329 thoughts on “Jack Mangans Deadpan #256: Less Conflicted and More Heroic

  1. Show Notes:

    Jack Mangan’s Deadpan #256: Less Conflicted and More Heroic

    Promo – Busy Ladies Podcast (http://netcaststudio.com/busy-ladies/)

    Paul Maki
    Andrea Smarty Hottie

    Debat Quotes by
    Lo Pan
    Hugh & Dre
    JR Murdock
    DJ Bunny
    Desert Pixie
    Vanamonde (first of the week)

    Star Wars re-edits

    Paul from Des Moines – top ten reasons to love Deadpan

    Send in content: 480-788-JMDP(5637) or e-mail: sphericaljackmatgmaildotcom

    Closing Music

  2. Well, I have to go out into the yuck. My Boo is taking her car in to get the back window replaced. I get the lucky job of driving her home, then taking her back once it’s done. I’m not happy. It’s a veritable blizzard out there.

  3. I’m on!

    I hatedhatedhated Iron Man 2, but liked the first enough to give 3 a fair shot.

    I lovedlovedloved the book “On the Road”, which I read while I was on the road as a 20-year-old, road-tripping across the American south and mostly west. I don’t recall Kristen Stewart’s boobs in the book, but it’s been a few years.

    I sincerely hope that the end of the recorded podcast does not mean the end of everything we’ve created together. I daresay Deadpan is bigger than 288 mp3s, and the laughs and bonds should continue into the future.

    OK, you can start the slow clap now.

  4. “The only exception I have to have an abortion is in the case of the life of the mother. I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God. I think that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” – Richard Mourdock. Candidate for Senate

    I hate everything.

    • My Reeny is a tortise shell. I’m sure I’ve made it clear how neurotic she is. Most of my friends cal her evil. The vet calls her meany Reeny. Of the cats I’ve owned, she is the hardest to please. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. :heart:

    • My good friend has a torty. I don’t find her any more aloof than other cats. She is extremely loving, but she’s skittish around strangers. Of course I’ve had all kinds of cats growing up and have never found their coloring effects their personality. More how early I/my friend got them and how they were treated before then.

      • Assassin’s Creed Revelations had some first person content in it. I couldn’t handle it. Hubby likes to play first person shooters, I can’t watch him play for more than a few minutes at a time. However, third person, no mater how crazy the camera gets, I can handle. Strange I know but… *shrug*

  5. Oh, sir ditto: I have been waiting to see if there is going to actually be an NHL/fantasy season or not before I sent you your…prize. But I’m tired of looking at it so you should expect a lil something next week. Display them proudly sir.

      • I always found it funny in the AC Games. At many points you are suppose to hide by blending in with the crowds. I could never figure out how that worked when I was taller thank anybody and my outfit was sooooo different from anybody else’s you’d think I’d be really easy to spot, but no… those looking for me were very stupid “that person who is taller and dressed different from anybody else can’t be who we are looking for. The person we want wouldn’t stand with other people, oh no.” :cheerful:

  6. What is it with these two? I have a Yelp account. I haven’t used it too much, but I have been making an effort to give reviews for local restaurants. I have had exactly two friend requests, both of which I’ve accepted.

    Who could they be?

    Evo Terra

    Michael R. Mennenga.

    I’ve also noticed an uncanny pattern of posts from each of them coming in one below another in my Facebook feed.

  7. Christmas is going to be a little early here in Bunnytown. I usually make a big deal out of it. Around the 15th of December My Boo and her fiancee come over. We decorate the house and tree. We make gingerbread cookies and decorate those too. My in-laws are coming in to town the week before so we’ve decided to move the festivities to then. It just feels wrong setting up the house that early.

  8. We’re in a similar boat here. My son is in the Army and has been stationed in South Korea for the last 2 years. He ships home in early December and will be stopping here at some point (can’t expect him to make any plans or anything). So we will be having Christmas whenever he happens to be here rather than the prescribed day.

  9. I’m rather undecided on whether to upgrade to Windows 8.

    Windows 7 works nicely on my netbook and desktop, and even though the upgrade is relatively cheap I’m not sure I want the hassle of getting things working again after the upgrade.

  10. Windows 8 isn’t wowing me over its feature set, but given its relative cheap upgrade cost ($40) I will at least upgrade one of my two XP machines. The 64bit version of Windows 7 is doing fine on my laptop and I don’t plan on upgrading it.

  11. I need an inspirational “go get em” mix tape/CD. Anyone want to make one for me? If not, give me suggestions for tunes. Thank you!!!!

  12. There’s a woman on my FB friends list with the surname of Delgado.

    I don’t have the nerve to ask if she had a relative called Roger.

  13. I guess if you have a 32 bit version of Windows installed, you can do the $40 download of 64 bit Windows 8 and have it work. To do that you need a $70 DVD version. But if I understand the directions correctly you must boot from the version of Windows you expect to upgrade. And if you wanted to install on a clean new harddrive you would first have to install your old OS on it, boot from it and have the Win8 install DVD reformat and install. Or you could forgo the upgrade disk and get the $100 system builder, which you could install directly. Wouldn’t be easier, if MS could just send you a valid upgrade key and then let you do a fresh install? I’m think they manufactured these upgrade road blocks just to get you to pony up for the more expensive versions. blah.

    • I too have it set to record on the DVR. Thanks for letting me know it’s release was imminent. I thought it got shit canned before it got made.

  14. feels good to get my voting done and out of the way.
    Psychologically, I am hoping for zero political ads/comments/suggestions/ideals/pushiness/rhetoric to be thrown my way, since my patriotic duty is done.

    asking too much?

  15. Speaking of hockey (I think I know you were talking about hockey, Pix), I just finally watched my 11-12 hockey debt owed to the lovely Lo Pan. I will call in or record my thoughts.

    My mom’s thoughts: “this is not a very good movie, but not any worse that Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter” (which we watched on the plane).

  16. I’m venting through baking.

    On tap for today:

    Homemade three-bean sweet chili (not baked but rather slow cooked)

    Pineapple Pean Upside Down Butter Cake (baked)

  17. Snickerdoodles! I finally figured out how to get iPhone’s new podcast app to automatically update the podcasts without having to sync with iTunes. Next business trip, I’ll be ready.

  18. For the cake (a family favorite and I hope my new family loves it so)

    1 box Butter Cake Recipe
    Pineapple rings in pineapple juice
    brown sugar
    chopped pecans
    cooking spray
    pan of your choice (13″ x9″ glass in this case)

  19. in the standup mixer, combine
    melted butter
    cake mix
    pineapple juice.

    Gotta mix it low ‘n slow for a minute or so. With love.

  20. crank up the speed for a few minutes, to incorporate air.

    add a few tiny pineapple tidbits and a splash of spiced rum, if desired. (I opted out this time due to Wee People partaking in gooey goodness)

  21. Ding! Cake is done. Slip a knife in the center and if comes out clean, then end of baking.

    My knife was clean. Oven off. Cool down cake.

  22. The height of my cooking skills:

    1. Take 3 slices of bread and pop them in the toaster.

    2. Open tin of beans and pour them into a heat resistant glass jug. Then put the jug in a microwave for cook at full power for 5 minutes. If feeling particularly energetic pause cooking to give the beans a good stir.

    3. As the beans cook, remove bread from toaster and butter the toast.

    4. Put toast on plate and pour cooked beans over them.

    5. Eat.

    I’ll get my coat.

  23. Your crap joke for the day:

    A woman goes to see her GP;
    “What seems to be the problem’ asked the doctor” ?
    “Something is terribly wrong doctor, I keep finding post stamps from Costa Rica in my vagina”! The doctor had a look, then chuckled and said “those aren’t postal stamps my dear, they’re Banana stickers”!

  24. Hubby makes me sigh. We’ve lived in this place for 16 years and have never gotten more than a half dozen trick or treaters on any given year. We bought candy today. I only wanted to get a package of about 20 items. Hubby kept saying, “we should get some of these. We need some of these…” We ended up coming home with enough candy for a couple of hundred kids. I told hubby there is no way we’re going to give out this much candy. He just looked at me and went, “your point?”
    I forgot we were actually shopping for candy for him, not for Halloween. *sigh*

  25. Well took the plunge and ordered Windows 8 Pro, downloading it now as I type.

    You can just imagine the impending computer fuck up heading my way can’t you?

  26. I watched Mockinbird Lane and was none too impressed. Grandpa was fantastic, Lily and Marilyn were meh, Eddie was wrong and Herman was so wrong it hurt. I called in to Slice with the full statement. Should be mildly funny (which is better that I can say for Mockingbird Lane).

  27. Windows 8 does not like my AMD Graphics card, spent the morning trying to get things to work and only partially succeeded.

    Will be sticking to Windows 7 on netbook, from what I can see of Windows 8 not too impressed…reminds me of Vista in it’s slugginess.

  28. The Misses enjoys the overwhelming fire power of the Darth Vader / AT-ST, combo. Regularly handing me my Jedi butt. Problem is that most of the Empires assets have greater offensive power. So which Rebel has the greatest offensive capabilities to counter? “Vader’s Apprentice Redeemed!”


    Problem solved!

    Many Bothans and Stormtroopers knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Sarlac Pit that day, I can tell you!

          • Yet, there is no better way to piss off a person from Brooklyn than to call them a Long Islander. I know because I do it all the time. It’s fun to watch them rant and rave about it.

          • Dunno. Never tried it. I would have a hard time arguing it out. I keep pissing off Brooklyners because I can make the logical claim that because they live on Long Island, they are Long Islanders. Despite their best efforts to explain why I’m wrong… I’m not. Non-Brooklyn-based Long Islanders would have a much easier time because they don’t live in Brooklyn. They would run rings round me logically.

  29. Comment catchup time.

    I agree with what Bunny, Van, J.R., and Jack said at the beginning of this week’s thread. I will stick with this crowd even after 288. :happy:


    Bunny, and anyone else who is used to snow: Boot-buying advice, please? So far, I just have a pair of Ugg-knockoffs, which are warm and provide traction, but aren’t waterproof. I know I also need waterproof rain boots. What are your best recommendations for boot brands?

    *sees Bunny’s link*

    0_0 I would prefer slightly less expensive recommendations…


    I, too, bought a ridiculous overabundance of candy for Halloween, and most of it is candy that I personally like. I’m in a new apartment, and I have no idea how many kids will be coming. :silly:

  30. Hi!

    My vacation is over in about 4 hours. We’re taking the red eye tonight; home around 11 a.m. tomorrow.


    Amy, try Columbia boots, and I owe you a song, earbuddy!

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