Van, I remembered your e. You should be proud of me.
It’s “Potluck” as in Evil, Inc is too cheap to allow me to take my employees out for occasions, so everyone brings a dish of bleh to share. The evil part is that we’re having it at all!
Sigh. Well, I must go to work now. Have a great day, panites. (TEB, whenever you write that, I read “panties” and think WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME??? and then I read it again and think, “oh.”)
Happy birthday, NS!
New Deadpan and new Evo @ 11 are ready to go. Off to the service site.
EssBee: We could solve that problem by capitalizing “Panites.”
Cj: As a very long into the future heads up. Will you be willing to do DP notes during one week in August? I won’t be able to do them when I’m at WorldCon.
Panites, Panties, whatever makes your mind happy 🙂
Let’s not capitalize it. I have the same “mistaken word identity” that EssBee does with that word … in my case though, I LIKE IT!!!!
(“panties!!! er what? Oh panites. hehehehehe good one.)
Listening to Evo@11. I have the same problem with whiskey sours as Shelia has with margaritas. You never really know what you’re actually going to get from place to place.
Ha! One of the nipples made me blush and laugh out loud.
Also, Jack Squared is awesomeness.
I vote for Panties. It goes with Nipples.
Also, submitting a comment while listening to the ‘cast on the current page results in a sudden cessation of sound.
Words that flicked through my mind when watching T:S
Total Recall
Human lego
Rejuvenation of old actor
So, wait until it comes to video, Van?
Time for my morning constitutional.
Later, Pan!
Lots of responses…
TEB: Good job on the show notes! And no, I’m not stalking you. 😉
Happy birthday, NS!!!
Snow Crash could be fun, but I think we need something low brow after Watchmania.
I vote for Panties too. The wolf would like that. *pant*
TEB: you are making a constitutional amendment?
Comment. 😉
We will return to commenting form once the stupid crap load of life stops interfering.
I like the album idea. We haven’t done anything like that for a palooza yet.
TEB: RE – Deadpan Notes. Yes. I may need a reminder, but I’m sure I can handle it.
LLAP should come out soon. It’s got DanS and WolfJack.
My house is still swooning from all the Jacks and Dans it contained.
My Palooza suggestion is UHF. I may have mentioned that before, but thought I’d toss it out there just in case I hadn’t.
So, what, is it “Lejon goes to bed late after fixing his laptop, and another Deadpan drops” day? (#behind_again – Stupid octothorpe tag)
Oh, and Happy B-Day NS – many happy returns (assuming your merch is fragged and still under warranty)
Jack – Backstroke of the West made for the best morning at work ever – well, maybe in the last month – I lose track of these things. I don’t make now my time.
Vanamonde: RE: My Laptop – I was stupid or EXTREMELY tired, because I formatted C:, instead of the drive I was aiming at.
TEB: I don’t know who you are on facebook, but I’m always a fan of black cocktail dresses. And you can go without panites if you like.
ditto: Ditto (I know, it’s been done – Never said I was original, and besides, I’m making up for lost time)
UHF could be fun.
“You get a drink from the FIRE HOSE! YEA!”
ditto: UHF also has the benefit of Michael Richards acting exactly like himself.
Ain’t nothin’ gonna break-a my stride
Ain’t nothin’ gonna hold me down.
Oh, no
Oh, no
I got to keep on movin’
Nothing like a bunch of crazy women on a bus yelling at the Deadpan.
TEB: thanks.
I’m always amazed that people can guess my initials – especially when I haven’t told anyone here. That’s so cool. Do I know you? (and, No, I was never any good at picking up women)
Just passed a billboard saying “Oklahoma the parking meter was invented in this Great State.”…
I feel like I need to perform some sort of penance now.
Actually Lejon, my knowing your initials was just a coincidence. Simply a lazy shortening of your Deadpan name
Lejon = LeJon = LJ
Thanks for the link TEB, and I’m always proud of you 😉
Low brow palooza, I’ll be the stuck record on the deadpan and ask for Flash Gordon, it’s got loads of moments we can have a good laugh over.
Oh and you aren’t missing waiting for T:S to come to DVD.
Flash Gordon is classic and it’s definitely been a long time since I last saw it.
Someone also mentioned Princess Bride during some conversation I remember. It would give me an excuse to actually watch the entire movie.
Cj: David Carradine was a weird guy. Bat-Shit crazy (so I’ve heard). He will, however, be missed. Moment of silence for Quai Chang Cane
That should do it.
TEB: I have joined the group. My name should be painfully obvious. It is to me, anyway.
I never considered that abbreviation for just my first name. It sure beats my other nicknames.
The guy who plays Vulcan in FG on ‘Have I got News For you’, skip to the 1.20minute mark for a phrase you may remember:
So I ordered a new SSD and 2gig ram module upgrades for my Netbook from two separate companies..sod’s law was inaction and the much easier to fit ram module has arrived first.
To wait or not to wait that is the question.
Dear Gawd – he was found hung by the neck, and was there filming his new movie “Stretch” – Why, oh why, does this sound like a hoax or publicity stunt all of a sudden.
+Gone Horribly Wrong
LJ, I sent you a friends request.
Now off to the store. Hubby e-mailed me,he needs 500 Popsicle sticks… Ahh, the life of a teacher’s wife.
Sucks about David Carradine. I liked him.
Every news report gets weirder.
First he was just found dead.
Then he was found dead having hanged himself.
Then he had rope around other parts of his body as well as his neck.
And finally – he’s naked.
ugh. Each report is worse than the next.
Actually the title of this weeks episode suggests:
Das Boot
The series or the cutdown movie release.
Subtitled would be the preferred option.
Too highbrow perhaps.
Remember that episode of Star Trek: TNG with that game that takes over?
That always makes me crazy. When you just throw random +letters around and I can’t put them anywhere!
I’ve heard that the missing “o” can be a problem for many women.
(someone had to go there)
(sorry, it had to be done 😳 )
Interesting …
If you go to and enter “Tiananmen Square” you get an untold number of hits.
If you go to (the Chinese google) and enter “Tiananmen Square” you get one hit.
The voice of freedom is wiley though … students have apparently put all the same info up but under slightly different titles. If you search for “Tiananmen riot” you find all the information that was carefully removed from the search term “Tiananmen Square”.
… at least for the time being.
The local radio station use to have a contest. They would have women call in and then would give them words to spell that had O’s in them (like cookie). The idea was, the one that gave the best version of spelling the word out, would win what ever the prize was for that week.
It was actually quite amusing.
I know the Chinese government has blocked access to Twitter and other networking sites but, in today’s age of global information, I’m still sometimes surprised governments even try. It’s not like people can’t find out with a simple click of a button.
When to use ‘too’ or ‘to’ sometimes escapes me.
QD: Babel On — The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
2 two too to tu tou
ditto in a tutu is just wrong.
And yet out of a tutu isn’t much better.
So I’m looking at the Natal video…and I don’t know anybody with a sitting room that big.
A new KAMN show..nice.
The weekend is almost here already. I’m just noting the obvious because I’m not sure I’m quite recovered from the last one.
Also, the top of my left foot is now almost 1/3 purple in color. I must have broken something inside there for it to turn that much of my foot purple. Really – I merely dropped a can on it.
Ah well it will soon die down, and all that will be left is a face in an old movie.
Funny timing, I was driving past “Wildflower Meadows” at the exact moment my VM was playing…
You know, I’m not sure that celebrity deaths are quite the thing we need to fire up the comment count
….well, maybe if we get to nominate the celebrites
Now that ditto mentions it, that’s a good point. It would probably be nice to have something lowbrow to balance out Watchmania. I also like the idea of doing an album, but, as always, I’m up for anything.
Flash…..AH AH!
Fifth Element could be a good choice for palooza, also.
Good night, panites.
Weird Al-a-palooza? That could also include UHF. 🙂
Wow, never woulda picked him for the dangle-n-spank type…
Can I just say that Wipeout is quite possibly the greatest show on television?
CP: Remembrance Day — God Is An Astronaut
I’m tired at 9pm. So weird. I’m going to go read a book. I do not foresee returning to the comment board tonight unless insomnia takes over.
Let’s root for Cj and not insomnia!
Night, Pan.
I was going to bet that we’d see some more from Cj, but it looks like she’s actually sleeping.
Where is the shaving cream?
It doesn’t taste as nice as whipped cream.
Morning Pan, the rain has arrived..woot!
Big Brother is starting again..time to go into TV avoidance mode.
Fascinating. I’m absolutely sure it is a brilliant nonsense hoax, but… so very intriguing.
I am standing up at the
water’s edge in my dream
I cannot make a single
sound as you scream
it can’t be that cold,
the ground is still warm
to touch
this place is so quiet,
sensing that storm
On the plus side, a new series of Burn Notice has started.
That “Whipped Cream” opening is from Infectious Grooves, btw.
CP: KAMN #44 The Black Company
kewl whhip
Hey, look! Van was right – five days and I am getting another weekend!
On my list for today, besides a boatload of Evil, Inc., is a haircut.
I already worked out, so am hitting the showers. Enjoy your day!
Okay, so a quick glance through the comments and I see “Panties” and “DP”. How can you go wrong?
I cannot go to AZ, due to a multitude of reasons. If ever there’s a get-together in CT I could perhaps do that. (What, doesn’t the world revolve around me?)
I will +1 the Snow Crash vote. Largely because I am ashamed to say I’ve not yet read it. It would force me to move it up in my queue. I’ll just have to postpone finishing The Best of 2600.
The next time one of you uber cool podcast folks sees him, shake his hand for me. CJ, if it’s you, I grant full permission and authority for a sloppy wet kiss. Oh, hell, permission granted for everybody.
I still have trouble wrapping my head around Wesley Crusher having a kid in college.
Morning Pan!
How are we this wet windy morning?
The good news… they retracted the snow forecast and have turned it to just rain. Woo Hoo.
Best of 2600
I have fond memories of Space Invaders for the Atari 2600.
Oh that wasn’t what you meant IN…
So as I was walking this morning, the rain was heavy and the joggers many.
So I wonder what sort of weather would stop them in their tracks.
Joggers are insane, Van. I’ve seen them (and power walkers) here in temperatures as cold as – 20 C. they do seem to be scarce as we get closer to the -40 mark, though.
I hear thunder.
I, personally, will not be going for my daily walk. If I want to get wet, I’ll take a shower.
Woo Hoo! Only at my desk an hour and it looks like I might be done for the day. Maybe I should frolic in the rain as celebration.
I’ve resisted all week but I guess, when I go out shopping today, I might give in to my baser desires and pick up Sims 3.
Have already pre-ordered Overlord 2, which comes out in a couple of weeks.
Well, quiet here at home so I guess I’m going to go grocery shopping. Then must figure out what kind of cookies to bake.
I’m considering getting Namco Virtual Arcade on the 360.
Sims games bore me to tears.
Good morning.
Ed, I’ll happily kiss Wil Wheaton for you (or anyone else) anytime! Getting Wil’s permission might be a problem. Suddenly I envision myself being escorted roughly out of the next Phoenix Comicon.
So… I fell asleep rather quickly last night and slept and slept and slept. Eight full hours.
I’m all caught up for the next few weeks! w00t!
Good Morning, Pan!
-Two days in a row, I’ll make this a habit yet.
The wolf has landed back in the area of his den.
I really believe that children that are going to fly need to be heavily sedated.
Back from shopping. No snow, but there was some hail.
Now enjoying a nice cup of cinnamon spice tea.
Maybe I just need to be heavily sedated when I fly.
Perhaps gags would help?
TEB: Rubber chickens handed out after boarding?
WNDRWolf: Hey, perhaps they could serve some sort of beverage which by imbibing one could be put into a state of relaxation where one wouldn’t care about flying children (or pigs, for that matter). They could charge a modest fee, and the beverage itself could come in a variety of boring, yet overpriced and pleasant-ish flavors.
I believe that Asimov came up with a term for this product (he created it for space-travel) Spaceline… Somehow, looking back on it, I don’t like that name.
Only if you can use them to smack noisy kids on the head with, Number 🙂
That Asimov was a big hack.
(disclaimer for all uptight SF-founder-reverence types: I’m kidding)
Home from play group.
Good to see you are home safe, WNDRwolf. We miss you already!
All morning I’ve thought of nothing more than thinking up sneaky ways to get close enough to Whhhhil Whhheaton to give him wet sloppy kisses.
Although – why sloppy? I can’t figure out why it has to be sloppy, really. Unless, I just run up and lick his face.
Cj Perhaps the “sloppy” bit is about making a statement. Like when you leave a puppy alone and they tear up your house: That’s a statement that they’re lonely. “Sloppy kisses” might equate to some sort of message.
I guess we’d have to plumb the depths of Ed’s mind to figure out what that message is, though.
CW: Burn Notice S3E1
Sloppy Kisses = kisses given with some enthusiasm
Just don’t give him the sloppy kisses while he’s playing Centipede.
Aww Cj I am still here…Although I am not there physically.
Van certainly comes through with the education lesson 🙂
Just had a chance to listen to EP#128 and as far as I’m concerned, 2 Jacks is a winning hand!
So, If I’m reading this right, the message from a sloppy kiss is… “you wanna?”
J0e I think that means we should “always bet on” Jacks
I think AMC is single-handedly poisoning people’s minds on what a “Classic” movie is. Or possibly what Americans think a “Classic” movie is.
Example Lejon?
So the new SSD has arrived, now I need to clone my current drive to the new on, swap the SSDs and Bob’s your Uncle.
I’m still stuck on “degree of her fertility.”
Van: Passenger 57, Catwoman, Roadhouse, Starski & Hutch, Commando, Project X
All showing in the next 5 days.
Now, they do have a lot of decent movies in their line up – I just find it hard to call many of them “classic”. I mean seriously “Catwoman” and “Starski & Hutch”? I suppose they’re GOING to be classic pieces of crap, SOMEDAY.
Cj: I’m sure it has very little to do with her education in menstruation.
Hee hee, Lejon.
Yes I would have to agree on that list, I did find Starksy and Hutch fun though.
I should probably avoid sharing any of the thoughts I’m having today. My mind is not just wading in, but deep-see-diving into the depths of the gutter. Therefore, in order to create the illusion that I’m actually a “lady” I will restrain myself.
Van: Like I said, lots of decent movies. Watchable, enjoyable – sure. Classic? Um…
jackmangan: Hey, you keep swimming over my head.
Soooo a conundrum has happened.
Download Clone software, cloned my original SSD to new SSD.
Swapped SSDs, rebooted to find the cloned drive has 2 gig less used space than the old one.
Everything I’ve installed appears to work, so can’t for the life of me figure out what was occupying 2gigs of space on the old SSD.
I feel like I’ve took a clock apart, put it back together and notice that there are some bits left.
Aw, thanks Lejon. 😳
Nice video, Van. “Don’t forget to sit down when you pee.” *giggle*
Van: Can’t help with the conundrum. I can barely spell it.
Cj: You’re welcome! =^)
TGIF night!
That is all.
CJ said “I will restrain myself.” and expects US to keep our minds out of the gutter?
Go get ’em EssBee!!!
Van: The manufacturer may have created a partition on the drive for recovery software. That’s very common for laptops now a days
My thoughts run along similar lines, Van. I’d bet your old drive had an extra partition that may not have gotten copied over.
How many files/folders do you have on the C: drive on the new vs. the old? If those numbers match, you are probably in good shape.
Well, if luck works for me, the wife and I will be picking up Palm Pre’s tomorrow. In researching it’s syncing with Google Gmail and Calendar, we decided to look into the Calendar tool (we already use Gmail).
I must confess, we’ve become quite enamored with it. We’ve each got our own calenders as well as one for each of the kids (between birthday parties, field trips, and various sports, they have a lot going on).
With the permissions setup as we have them, both my wife and I can see all of the calendars and can edit any of them. If we end up getting the Pre, that functionality will then extend to the Pre’s as well.
Yes, I’m geeking over an organization tool…..I’m an engineer, no question about it.
Ed, I currently use 30 Boxes for my calender, but I’m considering moving to Google’s since more people use it. I’m pretty hooked on my 30 Boxes though and I fear change. /cower
CW: Some Philip Glass thing.
Morning Pan, must admit it’s the apps that will probably keep me tied to the iPhone, however tempting the Pre looks.
Of course once the Pre gets a decent ebook reader and some games..that may change (I don’t use googlemail or calender).
Ed and LR you maybe right, the number of files on each SSD seem to be the same, so probably a hidden partition.
My wee eee had a hidden partition for recovering if I tossed the system, but I removed that the first time I installed a GNU/Linux variant. If I am remembering correctly, and that is highly unlikely, it was about 700megs?
CW: The cat sleep.
Wee eee sound like a private name for a bit of anatomy.
I’m having a bit of a creative mind fart when it comes to naming the silly little thing, and simply yelling EEE all the time is annoying.
701 is ok for people in the know.
Or whatever model number Eee you have NS.
Q. What did the Scottish scientists name their first successful attempt to create a clone from Elvis’ DNA ?
A: They called him the “Wee Eee”.
Sorry. That’s all I got.
Morning Pan!
All activities for today have been cancelled due to snow. Blech!
On the upside, mom and I had an argument a bit ago (as kids and parents do), but mom realized she was in the wrong so she sent me one of these as an apology
It’s pretty big and I had to remove a shelf from my fridge to make room. I guess I’ll have to freeze some of the fruit and use it as smoothies.
After all the fun this week, the weekend feels so anti climatic.
Off to edit audio – til I go grocery shopping and BBQ (if it doesn’t rain) for the family.
Wolf, I’ll exchange your possibility of rain for out snow that’s falling right now.
out = our
Well it beats ignoring each other for 20 years.
That’s madness.
We’re heading to Southern Colorado for the weekend. See y’all on the other side. Have a great one!
Safe journey’s EssBee.
I’ve finally put away the extra jackets and the thermals.
Next comes wanting to die from overheating (aka 80F.)
As I told Van on FB (in response to a question on whether or not we actually get summer),
“Last week we did get temperatures in the mid 20s C. June is considered our wet month. That’s when we’ll get most of our rain and the occasional wet snow. July and Aug will be nice, with even a few days pushing 40. (although we have had snow in these months too). Being so close to the mountains, our weather tends to vary a fair bit.”
Yeah I know the feeling NS.
Things would be a bit easier if I wasn’t to fond of pockets
-t +s
We are going to the “outside mall” today to spend my Sephora gift card! Wheeee! Crazy thing is that we have to dress appropriately with sunscreen and carry water because it’s hot and the misters will be running to keep us cool.
And you have snow.
CP: Take me with you — Cosmos
It’s a beautiful mashup of the piano from Shawshank Redeption + a Seal song.
Finally rainy today. Drought sucks.
And ironically, Mr. Mister will be playing a gig at that mall today.
ditto – that sounds pretty cool.
Well glad I don’t have broken wings.
Congratulations to Ed on getting a Pre.
The only Mister I saw was the one that made my hair go flat.
I did buy girlie girlie things at Sephora. I’m going to be extra sparkly!
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Cj – Like a Twilight Vampire?
Uh oh – I hope Cj’s sparklies don’t match mine. How embarrassing THAT would be.
That song is very cool, ditto. (Cosmos. Not Mr. Mister.)
A sparkly Jack?
5-0 after 2 periods?
wtf Penguins????
Thanks, Van.
Managed to score one for myself and the wife. I stick to my intial call of 95% pure awesome. It’s different, it’s not perfect, but it is cool and useful.
How’s the keyboard?
Morning Pan, I’m bloody impressed with this Dell Mini 9 and how easy it is to upgrade for a Netbook. Ram and SSD upgraded very easily and now I find out I can buy a cheap wifi card that will bump the wifi to Draft N…cool.
Although as a friend pointed out, when the situation was reversed the media weren’t quite as vocal about wondering what was happening.
NS – the keyboard is small, but I’m having no problems with hitting the keys that I intend. The only thing that bugs me a bit is the placement of the Orange key that invokes the numbers – it’s very close to where the numbers themselves are, making two handed number entry a bit of a chore. However, the number keys are automatically locked on when entering a field (like a phone number) that only accepts digits, so that’s not so bad. Mostly an issue for entering passwords.
Nice job on the netbook, Van. Have you noticed much better performance with the extra RAM?
Interesting article, Van. Though I would tend to disagree with your friend. It feels like we’ve been inundated with stories in recent decades decrying the lack of female achievement in academics and the work place.
What we’re not likely to see as a followup to this story are the ones asking what needs to be done to get the boys to catch up again.
As to why this trend is happening, I hope in part we’re doing a better job of encouraging our daughters that they can pursue these kinds of fields. But, I hope we’re not doing so at the expense of turning our boys into dumb jocks with visions of success that primarily include one of the few hundred positions in the world of professional sports. That’s a gamble I’m not going to take with my son’s life.
Neither our sons nor our daughters should be sold short of their potential.
Morning Pan.
A whole 1 degree C. out there with plans to get up to 10.
Good on Van, Ed and everybody else who purchased/upgraded their tech.
Cj: I thought you were sparkly already 🙂
Now… to the shower.
Hubby wants to see ST again, so I guess that’s what we’re doing around lunch time.
Cj’s birthday gathering was fun.
TEB, no more snow in the forecast, I hope?
The new SSD has made the big difference Ed, the one that came with Mini 9 had read write speeds of 40/15megabytes a second. The new one has 80/40.
Of course it’s not as simple as that, since you only really see max read/write speeds when reading and writing large files.
The RAM upgrade meant I don’t run out of memory (in order to minimize SSD writes it’s best to turn memory paging off in XP).
Roll on Windows 7 which supports SSDs properly.
Jack, no more snow for now. While it’s chilly, the sun is shining nice and bright. Which is nice as my office faces east. My living room faces west so I’ll also get the sun once the day wears on and I move into that room.
We are supposed to reach the mid-twenties by the middle of the week. So nice weather all round.
Now for the sports…
Sending kids off to camp today… Being interviewed later tonight… When did I get so damn busy?
To give all of you Deadpanites a heads up.
Next week on the Horror Addicts “16 Pieces at a Time” by Jack Mangan.
Yes, I had a great time last night! Jack’s sparkles were blinding!
Picked up the kids early and brought them home. All the other adults in my house are still sleeping!
Facebook pictures are imminent.
Or, maybe Flickr is easier to share with everyone (especially those people without Facebook accounts)
I’m glad somebody caught the middle finger moment.
And I’m glad you had a sparkly birthday, Cj.
My rescue attempt failed. I tried to save Jack from karaoke, but I was thwarted. I’m mostly sorry – I may have enjoyed Jack singing at my birthday party just a wee bit. 😉
Isn’t Jack a ringer in such situations?
Jack the Ringer?
That could work.
He doesn’t kill the ladies of the night … he just gets blamed for it ?
… no wait, I was thinking of “Jack The Fall Guy”.
Now a “Dead Ringer” would be the guy who gets blamed.
So maybe he could be “Jack the Dead pan Ringer”?
… or maybe I am just thinking about this waaay to much.
Which reminds me of “Dead Ringers”, the disturbing Cronenberg film starring Jeremy Irons as twin brothers.
I may have just spent 4 hours doing homework for a job prospect……………. and lost everything to a faulty USB drive.Need everything I did during those 4 hours tomorrow. omfg. I might just snap. I will go to bed, and check the shit in the morning.
Any suggestions? help!
I fear I have nothing. Is there another computer to try checking it on?
I’ve used data recovery programs on hard drives before with some success, but not if the drive is physically unreadable.
Morning Pan!
I’m going to be contrairy and not wish Cj a happy birthday until the 11th 😉
Sorry you have the Monday blues, Van. Hope you cheer up soon.
Jack, have my fingers, toes, eyes, ears and nose crossed that things work out ok for your report.
Why am I suddenly getting all this spam mail about people I’ve never even heard of wanting to keep track of me on twitter? I’m not even on twitter. It’s weird and annoying.
Oooooh, i-tunes update.
Morning, Deadpan! We’re back from the South.
Jack, so sorry to hear about your computer issues — I sure hope they were resolved!
Off to Evil, Inc.
Gosh darn-it, i-Tunes. Will you hurry up. I want to listen to my casts while I’m still at my desk!
Oh look. A new Wander Radio
No joy from me, tried a number of programs on an USB flash drive that went wonky with no luck recovering files.
If it’s an USB HD, you could try removing the HD from the enclosure and sticking it in a fridge for a few hours..that been known to work for a while.
Stick it in the fridge?
Err you know what fridge is TEB?
Yes, it’s just putting electronics in a fridge that threw me.
It reminds me of a time when I once worked for a company that built railroads. My boss bought a laptop. He knew nothing about computers. He was having trouble getting the thing to do something and it crashed. Thinking maybe it overheated, he put it in the fridge.
I’m not sure what the real problem was. He told me refrigerating it didn’t work but when I looked at the computer I couldn’t find anything wrong.
Yes TEB it is from the interview last night. The group of people who were in the chatroom for my interview could not hear it…So I was up late so my “fans” could hear the discussion.
Good morning, Pan.
Thank you for all the birthday comments and wishes. Yes, TEB, my birthday isn’t until Thursday. I’m not 40 yet!
Jack? I hope everything is fixed. Let us know!
Wolf, I too have train tracks right behind my house. I find I don’t even notice when the train goes by any more. However, when we have company, they comment on it.
Morning Cj.
Thanks for the Promo Play, Jack!
I find that the modern supervillain needs a more modern alternative to classical music as background for our nefarious deeds.
Check out the Vitamin String Quartet at for more String versions of modern hits.
It’s a desperate measure for desperate times.
Promos work. I subscribed to CK after hearing the promo on Jack’s show.
I live within a 5 minutes walk of a railway embankment. Was a good place to get blackberries in the Summer.
I’m wretched at distance troubleshooting. Anybody local to Jack able to pop by?
That said… frequently a reboot solves all things. Unplug the drive, boot up, wait until everything has loaded up, then plug the drive in. Try checking for your data using the My Computer interface.
It is also possible that the data you were working with has been duplicated to the temp files. However, even if it is, it will probably take longer to find it there than to redo the lost work.
Anyone else have any good ideas?
ComputerKing’s review of Day the Earth Stood Still was brilliant.
mmmmmm, blackberries.
No.11 DON’T read tips from happy people.
Jack: Sorry, I don’t have any advice for you, it depends on the type of advice. If it is a thumb drive, then you are probably out of luck. These types of USB drives only have a certain lifetime due to their design and can fail unexpectedly.
I wish you luck. If there is anything else I can do to help, please ask. I’ll do the best I can.
I personally like time # 1. “don’t be happy” 🙂
Nomad: The tip about tempfiles might work. If he was using Word, he could look for ~ files that have some part of his filename in the hidden temp directory. He can sort by date, which might help.
TEB: refrigerating devices only works for certain kinds of errors, but as a desperate last measure, it is worth a shot.
Well look at that. I’ve been invited over to a friends for coffee. Beats doing work.
CP: Rage: Man — Mogwai
CP: Moon Moon Moon – Laurie Berkner
Yeah, I was saving directly to the USB drive, assuming that it wouldn’t just die. I tried a few data recovery apps, but – nothing is reading the drive.
Back to work.
Thanks though, everyone. – They look cute, but they are trying to beat the crap out of each other. I’m about to pull my hair out too.
Sorry, Jack, about the drive. 🙁 *hugs*
jackmangan: As I understand it, flash-drives are extremely hard to recover data off of. Every time they’re written to, the tables are completely re-written due to the nature of flash memory. Large portions of the filesystem are shuffled around in blocks with every write.
As a side note, the NSA and others have been quick to try to build tools to recover data from flash-drives lest members of the public, I mean terrorists, use this to their advantage.
Also interestingly enough (at least to me), flash drives had unannounced areas of unused storage space to use when other portions of the drive fail. So if you have a gig thumbdrive, it may actually house 1.1 or something like that to maintain its size as the memory decays.
Cj: great shot!
Pan Pan: I skipped most of your nipples as I was WAAAAAAAAAY behind. Sorry for slacking.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Cj!
Now I’ll probably disappear until this evening.
CJ – Children are cute, especially to their own parents, as a natural defense mechanism. It is an essential evolutionary development. Otherwise, no one would survive childhood.
i1, thanks! 🙂
Ed, you’ve got that right!
And off I go to retrieve my daughter from camp. The littler boy has been returned to his parents in tact.
Lesson learned. Don’t trust USB drives.
Finished. Saved to PC HD and iPod HD.
Yea, Jack!
PS: If there was any personal information on that flash drive and you are going to get rid of it, I would probably destroy it with a hammer just to be safe.
Good call, ditto. Although I might have smashed the drive with a hammer anyway. . .
Yay! It really sucks that you had to do all that work over again, but at least it’s done now. 🙂
Slow afternoon at the English conversation school, but it’s about to get crazy. I’ve got a conversation session to run in two hours.
CP: Big Money — Rush
My 2 year upgraded phone is being delivered. I get a new phone every 2 years with Verizon. I’m looking forward to this one!
The Deadpan comments page: brought to you by Robitussin.
Van, I”m sure you can manage.
I too live about 1/2 a block from a train track. I don’t even hear the train, or the whistle, anymore. But guests hate it.
Hot. Or rather, Humid. Ugh.
It’s freezing here! We’re all bundled up, watching Dr. Who.
Saw the announcement about the new iPhone as well, Van. While it’s not for everyone, I’m definitely glad I went with the Pre.
It’s funny to me to see the fanbois going on about an 8GB iPhone for $99 vs. the Pre for $199 – ignoring the fact that that iPhone will cost you several hundred dollars more after your two year contract is done.
Still, I’m sure there will be plenty who get drawn in by that low up front price only to wonder where all their money went two years from now. The iPhone is a good piece of hardware, and the new upgrades are nice, but I stand by by assessment that, at least in the States, Sprint + Pre > AT&T + iPhone.
Conversation session went very well, and was a lot of fun.
Night, Pan.
Somewhat intrigued by smartphones, but cannot handle the $800-1200/yr it costs to have and use one, no matter how cheap they are to buy.
I’m in the same boat as JohnBoze. . . Until I can improve my job situation, I’m stuck with a stupidphone.
btw Paul – – I watched some of that Planetfall movie. . . Remind me again why I watched this?
RE: Planetfall – no Floyd?
Morning Pan, off for a blood test..going early..but a lot of people always have that idea..
New series of Weeds..woot!
Not as catchy as No.6
First he was dead and then he wasn’t, but now… Bongo is dead.
Closing the borders, shutting off the internet, turning TV into MTV… These people take the passing of a leader really seriously. Or the sub-leaders are quaking in their boots.
Nurse Jackie
Do we need another pill popping and morally dubious medical professional on TV?
I’m not that convinced after watching the first episode.
Morning Pan!
The sun is shining; birds are singing. Looks like the start of a good day.
CP: Pillow Time – Mickey Dolenz
I’m in the same boat as JB and Jack on the “smart phone” issue.
I just can’t justify spending THAT much to add “occasionally access Internet whilst on the road” to my list of personal capabilities.
I agree. When I got my touch last year, I did have the option of getting an i-phone instead. I couldn’t justify the monthly fee which starts at $100 for just the basic package here.
I have a question for the geeky men. My anniversary is coming up in 6 weeks. I know I can’t top last years gift for two reasons
a) Due to other expenses I’m not willing to spend the same amount as last year
b) how do you top a Gibson SG?
So the question is… What should I get him (around the $500 or less)?
Oh look. A new LLAP coming down the pipelines.
Are Worf’s parents a “pair ‘a docks”?
Is it wrong that I don’t even remember the late 80’s?
I found Troy’s empathic ability only worked when it was good for the story.
Yeah LLAP!
Wow Bunny would you marry me?
Let’s see… ummm the perfect gift here…
Guitar lessons? No..
What about various accessories for said Gibson? Pedals etc…
Must take a break from LLAP. Off to take a urine sample to the vet. I wish my cat was friendly to other people, then the vet could get her own damn sample.
Wolf, I would get accessories but over the last year, he’s been slowly getting those himself.
Aaaaand we’re back. Forgot about the really evil part about visiting the vet’s. They always have boxes of chocolate covered almonds for sale for various charities.
I loves my chocolate almonds 🙂
Sunset walks on the beach are overrated.
I could never get into MMO’s of any kind. I guess I’m the type of gamer your mother always warned you about. Sitting alone in front of my computer in my underwear. (not living in my mom’s basement, though. Thank God)
How about a drummer and a keyboardists?
Bunny in her underwear…
I’ll be in my bunk.
Where as beach walks on a windy day are underrated.
Pleasantly bleak.
For when want a break from the rest of humanity.
Awww, Wolf. I think you’d look cute in makeup 😉
Wolf, hubby goes out every other week and plays with a couple of his friends, so he already has those.
Also, I didn’t say I was in my underwear, I said the computer was 🙂
As I think I’ve mentioned before, I don’t remember much of my 20’s at all.
I wish I could say with was because of the wine and the women..but it wasn’t.
Would help TEB is you told us what Mr TEB was into other than guitar playing.
-is +if
My hubby is your typical geeky person: Music, D & D, electronics. Actually, a conglomeration of a lot of the guys here on the board.
A netbook then?
Oh yeah, books, movies, (Dr. Who, Star Wars, LOTR, etc. as well SF & Fantasy books.)
They gave him a notebook at school that he brings home and uses. I sussed him out for a touch, but he didn’t seem too interested. He’s got a nano and his school notebook)
Does he like the original Dr Who? and if so does he own any of the DVDs the BBC released.
Dropped my iPhone today as I ran for a bus, luckily the extra battery took the brunt of the impact, so the phone now has two little scratches on the chrome surround but the screen is scratch free.
Yes, we both love the original Dr. Who but we are both opposed to getting the DVD’s. They usually run around $100 for a few episodes. We are hoping they will eventually release the DVD’s by season (or even complete sets by Dr.), then we’ll snap them up.
TEB, does he have a DS?
Oh and good morning.
Yes, LLAP with WNDRWolf is live.
Cj, not so much. *sigh*
Cj: No. Would he like it? He’s not much into gaming unless it’s chess (and I’m not getting him another bloody chess set, we have enough)
Van: 7843?
Oh, E3 announcements! Some cool stuff coming out of that (I listen to a number of tech and gaming podcasts)
CP: Evo@eleven
Wolf, you were quite the social butterfly
I can tell evil Con stories (catch me when you see me, I won’t say too much over a public forum)
Yes I was on the Arizona Podcast World Tour!!!
I will post about that later today I hope.
Err if you can imagine me as a very large cat walking across the keyboard..that explains that number.
Even after the 3.0 phone is staying in my coat.
Yup, always encourage the friends to call when the phone is set to vibrate 😉
Van, as a large cat, do you purr with a good rubbing?
Sorry, I’m bored and my mind is not in safe places right now.
Funnily enough I do..if rubbed in the right place.
Well, I think I have a wall to tear down, then off to Ikea to get some book cases.
TEB – do y’all have Blu-Ray? If you have a decent TV, a Blu-Ray player would make a nice geeky gift.
The from Texas household lovers our Blu-Ray.
JE- 8 month old Belgian Waffle with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and maple syrup.
I hope you all appreciate my contribution to deadpan culinary research.
TEB – I bought my mom a Nintendo DS. She’s not a gamer either. I’m sure there are chess games for it. It’s great because it’s inexpensive and there are oodles of simple games like Uno, Casino Games, Peggle… stuff that non-gamers love and it can just be carried around and used here and there to pass the time. No guarantees… it’s just a suggestion.
It comes in cool colors too.
Of course, mine is pink.
And all I use it for is Animal Crossing and to keep the kids subdued with Nintendogs.
Are they going to make a special phone cleaning solution for when you are done?
Why am I even thinking about this?
One, oh one day, humanity will evolve and women will no longer like pink.
You sssssh TEB, I want nobody spoiling a generalisation.
I actually never liked pink until I had a daughter. Her birth somehow changed my physiology forcing me to like the color.
If they made a green DS, mine DS would be green. I would always choose green over pink in any situation.
Apparently I felt that was extremely important to share at this moment.
Gosh, it’s like I blinked and four days passed – and I haven’t stopped by on any of them.
First: Happy Almost Birthday Cj – Sorry I missed the party. I’m bad with dates (just ask them)
Next: Jack – sorry to hear about the flushed flash drive. Glad you were able to reconstruct the work – Sad you had to. (there was absolutely nothing funny about that statement – Strike One)
T.E.B.: I don’t know how long you’ve been married, but you could try wrapping yourself up in a bow – No, nevermind – I hear the bunk calling and I’m at work – how’s about getting him a nice hex-board and a bunch of D&D minis.
Van: I cannot begin to tell you how much your eating online is pissing me off. Of course, that may be because I’m fasting before the doctor’s appointment this afternoon. (T minus 16 hours so far, 7 hours to go)
WNDRWolf: Man, it’s another tour I’ve missed.
Did my fasting last night Lejon, had a blood test this morning and now I making up for it…
I too don’t get the thrill of MMORPGs. I’m old-school, Ultima IV, Final Fantasy 7, and so on.
TEB: Pretty much anything from ThinkGeek is the only (mostly-useless) input I can give. Of course, men typically are fond of nookie. So any cross-over betwixt the two worlds is pretty shiny. 😉
TEB: If Mr. Bunny really enjoys his Gibson SG, then there are good amps, accesories, toys, etc. for under $500.
Wow. This week gets the finger. Holy crap.
Van: Yeah, in order to avoid missing two hours of work in the morning, I had to schedule the Doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. Still get to miss an hour of work, and also have to fast through it all…
Jack Mangan: well, that’s about right.
Monday’s for meeting, Tuesday’s for talking, Wednesday’s for walking, Thursday’s for touching, Friday’s for some reason have been ripped off the calendar.
It’s never a good sign when the doctor says, “I haven’t seen *that* before.”
Lejon – No worries. We are all busy. I pretty much muscled my way into places that I wanted to be…
I’m kinda mad that my birthday week is the one to get the finger although, I definitely agree with the Jack. This week is pretty much teh suck.
Group hug!
Let’s go old school.
Group Grope.
I could definitely stand to be groped right now. Maybe that’s what a need. A nice firm groping.
Bet that stupid phone can’t do that!
Cj – that depends on who’s calling.
Hello what?
Did I hear someone asking for a good groping?!?!
Sometimes I can just detect a disturbance in the force of the Interpipes.
2 cents worth mode/
I’ve always been one who thought that the idea of “anniversary gifts” was a little odd … it’s like “Wow, so sorry you had to spend another year with me … so here’s a consolation prize!”
… or, ‘Say, here’s something shiney. Any chance that will make you want to hang around another year?”
TEB – Maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic, but I would think the best way to celebrate an anniversary is to spend an evening/weekend remembering just why you dug each other in the first place.
Spend that cash on a night/weekend that the two of you will smile slyly about for months to come!
Go out have a good relaxed meal, then go home and spend the rest of the evening sipping wine while watching your favorite movies or playing games while sitting around in newly purchased, sexy, anniversary underwear … until the mood of this special evening over comes any interest you had in the movie/game you were playing.
Alternately, … you could spend that money paying someone to repaint that room/redo that flooring/re-landscape that garden – that the two of you have been talking about doing yourselves but have never had the time to do.
/2 cents worth mode
Now that i have killed the mood – I’m off!
What J0e said.
I’m back. Sorry about everybody’s week. I’ll give hugs, or gropes, to those that need it.
# I didn’t think of think geek, will look over their site and see if there is anything there that catches my fancy.
Jack, not sure about accessories. The Gibson wasn’t his first guitar so he had some stuff any way. He has also bought a new amp and pedal since getting the guitar last year
LJ: This will be our 13th anniversary. As for wrapping myself up for him, I don’t need a special occasion to do that 😉
The number 13, lucky for some.
J0e, I don’t disagree with you. My hubby and I are sickeningly sweet with one another to the point it is often commented on by others who know us. We both look at the gift part as a splurge on something we want but really wouldn’t get on our own. Last year, for example: Hubby has wanted a Gibson for as long as I’ve known him but would never get one on his own. When I did buy it, it wasn’t a total surprise. In fact I “gave it to him” a month before our anniversary. For me, I took him to Future Shop and said “I want that.” (an I-Pod touch). We generally spend the year saving up and buy something big for that, so it’s like a second Christmas as it falls midway to Christmas. We don’t spend a lot on birthdays (his is the week before Christmas and mine is two weeks before our anniversary) and compensate this way instead.
This year, when I asked what he wanted all I got was, “I don’t know, surprise me” hence my asking for advise.
You could surprise him with a blonde…
That would pee me off.
The ‘surprise me’ and not the blonde.
Oh and Wolf some good tracks on the latest folkcast:
Still it’s a short shift today which is always nice.
Poor Wolf didn’t get much of a word in edgeways on the latest Evo@11
Since I did not go to Balticon or Las Vegas… So I did not have anything really to add.
Morning, Pan!
I’m off to Evil, but couldn’t leave the house without stoppin’ by. Have a great day, y’all.
Morning Pan!
downtown today. Must clean out the office for the move happening sometime this month.
Good morning, Pan.
Another day, another five class periods, another Altador Cup opponent in the evening.
So according to the Scientific American 60 second science podcast, men who eat more fruits and vegetables have a higher sperm count than those who don’t.
I’m not sure what you’ll get out of that information (depends on whether you want to prcreate or just have fun, I guess) but take from it what you will.
… aaannd since we’ve gone down that path -Ms. Violet Blue of the “Open Source Sex” podcast, recommends the consumption of fruit smoothies if you wish to increase a specific type of appeal for your lover. Seems like she reported it being more affective at inducing a change in men then in women. There were also some fruits that seemed to induce more of this change in chemistry than others. Something about the sugers in them.
I believe that is all I shall say about that.
It’s a bit moot if you are stuck with self stimulation.
Better living through chemistry, higher sperm counts through fruitatarianism, altered attractiveness through smoothie-sugarism…
I’m not impressed.
When did I become an old fart anyway?
ZP sings the body electric as he reviews Infamous:
At least for a little while. Will be sneaking out to get the heels on a pair of boots recapped, then trying to decide if I want to be bad and eat out for lunch.
T.E.B.: How could you say no to eating out?
The more important question is why is eating out being bad?
Lejon: Ha! Nice!
The only sex/fruit knowledge I have is about pineapple, leaving me, once again, on the cutting edge of “well, DUH!”
TEB: You had me at “heels”
Eating out it bad, evil and full of nasty calories. Which makes it so good. 🙂
# I don’t wear heels often because my husband isn’t very tall and anything over a couple of inches makes me taller than him. However I do have a pair of favourite suede boots that I will wear occasionally. They are my most comfy pair of heels.
Now, off to get them recapped.
Later, gators!
My S/O is taller than me, but it doesn’t really bother me. Trivial trivia.
CP: Brainwyrms 004
I’m back!
And, I’m gone again.
Interesting to hear nearly completely opposites takes on “Bite” in Las Vegas as reported on Evo@11 and LLAP. I was considering going to that show while on our trip in July.
It always gives me a warm glow to see tall woman short man couple.
Fight that evolutionary bullshit.
Well I’m off for a pint with an old friend.
Yes, LJ I am now heeled. Only took them 1/2 an hour to fix my shoes. Enough time to have some curry lamb for lunch at the mall.
Sorry Van, in our case and 5’2″ and 5’4″, it’s short woman, short man combo.
Have a drink for me.
Nobody comes for “training” in Calgary 🙁
So eye spy with my little eye:
A woman on the train, looks to be in her 30’s, has the prominent set of Danish blues on her legs I’ve ever seen.
Ok, I’ll bite. What are “Danish blues”?
TEB writes: “# I don’t wear heels often because my husband isn’t very tall and anything over a couple of inches makes me taller than him.”
To which I say, what’s the problem? BFP 😉
ditto, I don’t there there really is a problem. He’s never said anything. I think it’s more me, I feel a little self conscious when I have to look down on him.
Van: I’ve got to ask what Danish Blues are.
My internet search leads me to believe that it’s either a type of cheese, a type of music, or possibly a color.
Varicose veins?
CP: Beast And The Harlot – Avenged Sevenfold
# Ed from Texas Says: “Duel of the Fates must include the star of Repo Man – the car that glows, flies, and frys.”
and it must be versus Christine!
Wow a JR Murdock sighting!!
WOO WOO! I saw WNDR Wolf on the show and had to listen/comment 🙂
I was thinking.. Dark Side of the Rainbow would be an interesting Palooza… but perhaps it’s just better to experience that one time. Alone. With little thought. Hmmm….
If the economy is really as bad as they say,
and money is only bits of paper tied to imaginary values,
then can’t we just create new bits of paper ourselves and tie
our own imaginary values to them to get us out of
this mess?
Lejon, would you like to be my new hero?
Did you ever know that you’re my he-ro?
You’re everything I would like to be!
I can fly higher than an eagle!
jOe, care to finish that verse off for us?
I have
I have a litle dradle
I made it out of clay
and when it’s dry and ready
with dradle I shall play
O, dradle dradle dradle I made you out of clay
dradle dradle dradle with dradle I shall play
stuck in my head. It’s going over and over and over and not matter how loud I turn up the Metallica, it’s NOT going away.
This is why I have memorized most of the lyrics to Ice Ice Baby. It’s my palate cleanser. Not because it is good, but because it is so bad it makes everything else go away.
Did you ever know that you’re my he-ro?
You’re everything I would like to be!
I can fly higher than an eagle!
jOe, care to finish that verse off for us?
“Except right now I have to peeeee !”
“but the FAA has grounded meeee.”
“Somebody’s watching meeeee”
“With a banjo on my kneeeeee”
And I have no privacy… whoa oh oh oh.
/whistles innocently.
Morning Pan..yaaaawwwwwnnnnnnnn!
Well work beckons, later pan.
CJ for the win with the 80’s one hit wonder reference, Rockwell, featuring Michael Jackson.
500….um, wait what’s today?
Thor’s Day!
Morning Pan!
5:45am. Why am I at my computer so early?
Oh, and before I let it slip again –
How’s the view from up there? (Like I have much room to jab 🙂 )
Happy birthday Cj. May you cake be made of cheese.
you = your
Top o’ the morning everyone – and especially our birthday girl.
Good morning! Happy birthday, CJ!
Happy birthday, Cj!
Thanks, everyone!
mmm I love cheese!
Good Morning!
Now I want cheesecake.
Cheese cake!
Cj: Ummm…If you want to look to me to be a hero…ya sure, you betcha.
Go, Cj, it’s your birthday. Go, Cj, it’s your birthday!
I will now crawl off to my cubical and begin my day… and have a bagel.
A Tardis cleverly disguised as a coffin that is cleverly disguised as a Tardis… I see a paradox brewing…
CP: The Longest Line — The Waltons
Sometimes the… choices at work make me want to scream and throw things. Unbelievable.
To quote Alice, “Must control fist of doom.”
Went to Denny’s to enjoy my free Grand Slam Birthday meal.
Now I’m off to the doctor to enjoy having my broken foot looked at due to the “grand slamming” of a can of disinfectant spray landing on it last week. It should have healed by now and it hasn’t and I’m being told to go to the doctor.
and no, I don’t really think it’s broken.
but… I am a delicate flower.
I feel a cough coming on.
Cj: I’m right there with you about going to the doctor. I went yesterday. It seems that I am still diabetic. There you go, proof. They never have any good news.
Cj: Apparently I’m also still alive, for what that’s worth.
I’m looking into the whole “hero” thing. Do you think I’d look better in a cape, or with a daisho set?
Cj: Oh, and a very happy un-unbirthday.
CP: Wake — Ume
Cj: Happy Birthday is called for, it would seem!
Lejon/ditto: Yeah, look what happened to Dollar Bill.
CP: FCC Song — Eric Idle
Or Syndrome
the TICK, that’s the superhero for me. In favor of justice with a distinct lack of capacity to fully grasp the concept.
Heading to the weekly Male Bonding Event. If I don’t stop by later, Good Night Panites!
Yay! Happy Happy!
Happy Birthday to Nomad Scry!
The good elephant in airship dropped what things?
Happy Birthday, Nomad!
Birthday greetings NS.
How did you know?
(looks behind)
Are yall out there?
I was just following Cj’s lead.
/engage sheepish mode
Good morning, Deadpan! Happy Birthday, Nomad!
Thursday means fresh Deadpan and the weekend within my sights.
Well I’m off to see the new Terminator flick, the reviews have been less than glowing, but want to see for myself.
Thursdays are good days.
Happy birthday, NS!!
Downloading — now, workout. Bleh.
Happy Birthday Nomad!
I too just follow someone else’s lead on these things. I have trouble enough following birthdays in Meatspace.
Wow 14 comments already!
Morning Pan
Joyous BD Scry! Eat lots of cake 😉
Ok Panites. May’s comment count is 1,658. This is down 31% over last year. Time to step it up.
CD: Waiting for the film to start.
Oh and what is the actuual date for the DW con in Arizona?
Well, that’s still better than GM, Toyota, or Honda. We’re probably still going to get stiffed on any kind of bailout/stimulus for Deadpan.
Wow I finally made on the deadpan.
Duel of the Fates must include the star of Repo Man – the car that glows, flies, and frys.
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast. Now with more Jack.
I am seriously considering Phoenix during Discworld.
I’ll say it again: I think Pecker is a fun choice for the next ‘Palooza:
Or Snow Crash. I’m really digging the book, and almost finished.
Wolf on Deadpan — Swoon
I vote for Snow Crash, too.
TEB – What happened last June, were we more gregarious then in May or did we become coy and coquettish?
(sorry, I had some extra words I needed to bring out and dust off)
Jack’s email is “spherical, as in ‘ball shaped'”.
Oh, and happy birthday wishes to you Nomad.
The Deadpan wishes to inform you that you are older than you’ve ever been.
I have a work potluck today. Man, I hate those.
??? I thought “potluck” was a sort of “dinning menu” thing ?
Potluck at Evil Inc. ? Does everyone bring their own evil dish?
Van, I remembered your e. You should be proud of me.
It’s “Potluck” as in Evil, Inc is too cheap to allow me to take my employees out for occasions, so everyone brings a dish of bleh to share. The evil part is that we’re having it at all!
Sigh. Well, I must go to work now. Have a great day, panites. (TEB, whenever you write that, I read “panties” and think WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME??? and then I read it again and think, “oh.”)
Happy birthday, NS!
New Deadpan and new Evo @ 11 are ready to go. Off to the service site.
EssBee: We could solve that problem by capitalizing “Panites.”
Cj: As a very long into the future heads up. Will you be willing to do DP notes during one week in August? I won’t be able to do them when I’m at WorldCon.
Panites, Panties, whatever makes your mind happy 🙂
Let’s not capitalize it. I have the same “mistaken word identity” that EssBee does with that word … in my case though, I LIKE IT!!!!
(“panties!!! er what? Oh panites. hehehehehe good one.)
Listening to Evo@11. I have the same problem with whiskey sours as Shelia has with margaritas. You never really know what you’re actually going to get from place to place.
Ha! One of the nipples made me blush and laugh out loud.
Also, Jack Squared is awesomeness.
I vote for Panties. It goes with Nipples.
Also, submitting a comment while listening to the ‘cast on the current page results in a sudden cessation of sound.
Words that flicked through my mind when watching T:S
Total Recall
Human lego
Rejuvenation of old actor
So, wait until it comes to video, Van?
Time for my morning constitutional.
Later, Pan!
Lots of responses…
TEB: Good job on the show notes! And no, I’m not stalking you. 😉
Happy birthday, NS!!!
Snow Crash could be fun, but I think we need something low brow after Watchmania.
I vote for Panties too. The wolf would like that. *pant*
TEB: you are making a constitutional amendment?
Comment. 😉
We will return to commenting form once the stupid crap load of life stops interfering.
I like the album idea. We haven’t done anything like that for a palooza yet.
Cool. Tricorders.
Wow. It’s been 20 years.
And that’s been your morning linkspam.
Back to work.
TEB: RE – Deadpan Notes. Yes. I may need a reminder, but I’m sure I can handle it.
LLAP should come out soon. It’s got DanS and WolfJack.
My house is still swooning from all the Jacks and Dans it contained.
My Palooza suggestion is UHF. I may have mentioned that before, but thought I’d toss it out there just in case I hadn’t.
So, what, is it “Lejon goes to bed late after fixing his laptop, and another Deadpan drops” day? (#behind_again – Stupid octothorpe tag)
Oh, and Happy B-Day NS – many happy returns (assuming your merch is fragged and still under warranty)
Jack – Backstroke of the West made for the best morning at work ever – well, maybe in the last month – I lose track of these things. I don’t make now my time.
Vanamonde: RE: My Laptop – I was stupid or EXTREMELY tired, because I formatted C:, instead of the drive I was aiming at.
TEB: I don’t know who you are on facebook, but I’m always a fan of black cocktail dresses. And you can go without panites if you like.
ditto: Ditto (I know, it’s been done – Never said I was original, and besides, I’m making up for lost time)
UHF could be fun.
“You get a drink from the FIRE HOSE! YEA!”
ditto: UHF also has the benefit of Michael Richards acting exactly like himself.
Ain’t nothin’ gonna break-a my stride
Ain’t nothin’ gonna hold me down.
Oh, no
Oh, no
I got to keep on movin’
Back from my walk. LJ. If you are on FB. Go to the Deadpan site ( you can find a number of us there, if you want to friend us.
OK, so, this whole David Carradine thing is weird. Some are saying he died of natural causes and other reports are that he hanged himself.
Either way it’s sad.,2933,525069,00.html
Nothing like a bunch of crazy women on a bus yelling at the Deadpan.
TEB: thanks.
I’m always amazed that people can guess my initials – especially when I haven’t told anyone here. That’s so cool. Do I know you? (and, No, I was never any good at picking up women)
Just passed a billboard saying “Oklahoma the parking meter was invented in this Great State.”…
I feel like I need to perform some sort of penance now.
Actually Lejon, my knowing your initials was just a coincidence. Simply a lazy shortening of your Deadpan name
Lejon = LeJon = LJ
Thanks for the link TEB, and I’m always proud of you 😉
Low brow palooza, I’ll be the stuck record on the deadpan and ask for Flash Gordon, it’s got loads of moments we can have a good laugh over.
Oh and you aren’t missing waiting for T:S to come to DVD.
Flash Gordon is classic and it’s definitely been a long time since I last saw it.
Someone also mentioned Princess Bride during some conversation I remember. It would give me an excuse to actually watch the entire movie.
Cj: David Carradine was a weird guy. Bat-Shit crazy (so I’ve heard). He will, however, be missed. Moment of silence for Quai Chang Cane
That should do it.
TEB: I have joined the group. My name should be painfully obvious. It is to me, anyway.
I never considered that abbreviation for just my first name. It sure beats my other nicknames.
The guy who plays Vulcan in FG on ‘Have I got News For you’, skip to the 1.20minute mark for a phrase you may remember:
Looks like DC took his own life:
So I ordered a new SSD and 2gig ram module upgrades for my Netbook from two separate companies..sod’s law was inaction and the much easier to fit ram module has arrived first.
To wait or not to wait that is the question.
Dear Gawd – he was found hung by the neck, and was there filming his new movie “Stretch” – Why, oh why, does this sound like a hoax or publicity stunt all of a sudden.
+Gone Horribly Wrong
LJ, I sent you a friends request.
Now off to the store. Hubby e-mailed me,he needs 500 Popsicle sticks… Ahh, the life of a teacher’s wife.
Sucks about David Carradine. I liked him.
Every news report gets weirder.
First he was just found dead.
Then he was found dead having hanged himself.
Then he had rope around other parts of his body as well as his neck.
And finally – he’s naked.
ugh. Each report is worse than the next.
Actually the title of this weeks episode suggests:
Das Boot
The series or the cutdown movie release.
Subtitled would be the preferred option.
Too highbrow perhaps.
Remember that episode of Star Trek: TNG with that game that takes over?
Oh mysterious German Scientists, is there nothing you can’t do?
Cj: The news feeds just don’t want to say that it looked like auto-erotic asphyxiation.
OK. I’ve just grossed myself out.
Ram upgrade complete.
They didn’t mention any fruit found at the scene.
He was into his 70s…. Still definitely a shame.
CP (album): Adidas / MLS Represent – Rock The Pitch
jackmangan: OK. I just read your last comment, and grossed myself out all over again…
I’m a bad person
LJ: I was actually thinking the same thing. And it is very sad and disturbing.
Sadly there is no magic button that switches off sexual desire when you get to old, or too fat, or…
I’m here for your liver.
I can’t figure out where the +o goes.
That always makes me crazy. When you just throw random +letters around and I can’t put them anywhere!
I’ve heard that the missing “o” can be a problem for many women.
(someone had to go there)
(sorry, it had to be done 😳 )
Interesting …
If you go to and enter “Tiananmen Square” you get an untold number of hits.
If you go to (the Chinese google) and enter “Tiananmen Square” you get one hit.
The voice of freedom is wiley though … students have apparently put all the same info up but under slightly different titles. If you search for “Tiananmen riot” you find all the information that was carefully removed from the search term “Tiananmen Square”.
… at least for the time being.
The local radio station use to have a contest. They would have women call in and then would give them words to spell that had O’s in them (like cookie). The idea was, the one that gave the best version of spelling the word out, would win what ever the prize was for that week.
It was actually quite amusing.
I know the Chinese government has blocked access to Twitter and other networking sites but, in today’s age of global information, I’m still sometimes surprised governments even try. It’s not like people can’t find out with a simple click of a button.
When to use ‘too’ or ‘to’ sometimes escapes me.
QD: Babel On — The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
2 two too to tu tou
ditto in a tutu is just wrong.
And yet out of a tutu isn’t much better.
So I’m looking at the Natal video…and I don’t know anybody with a sitting room that big.
A new KAMN show..nice.
The weekend is almost here already. I’m just noting the obvious because I’m not sure I’m quite recovered from the last one.
Also, the top of my left foot is now almost 1/3 purple in color. I must have broken something inside there for it to turn that much of my foot purple. Really – I merely dropped a can on it.
Not on blood thinners are you Cj?
Goodbye David Eddings:
Van: Not today.
And now for something non sequitur
Viva Pinata
Perfect Dark was that last good game that Rare released in my view.
Apart from the Jeptac remake on Xbox Live..
CP: Watch Tells Nothing – Matt Mango
My 5-year-old daughter is playing a video game and she just said, “Sometimes you get a little dead, but it’s ok because it’s a fun game.”
JF: Interzone 222
The game is called RezHD on the Xbox360. I have no clue how to play it.
Swap the p and t
I’ve only played the demo..very trippy.
I had something to say… then I didn’t.
Very Zen, in a sort of Existentialist way.
Ah — It’s time for me to head to my weekly male-bonding gathering. If I don’t see Pan before tomorrow – Good night.
Something something, panties…Something.
Isn’t panties with a capital “P” just Panties?
The news feeds are starting to admit it…
Ah well it will soon die down, and all that will be left is a face in an old movie.
Funny timing, I was driving past “Wildflower Meadows” at the exact moment my VM was playing…
You know, I’m not sure that celebrity deaths are quite the thing we need to fire up the comment count
….well, maybe if we get to nominate the celebrites
Now that ditto mentions it, that’s a good point. It would probably be nice to have something lowbrow to balance out Watchmania. I also like the idea of doing an album, but, as always, I’m up for anything.
Flash…..AH AH!
Fifth Element could be a good choice for palooza, also.
Good night, panites.
Weird Al-a-palooza? That could also include UHF. 🙂
Wow, never woulda picked him for the dangle-n-spank type…
Can I just say that Wipeout is quite possibly the greatest show on television?
CP: Remembrance Day — God Is An Astronaut
I’m tired at 9pm. So weird. I’m going to go read a book. I do not foresee returning to the comment board tonight unless insomnia takes over.
Let’s root for Cj and not insomnia!
Night, Pan.
I was going to bet that we’d see some more from Cj, but it looks like she’s actually sleeping.
Where is the shaving cream?
It doesn’t taste as nice as whipped cream.
Morning Pan, the rain has arrived..woot!
Big Brother is starting again..time to go into TV avoidance mode.
XKCD introduced me to the Voynich Manuscript
Fascinating. I’m absolutely sure it is a brilliant nonsense hoax, but… so very intriguing.
I am standing up at the
water’s edge in my dream
I cannot make a single
sound as you scream
it can’t be that cold,
the ground is still warm
to touch
this place is so quiet,
sensing that storm
On the plus side, a new series of Burn Notice has started.
That “Whipped Cream” opening is from Infectious Grooves, btw.
CP: KAMN #44 The Black Company
kewl whhip
Hey, look! Van was right – five days and I am getting another weekend!
Reminds me of our own local hoax/fact:
TGIF, Pan!
On my list for today, besides a boatload of Evil, Inc., is a haircut.
I already worked out, so am hitting the showers. Enjoy your day!
Okay, so a quick glance through the comments and I see “Panties” and “DP”. How can you go wrong?
I cannot go to AZ, due to a multitude of reasons. If ever there’s a get-together in CT I could perhaps do that. (What, doesn’t the world revolve around me?)
I will +1 the Snow Crash vote. Largely because I am ashamed to say I’ve not yet read it. It would force me to move it up in my queue. I’ll just have to postpone finishing The Best of 2600.
Wil Wheaton is my Yoda:
The next time one of you uber cool podcast folks sees him, shake his hand for me. CJ, if it’s you, I grant full permission and authority for a sloppy wet kiss. Oh, hell, permission granted for everybody.
I still have trouble wrapping my head around Wesley Crusher having a kid in college.
Morning Pan!
How are we this wet windy morning?
The good news… they retracted the snow forecast and have turned it to just rain. Woo Hoo.
Best of 2600
I have fond memories of Space Invaders for the Atari 2600.
Oh that wasn’t what you meant IN…
So as I was walking this morning, the rain was heavy and the joggers many.
So I wonder what sort of weather would stop them in their tracks.
Joggers are insane, Van. I’ve seen them (and power walkers) here in temperatures as cold as – 20 C. they do seem to be scarce as we get closer to the -40 mark, though.
I hear thunder.
I, personally, will not be going for my daily walk. If I want to get wet, I’ll take a shower.
Woo Hoo! Only at my desk an hour and it looks like I might be done for the day. Maybe I should frolic in the rain as celebration.
I’ve resisted all week but I guess, when I go out shopping today, I might give in to my baser desires and pick up Sims 3.
Have already pre-ordered Overlord 2, which comes out in a couple of weeks.
And another game I’m looking forward to
On a different note. Your very own light up enterprise
And for those who wanted their very own sun
A very cute but frustrating arcade game
The muppets do Oceans Eleven
Well, quiet here at home so I guess I’m going to go grocery shopping. Then must figure out what kind of cookies to bake.
I’m considering getting Namco Virtual Arcade on the 360.
Sims games bore me to tears.
Good morning.
Ed, I’ll happily kiss Wil Wheaton for you (or anyone else) anytime! Getting Wil’s permission might be a problem. Suddenly I envision myself being escorted roughly out of the next Phoenix Comicon.
So… I fell asleep rather quickly last night and slept and slept and slept. Eight full hours.
I’m all caught up for the next few weeks! w00t!
Good Morning, Pan!
-Two days in a row, I’ll make this a habit yet.
The wolf has landed back in the area of his den.
I really believe that children that are going to fly need to be heavily sedated.
Back from shopping. No snow, but there was some hail.
Now enjoying a nice cup of cinnamon spice tea.
Maybe I just need to be heavily sedated when I fly.
Perhaps gags would help?
TEB: Rubber chickens handed out after boarding?
WNDRWolf: Hey, perhaps they could serve some sort of beverage which by imbibing one could be put into a state of relaxation where one wouldn’t care about flying children (or pigs, for that matter). They could charge a modest fee, and the beverage itself could come in a variety of boring, yet overpriced and pleasant-ish flavors.
I believe that Asimov came up with a term for this product (he created it for space-travel) Spaceline… Somehow, looking back on it, I don’t like that name.
Only if you can use them to smack noisy kids on the head with, Number 🙂
That Asimov was a big hack.
(disclaimer for all uptight SF-founder-reverence types: I’m kidding)
Home from play group.
Good to see you are home safe, WNDRwolf. We miss you already!
All morning I’ve thought of nothing more than thinking up sneaky ways to get close enough to Whhhhil Whhheaton to give him wet sloppy kisses.
Although – why sloppy? I can’t figure out why it has to be sloppy, really. Unless, I just run up and lick his face.
Cj Perhaps the “sloppy” bit is about making a statement. Like when you leave a puppy alone and they tear up your house: That’s a statement that they’re lonely. “Sloppy kisses” might equate to some sort of message.
I guess we’d have to plumb the depths of Ed’s mind to figure out what that message is, though.
CW: Burn Notice S3E1
Sloppy Kisses = kisses given with some enthusiasm
Just don’t give him the sloppy kisses while he’s playing Centipede.
Aww Cj I am still here…Although I am not there physically.
My goodness:
Van certainly comes through with the education lesson 🙂
Just had a chance to listen to EP#128 and as far as I’m concerned, 2 Jacks is a winning hand!
So, If I’m reading this right, the message from a sloppy kiss is… “you wanna?”
J0e I think that means we should “always bet on” Jacks
I think AMC is single-handedly poisoning people’s minds on what a “Classic” movie is. Or possibly what Americans think a “Classic” movie is.
Example Lejon?
So the new SSD has arrived, now I need to clone my current drive to the new on, swap the SSDs and Bob’s your Uncle.
I’m still stuck on “degree of her fertility.”
Van: Passenger 57, Catwoman, Roadhouse, Starski & Hutch, Commando, Project X
All showing in the next 5 days.
Now, they do have a lot of decent movies in their line up – I just find it hard to call many of them “classic”. I mean seriously “Catwoman” and “Starski & Hutch”? I suppose they’re GOING to be classic pieces of crap, SOMEDAY.
Cj: I’m sure it has very little to do with her education in menstruation.
Hee hee, Lejon.
Yes I would have to agree on that list, I did find Starksy and Hutch fun though.
I should probably avoid sharing any of the thoughts I’m having today. My mind is not just wading in, but deep-see-diving into the depths of the gutter. Therefore, in order to create the illusion that I’m actually a “lady” I will restrain myself.
Flippers, goggles, and snorkel in the gutter.
Cj: You have a cute laugh.
Van: Like I said, lots of decent movies. Watchable, enjoyable – sure. Classic? Um…
jackmangan: Hey, you keep swimming over my head.
Soooo a conundrum has happened.
Download Clone software, cloned my original SSD to new SSD.
Swapped SSDs, rebooted to find the cloned drive has 2 gig less used space than the old one.
Everything I’ve installed appears to work, so can’t for the life of me figure out what was occupying 2gigs of space on the old SSD.
I feel like I’ve took a clock apart, put it back together and notice that there are some bits left.
Aw, thanks Lejon. 😳
Nice video, Van. “Don’t forget to sit down when you pee.” *giggle*
Van: Can’t help with the conundrum. I can barely spell it.
Cj: You’re welcome! =^)
TGIF night!
That is all.
CJ said “I will restrain myself.” and expects US to keep our minds out of the gutter?
Go get ’em EssBee!!!
Van: The manufacturer may have created a partition on the drive for recovery software. That’s very common for laptops now a days
My thoughts run along similar lines, Van. I’d bet your old drive had an extra partition that may not have gotten copied over.
How many files/folders do you have on the C: drive on the new vs. the old? If those numbers match, you are probably in good shape.
Well, if luck works for me, the wife and I will be picking up Palm Pre’s tomorrow. In researching it’s syncing with Google Gmail and Calendar, we decided to look into the Calendar tool (we already use Gmail).
I must confess, we’ve become quite enamored with it. We’ve each got our own calenders as well as one for each of the kids (between birthday parties, field trips, and various sports, they have a lot going on).
With the permissions setup as we have them, both my wife and I can see all of the calendars and can edit any of them. If we end up getting the Pre, that functionality will then extend to the Pre’s as well.
Yes, I’m geeking over an organization tool…..I’m an engineer, no question about it.
Ed, I currently use 30 Boxes for my calender, but I’m considering moving to Google’s since more people use it. I’m pretty hooked on my 30 Boxes though and I fear change. /cower
CW: Some Philip Glass thing.
Morning Pan, must admit it’s the apps that will probably keep me tied to the iPhone, however tempting the Pre looks.
Of course once the Pre gets a decent ebook reader and some games..that may change (I don’t use googlemail or calender).
Ed and LR you maybe right, the number of files on each SSD seem to be the same, so probably a hidden partition.
My wee eee had a hidden partition for recovering if I tossed the system, but I removed that the first time I installed a GNU/Linux variant. If I am remembering correctly, and that is highly unlikely, it was about 700megs?
CW: The cat sleep.
Wee eee sound like a private name for a bit of anatomy.
I’m having a bit of a creative mind fart when it comes to naming the silly little thing, and simply yelling EEE all the time is annoying.
701 is ok for people in the know.
Or whatever model number Eee you have NS.
Q. What did the Scottish scientists name their first successful attempt to create a clone from Elvis’ DNA ?
A: They called him the “Wee Eee”.
Sorry. That’s all I got.
Morning Pan!
All activities for today have been cancelled due to snow. Blech!
On the upside, mom and I had an argument a bit ago (as kids and parents do), but mom realized she was in the wrong so she sent me one of these as an apology
It’s pretty big and I had to remove a shelf from my fridge to make room. I guess I’ll have to freeze some of the fruit and use it as smoothies.
After all the fun this week, the weekend feels so anti climatic.
Off to edit audio – til I go grocery shopping and BBQ (if it doesn’t rain) for the family.
Wolf, I’ll exchange your possibility of rain for out snow that’s falling right now.
out = our
Well it beats ignoring each other for 20 years.
That’s madness.
We’re heading to Southern Colorado for the weekend. See y’all on the other side. Have a great one!
Safe journey’s EssBee.
I’ve finally put away the extra jackets and the thermals.
Next comes wanting to die from overheating (aka 80F.)
As I told Van on FB (in response to a question on whether or not we actually get summer),
“Last week we did get temperatures in the mid 20s C. June is considered our wet month. That’s when we’ll get most of our rain and the occasional wet snow. July and Aug will be nice, with even a few days pushing 40. (although we have had snow in these months too). Being so close to the mountains, our weather tends to vary a fair bit.”
Yeah I know the feeling NS.
Things would be a bit easier if I wasn’t to fond of pockets
-t +s
We are going to the “outside mall” today to spend my Sephora gift card! Wheeee! Crazy thing is that we have to dress appropriately with sunscreen and carry water because it’s hot and the misters will be running to keep us cool.
And you have snow.
CP: Take me with you — Cosmos
It’s a beautiful mashup of the piano from Shawshank Redeption + a Seal song.
Finally rainy today. Drought sucks.
And ironically, Mr. Mister will be playing a gig at that mall today.
ditto – that sounds pretty cool.
Well glad I don’t have broken wings.
Congratulations to Ed on getting a Pre.
The only Mister I saw was the one that made my hair go flat.
I did buy girlie girlie things at Sephora. I’m going to be extra sparkly!
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
Cj – Like a Twilight Vampire?
Uh oh – I hope Cj’s sparklies don’t match mine. How embarrassing THAT would be.
That song is very cool, ditto. (Cosmos. Not Mr. Mister.)
A sparkly Jack?
5-0 after 2 periods?
wtf Penguins????
Thanks, Van.
Managed to score one for myself and the wife. I stick to my intial call of 95% pure awesome. It’s different, it’s not perfect, but it is cool and useful.
How’s the keyboard?
Morning Pan, I’m bloody impressed with this Dell Mini 9 and how easy it is to upgrade for a Netbook. Ram and SSD upgraded very easily and now I find out I can buy a cheap wifi card that will bump the wifi to Draft N…cool.
Although as a friend pointed out, when the situation was reversed the media weren’t quite as vocal about wondering what was happening.
NS – the keyboard is small, but I’m having no problems with hitting the keys that I intend. The only thing that bugs me a bit is the placement of the Orange key that invokes the numbers – it’s very close to where the numbers themselves are, making two handed number entry a bit of a chore. However, the number keys are automatically locked on when entering a field (like a phone number) that only accepts digits, so that’s not so bad. Mostly an issue for entering passwords.
Nice job on the netbook, Van. Have you noticed much better performance with the extra RAM?
Interesting article, Van. Though I would tend to disagree with your friend. It feels like we’ve been inundated with stories in recent decades decrying the lack of female achievement in academics and the work place.
What we’re not likely to see as a followup to this story are the ones asking what needs to be done to get the boys to catch up again.
As to why this trend is happening, I hope in part we’re doing a better job of encouraging our daughters that they can pursue these kinds of fields. But, I hope we’re not doing so at the expense of turning our boys into dumb jocks with visions of success that primarily include one of the few hundred positions in the world of professional sports. That’s a gamble I’m not going to take with my son’s life.
Neither our sons nor our daughters should be sold short of their potential.
Morning Pan.
A whole 1 degree C. out there with plans to get up to 10.
Good on Van, Ed and everybody else who purchased/upgraded their tech.
Cj: I thought you were sparkly already 🙂
Now… to the shower.
Hubby wants to see ST again, so I guess that’s what we’re doing around lunch time.
Cj’s birthday gathering was fun.
TEB, no more snow in the forecast, I hope?
The new SSD has made the big difference Ed, the one that came with Mini 9 had read write speeds of 40/15megabytes a second. The new one has 80/40.
Of course it’s not as simple as that, since you only really see max read/write speeds when reading and writing large files.
The RAM upgrade meant I don’t run out of memory (in order to minimize SSD writes it’s best to turn memory paging off in XP).
Roll on Windows 7 which supports SSDs properly.
Jack, no more snow for now. While it’s chilly, the sun is shining nice and bright. Which is nice as my office faces east. My living room faces west so I’ll also get the sun once the day wears on and I move into that room.
We are supposed to reach the mid-twenties by the middle of the week. So nice weather all round.
Now for the sports…
Sending kids off to camp today… Being interviewed later tonight… When did I get so damn busy?
To give all of you Deadpanites a heads up.
Next week on the Horror Addicts “16 Pieces at a Time” by Jack Mangan.
Yes, I had a great time last night! Jack’s sparkles were blinding!
Picked up the kids early and brought them home. All the other adults in my house are still sleeping!
Facebook pictures are imminent.
Or, maybe Flickr is easier to share with everyone (especially those people without Facebook accounts)
Happy birthday, Cj!
Evo’s looking like quite the monkey boy there. 😉
Happy Birthday Cj, shiney happy people photos!
I’m glad somebody caught the middle finger moment.
And I’m glad you had a sparkly birthday, Cj.
My rescue attempt failed. I tried to save Jack from karaoke, but I was thwarted. I’m mostly sorry – I may have enjoyed Jack singing at my birthday party just a wee bit. 😉
Isn’t Jack a ringer in such situations?
Jack the Ringer?
That could work.
He doesn’t kill the ladies of the night … he just gets blamed for it ?
… no wait, I was thinking of “Jack The Fall Guy”.
Now a “Dead Ringer” would be the guy who gets blamed.
So maybe he could be “Jack the Dead pan Ringer”?
… or maybe I am just thinking about this waaay to much.
Morning Pan, Monday morning blues are kicking in.
8 Electronica covers done in 1 bit monophonic:
Which reminds me of “Dead Ringers”, the disturbing Cronenberg film starring Jeremy Irons as twin brothers.
I may have just spent 4 hours doing homework for a job prospect……………. and lost everything to a faulty USB drive.Need everything I did during those 4 hours tomorrow. omfg. I might just snap. I will go to bed, and check the shit in the morning.
Any suggestions? help!
I fear I have nothing. Is there another computer to try checking it on?
I’ve used data recovery programs on hard drives before with some success, but not if the drive is physically unreadable.
Morning Pan!
I’m going to be contrairy and not wish Cj a happy birthday until the 11th 😉
Sorry you have the Monday blues, Van. Hope you cheer up soon.
Jack, have my fingers, toes, eyes, ears and nose crossed that things work out ok for your report.
Why am I suddenly getting all this spam mail about people I’ve never even heard of wanting to keep track of me on twitter? I’m not even on twitter. It’s weird and annoying.
Oooooh, i-tunes update.
Morning, Deadpan! We’re back from the South.
Jack, so sorry to hear about your computer issues — I sure hope they were resolved!
Off to Evil, Inc.
Gosh darn-it, i-Tunes. Will you hurry up. I want to listen to my casts while I’m still at my desk!
Oh look. A new Wander Radio
No joy from me, tried a number of programs on an USB flash drive that went wonky with no luck recovering files.
If it’s an USB HD, you could try removing the HD from the enclosure and sticking it in a fridge for a few hours..that been known to work for a while.
Stick it in the fridge?
Err you know what fridge is TEB?
Yes, it’s just putting electronics in a fridge that threw me.
It reminds me of a time when I once worked for a company that built railroads. My boss bought a laptop. He knew nothing about computers. He was having trouble getting the thing to do something and it crashed. Thinking maybe it overheated, he put it in the fridge.
I’m not sure what the real problem was. He told me refrigerating it didn’t work but when I looked at the computer I couldn’t find anything wrong.
Yes TEB it is from the interview last night. The group of people who were in the chatroom for my interview could not hear it…So I was up late so my “fans” could hear the discussion.
Good morning, Pan.
Thank you for all the birthday comments and wishes. Yes, TEB, my birthday isn’t until Thursday. I’m not 40 yet!
Jack? I hope everything is fixed. Let us know!
Wolf, I too have train tracks right behind my house. I find I don’t even notice when the train goes by any more. However, when we have company, they comment on it.
Morning Cj.
Thanks for the Promo Play, Jack!
I find that the modern supervillain needs a more modern alternative to classical music as background for our nefarious deeds.
Check out the Vitamin String Quartet at for more String versions of modern hits.
It’s a desperate measure for desperate times.
Promos work. I subscribed to CK after hearing the promo on Jack’s show.
10 tips from happy people
aaaaand another Star Wars quiz
A definite railtrack motif today.
I live within a 5 minutes walk of a railway embankment. Was a good place to get blackberries in the Summer.
I’m wretched at distance troubleshooting. Anybody local to Jack able to pop by?
That said… frequently a reboot solves all things. Unplug the drive, boot up, wait until everything has loaded up, then plug the drive in. Try checking for your data using the My Computer interface.
It is also possible that the data you were working with has been duplicated to the temp files. However, even if it is, it will probably take longer to find it there than to redo the lost work.
Anyone else have any good ideas?
ComputerKing’s review of Day the Earth Stood Still was brilliant.
mmmmmm, blackberries.
No.11 DON’T read tips from happy people.
Jack: Sorry, I don’t have any advice for you, it depends on the type of advice. If it is a thumb drive, then you are probably out of luck. These types of USB drives only have a certain lifetime due to their design and can fail unexpectedly.
Perhaps one of these links may help:
I wish you luck. If there is anything else I can do to help, please ask. I’ll do the best I can.
I personally like time # 1. “don’t be happy” 🙂
Nomad: The tip about tempfiles might work. If he was using Word, he could look for ~ files that have some part of his filename in the hidden temp directory. He can sort by date, which might help.
TEB: refrigerating devices only works for certain kinds of errors, but as a desperate last measure, it is worth a shot.
Well look at that. I’ve been invited over to a friends for coffee. Beats doing work.
CP: Rage: Man — Mogwai
CP: Moon Moon Moon – Laurie Berkner
Yeah, I was saving directly to the USB drive, assuming that it wouldn’t just die. I tried a few data recovery apps, but – nothing is reading the drive.
Back to work.
Thanks though, everyone. – They look cute, but they are trying to beat the crap out of each other. I’m about to pull my hair out too.
Sorry, Jack, about the drive. 🙁 *hugs*
jackmangan: As I understand it, flash-drives are extremely hard to recover data off of. Every time they’re written to, the tables are completely re-written due to the nature of flash memory. Large portions of the filesystem are shuffled around in blocks with every write.
As a side note, the NSA and others have been quick to try to build tools to recover data from flash-drives lest members of the public, I mean terrorists, use this to their advantage.
Also interestingly enough (at least to me), flash drives had unannounced areas of unused storage space to use when other portions of the drive fail. So if you have a gig thumbdrive, it may actually house 1.1 or something like that to maintain its size as the memory decays.
Cj: great shot!
Pan Pan: I skipped most of your nipples as I was WAAAAAAAAAY behind. Sorry for slacking.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Cj!
Now I’ll probably disappear until this evening.
CJ – Children are cute, especially to their own parents, as a natural defense mechanism. It is an essential evolutionary development. Otherwise, no one would survive childhood.
i1, thanks! 🙂
Ed, you’ve got that right!
And off I go to retrieve my daughter from camp. The littler boy has been returned to his parents in tact.
Lesson learned. Don’t trust USB drives.
Finished. Saved to PC HD and iPod HD.
Yea, Jack!
PS: If there was any personal information on that flash drive and you are going to get rid of it, I would probably destroy it with a hammer just to be safe.
Good call, ditto. Although I might have smashed the drive with a hammer anyway. . .
Yay! It really sucks that you had to do all that work over again, but at least it’s done now. 🙂
Slow afternoon at the English conversation school, but it’s about to get crazy. I’ve got a conversation session to run in two hours.
CP: Big Money — Rush
My 2 year upgraded phone is being delivered. I get a new phone every 2 years with Verizon. I’m looking forward to this one!
Good deal getting it done Jack! 🙂
Now, who wants to come help me eat this birthday cake?
I don’t think my tongue will stretch that far.
Hey Pan!
First… must… sensor… thoughts… brought on… by… Van’s… comment.
Went shopping this afternoon. Spent waaaaay too much money. My hubby’s going to kill me when he gets home.
Was supposed to be purchasing underwear – a dress, skirt, shirt (and underwear) later – you just might be dealing with a dead person.
(truthfully, hubby won’t be that mad but he will go hmmmm.)
Van – that’s a damn tragedy
Mr TEB has to put up with a lot.
I have only one thing to say regarding Van’s tongue:
I’m really worry about all the people with coughs on the Deadpan board. 😆
Ok, I can’t hold it in any longer… How far does your tongue stretch, Van? 😳
TEB: I think the guy from Mel Brooks’ History Of The World was modeled on Van.
No comment.
So this guy explains why Terminator:Salvation is stupid movie far better than I could:
I’m a bit disappointed:
The Deadpan comments page: brought to you by Robitussin.
Van, I”m sure you can manage.
I too live about 1/2 a block from a train track. I don’t even hear the train, or the whistle, anymore. But guests hate it.
Hot. Or rather, Humid. Ugh.
It’s freezing here! We’re all bundled up, watching Dr. Who.
Saw the announcement about the new iPhone as well, Van. While it’s not for everyone, I’m definitely glad I went with the Pre.
It’s funny to me to see the fanbois going on about an 8GB iPhone for $99 vs. the Pre for $199 – ignoring the fact that that iPhone will cost you several hundred dollars more after your two year contract is done.
Still, I’m sure there will be plenty who get drawn in by that low up front price only to wonder where all their money went two years from now. The iPhone is a good piece of hardware, and the new upgrades are nice, but I stand by by assessment that, at least in the States, Sprint + Pre > AT&T + iPhone.
Conversation session went very well, and was a lot of fun.
Night, Pan.
Somewhat intrigued by smartphones, but cannot handle the $800-1200/yr it costs to have and use one, no matter how cheap they are to buy.
I’m in the same boat as JohnBoze. . . Until I can improve my job situation, I’m stuck with a stupidphone.
btw Paul – – I watched some of that Planetfall movie. . . Remind me again why I watched this?
RE: Planetfall – no Floyd?
Morning Pan, off for a blood test..going early..but a lot of people always have that idea..
New series of Weeds..woot!
Not as catchy as No.6
First he was dead and then he wasn’t, but now… Bongo is dead.
Closing the borders, shutting off the internet, turning TV into MTV… These people take the passing of a leader really seriously. Or the sub-leaders are quaking in their boots.
Nurse Jackie
Do we need another pill popping and morally dubious medical professional on TV?
I’m not that convinced after watching the first episode.
Morning Pan!
The sun is shining; birds are singing. Looks like the start of a good day.
CP: Pillow Time – Mickey Dolenz
I’m in the same boat as JB and Jack on the “smart phone” issue.
I just can’t justify spending THAT much to add “occasionally access Internet whilst on the road” to my list of personal capabilities.
I agree. When I got my touch last year, I did have the option of getting an i-phone instead. I couldn’t justify the monthly fee which starts at $100 for just the basic package here.
I have a question for the geeky men. My anniversary is coming up in 6 weeks. I know I can’t top last years gift for two reasons
a) Due to other expenses I’m not willing to spend the same amount as last year
b) how do you top a Gibson SG?
So the question is… What should I get him (around the $500 or less)?
Oh look. A new LLAP coming down the pipelines.
Are Worf’s parents a “pair ‘a docks”?
Is it wrong that I don’t even remember the late 80’s?
I found Troy’s empathic ability only worked when it was good for the story.
Yeah LLAP!
Wow Bunny would you marry me?
Let’s see… ummm the perfect gift here…
Guitar lessons? No..
What about various accessories for said Gibson? Pedals etc…
Must take a break from LLAP. Off to take a urine sample to the vet. I wish my cat was friendly to other people, then the vet could get her own damn sample.
Wolf, I would get accessories but over the last year, he’s been slowly getting those himself.
Aaaaand we’re back. Forgot about the really evil part about visiting the vet’s. They always have boxes of chocolate covered almonds for sale for various charities.
I loves my chocolate almonds 🙂
Sunset walks on the beach are overrated.
I could never get into MMO’s of any kind. I guess I’m the type of gamer your mother always warned you about. Sitting alone in front of my computer in my underwear. (not living in my mom’s basement, though. Thank God)
How about a drummer and a keyboardists?
Bunny in her underwear…
I’ll be in my bunk.
Where as beach walks on a windy day are underrated.
Pleasantly bleak.
For when want a break from the rest of humanity.
Awww, Wolf. I think you’d look cute in makeup 😉
Wolf, hubby goes out every other week and plays with a couple of his friends, so he already has those.
Also, I didn’t say I was in my underwear, I said the computer was 🙂
As I think I’ve mentioned before, I don’t remember much of my 20’s at all.
I wish I could say with was because of the wine and the women..but it wasn’t.
Would help TEB is you told us what Mr TEB was into other than guitar playing.
-is +if
My hubby is your typical geeky person: Music, D & D, electronics. Actually, a conglomeration of a lot of the guys here on the board.
A netbook then?
Oh yeah, books, movies, (Dr. Who, Star Wars, LOTR, etc. as well SF & Fantasy books.)
They gave him a notebook at school that he brings home and uses. I sussed him out for a touch, but he didn’t seem too interested. He’s got a nano and his school notebook)
Does he like the original Dr Who? and if so does he own any of the DVDs the BBC released.
Dropped my iPhone today as I ran for a bus, luckily the extra battery took the brunt of the impact, so the phone now has two little scratches on the chrome surround but the screen is scratch free.
Yes, we both love the original Dr. Who but we are both opposed to getting the DVD’s. They usually run around $100 for a few episodes. We are hoping they will eventually release the DVD’s by season (or even complete sets by Dr.), then we’ll snap them up.
TEB, does he have a DS?
Oh and good morning.
Yes, LLAP with WNDRWolf is live.
Cj, not so much. *sigh*
Cj: No. Would he like it? He’s not much into gaming unless it’s chess (and I’m not getting him another bloody chess set, we have enough)
Van: 7843?
Oh, E3 announcements! Some cool stuff coming out of that (I listen to a number of tech and gaming podcasts)
CP: Evo@eleven
Wolf, you were quite the social butterfly
I can tell evil Con stories (catch me when you see me, I won’t say too much over a public forum)
Yes I was on the Arizona Podcast World Tour!!!
I will post about that later today I hope.
Err if you can imagine me as a very large cat walking across the keyboard..that explains that number.
Even after the 3.0 phone is staying in my coat.
Yup, always encourage the friends to call when the phone is set to vibrate 😉
Van, as a large cat, do you purr with a good rubbing?
Sorry, I’m bored and my mind is not in safe places right now.
Funnily enough I do..if rubbed in the right place.
Well, I think I have a wall to tear down, then off to Ikea to get some book cases.
TEB – do y’all have Blu-Ray? If you have a decent TV, a Blu-Ray player would make a nice geeky gift.
The from Texas household lovers our Blu-Ray.
JE- 8 month old Belgian Waffle with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and maple syrup.
I hope you all appreciate my contribution to deadpan culinary research.
TEB – I bought my mom a Nintendo DS. She’s not a gamer either. I’m sure there are chess games for it. It’s great because it’s inexpensive and there are oodles of simple games like Uno, Casino Games, Peggle… stuff that non-gamers love and it can just be carried around and used here and there to pass the time. No guarantees… it’s just a suggestion.
It comes in cool colors too.
Of course, mine is pink.
And all I use it for is Animal Crossing and to keep the kids subdued with Nintendogs.
Bye bye PCW:
Where are you putting that phone?
Are they going to make a special phone cleaning solution for when you are done?
Why am I even thinking about this?
One, oh one day, humanity will evolve and women will no longer like pink.
You sssssh TEB, I want nobody spoiling a generalisation.
I actually never liked pink until I had a daughter. Her birth somehow changed my physiology forcing me to like the color.
If they made a green DS, mine DS would be green. I would always choose green over pink in any situation.
Apparently I felt that was extremely important to share at this moment.
Gosh, it’s like I blinked and four days passed – and I haven’t stopped by on any of them.
First: Happy Almost Birthday Cj – Sorry I missed the party. I’m bad with dates (just ask them)
Next: Jack – sorry to hear about the flushed flash drive. Glad you were able to reconstruct the work – Sad you had to. (there was absolutely nothing funny about that statement – Strike One)
T.E.B.: I don’t know how long you’ve been married, but you could try wrapping yourself up in a bow – No, nevermind – I hear the bunk calling and I’m at work – how’s about getting him a nice hex-board and a bunch of D&D minis.
Van: I cannot begin to tell you how much your eating online is pissing me off. Of course, that may be because I’m fasting before the doctor’s appointment this afternoon. (T minus 16 hours so far, 7 hours to go)
WNDRWolf: Man, it’s another tour I’ve missed.
Did my fasting last night Lejon, had a blood test this morning and now I making up for it…
I too don’t get the thrill of MMORPGs. I’m old-school, Ultima IV, Final Fantasy 7, and so on.
TEB: Pretty much anything from ThinkGeek is the only (mostly-useless) input I can give. Of course, men typically are fond of nookie. So any cross-over betwixt the two worlds is pretty shiny. 😉
TEB: If Mr. Bunny really enjoys his Gibson SG, then there are good amps, accesories, toys, etc. for under $500.
Wow. This week gets the finger. Holy crap.
Van: Yeah, in order to avoid missing two hours of work in the morning, I had to schedule the Doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. Still get to miss an hour of work, and also have to fast through it all…
Jack Mangan: well, that’s about right.
Monday’s for meeting, Tuesday’s for talking, Wednesday’s for walking, Thursday’s for touching, Friday’s for some reason have been ripped off the calendar.
It’s never a good sign when the doctor says, “I haven’t seen *that* before.”
Lejon – No worries. We are all busy. I pretty much muscled my way into places that I wanted to be…
I’m kinda mad that my birthday week is the one to get the finger although, I definitely agree with the Jack. This week is pretty much teh suck.
Group hug!
Let’s go old school.
Group Grope.
I could definitely stand to be groped right now. Maybe that’s what a need. A nice firm groping.
Bet that stupid phone can’t do that!
Cj – that depends on who’s calling.
Hello what?
Did I hear someone asking for a good groping?!?!
Sometimes I can just detect a disturbance in the force of the Interpipes.
2 cents worth mode/
I’ve always been one who thought that the idea of “anniversary gifts” was a little odd … it’s like “Wow, so sorry you had to spend another year with me … so here’s a consolation prize!”
… or, ‘Say, here’s something shiney. Any chance that will make you want to hang around another year?”
TEB – Maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic, but I would think the best way to celebrate an anniversary is to spend an evening/weekend remembering just why you dug each other in the first place.
Spend that cash on a night/weekend that the two of you will smile slyly about for months to come!
Go out have a good relaxed meal, then go home and spend the rest of the evening sipping wine while watching your favorite movies or playing games while sitting around in newly purchased, sexy, anniversary underwear … until the mood of this special evening over comes any interest you had in the movie/game you were playing.
Alternately, … you could spend that money paying someone to repaint that room/redo that flooring/re-landscape that garden – that the two of you have been talking about doing yourselves but have never had the time to do.
/2 cents worth mode
Now that i have killed the mood – I’m off!
What J0e said.
I’m back. Sorry about everybody’s week. I’ll give hugs, or gropes, to those that need it.
# I didn’t think of think geek, will look over their site and see if there is anything there that catches my fancy.
Jack, not sure about accessories. The Gibson wasn’t his first guitar so he had some stuff any way. He has also bought a new amp and pedal since getting the guitar last year
LJ: This will be our 13th anniversary. As for wrapping myself up for him, I don’t need a special occasion to do that 😉
The number 13, lucky for some.
J0e, I don’t disagree with you. My hubby and I are sickeningly sweet with one another to the point it is often commented on by others who know us. We both look at the gift part as a splurge on something we want but really wouldn’t get on our own. Last year, for example: Hubby has wanted a Gibson for as long as I’ve known him but would never get one on his own. When I did buy it, it wasn’t a total surprise. In fact I “gave it to him” a month before our anniversary. For me, I took him to Future Shop and said “I want that.” (an I-Pod touch). We generally spend the year saving up and buy something big for that, so it’s like a second Christmas as it falls midway to Christmas. We don’t spend a lot on birthdays (his is the week before Christmas and mine is two weeks before our anniversary) and compensate this way instead.
This year, when I asked what he wanted all I got was, “I don’t know, surprise me” hence my asking for advise.
You could surprise him with a blonde…
That would pee me off.
The ‘surprise me’ and not the blonde.
Oh and Wolf some good tracks on the latest folkcast:
Wolf, the only way that would work (from my end anyway) is if I dyed my hair or bought a wig.
TEB: Blonde Bunny – Something appealing about that.
Saw this link another board I frequent:
The Hula burger looks disgusting.
Jason Alexander in a not-so-shining moment.
Thank you, Van. I have spent at least 5 minutes giggling while reading that post. Very appreciated.
mmmm I want a McRib now. You can all say it’s gross, but I am not ashamed to love the pickles and the BBQ sauce. It’s fascinating!
Well that’s it from me for another day, night pan.
I always miss Van now. Damn.
Van, I also draw a blank on some of my 20s. Mine, however is largely due to the wine & women.
CP: A Bar in Amsterdam — Katzenjammer
You guys rock. My appearance will be sparse for the next few days.
No problem, Jack. Just take care.
And for strange tidings from alternate universes:
CP: Seven Nation Army — Oak Ridge Boys
That’s right, The Oak Ridge Boys. And it is really good.
Morning Pan, late start for an early.
Still it’s a short shift today which is always nice.
Poor Wolf didn’t get much of a word in edgeways on the latest Evo@11
Since I did not go to Balticon or Las Vegas… So I did not have anything really to add.
Morning, Pan!
I’m off to Evil, but couldn’t leave the house without stoppin’ by. Have a great day, y’all.
Morning Pan!
downtown today. Must clean out the office for the move happening sometime this month.
Good morning, Pan.
Another day, another five class periods, another Altador Cup opponent in the evening.
So according to the Scientific American 60 second science podcast, men who eat more fruits and vegetables have a higher sperm count than those who don’t.
I’m not sure what you’ll get out of that information (depends on whether you want to prcreate or just have fun, I guess) but take from it what you will.
… aaannd since we’ve gone down that path -Ms. Violet Blue of the “Open Source Sex” podcast, recommends the consumption of fruit smoothies if you wish to increase a specific type of appeal for your lover. Seems like she reported it being more affective at inducing a change in men then in women. There were also some fruits that seemed to induce more of this change in chemistry than others. Something about the sugers in them.
I believe that is all I shall say about that.
It’s a bit moot if you are stuck with self stimulation.
Better living through chemistry, higher sperm counts through fruitatarianism, altered attractiveness through smoothie-sugarism…
I’m not impressed.
When did I become an old fart anyway?
ZP sings the body electric as he reviews Infamous:
Home again, home again, jiggity jog.
At least for a little while. Will be sneaking out to get the heels on a pair of boots recapped, then trying to decide if I want to be bad and eat out for lunch.
T.E.B.: How could you say no to eating out?
The more important question is why is eating out being bad?
Lejon: Ha! Nice!
The only sex/fruit knowledge I have is about pineapple, leaving me, once again, on the cutting edge of “well, DUH!”
TEB: You had me at “heels”
Eating out it bad, evil and full of nasty calories. Which makes it so good. 🙂
# I don’t wear heels often because my husband isn’t very tall and anything over a couple of inches makes me taller than him. However I do have a pair of favourite suede boots that I will wear occasionally. They are my most comfy pair of heels.
Now, off to get them recapped.
Later, gators!
My S/O is taller than me, but it doesn’t really bother me. Trivial trivia.
CP: Brainwyrms 004
I’m back!
And, I’m gone again.
Interesting to hear nearly completely opposites takes on “Bite” in Las Vegas as reported on Evo@11 and LLAP. I was considering going to that show while on our trip in July.
It always gives me a warm glow to see tall woman short man couple.
Fight that evolutionary bullshit.
Well I’m off for a pint with an old friend.
Yes, LJ I am now heeled. Only took them 1/2 an hour to fix my shoes. Enough time to have some curry lamb for lunch at the mall.
Sorry Van, in our case and 5’2″ and 5’4″, it’s short woman, short man combo.
Have a drink for me.
Nobody comes for “training” in Calgary 🙁
So eye spy with my little eye:
A woman on the train, looks to be in her 30’s, has the prominent set of Danish blues on her legs I’ve ever seen.
Ok, I’ll bite. What are “Danish blues”?
TEB writes: “# I don’t wear heels often because my husband isn’t very tall and anything over a couple of inches makes me taller than him.”
To which I say, what’s the problem? BFP 😉
ditto, I don’t there there really is a problem. He’s never said anything. I think it’s more me, I feel a little self conscious when I have to look down on him.
Van: I’ve got to ask what Danish Blues are.
My internet search leads me to believe that it’s either a type of cheese, a type of music, or possibly a color.
Varicose veins?
CP: Beast And The Harlot – Avenged Sevenfold
# Ed from Texas Says: “Duel of the Fates must include the star of Repo Man – the car that glows, flies, and frys.”
and it must be versus Christine!
Wow a JR Murdock sighting!!
WOO WOO! I saw WNDR Wolf on the show and had to listen/comment 🙂
I was thinking.. Dark Side of the Rainbow would be an interesting Palooza… but perhaps it’s just better to experience that one time. Alone. With little thought. Hmmm….
Danish Blues=Varicose Veins
ditto gets bonus points
Van: ditto’s smarter than I am.
Not usually.
Don’t you just lurve orbital chaos:
. . . …drIVE-BY COMmen… . . .
If the economy is really as bad as they say,
and money is only bits of paper tied to imaginary values,
then can’t we just create new bits of paper ourselves and tie
our own imaginary values to them to get us out of
this mess?
Lejon, would you like to be my new hero?
Did you ever know that you’re my he-ro?
You’re everything I would like to be!
I can fly higher than an eagle!
jOe, care to finish that verse off for us?
I have
I have a litle dradle
I made it out of clay
and when it’s dry and ready
with dradle I shall play
O, dradle dradle dradle I made you out of clay
dradle dradle dradle with dradle I shall play
stuck in my head. It’s going over and over and over and not matter how loud I turn up the Metallica, it’s NOT going away.
This is why I have memorized most of the lyrics to Ice Ice Baby. It’s my palate cleanser. Not because it is good, but because it is so bad it makes everything else go away.
Did you ever know that you’re my he-ro?
You’re everything I would like to be!
I can fly higher than an eagle!
jOe, care to finish that verse off for us?
“Except right now I have to peeeee !”
“but the FAA has grounded meeee.”
“Somebody’s watching meeeee”
“With a banjo on my kneeeeee”
And I have no privacy… whoa oh oh oh.
/whistles innocently.
Morning Pan..yaaaawwwwwnnnnnnnn!
Well work beckons, later pan.
CJ for the win with the 80’s one hit wonder reference, Rockwell, featuring Michael Jackson.
500….um, wait what’s today?
Thor’s Day!
Morning Pan!
5:45am. Why am I at my computer so early?
Oh, and before I let it slip again –
How’s the view from up there? (Like I have much room to jab 🙂 )
Happy birthday Cj. May you cake be made of cheese.
you = your
Top o’ the morning everyone – and especially our birthday girl.
Good morning! Happy birthday, CJ!
Happy birthday, Cj!
Thanks, everyone!
mmm I love cheese!
Good Morning!
Now I want cheesecake.
Cheese cake!
Cj: Ummm…If you want to look to me to be a hero…ya sure, you betcha.
Go, Cj, it’s your birthday. Go, Cj, it’s your birthday!
I will now crawl off to my cubical and begin my day… and have a bagel.
This will make TSH swoon: Dulli does When Doves Cry
Just came back from my walk. All the little birdies were playing in the water today.
A giant tub of Red Vines is taunting me.
Who knew…
Hmmm, wonder if hubby would like this for our anniversary
Wonder if I could justify the cost…
If Dr. McCoy had a twitter account
When I go, I want a tardis coffin
It’s a tragedy.
Well I’m off to see a French suspense film at the local arty farty cinema.
The Girl Cut in Two
or La fille coupée en deux if you are really cultured..or French.
“…From Glen to Glen, and to the mountain side…”
Storm Trooper Barbie and Darth Barbarella?
He’s a Twitter, not a Doctor!
A Tardis cleverly disguised as a coffin that is cleverly disguised as a Tardis… I see a paradox brewing…
CP: The Longest Line — The Waltons
Sometimes the… choices at work make me want to scream and throw things. Unbelievable.
To quote Alice, “Must control fist of doom.”
Went to Denny’s to enjoy my free Grand Slam Birthday meal.
Now I’m off to the doctor to enjoy having my broken foot looked at due to the “grand slamming” of a can of disinfectant spray landing on it last week. It should have healed by now and it hasn’t and I’m being told to go to the doctor.
and no, I don’t really think it’s broken.
but… I am a delicate flower.
I feel a cough coming on.
Cj: I’m right there with you about going to the doctor. I went yesterday. It seems that I am still diabetic. There you go, proof. They never have any good news.
Cj: Apparently I’m also still alive, for what that’s worth.
I’m looking into the whole “hero” thing. Do you think I’d look better in a cape, or with a daisho set?
Cj: Oh, and a very happy un-unbirthday.
CP: Wake — Ume
Cj: Happy Birthday is called for, it would seem!
Lejon/ditto: Yeah, look what happened to Dollar Bill.
CP: FCC Song — Eric Idle
Or Syndrome
the TICK, that’s the superhero for me. In favor of justice with a distinct lack of capacity to fully grasp the concept.
Heading to the weekly Male Bonding Event. If I don’t stop by later, Good Night Panites!
Happy day-after-your-birthday CJ! WOO WOO!