I’m on the ball with show notes today. Trackback link from my WP blog should be showing up any minute now.
Cj’s a bucket?
I always want to take a comb to Twilight guys hair whenever I see him.
That might be difficult with the werewolf…
I’m actually listening to the Start Trek audio book. Explains a few things missing from the book.
Good morning, Pan.
Nothing like hearing myself drunk first thing in the morning. π Makes me want to run out and get schnockered right now.
Not gonna do it though. Taking my kids to tour a fire station instead.
TEB – My limberness often surprises me.
Wonder Twin Power. Activate.
When I first heard of Sherilyn Fenn it gave me hope that I wasn’t a complete freak because I’d never met another person in the world with the name “Cherylyn”
I can relate to that, Cj π
CD: DP shownotes for FB… why did I volunteer for this?
I’d play Jack, but I’m at MA on Thursday evenings until eight.
Notes are done. Anybody who has suggested changes let me know (except for Cj. She’s admin so can make her own changes π )
The word of the day is “delicious”.
This episode of Deadpan is delicious.
Off to take kitty to the vet. She’s going to love me π
TWotD – The Ladies of the Deadpan is Delicious…
TWotD is rather unfortunate though WOLF.
TEB and Cj you are right TWotD’s.
Alright Van The Word of the Day…
And we’re back, at least temporarily for me π
Looked as some of the notes for a palooza. LJ, while would agree Head would be an interesting palooza, it is a very… trippy movie and I’m not sure how the Pan at large would react to it.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for me.
Remember you are unique just liek everyone else.
My goodness that badass app has some rather fruity language.
CP: President of What — Death Cab For Cutie
Ok. looking back at some of my comments you can tell I’m drugged out of my gourd.
Jack, since you record on Wednesdays I realize my being gone Thursday evenings really doesn’t matter. You can put me down for your recordings.
High on cheese?
Thanks Bunny. π What was that thing about show notes in FB?
Since I’m usually around Thursday morning my time/ Wednesday evening DP time, you can put me on the recording list Jack.
I can answer for TEB. On Facebook there is a Fans of Jack Mangan’s Deadpan group (setup by TEB?) . TEB has posted the show notes for this weeks DP episode.
Ah yes it was created by TEB..damn my swiss cheese of a memory.
Jack, I sent them to you. they were just done on notepad
I sent e-mail to Jack as well with a screen shot of the notes earlier as well. He’s going to be inundated with the same thing! π At least we are thorough!
I’m reminded of that bit in Salmon of Doubt, where Douglas Adams list all the ways he can be contacted.
Just bought, and then hooked up anew Blu-Ray player.
My husband is going to kill me.
On the upside, we’ll be able to watch a movie tonight (I got Valkyrie) since I can’t do MA tonight.
Well this maybe the point where your MA training comes in handy!
Standalone or PS3?
I looked at that “which badass character are you” on FB. I saw the first question and decided it wasn’t for me so didn’t answer any of them
Stand alone, Van. I thought about a PS3 but they were too expensive ($500 vs $200 for a blu-ray). We wouldn’t play the games as I tend to lean heavily towards PC games, and hubby usually just plays chess (although he did dig out his old version of Doom because we got the board game)
I am a pavlov dog, woof!
hmmm, I wonder if I can hide all the boxes so he won’t notice the DVD player is new?
I don’t get the reference, Van. What are you pavlovian to?
Oh a lot of stuff on FB TEB..especially lollipops!
Ok TEB I’m curious, I was rather underwhelmed by BluRay, but I only have a 32inch LCD TV, why did you the BR route rather than a new upscaling DVD player?
I can’t speak for Britian, Van but here it’s actually getting harder and harder to find normal DVD movies. A number of stores are slowly fazing out regular DVD’s.
It was actually difficult to do Blu-Ray. We have a 50″ TV but it is an older one so is only 480p/1080i H, not the new fancy, smancy 1080p. We have our (CDN version of)PVR hooked up to one of the HD inputs, the other input on the TV is DVI, which is compatible to nothing. I had to go to The Source (they bought out Radio Shack here in Canada) and get a HDMI to DVI converter.
Well I enjoyed Valkyrie when I saw it at the cinema.
Can’t speak to the movie (yet), we wanted it for all the extras on the real history the movie is based on.
I know this is fake but it still looks kind of cool
Don’t be ashamed, Jack. That’s what slaves, er, I mean, delegating is for π
Well, 3:00 time to take more meds and then veg out on the couch.
[Inappropriate response goes here]
Well thank you for creating the show notes, Bunny. π I might just steal those.
steal away, Jack
I have no feeling in my right arm….
Oh look, a frost warning for tonight. What happened to spring?
It’s having a holiday.
Yeah, some place warm
Did you sleep on your right arm, Bunny?
It’s apparently gone south….
No jack. I’ve got a viral infection on my hand (hence the drugs) and it seems to follow a nerve either giving me shooting pain up my arm or making it numb. I consider myself lucky, I’m numb right now.
CJ, if this episode was delicious you didn’t listen too close to my tale…
CP: Linger – The Cranberries
CP:Dreams – The Cranberries
JB, I listened first thing in the morning. I always have to listen to each show at least twice, sometimes more.
Once to hear what’s there then again to catch what I missed.
Three times if I just need more of Jack’s sexy voice! *swooon*
Oh, and I just had to go walking outside today. It’s amazingly beautifully overcast with a nice cool breeze. Quite enjoyable!
CP: Sweet Surrender – Sarah McLachlan
CP: Safe in Your Arms – Beth Orton
CP: Rain City – Turin Brakes
CP: Night Baking – Kathryn Williams
CP: Oh Had I a Golden Thread – Dar Williams
CP: For a Few Dollars More – Ennio Morricone
CP: Alpha – Vangelis
Ah well, another exploration of Spotify is over, night Pan.
Almost June, everyday it’s a getting faster…
For the ‘palooza, I vote for anything other than Lost Highway.
I’ve never done Pilates, but I used to do a wee bit of yoga a couple of times a week. Very relaxing and enjoyable after working out and training very hard in martial arts. Worth the time overall, IMO.
I need to add some yoga to my routine. Thanks for the reminder. Looking for free videos. right. now.
Up where the smoke is
All billered and curled
‘Tween pavement and stars
Is the chimney sweep world
When the’s ‘ardly no day
Nor ‘ardly no night
There’s things ‘alf in shadow
And ‘alf way in light
On the roof tops of London
Coo, what a sight!
maybe I should have phoned that in
CP – “Gitarzan” – Ray Stevens ???
“Let’s hear it for the monkey!”
Ray Stevens’ Greatest Hits – on 8-track – I HAZ IT.
Yes they call him the stream
Ok, now back to the movie
Sorry, stream = streak
I like the “Stream” better.
Can’t decide if that means he is an Ace on live Internet broadcasts or if it’s a “bladder control” thing.
As long as he isn’t a Ghostbuster.
Well, I’m glad to know that I hadn’t just been mishearing that song all these years.
Yes, Joe, you should call that in.
Here in Florida, the approach of summer is heralded by tropical thunderstorms.
I agree with Ed. Stolen lyrics = good.
Movie was pretty good. Now watching hubby play with the features of the new machine.
* quickly checking “back-posts” to make sure Van has never used the word “EXTERMINATE” *
I don’t think Van is a Dalek. . . . For one thing, he can go up and down stairs.
Morning Pan, if you are going to phone those lyrics in JJ I hope your cockney accent is at least as good as Dick Van Dyke’s.
Oh and it pains me to point this out…really it does..but the Dalek’s aren’t robots..as they are just the life support machinery for the mutants inside.
I’ll get my coat.
If you have any fondness for the Tom Baker Era of Doctor Who, Robots of Death is well worth a rental if you can get it in North America.
Never be ashamed of truth, Van.
Now, Terminators! Those are definitely robots. Maybe Van is one of them from the future π
Morning Pan.
Tell me why… I get up and weigh myself, then I have a shower and weigh myself again. Why am I always a half pound less after the shower? I find it hard to believe I had a half pound of dirt that needs to be washed away every morning.
Terminators are more cyborg than robot Ed.
Morning Pan!
It seems that yesterday when I was busy, DP dropped…. figures. Now I’m behind again.
TEB: Do you do “anything” in the shower that might reduce your volume of bodily fluids and thus reduce your weight?
Vanamonde: Doctor Who: The Robots of Death is available as a watch instantly from Netflix. And, yes, worth it. I like Leela.
Just my luck that the Comment Nazis don’t like it when you change your name… Must remember that.
Morning again Pan
Meetings I have missed:
The one where it was decided that women having long fingernails is attractive.
Actually, would those then be Nipple Nazis? There’s something strangely appealing and frightening about that term…
Morning LJ
The post with your new name just goes into the moderation queue.
Morning, Pan. Sitting down to do finances. Ugh.
Yes today I opened a savings account (rather than a current account).
Expect the apocalpyse any day soon.
Wow, Van. What are you saving for?
Well I’m sure I had a good reason at the time.
*teary eyed*, My Van, all growed up with his saving account and all. *pats Vanamond on the head*
Well, I hear a grocery store calling me π
Sorry Van, I seemed to have lost your e
Well it’s. An account more associated with old fogeys.
Morning, Deadpan!
I slept in until 8 this morning, which I NEVER do!
TEB, I don’t even own a scale. I could not stand the pressure of it looking at me.
On Memorial Day weekend, Sly B & I usually binge-watch, or start, a TV Season on DVD. This year’s selection: Season 1 of the “new” (I guess that’s how you say it?) Dr. Who. We’re excited. We have the first 2 DVDs. If we like it, we’ll have to go find more discs at a local DVD shop, if those even exist.
When we did this several years ago with Buffy, we ended up buying the entire series. Same with Veronica Mars.
Ok, off to grab breakfast and coffee and get to work. Back later!
As I understand it, actually the Terminators are androids. Cyborgs require flesh to operate. They’re more of a modified human (usually)
TEB: My only guess is water loss due to sweat, something like that. Also scales are far from perfect and have a margin of error. Perhaps that plays a part.
Amy Bowen: Yeah, I know about the moderation. It never occurred to me that WP took note of the name, I figured it based things solely off of the email address. Wow, that just proves that I’m thick… Or possibly WP likes being Nipple Nazis.
It’s Memorial day weekend, and naturally my wife and I work.
Of course, there’s the obligatory party, which we can’t attend…
Human brain in cybernetically enhanced body = Cyborg
Computer Brain in human looking body = Android
Computer brain in mechanical body = Robot
That was your Deadpan Scifi trivia for this week.
Well, the grocery store was full of foodstuff. Which was good.
# I can see the sweat thing. My husband hates going into the bathroom after I have a shower as I don’t turn on the cold water at all.
Now… pinwheel cookies to make.
Oh and Terminators are mechanical bodies covered in human flesh..so still androids.
Oh and BIG, BIG peeve, Marge Piercy in Body Of Glass calling an Android a Cyborg..how I hate non genre authors writing scifi and fooking around with the terminology.
Now to take a deep breath…
Dead Human Brain in Living Human Body = Vegetable
Dead Human Brain in Animated Dead Human Body = Zombie
Re-animated Dead Human Brain in Re-animated Dead Human Body = Frankenstein’s Monster
Was this important, I can’t remember why I started this?
Vanamonde: Terminator 2: Judgment Day has the t-101 specifically calling itself a Cybernetic-Organism – living tissue over metal endo-skeleton. I think it technically is a Cyborg, even though the brain is computer: HOWEVER, from the original Terminator movie, we do know that Skynet did create androids using rubber skin – Human looking, but no living tissue…
And, now I know we’re geeks….
Just remember to hum the six million dollar man tune and move very s-l-o-w-l-y.
So local arty farty cinema has a day of old movies chosen by people tomorrow. The Princess Bride is on..I’m tempted since I never saw it at the cinema.
The thing that kills me about the Terminators . . . hugely high-tech killing monsters. Technology that we won’t reach for decades, maybe centuries. No infrared scanners. Woulda made the first movie very brief.
I really like The Princess Bride, that’s my ha-pence.
“As you wish”
– or, translated to Cylon – “by your command”
plotunium…it works everytime.
My lunch date cancelled. Now what am I going to do?
Well, going for a walk. Then I guess it’s hot dogs for me.
I mean imagine how short Star Wars would be if the Stormtroopers could shoot straight.
Vanamonde: Hey, Obi Wan said that Imperial Troopers were precise. Of course, that may only apply to large slow-moving vehicles moving on sand dunes on back-end planets controlled by the Hutts… Then again, “precise” doesn’t necessarily mean “straight”
My goodness, I was thinking someone was going to bring that up.
I will try to use my psychic powers for good and predict what the next palooza will be.
I just won’t say anything till after it’s already been announced.
Don’t lasers by definition shoot straight?
I recall reading a book, Samurai Cat or something like that. This particular story was parodying Star Wars. The Rebels put barn walls at the end of every corridor, since the Stormtroopers couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.
Precisely inaccurate has a nice ring to it.
I seem to remember a trooper being remarkably accurate using “Stun”… when pointing at a rather attractive derriere…
Vanamonde: *nods rapidly*
Lejon: And to think, that was the only time it was used. Must’ve been that ‘Trooper’s “power move” a la Street Fighter.
I’ve never seen Princess Bride in its entirety. I should do something about that.
Cj: Princess Bride is much with the awesome. I also recommend the book by the same name, but don’t try to look for it under S. Morgenstern.
You know spring is here when they turn on the fountain at the local park.
I personally found the book of The Princess Bride bizarre. The overweight kid and the psychologist mom. What was that about?
My dilemma.
I made cookies.
I created dirty dishes.
Because of my hand, I can’t wash said dishes.
Now I feel guilty because hubby is going to have to do dishes when he comes home from work.
Should I feel guilty? Is cookies a fair trade for having to do dishes? Especially considering I bake cookies every Friday so is not really a “treat”.
Zune received from //007, Charged up and ready to use. Lunch begins: Testing Commences.
I’m woefully behind on my email – and today’s comments. To all who are due responses:
Yes, OK, cool!, right, yeah, you should, sorry about that, zebras in scuba gear, Yes, I hope so, and his full name was Meriadoc.
TEB: I’d happily wash your dishes and yes, I think cookies, treat or not, are a totally fair exchange.
I predict that Mr. Bunny will crack a joke about being forced to wash dishes, but will gladly do the chore.
+1 Cj’s thoughts on whoring oneself out for cookies. π
I think I still feel a little guilty. I haven’t been able to do any of my normal housework this week so hubby has been taking up the slack. Really what I did was create more work for him.
A couple of my friends just got engaged last night. I suspect fear of commitment.
It’s the only explanation, really. They’ve been together for a little over four years, been living together most of the time. Have a cute three-year-old kid.
Fear of commitment, pure and simple.
Oh, and I found out about the engagement through Twitter.
Can’t even commit to coming out and telling their close friends… Fear…it kills…
I’ve known people to get married for legal reasons.
Mainly to do with sharing out assets to the kids on something nasty happening to the parents.
TEB: I can only speak for myself. I’m honored to be with my woman and I understand that one of us may slack off here and there. We’re human and schedules and stresses change. We do our best to cover for each other. But it’s a great partner that realizes what’s going on and appreciates what the other is doing. So GO YOU!
Lejon: I’m overtired, so maybe that’ it. What are they afraid of?
Predator is playing on the TV, one of the better Arnie movies in my view.
The Mad magazine piss take on that film was good for a laugh as well.
TEB: RE: The Princess Bride book, my understanding of that part was a sort of autobiography as to the origin of the story, and could very easily be skipped over. In fact it should probably be skipped over on principle unless you’re fascinated by any behind the scenes facts.
Garden – accomplished! Lots of weeds went down today too. We didn’t weather-proof because it’s supposed to rain. There’s always tomorrow!
Off to grill!
Ow, I ache.
Heavy yard work – done.
Trees trimmed – done
Vehicles cleaned inside and out and waxed – done
Laundry – done
Housecleaning to prepare for guests this weekend – done
And I didn’t even get through everything on my list. But, the old body has declared that I am done for today, so I guess I should listen.
I wouldn’t object to Princess Bride as a Palooza choice.
CD: Playing Joust that is emulated on the SNES, which itself is being emulated on the Wii.
Yesterday (or the day before) I was listening to Buzz Out Loud and that Three Wolves Moon T-Shirt came up. Seems that it a best selling clothing article. Apparently it got a load of amusing reviews out of the blue and people are buying the shirt like crazy now.
The company that makes the shirt put out a statement that essentially said, “But, but, we don’t think it’s funny!?”
Creative tasks completed tonight:
Color artwork for “Commit Yourself to the Brink” art challenge
Write patient profile to go with said artwork
Upload both of the above
Write blog post about today
I feel accomplished. π
Finally decided to call it a night. Good night, Pan.
Morning Pan, I have to say I would have be tempted:
Nomad, I also heard that report about the shirt sale on Amazon. While the reviews were certainly humorous, I don’t understand what causes that to turn into a sales run……unless people believe the shirt has powers?
Ah, the weekend, indeed! On my list today: more weeds in need of pulling; weatherize that darn patio cover – forecast be damned; and scrub the innards of the bbq grill.
Morning Pan! It’s 7:30 am, on a Saturday. Do you know where your bed is?
It’s only a bit after 9:30 am here and I already worked out, ran, and relaxed for half an hour. Dunno if I’m going to be able to get any yardwork done. It’s supposed to rain all weekend. Perhaps Monday.
Ah yes, can’t go without the old tradition of rain on long weekends π
It’s POURING here in South Florida, complete with thunder and lightning. We’ve had two brownouts here this morning, the last one of which interrupted my wireless router. I just went downstairs, unplugged its power cable and plugged it in again, and now it seems to be working again.
the poledancing snow White is a bit disturbing.
Off to see the Princess Bride..
Hmm, weather is predicting 60% chance for our area today. But, as big an area as Houston-Galvetson covers, we can easily get 6″ of rain an hour north of us, and nothing where we are.
Glad I got the yardwork done yesterday!
Finally saw Star Trek yesterday. Fun movie, agree with those who say that, aside from marketing purposes, it didn’t really need to be called “Star Trek.”
Today is the celebration of my birthday with my parents.
Still raining, but rain has slackened. I think I will go out for shopping, coffee, and maybe audio editing or other stuff after I finish doing finances.
My mom and I are moving my Gram into a new more private home this weekend. I’m just waiting for mom to get into town right now. I’m thankful for the cool, rainy, weather. Moving in the summer sun is never fun.
I’m also debating that 3rd cup of coffee. Do I want it or don’t I? Although, I was home early last night, I stayed up entirely too late reading, so I’m more tired than I wanted to be today.
At work:
Currently Watching: Superman
(the preceding statements are both true and completely accurate)
Pool has been cleaned. Compulsory “Pool Boy Dance” video attached to mark the occasion.
Laundry half finished, but house is still a mess. Looks like lots of cleaning until the evening. Then I might have a cold one.
CP: Saturday in the Park – Chicago
[tweet] At Panera, editing audio for my second episode of The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast and waiting for txt from friend saying she’s ready for guests to come over for board games and movies. [/tweet]
CD: Summit Bohemian Style Pilsener
Well it was nice to see ‘The Princess Bride’ all the way through..but the print used at the cinema could have down with some restoration.
Mmmm, Panera.
Our patio cover is like-new; our weeds are all pulled, and the bbq grill is clean.
There. That’s all I can do on Questors #6 with the lines I have and without re-recording. Very productive day. π
Things accomplished today:
Worked 4 hours of overtime.
Watched Superman (while working 4 hours of overtime)
Had violin bow repaired free of charge.
Had lunch and a meeting with the Guise Knights
Purchased Powerball tickets (because I apparently believe in a tax on people who can’t do math)
Practiced violin
Received Shirt.Woot shirt displaying Delorean crashed into a Blue Police Box
Arranged to get a new kitten.
Oh, and performed a run-by Panning…
mmmm been driiinking homemade Heffweisen since 2pm.
mmmmmm. frack 2006!
Coveteth J0e’s Hefeweisen.
Night in the Museum 2
Mindless fun for a Sunday Morning.
In today’s spam, I was called Mr Ballbinder.
Not quite as catchy as Goldfinger..
Morning, Pan. Just caught up on tweets from last night’s Podiobooks party at Balticon. Looking forward to the pictures.
Morning, everyone!
I have the smoker our, and the ribs rubbed. I predict a good day.
-r, +t
7:02 AM happens.
7.03 is the real bitch though.
One of the merits of home brewed beer is that you can drink as much of it as I did yesterday and not feel like crap today.
Big day for auto racing.
Indy 500 around noon-ish and then the Coca Cola 600 at 4pm.
Check your local listings.
Well, actually, I’m not a Jedi, so bring ’em on!
Packing for an overnight trip. In case I don’t get online while I’m gone, have a great weekend.
Have fun, Amy.
Off to work.
Work? Why, that’s an outrage….
CP: The new Green Day album. Dig it.
A quiet day, the tumbleweeds seem to be contented.
I really really really really really want to go see “Star Trek” tonight.
-that is all-
I am still being a good gelfling. . . sneaked off for a moment.
Quiet day around here indeed. I hope everyone is enjoying the US Holiday wknd.
I have a HUGE grin on my face right now. I won’t tell you why. It’ll mean more if you go and find out for yourselves. Go check out Nathan Lowell’s Twitter feed, especially the pictures he posted, and you’ll understand. π
I thought that Lowell dude was the interior decorating guy that had the show thing. Clearly I was wrong.
What I can’t understand is why some of those books were banned. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court?
Morning, Deadpan!
We had a wonderful bbq yesterday, despite the rain, with Sly B’s brother, his wife, and their great girls (4 and 7). My ribs turned out great, and I grilled corn as well.
Today we plan to finish disc 2 of Dr. Who, Season 1. I don’t love the show, but have always liked Billie Piper. I also have the entire season so far of Rescue Me on the DVR — we might move to that as we do laundry.
Sorry you had to work, Jack!
jOe, did you see Trek?
Have a great day, y’all.
Have a good day at work, EssBee
Something seriously wrong with a system that bans Mort for goodness sake…anthromorphication of DEATH is nothing to be frightened of.
No work today for me, TEB, hooray!
Banned Books – I’ll never understand why people want to discourage kids from reading. OK, I’ll probably put The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty up on a high shelf until my daughter is at least 18, but I read Hitchhiker’s Guide for the first time when I was 12-years-old (after seeing an interview with Douglas Adams on Letterman) and I don’t think it warped me. At least not as much as me watching Letterman at that age. I’m also fairly certain that Animal Farm was assigned reading for me in High School right next to another one of my favorite books of all time, 1984.
I suppose if the idea behind banning the books is to get the kids to read, then it’s worth it. Maybe it’s some warped reverse psychology.
And the world may have just come crashing down around me today.
My mom joined Facebook.
CW: Ashes to Ashes S2E5
Jack: You’re welcome! I’ve wanted to go to Balticon for the last two years, but I lack the resources.
Cj: My mom and I are actually keeping in touch more now that she’s on Facebook. I think it’s a good thing.
Happy Memorial, Yanks! Happy Monday, everyone else.
At work here, posting from the office.
Amy: Don’t get me wrong, I think my mom is very tech savvy and we keep in touch through Skype and we talk plenty. I just like to tease about it because she’s in serious dating mode and she joined Facebook for a “boy” and that just cracks me up! My mom is 64 π going on 16.
Jack: Get back to work. I hear them cracking whips at you in the background.
Cj: That is pretty funny. π
CP: Jump In The Line – Harry Belafonte
No Star Trek for me π
funny … some of those banned books were REQUIRED reading in my high schools advanced literature classes. Many kids totally dreaded having to read them.
strange world
is there an upper range limit for Cougars?
Van: I am still trying to determine the exact meaning of the word “Cougar’ because I’ve been told that in about 17 days I’ll be crossing over the line of “MILF” to become a “Cougar” but I thought a woman had to be on the prowl in order to cross that line.
I need a ruling here. Can I just stay a MILF forever instead?
And in response to your request – I don’t think there is an upper limit… I just think the age range of the young men widens. An 80-year-old is still a Cougar if she’s hitting on a 50-year-old man.
And good for her! Hm. Maybe I WILL be a Cougar in my old-age!
Darnit. What did I say that sent me into moderation? Maybe Jack’s mad at me for telling him to work and he put me in a time-out.
And when my comment is freed – Van, you’ll have a nice long response to your Cougar query.
heeeere kitty kitty kitty.
If she’s excessively old, then I think she becomes a sabre-toothed tiger.
Greetings, Pan. It’s been a really good weekend. One of my good friends from college (and my daughter’s Godfather…he’s Italian, go figure π ) came to visit for the weekend. He’s been through a lot over the last several months, including cancer. But, he seems to be in really good shape now and it was nice to have him around.
Ed, The Godfather’s second visit will be just as great, possibly even better. The third visit will not be as bad as everyone says, but still disappointing, compared to the first 2.
(Applause to your friend for staying in shape vs. cancer)
Morning Pan, back to work today, yeah I would be more enthusiastic about walking across hot coals.
I’ve been involved with a ‘Cougar’ (she was 15 years old than me)…not plain sailing by any stretch of the imagination..
Cj can be a MILF until she’s a GILF, but the real question is…
What is a boy “Cougar” (besides a pig?)
Er? Did I just get modded?
MILF – the magick modding word.
Did you find yourself sporting a new set of spinnner hubcaps and a rear spoiler?
And, is that better or worse than finding yourself in a bath tub full of ice missing a kidney?
I’ve got OLED headlights!
“a new set of spinnner hubcaps and a rear spoiler”
Ed FT Euphemism W
Nomad gets a solid, second place with his “IΓ’β¬β’ve got OLED headlights” entry.
(BTW – those euphemisms are much more entertaining if you apply them to Van’s comment instead of Nomad’s “modded” comment.)
My sister is on FB and I’d rather we not friend each other. There are things I don’t want to know about her and there are things that I may post that may not be the best to broadcast to her. I hate having to water stuff down.
Cj, you are correct. A MILF is a MILF until she’s no longer someone that one would LF. A Cougar is an older woman, very often a MILF, on the prowl for fleshly delights. So there is some cross-over there.
Now wait a minute. What happened to my post? crap.
Looks like I’ll have to re-type it.
Cj: You are correct. A MILF is a MILF until she no longer qualifies as a desirable F. A Cougar is on the prowl for fleshly delights. So there’s some cross-over there.
I’m at a loss. Both of my posts regarding MILFs have evaporated.
This is crappy.
Good morning, Deadpan!
Here’s to a less-crappy day for i, and a great day for all!
Back to Evil, Inc. for me, but I’m well-rested after a loooong weekend.
Oh, and GOOOO Nuggets!
Chicken Nuggets???
Two of my posts got eaten.
Do you suppose they tasted like chicken.
The board has been taking some of the posts and chewing on them before spitting them out.
Good morning!
My daughter starts summer camp today which means I get to be up EVERY morning super early to have both children ready to be out the door by 7:45.
EssBee, thanks for the well-wishes
justa J0e: Verily. But cyber-chicken.
Yesterday I tried installing a couple BSDs (Forget those things!). I re-installed Ubuntu Studio and that’s not quite working correctly yet. No idea what’s wrong there. The bathroom fan is not working and I have to fix the garage door yet again.
Deeeeep breath….
Hey everyone. I hope you had fun weekends.
imag1narynumber: I know what you mean about FB. It can be annoying sometimes.
Justa Joe – You are correct. I laughed myself silly when I followed your suggestion and read the mod comments as replies to Van’s. I’m still coughing.
I had to remove a neice from my FB friends list as she was showing off photos of me.
Err that was me in family photographs.
You know, it’s kinda difficult to use a mouse wrist rest when you’ve burnt your wrist. Grrrr.
Ditto – Medical day? Or switch to keyboard shortcuts?
Is it Ditto or is it ditto?
It’s not a bad burn. It’s about 5 pea-sized spots of 2nd degree from splattered oil. Too much to do at work, so I can’t take more time off.
I tend to go by ditto. π
Keyboard shortcuts for today and pickup a trackman for tomorrow? That way you can at least switch hands easily.
CP: Fuel — Ani DiFranco
Watching Being Human. It reminds me of something else, something excellent, but more in my emotional response than just the subject matter. I wish I could remember what it was.
Damn that amnesia.
drive by panning.
Congrats to ditto on his and Mrs. ditto’s anniversary.
Vista SP2 installed fine and didn’t screw my desktop up.
Jaw hitting the floor.
SP2? How did I miss that?
Happy anniversary ditto & the Mrs.!
Vanamonde: That IS impressive. I’ve had SP3 shoved down my throat and no real issues thus far.
I was not aware of the event. Happy Anniversary, ditto and your Mrs.!
My other two posts never surfaced. No real loss, though.
I should be leaving to go see Star Trek in T-15 minutes and counting.
Imag1 – your comments are finally freed. They’d apparently skipped moderation and jumped straight into the spam folder. I’m guessing it was the word, “MILF”.
Really loving i1’s use of the term “fleshly delights”
Cj: That’s hysterical.
Jack: Watched that hip hop video. Surprisingly good and I agree with what he says. I’d probably phrase it differently though. π Where did you find that?
I think he states his case rather eloquently, ditto. And yes, I do agree with his points – although I can’t claim to be 100% familiar with everyone he names. Mark Forman posted the link @jackmangan on Twitter.
Well that was fun!
Wow. I decide to be busy for the weekend, and I miss things.
Missing posts, missing posts reappearing, Woot BOC (Cj: I envy your bag of crap. You’ve no idea)
Mindless Hip-hop being berated by Rap aficionado (I agreed with some of what he said – most of the words that weren’t four-letter)
All this, and we have a new kitten.
Well, I guess you all missed that part, I was there to pick it out.
With luck, I’ll post again soon…
That’s excellent, Lejon. What did you guys name the new kitten?
That was a massive BoC. I am green.
Is that an OLED green?
Is it the weekend yet?
So I’m watching an episode of ‘Being Erics’ and thinking…I’ve never seem a STOP button in an UK Lift (Elevator).
That oh so useful function for lovers and muggers.
So I’m watching an episode of ‘Being Erica’ and thinking…I’ve never seem a STOP button in an UK Lift (Elevator).
That oh so useful function for lovers and muggers.
-m +n
Have a good day, Pan!
*Standing at the bus stop and waving at all the people driving by.*
Holy Crap…
I fly out to Phoenix on Monday!!!
Crap I have a a lot to do.
Morning Pan!
Another drive-by Panning.
Actually had to spend two days in a row at the downtown office. The person I shared the office with was layed off about 6 weeks ago, now we’re trying to figure out what to do with all his stuff (files, computer, there’s even a 40″ flatscreen TV returned to our office).
The office has to be emptied by the end of June (including me) so lots of planning to do.
Since I am now alone at this office, they are moving me to a different office downtown with another branch. Not that it really matters to me as I usually only spend one day in ten at the downtown office π
Lock up your cats! There is going to be a wolf loose in the neighborhood!
Yeah … I like cats.
Currently listening to 16 Pieces at a Time…
I still believe that should have won the short story contest in 2005…
I know I should just let things go…
Home again. Eating raisins. My cat just stole one. I think she’s insane.
She’s is a cat.
Taking my children to see what I’m sure will be the worst movie this month if not this year.
Afterward we shall run wild through the mall of Tempe Marketplace and rejoice.
I think I’ve managed to keep that one off my kids radar. Though, we did rent something that had dogs going into space that was probably at least as cheesy.
CW: Mental E1
Very poor House ripoff set in a mental hospital.
Sad news about Reggie ditto.
I’m positive that G*Force will be worse than Chimps, but I doubt anything will hold a candle to that Chihuahua movie from last year. That thing scares me, just thinking about it.
[frowns] WP moderator dislikes me this week. pbbbbbbbbbbbbttt to you mod!
Before I forget again, I finished “Being Human” and I figured out what that feeling is and where I’ve had it before. Melancholy with “Dead Like Me.” Caveat is I’ve only seen the first season of “Dead Like Me”, so if it goes downhill after that…
I loved it and cannot wait to abjectly fail at trying to get my friends and family to actually watch “Being Human.”
Thanks much to Jack and Cj. π
Nomad, you had 3 stuck in the super secret spam filter. They’re all free now.
We also had this gem in the regular spam filter:
hi! The babes are here! This is my favorite site to visit. I make sure I am alone in case I get too hot. Post your favorite link here.
Heard it in the car this morning and it’s just going and going and going.
Yes it’s a cool track Cj..
It’s getting so a guy can’t post between calls anymore…Perhaps I need to make the calls go away.
VAN: I have no fear of the men in black. I’m much more afraid of the morons from Homeland Security.
Now, dear Pan, I head home from work. I will not, as is my usual, go to a violin lesson, and as I wend my way home, I will pass by a library where my wife works, and by 2 seasons of Farscape at $2 per case.
Life is looking up.
Listened to Tee’s Erotica a la carte. Swore if Tee gave me a boner I’d have to kill him.
Amusing but…
He’ll live.
CW: Nuggets vs. Lakers, game 5. My Nuggets holding their own 4 minutes from halftime.
ok, so i had a few at the bar next door, watchign the hockey game,,, Stupid Red Wings.
I’ve roomed with Tee. And Paul Maki. Both are boner-free. Hence: the reason both are still alive.
I hope I can say the same for both of them. . . .
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast. Boner-free since 2006.
End of 3rd period — tied up at 76.
Go McNuggets.
Ha! The one night I pick NOT to drink … and Jack does.
Who’s been drinkign/?!
I would like to have a drink, but I have to work right now.
Amazing 42-second film: http://vimeo.com/4155700
Goodnight, mush.
3rd! π
“Flash Gordon appeals to me because I would like to be familiar with the stories that inspired George Lucas.”
Is that how we explain the prequels? π
Morning Pan.
Board is back up. Yeah!
I hated PeeWee’s playhouse.
Good morning, Deadpan!
Today is the last day of my short workweek! Hurrah!
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Great episode, Jack. Great story, JB and Amy, and wonderful content everyone!
I could never get into Pilates. I prefer weights and aerobics.
(obviously I’m listening to LLAP π )
You’re pretty limber, Cj. Would Dan agree? π
Ed: π Not exactly what I meant, of course. He’s been inspired by them from the (real-world-time) beginning, or so I heard.
EssBee: Thank you so much! π
I’m on the ball with show notes today. Trackback link from my WP blog should be showing up any minute now.
Cj’s a bucket?
I always want to take a comb to Twilight guys hair whenever I see him.
That might be difficult with the werewolf…
I’m actually listening to the Start Trek audio book. Explains a few things missing from the book.
Good morning, Pan.
Nothing like hearing myself drunk first thing in the morning. π Makes me want to run out and get schnockered right now.
Not gonna do it though. Taking my kids to tour a fire station instead.
TEB – My limberness often surprises me.
Wonder Twin Power. Activate.
When I first heard of Sherilyn Fenn it gave me hope that I wasn’t a complete freak because I’d never met another person in the world with the name “Cherylyn”
I can relate to that, Cj π
CD: DP shownotes for FB… why did I volunteer for this?
I’d play Jack, but I’m at MA on Thursday evenings until eight.
Notes are done. Anybody who has suggested changes let me know (except for Cj. She’s admin so can make her own changes π )
The word of the day is “delicious”.
This episode of Deadpan is delicious.
Off to take kitty to the vet. She’s going to love me π
TWotD – The Ladies of the Deadpan is Delicious…
TWotD is rather unfortunate though WOLF.
TEB and Cj you are right TWotD’s.
Alright Van The Word of the Day…
And we’re back, at least temporarily for me π
Looked as some of the notes for a palooza. LJ, while would agree Head would be an interesting palooza, it is a very… trippy movie and I’m not sure how the Pan at large would react to it.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for me.
Remember you are unique just liek everyone else.
My goodness that badass app has some rather fruity language.
CP: President of What — Death Cab For Cutie
Ok. looking back at some of my comments you can tell I’m drugged out of my gourd.
Jack, since you record on Wednesdays I realize my being gone Thursday evenings really doesn’t matter. You can put me down for your recordings.
High on cheese?
Thanks Bunny. π What was that thing about show notes in FB?
Since I’m usually around Thursday morning my time/ Wednesday evening DP time, you can put me on the recording list Jack.
I can answer for TEB. On Facebook there is a Fans of Jack Mangan’s Deadpan group (setup by TEB?) . TEB has posted the show notes for this weeks DP episode.
Ah yes it was created by TEB..damn my swiss cheese of a memory.
Show notes by TEB:
ack ManganΓ’β¬β’s Deadpan #127: Knock-off of a Care Bear http://www.jackmangan.com
Highlights include:
Cj at Phoenix Zoo Brew 2009
Cj also has a dumbass memory
Herring Deadpan intro
Stolen Lyrics
Jack Managan – aka Eddie Money
Paul Maki with The sad story of Jimmy – The Life and Death of a Party Animal
More talk with Jack and Tee Morris
The Questors from Effpiem, Episode 5: The Traveling Merchant
Promo – Personal Effect; Dark Arts
Make a funny joke of “longer bits”
Outro babble followed by good music
Jack, I sent them to you. they were just done on notepad
I sent e-mail to Jack as well with a screen shot of the notes earlier as well. He’s going to be inundated with the same thing! π At least we are thorough!
I’m reminded of that bit in Salmon of Doubt, where Douglas Adams list all the ways he can be contacted.
Just bought, and then hooked up anew Blu-Ray player.
My husband is going to kill me.
On the upside, we’ll be able to watch a movie tonight (I got Valkyrie) since I can’t do MA tonight.
Well this maybe the point where your MA training comes in handy!
Standalone or PS3?
I looked at that “which badass character are you” on FB. I saw the first question and decided it wasn’t for me so didn’t answer any of them
Stand alone, Van. I thought about a PS3 but they were too expensive ($500 vs $200 for a blu-ray). We wouldn’t play the games as I tend to lean heavily towards PC games, and hubby usually just plays chess (although he did dig out his old version of Doom because we got the board game)
I am a pavlov dog, woof!
hmmm, I wonder if I can hide all the boxes so he won’t notice the DVD player is new?
I don’t get the reference, Van. What are you pavlovian to?
Oh a lot of stuff on FB TEB..especially lollipops!
Ok TEB I’m curious, I was rather underwhelmed by BluRay, but I only have a 32inch LCD TV, why did you the BR route rather than a new upscaling DVD player?
I can’t speak for Britian, Van but here it’s actually getting harder and harder to find normal DVD movies. A number of stores are slowly fazing out regular DVD’s.
It was actually difficult to do Blu-Ray. We have a 50″ TV but it is an older one so is only 480p/1080i H, not the new fancy, smancy 1080p. We have our (CDN version of)PVR hooked up to one of the HD inputs, the other input on the TV is DVI, which is compatible to nothing. I had to go to The Source (they bought out Radio Shack here in Canada) and get a HDMI to DVI converter.
Well I enjoyed Valkyrie when I saw it at the cinema.
Can’t speak to the movie (yet), we wanted it for all the extras on the real history the movie is based on.
I know this is fake but it still looks kind of cool
I’d see it.
Burger King commercials are getting weirder and weirder
Thanks for the FB update π Now, I’m ashamed of my lazy show notes….
A transformers USB
Don’t be ashamed, Jack. That’s what slaves, er, I mean, delegating is for π
Well, 3:00 time to take more meds and then veg out on the couch.
[Inappropriate response goes here]
Well thank you for creating the show notes, Bunny. π I might just steal those.
steal away, Jack
I have no feeling in my right arm….
Oh look, a frost warning for tonight. What happened to spring?
It’s having a holiday.
Yeah, some place warm
Did you sleep on your right arm, Bunny?
It’s apparently gone south….
No jack. I’ve got a viral infection on my hand (hence the drugs) and it seems to follow a nerve either giving me shooting pain up my arm or making it numb. I consider myself lucky, I’m numb right now.
CJ, if this episode was delicious you didn’t listen too close to my tale…
CP: Linger – The Cranberries
CP:Dreams – The Cranberries
JB, I listened first thing in the morning. I always have to listen to each show at least twice, sometimes more.
Once to hear what’s there then again to catch what I missed.
Three times if I just need more of Jack’s sexy voice! *swooon*
Oh, and I just had to go walking outside today. It’s amazingly beautifully overcast with a nice cool breeze. Quite enjoyable!
CP: Sweet Surrender – Sarah McLachlan
CP: Safe in Your Arms – Beth Orton
CP: Rain City – Turin Brakes
CP: Night Baking – Kathryn Williams
CP: Oh Had I a Golden Thread – Dar Williams
CP: For a Few Dollars More – Ennio Morricone
CP: Alpha – Vangelis
Ah well, another exploration of Spotify is over, night Pan.
Almost June, everyday it’s a getting faster…
For the ‘palooza, I vote for anything other than Lost Highway.
I’ve never done Pilates, but I used to do a wee bit of yoga a couple of times a week. Very relaxing and enjoyable after working out and training very hard in martial arts. Worth the time overall, IMO.
I need to add some yoga to my routine. Thanks for the reminder. Looking for free videos. right. now.
Up where the smoke is
All billered and curled
‘Tween pavement and stars
Is the chimney sweep world
When the’s ‘ardly no day
Nor ‘ardly no night
There’s things ‘alf in shadow
And ‘alf way in light
On the roof tops of London
Coo, what a sight!
maybe I should have phoned that in
CP – “Gitarzan” – Ray Stevens ???
“Let’s hear it for the monkey!”
Ray Stevens’ Greatest Hits – on 8-track – I HAZ IT.
Yes they call him the stream
Ok, now back to the movie
Sorry, stream = streak
I like the “Stream” better.
Can’t decide if that means he is an Ace on live Internet broadcasts or if it’s a “bladder control” thing.
As long as he isn’t a Ghostbuster.
Well, I’m glad to know that I hadn’t just been mishearing that song all these years.
Yes, Joe, you should call that in.
Here in Florida, the approach of summer is heralded by tropical thunderstorms.
I agree with Ed. Stolen lyrics = good.
Movie was pretty good. Now watching hubby play with the features of the new machine.
Evening, Pan!
My 4-day vacation is officially on. w00t!
CW: last night’s Colbert Report
My daughter = the cuteness
CP : “I Wonder” – Tony Bennet & K.D. Lang
* quickly checking “back-posts” to make sure Van has never used the word “EXTERMINATE” *
I don’t think Van is a Dalek. . . . For one thing, he can go up and down stairs.
Morning Pan, if you are going to phone those lyrics in JJ I hope your cockney accent is at least as good as Dick Van Dyke’s.
Oh and it pains me to point this out…really it does..but the Dalek’s aren’t robots..as they are just the life support machinery for the mutants inside.
I’ll get my coat.
If you have any fondness for the Tom Baker Era of Doctor Who, Robots of Death is well worth a rental if you can get it in North America.
Never be ashamed of truth, Van.
Now, Terminators! Those are definitely robots. Maybe Van is one of them from the future π
Morning Pan.
Tell me why… I get up and weigh myself, then I have a shower and weigh myself again. Why am I always a half pound less after the shower? I find it hard to believe I had a half pound of dirt that needs to be washed away every morning.
Terminators are more cyborg than robot Ed.
Morning Pan!
It seems that yesterday when I was busy, DP dropped…. figures. Now I’m behind again.
TEB: Do you do “anything” in the shower that might reduce your volume of bodily fluids and thus reduce your weight?
Vanamonde: Doctor Who: The Robots of Death is available as a watch instantly from Netflix. And, yes, worth it. I like Leela.
Just my luck that the Comment Nazis don’t like it when you change your name… Must remember that.
Morning again Pan
Meetings I have missed:
The one where it was decided that women having long fingernails is attractive.
Actually, would those then be Nipple Nazis? There’s something strangely appealing and frightening about that term…
Morning LJ
The post with your new name just goes into the moderation queue.
Morning, Pan. Sitting down to do finances. Ugh.
Yes today I opened a savings account (rather than a current account).
Expect the apocalpyse any day soon.
Wow, Van. What are you saving for?
Well I’m sure I had a good reason at the time.
*teary eyed*, My Van, all growed up with his saving account and all. *pats Vanamond on the head*
Well, I hear a grocery store calling me π
Sorry Van, I seemed to have lost your e
Well it’s. An account more associated with old fogeys.
Morning, Deadpan!
I slept in until 8 this morning, which I NEVER do!
Today’s list:
weatherize patio cover
plant garden
clean bbq grill
TEB, I don’t even own a scale. I could not stand the pressure of it looking at me.
On Memorial Day weekend, Sly B & I usually binge-watch, or start, a TV Season on DVD. This year’s selection: Season 1 of the “new” (I guess that’s how you say it?) Dr. Who. We’re excited. We have the first 2 DVDs. If we like it, we’ll have to go find more discs at a local DVD shop, if those even exist.
When we did this several years ago with Buffy, we ended up buying the entire series. Same with Veronica Mars.
Ok, off to grab breakfast and coffee and get to work. Back later!
As I understand it, actually the Terminators are androids. Cyborgs require flesh to operate. They’re more of a modified human (usually)
TEB: My only guess is water loss due to sweat, something like that. Also scales are far from perfect and have a margin of error. Perhaps that plays a part.
Amy Bowen: Yeah, I know about the moderation. It never occurred to me that WP took note of the name, I figured it based things solely off of the email address. Wow, that just proves that I’m thick… Or possibly WP likes being Nipple Nazis.
It’s Memorial day weekend, and naturally my wife and I work.
Of course, there’s the obligatory party, which we can’t attend…
Human brain in cybernetically enhanced body = Cyborg
Computer Brain in human looking body = Android
Computer brain in mechanical body = Robot
That was your Deadpan Scifi trivia for this week.
Well, the grocery store was full of foodstuff. Which was good.
# I can see the sweat thing. My husband hates going into the bathroom after I have a shower as I don’t turn on the cold water at all.
Now… pinwheel cookies to make.
Oh and Terminators are mechanical bodies covered in human flesh..so still androids.
Oh and BIG, BIG peeve, Marge Piercy in Body Of Glass calling an Android a Cyborg..how I hate non genre authors writing scifi and fooking around with the terminology.
Now to take a deep breath…
Dead Human Brain in Living Human Body = Vegetable
Dead Human Brain in Animated Dead Human Body = Zombie
Re-animated Dead Human Brain in Re-animated Dead Human Body = Frankenstein’s Monster
Was this important, I can’t remember why I started this?
Vanamonde: Terminator 2: Judgment Day has the t-101 specifically calling itself a Cybernetic-Organism – living tissue over metal endo-skeleton. I think it technically is a Cyborg, even though the brain is computer: HOWEVER, from the original Terminator movie, we do know that Skynet did create androids using rubber skin – Human looking, but no living tissue…
And, now I know we’re geeks….
Just remember to hum the six million dollar man tune and move very s-l-o-w-l-y.
So local arty farty cinema has a day of old movies chosen by people tomorrow. The Princess Bride is on..I’m tempted since I never saw it at the cinema.
The thing that kills me about the Terminators . . . hugely high-tech killing monsters. Technology that we won’t reach for decades, maybe centuries. No infrared scanners. Woulda made the first movie very brief.
I really like The Princess Bride, that’s my ha-pence.
“As you wish”
– or, translated to Cylon – “by your command”
plotunium…it works everytime.
My lunch date cancelled. Now what am I going to do?
Well, going for a walk. Then I guess it’s hot dogs for me.
I mean imagine how short Star Wars would be if the Stormtroopers could shoot straight.
Vanamonde: Hey, Obi Wan said that Imperial Troopers were precise. Of course, that may only apply to large slow-moving vehicles moving on sand dunes on back-end planets controlled by the Hutts… Then again, “precise” doesn’t necessarily mean “straight”
My goodness, I was thinking someone was going to bring that up.
I will try to use my psychic powers for good and predict what the next palooza will be.
I just won’t say anything till after it’s already been announced.
Don’t lasers by definition shoot straight?
I recall reading a book, Samurai Cat or something like that. This particular story was parodying Star Wars. The Rebels put barn walls at the end of every corridor, since the Stormtroopers couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.
Precisely inaccurate has a nice ring to it.
I seem to remember a trooper being remarkably accurate using “Stun”… when pointing at a rather attractive derriere…
Vanamonde: *nods rapidly*
Lejon: And to think, that was the only time it was used. Must’ve been that ‘Trooper’s “power move” a la Street Fighter.
I’ve never seen Princess Bride in its entirety. I should do something about that.
Cj: Princess Bride is much with the awesome. I also recommend the book by the same name, but don’t try to look for it under S. Morgenstern.
You know spring is here when they turn on the fountain at the local park.
I personally found the book of The Princess Bride bizarre. The overweight kid and the psychologist mom. What was that about?
My dilemma.
I made cookies.
I created dirty dishes.
Because of my hand, I can’t wash said dishes.
Now I feel guilty because hubby is going to have to do dishes when he comes home from work.
Should I feel guilty? Is cookies a fair trade for having to do dishes? Especially considering I bake cookies every Friday so is not really a “treat”.
Zune received from //007, Charged up and ready to use. Lunch begins: Testing Commences.
I’m woefully behind on my email – and today’s comments. To all who are due responses:
Yes, OK, cool!, right, yeah, you should, sorry about that, zebras in scuba gear, Yes, I hope so, and his full name was Meriadoc.
TEB: I’d happily wash your dishes and yes, I think cookies, treat or not, are a totally fair exchange.
I predict that Mr. Bunny will crack a joke about being forced to wash dishes, but will gladly do the chore.
+1 Cj’s thoughts on whoring oneself out for cookies. π
I think I still feel a little guilty. I haven’t been able to do any of my normal housework this week so hubby has been taking up the slack. Really what I did was create more work for him.
A couple of my friends just got engaged last night. I suspect fear of commitment.
It’s the only explanation, really. They’ve been together for a little over four years, been living together most of the time. Have a cute three-year-old kid.
Fear of commitment, pure and simple.
Oh, and I found out about the engagement through Twitter.
Can’t even commit to coming out and telling their close friends… Fear…it kills…
I’ve known people to get married for legal reasons.
Mainly to do with sharing out assets to the kids on something nasty happening to the parents.
TEB: I can only speak for myself. I’m honored to be with my woman and I understand that one of us may slack off here and there. We’re human and schedules and stresses change. We do our best to cover for each other. But it’s a great partner that realizes what’s going on and appreciates what the other is doing. So GO YOU!
Lejon: I’m overtired, so maybe that’ it. What are they afraid of?
Predator is playing on the TV, one of the better Arnie movies in my view.
The Mad magazine piss take on that film was good for a laugh as well.
TEB: RE: The Princess Bride book, my understanding of that part was a sort of autobiography as to the origin of the story, and could very easily be skipped over. In fact it should probably be skipped over on principle unless you’re fascinated by any behind the scenes facts.
Garden – accomplished! Lots of weeds went down today too. We didn’t weather-proof because it’s supposed to rain. There’s always tomorrow!
Off to grill!
Ow, I ache.
Heavy yard work – done.
Trees trimmed – done
Vehicles cleaned inside and out and waxed – done
Laundry – done
Housecleaning to prepare for guests this weekend – done
And I didn’t even get through everything on my list. But, the old body has declared that I am done for today, so I guess I should listen.
I wouldn’t object to Princess Bride as a Palooza choice.
CD: Playing Joust that is emulated on the SNES, which itself is being emulated on the Wii.
/waves to TEB
I’d forgotten how crap I was at Joust.
If you like MonkeyBall:
Find out how crap or good you are at Joust:
Yesterday (or the day before) I was listening to Buzz Out Loud and that Three Wolves Moon T-Shirt came up. Seems that it a best selling clothing article. Apparently it got a load of amusing reviews out of the blue and people are buying the shirt like crazy now.
The company that makes the shirt put out a statement that essentially said, “But, but, we don’t think it’s funny!?”
Creative tasks completed tonight:
Color artwork for “Commit Yourself to the Brink” art challengeWrite patient profile to go with said artwork
Upload both of the above
Write blog post about today
I feel accomplished. π
Finally decided to call it a night. Good night, Pan.
Morning Pan, I have to say I would have be tempted:
Family-friendly version of “Fuck tha Police”
Ah, the weekend.
Nomad, I also heard that report about the shirt sale on Amazon. While the reviews were certainly humorous, I don’t understand what causes that to turn into a sales run……unless people believe the shirt has powers?
Those FARKers are at it again…
Ah, the weekend, indeed! On my list today: more weeds in need of pulling; weatherize that darn patio cover – forecast be damned; and scrub the innards of the bbq grill.
Morning Pan! It’s 7:30 am, on a Saturday. Do you know where your bed is?
It’s only a bit after 9:30 am here and I already worked out, ran, and relaxed for half an hour. Dunno if I’m going to be able to get any yardwork done. It’s supposed to rain all weekend. Perhaps Monday.
Ah yes, can’t go without the old tradition of rain on long weekends π
It’s POURING here in South Florida, complete with thunder and lightning. We’ve had two brownouts here this morning, the last one of which interrupted my wireless router. I just went downstairs, unplugged its power cable and plugged it in again, and now it seems to be working again.
the poledancing snow White is a bit disturbing.
Off to see the Princess Bride..
Hmm, weather is predicting 60% chance for our area today. But, as big an area as Houston-Galvetson covers, we can easily get 6″ of rain an hour north of us, and nothing where we are.
Glad I got the yardwork done yesterday!
Finally saw Star Trek yesterday. Fun movie, agree with those who say that, aside from marketing purposes, it didn’t really need to be called “Star Trek.”
Today is the celebration of my birthday with my parents.
Still raining, but rain has slackened. I think I will go out for shopping, coffee, and maybe audio editing or other stuff after I finish doing finances.
My mom and I are moving my Gram into a new more private home this weekend. I’m just waiting for mom to get into town right now. I’m thankful for the cool, rainy, weather. Moving in the summer sun is never fun.
I’m also debating that 3rd cup of coffee. Do I want it or don’t I? Although, I was home early last night, I stayed up entirely too late reading, so I’m more tired than I wanted to be today.
At work:
Currently Watching: Superman
(the preceding statements are both true and completely accurate)
Pool has been cleaned. Compulsory “Pool Boy Dance” video attached to mark the occasion.
Laundry half finished, but house is still a mess. Looks like lots of cleaning until the evening. Then I might have a cold one.
CP: Saturday in the Park – Chicago
[tweet] At Panera, editing audio for my second episode of The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast and waiting for txt from friend saying she’s ready for guests to come over for board games and movies. [/tweet]
CD: Summit Bohemian Style Pilsener
Well it was nice to see ‘The Princess Bride’ all the way through..but the print used at the cinema could have down with some restoration.
Mmmm, Panera.
Our patio cover is like-new; our weeds are all pulled, and the bbq grill is clean.
There. That’s all I can do on Questors #6 with the lines I have and without re-recording. Very productive day. π
Things accomplished today:
Worked 4 hours of overtime.
Watched Superman (while working 4 hours of overtime)
Had violin bow repaired free of charge.
Had lunch and a meeting with the Guise Knights
Purchased Powerball tickets (because I apparently believe in a tax on people who can’t do math)
Practiced violin
Received Shirt.Woot shirt displaying Delorean crashed into a Blue Police Box
Arranged to get a new kitten.
Oh, and performed a run-by Panning…
mmmm been driiinking homemade Heffweisen since 2pm.
mmmmmm. frack 2006!
Coveteth J0e’s Hefeweisen.
Night in the Museum 2
Mindless fun for a Sunday Morning.
In today’s spam, I was called Mr Ballbinder.
Not quite as catchy as Goldfinger..
Morning, Pan. Just caught up on tweets from last night’s Podiobooks party at Balticon. Looking forward to the pictures.
Morning, everyone!
I have the smoker our, and the ribs rubbed. I predict a good day.
-r, +t
7:02 AM happens.
7.03 is the real bitch though.
One of the merits of home brewed beer is that you can drink as much of it as I did yesterday and not feel like crap today.
Big day for auto racing.
Indy 500 around noon-ish and then the Coca Cola 600 at 4pm.
Check your local listings.
Well, actually, I’m not a Jedi, so bring ’em on!
Packing for an overnight trip. In case I don’t get online while I’m gone, have a great weekend.
Have fun, Amy.
Off to work.
Work? Why, that’s an outrage….
CP: The new Green Day album. Dig it.
A quiet day, the tumbleweeds seem to be contented.
I really really really really really want to go see “Star Trek” tonight.
-that is all-
I am still being a good gelfling. . . sneaked off for a moment.
Quiet day around here indeed. I hope everyone is enjoying the US Holiday wknd.
I have a HUGE grin on my face right now. I won’t tell you why. It’ll mean more if you go and find out for yourselves. Go check out Nathan Lowell’s Twitter feed, especially the pictures he posted, and you’ll understand. π
^It’s http://twitter.com/nlowell , by the way.
Morning Pan, last day of my long weekend, off to wander round that reopened museum. Wallowing in nostalgia among a collection of stuffed animals.
Now for an obscure comic reference:
I won’t be doing a quirkafleeg.
An actual weekend is so very nice. I finally got out to see Wolvie. Even with lowered expectations, I was disappointed.
Following Balticon on Twitter was more interesting.
Thanks for linking to the Krakenthief pictures, Amy.
At last, Tee’s saga comes to an end. . .
Balticon is a good time, if you can ever find your way there.
Nomad, I found the Wolverine movie to be fun. I won’t defend it. Just summer blockbuster-level fun.
Morning Pan!
There ought to be a law against 5:30 in the morning
I’m wary of opening the pool. Another time-destroyer. But worth it in the end, I suppose.
And check this chick out, I’m so impressed:
I thought that Lowell dude was the interior decorating guy that had the show thing. Clearly I was wrong.
What I can’t understand is why some of those books were banned. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court?
Morning, Deadpan!
We had a wonderful bbq yesterday, despite the rain, with Sly B’s brother, his wife, and their great girls (4 and 7). My ribs turned out great, and I grilled corn as well.
Today we plan to finish disc 2 of Dr. Who, Season 1. I don’t love the show, but have always liked Billie Piper. I also have the entire season so far of Rescue Me on the DVR — we might move to that as we do laundry.
Sorry you had to work, Jack!
jOe, did you see Trek?
Have a great day, y’all.
Have a good day at work, EssBee
Something seriously wrong with a system that bans Mort for goodness sake…anthromorphication of DEATH is nothing to be frightened of.
No work today for me, TEB, hooray!
Banned Books – I’ll never understand why people want to discourage kids from reading. OK, I’ll probably put The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty up on a high shelf until my daughter is at least 18, but I read Hitchhiker’s Guide for the first time when I was 12-years-old (after seeing an interview with Douglas Adams on Letterman) and I don’t think it warped me. At least not as much as me watching Letterman at that age. I’m also fairly certain that Animal Farm was assigned reading for me in High School right next to another one of my favorite books of all time, 1984.
I suppose if the idea behind banning the books is to get the kids to read, then it’s worth it. Maybe it’s some warped reverse psychology.
And the world may have just come crashing down around me today.
My mom joined Facebook.
CW: Ashes to Ashes S2E5
Jack: You’re welcome! I’ve wanted to go to Balticon for the last two years, but I lack the resources.
Cj: My mom and I are actually keeping in touch more now that she’s on Facebook. I think it’s a good thing.
Happy Memorial, Yanks! Happy Monday, everyone else.
At work here, posting from the office.
Amy: Don’t get me wrong, I think my mom is very tech savvy and we keep in touch through Skype and we talk plenty. I just like to tease about it because she’s in serious dating mode and she joined Facebook for a “boy” and that just cracks me up! My mom is 64 π going on 16.
Jack: Get back to work. I hear them cracking whips at you in the background.
Cj: That is pretty funny. π
CP: Jump In The Line – Harry Belafonte
No Star Trek for me π
funny … some of those banned books were REQUIRED reading in my high schools advanced literature classes. Many kids totally dreaded having to read them.
strange world
is there an upper range limit for Cougars?
Van: I am still trying to determine the exact meaning of the word “Cougar’ because I’ve been told that in about 17 days I’ll be crossing over the line of “MILF” to become a “Cougar” but I thought a woman had to be on the prowl in order to cross that line.
I need a ruling here. Can I just stay a MILF forever instead?
And in response to your request – I don’t think there is an upper limit… I just think the age range of the young men widens. An 80-year-old is still a Cougar if she’s hitting on a 50-year-old man.
And good for her! Hm. Maybe I WILL be a Cougar in my old-age!
Darnit. What did I say that sent me into moderation? Maybe Jack’s mad at me for telling him to work and he put me in a time-out.
And when my comment is freed – Van, you’ll have a nice long response to your Cougar query.
heeeere kitty kitty kitty.
If she’s excessively old, then I think she becomes a sabre-toothed tiger.
Greetings, Pan. It’s been a really good weekend. One of my good friends from college (and my daughter’s Godfather…he’s Italian, go figure π ) came to visit for the weekend. He’s been through a lot over the last several months, including cancer. But, he seems to be in really good shape now and it was nice to have him around.
Ed, The Godfather’s second visit will be just as great, possibly even better. The third visit will not be as bad as everyone says, but still disappointing, compared to the first 2.
(Applause to your friend for staying in shape vs. cancer)
Morning Pan, back to work today, yeah I would be more enthusiastic about walking across hot coals.
I’ve been involved with a ‘Cougar’ (she was 15 years old than me)…not plain sailing by any stretch of the imagination..
Cj can be a MILF until she’s a GILF, but the real question is…
What is a boy “Cougar” (besides a pig?)
Er? Did I just get modded?
MILF – the magick modding word.
Did you find yourself sporting a new set of spinnner hubcaps and a rear spoiler?
And, is that better or worse than finding yourself in a bath tub full of ice missing a kidney?
I’ve got OLED headlights!
“a new set of spinnner hubcaps and a rear spoiler”
Ed FT Euphemism W
Nomad gets a solid, second place with his “IΓ’β¬β’ve got OLED headlights” entry.
(BTW – those euphemisms are much more entertaining if you apply them to Van’s comment instead of Nomad’s “modded” comment.)
My sister is on FB and I’d rather we not friend each other. There are things I don’t want to know about her and there are things that I may post that may not be the best to broadcast to her. I hate having to water stuff down.
Cj, you are correct. A MILF is a MILF until she’s no longer someone that one would LF. A Cougar is an older woman, very often a MILF, on the prowl for fleshly delights. So there is some cross-over there.
Now wait a minute. What happened to my post? crap.
Looks like I’ll have to re-type it.
Cj: You are correct. A MILF is a MILF until she no longer qualifies as a desirable F. A Cougar is on the prowl for fleshly delights. So there’s some cross-over there.
I’m at a loss. Both of my posts regarding MILFs have evaporated.
This is crappy.
Good morning, Deadpan!
Here’s to a less-crappy day for i, and a great day for all!
Back to Evil, Inc. for me, but I’m well-rested after a loooong weekend.
Oh, and GOOOO Nuggets!
Chicken Nuggets???
Two of my posts got eaten.
Do you suppose they tasted like chicken.
The board has been taking some of the posts and chewing on them before spitting them out.
Good morning!
My daughter starts summer camp today which means I get to be up EVERY morning super early to have both children ready to be out the door by 7:45.
EssBee, thanks for the well-wishes
justa J0e: Verily. But cyber-chicken.
Yesterday I tried installing a couple BSDs (Forget those things!). I re-installed Ubuntu Studio and that’s not quite working correctly yet. No idea what’s wrong there. The bathroom fan is not working and I have to fix the garage door yet again.
Deeeeep breath….
Hey everyone. I hope you had fun weekends.
imag1narynumber: I know what you mean about FB. It can be annoying sometimes.
Justa Joe – You are correct. I laughed myself silly when I followed your suggestion and read the mod comments as replies to Van’s. I’m still coughing.
I had to remove a neice from my FB friends list as she was showing off photos of me.
Err that was me in family photographs.
You know, it’s kinda difficult to use a mouse wrist rest when you’ve burnt your wrist. Grrrr.
Ditto – Medical day? Or switch to keyboard shortcuts?
Is it Ditto or is it ditto?
It’s not a bad burn. It’s about 5 pea-sized spots of 2nd degree from splattered oil. Too much to do at work, so I can’t take more time off.
I tend to go by ditto. π
Keyboard shortcuts for today and pickup a trackman for tomorrow? That way you can at least switch hands easily.
CP: Fuel — Ani DiFranco
Watching Being Human. It reminds me of something else, something excellent, but more in my emotional response than just the subject matter. I wish I could remember what it was.
Damn that amnesia.
drive by panning.
Congrats to ditto on his and Mrs. ditto’s anniversary.
A TEB hit and run.
Congrats, ditto and mrs. ditto!
CP: Handlebars — Flobots
Sort of a ZeroPunctuation meets flickr.
– may raise eyebrows at work
I enjoyed Being Human, was an interesting take on the vampire, werewolf and ghost.
Now thanks to the wonders of get_iplayer, I can grab BBC TV programs in a format that playable on the phone.
Some cool programmers out there.
If you don’t mind reading your short fiction on screen:
I haven’t always been as keen on being human, Van.
J0e, that site is teh hilarious.
The language here isn’t exactly worksafe….
Vista SP2 installed fine and didn’t screw my desktop up.
Jaw hitting the floor.
SP2? How did I miss that?
Happy anniversary ditto & the Mrs.!
Vanamonde: That IS impressive. I’ve had SP3 shoved down my throat and no real issues thus far.
I was not aware of the event. Happy Anniversary, ditto and your Mrs.!
My other two posts never surfaced. No real loss, though.
I should be leaving to go see Star Trek in T-15 minutes and counting.
Imag1 – your comments are finally freed. They’d apparently skipped moderation and jumped straight into the spam folder. I’m guessing it was the word, “MILF”.
My Bag of Crap has arrived:
Really loving i1’s use of the term “fleshly delights”
Cj: That’s hysterical.
Jack: Watched that hip hop video. Surprisingly good and I agree with what he says. I’d probably phrase it differently though. π Where did you find that?
I think he states his case rather eloquently, ditto. And yes, I do agree with his points – although I can’t claim to be 100% familiar with everyone he names. Mark Forman posted the link @jackmangan on Twitter.
Well that was fun!
Wow. I decide to be busy for the weekend, and I miss things.
Missing posts, missing posts reappearing, Woot BOC (Cj: I envy your bag of crap. You’ve no idea)
Mindless Hip-hop being berated by Rap aficionado (I agreed with some of what he said – most of the words that weren’t four-letter)
All this, and we have a new kitten.
Well, I guess you all missed that part, I was there to pick it out.
With luck, I’ll post again soon…
That’s excellent, Lejon. What did you guys name the new kitten?
That was a massive BoC. I am green.
Is that an OLED green?
Is it the weekend yet?
So I’m watching an episode of ‘Being Erics’ and thinking…I’ve never seem a STOP button in an UK Lift (Elevator).
That oh so useful function for lovers and muggers.
So I’m watching an episode of ‘Being Erica’ and thinking…I’ve never seem a STOP button in an UK Lift (Elevator).
That oh so useful function for lovers and muggers.
-m +n
Have a good day, Pan!
*Standing at the bus stop and waving at all the people driving by.*
Holy Crap…
I fly out to Phoenix on Monday!!!
Crap I have a a lot to do.
Morning Pan!
Another drive-by Panning.
Actually had to spend two days in a row at the downtown office. The person I shared the office with was layed off about 6 weeks ago, now we’re trying to figure out what to do with all his stuff (files, computer, there’s even a 40″ flatscreen TV returned to our office).
The office has to be emptied by the end of June (including me) so lots of planning to do.
Since I am now alone at this office, they are moving me to a different office downtown with another branch. Not that it really matters to me as I usually only spend one day in ten at the downtown office π
Lock up your cats! There is going to be a wolf loose in the neighborhood!
Yeah … I like cats.
Currently listening to 16 Pieces at a Time…
I still believe that should have won the short story contest in 2005…
I know I should just let things go…
Home again. Eating raisins. My cat just stole one. I think she’s insane.
She’s is a cat.
Taking my children to see what I’m sure will be the worst movie this month if not this year.
Afterward we shall run wild through the mall of Tempe Marketplace and rejoice.
I think I’ve managed to keep that one off my kids radar. Though, we did rent something that had dogs going into space that was probably at least as cheesy.
CW: Mental E1
Very poor House ripoff set in a mental hospital.
Sad news about Reggie ditto.
I’m positive that G*Force will be worse than Chimps, but I doubt anything will hold a candle to that Chihuahua movie from last year. That thing scares me, just thinking about it.
Click to get scared. Scarred. Both!
[frowns] WP moderator dislikes me this week. pbbbbbbbbbbbbttt to you mod!
Before I forget again, I finished “Being Human” and I figured out what that feeling is and where I’ve had it before. Melancholy with “Dead Like Me.” Caveat is I’ve only seen the first season of “Dead Like Me”, so if it goes downhill after that…
I loved it and cannot wait to abjectly fail at trying to get my friends and family to actually watch “Being Human.”
Thanks much to Jack and Cj. π
Nomad, you had 3 stuck in the super secret spam filter. They’re all free now.
We also had this gem in the regular spam filter:
hi! The babes are here! This is my favorite site to visit. I make sure I am alone in case I get too hot. Post your favorite link here.
Beats Mr Ballbinder.
ZP takes the urine out of Duke Nukem Forever:
CP: Mr Blue Sky – Lily Allen
CP: Common People – William Shatner
jackmangan: We named it “Penny” which is short for “Attack the Pentagon”
CP: Common People – Pulp
Just ignore those men in black knocking on your door Lejon.
CP: Parklife – Blur
CP: Stutter – Elastica
CP: Metal Mickey – Suede
The Chimp Movie didn’t suck as bad as I expected, but I won’t be running out to see it or renting it anytime soon.
NS: I actually own the Chihuahua movie. Embarrassing, but true. My daughter loved that one and is *IS* Drew Barrymore. *swooon*
Dan says “Beverly Hills Chihuahua – the most racist Disney movie since Song of the South.”
CP: Puppet on a String – Sandie Show
In Italian..err yeah.
-o +a
CP: Steppin’ Out – Joe Jackson
CP: Pulling Mussels (From the Shell) – Squeeze
CP: Cruel to be Kind – Nick Lowe
FYI: Slaughterhouse Five is currently available on Hulu.
Vonnegut himself loved the film version, said he “cackled with delight” every time he watched it.
CP: Queen of Hearts – Dave Edmunds
It’s a very faithful adaption of the book.
I won’t mention the B word since I haven’t taken my pills.
CP: Tired of Waiting for You – The Kinks
CP: Over My Shoulder – Mike and the Mechanics
Ah HA!!!!
slipped THAT one by the fucktardbot!!
CP: Everyday – Sad Cafe
CP: Lovely Day – Bill Whithers
CP: You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine – Lou Rawls
CP: You Can Get it If you Really Want – Desmond Dekker
CP: Candles II – me
CP: Chanson D’Amour – The Manhattan Transfer
CP: Only You – The Flying Pickets
CP: Don’t Get Me Wrong – The Pretenders
CP: Together We Are Beautiful – Chiwetel Ejiofor
Yes that is the bad guy from Serenity..
Well time to shutdown Spotify for the night… but now a blast from the past on youtube:
CPIMM: What a Lovely Day – Mango/Mangan
Heard it in the car this morning and it’s just going and going and going.
Yes it’s a cool track Cj..
It’s getting so a guy can’t post between calls anymore…Perhaps I need to make the calls go away.
VAN: I have no fear of the men in black. I’m much more afraid of the morons from Homeland Security.
Now, dear Pan, I head home from work. I will not, as is my usual, go to a violin lesson, and as I wend my way home, I will pass by a library where my wife works, and by 2 seasons of Farscape at $2 per case.
Life is looking up.
Listened to Tee’s Erotica a la carte. Swore if Tee gave me a boner I’d have to kill him.
Amusing but…
He’ll live.
CW: Nuggets vs. Lakers, game 5. My Nuggets holding their own 4 minutes from halftime.
ok, so i had a few at the bar next door, watchign the hockey game,,, Stupid Red Wings.
I’ve roomed with Tee. And Paul Maki. Both are boner-free. Hence: the reason both are still alive.
I hope I can say the same for both of them. . . .
Jack Mangan’s Deadpan Podcast. Boner-free since 2006.
End of 3rd period — tied up at 76.
Go McNuggets.
Ha! The one night I pick NOT to drink … and Jack does.
Who’s been drinkign/?!
I would like to have a drink, but I have to work right now.
Morning Pan, no drinking for me..off to work.
Hi, Van.
I’m going to be up late working and I’m punchy.
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5