I haven’t listened to the show yet, I’d think I was ahead of the game.
I must be sick or something
Cj: Awesome! I’ve wanted to go to Comic-Con in San Diego for many years. Here’s hoping I make enough money this year to allow me to go next summer. 🙂
Back from shopping. Put most everything away. Now have plastic bags all over my kitchen floor I must clean up and put away.
Just sent Jack a 7meg file. Hopefully it’ll go through alright, or I’ll have to break it up and send it in two parts.
There! Moved my computer from my kitchen to the living room. Now I think I’ll start some stuffed potatoes for lunch.
File received, Bunny. Thanks!
All this talk of squirrels gets me thinking of one of Dan’s favorite LLAP sound fx: “That’s a lotta nuts!”
What did the harlot say when she walked into a room full of tricks?
CP: Stand Or Fall — The Fixx
I don’t know, what did she say?
Bacon cheese potatoes in the oven browning. mmmmmm.
Cj: Glad to hear!
Vanamonde: So I should have all drinks include fresh lemon?
that is an odd thing to say to a room fill of tricks.
BTW Jack, it’s not Flash related so don’t worry too much about it.
ditto: see Jack’s comment
ditto: I think you can pick your own punchline. Either the nuts comment (nuts nipple?) or the title of the song you nippled.
She said, “Nice, but can I have my watch back?”.
If a pimp lent a little horse from his stable out to only one client, would that be a one trick pony?
If you have a file that’s less than 200mb, you could give this a try:
Oh and ditto and Essbee, FB me if you are interested in seeing an episode of Mock the Week.
or was that JJ…hmmmm.
Lunch is in my tummy. An now sucking down a raspberry/blackberry Popsicle for dessert
I just saw Felecia Day on a Special K cereal commercial. She didn’t say a word, her tummy just growled
Another intriguing find, Vanamonde. I’ve been using YouSendIt, but they limit you to 100MB per transfer.
I’m excited about this! Gosh darned it! I love Toy Story and Toy Story 2 is the best sequel evAr in my opinion!
Cj, I found this just for you
Awww That’s a cute commercial! hehe
Van: count me in.
TEB: I’ve always like some of the old Aero commercials. I can’t find the one that I really remember.
Arrrr Vey! Fly your Jolly Rosenberg flag high.
Rosh Hoshana AND Talk Like A Pirate Day both start tomorrow.
I’ll have to dip my knishes in rum.
Ok you can grab the episode from:
and the password for the zip file is:
Thanks Van.
CD: A new beer from Goose Island called Matilda. It is excellent.
House is mopped, vacuumed, and bathroom scrubbed, and sheets changed…
Ready for my Brazilian!
I don’t know from what this file is you but I am currently downloading it. If it is a virus I hope it is a good one! 😉
This note is serving notice.
There will be a reckoning.
I’m not sure what that means yet
Re:Felecia Day in commercials
She was also part of a Sears campaign that had sales staff in blue shirts, quirkaly solving costumer problems. Seemed awfully “Nerd Herd-ish” to me but I was just glad to see her working!
Will it be a “Dead Reckoning” ?
… am I the only one sitting at home on a Friday night like it was just any other night of the week ? 🙁
No Joe, I too will be spending my Friday evening at home. Got a few things DVR’d, the Misses sez she’s cooking a chicken dish. I may have a beer. We’ll see.
Serving notice that there will be a retching.
… um … that has nothing to do with the Chicken dish does it?
I believe Jack is reffering to the Skittle Brau.
The chicken dish is quite delicious, as is the cook.
… is there an appetizer ? (cook OR dish)
yes and yes.
See, Friday nights at home aren’t all bad. 🙂
we are, JOe. Just a regular night, struggling to stay awake until 9 p.m.
We’ll probably watch Season 2 of Big Bang Theory on DVD, and last night’s Fringe.
Wild women, us.
Well, the Matilda was fine and I’m watching Torchwood S1E6.
Okay I enjoyed the first episode of the new Fringe, apart from the cheesey voiceover at the beginning..gawd it was like something out of the 70’s.
Does the Matilda beer taste like kangaroos?
We are staying in tonight also. Just got back from the video store with 7 movies couldn’t find Flash (AAAAAAA AHHHHH) Gordon though or Zardoz…
We are mostly staying in tonight. Our Brazilian visitors want to go out for Arizona Mexican food, then we are coming back here to watch Star Trek and record LLAP.
You must waltz while drinking Matilda.
My Friday night is being consumed by mowing the lawn and working out.
Oh yeah, forgot to post this here:
I was just out getting gas for the mower (sadly, not innuendo) and it occured to me – “I’ve never kissed a Brazillian.”
Let it be known that I am not opposed to the idea.
No? What about a landing strip?
OK, I’m off.
Arrrr Vey for tomorrow! Beware the wrath of Capt. Long John Silverberg, M.D.
warming a plate of left over spaghetti in the microwave
Leftover spaghetti is one of my favorite leftovers. I love the little crispy edges.
nom nom
(that happens when you reheat by baking it)
(in case you didn’t know or just thought I was crazy)
Jack, LOL.
Oh yeah, Talk Like a Pirate Day tomorrow. I nearly forgot again already.
Keep trying 😉
BTW – dinner, was.
I’m going to go watch Flash AAA AHHH Gordan now.
It’s come to that.
In leu of kissing a Brazillian –
Screaming Orgasm recipe
1 oz vodka
1 1/2 oz Bailey’s® Irish cream
1/2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
Just watched Borat… wow could have done with out most of it… would have rather watched Flash AAA AHHH Gordan but next is a time to kill
Arr, me hearties!
A couple o’ the applications over on Facebook be sayin’ “It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!” already, so I s’pose I may as well start the celebratin’ a little early. Yarrr! 😀
oMG this film … I had forgotten.
the horror
the horror
the horror
I have all the necessary ingredients to make myself a Screaming Orgasm. Maybe I’ll have one during the recording of LLAP!
FYI – It took 2 of those to get me thru Flash (AAAAAAA AHHHHH) Gordon
Gives a whole new sound to the AAAAAA AHHHHH I’m hearing in my head.
Morning Pan, and it’s a whoosh back to normality today..and there is a Rim Pratt short story to read at:
-R +T
Today’s Giveaway of the Day is pretty kickass! And I’m not just saying that because it’s after midnight and I’m awake and wired.
CW: ‘Away We Go’ at the cinema.
JOe, I hear you!! Why didn’t I try a screaming orgasm during Flash? Crap!
Happy Saturday, DP!
Sly B and I are officially on vacation. It’s a stay-cation, with some landscaping and R & R planned. I already feel a little more human.
Me sinus do be a waterfall. Arrrrr!
“Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” is a fun movie. And, surprisingly enough, it is neither Pixar nor Dreamworks.
Though, it does harken back to Star Trek: The Motion Picture….but better.
High altitude photo on the cheap:
Good Mornin’
Had a great time recordin’ llap with t’ Brazilians! Today I’m takin’ me daughter t’ see Cloudy With a Chance o’ Meatballs. I do hope it’s better than Star Trek t’ Motion Picture. I’ve already slept last night.
Wow did I ever sleep in today and BOY do I feel great!
I don’t usually wake up feeling this good.
Hmmm, maybe I’m still asleep and this is just a dream.
CPIMM: XTC – “Senses working overtime”
Screaming orgasms followed by a lot of sleep do result in waking up feeling great.
+1,000 EssBee
I agree, Borat was 99% drek. I think it’s in a stealth-genre. It’s so stealthy I don’t know what it’s called. A movie that sucks, but talking about it after is vaguely enjoyable. I include Napoleon Dynamite in this class.
JN: Napoleon Dynamite at least didn’t have naked wrestling. I think they are both terrible movies with some (few) really good parts but I could never watch Borat again. Napoleon Dynamite i can at least sit through as long as I have a laptop with me.
I too think Napoleon Dynamite was waay overhyped.
FWIW – here is my take on ND.
The formula behind most of the big hit, cult, teen angst films like “Pretty in Pink”, “Sixteen Candles”, “Better of Dead” … is that the nerdy outcast kids struggle for an 60 minutes or so and finally get the best of the popular/jock/cheerleader crowd and end up winning the girl/guy/head cheerleader/star athlete/entire schools admiration. They do this by being smarter/more clever/ more talented and generally, more human.
So, imagine you actually were the popular/jock/head cheerleader back in High School. Now for some reason or another you are an adult who now produces feature films. You want to try to cash in and make one of those teen angst films for a new generation … but because you were the guy who was shoving all the nerd into their lockers when you were in school … you never really “got” the point of those movies. In fact you probably didn’t really care for them that much because you thought that the REAL hero’s in the movies were always being demonized.
Anyway, now you are going to make one of those movies but since you never really “got it”, your nerd heroes will win the day but still be portrayed as hopeless, backward retards whose victory was basically a fluke and who might have won the day but will obviously never amount to anything else because they are such LOSERS.
The result is Napoleon Dynamite. A film made by the guys who were the very jerks in high school that these films usually portrayed as the protagonists.
But what do I know.
I didn’t get NP. I mean, I UNDERSTOOD it, but I didn’t see the humor.
We just got home from Borders, where I picked up The Other Lands, Book 2 in the Acacia series by David Anthony Durham. I can’t recommend book 1 enough, and can’t wait to read this one (but have to finish #6 of the Dresden Files first). We were the only ones there not buying the new Dan Brown book. That guy is raking the cash in.
justa J0e: Wow, that was a very insightful, thorough wad of insight.
I can say that I was very much the class nerd and often waved that flag quite high.
In reading back over my post I see I made a big error,
“A film made by the guys who were the very jerks in high school that these films usually portrayed as the protagonists.”
A film made by the guys who were the very jerks in high school that these films usually portrayed as the antagonist.
Man, there goes my grade point average. ;(
Deadpan University
Yar me laddies, and I be completely ferget’n to talk like a pirate t’day.
Shofar me timbers!
Adrift by meself tday
with naught but a single drive-by by Cap’n Jack Mangan himself. Yarrrrr.
And Jason C:
CC: marinara from the surplus of tomatoes. Might throw some shrimp in.
Ahoy thar, Deadpan mateys! In a few minutes, I’ll be cookin’ a special piratey dinner in honor o’ Talk Like a Pirate Day: Spam with garlic and onions, crackers and cheese, and fruit salad. (And Underworld Garlic Bread, because I want t’ use up some o’ that thar garlic salt.)
Aye, took my little girl t’ see Cloudy With a Chance o’ Meatballs. It was cute. We verily enjoyed it, gar! I recommend it for fun and laughter and action and maybe e’en a little misty-eyed moments here and thar. Arr
Well Sunday now, so no need for me to be a rebel.
Arrr, that there be some mighty fine graphics ya got there Cap’n Mangan sir.
Would that be Jason C what be responsable fer the lot of ’em!
Beauty they is!
Morning Pan, today if I listen carefully I will hear the sound of thousands of stamping feet, Great North Run today:
..and I’m in avoidance mode.
Oh and for those who watched the episode of ‘Mock the Week’..too British?
So I’m watching episode 9 of defying gravity, and listening to the voice of Beta and thinking…it’s a MYSTERON.
I saw this one on the slice site:
Morning Pan
Van – Was that the big file you had the link to?
I was going to give it a go but once downloaded I couldn’t get it to un-stuff.
Haven’t watched it yet, Van. Will do this week.
Must have coffee.
The password for the zip file was posted after the link JJ.
Van, I watched some of it. I’d have to settle in to really get into to it, but it seemed very smart and funny to me!
File downloaded, Van.
CP: Shut Em Down – PE.
FYI: The other man lied.
Episode 2 of VD:
If it puts you to sleep, the VD ain’t worth it.
Hey Vanamonde, which did you find more disappointing (not which did you dislike more): Episode 9 of Defying Gravity or Episode 2 of Vampire Diaries?
VD wins!
The 1st half of this weekend was awesome.
I like to focus on the positive! 😉
Sounds like there’s a story there.
Right now, the story is “Goodnight Moon”.
I’m kind of surprised at that, actually. I mean, I know VD was rather stultifying, but I was annoyed with the visual appearance of Beta and with “It’s a FRACTAL, man! Fractal fractal fractal fractal.”
I realize not everyone read
15 years ago, but geez.
Well, the news says the new “Dancing with the Stars” season starts today….
Well the science of DG has always been suspect, but it got extra brownie points for reminding of my fav Gerry Anderson series.
But VD..ugh, even worse than Twilight.
Although I would add that even VD is better than ‘Dancing with the Stars’..
In both senses of the initials.
The galaxy thing is amazing.
Good quote/foto Jack
Nomad Scry: That was a great book. Easy read, even for non-math folk. I did a presentation on fractals for school back in the day, including code for a couple different graphic calculators.
Although knowledge of one sense is strictly theoretical.
Caveat caveat caveat 😉
JN – I think I picked up Chaos because it was in the library section with the particle physics stuff, which I’ve always loved just because it makes no sense to have named it Charm and Up.
At first glance, I thought Nomad was repeating the word “Cadaver”.
I don’t know what this means.
Who knew that I could be sad about having missed the Emmys ?
… and then there is “Mad Men”.
2nd season in a row where this show has kind of bumped along the bottom until it reached mid-season, then … oh my.
Last night’s show was (comment redacted by the emergency, spoiler prevention brigade).
Appreciate that, JOe. We’ll catch the episode today!
It was an insomnia-rich night.
Hi y’all.
Insomnia is teh suck.
Good morning! I’m heading toward that place where the warm water falls on my head and makes me feel like I have life within me.
Hi, ditto!
And EssBee and jJ and NS and Van and JN and Ed and Jack and… where’s Bunny?
Cj: I feel your insomnia pain. I get it a lot too.
Good morning, Pan!
Last night, I watched the last five episodes of the last season of “House” (Season 5). Wow. The closing sequence of the Season 5 finale was beautiful and bittersweet and heartbreaking and perfect. (I won’t go into details because they would also be massive spoilers.) Tonight is the premiere of Season 6, and I absolutely can’t wait!
^ Oops. Correction: I have watched the last five episodes of Season 5 over the course of the last two nights.
Currently recording the “Being Human” marathon so I can watch it this week.
I might need to breath some new life into the old art mashups.
Good morning Amy and Rhettro too!
I took the kids to school, picked up some fresh water bottles, and am now having some yogurt and clipping coupons.
Oh the exciting life I lead. Can you even stand it?
“… where’s Bunny?”
Where’s Wolf ?
Nomad Scry: I cannot remember how I came across it. Of course, at the time fractals were going to explain everything in the Universe and solve all of our problems. Couldn’t agree more on particle names. It’s nearly as silly as quantum physics.
Good morning back atcha, Cj.
I like to be an armchair physicist now and again. Going back and learning the calculus my teachers were incapable of teaching me is still on my list of things to do.
CP: Toy Train — Rymes With Orange
Does an armchair physicist study the physics of armchairs?
Does an armchair historian study the history of armchairs?
(Sorry, that’s as funny as it gets on a Monday morning. . .)
An armchair physicist hoots, hollers, and cheers for his/her phavorite physicist. Dr. Hawking would be the Yankees of this league, methinks.
Where’s Waldo?
Does Polly Wolly really just doodle all day?
Seems like a waste of time to me.
Where in the world is the Wander wolf?
Sounds like a kids geography kids show.
Armchair Hero
“You wanna talk? you wanna go?
From your armchair things you know
Secret plans, conspiracy
Little people all around
You curse love, you curse hate
You curse you life, you curse your face
Whatever you can be
If only you could learn
If only you could learn
Narrow-vision, that’s the way
It finally helps you through the day
Too many reasons to believe
No time to understand
The clock is ticking like bomb
Subversive things that’s going on
Your only certainty
If only you could learn
Victim gravel on your knees
Victim of your own disease
Make my day, why don’t ya?
From your armchair, you’re a hero
Screaming beauty, suicide
So cynical, you never tried
To understand the reasons
From your armchair you’re a hero”
My money’s on the Jukebox Hero. . .
Rhett, I would love to see the return of the Artmash.
Wouldn’t coating a bridge in butter just make it delicious? Or would you have to fry it up first?
ditto, I really enjoyed Being Human.
That’s odd. Wander Radio wouldn’t play from my RSS feed, I had to use that silly little flash player app on the episode’s homepage. Even the direct .mp3 download link didn’t work.
It’s a cook book!!!
EssBee: You’re not human anymore? EEEEEK! 😉
Just in time for Halloween. First full day of Autumn tomorrow.
Pillage and burn!
Pillage and BURN!
She’s more human than hu man.
I learned the correct order from The Far Side. 🙂
The song says human? And here I thought it was about Chinese food!
“More Hunan than Hu-nan!”
Mmmmmm, Chinese food.
I’ll be hungry again in about an hour.
Oh. it’s about chinese food? Maybe the album should have been called GastroCreep: 3000.
Did EssBee fail her Voight-Kampff test?
Was that test a real struggle?
JN – I did not have any problem from the rss feed from work…
If you are still having problems shoot me an email and I will take another look tonight.
WNDRWolf: Well, I’m already done listening to it. Other podcasts don’t seem to have that issue. Currently listening to The Fitcast. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.
JN: I don’t know. I keep failing it. 😉
CP: Escape — The Toxic Avenger
CP: I’ll Believe in You (or I’ll Be Leaving You Tonight) — Tragically Hip
Well that latest WR downloaded fine in iTunes, and a fine show it was..even the levelling was good.
I am getting better finally!
I’m not quite dead yet!
(he doesn’t want to go on the cart!)
We have a troublemaker?
CP: Another One Bites The Dust — Queen
Appropriate CP, ditto.
Thanks, Jack. 🙂
CP: Dogs go Blind — Press On Randy
I bet that thing can even crawl up walls!
Here’s a question:
Why do they show Weight Watchers ads on Food TV?
Cuz it isn’t the food’s fault, it is the eater’s. 😉
Spider geko, spider geko, does whatever a…
Naw, that doesn’t work at all.
Do they run the Weight Watchers ads during Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods? How many points is it for a bowl of pickled crickets, anyway?
Oooh, Sly B brought me a gift of the Dollhouse DVDs today. Can’t wait to see the unaired episode!
Looks like tonight will see premiers for Heroes (meh) and The Big Bang Theory (yay).
I wanted to announce that I have received a package from Bunny. It’s warm and might be a little melty inside. I’ve put it in the fridge to re-harden.
Marinating pork chops for dinner.
It’s been a productive day.
Happy 25th Birthday to Elite:
I’m mostly harmless.
Got some time to waste? I’ve got another website just for you!
I actually wandered in and found my TiVo recording “Hero’s” … I stopped it and changed over to the weather channel.
Save Al Roker, save the world.
sorry for that un-deadpan outburst but I have just been watching some Zero Punctuation game reviews.
Also I really HATE that some marketing idiot at TWC has decided that I am interested in anything other than the day’s forecast, first thing in the morning.
Damn it! Heroes has made me care again.
And, Castle remains a load of pure awesome. So much for productivity.
Wow. Elite is 25? I remember playing Echelon and wishing it was Elite.
I figure I am less an armchair physicist than a backseat physicist. I don’t know what I’m talking about and I’m convinced the driver doesn’t either.
I caught about 30 minutes of House while getting geared up for work tonight and it looks like more of the same. I like how they’ve get reinventinteresting without changing the successful formula.
I’m leaving the typo because I have no idea what the heck that was actually supposed to say before I brainfarted in mid-sentence.
Oh, and before I rush off to pretend to work, I think that Being Human and Sarah Connor were the two best things on TV this year.
NS: There was more of the same in the season premiere tonight, yes, but there was also some Character Development (here’s hoping it takes hold!) and several Crowning Moments of Heartwarming. I loved it, and I can’t wait until next week. 🙂
BTW, I think “reinventinteresting” is the perfect word to describe tonight’s episode of “House.” 🙂
Star Trek Stuffs
Cj – The last one, Will Decker? I don’t recognize the name.
Amy – I see what you did there. Trying to catch me in the tropes trap! Hah!
🙂 I like House, so while I don’t want it to get stale, I also don’t want it to change to much. So more of the same, including the way that they keep changing the supporting cast, is a good thing.
NS: LOL! 😀 Yep, TVTropes… they’re like quicksand. 🙂
Yes, tonight was definitely a good thing. Do you want me to spoil you as to what happened at the end of tonight’s episode, or not?
I really enjoyed that one episode where he was a grumpy jerk and his staff had good logical ideas about the bizarre medical dilemma, but House did something unexpected and really dangerous to save the patient.
(I snark, but I think he’s an excellent character)
NS, the Will Decker image is from his merging with Vejur in Star Trek the Motion Picture.
Morning Pan, fascination continues, I’m dreading the inevitable slip away from that.
House, Heroes, Big Bang Theory, and Archer..the autmn TV onslaught begins.
WD was going to be Captain of the Enterprise, till Admiral Kirk bullied his way back into command.
House isn’t genre, so I won’t make an effort to catch up, but my wife will watch it so I tend to catch generous chunks of the season. I’m not too worried about getting spoiled. Xp
I -thought- I had seen ST:TMP, but since I don’t recognize a single thing that Van just said about it… maybe I need to add it to my queue.
Okay. I’m bored. Somebody dance for me.
CP: BBC radio adaption of Slaughterhouse 5
I can’t get to it, cuz of the filter at work, but this dude’s stuff is pretty fascinating:
(from an io9 article)
I’m pretty sure I’ve already seen everything I’ll need of House. While I think Hugh Laurie and the other players are great actors, the fumbling about with the obscure medical condition of the week formula got old for me.
For my TV watching time, I’ll take Castle.
EssBee – you’re in for quite a treat with the Dollhouse DVD. Not only does it have the unaired “final” episode, it also has Joss original pilot.
I must confess, I think Joss’ pilot was a better start to the series. The various “making of” bonus features also provide some great backrground.
And, of course, season 2 starts Friday.
I will not squeal….I will not squeal…..
I’ve always love those Star Trek “posters”. James T Kirk is dead on.
Also, I love being on vacation. Highly recommended for everyone.
Nomad Scry: Very witty re: driving chairs.
I think that’s all I’ve got as of right now. Not my “A” game.
Oh yeah, WNDRWolf PS: Your levels were indeed quite good. You’ve taken a quantum leap. Well done, sir!
Oh again, I also misspake yesterday. First FULL day of Autumn is tomorrow, not today.
NS: (although you’ve already been told)
Good morning.
My goodness JN, you went all transatlantic for a word there.
I do tend to do that from time to time. I called in a car accident once from my cell and told the woman that a car hit a fire plug. Probably took at least a solid two minutes to get her to understand what I was saying, since “hydrant” seems to have slipped out of my vocabulary.
Asks an intriguing question. Could be the source of some decent sci-fi:
Google releases climate change, I mean global warming, layers to Google Earth.
Nap. Must. Coherent. Think. Morning. Tired. Gah.
All right, then, I’ll talk about last night’s episode. SPOILERS if anyone else hasn’tseen it yet.
It was very interesting to spend an entire two-hour premiere with an almost entirely brand-new supporting cast except for the one phone call to Wilson. However, the episode ended with House being discharged from the psychiatric hospital (yay!), and the preview for the rest of the season showed him and the whole gang back together at Princeton-Plainsboro, so we do have more of the same to look forward to. Another thought: Although House mentioned during the season premiere that he was no longer having hallucinations, I was very surprised that the episode didn’t actually show him dealing with/getting rid of the imaginary Amber and Kutner who appeared in the Season 5 finale. Perhaps those issues haven’t been completely resolved…? I don’t know, but I can’t wait to see what happens next.
I like the laser shield idea.
I want to use it on Google’s satellite.
justa J0e: Or the new multi-billion-per spy sats that the US is planning on launching.
Hi there JN. Thanks everyone for the constructive feedback. I appreciate all the notes.
A gritty, more realistic Flash Gordon film, directed by Michael Eisner’s son? Jesus, can they cast Keanu in the lead role?
And speaking of Flash, tomorrow night’s looking very Unshow, so you’ll have another week to turn in Flash contributions.
Just swinging by to say “hi”. Hi.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled nipple.
He’s going to be a polo player instead of a football player? Sure that sounds a lot less campy.
I am at a loss for words. It sounds horrible.
Lejon: It’s good to know my nipples are scheduled regularly.
“polo player” HA
Even funnier since I believe the original “Flash” was a track star and not a football player.
Each remake will have Flash as a different type of sports star. Track, Football, Polo… What’s next? Cricket? Basketball? Baseball…
I’m looking forward to a Xanadu version of Flash where he’s a Roller Derby champion.
And it has to be a musical…
Jack loves musicals.
Maybe they can get Clay Aiken to star in Flash Gordon: The Musical.
Maynard from Tool as Ming?
ZOMG, I just saw Clay Aiken as a guest on Paula’s Dean’s show on Food Network.
If he never spoke, I’d swear he was female. That boy is prettier than me!
Call me a pinko commie, but I wanted House to live happily ever after with the woman with an accent..her family be damned.
I’ll get my coat.
I had heard that the House always wins.
I guess they couldn’t have House buy the farm?
Was there a scene featuring House Dressing?
WNDRWolf: No problem, sorry I can’t be of more help.
Van: I was just happy to see him be happy with somebody. I was, of course, also happy to see him deal with her leaving him without turning back to drugs again.
Are the drinks ever on the House?
Has he ever gotten drunk and made an obscene House call?
Ewe … I don’t even WANT to know whose in da House!
If he and two clones were to date the Olsen twins, would that be a Full House?
Bionic vision on the horizon:
I hope they add the right SFX when the eye is used.
Long Live Flash! (1980) – remake be damned!
If he joins the staff at Disneyworld, would he become the House of Mouse?
Is his porn name Nut House? Big House? Out House?
DO NOT get the House dressing !!!!
And, we have our movie title…..
Either that, or “Spy in the House of Love”
Discovery of the day: The foam my new laptop battery was packed in makes a good pop filter.
Somebody save me.
I’ve been sucked into Dancing with the Stars.
Kelly Osbourne is freakin’ amazing! Who’d have thunk it???
Mr. Null said:
“justa J0e: Or the new multi-billion-per spy sats that the US is planning on launching.”
Which I misread as:
“justa J0e: Or the new multi-billion-per spy cats that the US is planning on launching.”
I’m rather “ewwww”ed by Full House. I mean, that leaves a back door open.
I’ll get my coat.
Pee Wee Herman is on Leno tonight! He says he has some big news.
Dan and I are hoping for a Pee Wee 3 Movie
Well, now I’m going to be up late again because it’s a fricken’ wootoff! I’m just staring at my computer like it’s going to sell me something ridiculously awesome or something.
I’m talking to myself.
I had kinda written off Pee Wee for his child porn charges. . . (really, who cares about his hilarious theater incident?) – but he’s since stated pretty vehemently that he has no sexual interest in children, that he didn’t have kiddy porn.
Maybe he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
Mreh? I didn’t know anything about that. Searching through Google News, I can find info on the charges in 2001, but nothing about a conviction or deal or anything really.
No wait, the charge was dropped and he plead to obscenity.
That’s sad. I’m not sure if I can feel relieved that the best death scene EVAR is untainted. Maybe.'Pee-wee+Herman'+television+star+is+fined+and+put+on+three+years'+informal+probation.&pqatl=google
Woot – got the bubble kit for boy that wifeling told me to get when it was on kids.woot the other day. It was sold out before I actually got the chance too.
Saving face the wootoff way.
Morning Pan, TI gets heavy with calculator hackers:
I don’t understand what benefit TI has in cracking down on this. Don’t highly modifiable device generally sell better? Or am I just hanging around with the wrong crowd?
And it isn’t like the calculators have wifi and could get infected by poisonOSes. ? Poo on TI.
Go go Casio.
And good morning to ya, Van. Welcome to this shiny Wednesday. The week will be half over today.
Boo on TI.
Wow, given the proliferation of laptops and handheld devices that can double as calculators AND run custom software applications wwithout the need of a hack … I’m amazed that TI can still sell enough calculators to warrent manufacturing them.
Add that to the current economic situation and I’d say TI ought to just be glad that ANYONE is interested in buying there product and should stop bitching about what a small group of their dwindling customer base wants to do with it.
As much as I loved the previous Pee-Wee Herman stuff, I don’t think even Paul Reubens can pull off that character at age 55. Let’s leave Pee-Wee as a great memory instead of one that we’re sad to see beaten into the ground.
When Reubens was arrested, was Pee-Wee’s Pee-Wee Wee, or Un-Wee? Maybe some things are best left to the unknown.
Good morning, DP!
CF: a fire. It’s freakin’ winter here.
EssBee: I have to close the windows and put the AC on again for the first time in a few weeks. A few days ago, we had a frost. Today, UGH.
“Pee-Wee” Herman – as you’ve never seen him before.
NS: sounds like Colorado weather!
As I recall, the particulars in Pee Wee’s big porn adventure was that he had a very large, vintage porn collection. We’re talking “turn of the century”, very early 1900’s type stuff. Some of it bought in auction lots from larger collections.
For reasons that were never clear to me, the local D.A. (the same one who prosecuted him for wanking in a porn theatre maybe ??) raided his home, confiscated the collection and after going through it all – found a nearly, century old book that had re-enactments of the original Greek Olympics. This included pictures of young men, probably teens, wrestling (no, not a euphamism … they were actually wrestling). Of course as we all know, the original Olympiads competed in the nude. Those whacky Greeks!.
This is probably why the “child pornography” charges against him were eventually dropped. There was very little content in his collection that included under aged people and given that all those involved in making the images had been dead for quite some time it was going to be very difficult to prove the ages of the boys in those wrestling scenes. There was also a good chance that the defense could make an argument that the vintage and rarity of this stuff could actually be classified it as art.
Sooooo, while Paul Reubens is clearly not a “normal” character (and quite possibly IS a visitor from another planet who has been stranded here) … if it makes you feel any better about him, the charges against him did not involve him having skanky pictures of kids.
… PLUS, if it had gone to trial he would have probably just kept telling the prosecutor, “I know you are but what am I ” ?
I want jJ’s memory. Crap, I can barely recall what I had for dinner yesterday.
No, wait, I -can’t- recall what I had yesterday.
… and yet half the time, I can’t recall my own phone number!
I think the details stuck with me because;
(a) I liked his Pee Wee characture a lot and was really disappointed in Reubens’ penchant for self destruction.
(b) The very “under reported” outcome of that case which really seemed to have the stench of an over zealous District attorney who was “out to get” Reubens.
Everyone wants a piece of JOe.
Nomad Scry: Thanks for the laugh. Made for a great visual.
Doesn’t TI have a long and glorious history of shooting themselves in the foot? F’ ’em.
Dan and I have always enjoyed the Pee Wee stuff, but after seeing him on Leno last night, I have to agree with UsedHair. Reubens looks old. They had to keep pulling the camera back. The voice is still there, but his responses were clearly setup and seemed canned.
I don’t know if I’m disappointed or just a little demystified. I’ll always love his movies… but….
“But what? Everyone I know has a big but. C’mon Simone, let’s talk about your big but.”
First off, really not work/child friendly. That being said, this is friggin’ brilliant. Yet another example of the “new media” kicking ass. IMO vastly superior to 99% of the drek the mainstream commercial entities put out.
Oh, and Good Morning, Everyone!
Happy Hump Day. (it is Wednesday right?)
So true:
Cj – How are you celebrating Hump Day?
JN – I will have to look at that later can’t get there from work. This sucks.
ditto: I don’t think I could agree with the venn diagram more
Dr Strangelove eat your heart out:
A list of somewhat iTunes alternatives:
I’m gonna celebrate the all that junk inside my trunk…
What you gon’ do with all that junk?
All that junk inside your trunk?
I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,
Get you love drunk off my hump.
My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump,
My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps.
I’ve been playing around with:
I sent a friend a song from my encrypted iTunes library and she played it back fine.
CP: Mississippi Moon — Too Slim & The Taildraggers
Vendetti talks about the film adaptation of “The Surrogates”. I’m looking forward to this one.
Cj – I’ll be in my bunk.
CP: Heavens to Purgatory — The Most Serene Republic
ditto, when I went and saw District 9, The Surrogates preview played and I thought it looked great!
I’m very much looking forward to the movie. I’ll have to consume the graphic novel first. It’ll help me be more critical towards the film.
It does seem like Pee Wee is constantly struggling to repair his image.
It’s like he’s unraveling a sweater, but someone keeps knitting. . . a-ha-hand knitting. . . a-ha-hand knitting. . . a-ha-hand knitting. . .
I think I’ll read the GN after I see the movie.
Having found a way to use that line, I think Jack gets to go home for the day.
CP: Snow in June — The Northern Pikes
After the Leno show Dan says to me, “It’ll probably take us a while to get Big Top Pee Wee from Netflix now… So I showed him our e-mail box:
“Big Top Pee-Wee
Sent to: Daniel
Arriving on or around: Wednesday, Sep 23, 2009”
Because I’m faster than fast! (I’d put it at the top of the queue earlier this week like I’m psychic or something!)
Gods, have you ever seen Big Top Pee-Wee?
(I love that 2 of today’s conversation topics have been Pee Wee Herman and thermonuclear armageddon)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! He said the word! “Armageddon”! Come on, Chairy, scream!
Did a duck just drop from the ceiling?
Did you expect anything less?
CP: Intermittently — Barenaked Ladies
Yes. I’ve seen Big Top Pee Wee several times.
What are you trying to say? 🙂
I can’t say. I watched about five or ten minutes of one of his shows.
w00t! Officially caught up on my podcasts.
CP: That Voice Again — Peter Gabriel
CP: You’re No Good — Sons of Freedom
CP: Keep Yourself Alive — Queen
Finally caught up on my podcasts from the 3 days that I was forced to miss.
So Not only is Jonathan Frakes going to be at Phx Comicon, but his wife, Genie Francis, whom I adore will also be there!
Bonus win for me today!
I sure hope Jonathan Frakes doesn’t listen to LLAP. . . .
That reminds me. We really need to get the new episode online. We recorded this weekend, but this week has been so crazy busy, it’s still just sitting in the can waiting to be posted.
CW: Big Top Pee Wee
ZP’s latest review:
I’m talking to this person and I can’t help feeling there is a door that we both want to walk through, but can’t admit to the other person that we want to walk through that door.
…and on that load of old cobblers I’ll say night pan.
CW: X’amd ep 4
Just admit it, Van!!
Cool steampunk sculptures and jewelry:
A lil pricey for me, though (ie, you can’t put in a dollar and move the claw around to try and pick it up)
Van – What does “load of old cobblers” mean? I thought a cobbler was an apple, and a load of old apples … yeah, I’m not getting it.
EssBee – Colorado weather. Or Chicago. Only been there once but the temp shifted about 50 degrees, one day to the next. Crazy.
I like the idea that the ultimate doomsday machine is actually a doomsday deterrent. My ancient survival instincts tell me something is fishy about the article though, and I tend to think it is more likely that the blueprints got drawn out and then the project was forgotten. That’s why no one knows about it.
Or it’s just a bunch of scifi goodness.