Duel of the Show Notes.
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #137: Live Duel of the Fates
The Deadpanmmmmm meetup happened! Bunches of recording happened. Here is one. The Live Duel of the Fates recorded at the Love Long and Prosper Studios (http://www.lovelongandprosper.com/podcast/)
Participating in this live Duel of the Fates
Dan Shaurette
Dan’s Fiancee Michelle
The Energizer Bunny
Amy Bowen
Evo – aka Vanna
You can find most of these wonderful people at their various podcasts
Out of the Coffin (http://www.outofthecoffin.com/)
Evo @ 11 (http://evoat11.com/)
Love Long and Prosper (http://www.lovelongandprosper.com/podcast/)
Choosing three characters
Team Firefly – Inara
Team Controllers – Indiana Jones
Team One Sheet To The Wind – James Bond
Who is the most iconic? – James Bond
Who would win in a fight – Indiana Jones
Greasy nipple comments read by EssBee
The Energizer Bunny
Ed From Texas
The Energizer Bunny
Vanamonde (first of the week)
Back to Live Duel of the Fates
Love Prowess – Tie James Bond & Inara
Rotating Category; Who would make a better Santa Clause – Indiana Jones
Finally; Why should your character win?… Listen to the podcast to find out
Send in content: 206-350-Tomi (8664) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Why call them back from heaven?
Well, that’s certainly an interesting opening comment 🙂
Three – is a magic number.
FOUR! *ducks*
Which ever Arizonian decided to give me this chest cold is quite welcome to take it back, thank you very much!
I think a hot, steamy bath is now called for.
Had a nice hot steamy bath. There’s a pot of lemon ginger tea brewing in the kitchen and I have a cheese bagel on my lap waiting to be eaten.
I think we’ll be ok
Seems to me that the proper thing to do, would be for some Arizonian to come and warm your chest back up.
Just say’n is all.
number 9
number 9
number 9
I didn’t know women needed an excuse to take a hot steamy bath.
I’m for one is grateful for that.
LOL, Van 😆
I’m here. Finally. Thanks, Van, the Opera Mini loads Deadpan almost instantly, while the Webkit browser that comes with the G1 chokes about 95% of the time. Curiously, most other sites work okay, so it must be a WordPress issue…
Hi, I’m the idiot sitting in last week’s comments and wondering where everybody went. Hellllloooooo? *snert*
Good morning.
I still have no a/c. It’s only 87 in the house at the moment, but I predict that will go up in the next 10 minutes and so on. So, since it was too hot to run my computer yesterday and I’m horribly behind on work, after I take these children to their schools, I’m heading to my favorite coffee shop with WiFi so I can get some work done.
What a pain in the butt!
Look out. I’m finding all ya’all in Facebook! Bwuahahahahaha!
Listening now. mmmmmmmm interesting…
Ok, finding isn’t quite the term as much as TRYING to find. Sheesh. Someone find me. 🙂
Are you the JR in San Diego? If so, I’ve found you and will friend you.
If you go to the Fans of Deadpan (linked above) most of us can be found there
I did not know I was lost.
Typical male. Won’t admit when he is lost 😉
It has happened to me in the past NS.
I’m lost. This isn’t an abnormal thing for me. 🙂
I think I’m going to drag my computer in the living room and veg on the couch under a comfy blanket. Maybe put on a movie. We’ll see
I “friended” someone, hopefully it’s you JR
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask when I was out there Jack, do you play left handed or right?
Yes, I’m now friends with TEB 🙂
Sadly, I only know either nicknames of only first names. I’m looking at the group and getting confused.
Bear in mind.. this is normal 🙂
I once was lost but now I’m floundering.
Actually, normal for around here is , “Bare in mind”.
I sent you a list of suggestions based on the ones I’m friends with.
Oh my God! Who turned up the TV to full volume before shutting it off?
ahhh, that’s better. Now… let’s see what’s on my PVR…
I’m at the coffee shop. Time to work!
I went for a frozen coffee after all. It’s nice and cool in here.
This is next on my PVR list
Looks terrible, so that’s what I’m going to watch. Will give updates.
Thanks TEB. That’ll help me a bundle 🙂
So far this film has a very Canadian feel to it. And not in the good way
What kind of single school girl, who runs around in red underwear, can afford to rent a three story house? Must have wealthy parents
What in the world are you watching?
Now she’s in pink underwear. Haven’t seen “the chair” yet.
ohhh, the knife on the counter started spinning on its own. Then the toast popped up in the toaster. Scary stuff
JR, see above link.
ok, now she’s setting up a video camera to face her bed…
now she’s climbing into bed…
now she’s… going to sleep. What a let down
Sister thinks she’s going to attack a ghost with an iron.
This is a very disjointed film
She spends a lot of time recording herself in bed.
The fog tried to rape her. Really?
well, she’s not getting her damage deposit back
she’s been possessed. What a shock.
It’s not so much that I won’t admit to being lost. It is more that no one seems to understand that I get lost in order to get found.
Which is why I showed up at work almost 6 hours late one night. I’d tried to take a new route and ended up in a town I’d never heard of before. Where was I? In Ware.
Oh and Van, I find it difficult to imagine a time when you didn’t have firsties. Perhaps back in the 2000 nipple days…. that was long before Trucker started cranking about … what was that? Podtaint? That’s how I found out about Deadpan. What was my point? I don’t remember. Should go back to working on sleep. Night folks.
Well, I’m halfway through this movie and I still haven’t figured out what’s going on.
TEB-ITs obvious to she is making ghost porn.
AHA! Possessed broad built a torture chair.
She keeps watching the kids outside her home. Can you say foreshadowing?
This movie alone is helping to boost the DP board nipple count
It’s possible, wolf. She’s masturbated twice so far in this movie.
Three cups of tea so far this morning means I have to pause the movie a lot
She’s serving her ex-boyfriend to her sister for dinner
did I mention this might be spoiler heavy
Nipples and movie masturbation. It’s a good day at the deadpan.
Ok, squeamish moment. She heated a pair of scissors and is now branding herself.
OK. Time to start closing down shop here. I have gotten a lot of work done. Hopefully I can write an article today from home. Gotta go pick up the little dude from school and wait for the a/c repairman some more.
Wait, sister is talking to ex-boyfriend on the phone. I thought they ate him?
Boy is this movie fractured
Because serving the ex-boyfriend for dinner wasn’t squeamish?
She’s talking to him on the phone? Well, maybe she only ate part of him.
screwdriver to boyfriend’s head. Now he’s dead
Can’t have a B horror without a naked chick showing up 😉
she FINALLY got neeked? ’bout time!
Sister’s been put in “the chair”
So. . . . bad movies with cannibalism and masturbation are good cures for chest colds?
Sorry to hear about the Con Crud, Bunny. It seems to have hit a few people. I think/hope I successfully resisted.
And yes, I do play left-handed. Guitar.
bzzzz fail. My left handed hubby plays right handed
Jack is a south paw? Wow, learn something new every day.
I always hate pimping myself, but has anyone checked out V & A Shipping?
If you have, let me know what you think 🙂
ewwwwww. way too much blood going on now.
Good sister has now hogtied possessed sister on the bed. Kinky
I was unaware of V & A Shipping, JR – – awesome! Feel free to pimp away around here. And if you’ve made a promo, send it my way.
Evil sister got away. Now has a little boy in “the chair”
OMG the professor is over one hundred years old.
Really, this movie takes lots of left turns
the unpossession spell didn’t work
oh wait. sister’s been unpossessed. little boy is safe. All is well.
well… except for the dead ex-boyfriend, but I guess we can’t have everything.
Oh, surprise ending. The evil spirit is not gone. Shocked am I.
I think I need a break from that wonderful movie. Time for lunch
Hey Jack, I haven’t been pimping as of yet. I only just started. 🙂 I’m up to Episode #5 and figured it was time to start telling people about it. WOO WOO!
TEB, eat lunch and listen to V & A Shipping. It’s more relaxing than a B movie. 🙂
If all ya’all follow me in twitter and/or FaceBook you’ll know when the episodes go live. WOO! I’m more active in twitter. I need to be more active here. Hell, I need to be more active period. LOL
Thanks for the solo Chairpalooza, Bunny.
Left over Chinese food is teh yum.
JR. I’ve subscribed but I’m almost 30 hrs behind in my podcast listening thanks to a certain trip I just took so it’ll be a while before I get to it
I’m in the midst of enjoying the recording from the live DOF. Interesting choices.
No worries. It’ll be there when you’re ready. 🙂
Called a/c guys to follow up. Should be here in an hour to an hour 1/2. Gave them my cell # so we can go out if we start melting while we wait.
So… I’m sitting here with a nice cup of ice cold iced tea which is nice because it’s hot in here and I chose tea because I thought it’d be more refreshing than soda. I usually drink my soda and water throughout the day. I don’t often drink tea.
I forgot it was tea.
Picked up the cup and took a big drink. You know that feeling where you expect something to taste a certain way (In my case, I expected soda) and it’s something else? Yeah. I hate that.
That’s almost as bad as what just happened to me.
Eating yogurt, expecting a nice, smooth spoon and I got the one that was dinged up in the garbage disposal. they need to make lip bandaids. ow!
Nothing goes together like beer and hockey
Well, I think it’s safe to say I won’t be going to MA tonight. Blech.
My favorite barrette just broke while IN my hair. How does that even happen?
It just fits with the kind of day you’re having Cj 🙁
Awww. Well, my day is OK. I’m not whining too much. Things could definitely be worse.
As it is, right now I am enjoying a nice cool lunch of cottage cheese and strawberries while waiting for the a/c guy who called and said he’s on his way with my needed part.
Hopefully I’ll be able to report a cold breeze within an hour! 🙂
“Ready?” asked Jack. “Sure, Let’s do it.” replied Thomas. The two of them grunted with strain as they lifted the gaming system from its shipping crate and onto the bar.
That is all.
Can I ask about the wow, Wolf
Well I’m glad I had my tea before reading TEB’s play for play on that movie.
Is tasting acid a bad sign?
I think they may have been on acid when writing the screenplay, Van 🙂
You can ask – but I would rather surprise you in October.
oh, one of those
um. Yeah.
Halloween episode is shaping up…
Plus a bonus AD for release on 31th.
“So you say this is for entertainment purposes only?” asked Deputy Tim.
“Yeah, it’s a revved up Tetris game with about 28 other little games,” said Jack.
“Give it up, Tim.” said the Sherriff good-naturedly, “You just want to play.”
Jack crouched behind the bar, working on finding power for the machine.
Awww, I want one!
I was thinking Bunny would probably only want that bear’s head.
Do you think it will put a warm compress on my chest?
My cat’s been sleeping in the laundry basket all afternoon. How am I supposed to fold it if she won’t get off it?
Cat folding. Cat Origami!!!!!
Don’t try that at home, JR
Got ambitious and addressed envelopes – yes, that’s ambitious the way I feel right now – will drop them off at the post office tomorrow
The Sham Wow shill guy is now doing commercials for some sort of kitchen chopper. He’s just as weird here.
Well I’m a sucker for fiction that mentions Tetris.
TEB: It’s called the ‘slap chop’ and it used to be called something else before.
The fact you actually know that scares me JR 🙂
Ok does anybody know if there is a away to transfer contacts stored on an iPhone?
I don’t want to do a backup as I’ve been advised my power problems on the phone might be resolved by restoring the iPhone to factory default and not do a restore from backup.
Don’t fancy copying the bloody contacts by hand.
Sorry, can’t help you Van
Bloody contacts??
Yeah it’s my hitlist of people who think Deckard is a replicant..it’s rather large.
I have air. Blessed air!
Van: what about mobileME? and I thought I read somewhere that you could sinc it with outlook. I have to admit that since I have an ipod touch I havent really paid attention to the email options.
RE: getting lost, well looking at these incidents it might be safer to get lost. http://whatstheharm.net/gpsnavigation.html
Great episode everyone who was there for the Duel of the Fates. Although I have to agree Inara would have won due to her empathic precognition abilities. And boobs.
Here I thought I’d never have time to post anythi
Lejon: You almost had enough time 🙂
Ah Michael Caine puts bloody in context far better than I could:
I’m making lasagna for dinner. I bet Garfield wishes he were my cat right now.
But aren’t you glad your cat isn’t Garfield..so you actually get to eat the lasagne.
Ah, the zany madcap misadventures of America’s favorite cartoon cat.
I’m actually feeding the kiddos early so the hubby and I can enjoy a nice dinner for two. I’m also making garlic bread – with my underworld garlic!
If only I had a bottle of wine.
Oh wait… we have beer! LOTS AND LOTS OF BEER!
You people people need to drink more.
Yay for underworld garlic bread! 😀
Speaking of which: I’ve still got 9 plastic containers of underworld garlic salt that went unclaimed during the Deadpan Mmmmmeetup. I’d really like to send them to other Deadpanites. If you would like one, please post here and/or send me an e-mail with your address. (If you’ve participated in Secret Santa during either or both of the last two years, I already have your address.)
I’m dissappointed. I used all my marbles for Doodle of the Fates 2.0 and forgot to take my garlic salt with me. 🙁
That is most likely why I have an extra one sitting here, Rhettro.
The container didn’t melt during the heatwave. It’s all yours!
Ah I see the Vampire Diaries pilot is winging it’s way across the P2P networks.
Will have to check it out.
Morning Pan, four days offs and going to give apathy a kick in the pants.
I think I’ll take Van’s lead on VD, though I’ll probably enjoy it more. Cuz I’m a media whore.
Heh. I rhymed.
You know the Germans, they make good stuff….
Do the contacts in your iPhone not sync into Itunes?
Is this the point where I avoid making a snarky comment about how, as long as Google is around, my contacts are always backed up?
Hmmm, probably not.
Well, good Friday all. The half day of work beckons.
Nomad: Van leading on VD isn’t the kind of thing I want to follow
Hi from Dallas, Texas DP!
A few thoughts on my new second home. Since I’m spending so much time here, I am getting to know the lay of the land a bit.
1. Texas is a red state. It is strange to see bumper stickers like “Don’t Share My Wealth, Share My Work Ethic” (on which I may just rant out a blog post soon) and stranger to hear people talk so much about politics at work, something we are specifically instructed not to do at Evil.
2. There is a lot of great food here.
3. Even though the people in the next room had a really loud and, from the sounds of it, ambitious night, the Omni Park West is not a bad place to hang out if one is stuck in Dallas every 3rd week for a year.
4. I am sick of not visiting with you all! Evil internet policy be damned when I’m traveling!
Van, good luck with that VD. Let me know how it is – I might want to pick it up m’self.
Cj, hope you’re cooled off some!
TEB, feel better!
I’m going to give the restore a chance, iPhone is burning through the battery pack again.
Good Morning!
My house is somewhat cold!
I’ve actually been to Texas: San Antonio and Houston. I remember doing some bus tour of Lyndon B. Johnson’s estate or something. I was young. And of course, I remember the Alamo. It was humid there, but fun.
Enjoyed your post EssBee!
Time to pack lunches and head off to play group! Happy Friday!
Hey! It’s morning! WOO WOO! I love it when that happens.
Some like it hot. I like it hot.
When you’re hot, you’re hot.
When you’re not, you’re not.
I’m not.
I have a personal policy to be away from my desk when on a break. Because sitting at my desk on a break gives an illusion that I will answer questions I do not answer questions on break because I am not a nice person willing to give up resting for you
That is all.
Wondering if Lejon is on break???
If he is here that implies he is at his desk on the computer,
if he is at his desk therefore not on break…
Lunch for me seams to the time I get more questions than any other time. and from the IT manager no less. It is worse if I go to the Lunch room. I wish I could install wireless than at least I could sit in the car and watch Warehouse 13 (till I am cough up)
I hope to see the basement, if I ever get to visit the Alamo.
RE: Vampire Diaries
Thumbs down
Well for the pilot anyway, will see what the next few episodes are like. But seems just like the horrible Twilight from the pilot.
Maybe you will find Pee-Wee’s Bike
Van, you wouldn’t want to make a rash decision about your VD.
reaper: Are you a network technician/engineer? You sound a lot like my dad, who is one. He rarely eats lunch in the teachers’ lounge, for the same reason.
No conundrums here. I posted before I went on break, then left the building. (I really need a sequined coat when I say things like that)
Thank you for getting the reference, reaper 🙂
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches for lunch, Lejon?
jackmangan: no place to fry them here… Well-ah, Uh-huh… Thank you very much…
Amy, I’m the network admin and I do the engineering. it is a small company so i have to ware many hats (well cloaks I am a reaper 🙂 ) I’m glad our office I isolated from the rest of the office. People have to walk through the plant to get here so it cuts down on walk in.
Can you say “ah do bee?” I knew you could.
Yay, reaper! Another PeeWee fan.
Playgroup was made of win this morning. 7 moms and 7 kids running amok.
The moms didn’t start running amok until after we’d finished our buckets of coffee.
Amok Amok Amok!
CJ: always got a kick out if his show growing up. I just never want to sit in front of him in a theater.
reaper: it really depends on the theatre.
PeeWee’s playhouse originally came from a stage show that Paul Rubin put on… I’ve seen the HBO special. It’s not exactly for kids
Lejon: I saw part of that show. it was a little disturbing and I thought it was a joke so I turned it off. Now I’m glad I did. I’m sure there was I would rather be watching on SNICK when I was that age.
Unaired Dollhouse Episode – “Epitaph 1”. Wow!
Finally got to see it today. It will be interesting to see how this colors season 2.
…Must…rent…Dollhouse Season 1…just for “Epitaph 1”
Yeah Epitaph 1 was cool but downbeat.
I wonder if they can grow their audience if they stick to much to that in S2.
reaper – I am enjoying the concept of “Death” having an I.T. department.
Lejon – where can this, so called “Epitaph 1″ be found
Pee Wee’s Playhouse – I call myself fortunate to have seen a taped copy of the Broadway show.
It was wonderfully WRONG.
… and I am off again, didn’t even get a chance to remove my coat!
JJ it’s on the DVD release of the Dollhouse boxset.
It’s also available on the P2P networks.
It’s a very quiet Friday.
A-ha-hand knitting, a-ha-hand knitting. . .
. . . OK, I’ll stop.
justa J0e: Wish I could use the scythe a little more often but they don’t let the office workers out to much…
reaper: you need to disguise it with a plastic palm tree next to your desk. They’ll never see it coming.
Lejon: The office needs some redecorating… let the fun (AKA carnage) begin 🙂
I think the Reaper’s office could use more cowbell.
every office could use more cow bell!!! and I’m going to play the hell of that thing b/c it is all i can play and we don’t have many songs that have the cow bell
going to have to wait with the redecorating and fun… dishes…
doing dishes is a pretty good trade off I don’t have to cook and I get to eat my wife’s cooking.
She is an awesome cook.
Is it possible for the Reaper to get dishpan hands?
dishdeadpan hands
I need to get garlic salt of the underworld to fix it.
Marge, I soaked in it!
Aight folks. Off to the twestival. Yep.
I can’t believe you went there, Jack…..
… he’s caved to tweer pressure.
Heh heh heh. 🙂
Hope you had fun at the Twestival tonight, Jack! 🙂
The twestival was a good twime.
If you’ve never read Neuromancer, an abridged in audio form can be grabbed from here:
Oh and the BBC radio drama adaption of Neuromancer:
I do my utmost to avoid taking breaks with my operators. They can’t seem to shut up and all I want on a break is to not have to listen.
As i expected, I enjoyed VD more than Mr. Vanamonde. The setup reminds me strongly of Roswell. She’s got the wistful smile and he can switch between looking good and looking evil.
I’d give it *** with the caveat that I’m a sucker for the vampire crap. Which is to say, if you aren’t staked for vamps, subtract at least a star.
Cranking it up
CP: Battery (S&M) – Metallica
Silently yelling at gDocs to wooooork!
Well I’m glad you enjoyed your pilot VD NS.
Happy Saturday, DP!
I still haven’t listened to this weeks episode – downloading now. I’ll listen while I do a few chores today.
JOe, would it be helpful, or dumb, for someone to send you shoe boxes from Colorado?
CW: Top Chef, Las Vegas premier
The time has come. I need to switch names. Sorry if this is annoying. I doubt I shall have to do it again.
It’s like a new suit of flesh.
Ah, and this way I can give Jack more work. Sorry man!
an imag1narynumber by any other name would still be prime in my book!
I have nightmares about imaginary numbers sometimes… 2 for example scary!
Thanks for the kind words, justa J0e!
Pick a good name, i! Maybe Jack can give you an AKA.
It’s time to clean out the pellet stove and light a fire! It’s COLD in Colorado today.
This is pretty neat: http://www.talk2myshirt.com/blog/archives/2751
So finally got round to seeing ‘The Time Traveller’s Wife’.
Haven’t read the novel, but the film wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.
It’s WAY harder than it should be to get parts to fix your dryer.
And I just saw District 9 and loved it.
Wow Van – thanks for those audio Neuromancer links!
imag1narynumber’s Doctor-like regeneration into Johnny Null is complete.
That sounds like Bruce Sterling reading the abridged version.
Okay, lemme preface this by saying I made the screwdrivers way too strong.
Secondly, I’m still behind on my podcasts. I finally broke 50!
Anyhow, I’d like to pass congrats to Amy Bowen for winning best “infotainment” podcast; as I seem to recall, in my vodka-induced haze, that you are involved with 365 Days of Astronomy. I tried to just verify that, and I accidentally reloaded my Reader page, so I’m going off of memory. And you have no idea how much I’ve scrutinized this post or hit “backspace”.
Spell-check FTW!
Thanks Jack, and thanks x 1,000,000 for working in a Dr. Who reference with my change. Hopefully I don’t yet look like Hartnell.
I will also thank Vanamode for the find. I’ll add it to my listening lineup @ wurk. I finished seasons one and two of Arbiter Chronicles, plus the other two stories. Season one was really good, season two was way too soap-opera-y for me overall.
On a side note, I’m not being flagged as “soap-opera-y” being a misspelling.
Good night, vodka.
Looks like a fun Saturday for imag1- Johnny Null.
Surprised my hubby with an early birthday present – cake and all! His birthday isn’t until Oct 7, but I didn’t want him to have to wait while everyone else was playing Beatles Rockband.
He’s a happy hubby. 🙂
Cj = swell!
Johnny Null – the goodness of the Orangejuice cancels out the negatives of the vodka.
At least that is what I always tell myself.
Wait I’m confused, there are negatives to vodka?
Aside from the taste?
. . . . . And we’re back.
So … I’ve always heard hat if someone has a concussion you shouldn’t let them go to sleep because they might not wake up.
Is this true?
Hypothetically speaking, do you suppose it’s physically possible to hit my head against the top of my desk hard enough to give myself a concussion.
Guitar picks in the house! I love the fact that Sam Ash is only 12 minutes away from my house.
Tis been a long Saturday in this part of Deadpan land. After much delay, we finally had a birthday party for my son. And my wife is packing for a week long trip for Chicago in the morning.
We never do it easy around here.
I think you definitely could, hypothetically, hit your head hard enough for a concussion. Are your eyes dilated?!
Not yet.
… but hypothetically, I’m not opposed to keep trying.
*puts a pillow on joe’s desk*
Nothing is worth turning into a Kingon over.
(I’m leaving that typo.)
Reaper is full of win tonight. He just destroyed his whole family in Dr. Mario.
he also likes the typing in the 3rd person.
Funny Death is so good at a Doctor game.
Johnny Null: Thank you very much! Yes, I have been involved with 365 Days of Astronomy. I signed up to write and record three episodes, all three of which have gone out already. I did the episodes for June 2, July 24, and August 30. I was THRILLED when I found out the show had won in its category! 😀 Thanks again!
JØ, why the name change? Was √-1 starting to get to you?
Hey Amy, I heard your unboxing yesterday… Sounded like fun.
NS: Thank you! It was a lot of fun! 🙂
So just back from seeing White Out.
Err it was OK and nothing more, not worth seeing at the cinema.
Jack: It was indeed a great night!
Cj: What a good wife you are!
justa J0e: I think in one of those Eat This/Not That books, that was the thinking behind recommending screwdrivers. If you’re going to drink booze, might as well get a vitamin or two in at the same time.
According to this: http://www.healthcaresouth.com/pages/askthedoctor/myths.htm , the sleeping after a concussion thing is a myth.
Lejon: No, I’ve just adopted this for the time being as my nom-de-e-plume. I have a forthcoming submission that’s the start of a new hat for me. So rather than have my new content under a different name than my nipple name, I figured it’d be easier to keep it all under the one banner.
Of course, home repairs and whatnot are pushing back my editing, but I hope to have it ready fairly soon.
Wow, that’s a lot first thing in the morning.
Can I put in a plug for Costa Rican coffee? It’s tops!
My unboxing was when I let my gloves drop.
I’m a big fan of any good coffee, JN.
It’s nearly winter-ish here this morning. We have a fire going and are all bundled up to go buy groceries.
I caught up on TV yesterday during my huge lazy day, so today we might just read, or catch a movie or something.
Whish! goes the blade of whit…
Tonight will be a nesting night for us as well. I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. Chocolate Chip Cookie may stop by.
Well, that’s just stellar. Apparently my kitchen faucet is so antiquated that no one stocks replacement valve-stem-things, or whatever you call it.
I would say it was unbelievable but sadly it isn’t:
That’s absurd, Van.
I’m hungry just thinking about this:
It’s a good clean meal.
Do you use the oven to wash the dishes when you are done?
I smell an evolved rat, Van. Not that we don’t have a serious problem with mind-controlled masses here pushing the Crazy Right’s agenda (ahem, Million Moron March). . .
. . . but the major studios are interested in money and nothing else. Even an arty 19th century period-piece Jennifer Connelly movie will get distribution.
I suspect the filmmakers are really just trying to drum up controversy and interest.
RE: Dishwasher lasagna. Do you think it tastes better with Cascade or Palmolive?
The only difference is that the Religious Right are known to picket, condemn, boycott, sue, threaten, and, in some cases, resort to violence.
It’s sadly probably a bit more of an issue than just putting out random crappy movie du jour.
Gotta agree with Jack.
If you were to travel back in time and video tape the “Last Supper” you couldn’t get U.S. distribution – No car chases, no gun play or explosions, no love scenes/gratuitous nudity.
There are a metric TON of independent documentaries about famous people, that never got U.S. distribution because they didn’t have any of the big 3 requirements listed above.
Sorry, no mass (pun intended) conspiratorial agenda against this film. It just isn’t what the U.S. public will pay to see.
Dear Helouis,
My dishwasher lasagna always ends up with unsightly water spots.
Please help.
Jø – Thanks for the info on the concussion. I could add to that info, that going the “head on desk” route just leads to a slight raised bump on your forehead and a migraine. All of which just makes your situation even MORE unbearable!
CW: Flash Gordon.
FLASH !!! AAAA – Ahhhhhhh
justa J0e: Just have someone kick you in the shins. You’ll forget all about your head.
I can’t tell if my messages went into message purgatory or if my internet went down. Stupid router hates my laptop.
I’m sure whatever you said, Cj, was brilliant.
True Blood finale tonight!
I scoured purgatory: nothing from Cj. Sorry.
EssBee – I was watching parts of that earlier too. Yes.
Flash Gordon thoughts are still welcome from anyone and everyone! Flash in the Pan will be in episode 139.
Van – is that snow movie just a weather movie or does it have at least some element of the supernatural?
OK, it was my end then.
All I said was:
CNW: Flesh Gordon 1 and 2 – yet.
It is certainly disappointing to see the growing divide over scientism vs. fundamentalism we have around here. Though, I must confess to some skepticism that absolutely no U.S. distributor will pick up this film. Perhaps, with the recent failure of films like “The Golden Compass”, in part, due to the failure of the film makers to sufficiently prod the fundamentalists into “boycotting” and producing a bunch of publicity, the potential distributors feel they’re less likely to get enough free press from outraged picketers to make a successful run.
Wow, that sentence was way too long.
Alright, enough with the heavy. This one gave me a good chuckle:
Just recorded about 6 hours of Flash Gordon conversation with Tee!
That’s gotta be a new record. How’d you get him to stop that quickly?
I was going to say – Tee must not have had much to say.
CW: Flesh Gordon (1974) so this came out 6 years before the Flash Gordon movie we watched.
Flesh Gordan is older than me.
And jJ FTW w/Helouis nipple.
Heh heh heh. Yeah, that’s Tee, all right. 🙂
I guess I’d better hurry up and rent the Flash Gordon movie again, so I can record something and send it in.
Is it back when the company is in the process of laying off union employees and bringing in temps to help with the work load?
Yeah. That’s what I thought.
Oh dammit – – I’m dying to know Cj and Dan’s final conclusions about Flesh Gordon. . . .
I wonder if their conclusion is
FLASH !!! AAAA – Ahhhhhhh
No Supernatural elements in White Out, just a murder mystery.
We didn’t make it all the way through the movie…
Read into that however you like.
I wonder if that would qualify as Flush Gordon.
Hmmm. I hereby give White Out, unseen, a Blargh rating. Pass.
Feeling a bit Flushed, Gordon?
Good morning Pan, with the announcement that 802.11n’s second draft, Beta 2.0, has been accepted. May be finalized in January 2010.
I must admit I only skimmed the article. If that’s what they’re claiming, that NO distributor will put the movie out, then I too call shenanigans (and hang my head for the reading *fail*).
But “scientism”? That’s a new one on me. 🙂
Morning Pan
Feeling almost human today. Had to go downtown this morning. Blech.
Isn’t there also a Flesh Gordon and the Cosmic Cheerleaders?
We made it through Flash Gordon last night, but I think I owe Sly B something big for endurance.
Back to Evil today — enjoy your days, DP!
Started listening to Wander Radio on the train downtown. It’s cool because I can now put a face to Dan Shaurette’s voice.
Feeling almost downtown today. Had to go human this morning. Blech.
Morning EssBee. Have “fun” at Evil Inc.
I totally agree, J0e 😉
EssBee is giving me 2nd thoughts. I had convinced a date to watch FG with me (we just haven’t been able to work out a time yet) … now I’m thinking that this could be a bad idea.
I have seen this film before … but it was decades ago and I just remember it as being “B grade – Camp”.
I guess it depends upon the date, J0e. I would have thought it a fun date movie, but I can think of a few friends who would not.
Thanks Bunny!
That was a fun conversation. That was edited down from a 3 hour conversation… OMG.
Well if the date would dump you over a film, it was not meant to be.
Unless that film is ‘On Deadly Ground’ that it would be understandable
-that +than
We were going over my hubby’s schedule last night. He has the poor taste of having his Spring Break over a month end. That means no travelling together until summer.
Of course, it could be moot anyway. Because of her age, we can’t leave our cat alone anymore (too much medication, etc), so if we can’t get a house sitter, than we won’t be travelling much together until she passes away 🙁
Now I want to see On Deadly Ground, Van 🙂
I once had the poor judgment to take a date to see “Sin City”
The first date movie my hubby and I had was Stargate. I thought it was a great date movie.
Well Pan, done with my downtown work. Going to close it down and head home.
Morning, Pan.
Robocop is not a romantic date movie.
So that’s where I’ve been going wrong.
Morning! I took a date to see “The Road to El Dorado”. We had some interesting conversations because of that. 🙂
Sigh. The end of a vacation is a tragic thing.
Back home. At least for a little while. Will be sneaking out to ticket master once they open.
A couple of friends and I are planning a girls night out in early November (yes, our schedules are that busy we have to plan that far in advance). The one girlfriend and I are going to take the other to her first hockey game. Should be interesting.
Show her “Sin City” instead. There’s less violence.
… and blood.
… Hockey games may have slightly less gratuitous nudity.
Slightly …
If you keep your focus down on the ice and out of the stands.
I took a girlfriend to see The Lawnmower Man. I never got to pick a movie again. It was a very dark 4 1/2 years of moving watching. My wife still has me watching good movies I missed from that time.
Yeah J0e, but the male nudity are usually by people I don’t really want to see naked 😉
My husband is ok with me picking movies, simply because he knows I’m not a big fan of the “chick flick”
Naked Hockey could be frighting. I have a 4 inch scar on my back from a skating with my brother when he slid in to me after I fell. His skates where not even that sharp. I hate to think what that could do to other body parts.
I have a broken nose from hockey.
So you were skating naked, reaper?
I don’t have a problem with my wife picking movies. She loves action movies and isn’t a fan of chick flicks.
Girls that like action flicks FTW !!!!
TEB: No, I wasn’t quite that crazy when I was a kid. Well maybe I was that nuts, but no one dared me to. If I was naked I might have had more worries about frost bit than sharps things. Wisconsin gets pretty cold and windy.
The first time I went to a Hockey game I was surprised to discover that there is such a thing as Hockey groupies. Perhaps there is another name for these girls but with some of these gals I found their attire to be pleasantly gratuitous.
Will others … not so much with the pleasant.
I guess they had hopes of snaring them a hockey player.
LOL Reaper.
Now off to Ticket Master. Back after Lunch
J0e, they’re called “puck bunnies”
Ok, really gone.
Holy shit, are we actually back? That was a supremely uncool outage. Sorry everyone.
Wow. What happened. That was a very long outage.
toffee covered popcorn is known as Kennel Corn in the USA
True or false?
As opposed to puck buddies.
False. (right?)
There was apparently a bad HD on the FPM server. I hope we see some stability from here on out. . .
I once overruled a bunch of decent movie choices on a double-date +1 and got us all to go see Cool World. End result: four other people ticked off at me.
What was that about your nuts while skating naked, reaper?
JOe, re: ^, I would have expected you to go there. What happened?!
I did something horrendous to my shoulder on my Dallas trip last week and now must go to the Dr. I HATE going to the Dr.
Feel better, EssBee!
So if Puck Bunnies are into hockey players, I wonder what that means for Energizer Bunnies. . . .
I’ll leave you to rub your chins and ponder that for awhile.
Definitely something to fry up your brain on, Jack.
Also glad to see things back to “normal”. I missed my lunch time fix.
Wong will get jealous if you just rub your chins.
Hey my dear panites
Hope everyone is good. We are down to 14 days to our move!! yikes!!!!
I spoke to Jack last week and he said there were pictures from the famed Deadcon 09 and I would love to see them.
I don’t remember who Jack said had them so could whomever has them or someone couple please steer me in the right direction.
I believe he said they were on Flickr?
please add me or send me a link or whatever???????
my flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hughdre/
or my gmail address is: andreadmw
TSH !!!!!!
Good to read from you!
I guess I need to dig up the password for my flicker account so I can start using it again!
CPIMM (and I can’t make it stop!)
Dear blender
Oh won’t you help a first offender
Oh, toaster
Don’t you put the burn on me
Refrigerator, why are we always sooner or later
Bitchin’ in the kitchen or crying in the bedroom all night
Dear knife drawer
Now won’t you help me to face life more
Oh, trashcan
Don’t you put the dirt on me
Oh percolator, why are we always sooner or later
Bitchin’ in the kitchen or crying in the bedroom all night
Janet Majors
Everything used to be OK
But I’ve been had
And Brad, I’m glad to say, is on his way
Micro-digital awaker, why are we always sooner or later
Bitchin’ in the kitchen or crying in the bedroom all night
Shower curtain
Oh won’t you help me to be certain
Oh, toothpaste
Don’t you put the squeeze on me
Depilitator, why are we always sooner or later
Bitchin’ in the kitchen or crying in the bedroom all night
Tell me spectator, why are always sooner or later
Bitchin’ in the kitchen or crying in the bedroom all night!
TSH, here are the links to the AZ Deadpan Pics:
Ooo…bad first date movies….
Let’s see, My first date EVER I took the girl to see Platoon. Not the optimum choice on that one.
Oh, and Nightmare on Elm Street 6: Freddy’s Dead – also not a golden moment in “getting me some” …
I’m sure there are others, but why embarrass myself any more than this?
Morning Pan, the first autumn chill has arrived, brrrrrrrrrrrr!
Oh and it’s goodbye to Patrick Swayze:
Somehow Swayze’s passing didn’t make the local news today. I was almost convinced it was just a rumor.
Definitely a shame. I hope this puts Kanye’s tantrum into perspective for some.
True, I saw blurbs about Swayze in a few places, but he seems to have been lost in the tantrum.. But then, a mention in the media at all is far more than most anyone else ever gets.
Nothing like a TSH drive by brighten the day.
Morning Pan!
Yesterday was a bit of a write off on the boards 🙁
Something to get your morning going
Hmmmm, what are Energizer Bunnies into…
Hubbies that play music, making me a plain old groupie
and Deadpan, making me a Panite (Panfan?) 😉
Just saw hubby out the door. Let the partying begin 🙂
Decided today was a mint tea day. Mint tea is a good drink to have when paying bills.
I took a date (our first date) to see Fortress. Even though I still hold the opinion she’s a waste of carbon, I still feel bad for putting her through that.
A friend of mine took his GF (now wife) to the The Talented Mr. Ripley. After about 30 minutes people started to leave. They wanted to see if anyone would make it to the end. He told me only one other couple made it. He asked them why they stayed and there reason was also to see if anyone else could endure the movie.
Coffee!!!! Coffee coffee coffee!
OK. Now I’m awake! 🙂
When is the submission deadline for Flash in a Jack?
Jack in a Gordon.
Commissioner Jack
Flash Mangan
Mangannnnn iin Spaaaaaaaaace
This is some mighty good coffee. 8)
I see there was a TSH sighting. I hope they enjoy SF. I’ve liked it every time I visited.
Grumble: Being an idie band and making weird music does not mean you are making good music.
Every time I read flash now I have to pause in my mind for an AAAA AHHHH! but I’m a bit behind on my “palooza-ing” I just got The Watchmen to read.
ditto: that is a perfect deminstration of why I drink tea during the week and coffee only on the weekends
What what what WHAT?
Who said that?
I thought I was alone!
Oh, hi reaper!
Cup is empty never mind half empty half full need to have more so I go make some more coffee coffee coffee now now now.
Kinda catchy:
Cool in the Cool Way — My First Earthquake
you underestimate my sneakiness.
Were you doing something that you would rather be alone?
*reaper backs slowly out of the room*
ditto – I am so glad you didn’t say “Jack in the pan”.
Because that is sooooo wong.
You made me type it!
why whywhwywhwywywhy
Because I can. Muwahahahahahahahaha.
*passes brain bleach*
You’re never alone in Deadpan Land, ditto.
I’m sort of in a ghosting mood today. Getting my energy built up. Going to try going to MA today for the first time in a week
You never greasy nipple alone? 🙂
Finished Arkham Asylum and loved it. Now I just need to figure out what game to play next.
“Spin the bottle” ?
I play “Has This Expired?”.
I know for a fact that there is a message stuck somewhere. I tried to retype it and WP told me that I was repeating myself.
Maybe Jack didn’t like my post and he is refusing to set it free because he doesn’t want any of you to be as tortured as I was while writing the post.
If he frees it – you all have been warned. Clicking the link could result in It’s a Small World Syndrome.
over lunch I play “how how many times can I be interrupted while trying to eat lunch” I get double points for the IT manager and I double my total at the end of the day if he only talked to be during lunch. looks like I might brake a record today.
Great workout today. I’m badly in need of a shower.
reaper – I am familiar with a slight variation of that game. Just FYI, banging your head on the table top will not free you from the game.
I suggest BFP.
justa J0e: even if I bang my head 3 times while saying “there is no one standing over my shoulder”
Stepped out to get some sewing supplies. Stopped to check out a new convenience store that just opened up near our place. Sells soft serve ice cream. This could turn out to be a very evil place for me 🙂
CP: 19-2000 — Gorillaz
Is there such a thing as an ice cream belly?
I’ll have to do some research on that one, Van. Quick, somebody give me a grant!
Ed: Hugh or Richard E. (your choice, they are related)
So Van, is this accurate?
I hereby grant Ed 3 Scoops!
Jack: In summary, beer makes the world go round? 😉
In summer, beer can make your belly grow round too. 🙁
CP: What She Said — The Smiths
Can I get a grant to study the beer and ice cream effect?
Can I be a test subject?
I once had a beer float (not rootbeer). It was an interesting experience. Maybe I needed to try something stronger than a lager.
I prefer skittlebraü
Life can’t be all beer and skittles, reaper
You! Keep the candy away from my beer.
One of the vilest concoctions I’ve ever had was a version of a black and tan using Sprite.
TEB gets it one! 😉
Well, I have a skirt that needs a waistband. Then I have to figure out how to get these lights attached to it.
Will hop in and out, now and then.
*reads ditto’s vile concoction and runs, gagging, to the WC*
We should ask Jack to expound on the wonders of the “Cement Mixer.”
What’s in it Rhettro?
CP: Cherub Rock — Smashing Pumpkins
It’s amazing how quickly your good mood from your vacation can get beaten out of you by work.
No comment on that Venn (?) diagram Jack.
Err I thought the term beer belly had crossed the pond..
ditto: Ditto ( I Know. Second time I’ve used that one. I’m unoriginal. )
My sister has a recipe for Guinness ice cream. Not a float, actual ice cream with a Guinness base.
I’m pretty sure she didn’t get it right, but how would I know for sure?
Evo had asked me if I’d drink the cement mixer. Thankfully it was Jack that actually did so. (Sorry, Jack)
Oh yeah, and thanks for freeing my comment, Jack.
Tell me this isn’t strange
Ended up with my daughter coming over unexpectedly. Didn’t get very far on my sewing.
Coughing a fair bit, may not do MA tonight. We’ll see how I feel in a couple of hours. I find coughing a lot tires me out, strange
RE: THAT music video
Wow. I haven’t seen anything like that since the 80’s. Some things didn’t NEED spoofing. They came pre-spoofed!
On a note of TMI: my neck down to the decolletage is covered with a freakish and very painful red rash.
I want to scratch my skin off. Clearly an allergic reaction to something and I have no idea what. I purchased some hydrocortisone which was no easy task because most of them now include aloe vera which I’m allergic to. I’ll be taking some Benedryl after I pick my daughter up from school. I can’t drive after I take it because it makes me loopy. (loopier than usual)
*gives Cj a virtual scratch*
That sucks Cj. It sounds like an allergic reaction. Did you eat or drink anything recently that might be the cause?
Got my lights to work on four aa batteries. They’re so purdy 🙂
CP: Now We Can See — The Thermals
I wanna see pictures!
Speaking of pictures. I found one more from the hotel party. I completely forgot taking this picture and it’s freakin’ adorable. I’ll get it posted soon.
ditto: I have no idea what’s caused it. I’ve been through everything I can think of. It’s annoying. Did I mention that it’s freakin’ annoying?
The lights are working, they’re just not attached to anything yet. Still working on the under garment and corset. It’ll be awhile before the gown is completely finished. Maybe tomorrow I’ll scan in the picture of what the final product will look like (sans lights). Just not at my computer right mow.
Maybe it was a reaction to your laundry detergent? You didn’t add poison ivy, did you?
Hey, if you’re gonna get scratches, they should be from a DJ.
Had to get up and do find my MA outfit. Cat is mad at me for kicking her off my lap. Used the scanner while I was up.
Picture on the right is the undergarment I’m currently working on. Picture on the left will (sort of) be the final product. If I’m lucky
Now must think about supper
Pictures of ladies in undergarments!
A cement mixer shot is Bailey’s plus lime juice? The citrus causes the Bailey’s to curdle. It’s gross.
Decided I’m still coughing too much to go to MA tonight.
On the plus side, it does mean hubby and I will have supper together tonight.
Jack’s look after having the shot was priceless 😆
Pick up daughter from school. – Check
Pick up anti-itch cream and Benedryl – Check
Apply cream and take Benedryl tabs – Check
Help daughter with Homework – Check
Try not to fall into Benedryl-induced stupor so I can still make dinner…
For those who get excited about spreadsheets:
After looking at those undergarments..thank Odin things have moved on.
I think I would rather see TEB in her MA outfit than one of those.
I’ll get my coat.
Hope things improve for you soon Cj.
You’re wrong, Vam. The last thing MA outfits are is flattering.
Jack, while those are cool, I must admit I’ve never had the desire to sit in front of a spreadsheet long enough to do something like that 😉
Certainly more practical though.
That Vam guy is just a cheap knock off.
Although as someone pointed out to me once, women could wear coal sacks and there would someone out there that found the look attractive.
Van: Yes, the term “beer belly” has crossed the pond.
BFP is always called for, JOe.
Note to self: Do not look at fun Excel spreadsheet art page while cooking dinner and under the influence of Benedryl.
There is a vast difference between caramelized onions and burnt onions.
Can you really blame me though?
Two of my most favorite things in the world AC/DC and Excel combined. I was enthralled.
JOe, did you see Mad Men this week? Van?
All I can say is I’m thankful for not having to give birth in the 60s. My gawd.
Yet another podcaster is coming to Arizona. Short notice. He’ll be here Friday and he’s coming from Brazil! If you know who this person is, you’ll be excited to know that he’ll be on the LLAP that comes out NEXT WEEK. There is already one in the can that should be up tonight or tomorrow morning.
If you don’t know who I’m talking about, it will be a surprise for you.. muahahaha
EssBee – I did. The season has had it’s moments but over all … it’s kind of stuck in 2nd gear.
CJ- I am desperately sorry to hear about your rash but if there could be an upside … it is that we got to see the word décolletage used in a contemporary conversation.
LLAP is getting a Brazilian!! WOOT!!!!!
… oooo, have you told Dan yet?
Wait, a Brazillian?
Wax on …
Wax off.
*… some time later that evening …*
I am totally geeking out on “The Guild” tonight.
… and liquor
“décolletage” FTW!
goodnight noises everywhere.
Isn’t “art décolletage†a form of architecture?
I have an ice cream belly. Well, it’s either that or a Mountain Dew belly.
I now have a mental image of Bunny hopping in and out of a lighted skirt.
Yes, the skirt is magically levitating in place.
Has Cj finished molting?
Running a web browser off of a thumbstick sucks air. gah.
Nope. It’s spread to my left arm. I’m in itchy scratchy hell and it has nothing to do with the cats from the Simpsons.
Night, Pan.
Yeah, at this point, that itch is officially not funny anymore (if it ever was).
Nomad, are you eating Mountain Dew-flavored ice cream?
It’s ok to laugh at my rash. It does look kinda funny. If nothing else, I am pretty sure Dan is happy with the fact that I’ve been wearing a low cut tank top all day because clothes make it itch worse.
(I don’t think he’s looking at the rash)
If it is still spreading, I am no longer amused either. I hate to suggest it, but perhaps it would be a good idea to make a visit to the doctors in the morning.
Does anyone know where I could get some Mt. Dew-flavored ice cream? *smacks lips*
Sound advice NS.
Morning Pan, a dull grey morning..woot!
I’m slowly waking up to winter mode..a far happier place for me.
Yes. If it’s not gone by morning, a call will be made to the doctor.
Thanks for your concern, everyone 🙂
Good Morning, Van!
It’s supposed to get as low as 80F here tonight!
OK, so Puck Bunnies go after hockey players, Energizer Bunnies swoon for music-playing hubbies – – – what do chocolate bunnies go for?
And what about dust bunnies?
Goodnight old lady bunny, whispering “hush”.
This summer has been such a total push over, I’m kinda concerned that the winter is going to be pretty bad. I’m usually okay with it, as long as the temperature doesn’t dip below 30F (below 0C). After that everything hurts.
What do dust bunnies swoon for? I’m thinking mid-west, desert, long beards, death, heavy drums.
Or maybe brooms.
Cj, photos, please! Of the rash, ahem, not the tank top.
“what do chocolate bunnies go for?”
About a buck 89. *rim shot*
CJ is about to make a rash decision to go to the doctor. *double rim shot*
I’m losing it today. I looked at the “new” and though I spelled it wrong.
Who gnu ?
They make nice T.
Morning Pan!
It’s freaking hot here, relatively speaking. Supposed to get up to 30 degrees. If this is global warming, I’m not sure I like it.
My personal computer has locked up for the third time today. If I can get it up and running I’m going to try a virus check. Of course that means, no updating my podcasts 🙁
I’m not very good with converting so as a wall decoration I printed this out: http://xkcd.com/526/
It’s hanging right next to the gnu fake palm tree 🙂
Of course, I have about 20 hours of podcasts on my touch there are just some I like to jump to the head of the que – like LLAP 🙂
I’m on my work computer, so I can’t look at any links. I’ll check it out after lunch once my home computer is cleaned, reaper
Hey TEB – did you hear? LLAP is getting a Brazillian !
*runs joke into the ground*
I’ll probably repeat that joke about a brazillian times.
… unless someone distracts me with “décolletage†!
I’ve always been afraid of Brazilians. They look/sound painful.
Good on Cj to be willing to try one 😉
And if Dan is having one too… Wow
Although, it wasn’t clear if it was going to be CJ or Dan or both with the Brazillian.
I keep forgetting people have to deal with Web Filters. We have one but I’m the admin so I exempted the “Servers”. “Servers” has a broad definition… defined by me. muhahaha!!!!
reaper, I know how to over ride the filter but right now it’s more trouble than it’s worth, and when I do, I can’t access the Toronto hard drive where most of my files are stored.
It’s a complicated, convoluted system
So it would be fair to say that you are being “self serving” ?
reaper that is … not TEB
TEB: I like to keep thing simple. But my company is small so we have to. When your IT technical staff is 2 people convoluted is very bad.
My company is international. Also, with me telecommunting – I live in Calgary but work in Ontario – it tends to complicate things.
justa J0e: That would be fair to say if you wanted to be nice. I like to say it is good to be king 🙂
TEB: your company probably has more IT staff than we have office staff for the whole company.
I honestly don’t know how many people are in the IT department, reaper. The only time I’ve ever spoke to them was when I started and they were getting my VPN up and running. (And once in a while when I forget my ever changing password 🙂 ).
Once in a while I get an e-mail about leaving my system on so they can push through an update, but that’s about it.
I suppose this actually speaks well of them. The last thing I want is to be constantly on the phone with IT because of problems
My computer is 1% through its virus check. Woo Hoo!
Warning: Hell is freezing over. I am doing laundry. And dishes. And chores!
Reaper Feels a cold draft.
Not here. Bloody hotter than Hades up Canadaland *grumbles again about global warming*
Scry, do you want to come and do my laundry and chores? I’ve already finished one load of laundry today so you only have to do one more, and dishes, and…
Woo! 7%
Wow, now at 13%. We’re flying now.
CP: Stuff From the B-Side (currently discussing “The Legendary Les Paul”)
Okay, THAT was no fun.
My cell phone just had structural failure with the bit that should hold the “flip up” part in place.
I managed to stabilize the 2 pieces before the cable broke and then holding the pieces in one hand I painstakingly went through my address book and painstakingly hand copied EVERY contact and phone number. I managed to get the last number copied JUST before the battery died.
So … fix or replace phone. There’s something I hadn’t counted on for today’s schedule! 🙁
(my hand is cramped)
That sucks, J0e 🙁
Bunny, I am terribly sorry but I do not want to do laundry.
Er, rather, I do not want to FOLD laundry. Stuff it in a drawer, hang it on rack, but not fold it in a stack.
How about bathrooms?
justa J0e reminds you to back up your data. Including your phone data.
I’ll have to do that by hand too. Meh.
Bathrooms: I
crap. Caught myself before I said something salacious.
I clean toilets, sinks, mirrors, and floors. I do not, under any circumstances, waste my time cleaning tubs. Grrr. Stupid ring around the tub.
It’s a start, Scry. You can come clean my two bathrooms. Although the one doesn’t need much as it’s only used when we have company.
I too find tub rings the bane of my cleaning existance 🙂
CP: Stuff You Should Know (currently discussing “What is Geocoaching”
Geocoaching = Goecaching
I have a lot of reading to do, but I have to run. Volunteering in daughter’s class this morning.
Rash is still there, but doesn’t itch as much today and seems to have calmed down a bit.
I may still call the doctor after my morning errands are done.
Gotta rush off and start those now!
justa J0e: good save for a crappy situation.
What’s this “virus check” you speak of? :-))
JN, I usually do a full service on my system about once a month. Usually at the beginning of the month I’ll do a back up, a virus check, run Adaware, disc cleanup, defrag, and go through and remove old files. Not necessarily in that order.
But because my computer is acting stupid, I’m doing another virus check now. So far at 38% and nothing found. I suppose that’s a good thing but I almost wish it does find something, otherwise I have to either figure out a different reason my system keeps locking up.
subtract the word either. That’s just wishful thinking for me wanting a new computer 🙂
My fav line from a song today:
‘If you don’t want my Peaches honey , please don’t shake my tree..’
I don’t know what I do differently, but for the past two years I ran my desktop with no firewall, no AV, no anti-anything and managed to catch a malicious cookie.
My wife, on the other hand, with her computer sitting two feet away and sporting AV, anti-stuff, and a personal firewall, managed to end up twice with virulent infections that required clean wipes of the system.
After the second time, I got paranoid and installed all the gadgets on my system too, but … really? I don’t understand. -I- am the curious one poking around the questionable edges. ??
Damn Van, what song is that from? I was going to Google it but since I’m on a work computer…
Going to bed now. I have successfully avoided doing the one thing that actually needed doing. Huzzuh. Have a good day folks.
Don’t eat the soap.
Google says Matchbox by the Beatles?
Well, if you don’t want my peaches
honey please don’t shake my tree
If you don’t want any of those peaches
honey, please don’t mess around my tree
I’ve got news for you baby
Leave me here in misery, all right!
Night Scry. Sweet dreams.
Well Pan. Need to get a few things from the store.
At 74%. Maybe the scan will be done by the time I get back…maybe.
Package arrived ahead of schedule, PM sent and thanks.
Back from the store. Bought some little doo dahs for around the house
No prob, Van. BTW, what’s a PM?
Virus check done. Nothing found. So far, though, the computer hasn’t locked up (fingers crossed). Still not brave enough to move my Panning to that computer though. Still investigating.
Malicious Cookie is so going to be our band name.
private message sent via FB.
Cj, I’m assuming your package will arrive shortly too. Just and FYI, you are expected to share 😉
Oh. I won’t be able to get that until my PC is working properly.
So, Jack. How many times have we had to break up and reform the band to get through all these names?
How strange. They screwed the wall clock into the box. I can see no other purpose for these screws other than to keep the clock in the box. I’m very confused.
Ack! Even with a stool I’m too short to put the clock on the wall. I wanted to surprise hubby and have it up when he got home. I guess that’s not going to happen 🙁
In a real act of bravery, I’m now on my home computer…
…just in time to leave. Taking my Boo out for lunch.
TEB: I was being facetious. 🙂 I do a similar routine on my box at work. If I didn’t pretend to not know why someone would run antivirus, I’d lose my Linux fanboy status.
Good point, Ed. We’d make a helluva VH1 Behind the Music special.
Nomad Scry: Yeah, there seems to be a heavy input from just pure randomness. Interestingly enough, I recall reading a while back that some of the worst sites when it comes to malware are those that host various free games. Dunno if that still stands. Then there’s all the social-engineering vulnerabilities and PEBKAC.
I think that band name is equally hilarious and delicious. Gives new meaning to the band warming up.
Yes JN, and we’d be a big hit with blue furry monsters.
So today’s discovery:
Maple syrup and banana…a slightly nauseous combination.
Wow. Good discovery. I used to like honey and cucumbers.
I have a doctor appt in 45 minutes.
Fingers crossed it’s can be fixed with ointment.
Get well soon! The closest I came to that kind of experience was an allergic reaction to honey.
I’m guessing it’s one of three possible things:
Most likely is that I was cold the other night and wore some warm jammies that I haven’t worn since winter. the rash matches the neckline. Maybe I washed them in something unfriendly before putting them away? or maybe they weren’t completely dry somehow? Dan used the word “spores” kinda grossed me out!
Second is a new body spray I just bought. It was expensive and spells delicious and I will cry if I have to return it. I have used it on arms and legs… it’s a body oil spray so I’m not likely to have sprayed it on my neck area… oil + skin near face=bad idea
Third is a medication I’ve been taking… it’s not listed as a side effect under the “common” area, but it is under the “contact a doctor immediately if you experience this..” area.
If it’s not one thing…
Must Have: http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2009/09/dd-flavored-jones-soda/
ZP restrains a smile as he reviews Arkham Asylum:
JØ: Linux Rox – sometimes
Cj: Luck at the Dr’s Offc
TEB: Have you considered de-frakking the computer?
NS: Mountain Dew Ice Cream? apparently, it can be done: http://www.3fatchicks.com/diet-recipes/mountain-dew-ice-cream/
jackmangan: I’ve pondered “Al Gore and the Pregnant Chads” as a band name… It sounded catchy at the time
Oh… sorry, I’m being impolite
Good Morning, Pan!
Do you think they will just taste like another other soda?
Talk about me missing the point.
Camptown Bunny bought her some
doo dahs
doo dahs
Nomad – I will admit to having made an ice cream soda using vanilla ice cream and Mt. Dew.
It was not horrible.
Cj: They’ll likely say you have Contact Dermititis and give you steriods to knock down the inflammation. It’s unlikely they’ll know what triggered it. Any of those 3 things you listed could be the culprit. You’ll have to carefully check it out yourself.
Lejon: Totally agree. Linux rocks. Except when it doesn’t. I’ve been tearing through distros over the past couple years. I think I’m down to Gentoo/Sabayon or Slackware.
CP: Cracked — The Watchmen
I used to run a Linux machine but stopped because I didn’t have the spare time to tinker like I used to.
Nowadays, I don’t do any more development on my home machine. It’s more to hold my music collection, files, and videos.
Jack: Did you ever read “Aserios Polyp”?
Can’t wait until “Big Bang Theory” starts up next week.
Yup should be fun..Big Bang Theory.
I never did pick up a copy, ditto.
Have you? Is it the game-changer it’s hyped to be?
Game changer? I wouldn’t call it that, but it is excellent.
It has a good story, with a lot of depth. Plus there are a number of things that could only be pulled off in a visual format. Everything is important, including the color scheme and the drawing styles.
I think it is very much worth reading. In fact, I would put it on my short-list of best graphic novels. But, it would be best if you ignore the hype.
CP: Brighter Hell — The Watchmen
Back! Found some tubing for my dress. Yah! Now have everything to finish the underskirt. Won’t have time to do anything with it today, but should still have it mostly finished by the weekend. Then it’s on to the undershirt/corset.
Also bought a new shower head for our bathroom. New wire strippers (ours seem to have gone missing), beer, and twill tape.
Now to play handyman and get everything installed, including a new full length mirror for the guest room I got as one of my doo dahs earlier this morning.
Ok, Cj. New Rule! No more pictures of the Bunny! Bunnies are not photogenic.
Wait — strippers?
I think pictures of Bunnies are adorable!
*wondering how long it will be now before Faux News comes to Kayne West’s defense*
Home from the doctor. Nothing surprising about the visit. He said allergic reaction to something. He did note that the areas affected both have more sun access than any other of my body parts. My skin is extremely sensitive to the sun and I have been spending a LOT more time in the sun lately with the walking to school and waiting around outside at the school stuff.
So, he gave me an Rx for Cortisone pills and told me to take Zyrtec and use cortisone cream. He also mentioned that Cold packs: good.. hot water: bad.
Maybe the doctor should have told me not to scratch?
He didn’t say I couldn’t.
*scritch scritch*
Cj: Maybe that body spray reacts with sunlight?
So I’ve got this new shower head. It has a hose, the head, two rubber washers and some joint tape. And absolutely no instructions on how it all goes together. It says on the package “easy to install” Grr. I have three joints and two rubber washers, which joints do the washers go on?
I repeat, grrrr.
Whoever invented joint tape was a sick son of a female dog. I’m willing to bet he invented the stuff vent his frustrations on others for never having been laid.
Once more. grrrrr.
1) Tape the joints together
2) Smoke them.
3) Call a plumber
TEB: Does it look like this?
CP: When I’m Up — Great Big Sea
Shower head is installed and it doesn’t seem to leak. I’m going to take that as a victory and go with it.
Similar ditto, but not exactly the same. I’m a smart bunny so I figured it out anyway 🙂
Only was able to do one of my three handyman type jobs.
Put in the shower head
couldn’t hang the mirror as we are out of hangers
the clock – I wrote about earlier, too short. I might ask hubby abut moving it to a different location though. That’ll solve that problem.
I think it’s time for a pop and to move into the living room.
Good Job, Bunny!
Stupid sun.
Well, Justa J0e’s shower head solution was rather blunt.
FWIW: I liked the picture, Bunny.
FWIW? I get the gist, not the exact meaning.
“I think pictures of Bunnies are adorable!”
Hugh Hefner approves of the preceding statement.
Forged With Iron Whippoorwills
FWIW = For What It’s Worth
Freaky Willy Irritates Wildebeasts
Frugal Women Invest Wisely
Fascinating Wild Igloo Wankers
CW: Eureka
Is this episode called “Brrrrr” ?
Figid Water, Icing Wong?
Fleeing Wrestlers Illogical: Wimps
Freaky Wanton Is Willing?
CP: The Temple of Five — Bear McCreary — BSG Season 3 Soundtrack
So, when is the Flash submission deadline?
Fanatical Woodcarver Impales Wolf
Perhaps “Woodcutter” fits better….
ditto: The first Flash in the Pan will (probably) release 1 week from tomorrow.
There will need to be a few episodes, what with all of the good stuff you guys have sent – plus the 76-minute Tee Morris conversation.
My doctor was wearing a Star Trek Next Gen communicator badge on his lab coat today and he has a figuring of Dr. Bones in his office.
I notice a lot of *swoooon*ing going on today… anybody else catching anything? I’m wondering if I start to *swoooon* will anyone notice? Is there any definitive method for *swoooon* prevention? Would you even want to prevent a *swoooon*? Will a good stiff *swoooon* do a body good? Can you infect others with *swoooon*?
Can you tell that I’m in mid *swoooon* right now?
I personally think *swooooon*ing is fabulous. I recommend it to everyone!
Onwards and upwards.
Night Pan.
That happens with too much touching the monolith, Lejon.
Jack: “toughing the monolith”? is that a euphemism for something?
Something about that just doesn’t sound right
reaper: TtM is the name of Lejon’s podcast.
Well, it would seem that it was not the thermal fuse that rendered my dryer useless. That was a waste of time and money.
JN: Thanks, I thought I was missing a reference there some where. Must have missed that one during my 2 month my crash course in Deadpan.
reaper: You’re welcome. That was the source of the 2001-Kazoo-theme for Unshow #40.
Well you guys were productive today.
Jø – perhaps it is the flux capacitor ?
FWI – FF is displaying the Deadpan with the all white background again.
justa J0e: It almost sounds like it stops loading the page too early. Odd.
I did find this: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Websites+look+wrong
reaper, I highly recommend Touching the Monolith.
I also highly recommend Lejon’s podcast.
Everything I’ve just read says most problems are resolved by clearing the cache.
Jack: ba-da-BUMP!
jack: I have heard “Playing the Kazoo” can be fun to…
ZOMG – I’m going to have a Brazilian in 2 days. I better clean this house.