L_zy Sho_ No_es
Text of Dan Shaurette‘s tongue twister:
Peter Piper picked and packed a peck of pickled pork nipples.
Nipples of pork pickled and packed did Peter Piper pick.
If Peter Piper didn’t pack his pick of pickled pork nipples,
Then the people’s peepers would proceed to peer at Peter Piper’s prick.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
oh I do like to be beside the seaside…
Everything’s better down where it’s wetter, take it from me.
Sticking it to the man; listening to DP 102 streamed over a 3G cellular network.
The hitmen from the phone company are on the way.
Wise words about work Scott.
There is a guy on the bus wearing a thundercats tshirt.
There is hope for me yet….
You have on too, Van?
Morning Pan!
It’s seven am… do you know where your pillow is?
Amy Bowen – Thanks I needed the bookmark.
TEB my pillow should be 50 miles away on my bed. but who knows what it is up to.
My pillow is not where it’s supposed to be… under my head
Is it under your shirt?
Morning, Deadpan.
Looks like it’s gonna be a long day at Evil, Inc. today. Lots to do, which I like because the day passes fast!
Sad news: LeRoi Moore (sax player for Dave Matthews Band) died:
Van, I don’t need a pillow under my shirt 😉
Boo and I are going for breakfast, back in an hour or so.
I still need a BFP.
EssBee: That sucks.
WNDRWolf – You’re welcome!
Off to run around moving stuff from place to place.
Great women’s volleyball final last night!!!
Jack should never be allowed to say “good ol'” without playing the Dukes of Hazzard music. 😉
Rock Band 2 track list by difficulty:
Damn, I missed the volleyball! I did catch a little softball this morning, but didn’t see the final inning.
CP: No Pause — Girl Talk
I have often asked myself “Where are the nipples?” too.
The People’s Republic of Pickled Pork Nipples (PRoppoN) is very unhappy.
Was there a “sub-lemon-al” message in today’s Deadpan?
I caught the volleyball finally. It was really good. I especially enjoyed the close up shots of the player signals.
My husband watched the volleyball finals. He seemed to like the fact the US team was wearing white outfits in the pouring rain 😉 (I missed it had a WF meeting last night)
Excellent one, Rhettro. Actually, excellent two!
CP: Parchman Farm — John Mayall
CP: Aneurysm — Nirvana
Oh, crap – it’s Thursday again, already! I missed my Mangan download this morning.
Just found out, I need to transcribe a 20 minute interview by tomorrow – wish me luck 🙂
I am sure you can do that TEB…unless they are speaking a foreign language then that could be a lot of fun.
CP: Electric Surfin’ Go Go — Polysics
CP: Podcastle #20 Cup and Table.
You can do it, TEB!
CP: Think Afrika — Fela Kuti
my interpipes have been going out all morning.
On a more positive note … I’ll repeat my post from late last night.
“Women’s Beach Volleyball.
WET, Women’s Beach Volleyball.
As far as I’m concerned there are no losers!”
[sarcasm] This day just keeps getting better [/sarcasm]
I loved that post, JOe! Twas a good one.
Wolf, poor, poor baby! Think about the volleyball.
And how did the People’s Republic of Pickled Pork Nipples do at Beach Volleyball?
Two (three?) words, Jack: white lady-speedos
EssBee – Umm don’t watch broadcast TV…
Jack M – I don’t think they medalled…
I need a good – BFP!
Too bad wolf. It was pretty inspirational in HD at 57″ LOL
I guess I missed the Olymporn. . .
Rhett – I guess we’re not going to see Judas Priest tonight, huh?
So who’s participating today?
Olypiporn has the seal of George W. himself. LOL
Yeah, guess not. I’ve had a few things come up. But I’m definately up for the next one. Satch would be cool.
I need to check the PHX schedules for the following bands:
Symphony X
Peter Gabriel
Paul Gilbert
I just sent your link to my wife. TEB. LOL Let’s see what happens.
You know Jack, isn’t JP on the 28th? At least that was the date I say for Cricket Pav.
Evil AND awesome!
Jack – I’m am aghast (because I couldn’t sort out how to spell “appauled”) that based only on a few comments (or all of them really) you would imply that we were only watching this competition of supreme skill and athleticism for it’s gratuitous titillation value.
These are well trained athletes who have sacrificed much and trained gruelingly to make the Olympics and should be given respect.
Also, when the one Mrs. Lady from the PRoPPN would dive to get a shot – her top would scoop up the wet sand and pack it between her breasts (yes, a BSP).
Not that I noticed or anything because that would be wong.
I juuuust couldn’t resist the cheap, Asian name joke could I?
I’m such a bad man.
Dang, everyone’s touring Europe and Japan through the rest of ’08. What gives?
Evil, and awesome, is pretty damn hilarious!
JOe, I commend your ethics, sir.
They should be more holidays like that TEB, it beats pancakes.
Well for a short time anyway…
ITMO: Mad Men 2×04
I never touched pancakes for years, till one day I read the ingredients and realised they were flat yorkshire puds…
Oh, Canada!
Why did I think the Judas Priest concert was tonight? I guess had The Canadian National Sex Day confused with the Old Guy Metal concert date. . . woo hoo, another week to mull and agonize.
RE: Rhettro’s link. . . where’s that guy’s hand going?
I see your picture and add my own 🙂
OMG What are these women doing: 😉
Can anyone say, women’s sand wrestling?
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Now that is an Olympic Event I would turn a TV on for.
They could air it on the Sci Fi Channel.
Sand is gritty though, could rub some unmentionable bits raw..
There was the women’s judo wolf…
Think on the other side, Van. Think of it from the point of view of the boyfriends/husbands/girlfriends who might get to help clean off all that grit 😯
The latest Coverville was rather good:
But if you hated Tears for Fears keep well away.
/tweet eating a sandwich /tweet
Oh and cool interview with Peter Jackson, where he talks about the upcoming remake of Dambusters:
“Who dropped these M^&*$%#&!$ing Bombs on my M^&*$%#&!$ing Dam!?!?!”
…oh, wrong Jackson.
CP: The Return – Sins of a Solar Empire Soundtrack
In a perfect world you would only need to shave once…
ummm…. Sure, I’ll go for that. While it works well for us women, what about for men that like to change their facial hair styles (like my husband)?
I’m suffering a severe case of razor burn, so have little tolerance for people who want to change their facial hair!
Only joking…well not about the razor burn..
Dunno if you’re still around today, TEB, but this made me think of you:
Almost 10 grand…eeeek!
I don’t know about TEB, Jack, but I just had a geekgasm over that table.
Thank Jack!
I sent the link to my husband 🙂
My father-in-law does woodwork for a hobby. I wonder if we can convince him to make something like that…
Hope your face feels better, Van (I’m assuming its your face 🙂 )
I want that table!
… and I want to get back into gaming!
… and hang with friends on a weekly basis!
… and …
I enjoyed this latest Coverville, Van.
Uh, and of course I have been listening long LONG before the concert this past…
Uh, okay, I fess up, I subscribed on Monday…
Jack, Darcy says she figures the Judas Priest show is all done with wires and harnesses. Y’know sort of a Weekend at Bernie’s/marionette deal.
Beats playing with their walkers onstage, eh?
I suppose in a few more years, their song “Love Bites” will have to be “Love Gums”.
“Breaking the hip, breaking the hip”
That’s hilarious, Rhett. I almost literally LOL’ed.
I am livid…
Yes I’m ranting, you a few people that might actually care. Or at least read these words. I just got informed that my Internet connection is now limited to only five gigs a month. There is no way to change that other than to switch over to Verizon. At which point I get charged $.25 for every gig over my five. I live off my mobile Internet. I’m only home every other month at best. When I stopped today I just downloaded 500 megs of audio content. That’s not including the streaming video that I watch it night. I asked my company if I could give them more money just to turn the unlimited Internet connection back on. I was told no. Why did we let the cell phone companies take over our Internet. Everyone talks about getting Iphones and mobile Internet access. This is all a scam!
The second we allow our access to be controlled by companies that make a sign two-year contracts only to change that contract only after the filling six months of their end is beyond silliness. It’s an evolutionary step backwards and technology. How much strain on the infrastructure is unlimited Internet via mobile broadband really costing companies. Especially when customers are willing to pay not to have to count their kilobytes of data for fear of running out. This week deadpan constitutes 00.544% of the total bandwidth space I’m allotted. And there’s nothing I can do about it. 🙁
Sorry Verizon charges $.25 for every meg over.
and I get home almost every other week. not every month.
That sucks Trucker.
I was similarly screwed over by AT&T on cell phone service.
Different service but same attitude. The “sure we’re charging you more but we’re giving you all this extra stuff. If it’s stuff you don’t need, that is obviously your problem.”
That’s one of the great evils of these companies. All these ads showing happy families wondering around surfing the net and sending text messages … they don’t point out that all of that cost a lot more then just the monthly phone service $$$$$
Have you ever noticed that there are no Irish Setters in Olympic Volley Ball?
[tweet]Adding to an iTunes playlist, and creating a new one.[/tweet]
Just finished 102…
True fact: I read Watchmen a couple of weeks ago.
Obvious conclusion: I have pre-cog.
If you live in the States, and an ‘unlimited’ provider starts capping, how in peachy cream are they NOT sued into oblivion?
In the same country, if a twit dumps boiling water in their own lap, they can sue the person that let them handle water and win 43 trillion, but blatant fraud and false advertising gets nothing?
Just popping in before I head to bed (yes I know it’s early, so sue me). I just wanted to know, they said this on the CBC and I agree, does anyone else think that run-walking looks like a sport invented by Monty Python?
I am willing to go on record as being “against” mosquitos
run-walking = Pythoneque
… and finally, I find the men’s “beach volley ball” to be nearly as entertaining as the womens.
goodnight moon.
The mosquito aeroplane was cool though.
Useless trivia: Due to it’s mainly wooden construction, the Mosquito had a small radar signature.
I actually bought Watchmen at the Vegas airport on the way home…
The lawyers had better get that movie releaseed!
(… and cue morning … and GO!)
I must remember to get a copy of “Watchmen”.
and before I get busy and forget to make public comment again –
Great show Jack! You are back to Olympic form!
Happy Friday Morning Pan!
Friday Face Plant
Morning Pan!
I agree that the men’s volleyball was really fun to watch. We wondered out loud, though, why they wore so much compared to the women. What is up with that?
That MUST be it!
CP: Summer, Highland Falls — Billy Joel
So my husband and I are thinking of taking martial arts. We know nothing about it. Does anybody have any suggestions on the “best” kind (i.e Kempo, shaolin, kubodo, hapkido, Kung fu, taekwondo, etc.)
OMG…an Amazon Bunny.
Cute… but not really helpful 🙂
You should try a few TEB and see which ones you and Mr TEB like.
You might to consider kickboxing from a self defense viewpoint.
Athough an ex friend once told me that all her training judo and jujitsu didn’t help when she was attacked and froze.
Not really looking at is at a self defense point. I do a fairly heavy work out at home in the mornings, but am looking for something to add on – preferably in the evenings. I think I’ve narrowed it down to four;
One http://www.shaolinwushu.ca/Home.html
Two: http://fkkc.org/
Three http://tinyurl.com/65oayx
and four: http://www.calgarybudo.com/index.html
obviously, one of the things that made me look at these four is that they’re close enough to home we don’t have to drive on hour to get to them 🙂
CP: Lost Coastlines — Okkervil River
TEB: I’ve always been interested in Tai Chi, but the Shaolin wushu looks pretty interesting too.
The HapKido is susposed to be good if you aren’t as strong as Xena…
Rush will be DLC in Rock Band next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m still resisting the charms of Rock Band.
It’s an awesome game, Van.
CP: Tutu Jara — Mandingo Griots
wOOt! Rush for Rock Band. 😉
I’m still enjoying Opeth’s “Water Shed.” Can’t wait for October 7th 😉
“And I can see you
Running through the fields of sorrow
Yes I can, see you
Running through the fields of sorrow”
CR – The Renaissance Festival Podcast Compilation CD
So my horoscope for today has advised me to eat more vegetables. Mom is that you? LOL
How would you describe your relationship with food? Are you a junk food junkie? Someone who claims to be allergic to vegetables? No wonder you feel tired all the time! Food is the fuel for your body, and the quality of fuel dictates the quality of your physical being. So make more of an effort to eat better. It’s not about your weight, it’s about your health! Vegetables are delicious — are you eating enough of them? Skip the drive-thru. Opt instead for the farmer’s market.”
TEB – I think for husband and wives … I would recomend the “marital” arts. 😉
Actually, have you looked into “Ball Room Dancing”?
It’s my understanding that dances such as a Tango or Rumba would give you the same physical workout, a similar balance and agility training.
It can also be something the 2 of you could go out and do together on a Friday night. Not that you couldn’t go roam clubs looking for a fight but this seems less likely to end up with an arrest.
I’m just sayin’
Off to run errands.
Later pan.
CP: Pearlee Blues — Furry Lewis
Metallica have posted a stream of their single “The Day That Never Comes” from their upcoming “Death Magnetic” album on MySpace.
Definately an improvement over St. Anger, Unload and Load. Reminds me of sort of an up tempo Black Album. Still don’t know if that warrents a purchase.
Never thought I woud see this happen in my lifetime:
Note: you don’t have to buy Watchmen. Just get it from your local library. You’ll be happier.
I’ve read Watchmen several times since it came out. I still think it’s excellent, however, it was a product of its times.
Planning show #32
I love Watchmen. It was very earth shattering for me, and for the track that my life as a reader took. It’s definitely on my list of “bests”.
Morning. I was gonna comment on the new Metallica song. It’s not great, but it’s the best I’ve heard from them in a long time. Let’s call it a step in the right direction.
OK, now to get caught up. . . .
I liked the story of Watchmen, not so impressed with the art though.
I think Watchmen is the best piece of comic lit I’ve ever read. Dark Knight Returns is a 2nd. . . . And not much else that I’ve seen has come close. I actually blogged about this about 200 years ago:
TEB, look into Tai Chi, if it’s close to your house. Forget about those old people you see moving in slow motion at the park. . . The true Tai Chi martial art is just as kickass as the other forms.
Back from a few errands.
J0e, I couldn’t get my husband to dance to save his life 🙂
“It’s not great, but it’s the best I’ve heard from them in a long time.”
That pretty well sums up my feelings as well.
I was going to make a lewd comment…but decided not too.
As graphic novels go, I’ve only read a couple: “The Watchmen” and “Kingdom Come.”
I would rate the art of “Kingdom Come” a lot higher than “The Watchmen” but I would say the prose of “Watchmen” is on another plane entirely.
I will eventually read “The Dark Knight Returns” and “Sandman.”
Graphic novels to read before you die:
Insert here—->
I wouldn’t put them on that list, but GNs I’ve enjoyed:
The Middleman books 1,2 and 3
Lunch Time1
Then must bake some cappuccino cookies
I loved Fray too, and think that Buffy Season 8 is remarkable.
I also really liked The American Way, which was Watchmen-esque. I think it’s from last year, and worth checking out.
Can I just also note that my job has asploded. *headdesk*
I read Kingdom Come in NJ. It was good.
I’d list the 4 in my old blog post as the essentials (The Watchmen, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Frank Miller’s Elektra miniseries, Spider-Man vs. Wolverine one-shot. — Although only 2 of them are graphic novels. I’d assume that the Frank Miller Elektra series has been compiled in one volume?) I’m certainly open to other suggestions. Good topic idea, Van.
Cappuccino cookies??
Watchmen was a great story with traditional comic art. Kingdom Come had the phenomenal Alex Ross as the artist.
Oh, and yes The Dark Knight Returns is a must.
I have Sandman I to read, just haven’t.
I read the Southland Tales GN — not sure I “got” it, but did enjoy reading it.
I LOVE Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men too.
I wrote a short review of The American Way on my blog a while back:
Obama announces unexpected choice for VP:
Graphic Novels to read before you die? I’ll need to think about that, but off the top of my head, the ones I really enjoy (story and art-wise) are, in no particular order:
Sandman (complete series)
Kingdom Come
The Dark Knight Returns
Batman Year One
Moon Shadow
Lone Wolf and Cub
V for Vendetta
From Hell
Persepolis (1&2)
Bone (the complete series)
I’ll need to look at my collection closely to see what I’ve missed, but I think these are all very good in their own right. And yes, Sin City and 300 are not on the list: If you’ve seen the movies then you don’t need to read those comics.
Oh! Persepolis, right, ditto!
I like your list, and am writing down the ones I haven’t read.
I will also add Freakangels. I’m really enjoying what he’s doing with that. New episode up today: http://www.freakangels.com
I used to love reading the 2000AD comic as a kid, Judge Dredd was a fav. Two stories that have been collected on trade paperback that are worth a look.
The Cursed Earth:
Some of the art looks a bit crude these days, but a good adventure story.
CP: You — Candlebox
and The Apocalypse War:
a product of it’s times, but great fun.
Thanks, EssBee! I’ve only listed ones that… well, the story remains with me to this day.
I’m enjoying FreakAngels, but I’d like to see more of where it’s going. I do like Ellis’ work in general. Fell is a good series to check out.
Comics that are coo, but you don’t need to read before you die include:
Ultra by the Luna brothers
Phonogram by McKelvie
If you can find the collections by Titan books, check out Dan Dare:
I should have said “Comics that are cool”.
Mouse Guard by Petersen
Saikano by Takahashi
Various X-Men series which are too numerous to mention.
I’m enjoying “Fables” and “Y: The Last Man”
The Courtney Crumrin series
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
There are others fun/cool ones, but the *must* read list was in my first post.
I started “Y the Last Man” and liked it but then realized how far behind I was in it.
I actually bid on getting the complete series off of Ebay but the price became more then I was interested in … then I got too busy to read.
I’d still like to finish it one day though.
CP: Straight — Veruca Salt
Well, my cookies are in the oven, doing whatever it is cookies do while in the oven (I have my suspicions) .
Not a graphic novel as such, but the illustrated ‘Stardust’ by Neil Gaiman (art by Charles Vess) is a beautiful book.
Wow, one I actually read 🙂 I enjoyed Stardust
Well, my cookies are out of the oven and are all cookie like. Now I just need either my daughter to wake up or my husband to get home to try them and tell me what they’re like. Then I can serve them to the masses at gaming tonight.
Van: I agree.
Oh yeah! Batman: Year One was excellent too. I read that . . . um. . . . no idea how long ago that was.
OK, I’m behind on the nipples again. Gotta get caught up.
Oh.. What’s on the gaming menu tonight? LOL
I’d really like to add these two items to my collection. Don’t think I can do both at the same time, probably be a few more months.
A single one of these could probably take on the 30 other figures I own at the same time. LOL
Yes, I’m a Drizzt Do’Urden geek.
I think we have that Drizzt. Do you get the Legend of Drizzt graphic novels, Rhettro? http://tinyurl.com/5hu2bd
Here’s the Amazon link
Random JfS post:
D/led Dr. Who The Master Assassin, it was rad. So I went looking for old Who, and now I am watching “The Reign of Terror” from season 008. All black and white an’ shit.
I was actually unaware of the graphic novel Drizzt book, thanks for the heads up TEB. I have read the first book on which the graphic novel was based on. 🙂 I think I’m about 6 books behind in the current series of novels. LOL
You haven’t been watching Armstrong and Miller Jeremy?
Actually this is probably a better one:
We currently have the first six of the graphic novels with the seventh on order. I haven’t actually read any of the actual books they are based on, although we do own them. I think my husband has read a few, and my daughter has read them all
Omg, those were the funniest things I’ve seen in a grip.
Isn’t It?
Those were, like, funny, like, really 🙂
Okay, who was the twit who decided they needed to reboot Superman ‘darker’?
I need to introduce them to a sharp stick. In the eye.
And NO, it won’t bounce off….
(I would provide a link, but I don’t the link rules here)
*know the link rules
Rules!! There are no rule!! Link whatever you want 🙂 Actually, WP hates some links. if you convert them to tiny URL’s it prefers them better. Also, it only seems to accept one link per comment post – stupid WP
See, Bunny, there *are* rules.
MD: you can link whatever you want. Just let me know if it ends up in moderation purgatory.
I believe the limit is set to 3 links per comment.
See, I figured content didn’t matter, but *how* you post a link can frickin break a page at some places. And there’s no undo here 😛
Rules are meant to be broken, man 😉
Post a link and some shit. No way!
Marlodianne, tinyurl is your friend.
Remember, we keep our subesophageal ganglion to ourselves!
And our links.
Under where?
Isn’t it. LOL
That RAF stuff is BRILLIANT !
Pfff. He said we’re not allowed.
Theys well haadcore with oll pockets an’ shit.
It’s not often that I find myself completely lost in the conversation here. . . .
check out Van’s links, Jack. That’ll catch you up.
I don’t trust tinyurl.
Sure, it makes an ungodly link look neater, but it hides the link. It could be malware, could be phishing, could be Rick Astley porn. It’s just too dangerous to click.
Ahh ok, thx Bunny 🙂 I usually skip the youtubes til I get home.
That IS some funny shit. and shit.
MD, that’s a valid fear. You could easily get hit with tinygoatse
That is so random.
BTW – if anybody is interested:
Isn’t it, ditto?
tiny goatses aren’t really all that tiny
That’s what I’m sayin, yeah?
Currently drinking (CD): Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse
Mmmm, Hefe, and shit.
Beer Advocate Rating: A-
ditto, have you tried any JW Dundee brews? I got a sample box the other day and it is super yummy. I particularly like the APA, Amber, and IPA.
I’ve enjoyed the Honey Brown for years. I need to try some of their other beers.
DUDE (and I never say “dude”) — love me some Franziskaner. The tan label more than the red.
Well, I no longer work for Allied Vaughn. Now I work for “Next Generation Allied Vaughn” following a merger/sale of sorts.
Not really sure what it all will mean, but I’m mainly enjoying that they claim the health benefits will not be interrupted, what with the prgnancy in full swing and all…
Good luck with all of that change, Maki. And I think you oughtta go for a big, allout announcement 😉
If you’re able to scroll down and read the article, I think this is what Marlo meant about Superman: http://www.joblo.com/superman-to-reboot (semi-nsfw)
Reboot? So the red ones are out?
You mean more than just a passing mention in the comments section?
If anyone can chip in for the at-home birth which will be necessary when my work pulls my insurance at the last minute, let me know!
(The above is Darcy’s nightmare scenario, and may not actually take place…)
There was an article?
ditto, you just used an article.
Namely, ‘an’.
Jack, *my* article didn’t have gratuitous globage.
My, my. Amazing how these pesky articles intrude.
CD: Anchor Summer Beer
CD: JosephsBrau Dunkelweizen
Yeah, Trader Joe house brand…
There are people DDR’ing on our wii here
Wipes might be a wise precaution after all that DDR’ing…
Morning Pan, another Saturday, another crime of having to work at the weekend.
Well at least I get the Bank Holiday Monday off.
CP: Rubyfruit Radio 147
Morning, Pan. Sorry you have to work, Van.
Today for me, going for a walk soon, then heading to visit my babe’s grandma in the hospital in Denver, and then a 4 year old’s birthday party.
CW: Korea V Cuba Gold Medal Baseball game
Grey, blue, and some sunshine.
We may go to the Minnesota State Fair tonight.
Think I will be avoiding the “Big Fat Bacon,” which is apparently a 1/3lb hunk of deep-fried bacon on a stick and coated in maple glaze…
Still sounds healthy than mars bars fried in batter JB.
No worries, Van they have those too.
And deep-fried twinkies.
The chocolate-covered bacon for some reason sounds more tempting.
Well my cholestrol level is rising at the mere thought of those culinary delights..I’m off to see the Hellboy movie.
Morning Deadpan
I just love Stephen Lautens
Yeah you can’t beat homegrown porn, unless you find one with a relative as one of the ‘stars’..
There are some things I just don’t understand…
So do you think this wardrobe is bigger on the inside?
And finally… The editing is pretty good on this one
TEB: You didn’t like Oktapodi? I got a big kick out of it. 🙂
It was very cute
We just finished watching the women’s bball gold medal match. We’ve decided that women’s bball, softball, and soccer are lesbian olymporn.
Headed to Denver. Have a good Saturday, Deadpan!
A family centred rpg:
Just copy the text between the ‘
Hellboy 2
A visual feast, a dumb plot, and a very rough looking Selma Blair..
I keep hearing good things about Hellboy 2. I’ll rent it.
Have you guys seen Oldboy? It’s excellent, but I think the third in that revenge series is even better:
Sympathy For Lady Vengeance.
Highly recommended, if you can tolerate a little bit of strangeness (not Southland or Eraserhead levels) and subtitles. Some truly disturbing moments though. . . . not gore or violence, more like the implication of what’s about to happen offscreen.
I made gluten free turtle cheesecake today. It was excellent. And made me feel not so bad about being allergic to wheat.
Also Lonna’s new MP3 player came in the mail. After playing with it for a while I’m reminded why the decisions on MP3 players I’ve chosen in the past were not based on color.
I am however curious if what they say about these skullcandy lowrider headphones I ordered her are all they say they are. For the money I dished out I should expect a deaf wife in a few weeks.
Well, if the picture is any indication, the Superman reboot looks to have some promise 🙂
Cheesecake is usely good…. Even bad cheesecake is good. Even no bake cheesecake. Which isn’t really Cheesecake.
Drive by panning-
We (Thomas from Flagstaff and I) are now settled in Raleigh, NC. Looking forward to D*C in just a week, now that this year’s Parsec activities are finally concluding.
Sorry to be so long from the Pan…
G’nite Pan,
g’nite’ mush :*
Apparently I’ve forgotten the smilely regime here 😥 ….
nonetheless, g’nite all-
Morning Pan,
Off to see an early showing of the Get Smart movie (yeah this one took a while to cross the pond).
Keeping fingers crossed all the best bits weren’t in the trailer.
Looks like you’re already off, Van, but I liked it quite a bit. There’s a companion movie that went (intentionally) straight to DVD which was shot concurrently with “Get Smart” called “Bruce and Lloyd Out Of Control.” That one, as might be expected, was not as good as the theatrical release, but I’d still recommend it if you liked “Get Smart.”
Well I found it fun.
Latest Stargate Atlantis LAMEST episode ever.
Would only have been saved if someone actually died..
Speaking of Stargate – the wife and I watched the latest SG1 DVD movie – Continuum.
We enjoyed it. I don’t think it was up to a theatrical release quality (of course, it wasn’t intended to be), but definitely well above what you’d expect from a regular series episode.
One thing that I stand by – all time travel movies suck. Why? Because time travel and changing history always involves the paradox. If you try to think through or explain the paradox, it all breaks down. I give credit to the SG1 crew for acknowledging that there was a paradox and moving past it. I think they did one of the better jobs I’ve seen dealing with time travel.
Definitely a recommend for your Netflix/Blockbuster queue.
Morning, Deadpan!
I haven’t yet gotten into Stargate. Both series are in my Netflix queue — one of these days.
Can I get a WTF?
I’m flipping through the guide on TV. AMC is supposed to be “American Movie Classics”. What’s showing this afternoon? Goldeneye and Star Trek: Nemesis.
Well Ed, Goldeneye one of the best Pierce Brosnan Bond movie. Star Trek: Nemesis…. Okay you got me. That movie sucked. I like the Halo buggie in it.
Okay Macthstick Men and Pearl Harbor? that’s pushing it!
Hellboy 2: I agree with Van, visually stunning. Plot was okay, the problem for me was the extra heaping of camp. I like campy movies, but the first Hellboy was at least serious enough to make us care for the characters. Hellboy 2 plays like a Saturday morning cartoon. Worth a rental though.
While channel surfing today I ran across “Leprechaun 4: Leprechaun in Space.” Talk about WTF.
And congratz JB. Fox1, Fox2?
Stolen from FreeSpace:
“Operation Thresher in the Antares system did not proceed as planned. Terran Command estimates Terran losses at 504 pilots dead, fourteen missing and presumed dead.
The Vasudan foothold on Vasuda Prime and the subspace node remains solid. However, their supply lines have been cut off, which means they are most likely lacking reinforcements and supplies.
Expect more news on that front in tomorrow’s briefing.”
Well, Darcy had been saying “Dana” if a girl, as that was her best friend’s name growing up.
Would that be pushing it?
Well Dana can be used as a boys name as well if the coin goes the other way.
Hey look! Kris from Tempe popped in last night!
I hope NC is being good to you guys.
Hello, Pan!
I’m finally back online after over 48 hours with no access – yay!
I can’t stand to keep this quiet until everyone hears the new series of Airport Updates I recorded on Friday and Saturday, so I’ll put the big news out here right now: I have relocated for my first post-college job! On Saturday, I made it out to Florida, home of J.C. Hutchins and some incredibly hot and humid weather. I start my job training at 10:00 AM EST tomorrow morning. I’m going to be a tutor of some sort with the West Palm Beach Literacy Coalition. This job is an AmeriCorps position, which means that technically, I’m a Volunteer receiving a living stipend, and the job will last 11 months. I’m excited to be doing this!
That’s most excellent, Amy!
Yeah Kris! Yeah Amy!
Olympics … can’t … be ….over
must view … some sort of … competition
HI Kris!!!
Amy that is well swell!
I met some AmeriCorps folks while fixing houses in coastal Mississippi.
They were the best! You are in good company … or maybe I should say that now THEY are! 🙂
*falls out of chair* zzzzzzzzzzz
w00t Amy! What a noble endeavor. You do us all proud.
Cool news Amy.
Morning Pan, bank holiday, avoid the crowds day, do as little as possible day, etc, etc.
And, school is starting again in Texas. So, the kids go off to get smarter while they’re parents become even stupider drivers.
Hi Kris! I hope your and Tomas’ move went well and that you’ll visit Deadpan again!
Morning All. It’s 7:30 am, and the sun is just peeing out from behind the trees.
Oh? Gentle trickles of warm, yellow light?
Let us know if it turns into a steady frothy stream of hot sunshine.
No frothy steams. Only around 15 c. right now. I think it’s only supposed to get to around 20
Morning, Deadpan!
DNC started in Denver last night, and the highways were a nightmare. I advise everyone to steer clear of the mile high city until Friday.
CP I’ll Forget You — Peter Bradley Adams
Wow, I think I video gamed my brains out this weekend.
Mass Effect. Check.
FreeSpace. Check.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 on my 360, big check!
Sounds like fun, Rhettro. How do you like those games?
I’m envious Rhett. No gaming for the bunny for the next few weeks I think. Too busy with World Fantasy only two months away 🙁
They are all great in their own way.
FreeSpace 1 & 2 are public domain now and can be had for free. Plus when Interplay went bankrupt, they posted the source code for FreeSpace 2, and grass roots programmers have updated the engine to improve the graphics. So if anyone is interested, you can download all the games from http://www.hard-light.net . It’s a very deep Space Sim with strong role playing elements.
Mass Effect is an RPG shooter and done very well. I thought I’d get confused in the plot, but it’s unfolding nicely. Very engrossing.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a game I wanted to get for my computer, but when it came out, my son wanted me to buy it for the original XBOX. So I never played it. But now that I’ve got the 360 and the 57″ screen, whoa-ah! The game play is sort of like Saving Private Ryan meets Star Wars. Pretty intense.
TEB, every once in a while things come together and I can indulge my gaming jones. LOL I’m not sure how long it’ll last. World Fantasy sounds fun though.
CP: Suedehead — Morrissey
It’s rather disturbing they went to this much trouble. And the very odd distribution.
I don’t understand the number for “cups”. Does this mean a woman has potentially seven breasts?
TEB: Whatever you do, don’t search for 2 girls 1 cup. Don’t watch it. Really.
CP: Friday Night Live with Monty
Party in a podcast.
Of course I had to do a search. Read the wiki. You’re right Ditto, not something I want to watch. eewwwwwww!
So this weekend my wife and I finally finished our 9 season X-Files marathon.
Only took a couple months.
Interestingly enough, I found myself not hating the last two seasons as much as I thought I would. And surprisingly my wife not only liked the show, her opinion pretty much fell in line with everyone elses opinion on it.
So heres the question I pose. Who else loved that show, and who else wants to help me do a podcast about it? *lol*
Lunch time!
The video’ed reactions of people watching 2 girl, 1 cup are priceless, though.
I was an X-Files fan, including the first movie and the season that followed. After that I was kind of meh. I didn’t hate it, I just didn’t make an effort to stay current with it.
*tweet* trying to decide on video archive schemes. Those 4 to 6 gig files sure do pile up quickly.
I hear you can get a good deal on bulk floppy disk purchases these days.
Please insert disk # 4,561. . . .
Whoa! flashback to some Sierra games on floppies..aarrrggghh.
So I spent most of the day installing a new linux distro on my Eee 701, only to find I trashed the installation and had to reinstall it again.
Still not happy with the space taken up by installation, may have to go back to Mandriva..sigh.
CP: I’m Good, I’m Gone — Lykke Li
Dub: I was a fan until the last couple of seasons. Then I kinda gave up on the series.
As to the X-files, stuck it all the way till the end, only missed a few episodes.
It was ok.
What was weird is seeing the X-files remake…
As for gaming, abandoned rogue trooper, just finished escape from monkey island (disappointing and tedious), working on Keepsake.
Still addicted to scrabulous. 😛
So we’re going try and pick a more excessable movie for the next Deadpanopolloza? Have we agreed to “Leprechaun 4: Leprechaun in Space?”
Okay maybe not. I need to jote down some notes for Watchmen.
How ’bout Reanimator?
Zombies, mad science, AND Jeffrey Combs.
MD: I agree about Fringe. I can’t get up any motivation to watch it. Still have yet to try scrabulous.
CP: Trade Winds — Spoons
It’s worth checking out ditto. I can’t help feeling Fringe is being dismissed without giving it a chance.
Actually, I think I could go for a “re-viewing” of “Reanimator”.
If it’s the film I think it is (Has the wonderful line “Whose going to listen to a talking head … get a job in a freak show!”) then I remember it as being just wrong enough to be a “Deadpanopolloza” featured film.
Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank, Grosse Point Blank…
or “whoa” 🙂
The pilot wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t good either. Except for the scientist, it’s just a long cup of listless meh. Mostly, it just makes you really really miss X-Files.
Grosse Point Blank! 🙂
For full disclosure, I own the collector’s edition of Reanimator–comes complete with glowing syringe.
If only for the soundtrack.
I’d be down for Reanimator or Gross Point Blank. I’ve seen GPB a couple of times, and parts of Reanimator. As far as being accessible, they might be a little more challenging than the typical. (Although probably less so than Southland Tales).
Let me throw out a few ideas:
Scifi Geek list – They Live, Blade Runner, Escape from New York, Time Bandits, Baron Munchusen, Contact, THX 1138, Tron
More mainstream general ideas:
Searching for Bobby Fisher, October Sky, Stand by Me
Reanimator can also score discussion points by getting compared to the original story. What? For us lit geeks, that *is* a good time 😛
Reanimator. Interesting idea….. I’ve only seen pieces of it myself (no pun intended). In the same vein (pun intended), I’d suggest “Near Dark”, “The Devil’s Backbone”, and Peter Jackson’s “Dead Alive”. The latter is easily the most gruesome, gory movie I’ve ever seen.
Never saw “Searching for Bobby Fischer” – I’d be up for that, it he material is rich enough for discussion.
I think the main thing we want to do is pick movies that few or none of us have seen.
The scariest Peter Jackson movie if seen is “The Frighteners,” LOL. I’ve got “Bad Taste” on my Netflix que. Should I be ascared?
Yes! House Season1 is finally in @ the library. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Snark and vicodin FTW!
Theme time on Wander Radio…
Episode 32 (When it posts – later today) has a theme.
Inspired by.
No that is the theme…
the theme is “Inspired by”
Each song (Didn’t I mention it was a music show?) with the exception of one (maybe 2) were inspried by something…
Your mission should you choose to accept it.
Figure out what the inspiration is – (Hint Not all the songs were inspired by the same thing.)
I’m a great fan of House except for one thing:
Hugh Laurie’s ‘accent’
I think my brain just melted wolf.
Mine did to when my wife pointed out to me the commonality in the playlist.
She are smart.
I love “Searching for Bobby Fisher.” Lawrence Fishburne is awesome in it.
May I also suggest “Pi”?
‘I think the main thing we want to do is pick movies that few or none of us have seen.’
But then you run into the problem of not being able to get the film to participate in the show.
But anyway, a few that spring to mind:
Demon Seed
Phase IV
Quatermass and the Pit
Fahrenheit 451
Julie Christie when young…
I’ve seen Demon Seed. LOL
Hugh Laurie’s ‘accent’ is the best part of the show!
Oh and can we form a gang to hunt down Brian for wanting THE Doctor to be a woman?
Okay movie challenge time.
Obscure movie from the 60’s. Super agent flying back from China is injected with a mind wiping drug. Just before he forgets everything he claims the west will be destroyed in x amount of days.
In order to try and get some of his memory back they make a simulation of the far past and stick super agent in it.
Any ideas? I’ve only ever seen it once and the name escapes me.
Not ringing any bells Van. While we’re on the subject, can anyone remember a 1970’s anime movie where people are prodded by creatures saying “bar-be-que”. Used to be a staple of the Sunday afternoon movie on independant television. But I haven’t seen it since 1978 or there abouts.
Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone!
Training went well today. We got to know more about our teammates and AmeriCorps in general today. Tomorrow we’re going on visits to service sites, and on Wednesday we’re starting the serious tutoring-skills training. I came home with lots of freebies and some forms that need filling out. I also have stories that need writing. 🙂
I also vote Dead Alive.
Now bring on Survey Monkey.
… says Dub”Survey Monkey”shack.
JOe, for you it was the Olympics. For me, it’s gonna be these 2 weeks of politics. Sleep, we’ll meet again after St. Paul.
Currently, Ted Kennedy making me sob with his speech.
Amy: Congratulations on the new job/volunteer thing. Remember you need scifi to live so you can expense out movies, books, and cons. Oh, and personally I wouldn’t consider paperwork a freebie.
Rhettro: thanks for the link for freespace, I’ve been thinking about reloading freespace 2.
Kris: welcome back.
WNDR: Love the new show I’m alternatively rocking out and giggling like mad.
So it was Project X:
Not the one with the chimps!
So obscure it isn’t listed on Harold Gould’s wiki entry.
Oh and morning Pan, back to work…
Stolen From the Eighties!
Okay, not so much stolen, but check out this massive collection of downloadable covers and remixes from the 80’s…
Haven’t really listened to much yet, so it could be 50 songs of crap, but figured I’d point it out anyway. Found out thru Coverville.
Thanks Ralph.
Check out the website there is somewhat of challenge in that episode.
So todays useless tip.
Never let a packet of microwave oven chips defrost before cooking them.
That way leads to fire alarms going off and a dirty kitchen..oh yes.
I had to run that one through the universal translator as I had forgotten that American chips /= British chips. Makes much more sense now 🙂
True Ed… and I think that in the UK “That way leads to fire alarms going off” is a euphemism which is why it became a “dirty kitchen”.
… but what do I know. I haven’t even had my coffee yet.
BTW: I keep hoping that Van will step-up and poke fun at London’s “dramatic presentation” in the Olympic closing ceremonies the other night … hoping he’ll do it so that the rest of us won’t have to. 😉
Morning Pan, on this wet fuzzy day !
My e-mail server seems to be down. Woot! no e-mail = no work
French fries not crisps.
Morning, Deadpan!
Sunny day in Longmont today. I’m TIRED this morning.
CP: A Question of Time — DM
Bastards: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,23953180-5006009,00.html
Ditto: Those dumb asses. The article didn’t say anything about a collection to buy a new one. I’m sure one is forthcoming.
Lost Ralph: Glad to hook you up with FS2. Besure to install the FSOpen fan made upgrade, it makes FreeSpace look so much better. 🙂
Wolf: Downloading your latest show now.
EssBee: Strangly, it’s been rainy here today.
What a karma killer!
Rhettro: I should have posted the link where I first found out about it.
There have been some great people to make up for the loss.
Braid on XLA is evil. And awesome. But definitely evil.
I figured that if people found out they wouldn’t let something like that stand. 🙂 Good to hear Sony chipped in a replacement.
Braid has been getting high marks! Which is why I’m going to avoid it. I need more computer games like I need a kick in the jimmy. LOL I’m trying to finish the great games I already own. 🙂
How about Phantom of the Paradise? Brian DePalme’s take on Phantom of the Opera. Believe it or not the music isn’t that bad in the message about corruption in art holds just as true today. Paradise-polloza!
Saw the closing Olympic ceremonies yesterday on Tivo. I was really impressed overall by the Olympics. China through itself massively in debt for it. Even with their human rights violations the country probably will become the successor to the United States as a world power within my lifetime. I don’t know how I feel about the. United States has been benevolent to some countries and complete ass holes to others. Before us Britain was the Empire. My grandchildren will see another empire rise.
It’s funny the first games were in Britain when it was the most powerful nation in the world.
I watched China the new growing superpower and the flag back to Britain. For some weird reason London thought it will be a good idea to have that Phelps guy over in London talking to some smarmy interviewer before a the bunch of fans. Then they had the British version of the blue Angels fly over and dump red white and blue smoke over will London. Saying that has something to do with the United States. Red white and blue are colors in the Union Jack and 20 other countries. Couldn’t they’ve gotten a British Olympic star to interview considering the games are going to be in London?
TO: We also thought the Phelps interview was idiotic.
Trucker, you do realize that the US is what has paid for all of that Olympic fanfare. We’re losing better than $200 billion/year to them through trade.
I was going to say, the economies of China and the US are very dependant on one and other. Lower demand for goods in the United States spells, less revenue for China, conversely, most of our national debt is being financed by Chinese interest.
Agreed. It was obvious to me that it was an “Appearance” at their (London’s) party.
That’s well and good and all but it was sooooo out of place with the extravaganza that was China’s show.
Also, am I the only one that thought London’s Mayor looked like he was just “some guy” who had gotten on the wrong bus when he left the pub and found himself walking into a stadium?
I kept thinking “any second now he is going to button his jacket” but it never happened.
Rhett – China is starting to becoming less dependent on the US consumer. Their “5th of the world’s population” is transitioning into a consumer society and it is evolving rapidly.
This whole “turn them from communism to capitalism” thing is going to end up biting us.
When they don’t need us to buy their goods or educate their scientists/engineers/professionals then what will they need us for?
JOe: Cheap labor.
Never saw the closing ceremony, but the Mayor Boris Johnson is a bumbler.
It a safe prediction that the Olympics at the UK will go massively over budget, still look cheap and nasty, and piss off everybody in UK who don’t live in London.
– don’t +doesn’t
We like to think that we’re critical for the world economy. Simply put nobody thinks more than a few years ahead. No CEO of any company really cares about their country or their workers. They want their boatload of money and a one-way trip to Dubai. If George Bush was smart he would already have his boarding pass ready the second he hands over power to McCain or Obama.
My wife has to deal with idiots that want to create software macros to do the grunt work for them. They don’t see that they’re having to pad their hours out already. Plus there are any new projects coming into their department. Her company keeps telling them that any larger project has to go to China. She works for a legal publication house. Literally, foreign countries are writing our laws. Our country is drowning in debt and there’s less and less the world needs us for.
On a happy note in two years will get Curling back. There is no sport on earth that is cooler than watching French women with brooms scream at each other over the the trajectory of a 44 pound chunk of Scottish granite.
hmmmm … if we can get them to do that in sports bikinis in the rain then we’re talking!
cp: Curl – Jonathan Coulton
jj: My wife thought the mayor looked exceptionally frumpy next to the others on stage. I have to agree.
CP: Falls Apart — Stabbing Westward
Regardless of the big problem of national debt., I don’t think it’s in China’s interest if we default on our loan payments to them (or to the World Economy at large.) But we are paying a price for corporate shortsightedness in terms of turning a profit verses, long term growth and national security.
Hey Van, does London have the same problem we in the US have with New York? Everyone in New York acted like they’re so much better than everyone else for paying three times as much to live and they tiny apartment full of bugs.
It took me a little while to realize the torch would TV show was in a city named Cardiff. I didn’t think there was any other major cities in the UK. From the skyline shots it looks pretty big.
Rhett – Oh how Ironic if the big fence we build along our border is eventually used to keep us from getting out and getting the “good” jobs.
Yep, this is pretty much how I feel about a lot of things:
Trucker: Here’s your geography primer for the day
I enjoyed Cardiff the one time I got to visit it. The view from the Cardiff Castle was very cool.
I have to attack beach volleyball. I absolutely love standard men’s volleyball. There’s way more strategy and tactics when you can get one guy to set the ball over the net and three guys to spike and only one of them is the actual spiker. I know many of you enjoy looking at nearly naked butts on TV. I enjoy looking at nearly naked butts too. If I really want to watch female nudity I will just watch female nudity. When I tune in to the Olympics I want to see interesting cool sports I don’t get to see often played by the best in the world. I resent gimmicks like drummed up controversy or naked flesh just to sell something that should be interesting on its own.
Watch men’s beach volleyball then: they wear baggy clothing. The sport is actually excellent. Don’t dis it just because you don’t like the beachwear.
And you thought Taco Bell’s slogan “Take a Run for the Border” was only in reference to fine cuisine!
ditto thanks’s for the info… I visited about seven countries in Europe once. Wales wasn’t on the list.
You’re welcome. If you ever get a chance, definitely visit Wales. 🙂
Trucker, those beach volleyball players are premier athletes. It is extremely tough to run in that sand, cover 50% of the court yourself, and do it in the heat. The skimpy outfits are just a bonus.
Ditto: Well you have a point about not liking something just because of the outfits. Mostly I don’t like it because there isn’t as much strategy as regular six player of volleyball. I criticize the outfits because I believe that’s the only reason why people are watching it.
Also since the introduction of beach volleyball back and 2004 the coverage of the regular men’s volleyball diminished extremely. It’s the only time you get to see men’s regular volleyball. I know they do play women’s volleyball on ESPN two but I like the man’s because they’re able to clear the net by about a foot or two higher. It makes the blocking game really extreme.
Trucker: I’m not so convinced that there is less strategy so much as the strategies in beach volleyball are very different from standard volleyball. The games only appear to be similar.
I’m still very unhappy with the Olympic coverage even though I realize that NBC’s coverage is greatly improved from what has been done in the past.
I won’t dismiss the fact that the titillating element of bikinis of the women beach volleyball peaked my interest. But you can’t deny the status of Misty May and Kerri Walsh’s achievements. They won over 100 games in a row. And it’s my own personal preference, but I much perfer to watch men’s beach volleyball over the men’s indoor volleyball because there seems to be more action overall. The demands on the individual players is increased with fewer on the field. But that’s my own personal preference. 😉
I also enjoyed watching the women’s oval track, 400 meter runs, fencing and rowing competitions. I remarked to my wife Teresa that it’s a shame that the Olympics is one of the few times they broadcast world class women’s athletics.
“it’s a shame that the Olympics is one of the few times they broadcast world class women’s athletics.”
Isn’t that the truth.
Point of info – I have played beach volleyball and would do so today (though very badly) if the opportunity would present itself. I enjoy the sport and enjoy watching it regardless of the player’s gender or what they are wearing.
That the women would choose to wear such gratuitous outfits is undoubtable to draw a crowd = sponsors = money. So be it.
Strategy? Chocked full of it. You have to out guess your opponents play because of how much area you have to defend.
Because of that aspect … I actually enjoy 6 man beach volleyball. It is sooo much easier for those of us who aren’t professionals.
My outfit of choice??? Bike shorts (keeps all that sand out of my bits) and a long, loose fitting t-shirt. To each his own I guess.
.. actually make that “6 person, coed beach volley ball” 🙂
OH WOW! Read everything technical you ever wanted to know about the LHC for free.
The most important thing to keep in mind about the LHC is … THE CAKE IS A LIE!
CP: Shine — Brian Melo
CP: Wander Radio #32
I’m looking forward to the arrival of time travellers when the LHC is switch on.
CP: Shrink Wrap Radio #169
According to ditto’s link, CERN runs on Coor’s Light. Hodathunkit?
Let them have cake!
Hmmmm …
Could the LHC be considered a weapon of MASS destruction ?
jj: Yes, but we know where to find that one. 😉
Oh dammit…. I thought ditto’s LHC link was for info about the
Ladies of Hazzard County. . . . not some stupid massive reality-endangering scientific experiment.
Wouldn’t Jessica Simpson qualify as “not some stupid massive reality-endangering scientific experiment?”
Just sayin’
Rhettro – that could be a point for debate. Have you seen her act?
wait … I think that’s what you meant.
Right you are JOe. That’s why I like JS in still rather than moving pictures. 😉
Both have benefited greatly from the latest in technological developments. . . .
Personally, I think I’d choose the Catherine Bach Daisy Duke.
(Observe how I’ve taken a discussion of one of the most ambitious scientific experiments in human history and dragged it into the gutter)
Some of you might never have seen this. Find out how your OS rates:
Jack: Exactly how I hoped this conversation would go! It’s comfy down here. 🙂
Ditto if your low brow is my high brow… How low can you go?
The height of scientific achievement looks just that much higher when viewed from the depths of the gutter. 😉
Home early, but the daycare here is still in full swing…
My dad “puts the rock in the house” every winter, but I don’t tend to get down to the Curling Club that often…
Here, here! Catherine Bach FTW.
Trying to debate hibachi vs RenFest this weekend…
CP: Joe Strummer – Cowboy Mouth
wndr: You don’t really want to know. 😉
Huzzah for hibachi, milord! [/crappy faux accent]
John Curling does rock. He is a link for those who don’t think Curling is sexy!
Mr. Fabby has 2-4-1 promo code for RenFest, so it is the winner…
Yes, $18.20 definitely beats paying $40 at the gate.
Well this is a shame:
Ed that a photo for a chalendar of hot Curling french girls. They don’t do a 2008 Chalendar. It was all part of a remarking of Curling. I think is just hot photo a chick with a Curling stone.
That is really sad, Jack. Thanks for the link.
You know what really peeves me about Itunes? When a podcast download craps out, Itunes never bothers to try again. For that matter, you don’t even find out until your on your way, listening to a show….then silence in your earphones and the main menu on your screen.
I tried starting Chris Lester’s Metamor City today on my drive home. 10 minutes in, the story just died. I’ve finally figured out a workaround to get them to redownload (which is another thing Itunes sucks at). At least episodes 1, 2, and 3 were all screwed.
Morning Pan,
What was your work around Ed? I’m getting the same problem.
I’ve noticed that the download,list will sometimes tell you a download has stopped so you can resume the download. However at other times it says the download was fine when it wasn’t.
Tea and Chat seems to be suffering truncated downloads at the moment.
Stephen (Steven?) has said that was a known issue that he was looking into, possibly something separate from other iTunes issues???
D’oh, I did leave that off, didn’t I? Go search for the podcast in the Itunes store again. From there, you can individually download episodes. The episodes will then show up in your list under the podcast subscription, but it will probably show as a duplicate. I usually just delete the “bad” file at that point.
I hold out the weak hope that Apple will fix podcasting in the rumored Itunes 8. But, this problem has existed for a long time and they couldn’t be bothered to fix it, even after they’ve recieved complaints from a number of people.
WNDR – are we allowed to make our guess as to the connection yet? (swell show BTW !)
Sure you can make all the guesses you wish.
I do want to clarify something… each song has a different topic or inspiration… Feel free to make your guesses (prefer in email)
So wolf are the inspirations subtle wolf?
The one singing about a certain episode of Firefly seems a bit too obvious…
Actually most are pretty obvious to me…
2 songs are not so obvious but the links on the show notes are clues.
2 songs are not in the mix…
CP: This Lonely Love — Juliana Hatfield
Woot!!! The Trucks are working on a new album.
Give their old album a listen:
Titties, Zombie, Messages, 3AM, Diddle-Bot, and Why The? are all quite good.
And I knew that last post would go into WP moderation because of the “language”. 🙂
CP: Changing — the Moondiggies
Stupid Microsoft! Where’s my Rush DLC!!!
CP: Hamp’s Boogie Woogie — Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra
“…destroyed the RC car using a laser-guided 500-pound GBU-12 bomb…”
Sounds like overkill to me. Necessary, yes, but definitely overkill.
*yawn* Is it morning already?
Itunes bugs the hell out of me. I still do direct download of MP3’s instead of subscribing to anything, because there is no guarantee that the downloads will work.
Re: UAV vs. RC car
Nice summation.
“The question is: if nobody is going to die—except probably civilians on the ground—what’s the bloody point of real war? Why not just organize a videogame league and get over with it?” – Aviation Week
Well I really like “Sweep The Leg” a LOT. It seems to be inspired by the Karate Kid.
Which doesn’t have anything to do with the other songs but it really rocks in a funky way!
JustaJ0e – That is correct.
1 Movie, 1 TV Show, 1 Video Game, 1 Song, 1 Web Comic, 2 Online Contest.
Hmmm maybe I have not explained this very well.
“Sweep the Leg” is the Karate Kid from Johnny’s POV.
I only have ideas about a couple of the inspirations, WNDR. Some sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite place the originals.
However, it was, as usual, an excellent show.
So, since we’ve turned this into a comment board for WNDR as well, do we have to deduct these from the post count for the GJB? 🙂
No, but he may be required to do the honors this week! 😉
Sure thing but I am not buying breakfast…
I’ll buy the beer though.
As soon as I can get this Candy sold…
Plus all the cool kids hang out here.
Ed – Not all of the songs are parodie…
Sweep the leg is an original…
On the drift is original…but inspired by something.
Radio Ready and Problem of Perspective are originals…
I now return you back to your originally scheduled Deadpan….
The song inspired by the Donkey Kong arcade game sounded like it had. A snippet from Pole Position at the beginning.
Van not Donkey Kong to far back… 😉
Candy yeah – I have about 1000 dollars worth of Campfire Candy.
I was under the impression that “campfire candy” was just a joke parody of the Girls Scout cookies … I’m starting to think maybe it’s not?
I hang my retro head in shame, not from Pole Position, it was from Track and Field.
ZP picks at Braid:
Just listened again it’s Pole Position.
Anyway Wolf, I know it’s inspired by the song from Portal, but the actual song is about Donkey Kong.
jaj – Yes and No…
Van – I am so sorry – but you are seven shades of wrong…you are in the right game line but to far back…
Key line – “Your Quest is so Right you can’t go Left”
That and the nemesis is mentioned in the song…
These are very cool:
Photoshop Star Wars characters into other movies:
I found the Titanic one especially inspired. LOL
Ok Wolf, I give up! lol
And Rhett, there’s a Zardoz one! Excellent!
Van shoot me an email and I will send you the answers if you want them.
Yes I saw the Zardoz one. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise. LOL
Random JfS sighting:
Oops!! My ass is showing!!
ZP is brilliant as usual. I’m loving Braid, but fighting through the last 2 puzzles.
currently eating: Nong Shim ramen bowl.
That has got to be the greatest thread on Fark EVAR!
Never got the hamg of eating noodles, they remind me of spaghetti hoops without the tomato sauce.
-m +n
Van–eep!–that looks like math. The ugly fictional math. *shudder*
Hey, if anybody is still hanging around. . . . it looks like we’re in for another a-typical Deadpan tonight, whether it be episode or Unshow.
Apologies if it doesn’t work out.
So it goes.
Night Pan.
Hanging around… yes.
Atypical is the norm, no?
There’s no typical in Deadpan!!!!
Just got off mind-numbing 2 hour conference call. Sigh. I need a drink.
To be honest, I didn’t even realize it was Deadpan night. Kinda snuck up on me.
At least it’s Unshow week, I can sigh and rest assured I have another week before all that stuff I was going to record will be too late…
I’ll join you in that drink Ditto.
Let’s see …
B- Movie
C – Serpant
D – Liciouse
(anyone ??? anyone ???)
E – normous
F – ervescent
G – peers (creepers)
H- bomb?
I- robot?
or I-ris
eat me wordpress, I will NOT slow down.
J – bird
K – poe
(that’s a guitar thingy)
L – evator
M- portant
N – escapable
O – shin
I want to change “N”
N – Ept
P – Can
Q – Tip
Q – Ball
R – Town
S – Oteric
S – Entricity
S – Pionage
T – Pee (I’ll bet you thought I was going to say “bag”)
U – Con
U – Essay
V – Pee (can I use that again?)
V – Savy
W – Pleasure
W – Fun
X – Terminate
X – It
Y – Pout
Z – Plane
No ?
Okay, how about
Z – Bra
There you go.
The A B C’s of confusing, multiple choice.
Those make more sense if you read them out loud.
Not much more, but some.
I must go freshen my cocktail now.
Just finished watching the finale to Dr. Who season 4. Wow. What a great wrap up to the 4 seasons as a whole.
Darcy & I are still Waaaaaaaay back in early season 4.
Like, way.
Like, last one watched was “Planet of the Ood.”
Too much crap going on, as usual.
August is still trying to kill me.
I have a script due on the first of Sept.
I have MN State Fair trip with parents and sister Saturday.
Ren Fest Sunday.
Back round with folks monday a few hours.
Work might need extra time of me too, but when?!?
Hey Jack… all is good.